Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 11, 1825, Image 1

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44. — •
r Ok-
•■• "** db*****dR‘ r ftvV *
•• • s l»»- r .a-Htt-jyrc,'»
htfi —Vok Vkl.
Wo. 11&.
omr or savannah,
IS .ubhahed to meet the arrangement ol
the 'mill three time! * week, (Tiieyhy,
Thursday *nd Saturday) at the Office of In
Daily Georgian, end contains *1* the in ellt-
eenee, Commercial, Political »nd Misrellan-
Sou*.. Deluding advertisements. pub ished in
th. Daily Vapor. . . „ ,
-, he Country Paper i« «e: tto all partem
the Slate and Union, or delivered in the city,
at Bee dollars per annum, payable : in .dvanef.
Advertisements ate maerteo in both pa err
M 75 cents per square, or 14 Incs, for >e tirs
insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub-
li 'comtnnnleation« by M *iU imuf be Postpaid
Sales of land and trfir.’ea bv Adnnmsirv
tors,.VJtoeutii'i oi guardians, are required,
by liar, in be held on th" firs Tuesday in the
nin th, between ll» hours of ten in he fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court
H .nan of the eniinte in which the property i,
aitnate. —Notice > f'h-»»s'-e a ««* he given
in a public gsaelU' sixty days previous to the
d *NnticVofthe sale of personal property must
be give in bke m,nner, Forty days prcvion-
lo the .ay vf "ale. ... r
Notice to th. debtors and creditors of ai
estate must be publish'**! Far/y 'Uy*.
NoPco that application will be made to the
Omirt ..f Ordinary for leave to sell |a''d, mus.
bo n' U-li- l Vine Months.
■V^J-TNF, months after date application will
Xa| be inode to the Honorable tlie Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot loud,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Miinroe) County, for the benefit^
of the heirs and creditors of the estate ot
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. 3. Bayard.
Jan a 3 tot
N otice.
P ERSONS having demands against the
estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of ft. & J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate ot Thomas Johnston,
dec 18 JH'-
ieismul & aWh^-ifa
O/iv HOGSHEADS prime and second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime groen coffee
3o crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
fi do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale ropo
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland com
800 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 23
rjYlIE subscriber intending to close his
l ltESH GARDEN seed ,
T»u\bouB YVomt HootB*
J UST rece red *y the rtibwriber, nnd
ranted of the lt*«t season** frr^wth, ‘i
bn*-* G*rden8eed*. pntuphv A. M'Mshon fc
’o. P’.ilRtleljjliia, rxpms’y for t''is market
•md contiininff the fnllnwiojj RMortmcnts, via.
1. Drumhead Cxbbsgt ‘
*2, Lonir Ned Beet
3. Lonjf Orange Carrot
4. l'wrsley
5. fseck
fi. Onion
T Salmon Badiah
8. ISarJy Purple do.
9. Hound leaved
tO. Early Turnips
tl. T ate do
•2- ‘‘ia'safy
,3> Aa. aiagua
business in this city, oners his stock
1 at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Brenktast Tables,Gentlomen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book (vases, Inclosed Busin Stands,
Wmdi Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Crihbs, Cradios. Muhoganv high
post. Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glass^*, Fwioy & Windsor Chairs,
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-Stroot and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make pnyment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
.Tan 35 51)1
.4. Bari' curled Ltt-
15. Hoysl Uabbage do
16. Vntnicg Melon
17. Srinnch
18. Summer Savoy
• 9. Swf'et Basil
•!0 Sage
1. Nh> hu tium
V.» Celery
.1 Early Pel*
*4. Late do
35 Rarlv hunch bean 1
*6 Bed French dj
°0 Packages cnntaw>.ng ihc following Bui
• ous Elowcr Hoots, via.
L D-nib'e Hyacinths I LMf'tic inline; fl iwe
F :e Tulips I > 1) ub’e Tuberose
3 V .rciaris |6 amr of Beth^heni
?\>r jii'e by kVM’DB^OfT
r?.*- > a
i ICE.
T IE snha-*.r»bers being *bout to decline bu
biocsh in this place, roquet persons ha
it.g demands ag inai theiu, M present thei
fur payment
B. FANNIN fic r, 0.
AdmiiusU’-t r’s fvouce.
N N ISO., lustrum, y-essll ,p
ply tr. the Hfioorable the Ii'ferior Oour’
r.liHihumeountv, whtu*. s ; tii g for ; , rdin-» < 5
rpoHCS, to sell the real osifate of Vlil iia
By the Preside tit iif the United Stale/.
I S pursunnee of law, i, Jamps MotnoK, P .
ident < f the rT i ed StAten, do hereby <\
•are and mak■: knowr. rhat a public saj<s w
« held »it the Land Office at rallahasae,
Florida, on the third Monday of Mav neat, r
4 he dl- »• i\\ o’ the fj'h’wing land-, v ; z
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north ufiiaiigt-. t, <i>» u»»
Frnit.ionnl 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east.
t & 2,north I, 2, 3, t, &
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
'Clio «'.lv « IIco,mm.'me with the l rv
ombemf aeciou, townahi',:, and range, r-<
-ocentl in r. giilsr num rinal order.
l.mrla reserved by law for the uac of sell .ol I
:r other |iurj,ofica. will beexcludid from I:
Given under mv hand, at the C'»tv of ’Vh’I..
ingion, this *61 • d<'' of .lanttarv, 18 5
Bv the Preside”!.
Con.misairn«;rof »h p General Land Offic ..
OC^Printers of die f^ws of the Unre
?*»tcs, in the Territory »> f Fh«ri«la. vtid in ‘h
StK’ojof Mub ima, Louisiana, Tenc«a v, Mi--
.Msippi, Georgia, nnd South-wsrolina, ar*.- m.
ho i* d to pubidi the foie^oing Proelamv
on one® n week nil th« di. of a* 1 **
•i'ft- 7 fi f
lay hew.
C. 11. HAYDEN,
Oy^ioBite l\\e Academy
3Vta?i. TC.EU,
R EST’ECTFULI.Y infiirma her friend.
and the public, that her school is noiv
oi-kn, o|iposite the Chatham Acadentv, for
tho rkcf.ption or rtivir.s. Assisted h)
her daughter Miss E. A. IIamusox, sht
offors her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of Alloca
tion. Whilst she returns sincere tlmnks fin
the patronage hitherto extended, sin
hopes, from tho reduced rates of tuition nnd
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
tlier extension of public favor. Tho course
of tuition, nnd the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
1 Marking, per quarter, : (j I (10
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, : i i i i i : 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, pn •-
lace or mtislin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : 10 00
Fainting on velvet, per quarter,: i 0 00
ID’ The most careful attention will hi
"aid by Mrs. Ken, tn the deportment anil
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 Rr,
ider, Porter, if'ine, c c.
6} X BOXES first quality Cider
tl h Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
Consumptions, v ougus, <$c.
< actings.
TONS enrron castings, just receiv-
—cd front Greenock, via. Charleston,
con-istingof the following assortment, via :
2 !iHe fZi&tm ipM,<fMl»o ra tnenos
50 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 lbs.
130 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 cam)) ovens, from 0 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DEUMOTT.
Damascus Steel liazors,
» UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted pond.'
For sale by
nov 21
Co'iiiac i. randy.
PIPES “ Seigiustte’s Brand," just ro
ceived per Louisa Matilda, fur sale by
J. B. 11EUUERT & CO.
60 Tierces now Rice
|0 Pipes Holland Gin
10 I logsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hams
75 Barrel# Gin
50 Crates Crockery
SO Ke«rs Bnttrr
60 Barrels Muckarcl, No, 3
20 Cases Port Wine
•10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
-g iWA kEGS New Leaf Lard
1UU 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
6 Pipes H. Gin, Ewan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
Goshen But er, La d &c.
J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bids Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bills Buck Wheat
and Rye Fluor
10 bills Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongin’s New Buildings
Ah 12 67
Fhare Moulds, P ;rk, Gin, ts.c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for Bale, lan-
• ding from uhip Coreair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
J6 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mesa Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
.100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
6 do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
ffib 12 k 67
Beers* Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and for sale by JY. B. WEED.
act 27
■‘trade’s ompany’ s ops.
., v■ CASKS Brade’s Patent Hues, for
'M. sale by N. B. WEED.
dec 18
Georgia—Cainih n (Jaunty
O M the hrst T .Cid*y in March next, I
sell at ,1- ff * hi, in said conntv, a neg*
iun, tamed Daniel, the properly of the gs-
tteot Mic j ih Crews, de essed, pursuant to
ctve grunted bv the Court of O dinary.
MAWY CREWS, Eveculrir
.In 14 41
AdminisiratoT’s iN'oticc.
N INE MONTHS after date, I sliull apply
to the ILmoiable the Inferior Court oi
vKHiham county, (when sitting for ordinan
iUrpt'Ses) for leave to sell the real et'ate o(
ivj.ic (I. Robins, to aatiufy the heirs an*l creel,
tors. C. H HAYD8i\,
* Administi'Aicr*
au?uit 12 45
Bunch Muscatel Kaisins.
J UST received per ship Wlit. Penn, di
reel from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
F ' VuiaoxV Wharf
Fresh teas, Hums, flour, . c.
QA CHESTS Hyson Teas
mIv 33 Kegs No. I, Tobacco
1 Ilhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
F OR t’ e cure nf O'dtis, Coughs, Gonsump-
tioiv , Spitting ol Blued, AsUnnss, and
isc; se* of the bieust and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observatio
better estsb ishrd, none more i- enerally con
{ :rmed by the e xperience of the brst phyar.v
*nsof all a^es and count i s, and none r»
•ore importance to the human family, that
•e fact that many of the moat difficult and in
."untble consumptions originate in neglect ..
colds.. In m climate so variable as our*, where
'ho changes of ihc wes h2r sre froqttcntl 1
sudden and uneipect^d. it requires tn^re care
.•rt'l utteni ion to guard against this dangerru-
enemy of life, than most people imagine ti
ire able and willing to bes'ow The biila <•
nortali'y exh bit the melancholy fact that tl
sroportmn of dea’hs by tuis disease may be
onj»idc*icd as about five to one. I. astunch
icn as 'his fatal di**ftj«e f qnently bi s deli
"ce lo the skill of the most luk.n-.-d phyac:
ns,it isa gratificat’Oii to the pm rietot tin-
cise-.Hhlfdto oflerto those uffiic’ed with
a goodiy prospect of relief, in that I ighly
valuable remedy, thj Vegetable Indian Spici
fic. Ti p Indians are happy in ihur know*
• dge ofm diral plants; govtrued wlirdlvhy
ipe»ierice. they are certain as totheir iff.’ct,
n4 it is 8><id by an author of great i.haructer,
list a true co: suir.ption is a disease nevt
known among them.
i his Specific is obt ined by extraction from
.erbs, ro>tr, fliwcrSjpl.nt, when in pe'-
cctinn. tn consequence of a happy corn >inu-
ion of the most vxlutble herbs, &c. it becomt h
i ball mi of a superior vaiue. It heals the i>
jired parts, opens die pores, and compose
i.e dia urbed nerves, after the manner of a
nodyne/ consequently the obstruction n
he ches and the .ungs which constitute th.
Jiscsre, Dartrulsrly need its use. It promotes
xpcctorstion, which if constantly called for,
nd whilst it cleansv-s ai d heals, it also give
rsngth to the tender lungs lath a nanue
t removes the hectic fever, improves digts
ion, gives s'rrngih to the ne r vcs, repairs ihc
pp* t tc and improves the spirits. ThiJ speci
lie mu' always he givtn in safety it is m hi
lebSAiit to the taste, and may safely be give:
9 infants, (or which it is of inet imabie value
R affords reli* f in bowel complaints, t e-.iiing
. hooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu
riy useful in hypochondri cal, nervous uiu !
i. itericsl diseases. Each bid o: direcftoi
ontains a detailed sccoun.of this di'esse in
il its diff‘ft.nt stages, nnd wdl bi accompa
• ed'with the signature ot t!u* proprietor ii
Red Ink. It is offered fur sale by GEO. RY
EH Oonly (my sole agent) Druggist, cor
.•Bi and Whittske.-streets,Savannah,it
me dollar per bottle.
dee 30 30
M. v tatfcs Vank - v ote».
Jan 20
By the brig Pheasant, from Philadelphia,
|Qft HHDS and 100 bbls* Philadelphia
9l# KveW'hkry
15'J Dutch Demijohns
10 |M»go Salt' ctre
50 whole ai.d 100 half bb's, fresh FI jur
6000 bushed Liverpool groui d Salt
3 hiv.a. & V0 bbls. primp at. Croix Sugar
3 pipes and 23 denmjohus best Rutland
G n
5 pipes and 30 dem j jIiiib best Cognac
10 hhds. and 25 bbls. superior Northern
75 bbls Northern Gin
5j b. as G een C; ffij.:
5 cams superior n*d Lisbon Wine
25 hb!s Lump at.d72 bbls. f oal S igtr
5 hues white and 7 do brown Havana
25 bags black Pepper
$ pipes Imitation Gin
2 bales BaggingTwine
25 qr holes Hyson 'l et
50 earns Wrapping Paper
15 bo*, s Pipes
5 eng *s Wool Hats
10 baics best Ox'•••burgs
5 bales unble.ic id rl jmespuo
4 cases colored ditto
5<J keg; Dupont 1 ! Gun Powder
lOdO bushels Table Salt
°5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tons assort' d (Csrrtn) Caa.ings
5 l irge Smith Bellows
* kegs stJoitrd Cut Nsils
100 bags assort d shot—als • sn
tskonment of l tdar Waie, Market and
Clothes Baskets
Ali of which w ; ll be sold low for cash, or
ood town acceptances.
march ’4 9
V erdict MnrchTerm,
Vuinden Superior Court.
Henr. v llni’uitD,
Thomas Kino.
k N motion of the Attorney of the Plain-
* tiff, in the abovo case, it is ordered
hat the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why n
final judgment should nut bo entered in
tho above case, as of March Term, 1808 j
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from the Minute*.
dee 23 25Su
lufuE iutJ.lV. in VV anted \
I F bi.UnGK UILI.BR, otherwise DAN
»EL OLAND MILLER, who in the year
815, arr ve.f* in Savsnnith, in ihe Aberd:
ransport, belonging to Mi-san. D^wsun &
Sous, of London is living, and will app.y t<
iiis friends in Englsno, he will hear oi
methmg much to his advantage, He lef
Uie Aberdeen while she luy at Savannah, in o'
has not been hend of by his f ieud* sine
bat period. He had been many years.! r.s>
1 nr, and while on board the shove vess i
was employed us a carpenter. If he left Si -
vuinah at that time, it is probable that h
-’’tered some vessel going to the Brnxil L-
Miids, ss in his lust letter, he staled that it
we* his intention to do so. Should he hav-
lied at any place where a register or cert fi
-ate of his burial can be obtained, it would b
rlian L fu1iy received and all expen eiattending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
W.W hfT.L. CMES r ER,
^«»nfi O K7
List 0/ LKl iERS
Remaining in the Pnit-Ctfive, Savannah 31 et
March, I82S.
ID* Persons wishing hittar. from this list,
will plesse ask tor Mvertieed Letters.
Geo Hmiiniond
! Miss Candasy Har
Tlios Hanford
Daniel Hatcher
Mr. Arnuud
Susan Adums
James Adams
John Avery
John Atherton, 3
Jos Allen
Dr H Ames
Seth T Ames
Abraham Andrews
R J Arnold
John Abbot, son.
Capt James Blan
Mr, Baker
Isaac Busley
Miss Amanda S Ba
ker. 2
George Bailey, 5
Miss Eleiior Butist
Sam’l C Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jededinh Barstow
David Brandon
Miss R T Burncs
F Bardon
John Basely
Geo W Beck ford
Richard Berrie
John A Bi-ntly
Nathan Bennett
U H Bevins
A Berynut
Edit ’d Bourqiiine
Mrs L Bollough
D Brown
S D S Brown
Jacob Brown
Mrs Mary II Brown
Wilt Bones
Mrs E A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Tims Bag-haw
London Butler
Jas R Benedick 2
C. -
Wm. Campbell
t L.
| John Lawson
| Master G A Lnthrop
J Miss Junett Leyon
S David Lee
< G Lee
; Hugh Lnarmnnth
Airs Mary Long
' Jiiines Luce
! Bucmbus Luca
Andrew Marshall
VV'in Mallory
Patty Micks
Gwen Maker
Alias Mary Manyon
Mrs Aietzler 2
Mias Amt C Millen
John Alyrich
Tlios Aliller
James Mints
John Morrcl
G MounMort
Master Chus Morrell
; Henry Morningstar
5 Jae Mute hereon
| Neal McLadin 2
j John McRae
| Wm McCormick
| D McCarty
{Isaac McKim
j itnh McDow
} Pollard M’Cormick
{G W McAllister
J Mrs B B M’Call
j James MeCoukey 2
j Sami McFaddiu
| David McMillen
> Bond St M’Henroy
\ N. St O.
Capt ]
HD ]
Mrs 1
Clias 1
M Handy
Mary Harrison
—-J Hammond
Charles Hart
“ Ilevdon
is Ilines
lea M Hill
M Hylton- >
" Mireins
- Mine
Patrick O’Hsre
Jane II Hogg
u Huntington
—. John Hunter
Bimon Jackson
Lewis Jacksoli
Mrs Rose Juleneiu
Joseph Jordon
" W Jordon
Mrs Sarah Kuaen-1 2.
GeoK Ke,ln k’ S i 0 " 1 "* 0 Zitrowfr
Geo Kursenkie { Miss Ann Zachuio
¥tenc\\ 1 eUtrs
Mr J. anjscques Lau- Miss Celeni
rei, *» * <lro«Re
april 2 J0,I - N ' SCUDDER, P. M.
Pat _
Mias M
Owen Hig
John 1
Miss .
Miss Ann Nowlan, 3
Theadoro Nelson, 3
Capt Stephen Nye 3
Mrs L Cupps,Effing. ^
- v-H|re wsi UIILII 4. VI
l Mrs R S Norton
{Miss C Norton
} Wm Nye
[ R B Nye
! George Oliver
j Wto Oglesbay
_ i P-
ham county jWm A Pollard
L I. Crane | David Parry
John L Clark {-Kami Patterson 2
Christiana CampboB Geo Ii Parker
Mrs M Callahan j Cap Jas Perry
Htetvart Campbell j Waltur G Perry
lMney Carpenter
Lunas Clark
(Hiarles Chase
John Childs
Mrs Francis Cale
C Connolley
John Coebat
E Cooper
Ilcury Cooke
Cap C Cooper
John Coit
M. Correghan
John Cooper
Miss C Cruse
16th Class—New Series.
W ILL be drawn on the 11th of Mav
1825, and *J™ 8 l lp d in a fow miniiua!
oiAvy Numbers—Eight Ballots to be Drawn'
Administrator’s .aie.
O y Ihe fi *tur- a) af e; .bv fi ll Tu^a
day in May next, beiw en li e hours of
t s and fi»ur o'clock, will he sold st the mar<
Ret*h< use in ti e town of St. Marys, pursuit'!
i<> sn order of the Honorable ihe Court of Or
•Iinary for the cour ty of Camden, a m gro wn-
>nan • amed Jenny, b-’longinr to the estate *>f
Duv d G Jones, dece -s d> for thr benefit of
the creditors rfluid es'Hl**.
«(»HN H VTtD^.E Mm»r
; •” 9fi
4 M, ptreon. having demsm'a (gsinst tb-
j e t.te of the 1-te John W.k'-ily, (plant
r) dec ate reque. edto t ender them, prop
erly attested, immediately i end >11 pertoi-i-
indebted, to make immedi ite pay mi nt to
ROIIEHT HOY, F.z> cuter,
F ' 4 T 7
N INE MONTHS alter date, reliction will
tie made to the Honoraule Infrnur Court
. . tih.tham county, (or leave tu nil the real
nd pcreonel eetate of the late Mr. Ann H.m-
iliou, deceased, for the benefit - of the lieirs
idciedu luf suid v.Me,
WOltTHINQlON GALE, Extcu’ur.
Much 10 8$f,
N ine MONTHS alt. r date of tbit notice
application wilt be made to the Honor.-
bti- the Cmirt of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty. for pcrui.-'Ou to nil .11 the real eetate of
John W.lterlv, dee. for ib" benefit of the
bein.nd creditors f .aid der’rsnd-
ROBERT HPY, Bzecutnr.
, Feb 2^ V.
» Phillip Pierce
{ Lewie Phinncy
J Cup David Pinge
{John W Pomeroy
4 Mai C Powera
< Gideon Powledge
{ R.
j Geo Randall
i Jno Rain
} Edw’d Ryan
| Dan’l B Rider
i Henry Ringuld
J Alex llyburn
j Abraham Riker
Messrs J do C Cum- J John J Richardaon
minga »Snm’i Richardaon
Henry Cunningham } Dr C W Rodgera 2
Win Cattereon S Tlioa Rodgera
Mathew Cuchbo-1 Inhn A Ruwell
t B B
4 Grot
5 ful
\ Ann E Rules
1 CaptMoaca S Robin
i 801)
B B Rutland, 2
oen R Ruther
ford, 2
l Cupt J W Russell
4 Miss R Rusaell
5 Miss MaryStafford 2
J William B Savage
j JOietlian Sawyt r
( Amos Sulsbury
; Tiiuums M Sanders
j George Starbuch
fJohn R Shad
j Naomi Stanton
Sarah Sawyer
Christian Dasher
A Dun forth
Wm L Davis
Henry Durbcck
Gilmore Dexter
Rev L Dewight
Wm Degmand
Rob Dillon
John Diver
Win B Dopson
John Duore
Charles O'Donnell
B Dnnavan
Farris Dorffey
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Dcwliirce
Lucy Durkee
Gilford Dudley
Pun) Dtipnn
Miss Alur^r Davie
Joshua Evrett
Jessee Ellerbee
Anthony Evergreen
John Ellis
Rev Mr Elton
Mrs Mary Fare
Pat Fay 5 wich
MrsMurgretFegan S James Sealy
Murtine Frederick jMrsBethia Seabury
John B Fiinn 4 Levaitt Steevens
John N Fry ;Mrs Ann Setigrovc
Michiel Fesher > James Smith 3
Miss Carnlino Floyd \ James Sima
| Robert Sawyer
i Cup John Sliaw
{ Joseph Sackel
< MisB Martha Spal-
» ding 2
5 bliss Easter Slieftall
l Miss Margaret Ste-
4 vena
i j David Setson
| Richard Stewart,
J (eulured man
j Alfred Shearman
, Cflpt Mliikanl ti.
* wii
Michael Sele-
Danicl C Smith
Mrs Mary Smith
WiHiam H Smith 2
Capt Reuben Swift
James VV Sima
Miaa Jane Stibba
Thomas B Smith
Airs Sarah Sima
Richard Smith
David B Squire*
Mra Slone
William I Sott 9
Ezra Spooner
William Spooner
Abraham Strohhar
Mrs Sarah Strobhar
David A Strobhar
James H Suydarn
Capt C E Trentlin
Captjftfm Tommer-
John Toebert
Robt Hamilton 5 J;.im 8 Thompson
Misa Sarah Horri-1N Turnbull
eon > Josepli Tuttle
John Hance J Mrs Alary-E Turner
^ Tho* Hawkuu H? TurbcrnRe
Rob Gult 7
Evans Grant
TIiiib Garnett
Joseph Gilford
Wing S Groon
John Gibbon
John Grimed
Capt Aiithouio Gi-
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giridon
Win Gifford
Mary Griffith
Abner Gilford
Thba M Goddard
Jas J Grogan
Capt Nath Gookin
S U Goldsmith, Jr
Jacob Gould
Miaa Selvey Guy
Wm Turner
John D Warner
Airs Alary Warren
Airs Mnrv Wallace
John F Williams
Christian Wiaenba.
‘ Capt Jno Winklcy,8
4 Wm WilHsms
{Edw’d Willey
- Airs A! Wvllv
\ Elizabeth Whiting’
j Jus Wing
< John Witter
■ J Peara Wilhiogf on
JMiss Annett WUa
{ Iiafiic-uh
4 7 hot- A Wiiliania
| Gen H Wood
' Jas Wood
! Stephen Wood
! y
! Mr* Philip Young
4 Barnabas If Young
: John Young
- Ph. R Young
1 Prize of 50,000 Duliara ia
1 20,000
I 10 000
* 5,f00
4 720
10 00
4 72
’ ,80
24 91
* 7 " 7 *
34,2:70 Tickets et £27 ,760
fn this Scheme with eight drawn halloti,
there will he 56prizes with three mimbeisun
them, >4(6 with two number! on them h, il
10.608, with one number on them. Thoee
tickets heving none of the drawn balioia on
Item being blanks.
To determine the fate of ell tbe ticket! in
■>eabove lottery 60 mimbeie, from one ta
1 xty Inclusive, will aeverellv be placed in •
wheel on tbe nay of drawing, and eight t>f
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
-t »a a combination, the lit, 28 and (bird nuni-
oera drawn, will be entitled tu £50 000
That having o., it the 6th, 7th ant: 8:h, will
he entitled to £ 0,0(>0.
That having on it the 4th, 5th et d 6 h. will
>e entith-dtn gioooo.
T <t- h-rvisg n ih-m the 3d, Abend 5th
3d, 7’.h pud 8th, e.rh *5.000
T. at having «.n it tl, e 2d, 3d and 4th wilt
■ie entitled to 4,720.
Those 20 baring on them the •
M, 5th am 1 . 8(it
2 , 6ih and 7tl
2d, 6th and *1.
2d 7‘haitd 8ti.
l d. 4Mi am! 6i*
3 . 4l!i and 7 i
3u, -4Mi and 8lI,
3d, 5th and 6:h 4th,6th apd 7i
4th 6th am! 8tl
M|..7lh aid HI
til 6th aim 7<1
5ih,6th and 8il
5ih,7th am! 81
each *.000
3d, 5th and 7il
3d. 5iband 8>h
3d, 6th ami 7th
3d, 6< h lor 8th
4 .5 hand 7'
All other., (being 30 ticket.) having ihn
if Ihe d »wn numhera on them will tacli
ntitled to £500.
r lit 52 iiCActs having on h m two of t
’rawn numbers and those two, the 3d •
4iu, v.iil each he entitled to £'.00.
The 156 ticket* having o„ them-the 4
d 5th or 4. b and 6, i, or 4:h and 7li> drm
umbers only, will end, be entitled In £51
All others (being 1248 ticket*) having 0
of the drawn nuinbera on them, will each
e- tilled to £20.
And thuac having on them any sue of t
awn numbers, (be’ng ’,0,608 t ekets, or 13
r esc.h drawn number,) wilPeach be en
Med to *10.
No ticket which shell have dvawn a pri
of a superior denomination can be entitle d
VO inferior pries. Prizes payable thirty dl
liter ttie drawing, and subject, as usual, l,
d diiction ui 35 per cent-
A considerable portion, f this loiter/ ia J
ip in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing ill 1
mibinalinn numbers, from one to six
I ,ch pa-eels are warranted to draw at le
*’.0, leas'he deduction of (5 per cent, »
o many ch* c, - f - >h« r^pi's! pr ica.
J. B. YATES, )..
Philadclolii ., U* eh 9, 1825
Orders received and forwarded at the above
price at
March 31
NS liiskey,
Fi’h 23
bills on New-York,
F or sale by
Feb 2-t r. r GRiswor.n.
r ocket: pudes.
1 CASK Socket Sudce, jnet- tree
and fur sale hg N- k WiiKi
-Jail 4