Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 20, 1825, Image 2
.. Bta.AW.noMKTSON, rtrii.ifiiifcM or the laws ofthe union. PUirMPni I !<*'*» > \ 1 XIOHT DOLLARS. country imreRa : i i iMriTt, wiinw. the dominion of the feeble i/id iejraded government of Spain. It WuW ho indepon the Isabella, and succeeded tp getting .her off Overhauled the nri*e sloop Ml I JtieA.—ft ienot inlho nature of things ... H ■ , - »i . n at flit Island df Cuha can remain Under * A?. *** vivmg relations aro dints nt, and indifferent' minishcd abnnt 4000 bale, the ween past,— to me j I shall be as a drop falling away, Constitutionalist. from the vast ocean Of existence' unperceiv-1 ed, and unregarded by the great nines, And For New-York, STAB WISHED LINE, The regular packet shin emperor, P ...., , r 41 „ , r .... r , J-U. Bennett, Master, scono of glory Imtore which Hie pageants of more freely as the price ^Ocomes settled; „ aail on Wednesday nm of these this world shnvol into nothing,or,’’speaking MarnnhaOis and Suriname are all out' of . ‘ lnBt ‘ * or passage only, having e i„; e gratili- in a voice scarcely audible “ tho fearful ex- the market, fmpnrted 391' bales Alabama, S* nt acc °i<imodstions, t' ~ found her of little valuo and destroyed her. Tho officers oftlio Colombians, auppoaed to - . oe murdered. arn.Capl. II. H. Ford, Mr. yeWMldd^i dhffflf W t|e«P, sblcmnlly! ■ ■' . Thoea who hfvoi darkening his coumpnince, “and yet it will If l 1 Ulais >M,t Ln tliu nutranen nf ■>< ..•‘ ... FRIDAY MORNING, MAY It, Idas, i Wahhve heard much of an unfortunate oocuirenca in Milledgcvdlc; but prefer wait- Boston, Mnt) 9—Ccitton.—This article readily commands our quotations:the hoi- j. , ... , ,.. . nmn fuiure no- Brock, and Mr., Johnson. Those Who h|fm darkening his coumpninco,'‘and yet it will ,lore arq firm and look for a further advance not at this lirno, at P osoaped, are Mr. Emery, Mr. I. Starr, and be the nntranco of an immortal spirit upon a The dealers and manufacturers pprehase riod, and wo do hot believe that cqn bo vc- Mr ^ wil j iu|nBi „i„.„ i-i,.„ «kn.i.,c ry far distant. It has already claimed tho It is to be regretted that none — . . . .. . .— I. U..a da In anw attention of the now independent Govern- thatTheir progress in cruelty it of a condemned sinner.’’ llo continued 114 for manufacturers; 261 Orlenns, HO nients of Houlli America ; and it will not on tho high sens, if not op land, is for thd silent long, then starting ns if ho remember- for manufacturers. Sales 71 bugs Upland,, surprise any one who has viowod the ini- present arrested- ed suddenly something which he had omit- fair to good 23} In 2&j; 207 Alabama*, fair ted. ho said, “ Onu thingjunto you must do t„ prime, 23 a 20 ; 69 ditto superior, 27 ; BO Bonnett, on board, or to *Pp'y to Captai May 20 HALL & HOYT. menBo effortB mado to spenro tho indopend-1 f mrti|<iuakp1 Algiers.—Wo are in-far me. lonce ruceiveiTfrom a'vory young New-Orieans, inn«6 primo, 27 j a 29;80 euco of Peru, to boliold litem repeated in j e |, t8( j to p g Duponeoau-, Esq. for a copy lady an obligation which my spirit has ever Surinam, good 39o. The position of this ia- of the subjoined very interesting letter since gratefully recorded, with tho.intcn- Upland,22 a5B; Alabama,22 a 27 ; Now- That it fropithe Amoricnn Cpiffiul at Algiers, a tion ot acknowledging it at my death : her Orleans, 24 a 29, do superior, 30 a 31; gentleman distinguished for his talents and generous nature prompted her, young as she Sea-lsland, 40 ; Maranham, 26 a 29; Su- the island of Cuba, land ia highly important to us. tag until we have some statement more to should revertto any other powor, might bo f ibera| acquirem „ lU8 , _ . a ■ 1 ,, V A _..A it.. a.iVf.BMaln nt* I I, A 1 Tblltnll dl..*... 1.1L ff—Aii be depended upon, than first reports, before wt attempt to give a relation of it. .destructive to llio interests of the United 1825.- tvss, with indignant spirit to undertake my riuain, 2G a 30 cents. Df.ariSir ; defence against a whole assambly of cliau- ~ .... Algiers, bth March, __ , . u,, n j no effort on our Dart should be This cuuntry having suffered an awli lvisi- gliug friends. I heard ot it, and faithfully * ^ lation, I Imre send you ibr your infordiation have T remembered it. And now you must spared to prevent such an event. Undcran an extractofthe Journal of this Consulate promise me,” he said, taking from a desk .... T ,... v.. t: -I— Bud. a small An Election took place on Monday and e nlightenod Und liberal independent govern- relative to it. Tueaday in Charleston, for a Member tore- 1 u —"'■* which lay by him on tlie present that District in Congress—It is bo- lidved that Colonel Drayton is olcctod in opposition to a largo major ity- ^ Tux Livervooi. Market.—Under our Commercial hoad will be found a Circular, which is from the house of Daniel Buch anan, dated on the second of April, and Which, we think, support tho Char leston accounts by the General Brown— The present letter is received by the Wm. Thompson, at New-York, which sailed on the 1st,of April, and it is presumed the let ter now published was sent off to the ship. The price of Uplonds, it will be recollected’ on the 3d of March, the previous latest, was from 13j to 17d. Naval,—A Court-Martial was held on board the U. S. ship North-Carolina, a short time previous to her departure from the United States, for the Mediterranean, at.which several officers were tried; for What offen ws we are not informed. Tho sentences pronounced it appears arc, that Lieut. Carter, of Marines, be suspended from the service for Bix months; Sailing- Master Mull, and Midshipman Van ..Dyke, toboMisraissed the service. Midshipman Van Dyke, it is stated, has been restored to his station and rank by the President. It da said in the New-York papers that Money is not so easily obtained in New- Yoirk, at the present time, «s it has been for two or three years past. And many of •'’those who would have been glad to loan money at five per cent are willing now to become borrowers at six. The cause of this change ia the great increase of business, which prevents capital from lying inactive. British Government bills to the amonnt of $200,000, have lately been sold in New- York, and the specie sent to Halifax. A company has been formed in England to buy up all the Crown Lands in Nova Scotia, and promote the settlement of them The schooner Tom, Capt. Tear, which sailed from Philadelphia, upon the arrival of the news of the rise in Coffee, made her passage to Havana, took in a cargo of Cof- fe|, and returned in twenty-eight days. Gibraltar—Latest.—A letter from Gibraltsr dated on the 25th of March, says: “ We wrote you the 19th inst. and we have only time to say, that Flour is dull a- vgainTowing to the order for its admission in to Cadiz having been suspended through some intrigues We have besides had rain, %nd large arrivals of Wheat." One of the Indians who visited New-Or- leans at the time of the visit of Lafayette, killed another Indian, and was arrested ■ by the civil authority.—A subscription was aet on foot to pay the price of blood requir ed^ the laws of the tribe. The sister of the nuirdered Indian, had set out to consult the win of her family in the subject. to | ler wou | d cun tinue vMarehi.—'This morning ot halfpatt nine, box, and putting it into my hands, “ to con * ^ t a very violent shock ofeorthquake wan felt* vey to her this nituiU token ot my gratitude, the greater portion oftlie trade in our hands. movement was from oast to west, lato- and to say all thut you knew 1 wish said :n This is the true interest of the inhabitants rally, quick and jarring with a noise Iresem- her : it is a costly trinket which onco was n.o.ithv island as well as ours and biing that mado by a number of S agnns rny mother’s. I knew that she could not ac- y ’ drivon rapidly over paved ways. Tho at- cept it from me tu any other circumstunces, it must be the wish of every one who has at mon pj lnra W11S perfectly serene, the wind 'or she should have received it long since ; heart thdfreedoniandhappiuessofmankind. jstrongfroin the interior, the thermometer her name is written in the lid ol the box.”— Tl,„ B.tleu-inir statistical ar-oiint of the is-,«» f ,H °- and the barometer falling, though He soon after sunk into a heavy slumber, The following statistical ac. n 1 but very slightly aftected. The first Bliovk and I was compelled to leave l«m for many land, is given in a late Washiugton Gazette : cn( iured about 20 seconds; it was succeed- ( hours. “ In possession of any freo government, ed by two others, at distances of time of 10 J “When I returned, I found the family as- „ , and 20 minutes, but less violent. semblod in Ker’s room, and my first hasty Cuba, the mistress ot the Antilles, would. 3 jj e p orl8 were received last glance discovered to me that the mortal ugo- soon redouble her resources. As it ia un- night, by the Government; that the town, ny was last approaching, and, alas I with der the must corrupt and bigotted system of! of Bclida had been destroyed by the earth- what grief and dismay did I perceive in the , ... . , . ,„lqoake of yesterday; that a mosque, two! wild wandering othisoye, and the agonized colonial vissalage, her annual revenue ,or j col y ee hmisea, and five dwelling houses, are | distortions of his tonntenanee, more than Havana only, is upwards of $3,000,000 ; j t |, e on ]y bniliiings standing in that town ; the more symptoms of approaching death, and that almost tlioiwliole of its population I the indications ot a soitl-subduring terror. Tlie Aga.with a detachment Colombia, May 14 — Cotton is still on the rise; and is said lobe worth 1 Bd in England. In this place it sold, during the present week, at trom 22 to 23 cents. • Passage for New-Voil Six more passengers can be lu„j comely accommodated on board ill packet brig PANTHEA—Apply t * ■.Captain, on board at ij. tqn’s Wharf, or to 1 „ COHEN & MILLER Mav 90 .a. 1 wmm mi. PORT or SAVANNAH. F< r Charleston, “ Tlie fast sailing sloun F A L C () N, H Gibbs. Master , . W *! ! sail To-Morrow Morninp at 9 o’clock—It or passage only, havintfs,,. iinnnhnnu . .. " uml, if we include smuggling, another mil lion might bo added. GOVERNMENT OF HAVANA. His Excellency Don Francisco Dionisio Vivos, Governor. Don Rafael Rodriguez, Lieut. Governor. GOVERNMENT OP CUBA. Don Juan de Moya y Morejou, pro Go vernor. Don Pedro Celeslinn Duart.Lt.Governor. MATANZA8. Colonel Don Cecilo Ayllon, Governor. Population of the Island of Cuba, accord ing tu the last Census in 1 (119. DISTRICT OF CUBA. Whites, 59,722 Free of colour, 57,185 Slaves, 63,079 179,986 DISTRICT OF HAVANA. Whites, I 197,658 Free of Colour, 58,506 Slaves, 130,213—392,377 has perished ofcavalry, left the city at three this morn iog, to ascertain tlie truth nftiiis report, and relieve the sufferers. Belida is a town sit uated at the foot of the mountains on tht southern verge of the beautiful plain of Me- tijali; it is reported to have contained about 10,000 inhabitants, and it enjoyed a great degree of agricultural prosperity, it being only 28 miles distant from this city, which it supplied with fruit and vegetables. Dur ing the day, the news of the disaster at Bc- litla is confirmed by succcsssive reports A caravan, with tents and every thing in I hi, n —..I* A 1. — miA A — i*. - — 1 - I.a-, l. _ . - « Overcome by that awful scene,! had scarce ly power to whisper consolation in his fast failing ear. He heard me, butdid not reply —at last seeming to muster h a receding strength both of soul body in thnt effort, lie raised his clasped hands, and ill tho broken, husky voice of death, exclaimed ; “ Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief I” Instant ly a beautiful serenity succeeded the ghast ly agitation of his Countenance, its gloomy horror vanished, like the receding clouds after a storm disclosing tho blue cnTm oftlie summer heaven- lie continued thus fora few mnmenls, then peacefully, as an infant the power oftbo city to furnish, has benn ; sinks to slumber, he breathed nut hie spirit despatched by the government for the relief j My henrt is oppressed with sadness, and I oftlie sufferers. Several shocks of earth- j can writo no more " quake'were felt during the day, and at 25 minutes past 9 in tiic evening, one very se vere. vtnccA 4.—The barometer was found, this morning, to have risen three lines dur ing the last night, and the shocks ofe&rih ooraraRROxAX.. Liverpool, April 2-—Cotton.—It will be _ seen by the statement herewith that our 57-> 363 i R l,a ^ e l‘ ave ceased entirely One of the I imports continue very light, whilst the pur- Hnnnnspd increase fiti’fi 171 P ri ”cipal sources of the prosperity of Belida chases go on to an astonishing extent, for oupposcu increase, was its numerous springs-abuiidance of against a supply received this week of 8592 630 980 waler circulated freely through all its packages, the sales amount to 42,572 bags Number of Officers of the Military Force, sheets, and oxtensivc plantations It is now and biles, as detailed above, of which it is Colonels, 7j Lieut. Colonel* 7 ; Corn- i ro l m ‘‘ , , nd ll,8t ab ““ t halt „ ,u , , *'”« r before this calculated that about two-thirds have chan - - 7 1 terrible catastrophe, all the water sudden- ged hands with speculators. The brisk du ly disuppenred, and that no there is none maud experienced in tho past week,has been to be found within the distance of half a followed up during the present at ndvan- lengue. AH subsequent reports lead to the ...... belief that the first was not exaggerated. Iain, very, respectfully, dear sir, your most obliged humble servant, WM. SIIALER. P. S I remarked that during the Derid of , _ _ iva murm o earthquake above mentioned, the sea did the course of )bal day, and the week closed The total revenue whi'clTncrri'ied dnrimr not tt PP'-‘“ r to be in the least affected, being with an improvement of Id a Ijd on Amer- th™:.? ite die joriSS as T-t US usual here during the same wca- ican. lid a 2d on Brazil and Egyptian, and nfHnvnnft ■mnnntAil tn *11)24 *1(111 i ther * . ad on East-Iiiuia descriptions, os likewise The principal articles of export were Te , e ®* sha ^ 8 P ro . ot * ^ is gratitude a t a general advance in all other qualities, Sncrar in hoxps ^ 3-29 Allah for not destroying this city also* and with a degree of confidence on the * ’ ’ (501 674 8et a . 1 Jiherty about 3ft0 Kabyles who were j» U rt of holders scarcely to he expected, mamlants, ; Sergeant MajorB 2 ; Cap tain's, 91 ; Adjutants, 10; Lieutenants, 29, Second, id. 48. Spanish vessels of war on Ike Cuba station, with their numbers of guns. Frigate Sabina, 42 ; Corvette Maria Isa bel, 22 ; do. Maria Frincisca, 22 iilo. Tnfi ro, 26 ; brig Marte, 16; do. Voluntario, 16 ; do. II *rcule8, 20 ; oloop Bcllona, 14 *, do. Condor, 14 ; do. Nuova Muria, 5, cinjj rates; cm Wednesday, however, part ly trom tho anxiety of holders to obtain too rapid an advance, the market paused a lit tle, (a circumstance at. all times to be dread ed at high rates) and was rather flat on Tlmrsilny morning. K«t ravivcul a little in Coffee, arrobes. Of Spanish ships of war, Foreign, do. Spanish merchantmen Foreign, do. 69 70- 169 890 1086 detained here in chains on account of poll- when the great and rapid advance which 129 ' tical disputes with thoir tribe.—**A quelque has occurred is taken into consideration ; ! chose malhenr est bon. w —Nat. Go*. ' -•* j - * the present stock of all descriptions is not =5 i estimated at more than 75,000 to 80,000 , Caimwba, (Alb.) April 28.—The Sea- P^kagos. . 1215 son.—The sudden change that we experi- flour of good fresh quality is scarce ;— — | enced a few weeks since, has been severely there are rather more inquiries for this ar- By the arrival of the felt by some of our planters. Flattered by tide, as a change in our corn laws seems the mildness of the winter, and the genial again to be expected, wurmth of tho opening spring, they com- Tobacco—Some i j menced planting early in April. The ground J*f en wade nt a decline of id per b. proba- ! being warm anu moist, vegetation put forth bly to the extent^oj about 100 hhds.; the i with great rapidity. In a few days the corn and*cotton w'ere sprouting, and tlie farmer rejoicing at the prospect of on abun dant harvest. Alas ! how vain are all cal culations ! Just as the tender plant had burst through the ground, hoary winter re- Total, From Jamaica.- brig James Monroe at Charleston, Kin; aton, Jam. papers to the 28th ult. are re ceived. A memorial was circulating at Kingston, for signatures, which is intended to be sub mitted to His Majesty’s Government for opening the ports of the British West India IslandB generally, to the goods and vessels Turns aild mpV it in ’'the bad—the""farmer 79s per hhd. market on the whole is heavy. Seals.—For Flaxseed their arc not any inquiries, except for small parcels to go Coastways. In this way about lot) hhiTs. have been disposed of this week, old New- York, nt 75s, and new Pliilad ilphia al 78 to CLEARED, Brig Traveller, Goldie, Aberdeen, Win. Gaston. ARRIVED, Sehr. Experiment, Porquet, Darien, 2 days, with 113 hales Cotton and Rico, to T. Butler & co. J. M’Nish, J. J. Lanier, and N. J. Bayard, 8teum Bout Hamburg, Blackman, from Augusta^ SAILED, Br. ship Mnrgaret Bogle, Portress, Falmouth. Sclir. Valiant, Perry, Norfolk. Schr. Thomas Hall, Hurst, do. ARRIVED FROM THIS PORT, At Charleston, on Tuesday, Revenue Cutter, Gallatin, Matthews; sloop E’iza Ann, Whipple, 1 day ; sloop Delight, Coop er, do.; sloop Ann, Hadley, do; sloop Three Brothers, Iiowlund do, CLEARED FOR THIS TORT, At Charleston, on Wednesday, schr. Pa cific, Disbrow. Passengers in thn Br. ship Margaret Bo gle, for Falmouth—Messrs. J. N. Nevin and VV. K. Gaston. Passengers in the ship Niagara, for N. York from Charleston—Messrs. J.W.Long. and W. Turner. The schr. Savannah, White, from Char leBton for New-Orleans, was spoken 14lh inst. off Amelia Island. Charleston, Man 18.—Arrived, Hamburg ship Orion, Ahcndroph.New-Vnrk, Urlaye Ship Jasper; Croaker, Boston, 8 days, Brig James Monroe, Seybert, Kingston, (Jam.) 18 days. Sehr. Science, Wing. Darien. B days. Sloop LeSpard. Sturtevant, Darien. 3 ds Sinop Eagle, Vincent, St. Mary’s, I day Went to Sea, Br. ship Dunlop, Mundell Liverpool; lino ship Niagara, Crane, New York ; ship Georgia Packet, Bunco, Phila delphia ; Br. bark Diadem, Curry, Liver tool; brig Emeline, Burger, Havana; schr. Israel, West Indies. Extract of a letterfrom St. Jago de Cuba dated the \ltk ult.—“ Tile Dutch schr. Dl aus, Dtnniogos, 5 days from Curraeoa, has arrived here, and brings information that two Spanish vessels, with valuoble cargoes, had been captured off Matanzas by a Co lombian privateer, and ordered for Puerto Cabeilo, where they had arrived sufe.” Philadelphia, May 11.—Arrived, brig Susan & Elizabeth, Gray. 53 days from Leghorn. April 29, Sea acct being in let of 38 24, N. Ion. 6|, W. ntnoon descried a wreck to leeward, boro away immediately, mid at 30 minutes pnst 12, discovered four men on the after part, of the wreck, the on ly part out of water, at 1 o’clock, P.M. took them off with some difficulty by heaving them ropes—the sea being high could net get oor boat out—she proved to be Christi ana, Captain Darling, from Philadelphia, bound to Alvarado, out 14 days and 9 in that perilous situation. The survivors consist ed oftlie Captain, Mate, and 2 seamen. to Msv 20 It appears that Prince George Tamoree, who was educated by a Missionary Society in Connecticut, no sooner returns to his home in Atooi, than, q^ntrary to all the can ons of legitimacy, he.aftempts to make him self master of- the crown, in the absence of its legitimate owner, who died in Lon don, it is said, of good eating and drinking. Prince Goorge, however, it appears, was unsuccessful ip his attempt, and, like Na poleon, is exiled to a place of safely, ns an example to all revolutionists, and inno vators. Now all this, in the eyes of the legitimates of Europe, will no doubt he attributed to the pestilent opinions of the -‘ divine right,” which be had acquired in America, and will, no doubt, form a sub- . ject at another Congress, w hore Krimahoo. or Bill” Pitt, aB he is familiarly called by tlie whalemen, will represent the legitima, ey of the Sandwich Isles, in all the splendor of fish-bones and turkey feathers. What will be. the decision, as to the learned pun dits who have instilled into the pugnacious - Prince, these rebellows principles, it is diffi- ‘ cult to Bay—from the nervous horror which these amiable coneerv t rs of ;ho , e i e ,nd well-being of Europe, entertain against Jemned men, the punishment will no doubt , bp exemplary. • f of all nations. About five hundred barrels of flour, were sold at Kingston, 27th ult. at 53s. to 55s. per barrel. Six tierces good ordinary coffee, sold at and ten do. at 70s. per 100 lbs. on the 20th ult. The Extraordinary Gazette of Bogota, of the 4th of March, received at Kingston, contains the first official intelligence to them of the recognition of their independence by the Court of St. James* Great rejoicings had taken place in consequence. Tlie following are extracts : Kingston, Jam. April 22.—Piracy and Supposed Murder.—To an obliging cor respondent, we nro indebted lor the follow ing particulars of the retaking of the Co lombian armed schooner Columbiana, late Capt. Ford, by tlie armed schooner Isabel la, Capt. Bedwcll, (also under the Colom bian flag) on Tuesday tlie 29tli ult. off Coutcr River, Cuba. It appears that the crew oftlie former vessel had mutined and killed their captain and two officers ; anil that three officers and nine men effected their escape to tlie shore. Extract from the Log-Book oftlie Isabel la, Couter River, March 17.—At five A. M. saw a felucca, standing in for the shore; manned boats und gave chase At six' came up with her, and found her to be ii felucca making her escape from the Colom bian nrmed schooner Colombians, and who reported that the crew of the said vessel had inutined and killed their captain March 28.—Manned and despatched our boats; at six P. M. got under weigh, and discovered our boats giving chase to a Hchr. and sloop, which proved to be the Culum- biana and a sloop called the Maria, .which sho had previously made prize of. The Columbiana keeping up a constant fire from a long gun and musketry, at our boats, which was as promptly returned. We made all sail to get into action, which, on tho Columbiana perceiving wo gained on her, she hauled her wind and ran on shore The crew abandoned her and look refoee /an onnvn ftluvnk lift A A ... r> «• . It would bo difficult at pros looses al) his la^or, and in this section ofthe e! ) t to mako ® xteusiv | ! sal,!s - 'f llB f"PP liea country, from the scarcity of cotton eeod,, Clovcrseed exceed greatly tho demand, many crops must fall short. * besides the quality of the imports now arri- mmmmm ! viiig is very inferior : for whilst tine quuli- Thf. DEATH-Br-D—From the " Triumph ^ will sell readily of good prices, inferior n.f • „ rm . t ,4* .. r rnn Rpurcnlv he rareen nil mi nnv of Religion."—The hero of' the following can scarcely ho [breed off on any terms— narrative is a youthful poet, whose exqui- j; about 100 tiercea and bar rels have been disposed of a* from 56s to 66s per cwt. tlie latter price being obtained for very fine samples, and which arc dilfi to procure. site sensibility Imd been so deeply wounded by a critical attack upon a volume of fugi tive pieces and the neglect of friends as to bring on a declining stute of health and fi nally consumption. “When I entered Ker’s chamber this morn- 1 Augucta,Mny 17.—The accounts from ing, his now unconcealed Bible lay by him ; Liverpool of the 29th and 301 h March, al- he received me with affection, but languid- though highly fluttering and more favora ly. After a little puuse, he said, “I was en- ble, than any preceding, received this sea dcavouring to find some of those tPnder en- ] sun, produced no animation in our Cotton couraging passages which you read to me j market. We noticed only a few sales at the other night, but in searching for these,; 24 to 25 cents for mixed lots. On Sutur- 1 have found others of a very, very diftur-, day it appears, several expresses' reached ent character. Tell me, Tracy," he cried town from Charleston ; and heavy transac- in a voice which was strong with passionate i tions took place at 25$ a 26—for mixed par- tenlings, and turning upon me a gaze ofcele. Bylettersrcceivedfrom Charleston by earnest imploring scrutiny, “ are you war-j mail yesterday evening, it appears thut tlie ranted by this hook in holding out to me the | brig Gen. Brown, had arrived off the ba comfort that you have done f Deal with me as with one who must soon be beyond the reach of desceptions, let them originate in kindness, or in any other motive.” Thus adjured, I replied solemnly, “ In my inter course with you, I have handled the word of eternal truth, reverently and with fear, as became me ; 1 have never offered, as a foundation of repose to your agitated spirit, uny cthor that which God lias himself laid in Zion ; nor do I fear to meet you in that unseen world to which we are both hasten ing ; and to attest before the throne ofthe Eternal,my firm, my uuwavering confidence in those truths which I have declared to you, and upon which my own soul anchors all its hope. His eyes were fixed seareh- ingly upon mine ns I spoke, and when lie slowly withdrew them they wore an expres sion of calm satisfaction. After another in- terval of conversation, during which, ho seem od to bo meditating upon whet I had said, he, in a composed manner and with an un- faultering voice, gave me necessary direc tions with regard to his interment, and the disposal of & few trifling articles of property. Ho then remarked that there were few per sons whose death would be so confined in its effects ; “I have none to care for me,” onshore. March, I he « or breathe recording sorrow’s charge of and manned the Coiombiana from t sigh,” unless it be yourself, for all my i express from Liverpool; whence she sailed on the 2d April. The captain catne up to town and brought letters to one of two.iiou ses ; the’eontents of which are said to be an advance ot 2d, in the price of Uplands, on the let of April, and it is supposed hea vy orders to effect purchases. Brazil Cot tons, it appeared had advanced to !9d, and were expected to go to 21—(we suppose in consequence of the partial failure. of tho crop, tiiere, which was suspected here to be the case for sometime past, on account of a number of vessels arriving from the Brazils in ballast in our ports.) Tho transactions in the Charleston mar ket, arc variously estimated at from 4 to 6, 000 hales. Thu first purchases commenced at 25 perior accommodations, apply to Gibbs, on hoard at Jones’ Upper 1 Captain nper Wlurf or halL ti Hoyt. 'to Kent, ply to Mav 20 The adjoining .TfiVK.VFNT oftlie house occupied by Mrs 1 Br ascii, in Bmughtnn-atrcet— immediate possession given Au- L P- HKNRY. 49rp M R:’, LIMBERTS -SEMINARY is re moved to Slate-Street, betiveen Bar. card und Jefferson Sheets, and optiosite the residence of A. Telfair, Esq. 'itwii remain open during tho summer season, and the following branches af education tnught,, viz: Reading. Writing, Grammar, G™y! rnpliy, Embroidery, Flnin Sewing, ami Marking. Terms of tuition, which have been reduced, may be known un application to .Mrs. L. who pledges herself that norj. ertion shall he spared to merit a coniiin- anee of public patronage. Muv 18 47f,, iioAUD -'F HEALTH Savannah, Mav, 18,1815. TO TIIE INHABITANTS OF/IHZ CITY OF SAVANNAH. < Y OU are earnestly requested by the Board of Health, to Inform them through the medium of their Chairman, Ward Committees, the City Marshal, ot by notice in writing, through tlie Post-Of fice, of any nuisance which exists, or of any deposits in stores or cellars, thai may u considered inj jrious to the health oftlie city. By order of Col. Shel/man. Chairman, I. K. TEFFT, Secretary. Mav 19 48 a>i$nr wcDiD&a l NEW Stock of DRY GOODS is of- L fared at. Cost, at tlie stand formerly occupied by F. Lillet Si Co. JAMES DARltAMON. May 20 4£’tI- Loaf Sugar and Coffee, BARRELS first quality Loif 70 Bags Coffee For sale by B. VVa DELAMATER. May 17 46l Dai iei) Money. B ILLS of tho Bank of Darien, will be received for Dry Goods, by C. W. ROCK WELL & CO. April 14 19 TH POL/U)M Pills, INDIAN EXTRACT. Prime llice. A FEW whole and half Tierces very Prime RICE, suitable for retailers. J. P. HENRY. May 20 4!)p Codec, Pork Beef, Fluur, £50. {j. {j. Hriavioltl 8t Co- OFFER FOR SALE, Kfk BAGS Prime Green COFFEE J” 25 bills Mess Pork, City Inspection 20 do Prime Buef, do do 20 Half Barrels Canal Flour 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting Mov 20 49 Cook Wanted A WENCH who is a good Cook and House Servant, that can be well re commended for sobriety, is wanted by the subscriber.. The wages will be punctually paid, either monthly or quarterly. Apply at the office ofthe Georgian, or to JOSHUA KEEBLER, Seventeen Mile House, Augusta Road. May 20 49p Darien Bank Bills. JJILLSof the Darien Bank will he re ceived at par for DRY GOODS, by ANDREW LOW &. CO. May 19 48 25$ cents, and when factors began to sub- pect something, prices advanced, and the- most of the remaining sales were at 26 j a . 28. a few lots at 29 cents, and two or three snles at 30 cents, and one at 3t cents Bills on England were down to six pre mium. There appeared to be very little , JtY rior Castor Oil in bottles, Magnesia of toaae mysoD.nwi wm. doubt as to a further advance in Liverpool excellent quality* Arrow Root, Soda and * ||T, P^»ss»ble th .4’ - i.l _ « .. PAD QAT V kv r.Enn. Fresh Medicines A SMALL QUANTITY of very supe- ii certain East India Curefor the Rheu matism, King's Evil, ij-c. Extract of & from, the Rev. Jiurn Eng* liah, dhtsd al ttcngHl, to Lie. V UvtlxelL London Dun Mr : 4 GUKf.AajLY to your rcque»\ 1 lave v.‘M\ xjL dilli.ulty ptocmed hog r»..w smd yy\ by t.-e si.ip Jus n, Cspt. bmson, a ftw puuidl f itie i'oi.d-ifdu*, c»» gencVail* R ’ti jy the name cf I ilu Extract, t. Mid.d eua- versally cstveimd *m»ni4 tl.e people ol Jodia, <s a reriain cure tor the Rheumatism. Wd t to inform you of the number of people who ’ *1 .dy reaevet! suet cured by tins viluible d emei it wuu d req : ro more paper tl»w 1 am to purchtM- k d more unie thu 1 am able to brstbw. I.-.uced, the tilt Jlediciiii. is s * iiom d ate, thut in Hheu^in you would suppose u ar.'ed ia a charm ••ng rebcf find removing hd painlul di-e’se- 1»the King's Evil it h«s b n i*n iistd widij?^ success, and where Mtuwy has b K‘ Vt ’ n ur used to c.xciSs, h Uvuteiue bus proved * pet feet cure. The great d .Hi ulty, howcur, I procuring the Exusct, wdi lur inanyyii' 1 to ct me, prevent its general circulation, it !> e ' ing ob>8u<.e*.l from a Sluub growing on th p moifir.ains t.f Thibet, in the U i’mxri tir-pii*’ of liu ii t ai,d held »o sacred ny tbs naure^ l!mt to *.i:»rt with it is like parting wi'b existence. 1 ' Le ter to Dr. B^dwell, dated Jin. 7, 8 * JJeur Doctor— I have been violei t y sftcricd witti a R cuuistto cumpiiim fjr many even ui) fft.gers were so contracted tl^ 1 * con id netihei dress or ui.drcst myselri f'K'* liie least asaisia-icc to tr»y fa nily— I have uwd only one gox of the Ida Exu’act, a n d 1 g!fl perfecUy rcsioied. Youi’s f'l y, R, B 'LS ON. P:*iiajci;»hia Letter from Tobia9 Jennings, stewa.d *») Sr * Thoma * Hospul London, Feb 1, lm* Dear Sirthink it my d.ity to infor® PjJ that a;ier trying every thing that cvU‘d w pointed out by the most rcipectabie pby* 1 ' ciaiiR and surgeons for the relief «f my wn, without any success, who you know, b» ,or ii.any yesis been laboring unde*' severe “ '•JIJ' mat ism, 1 was induced to try the PoladdpWJ with a g immerirg hope, that it might g « h m aome relief from the excessive psm b endured, which rendered In a a u * e * ei * ber of society, and a burthen to hi naclf. my utter aatuniihment the relief, was » n f r . tancous, and by persevering in the use of Extract, his joints have returned to their per places, and he ia in pertect hsaltb. j wards > f sixty respectable persons have led to my ion, as all who knew him tbmtf recover* on account of the activity of the manufac-, Seidletz Powders, with a number of other; FOR SALE by GEORGE RYER ^ tories, and tho very reduced stock letl on Medicines.tnay be had at prices much below Druggist, where additional certtnc hand. the usual rate, if applied for to Mrs. S. the efficacy of the above tpedtcuie w y We hope to see pur markets settling at HOWARD. . seen. 28 to 30 for good loti. Our stock has di- May !G 45 I May 20