Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 14, 1825, Image 2
ems BY 0. * W. ROBERTSON, PVBMBIIKH8 or THE LAWS 01' THE UNION. DAILY PAPER* S COUtfVRY PAPER, EIGHT DOLLARS. SKIVE DOLLARS. SATURDAY MORNING. MAY I t, 18‘J*. The Creek ..-Tho following letter .Intel at Mlllodgi'villo mi the fitli instant, which gives a more circumstantial account of the ,ate bloody transaction in tho Crook nntion, than lias yet been published, wn Imve been politely permitted to copy for publica tion :— “ You will no doubt ore this letter roach es you. have lenrnod through tho newspa pers, that the Indians hnvo murdered tlioir General, M’Intosh. His son, Chilly, arrivud horoon Tuesday evening last with, the in Reoautly omitted articles will be fouud tolligonco, having himself escaped through a shower of bullets from a house in the on the first pagu. . , ar d with that in which his father was By the chip Rising States, Capt. Pearce, murJewd> , collver>ation wit |, | lim J arrived yesterday, we have received the Pro- learlledi lhat juit bfl r ore the break of day. videncc Journal of the 4th instant- PUBLIC SENTIMENT, At a meet ing of a large and respectable he was reused from sleep by a chief who was sleeping in the house with him, and inforinod that they wore surrounded. U<»- from 1st to Dth instant, two—shewing i considerable increase during tho last fir weeks- A report of tho number of case, would be more interesting. In wliat wo have said on this subject which we cnnsldor painful, we bog to b< For Providence, ARRIVED, . a ,)i Ship Olivo Branch, Harding. Liverpool, bo considered as under the influence ot. nc, 4; , d(| ^ wj| | 1 S(1 | tj [) ry (joeds &e. toS.B. unfriendly motive. It is a calamity, espc< ciallv at this season of tho year, which we] Wallace *■ cn 1 „ , . , , , . and VV. Gaston, have all ton much reason to dread i but Parkman—consignees. A. Low & co. Low, J. M’Nisli. R. Campbell, The packet ship RISING STATES, I 1 !nrer, Jitasler, Will sail on Thursday, 18th inst. For freight or passage, having hand- sumo accommodations, upply tn the muster on board, or to ORRAY TAFT. May 14 44 whilst wo sincerely regret its prevalence olsewlicre, we feel it our duty to enquire into the extent of our danger, if danger oxists- number of the Citizens of Savannah and on going to the door, he found the infurma- of Chatham County, held at the Exchange yesterday in pursuance of public notice, for the purpose of expressing their opiuion witli regard to the disposition of the lately acqui red territory from the Creek Indians, Ma jor John Stevens, was called to the chair, mid Antiionv Porter, Esq. appointed Sec retary. Alter a few preliminary remarks from Gen. Harden, the following resolutions Wore offered to the consideration of the meeting, and subsequently adopted: Resolved, Thnt it is the deliberate and de- cided opinion of this meeting, that the late acquisition of territory, obtained from the nation of the Creek Indians, is public domain, and ought therefore only to be appropriated to public purposes. That the Public proper ty of a state, appertains to the People, only in their national character and ought to be reserved for the necessities, or improve ments of the state. That posterity, as well as the present inhabitants of the state, are entitlud toils benefits, and that to .distribute the land by lottery, would be a prodigal waste of the public means, to enrich individ uals at the public expense. Remlitd, That the contemplated inter nal improvement of the state, requires all that can be saved fur that end, and that this meeting look with confidence to its results, for the abolition of taxation, tho establish ment offree schools, and ill fact for i II those advantages which ought to flow from means so ample, hen directed to purposes of gen eral and lasting utility, by the enlightened decision of a patrotic community. Resolved, That this meeting do hereby ad vise and request, the Senator and Repre sentatives from Chatham County at tho extra session of the general assembly to which they «rc now called, to use their best efforts to defeat if possible the pluu of dis posing of the public land by lottery, which experience has proved to have had none of the good effects hich were contemplated by it. Resolved, That this meeting are of the opinion, that the final determination of a question of such vital importance to the best interest of Georgia, should be made by a fu ture Legislature elected with a view to that particular point, so that the public will might be most certainly ascertained ill re gard to it. They deprecate and protest a gainst any measure emanating from the present Legislature, which may bo founded upon tho precedent Land Lotteries, as a sanction for a similar mudo of disposing of the public land.—Because the wiil of their const fluents has uot been ascertained in re gard In it, and because it is believed, that all the reasons which induced or could have authorised former Laud Lotteries, have ceased to exist, whilst other, and much stronger motives and considerations are now in operation to prevent such a waste of the public resources.when so much substan tial benefit is promised to the state by the acfou of a well digested system of Internal- Improvement. The fullowing resolution offered by Dr. . Dikikll, was also adopted Resolved, That a Committee of three he appnmledlo report to tins meeting at ■, fu ture day an address to the citizens of Geor gia, calling upon them to convene in their respective counties and express their opini ons upon the proper mode of disposing of the recently acquired territory. Doctor W. C. Da.mell, tien. Harden, and M. li. M’Ai.i.isteh, Esq. were appointed that Committee. A resolution was then passed requiring the proceedings of the meeting to be imme diately published in the Gazettes of this ci ty, and the niuuling was adjourned. Internal Improvement.—We have seen a paper which was opened yesterday in this city, us r donation to Ehknezer Jenckes, the proprietor, according to the act of the tiun true. He then went to the window, and found that guarded by itrinud men. Just at this moment, he discovered a blaze of fire, which had been applied to tile house ill which Ins father, who had been for seme time confined tu the house from indisposi tion, was Bleeping. “ In this stale of things, he determined, if possible, to save himself by flight. Ac cordingly, he opened the dour, and rushed an the assailants, who supposing, as lie be lieves, thnt he waa armed, gnvo way on ci ther side, and permitted himselfund a young man who had also slept in the house, to pass. As soon as their object was discover ed, they were pursued, anil that so closely, that when they jumped into the river, their pursuers wore within twenty feel of them, and kept up a constant tire until they hud swam out of their reuch unhurt. Nut so fortunate his uulmppy father, and the chief who remained in the house when the two young men niudu their escape. The flames suun enveloped the house, and an incessant lire train the enemy was kept up, until hotli these unfortunate men were literally shot to pieces. Strange to tell, M’lntosh’s with was ill the house with him, and escaped unhurt! His body was dragged by her trum the house, dreadfully mangled and burnt, a horrid spectacle of savage barbarity. It was nlflcinlly onnnucod at St. Petcrs- burgli, oil tlie dd oi’Murcli, that all the dif ferences which had arisen between Russia nnd Great Britain on the subject of tho North West Coast of America, tveredeti- nitivdy adjusted in a Convention signed on thnt dity by Count Nesselrode on the olio part, and Mr. Stratford Cunning on the other. The Convention lixos the limits of the trailo nnd navigation of tho two pow ers in that quarter, and regulates all that relates to them. Ship Rising States, Penrce, Providence, O. Taft,—consignees, P. Hill, A. & E. Wood, M. & A. Smith. Schr. Mary Spear, Robinson, Thomas- towu, (Mu.) todays, with Lumber to the master, Stenn Beat Altamnha, Harford, 50 hours from Augusta, with Beats No. 12 and 14 in tow, 11150 bales .Cotton mid other merchan dize, ti G. B. Lamar, R. Habersham, S. C. Greets J- Atizc, Geo. Gordon, Gumming Si Gwalhincy, 11. Lord St co. Ponce Se Mac kenzie, 8. J. Bmirgnux. C. Kelsey Si cn, A. X- Molynoux, und others. P<tfsengtrt, Munirs. Muckie, Griswold,Wilmurl, Morse, Potior, Wiilmer, Iirmvn, Brcnan, Hart, Fiote, Wheeler, and Thompson. TU¥i PAVILION, SARATOGA SPRINGS. On tho 4Lli insluiil, Governor Pleasants of Virginia in the presence of the officers of the commonwealth, und of a large col lection of cit izens, assembled at the coun cil chamber, to witness tho ceremony, pre sented io major gt.nerul VV ingfikld Scott, of the United S.ates army, the sword the legislature of Virgin in had voted to him, for his gallant services during tho late war with Great Britain Swords were voted ut. the same time with the above* to General Gaini.s und Commo dore Wa.iuenton, but as both were absent, they were reserved lor presentation at a future duy. The schr. Enterprise, Brickhnrst, from this port, arrived at Wilmington, jN.C. 24tli ultimo. A French ship from Martinique, was re ported below yesterday. Aletterfrom Madrid, dated March 14, states thal the official accounts of General’s Sucre’s victory in Peru Imd been received in that capital, but that every one who even spoke of it was liable to be arrested by the Police. Three sons of .Mr. Lippitt. Cashier of the Union Bank of Providence, aged 14, li and 17 yeurs ; a son of Captain Burrows Aborn. (clerk to Mr. Joseph Howard) and a son ni Mr. Ames, who went on a smliug excursion on the 1st instant, when almut two miles frntn Providence, R. 1. weie upset, and with tho exception of Mr. Aiuuh’ son, all drowned. Charlestons May I‘2.—Arrived, French ship Trois Sonets. Mony, Havana, and 12 days from Cnpe Florida—where she drift od ashore on the 27tl» 3 o’clock in the morning, and remained until the 29th, when she got over the Reef, with tho loss of both anchors, false keel, some part of the sheath ing. sprung aleak, and received considoru ble otlier injury.—Bound to Bordeaux—put in for repairs. Schr. Mary, Hunter, Trinidad, (Cuba) 22 duys. Schr. Susan, Brnld. Matanzas, 6 days. Schr. Polly, Fivensh, Key West, and days from St. Augustine. Cleared, Br. ship Dunlop,Mundoll, Liver pool; Br. bark Diadem, Curry, Liverpool; schr. Superior, Hill, Havana ; sloop Tele graph. Sawyer, New-York. Tho editors of the Now-York Daily Ad vertiser and American, in conjunction. . . ,. I have sentto England for one of the unproved -Last evening an express arrived in town j preBS1 . s , whicll wurkoff-MlUpapcrs uri hour. informing the Governor, that at the same , hour of the same night, Hawkins, another From our C orrespondent-N.Y Gazette Chief, living about forty miles distant from Office, May 4.—From tub Pacific.—Lot- M’Intosh, had also been murdered by ano* * erK i rom ^ alparaiso to the 31st ot Juuua . ’ ry, postmarked New-London, per ship Cc.n- icr par y. neciicut, were received in town yesterday. “ By the advice of tho Governor, Chilly They state that, the army of the Royalists has gone to Washington, and it is believed ' vili, ' h had capitulated, were embarking for . . Spain. Flour was plenty and dull at from that tho U.S. government will take prompt p toflnn boar<) . K Th ,f re was evcry ap . and efficient measures lor the protection of pearnnee of an unusually abundant crop of tl,« friendly Indians. ; w ... , . . The brig Carlo, Hull, of New-York, had In order to prevent depredation on our nrr ived „t Valparaiso, in 45 days from Bue- frontiers, orders imve been sent to all tiro nos Ayres. Generals commanding divisions on the fron tier, to be on the alert to prevent it. The Legislature will soon convene, when no doubt such measures will he adopted, as will ensure the protection of those Indinns who may think proper to retire within our settlements, and the defence of our fronti r ugaint any invasion of the hostile party. “ The Mashnlls* have already come in, and will not return until they call he as sured that it is safe to do so. Many others will no doubt follow their example by flying to this state and to Alabama.” * A Creek family. COMMERCIAL. EXHORTS FROM SAVANNAH, APRIL 1825. VV. T. Williams, H lU2o. AS just received the NORTH AMUR 1CAN REVIEW, No. 47. fur April Subscriptions received at $5 per au. CONTENTS OF NX) XL PII. Page : 246 27' The Charleston City Gazette, in reply to our inquiry as to the prevalence of the small pox in that city, states the existence of that disease, and that the city authori ties have not been remiss in their exertions to prevent its extention—it also refers us to the weekly bills of mortality, as a proof that due notice has been given oft he deaths which have been occasioned by it. The Gazette adds—“ The citizens of Georgia should bo ^ ur market is in rather u calm state r tl . , t , "fi regards cash transactions; some con satisfied therefore, that wo have not been , sideralde transfers have made at 2! ■ UK (f*. T.» | HI*,. | S. !*•». | :l’ K. Liverpool. 5802 1265 134 West Indies, 35 New-York, 964 897 Providence, 665 (Ither Coastwise, 85 218 Charleston, 2848 46 River Clyde, 415 74 10779 1385 1284 For 7 in mhIis, end ng \pr 11 rh. 82"). Foreign, 370 tn 5578 8 3 Coastwise, 44927 163 3530 Rt94« 5741 4Y23 Sun p',i • ! las' V’i’str. Foreign, 65836 61 13 9184 2634 Coastwise, 3 696 257 98032 6370 1 1818 1) • a e. j J6(;3b 62!’ V.,:*.) From a Correspondent Augusta, May 11 SOWN* w. LONo OFFERS FOR SALE, ’ PIPES COGNAC BRANDY £l\J 10 do Holland Gin 400 Pieces Colton Bug(. T| 50 Bogs Prime Havana WrnifYir I 20 Boxes Candles CoIe * I M^OO Kegs White Lead of sep.,"^ | Dyer's Currant Wine, c Qf* QUARTER C ASKS Currant wv 20 Bags Coffee *** . a 30 Barrels Sugar This spacious and hoaiitifules- For^sale low by ORRAY TAFT May 14 33p tablishment, has recently under gone thorough repairs, and has been superbly furnished and fit-1 ted up lor tho accommodation of visitants- at the Springs the ensuing seoson. be kept hy its former occupunt, and i. v .».. .... - • er pains nor expense will be wunting to ' ,f ’ ai * °f w«ir* has left without render the stay of visitors agreeable. It j'* 1 ® subscriber’s house in 8avanr. au . will he opened for company on the 10th of dollars will be paid for her deflWv «,j .4 t lit, A1 intro ( xnr.n *1, . ' “ J Fi ty ollars I eward It win TVf ARIAN, a short thick negro i neith-: - LT -*- of yellow complexion, will, , ■ Iw.Ull nl I . A ■ - 1, n .. In I ''tn, bli*!.; May, instant. May 4. ID* The publishers of the Now-York Eve ning Rost, Daily Advertiser, and American; the National Gazette, Philadelphia ; Patri ot. Baltimore ; National Journal, and In- t'*n gencer, Washington; Richmond En quirer; Courier, Char lesion; and the Geor gian, Suvnnnuh. are each requested to pub lish the above advertisement, every other day for one month, and send their bills, with a paper containing the advertisement, to the Pavilion for payment. May 14 44rpj| Fv.VAVi MOTIVE. tho above reward upon the cot,vim,,.,,, her being harbored by a white poison the half of that sum. if by a perron ofc’olur EDWARD IIAHDF.N Mav 14 South Common, Sa«nni,4 -II! N otice. O N the 20th April, there ivns ehii.ned c . n board sloop Throe Brothers lor//,,. en, five pieces Oznnburgs und four buiull", of thread ; finding noowuer for them h, t | e ubove port, they were brought lirn-k,«,,/ the shipper in Savannah, can receive th, „ T 1 hy applying to BRADLEY, CLAUIluiq & WOOD, at whose sturu they are lull. May 14 HIE subscribor gives notice that all tick ets ordered hy him ill the following highly approved little Lottery, which shall remain in his hands on TUESDAY NIGHT NEXT, will positively be returned to the Mhnagurs by the mail of the next morning- As an opportunity of realizing £10,000 for $3 50, may not agafh offer, it is hoped this hint will not be ueglected. TO SLIT THE TIMES. ALL DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. Hy authority of the State of Rhode Island. Under the suptrinU ndance of Man agers ajjfHiintrd hy Lava. (BmmD STATE LOTTERY, a 28 primarily instrumental to the evil complain-. cents, since receipt of the late Liverpool n ed of, bill thnt wo hnvo been afflicted j n counts to .iOth Miiich, upon a small credit. 28 cents cash tins boon refused for prime, and holders generally will not offer in the common with other cities of the ‘"i Union, 1 with a severe and loathsome malady.” This is all we asked—wo do not feel the present state of affairs, anil confidently look for higher rates; for some time past hilt little Cotton was shipped—within the last few least disposition to arraign tho conduct 0 f days, Imwovcr, it has boon going off no ru- Ifte Civil Authorities of Charleston—we simply asked for information relative to the : piiily, that hy tho 1st, of June, there will | not probably be over 5 or 8,000 halos in the place, if there should even be that qnanti- prevalonce of a contageons disease, which ■ Gotten—cash pricos—fair 25 a 28, wc learned had been conveyed from that 1 R ™' l l 27, ,,r ! m " 88 ’ bllt liu, ° cai1 he bought 1 at these prices. city to the interior of Georgia, whore per haps it has never before been, end would not now have been had proper publicity been given to the fact, or measures taken From Degraml's Huston Sale Report — Sales for the week ending April .‘SO Coffee.— About 7.000 lbs Porto Rico, very good, in to , C , . , I light linen bags, 19 cents; 5 to 600 hags St. t ) separate tho diseased from the hale, in; Domingo, good, 17 a 17Jc6 ms. All for the city where the disease was imbibed ] exportation. Whether tho publication of the victims to the disorder in the usual weekly report of’ deaths, which is seldom looked to out oftho city, except in seasons of yellow fever, is due notice," every one will judge for him- last Legislature, of the intended Ogeethoe self. We have examined the evidence re- Canal, upon which was subscribed in a few ferred to, the Report of Interments, and hour., nearly FOUR THOUSAND DOL- publish the following for i„c..™„ publish the following for general infurma- LAR8. Tina subscription to tho further- tion. In January, (as far back as we mnee ot an object which, it is asserted, will * add largely to tho wealth and importance of the « ity of Savannah, and a largo por- have examined,) February, and March, two deaths by this disease in each are re ported ; from the 3d of last month to the tion of the state of Georgia, evinces a spir- 8th oftho present, the average 1ms been two It of liberality tn tho cause of internal ini- per week, viz. from 3d to 10th April, one ; provement, which is highly honorablo to from totli to 17th, four ; from I7tli to 24th’ ®ur citizens. * - - ■ ’ two j fro; X? tb iutMt ’ one - •“<» prime in market. i Cotton—Moderate sales were made to manufacturers firs: of this week ntthe range of our quotations in last week’s Report; but since the recent advice?? from Liverpool the prices have advanced one to two cents. A prime lot ofN*w Orleans that was offered for 20 cents a few days since, is now held at 30 cents The Stock is very much re duced. Sales of 100 bales Maranhain at 2»c.; 10 bains Surinam, fine, 31 ; 50 bales Upland, prime, 25 a 26 ; 10 bales Alabama, fine, 27; 120 bales New-Orlcaus, good to prime, 20 a 30. 6 ms. Rice.-—159 to 200 casks good, 4 cts. per. lb. 6 ms. Sugar.—200 to 250 boxes brown Havana, fair to good, 10J cents, nnd smnll sales to the Grocers of very good, at 1 \, 6ms. Tobacco.—No snies have been made at an advance on our quotations but holders ask i n I cent per lb above them. Very little NEW SE111KS, NO. XX Art. I. Redwoood, : : : : Red wood, a Tale. II. Butler’s Reminiscences. Reminiscences ot Charles Butler. Esq. of Lincoln’s Inn; with a Letter to a Lady on Ancient and Modern Music. III. Insurrection of Tupac Amaru, : 283 Ensuyo de la llistoria Civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucu man. For el Doctor D. Gregurio Funea. IV. Modern Astronomy, ; : : : 309 1. Fundnineiita Astronoinim pru Anno Mucclv, deducts ex Ohaerva tionibus Veri ineomparabilis James Bradley. . 2. Tables Astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. 3 Tables. By B. do Linde nc tin 4. Memoiro stir la Figure de iu Terre. Par M. de Laplace. V. Letters on the Gospels, ; ; : 3G6 Letters on the Gospels. By Miss Ilnnmih Adams. VI. Count Pulaski, : : i Pulaski Vindicated from an Un supported Charge, inconsiderately introduced iu Judge .tohnson’ssketch es of the Life and Correspondence of General Greene. VII. Code Napoleon, : : : : : .303 1. Codo Civil, suivi de l’Expose des Motifs sur Chuque Loi presente par Los Oratours du Gouverncment, &c. 2. Conference du Codo Civil avec In Discussion jmrtieulierc du Comseil d’Etat ei du Tribunal, &c. U. Code do Procedure Civile. 4. Codo Penal, suivi des Motifs presontes par les Oruteurs du Gouv- crni'inent, &r. 6. Code destruction Criminelle, suivi des Motifs. &c. 6. Code do Commerce. 7. Los Cinq Codes avec Notes et Trnitos jwinr servir a mi ('ours coin plot do Droit Francais; a l’Usoge des Enidinns cn Dr it, ot de tuutes les Classes de Citoyens cultives.— ParJ B Siroy. VIII. Professor Everett’s Orations, : 417 1. An Oration pronounced utCam- bridge, before the Piii Beta Kappa Society, August 27, 1824. By Ed ward Everett. 2. An Oration delivered at Ply mouth. December 22,1824. By Ed ward Everett. IX. Ciritical Notices, : : ; : j 441 1. Hall’s Colombia, ; ; ; ib. 2. Garnett’s Lecture on Fe male Education, : : : 444 3 Outline oftho U. States, 4. New Hampshire Historical Society, : : ; : : 5. Oubi’s Spanish Grammar, 6. Mr. Wheaton’s Address at the opening of the Athe- nicuin in New-York, : 7. Dr. Wure’s Address before the Peace Society, 8. Metcalf’s Digest, : Q iarterly List of New Publications, 46fi Index, j j 479 Miiv 14 4| first class—new series. <9 - ILL positively be drawn in Providence W J . . _ on the 3d next month.—Fitly Number Combination—6 ballots to be drawn. S. Sf M. Allen Co. Agents for the Managers. Highest Prize. S C H E M E. Prize of 0,000 is 10,000 Dollars. ' """ 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 548 Dollars. 2,000 Dollars. 800 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 4,224 Dollars. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. 1 do. 5,000 is 5 do* 1,000 is 1 do. 548 is 4 do. 500 is R do. 100 is 44 do. 50 is 88 do. 25 is 528 dou 8 is 6676 dot 3 is 6356 Prizes J 19,600 l 13244 Blanks (Tickets. Fresh Medicines. A SMALL QUANTITY <*T v ry s-f rinr Canter Oil in bottles. Mugnesin excellent quality. Soda end Soidletz 1’ dors, with n number of other MoiUcii:.., inny bo bud ut prices much below the n>rj rate, if applied for tn Mrs. S. IlOW AUD. May 13 l:b Holland Lin. \ 6 VVeosp, Swan Brand, of the best quality, landing Um siJjp Emperor, for sale bv FRANCIS SORREL, Andersun’t, \\ hart. Mnv 12 4’n Cotton Bagging. A FEW pieces best Baltic Hemp Bagging do do do Flaxen do For sale by Aoril 29 JOHN II. REID. 3i F Prime 8eed Kice, OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. St J. HABERSH AM. March II 96 Prime Pori Just Received by ship Emperor, BRLS prime Pork, city inspection. For snip Hjr -A. BASSET. Th v 12 Potatoes. L X TIERCES Prime Northern Pott. •J toes, just received and for pale hy BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, May 1*2 Anoinnx’s Wharf. 49,000 Dollars. In this scheme, with six drawn ballots, B Darien Money. ILLS of the Bank of Darien, willba received for Dry Goods, by C. W. ROCK WELL & CO. April 14 h* Mav 13* Mav 11 there will be 20 prizes with three numbers on them, 660 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on j Q/'k P them. Those tickets having none of tlic jOvrS vruwn ballots on th< in being blanks. To j uelennine the fate c.f 19.000 ticki'ts, the 50 i numbere will severally be placed in a wheel | on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawn—and that licU't having on it as a combination the 1st, *2.1 ami 6th ballots I drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to | $10,000 ; that having on it the 3d, 4th and oth, 5,000 dollars; those having on them 1st, 3d and 6th—2d, 4th and 5th—1st, 2d and 31—41 h. 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th. each 1,000 dollars; that having on it the 1st, 4th and 6th, 518 dollars; those huvind on them the 1st,2d ami 4th—3d, 5th and! 6th— 1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and 6ih,each 1 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots,! will be entitled to 100 dollars each* Those : having on them two of the drawn bullets.! nnd those the 3d and 4th. will be entitled! to 50 dollars each. And those having on j them two of the. drawn ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets) h iving on them any two oftho drawn ballots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and all those having ovk of the drawn 1 ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior douomiiia ion, can ho entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu- 4471 al to a deduction of 15 per cent. I A considerable portion of ibis Lottery ie 448 P nt U P > n parcels of 17 tickets, embracing al) the combination numbers from 1 to 50, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. ■sugar. Loaf BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR, for sule bv April 14 P. M’PERMOTT. ( oflee. FEW Bags Prime Ilnvann Breen lee, for sale by T. LUTUh’lt. Flour. BARRELS Hultiinnre Suprrfnt Flour, for miIo Iiv S. Bi PARKMAN. Landing and i’ »?• 30 BONES ”S|it'rtnau. l ti Cniwllos lOOReamu Wruprimr R"i"’ r . L BALDWIN Mnv 10 J "'- i olVee anil anal T ow Q C. GRISWOLD Jr CO. offer for* landing from ship Emperor, 100 Bags Prime Green Coffee 25 Half Barrels Canal Flour May 12 450 453 Coffee. BAGS Primn Gwen Cof>. !»»*J from bri«r Pnntlicn, which wulK sold lnw if taken from the wharf hv BR ADLE Y, CLAGIIORN & \' r OOP. May 11 Anciuux’s M 51 455,PRICE OF TICKETS, 438 j jj3 50. Wilmington. Georgia—Chatham County, lr. h Gou t of Ordinary. Hay Term, !83J O N >he pp Urn of Henry Champion, admin. infra or f J ha Street. "Mmseil, praying an o-def Jkisi ... be mad. absolute on h a rom- p.ymg witn (he law, to. he s,.l ■ of a Lot of G« ! und. nuober four, [4J 'econd Tyihine Hoyi old. Ward-. Ala-., p rtef a Lot, number »i«. Tower Tything, Doikcr VYa-d being the reil catate of the arid dee. for the benefit of the heirs and creJitor.:—It ia ordered, that a no'ipp be puhliahetl nine montha, in one of Packages of 17 Ticket?, which are war ranted to drawn 18 dollurs less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes $59, and shares in proportion. ILr' Orders received us usual, BY WM. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE.* May 14 44p The Library r ! open (hr tho delivery of Bonks, on J 1 ' 1 ’ t~ rt ll “' dan. JJ'rdncxdon and Friday, from thn { until fire o\ lock, P. M. May 12 4-: Superior Fresh Figs and Ttlffl- arinds, J UST received nnd for sale bv LAY Sf HENDRICKSON, May 13 “ “ ” Shad’s Buildings. AYanted, UNION CANAL LOTTERY, SIXTEE.NTH CLASS. B ankable money.—appk-"» LUTHER’S EXCHANYE OFFICE March II P ERSONS who have ordered tickets in this Lottery, and which yet remain iu . . n, r n r'.Ti, 11 /. j’vtfln'T For Sale, A COMPLETE WAITING MAN’. <»' ber and honest. Also, to ba biffl good waiters. In a private fin® - e .. .... J:..- May 14 t be granted S. 11. BOND. c c. o. *4 will be forfeited. M*jr 14 W. ROBERTSON. 44e _ well regulated boardill^•bP , ” , ’ , servants would bn an acquisd**' | Apply at the ollice of the Georgian, for to. 1 ther information. May 0