Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 01, 1825, Image 4
pmaoi mm V Sheriffs Sales. On the fet Tueeduy m June niff, VIV LL be hU *1 the Court-Houae in th' V## town of Jafforton, between the hour often a'oloek in the reaming, end four o'elk. In the tftemoon, one undividtd moiety, of tlM following property, vie < A tract of Uqd iituete nn the south tide of letille River. containing Are hundred acres, ■are or lex. two hundred end fifty eorei of whioh ie under cultivation, end baueded out by Undo of Mid F M. Osborne, eouth by lend* of - Habersham, weat by lande "f John, atom northwardly by Setille River, together with all the building! end plantation toola thereto belonging. Also, fifty or »i*ty hoad of oattle, thirty aheap, two Aite, one boat, end the following ngfo three, to wit, George, Lucy, Alaiiba, March, Charlotte, Georgette, Peggy, Caaaiua, llleck, Pend indy, Floret, Harriet, Rem, Hen ry, Friday, Simon, B liberty, Louiu, Sutan, Drueeita, Holly, Pittey, Niney, Marcua, Uy re, James, Tooey, Helen, Romului) lunette Boendy, Abbey, Ben, P oridence, Munanu, Drill, Cyrue, Rig Jack, Amelle, Juliet, Pile- mur, Philip, Lucinda, Altemont, Leure, Long Jim, Boec, Little Jim, Little Jeck, Smert, Phebe, Billy, Net, D.mor, Driver Jim, Maria. Lavinia,, Cenedi, Dorcee, Teneh Luke,, kelly, Faolno, Celieti, Roxani, 8cipio” Can, Nancy Clue, Fredei ick, Job, Bora, Pin eeh, Deck, Pompey, Petty, Dieue, Columbu Bob, Lisa*, Andrew, Nanny, Mttthew,London, Little Pendah, Prince, Ceeur, Phillis, Little Jaek,Fanny,Daniei,Ciitor, Ned, Little George, Solomou, Gembey, Kite, Priciile, Adam, end Mery, being one hundred in number, leiled on end to be eold to antiafy en execution against Juh:i King and Weavele Jonet, in fa vor of Jac b K. Volk- Alto, one b .use and lot, situate, lying and being, In the town of St. Marya, being part ot lot number one, containing me hundred leet in fiwnt end four hundred end ihirty sis fett deep, leried on end to be eold u the property of John B. Chriftopher, to eetiafy tn eaecu tion bn furectaaure of mortgage, in favor oi William Berrie. under the tuic ebaolutn. M. H UEBB AUD, S S. C. April 23d, 18 5. Anri 38 W0W9 BAlL'Mi 30 Sheriff’s Sale. On Ihe fret Tuudtty in June next, \»C>II.L be- aoiil in nl me Court- ■## Itouee, in the city of Savannah, between the uaual hour* often end four o’clock, IfOt end buildings No ' S, Brown ward, le vied on under two eeecutiuni age'met C H Hay don, in favor of Freder ck W, Hemeraani end in favor of R St J Haberaham- Two Lot* of and, aituate ftom the corner of Salt Rroid i , on the Tnunderbolt R ad on the edj in ig earner, levied on u the pro perty at i; it Hevden, to utiafy an eaecuiio uauing from t Justices G mrt in favor of A D- Leroeh, returned tome by a constable. A negro m m named Doctor, levied on ae the proper y o- Joaiah J Tippin, to utiffy two executions io favor of George W Cue, and one in favor of J B Wick. Three negroes, Titus Betsey, and Chinee, levied on a* the property "f Thoa N Morel, to •atiafy in ekeeution in favor of the Bank of the State of Georgia. A woman named PhiUhaadhet Child S'e J -hen,levied on u the property ef the est. of A. eckaoo, un’er an ekecut on fVom Richmond Superior Court, in tavuruf Jonathan Sawyer. A. D’LYON, D. 8 C C W • 9 9 Sheriff’s Sales. Onthefirel Tueeday in June next. \|WiUar add at ttie Gour. Houac in the <u# City of Savannah, between the hou'a of ten and four o'clock, the following 16 ne groes, vie .— Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry, BDy, Burke, Parris, B am, Dinah. Li'tleBram, P-ince, Ben and Meriam, with the merest- jf tile families, levied on und r a lurecloaure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Wesn ngtun lor use. Two negroes, via : Ned and Gia.goWj levi ed on * foreclor.uru of a mortgage from Chu. Uimer to Joseph Kip-nan. IS A A I D’LYON, S. C. C. epril 4 09 Sheriff’s Sales. (V,;r aaturiltv, after the first Tuea- Ju iu next, will be sold at tbr If rfeet In i m the town of St. Marys, two negroes, vie B b and Role, levied on ea the pr-perty n> Jo-eph R io, to satisfy an eiecu- thn on the fnreeloiure of a mortgage, in favur ot danuicl Clarke, andGecrge S llr.wn. April 8 Idii M. 4 1IEBHARU S C C A-i'il 1 Sheriff’s Sales,, On the Jirit Tuejday in July next, W II L be ibid a the Court Huuac ill the City of 8..vannah, between the houra often and four o’clock, All the buiUingl and improvement! on Lot Nu 40, Warren ward, wdh the unexpire - leaae of said Lot of Land, levied on as the property of Chalea H Hayden, under e fla, fa on fore closure in favor of Frederlok W. Heinemann. A. D’LYON, O. S. C. 0 May 9 :I9 Sheriff’s Sales, On the fret Tut,day in Jane next, F VS Hundred acres i f Land lying in the County of Effingham, bounded north by Michael Hydes,eaat by Ghriitian Robenhuist all other sides racant at the time of the origin al airvey. Alto ISO aer*a, half of a tract ol 3W*eree originally granted to Christian Bo- benburst. Also 430 acres bounded north bv lands of Daniel 8teiner, eaat Jno Snyder and others, at the time of original survey. Also, 13'J ac ea aouthwa-dly by laudiof Kubenhurst, eaat John and George Snyder, and north Robenhuttt, at the time of the original survey. The above land* levied on as the property ol Cburies Tiot. to satisfy executions in favor ol Henry M’Alpin and Uaviil Gngle. THOS. ELKINS, S. £ C May 6 27 Administrator’s tale. On the Jim fuel day in July next, B ETWEEN me IU.|>I houra, will be aol ’ at the Court-House in Bryan County, th ' i illowing deacribed property, being part of the estate of Matthew Carter, deo. and ■old for lb, benefit of the heira and creditors, and by an order of the Court of Ordinary of laid bounty, via ■ 910 eorei of land In Gwinnett County, known aa Lot No 363, in the 7th D! Uriel. 350 acre* in Early County, known a* Lot No 174, in the 30th District 3'X> wren Pme Lend, in Effingham County. Also, two litres. Condition* of sale m d s known on the day. ELI7. HRTil ..ARl’BR, Adrn’r*. A - 9,: . *Pfn* ‘tom* ■'" "■■■ dmtmstrator a . mice A LL parsons having demands against John Street, late of Chatham County, Cffy Sheriff's hales, On thejiret Tueeday in June next, 'VVlbLne a id at Ine Court ituuae an the « City of Savannah between the houra of ten end four o’eloek. One negro woman named Sander, leried pn aa the property of John and Valeria Davia, to set'lfy an ekeeution from the Court of Com mon Pleai and Oyer and Terminer for the ci ty of Sivannab, Win Bowera, va John F G Da vit guardian of John and Valeria Davia, Alio One n'gro woman named Louna, Ie- ■led on as the property of John I Bulloch, ti istiily aund y exi'euti na romthe Court of Common Pleat and Oyer and Terminer fur the city or Savannah, Wm C Barton and othert.vs John 1 Bulloch, Alio all ihe buildings on Lot No forty (4u) Warren wa d bounded nonh by a lane snut by Broughton street, east by Lot No thirt, nine (39) and weat by Linco'n afreet, levied >n aa the jrope ty of Chas H Harders, to aatls- IV aneiecotinn for ground rent in fivor of the German Lutheran Church, va Chas. H. Hay den, A. I D’LYON, C S may 9 9 bheri.f s .-aiet -v,:,ntiiuicil. On thejint Tuesday in June ncxt % be go d helme the Court Home m ft the Cit> cfStvntmahy between the u- mil hours of ssle, All that tt-HCt ot parcel of land, contwini -■>67 acres m >re or less, with 100 acres c Jl rsh Land. aUe l OiceUndp sit i«te» lyinf. ndb tng In L.»tle Ogachee District, in th 'O’liitv of Chaihami bounded north by Inn > Femiog Akin, on the e««>t by la ids of D .’ar*er, on t*ie south by L.'dsof Ihe late 1 Walbunrer, and nn the wt-si b> a uonh - is branch of little Ogecbef River, t gather w |i all and lingular, the edifices, inn.rovemei* •*nd appurtenances, levie-j on ur>- v.r ufi fa f)teel .sure us the property cf Go Oopc, in fsvor of J hn M‘N»sh, Much* :11b *nd Kobc t Mitchell. Half Lot and Pudding, No* 4, EwinsbU'}.* Oglethorpe^ Ward, in th.t city of SavannaI. die unexpired lease of uid h ilf Lot to r thret years from January last, levied on as the pro >erty of Rohe> t Lew s, t» satisfy an execu on from a Jus ices iVurt in fivor of J fit II Pcendergast, return* d to *ne by a c< nauble Sold at the risk of'he former nuroh.w’r. I )AAC D’LYO.n, A'. C. C. Msy 23 5' Georgia—Chatham Couuty, I hi: v> itit nl Oruiiiu., N.,y Term, .8... O J thepe itiunuf ileiiry thampion.admir, i.tratnr-if J.ihn S.reei ■<• ned, praying vii Tiler Alai “ he m.d: absolute un hia com p.ving will he law, till ev.leufaLot i. Ground, number four. [4] recund Tythinv teyrulds W.rii—Aln , p rti.f a l.ot, numb,' ii, I'owerTyihing, Deck.-r W id being th teal estate of the avid Uec. tor the benefit c the heirs and creditorsIt ia ordered, that t .'Uti-e be pu d alied nine muntha, in one ol the Public daielii of the City uf Savannah equiringa Ipeiaont interest ed,t a show cause f my they h ive, wliy the prayer of the peii i mer ahuuld not be granted. S M BOND, r. e. o. v." '4 444 Glass. -Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Glass Stands, for sale by GEO. UYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittakcr-StroetB. Match 4 Beers ’ Axes and ta oliiia Hoes, J^ECEIVED per William Wnllace, and tor nale by March 7 N. H. WEED. No. 6. Gilihonn 1 Range. >ugai 0 ^ HOGSHEADS / Prime Muscovado Wait M.a traaaes J UST received by the Willinm Wallace, an additional supply of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 deceased, are requested tu hand them in, within the time prescribed bylaw, duly at tested, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to HENRY CHAMPION, (Qualified Executor. May 6 3Ci.f-> Barrels | Sugar 15 Hogsheads N. Orleans do For sale by J B. HERBERT & CO. May 26 Just Received b. ship Augusta. | AJIOZEN Seidlitz Powders X mi Sulph. Quinine, English Mustard Cinchonine Best Lamp Oil For sale by P. E. BRASSINNE, April 14 Opposite the Exchange. Essential Oil of Spruce. J UST received from the Patentee, anil neatly put tip in phials, ami for sale by LAY &’HENDRICKSON. May 25 Shad’s Buildings ow uiit s t un.icea* 4 FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated V Medicine, j ust received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 Prussic Acid e Sulph.Qiunine, J UST received by ship Savannah, and for Bale by LAY Si HENDRICKSON, May 3 Shad’s Buildings. Prime Pork Just teeeived Sperm wl. Jwt received per ihip William Wallace, QA BARRELS Prime Pork 0\/ *0 Barrels first qilality Sperm Oil qdality Sperm Oil 40 Barrels Prime and Mess Beef For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN Si WOOD, April 15 Ancieux's Wharf. W anted, E mpty porter bottles—ap ply to GEO R YERSON. March 4 ifisurj Department, ? March, 14, 1825 j (JK7HBREAS on the 3d of March, IP. 5, > Tv law waa passed by the C'ongreaa uf th< Umtqd Suits, of wliicli Ihe 3d, 4th, and <to aeotlfl||kant : n the ,urda f liluw.iig, via t “ Seel J. And be il further ennc'.ed, That» subscription io the amount of twelve oillun* of doilari, of the six p t cent, .tuck of t 1 c year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby prupoacd i for whioh pur- f mae book' shall be opened at the 'Oeaauiy of he United Sutes, and at th, several loan »ffi eea, on the first day of April neat, to continue open until tha first day of Ooinker thereat ter, foraueh parts of the above ioentioned dc- acriptiun of stock aa shall, on Ibe day of tub scription, aUnd on the hooka if tha Treasur;, and on looae of Ihe several loan ufficea, re speetively / wliieh lubacriptim shall he effect ed bya traiiaf.-r to tue United States, in the maoner provided by law for such trao-ferv, ol the eiedit or cred ta ataniing on the said booka, and by a surrender df the eerlificatci of the atuok to lubscribeil: Provided, That all aubaoription by aueb traijafer of stock ahali be e insider -it ae part of the raid twelve mil lion! of dollars auf’uriiud th be borrowed by the firat seeti 1 n i f hi* ac. ; Src. 4. And be it further enacted. That for the whole or any p.rt of any aum which ahal! be thus subscribed, creditakhall he entered to the reapectiv- tubaeribere, whu shall be enti tled to a certifi .ate or certificates purporting that the United States owe to the bnl'er or boldcri Ihereuf, bia, her, or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal tu the amount of the principal stock thus subscribed, 'tearing an intereat nut exceeding four and one half per centum p r annum, parable quarterly, fmm the tlnf.y-fi at day of Decem ber,one thousand eight u .dred and twenty five ; transferable in ihe same u unuer as i» provided by law fur th,: trana’cr of the stock auhacribed, and auhj ret tu 11 dempt on. at tlu pleasure of the Uhii.-ii Stati a, aa fullowa: one baif at any tim- f‘er the thirty-first day of Ducembe , one ttmuaind eight hundred and twnnty-eiglit i urd the remainder at any t me after the thirtv-fi at day uf December, one Ihnuiand eight hundred and twenty-nine ! Pi-uvided, That no teimiursemcut aliall b made except for the whole amount of such new ate / nor until after at lent viv monthi public mtioe of sucli intended reim- ouraement. And it ahali be tlie duty of thi Secretary ,.f the Treasury to esuae to be trans terri d totlie respective .ubicrinerattic aerer ai umii by tln-m va-a.r tied beyond the jinuuir of tin: err fi >kte, ni tour and one llxif pei cent, stock issu- -t tu tie o, - a-.5ctiveiy ‘•Sec, 5. .ind be it fir titer enacted, Thai he aame finds ah . u-v. beretutb s been "d now arc pledg.-d by law for the paymem of the intereat, BUG lor 'ho redemption a • reimbursement of the puck which may b, rc deemed nr reimburnid bj virtue of the pho- visionaofthiv act, shall rear in pledged In lik manner fur thepr mentot the interest accru ing on the stock created by reason of au< h tubscrip inn, and fir the rtu- nut on or rc.rn- lurseir.ent of the pripeipdot tin same. A'd it ahali be the duty oi the cnu.miiiioiiere of .lie linking fund to cauae to be am lied and paid out oftbe Haul fumy yearly and e e-y year such sum and sums aa may be annually rcqui r* «1 to dia-.lurge the inle eat accruing un the aiock which may be created b virtue of this act 1 be said eommilaionrr, ar rlati, here- uy authunaed to apply, from t me to tim-, such aunt and luma nut of the said fund, ar they may think proper, Inward) redeeming by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con formity with the provisions cf this set, tht principal of the laid atuck : and auch part ol the annual aum often millions of dollars, vest ed by law in the said commiaaioneia, aa m.y be necessary and required for tin above pur poses, shall be and continue app opriaied to the payment of intereat and redemption o the public debt, until the whole if I e alack which may be created under the provisions ol tliia aot, shall have been redeemed or reim bursed. ” Now, therefore, nniice ia hereby given, that h 'oka will he opened at the Treasury i t the United Statea, and at ihe several loan offices, on the firat day of April next, and continue open until the firat ill of October, thereaf er, for receiving siibvcrintiona in conformity with ihe prnv.icn* if ihe said law. The auuacriptiona may be made by the pro prietors cf the atock, ei*hi-t m person or by their att iroeya duly nu 1 Cor z - to mi bier ib" und transfer it to the United 3'ates. Sb uid subscriptions of said stuck be made tu sn amount' exceeding twelve Hellions u du)lnrt,s distt ihuti- n i.fthe uidsuui oftwelvc millions of dollars will be made among lie subscribers, i i proportion to the sums subscri bed by them reaper! ivcly. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, A-ting Secretary of he ' r-saurr’ ’farcl. *6 »o fl'ii Georgia— oamden ( omity. Supkriur Court, October Term, 1824. Timothy Hopkint, re. Langley and Seloeeter Bryant. i t N petitii-n ot T.niutby Hopkins, stating v" that in consideiatinn of certain prom- mry notes, made to the snid Timuthy, by ‘hem, one pavabte with inte eat, from first if January, 1821,on the first of January. 1822: a second pvrable ataforesait, on the first of tannary, 1823/ and a tb'rd pavsble aa afore, aid, on the first uf January, 18.'4. executed a nrtgage to mid Timothy Hopkn.a, his htip- ind asaigna, on all those four trae'a of loud, ''tuated in Ihe county aforesaid, eonreyed by lie said Ti nothy, to the laid Fanglvy and -elvester, and lying on the touch aide of Great Satilla River, one tract containing lev inty-sevcniacres, more nr leas/ two tract! containing fifty acres, more or less, and one *ther tract, oontainiog one hundred and eigh ty-eight acres, more or less, conditioned for he payment of the three said several notes, un the days above mentioned, and that (aid several notea remain unpaid—on motion ol Archibald Clark, altnrney for plaintiR, it ia ordered, that th.- snid Langley and Selvestei, iheir heira or assigns, pay into Cone,, within twelve months from this date, the snm< due on and nntea, and the interea and costa, nth- rrwiae that the equity of redemption be for. ever foreclosed, and that auch other pruceed inga take place, as are purauant to law. Trite extract from the minutes, 27lh Octo ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. nov 4 ay Ve NOTICE. N INE month! after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court j| Ordinary if Chatham eouuty, fur leave to ael' all the real r state of the late William Craig, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and ci ed itors of laid estate. JOHN M’NISH. Executor. 71 .Notice. A LL persons having demands against the JTK estate of Constant Freeman, Eaq late of the city of Washington, deoeased, are re quired to hand them in, legally etteited. within tha time prescribed by law i and those indebted to said entate, are required to make immediate pay me at, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Jan 14 43pa * 1 * VALUABLE MEDICINE. ■af ar TOTTf.B/A Vegetable Catholicon. [HE subwrib: r rciu otfully aolicita the at tention or every friend of suffering hu "unity, to to the above nrw and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the ayatem the very aeeda of disease, and in rest-,ring the deranged and morbid condition of the organa of life te a free and healthy exercise oftbuir functions, has exci ted tha aftnniahmant, and completely silen eed the objection* of the most incredulous — Facu are the beet argumentt. In ordar to pm the virtues of tiie t.aiholicon to aa severe a scrutiny aa poaaible, it waa offered by adver- t'tement together with the attendance of* physician, gratuitously to any peram whu would apply for it, and whuse cause might seem t come within the rungenf its healing power—number* ofaevere cues of long sta d- ing, and some of them seemingly de'ipcr-te ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have been cured, or it, much relieved as to warrant the aasertiun that a little n»rseveranoe will do so. In fact, such it the confidence of the phyai- cian under whole care these natienta were placed, in this remedy, a confide oe reau t ing from the irresistible eomicti n that bss heun forced upon hia mind by ocular demon stration, ard a peraonil trial of it on himself h*t he perm.ta me to declare it as hia d -ci- -bd opinion, that the Catholicon is not only a perfectly isfo and innocent, hut a mitt pnw erlul and invaluable remedy in certain His eases and statea of the si stem, auch as th. f.ri owing:— Debility reaulting from intemperance and dissipation i Old aud inveterat Ulcers. Pains in the bon a attended with .welliuga nf tin: jnintai I'liligr.stion * Ulot hes on ihe face, temple', <tc. i Alt complaima of the Liven letter: Y.iws j Sypliiiis .- Uutaneuuadiseases generally i Mercurial and acrofuluua cutn- plainta The Catholicon (which the proprieter an! emniy pledges Ii a word consists exclusively nf vegetable nia'ti:-) with the oa eption of a aliglit d' t’nni istion to the bowels^ which it preserves in a soluble state, arts insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires II" particu- ar regimen, (abstinence from spirluoua li quors idways excepted,) or confinement. As agrntle, sale nud agree ible cathartic medi co e, improving the a ,petite and restoring the general tune oftbe ays’em, it' in coniiduntly recommended to ladies in a delicate situa tion. W W. POTTER, 66 Chesnul-strcet, tould Wish to be. With my thank*, am your ■bilged liumole servant, Ue f Philadelphia, May 31, 1824. At tlie request of Mr. W putter, I Isle'.y exhibited, in severs! in-fauces, a inedi Out 4 sirup, called Ou ter’s Vegetsble Catho icort. with the must dec-ded advantage. I* nsi, as ■ et, never failed effecting a cure in n.ery ease in which I have thought proper tu employ it. H.M’MURl'UIE, M D Phi ade'plaa, July 28rA, 1824. Mr. IV W. Potter, Dear tir—You expressed a wish tint 1 would give - concise statement of ray nift .r ings. from • the hopeless commencement, to i e present t ropitiuus stsge of nr/ disease ’ Abuut five years ago, on my passage from Hudetux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seised wit i, a violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on hoard, I was compelled to bll.T it, as I ought lor two weeks, when on my ar rival at Charleston, *, O. it was treated as Typhus. The skill ut my Physician subdued tile fever, but Ploeuia-hie, the termination of this gave rise tu a disease equally distress- ill', and which, till now, I had thought incur- ■ble. Vi'ioua ahiceisea made their unwel- :ome appearance, particularly on the joints, which were twe itd to an enormous sue.— These gradually subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation nfrms, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to tbit, I suffered the most excruciating pains in my joint! that man ever experienced. F.very thing that was administered either gave me no relief >r ser ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of which inuruascii with every succeeding year. 3uch waa my painful si uation that I despaired o!ever being rettured to my heal Ii; Iliad no u ilv tried tlie regular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popular rem. rdy l could hear oh It waa in this awful and dospondoig condition,! hat I was persuaded to .ommeuce a course ufyuur Vegetable Tmh 1 'em, an J ti e ha ipv reiti't is, om the tue of the two bottle t my whole eye’em ha l under gone a complet. revo ulitm, my puina h ive fo etl- ken me/" the discharge from ray knee .,eg n o d minish, and soo i ceased altogether, ihe lice; from ’ hence it proceeded being com pleteiy healed. The tumors, for the removal of which I have tried in vain more remediea t' an I can i.tune, are rapidly decreasing ; my appetite, winch was gone, has returned—I an. in fact, nearly we |., and fo e ( confidint that a few bottles more of your, (to n\e) invaluable medicine, will m-ke me puriectly so. Your oblig d friend, THOMAS UlIOWN, JR- Cityof Phiadctp,an.,, 0Vm ™* XW - George Ks„ e , ,ff the District of Soutli- *ark, persunally appeared, and, being dull sworn, doth declare and say that the *bov statement is in all respects correct and true ind that the signature to it ia in the baud writing of this deponent n,.| . , .. J'WBIriNS. Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 1824- SCOTT’S BIBLE ITr.asimsrsiii-roa. 7 TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Rathnlicon i| peculiarly adapted to thusc diseases which are prevalent among the coloured population oftbe eouth I" that diaeaae which is called yawa, it is a sure remedy | a tingle trial of It, will convinoe piintera of its auperior efficacy to any reme dy of a similar nature in the United Statea- By SAMUBL T. AUMSTHOYn Z beUtshed with a like teas of the ^ NOUCFj. The advantages of tiiit medicine are# Bot confining the patient unneceaHrily to the honae, or keeping hint from hit buiineis/— With one iulitaiy enception, 'hat of Bpirilu* om liquors, it floes not lay any restrictions upon his appetite It ban gentle in .la operas>on Uitit tne pjtient finds himielf getting well he cannot tell how. Ae it is not the wish oftbe proprietor to take any thing for which he cannot give • coi.g'uleration equal in value, personi at a dintance who may wish to try t.i« medicines but who are not certain if it be appliooblc to their complaint, are request* cd io describe ‘heir cas£ and aympioma in ^'letters pnsi.pgid, and directed to him—thb fetter will bo tminodiatttly placed in hunan fully competent to decidf the question.— .Shocld ihe remedy not seem io iuit the Uis- o**e, they will be frankly told to. CftUTnN* To prevent d 8ippointin--m it is well 11 U«te thut it tunes io ordinary cuset from 3 to 5 botties to effect a cute so that person* who •re labouring under any serious infirmity, murt make up their mind to persevere to that extern at lea*t—if they do not, they might »» well a jvethcmaetvei tha trouble and expense f using as miller quantity. •dll orders p jtt-pnid und enclosing the money, i stinted lately ailcrid.^d tu, and ue medicine piickedsud delivered )kith direotious for use : •o any place in the city, and forwarded as di* rented N. II To prevent the possibility of h1! im- P ’Sitioii, it will OesoM in the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Fifth near ttucc-Sir et. or at tlie dwelling of the propri tor, No. 66 r /hesnut Street, only, sn ) abroad by lus au« ihorixed agents W W P'vrTRTj, 66 C/iemut Street, Thilade\pfiia 1 T EUM8. FT shall be well printed, nn good ^ I be comprised in six handsome iSP* 11 ^ will em.tain the Seri;,t„,SaY^^nT'» AVw Tmnmenle, t’ra Introductory '"1 Explanatory Asm, bn l Practical ana all tb* copiouj Marrinal HefhZP^e mg printed word tor word fr ihf l M| ^ S '*"°'VP C publiahed .i,: tb L r> hor’a decease. The price will uVaJ* »»83<u, df The wh ile work will be ready fnrd.?"" 1 '' 1 '' M.v. 182*. “7 tor deli* et . u illy, 1835, -/ ‘ur aeuveryby Ex racte of Leure addm.edto thcP„ } ,,u I eateem Dr Scott’, Fannie Uihin calculated to promote the cau.e of C!’^ piety, It seema icarcelv dmIM. r read dailjt tbe Nntea an! Obi*,!,,!”' Family Bible without becomH» ! »i! Inlh * belter man. EDWARD I hare teen no commeotarv „f , Scriptures which l think so ? SfcPr,i u « »»<l edification. It , to which ere,; family ought to It ia a work diitingu ,hed tyindeonrenieiieeof it, „l' e clearness ««| fitleiity of!, ueatneas und pcrapicuitv uf ii« »u ,l>e nevoi- nee and cacdcur of iu sp.ri ^'the^ c “" ciaeneaa and pcttineiiev of " , a "' and for its untfoi m t ndenc/ to pm gelica! truth-nd piety. P ru ™««i.i>- Of Dr. 8eo:t’t Family Hib^l f® 1 ,' »y, thatm my estimation it d-u rvedlr ,,’i among our ablest and brat Comm nliri, ““ „ „ . _ Thomas Baldwin * Fxnuly B.biu iiitenlcn morej,. I have appointed G.OilGB RYE I80N, Drugirit.t. of Savannah, ni, sole ageut. Drug gi«t« wanting the above valuable medicine, will be Supplied by him fur cash, at the aame ralt,a< if ordered direct from me—via. g30 pei dnsm, or three dollars a single bottle. W. W. POTTER, Piuladelphia. Any person on application to the aubaci ibr-r will be furnished with certificates of the tffi- cacv of the above medicine,sufficient to rnu- vince the mmd of the moat sceptical, ahhougl: too oumeroua and lengthy for ne-a spa per-n. teuton. GEO. RYERbON, lJru.agiat, Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets, dec 13 IN EQUITY. Between W. Davies, Administrator, Complain ant and John L'arnochun Admmstrahrj */. bonis no ; with the will annexed of Oeor f e Richardson and others, D Jendants In equity Chatham Superior Court- Chancery, 20th August, 1034. I T appearing (hat John Murray Carnochtn, one of tbe defendants in the said bill of uuinpUint muned, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdomij of Great Urituin and Ireland, called Scotland : It is ordered thut the said John Murray Car- rvjchan, do appear and answer to the com* plainant*s said bill, within nine months from the dale of this order, otherwise that the said billj us to hun, be taken pro confesso .• and i: is further ordered, thut u copy of this order be pubhshrd mice a week, in one of ilie public G ii«e«tes of this stair, until the ex* piration of the time within which the suidde* fendunt is required to appear aud answer as aforesaid. 4’rue copy from the Minutes, tht* 21st dity August. 1824. A. U.FANNIN, Clerk. 'Wist :’4 50f Georgia Cuinden County. Philadelphia, July r 6, 1824. Mv confidence in the v. get ible catholicon ia uniUminialiv.l, anil va frt-ah in. tances uf its power* arc dally occurrn g, in my own pruc- lice I have no hesitation in recommending it. in the peculrar diseases ta which it is applica ble, ia superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint ed with. M. M’MURTItlE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Six—In consequence of imprudent expos ure four years ago I had the misfortune to be come iffl'cted with a oisease, the painful re sults ut w hich induced me to apply iu sue- cession to several respectable physician! of thin city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re. ceiveu another complaint quite aa distressing is the former. My whole system became a - feeted. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pain tbit I felt in every part ef my body / the weakneaa and enacts non of which was such that I could scarcely wait. In this state 1 fortunately heard of y ur vegetable catholicon—four bottles of which, has completely restored me, I have now no pain t my appetite ia good | and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine hu given me, I am your obliged friend, be. WILLIAM WILSON. 1 Sworn and auburihed to before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN BINNS, A derman. Pbi'alelphia, May 28, 1824. Sir—I at* now, thanks to your medicine, a nearly ma Fur nearly six years I have been a martyr to a disease, whoae ravages threat, ened, if not auon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at l ist got to auch a height that t could not awallow without great pain and difficulty. Tumnr* funned in different parts of my body, and I began to think my aituation almost Hraperate, The five bottles of the Catholicon which I have taken have com pletely cured me, and I am now aa wall a* I b * TO ALL TO WHOM If MAY CONCERN AFTHEitEAS Surah Brown. Junior, widow, \f applies to he Court of Ordinary of «aW County, for Letters of Administration un Uu estate of John Brown, late of said county, de ceased, ar next of km: These sre, therefore, to cite fln.1 aomoniih, all and singular, th* kindred and creditors of said deceased, tu file their obj 'ctions, if any they h ive, in rnv of flee# on or before the first Mord <y in June next.MtherwiBe Letters will be granted tbe ap- pecially for t'-e use of Uln lit,an ” work highly evangelical, catennveiy um"' tive, and deeply tmereating. ' 1C DANIEL C.BANDElis The character or Dr. Scott’s Cuswr.uL. on ti,.-Bible, ia ao generaII; known, n,u !u highly approved amongsi th.- m.v.i mtcriJitr-iV and Pious Cliristinna throughout »<rm i I.n,4 haa passed rapidly thruughm r „„rh editions, that 1 deem further rcc, iruncK tion* needless' “ “ , . J V0R8E. I am acquainted with nn (Imn^mturv th Sacrea tciiptuies, whirii I would m „. cord recommend for gencrsl n, plan of the work ia good piicant. Witncai the Honorsble Britian R Btink- ley, one of the Justice, of Mid Court, thn ■ixteenm day of April, eighteen hundred n d twenty five. [L S. JOHN DAILEY, C. C. O C. C. April 21 24 Georgia—Camden Coti >uy. RY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SUD COUN iY. 4BTHF.REA8 >ohn Chevalier, hai applied rv to said Court) fir Leitera' .n the eatateaof Samuel Cuscnn and Evan E. ffi'ck, deceased. Theie are, tiierefore, to ite and admonish, ail and lingular, tho kin dred snd ereditora ot the said d ceased per, suns, te tie their objections, if any they hsv, in my > ffi ie, on or before tlie firat Monday in January next, or Letters will be graoted the applicant. Wit iesa the Hono-able Jimea Scott, om of the usticea uf said Court, this six- day of April, eighteen hundred and twenl y*fi e. [L. S ] JOHN DAILEY, C. C.O.C C. ’••'rid: 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOri SAID COUNTY \TVJHEREAS Lewis Bschlott, applies to the wJr Court uf Ordinary of said County) for letters Dismiaaory on the estate or Pr.neea K iioluoe i These are, therefore, to eite and sdmoniah, all and lingular, the kindred and creditors or said deceased, lo file their objec tions, if any thsy have, in my uffi m, on or be fore tbe fi at Monday in January next, other 's iae Le.tera Dismiaaory will be granted the applicant- Witneaa the Honorable Samuel Clarke, one of the Justices of said Court, this sixteen.h day nr April, eighteen hun dred and twenty-five. (L. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O C C At)nl 2! 94 HAY. BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing V from Brig Pheasant, for sale by April It C. C. GRISWOLD, „ . . JOSI'UA BATES. Ferb»p« m no way, can m nisi, rs. inatnictnre of youth, and private Cl.risliim, do yreikr serv eeto society, than bv exetlng them, selves to diasetninste this truiv inviiiiiik w»'k JOSHUA HUN I'INGTUN, I know of no Comments y wliir.h is better uslculated for diftuaii'g correct virus of l!i> great troths ofCItriitisnily, ai d lesvinrwiu. tarv impressions on th. mmd when rising trem the perutal of it, than tlie one you src ..bout to publish. „ D INTEL SHARPE. No writer ai-ems leas disputed to contend for barren speculaii ma. None more unifum. ly or more powerfully incu'eateathe e-eate>- .entiala of religion. The epirii which pro ladea the work ia eacelltm 1 u ia the irck, iiffcotionare, beating, yet faithful spirit of the g..spe|, DANIEL DANA From particular easminati n. snd concur- r ug teatiraun,, there ia no doubt on ay mini that Scott's Family Bible is superior to aH others JOSFPH EUEIISPN. You will pies*" to tend me six copies of Scolt’x Bible / I refer lo your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall ioducc five mure to take Ihe same number. H-L, It is with extreme plesaure 1 perceive you are about to publish a new e lition of Scoti’s Bible. Having been in possession 4 t more than 20 years, I trus' I know t'Hue* •hing of its value, and om detei mit e*l to nro. mote iis c t'cuLiion among my fricnii You will please forward six copies a» soon a» pub- sited. c,j| I have obtsinnd four subscriber* for liie exci’ileut work you sre publishing H. S. 1 propose to Uke seven beta of SeuC'k di* ble, and will be accLUiuabie lor the amr.c. J C. I have obtained schsertbers for nine copies of Scoit'ri F mily B.ble. J, 0. I shall probably need eight or Icnst .suf SrottV Family Bible. J. I*- Hey, S. S. of P. has o' tsined ten juKri* bers. e. R. 1^ have observed that you are abuut pub* lishing another edition of Scoit** I( bte hope you mty succeed as you It-ve done ia former editions. I have been endeavoring to procure subscribers smorg our peonie, aod en or more subscribers wiil be ob.aiiied. 0. S. II. I wilt take ten sets (uf Scott's H.bie) bound and lettered. J. F- I have obtained ten subscriber for your edition of the Family Bible—snd hiu n* d';ubt but there might be sumedurg likelW copies kold in this place if you had an i#W here—I thought the Work ought tu br iv rouraged and for hat reason took a subscrib* lion paper. It is a work that every f-mdj should have that is able to purchase. J. E. U'C. I am g1ad» that y-u propose to print fit* Scott's excellent Family Comm*;**<171 » f| d snould be very glad if it were in my poser to give a more liberal patronage to the wc:*, than, as circumstances are, I can. IM however, be nble to do something ; eight <* >en se'a I ahali certainly take | and it :nay K double that number, A. B. I have procured fifteen subsciitirrs i« 9cott'a Bible. * J. A. D, i think I shall dispose of 20 sets or mo I' d the Family Bible. B.B- I have circulated proposals fur Scoii r A Bible ; 1tow many hnve been ^ng»ged in till cannot cel! / but between 20 aud W seta ii h a vicinily. J. 8. I hive concluded to become responsible to you for thinty sets of Scott’s CummenU^. Cs B. I have procured 106 subscribers to the Bible t 6 seta to be bound in odf / 3 sets >0 be done in boards the other 97 st't, bound and lettered at described in the prospectus H. •!* 1 pfeaume I could procure 500 nibien- bera for your edition of Scotl’a Bible 1“ demand ia increaaing for tbein. They finally supersede every other luge or Fan" 1 )' Bible. Fifty ol my subscribers live within > circle of 8 mile a I J *■■ Just publiahed an edition of the uqi wm* completed in ala volumes, without nwP"“ refereneea;price in boaTua jJ18i in abHj g2l / in eall g27. Either of theie ediuoaj msy be had of the publii h r in Rnston t er “ s. c. k J. SCHENCK, Savannah. j*t ii Matkiug Bmki) O F a auperior quality, juat received aw •for sale by UEO. RYERSON nov to