Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 04, 1825, Image 3
I ** *J“‘& Cfo^whtw tl'^y mo S.i« taK1,wl " ,t '" u ' Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, it .Alitiou to their formojM>W*. R08Pi . •»0 O'X&non Gazette, ond R^et, a,V»«LiNtt good* received their usual supply ol seasonable James Anderson 8£ C,o. TTAVE removed to the middle tenement Jtl Young's Building*, where they offer for etle alarge and general assortment of FANCY AND 8TAPLK DllY GOODS, received by the lateet arrivale from Liver pool and New-York. April *5 . 27- a>jB^r Having been porehaHod " 'tli rASH. p Goshen Butter. t.unding from ship Samnnah, ■i A KEGS Prime Goshen Butler. 1 U IN 8TOIIB, in Coska Ooshfii Cliocee, for sule loiv 10 Barrels Ryo Floor 15 do Whiskey 10 do Gin 12 do Newark Cider 15 do North River Beer with a general assortment uf GROCERIES, ’for sale by II. 11. HATHAWAY. Jones’ Upper Wharf. May 2 dflp nittMYV, \VYVYSK\h\, fcc. O A BARRELS, II.V.YHALL’S FLOCK Ov .10 do Ryo Whiskey 15 do N. England Rum 15 do Rye Gin 15 do Prime Beef SO do Navy Bread 15 Tierces retailing Rice, Tar, Pitch. Rosin, Bright and Black Varnish, and Sperm and Train Oil with n variety of other articles in tlm Gro cery Lino, fur sale low by JOHN HF.UNANDE7., Exchange Dock, April 29 “ 11.|! U] & Hendrickson, H AVE received attheirDrug and Che. micai Ware-House,cotnernfCongrcss and Whittaker-Streeta, Shad’* Buildings, Savannah, by recent arrivale, carefully ee- |acted by one of the partners, now in New- York, a general assortmeiu of ME HK1S tYMinS, T)tK STUFFS, AFOTIIfitlAHIF.V 8UW, EEtot'UMERY, SPICES. TF.1S,Uc. comprising the best assortment Ibey ever offered, which will be warranted of flic first quality, and sold at wholesale <* retail, lor cash or good paper. Merchants, l hyet- cians and Planters, arc invited to examine !p!td!'TI^ V 'rXw.wilYlir,r.J«« ; .’ 1 ici , 4 v - U1 ' do Auril ''() Prime Coffee, &c. rilBAGS PRIME COFFEE, t)U 31) Barrels Fresh Pilot Bread Tj) Kegs Prime Goshen Butter 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, 30 Barrels New-Englund Rum 10,Hogsheads do ; do 5 Pipes Rutcnburg Gin «/» n_ 1— a. J— Lit landed and for sale bv S. C. GREENE. Mnv 2 33p|| Dissolution. T IIF. Co purlnersiup existing between tlia subscribers, mulcr the Bam of Douglass <& .sorrel, wiii'expiro by its own limitation on the first. sf May next. R. II. DOUGLASS. by his AUomi'V Fr.vxcis .Suuhci.. FRANCIS SORREL. The Subscriber will continue (lie Ct A\n\\\rt8\im tttmneas, in his own tijimo, and solicits f ho patronage i nl - the frirndsol* tho former liotlso. Fit A N CIS SOU K KTi. April 19 I22J) T NoVi-ft. TIE co-partnership of GAUDRY Si HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who are indebted to said firm, are rerp'iested to make payment to JOHN B. GAUDRY, lie being fully au thorised to settle the affairs of said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. April 28 211 JOSEPH KOPMANij CO. H AVE received by thoWilliamWst- laco, a further supply of fttWisYv, YtMt4 k CmvWtv UtHlASyVVL; t and 1 Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Margo ills Vesting Plain and figured Jaconet and Book Muslin Plaiu and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and Aprons Do do Mlulkfs and Points 8ilk Stripe Drilling ' Denmark Hatties, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted , Madrass Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths and Cassimercs Black and Colored Cantou Crupes Block NankeeiiB do Colored do Robes Rincbews and Levantine* Levantine fiattiit t Black Figured Silks I Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue end Yellow Nankeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings and Half Hose , Buckskin Gloves and Fans 4 Cases I Linens, m»swrteil 2 do J. J, and ’J. Diapers 20 Bales Domestic PlaidB, Stripes a Shirtings, Sic. 11 do Oznabnrgs together with a variety of other articPs, worthy the attention of Planters and Coun try Merchants. • A pril 10 oq m mm m m YOB.AAYft.Yi. A LINE OP PACKETS has been esta- blikhed between New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the First (list tyUcnth days nf each month during the yedf." The ships .composing the litte, are I GOODS, fast sailers, well fbund and commanded, cop-j May 4 jored and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for $ 140 each, for which they are furnish, cd with buds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to Ihoir reception ana forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actm ? ai’TUfS-, .... BY C^tW BAKER. On THURSDAY, stb instant. At XI o’clock, In front of his Auction Store, a general assortment of GROCE R1E8, and at half-past eleven o'clock, in store, a quantity of seasonable DRY- ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, AT KI.KVKN 0'CI.OCK, Will be sold in front nfhis Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, BYJ. R. HERBERT It CO. THIS DAY, 4th Inst. Will be sold before our store, st XI o’dk, 3 Casks Crockery Ware, 10 Bags Goffne. May 4 BYX R. HERBERT It CO. THIS DAY, 4th inst. At XI o’clock, will be sold before our store, a geueral assortment of GROCE RIES, Ac. May 4 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. On TUESDAY, 24th inst. Will be sold st the residence of the Iste consisting of t dwelling House in Greene ward, on lot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig I , lv l , „ , , ... ally incurred, will when requested, be col-1 p n . d to V'‘Xo"i : d 0, Ss < h 0ld’irtofi^ ul l' ro l ,ert y. coisistriip of FURNI'PWb' looted with the freight at Hivre. 1* *J^H^’sSioid fnd ** 8uH b T permissfon of the Honorable o^t&lItttKtn^ ' ~ Office, tor all letters that may be Beni uy | co)]()CtioI] otB((OKS . gold Uy permission of the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Adminirtratix. April B 113 mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must he addressed, post paid, to ORASSOUS & BOYD. 1 A gent t, New York. net Ti the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator,—Terms cash, May 4 THE SUBSliltlBElt I NFORMS the frionris of the former firm find, tho public in pencral, that he will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the sumo stand, and solicits their patronage, and all persons indebted to the firm of (1AUDRY &. HERBERT, are requested to niuke as speedy payment as possible. ion v ii Ai:m April 00 JOHN B. GAUDRY. ‘JHoi* Speiin Candles. .4 BOXES New-Bodl’onl Sjierm Cnn- fl* vf dies, Holland &, Son’s Brand, receiv ed per Suvunnah, for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. Mity 2 Copartnership, C fi. GRISWOLD, having taken En- . u tin) Wir.ry into copartnership they will in future transact business under the firm of C. C. (JRiSIVOl.IJ if CO. Mav 2 Coffee. BAGS St. Domingo Coffee 16 do Havana do * a,, Y‘fi.Tte!llfiiEimrcor . April 46 r iour. 1 BARRELS FLOUR, for fam- I tit/ ily use, warranted superior to Canal, fur sale by JOHN W. LONG. April 4 119 At Private .Sale, T WO PRIME NEGROES, one a first rate cook, and the ether u prime field hand, for sale bv April ito J. B. HERBERT Si CO. The Chief Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining tho number and locution of tile private wells it, the city. Ho therefore requests those who own or occupy lots on winch there nre such, to leave a memorandum at tho Post-Office, or at bis Counting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which thoy arc situated. If their ilopth, their diameter, the depth of water in them, ami whether there is now a pump or bucket for lifting the wutcr, can he added, it will be very ac ceptnhle. March 25 101. Passage for Liverpool, The first rate coppered ship CHARIOT, P. Pratt, Matter, Will sail from this port about | the 20th inst. ami can hondsomnly accom modate passengers 1 For terms sool.v to S. B. PARKMAN. Mny 2 33 Y aVaabYft BteamrEngYne at AUCTION. O N MONDAY, tho 9th May next, st It o’clock, will be sold at the wharf, in — ... , this city, on account of the underwriters and gusto, at XII o’clock, »s she now ups the 1 a || C on C o rI i C d, the wreck of the Hteam-boat “ wr . e .°Jf,?n 1 Hen 7 Shnlts, as she now lies, together HENRY Sliuj.i I with her rigging, sails, schors, 4tc.—and at her satis, spars, rigging, I the same time and place, the engine of sail : —-— machinery, engine,&c. on I hint, made by Rush Si Mullenburg.of Phil- account ol the underwriters and all con-1 n,]e]|)hia. upon the high pressure principle. PUBLIC SALE AT AUGUSTA, 0„V| account of the Undcneritert. On THURSDAY, 5th MAY, Will be sold at Public Auction, in Au- For New-York, ESTABLISHED LINE, The regular packet ship SAVANNAH. IFm. Heine. Mutter, Will have immediate despatch. ] For freight or passage, having elegant ac,- cnmmndntiinis, apply to Capl. B. on hoard, | at Jones’Upper Wharf, nr to HALL Si HOYT. May 2 cernod.—Conditions cash. April 30 28 TO SUIT THE TIMES. Dividend, No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA. ) Savannah, Mtl April\ IU J5. J T HE Board of Directors having this day declared a dividend on the capital stuck of this Bank,for the last six months, of <js J per share, or six pur cent per unmun, tlie same will ho paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to tlmir order,on and after Monday next. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. IT The editors nf the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Millcdgeville, will please to publish the above ill rue times, and charge the expense to this B:tuk. -V4 — For Sale, A COMPLETE WAITING MAN, so- her and honest. Also, to be hired, one or .wo good waiters, in a private fami ly or iu a well regulated honrdtiig house.— These servants would he an acquisition. Apply at. the olticcof the Georgian, for fur ther informuthm. Muv J m Notice. j F1Y1IE subscriber in n great measure hnv- j JL ingrecovered his health and the use; oVIns hands, otfers his services to his friends j ami tlie public generally, in tho ! l)l«ck aniV Wu\c,ii Wt^aiv- \ g Raisuibss, and Folicits a share of their patronage. His Vork will he fuiihfidlv executed—his charge moderate—and he will expect prompt pay- im nt. Ho will «t present be found at Ins residence in llrynn-Street, three doors east of Mr. White’* Bonrdiug-I louse, Bnnk- fc*junre. CHRISTIAN D. LEHEY. April‘20 23!t. Checks nvd Drafts on New- Y.rk, at any sight, I N sums to suit purchasers. Apply at the Marin?* and Fire Insurance Office. April In ‘ 19 wo ice. A LL persons having demands against tho estate of Francis Coiirvoiso,1uto of Clmtham county, will present them duly attested, ami those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, l Q(llllifi|!lI Ex . J. HABERSHAM, > ocutor8 ' march 19 96 M Jasse- Whiskey q Flour, I NOR SALE by E. ItURTtIJ.L, , Moiigiii'g IVbarf. Muy 3 34e Cologne Witter. R ECEIVED by th« Savannah, of a su perior quality, for sale at LAY 4iiEND1UCICON’S, Xfov ‘t. S!}io»|V B*iiidiMW9 Cotton lagging. A FEW pieces best Baltic Hemp Bagging do do do Flaxen do Notice. VAvyAbwA J>fo. T A inis this iky been ilev.krod on the lim b's ol the Steum-Ruat Cumjiany, for the lasUhnr months, payable on the first Mon day in Juno next, to the Stockholders or tlmir uuthorixeil agents, at the steam boat otiice, Savnnmili. MM. P. HUNTER, t'rime i»orK m Speim Oil. Just rcreiraf j )rr Williaih Wallace* SO Frime Pork Barrels iirat quality Sperm Oil 49 Barrels Prime and Mots Beef For sale Lv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN * WOOD, A|,nl Anciaux’s Wharf. Treasurer Stonm-Bon r \ Cnnij rt-lrv For sale by A\*ril 29 JOHN II. REID. 31 13 lJai ien Money. -1L.KUUI uitll lio ruceivcil thr Dry Goods, bv C. VV. ROCKWELL*. CO. April 14 i ft i|>atiy., J? Prime Seed Rice, 7Oft SALE-apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. & J. HABERSHAM. March 11 gp E Wanted, MPTY PORTER BOTTLES An ply to GEO .t YERSON. March 4 Butler, &c. 10 a nil „ ll0 "111 quality, ll llbla. Burecant’a Crackers. For s.l. K°* White Beans Apr!l« ? A. BASSETT. ^astorTTH ~ A Si Bftf b * st y tc " t fetation U80 ,for sale bv *** “ nd p -E BRAS'RINNE, iQppfisite the Exchange. Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just received and for sale by BUTLER & SCRANTON. March 10 qp March 29 Wanted, • P/il 14 < RXERSOH. Wanted, B ankable money—Appivat LUTHER’S EXCHANYK OFFICE March 11 Notice. T 1 made arrangements to furnish all ves sels inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will be kept iu the olfiiujof the Commissioners in the Exchange, where musters in want of Pilots will apply. liy order of. the Board of Cnmnuissioncrs of I* if of (life. Mn roll 31 06 b'or New-York. Newport and Providence, The schooner G L E A N E R, B. IF. Millrr, Matter, Will anil on Wednesday next. For freight or passage, having good accom modations, npplv to the master on board, at | Jones’Upper Wharf. Mav 2 33 For New-Yoik IS? Providence,] The schooner MARY AN N, J. E. Lciein. Matter, For freight or passnge, apply to I the muster on board or to PARIS IHI-L. Mav 3 . 24 ALL DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. By authority of the State of Rhode Island. Under the tvperintendimcr nf Man agers appointed by Law. STATE LOTTERY, FHUT CLASS—NEW SERIES. * W ILL positively be drawn in Providence on the 3d next month.—Fifty Number Combination—6 ballots to be drawn. S. 6f J\l. Allen Sf Co. AtfcnU for the Manager*. Highest Prize. For Philadelphia, — The sloop NEPT U N E, Prihblc, Mauler. Will sail on Wednesday next. For passage only, having excellent accom modations, apply to the Captain on hourd, at Jones' Upper Wlmrf, or to GIFFORD & BONNY. May 2 j;jp 1 5 1 4 K 44 69 626 6676 8 C H E M E. 1 Prize of $ 10,000 is 10,000 Dollars. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 5,000 is 1,000 is 5411 Is 500 is 100 is 50 is 25 is 8 is full sixty horse power, with four iron boil ers, measuring twenty-three feet in length and thirty inches diameter, an<L furnace complete, not one year old. and considered by the engineer, to be uninjured by the fire or explosion. The engine is thought to be complete, with the exception of one of the main shaft* being injured. Two others however, are in Charleston, made on an improved prin ciple to those now on board, and will be told as part of the machinery. Conditions cash. Darien and North Car olina Money taken at par in payment. ItrThe Charleston Courier and Patriot, and Savannah Georgian and Republican, are requested to copy this advertisement five times, and forward their accounts to the agent of the boat, in AuguBta. Augusta, April 27. 11125. April 30 32b IMPROVED .YLOBE OF IVBUWING, Secured by Letters Patent under the teal of the United States. T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in conformity with the Act of Assembly, | present to the public, the FOCUTH SCHEME ' or THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY; 6356 Prizes J 13244 Blanks J Tickets. 5,000 Dollars. 1 5,000 Dollars. | 548 Dollars. 2,000 Dullure. 800 Dollars. I 2,200 Dollars. *,200 Dollars. I —. , . „ ,, , 4,224 Dollars, , e ? rawin S °f which will take place in 3 is 17,028 Dollars. “ ,e clt J ot ‘ Baltimore, and wilt be completed m one day. The scheme and mode of 1.9,600. | 49 i00 o Douara. i proven plan, tno Commissioners anticipate • - - 1 *n early period for the announcement the drawing. Savannah anil A- gustu COACH. Mail 'aVfiwj Arrangement—*—Georgia Side* In this itchcmu, with six drawn ballots, there will he 20 prizes with three numbers on them, 660 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the •rnwn ballots on them being blanks. To determine tho fate of 19.600 tickets, the 60 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawn—and that ticket having on it os « combination the 1st, 2d and 6th ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to T HR subscriber respectfully informs the I JJ r ® vv !JJ ro . n , 1 . .. . . public that lie lias removed the Line f 1 , ’ ! 00 ,: l m , hav, "F "" 1 ll,u 4th , 1111,1 ■ - 1 utn, o,00U dollars i those having on them 1st. 3d and 6th—2d, 4th and 5th—1st, 2d and 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th. Notice. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, ) April 13th, 1825. ( rplIF. city taxes fur the present year, X will be pn valdc at this office from this <h.y. to the 1:1th of May next, slier which time, executions will issue ngainst all per sons in delimit. M. W. STEWART, April 14 City Treasurer. of Stages on the Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock. A.M. lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next duy. Fur seats, apply at the Georgia-Hot el. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20,1825. N. B. Horses. Carriages, ami Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 too ■ Notice. I^TEITHER the consignee or the master -1.7 ol the British brig Tom, from Perns m- buco, will be accountable for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessol. April 26 jo N*gUc«i \a\wre\y3 driven, T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will be made to the Stcnni-lloat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, doted 20th October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL Feb 11 mi Citij SYiwciff’s Office, } April 23d, 1825. 5 T HE Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer, for tho city of Savan- nail, will bo adjourned until Wednesday, the fourth of May next, of which all per. eons, suitors, and others concerned, will take notice. A. I. D’LYON, C. S. April 25 27 Goshen Butter. F IFTEEN firkins received per ship Au gusta, for Bale by April 8 J. B. HE T- IRBERT& CO. N otiee. milK undersigned will receive proposals A tor the erection ot* an F*ngine-IIouee, in Liberty-Square, of the following mate rial* ami dime unions, viz.—J4 feet wide, 26 fyet lori£, 9 feet in tlm clear, a door at ench end to teet wide—tlm materials brick, the roof slated, and to extend 24 feet from the eaves, with irons from which to suspend lad ders—the floor to be of brick laid edgeways, 24 inches above the surface of the earth— and all the necessary locks, hinges, &c. &c Also, for a similar building, materials wood, witli the exception of the floor, which must be the same as above specified. GKO. MILLEN, I. MINIS, J. MORRISON. April 25 27 Notice T HE annual meeting of the Storkhol. ders of the Steam Boat Company of Georgia, will take place agreeable to the constitution, at their Office in the City of Savannnh, on the second Monday in May next, at which time an election will be held for thirteen Directors. Polls open at 10 o’clock, A.M. and clone at 2 o’clock, P.M. Aiy absent Scockhnlder may by power of Attrirney. under legal certificate by a No. tary Public, or Justice of the Peace, autho. rise any other Stockholder to vote for him, her, or them. WM. P. HUNTER, Treas'r. S. B. Co. April 9 14t Cap Missing, A THROWN FUR CAP having cover- •»*_.— _ ^ m ings for the ears, and somewhat soiled R^CCiVCF L ftX JlctlHTlS Office, Prmrn JkU * Sul,h.Quhmu,, SgiS.»SS£St AVS J UST, received by ship Sdvsnnth, and son having it can be at no loss in tscertain- for sale by ,i ing to whom it bolon LAY Si HENDRICKSON, fice. May 3 .Sluid’s Buddings. J Mprch 24 . ,100 within by use, was taken from the Ex- rllHE subscriber is now ready to receive X the Returns of Taxable Property, for this county. His office is in James Morri son, Ely’s. Building, adjoining John C. Adam cope, r. t. r. c. c. Feb 11 80| I each 1,000 dollars ; that having on it the 1st, 4th and 6ih, 518 dnllnni; those h&vinff on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and Uth.i ach 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 3d anil 4th, will be entitled to 50 dollars ench. And those having on them two of the drawn ballots, slid those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and Cth, will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets) having on them any two nf the drawn bnllota, will be entitled'to 8 dollars each ; and ail those having onk of the drawn ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shnll have drawn a prize of a superior denominat ion, can he entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes pavablc forty days after the drawing, and anbject as usu al to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put tip in porcelR of 17 tickets, embracing all the combination numbers from 1 to 50, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. PRICE OF TICKETS, Highest Priie $20,001*. SCHEME. 1 do of 10,000 dollar* is tu.uoo t do of 5,000 dnllur* 18 5,000 6 do of 1,000 dollar? is 6,000 4 do of 600 dollars is *,0<)0 20 do of 100 dollars is 2,000' 30 do of 60 dollars is 1.500 60 do of 20 dollars is 1,1180 200 do of 10 dollars iu 2,660 300 do of 5 dollars is 1.500 10000 do of 2 dollars iu 20,060 1 $ 3 - Packages of 17 Tickets, which are war ranted to drawn 18 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes £50, and shares in proportion. C Orders received as usual, BY WM. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. April 22 Notice A LL persons are forewarned not to pur- A chase a note which waa given by me, os I thought at the time, to the estate of Samuel Clishy, but by fraud which was practised on me at the time, I find now to b( in the name, of one Timothy Clisby. As I never had any dealings with, or owed Tiniothy Clisby any thing, as soon as any person shews me proper authority to col lect the debts of the estate of Samuel Cliiby, 1 will pay any sum which I may owe the estate, in toa3taos.which was agreed upon at the time, ana not othsrwiae. P. M’BERMOTT. Vi'.’ U 10612 Prizes. £70,000 20000 TicketB—not one blank to a prize!! Every prize payable in cash, sixty davs a "Of tlle drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteeu per cent. Mode of Drawing—The numbers will be put mto one wheel as usual—and in tlie other wheel will be put tho prizes above tlie denomination of two dollars, and thw drawing to progresa In the usual manner. The 10.000 prizes of £2, will be awarded to the odd or even numbers ofthe Lottery, (as the case may he)dependant on the drawing of the capital prize' of £2u;000^- tlial is to Bay, if tlm 20,000 dollar prize should come nut to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be en titled tu « £2 prize. If the 20,000 dollar prize should come out to an even number,' then all the even numbers in the scheme- will he each entitled to a prize of 2 dollars. Tlie odd Numhere are those ending with 1,3, 5,7 or 0. The even Numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. s This mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in one drawing, but lias the groat advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, to that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one even numherjwill be certain nf obtaining at least one prize, and in the same Tatio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in this, scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior 6no also. .. * The Tickets will be ready in the course of the ensuing week. jamksl. hawkins, i NATII. F. WILLIAMS, rCbm’en. JA8. B. RINGGOLD. $ Baltimore, March 25, 1825. , Orders for Ticketaor Bhare* in the above Lottery, (which will positively be drawn in Itimore, on the 16th of May next.) m* ed and forwarded *t • ' LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. April 16