Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 03, 1825, Image 4

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Sheriffs Sales.
On Hit firtf Tuesday in -inn* ntxt,
rVO'U. be mM nt the Court-Houie in th
>## town of Jefferson, between the hour;
often o'clock in thj morninn. and four o’elk.
in the afternoon, one undivided moiety, of
the following property, vin:
A tnst of lit)d liluete on the aouth aide of
Satilla River, containing fire hundred seres,
more or less, two hundred and nliy icrei of
which in under cultivation, end bounded east
by Unda of Mr*. P M. Oaburne, aouth by lands
of — Habersham, weit by land* of John-
(ton, northwardly by Satilla River, together
with all the buildmga end plantation toola
thereto belonging.
Also, fitly or aiety head of onttle, thirty
sheen, two Ada, one boat, end the following
negro alavea, to wit, George, Lucy, Aialiba,
March, Charlotte, Georgette, Peggy, Cataiuv,
Elleck, Pendandy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hen
ry, Friday, Simon. Balbeasy, Louisa, Suaao,
Druectta, Holly. P-dtey, Nancy, Marcus, My
ra, James, Toney, Helen, Romulus; lanctte-
Seemly, Abbov, Ben, P evidence, Monaou,
Delia, Cyrua. Big Jack, Amel-a, Juliet, Pale-
mor, Philip, Lucinda, Altamunt, Laua, Long
Jim, Boae, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart,
rbebe, Billy, Nat, Damor, Driver Jon, Maria.
Lavmia, Cleopahia, Canadi, Unreal, Tenab
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caliata, Roxana, Scipio.
Cain, Nancy Cane, Frederick, Job, Bora, Fit,
aak, Deck, Pumpey, Patty, Diana, Colurabu
B ib, Liaaa, Andrew, Nanny. Matthew, London,
Little Pendab, Prince, Ceasar, Phillia, Little
Jack,Fanny,Daniel,Caator, Ned, Little George,
Solomon, Gambay, Kate, Prieilla, Adam, and
Mary being one hundred in number, lerieo
on and to be «old to latisfy an execution
against King and Weivale Jonea, in f.v
yorof Jao. b R. Volk-
Alao, one hiuae and lot, aituate, lying and
being, in the town of St. Marya, being part ol
lot number one, containing one hundred teel
in front and four hundred and thirty-ail feet
deep, levied oo and to be sold aa the property
of John B. Christopher, to aatiafy an execu
tion on forecloaure of mortgage, in favor of
William Berrie, under the rule absolute
M. H. HEBB4UD, S. S. C
April 23d, 18. J.
Anril 28 3°
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the finl Tuesday in June next,
tryil.L be aold in Irnnt of the Court*
XJJ ' touae, in tbe city of Savann jh, between
the usual noura of ten and four u'elock.
Lot and huildings No ‘'5, Brown ward, le
vied on under two execution* again* C H Hay
den, in favor of Frederick W. Heioemain.
end in favor of R St J Habersham*
Two Lota of 'and, aituate from the Corner
of Kaat Brand-*t, on the Thunderbolt R ad
on the adj lining Warner, levied on tl the pro
petty of C H Hayden, to aatiafy an execution
taming from a Juiticca Court in favor of A D.
Laroch, returned tome by * constable.
A negro m in name.) Doctor, levied on as
the properly of Joaiah J Tippin, to aatiafy two
eaeeutiona in favor of George W Roe, and one
in favor of J B Wick.
Three negroes, Titus, Betsey, and Chance,
levied on u the property of Thoa N Morel, to
aatiafy in execution in favor of the Bink of the
8tate of Georgia.
A woman named Phillia and her child Ste-
S hen,levied on aa the property of the eat, of A.
aekaon, un-ler an execution iiom Richmond
Superior Court, in favor of Jonathan Sawyer,
A. D’LYON. O. S C. C
May *J 9
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in June next,
TKVtLL be a dd at the Court-Houae in the
\*7 City of Savannah,between the hou'i
of ten end four o’clock, the followiag 16 oe
frees, vix .—
Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
BJly, Burke, Fartia, Brent, Dinah, Little Brani,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increti"
of the families, levied on under a forecloaure
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
Two negroes, vix: Ned xnd Glasgow, Icvi.
ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Cbas.
Ulmer to Joaeph Kupman.
april 4
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the firrt Saturday, after the first Tuea-
day in June next, will be sold st the
Market-Ileus* in tbe town of St. Mary*, two
negroes, viz* Bub and Bose, levied on aa the
property ot Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, and George 8 Brown.
April8,1325 M.H. HEBBARD.S C C.
Aoril J U
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in June next,
F -VB Hundred acres of Land lying in the
County of F,ffi ighem, bounded north by
Michael Hvdea, east by Christian Roberibuiat
all other aides vaeant at the time uf ihe origin
al gtrvey. Alao ISO acr-s, half of a tract ot
30u acres originally granted to Christian Ro-
benhurst Alao 41)0 acres bounded north hr
lands of Daniel Steiner, east Jno Snyder and
others, at the time of original survey. Alsu.
1J0 acres southwardly by lands of Rnbenhutst,
ea it John and Gaorge Snyder, and non.
Kioenhurit, at 'hi time oftheoriginal survey.
The above lands levied on aa the property ol
Charles Tiot. to aatiafy executions in favor of
Henry M'Alpin and David Bugle.
May 6 27
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in July next,
U(7TI L be add ai ihe Court House in the
Tv City of Savannah, between the hours
often and four o’clock,
Ait the building* and improvements on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, w-th the uuexpire-t lease
of said Lot of Land, levied on as the property
of Chiles H Hayden, onder a Aa. fit on fore-
eloaure in favor of Frederick W Heinemann.
A. D’LYON. D. 3, C. C.
May 9
City Sheriff’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in June next,
i i wl ,L be a id at roe Court House in the
v# City of Savannah between tbe hours
uf ten and four o’clock.
One negro woman named Sander, levied on
as the property uf John and Valeria Davis, to
aatiafy an execution from the Court of Com-
mon Pleas and Oyer and Tctminer for the ci
ty of Savannah, Wm Bowen, vs John F G Da
ria guardian of John and Valeria Davia,
Alto One negro woman named Louisa, 1e
ied on aa Ibe property of John I Bulloch, to
utility sundry executi -ni romthe Court of
Common I’leaa and Oyer and Terminer for the
city of Sav&nnah, Wm C Barton and others,v>
John I Bulloch,
Alsu all ihe buildings on Lot No forty (40)
Warren wa d bounded north by a Ian* south
by Broughton street, east by Lot No thirty-
nine (39) and weal by Linculn street, levied
on aa the property of Chaa H Hayden, to salia-
fv an execution for ground rent in f.vorof'he
Gorman Lutheran Church, va Chas. II. Hay
A. I. D’LYON, C S.
mav 9 '-’9
Sheri.i s tales—Continued
W l
On thefirst Tuesday in June next,
ILL be sold before tbe Court House in
the City of Savannah, between the u-
aual hours of tide,
All that tract or parcel of land, containing
367 acres mare or leu, with 100 acres ol
Marsh Land, called. Okeland, situate, lying
od being in Little Ogeehee District, in the
County uf Chatham, bounded north by lands
-if Fleming Akin, on the east by lauds of Dr
"araer, on the aouth by land, of the late B.
Walburger, and on the west by a norihcaa’
branch of little Ogeehee River, together with
-II end singular, the edificea, improvements
and appurtenances, levieo on under a fi fa on
foreclosure us tho oroperty cf George L.
Cope, in favor of J ho M'Nish, Peter Mitch.
:U, and Robot Mitchell-
Half Lot and Puil-ii’g, No. 4, E-vinsburg,
Oglethorpe Ward, in th e cilv of Savannah,
the unexpired lease of said lull Lut lor three
years from January last, levied on as the pro
perty of Robert Lew s, to satisfy an cxecu-
‘inn from a Jua'icet Court in favor of J St M
Prendergaat, returned to me by a e i,stable.
Sold at the risk of 'he former purchaser.
M«y 73 i ’
fcheriflPs Sale, C ominued.
On the first Tuesday in June next,
\4 VAtl.L be ae d nt th.-. Court bonne in the
\Nf city of S»van»ah between the usual
nourn of ten r d bree o’clock,
All the buildings on Lot No. (30,) thirty,
Warden Ward, bounded east by Lot No. ^31,)
thirty-one, west by Lot So. (‘J ) twenty •n'n.e,
nordi by Congresr st- and south by a l»ne, le
vied on as the property of Ann B Pinrier, to
satisfy an execution for ground rent in favor of
tbe Trustees of the Chxtham Academy.
One negro woman na ned Ruth, levied on
as the property of lierij anoin Sbeftall, to satis
fy on execution from tue Court o* r Commoi
Plewa hi d Oyer and Terminer for the city of
Savanna**, J ihn I Djws, vs. Bcnj. Sheftall,
-tnd tfnrd scat Sbeftall, property pointed out
by the defendants.
A-1. D’LYON, C- S
Mav 28 56
Georgia—Chatham County,
In tlie Court of Ordinary, Mav Term, 18dS.
O N the petition of Henry Champion, admin
istrator of John Street, Hrr.i-aaed, praying
in order JVtsi to be made absolute on his com
plying witn Ihe law, tor lie sale of a Lot ol
Ground, number four, [4] second Tythintr
Reynolds Ward—Also, part of a Lot, numbei
six. Tower Tything. Decker Ward being 'lie
real estate of the said dec, lor the benefit of
the heirs and creditorsIt is ordered, that a
notice be published nine months, in one of
'.he Public Gazette of the City of Savannah,
-equiring all pet stun interested, to show caut-c
:f any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tinner should not be granted.
S. M. BOND, c e. o.
May 14 44§
Treasury 'Deyarimaat,
March, 14, i825 3
IKTHEHE AS on the 3d of V*reh, WS, a
TT law waa pasted by the C-mgresa of Ihe
Umted 8tatea, of which the 3d, 4th, and Sth
section! are in the words following, via i
- Sec. 3, And be it further euacted. That a
subscription 10 the amount of twelve milieus
of dollars, ofthe six pr cent, stook of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the lame is hereby proposed i for which pur
pose hooka shall be opened at the Treeaury of
the United States, and at the eeveral loan offi
ce», on the firat day uf April nest, to continue
open until the firat day of Comber thereafter,
for eueli parts of the above mentioned de
scription of atock aa •hall, on the day of aub
acription, stand on the bnoks of the Treasury,
and on those of Ihe eeveral loan effi.iea, re
apeetivcly t which aubacription shall he effect
ed by a transfer to the United Statea, in the
mnnoer provided by law for auch tram fora, of
the credit or ered.ta standing on tbe laid
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of tbe Hock so aubacribed: Provided, That
all aubacription by auch transfer uf stock shall
he considered aa part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars ant mrixed to be borrowed by
the firat lectr n "f 'his act.
e* Sec. 4, And be i‘ further enacted. That for
the whole or any part of any sum wtiicb shall
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
ihe respective subscribers, whs shall be enti
tled to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to tbe hul ler or
huldcra thereof, his. her, or their assigns, a
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal atock thu»suh«eribtd r
bearing an interest not exceeding four and
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the tlurty-firit day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five; transferable in the lame manner.asi*
provided by law for the tranater of the atock
aubacribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure ofthe United States, as follows: one
half at any time after the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-first day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine -.
Provided, ’That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount uf auch
new cert.finite; nur until slier at least six
months public notice of auch intended reiin
boraement. And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause lo be trans
ferred to the respective subscriber! the eever
al aumi by them aubacribed beyond the amount
of tile certificates of four and one half per
cent, atock issued to them respectively.
“ Sec. S. And be it further enacted, Thai
Hie same funds which have hereiutore been,
and now are pledged by law for the paymeui
of the interest, ami for the redemption and
reimbursement of the slock which may be re
deem.-d or reimbur>ed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for ihe pavment of the interest accru
ing on the l ock created by reason of such
subscription, and for tbe redemption or reim
bursement ofthe principal uf Ihe same. Ai d
ii shall be the duty of the commisaioners of the
sinking fund to Cause to be applied and paid,
out of the said fond, yearly and every year,
such sum and suina as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the interest accruing on the
stock which may be created by virtue of this
act I he laid commlsidcners are, also, here
by authorised to apply, from time to timr,
such turn and sums out of the laid fund, as
they may think proper, towardi redeeming
by purchase, or by reimburiemeut, in con
formity with the provisions of this act, thi
principal ofthe said atock : and such part ot
the annual turn often mdiioni of dollars, vest
ed by law in the aiid commissioners, as may
be necessary and required for the above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption ol
the public debt, until the whole of the stock
which may be created under the proviiioni of
this act, shad have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books will he open- d at the Tretsiiry of the
United States, and at the several loan oflieea,
on the Aral day of Anril n-xt, and continue
open until the firat d of*October, thereaf
ter, for receiving iubscrintiona in conformity
with he proviaiona of the said law.
The subscriptions rosy be made by the pro
prietors uf the atock, either in person or by
heir attorney! duly suthoriz-id to subscribe
and transfer it to the United Slstea.
Should aubscriptions uf said stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions ol
dollar*, a distribution of the said sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among 'he
subscriber!, in proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Tressury*
■>« lO^in •
Georgia—Chatham County
I.) ihe Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1825
O S the petition of Robert Hoy, Execute
if John Wackerlv, dec. prayirg an order
JWuto be nrt tde absolute, on hia complying
Vm the law, to sell t wo Tracts of I«and it
Laurens County, being the real estate of thr.
aid deceased, for the benetit of the heirs and
creditors: It is ordered, that a notice b
ublished, nine month j,. in one of the G
zettea of the city of Savannah, requiring a
,ieraona interested, to show cause, if any the.
mi, why the prayer of the petitioner should
lot be grantt.d S M. BOND. c. c. o
May 26 57
Administrator’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold
at the Court-Houae in Bryan County,
the following described property, being pari
ofthe eatate of Matthew Carter, dee, and
•old for tbe benefit of the heirt and creditor!,
end by an order of the Court of Ordinary of
•aid county, vix:
2J0 acrea of land in Gwinnett County,
known u Lot No- 363, in the 7th D.itricl.
2S0 acrea in Early County, known 11 Lot
No. 174, in the 20th District
200 aorea Pine Land, in Effingham County.
Also, two alavea.
Condita in» nf sale m d: known on the day.
A-v-f 28 lOfn*
Administrator’s Notice
A LL persons having demands ngainst
'John Street, late of Chatham County,
decoased, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by law, duly at
tested, and those indebted are requested to
^jnake immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
May 5 30x,f
avv .Ma trasses
J UST received by the William Wallace,
an additional supply of DOUBLE and
will he warranted of the best quality.
Jan 27
Swains l*un ited.
FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated
Medicine, just received per ship Globe,
and for Bale by GEO. RYERSON
Prussic Acid fc. Sulph.Quinine,
J UST received by ship Savannah, and
for sale by
May 3
Shad’s Buildings.
Goshen Butter.
F IFTEEN firkins received per ship Au
gusta, for sale by
April 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO.
ply to GEO A YERSON,
March 4
March 26
Georgia—Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 11)24.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selveslcr
O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory notes, made to the aaid Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from first
of January, 1821, on the firat of January, 1822:
i second payable as aforesai *, on the first of
January, 1823; and a th’rd payable as afore
said, on the first of January, 1824. executed a
mortgage to said Timothy flopkina, hit heirs
and assigns, on all those four tree’s of l-nd,
situated in Ihe eounty aforesaid, conveyed by
the said Timothy, to the said J-angley and
Oclveater, and lying on the touch site of
Great Satdla River, one tract containing sev-
enty-aevehlacres, more or less,- two tracts
containing fifty acres, more of teas, and one
iiher tract, containing one hundred and eigh
ty-eight acrea, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three aaid aeveral nntei,
on the days move mentioned, and that aaid
aeveral notea remain unpaid—on motion of
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintif, it is
ordered, that th* said Langley and Selvester,
tlyeir heir* or aasigna. pay intoCour,, within
twelve months from tliia date, the aumi due
on aaid notea, and the intern and eosth oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be for
ever foreclosed, and that such other proceed
ing! take place, ai are purauant to law.
True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk.
nov 4 87 fire
N INE months after date, application will be
made to tbe Hon. the Judges ofthe Court
of Ordinary nf Chatham county, for leave to
■ell all the real eatate ofthe late William Craig,
dcceaaed, for the benefit of tbe heira and cred
itors of aaid estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor.
net IP
A LL peraona hiving demands against the
IX. estate of Constant Freeman, Esq. late of
the city of Washington, deceased, are re
qnired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and ihoke
indebted to laid estate, are requited to make
immediate payment, to
Jm 14 42p*
Vegetable Catholicon.
ff HE subacrib, r reap- ctfuliy solicits the at
tenlion of every friend of suffering tin
inanity, to to the above new and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal pnwera in eliminating
from the ayatem the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and murbid
condition ofthe organa of life to a free and
healthy excreiae oftheir (unctions, hat exci
ted tlie aat'iniihmen', and completely lilun-
erd the objections ofthe most in<-rrdiIout—
Facts ore the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of fie Gatholicon to as severe a
semtiny as possible, it was offered byadvei-
tisement, together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any peri in who
would apply for it, and wh ite cause might
seem t" come within the range of ita healing
power—number* of severe casea of lung sta d.
ing, and tome of them seemingly deeper tie
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or to mucu relieved as to warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will d„
so. In fact, aucliia the confidence ofthe physi
cian under whose care tbeae patient* were
placed, in this remedy, a confide ice renrt
ing from tbe irrerisiible conviction that has
been forced upon hia mind by ocular demon
stration, and a persuntl trial nf it on hurseii
that he permits me to declare il as Ils deci
ded opinion, that ’heCatholicon il not only a
perfectly aafe and innocent, but a moat pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certa n dis
eases and atatea uf the ayatem, auch aa the fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation i Old and inveterat" Ulcers. Pa-ns
in the onnra attended with awetiings of the
j-iiiiis i Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimpiep, tic. i Aii complaints ot the Liver;
fetter.- Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
generally t Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter aol
emnly pledges h s. word eonsiita exclusively
of vegetable matter) with tbe exception of a
slight dotermi istion to the bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
pleasant tn the taste, and requires n • particu
lar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuoua li
quors always excepted.) or confinement. As
a gentle, aafe and agreeable cathartic mud.
cine, improving Ihe appetite and restoring tbe
general tone of the sys'em, it is coulid -ntly
recommended to ladies in a delicate situa
tion, W W. POTTER,
66 Chesnut-itreet.
Philadelphia, May 31,1834.
At the request uf Mr. W. W. Potter, I have
lately exhibited, in several instances, a niedi
calud s.rup, called Potter’s Vegetable Catho
iicoa, with the most decided advantage- I
haa, aa vet, never failed effecting a cure in
every case iu which I have thougnt proper to
employ it. H. M’MUUTfttE, U D.
Philadelphia, July 28th, 1824.
Mr. W W. Tetter,
Per.r Sir—You expressed a wish that I
wottl 1 give a concise statement of my suffer
ings, from 1 the bopelcas commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my disease
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was acixed
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I was compelled to bear
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, S. C. it waa treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Pl'-acnix-iike, the termination
ot this gave riar to a disease tq-iall)’ distress
ing, and which, till now, I had UH.ught incut-
able, Various ahseeasca made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous aise.—
These g- adusliy subsided into bard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of hone
took place, in addition to this, I suffered the
moat excruciating pains in my joint! that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief or ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such Waa my painful ai uation that I despaired
of ever being restored to my heal> hi lhad
not only tried the regular meant of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 cojld hear of- It was in this awful and
despond'ng condition,that I waa persuaded to
vommence a courie of your Vegetable (V h-t
icon, and the happy result is, em the me
of the two buttles my whole system hat under
gone a complete revo'ution, my pains have fo *u-
keti methe discharge from my knee begun
lo dimmish, ami anon ceased altogether, the
ulcer from » hence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for tbe removal
of which I have tried io vain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gone, baa returned—I an,
in fact, near’y well, and feel confid nt that a
few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me p'-rleclly so.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July *’6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon
is undiminisliod, and as -fresh in-tances of its
powers are daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar direases to which it ia applica
ble, as superior to any reme )v I am acquaint
ed With. M. M’UUHTRIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expna-
ure four veara ago, I bad the misfortune lo be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re-
suits of which induced me to apply in suc
cession to several reapectable physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite ai distressing
as the former. My whole ayatem became a'-
fected. I could get no rest at night on ac
count ofthe violent pain that I felt in every
part of my budy.- the weakness and emaeia
tion of which waa auch that I could scarcely
walk. In tliia itate I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain t my appetite ia good j and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, See.
Sworn and aubacribed to before ine, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 1874.
Sir—I am now, thanka to your medicine, a
hearty mar. For nearly six yetra I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravagea threat,
enetl, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my esistenee. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at laat got to auch e height that I
could not iwallow without great pain and
difficulty. Tumors funned in different parti
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottles of the
Catholieon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, and 1 am now ia well as I
could wish to be. With my thanka, am your
ibliged humble lervant, Uo.
.Citytf Philadelphia, ss
George Kane, of tbe District of South-
vark, personally appeared, and, being duly
awnrn, d ith declare and say that the above
atat ment lain all reipeets correct and true,
and that the signature to it ia in the baud
writing of this deponent.
JOHN RINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 23, 1824-
The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly
adapted to thoae diseases which are prevalent
among the colour od population ot the south
In that disease which is called yaws, it ia a
sure remedy i a single trial of it, will convince
S hutters of ita superior efficacy to any reme
y of a similar nature in the United States-
The advantages of this medicine ere, not
confining the psrient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.—
With one solitary exception, that of spiritu
ous liquors, it does not lay uny restrictions upon
his appetite It iaso gentle in ita opera,ion
that the patient finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As it ia not tile wish ol the
proprietor to take any tiling for which he
cannut give a consideration equal in value,
persons at a distance who may wish to try
ois medicine, hut who are not certain if it
be applieobfe lo their complaint, are request
ed to describe Ihcir ease and aymptuma in
a letter, p ist-paid, a-.d directed tn him—this
letter will be immediately placed in hands
fully competent to decide the question.—
Jhould 'he remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be franklv told so.
TO preve-it d .appointment it is well to
state ilut it tales inordina-y cases from 3 to
S holties to effect a cure an that pets jus who
are labouring under any aer.o.ia infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere tn that
exten. at least—if they do not, they might aa
well save themselves the trouble and expense
f usings smaller quantity,
-1 II orders ptsl-paid and enclosing Ihe money,
immediately attended to, and .tie medicine
packed and delivered with direction! for use,
tn any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im
position, it will be sold in the city ai' Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near Race-Street,
oral tile dwelling of Use proprhtor, Nu. 66
ilhcsitut street, only,and abroad by his au
thorized agent*. W W POTTER,
66 Che.nut Street, Phila.le\p/iia'
I have appointed GEORGE RYE ISON
Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug
gista wanting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. j$3G
per d .sen, nr three dollars a smgie bottle.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subscriber
will be furnished with certificates of the efii
etcy ot the above medicine, sufficient to con
vince the mind of the most sceptical, although
too numerous and lengthy fur newspaper in
sertion. GEO. HYEU.aON, Druggist,
Cornet of Bay and WhiUaker-Strcets.
dec 13
Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant, and John Carnoehan. Administrator, d
bmiis no , with the will annexed of Geor?e
Richardson and others, Defendants —In
equity. Chatham Superior Court— Chancery,
iiith August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnoehan,
one of (he defendant! in the aaid bill of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part ofthe United Kingdoms
ol Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It it ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nueban, do appear and answer to the com
plainant’! aaid bill, within nine month! from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
laid bill, aa to him, be taken pro confessn .-
and it ia further ordered, that a copy of this
order be publiahid once a week, in one of
the public Gazettes of this itate, until the ex
piration ot the time within which the aaid de
fendant is required to appear and answer as
True copy from fbe Mlnulea, this Slat day
August. 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 SDf
Georgia Camden County.
IJfTHKflBAS Sarah Drown Junior, widow,
T ▼ applie* to the Court of Ord nary of said
County, for Letters of Administration on tiie
eat ile of John Brown, late of said county, de
ceased, ar next of kin: These are, therefore,
to cite and admonish, all and lingular, the
kindred »nd creditors of arid deceased, *o file,
their obj ictions, if any they have, rn inv of
ficc, on or before the first in June
nest,otherwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witness the Honorable Britian R. Bunk
ley, one of the Justices of aatd Court,
thi* sixteenth day of April, eighteeu
hundred at d twenty -fire.
April 21 24
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied
to aaid Court, f ir Let’eta Dismisaory
on the estates uf Samuel Cozena and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to
cite and admonish, all and sing-iLr, the kin
dred and creditors ol the aaid deceased per,
ions, to file their objections, if any they hive,
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable J -me. Scott, one
of the Justices of said Court, this aix-
teeuth day of April, eighteen- hundred
and twenty-fi ve.
Apr I 71 24
Georgia—Camden County.
iT»HEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
t#Jf Court of Ordinary of aaid County: for
Letters Dismisaory on the estate of Fr.noes
Roaolupe: Tbeae are, therefore, to cite and
admoniih, all and lingular, tile kindred and
creditors of laid deceased, to file their objec
tions, if any they have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi at Monday in January next, other
wise Letters Diamiasory will be granted tbe
witness the Honorable Samuel Clarkr,
one of the Justices of aaid Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen bun
dred tnd twenty-five.
April 21 24
Comhill, Boston for publishing SOOTT's
FAMILY BIBLE, containing altih, M
ginal References, to be comp i, c J i, ,Th
bedished with a likeness ofthe Author. **
I t ahall be well printed, on good p„ ( , M
be comprised mux handaome v.JiVm.7.
will contain the 8cripture, of 0 ,,, ' “
JVVw Testaments, Vit Introductory Obsena.iT
Explanatory j\otee, and Practical ObsaZi.T'
and aU tbe copious Marginal Ref,
mg printed word tor word fr-„„ , he ,
Stereotype Edition, pubiiahed since th? it?
thor’s decease Tbe price will be 4->i
boards: fc24, in sheep; g-!0, in calf h; vi’
Extracts of Letts , addressedto the Publish,-
I esteem Dr. Scott’s Family Bihl, .
calculated to promote the in.e of (“S
piety. It teems scarcely nosa-ble f 0 ,
read daily the Notes and Obicrv?iio 0> ,„ ,v ta
Family Bible without becoming , wt-fj
>ettar man. EDWARD DGHIFKIY 1
I have seen no cojnnmtarv of ti„ .
Scripturea which 1 think ao well adaml
general use and edification. It is u , -l‘ 10
"which ever; family ought .'o P L,
It it a work diatingu-shed fo,*ihe'2a
ty and convenience of it, arrang-ane J ,u
clearness and fi lelity ot its expi,i-i„„ s ,| 1{
neatness and puripicudy of il. .t v | e , ' '
nevolt nee and candour of ita spirir, the cl
ciaenesa and pertinency of ita apniicauw
and for ita uniform tendency to pro note
geucal truth tad piety,
Of Dr. Scott’s Family Uilsie, I ie-1 free to
say, that in my estimation it dearriediy r ,k,
among ourableit and best ffontm i j in.
TilOMVi HA, 0E-,o
Dr. Scntt’a Family B hie int.idt.,
oecially for t' e use of an tamilin
work high y evangelical, ciltiuively i, lt i lu :
live, and deeply interesting
The character of Dr. So jlt’a Commeutm
on th* Bible, is ao generally k ,own, m' l
higblv approved amongst the most intc’iii o
xnd pious Christiana throughout connir,
Slid has passed rapidly through i„ mur.y la-
editions, tint 1 deem further rcfrm/urnijV
lions ueediess*
. . , .. J I'OUBF..
I am acquainted with no Com-intary » n
lh« Sacred Sc ipturen, whi<.h I wnuW more
cordially recomnienu for gem-rtl use. The
plan ofthe work iagood
Pcrhnpein no way, can minis’.; ft, ii it'uctun
of youth, xnd private Cbfialiens, do ^titer
jentae to society, thxn l everting them,
selvez to disseminate this Jmlv .‘-I'wwbli
I know nf no Commcnta'y win; h b b-l'rf
culculiled for diffusing correct viev-a tfiln
greut truths of Christianity, juri U.v-uj; vl’«
fivy impression! on the mind when ni j
trim the perufHi of it, than the one y.:u *e
jut to publish.
No writer it ems I’ibscI r>p4 ?e<'. to c«nienj
for barren speculn i Nm.c more uniform,
ly or more powi .fnli) inns’er £ erne*
sentiali of religion T he spirit wti chpir*
mbs tbe work i« excel\ n ; it is the me.k,
jftlctionare, bezling, yet faithful spirit of the
gospel. DANU& DANA.
From particular enminati «n* and co^lcu^
ring teitimony, the; e is no doubt o.» n.y mini
that Scott’a Family Bihle is superior ('• a/I
You will plesse to trend me «ii copies of
Sc >tt'a Bible t I refer to your lately propped
edition. Pei bapa 1 ahall induce five mure to
take the same number. H* L«
It ia with extreme pleasure I perceive
you are about to publish a new edition cf
Scott’a Bible. Having been in won rf
t more than 20 years, l trus f I know lome*
thing nf it* value, and am detetmiried to pio.
mote i>s circulation among my friend# You
will please forward six copies as soon u in' 1 )*
Uahed* C’»II
I have obtained four subscribers fpr the
excellent work you are publishing- H. S.
I propose to take seven setn of Scott^'c Bi
ble, and will be accountable for the same.
J C.
I have obtained snbsc.ibers for nineccpiei
of Scotty F imily B ble. J. C.
I ahall probably need eight or tsJ
Scotch Family Bible. 1. P
Kev. S. 8. of P. has o’ lamed ten rstocw
bers. 1. H.
I have observed that you are about pr.
fishing another edition of Sco.i’s B hie
hope you may succee l as you h>ve done in
ini mcr editions. I have been cndeuviri;)}' to
orocire subscriber* amoi g our peoy it*. »rd
enor more aubBcribera will be ob'ai -ca.
O. S.Hi
I will take ten sets (of Scott’s B'bie)
bound and lettered. J F*
I have obtained ten aubacribers f >t your
edition of the Family Bible—and have n*
doubt but (here might be someihiiig like KM
copies sold in this place if you had :«n »g»sl
here—I thought the work ought to be en
couraged and for hat re taon tot k a subsec
tion paper. Il is a work that every family
ihuuld have that is able to piucbtie.
J. E W.
I am glad, that y^u propose to print IT*
Scott’a excellent F amily Comment ary, iri
should be very glad if it were in my pnvet to
give a more liberal patronage to the work
than, aa circumstance* are, I can.
however, beuble to do something; eight <
ten sets I ahall certaiuly take { ana‘t miy be,
double that number. A. B.
I have procured fifteen lubicribef* ti
Scott’s Bible. J* A» D,
1 chink I shall dispose of 20 sets or more of
ike Family Bible. E- B,
I have circulated proposals for Scott J
Bible ; how many have been engfcged in sM
cannot tt 11; but between 20 and 30 Jf** ^
•h ; s vicinity.
I have concluded to become responiibk
to you for thirty tett of Scott’s CommenU7«
Ci Bi
I have procured 106 subscriber! to Aj
Bible} 6 seta to be bound in calf / 3 J
be done in boards the other 97 sets, boow
and lettered as described in the prospectua
H. «i (
1 preaume I could procure JOOiubwj'
fieri for your edition of Scott's Bible *
demand ia increisinj; for ttiem. They »
finally supersede erery other larje or r«" I
Bible. Fifty of my subscriber! live
circle of 8 miles!
just published an -Hitiin of the
completed in ai* volumea, vitheui . m * r P'
refereneca; price in boetla J8J* I in
821; in calf R27. Either cf th.-ae cdiW*
m«y be had ofthe publisher in Boiton; w
S. C. & J, SCHENCK, Savannah.
Ja-t It ■£-
Irom Brig Pheasant, for sale by
April id C. C. GRISWOtD,
.Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, just received M*
for sale by GEO. RYERSON
nov 29