Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 25, 1825, Image 3
w j \mks whfrson ro. H '.VB rcci'ivt'il by the ship Savannih, v..,,, New-York, a large ami general •Mb! intent of Fanc^ Goods, CONSISTING IN PART OF { and } Fine Irinh Shoetinge J and , do do Linens } Bird Eye Diapers ill, {. and ‘J Damask do. Cainbri'k and Laivn Handkerchiefs Black. White and Colored Gros d’Ete and Gros de Naples Brou n. Pink, and Bine Saline { and l Black Bombazines White, Buff and Scarlet Cassimere Plain and Finn red } Bobinot Lace Bobinet Lace Veils, Points and Caps Fine Thread Imres and Edgings White and Black Silk Hose and half Hose Children’s White Cotton do Ladies black and colored Ilorscskin anil Kid Gloves Gentlemen's White nnd Black do do Garniture and Belt Ribbons Gimp Trimming and Piping Cord Pink. White and Bine Crepe Lisse Illaeli Gauze Handkerchiefs Black and Colored Barege do Nankin Crape Blue Nankeens Artitieial Wreaths nnd Flowers Wire Baskets and Morocco Reticuli Feather Fans Plain and Figured Swiss Muslins together with a variety of other articles, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms. Man'll 17 95i. t u 4 * * putter. J UST received by ship Corsair. 20 fir kins best GOSHEN BUTTER, and r sain by ABNER BASSETT. March 44 tilass Lamps. ^ NEW supply, assorted patterns, WM PATTERSON, H AS just received by the ship Savan nah, a large supply of OSNAKUIUS, which he offers very low for cash. March'17 95l pplv, i Glass Stands, for sale by with GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Strcets. March 4 Ueeis’ Axes and (.a olina Roes, R ECEIVED per William Wnllace, and tor sale by N. B. WEED. March 7 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range. 8>&®KIB!P3 itlK tiff* fifty ¥ti», A LINE OF PACKETS has been esta blished botween New-York and Havre, !o leave both ports regularly, on the Firtt tnrf l'fleenth tliiyj of each month daring the year, Tho ships composing the line, are jnat sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom- i modations for passengers, comprise all that . can be required, for comfort nnd convent- ■a. • a ,enco. Passengers in the oetbin will be ta- iviasomc A pi oils. ken for $1-10 each, for which they arefurnish- A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Mastered with beds, beddding, wines and ample Mason’s Aprons, just received and for stores of every description, sale by BUTLER & SCRANTON. 1 Goods intended for shipment by them. Prime Seed Kice, F OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or March 11 R. & J. HABERSHAM. 90 l Socket ®pades CASK Soqket Spadoe, just received and for sale by N. B. WEED. I .Ian 4 March 10 89 Goods intended for may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception ana forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such rases be actir Blacking. A FEW dozen of Day &. Martin’s Genu ine Blacking, for sale by P. E. BRASSINNE, Druggist, opposite the Exchange. Jan 40 Vttiv Ma. trusses J UST received by the William Wallace,: a ]) y incurred, will when requested, be col- an additional jupplv of DOUBLE and | ec t e j with the freight at Havre. MHVfiT.P. HAIR MATTW ASSES. which * n__a SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. .Inn 27 Plough Lines ml i ed Vai ni h 6c Turpentine. B RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spirits of Turpentine, on consignment, fur sale by T. S. LUTHER. March 11 T WO hundred Lines 50 Dozen Bed Cords For snle by Feb 46 onto. and fifty dozen Plough N. B. WEED. Potatoes. r TTST rccnivrd 40 barrels Northern Po tatoes, for sale by A. BASSETT. March 9 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piuno ! oites, * urled Hair Ma- / trasses, >* eather lieds, Bolsters it pillows, chairs,&.c. Fish i iiies. —*— CJ ILK, Cotton, Hair, India Seaweed and T IIE subscriber offers for sale tho follow-; © Hemp Fish Lines, received per Wm. iug articles, warranted to be of the Wallncn. and for sale by March 7 KKM val T HE subscriber has removed from his old stand, three doors west, in Con gress-Street, where he offers ti r sale a gen eral assortment of Groceries 8c Brj Goods, very cheap for cash. EDWARD PERKINS. March 9 82rc mg best quality :— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables. Do. with Glasses. Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes. Piano Stopls Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rn-uwoou do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle ami Pier Glasses Cribs. Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons. Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasses Do do Moss do Feather Beils, Bolsters and Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor ('hairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and sale by Ingrain Carpeting and RVigs to match | March 14 The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col. Shell,i,a,i. 1. W. MORREI.T. March 15 !,3 N. B. WEED VV hi k y. -| fVfk BARRELS landing from brig A vl \J Governor Hopkins, for snlo by March 14 J. B. HERBERT & CO. Mi iiary Stocks -g gy DOZEN rich figured and plain silk A £i Stocks, lined with hair cloth 9 do Plain Hair Cloth do Received per ship Emperor, from New- York and for sale by Feh 17 CALVIN BAKER. 40 Her it g BOXES Herring, first sort—just received and lor sain by A. BASSETT. March 19 91 p. t m Oil. L ANDING from brig Gov. Hopkins, 1000 Gallons Sperm Oil, first quality, from the manufactory at New Bedford, for A. BASSETT. j l unch Raisins, Almon te, . c. JUST JtKCEIVED, BOXES fir&t quality Bunch Raisins vl/ 5 Barrels Sott Shelled Almonds 3 Kegs Currants 20 Baskets Sweet Oil 5 Barrels Loaf Sugar 5 do Lump do 10 Half Barrels Fulton Market Be0f, for family use 15 do pig £ork 10H Half barrels Family Flour 50 Barrels do do 40 Barrels Prime Beef 30 do Mess do 40 do do and Prime Pork 20 do New Hum 5 do Old Kentucky Whiskey 21 do Prime New-Orleansa Muscovado Sugars 75 Quarter Boxes Spanish Segars 30 Boxes first quality Claret together with a full assortment of all kinds of Groceries and Ship Chandlery, for sale bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Anciaux’a Y\ hnrf. TVfureh l 7 or, Hi aiwly. Wine, 6c. j ■J Q PIPES Cognac Brandy, of the most J.O approved Brands, and of sup. quality 30 Dozen Madeira Wine 100 Kegs Superior White Lead 300 Barrels Flour, superior to any in this market 15 Barrels “ Van Dowator’s” Hnins For snle by JOHN W. LONG March 19 9fii. r&coii and Lard. A BOXES BACON ttv/ 50 firkins Lird—Landing from sefir. Barracoa, from Bultimore. For sale by HALL & HOYT. March 0 87 Troy Candles. J UST received per ship Augusta, Boxes Troy Candles. 100 A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agenti, New York. oct 14 72 BY CALVIN BAKER, On MONDAY, 98th Instant, ‘ At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, a quantity of FURNITURE, be longing to a family breaking up housekeep ing, consisting of n Sidebqard, Secretaries and Bookcase, Tables, Chairs, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, &c. &c. March 25 m&oo '•'JSWs ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, OntheFIRSTTUESDAYinMAY NEXT, At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land, No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money will be required at the time ot sale, and the balance on the first of January, 1896, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of the administratrix. March 3 BY J. B. HERBERT it CO. On SATURDAY, 20th inst. At XI o’clock, will he sold before our Store, a general assortment of GROCE RIES, &c. Also, to close a consignment, 5 Boxes Brandy Fruit, 5 do. Capers. 6 do. Anchovies, 4 do. Pickles, C Casks Claret. Alao, 3 Cases Summer Clothing, consisting oi ShirtB, Jackets and Pantaloons.—Terms cash Marsh ?5 Landing, Wfk BARRELS NORTHERN GIN • 1/4 Pipes very superior third proof old London Dock Gin 2 Pipes Brandy, “ Olard, Dupuy & Co.” and 10 Barrels North Carolina Lnrd For sale by COMEN & MILLER. March 93 Pbp Whiskey and Pain! C O. GRISWOLD, offers for sale, land- • ing from ship Savannah, 100 Barrel Whiskey In Storey 100 Kegs White Lend 22 do Black Paint ft do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting March 18 Family l<*ur. rUST received from Philadelphia, per f brig Frances, 75 bbls Flour, selected 100 half do do do 2 kegs Currants 2 bbls soft-shelled Almonds 50 boxes bunch Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. Anciaux’s wharf. March 4 84 SJiiLVG ami tetiMMLfi GOOOft. For snle by Feb 45 J. B. HERBERT & CO. B Wanted, ANKABLE MONEY Applvat LUTHER’S EXCHANYE OFFICE. March \ \ Mat k Tel. PARRELS No. 3 Mackerel, for Feb 93 Fish Ho ;ks sntl Fi h Hines O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the Augusta, nnd for sale by Fell 26 IV. B. WEED. Door M its J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen best, quality India Door Mats, for sale by March 16 I. W. MORRELL. 93 A fresh supply oftbe above val- 1 UABLE MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, and for sale by I GEO. RYERSON, Sole Agent, | Corner Bay and VVhittaker-Streets. M"-b t Swriini s Panacea. 4 FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated A Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 1 F or sale by Feh 23 \\ hiskey, T. S. LUTHER. Cz>4ab ’vgA\s and Twine, J UST received and for snle by JOHN if. REID. Feh 92' 75 B Y the ships Georgia aod Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE mn s'c/oiDs, Having been purchased with cash, pra viotts to the advance In England, they can be afforded nnd will be sold at low prices, and on a long credit, tor undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 28 80 For New-York, ESTABLISHED LINE, The regular pneket ship SAVANNAH, Wm. Beliee, Matter, Will meet with immediate de spatch. For freight or passage, having el egantly furnished accommodations, apply to Cupt. Bebee on board, at. Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. March 10 Passage for Glasgow, The brig EAGLE, A B. Careyy Mastery Will sail for tho above port on the first of April. For passage only, having good accommodations, apply on board, at Scott Si. Balfour's Wharf. M"»-b •' toon oor ale, reiglit or «. halter A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five tons, a first-rate sailer, and in com plete order for any voyage. For further particulars, apply to BRADLEYy CLAG HORN &r WOOD. dec 24 avt.nitali and A gusta I OAOH New Arrangement—Georgia Side. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he hn« removed the Line of Stages on the Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday* Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o'clock, A M. lodge at Pierce's, and arrive in Augusta at <> o’clock next day. For seats, apply at the Georgia-Hot el. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proftrietor. Savannah, March 20. 1825. N. B. Horses,, Carriages, and Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 100 J st Uemvod, F ROM New-York, by the ship William Wallace, Improved Cologne Water of Rivet Genuine Gcruiun Corn Plaster .Oil of Tar Annisccd Flaxseed French hair powder in half pound packages Soda Powders, &c. &c. &c. For sale by P. E. BRASSINNE. Opposite the Exchange. March 12 9i Cap Missing. A BROWN FUR CAP having cover ings for the ears, and somewhat soiled within by use, was taken from the Ex change on Monday night. As the adver tiser’s name was fastened inside, the per son having it can be at no loss in ascertain ing to whom it belongs. Apply at this of fice. March 24 100 ioo Packages Crockery, China and. Glass Wore, , J UST received by the late arrivals from ( Liverpool, New-York and Boston.which Will he sold low, for cash or city paper, by T. G. CHAMBERLIN, No. 5, Gibbons' Buildings. Hinges. T WO thousand pair Hook and Plate Hinges, assorted, from 8 to 24 inches, for sale hy N. B. WEED. March 7 Lost, O N Monday night last, at the Exchange, a SEAL SKIN CAP, with a dove col ored band around it. The individual who took it by mistake, will please leuve it at the office of the Georgian. March 24 lOOp Potatoes. T K TIERCES Prime Northern Pota- •J toes, just received and for sale bv BRADLEY. CLAGHORN Sr. WOOD. h 11 v- ru is, v t, A NEW supply of Cordials, just received by the late arrivals in Charleston, tfoii^Erance, consisting of, oil of Anise, oil ol Rose, Perfect Love, spirit of Washing ton, spirit of Lafayette, choice of Ladies and Forget-me-not, &c. of the well known City of Verdun. Also, fine Anniseed, in baskets, fresh Olives and Capers, Guigno- i ^ n £ 0,ir8 i & c * A small assortment of children's toys, for sale hy the stjhsrrib''r. JOS.TRUCHELUT, march 10 96 ||p ‘ -unar. HOGSHEADS St. Croix Sugar, landing from brig Adeline, from Bos ton, for sale by HALL Si HOYT. March 1 UAveretiij v iv»n T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will he made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dated 20th October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 13C. Savannah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb 11 66 25 tm Hi ^s Tc Baltimore Whiskey •j IHIDS. Baltimorn Whiekry, jiist ie- 1 */ cnivHil and for snlo by 9 ABNER BASSETT. o rOK Lib A great bargain! a healthy and pleaeant lituation. Thu western half of a LOT, on South Broad-Street, opposite the Arademy, on which is a conve nient DWELLING HOUSE — Fur terms apply to either of t lie subscribers. I. K. TEFFT. JAMES EPPINGER. F’h 94 -71 DRAWINU OF THE Union Canal Lottery, 15th Class, New Series. rpIIE subscribers,Commissioners appoint- JL eil by the Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, to superintend the drawing of the Union Canal Lottery, Fif teenth Class, New Series, do hereby certify, that the following were the numbers which were this day drawn, viz: 37, 22, 34, 20, 21, 50, 42, 28, and that the said numbers were drawn in the order in which they stand above; that is to say, No. 37 was the first that was drawn; No. 22 was the second : No. 31 was the third ; No. 20 was the fourth; No. 21 was the fifth; No. 50 was the sixth; No. 42 wus the seventh; and No. 28, was the eighth and last. ANDREW BAYARD, ANDREW PETIT, JOHN READ. Attest—John Roberts, Secretary. Those who hold prize tickets, will call and receive the cash, or renew them in the 16th Class, or other Lotteries if they chooBe, which is a very brilliant one, and will be drawn on 11th May—Capital Prizes 850,000, 20 000. 10,000, &C. The scheme will be published in a few days—Tickets 9 dollars. Orders received at EXCHANGE OFFICE. March 24 Drawing KeckWcA- T HE following are the numbers drawn from the wheel of Union Canal Lotto ry of Pennsylvania i 37. 22, 34. 20, 21, 50, 42, 28. Holders of prizes drawn in this Lottery, mny receive the cash or renew them ill the New-York Literature Lottery, which draws on the Oth of next month, to he finished in a few minutes. High Prizes, two of DOLLARS 10,000 DOLLARS 3 or $5000 l OF 3080, 17 OF lOOO. StO. tO. ScO. Orders for Tickets received at : 47 00 Halves, 3 50 Quarters, : ; t : : 1 75 Eighths 0 87 Mure!' -I IV T> P,1»VT! "’401V It ¥ o ■ It. ,: ■ .... On the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, At Xf o’clock, will lie sold in front of the Court-House in this city. THREE NE GROES, Nancy, Flora and William, h. ing .art of the personal property of Tin onus Melrose, deceased. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser, she not having complied with the terms of sale.—Terms cash. March 25 u iS.M G auA M v mu i.s fi P fi. BHASSINNE, R espectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho has purchased the establishment in the above business, hut lunging to Dr. A. Deiaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of PretAi - t .gi, Medicines, and Ctieu icais, AMONG WHICH ABE THE FOLLOWING.:— Aqua Ferris, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax. Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cnntharidea. Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Fnicry, Gum Assalmtida Aloes, Gum Arabic. Gum Copal Gum Gniacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia. Minna.Chamomile Flower* Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vonffca, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Clove* Do Cinnamon. Sweet Oil Ponrlash, Ipecacuanha. Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre. Salt of Tartar Glauber. Epsom nnd Rncholle Snlls Tarta- Em-lic. Scire- o'T— -ntin* Painia ti 3 tauti tvv tiA.. White. Red and Black Lead Prnssion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red,Vermillion, Smalt* Japan and Copal Varnish. VerfuiweT’s. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med* icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 29 47 MbW-YOKk. Stale Literature Lottery, CLASS IV. JT TO BE DRAWN ON THE SIXTH OF A PHI I, NEXT, AND BE CON- CLUDED IN ONE DRAWING. I N this scheme the amount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing manner i— 2 Frizes of 8 io o»o 5 000 3,082 1.000 500 200 100 3 1 17 20 41 51 and a large number of smaller denomina tion, nnd chances for a short time only, SlX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion- Orders received and forwarded, free of ex pense. by *V. ROBERTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for persons in this city, No. 25,343, combination 54,22,30, $1000 2,810, 8,28,20, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jan :fi fc • ■ */ gift 9 &tiOti, 5titiO, &c. &c. T HE above are the capital prizes in Lit erature Lottery, Fourth Class, Nuw Series, which draws in New-York on 0th April next and determined in a few minutes. Tickets Seven Dollars. Orders receive,d and Prize Tickets taken in payment at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. M-fili !•' 17T1I DRAWING OF Grand State Lottery OF MARYLAND, NO. Ill, I S received and ready for examination.— Prizes drawn—No. 7592, 1000 dollars ; 2742. 100 dollars; 16454, 50 dollars, and >97 prizes of 10 dollars. All the capitals are yet undrawn, such as 840,000- - 20,0000—10,000 5 000, Eighteenth drawing is due bn 25th inst. Orders should lie handed in immediately, as the whole will be completed on 12th of April, or sooner. Tickets 12 dollars, at LUTHERS EXCHANGE March 24 OFFICE. N otu e. E Wanted MPTY POUTER BOTTLES.—Ap . nly to GEO. RYKfUiQN* I March 4 J S«’M'd.\ sft moo », between the hours fth ee »■ d f ur o'clock, (he Subscribe* i s * • w*r, , bml of a MED MORO''C # PO KG HOOK containing *b- ut Nioe Hun- d ed D< llui‘ m d ink bills, als • one hundred I aii'fit y dollar.4 in snnd Notes, drawn b> Wm. Job: ston in favor of Wm. Poythress I w il give j 50 Doll trS Rt W l*dj Condition of the Jews, are requested to pay to 0'iy person who w- -ur . «tom*., th cir « u I , s cr il» t ion»lor tj.o prcBent year. JOiict WUIi t'L I.D. | E. E. PETTIGREW, Sec’ry. inarch 31 Jff | Feb 23 T6 T HE subscribers to the Savannah Aux iliary Society, for ameliorating the MINIATUREAND PORTRAIT LAUREL C. PIGNATELLA, FROM ITALY, H AS the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah, and its vi cinity, that he will exert his utmost abilities to execute likenesses in the above line, in the most faithful and correct manner, and trusts, therefore, that he will receive a share of their patronage. Terms—In Miniature, : : : 25 to $35. Portraits in oil, : : : 25 to $35. L. C. P. will teach the Art of Drawing— eighteen lessons, three per week, for $18, and on Wednesday next, 9th inst. will open a school during his stay in this city, for teaching Drawing and Painting. Terms and any further information, made known at his paintiug room, in Capt. P. Douville’s Jolinston’s-Square, where his specimens may he seen. March 7 «6J ' utter. • hite .■ eare, c N OW landing from ship William Wat lance, 15 Firkins first quality Goshen Butter 10 Barrels White Beans 10 do Butter Crackers 29 do Mess Pork 20 Half do do 5 do Fulton Market Beef 100 Cutties American Mustard 50 Bolts first quality Duck 60 Coils Cordage ) 10 Barrels Lamp Black 2 HnlfPipes Madeira Win# 2 Kegs Currants 60 Boxes RaiSips 3 Barrels Burlington 2 do Smoked Tongues i.nd in store, a general assortment of Pro* visions and Ship Chandlery, for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN <fc WOOD, March 7 f ncianx’s Wharf. f*os m iJuft.'P to. J UST received by ship William Wat. lace, 12 Kegs Goshen Butter, first quality 6 Boxes London Mustard, 6 doz. each 20 Barrels Mess Beef 10 do do Pork 120,000 American Segars In Store, 20 Barrels Prime and No. 1 Beef 10 Half bbls Mess Beef 4 do do Fulton Market do 20 Bbls No 2 Mackerel 2,000 lb Codfish 40 Bhls Pilot and Navy Broad 80 Coils Cordage assorted sizes from 7 inch down to seizing stuff Together with a full assortment of Groceries and Ship Chandlery. For sale by A- BASSETT, march 7 07 THE HEHMITAGF, STEAM SAW-MILL, AND Cast Iron Foundry. i t'HE subscriber respectfully informs hi* * friends and the public, that the above establishments arc now in full opc-ation. Planks and scantling, suitable for ship ping, can he furnished of the best quality, and of any size, to immediate order. He has also on hand, a few fine ( YPUE8S Lugs, upwards of thirty feet in length, which h» will saw into such sizes as may be required. At the Cait Iron Foundry, work of every description, in that line, will be executed in a style equal to that of any other factory in the United States, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of Hrick, which he will supply in any quantity, to or. der. The quality of the article is already well known. HENRY M‘AIJ J IN ID* All orders left at the store of Low-fc Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov 8 8J J