Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 10, 1825, Image 3
JOSRPH KOPM VN 00 H AVE rccoivifi by 1 ho recent arrivals an «»l«btioii to* their STOCK OF DRV GOODS on hand, consisting of a I, A ROE A8HOIITMKNT OF 8T.11H.E UOOOS, together with a great variety of FANCY SILKS. BAREGES, &o. See— Also, ST URL BELTS AND BKACKLETS, i ni'\v article—ull of the latest fashions, and loiied with preut rare by the Senior I’art- O or, which they offer to tlmir friends at a small advance on the New-York prices. March 10 «9n 1S>&(BI&£TS ■Iffy -if 1> dih YOU. dAV&fi. A LINE OP PACKETS has been estn- blinkedbetween New-York and Havre, jy the wumem, De-, to i <!avc , botjl port8 ri .,mlar!y, on the First lnn K .n K to Dr. A. Delarocf, opposite the i am , F p nnth / nf * rh DUUft and Mv^CI.VY p k. niussi/NK, R espectfully infoJs his friends and the public, that tufas purchased ! the i '.tnblishmrnl in the abi" business, be- NFAV-YOnK StateLitei atm e Lottery, CLASS IV. itU’ TO BE DRAWN ON THE SIXTH OF APRIL NE A T, AND BE CON- I CL (JOED IN ONE l)HA WING. Exchange, where lie offer for sale at low vtnth tluring the year.' The ships composing the line, prices, a large assortment * hast aa ii erHi wc ij found and commanded, cop. YteaAv Vtajo, ^leA\c.ine8,'p cr « dal " l ™i , i« ;r f " l!tcned - Tlleir » cc “ m ; « ... J 5 1 >, - imodatioiiH lor passengers, comprise all that NVM. PVITEIWON, H \S just received a very handsome as sortment of G LO V ES, AMONO WHICH AIIE Lidi s'Long White Kid Lafayette Glove* Misses do. do- do. dii. do. Ladies' Short Cul’d & White do. do. Crntlemcn’a do. do. do. Dilto do. Castor. March 9 98e KA:\CY O.OolH. J ames anderson & co. have just received by the ship William Wallace, from W's-Vnrit. n larire and choice solec- t 0 ¥ft«\uonaAj\e AxCicAea, enitnlile for the present season, which they 0 (i;. r for sale at reduced prices. March 7 B8 P - RKM »VAL. T HE subscriber has removed from his old stand, three doors west, m Con gress-Street, where he offers for sale a gen eral assortment of Groceries & Tfr? Goods, very cheap for cush.^^ pEEKINS . March 2 1, - >r ‘' ■■■ lOO Superfine vlour. BARRELS FLOUR, approved brands, for sale by J. P. HENRY. ofip March# Potatoes. I'ST received 40 barrels Northern Po tatoes, for sale by A. BASSETT. March 9 New Crop Molasses I gy HOGSHEADS Prime New Crop I u Molasses, for sale hv ... ORRAY TAFT. March 0 W! P 500 March 9 Oats. BUSHELS now landing and for sale at a low price, by GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. Situ 10 Baltimore Whis%ey HUDS. Baltimore Whiskey, just re- ceived and for sale by ,vr». n \7t\F.R V and theuieaYs, AMONO WHICH AKF. TEE FOLI.OWINO I— Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root. Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Pern, do Fola Camphor, Canlharides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Fmory, Gnni AsBafoitida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiarum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna.Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica. Oxyd of Bizmnth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves l)o Cinnamon, Bwoet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha. Jalsp ivimouivM aAsti jmirv tin it «•> x itiiai Glauber. Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirit-- ofTerpentine Paints D ^ and in Oil. White, Rod and Black Lead Prnssion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lump Black, Patent. Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Yevfinnerjf. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Boat English Shaving Soap Euu de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 and SYM.ME1V. bOiVOA. B Y the ships Georgia aod Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have recuived their usual supply of SEASONABLE WS.H (E©D®3. Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they can lm afforded and will bn sold at low prices, and on a long credit. for undoubted pnper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 2K HO ' U'U L nil 6'A «, i BOX COAT and several valuable Urn- k. hvellas, have beer, left at the house of . subscriber, at different times, lately, the ,iiers of which are requested to call, pay r this advertisement, and lake them away. CHARLES MIDDLETON. March 9 ,m *,,lass Lamps. L NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Glass Stands, for sale by GEO. It VERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Slrects. Merrh I Hutter, S\ hite l ean", • c N OW landing from ship William Wal- lance, 15 Firkins first quality Goshen Butter 10 Barrels White Bonus 10 do Butter Crackers 20 do Mess Pork 20 Half do do 5 do Fulton Market Boof 100 Catties American Mustard 50 Bolts first, quality Duck 60 Coils Cordage 10 Barrels Lamp Black 2 Half Pipes Madeira Wine 2 Kegs Currants 50 Boxes Raisins 3 Bunds Burlington Unms 2 do Smoked Tongues and in store, a general assortment of Pro visions and Ship Chandlery, for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, March 7 Aneinnx’s Wharf. can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for $ 140 each, for which t hey are furnish ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception anil forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which nmy, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSoits *. kovd. Agents, New York, I N this scheme the nmount. of cash is ONB HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing manner 2 Prizes of Sio 000 .... 5,000 3,082 .... 1,000 500 ..... 200 100 5* KWUI0 SiX!£8» BY CAL FIN BAKER* THIS DAY, 10th inst. At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, a general assortment of GROCE RIES ; and at half-past XI o’clock in store, a general assortment of DRY GOODS. March 9 mssi BY J. B. HERBERT $ CO, THIS DAY, 10th Inst. Will he sold on Whnrf, «t XI o’clock. 50 BUNDLES 1IAY.-—-Terms cash. March 10 For New-York, The ship HAZARD, J, T. Chilli, Muster, Having three-fourths of her car go engaged, will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Moore’s Wharf. Feb a (I 90 For -ew-York, {ESTABLISHED LINE.) The fust sailing packet ship WM. WALLACE, Wtoil, Master, Will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply to the master on board at Jones’ upper Whnrf, or to HALL & HOYT, march 7 97 For New-York. The fine packet brig FRANCES MILLER, B. Berry, Master. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board, ot Jones’ wharf, or to GEO. GORDON. March 8 p«7 1 % \> . g\\* a A :■ Vtli.fc, J UST received and for sale by JOHN H. REID. Fch 22 I® - 400 Corn 'float I Sinn BUSH ELS CORN, afloat, for LOGO sale by GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. F-h ?.t ,7 UA O tCOAA POUNDS superior quality ■ OUtiU BACON, for sale low by EIJENEZKR JENCKS. Market-square. March 9 pH7 Potatoes k TIERCES Prime Northern Pota- I i) tons, just received and for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. March 3 i orn a (1 ats Afl> t , BUSHELS prime white Com _ ' ISO Bushels Seed Oats Apply to GEO. F. PALMES, Errhungt Duck* IN STORE, T-IO Bundles prime Eastern HAY rnsivli* fl7n f l< -ur, l.randy, Ac. BARRELS superfine Flour, war ranted superior to ‘ HaxallV’ 8 pipes Cognac Brandy, sup. quality 2 do Holland Gin do do 27 bbls northern do 50 boxes mould Candles 150 kegs White Lead 30 bhls “Van de water’s” Hams For sale by JOHN W. LONG. March 4 84l t or Philadelphia The packet brig FRANCES, Capt. Croft, To sail soon. For freight or pas sage, having excellent accommodations, ap ply to the captain on hoard, or to WILLIAM NEFF. Landing from, said Vessel, and for sale low on the Wharf Hogsheads and Barrels Whiskey and Barrels and half bhls. Superfine Flour An invoice ready made Domestic Clo thing. March 3 83 For Boston, The schmmor R E C 0 V F, R, Thomas Powers, JHottcr, Has part of her cargo i u board— will have immediate despatch. For freight apply on board, nt Scott’s Wharf, or to JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Buildings. Who has for sale, Nn. 1, 2 and 3, Jlackarol No. 1 Beef Madeira and Claret Wine in boxes I)uek and Cordugc of all sizes and Two Large Tarpaulins Marc), 7 Win tor Sale, f reight or Charter A pilot-hunt.—burthen forty-five tons, a first-rate sailer, and ill coin- n ' plete order ibr any voyage. For 1“ further particulars, apply to BRADLEY, C LAC, HORN it WOOD. dec 24 MINIA T U R E A N D P () R T R AIT IPlidfl r Hit lir* LAUREL C. PIG NATELLA* FHOM IT AMT, H AS the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah, and its vi cinity, that ho will exert his utmost abilities to execute likenesses in the above line, in 1 the most faithful and correct manner, and trusts, therefore, that he will receive a share I of their ymlrotingo. j Terms—In Miniature, : : : 25 to $35. Portraits in oil, : : : 25 to jJ35.1 L. C. P. will tencli the Art of Drawing— eighteen lessons, three ppr week, for $18, and on Wednesday next, inst. will open a school during his stay in this city, for j teaching Drawing and Painting. Terms j and any further information, made known • akliis painting room, in Capt. P. Douvilh ’« Johnston’s-Square, where his specimens may be seen. March 7 8G|1 K)K s LK A great bargain! a healthy and pleasant situation. The western half of a LOT, on South Broad-Street, opposite the Academy, on which is a conve nient DWELLING HOUSE — For terms apply to either of the subscribers, I. K. TEFFT, JAMES EPPINGER. Feb 24 771 8 • - - • • 1 17 20 41 • 51 ..... and a large lumber of smaller denomina- tioi, nndehances for a shorttime only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ex pense, by ROBERTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for persons in this city, I*o 25,343, combination 54,22,30, $1000 2,810, 8,28,29, 100 and n large amount in smaller prizes. .Ian J6 FIFTEENTH DRAWING OF GKATSO S t’ATK I OTTERY, NO. III. I S received—the following prizes drawn: No. 57til <11100 15248 500 5928, 5659, 5843 100 8188, 17595, 19062 50 192 of 10 Prizes yet to be drawn, 40 v U0tt, 30 000,1 1,000, &00O,A6. All the prizes of consequence are still un drawn. The remaining live drawings will take place as follows : 16th Drawing on Thursday, 3d inst. 17th :::::::: 10th 18th t : : : : : : : ; 17th 19th : : : : Wednesday, 30th The 20th and last, will take place on the following day, say on Thursday, 31st March, provided that the $10,000 prize should come out on the 19th drawing. Ill case, how ever. that the $40,000 prize should not be drawn on the 19th. the 20th drawing will then be deferred for two weeks, in or der that the opportunity be given for renew als, and it will take place positively on Tuesday, 12th April. By the above it will be seen that the Lot tery will bo speedily brought to a close, and all those who have not secured chances, will apply immediately at LUTHERS. Tickets soon advance—remember the 20,000 dollar prize is deposited in the wheel and the next drawing may be a favourable one to adventurers. March 9 Tickets Received. T HOSE who have ordered tickets in Grand State Lottery of Maryland, No. 3, will call and take them previous to the advance. Present price is twelve dol lars. Secure your chances, by applying at LU f HER’S Feb 28 BY CALC IN BAKER, THIS DAY, 10th inst. At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, 10 Hogsheads and fifteen barrels Philadelphia Whiskey, 30 Barrels Ncw- England Rum. March 9 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MAY NEXT, At Xll o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land, No. 75, ill the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money will be required at the time of sale, and tile balance on the first of January, 1826, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold bv permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order ol the administratrix, March 3 Qn'’YeAiw»Aft7j 9VhM.a*c\i T HE Magnifiicent Pennsylvania Union Canal Lottery, is to be drawn. The Prizes in this Lottery, are deter mined in the same manner as the pre ceding class, which has afforded such uni versal satisfaction. It ih under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M’IN TYRE, and will be drawn under the super- intendance of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, is In the following splendid prizes SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,000 is $30,000 1 - - - 10,000 - - 10,000 2 - - - 5,000 - - io,uoo 2 - - - 2,128 - - 4,256 20 - - - 1,000 - - 20.000 30 - - - 500 - - 15,000 52 - - - 100 - 5,200 104 - - - 50 - - 5 200 1300 - - - 16 - - 20,800 10608 - - - 8 - - 84,864 12120 Prizes, 22100 Blanks, $205,320 34220 Tickets. PRICE OF TICKETS, O’Orders are received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, by w. um\\htt,Tfto.v, whose orders in the proceeding class pro duced a large amount of prize*, among which was No. 25,343, combination 54, 22, 30, $1000, which was paid on presentation, with nu merous others. feb 22 T1CKLTS JRLCLIVtD IN UNION CANAL LOTTERY, FIFTEENTH CLASS. NEW SERIES. T HOSE who have ordered tickets in the above Lottery, will cull and receive them. In ten days the drawing will take place in Philadelphia, and those who wish to secure a chance for the following Splen did Prizes, will do well to call immediately : 1 of 30.000 111,000 5,000 2 128 20 1000 30 5(10 52 100 104 50 &c. &c. &r. Tickets eight dollars.—Call nt LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. March 2 815 Ri.WAR *. R ANAWAY from the subscriber, on tho 5lh October, 1823, a mulatto woman by the named of “ SALLY,” about twenty- seven years of age, five feet, three or four inches high. She formerly belonged to the estate of David Johnston, of Savannah, and wa9 sold by Mr. Put rick House, executor or administrator of said estate, to Samuel Goldsmith, late of that place. It is prob able she is horboured in “ Yamucruw,” as : he has h mother there called Sally John ston, also a husband whose name is “ War den ” a free mulatto. She is well known : in Kavanfiah. Any one who will apprehend * her, and confine her in the jail of Savannah, or any other; that the subscriber can get her, shall receive tho above reward. WILLIAM H. OAK MAN, Near Augusta. Feb 19 T.l\" VEGETABLE Bacon. I Ofl Lift A POUNDS PRIME BA-! ^ UjVrvyU CON, consisting of hams, jnuldiii'gs and shoqlders, of small sizes, just Feci’ived and for sale by Fob 17 J. B. HERBERT & CO. ]> olit t% T HE subscribers to the Savannah Aux iliary Society, for ameliorating the •“•I'lition of the Jews, are requested to pay *heir subscriptions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW, Sec’ry. Feb 92 75 JVuiice \»Yvfcrcbs Oivfctii | HU I AT ninety days after date, applica- *■- tion will be made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cor- tHicute of stock, for one destroyed, dated October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Feb. 1825. „ JAMES C. CAMPBELL. { mil. 66 k A fresh sup, val uable MEDICINE, just received per brig Francos, and for sale hv GEO. R VERSON. Sole Agent, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Sfrecta. March 4 amwitirwjtfii. %r- T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, oilers his stock at reduced prices, for C ASH, consisting of ■ Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tahles.Com- lnudes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, (bird Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tahles.Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles oiul Book < 'uses, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands, Mahogany Crihhs. Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Colts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. ut the Ware-House, corner of Wliitta- kcr-Streot and Bay Lane. J. II. 0. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDERSHA W. Jan 25 5111 Lx hanged at the Fall on the 1 th Instant, A LADY’S NEW CAROLINA PLAID CLOAK, for an old one of a similar pattern. A re-exchange is desired, and can be effected by the holders of each leav ing them at thisoffice. Feb 18 92 It? ARRIVAL. „uj .Mr.Sin .V SKI, Dentist, R ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah, that he is now in the city, and will as usual, attend to the difibrent branches of his profession. Mr. S. has taken an elegant apartment exclusively for the reception of his profes sional visitors, at Mrs. Sweet’s Boarding House, in Brougbton-Strcet. Hours of attendance at home, from ten till two. A M. and from three till six, P. M. March 7 86 Notice. A LL personi having demands against the ostateof the Into David Edwards, (house carpenttr) dec. arc requested to ren der them, prop'i fy attested, immediately ; and all persons indebted, to make immedi ate payment, to H It. HATHAWAY, Adrn’r. uigar. rtK HOGSHEADS St. Croix Sugar, U O lauding from brig Adeline, from Bos ton, for sale by IlALL & HOY'T. March I I CITY TREASURER'S OEPICE, 8tli March, 1825. T HE rent of nil city lots, the same be ing due and payable quarterly, is here- by required to be paid, on or before the ffrst of April next, otherwise the lots will be re entered, in conformitv to the ordinance. ! M. W, STEWART, City Treat. ] Hinges. T WO thousand pair Hook and Plate Hinges, usaorted, from 8 to 24 inches, for sale by N. B. WEED. March 7 J7 OR SALE by " hiskey, Feb 23 T. 8 » LUTHER. N otice. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, is this day <)iMNolvr*«i ; tho affair** of ihr cnnaern will be settled by ROBERT HABERSHAM, who will still continue to transact t actoi age £5 Commission Bu siness ROB. HABERSHAM, JOS. HABERSHAM. March 8 87i. IO oTi jcs VieNNOYd, W ILL be paid for the apprehension and delivery of a negro man named SAM, belonging formerly to Dr. Grant, of Darien, who ranaway on Saturday last, 26tli inst. It is supposed that he may be found in tile neighborhood of this place.—. He is a likely fellow, about twenty-five 1 years old, five feet nine inches high, of dark complexion—wears white woolen trowsers and jacket. The above reward will be giv en for the delivery of said negro man Ham, by THOMAS KINO. March t 81 Twenty Dollars lleward. R ANAWAY from the subscriber some time in December last, a negro man named TONEY, about five feet ten inches high, with prominent eyes and rather a com manding countenance, and dark skin. He formerly belonged to the estate of Washing ton, of South Carolina, and it is supposed he has made his way back to Ashepoo, from whence he was brought. Twenty dollars will be given if delivered to the subscriber, or ten dollars if lodged in any jail. fii, T- TIMOTHY. V»rcl)<t Wfc BY J. B. HERBERT t!f CO. THIS DAY, 10th inst. Will be sold before our store, at XI oV-Ik. without, reserve, 8 Pipes C< >GNAC BRAN DY, 1 do. HOLLAND GIN.—Terms at sale. March 10 BOOKS. BY J. B. HERBERT $ CO. TIHS EVENING, loth instant At VII o’clock, will be sold at our Store a splendid assortment, of Books, among which are to be found the following works; British Poets, 50 vols. calf, plates Byron’s complete works, 8 vols. splendid engravings Scott’s do do 7 do do do Pope’s do do 3 do do do Humes and Smollet’s History of England, Lon. Ed.3 vols. Josephus's Works, 0 vols. engravings Rollin’s Ancient History, K vols. Splendid Family Bibles, bound in red and blue morocco and calf, extra, with superb engravings Priestly’s Bible, 2 vols. 50 engravings Lionel Lincoln, New Novel by Coupe*, 2 vols. Brarebridge Hall, 2 vols. Knickerbocker’s New-York, 2 vols. Sketch Book, 2 vols. dtc. &c. And n great variety of other works ID 3 The Books can he examined ut our store, any time previous to the sale.—— Terms cash before delivery. March 9 BY J. B. HERBERT ^ CO. On SATURDAY, 12th inst. Will be sold before our store, at. XI o’clock, the BUILDINGS on half lot No. 35, Green Ward. Sold at the risk of the former puredinner, he not having complied with the terms ol sale.—" " Terms r&wh. March iu ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. PY J, B. HERBERT & OO. On FRIDAY, 18th March, Will be sold at the Marble Yard in State street, next, to Dr. Habersham, at 11 o’clock, a quantity of Marble Slabs, Brown Stone, and Stone-Cutter’s Tools, together with ♦he Building on said Lot. being the personal estate of William Masterton, deceased, and sold by order of the administratrix. Terms cash. Feb 21 Notice. BANK STATE OF GEORGIA, i Savannah, 7tli February, 1825. 5 T HE Board of D.rectors will on FRJ« DAY next, the 11th inst. elect a Se cond Book Keeper for this Bank, in the room of John M. Russel, dec.—Salary $1100 per annum, bond, with two good securities will be required, in a sum of $8,000. By order of the B ioril, A. PORTER, Cash, march 8 07 Final Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of th* late William Craig, deceased, by <lus bill, note, bond, or open account., are notifi ed for the last time, that if they are not set tled on or before the firBt day of April next, they will bn placed in I lie hands of an at torney fur collection and suit. JOHN M’NISH, Executor. March 5 85 Notice. A LL persons are hereby cautioned agninat crediting the crew of the British ship Harp, Capt. Lawrie, as neither the captain or consignees will be responsible for debts contracted by them. March 5 85l IN ot ice T HE co-partnership existing horotofnt in this citv, under the firm of BLIS & YVADSWORTII. is this day dissolve by mutual consent. ELIAS BLISS, JOHN E. WADSWORTH, N. B. The business will bo continued b the subscriber. ELIAS BLISS. Savannah March 1, 1825. March 2 final Notice. A LL persons in arrears tp tho city fc taxes, due previous to the first day t January, 1825, are hereby notified, that 1111 less they call and pay the’same, before th 2tJth inst. that levies will be made and thei property advertised for sale. F. M. STONE, Marshal March 2 pj CHATHAM COUNTY Chambers Infkrioh Court, ) 6th March, 1825. i Present their Honors Edward Harden, J John Cummins, f . . Anthonv Porter, f Justlc#8 - Elias Fort, j I T is ordered that the distribution of the Pour Fund for tho year eighteen hun dred and twenty-four, be, and the same is hereby, confided to Moses Cleland. John Lewis, Josial, Pcntinld, George W. Coe, S. Schenck, and Charles M’Intire, until the first Monday in March next. It is requested ofthoep P7.1, If.-n",' form a board, and proceed forthwith' to tlia ifischnrge of the duties appertaining to their appointment. It is further ordered, that the Tax Col lector do pay over to the Board, as shove appointed, the sum of one thousand dollars, fur the maintenance ofthe poor of Bnid coun ty, out ofthe first monies collected for that purpose 1 and that these orders be publish ed by the Clerk, fer the information of the. public. True Extractfrom the Minnies A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, March 8 IT