Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 28, 1825, Image 3
STRING $uu\ STM.M^II UVI\> )S. C Y flic ships Goorgin me! Tlarp. arri\*«?*l from Liverpool. tint Milwcriboi-tf hive tcccived tiioir usual supply of SEASO.YAIU.E Haring been pmvlitisuil with rtstt, pro- vinii> tn Ulo mlvtinee in K.iu'.nml. they call bi> niYoriletl mill will bo Hold nt low p.rii-os, uml mi u lung eredil, liir iiinliiiiliti'il paper. ANDREW LOW ilt CO. Fob 211 lib .'Ui Overseer I S wanted liT Ouklniiil I’liintation. lie UlllO be Willi lei'i'llllllelltleil. Al'I'lv III CCiM.MIMi & CWATILUKY. Fell 2.M »" Tickets Received. rwViOSE who Inivo ordered tickets in A i>r««tui State I*11•'i*v of Mankind, j N.t. 3. will rail and take Mn’in piwious to the advance. IVcscn' price is twelve do!- lure. S icnrovour vhan.M'!* by applying at. l u r if k it’s IM. *>R UttpVtt *tu\ \UVU.VVi £> if z) Hi Hi O l> K. WUSSlNW, R ESPECTFULLY infenus his friends and iho public, that lie ini-* purchased t . ..-suiblisimieut in Uni nhmi business, be- 1 mglng to Dr. A. DeUro, ho, opposite tin* K\. Iwnge, whore In* «• *is lor sale at. low p i -os, .1 large* assorinieni of , ¥iv ~\v ; v Ag>, .NYihYuAiu’S, wm\ e\u‘ . YywU, AMl.Nt; Wi.K M till, nil IMI I.O’VINU : — Aqua F-*rtU. Alum. Antimony Arrow li'tiol- Mora a: BergamO Brimstone, Barley, Lapiv'i, do Pen, do I’.da Gumplmi’. Unulhaiides. Uiumiimm American h si aud •■••mm ui (Ju?4or Oil (V ini ol Tartar 41:»Ion. 1. r«tp»'*r:is Coiumh •. F-uitv. Gum A.«Mi:\pii In Aloes, Gum Arabic. G m Uopul Gout <1 tin ruin, (tt* <i» Op’oiui I-ingiass. Indigo. 1 .anee*s. Liquorin' M 'irnesin, Manna.( • hnmomil • Flowers S' ’• • imr. Semin. Nutmegs Nil Vomica- Oxyd of Hi/..noth ()il of rm ut,»lo (Jiovos I),, (/iiinainoii. Sweet < )il Peailasii, 1 ()•_'• -lennnlui. Jalap Rlm'-arb. Saltpetre, Salt nfTartar Cl la uher. Epsom nud Ncrhelle Suits Tartar Emetic. Suiriu o ,, Tm , iieutine THE SUBSCHIAEHS UONTIM T. THE COMMIHMON llt’SlM.SS IN |,IV- KHI'OOI., L'NDKH THE PI HIV! OP \A«tAU, LOW & VO. 4 NI) will at all limes make liberal ad- t. on produce consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly in tie* Liverpool trade, ami owning « convenient wharf, on which there are roomy firt-proof dorex,cot ton will he received and forwarded in their own vessels, or those to tlmir address, free of any eommission. Onion* for merchandize, will he executed and only a commission charged, u limitin' payment is satisfactorily secured. a (jv..\r.ini. vssohtmi-nt of MnrntMi Dttv Coom, is just received, being bought, with money ami selected by one of the partners, they will he furnished as low ns by any regular Importing House in the United States, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. n rt o 7n U'ishf'ii Hotter, J UST received per ship Corsair in kegs lirst qmilitj Goshen Mutter F> hbls Hums 10 halfiilds Fly mnrk»t Tl°ef Hi half ciiests Soliciting T< a Jit Sit) c, too boxes hunch Muscatel Raisins '■» ds Prime P«>rk V'O do Mors do 7 * do me.-s ami prime Reef Ml do Pilot and \a\y !li"»d Tog*" I •rv.ilh a gou ril ass'itment of Groceries and Ship Chandlery, for sain bv BRADLEY, (JLAGHORN * WOOD. Ancinux’s Wharf, fell t ’ 07 LP&mirj's Mb Mb silk ¥08, UAY&E. j 4 lilMW OF PACKETS has been esta- j A biislmd between iSow-Yurk and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the b'irst and fi'/lwidh■ dat/s of each month during the j yt’tir. The ships composing I ho line, are saders, well found and con manded,cop- 1 pered ami copper fastened. Their aecom- Injodations flu* passeiigera, comprise nil that Jean bo required, for coinfort, and conveni ence. Passengers in the caliin will be tn- l<(*uf f 'i'd|140eft( h. for which they are furnish ed with beds, beddditig, wines aud uinple stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may lie sent to the agents, who will attend . to their reception and forwarding, without ; charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col- i h.etod with the freight at Havre. ' A letter Rag is at. the New-York Post (Mlice, ibr all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, pest paid, to CRASS* U S &. ROY I). J)gents, JS'ete ) < /•£*. net I 1 t: NKW-YOUR Slate Literature liOltery, « 7 CI.AMS IV. i > 70 nr. nnjiw.voN rnr sixth oi'.i nnil,.vnxT. j.N'n nr nw- ( I.L'OtlJ) lA'O.YH MUirLYC. < ounae (.vanity. Z'* PIPI’.S ” SeignetleV Mrumi,” just re oived per Louisa Matilda, for sale bv .1. R. HERBERT & CO.* IN STO'tK, 50 Tierces new Rice lo Pipes Holland Gin 10 1J og'heads Jamaica Rum 50 Darrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrel*- Gin 50 Crates Crockery ‘JO Kegs Butler 50 Barrels .Macknrel, No. 3 ‘JO Cages Port Wine H) Casks Oil T \UIM4 rt J n\\t\ m rttl- White. Red ami Block Lead Pru sion Rhie. V<*rdigi is Ivory, am! Tiamp Black- Patent Yellow V 'nothin It 'd. Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Pomatum. Amiqui- Oil. Macassar Oil Ro«t Fnclivli Slmvii'g Soap r.a'i do,(hdogue. Liivi .oler Water Otto of }' -s fi-ogic il ln.-immi*nts ami Pipeid Med ic., n -sef. vi iy k"jd, the whole of w a minted quality. Jm ii >0 * -17 Sluu’e Vlmrcls. P. rk Gin, xc- C \ C. GRISWOLD oilers for sale, Inn- 1 • ding from sliiji 4hire-air •1 toils Share Moulds 11' Store, 30 barrels N'>r*b M n» Gin It; do Mess Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel H.l! I;egs White Lend gg kegs Blin k Paint ft do Verdigris 5 do Sjutni-h Br nvn in barrels Whiting fch 12 07 Per Ncw-Y'M-k, '1'!ip fast sn iling Iiip >?*A C O ,M KT. 4 PlW (,mnfr • V, '” v • J, “ * T' Will niei t with (h'-quBcli, f»i freight or passage, having excellent ucconi- uiodutious, apply to 4/upt. Moore or to C. C. GRISWOi.D. fell U 07 1 .Y this Rclintne the amount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the lbl- lowing manner :— ! 2 Frizes of 810000 ! 3 5.000 | 1 3,082 17 1,000 20 500 .41 200 ! 51 100 j and a large number of smaller denomina tion. amleliauees for a short time only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ex- W. RODENTS ON, who ordered in the Lottery just, closed, for pe'vous in iiii» oilv. No. '25,313, combination 54, £ 22.3<h <^tnu0 a,»io, iou 11 ml 11 Inro-t. amount in aniallnr prizus. . .In : 'U For New-fork, (7C.S r.‘l Ii L IS II H l> I.IJS’K.) t-v. The fast sniliug packet ship AUGUSTA, (lin. If hit f \ .17-. .f'-r. Will have immediate despatch For freight «»r passage, having liandsiiiiio iiei-iuiiini'..irii.ns. np;Jv to Gnpt. VV. on board, a: Jouhs 1 Upper W barf, or to HALL & HOYT. Fob 25 i or Liverpool, The stunncli. coppered and copper , fastened brig O S G GO D, Thamt's It’. (i.tnhu:)\ Jdnst r, D ill ^iiil w it h ali possible despatch. For freight, apply to SAMUEL WRIGHT. HnnieFs Buildings. F* b l ?0 7 (, i l.astm^s. For ■ cw-\ oik, Tin* new schooner ; if V E K S E V E It A N C E, .. e With despatch, and -10 bales wan’- (d to til) up the schooner CAM DEN. For freight applv to JOHN CANDLER. Jones’ Buildings. F'*h 24 77 p - ,£-• f> 'PONP * 11 rr«*n captili^K, ,jo>t rec» »\- ^ ed from Greenoc k, via. Charleston, cm listing of the following assortment, viz : 2**••(• p.,ts from J to .511 gallons 2un American spidevs, |Vmn l* to 13 inches 50 set flat metal weights, from ! oz. to t 8wUw<- w, i\ V A a*. KEGS Goshen Bulior . .-ft Mil"-Newark Cider i> sTour, *20 C Sum-rim- Checso 1J0 i ui rels Albany Ale 5 do Mil’"i-k HI do do Beef U i«b a g-ouT il a>Miitnu nt of Ctr.a fJUJ^.t.V!) l*nrrHfO.Y:\ For in • by II. B. HATHA WAN, .1 duos’ Upper \\ imrf. F«.b 21 77p 1*0 Londi-u >killets, from 1 to P quarts JT»fi icme ovens, limn 9 to !!! ill: lies I 130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5 quarts j Urn--ale by P. M\DKR MOTT. I krti^i.t Wanted, For a Northorn Fort, li»r tlie schr. irf LAUREL, jfM -'i-v'y ,o .*&&• . JOHN CA'DLRB, Jl ini !• •«? fnr stile, turd rj'rnm v. id St hr. 7t* H*’g.-bi'ads It'-tuiliiig Molasses. F ’ *‘5 - ( id P.r lev, ‘Tine, c e. ,*r‘ BUXLU fir-4 qm !i*} C‘.b*r iim. 1 J ('1,..|;s do do Loudon Purler .J-- li<-\es t 'Ir.rei \\ me Hi do .Madeira do 1 Ih.xes Mueeli Rai-i:is Hi M.irrels F 't'f Fln-ll Ahinmds For .••al-.* ". Uol-'sa'i aud »-• ti! bv BRADLEY,CL \(HH>RN WOOD, A .1 mux’s M'lmr!’. F- b HI Shu. e M Hills S id and Paint. V. r. IiRISWmM). I.flum fon-al-i. 4 !'■ ' Mum Mm.lila 4 IT'S Vr»l H»n K« VViiif' I.etid » 2 1:0 illni k P ii. t. 5 do F-j.l 1 ii-11 Brown 1\' Barrels Whiting F d. ‘72 j (U;sit ii ut>C)'. i.iv ii i-c | r i.'ST UE(JLIVED by sliip. Corsair, and j , iy otli-e- late arrivals Ij lirkins G islicn Butter, Lt quality 1" 25 rt-’gs Inti*Lard ; b i-nis ijuiior Uraekers | ‘20 half'mil quarter bbis Buck Wheat, aud Rye Flour i 10 buls Pilot Bf-ud, for fnini’y tiso j For sale bv * A. BASFV’TT . No. 1. Mor.ginY New Building! ■_ j 7 i . Hour, Whiskey, P‘ rk s 5 a d.' | I. i: tin'? fn m vi h inner f'i V. g -i V BMillELS New-4)rb-..i , s Flo.-r, I of Ur- most aji;»rove,i in'inds m.m! ' warranted equal to any that e\or c. ;o s :o ' I ills market. ; 71 Barrels Whiskey | 50 do Pork f do Kegs Lord For sale oy J. B. HERBERT & (’ | Feb 'i. ttVv-UAng. I FEW .b-./.i n of Day K Alarliu’s Gi mi-. ■ T*. iuc Bi-ickieg. for salebv P. E. BRASS IN XL, 1 Druggist, opposite the Exchange. I Jan -21» f or iilt', mglit or « liarlei A pilot-boat—burthen fori , Y tons ii first-ruin -.1 i'« r. ami ii . I'h'tc erdqr ib; any vnv.-ge, <v ■ I'lrtlmr uarta uiar: . apiiK 10 yrb- A pilot-boa:--burthen forty-live tons a lirsl-rufe -.1 i'« r. and in For . . *ipiii\ 10 JIHAD LEY, CL.JOUOH.WS tl ODD. dec 21 Just Received, B Y the brig Frances and ship Milton, from Philadelphia, ‘20 Hogsheads ) Philadelphia Rye 200 Barrel** S Whiskey, loo Barrels first and second quality Loaf Sugar 50 BugsGreeu 4’ofTco 3 Tons SI lot ass’d For sale by P. ADDER MOTT. Jan 5 Fresh Tecs. Hums, Flour, c* c CHESTS Ilyson Teas Arti*/ 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 if lid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv ed per Laura Juno, for sale by J. B. UERBERT & CO. F"l» 5 Hunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale bv BRADLEY,CLAGIiORX & WOOD Feb 3 Aneiaux’s Wharf. GRAND LOBGi Goshen litter, Laid, c J UST received per ships William Wal lace and Juno, 15 Kegs Prime Goshen Butter ‘20 do Lard 10 Barrels choice Hums 10 Half barrels Pig Pork, put up for family consumption 0 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers lif Hull'bnnvlu l-’Iy Market Beef 2 Barrels Smoked Tmiguns INSTORE, 50 Barrels Prime Beef 30 do Mess do 60 do No. I, do 40 dp Prime Pork, city inspection 12 do Mess do 75 do Pilot am! Navy Bread 50 do 1 ’dittoes 40 do No. I, 2 and 3, Mackarel 100 Half liavreL Flour 50 Whole do do Together with a general assortment of all kinds of Groceries & Ship Chandlery For snb- bv bkadley.claghorn & WOOD. Amihiix’ W hurf. Jan 27 So 1 t obacco. Gin <S’e Kn Kl'IfiS - IldPSON’S” IiUA.Vl) 1 pipes 11 oil:,mi Gin 7 “ Binmiy 2 hhds high 5tli proof .Tninuiea Rum Received per Corsair. For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 15 (UP ®.St}3lB3JV» O N SATURILYY, the f.llh (lay of March n * * x •. al • tA i-ii k. 1*. M. ngret aide io i<” ( oi.-i itmi'-M. a G::-ii.l . \ • *ii • 1 rt I (‘oiiine.* ii.i'm.iin. i.t it.. 1...1 i 1 /' n• ii»n of ih" Grand L-»iig,* o| (5»>ii: ; ii, t 1 1 he cie-1 ;**•.! - . triiceiv will lie held, of tie 1 ’Die r am! Mt ‘ sired * n k i/i a j V* a\v .Mft tvussfcs J UST reci ived by the William Wallin e, an additional supplv of DOUBLE and | SINGLE HaIR iMATTR ASSES, which , will he warranted of l he hesl iimiliiy. I. VV'. AH >K KELL. ; Jan ‘27 imiurs are ib LV n>d' /•../ 1 .t .!/• v/ fSrnnd OJuJir, L II. rURTH, (fraud Srrrt tarn. a. i. Feb 95 • 7(! HiCur. MESSRS. EDi 1’ORS 1 k REPORT having b-en put. in cireuhi- * i tion, fno doubt f >r the purpose of in- .luiii-g Hie) that I bad declined tile pructuv ofpbj-jc, I lake the liberty, through the iru -linm of ym»r pr. >s to declare the same a falsehin.d, and that I am at all limes' ready to iiticnd in any call made on me in town or from the country. * MOSES SII EFT ALL. F‘b2» 75i. Gin, •-■led aiul I' C 4 C GRISWOLD, ofi’eis for sale, f • fib Barrels Northern Gin 1 Toll Steel IDO Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint B do Yerdigius 5 do Spanish Brown H* Barrels Whiting Feb 11 Notice. subscribers to the Savannah Anx- -I- iliavy Society, for amelioraling the Condition of the Jews, are requested to pay Rmir suliscrintions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW, Sec’ry. F' b 72 75 *•’/. vvl) vrg\\» ivm\ Tviiue, J l ST rucuivuil ami lor ^ij io bv „ JOHN II. REID. I—h 2? 15 Corn Ailoat 1000 BUSHELS CORN, afloat, for Olio. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. Bacon. e*r\ Ann I’OVNIIS PRIME Ii A- \lvf (JON. consihtiugof hams, middlings uml shoulders, ol small size*, just received and for sale by Feb 17 J. B. HERBERT & CO. Vii.UT 4 CORRECT LIST of Pilots, niitlinrir 1m. tm to act for this port— BRANCH. Bollcs E. Pitcher P. S. Brougiiton E. Briggs S. Craig II. Delano J. Hail .1. H. John- J. Low J. Pitcher .1. Sisson N. B. Timmons S. IL White Wright, West T. Gerard A.) Col Wall W. V mvd. Jointing l i ajter. niliY HEAMS of good quality Imperial ’^541/ Printing Pupev, for sale at cost aud • barges for cash. Apply at this Ollico. dec 27 Win. White, cfiiifiiciitc for 12 W. Tlioinfth, do 14 L. ('raig, do 14 •I. Rohhiny, do i 1 J. Weed, do 1 l W. Foster, do 14 E. U. Hopkins, do 11 L. Foster. do 10 I). Proctor, do 10 J. W. Luc, do 10 XuWcfc iatuiYdis Given, fllHAT ninety days after date, applicn- J. lion will be made to the Steam-Boat Coinpuny of Georgia, to issue anew cer-j 1 dicute of stock, for one destroyed, dated I vutli October, IB19, for two shares, and numbered'13'i. Savaunnli Hull Feb. IK25. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Fob 11 60 K. Ciishin. Robert. Key. Jesse Furniss, and 'Hmi.ias Harden, me no longer author- i-.ed to act as Pilots for this Pori. Hy nrd r of'the Hnnrd. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, Secretary C. P. Jnn 521H Fisli Ho >ks ml Fi h Lines O NI, hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted *0 Greet! Fish Lines, assorted Beet jved per the Augusta, and lor sale by Feb 20 ’ “ N. B. WEED. Loaf *^A BARRELS Loafbugar,just receiv- *jyj ed ami for sale bv F.-l* 21 HALL & IIOYT. Crocker). HE subscribers continue to file orders for Crockery, of any deseviptioii, on odvaniageomi ternifl Persons wishing to ord-T for the spring, would do well to hand bi their orders, as early ns the month of January. J. B. HERBERT & CO. nov 7*7 PILOT AND NAVY BREAD ISAKUin, 1 BARRELS PILOT & NAVY A.*J\r bread, of tic first qualify, fresh linked, for sale at the Bakery fi inner- Iy oecupied hy Mr. Robinson, and on as good terms as can he obtained in N. York. Likewise Flour Baked on Commission. Families uml Country Stores supplied with * A Vi ttf WteAtV JOIIiV GARDNER. Fib 25 mill* TO PUINTSK% A RAMAHE PR INTI NC. PRESS, com- r* plote and in good order, sufiicient to work an imperial fi>rm, will ho sold al u low price, if iijipli -d for immciliatoly at. the nf- liee of the Georgian. Jan n liills 011 New-York, 1 -iOlt SALE bv ’ IVb i 1 ' hA ^ G V-A BY ( ALVIN BAKER, ^ TJJJS DAY, Mk Justmt. At XI o'clock, in front of liib Aucti<»n Store, 100 Kegs White Lead. Feb ‘25 C. C. GRISWOLD. BY CALWN BAKER, TAJS DA V, With instant, At XI o’clock, at his Auction Store, 2 Bales Russia Sheetings, I do. du. Diapers, 2 Case... Gilla Handkerchiefs. Feb 25 M GALVIN BAKER, TJJJS DAY, 2'i!t 'mutant. At Xi o’cloi k. in front of his tuition p*ore, a general assortment of GUOv'ERlES; and at hall-past 11 o’clock, in store, a gen eral assortment of DRY GOODS. Feb 25 EXECUTOR’S SALE. ET CAltUfif rAKEfc, Outlie FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH N EXT, At XT n’clpck, will be sold in front of *lie Giiiur-lfeuso, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson, Old Grace, Young Grace. Kink and .loniiy, belonging to tin- e.Uute of Dn\id .lolmson, doc. and sold b\ permission of the 4'ourt of Ordinary ot Cliatham County, bv order of the Execute!. ALSO, ' The ha If. Lot No. f\ Second Tything, Reynidd’.* Ward, with the buildings thereon, eom-istirqr of a dwelling ho»ifie. hal;e house iVe; Also, one Negro Woman, about 20 yi nrs of ago, with her child 0 weeks old. fob 12 Terms cash. arm m kwm. On X* Wev-k- rpHE Magnifiicent Pennsylvania Union JL (Jamil Letter) is to b; drawn. The in this Lottery, are deter mined iu the same maimer as the pre ceding class, which lias afforded su* h uni versal satisfaction. |t is under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M’I'N TYRE, and will be drawn under the super- intem'ance of the Goimiiissioiiers appoii-ted by tli" iioveriior of Pemisvlvuitia. The sum to lie disposed of in this Lottery, is In tlm following Hplcmlid prizi^ scHraaa. I Prize of Ji»,UU0 iy 4111/100 1 - - - 10.00(1 - - 10,000 a - - - 5,000 - - io,ooo a - - - a,iso - - 4,450 40 - - - 1,IHI0 - - 20,000 ;J0 - - - 5011 - - 15.000 5a - - - 1011 - - 5.700 104 - - - 50 - - 5 ".bill Clou - - - Hi - - 2(1.1(00 10(1 011 - - - II - - 84,11(14 il’liz ■-’05,020 121 20 Prize,, 22100 Jilulllib, 047.’0 Tlrl.Vfs. PRICE UF TICKETS, : , , t t : ; ; p. iD Orders me rereived in Ihp above liiUL- LIANT LOTTERY, by W. WV>WV.\VV^VLV, whose orders in the precerdiug class ptu- duced a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25.343, combination 54, *2*2. 30 $1000, w hich was paid on presentation, with nu merous others. Fob :6 THY; HUHMITALK feTVA.M S.VW-.WU.Ii, AN1I Cast Iron Fouiuliy. ;VHE subscriber respectfully informs his J- fri* nds and the pubiic, tlint. the above establishnants are now in full operation. Planks and scant ling, suitable for ship- ping, can be furnished •»/' the best quality, atm of any size, to immediate order, lie him hKu on hand, a few line C'v pit ess Lucs, upwards of thirty feet iu length, which In* w il! saw into such sizes as may lie required. At the Cast iron Fount try, work of every description, in that line., will he e\ei ut *d in h style equal to that of any other factory in the United Slates, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of ISriek, whirl; he will supply in anv quantity, to or der. Th" quality of the article is already well known. * JIEXUY Al'Al l’LY. ' il » All orders left at the storeof Low & Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov9 ’ 91 Fifteen Hollars Reward, I 71 OR apprehending and delivering Bat- tiste to me, or ten dollars ll*r lodging him ill the nearer jail, so that I get him ; he is a son of Perth, a freeman, sml is a carpenter by trade ; he served his time with his uncle John Buttiste. in Savannah, nt whose house he may be harbour* d. or In* may be cm board the steam-bouts. He is twun- tv-two years old. five feel ten inches high, likely and well made,, good teeth and apt U> smile. He has a lounging walk, and was dressed in n blue Waterloo. Masters of vessels are cautioned from concealing him, or taking him out of the state, as the law will he. rigidly enforced. II. MIDDLETON PARKER. Laurel Caiulimi 15thFeh. 1325. Feb 24 77* •yi.* «aq 1IY J. B. HERBERT 4 Co. On Oil FIRST TVESIMV l.Y MJtif fi m:.\t, Will bn s ild hvfort, tlm Coiirt-ITouiiC* ir. tins i it.y.Virlwcentliv utn.i.Ilmnni. FOUR Wooden TK.\E- ' MKNTM. iili’iilai nil for storm, on tbnsiiiiTl. wust. ooriii'r ot'li it ii’M ei I. nurnur of Si. L, 1 linn mid .Ii'lli.r.soii Stroi’t, two of which ure iiniioi rout Terms onsli. Fob 2(1 BY J. HVillSKT Sc CO. O11 TIIHRSDAY. Jil Alnrcb. \\ ill bosuhl beU-re (UlrSfurc 11 r, \l oV-H. without reserve, the Fi UNiVDRE , liiineil in the Oity Hotel. consislinpof V.Hitj, H Killing, Uedstenils, Cnrpeis. ( Iniii-s. Si,|J’ B'inriis. iinrniiiig, See. &c„ —Terms ensh. F 'I) 21 EXECUTOR’S SAliE. nv J. 3. ;raa.iii;aT sc co On the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT, n Will he flnl'l lietbre i|,e Cmirt-Hoiise in tlie city ol Savannah, the felinwimr ne. .u sluves, viz—Kit, Driitili, l’uity, Aiicht,., ( )iii It" e, San lot, Mary, I'eler. Saiii l-'i) Ellen, Tom. Peoiry, .Inly .\lilicy Pli,; I'., Agnes. Sain. Cato, h-ortnne. t’a'sar i’niy. lion:, Cliunci:, John, Di.-k, Fralien, Molly’ Dinah- Hnnimh, 1’atieni e. Einnia Paiieiji p, Ciipiil, Aloostt Cane,Ailam.l’rieo, Wa^l.-.,-' liiiiult, Mon is, Robert. Prinve, Nancy, o.a Flora. William, ami Maria, 45 in m.mberi among wliieii are 27 |iriine fieii! liKiuis,.-' Solil by order of the Justices of tin: Inlbri^ Court, tor tlie bonulit yif the erodeurs of- Tiininas Melrose. J. WALLACB. i , , II. M'ALIMN, ( "\'i- M. AIEJ.ROSE, Ex’nv. Feb 11 AI )M 1N 1ST K.Vi’Ul \ ’ SA ,J'i. by or. b. KaaaaaT \ co. On FRIDAY. Kith Mnri.'li, Will be sold nt the -Marlili Yard in St an street, next to Dr. Iliihersliam. at 1 i oViji:,,, II inninlirv of Marhle Slabs, JIiv.'Vii Stiijm, ami Stone-CntterV Tonis, tp"("her iv/j! Hie TJiiildnor on said Lot, being lik 1 jier.'o,.,! estate of W i II in in Masterton, don asyil i/.J seld by order of tig; udmiuietratrix. TurniiJ nislo Feb 21 "JPH5S2.S 1 . ipaiLii2_«x»4‘ 9 " ycwi.c-io A MOUNT of prize trinncv in l CANALL()TTERY,iifl,n*'^X»;v Soriiirf, wliich will In* dhiiibut. d lo !(• \ e,i Hiivrs on thii^ninth of March next, in ns foliows~ 30,000. 10,000, 5 000 5 OO0 20 of 1000. 30 of g()0, ’ 52 of 100. 104 Cif So, Jze. Arc. New ia tiie time tn see', l i.lium e ami savn a dollar, 31 mi Aj.iuev next, Tie'ketr ailvunee to Eiebl D.d.'nrs" ' Orders reeeiml til) then at > 7 at I) U T H E It * 8 EXCHANGE OFFICE. Feb HI Kx lmngctl at the 1 all oh lllll lOBtUIlt, A LADY’S NEW CAROLINA PL.V'j; il. CLOAK, for an old one of a ripqi pattern. 4 rc-nxchnugc is disir.-d i./.q can be ottbclcd bv the iioiders ofpach |o;ii* ing them at this* olfice. Fob IP. p?, KICK LAND. A Va\LUABLE Rico Plantation pni'tnlc ing nnwnrdfi of 1,100 acrtis, in tin; i.ieity of Darien, for stile low and ell a bm credit, bv ANDREW LOW J CO.' F-b «n C orn .11 OO BUSHELS CORN. ..float, >', t ■«• * sule by JIALLit HOYT. Feb :t ’ Wiiisk. y HHDS. oi d 5l* iiarrelt? in tiding and fur i-rp Sv ‘•27 11AT.L <x- HOW. wm.-kfj:, iiKskey pORRAI.Eby »• I''h -'-l T.S LUTHER. Sta te and Count if Taxes jap fpiIE anbsmber is now prepared to re 1. eeive tlie Slate 4111I doiinl v Tuxes :t Cliatbuin ('"I’nly. Itir llv year Kl'.’ i. « liidh lire til be l aid in lulls reeeivi able ii( ;|:„ ».anils in this city, ur speeii*. nn or bed.;.' (lie ELEVENTH UF MARCH N’K.Yj. , alter that day, exociitions will lm js&uVtl against all defaulters. His efliei) is kept at the nnrtt wi st pin ner of .Miirket-Si|iiarii. tlHiee |ue i- ten to two o'clock. JAMES EPPINGEL, Box fhdlectorof Ciiuiliuin(Jomr w 1, r \ *.' \ Fob '* ? ‘ Uere vcr 'fax Upturns 1)0:.v, ^flllE yidwcribcr is now ream fn r* , • .1 .1. titf* Ketm h.v of Taxable property. l;.{ thin county. His ej’icc is ip J:hih*h V t vu\~ mui. L-i.’s. Building, adjoining John j Modi, F..‘‘-q. ADAM UOl'E, Ji. T. h\ C. T Feb 11 p*;jj Notice. CLERIC’S OFFICE, Feb. in 1,715. P R(IpO*^ M,R will be rcccivul at ibt (Jler!1 Xlicc. for ki uj ing tin* j.iddit pumps, wi ll • :>nd cwiems in good ordeiq'foi • •no year. Propoj»aL will lie ri reived l’*| luiriuv davit. M. MYERS, C. C. Fob 19 7'<