Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 22, 1825, Image 4
iVAfR* mas VOTKLO0 wm City Sales. On the firet Tueeday th May next, fiT»ILL be lotd li ft at Orth* Court Hou;. W in the City of Bavin, ih, between th. usual hour* of 10 and 4 o'clock, Om negro man named Tom, levied on »• tho property of and Valeria llavis, to (atiafy twoeiceoll >na from ttio Court of Com mon Floor and Oyer and Terminer, for the o'. t» of faeannoh, John 0. Bhnoe re. John F. q DayiAGiardux of John tad Valeria Da- Oir.and Wm. Kowera at. the aomr. A 1 ! the bulklings on the centre part ofTrut' I.ot letter «, it preaent In the occupation Ul Jed T. Bottea. Puretyal Ward, bounded north by Preaidcut-at. ooutb by York*rt eart b) one portion of raid tat, weal by the Court- Ifyitae, levied on ae hi property of Jab T B, to artiriy an execution Ikon the C-utr < f common Pleae and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savannah, Samuel M. Ilordecai ya dob T. Boiler. Southern half of Lota? N a 39, thirty-nine, end fih.f .rty, with th- Improvementa therron, filbert Ward, bout,dud north by the northern bill of *aidtat% eonth by Liberty, st. eaat by Jeffersnn-at. ley ed on a, the property of Ben Sheriff's Sales Continued. ©nMejSt-si Tukedayin May next. rVrtL be inld at U.eOiiuti ttouaa in the Aj city of Savannah', between the houravf •an and four o'elook. Adthut net of Land on the Island ifSk'd- ntya>', Chatham county, voile i Springfield, said to oonta n 750 tsrta, hounded northward ly by tacit <f the estate or John Millcdge, eaatwardly by lande of Jamea Hilbo, aunth- wardiy by landafbrnMrly Buu'.ffv wuatwaid !y by river end marahea with tmptoveieem. thereon, leried on ea the property of Chat. Stephen!, to aotiaO an naecu ion in favor of Richard Richardaon, for uar, U<s- Its All that tract or parcel of Land containing 567 ar.rea more or l.-te with 100 aerea of llarali Und, called Okcland, situate, lying ond be- ,ng in lilt e Ogeohee D utriot, in the county f Chatham bouided on the north by landa of Fleming Akin, on the eaat by landaof D Parker, on the anuth by lamia of the late B Walburger, and on the weat by a northeast bunch ol hrlr 0,;echec River together with all and lingular the edilicea, improvements nnd appurtenances, levied on under a ii- lit on forecloaure a« the property of George L. jamin Sheftall to satisfy two etreutiona Iron. I Cope, in favor rf John M’Niali, .Peter M.tch the Court of Common Plena and Oyer and | ail and Bobeit Miloiiell. Terminer for the City of Savanreh, J.isse Mount ya. Benj, Shelf all A'l the right, title, and intereat, of Btldwin Co ktothai double tenement build'ng until, weatern part of TruitLot lettei A, bounded no- th by Bryan-at. eouth by St. Julian- it. tar br part of said tat, weat by Whitiker-ai lev ied on at the property of Baldwin Cook, to tatiafy no execution front the Court ef Com nun Pleas and O, er and Terminer fur Hu- City of Savaooab, Norman Peaae va. Baldwin Cook, All that tat and Improvementa known in the plea of the City ef 'Savannah, at Lot No.'J, two.Peroival Ward,bouodrd north by Weigh 1 Square, eouth by a lane, ca»t by Lot No. 3, throe, weat hr Lnt No I, on.*, leried on as property of J-ih T Bulks. to tat efv an rxe cution from the Court of Common Pleat ami O er and Termmr for hr City of Susannah, J iveph Clark vs. lob T. Boil-a, rnd assigned 16 i B' Parkman, property pointed nut by def udant, and subject to o murtrag-. A. I. D’LYOJ, C S. mrl 4 09 Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in May next, W n t. at old a -be ourl House in the City of S-vaniuth, between the hours often and four o’clock, Lot and Buildings No. 17, aeventcen. Wash ingtou Ward in 'ho C't> of Savannah, bound ed eaat by Lot No- IS eighteen, aoutb by St. Julian-at. weat by P.-ice-at and north by Bryan at. levied on as iho property of Ste- f hn S. Williams to satisfy an execution in ivor of Je-oea M'Henry, end othet, At- eigneceof Wm. Turner. All that tract of land known by the name of TweedaMo, in the County of Chatham, con tainlng 346 icres, bounded on the north by Saeino'.h it yer, levied on ua the property of Jo n Morel, to aatiafy exeeutions in favor ol Wm Taylor fc Sun, and o'liera Whan Lot containing 6f. foot, 8 inches on Savannah River, 66 fe,t 8 inches on Indian' Street, extending fi un said R.ver to the laid Itreet, in extent about 400 feet, th - aomr being (be euatem part of Wbaif tat No. 3, three, levied on aa the property of Robert W. Pooler toe tVy 1 woeircutiona in favor of Jnaiah I’ ,d, and John Dicks, property pointed out bv me dotendant- All that half of Lot No 13, Columbia Ward, pilit the improvementa thereon, to aatiafy an execution tasuing oat of t Justices Court in fkvor of Wm. Rnbiiiion, returned to me by CoMtable. I :AAO D’LTON, S. C. C. a-ri’h oo_ •thei ilf s Sales, On thefi st Tue, day in May next, hcivetn the usual ksurs, W ILL be i old ut tile Court House in the Cniinty if Bryan, the fuliowino Lota or parcels of Lund on the Island of Osaab-'w, (ii the laid County, known in tbe nlsn of he AH that tract or parcel of Land a tome, ly ing and being in the county ot Chatham, t own by the name uf Muir Hall, ouutauung 1097 acrca more or lesa, bounded on the sou,. ,y landa of lamei Forrest, on the e a by Col. J. Marshall’! landa, >n the north by Geoig Jones's land, and on the neat bv Little Oge, cbee Hiver, Abo, Two l.ota of t and in the .'•■ty of 8avannah, kuowii oy the Nus. I'il) r.veuiy nine, and (uO) lliiny, in Columbia Wa d, with tile appurtenances thereunto an pertaining, levied on Under a fi fa. on fore closure at the property ofFiemuiing Akin, dec. in favnr of W ni, Dixon It Co. assignee* o! tl M’Leol. Half Lot and Buildings, No 4, fiwinaburg Oglethorpe, Ward, in ihe city of Savminu the unexpired lease of ri j Lot fur three years from January tut, levied on as the pm« oerty of Robt Lewis to aatiafy an esecution frum a Justices Court in favor ulj. St 4- Fen- lorgaat, returned to me oy a constable Atari, I he following 35 negro a, viz: Cuff's, .Cooper, Harriet, Affy, aid Chari' tie, Jack, Shy, Charlotte, Pendaw, Beat, Preeesta am- child, Budg- t and Peggy, Wiilutm,' E.aey, flilley. Philip Phyllis, old Cutnbo, Jenny, old ,’eggy. B utua, Jeaae, Brutus, Sandy, Maria, J) Tula, Dick, Toby.Suphia, Daphne and chi id, Jacob,Sye,Beckr y and John, with the increur ■i the femole,, levied on aa tbe property of Mieiioiaa Cruger, under a 6 fa on a forecloaure .■•'a mortgage in favour of John Carnahan and lames He ienryfor use of Chris'iana Leretl Alvo, the foilo ving 19 negrura, viaAbra ham, Harry, Calu,, Daniel, Aaron Sambo, Luey, Se pio, Maryan Rachael, Lord don, Aggy, Si ron, G-ace, Bl : aa, George, Ho ly, and Jim, wuh tin increase of the femalea, levied un as the property of Fit aiming Akin, iee. umler a A. fa. uu a foreclosure of a mort gage in tavor of Wm. Dunn A to- aaaigneea af Murdoch M’Lsod- I D’l.YON, S. C C A pn 6 20 J. Smiths Panacba. T HK aubaeriber havingdlacovcred the eoi pmition nf Sft'M.WS C8UBBHATE t’AAACKJ, baa now a supply on hand 6 vie I he ha* reduced thvprieo from £3 60, £2 <0, or by the doion g )4. All charitable institution* in the U. Slat and the pmtr will bo supplied gratia. If tbe eitiiena nf the principal cities a towni, will appoint an agent to order at ■ diitribute thi* medicine to tbe poor, It will,te auppiied. Tina medieine la celebrated for the fare of the fbllowing dieeaaoe i—" acrofula of king', evil, ulcerated or putnd lore throkt, long standing rheumatic affeationa, rutanroua din- earn, white swelling md diieaie of Ihe bones, and all cues generally of the ulcerdia Chirac ter, and chronic diseatps, generally a-iung ii debilitated eonstitutioua, but mortespeciallv from ayphilia nr affuetio'i* arising JhrrefWim i uleerv in the larynq, nodes, Of. and that dreadful disease occiiiooed by is long and exoenive use nf mercury, Oe- is alsn use ful in the disease of the liver-” Certificates I have witliin the lust t .rn year had an op pnrtunity of seeing several easel vf very mve icrate ulcers, which haring previously resist ed the regular modes of tresxnent, weie healed by the use if Mr. Swriia’s Ptnscei, tud I do believe, from what I have aeen, that it will prove an important remedy in icr«. fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases, N CHAPMkN, M.D. Professor of toe Institutes ard praettet of Phytic, in Ihe University of Penn aylvanil I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instances, within the lsat thre> years, and Imve always found it extremeii ■Sicsciuus, especially in scc-nndary svpiili'- mil mereurial disease!. J have no heaitatiuc in pronouncing it a medici -e of inestimable val ie. W. GIBSON'. M D Profeaeor of Surgery in the Cm’ty of Penn Philadelphia, February 17,1823. . JOHN StUNN, Chemist. Phifode’tMa. Xov 17. '« '3. ^lieiitPs bale On the first Tuesday in May next, \\yli L tic -oil in is -ut ui me Oourt- JJ touse, in the city of Savannah, between *ne an,I hours of ten and four o’clock, Tue following eight negroes, via. Cuffet Foggy, Riianiian Carolinv, Juaepi,,Mar> Be ty and Jim, levied onunder a A.fa. on a fo.a. loaure, as tbe p iperty of Charles H. Hay- len. in fuvor of Frederick W. Hien- man’ march 7 I<s i AT n’t YON. S. C r Sheriff's Sales, OP ATTACHED PROPERTY. O ih-iff'riSaturday aficrtheiint lurediv m M .y next, will he aoid at the Court- House in the town of St Murys, between the Inura of ten and lour o’clock, the folinwiug i -gro slaves, vis. Lancaiter, Furry, R"ie,aiid her two chil .ten, Hannah and Archibald, acid as the property of Thomas Amlrewa, un 'e an attachment in favor of Hubert Milter. partition gf the san e lilsnd by the mimhe.a So |g b , con , e „t 0 f all parties. a .... ..i..u« f n ,.a A -a a',w aaoan aril fhut I T. a . .... one, two, three, four, Are, six, seven, ar.d that port of nun.her eight, beginning at the hedge at the edge of the wooda, in the South part of the sa il last tract, from the Weitermoat to tbe dtutermott Creek. Alan, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the Er r,:roost parts of tract ten, eleven, twelve, from the path in tlib old A dd in the savannah, to bo eununued in a straight line Until it inter (nets Bradley’. Hami ock M.mhes on one aide ai d igeechee riveron the nib-.r. Also,Horse Hummock, containing fifty acres. Also, Brad. I*,’a Hammock, containing one huudreu and Ally Avc acres- Ann also, a Hammc k calle Bnidduck’s Camp containg thirty eight acres, April 1,18 5. April 8 S.C.C. 13 Administrator’s baU On the first Tuesday in May next, WILL sell at the Court-House in Jcffer- ooii, Camden County, between the uuu | el hours of Bale, Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her I four children, Daniel, Stephen, John, and Yorick, the property of the estate of George Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of the __ creditors and heirs of said estate, ptiroiiant be og pans n.d parcels of"the said Island of I to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary Otashisv. Levied upon aa a part of t ie ea | of said county. taie of the l.< c John M-reh deceased, under and hy virtue uf a fi. fa un a decree of th* Superior Court of Uhathsm County, in a case wherein Simon Donald and wife were Com plainant*, und Thoms* N. Morel and others defendant t HCMAS HEARN, S, B. C. M.rc* 0 't)5 'iherift'^s Sales. , On the first Tuesday in Jape next. AXdrii.i h- t ’liiat the l-oiiri*House in the V# Oily ol Savannsli,between the hours uf ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne gruel, vis .— Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry, Bil'y, Burke, Parris, Diana, Dinah. Little Braiii, Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase jf the families, levied on under e foreclosure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Washington, for use. T v j negroes, via: Ned and Glasgow, levi ed on a foreclosure ef ■ mortgage from Chav. Ulmer to Joseph K ipman. ISAAC D’f.YON, S C. C. an-il 4 n9 Sheriff ’s Sale. O N Ihe first Saturday after tbe first Tues- d*y in May next, between the hours ol tee audfoitr o’clock, will be sol I at the msr- bet-house in the town of St- Marys, 'he fol lowing negroes, v ! s i Judy and her ion John, Simon, and Charhii, levied on aa the proper ty of James William,,in, deceased, to aatiafy an execution on the foreclosure of a mnrt gage, in favor of Edward P. Tail nail, adminii- trator "f John Hamilton’ M. H. HEBUARD, S. C. C. St. Marys, F-brinrv M 1835. Msrn' 2 62 Sheriff’s Sales. O N Ihe first Saturday, after the first Tue*. day in June next, will be sold at the MarkeLHouse ie the town of St Mans, two aegroea, via Bob and Bose, levied eh as the property ol Joseph Rain, to satisfy am esecu tion on the foreelnadre ofa 'mortgage, in favor •f Samuel Clarke,aiulGeorge S Brown. April 8,1826- M. H. REBBAKD, S.C.C. April} 13 GEORGE MORRISON, Administrator, with the will annexed, of George Morrison, Sen, deceased. April 14 18 Georgia—Camden Comity. Superior Court, October Term, 11124. Timuthy Hopkins, «A Langley and Selvester Bryant. , N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating * that in consideration of certain prum- saory notea, made to the said Timuthy, bi them, one prvable with inte est, from Ar if January, 1831, on tbe first of January, 1822: • second payable aa sfiressi', on the first ol January, 1823* and a third payable aa afore md, on the first of January, 1824, executed a mortgage to aaid Timothy Hopkins, Ida hens md assigns, un all those four trad a of <-,id, eluated in Ihe county aforesaid, conveyed by 'he laid Timothy,'to the aaid fengley and a Ivester, and lying oo the aouch aide of Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev city-erven!seres, more or leas; two irseis ontaining filly aerea, more or less, and one •her tract, containing one hundred and eigh t-eight aerer, mure or leas, conditioned for he payment of the three aaid several nnlei. m the days above mentioned, and that said icveral notes remain unpaid—on motion ol Archibald Clark, attorney fur plainlif, it i- 'rdered, that th* aaid Langley and Selvester, their hem or assigna. pay into Cour>, within welve months from this date, the sums dm .in said notes, and the interea and coats, oth rwise that the equity of redemption be lor- ■ver foreclosed, and that such other proceed nga take plaea, as are pursuant to law. True extract from the minniea, 27th Oeto- her, 18>4. JOHN BAILBY, Clerk cov 4 r >7' 4 WO'llcE. V INE mon, h* after dale, application will be is made to tbe Hon. the Judges of the Court if Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to J eli all the real (State of the late WiHiam Cralf cessed, for the benefit of the helfaandcrei its of said estate. JOHN M’MSII, Executor, oot 13 71 Treasury Department, March, 14, 1825 ; W HERE AS on the 3d of March, IPfJ Uw watpawsri by the* C merest cf Ihe Un ted State*, of which the 3d 4lb, rid Sth s-Ci'tuns are in the • f illow <>r, v i ; S c. 3. And be it fu lhcr enne ed, That » lubsnription !«> the ariiuunt of twelve millon «f dollar*, of the *ix p r cent. *tock of t-c veai* eighteen hundred tnd thirteen, br, end the tame it hereby proposed ; fur which pur- pole book* shall be opened at ihe Treasury < f the United States, tnd th r.-veral loan • ffi ccs, on the first da< of April next, in continu* open until the firnt day of Oijtober thereafter, for MLwh pari* of tho above mentioned d * icripiiou of stock as shall, on ’ll .* duy ot suh ^crption, -tand o.i the buokti of me Treusuri, md on these of the •: veml loon offi es, re peettvely / winch subscription ahull oe t ffi c* ed by a tra*.?f r to the United States, in t'n mennef prof.ded by law for ^uch Iran f fo, o- the cred t or ertd * stunding on the ariJ hooka, and by a surrender of the certificate* of the stock so subscribed : F*ovi.'.er|, Thai all subscription by such transfer > f .dork ihal We eonsd’iiod as part o» the said twelve mi- ions of d.dlara aiitiur-aed to bt Borrowed by the first secti- n ^f his an. 9 * Sec. 4. And be» further enacted, That foi ■* whole or any p«rt of any sum which shall be thus subscribed, crcd ’.s shsll be entered tc the respective subsc 'ibers, uh . shall be euti tied to a certifi <*te nr certificates purporting that tbe Umtcd states owe to the hol ler or holders thereof, h.s her y or their issignm » a im to be expressed th ‘rein, oqnal to thi amount of the principal stock thu i subscribe Hearing m interest n t exceeding four at d o’ e half per centum per annum, pryabh quarterly, fr jm the th^’v-fi st day of D< cem bet , one thousand eight i u idred and twenty five / tt* , ii!e -, able in 'h^ same u anuer as i* provUUd by law for the trunafv-r of the stock stihsrriiied, and sul'j' Ct to redemption at th ile mure of the U-i't^d Stales, as follow*: one af at any time uf er the tturty-Hit day of I)?.ctinbe', one thoua:md eight hundred v.nd twenty-eight : and the remainder at any t m After the thirty fi a. d*y of December, one thousand eight hundred and twei.l '*n»ue Provided, Th .t no i , eimiuirsemcnt shall made except for the whole nmiunt of such new cort fi Hte; ncr untd after at least si nonths public notice of aueb imeoded reim bursement And it shall be the duty of tin r ; cret»ry of the Trctiturv t<> rau^e to be trans fcrrrd totfie respective Mibucriheintlie sever* a! sums by th-m suHa-.r.bed beyond 'h i amoui.- of the cert fi :etes of f >ur und one half per cent, stock issiu ij to th m rca ectively “ Sec, 3. And be it fw ther enacted, Thftt the same find* winch have hereiotote been and now are pledged by law for the paymen of the intfT'u?», md for the redemption arc reimbursement of the stock which may be re- devmed c.r reimbursed by virtue of thn pro visions of th is act, shall remain pledged in like manner f >r he pavment of the inte. cut accru ing on the stock crmled by reason of su I lubscrip'ion, and f »r the redemption or reim hursement of the princip: I of the sime. Ard it shall be the duty of the coniraissionera of tin. inking fund to cause to be applied and paid out of the said fun'’, yearly and e*e"y year, auch sum and su-ns as may be annually requ.r rd to discharge the icte est acc r u r g on iht uock which may be crented bv virtue of thi. ct The said commissioner* are, also, here V authorised to apply, fr m time to tim ‘•ich aum and turns out of the said fund, i hey may think proper, towards redeeming /y purchase, or by remiburaemeut, in con' formity with the provisions cf this act, the n incipal of the said stock : and such part ot the annual sum often millions ofd Pars, vest ed by law in the s*id commissioners, as m*} be necessary and rtq iired for th* above pur poses, shall be and continue appropriated t< he payment of interest and redeifpt'on he public debt, until the whole of tie slock vhich may be created under the provisions of th.a act, shall have been redeemed lor reim bursed. 11 Now, therefore, tntice is hereby gwen, that books will he open< d at the TreaaurV of the United States, and *t he several loan offices, •»n the first day of Aoril next, and dnntmue open until the first da* of October, tiereaf- er, for receiving subscriptions in conlbrmit) with he prov siensef ihe said law. The subscriptions mav be made by the pro prietors of the stock, either in person ar by their attorneys duly author xe * to subscribe and transfer it to the United Ststes. Sh iutd subscriptions of said sti>ck he made to an amount exceeding twelve millions of dollars, a distribution cf ihe said aum of twelve millions of dollars will be made among <he subscribers, in proportion to the aunts subscri bed by them respectively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury” March 26 10 1*0 * VALUABL1? MEDICINE. TOTTfcVA Vegetable Catholicon. 4 f HB kubarrilv. r tea u atftilly aolirita the at teuHun of every friard of suffering hu '.■unity, tq lo the above otw and invaluablr lemeily, whose unequal powers iu eliminating from the lyatitm the very aeeda of disease, and in restoring Ihe deranged and morbid ennditten of the organs of life to a free and healthy exercise nf th> ir functions, has exci ted the attoniihmrni, and completely ailen -,-d Ih4 ohjeetiona of tbe moai Inen dnlous — Fuels are Ihe heel arguments. In order to put ilie virtues of tue tiaihnlioon to as severe a sor tiny aa pciaible, il wav nfl'ered by ailvet- tmement. togelher witn the attendance cf a tihyaieian, gratuitously to any para >n win would apply for it, and a h ise cause might seem t come within ihe range of ita healing power—numbers of severe eaaea of long stt d. mg, ai d ; ,me m them seemingly ds .prr te one*, pro ented themselves, all */ vhich have been cured, or so much relieved as u warrant he assertion that a little p.-ricveranee will do an In fact, such it the confidence nf ihe phjsi cian under whose er e these natients were placed, in this remedy, a cu fide ice remi t ing from the irretialible comicmn that has oeun forrnl upon hiimlnd by ocular demon strafrin, and a peraund trial nf it nr h'maei ihtiAe petmiu me to declare it ai his d ci ,lud opinion that lie Caih ilioon il not only a rIV.ctly safe and i inocem, hut a must pnw iul and invaluable remedy in cerirn dis lues and atatea of the a< stem, such aa the fnl owing:— Deoihty reatilling from tin emperance and ssipationi Old and invterat Ulcers. Paint I the bon a -ttended with swellings ef the join t i Indigestion i Blot .hea on the face pimple , Ne. i A|: complaints of the Liver, fetterYaws; Syphilis .- Cutaneousdisca-ct generally ) Mercurial and acrofuluus com. plaints The Catholicon (which the proprieter aol em.olv pledges h a word consiaia exclusive!; f vegetable ma.|ei) with ihe exception of h slight dr.tornii .atioti to the howela^ which it present'! in a soluble Itate, a. t insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires n particu- inr regimen, (abstinence from apirtuoui li- quota al vays excepted,) or confinement. Aa agmtlc. Sale and agree ible cathartic midi cine, improving the appetite and reitor ng tin general'one of ihe ays’em, it is cunlidi ntly recommended to ladi-'f in a delicate ailua don. W. W. POr. E I, 66 Chesnut-atieet. humble V'utVeA HttVt aM air as spa T HE aubaeriber haa just received an aa> aortmeut of the above articlea, war ranted to be of the best jualityh for sale by octt6 /. W. MORRBL. vm iMHnMMW tbanW.T tMyour ie i errant, Or. GEORGE KANE. City ef Philadelphia, is George Kuieiuf the DiMrint of South. vaTirpegriinalll appeared, and, being duly iwora, doth declare and aay* that ,the above aiat'inent ialn all reipecta oer-eet nnd true, rtiHf that the iig;iature, to it tain Ihe hand writing of this deponent. BISNS, Alderman. Philadelphia! May 28,1824* TD 80UTHBRN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly adapted to thoae diaeaaea wh*ch art pr.^valcit among tbe coloured population of the aotith In that diaease which it called y*wa> it ia a Mire remedy i a tingle trial of it, will convince S tanteri of its superior efficacy to any reme y of a similar natu e in the United dtatea* NOTICE. The advantages of this medic'n^%re, not confining the patient unneccijurily to the rhouse, or keeping him from hit business/*** With one solita’ y exception. »hat of soiri'u* ouh liquors, it doet net lay any rettricnout upon Ido appetite It isao gentle in us operauoti Out me p itient finds himself getting well be cannot tell how. As it is not the Wish of the propiictor to take auy thing (or which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persons at n distance who may wish to try uis medicine, but who are not certain if it -ie applicoble to their complaint, are request d to describe b heir caso and symptoms in <etter, p->8t-paid, ancl directed to nun— this letter will be immediately ulaced in hands fully competent to derd’ the question.— bould iUa remedy noi seem to suit tbe dis* ase, they will be frankly told so. CAUTI N* To prevent d^appointment it ia well to •it'rie th it it takes i.-i or iinary cases from 3 to oou-es to effect a cure so that persona wh re labouring under any serious infirmity, mi: >t make up (heir mind to persevere to tha< xti n at least—if they do not, they might as il s«ve themselves the trouble and expense f using a »~ , *l!er qu^r’iiv. All o de t p et p dd and endoting the nrmey, nmediately M:end-\.i tand .lie meuinne ^seked and delivered with directions for uae - ’> any place in the city, and forwarded as di re- ted N. B. To preven* the possibility of «li im- n ' v.i’1 beB;ih* in the city of Philadei< llii.H, at the office in Filth near ttact-Str et, >rai the dwelling of Uie uroprhtor, N i, 66 ;lie:»nu' alrcct, only, nnl abroad by his au< honxvidagents W W POTTER, 66 Chetnut St eet, Philade'pfua' Philadelphia. May 31, 1824. At the request of Mr. vV. W Potter, I h iv< Inte'y exhib'ted, in aever?il in t.mcefe, a medi citM/1 s nip, cillid Po U r's Vegetable Uaiho (icon, wito the most decided advantage. 1 •a, aa • et, nev-'r failed f ff-cting a cure n very cane in which 1 have tiougi t proper ti inploy it. H. M'MUUCRIB, M D Ph : u<’e phia* July 28th, 1824. Mr, W- fV, PoUer, Dem Sir—You expressed a wish (h-t 1 would give a concise statement nf my m fi* r 'ng J . fooin ‘(he liopelcsa r.ummencemei-t (»' he present :>rapitiuus uare of m, diaouse About live years ago, on my pa?s ge fron irdevur, during *he month of January, from mprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seixt: with a violent fever. Having no medicfai at endantson board, I w«s com| el’-ed to bear it, as I m ghtfor two weeka, when on my ar- ival at Charleston, S. C. it was t eated a- :> pirns. T he skill of my Physician subdurd he fever, but PI a nix* I ike, the termination f this g*ve ris»* to a disrase equally diatrea 1 ng, and which, till now I had th.'ii^ht incu* ble. Various abaceisea made their unwel- ome appearance, particularly on the j >.ntf» vhich werefcwe itd to an enormous.siiti.— These g aduaiiy subsided into hard tumors, one of winch on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made ano a larvfc icnatitin ofr ua. mixed with pieco* of bone k place. 11 addition to this, 1 suftbied the most etcrur-iuling pains in my j inls that man ever experienced. Every thing that waa admin-stered cither gave nic no relief-*r ser ved to aggravate the diueare, the severity of vhich increased wish e.verv succeeding year, hieh WuS my pbiufolai uatinn that 1 •'e^paired i! ever being restored to my heal h ; 1 had ot o dv trie-l tbe regular means of relief, •wt used, though in vain, every popular rem» > 1 cr*ald lit at o' P wsg in this awful and ipon.lmg condition,.hat I waspewusded to omm-jiue a course of you' Vegetable r u h I m;», and tre hanpy rendt i% •'/ om the use of the two b 'ttl o my whole syt'nn has under go a? a complete icvoution, tuy paint hu v fo sa le meg'* ihe disc harge from my xnee oegih o '..m.niih, and goon ceased altogeth er, 'he leer from hence it proceeded being com ilctely healed* Tbe tumors, for the r moral f which 1 have tried in vain more remedies an l can i.ame, are rupidlv decreasing s my Hppetite, which was goim, lu-i returned—I an iif fact, near y wel', and feel conlid nt few bottles inure of y<-ur, (.o ire) invaluable nedicine, will upke rue p< r ectly so. Your obi gt-d friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philade’phi i, July r 6, 1894. My confidence in the v gel Vole catliolicm is undiminis!. <d, and as fresh in Vince* of its powers atw daily occurri g, in lay own prac tice I ‘*ave no hesitation in recommending it in the peculiar diseases to winch it is apphCN- ble, as superior to auy reme iv I am acquair ed with. M. MV.U.U |UE, M. 1). Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Six—In constquence of imprudent expos tire four • eurt ago-1 bad thj misfortune to he come i ffl cled with a disease, the painful re sulia or which induced me to apply in sue cession to several respectable physicians of his city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies 1 re- reived another complaint quite aa di&treasing •a the former. My whole ayate n became a - fccted. 1 could get no rest at night on ae- on-it of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body g the weakness and e nacia tion i f which was such that 1 could scarcely walk. In this state 1 fortunately h> ard cf your vegetable catholicon— f>ur bottles of which, haa completely restored me, I have now no pain i my appetite is good} and my strength restored With many thanks for he relief your medicine haa given me, 1 am your obliged friend, &c. EIMIAM WILSON. 9worn and aubaer bed to bi-foie me, May 28, 1824 JOHN B1NNS, A derman. Philadelphia, May 28,18?4 ffir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, isrty mar. For nearly aix years 1 have been «rtyr to a disease, whose ravages thieat- d, if not soon stopped, to put a period t< existence. Having had no regular medi advice foom the commencement, m mlaint at last got to such a height that. il4 not a wallow without great pain and iculty. Tumors formed in different parts iy body, and 1 began to think my situation ii»t desperate. T he five bottles of the ithohcon. which I have taken have enm- :ttly‘cured men and I am now aa well as I y I have appointed GEOIIGFj RYE IBON Druggist of Savannah, m - sole agent. Drug 'Hts waiting the above valuable medicine vill bsMupplied by him for cash, at the aanu rut**, as if ordered ditect from me—v-.a. |sjO pei di,s3n, or U»ree dollar* a single bottle. W. W. POT I E ft, p.iiiadelphia. Any person on application to theauhaciihrr will be furoial cd with certificates of the tffi cacv of the t bovc medicine, aufficient to f on- voice the mm J of the must sceptical, although too numerous m l h ng'.hy for newspaper r sertion, G RO HY RR8O !. Druggist, Conner of Bay and Whittaker Streets, dec 13 SCOTT’S BIBLE rrraaotTM lmvioi. ^ P ft. O tO SAh % J»» SAMUEL T. ASMSTIt iyo ls. - rtenUl' B.I'SIS fer p'ltdiUna S'-nn J? PA MILT HI BLE c.nHininiJhu'u' ginal Heleencrs Is he volu me i nor.iL ocr’m , ' ' u belitthed with a like nett of the dmlar- “ terms. I t shall be well nriuierl, un *104 r , be cuoipnitd innx hsnasnme aV-luTl, .will onutiiii tbe Scriutuies of fii e , JVlsa Testamenle, t'ic Inlmilueisr, OSi,,,,,,.■ Explanatory J\ttes, ani Pructic it Uh,mnil1' ai-'i all tlie copious Mtrfinal ttcferei,ea 4 in< Primed wont lor word i|, e ‘1, Stereotype K'liLoo, published -inceih, *! 1 ihor-» dece-«e Tbe price will be iii- 356. is* *he#p t 830, i„ celf bind,;,'® The .h* work will be ready fordeli.c,,^ Ex recta «/ Lean addrestedie Ihe Puh'is'm I esteem Dr Scott*. Fiim ly ceiis-m calculated to promote the causa of truth sit awsssacutr? Family Bible without becomi iea wU ,,!! better man. ED WARD D G4IFFIN 1 I bar* .sen no commentary „f , tle Scnpuireawhiclil think .0 well adasulh general use and edificstion. It ja , * which ever; family ought lo posing. It ia a work distinguished Tor the simol ti. ty and convenience of iu a-rangumem 11. clearness :.o l« lelity of its expiwiiioo,' t( ; ueatneu and perspicuity of its style, the oevnlcnce and candour of iu ipiiii, tb e c ciaenesa and pc.tioency of us upplicati, nw und for itaunif.irm L-nd. iiey to 1110note geiical truth Vd piety. “ 4BlKI.H0t.HEh Of Dr. Ocntt’a Family llible, lfe.1 •ay, tlXHt in my eslimr.lion it d.-acrverllv rank, among ourableitandbes: 'Ju-nm m, ;, t TllOM IS DAr (JA- tW Dr. Scott’s Family 11 ble ii.ti-ndni » uren . necially for t' c use of itxiv.n Ua work high y ev ngelicai, extensive,y i W(M . .ive, and deeply inert ding UtNIKL C. 8 ANDERS The character of Dr. Scott’s CrnMnain in th-Bible ia so generally k ,nwo, auj u Oighly urpruved amongat the m ,3t intel|,, in> .ni! pious Oiir.stians throuy-iiuut o<ir coni.t-y. •ml na* passed rapidly ihnuigb 10many edition*, 1 deem further iec„mmetil* ■ions needless- IN EQUITY. Between IV. Davieo. Adm nit/rafor, Complain ant and John <.a>noc/um Admimotrator, du burnt no . with the will annexed of (Jeorre Richardson and others, Dtjendanti In equity Chit hum Vupcrfor Court— Chancery, 20th Augutt, .824. I T appearing that John Murray Carnochar., one of the defendants in the said bill vf •ompWint numed, reside! without the state of Goo gia, in that part of the United Kingdoms of Grout Britain and Ireland, called Scotland : It is ordered that the said John Murray Car- nochan, do appear ard answer to the com* piainant’s said bill; within nine months from the d<ue of this order, otherwise that thi said bill, aa to him, be taken pro confcssi and it ia further ordered, th*t • copy of thin order he >>ub:ifih'd once a week, in one of the public G i ites of tills state, until (he ex piration of the time within which the said de Jendant is required to appear and answer us aforesaid. True copy from the M*mites, thi** 21st day August, 1824. A. U,FANNIN, Clerk, august 24 JOf Georgiu—Cuinden County TO ALL 10 WHOM IT MAY CONLBHN VITHEREAS Sarah Brown, .lunior, widow v v applies to he Court of Ordinary of 'aid bounty, for Letters of Administration on tt estate of John Brown, late of county, tie ceased, i r next nf km: These are, therefor i t io cile uid admonish, all and ainguiar, ti c kindred 4 ni < rcdito i of said deceased, to fi!e their ohj rations, if any they h urn, in m- of ficc, cn or before the first Mot d y in June naxL 'thcrwisu Lsiters will be grunted the ap* plicant. Witness the Honorable British R Bunk ley, one of thu Justices of asid Court, this sixteenth d«y of April, eigh-ecn hundred a d t*.* enty .five. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C O C. C. Anril 21 >4 Georgia -y riiB Camden County. FOR COURT OF ORDINARY 6 41D GOUN Y. 1X7 HERE AS »ohn Gtiev.^r, has applied FT to said Court, f*r Lexers Dismisaur* n the elates of Sam-cl Ovsens and Evan E. Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to .-ie and adinoniah, all and sirgnUr, tho kin dred and creditors ot the caul d ceasei per. sons, to fi.e their onj^clions, if an) they h»vr, in my office, on or before the first Monday iu January next, or Letters will be granted the ippltotflt’ Witness the Honorable J*mes Scot*, one of the justices uf said Court, this six teenth day of April, e ghleen hundred snd twenty-five. [L. ? ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. t C. A rt »t Ji Georgia—Camden County. BY I HE LOUR I- OF ORDINARY POU said -hiun nr 1j9H8RE.IS Lewis Btchlutt, applies lo the 'AJ Ccu-t of Ordinary uf uid County, fur Letters Divmisaory on the estate of Pr.ncts Rjsolupe i I he*. are, thsrefuie. to cite and admonitii, til and lingular, the kindred and cediiora of and deceased, to fi o iheir obj..e- lions, if any lh*y have, in my < Si;e, on er be fore the fi *t Munday in Janutry next, other- < iae Leitera Diamiuory will be granted tbe applicant- Witnesa the Honorable Samuel Clarke, one uf the Juatieea of aaid Court, this sixteenth day ef April, eighteen huiv dred end twenty-live. [L. S ] JOHN BA ILF Y, C. C.O C C April 31 34 . ..... J , I am acquainted with no Ci.iii.>.eniiiv ci h Sacred 7c ijituies. which I would n»i t ■'.ord'ally recon.incna for goners) ihe, plan of Ihe work iagood JOSHUA BAT7S. Perhaps in no w»y, ean mini*!, rx, urv.u f youth, and private Ch iitiaiu, do gn-ct «erv:ce Iu society, than by exert.nK th-m. le'vca 11 dis*.tni.i'.tc this t ulv invumdiie work JOSHUA HUNTINGi'O.S, F know of no fViinmcnts y which is bM'.t, ■talculntrd fur diflusing coriect vicsi rfiiu great truths of Cl.ilstiinity, ai-d Icsv.nK r'ary impreiaioin on th> mmd when ruici ‘run Ihe pcrmul of it, than tlie one yuu ut "bjut to publish. Daniel shakie. No writer seems lets disposed to contend for barren apeculsii ns. None more uniform* Iv or mure pow felly incubates Die greslen -entials ol religion. Tlie spirit wli.ib p, r- reeks the work is excellenii il ie the rue-k, sffectionare, beating, yet fsehfvl spin, uf the gospel. DANIEL DANA. From particular exuninati n, amt concur- r‘ng testimony, tbe 1 e it oo doubt on my mil] that 8cotl’i Family Bible is superior In iU •hen. J03FPH KMEDSON. You will pleas: to send me sis copies cl Acolt’s Bible ; I refer to your <s'.ely proposed -dilion Perhaps I shall induce five mure to tike the same number. H L. Ii is with extreme pleasure I pciceivi TOC tre shout lo publish a new e li'ion V Scot- ’.i Bible. Having been in poutsaoiui t mure than 20 years, I trus‘ I know sine, hiog of its value, and am dele, mine 1 to .'.’o- mole ii* c reuluiiun among my friends V a will please forward an copies aa toon u pub-* nht-.l. 0. It I have obtain,>d four sub.criberi for tbt excellent work you are puhtiahing if. S. I propose to take seven sett ofgcutt'i 8i ble, and will be accountable fur (he ume. J C. I have obtained sobsciib.-rsfor/unec'ifda of Scnu-s F.mily B ble. J. C. I shall probably need eight or ten sell i Scull’s Family Bible. J. P Rev. 8. 8. uf P. baa o' tained ten snbrcrv hen. K. K. 1 have observed that you are ahnut pub. lishing another edition of Scod’s B ble hope you niay succeed as you h-ve dmc ii 'orraer editions. 1 have been endesvoring u ncocure subscriberv amo. g onr people, and enor mure subscribers will be obitired. O.S.H. I will take len acts (of Scoti’s H-bit} bound and lettered. J F 1 have obta ned ten aubscribers for yn» edition of the Femily Bible—snd have n» doubt but there might he sumetliu g like copies sold in this place if you had an iy f irere—I thought ti e work ought to bi- en couraged and for hat renioo to 4 a subset*- lion paper, it is a work that every fo^ stiouid lave that ia able to put ( base. J. E U’C I am glad, that yu propose lo prim Un St:nil's excellent F-.mily Gommcnisry, l- should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more iibeial patronage to the work, than, aa circu nstat cel are, I can. I *baH However, be able to do something i eight a len te's I ahull certainly take i and it msy be double ihal number. . A. 8. I have procured fifteen aubseiibrn Is Scott’s Bible, J A.D. I think I shall dispose of SO ietl or &>:<<■ he Family Bible. E. 8 : 1 have circulated pruponla for Scoti a B hle i hour many have been engaged in ail• cannot t. li; but between 30 and 3b ne 1111 hi vicinity. J.?' I bave concluded to become responablt to you fur thirty eels of Scott's Cummeubf' C-8. I hive procured 106 subscriber* to Bible i 6 aeta to he bound in calf,. 3 sew » be done io boards theoiher 97 seis. borne and lettered aa described in the proepretj* 1 presume I could procure 500 subt*" liere lor yeur edition of Scott-* Bible *” demand ia increasing for tbem They finally supersede every other large or WW Bible. Fdty ot my jubicnbe.-a live wits’*® • circle of 8 milea.! 3 r Just published an edition of the lax* wo>* completed in six volumes, sritAaa/ ®>«T" references j price in bourda 818: 1“ “JJ 831 / in ealf g27. Either of thcoe editw* m>y be hart of the publisher in Boston t ° [ * 8. c. Is J. SCHENCK YuwxnaA. ^ la - II£- HAY. ivBUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing V syom Brig PhuaBant, for salo by D) J0 C. C. GRISWOLD* Slacking Btushea, O P a superior quality, just received ** forsaleby GEO. RYEJtSOU. nov 80