Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 23, 1825, Image 4

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    . TOOO Mm-
City Shei itf’s bales.
On the fret Tueeday in .May next,
TTWItX be sold in ft nt oftht Court Hou»
VM in the City of Savannah, between thi
usual hauri of 10 end 4 o'clock,
One negro man named Tim, lev'ed on a-
the property of John end Valeria Devil, to
eatiefy two etecutinae from tlie Court of Com
mon Pleat and Oyer and Terminer, for the e.
IT of Sayinnah, J dm Q. Blanco va. John F.
O Darin, O lardinn of John and Valeria Da-
ei%and Win. Bower* va. the came.
All the building* on the centre part of Treat
Lot letter H, at preeent in the occupation ol
Job T. Boll**, Perciv.l Ward, bounded north
by Preaident-at. anuth by Yorh-at east by
one portion ot mid Lot, neat by the Cburt-
Houae, levied on u -he property of Jab T
Bnlle*. to aatiafy an ex tcution from the Cnu-
f common Plena and Oyer and Termiuer fur
the City of Savannah, Samuel M. Mordecai ra
Job T. Dolle*.
Southern half of Lntal N a 39, thirty-nine,
and 44, forty, with th- improvement* tberron,
Blbert tVa d, buund.'d north by the norther,
hall of mid Lota, aouth hy cut b>
Jeffe aon-at. lev ed on aa the property of Ben
jamin Sheftall, to mtiafy two eieeution* Iron,
the Court of Common Plea* and Oyer and
Terminer for the City of Savannah, Jeaat
Mount ra. Binj Sheftall.
Al the'rigid, title, end interact, of Baldwin
Co k to that double tenement budd nr an the
wea'ero part of TruatLot lettei A, bounded
no th by Bryan-!-t. aouth by St Jnlian-at. ear
bv part of >a d Lot, weat by Whitaker-el lev
ied on aa the procerty of Baldwin Cook, to
aatiafy an execution from the Court of Coni
mon Plea-and O « tod Terminer f>r the
City of Savannah, Norman Peaae va Baldwin
All that Lot and improvement! known it
the plan of the City of Savannah, aa Lot No.2,
two,Perc v.l nded north hy Wright
Square, aouth by a lane, e*>t by Lot Nu. 3
three, west hr Lot No. I, one, levied on ar
property of J ib T B idea, to aat afy an rxe
Cutijn fro n the Court nf Common Plena anr
O et and Terminer for the City of S-raanah,
J teph Clark re. Job T B il a, rnd aaaigned
to i B- Parkman. property pointed out by
dtf.ndant, end auhiect to o mortrag*.
A. I D'LYOM, C. S.
apri' 4 09
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
W II L be old t the Uiurt Huu.e in the
City of S -y innali, between the boura
often and f tar o’clock.
Lot and Building, No. 17, seventeen, Waah.
ington Waru in -he City of Savannah, bound
ed east hy Lot Vo- 18 e ; ghte n, aouth b>
St it. weat by Price-at and north bv
Brvan at. levied on tit 'ho property of Ste
phon S. William- to a.iluiy an execution in
favor of Ja.nea M Henry, and uthca, At-
(igneeaofWm. Turner.
All that tract of l-nd known bp the name of
Tweeda de, in the County of Chaham, con
taining 346 crea, bounded on the north b-. It ver, levied on aa the property ol
Jo n Morel, to aatiafy executiona in favor ol
Vi I'aylor h Son, and oihrra
Whar: Lot containing 66 feet, 8 inchea on
SaVannth Hirer, 66 feet 8 inebea on Itid an-
atreei, extending from said R ver to the aaid
at-ent, in extent about 440 feet, h - enme
being the esatem part of Wharf Lot N->- 3,
three, levied on at the property of Unbelt
W Pooler, to an afy two executiona in favor
of Joaiah Pet fi.ld, and John Dicka, property
pointed out by tlie defendant*
All that half of Lot No 12, Columbia Ward,
with the improvemeuta thereon, to aatiafy ao
execution iaatnng out of a Justice* Court in
favor of Wm Rubinton, returned to me by a
I3AAC D’LYON, 5. C. C.
anvil 3 W
aliet iff s Sales.
#/t thejiit Tv jida ' in May next, between the
Utuil hour I,
1K7IIL be >old nt the Court House in the
f V County ».f Bryan, the fol’owin* Lot*
or parcel* ot Land on the Iilaml tf Ossubtw,
■«» thr uid County, known in the Man of he
partition of the same Island by the numheis
one, t*">, three, four, five, ail. seven, ar.d’that
part of nuT.brr eight, beginning at the hedge
at 'he edge of the woods, in the South part
of the amd last tract, from the Weatermuit to
the Eaitermoat Creek.
Alao, the Cabbage Garden tract,, beiog the
Bastermost parts of tract ten, eleven, twelve,
from tie path in tlie old fi .Id in the Savannah,
to be con'inued in a straight line until it in'er
neia^lrsdicy’a Hamn ock Marshes on one side
ard >geechee river on *he u'h o r. Alao. Horse
Hammock, containing fihy acres. Also, Brad
ley's Hammock, containing one hurdled and
fifty five acres* Aud alio, a ' k calle-t
Braddock’s Camp containg thirty tip'll! acres
be ng parts and parcels of the uid Island ot
Ouabaw. Levied upon aa a pa t of t ie es
tate of the la*e John liorei, decease d, unde
and by virtue of a fi. ta on a decree of the
Superior Court of Chatham Cunty, in a case
wherein Simoi DonsM and wife were c >m-
plainsn's aud Thomas N. Morel and others
?0 05
aheiiff’s >.ales.
On the first Tuetday in June next.
tarlLLa be sold at the Court*Hour? in th':
W City of 8avannah, between the hoim
of ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne
grots, via
Sippio, Hager, Ahner,Snap, March, Jerry,
Btl*>. Burke, Parris Brtm, Dinah, Li*tie Bran.,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increw
jf the families, levied on und- a r a foreclosure
of s mortgage fn m Peter Timothy to William
Wash ngton, for use.
Tw i negroes, vi* i Ned anti Glasgow,, levi-
ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage worn Chan.
Ulmer to Joseph Kopman.
•pril 4
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the Brat 8a. unlay after the Brat Tues-
day in May neat, between the hmira pi
ttn and four o’clock, will be aol-l at the mar
kethouae in the town of '-»• Marys, h i fol
lowing negroea, via: Judy and her am John.
Sim-u, and harlra, levied on ea tile propm
ty of Jamea Williamson, detested, to salitf)
an execution on the foreclosure of a mon
gage, in favor of Edw-nl F. Tattnall, ad oinis-
tratur -f John llim'ltun-
M. H. HERB ARD, S. 0. C.
St. Marya, February 41 11125.
tlare- 2 R*
Sheriff's vales Continued.'
On the first Tuetday in May next.
TVi LL tie aold at tlie Court Home in th-
JJ city of Savannah, betweeu the hour, of
en and four o’clock.
All lint .ract of Land on tbe Iiland >f Skid-
away, Chatham county, eallel Springfield,
aaid to con'a n 750 oervs, bounded northward
ly by lai da nf the eatate of John Mtlledge,
eaatwardly by land, dr James Bilbo, aooth.
vardly hy land, formerly Suto'lffa, weatwaid
ly by river end marehea with improtemeni
thereon, leried on aa the property of Chat
Stephen,, to aatialY an eiecu inn in favor of
Richard Hichardaon, for uae, Uz- ho
All that tract or parcel of Laud containing
567 a rea mure or Icaa with 100 act ea of Marsh
-and, called Okrland. situate, lying ond ba
ng in lilt e Oaechee D -trict, in the county nf
Chatham buui ded on the north by land,
if Fleming Akin, on the eaat by lamia of D.
Barker, on tbe aouth by lamia of the late B
Walburger, and on the we-t by e northeast
b anch ol little O n -echee River together with
all and aingul.r tne ediBcea, t itprovemenL
ind apnurtenancea, levied on under a fi- fa on
foreclosure ea the properly of George L.
Cope, in ftaor rf Juba M’Niali, Peter Mitch
ell and Robert Mitchell.
AH that tract or parcel of Land situate, ly
ing and being in the c■Minty of Chatham,
'. mvn by tbe Dime of Muir Hall, containing
1C9 T acres more or leas, bounded on tlie touti.
Jiy lamia nf fames Format, on the e a bv Col.
J. Mamball’a lands, n tbe north by tacorg.
tone*’* land, and on th • v ev by Little Ogee
chee River i ALo. Two l.ota of I end in tlie
• ity of Savannah, known by the Noi. (29)
■ -eniy nine, and (10) tliiny, in Columbia
Watl with the appurtenances thereunto ap
pertaining, levied on under * fi Ta. on fore-
cloture aa the properly of Flemming Akin,
lee. in favor of W m, Dixon It Co, assignee, of
M M’Lcod.
Half Lot and Buildings No- 4, Ewinaburg
Oglethorpe, Ward, in >be city of Savanna.,
tlie unexpired leave of} Lot fur three
-eera from January laat, levied on aa the pro
nely of Robl Lewis to aatiafy an eaecutiou
from a Justmea Court in favor of J, is M- Pen ■
lergaat, returned to me by a constable
Alsu, *h- following 35 n-gro «, via: C.ifTee,
..Cooper, Harriet, AfiV, old Charlotte, Jact:,
>i:y. Charlotte, Pendaw, Beta, Precesaa am.
child, Bridget end Peggy, Wi.liam, E.acy,
Bliley, Ph.lip Phyllis, olo Gumbo, Jenny, old
’efigy, B lllU5 > Jeaae, Brutua, Sandy, Maria,
fvnns, Dick, Tub} ,Sophia, Daphne fend child,
iacob,Sye.Bi'ckty and John,with the increase
i* the female-, teviod on at the property of
N.ebolai Cruger, under ■ fi fa on a foreclosure
■: e m oigage in favour of John Carnahan ami
tames -tclienry for uae nf Chriatiana Levett.
Alao, the following 19 negroea, via:—Abra-, Harry, Cato, Chance, D-nrel, Aaron,
4-mbo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, R.chael, Lor,-
Ion, Aggy, Simon, Once, Elixa, George, Ro
ly, and Jim, with thi increa-e of me female,,
.. vied on aa the property of Fit mming Akin
lee. under a fi. fa. ou a f oreclosure of a mort
gage in favor oi Wm. Dixon fc o- assignees
Murdoch M’Lcod- 1. D’LYON, S. V.C
‘ P 6 20
aliei lit’s sale.
On thejiret Tuetday in May next,
\TWll L b. aoiu hi iron! of .be Court-
'## louae, in the. city of Savannah, between
e sual noura of ten and four o’clock,
Toe following right r egroea, via. Cuffee,
P ggv, Rusannali Carolina, Joseph,Mary.Be -
•y and Jim, levied onutider a fi.fa. on a'fore-
loaure, aa the p upc; ty of Cha-le* H. Hay
ea. in favor of Frederick W. Hiem man-
. ma-rh 7 IS- AC O’LY’IN, .Y C C.
Administrator’s Sale.
On thejiret Tuesday in May next,
1 WILI, Bell ot tlie Court-Ilouoe in Jeffer
son, Camden County, between the usu
al hours of sale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her
four children, Daniel, Stephen, John, and
Yorick, the property of the estate of George
Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of the
creditors and heirs of said eBlate, pursuant
to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county.
Administrator, witli the will annexed, of
George Morrison, Sen. deceased.
April 14 l»
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the fan Saturday, after the firat Tues
day in June next, will b- sold at the
M uket. Hona - In the town of Si Mar),, two
negroea, vix. Bob and Hoae, levied on aa the
property o! J.i«eph Rain, to aaf afy amraeciu
tioi on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of ivnuel Gkrhe, andOenrgc S Brown.
A; .'I 8 1821* M.U. HEBBAHD,S.C.C
April 1 13
Sheriff’s Sales,
O ' th Aral Saturday after tlie fir .t I ur d,y
>n Miy next, will he sold at the Court-
"ou-e in the town of St M-rya, between the
hours of ten and four o'clock the following
negro slave,, vix. Lancaster, Furry, R ae, and
her two clnl ten, Hannah and Archibald, aold
a the property of Thomas Andrew,, unde
a.i attschmenl in lavnr of ’loberl Miller.—
sold bv consi-nt of all panics.
April 1.I8JJ. M. H. HEdBAUD S.C.C.
April M 13
Georgia—Camd>n County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, m. Langley and Selvester
r hN petition of T-mothy Hopkir.a, stating
" th*t in consideration of certain prom
snpy notea, made to the aaid Timothy, h«
them, one psyable with interest, from fir*-,
if January, 1821, on the firat of January. 1822:
second pavable as aforesai on the first oi
January. 1823/ and a third pavable aa atbr.-
uid, on the first of January, 1824- executed a
ortgage to aaid Timothy Hopkirs, his hei.
tnd assigns, on all those four true*a of l.aid,
' totted in the chunty aforesaid, conveyed b\
*he said T» nothy, to the said Langley anC
d-lvester, and lying on the amuh side c
Grfit fiattlla Kiver, one tract containing kv
•tv-seyen.acrea, more «>r lesi/ two tracts
njitaininp fif.y acres, more or less, and on*
'her tract, coi taining one hundred and eigh-
-eight acre*, more or less, conditioned f«K
\c tmyment of the three laid several notes,
' the days shove mentioned, and that aai''
veral notes remain unpai'l*—on motion of
'.rchibnld Clark, attorney for plainti n , it i p
dered, that th«* said Langley and Selveste.,
•eir heirs or ssiigni pay intoCoura, within
welve months from this date, the sum* due
>n said notes, and the interea and coats, oth
rwise that t’ae equity of redemption be for-
■verforeeloged, and that auch tilner proceed take pUee, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the minutes, 27th Oeto
her, 18 4. JOHN B/VlLBY, Clerk
row 4 ‘‘7 4
N INE month* after date, application will be
made to the Hun. the Judges of the Court
. aar a-... -aa. waav auugca III IUC UU
Ordinary-*f Cha ham county, for leave
ell all the real > atate of the late William Crai
Ir-eeased, for the benefit of the beiraanden
vra of aaid altate.
JOUN M’NISH, Executor,
oct13 71
II be
IB tubicnbrr hiring diacovered the kom
pnaition of SWAIJtrS CELEBR.t Ell
hJCEA, ha* now a auppljr on ban i for
i he baa reduced thep-ica from |3 i), to
g2 50, or by the doaao R24.
All charitable inatiiutibna in the U. 9 tier
end the poor will be aupplted gratie.
If the oitiaena of tbe principal eitie
towns, will appoint tn agent to order
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will
Tina medicine !■ celebrated for the care of
the following dlaeaaea i—’’ scrofula orking’r
aril, ulcerated or putrid lore throat, long
standing rheumatic affection,, cataneoua dia
eaaea, white (welling ind dia,rate of the bonea
and all eaaea generally of the ufeeroue eharae
ter, nnd chronic disease,, generally ana ng le
debilitated conatit'dione, but atore eapeeiall)
fro,n syphiiia or affections arinng therefrom i
ulcer, in the laryng, nodea, Ue. and that
dreadful diaeaae oceaaioi-ed by t long and
excessive use nf mereury, £/«■ It il alao use
ful in the diaeaae of the liver-”
1 have within the laat two years had an ap
portunity of seeing several cam of very ime
terate ulcers, which having previously reset'
ed the regular modea of treatment, wm
ligpled by the uae of Mr- Swrim’a Panacea,
and I do believe, from wbat 1 have aeei,
that it will prove an important remedy in ecri.
fuioua, venereal and mercui ial diteaaea.
Professor of the Institute, and praetter
of Plivs'c, in the Unireraity of Penn
I have employed the Paneeet of Mr. Swaim.
in numerous instance,, within the bat threr
veara, and have nlwaya found it extremely
efficacious, especially in aec-ondara ayphilia
and mercurial diaeaae*. I have no heaitatior
in pronouncing it n medicine of inestimable
value. W. GIBSON, M D.
Profeaaor of Surgery in the Um’ty of Penn.
Philadelphii, February 17,1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
Philadelphia. -A'oti 17, 1833.
TreasiiT^ Wepartme t,)
March, 14, 1825 5
W HEREAS on the 3d of March, 1P25 a
law -va, pasted by the Congresa of the
Un ted State,, of which the 3d 4th, and 5tb
sections are in the o ds ftdlnw.i g, v z ,
'* Sec. 3. And be it fwther euae'ed, That a
subs'-riptiun to the amount of twelve millons
of dollars, of the aix p r cent, rtock of the
yea- eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the tame ia hereby proposed j for which pur
pose books shill be opened at the Treasury nf
the IJnit- d States, and at th a-veral loan offl
ces, on the first dat of April next, to continue
open until tbe first day of Ociober thereafter,
for such parts of the shove mentioned de
scription of stock aa shall, on <h: day of aub
sorption,'*tai:d on the books of the Treasury,
and on those of the several loan offirea, re
spectivel) ; which aubacription shall he effect
ed by e tra.isf :r to the United States, in the
manner provided by law for such transfers, ol
the cred t or errdts standing on the aaid
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the (lock so subscribed : Provided, That
all subscription by auch tranafer < f .lock shall
be cnaldei .'daa part of the aaid twelve mil-
lions of dulla'i authorised to be borrowed by
the firat aecti n rf. his act.
’’ Sec. 4. And ie i further enactedl That for
tlie whole or any part of any aunt which akall
be thus subscribed, credit, aha!) be entered to
the reapeetiv- subscriber,, a ho ahull be enti
tled tn ecertifi'ate nr certificates putporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holdcra thereof, his, her, nr their assigns, s
a im to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principel stock thua tubacribcd,
bearing an interest n t exceeding four and
one half per centum p r annum, payable
quirterlt, from the thirty-fi at day of Deerre-
ber, one thousand eight >.u .dred and twenty
five i transferable in ihe tame u aimer aa i.
provided by law for the tranafer of the atock
subscribed,and auhjactto redemption at the
pleasure nf the Uni'tad States, aa f dlows : one
ha’f at any time after the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty -R st day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twnrtr-nine :
Provided, That no reimbursement shall br
made except for the whole amount of such
new certifirote,- nor until alter at leaat aix
monthi public notice nf auch intended reim-
buraement And it ahaii be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective aobnc-ibei stlie sever
al sums by them sul-srv bed beyond the amount
of the cert ficates of four end one half per
cent, stock issn-d tn th -m respectively
“ See. 5. And be il further enacted. That
the same funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the paymeot
of 'he intereat, aud for the redemption and
reimbursement of the stock which msy be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for ‘he pigment of the interest accro-
"ig.on the atock created by reason of au h
llb'crip ion, and f r the rtd mptiun or reim-
lursen-ent of the prineip -I of the same. Ai d
it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the
linking fund to eause to be applied and paid
out nf the said fund, yearly and e- e-y year,
-uch sum and sums aa may be annually requir
ed to dis'harge the interest accruing on the
-tock which may be created hi virtue of this
it t 1'he laid commiSbinnera arc, alao, here-
■y authorixed to apply, ft m t'me to titm,
nich aum and aunia out of the aaid fund, as
hey msy think proper, towaidv redeeming
y purchsse, or by reimbursement, in con-
nrmity with the praviiiona of this act, thr
i incipal of the uid atock : and such part ol
the annual sum often millions ofd llars, vest
ed by law in the aaid commissioners, aa m<y
je necessary and n q tired for thr above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated to
he payment of interest and redemption ol
the public debt, until thr whole of the stock
which may bo created under the provisions of
th', act, ahaii have been redeemed or reim-
Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given, tint
book, will he opened at tbe Treasury of tlie
United States, and t he several loan office,,
m the firat day of April neat, and continue
open until the lira' dt of October, there,!
er, for receiving aubacrintiona in conformity
with he proviaicna filtered law.
The aubacription, mav be made bythe pro.
prictors rf the atock, ei'hei- in peraoa or b>
their attorney, duly aulhorzcl to aubacribc
and transfer it tn the United btatea.
Should •ubacriptioni of said atock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve m lliona of
dollar*, a diatribnti n of the said aum of twelve
milliooe of dotlare wilt be made among the
aobacribera, i i proportion to the auma aubacri
bed by them respectively,
Acting Secretary of the rreaaury*
March 26 10 ItO '
I'vtrlfcA Utt\r Matcaaaes-
T HE subscriber has just received an as
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
Vegetable Catho/icon.
ipHB vuhacribr r res i etfully solicits the at
4 tention of every friend of suffering hu
nanily, to to the shove new and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal pnwera in eiiminatitig
from the ayatem the very aeeda of diaeaae,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organa of lire tn a free and
health) exercise of their function,, baa exer
ted the a-tonixhment, tnd completely tilen
red the obj ections of the moat inrrcdilout —
Facte art the beet arguments. In order to put
the virtues ol toe tiaihohcon to aa severe a
son-tiny aa pouible, it wu offered by advei-
t aement. together with the attendance of a
pbyaican, gratuitously to any peram who
wou’d apply for it, and w h ue cause might
aeem f eomo within the range of itt healing
power—numben of severe eaaea of long -ta d.
ing, and some of them seemingly
onea, pr- ented themselvea, all of-which have
been cured orao mucli relieved at tu warrant
.he insertion that a little perseverance will do
an In fact, auch ia the confidence ofihe phyai
cian under whose care these patient* were
placed, in this remedy, a col lide ce result
ing from the irresistible conviction that has
been form! upon hiimind by ocular demon
stration, ard i personal trial of it on bimaaii
hat he permit, me to declare il aa hia d tci-
Jtd opinion, th-t he Cu'h.ilicon ia not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, but a moat pow
erlul and invaluable remedy in ceiia n di-
eaaea and state, of tbe ay stem, such as i he fo)
De ility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation) Oil and inveterat" Ulcers . Pains
in the bonei attended with sweilmga of thr
join's i Li ligeatihn, Biot bes on tlie face,
pimple-, Ac t Al' eomplainta of the Liver;
fetter.- Yawai Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
grneral y y Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholienn (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h • word consists exclusively
of vegetable matte-') with the exception of a
sight determi tation to tbe bowela^ which il
preserve, in a soluble atate, acts insensibly, is
plcaasnt to the taste, and requires n - particu
lar regimen, (abstinence from apirtuoua li
quors always excepted,) or confinement. As
n gentle, tlfe and agreeable cathartic mod.
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the aya'em, it is confidently
recommended tu iadiea in a delicate situa
tion. W. W. PO ITER,
66 Chcsnut-slreet.
Philaileiphia, Muy 31, 1824.
At tbe request of Mr. W. W, Potter, I have
lately exhibited, in several in tances, a modi
csted sirup,called Po'ter’s Vegetable Gatho.
.icon, with the must decided advantage. It
has, a* et, never failed effecting a cure in
every case in which I have thougi>tpropc.r to
employ it. H. M’UUli t'RIE, M D.
Phi'adelphia, July 28(A, 18.4.
Mr. IF W. Patter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a contrite etateriient of my softer.
inga, Ira n ■ the hopeless commencement, to
tbe preaent propitious stage of my diaeaae.’
About five years ago, on my passage trum
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I wu mixed
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendant, on board, t was compelled to bear
it, as I nr ght for two weeka, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, S. C. it was treated at
fyphua. The akill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Pl:ienix-like, the termination
of thie gave riae to a disease equally distrees-
ing, and which, till now, I had tli-nghl incur
able. Various absceates made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joint,,
which were awe led to an enormous aix,:.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected tlie
bone—an incision was now made and > large
evacuation of nua. mined with p ; rcf a of bone
took place. It addition to this, I suffered the
most eacruciating pains in my j lints’hat man
ever expedient ed. F.vel-y thing that wu
administered either gave me no relief nr ser
ved to aggravate the Jiseisf*, the severity nf
wlii-ii increased with every succeeding year.
Such was my painful si nation that l despaired
of ever being restored to my heal h i I had
not only tried the tegular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awful and
despond-ng condition,ihst I was persu. ded to
commence a course of your Vegetable fa'h I
ir-nn, and tne happy result is, ••/ am the use
of the two b'ltllte my whale tys'rm hut under
gone a complete revo utian. my pains hove fo ta.
ke■■ me;" the discharge from my knee uegm
to dimmish, and soon cessed altogether, h-
ulcer from-..hence it proceeded being com
plelely healed. The tumors, for the remnvsl
of which 1 hive tried ill rain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing t my
appetite, which was gone, hat returned—I an
il, fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a
few buttle, more of ycur, (to me) invaluable
tnediciue, will m ike me pt rlectly ao.
Your oblig-wl friend,
Philadelphia, July r 6, 1824.
My confidence in tbe vcgettble catholienn
is unifaiinisli -1, and ta fresh in tances of its
powers am daily occurring, in my own prac
tice I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it ia applica
ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’UUHl HIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, Mcy 28,18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expoi
tre four veara ago, I had the misfortune to be-
mine r ffl cted with a disease, the painful re
lulls ul which induced me to apply in sue-
«es.von to several respectable phytieitns of
|i-’s city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as disttesaing
•t the former. My whole system became a -
fected. I could get no reat at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body / the weaknesa and emacia
tion tf which waa such that I could scarcely
walk. In thi* atate I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of
which, baa completely vectored me, I have
now no pain i tiy appetite ia good i and my
strength restored With many thanki for
the relief you) medicine has given me, I am
your obliged Fiend, ke.
Sworn end subscribed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philaileiphia, May 28, IS’4.
Sr—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a
hefty mu For nearly aix yean I have been
* T/* y , r 6 dtseaac, whose raveg -e threat-
enW, If not soon stopped, to put a period to
existence Having had no regular medi-
advtce from the commencement, mv
lrla'nt at list got to auch a height that !
Id not iwsllow without great pain and
dificulty- Tumors formed in differant parta
of rty body, aid I began to think my aituation
ilmtit desperate. The five bottles oft the
Cathol'hm which I hsveataftn hare e
plenty cured me, and 1 am now aa we&
_ i. WRh ay thanki, I am year
ibligcd bumble i arrant, tfc.
Cityef Phi'atdelphia, et
George Kane, of tbe District of South
wark, perioiiii’ty appealed, and, being duly
sworn, d ith declare and say that the above
statement ia in all reapects correct and true,
and that the aig' a-ure to it !• in the band
writing of tllit deponent.
J-»H‘ T BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 23, 1824-
The Vegetable Catholienn i* peculiarly
adapted to thoae diseases which are prevalent
among the colour :d population of the south
In that diaeaae which it called yaws, it il a
sure remedy; a tingle trial of it, will convince
planters of its auperior efficacy to any reme
dy of a similar nature in the United State!-
The advantages of this medic'ne are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
liouse, or keeping him Imm hit business.—
With one colitaiy exception, that of aplri'ti-
utta liquor*, it dote ml lay any reilrlctiant upon
hit appetite It ia so gentle n its opera' un
that the p-tient findahimaelf getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not the wish ofihe
proprietor to take any thing lo- which be
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
prisons at a distance who may wish to try
nit medicine, but who are not certain if it
he applicoble to their complaint, are request
cd to describe 'heir esse and symptoms in
a letter, poat-paid, ami directed to him—tit’s
letter will be immediately placed in hands
fully competent to decide the question*—
should the remedy not seem 'o suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told 11.
TO prevent d Sippointm-nt it is well to
state that it take* in ordinary cases from 3 tn
5 botties to effect a cure so that pe a >m who
are labouring under any ser ous intimity,
most make up their mind to peisevere to that
extent at least— if they do not, they might as
well save tbcmselvei thr trouble and expeuoe
f using s smaller quantity.
All ordei t ptei-p iid and eneloting the money.
immediately attended t >, aud lie meduine
packed and delivered with directions for use,
'cany place in the city, and forwarded u di
N. II. To prevent the possibility of al! im
position, it »iJ bd aold in the ci’y or Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near Hace-S'rret,
orat the dwelling uf the prnpri tor, No. 66
Uhesnut street, only, and abroad bv his au
thorixed agent* W W PUTTER,
66 Cheenut Street, Philade\pfiia•
I have appointed GrlORGE RYE (SON,
Druggist, of 3avannah, my sole agent. Drug
gists wanting the above valuable medicine,
will be (upplied by him for cash, at the same
rale, as if ordered direct from me—v,z.4>:/0
pei d, xen, or three dollars a s ogle bottle.
W. IV. POT l ER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to
will be furnished with certificates of the < ffi
e«cy of the above medicine, sufficient tn run.
vmce the mind of the most aeeptical, although
too numerous and h ngthy for n wap-perm,
■ertion. GEO. UYEHKON, Druygiat,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker.Streets,
dec 13
STtaiaTvn Silvio, I
r fcOIOftArm
By HA MUBt, T. Alt HSVo
ntmhin. H a-an far p*lV n ?°*> »
FAMILY HiHLE. conZun/^ 01 ^
final llrfereneei to he C tmt a !i k
VULU ME V, HOYAL Oc Ay!,' 1 »«
beiliihed with a likmcu un ^ **
| T shall be well printed, on
I. be enmpnaid man haniiome.T* ' 1 "*
Will contain the Scripturei of tb, n 'h
AT w Tettamente, tn Introducing n, 0 '* ul
Explanatory A oiet, anj Pruciic j in.
-t.J all tlie impious MurAmi. It,r,
iny printed v ord lor wor l f, a
Stereotype Edit-on, published q,'' *ia
thor’adecease. The Brice wifi hi «.‘“'
boards i $24, in sheen j Rio, in rain.-J'*
The wh ale work will beT^f
Between W, Davies. Administrator, Complain ■
unt, ard John Lamorhun Administrator, rf.
bonis no with the will annexed of Geor re
Richardson and others, Dejendunts. 7m
equity t Chatham Superior Couit— Chance* y,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnocban,
one of the defendants in the laid bill uf
complaint iinmed, resides without the state uf
Georgia, io that part of the United Kingdom*
of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the s*id John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear and answer to the com-
olainnot’a said bill; within nine months from
the due of this order, otherwise that the
said bill, as to him, be taken pro cor«feasn .•
and it is further ordered, that * copy of thin
order be pobhfih< d once a week, in one of
the pubhc GiZe'tes of this state, until the ei*
pirarion of the time within which the sniilde*
Pendant ii required to appear and answer aa
True copy from the Minutes, this Slat day
Augu«t, 1824. ▲. U.FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 5Of
Georgia—Cumden County
W HEREAS Sarah B'owo, Junior, widow,
applies to he Court of Ordinary of *aH
County, for Letters of Adminiatration on tt;e
estate of John Brown, late nf said county, de*
ceased, ar neat of kin s These are, therefore,
to c’de vnd acmonii-b, all and lingular, the
kindred and creditor! of arid deceased, io file
their obj actions, if any they h wn % in m. of
fice,on or before the first Mo. d y in June,
next,otherwise Letlera will be granted the ap
Witnf! the Honorable Britian R Bunk
ley, one of the JtitUicea of said Court,
thi* aix teem n d-y of April, eigh'.een
hundreds d twenty-fi?®.
April 21 24
Georgia --Camden County.
W HEREAS John Chevalier, baa applied
to aaid Court, f-r Letter, Diamisaqr-.
Ill the eatate, of Samuel Cusi-na and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to
cite and admonish, all and singular, the kin
dred and -creditora ol the aaid d ceased per.
•oni, to fie their obj-clionij if any they hav,
in my t-ffiae. on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted tbe
Witness tbe Honorable Jamea Scott, one
of the auaticea of «aid Court, thia aix- dev of April, e ghteen hundred
AnrlT! 24
May, 1825,
Georgia—Camden County.
,Vy HERE AS Lewi, Btohlott, applies to the
Court of Ordinary of and County, lb.
Letter, Dirmiaaory on the estate of Fr.ncea
Ruaolupe: These are, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and lingular, the kindred and
erediton of ai d deceased, to file their objee-
tiona, if any thry have, in my uffiee, on or be-
fore the fi at Monday in January next, nther-
• tae Letter, Dismiaaory will be grant*J tbe
Witness the Honorable Samuet Clarke,
ene of the Jnatieaa of said Court, thia
sixteenth day of April, eighteen bun
dred nnd twenty-five.
April 21 j*
' ’?f D -
Ex ractt of Loire add-etttdttlhtP^,
I eatcem Dr Sco't’r Family Bibl-,^
calculated to promate ti )e c*, 1!e
piely. It icemiscireeh po s ,ik|.
read daily Ihc Note.,„d Ob er„tio».^
Famtly Bible without hecomi ,e , “T"*'
better man. EDtVARi) D^GTiPf ^
I have seen no comm-nury u f o' , ',
Scripture* which I think to well
general use and cd,fi c ,t,„„.
whichever} famalyought topL,-,,, t **»
It i, a work distingiy.hed fo^the'ii
ty sod convenience of it,
clearness anj fidelity of it, eipwhpi
neatness and perspicu-ty 0 f ato at y | c "
nevoE nee and candour of it, ,p, ti ,
cisenesa and peitinencv of .t, » n „t;~,-
sod far its umlonn terdeiicy tu prowt,,^
gehcal truth Vd piety. *
, A BIKI. lIor.MFt
or Dr. Scott a Family Ihbie, I f e .|
•»>. th-t in my eatimntion it deitrv,d|,„?
among our abluat and best Comot nh-L
Thom u\f[j'iV'v
D-. Scott’s Family B.ble intendedmoreL.
peciahy for t’-e use of Chiiium 'mine,
work highly evangelical, extena-velj
live, and deepl} ri terr«ting '
D tNlELq.Stmuiit
The character of Or. S.:.,it>, Co W .,L
on the Bible, is ao generallj k-.»,„, ln , ’
u.glily approved amongst the m.«t i B ,|i. "
a-nl mous Chr Brians throughout mio,L
,n-i has passed ra| idly tl.rougl, so mvnyhr-
e.litions, that 1 deem further reM lH ,k
ion* needless*
I am acquainted with no f:on>-n.ibtt m
th-- Sacred Fcripture*. which I ffuiild b»
o-ord.ailv recommena (or general uve. llii
plan of tbe work ia good
_ . JOSHm WKm.
Perhapi in no way, can minot-ra. i.,«.„ C |ri
*f youth, and private do
service to society, thin by exert ng t!i>»
•elvea to dissimulate this r»ul> Invafuitk
I Know of no flummenU.y which U b»fft
^ilniiUted fordifluiing correct views 0 fi*i
gri*»tt ?rt)thi ofChristiinily, gi d U-iVingrlj
Nry imp> eisious on the mind wheli riii’i
Jr-m the pcu'al of it ( than the one ycu n
• b ;ut to pub.ish.
No writer *t em« lesi di*poied to eonunl
for barren apecuM ni. None more unitor
ly or more powt i fully inculcates the greiir*
• ential* of religion The spirit which p-*
vpcles tlie work it cxcelltnf{ it it the mc.V
iff -jcliouare, belling, yet faithful ipiritof tfct
goipel. DANIEL DANA.
From particular extmmati m, and concur*
ring testimon , il no doubt on my min]
that Scott’s Family B-bh* it mperior to tU
You will piers? to se’d’ne aix copietrf
Sc jtt’a Bible ; I refer to your iitely propwi
edition Pei hapu I ahull induce five more n
take the s«me number. H I.
Ii is with extreme pleasure I percrive
you sre about to publish a new eli'ioo l
Scot’’* Bible. Having been in s$ur. <(
t more than 20 years, 1 tnis’ I na
iling of its vmIoc, and »m dett'Oiirei to pro.
mote its c rculufi ’n among my fnendj You
will pleavcforward via copies as tuonU’u k ,’
have obtained four subicribers lir ii<
excellent work ) ou are publishing H, S.
I propose to take seven sets nf Icoli'i Bi
ble, and will be accountable for the nrm.
J C.
I have obtained anbsc ti>rrs fornin^cpia
of Scoti*^ F»mily B ble. J.l).
1 shad urobitbly need eight or ter. nd
Scott's Family Bit»le. J- P
Rev. S. S. uf P. hu o' tained ten »nh-cir
ben. K,il.
I have obvenred that you ire about p*
fishing another edition of Scott’i Hbk ■
hope you mEysucceelu you h ve dor^lil
ormer editions. 1 have been endeaworir.gtil
Trocure subscriberr amoi g our people oil
enor more eubucribert wiil be ubui <«!. I
I will take ten sett (uf Scoti’n Bbie;|
bound *' d lettered. J.f I
1 have obtained ten subscribers for yrfl
edition of the Family Bible—:uul hsve m|
d uht but there might be aumelhing like Wj
copies hold in this place if you had in (^1
here—I thought the work ought to be t>I
couraged and for hat reuaoa took a »uhK‘> I
tionpaiper. It is a work that every Ml
ritould have that is able to purchose. 3
J. E- H'G I
I am glad, »htt y«u propoieto print M
Scott’s excellent Family Commenmyi ** I
should be verv glad if it were in my potter* I
h’^ve a more libeial patronage to die ^ I
than, aa circumatances are, I cm. !>**
however, be able to do loraetliingt eight tf
fen ae s I shall certainly take t ina it nu» ^
double that number. A
1 have procured fifteen subicn>i< it
Scott’a Bible. J A.D.
I think I shall dispose of 20 »«ta or m>r«»
the Family Bible.
I have circulated proposals for ^f’ 1 * I
Bible / how many have been engaged in •"* I
cinnot u ll; but between 20 and J0iem | l
li s vicir.ily.
I have concluded to become vespa*"!
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s CoomenU7> I
C.ft I
I have procured 108 subwibers to ^1
Bible i 6 sets to be bound in calf / 3 set* ‘*1
be done in boards the other 97 «ets^ ^1
and lettered as described in the prospect I
I presume I could procure 300 wbsj
oers for your edition of Scott’s Bible VJ
demand ia increasing for them Thef
finally sur *de every other large or
of my subscriberi live within
’ an edition of the sax*
dx volumes, without vitf*
rcicmiM., .;ric** in boards jl81 m ^
g21 / in calf 827. Either of these ediWJ
m«y he had of the publisher in Boston / 01
3. C> St L SCHENCK, Savannah* *
la 11
circle o'
Just |
g BrusViefi)
ust receiven, 1 ^