Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 14, 1825, Image 1

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    jfYtvi —rV oY. V LL
is edited and published
Iff Til8
Bl G. $ W. lloBEUTSON,
IS publishsJ to'rnei-t the «rr«ugt;mehl
the tiiail, lhre« tints, « week, (Tuesday.
Thursday »»J Saturday) *t the Office of !»
Dailv Oror^iaUj tr.d Contain, al’ the in.elli., Goii)merci»l, Politicsl »ml Hisaullaii-
eous, tnoludinij adreftisetnents. ptib islied it
the Daily Paper. ‘
The Country Paper n se-«o all pa'ta o:
the Stale and Union, or delWered in the city
at hve dollars pta-.ntnitn, payable in dvsnr.
Advertisements are inserted in both pa -r ;
at 7S cents per equate, of 14 lines, for ie firs
Insertion, and 374 f“ r ® ¥et y ,UCCtod ‘“ 1 ; P ub '
' 'communications by Ms'll, unit! he Pvsipaitl
Sales of land nml ncRffig" by Ad-mmetra.
tors, Executor, or guardians, arc required
by law, to be held on tile firs Tuesday in thi
month between the hours of <eu in he lure
noun and three in th.* afternoon, nt the Court
H tise of the couoty in which the proper!■ a
titunte.-Notice <.fiih»se "ides most be given
in a public gazette ./.r/ji days previous to tin
day of sale. , , _ .
Notice ofthc sale of personal property mu,
be give in like mmtner, t’o ly days pruvtou:
• o the day sf sale.
NMice to Illy debtors and creditors of ai
estate must be published I »r Forty days.
Noticeabet application will be made to tn
Court of Ordinary f »r *(^.veto sell land, «nu>
be riubJi’'h'*d NUtc Monies.
N INE months after date nppliention will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to soil a tract of land,
known as number oi^lit, Oth District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) Comity, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of the estate ol
of N. S. Bayard*
Administrator estate N. S. Buy a™*
Jan ft
T 'lli .«u»8*Tnher^ henR *bout to diw.V.oe hu
tineas in 'hit place, lequcst pers’-rie ba ’
mg demands agiest Ilium, to present then,
for payment
iN otice. •
*vnNE MONTHS liter date of tbit np'ice,
Xn Nppbchii' n wi| he mxde to the Honorn.
bU: be Ctfirl of Ordinary of Chatham Conn
ty lor pevPi-iwou to at ! l id’ thy real -:«tste of
Joh i YValcerl'h dec. for the benefit of ill
heirs at d Creditors .P said d 'ceased-
ROB SUIT HOY. Executor.
Teh *>1
Ailuiimsti'iituv’s Notice.
N ’N v .tic\< i'MS from this date, wesMl ap
ply to the 7|<;nfirxbl* the leferioi* Hour-
rl»,th*m countv, wlien sUtirfr far or’inarv
pu-poses, to sou the reuj estate of Wihisro
O. II. r^’DEN,
P. MAY it hi \V,
i«-t 19 41
Cognac irancly,
PIPES “Heignctte's Brand,” just re
Ceivud j)cr Louisa Matilda, lor sale by
.1. B. llimBEliT&zCO.
50 Tierees new Rice
10 Pip.* Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
fto Barrels Flour
3o Barrels Hams
7 ) Barrels Gin
fto Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
ftO Barrels Mackerel, No. 3
20 Cases Fort Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
Goshen Rutcr, Lai d &c.
r CIST RLCEiVL’D bysJiip Corsair, and
I other lute arrivals
11 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
h bbls Butter Crackers
20 half and quar f or bbls Buck Wheat
and Ilyo Flour
lb bbls Filqt Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongin’s New Buildings
fob 12 ° 67
Share Moulds, I’ rk, Gin, ,vc
C l C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan-
' • (ling from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
Sfi barrels Northern Gin *
ID do Mess Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
Kin kegs White Lead
'■U kegs Black Paint
0 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
fell 11 07
ffiU Mi & UTilj
a n HOGSHEADS prune anil second
it*t quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue ami green edged plates
10 tuns iron, assorted
. 5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
0 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope . • ,»
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Lung Island white, equal to
Georgia Bint corn
nov 23
T ..„ . _ . , „ , , [By IhClrig Pheasant, fr, m PhUadetphiaA JNFORMB his friemlb andthe publiOgen-
IIE subscriber intending to close his jf} R HtIDS, and 100 bbls- Puilodelpbia l orally, tint lie has received bv re'ccnt
husmess m this city, oflerh his stock -«®^e Wy, kry . | afrjv . a , Si & , arffC and wtensirc „ 80 / traent 0 , i
frehh garden seed
VaiDjows YlwwftT 'Roots*
J U3T rece ved by the ruhaenbep, and wa .
ranted of the l»*t avasoii’a firr^wth, 2
lioxob Garden Seed®, put tip.Hv A. M’Hahun l
!\o. PhiLdelphin, enprewU* for this ma r kct.
an 1 containing the f .'lmving aa^ortni nts, viz.
1. Drumhead Cabbage *.4. Karl) curled Lct-
2. Long Red Beet luce
3 Long Ormige CarrotJ 15. fi<>ya! Cabbage d-
4 Pitfley UV^utmeg M^lon
5 Leek <7, Spinsch
6. Onion !8. SumiTtOr Savoy
Salmon Radish *9. Sweet Basil
8. Early Purple do, ’0 Sage
9. Hound leaved H, Na-lurtium
'0. Early Turnips 22. Celery
• I.Late do ’3 Early Peas
2 Stt safy 4. Late do
3- Asparagus 25 Earh- bi : nrh bean
?6. Red French do
A T. S O,
°0 Ua.rkigf*s containing the following Bti
' ous Flower Roots, via.
I>mb e Hvscintiis | 4. Yf n slean tiger flowc
F . -e Tulips I > D uible Tuberoae
I Nurcissns | 6 Star oflJethlehen -
•’or sale by P. M’DBUSfO PT
« Q
businoss in this city, oflerh his stock
at roducod prices, for CASH, ewsisitiiig of
Sidebqards of various patterns, Bocretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, FwAfch Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies 1 Dressing Talios,Com
modes, Pillar mid Claw Work Tables.
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta-.
hies and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Hands,
Wash Stands, Candle St amis. Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Malioganyhigh
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs,
&c. at. the Ware-House, corner of Wliitta*
ker-Sfleet nnd Bay Lane.
J. If. <). also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment wit li
mit delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
.Tan 2ft 51H
By Ihc Vrmilunt <>f the United Stale*.
I N pursuance of Lw, 1, Jakis MoxnoE, P-*e‘-
ident i f the Suited Ststcs, do hereby de
.Hr^ and make known, vlitt a public sale wi
•* held nt the Lnn 1 - Office at I'allahaose, ;
PloridJ*. on the third Monday of May neat, f<
he diif' 'i»l o‘ the following lands viz :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west ofthc
Meridiau lijjc.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do dc
Fractional 3 do do do do
Fract ion a] township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5.
The 8nl<* will commence with the l -we
umber of section, township, and rsngp, a«
•rncecd in regular numerical order. Tl
i nds reserved by law for the use ofschiolr
r other purposes, will be excluded from th
Given under mv hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this c6tii il>v of J uuiarv, 18 5
By the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Offic •
(Tj* Printers of ihe Laws of t’ic Uni e.l
atca, in the Territory ol Florida, und in th
dtatf-s of Alabama, LoiusLm, Tenars'e, Mi -
i esippi, (iei-r^i#. sod 8outh*Caro» « are an
ihoriz d to pubtMi the f'uegoing L inc'.ami-
on once n week 'm il the day of sale
«? h 7 f, f
Damascus Steel Razors,
/a ri ant ml good.—
| UST received, n supply of the above ar
ticle, wltic(Kvill bo warrant nil
For sale by
nov 2-1
Opposite the Academy
ERPECTEULLY informs liur frioiui'
1 ami tlin pulilir, that Iter school is kow
oi'f.y, opposite tlio Chatham Academy, for
tlta itrcm-riox up eui-n.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, slit
ofForj.- her services in teaching ftho following
useful and ornninthital branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spoiling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, .- <f i 00
hi. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : i : : : ; .-10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
ITT The most careful attention will bt
aic! by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 Oft
10 Mg* Saltpetre
50 whole and 100 half bbls. fi’esh Fluur
6000 husbe s Liverpool groui d Salt •
5 blio#. & 20 bbls. prime Al. Cfoix Sugar
3 pipes and* 25 demijohns best Mo iwii '
5 pipes md 30 demijohns best Cognac
10 hfids. and 25 bbls. superior ^orlherr
75 bbls Northern Gin
53 b,.gc G etn Co.fte i
5 casks superior o’d Lisbon Wine
25 hbln Lump and 72 ! >bl«i. Loaf Sugar
5 boxes wuite and 7 do brown Havana
Sugar «
25 bags black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gm
bale# Baggi ng Twine
o5 qr boxes Hyson Tea
5u 'earns Wrapping Paper
15 hot s Pipes
5 cas - , Wool H^ts
10 bales hurt Oz n^nrgs
5 bale* unbie m- ed Homespun
4 cases colored ditto
50 keg-: Dupont's G in Powder
1000 bushels Table Sait
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friend.- kegs manufactured Tobacco
and the public, flint her scimnr. t« *««• 25 t®ns ,8jort. d (Gam n) Castings
5 l-.rge Smith Bellows
5’ kegs is-mit-'d Cut Nails
100 hags assort* d Shot—ids -an
issoriment of Ctd..r Wre, Market and
Clothes Baskets
All of which w ; ll be sold low for cash, or
piod town acceptances.
P m»debmott
march 14 9 ’
Consumptions, Coughs, £jc,
1 KEGS New Leaf Lard
lUU'loO Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
ft Pipes il. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT &- CO.
Jnn 14
jivade’s •• onipany’ l ot s.
Q -r\ CASKS Hradu’a Patent lines, fur
W sale by N. B. WEED.
(lee III
Ucurgw—Camden County
O N the first Tuesday in iSarch next, I
sell h1 J-. {ferson, in said comity, a negr.
.nan, named Daniel, the property of the es
.-.teot Mic JaIi Crews, de'ersed, pursuant t
leave granted bv the Court of Ordinary.
MA’tY CREWS, Executrix*
J n U 41
r.ilmiuisvratop’s Dt otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, I shall apph
to the Honorable the Inferior Court o
>na(ham county, (when sitting for ordinal
vjrposcs) for leave to sell the real esiut 4 t
Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cre»*.
itors. ~ C- II HAYDEN,
august 12 45
liunch Muscatel Kaisius.
J UST received per ship Win, Penn, di
rent from Gibraltar,
140 Ilexes Hunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
!'M- 1 Aru’in'iv’s Wharf
Reer.-.’ Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
o. and for sale hy JY. O. WEED.
Fresh Jets, Hams, Flour, ec
U 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhd Richmond Cut G »• s Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, rccei\
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
F OB the cure * f CoF.s, Coughs, Comump
t ons, Spitting of Bioodj As Innas, and
iscffses oftnebreast and lungs.
There is perhaps no observatioi
’>f»'tcr ( Ktab isln-d, none more yenerslly Ron
l’med by the experience of the boat physic*
itwof sll atres and count'!-s, and none ol
j>on. importance to the human family, tbs/;
he f.ict that many of the most difficult and in-
’arable consumption! originate, in neglects
colds.. In a elm aie «o varui »lc as ours, when 1
ihe changes of the weather are fr- quenth
•Hidden and unexpected, il requires m /re rare
nj Kf euiion to guaid against this chugerou'
ansmy of fife, than most people imagine 01
■ire able and willing to bes o v. T he bids o'
mortality exh bit the melancholy Let that th*.
.roportion of dead s by this duease may bt
•o;i'.idtii ed as al out five to one. Jbasmurl
then ns this fnuldi-eaae i'xqueutly bUs defi-
mce lo the skill of the most learned physici
ns, it is a gratificat'on to the proprietor ths'
eis enabled to offer to those effl ;»ed wit!
a go d'v prospect of renef, i > that i igbh
valuable remedy, the Vvigetable Indian Sp ci-
fic. The Indians aie happy in tluir kno^.
dge of medical plants; governed wholIvSv
xperiencc, they arc certain ns toti .ir cfF. ct,
uul it is ssid by «n author of great character,
hat a t;ue c nsun plion is a disease nevti
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
lerbs, root-, (1 »wors, pi nt , 8cc when in per.
Action. In consequence fa happy comoins-
•.um of the mtat valuable ti^rbs, ike. it becomes
balsam of a Miperinr va.un. It heals the <> •
ju-ed parts, opens'he p*j»es, and compose*
he dis’urbed nerves, after the manner of a
■tuodyne / consequently the obstruction M
he dies and the lungs which constitute th.'
lisease, particularly need its use. It promotes
xpectnratiun, which is constantly called for.
nd whilst it gleans :s ar-d heals, it also giv.
r«ng*h to t*«e tender lungs In this manner
• removesthe hectic fcvei, improves digtt
. .on, gives atrer "'h to the nerves, repairs ihi
•pp- t-te and improves thesi irits. This spect
fin mav always fie given in safety it is mfif
ietsant to the tasie, and may safely be give
il mfaiPs, for which ills of im-siimable valu*.
aflbrds relic f in bowel complaints, t etlfing.
hooping coughs, <Jc. and is !bund particu-
r.y useful in hypochomln^c-.d, nervous an
* stericol diseases. Each bill o; directic;
■'utaini a detailed account of this disease in
! its (fificririt stages, undwill accompa
• d with the signature ol the proprietor in
•led Ink. Ifis lifiWed for sale by GEO. RY
R..O. , only (mv ugent) D uggist,ccr
Bay -.n i Whit laker-streets, Savannah, at
. \e dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
\5. > tatea iiaiik *V o\ea
F or sale at
Jan 20
i ider, Porter, d ine, e c.
rtK BOXES fir-t quality Cider
mi tJ ft Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Cl amt Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
i listings.
TONS carron castings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting 0 f the following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from $ -to 30 gallons
200 AmericniHipideTs, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
, r 4Jbs.
1300 camp ovens, fron^O to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to ft
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 3
k'UtuYiuuU >U AUtcd
1 G . V’lLt.KR, (Uher a « •«. DAN-
iEL OLAND MILLER, who in the • t. r
■8i5, grrve.' in Savanrwtji, in ihe Abeul ei
mnsport, belonging to Mv.-si«r-. D< wsoii &
Sons, of I.undoo is living, sod will apply t-
* f* lends in England, he w)] heu' ty
metl 'ng muchto his atlv«ntnre, lie le^
Die Aberdeen while she lay at Siivanodi, i*.-
•as not bi’en hemd of by Ins fiends air>c
' I Hit period. He hud b.’en rnunv years a < u
1 nr, ami while on board the abwe vms-\
whs employed as u carpenter. If lie left S •
vannab that time, it is probable that n
mterud some vessel going t., the Brazil I«
hinds, us <n bis last letter, he sta'ed thui i-
va« Ins intention to do so. Simuid he hsv
liittdut anyplace u hare a register orcertifi
cate of his uuruil ca:» be obtained, it would b
thankfully received and all exper. ci attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
M- w.York
Q **
O N the fi r,t
day in May
Administrator’s /hie.
.tor «f e .Ip. fi si Tues
n -xt, between the hour* of
t^u and four o'clock, will bt* sold at the mar-
Vet-hftise in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
'o un order of the Honorable ihr Court of Or
linary for the cou/ ly of Camden, a negro wo-
m*n -Mmed J» n:.\. b longing to the estate , f
Dav d fi Jones, deceits d, for the benefit of
the creditors ofsuid • s uie.
*.» pft
1 LL p* rsons h-*dng demun Is against,the
* e lute of 'he lite John V* ak rly. (plant-
r) dt c a-e reqtifs ed to render them, prop
erly attested, irrmed a.ely; and all persons
debted, to mike immediate pa 1 m^nt to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
F'-h "4 y 7
VTlNS MONTHS after the date hereof, ap*
pi'C.ation will be mule to the Honoruble
h»- Inferior Cour* of Chnlham county, when
utting for orditiKry purposes, for leave to acl
u lot, with ih improvements, situate in Iht
city of SivumiHh, in the said county,and know:
in the plan of said city by th? No. 53, Broun
Ward, lor toe benefit of the heirs and legatee
of the estate of the late Hugh IPCall, de
net *4 7
O’lNE MONTHS alter dx'ej iprlication will
v i>e made to the Honorable Inferior Court
iHtliam county, for leave to sell th< real
personal estate of the late Mrs Ann H& •
•in, d eceased, for the benefit of the lieira
<1 tors-if S':id ea'ate,
March 10 89
Groce: ies, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail. on the most roaronnhlo terrnR. Tl,
following nrlicles euinprise a part of hi'.
present stock, viz.—
!0 H‘.|/ime <is ,.(■» ■ <■ »t Cm,* '•umtr
10 tloaet w 1 ite :mlj „ ,
’0 B met Brown J Hl, ' r,n * d 1
6 f ) B ii-rcift Loaf and T ump do
50 B.tgg Havana Grt c*n Coffee
8 Bv <*•; superior 4‘h 7roof Brandy
r Ppes d» H'disud G ; n
5 uh..' S Imitation Bnindy, 4th proof
5 Di do Gin
2 Fipea very superior old^Vach Brandi
^ Puncheons do do I-ish Wbihke-
50 l!o£8h''*ds and > Philtd lphu lly»
100 Barrels { Whiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pines supers »r old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Q isrter Casks Teneriffe do
Very superior old Madeira W'rne am
Cognse Brandy in dem»j-<hns
150 Whme and > Barrels supu il ie fres
JJS Ha,f y FLur
100 barrels Nq* 3. New Mackarel
50 Bar* els No. 2, do do
1600 Baskets Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 Barrels Coppe as
200 Roams Wrapping Paper
50 Black Pepper
10 Bjxes Cbornlfite
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Barrels Glue
10U Kegs HE and HF Dupont's Gunpowde;
5' Pound C-inisie s«<f superior do
100 Pieces 4: inch Cotron BagginE*
2 Bales B gging Twine
JOWhoU..™!, Do«. S. Whittimore’i
6 Haif J penuine C.nii
10 Boxes Wool Hits
5 Boxes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Bale Rope
5 Dozen Bed Cords
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Sain Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cases colored snd bleached and un*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron 'Table Spoons
IS Do do Tea do
0 Do Teutanla Table do
Plated 'I abb* and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos
Lon Tea Kettles of ail .fizes
Bras- Kitt ft.s fo r making preserves
20 ^ets of Dbh Covers
20 'Long shear Moulds
1 D • 8 d lr ns
1 Do lla Lead
100 C.-sks assorteef Cut Nails
Mill, ’ross Cut and Whip Saw, mad*
expressly for this market
20 D sen Handsaws, WoouSuwl and Ten
nant Saws
Blackinmh Sledges and Handhammor*
Anvils, trum 1 to 200ibs. real mouse
PI :Qhsmith's BeMows,from 24 to 36
bii.glo kndD.iUble Screw PiaUs
'Corn Mills, from No. 1 10 5
2 Tons Koowsiml Hinges
Brass Andiro s. f om 50 to $3
B.a-.g nnd Wire Feudc.s, With shovel*
ar d longs lo match
5 f i««ks Praicl's Patent Hues
lOu D z-H Padlocks
• teelya iJs to weigh from 200 to 5001b
2 Tons of Steel,consisting « f She »r,Eng
livh, BTste*ed and Cast
Stoves with Fip s
1C00 Pound* Waggoi- Bells, assorted
• Fancy curtain Pins
5 Hag* Trace Chi ins
2 Dozen Currying Knives
20<» D.-z n Currv Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks
em s sting of 50 p eces each
10 S *ts Hritaunis Teapots.
S i gar ■ 1! Cream do
6 1) »z -r P ’.tent Shot Belts
D 'Z G me Bags
2 D z Powder Homs and F'^skx
1 < «e double and single barrel Guns
101> ?.ei Wire and 20 doz Hair Sifters
2 D>. z Fanuy Hull Mats and 5u sets
'1 able Ma’s
A general scsortmei-t ofCarnenter’sPlnues,
^rushes and Fancy Bellows, with m*ny othet
1 t eles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Ton? of Curron Castings, which will b^
s 1 low from the wh«*f
V^INK montln »ft(- d«t«i, .pplicstion will be
L, mode to the Inferior Court of Che lion
County, lilting for ordinary purpose, for »r
order, absolute, to left loll No. lour »n( fire,
'4 end 5) in Carpenter’. How, and lot No.
one, (1) Green Ward, in thi city of Savannah,
being Hie real eitate of Franoil Jaiineau, dec
for the benefit of th,- hrir. and creditor, of
.aid eitate WILLI t >1 GAS ON.
Qualified Executor,
r • 97.
t ills on New-York,
F or kale by
Feb 11
Feb S3
VS hiskey.
Paeon and Lard.
50 firkins Lurd—Landing from
sclir. Burrncoa, from Baltimore. For sale
March fi 07
Gin and Butter.
Rercient per ship Corsair,
«A BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
I VI Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
March 26
Butter and Hams.
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Butter
5 Burrels Burlington Hams *
jor sale by A. BASSETT.
March 31
Biver* that rnllc- by the ancient walla
b '.ir« dW * M,the My °' ‘" y when
W,lk *eall| he br ' nk ’ * nd 1hSr * l’ e ' <b>ncc fe-
A faint an fleeting memory of me :
Whit if that deep and ample iteam ih mid be.
A mirror ef m y heart, where she n r,y rn d
The thoumndtbougbt. I now he,t^ t, t! e3 ,
wave, and liHdlcng a. toy
Wild as thy
ipc df
Door Mats
J UST received by the William Wallace
three dozen best quality India Door
Mats, tor sale by I. W. MORRELL.
March i fi 03
What do I lay—i - mi-ror of m- hear! i
Are Jiroe , f > ! 7 W “ ter * -weeping, eark, md
such as my ftHirg. were md are, thou art,
And such as thou art were my
Ti ne may lomewhit htve tamed them, not
tor ev r *
Th m ove fl » V thy bank, ,„d not for .ye:
hy Dosiiin overboils,, conge* »al rive J -
'l b) fi *ods subside. ami mine have sunk
sway /
Rut left icng wreck* behind up, and :go n . '
Borne on <ur imchaiigvd carter, we
move j
riiou t*-: d St wildly onward to the main,
And 1 io luvii.g one I shouid not love* *
The current I behold will sweep bet eath
Her native walls and murmur al h* r feet ,-
rfci eyes shall look ou thee, when she shall
br -a'he
The tringbi *if, unharmed from nummer's
T,’ l, r l<l0k on tkee ; * k Rve Roked or\ thre,
Fu.l of that thought, and from that moment
1 hy waters coni 11 name, nor name ot.d see,
without u.' nistpim-b t s.<gh for Inr
Her bright eyes wi'l he im.ig.’d ,n thy stream,
ies, ill y will meet the aave I uaze 04
now /
4»ne cannot wi ness, even in a drenm,
That happy wave repast* me iu a HoW/
1 tr ? t * lat * >e#rh mv tesrs returns no more r
Will she return by whom that wave shall
sweep l
R ;th thre d ihy banks, both wander on thy
shore / *
I near the source, she by the dark blue deep.
But that which keepeth us apart is not
Distance, not depth of die w«ie, nor spare
AS vKulhHhrfffe».t'oIWr birta.
A rtrarge’ loves n Ldv of the lend ,
B vn Lr beyond the mouniaina, but his blood
all merdian, as if never fanned
By (he biack wind that chi Is the polai flood,
My binod is all meridian ; were it not,
I had not left my cli-ne 1 ahull not be (
in spite of fortune ne'er to he forgot,
A siave again ot love, at Last of thee.
Tis vain to struggle-Jet me perish young**
Live as I have nved, and -ove as 1 have (of-
e-:l S
To du t if I return, from dust I sprung,
And then at least my heart can ne’er b$
. m >veJ.
• The l*o
The turmoil of the Presidential contest
has not even yet subsided. It has at tbit
line hour, brought forth a long communi
cation from Air. Ingham, a member of
the House of Representatives, from Penn
sylvania, who was stated by Mr. Clfty to
be in possession of “ a paper containing’
an explanation which Mr. Kremer was
willing to make in his place,” &c. Mr. Ing
ham acknowledges the possession of the
>aper, but denies that it was signed by Mr.
Kremer, who positively refused to do so, or
even to rend it,or to retract one word which
he had advanced. Mr. I. justifies Mr.Kre
nter, and comments severely upon the con
duct of Mr. Clay, who, lie states, “ labored
night and day to transfer all the vottR ho
could to Mr. Adams ; thei-e wore mostly
given against the known wishes of his con
stituents ; and that for this haznjdous and
anti-republican operation, Mr. G. has re
ceived the office of Secretary of State.”
The part taken by Mr. Ingham in the
transaction between Air. Clay and Air.
Kremer, he ascribes to the circumstance of
his being a colleague of Air. K.—and espe
cially to an attempt, as he states it, that
was made to browbeat the whole Pennsyl
vania delegation into a disavotval of the au
thorship of the letter to the Columbian Ob
server, &c.
Mr Gazley, of Ohio, has also “ come out,*
against Air. Clay. He commences by pro
pounding the interrogatory— Have the west
ern numbers been bribed to give their votis lo
John Quincy Jldams ?—and then observes,
“ wore I to answer Yes, in my opinion tiny
have, this would be the opinion only of a
single individual, and, as a matter of the
greatest public importance, ought not to bo
believed on the naked opinion of any one.
Were I to say, it is doubtful whether they
have been bribed*!his answer would be e-
qually unsatisfactory, not only as being a
bare opinion, but os’ implying a suspicion,
which no one ought to impute, without giv
ing the facts and the responses. These, con
tinues Air. Gazley. are what I now propose
to give, accompanied hy free remarks. It
is my right, as a citizen ; it is my duty, in
asmuch as the public demand it of me.”
Mr. Gazley then produces his arguments
in favor of the belief he expresses—but it
would be a vain effort to endeavor to follow
him through the solid columns he has
brought up to his support. He expressly
declares that proof is not in his posteadon—
indeed that the case does not a<iinit.of if.—
If so, we can soe Very little heupfit ( iur