Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 26, 1825, Image 1

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    NktYi fecvvva—ViA.YU
MVH>. «>*» »ftM 4«MCSM" . .
ft»l ;: oiftTwmyi—>.<—t«»w
CITY or CAVA-::* AH,
ih G. ij W. IlontitTsoN,
At Ilnur II II.AIIH H l, l ANnIM,
£>iU SSwltm
!S .uH-tuked to • icet tin* arra.'x■••rent ot
three tin.a week, ( Dtiesdu,-’,
■] i nil'll} and Sraturday) at the Office ul i..
i:.«i'*v Georgian* and contains aP the in »*ll.-
y - m-l*, Ci. n m trend, Political and >$ib rrllut;-
r,eluding uUveili.»cfitcnt&* pub tahul in
the in ) PRp'.T- „ . ,
TU Ciurtry I’sper ti Re tto Ml part, «•<
. i.u .nil Union, or d; Vm-reil in the "it}.
,1 m :„!ln,j V i ■ *nivtr., v V)iblc in .r-vinn
Mhertisemcht'i srcint) t'teci in both jj» ./•
M 5 cento per uiuere. of 14 lmec, (nr ■■•:• fir.
iiwcrtici., »>d 37* for e.wty succeeding pair-
!i •. t»nn
f,..<\.nun'.icii*io* s ,,v M-il, must he I'ust /nid
S-d-s -if land Hi.d u :»• • •*» bv Admu.»8i"a
to»->, Kx’dimra nr »-uv I* • a, »r»* rtqnred
bv :-w, *o he held mi th 6*» Tnp«.1r, in th«
ni-.nlli, hetw.ien lh n *»•'«»•*» often in II • fore * A O-ree in tt»f a-eninon, ut tii • Court
H. '.i*.* of the count v in which l*»e prone"!y ia
—Nmieeifth sr«n0t*9 mo’ll be given
in « cuMic g.'ajcltc sixty i.') » previous to th
dtt*- 1 :•! mile.
\„l,. v ofthr. 8 *!e «f ^r r s >"*d property mu'*
I, ;j»ve in I *«« imniicr, Foty days previou*
i > ‘lie* .jay !! f *rie
v lice •«> 'li debtors air’ creditors of a>
f:»i •' • must be vmb'.isli'».| lor Forty K,*-.
\ <t ci* tb«t .»|>l 1 i «l «»n will i.f ii. td- to the
(J ip*', "f i> t'.’ij** . I r e ve tj bi lt L- »i, n.u»*.
In v.MHh l AI ne Mvnths
.Vo "10.
lEftMi & mWj: 9 \ , *vvAV-\miK
StaleLiterature Lottery,
cl a ss \< >. i v r . Fi) r i > r < w \\ ru:n. i «*: i,
Ol’t IAI 1*0 It mV Mi, |
«^IIOMS||>.;aDS prune uml sneoml!
quality St. Croix Sugar.
* f >0 luirn ls do do do sugar
*o bii»s prime groon enffrn
•It)crates blue and green edged plates
l't tons iron, assortcd
pipes cognae brandy
5 do Holland gin
ff lioirslictid.s Jamaica rum
half pipes, quart or casks, aud luilf
qtiartor casks wine
3d barrels loaf sugar
30 coils hal»» rope
•Jon grind stones
.dun bushels Maryland corn
1*00 do Long fblaud ntiite* equal to
Georgia dint corn
nov 0 J
sc iinji n.
Prizes of j} i 0,000 is ^'0.000
Ib'dnctian in JYic s !
Goods to lie wlint they are Sl id for! !
t ln/lffi'i'/st Wiif/tl vV Jluwirt (iirett !!!
rjlUL Subserilier as willing as others to
J- arrange his business fo suit tile pre-
svnt times, aiiu save the public tilt* trouble
of inaking bargains, adopts a mode lately
made ns «*P in this city of advertising Uu*
1’iioi s of Ids iioods. (the whole being too te
dious to eir.unernte, nil bough not having
those enormous quantities that are usually
sai 1 t-i be sold wlicg «’*tlled fur,) names the
following arlu.lrs, mid assures the Pubbe
that tii * r st of his Stuck is reduced in th
same piopm liou:
Lamp 0:' (but not the best, quality)
per gallon £ > 37]
])u do do u 50*
Do do best qua lily, per gall. OIL”
Paint do do iio 0 80
Spirits Turpentine do do u GO
Mix 1 Paints (but net the last
11 r .-ns. Blues or Yellows) p»*r lb. 0 12^
Mngiisli White Lend, per .3 IIh.
(not because put up in iron bound
kegs) ^ 3 50
Afiietican White Lead, 2fd!i kegs
i iborutmy innnuiiictured .Brook-
ly.i, New-York, (imiinifnctory
]*. :<’e per CWt. <*!.» ,»0. wlliell
ni - \ he <een by hioking ut the
\< v York Pi he Current) 3 I2J
8 10 Glass, hut not the best
V. rieaii, per box 3 50
f') bv I v do do do 't 50
A la. rep i*i.d cmi.-tni.t supply of the above
articles and goods genuraliy in tl.e Paint,
Oil. Color, Glass, Varni li and Brush trade
v. ill lie kept. Tie’ hiihseriber having
made arrangements with .MiiiiiifactiirerY in
New - York, I’eiladf Ipliia, Boston, and i*1.?i-
v. ! > re. fretn which places he w ill cniilimi *
to receive those goods direct, of the hc.-t
di-M*.ripti'»n, and mi Hie most advantageous
let ms. He also oilers his Professional ter
BuYbaua TId'jvct T.oota*
J US r rccc y> d by the rubscribr r, and wa •
rhiiied ol the I-hi season 1 . gr «wih, 2
i*oi*M Ca-deiiSeeil:, putuplv M* Calvin ^
>. P uLL Iphi*, • xprt udy for t‘ is *na ket
m » co**!lining the tallmvi ig nasoi tmt r.ts. viz.
1. Drumhead Cabbage ' “
2 Loii? tied Beet
.j Lo*.r Orange Carrot
4 Parsley
.% l.eck
«i. t)nion
7 Salmon Ttndssh
8. R icly Purple do.
9 R -li id leaved
■0. Bti'ly funi pg
’Ll Vie do
2 V. 5nfy
.J- As. a. Ug'ia
14. Karl) curled Let
t.? ChI»!»!i?c da
15. 'bit'nrg SI _1 >,i
•T. Spin ch
8. Summer Ssvoy
* ;ci II all
.0 S ige
-i N» hrt ium
} -<i. Celery
) Burly P hi
d i.Ht-» do
Karh b .rvd. bears
-G Rj u F c ., w h cL
n 0 n askagrs he fili iwmg Uu!
•ana r.’- M’p*- UiKits, vi/
1 i) u;b e -I- a:ihlii8 l.'4ciic -nf'g»- fl.-wc
P e t ulips .. D .iib t- r be- *Fe
» N- rcifS ,i 6 r „t
»’ .r-*n!c a? p «<’ilB-u ll 'T
mO lm drawn on Wednesday, the nth
-S. A. :• roh, 1825, and finished in a fi-w
imuites—ixty numbers, eight bullots to be
y.u;; >
1 Prize of
30 0''()
17.0 i0
10 0(0
5 l (it)
j; 200
V, 3
1.0 0
3 O ;f)
* -<j
1 A 7 »
th,;.»0 |
1 Prizes, )
20.:; 25 Blanks, J
10 :
$ni,m \::zi
bS^OO .
10 0 0.
JG 00
4, i •
20 oa/
15, DO
5 0"
5 VP»,
8;, m
Liy Ihe President ‘/Fit L’u.Ud imUs,
I ' 3 , purmi-.-'ce of li • , Umrs Monro •. P *
•de* t f t -e |T i;i ed d . |../ i> v
-are •*,( 1 mnk kn * • . tista pc'-le. s H » s ..
^ h-.ld 4t the Lull t (Iffiv nt •
Florida, .»u *he third M i tdav of - a n xt, f
:• *!i ’>08 lo lb z
Township 1, south of flange 1, west of lb
i\L n iiaii line.
1 an-l 2 north of Range l,do d
Frartionnl J do do do" do
Township I, south 1,2, 3, I. & 5, uti„i
1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 I, 2, 3, ]. & 5.
The s le will commence will tn • S w •
.umber of ser.ti -n. tounnhip, a, d ai.f' •,
ricu.d in regular nmurical order
n :-j rc4e;vi*d by law I *r the u«*» n r srh •*
»r other puipo.cs. will beexclu. d f-.,m i :
G.vcn nmlsr mv band, m the G«*v of j .
ington, iris »6.ii d.o "f t- nunrv, 18 5
Bv the P»e5* ! ’"t.
4iP() CRV.SAM,
fomi»i , M'' i n' , rnt’ibe T.nid Offm.r.
8j' Primers of dm l.av** of ii « u uic«.'
Huu-r, m the Territ* ry o FlorLln, hi d in li
itrttefl of 4!r.b mu, f.ooi!, ; in, Tc*.* t p, i: .
SJ, i| f*i, Cci r.^iv. and b«.u*h-:jfc*cl:..)i, »rp ho
bo'iz dto piib'hh the f'Moginn,; (*roC*ani-
• on o* C“ » week "n il <h* diy cf sdr*
\.v i- ■* o*
3I,2.'0 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
tln rc will In* HI prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,175, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on tin in Iming blanks.
To determine the Ik to of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severa y bo
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine al'tlmm will be drawn, ami those
tickets having on them 11s a combination
Hie 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and dili
numbers drawn, will be entitled to 410.OUO.
Tlii.-c liitvinjf on tin in the '!lt, k inli *»•!
Rtli—1st, ill ami 41 li—1:1,'Jd and 5tli, will
nil'll Iio I'liiitlcd to $ i.Onn.
Tim! having on it tint 1st, .’il anil 8th,
will liu tn! itloii to s| 1,0.';.>.
Those hilling on tln-ni tlie
I'-'t.-M, mill Till .’(hath it (itli Oil, 7lli anil Oth
M.Tth ami Oth.’il Till ,t !'lh Oil, III It and litli
I.-I.O'!, and '.til 7d.Oth & Oth Uh.otli and iitli
mid till dd,4th & -illi oth,0!ii mnl 7th
.’d. :}(l uml .Vih dd. till & Iitli 0th,7!h and Oth
sd, dtlinndtith3ii,*t!i&llth' oaali jIOUO.
Thos having nn them the
'si.'Jd mid i!!h id lth&5tli|.}d, 5th and Oth
is'v.h! am; lT'id,5th & 7:ii! l!h,»hh and tltli
a Jd and in hi'Td.nth 'lilt 4th,0th and oth
■Iw^jH-soilckeu. I 8® »
:Ji ' 2 0 r *ctet8 at S*t J.u
In this ^.beme, w-»b eight dnwn *• allot*
B.ier-s il* hi z *, ..itli '.hr*« i-ombeisor
''^.^''‘b tw ‘ J c.innbe son them, am
U Lj u it. one number oi them T’-us-
• ek-ti l a.-i»r no’-.e uf the drav n ballots on
lot* 0 ."*i, T h'Vl,
. 0 r'-it nn.' thn fnle of «T the tickv's in
'■’•' 'V'-’" io'try, 60 nimibe ». from onn in
i.xi) ini'iii i«, will S'vvridlv bv placed in r,
whe.C' on the nay of drawing, and e-g ,t of
t'l.-m will b. dr ovii, and 1 list ticket having on
t as a c.imleiia'icn.the lit,id a ,dibin! uun.
‘ 7t*<tnw I, will b. e d .llvi] tn g'10,000.
Thd '..'.I : . g on it the 4th, Jih 6,h, wi’l
0" enli'icHtn g!0,poi).
T os hivory 0 lb m the 3d 4 h and .fill
and «U 70. anil 8t!g eaeh %7,070
T;:o«. hiving on thorntne 1st, Stli,
n i 1st. "ih and Sill, ea li J,lVd
Tln.o 0 li.iving on them he
fi h >'!•' 7o.|'l I, 5!h at d IT 4th fi.iiand 8'd
« h'h and 3:1. .1,1, J h and 8 '
i * ,7 b (u cl ff'l.
• b oth nn . 7 :
5U 6'hanl8*b
b,7tli HM b
each gi 000.
•ill,7tli and 8th
•itli, 7111 and 9t.ii
itli,8th and 8th
ouch $500
IhlMUSCltS Uteri Ji .zors,
1 ! pi’ r-'f ivnil, n enjij'ly ol'iho shove nr-
’* ti' !", wliii'h will bo warrum. .1 gtind
ruining Gilding fi? (ll zivg.
xa Li. lib* executes on improved piimiples
a‘ reduc •*! prices, in Town ami Country.
cVb. 5. ll'/nttifi i.r-;{tm.tyJ tlofir* frvin tin. It *//.
; lit‘21 50
I til X.
nixF.iinn i"r n mtio rkuhrf, « i3inm'ii'„N
(oo Siii”
3 Barrels Cn>tor < id
5 I'ijins II. tilii. Sivitn lli'iuid
3«t Barrels A! .,s Ibi. k
j For sale by J. B. liiiBBF.JlT 2c CO.
1 Jan l t
. r 3d uml :ulii2(|,5[ii !>lh
'si, lib ami 8thj2d,6th vV.7t,'j
.-l,5th un i 7tli|Jd,4tb OL htl.
-d Jd and dth'Jd,jtli «JL bUi
All oile rs (being 41 Tickets! bavin**
•ir* e of lb*- drawn numbers on them, will
at li lie cniitled to $2l’i).
The 51 Tickel8 k baving fIio 1st and 2d
r.twn numbers on them only, will ouch be
•ri'I.d to 1**0 dollars.
Tiie 51 Tickets having the 3d 4th
.aw ii numbers on them only, will each be
iititled to • u dollars.
All others (b. ing 1731 tickets) wi'h nnv
'wo oft he draw »i iiuuiImis on th. in, will
•acli be «‘titit 1 *d to 12 d-dlars.
And those having mi them any one of the
ir.iv u. numbers, (being 11,175 ti. kets, or
',-'75 i’ r each drawn number.) will be each
• utilled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize,
ofn superior d •nomiuntir.n, can be entitled
to an interior prize. Prizes payable forty
days nil or the drawing, an I subject us usu
al. ton deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
mil up in pare. Is of 20 Ti* ke«s, embracing
all ’lie combination numbers, from one to
ixly. which | nreds ar** warranted to draw
at least. 64 dollars less ||.\» d iw. tioii of 15
l" r cent, with so many chance* fur the cap
ital prizes.
J. R. Y AT LSI, ) , r
A. .M’lNTYivE, j Managers.
2 \ 7 h««.d 8’ 3 S*;, Mr .d 7i
V 4 ’»»m ’5- 1.6 h tun 8*
1 4th an* 7 • 4 5*i»au«i 7
4 "mu 8 4« ..,5ih HMil Mt.
•»J, 5t5 a.>.d.6. • ith 5th ai d /tb|
.AG oth'-s. being (30 tic^c»s) having lire
He d ovn nnnf ers on them will c ash o.
n«*tlcd 'o ^509.
r,u ‘ 5it,c k*ts having on h m two cf th
•rawe rvj.nbers and those tv; *, 'he 4th an
• »i, il r cii l e entitled to $t-50
'Ibc 104 d kas having on them two jf
e d-uv.-n cumbers «.nd there two the 6*h
1 r cf *' 0 ** 8,111 ® *)» w *ll each be (...Mice
r ’ ,l ' rs (bc’ng 13(J(J tickrts) hiving two
’’ ! ,e , 8 •*?' n cnhwis uj, them, wiil each he
* 1* « d »' 2 h.
A . in ;;r auog on *bcm any one of the
nu • be- 3| (bfc : -q *0.608 t ex nr 13 fi
■ *'h •ra*n number,) will each be enti
•led to 8.
No ••• ket which sh .11 dvaur. a prlzr
u‘a .vupcn. r (IcMuniii.aiiuii cun be enti* 1 d
aM inferior p z?. P.izcs pa .!»!,* they da...
»"er if n dr» i >g, a ,d snoj'ct, us usual, to a
u ducuon - i 15 pee cent*
A cotis-derablc portion f this Irttery is pu
ip m psrccL ut :v I’ckcia, cm;<rac : n>* hII t?
•ou hiiifiiion numbe s, from one to ai»t
*c - parrels t,,** w .runted to di&w at Id
j) h 4, ii.,-8 h dc.l i.-.tion 0 f J5 p,.f cent, wit.
m-.fiy c 1 i. c. f*,* the CMpilit! p: z s
F.uA .ges *.f ‘J(i 'ickots, i»v c r ilic t *, tn -
?so l> c hnd by the paym-u' uf the d fle-enc
wten ihi- price of the tics.- ts and t
' , o-int w ..Ji they mil*t *if ntc s ty Jra
•noli ifi‘cr,.ncp being ^65 69.
L».- t t» wd; reota-u ai the srhcnic
i'c, (L6; •••*••. vy.dnusda., iht Uth ui«
when the) • • •'* • r«» 11, cy.
J. li. YATKH, i *
A. .M INTYItli, \ "* Mu gcr».
PhiWn 1 ;lu. ,1, u.* y 5. 625
Th** peculiar advantages of this scheme,
jttre. that it. has hm highest prizes—the.
| mii di. r of (.bij.itals is iintiaiinllv large lor
jibe iinmii it of**ash to be disposed of in pj-j.
j •’ '■{ *~ i. Idtt Dollars) and tin* pi ice com* -
i wir Lin 11»«- menus of every man. < tr tiers arc
!< < ■' * v • * * i i.5 us’, at the olficCuf the Geor
gian, bv
Ord'rs tor ti. k. is or shares, received,
nml prize |n k«*ts in finirteetilh cluss,
Hi ken in payment at
lu I’rfa ms
J.m 14
1 P' i "e of- £40.'. .1) Is nollnri
1 P'lze V/hili ,i "(• O'HI ]>., Lr„
1 l-»:*e or 10 0')’> is 10 .1 V Di.tivr.
! 5 i,'00 i, 0,0u0 t lolls: g
Slj Ti'UM nf O': is 10.000 DoImi.
’0 1* iz 'S ol S (1 is 10,001 Putin.»
i'l Prize" of 10" is s.- 0" D
l'O i*;ires of jj 's S.0' '• I)o!!;, s
5000 Piues of i0 is JO.OOO Doilti.
i 1 5 Prizes. 180,0’ 0 Doiltii.
'4 9 i itihiiks,
00 Tickets st F9,1, 180 0,70 rnY» ».
The whole of the prizes ,v be fioatimr
from tiie coimneiii'coii’iit oi ihe drawiiiir,
exvepl tiie luilouintf, which are to he de
posit.',I in tin* wheel at definite periods, viz
On the olh doy, : : ; : jio.uui).
On the 10th day, : . . “ s nnn.
On tiie 16th day, : : , 20,01.0,
On the 2U.h day, : : « 40.000.
Tiie whole to he completed ii
Twenty \ TuwIa s \\
The prizes only to bo drawn. -The whole
pay aide in en.-h, sixty dnvs alter tiie com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion ul iiAcci! percent.
N. P. Wlt,l,JAMS,
J. II. lil.MiiiOMi,
CommMunt rs nji/ninltil !.,j ti u Governor and
Coilm il
The abovn Lot*cry ronimrncnR drawir.n
inliiillimnre, on IFEH.\T..SJ).I K, 171/i uJ
rickets j212—Elm re- in pro)iortioii.
received at the Baltimore price, and piizi
tic' els taken in pavment, at
No, 3, Connneree-Kow.
" v9 01
Consumptions, ( ougiis, fijc.
•5 tr
* i .
J* fv
nr 1 s?t
i i 'A a ii u
1 NL mon-hs after date applinaLoii will
1^ lie made to tiie H>*n*irab!o ll.e J.i>-
' F «*t' the Inferior t'ourt of Ghatlinm
F.iiinJy, for leave to soil a tract of laud,
ku-.uit ;i> nniuber eight, Hth Ib-tri. L Pike
(*i-»ri.i. r!y Munr*»e) (’oenly, fi>r the ben.-lit
w yb* ii il ami eruditora uf the us tutu ul
of N. F. Bayard.
Administratur ur.tatu N. S. Rnvtird.
•I J "» ’» 31m'
1 Diiule’s i oiiv* # • (. s.
0 r, CANES Blade’s
i'L »»l" by K. ii. WEE!).
TJI.RSONS Imvinty deinatids iiyainst the
* *.: tile **1 'i’ii..Mias .lohnstoii. will plea. **
P r ‘ M »d ile*iu, properly attest* , (l, ut the
uuiitiiig-Rooiii *if R. & .(. Huher.'huin.
r.Airiitrix ol the estate ufTliuiuas J'-hnston.
? '* l« 21 f«.
Georgia—Camd, n Coumi/
^ u Mho ii •: T ,e-day in L-.-^rcb i»c* t, i i
s Jl’ r; f ui, msaid c*»r.n'v, 4 o g
.ul, rHincd IIs.imc’, the pr*»ja.-y of the •«
: *-e n* H-o }.i ;trews, f-e I, p-i.h ui.l t
v-■ ur.nlvd ov the Court ol <)>di,iury,
11 \ V I KUS. E,e u'".v
" " .11
iNOi 10 PL
f P •» , ibs*srilM:rB being about to decline bu
*- ‘••■• a-* 1:1 Hum place, request persons ha-
‘U ina.uis hg mat ihcm, to present then
tor paynittiit.
"'•* ^ fi h
\T INK n onths all d il«s, application will be
., ^ fn**»le to tbc [iifemir Goui t of (.Indian
• ui.lyj Hslliiig fur ordinary t.virpi.siB fc.r an
orM-. uMoJute, lo sell Ions N< s tluran* five.
K * k *’ J ) ir * Carpenter*# Hnw, and lot N *.
j* l,0 » 11) Careen Ward, in 'lie ci y of Savanna!,
( " g the real t state of Francis Jaiiit.-uu due
"■ 'hic beutfil of the h irg 40 * crodiiois o'
“•■•U-'.ale WILLI \ •GAS. O’
QimUC'd /.'.l. cuter,
T 'J7a
2\tlministr fa t..r 1 8 1.0,ice.
.\T'N l2a 1 US from this date, wesiiali ar
i* |>|v i.i the Honorable tin: I .ferior t on '
4 Clwlbam county, when siui*g fin- or.’j.iHM
piirpocus, to sell the rcul tsi..te of Vr'd'iair.
augutt 12 43
/.(Iniinistrutor’s Ncliee.
N INE MttNTII * after du»e t 1 *dr.ll asp!)
to the Il-inoiable the Ii.fe.ior Court o:
'fiiaihutn cnui.*y, (v/licn sit*ing lor ordiuur)
-jarpi.Hca) fur IcaVi •» sell he real .sale
iaaac II. Rubins, to satisfy the h*»ir# and cred.
tors. C. It HAYDEN,
Hiuvnst 12 45
\Vi’.- -r* ord ’r.- in the lute P» nnsylvnL*.1-
t* ry. I.n .0 produrud a largo nmouct in pri-
/ •'lining wliicli were oir.-of a thou.-uimi;»r.<, I'M), > iV. Aci*.
Pii/.n Tn'krtM in th.- Pnim.-ilvnuia L0M0
| ry, I IM i .aw, received a., en. b.
I .l»»n 1”.
AUGUST (i ()KMI,l:il,
f ?, AS removed bis ])JU (i STORE, tn
h b tho corner of lirou^hltm and It hilt j-
/•'•r-xlrut.v, i./ipnsHe Cat. Shr!/man's Mansion
Hnm, where ho exhibits lor sale, a choice
assort incut of
ami various other articln.s suiting his line.
He ubf-tuins rohitiug the whole string of
mum s oi the things lie oli’ers, and only men
tions a fi-w which are not cummoiijy found
«. v 'n Drug Store, viz:—
S Chun Ij's
liiS!ovvYbivliuu SVAllied \
i< b G *"'* ■ Mlf.l.LR, o.heri. se DAN
2 :T*.L Of-AN’T) WIi.LLR. who in tLe -.e**r
1815, o*r.vt:-' in LLvhiu. Ii, in'li 1 Aberdf-o
. belirg-r.g to Mcs.-r-. 1)> ws^n fi*
*< t I.snrton ia living, and will app'y to
1 i , .-. , ds in Kaplan*;, lie w II hear r»
rn*. ! •,; mm hi.) *»is ad v acf..gc, Pe left
’ ’**:* .»»«he I.}• «• SnVf»n')«l), a.••*
*•• * b- tn he* *' *-f b> It'S f n'r.ds since
.1 r*’ lod. Ik it.«d b-'Mi rmuiy years a .ai-
ttr.d w on board 'ho sin ve vos-!,
■* s -tj • I .»# i carpenter. Il he bft S -
' •*•»*:.». at that time, it is prob* hie that h
. r.tcfi.d some vessel going to the Brwzil 1^
’*•' s. as in Ii.s I .st letter, be sta'cd that it
•'• In# intvn*i*)ri to do s ». Sb-xd-J be havr
• d at any \» hr • e h - egister or certifi
to «-f h:g l-urisl ccm be * btwu ed, it would be
‘b* o' received and ail expert 'ciaUcnJing
it, pa d oy
Sav nut.h, or
WAV &T.L. 0/ ESI VM,
T< 0 #7
P iRSO*’S having eemnmjs against the es
tate of die Lie Wilburn Craig, dec. arc
q-iCate ’ to render ti e same, properly at
••and, within the time prescribed by lav/, arc!
Iio to indebted to paid estate, are ea. nesi y
exiled upon lo settle the same wdlioutdc-
JOHN M’NJSII, Executor,
oct 12 71
Kol Sabiim
Fyro l-mbi lbita < Drops
Dujjitalis I'urpurca | Aromniir Vinegar
Sen I leap, Hyssop \ Toilet, Vi got;
Gorman L'-opard’s ^ ol In r Soaps
Bum*.(ariii( a moil-; Muonssar Oil
tana) f l’lio>plioroiiH
Lloruiupnnc, (Inula * Ox. Mur. Potnrse
lid* ilium) j Jaun s's Fever l*ow
Hops, Ergot S dors
Tonquiu l)*‘uns c Infantile Powders
Squiiun Elixir J K«*ad’s Stiptic
Hall ’s A> j Spirits Soap
Lss. Mustard j Ftimignling Pastills
Ess. 'J’yre < Pvroiiguioiis Acid
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting tho utility ofthis last article,
be refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, ul
this? year.
out 0 70f
; avannali Female Asylum.
f Nelection f*»r n Matron to this Institn
nun, will take place at the Asylum
11*misc. on tin- first meeting in February.—
Application l"r the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
1). Al. LLOYD, Sec'ry
nov 13 *14
( ION! INUES to do business in Mi-ledge.
) vide, and tendcs the offer of his ser
vices to his friend# and the public, in the trails
•etion of agency business gencral'y
oct 5 fia-f 1 &t§
Beer/ Axes.
1 SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
. and for sale by .V. li. // LED.
oct -’7
I ^OR the cure f . • s, Coug’ #, 'Tnnpump
• ••o m, g oi B --ulj Asth.nari,und
• eft teb-east ami lungs.
1 -‘mi'c is pc. 1 Laps no tncdirul nbsei vatio
b-2‘ter » ; # a:, ia!»--d, nom mure pe ’erally c- n
rnic I bv the ex erience of the b al phyai 'i
■sofa. I #„r!i rod c.»untri s, ai.d ?n,ne ol
o 'enp rUnce to the Irnian Lmily, tba.
f-‘ c ' fh*t *ranv of the n.ost e.tfi uh and in
‘fable co.isumptiot's orig if atc- in rtegfe?.t
-°h!a.. In ucl.-n ate an varr«u.eascur<-, whe:»
• he changes of the wtah.T are fr
sudden all I unexpectr <t. <1 req lima nn re "a 1
•*n ! al.Uir 01, to guu.d agair.s it,is Uio g -r'u
•oi.rmv of I fe, than moat people in..^ii<e -o
i.e iblrand willing to bts o». '• lie j>,ila „
m**!t»di:y e\h hd the rrelar.-cl-o’y Lit that ih
• roport.on of dea'l.s l»v t „ diaesae may b
onaid-red ay about rive to one. l asm-icl
Ow n i-« ’Ins fnlul di'east- f*. qiicmly hi ,s drfi
Hiice <0 the sk ll of ibc moat hannd plijs ti
- ns, ii is a erai ficut oi. to the pro rieioi* tl.n
e w enuhh-d to offer lo those i.ill c»eu will
• b ago'd v proap.:ct nf relief, n ihnt I ig|,|
v Nal-lr re-.-edy, the VegcUbie Indian Sp ci
fic. 3 ht l .dians sie lix|jpj in their acoa
‘ *R f of n* ciica! plums; g.v.ri.ed wlmJh h-.
' Wpe’ ience, they a ecertain as to their»ff-c»,
and it is said by an author of giest charactu,
‘hat a tiue c r.surrptiuii is a disease ntver
known urm-ng them.
3 l-is Specific is obtained by entr-dioo front
berbg, rod*, fl-Wits, pi nt-, Stc. when in uer
‘eel ion. Inconsequence f u happy combine
‘iou of the most valuable ber ! »s, 8-c. it becomt
h bi's *m of a hope, ior value. It hi uls the 11 -
ju*ed parts, opens the po es, and composes
oie disturbed nerves, after the manner of at
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction ol
the dies- and the lungs which constitute th.R
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
Papeete ration, wh-ch isrnnsiantly c-lied for
and wr.ilvt it c'rar.s.js a d heals, it dm give*
s rang'b to the tender lungs In this manner
it removes the hectic fever, improves rligcs-
turn, gnus strength to the uems, repairs il,c
4 PP- tde and improves ihcsi irits. This apeci
fi- mav nlwavsbe giv* n in safety it is mild,
'Icj-sant lo :he tas e, and msy safely be given
» uifants, *or which it is of inestimable value.
I; affords relief in bowel complaints, t ething,
whooping coughs, He. and ia found particu-
Lry •oniiil in by nochondri -c-il, nervous an*:
hysterica) diseases. I.ucli bill 01 direction
«>• tains a detailed account ofthis di-ease in
■»«1 its d flVrt nt stages, rnd wdl bj acc'impa
» *1 vi h the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It is < ff-red fur sale by GEO. KY
- \t O only (m> sole agent),cor
iw; Buy and Wbitlaker-Atrccis, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
t!w\e4 Uttiv .\\v\\ra»3cs.
T HE Kubscrihnr has just received an as
sortment of the above artich a, war
ranted to be of the boat quality, fur sale bv
J. U . MO URL L. '
oct 26
Oppositii \\u>, iileiidtinif,
1JE8PECTITI.I,Y iiifiiriiip her iViiiuls
* * 0,1,1 ‘S' 1 public, that Iut , s \ <mv
-PJ-Hle till. Cluitlinm Ami!, niv, (Or
I '""•"•thin of i t m s. A-sh-lpd liy
ll ‘. r 1 .Miss 1. A. lf'.MM.v.x, f ld
olli'rs l»' r st tuius in ti ni-i-ii-ir ti t- r,.)I,n V :n/r
USOllll IIIIll <1111 ri 11,"I .| ;| | hmi'.lL'K ..i ., I, !(i ”
ti"". Whilst she n lurnssiiii |.fi' ! , ..|.i- i,, r
JUt|,|.„. Iililii itu . AII'I, £ ,i, c
h-l'-v. tin, rmlui'.',I r „, P „„| J j
her inriviiM'il I'.vritioiis to further Ih,
jrn'ss el her I’m'ils, l„ iIcmtvc n still t ,. r
V' 1 nt pubJu lintir. ,,.
are'“pS .T 1 lh “ "" " ,,i, h nf.olnii,
•ire :evened, are—
Isl Clues Sj.i'llinfr, K,. nt ij lltr> g cwine
r . „ 1 ,,| !f- l-ur i,uu rtIT, : m.| 00
JJ. Class—W ul, Y\ rii.uifr. Grim nmr,
Gwigraphy and Ariil.inu-
Tlir Frenrh or Spanith Laniruam-s, 8 °°
incliKlnirr ok.ffuut <'iiihroiifcrv. , n
Inee or luudin, to any pattern,
^ per quarter, ; .- : ; . . . J0 00
Painliiijr on velvot, per quurti r,: „ ()0
•/, T w Gar-'lul Iillpiilioii ,, |I I, p
paid by Mrs. Ki ,I, tu Uio dq.orlm, „| Qn J
moruls ul tin,so entrust* il to her diu-mi
»'||1 ■ *" '*
MDElvMoj {,
INFORMS his friends mid (lie public con-
* orally. Unit he has received by recent
arrivals, uluree and extend, 0 assort mum ot
Co oeeries, Hardware and On/
whieh will be disposed of wlndewile and r a
."!!• *•? “ ,e 'nos* rriisonaido terms. TI -•
.dh."iii 3 articles roinprise a part of his
prei-*. i:t stock, viz.—
” a *r-‘ pUu-e Rl Croix -„ r , r
1 flexes W ills slid ) ..
0 (hives ll!Tt.i) | li.rans ,|,
fi’ 1 Mair> h Is,a! e il i mvn d 0
5h H«;;« Hus- us Or en 0. fi e
6 su- ener 4'h ■>,...,! H.andy
* Pmea d., II diand <hn
5 I'ln. s liniialiui. H ,n,d v , 4lh proof
4 Ge III, ft,
2 Pipes very superior o'd 'Vscl. B'ondy
Muecbeen, ,! 0 *. whisker
iwtK ,n ( phil ,;V:£‘
100 Marrets Nor,he,.,’ ,; n * y
«r,' : ;r., tup ' ri ,rUadei « wine
**-'» **'P-rs superior old Lisbon do
10 <1 srtcr Ckois Tencriffe do
Vere superior old Madeira Wi- :e s .„i
Jfp "*] llarreia sup,ifl.,e fresh
Wi els .1, New
50 B,reels No -J d
1800 It '.vkr-ts Table Salt
20 ;„',sl:s Gnsheri (Jbeese
.0 H.irrels Copperas
200 (teams VYrsp-.iiie Taper
50 Black Pepper ’
lu B <res Cliomlate
•h Hue finllon Demijobiw
5 Bar els (Hue
lOOK-RsHKaeduPDepon;’. Gunpowder
ion r ,n " 8 01 s'lperior do
100 Pieces 4. inch Coti u n Bs.-,.,,,
. Bides (0;^ e"ne Twine
’oMs' f 1 ' " 1,! l S - M I '"imorc’i
S ffonumu Cards
lit it'-rfcs Wool Hda
* B-oacU
10 Lung B,.lc flnpe
5 Dozen Ri d Cor-'a
50 i) > piougt Linci
KO f'otun’s Sash Cords
6 ba;- 8 Point, Loiidvi I). me
10 Cases colored and b'e.ichcd and un>
hlenc K:d f inmeapuns
70 C» r, )“a I.N.n Table spuoua
15 Do do Tea t j (>
'0 D«* Teutsnia Tab»e d.»
l isted I able and T« M do
Cupper,Ca‘t, Wrought art) Oi»*-.poi
tmu Tea K«ttie 3 t f A |l * 5
Brag Ki ttles for maauig pre^cveg
20 aalH of bt>h Covers
xOToi.sbhiar iiwuidg
1 1) > S d Ir.'og
I Do Ba Lead
1 Do Sheet Iron
lot) Casks 81*01 tvd Cu» Nuls
Mdl, »;ro*g (’ut and Wliip Saw, made
_ expressly » »t ihi* market
-'0 Dozen Mamlg wp, Woods..a , and Ten-
nart a
Blacksmith 8lcd K c« «nd Hai.dliammer.
A.ivds, from 1 lo 2f,Uba. real mouse
BLcksmith’s Befiowr.from ?4 to 36
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mil!s / from No. 1 to 5
2 Tons H'-otibund Hinges
Brass Andimr.6, f. nm ft 2 50 to $3
Bra»s and Wire Kemic.s, with shovels
ar d tongs to mHtr.h
5 Casks Bra d** Patetit Hues
100 Dozen Padlocks
tteelya'ds lo weigh from 2C0 to 5C0lh*
2 Tons of Steel,consisting nf Shear,Lug
lisb, Blistered and Cast *
Stoves with Pip s
1C00 l'oundi* Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Ragr Trace Chau s
2 Dozen Currying Knives
20(1 Dczen Cur»\ Combs
6 Sets While fo ndle Knives and Fork*,
cons sling of 50 p oce* each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots,
Sugar and Cream do
6 U -zen Patent Shot Belts
V Dozen Game Bags
2 Di zen Powder Horns and F’askt
\ Case double and single barrel Guns
10 Dozen Wire and 2(* doz flair S.;t- ;g
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Dais and 50 seta
'Table Mina
A general assortment of Car'tenter’s PUnes,
'uslies, and Fancy Bellowa, w«th miny other
articles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will be
sold low from the wLaif.
nov IS *