Newspaper Page Text
jj’ity Sheri IPs Sales,
On (fit first h\untoy in alfoy wi (,
YTWll'.L lie sold Jn fr m ofUicOuurtilou,
vMr mf-ia city »r SBvn«l._%h, between (hi.
usual hftusiff'tQiyiff4 4’clock,
One iieRio taunt "siii-it T.’in, levied on »»
the propi rlv of Job i end V.lqvio Davis, to
e»timV<irn«* ’entl •«» Itnin ike Cwrt,nfC«m.
mnn Pies* stall Over end IVrminej, for the et*
t* >f 3 <hn G. lilutca vi. .11,* F.
O U*vA, (1 mrfhirt "iff jiitm hod D»-
*i. f Stitt iVdi. B<i»-l;r*Si"lHf- M"i .
All the biiililitaic- un tin* jastris pert of True*
L.n leitt-r W, j.iVtbie ii'in n uccupniou at
Job r. nolle* PerciVul (Vx.u. bottodej n«rtl,
by 1‘reeldeiit-et t,-uth by tprk«*t evil b)
tine psVti'in ol aaitt I- 'I, west by thq Court.-
House. le 'ini’ on M h- ui-iipe-ty ot Job T
p .l r»; to satisfy hd execution from the Cou •
of Common Fleet end Oyer, end Terminer f««1
the City of Smooth, S.inual M. Hordecti vt
Jnh'T B-i'lea.
Smiihern helfof Lots* N t 3U, tkietynlnv.
i(id 4 ,f tv, with ih.* imp.oeemrw.t thereon*
ilfboil ,Vt ,1, bnur.d:d north by the norther,
hal ot teiil loivt, south by Ubettv et. etti b\
Jo(T.- sVn-fcl. lev td ,m er the property of Ben
Jufiiii shcfnll, to patiafy two eiec'itiow from
the 'Jjnrt of Common Flee* end Oyer end
Tetmlti-e for the City ot Stvurth, J-«*.
fiooiit v* Behj Sheftell.
\|| the rigln, title, end interest, of B ddwiv
Co k to t ier double tenement build no "n III*
trea'ern part of Trust Lot lettei A, bounder
no 1 *h by B-y»n«st- soudi hy St, Julian- eas
bv part of ;»id'Mt, weet by Whinker-si lev
rdoiwtho proper*y of Bald win Cook, t f
Sheriff ’s Sale.
On tho first Tuesday in Muy Mil,'
rrsii L be told ID fount of the CnuVt-
'Jj Houee, inthr city nfgs.ann.h, between
e must houre of ten etid lout o’clock. .
The folloeditjt’rluht ncRroe*, vie. Cuffee,
IVny, UoaennebCirotln,,’ JuSepbjUsry.Bet-
•;V end Jim, teried mSuhtfor e d,fli on a tawe-
loaure, u the p-npe-ty of tjhartes H. Hsy-
on, in favor of. Fredorfok w. Hienimsn- ,
march? K\A<'-TIT.YON,S. C. &.
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T UB iubaeribi i iiavinttdienoverodtht tom
position of Hit’AIM'S CELEBRATED
PANACEA, him cow a supply *n hand fo,
sale I he h*« reduced: th. prire from fe3 SO, n.
g2 SO, or by the iluiao^'-H,
All eharitshle inetiiutJiMie ip (hr V. Stairs
and the poor Will he sdppli e« gratis. 1
If-the eififlens i>f the ptihcipal cities and
lowin, will, appoint an stfent to order and
distribute this medicine to the poor, it win be
siipnlind, , - '' ■ j ‘ '
ffii*- medicine is eclrbtntcd WUho cmjt of
c following diseases i—" scrofula nr kilig’a'
ip-.d,(if, putnd sore* throat, Inn];' “
. DUatiena mitaitAnllB <I|R. <*
Gcorgit**»Outndi'Ti Countg.
■ BtiafcRioja.CojufT, October Terin, 1834.
TiMHy Rtwkinx, nr, Langley ami Silvester
( IN petition of Timuthy Hopkins, stating
* v'that in consideration of certain prom-
•Hiory notea, made to the said Timothy, by
.bom, one p.* able with interest, from lira'
•if January, 1331, on.the firat of January. tB'22:
second payable •safnreaai', on the (iiai of
January, 1833/ and a third payable as tforc
Hsid, on the first of January, 18 ’4, executed a
oovtgape to laid fimotliy Hopkins, his ht-ir*
ind assigns, on all those four troc'a of :.|..d,
■ tuated in the county aforesaid, conveyed oy
'tie said Ti r.othy, to the said farnglcy and
telvratef, and lying on the innth side of
Rreat Satdla River,- one tract containing aev
enty-teven) acres, more or less; two traci.i
i.oetalning fif y acres, more or less, and one
rhef tract, rontaining one hundred anti e.ijrto
• yaeight acres, tnord or less, conditioned fo,
be payment of die three said, several ip’fca
faiiafi- anexecimon from the Court of Com ion the days soove mentinned, and that aaul
moil Flea-* and 0,»r sod Terminer f r the
City of Savannah, Norinau Pease n. Baldwin
All that Lot and imorovements known it
the plan of the City of Savannah,-as Lot No.2.
two. 'erc vd Wxrdjbounded nnithby Wriph
Bqparc, south byw lane, ebt by Lot No. 3
th -.e, aeatl'v lit No 1, one, levied on aa
properly,I,f j Ol T Bolles to sal sly an rxe
S ri .in IVp o the Court »f ilomm.m Plea, sod
ei a ai Term ner foriho Oily of Snvannst,
J.urpli Clark vs Job T Hollos, end assigned
to B- I’trkmsn, property point, d ;*ut bj.
dtf idant, sod sul j.-gt toomortgapo. -
>pri4 09
several notes remain unpaid—on motion ot
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintid, it is
i* ulcgrgf c K .
iiiAing tbeuinatieaficRtiaiH, cutsueous di«-
Ids, white mrsINbAPl disease nl tile bones,
idl kif eaiits geiierylly of Uir ukptous diarac
ri'iiha chronic t)laeases, geiiBrslly xrisoig in
debllftkted oonaiitolojos, hut more enpecislly
fro-n syphilis or stloCUon 1 arising tbc-roi oio i
ulcers In the larymt, nudes, Uc. and that
dreadful disease occasioned by ■ long and
excessive use of mercury, Her It is ale • use
ful in the disease of the liver-”
1 have within the yeers hud tn ot»
oortunity ot seeing K'Vei at cases of verymve
icrate ulcers, winch having previously resist*
cd the regular modes of treatment, wert
healed by the use of Mr. Swrim's Psiwr.ea,
aud 1 do believe, from t whst I have
that it will prove aw important remedy ifl scro
fulous, venereal and merciuial diseases.
Professor of the Institutes and pmetrea
of Pltyric, in the University of Ptnn
I have employed tltp Panacea of Mr. Swaim.
in numerous inst-jnees, within the last tl»re<
vetrs i and hare always fohnd it extreme!)
efficacious, especially m aec-ondary syphilr
and mercurial diseases. I have no nesitstiot
n pronouncing it • medicine of inestimable
i drredf thanb sm4 Langley and Selvestei, value* W. fiMSON, M. 1).
Mietr heirs or assigns pay into Com., within |. prr/ftssof of Surgery iti the Uoi'ty of Penn.
Philadelphia, Febru’afV 17,182;».
SrttNN. Chemist.
PJiilaihlphiu, .'V(»v »7 *8 *3.
assigns pay
elve months from this dste, l!ie sum* din-
said notes, aud the intcre)* and c< s’s, oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be to*-
•ver frreclosed, and th*t su^ h other proceed
g9 take piitce, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the monies, 27th Octo
ber, 18:4. JOHN BAII.fiY, Clerk.
nov 4 H7 4ve
Sheriff’s Sales.
On tlefir4 Tiiys/ty in Jlfog next,
W i; L, be si Id n the flout" House' in fht
on, irf 3..him»ii,. lull-ten (he- huuri
often and fo-hr u’clpp,. ,
Lotkn.1 Hii I tilings No. I i, seventeen,. Wash.
ti.g’o, in ‘he C-tv of 9 v.nnsli, tiou.adv
•.I'casf'hj Lit Vo- 18 e'ghte n, loiUh hv
Rt. Ji l .n-Ht. welt by Price-st tnd north by
Bry.n st. h vied on wa ih - property of 8te-
pil l 8. willi.iB" to satiny ait elocution in>[ of Jane* M Henry, wid othe’s, As-
■Wgiie.esof Wwu Turner.
Four Negroes, v'i : L'xv and her *hree chi -
dreo, Sike, Amy and Penny, levied on as thi
pr operty of KichaH Levitte a free man of m-•
lur,. to larnfv four executiona from a Jus'lces
Court in favor of John-C* Blance, returned
to me bv a ('.unstable.
AH that tract of land know n hy the name of
Tweerl. rt'*, in the County of Chatham,* eon
taining 346 .ores, bounded on the north by
Ravann ,h U ver, levied on as the property of
in n Morel, to satisfy execution! in fsvor ol
Wm. Taylor A Son, and others.
Whari Lot eont» ; ningfi<> feet, Binches oi
B ivannalt Itiv'.-'j 68 feet 8 inches on I d sn-
I’.rcQI. eatdndl.1,1 f,-om .aid H »or to rbe sad
tt-e- t, in extent about 400 feet, th «*me
hr'njr the eastern psri of WhaVf Lot '-No* 3,
Vue.'.levied on as the property of «nbt,i
W Fuller, to • t sty two executions in firm-
of I xi-tii i’e ft id. »od Jonn Dicks, property
- pointed mil b. toe dciemisnt*
All b-t Half of Lot No 12, Columbia Ward,
wi it toe improvements die eon, to satisfy *u
es-.-culinn out of a Justice* Court in
fnvor ot iVm Robinson, retu nud to me by
.. , UAAC D’l YON, S. C. C
sp-il 1 09
Between Loh't l,remit, anil John Lccvite, Com
fibuvanity w il Crier L-cont John Thomas
Chnpma.i, —******* UeghinU anti Vu/eria,
Alt Hifc, JJf mlante Liitny Superior
Cturin s ■ :• •'
1 ^HK Compl»5n/»n(s hsvtnfr; fifed their bill in
. this Court, the object of whirh it ^ci p -r-
sietufcte the ttst.mouy ot 9cruiu|Htr«<u a tiietc-
ui itsmed, snd it sppcsr!»g .tli»t the U«i;.rwlf
»uts Mispecnvcly fesitle beyond the limiu ol
hestvduof C otgivuiVd juitU'n the Uail.*d
?‘at^s : It»» (iri’ere tliat service upon the
HtMcl Dtrfcmlnr«»s be efi'icied by pubiica'ioa in
m»c of the Ci. s.-ttes o' Sataunnh, rtq>im»u.
the said D^iei.dsnts \n appear amt answer the-
•tod bill of Complainants, on or before the
laventb dav t> Aptd next.
A true copy
B. BAK’CF, Clerk.
February 10,189.5.
Fe» 7
Sheriff’s Sales.
O/i ih 'fi’ tt Tuo.tla in Mag next, tetveen the
vtual hourly
Vly’ II.L be ‘ old at the Lourt House in the
v ▼ Comb y <>f Bryan, the ful pwim? Lv'».
or parcels ot Lond on t{*e Islenu *>f Ossab^w,
\ ‘ info Mid COiurty, known tn the r-Ln of he
patiition of the aa<ve t iUnd by the numbeis
on.-*, f•»«», ‘hreo, loiiv, tiH-e, si*, fieven, ai*d that
Otrt ot'.r eight, bfginmnpr at th* hedge
at lie edge of the wo 'fo, in the, South r ,u rt
of the Mid last tnict, from the Westermost to
thi.' flMteimost Creek.
Also, the Cabbage Garden tract, being tbc
B«u»*rnio*t parts of tract ten, eleven, twelve,
from t to path in the old fi.M in the savannah,
t j cunmufid in a atraighl Vine until it inter
• "■* I). adley’s Ham t ock Marshes on one suit'
r. d ;i eechee river on »he u h r. A*s»Hfrsr
V f. nock, oonuinmg fif y acres. A v*, Hmd
1r; *■> Han.iqoe*, contau ing *me hur*d « d and
fi t/ fivp •ures- Ami also, a H^mu - k rallCt.
B •t»dd'ick # aCa'np contamg thirty * irrht acres,
fe < partsand parcel* of the taid Island of
Om»> > Levied upon aa a pa t of t^e ea
tu e -t tlie Lie John More’, deceased, unde-
ai d virtue of afi. la on a decree ol th
So *erio»' Court of Chathim County, in a case
aah trei.» Simon UonaM and wife were c-m-
pi- ^urs. At d Thomas N. Morel and othera
M«, r rh ‘’O 105
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in June next.
fiLL b t s -id at the Court-House in the
GVy of Savannih,between tne hours
of ten and ftiur o’clock, the fol owing 16 ne
gro^t, via
fiippio, H v/er, AHncr, Snap, March, Jerry,
Bd’y. Un Pirrifi.B am, D. iah LiulcHi>n
Fmce, linn and Merium, witii the in’rfj.i
jt the farnil es, levied i.n und. r a foreclose ..
of * mortgage fr'm Peter Timothy to William
'WH'h ngton fur use.
T ’ n«'gr»ea ( v z: Ned and Caigow,
ed *>n a for*fclois»i>e of a mvTt^ug/: from Char.
Uim*r to Josepli K nman.
an-ti i ' .f/9 ,
Between IV Davies, Administrator, Complain
ani and John ( arnochan Adm iustint'd', d■:
bonis nitt with the wi(l anntxed of Ueo r re
Richardson and others, D jendufils In
et/ui'y, Chatham Superior Court— Chancery,
Wth‘ August, 1824. . ' J,,, ;
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan
one of the defendants in the said bill ol
."•inpLint named, tvaides v/ithout the slate ol
GcO’-gia, in that part if the United Kingdoms
•• Groait Britain aria Ireland, called Scotland ;
It ii’urdered that the inud John Murray Car-
luchan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's auid bill, within nine months from
the d-*te of this order, otherwise tlut th
suid billjns to lum, betaken pro confess-j
And i» •• further ordered, that a copy of thii
order be (nibiishi d once a week, in one of
tie public G .Xiiftea of this state, until the ex
nraiion of the time within which the s-id do
ndant is required to appear and answer as
i rue cooy from the Minutes, ’his Slat day
AuguM, 1824. • A. H FANNIN 1 , Clerk,
sogua' ?A ■ 50f
A LL person; h ifirtg 1 ^^csoaods against the
i\9i estate of f'o stsni F 'ec'qMifx., Lte uf
e city of Wasi'irigton, deceased, t»:e re
B tired to hand tlieoi in, leri-oliy a'feuteri,
within the time prescribed by UW : find thdi.
ndebtodlo Haid #• t -te, arc nq ii- cd lo
mmediate payir.^ nt, to
Jan 14 4-Vl
N 1NR MONTHS aftur the .Into of thi,
notice, upplicution will be iniide to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a port of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
d->r tn »2I
M INK MONTHS af etlhe <(rteKereofcib
plivn’UUI ▼ HI be nimlv iu ^»il- null". Rl/ll
ill ! Inferior Cnu t of Ohailiam county, ahei
i.liing for oHiuary [11,(1,neu, fir l.nvy to ici
< lot, with th i improvemeirs. situaie intt
Illy of •Savannah, in tho Slid county,sort know
the plan of said city by the No. $3, Buiw
Word, Irr ttte benefit of the heirs and legate,
1 the estate of the late Hugh U’OalT, d
oet ’4 7
SifcuTf’s Hale.
O N do! ft,-it 9. it -lay »f:er tl;e iirst Tuts*
day in M il next,'beta-^e0 . the noun n(
,1 n and foil "’, will be sdtl .at the mar-
ke' house in the’t i»h bf St M rys, be' fnW
I w ng negroes, T: 1 Judy and her son John,
Si n w, and h.rles, levied nn as the proper
ty of lames Will Him. I.n, -eye.ted, to sati.fy
an execution on itie fiir-'-c-nsure. of . mort
ga:je, nf.vorof KJw-fd F r.ttnaU, Sd,binis-
tratw fiohn Uamdton
M. H. HBUBABD, 4. 0; C.
St. **. .rys, Febru-ry 23, W23.
V«k» 3 S3
N ine months after date, application will be
oi'ide to the H -n, the Judges oi' the Court
ii Ordinary -f Chi h on. county, for leave ti
tel ail the real estate oftlic late William Grslg,
d' Oi-SHeii, tnr the benefit of the heirs and cred
it is of laid calau*.
. JOHN U’NlSH, F.x2cu'or
Ofot 1*1 fry
Te(jetable Catholicon.
rntlE subs- ribyr res :n otfillly polieita the at
•L\ te’ptioh of every friend of snlleriiig hu-
■biinitv, to to.'the above new and invaliiahle
rl-rfiejy,*' ote ilpetjusl powers iu eltminating
•Traa.iTvp. an| rint
: % . notice. ■
\TINB months alt,-, d.rr,- Application u-ill he :
,.l made to ihs- llfRirMr Court nf rhi lvum
Cmtntyji sitting for oreUAarv imrbnm '(of Vn,
order, spaiilutnt 10 tell lot* N s tonr anr five
(4 and-5) in, UaiptAVer's ttow, arid tot No.
one, (tinmen Waul,in-lie city ot Savannah,
being the rralestate ofFUncia -Jslini-oii, dec.
1 ‘" .lil.o!-the h'lirsmru- creditor* of
Quali/ictl Executor.
Mahoh, 14, 1825
W nFsPEVS on the 3d of March, 1F*;» a
law * aa pnsaH hv the C«\n,4re8i of i e
Un ted Slates, of which »iu-. 3d 4thi a ^ 5\h
sections a re in th« »ovris f lu-w y'% v'z.:
f‘ Sec. 3. And be it fit"ther ennt ed,. I'.fiV* %
snbacrip'ioii fo fhe anioil >t of twelve mislpm
of dollar *, of the six p 'r cent, i ti.cls ,»f t t
ycor eighteen hnndred iiml ihiTtcen; j$* % an::
the axmeiabec# by proposed ; for wKh;H pur -
pnsebaofc’ Rhiohbti (»pe^ed M nt, i)je,Tf4a,rnfV f
tho-Uuirnd Stiles, Ind k.Jver^I bm.i • ffi
Cctybn the fif*f da'i' lif April ne*t : lo cynli. i t
open until the first day of Octf>Hrrtb?c/m. :
for s’ich par's of the above menUpned d *
acripiion of slock >s shall, op h* dny of aub .
soription, *Wnd oh the hliuk'? of the Trtafcun,
and on those of the kVy'Cral loan i fU:e%, rt
spec'ive!); which subscription vhall oe s-iT'**/.
ed by a tranfif-jr to the lfeited Slat .-s. *n V
nnnncf provtdod b' Ih v fo«* «uch trim fe ‘‘s,«1.
die cred.t or cud t* stun’diog on the aw/ 1
books, and hy a suneti ier tif the C‘'rl»fi'-»fe‘
of »he stock to anbsovlbetl: P.ov\-U'*l, 'fhn*
all subscription by such transfer • f 4<u’.k «ba!
he c<;nsidoieda« part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars Smth >r a: d lo he borrowed by
the first accti n rf his ar».
# *8cc. 4. Ami be further enacted, That foi
the whole or any p-trt of any sum wh eh ahsb
be thus subscribed, cretins shall be enured tu
the respective subscribers, vh » shall be enh*
lied t*> a eerUfi ate or certificate* purporting
that the United Sfeics owe to the bul ? er oi
holder* thereof, hla her, or their ••ssigna, *
sum to be expressed therein, equal to tin
amount of the principal stock thUM auijHcribt U.
bearing an inti rest n >t Exceeding foura>d
o e half per centum p r annum, p-tyubb;
quarterly, from the thirty fi st day of IJect-m-
her,one thousand eight i iindred and twenty
five ; transferable in 'he same u aiuicr as n
provuird by law for the. trui;s r ej? of the stock
subscribed, and subpet to ndaroptinn st the.
pleasure tf the Uni ted Stat. s, as feilowx: oxu
i’» f at any time yf er the thirty-fiM dny of
December, one thousand ei^ht huuJrc(\i *n«
twentv-eight j and th? retoa bd -r st nny t me
ufter the thiitv-fi st day vf U^cemfii'r, on*
thousand eignt hundn il and {wet t.-uine :
Provided, no retmhu^ement shall b»
made except fr*p. the whole amount i>f gi» c !
new certificate ; nor until after at leasfejtii
mr.nths public notice of 'sucl; inteodtd f/jn-
bnraemeni. And it'slid! he the duly ot wn
Secretary *f the Treitsdn t - cause tt*b^.‘-rgjjs*
fei red to the respective mbMCibeis tiie s-jver-
irsoms by thnotaihkrrihiijbfiyond tbe a.pounf
hf the Cer' ii'i^U S '-f fctif 'lmd one. half pt;
ent-stuck t” 1 fe rn r*js;redtiveiy
'^Sce* S. And he it further tjnrfrfeiji^That
the aanaeTmcU wn ch hive he*etoIo e htjen,
and »tuw are pledged by law fot* the p4ymeai
of the inti*r?«t, and for the redemption afei
eimnuraement of the. stock which may be re-
let mod or reimhur-ied by virtue oi the pm*
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in Jibe
manner for the pavment of tho interest acc-vi*
iiig on the stock rrcviud bv 'rtssnn of su it
ub-.ciip ion, and f r Vie‘ option or re\tt-
bursen ent of the priuc\p | of *b - aume. Avd
it shall be the duty of the con,mi <*'.onera nf iV
linking fund tn cause to be a: plied and paid
mt of the said fun-', yearty an-1 e^e-y year,
sucl) sum and mim* as msy be annually requ*r»
;d to dis:hk»ge the ii'tcert ficr'u ng on the
nock wi tch n\*> be created b. virtue of this
•*.t 1 he said comm iaioners nr*^, also, here*
'y authorized to apply, fe rn t me to timi,
i tch sum aud sums uu’ of the arid fund, as
they m.»y think proper, t»wvdi redeeming
by purchase, or by re-mbtfscnioti^ in con*
fnrmitv wj'b the n*'cvisi!’na « f dti ict, thf
O' inctptl ot the said ftock : and suAb part ot
the anmia) sum of te-t milho'-s ofd'-IUrs. vest-
•d by Lw in the commissioneia, as m ty
>e necer»;iry and rtq tired for th* above pur
toxes, shall be and continue appropriated fo
he paymor.t of interest and redemption of
Vi public debt, until the whole of the slfi’k
* Inch mav be created under the previgioufot
this act, shad have been redeemed or reih*
burs ed. ”
Wow, tltercfore, notice i* hereby given* tint
books will be open dot the Treasury of ti.e
United States, and t *.he fievtual loan effirti;.
•*n the first day of April ney t, and ciuitm'ie
open until the first da" of . October, tlierraf
er, for receiving rubier iotions in conf rinity
wi*h :he prov s-ons of the said hrw.
The subscriptions may be oiad' 3 . hv the pn.
pri» tors i f the at ick, eidi»*r. in ps ^on or hy
their attorneys duly author - ,au-t to «ub;cttb.>
and transfer t to the United Sutes. ,
f b itbl subscript;t>i s of w’d s'ockrhe mndv
t ' ) twelve-w livons ot
■.Jwjs^s dfit injitivn yf ;|ie pa dsotuoftwelve
im'lirtns hf dp^uis wdf b * made amutg ‘he
s ibfcrtb^.ti pi »guHion t!0.lhe sums utbvcti
ftom tbe s>ti\pTp tbc Very seeds off fiNeisc,
Vd Hi ‘t/at-iripg. |)ty. dorn'JRgd and -moifcft'
^hr«:i'ti--n fefUift .nrgkns tVTJjfe- fo.n face jufH
‘ Ncslihj ekcrc'jjev|q r \h^r .tuncj.onsiibss *kn.
'ed^ttrC n f-.niynmens ami completelv sifc.n
Hid the objections of the i»os- jmcri'4'sloujj-V
Tacts are the best arguments. In order to pin
the virtues of. ttWiMhohebn tb lU severi* a
wp-tiny ua-ptuible* it was i.fl’ered by a-Kcr-
fisement together wiVi. the attend nee of a
.ib)nic : Kn, gratuitously to any pe»s m Wbn
would apply-fur it, i an*l Mlnse cause might
jeem t come witfiin the range of its healing
power—numbers «f severe cases of longhta d-
ing, and s ‘»ne of th^m seemingly dejn< r *te
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or to much relieved as to warrant
.be awertion that a little n*’rseverance will do
go In fact, si»ch is the confi dence of the physi
cian under whose er e these natients were
ptaced* in this remedy, a coifide Ce resul*
ing from the irresistilde comiction that has
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon*
«|ration,ai d * personal trial nf it on h'msell
that he permits me to declare ii as his d ;ei-
di.d opinion^ that he Catholicon is not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, but a molt pnw-
ertul and invaluable remedy in certa n dis
eases an.l states of the system, such at the fol
Pe.uhly res dting from intemperance and
dissipation; Old »nd inveterat U c?rs . Ptnnf
\% the b- u s attended with swell ngs of Uk
jon fi} lvligcstion, Blotches on the face,
picnp.e , &c. { Al complaints of the Liver j
I’cner; Yaw a; Syphilis : Cutaheoua disea°efe
general y ; Mercurial and scrofulous com*
T'.aC Catholicon (which the propricter sol
emuty pledges h s word consists exclusivel;,
i>f vegetable matter) with the exception of a
si gin dtteimi ration to the bowels, which ti
preserves in a soluble state, arts insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires n > particu
ar regimen, tchB\in«.nc« from apirtuous li
quor* *1 A*ays excepUd,) or confinement. A'
a gentle, safe and sg^e>b e cathartic mrd
omq, improving the ui»pctitei'ul restoring.thi
gvoerwhoue *f >he foys’em, it i* dmnfid(.fitly
fvoinuneudcd to iiulies in a deficit- aitua
!. '..on. W, W.POVTE1L
\ 66 t5hesim''-stieef.
sould wish (u he. With my tbanki, I am four C U rt TT? SS TIT Ik T
,bl.*eJhuoiole« 0 „ OBtas 2ANB. ^ 1 1 ^
City of Plii'iuhlphla, ••
Gjorgf K I(lt, u! the Diltciot of South.
i,,rk, personally appeared, and, h*"'K
t.-urn, d )th declare and say that the- sbuv
stati-mcnt is in all reapo.-.t, odr-tet and tril.-
and that the aiR- atury jj it is in the -band
variiiiiR dTtJiia depnnert
.1 )H -.BWNS, Alderman.
/ ,8 tT •
Philsdalpliia, II ay^.181
TO fiU^TflKMIffl'.fakNTGnS.
The' Vegetable t-iniolicon is peculi »riv*
Sdatie^to th()*gl'sc«ses which me premier
afoug the cftl.oujUidjul^uiatioiv-of the south
In that disease which is called yaws^ it is a
•utre remedy j a single trial of it, will convince
S lanters of its s ipeno* 1 efficacy to any remc
y of* similar nature in the United $Utes*
The advantage! of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
hmtsc, or keeping him from his business.*—
With one solit*' y e <c«ption, ’hat of ■pin ti-
"Us liquors, it docs not lay any restrictions upon
hisappitite It is so gentle m its opew son
that the p tient finds himself getting well lie
cannot (ell how. As it is not the wish of the
proorhMr to take any thing for which he
cannot give u co isideration equal in value
persons at a distance who may wsh to try
us medicine, but who are not certain if tt
he apphcohle to their complaint, are request
ed to describe 'heir chsv* and symn’o nf in
letter,pist.naid, and directed t > him—th v
letter will be immediately olace l in h nus
fully c »mp* tent to de? d-i the question.—
Should 'he remedy wit se m 'o suit the dis
ease, they will be frunklv told si.
To prevent d Happointm' nt it is well to
;t'»te that il takes in ordinary esses from 3 H
5 bottles to effect a cure so thatpe-s s wh
are labouring under any ser o is inir n ty
must make up their mind to pera.jvere to t):g
ext . n« at least—if th^y dQ n*»t,.tiiey niigb 1
well 8hve themselves the trouble and expen <e
f u*i'ig a s’lT'ller qttsniitv, ,. *.
All o 'de 's pis -p dd anil enclosing the m atey,
'rnrnedia'tly to, ami ii * medicine
OMcked and delivered with directions for use
to any place in the city, and forwarded as di
re **tcd
N. B. To prevent the possibility of nil im-
rv’sition, it \vi l b< s jH in the ci y of Philadel
phia. gt the oflic* in Fifth near Wacv-S'r 'et,
»rat the dwelling of the propm tor, Ni. 66
/'hesmit street, only* an i abroad by his au
thorised agents W W P-.TT KR.
66 C f iemni Street i PhUade'ipfid'
; -Philadelphia?51,18.34
At f't request'of, Mr. . W Foitur, I luvt
.Lt^'v'exhibited, uvsevgr«l m' tatKjei^x medi'
sirup, tydji.d dotie.r.'s VeifStj'We Catho
iiioqi, with'tho riingt dcc-jMt advantage* 1
la, us ct, never failed ttfeoting a cure in
'••ery case iu whiih I.hsvc tii.wigM pioperto
Employ it. II. M’MUH * HIE,M D
lor the bci
tsid estate
■ . IK 8ecreury of (he * rrasiirv*
Mar'-fi ri 6
fO-lftO ?
I'utVfcA Hair iWwtrttss^a
T HB * 5 Hbscribor has just tqpaiVod on. aa.
sort me ut of tuu ubovo u.ri ivhiH, war
ranted to be of the best quality, (nr sole by
oets# i • ,
Phi titlep'uitt July 28/A, 1824.
' Mr, IV, )V. Potter, , .
Dear Sir—-You expressed a wish th-'-t I
would g’.ve a concise statement of my suffer
ings. from * the hopeless eoinmeucement; tr
tiie present { ropitious stage of my disease.'
Alvmt five yetiaago, on my pa-tsuge from
n udetiix, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at*
iftiidsits nn hoard, I wu compelled to bear
it, as J might for two weeks, when on my ar-
. ival nt Clmrleston, S. C. it was b ested as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdu« d
the fever, but Pf«>ii*-like, the termination
*>» tins gave ris** to a dt>ense fqnsily distress*
og,.an'i wiuch, till now, I had th <fvght fncuv.i
.-sbfe. Various abscesses made thefe unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were rwe’led to an enormous size.—
These g adually subsided into bard tumors,
me of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and s large
evacuation nfmis, mixed with pieersof bone
tuoic place. 11 addition to this, I suffered the
•r.ogt excruciating pains in my j-j'mts that mau
ever experiem td livery thing that was
.id:nin'*tered eitl*er gave me no relief or ser
ved to agg^vatu the lineage, ■the severity of
whir h incrsasftti with every succeeding year.
Such was mv painful si u-atinn that I degpsireT
'of ever bting reitorej -o my heal h y l had
not o-ily trie l t* n e ruia- means of relief,
h.'t used, though in va:n, every popular rena*
•dy Itoah hcHi. o: It was in this a\» Ail anti
(lespopd : ng.C(Mi(Ut'Ou,ihH» i was persuaded to
oi»ini?n*ie a cour se oiym;. Vegetable O^'h I
con,'and ti e huppv re-uit is, “/ om the-vat
vf the Tvro b lth S my jvholc iyf itn has vnthtr
gotte a citihplAjirtho.ujioji, nij, p ^ns.h^ fo son
lec . Vm*V' r the dirObarji i from m,* an cl- uey. n
»o .unniiis!;, and sno/veeased altogether,' h
blcei from •* hence :t proceeded being cenr*
p'eteV healed. The tiiinors, for the removal
r<f svhicn I have tfied in vain more remt d'u »
vl'sn ?. can i ame, arc mpidiy decreeing ; my
appetite, which was gone, has returned-™! an
id fact, nest’.y well, and feel cunfid nt that k
few bottles mure of yrur, (to me) invaluabic
•ntdicine, will m »he me pi*r ectly so.
Yourobligj-d friend,
.Philadelphia, .fuly ‘ 6, 18?4.
Mv eunfidencc in the v* get ible cathohc in
is undirainis'. * !, and as frcRh in Uncesof its
powers ar*; daily occuitk g, in my own prac
tice I have no hesitation in recommending il,
in the drsesaesto which it is Nprdir.u-
blt, as superior to any remedy I am acq inn t-
ed with. M. MM UB1 HIE, M. 1).
Philit u./phia, May 58.18 4
Sni-~f(l com • qh**nc« <»f Impru-Jent expo*
lire (dor ve»rs ago 1 had th ? misfortune to hr-
come (iff ctud with a disease, the painful re
Nulls it winch induced me to apply ift auc-
cesa*on to leveral respnctiblo physician* of
this city, from whom, however, 1 received
either no relief, or frewn whose 1 re
ceived another complaint quite as disti easing
ns tlie former. My w hole systc n became a
h-’ctcd. I could get no rent at night on ac
• of the violent pain that 1 felt in every
part yf my body ; the weakness and e uacia
tiootif which whs so Ii that I could scarcely
walk. !n tl--s state i fortunately fe-ard of
1 your vegetable catbolicon r fmr bottles ol
a hich» has completely restored me, I h»v<
non np pain s my appetite is good; and im
strength restored With many thanks lor
tb«j :ciiel your m»dicmehis given me, lax
you.* uobged fneud, &tc
r .wniHi aud subscribed to b<4ot e me, May 28>
18;i4 JOHN HINNS, A*dermsn,
Hi. . • i J-’*■' *
Phi aikip/itOi My Ji 18*54.: ;
“ ''(Mas
,. .... Ihretoi
jrsdPPW. to put a period,tu.
my existehi-.p Having bsj no reft’ilsroiedf
-si advice fr,un i^n- cnmmenoeuieuY my
cortiplsint at ijtt ipt To such , height thut 1
cnu)<[ Ityt swl'Ho'y withnnt great pain and
l|Hfl,-ri!tf. Tiimnr. formed in different parts
uf my bndv, ami 1 began to think my iitnstinn
.Intuit (fesperaie. I he five buttles of the
Catholicun which f lisve Him hare cnin-
plctcly cured me. and t am Dow as we!) as 1
I have appointed (I'atlflGR HYK iSON",
llruggi t. -of Savannah, nv'-iole agsnt. D ug
? ;iata waiting the sibove valuable medicine
wilf bv? sdpplied by him. fbr cash, at the satm
rate, if ordered diiect froj^ me—v»z-
per d Zifi, of ttiree *.lollar:i a s nglc boute.
W. W. .POT1EB; Fitiladelphia.
Any person on application to the suhscrilv r
wdi be furnished with emifiev tea of vhc <.ffi
;«cv o< the i bo’-e meiicine,sufficient to con
vince the mind of the most sceptical, althougl
ton numerous mid I, ng-hy for vu'sspuper r-
jfirtion. GEO. kYC^Ov, Dri^g st.
Corner of Bay and WhiUkker Streets,
dec 13
bfiifohcd with a dkeots of Jw
'I'BilMd. *
I shV! fe well orf ted, on g-,».
.>}*e 4j.uo>|»r!std in >in Jt 'X'hfo , tc i ST '^
wdl Cuntauv thn'-Ser*t.ti|reL < of fi, v n
,\\w 7VftuvenIs, t m lHt' t>d’U!6"i, f):, t ,‘ ,r d
fccpltutuiory ,\oi«s, an • Pmc'/c ! n/, { ' ,n4 *
' ■»’J all t ie *:opioun Martina Hefeie.tetk ^ 4
trtiT printed word lor viO"l fr r„ p, e . •
Stereotype Edition, jiubt-ahe.! muce the ^
bar’s decn^se Tho pri* e wilt hi»
buards t %24 t in siicep 4 &d0, in calf bnl - ' fl
no wh^ work re,dyfii'd^,,^
t'.x raclo of Ixtfrv ad* esschto |/ M p ui , (| ,
I tstoem Dr S jotf» F un »y Ihbiv. rm - l; .. i''
caleulate r to ui-omute t!i B ouuse of t tu .i J
V.iely II. teeit'S scarcely pus. bl e f„ t 'J*
read dailv the N iles and Ohs-r, in >
Family BfUo »'tfc«„t beomi . K , ' n!h ‘
letter man. BUtVAKi>fi BoiFpim"*
. I hare seen no mam ntarv - f t’,« v ,
Sci-ipiure. which I think ao - w,||
•ttncral use and edification. It •<> ,, ,.' 1
hicli ever., ought to,.o^i C " !JJ ‘ e
I wort distinguished
i, .ml cor.veiu-.uce ot its amuv. m..,' ,,
clearness .... I fl lelity of \i, ,!*
cat ness and tierspicu tv of ii slv h. tti ; '
ncaolmccnnu candmn of n» sn.ri:, ih e r. '
n'aenesi and pertinency of iti npnlica' ° n '
ind for its uniform t,-- d ncy to |)ioimte
gelicai truth **,i. piety.
* EI!'.!. HOLWP.a
Of Or. kcj-.t’s Tandy :)ii>| : -, | j e ,
say, lint in myc.-t-m tinn it dewnrcdly
among our ableit «nd b-»* dnin-ti ni» i„.
THOM\S hit Ijvy.y
U'< Scott's Family B bic- ii.t- i.dul mwe rs
pecially for t'-e use uf Oh'isii.n
amitioi, i,.
“ » IWWIL . |J
I ighlv r*pproved amongst the m ;«t infe.i,,. n t
mid pious (Jhf'8tia:is t|»rougl>out - ^ar r>;
ItiliuTmfttiuu WftutftA
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
Fhedehick Lowe, Printer, a native of
Manchester, England, and who, when last
heard from, resided at Monticelio, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was undocstuud
he had married a young Woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert (J. Lowe, to
the cate of tlie editor of \ho Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
IU The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers.
jtiff Z2 49
L olung’-tilasses.
UST received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Mu title and
Pier Looking-Glasses, sit manufactory pri
ces, by J. B* HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
Cart on Castings
ti - 'TyffyCl PtiUIVOM Carron Cai-t-
«f Q ('Ur w ings, for salu low. by
dec 1R N.B.WEKT)
l‘i ot read.
4 O HALF IRlhS. lughh’ Pilot Bread,
X just received and lor sale hv
doc 29
Feuther beds.
J EST received by the William Wallace,
a large nu|)|ily of the above articles,
with Bolsters and Pillows to match, war
ranted to bo of the best quality.
Jan 37
Webster’s-pel ing Books,
k KCE1VEI) und for tale by
fl Jan U JV. Ji. Jf'tJED.
Spanish Sugars.
3© lluqr. do' J S l mnisl1
Just received per (ilohn, ami for sule by
dec 4
Cast :■ heel Iron Box • toves,
li-OK SALE bv
’No. 6, Gihboiib* Rungc.
nov 24
Tar, fitch, ilosin 15c.
ifiU to do Pitch
to do Rosin
5 do bright Varnish.
Eor sale hy A. BASSETT,
No- 1, Mongiu’s N'ew-JliiiMine-
, Feb 4 .... , h
Wire Ee tle»s a ti •» a^t-Iron
■-"i ^^^flM^-'flaSfeiii,!
doi* -J7 . : ' 4 " r*7.
V 1, .rni 11 1 ',‘t
^t. \ roix -ugift's. -
| O HOGSHEADS of St. Croi -Sngare,
ivf of very prime quality, lundim* iron?
schooner Nancy, and for sale by
Jan 20
w*rk high y ev ngfli.-sl, cx'onsiveiy inyu^.
uve, and deeply it >er« smu ;
Daniels stNUKHs
The character of Dr.
un th- Bible is so genentih kiow^ u.-i u
.. ijus pamed rapidly througlisu r aj.- jjl*
Vdiiinns, tl at 1 deem furlUr rec .airav^i
ions neediest* ' ’ •*'
. r ‘. ' , . • • J KOtfflK.
I am «cqnnnt?f7 with nn Cum^e/nary w,
th Sacred iptiires, whfeh I wr,«^
cord ally recommeuci^tur guuuidiue. i\, e
plan of the work is Rood
Ptrhsps in no way, can minis!*rs.<<>rs
■if youth* and private Christian, jo g, e>ttr
■ierv ee to society, tn%u bv exetingthm.
s«fv«!8 to disst ininntc thiu t'uly t«*| (
I know of 1.0 ‘ ’.umiucuWy w;>u.h ih b> pg}
csicuLtid fur diffusing cuiiect viev s ofji,;
gt\ at trullifc of ChiistiAliity, a> d lealcgi.lij.
Ihvy impieshjows on th- mind whi n ria’'.g
•m 'Ut piMU'd of it, (bait the one ycu art
•btiul tu pub.ish.
No wrfter s» em? fessciigp-sed to conitnd
for barren sper.ulati ins None moie uniferm.
Jy or m ire pow tfuily iucu cati-stlte gient es*
entials .ol rdigiun., The spirit which pc^
twin the W.»ik is fcloelfen' ; it is the rrm. k*
.tlRctinmpe, healing, yet fzi^bfnl spin* of ik c
Daniel dan a.
From, pgrticula; ^XiUiuatti j>, am}coccus-
ring testiniouthere is 06 dnubi on my mink
•bat S.rovX's Family Bible is superior to all J091 PH EMEUSON
You will ple-sn to sc d me six copies of*s-Bible f l jvfer -to your Wly proposed
vdifion Pcrtiaps I shall iuduct five more
tnk*' the number. h-L.
4. is with extreme pleasure I perceive
• *>v about tn pubiuh a new elition I
dcot’/s Bible. iUving been iu possesiioti .f
t more (hail‘JO yvars, I trus‘ 1 know son**
1 h»ng of its Value, and a.-n dete 1 fin; c 1 1. »n,.
mo«e i's c rculatiun among nty friends VS.
will please forward six copies as suuii as oiv’
’•shH. O.M
I huve obtain-id four subicribers f- r t'-r
axcollcnt work you are publishing. H. 5
I propose to take seven Rets .if Scot;'s ill
ole, and will be accountable for .lie <s*nte
1 . JC. •
I hsve obtained «'ibsc.ib?rsforni«' c» pi.;,'
•f Sco; (fir F mi ly B.ble* J O’.
I shah probably need eight or ten sds of
Scott*- Family Bio’e, J V
tiev.A. S. of P. hub o' Uined lew k'-cacii
>era. • — • ''••• •' ■ J%. 11
1 have observed that you nre xbov.t pub.
tiling another edition of Sco t’s ffbie
iiope you msy surcee as you h ve <ioi« in
oruier editions. I have been ende*vvm«g u
rocure subscrtherR amot g oit people, and
enor more subscribers will be obiai*.e*l.
I will take ten sets (uf ScuU’s B lue)
bound and lettered. j. y*
I have obtained ten subscribe's fit )'■ «t
ejition of the Family Bible—and Imvl tf
uh! but there misfit fie snmnth > g like
copies hold In this place if ypu ban **n sgitv
here—I thought tl e work ought to be ut*
•.oursged and for hat »eiisim took a niibsrt'b*
ionpuper. It is a work that eicry l-nv.iy
should have that is able to purchise.
J. Pi M*0
1 am glad, that y'-u propose to print )P
Scott's excellent Family Comm*.-msiy, aid
j'louldbe very glad if it were in my poArtr fo
rf»ve a more Ubeial patronage to the work,
than, a* rircu.nstaficea are, I can. /»o4
'unlever, he able to do something, eight - r
ten so s I shall rertaioly take; and ;t miy he#
d'Mtbk that nu nber. A. H.
4 hivo procured fifteen •tibs’*fib«ti to
?cott*s Bible. j A.P.
I think 1.shall dispose of 20sctso.-in ,,: r"l
he Family. Bible* F.. R
I have circulated proposals for S'o.i’i,
B fife ; how many have been fugsged it* sill
csimbYiell / but between 20 and 80 act* in
hs vici .ilv. J. 8-
I nave concluded to become responsible
to you fur thirty sets of bcott’s Cutnij,er.ti r y.
I have procured 106 subscribers lo thr
Bible 1 6 sms to be bound in e« f t 3 sr'A ^
bo done in boards the other 97 -eis. bound
aud lettered ns described in' the pr-,spoctui.
II. M.
I presume I could procure 500 subacri-
bets for your edition of Scott’s Biiile Tl»®
demai d is mcr* as»ng lor tlfrm Tfi*y a'®
finally supersede every other hirgp or Fssiilj
Bible’. F-tiy 0 my subscribe! s live w*lNi« »
‘circle of 8 miles! ^ ’ ’ J l-
Just published an edition 6f the sixx wpR^j
Completed in six volumes, without
references 1 price in botras j^ld; in sh ee ?
JJ2Iin calf g27. Either ®f th *^e ediUui*
m y b*» bad of tin *mh!-h' r in Boston ; ct ™
s. c .tk J SCHENCK. Savannah.
lx 11 '
Jtiarkmg ftTU&\\f s
O F a Biipi-rinr qualitv. just ri-rpivcd
for sale by GEO, RYMtSOW
1 ij