Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 06, 1825, Image 2

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We publish in our subsequent columns a
portion of the Documents transmitted to
the Legislature by Governor Thoui>, rela
tive to the Creek murderR. Of these the
let'er of J ane H.iwki.ns, will be admired ns
a specimen of Indian composition. The
statement of Mr. Fi.ovbnoy is strong against
the agent in this bloody transaction. We
allude to that part in which one of the
Chiofs stated to Mr. F. that the Agent hod
•‘ told the Council that the only way to get
their land back and keep it, was to kill all
that had any hand in selling it, and burn
and destroy all they hail, which they could
not carry away,” 4c. This is given, it
should be recollected on oath; but the a-
gent is yet to be heard.
State LvoislatLiik.—In the House of
Representatives, that part of the Gover
nor’s Message, referring to the interference
of the U. S. Government With our domestic
concerns, was referred to a select committee
consisting of Messrs. Lumvkik. Lew, Bran
ham, Cullens, and Ad ams. The House 611
Monday last, was in committee of the whole
on the Lottery Bill—the motion to reserve
every tenth lot for the State had failed, and
another was pending, providing fertile reser
vation of every twentieth lot, in addition
to the fractious. The Joint Committee on
the state of the Republic were industriously
engaged in the examination of the massa
cre of M’Intosh. Messrs. Camfbell, and
Mehriwether, are witnesses.
every thing antorior to the shipwreck, 1 to got a lit tic something
must rely on the indulgence uf my friends. Ji^X^heGnwnKiriinV^V^r^'donV,
“ I expect to be on the vMllh or 20th oi that they may know our miserable comJi-
this month at Pittsburg, andarrivu at Bos-! tion unil iitferd us relief as soon as possible.
1 followed them tn their camp about IJ .piles
to try to beg of them something to covor
the doail with, but it was denied me. 1
tried also to get a horse to take my little
children and some pruvisions to last iib to
tho white settlements, which was given up
tumu and then taken hack, and had it not
Imvo been for some white men who assisted
in burying tho doad and getting us to tile
white settlements, we should have been
worse olf than we were, if possible. Before
I close, 1 must remark, that the whule of
the party so far as l knew them, were hos-
tiles during the late war.
♦These were Gon. M’lntosli’sj two wives,
tho one a Creek, the other a Cherokee wo
man. They are both said to have been af
fectionately attached to their husband, and
each wife living on amicublo terms with the
other,— editors Jicc.
One Day Later—London dates to the
evening of the 23d of April, are received at
New-York by an an arrival from Ireland.
Despatches had been received from Sir
A. Campbell, dated Rangoon, Dec, 10th
and 15th, announcing a series of brilliant
victories obtained over the Burmese by the
British a nd native troops. The entire hopes
of the King of Ava had been destroyed, his
army utterly ruined, and 240 pieces of ord.
nance, together with 3000 stand of arms,
the whole of the camp equipage, and 30 war
boats, taken by the British. Nothing was
said of the King of Ava’s death.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer had
introduced a bill into the House of Com
mons, to modify the law authorising the
collection of duties on spirits. It was his
intention to reduce the duty on foreign li
quors from 10s. to 5s. lOd. per gallon ; and
that most of the restrictions on Distillers
should he removed.
A letter in the Dublin Morning Post, da
ted London, April 23d, says that the Catho
lic Bill “ will be lost," a new reaction hav
ing commenced among the dissenters to
oppose it.
Accounts from Zantc, to the 15th March,
repeat the statement, that the Egyptian
troops,(3000) which landed on 'lie const of
Modon, had been attacked by tho Greeks,
and eut to pieces ; and thut the invading
Beet was blockaded by the patriots.
There had been an affray at Madrid be
tween the King’s Guards and the Royal
Volunteers, during a religious procession.
Several individuals were wounded, and two
women crushed to death.
Indian Affairs.—Tho Milledgeville
Journal says there iB reason to believe from
the manner in which M’Intosh was receiv
ed at Washington, and trom the attention
that was paid tn his complaints, that proper
and efficient measures will be taken by the
Government. M’Intosh himself, seems to
be altogether satisfied with the result uf his
It adds, of this we are assured—The
Treaty wilt be strictly executed in all its
purls by the United States government. 1 *
Uf this we have never entertained a doubt
—there is no other course to bo pursued bv
the general government, consistently with
good faith or sound policy.
A letter from General Lafavf.tte to
gentleman of Virginia, dated on board the
steam-boat Natchez, the 23d of April, an
nounces his intention of returning from
Boston “ to New-York, Philadelphia, Wash
ingtnnnndaN far as Mbnticcllo, with tho
intention of sailing for France, about the
middle of August; the importance to our
families, (adds Lite letter) by the death
the excellent Madame de Tracy, will lias
ten our departure acveral weckB.”
ton on the Ifltli June, by tho way of Alba
ny. I hope to be at New-York on tho 4th
j of July, thenco go to Washington, taking
Philadelphia ill iny way to take Jeave of se
veral rospectod friends, and embark for
France on the 15th of August.”
Tho Paris papers of tho I “Ih April, an
nounced the passing in the Chamber of De
puties, of “ the horrid law of sacrilege,” as
the Times calls it, by a vote of 210 to 95. An
amendment offered by Mr. Rov, formerly
minister of Finance, relative to the law for
indemnifying emigrants, had been rejected
by the Peers, an event that is considered
as decisive of M, Villei.e’b unsliakeable
By an arrival at Baltimore, from Cam-
peachy. in fourteen daye, we have tho la
test intelligence of the recent projected
movement against the Island of Cuba. The
expedition, wo arc informed, Imd boon
abandoned as a visionary schcmo, nnd its
commander, General St. Anna, sailed from
Alvarado, two days before the Tampico
left, having been ordered to Mexico bv the
Sovereign Congress. The country is said
to be in an unsettled state, and no security
in doing business—American produce is
a mere drug, and the productions of the
couutry very high. A large force is con
stantly kopt up in tho provinco uf Yucatan;
the regular troops amount to about nine
thousand. Genera) Moro is commander of
the province.
The Alliens Centinel. remarking on Gov.
Troup’s Message, says—"The message lias,
when speaking of previous decisions of the
Supreme Court, inducing Congress to act, a
reference to the Yazoo question—A ficti
tious case, it is well known, was gotten up
before that judicatory, in the case of Peck,
4.0. and oo the decision of the Coutt, the
tn-fainous compromiae took place. Under
the sanction of that all power-absorbing
tribunal, the act passed, by which five mil
al i and tIliB deponent drew him out fnun
Ihe names, and afterward', assisted two ci
ther white men to bury them both. This
banditti were busily engaged from the com
mencement of the horrid scene, until a lato
hour of the morning, in plundering and dc
For the North.
The subscribers will
engage to furnish a
e.oaeli and four horses,
start by the 15th
stroyiug every thing valuable, as well tho inst. and go through the different states ns
properly of the white men who were pres- far as New-Jersey. Enquire of
out, as the property of tho General, tear, i P. C. STRYKER,
ing a frock off of a young Indian Icmule, Georgia Hotel, Savannah
ami leaving several ehildron stark naked,'
and carrying otT a great many negroes and i
horses, (and cattle as they themselves told ,
me) and said they were ordered to destroy |
whatever they could not carry oil', and I saw j
them shoot many hogs which they loft on |
the ground. The General’s Cherokee wile
D URING the absence from th„ I
the subscriber, Mr. A. J, (-'o' 1 ' l '
will act os his attorney. " ° IIA »
Junes JB,R1C11M0 ‘?.
.Turn* 6
Just Revived by ship I
£2.j> ozen Scidlitz Powder. “ 1 1
Corn Afloat.
wont out to the camp of the besides to beg
from them a suit of white to bury the Ge
neral in, which was deniod, as she said i— for sale by
June 11
To Col. Campbell and Maj. Jtlcrrmclher.
Fayette County, 3d May, 11125.
Jfy Dear Friends—I solid you this paper
which will not tell you a lie, hut if it had
ten tongqes it could not tell all the truth.
On the morning of the 30tli of April at
break of day, my lather’s house was sur
rounded by "a party of hostile Indians, to
the number of several hundred, who in
stantlv lirod his dwelling and murdered him
and Thomas Tustennuggec, by shooting
more than one huuurod bulls into them,
and took away tiro whole of father’s money
and property which they could carry oil)
and destroyed the rest, leaving the fumily
no clothes (some not a rag) nor provision. —
Brother Chilly was at falher’a and made his
escape shroiigh a window, under the cover
of a travelling white man, who obtained
leave for them to come out that way. It
being not yet light he was not discovered.
While those hostiles were murdering my
beloved father, they were tying my husband
(Col. .Samuel Hawkins) with coriis, to wait
tile arrival of ltockchunga, Tlilo. -co-cos-
com-ico and Munnatvana, who were the
commanders at father's, to give orders for
the Colonel’s execution also,' which took
place about 3 o’clock tile same day. And
these barbnrous rues, not content with spil
ling the blood of both my husband and fa
ther, to alone for their constant friendship
to botii your nation and our own, refused
my hands the painful privilege of covering
his body up in the very ground which he
lately defended against those hostile mur-
.. , „ , i derers, and drove me from my home, strip-
lions o dollars were put, not into the pock- , of two br , 8t friomls J no ()ayi Btr ,£.
etsot the innocent purchaser, but ol the £ e d of all my property, my provision, and
speculator, who had mined m bribing the ^ y olothi 1*^, / mo ,4 ml „r u ] reflee .
t B ? , :, mb y -u y .m'"?. t ! ,0 .. trU,l " l . C "A S ' lk ‘ L W '' 3 tion than all these, that the body of my
iioor murdered husband rImuUI remain un-
nnd on her return, she informed me that
those Indians said they were ordored to do
whnt they had dope by those who ruled the I
Nation since the Big Warrior's death, mid j
they were supported and encouruged by tho
Agent. I observed, 1 did not believe that:
she replied, they would not tell a lie on tho
Agoni, for they’must know it would come
to his ears, and they would have to nnswer
for it. About 11 o'clock, those murderers
returned again, and after ascertaining that
a plain countenanced old man could under
stand some English, 1 observed to him, *' old
gentleman, is this the way your people do ;
go to a man’s house and shoot him ond burn
his house, and take every tiling he has and
carry it away; or are these bud men, what
have they done ?” He renlyed, he did not
love to kill them, but tho heads of the
Nation said so. I asked If Iulockchungu &
Thiocco-coscomico were the heads of the
Nation ; he answered no : the Little Prince
and Iloiioiete-yoholo were their heuds, now
the Jiig Warrior was dead. I replied, these
were the very two men that sent word to
the Governor that those chiefs shmld not
be hurt—he answered that at first they did
send that word to the Governor, nnd then
it was so : but sin*u* that the Agent had al
tered it, and t »ld the Council that the only
way to get their land bock and keep it, was
to kill all that had any hand in selling it.
and burn and destroy all they had, which
they could not carry away ; and after that,
other chiefs never wouid attempt to sell
Their land lor fear of being treated in the
same way ; and When they had completed
tlie above as ordered by the Council, they
would send word to the President that they
had saved their land, and done took it back ;
and now he and the white people never
should have it again. The above article
was confirmed bv Col. Hnwkins's widow
next day, as coming from the party who.
murdered him, adding the name of Walker,
former sub-Agent, to that of Mr. Crowell.
Sworn to, and subscribed before me, this
16th day of May, 1825.
H. ALLEN, J. I. C.
£\f \ BUSHELS Prime Corn, on
A • v/vr board schooner Mary and
George Washington, nt Moore's Wharf,
" * ‘ COHEN &l .MILLER.
For Sale, >
QAIIO BUSHELS Liverpool Ground
OUUU Sail, apply to
June 6
H AVE rocoived bv the achooner St&r,
a fresh supply of
Fancy and Staple Articles,
AMOjNG which are,
Barege Shawls and Handkerchiefs
Green Gauze Veils
Fashionable Ribbons
Muslin Rohes, Swiss Muslin do. Black
Mo le
Black Levantines
Blue and Yellow Nankeens
Pluid and Figured Book Muslins
Cassinetts for Gentlemen's summer
White Linen Drill
Colored do do
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Feather Funs
Parasols, Umbrellas, &c. &c.
June 6 63n
Best Lamp Oil
For sale, by P. E. BIi \SSlN\F
p ril ' V i •!“**<•£■»
Essential Oil of Spruce
J UST received from the Pai eMre . ,
neatly put up in phials. um| r„r nil,,
Ma J 23 Shad’s Building,
CoUce, l*or k
C. C. GvismU & Co.
20 Hull Barrels Canal Flour
100 Kegs White Lead
22 do Black Faint
5 do Spanish Broivn
10 Barrels Whiting
May 20 49
* Etome.
mnde—and who had in most cases been,
doubly paid for his .peculation-first, he , Lied, tf| h() dfiV0Uri ,j liy lilc birdfl an( i tkp
had drawn, under the net ot Georgia, linr beaslH . vVas. ver poor woman worse otrj
portion of the sum pud to the state lor lus I than ,, , ,„ 1VB t hi,\„ome n , nmvn.l amono
share and secondlv, he had sold n large 0 ur white IViends. who although they are] 1
portion (if not tho whole) of his smp-at-! very kin(J , have but | itt | 0 l0 b ” gl(nv nle MARRIED,
terwnrds hu was a third time paid by the and my ppor bo l p i r88 infant, who must snf-1 On Sunday evening last, hy the Rev. Mr.
United SuteB. If the encroachments ol for be ,|- ore nny al( ] ottn roa( . b us f rol „ vou .! Bolen, Mr. Gonbtink Connki.v, Mr reliant,
the General Government, thus induced by jj Ut j can |j VG a g reftt w bI1c on very li’.tle ;; to Miss Mary Makar, both of this city.
I. .. .1 _ . . I. It 1 T 1 _ .. .1 I i tn tpi. ,, nr,, j.... 1m.., I... , I. A D
Lafayette Pamphlet,
J UST published, price seventy-five cents,
an account of the reception of
On Saturday, March 19th, 1825,
of the entertainment* given him, and of the
ceremonies, Masonic and Civic, on laying
the corner stones of inonuineuts to the mem
ory of Generals Grkk.m: and Pulaski.
Compiled and published in compliance
with a resolution of the Lufayette Joint-
Committee. W. T. WILLIAMS.
June 6 63p
On Thursday evening last, by the Rev.
the Supremo Court, be not promptly met besides the confidence I have on you and,
and repelled, our liberties, as states, will y0 ur government, for I knew by your prom- Mr. Hills, Mr. Daniel E. Smith, to Mrs.
soon be engulphed. and the advocates of a f 8e * wi „ aid and (]otblld J > s J nn as Martha Hughes, qnth of this city,
consolidated and splendid government, wilt yo / hear from our situation. These mur-
triumph. In arousing the south then, to a ?| erere are lhe v Bame hoatilp8 who trea , —
sense olits danger, lot the plum unvarnish- ... 3
dd. '
ted the whites ten years ago as they have
... ... now treated my husband and father; who 1 ■ ----- —
] have completed the work of murdering,
DOCUMENTS. I burning, piimtlcrin", and destruction, tin y ,
„ „ , , * , „ , ' will send the President word that they have
Copy of a letter J rum Peggy and Smnntmh 8avo j t | leir land ull( j tak(;11 it back ; a)l j j
M’Intosh, Ito Messrs. Campbell and Men- t | la , | le aIll | t | 10 white people never shall!
wether. U. A. Commissioners. i liuve it again | which is the order of I lie'
Mav 3, Line Cheek, Fayette Countv.
Gentlemen :—When you see this letter
stained with the blood of tny husband, the
list drop of which is now spilt for tho friend*
sb;|j he has shown for your people, I know
you will remember your pledge to us in be
half of your nation, that in the worst of e*
vents you would assist nnd protect us—&
when I toll you thut at day light on Satur
day morning last, hundreds ot tho Hostile**
Ship Tamerlane, Johnson, Liverpool,
Johnston, Hills &. co.
Steam-boat Augusta, Grceu, Charleston
heads of the nation, by tiic advice of the.2 days, bound to Augusta.
Agent. We expect that muny of our best SAILED
IruMH^ are uircudy^kdled. but have not ghi,, Augusta, White. New-York.
hoard, by reason of tho waters being too
high for word to go quick, which is the on
ly reason Colonel Miller and others on his
side of the river were not killed. We are
in a dreadful condition, and I don’t think
there will be one ear of corn mude in this
part of tho nution, for the whole of the
aurroumleiTnur hmiso. ami instantlv mur-“ j lVioml| y P“ r, y '"ivc lied to DeKalb and Fay-
dered General M’Intosh and Tome fusion.; ct,0 1 cu "' lUw ' 100 nincli'alarmcd to return ...
nuggee by shooting near one hundred balls ■ *° tliuir houses »o get a little grain ol what gi,,,,.,
into them (Chilly and Moody Kennard ma-, c 1 0r " iboy felt tor themselves and their tain- s]o( / p G(
king their escape through a window ;) they subsist on, much
Ship Chariot, Pratt, Liverpool.
Ship Tamerlane. Johnson, Liverpool.
Brig New-Httinpshiru, Snow, do.
Brig Commerce, Turner, Charleston.
Colombian armed schooner Reprcs&lic.
Capt. Bedford, on a cruize.
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston.
Sloop Regulator, Hall, do.
Sloop Harriet, Bolles, do.
ry Jane, Mnrcellin, do.
Good Intent, Allen. do.
more to stay at gj OU p Mary's, Nye, Providence.
VANNAH, MAY 15, 1325,
On the belialfof the Savannah Missionary
Society, by the
P RICE tweutv-fivu cents, just published
by S. C. 4 J. SCHENK.
June 6 63e
Or rli’ j'.
T HE subscriber, has opened un
the sale of Negroes. Lots, Lands, Ink
Stuck 4c. and solicits lliepalruiiugeufllie
public. Advances will be innili. an p t0 ™,.
ly confided to him for sale if desired. 1
Wanted to purchase Plnnters’aml Unilal
States Bunk Stock.
June 2 Shjp4(n
IMvtdenA No. "I
A DIVIDEND of six dollars per s!iare
has this day been declared on the pro
fits of the Steam-Boat Company, fir iti* I
liL«t. four months, payable on the first Mon. I
day in June m*xt, to the Sluckhuldeiv nr I
their authorized agents, nt the c tonm!ioat I
otfiee, Savaunnh. WM l* UUNTEK,
Treasurer Steam-Bunt Company.
May 3 :Mrrt
Brown Si Overstreet,
H AVE this day declined the LUMBER
FACTORAGE. For the future they
will not receive lumber of any kind on con
signment, but will purchase nil descriptions
of lumber by the. raft or wholesale, ond for
ttrliii.ii cuL'Ii null ku until Tl.oir un!
then commenced burning and plundering ih! ^ 0,,,e 1° ,ua ^ e l,,or ® » we Jcar every S| n0 p Rosetta, Vernard, St.. Johns, (E. F.)
the most unprincipled way, so that hero I j <j*y that what little provi ion we lutt wtU be gj 00 p Cynthia, Turner, Beaufort,
am, driven from the ashes of my smoking j destroyed. I am afraid you willI think I: cluauep for this port,
dwelling, loft with nothing but my poor lit-1 ^ worse, but now can that be. tor it | Charleston, on Saturday, bark Colum-
tle naked hungry children, who need some | 1H wor8C P! ItBC , v ia n <Tuy pen cun write. Robinson,
immediate aid from our white friends ; and j ^. v c ? n , on a ^ ,T1,ly no equal, and mocks j
we lean upon you while you lean upon your me . u , n * tr y R P eaa After I was i p n A.pnrrnrp in the shin Augusta White
government. About the same time of tho 1 8tr| PP®J of *JjyJ a8t frock bl,t °" e ’ humamty ^ New-YorkMrs. Neufville. Mrs. Gre-
m«»rningthat they committed the horrid act! and duty called on me to puli it oft und Webster, Miss
on the General, another party caught Col. I spread it over the body of my dead husband, £ a |5wui R. II. Wilde, 2 children and 2
Samuel HawkinB and kept him tied qlitil a-! v y. aa tt 0 ' ve( ‘ >i[° P tbcr covering) 8orvantd ’ (j 0 |. White and ladv, of Florida,
bout throe o'clock when the Chiefs return-1 which I did as a farewell witness ot aflee- . ®” rv „ ’ ? V i i ,
oouiinroe ouolk, wnen rne enters return . . -Mr. Hunger ford, lady 2 children and ser-
ed trom our house and gave orders tor hw! l ! on * w , as . m, , CH rrom .7 * rie nu, lout rp h \ a j r |,;i ( i nM , \j r
execution in the snino wav and refused to s,8trr Catharine who was with me)and had ! JJ” 1 ' , f* 1 hnmab ’ la ,y ana J[“Utrc.n, jur
execution in the same way. and rolused to t0 Htay all night in thl . wn0( | s , surrounded ! ' aily £ ai 9 5, llll, ' r ™’ M, r - Veom.n
by a thousand hostile Indians, who were an( * JJJ (f8Krs * Nculvdle, C. L. Law-
constantly insulting and atfrighting us i ]T nc ii’ G. Thomns, N. Barker, M. Hopper,
And now I am here with only one old coat | G; Barnsby, Ringold, Clay, Root, Cod-
to my back, and not a morsel of bread to | wl ® e ’ Uurn, Gleason, and Crude. ,
save us from perishing, or a rag of a Man- . Pa^ngors in the ship Chariot, Pratt,
ket to cover my poor little boy from the sun , !° r Liverpool: Messrs. Wright, 1. R.
leave his implements to cover his body up
with, bo that it was left exposed to the fowls
of the air and the beasts of the forest, and
Jimmy and her child are hete in the same
condition as we are—tills party consisted
principally of OakftiBkies, Talleilegus and
Muekfaws, though there were others with
thorn. The Chiefs that appeared to head
the party, were Inlockunge of Muckfaw,
naiilin, but I know not whom lie wus from,
who sniil they were ordered to do it by the
Little Prince, and Ilnpnieth-yoholo; and
that thoy were supported and encouraged in
it by the Agent and the< Chiefs that were
left after tho Big Warrior’s death, in a Coun
cil at Broken Arrow, where they decreed
that they would murder all the Chiefs who
hud any hand in selling the lund, and burn
and destroy, and take away all they had,
and then send on to tho President that he
should not have the land. I have not heard
of the murder of any others, but expect all
are dead|that could be catchcd. But by
reusun of a great freshet in the Chattahoo
chee, they could not get Col. Miller nur
Hogey M’Intosh nor the Darisaws, and they
and Chilly are gone to the Governor. Our
country is in a must ruined state so fur as I
have heard, (though hy reason of tho high
at noon or the dew at night. I am a poor
distructed orphan and widow.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
In a iotiur from the General, dated at' wafers word has not circulated fust)! all
Louisville on the 12lli ult. he says, " a . j huve tied from their homes in our pur to and
ww. ...WM j isKfis wSfts!
fill all the papers which I had preserved this place,) from 150 to 200 of them, who
aro afraid to go to thoir homes to get a grain
of what little corn they have to eat, much
more to try to make any morn, and if you
and your people do not assist us. God help
my i ns—we muatdio either by the sw ird or the
' famine—'this moment Gen. Ware has come
during my journey,—nil my letters
to bo answered—nnd a grout number of
answers which I had prepared during twelve
days navigation. ThiB loss throws all
corrpspondcnco into confusion—I liuve not j in> ant| wi|) in „ ( - BW mil , ute9 start with a
saved a single memorandum—and as to few men and a few friendly Indians, to try
Yongc and Son, nnd Jnn. Pritchard.
Passengers in tho brig Now-Hnmpsliiro,
Snow, fnr Liverpool:—Messrs. J. Dreg-
horn, M’Intosh, and Pnrlnin.
Tlie ship Halcyon. Wooster, for Liver-
_ ,, , , „ „ pool, dropped down below on Saturday fore
Personally appeared before me, Harris, t0 Pomp i Pte ht , r |„ a di n g.
Allen, one ot the Justices ol the Interior Ljsl n r wml , , he Pnrt of Savannah,
court tor said county, Francis Flournoy, Jmc 6l f t , 0 g 5 3 8 | lipH , , br j, r) 7 Bchoo .
who being duly sworn deposeth and saith J ner8> an(1 5sloops . Tl)ta |, 6 .
that ho \vns at Gen. Wilhnin M Intosh s in | Arrivals at Charleston during the month
the Creek Nation, one of the Chiefs ..t said I of May _ 2 3 ships and barks; 20 brigs ;
Nation, on the morning of the 30th of April 5 „ BC |,- oonnrs . 2 .] 8lnnps; » stram .boats—
last,when about daybreak a party ot Indians, cleared and sailed, IB ships and harks ; 20
(with one Whiteman among them, whom | brj . 52 schooners: 23 sloops; 10 steam
tlm Indians said was by the name of Hud- ] hoa 6 t „. In pnrt , J une , i, is slops and barks;
man, as well as I recollect, and who eaid j , 2bri . 178cbooncrg; 3sloops; 3 steam
he was not sent by the Chiefs to murder, to!
burn, nor to plunder, but to act as interpe-1 *
ter, and preserve tho travellers, should ——-
there be any there) consisting of from two
to four hundred, who, so soon as thny had
closely surrounded the General’s dwelling-
house, and fixed a guard round the house
which I was in, set fire to tho dwel-
Txeaautj ).ie\mvU»\eftt,
April 29, 1825
T HAT, on the first day of October next I
the principal of the six per cent, store I
of tho United States, created under the an-1
thority of nn Act of Congress, entitled ‘Ai I
Act authorising a loan for u sum not exceed-1
ing eleven millions of dollars," approved ct I
tho fourteenth day of March, onethmirani I
eight hundred and twelve, together with I
the interest then duo thereon. wi!l be paid I
to the proprietors of said stock, or to theit I
attorneys duly authorized, af the Treasury I
of the United States, in Washington, aud I
at the several Loan Offices, on the bonks nf I
which any portion of said slock may stand. T
A surrender of the Certificates of said |
Stock, will he required nt tho time of pay-
mont, and the interest on said Stock will I
cease, from nnd after the thirtieth day of I
September next.
I Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
May 12
which cash will he pant. Their subsequent j ^ tffcfciU •>\oUMtaOl \\0Unt,l
commission business, will be devoted to the p
salt’s of produce exclusively, and for which Jl( ffiC IHtlC OrcIlUV(l,
purpose they will shortly provide themselves | _ _
with a counting-room und fire-proof stores, t fTlHE subscriber (late of bykes’
in some central part of tho city. Tiny, •»- York Coffee House,) being cnp;i.*<ll
have made arrangements with extensive by the Proprietors ot tlie aboyi: establ-f.
Grocers and Importers of dry goods, both ment, contemplates opening it for therm;•
in this city and Charleston, to supply their tion ol visitors on the first day oLlmiuufd-
customers with nil necessary articles, on I Since the lust season an additional l»Ml’I
accommodating terms. j ing iias been erected, (connected with tut I
In declining of the Lumber Factorage, ; former one) 80 feet by 32, and /?#ur>rornrI
they take this opportunity of tendering tlieif! high* so that, the present building* areiJ.M
grateful thanks to their many friends, for feet in longth, with a wing on ik
the ten years patronage which they have east end ol 80 feet; a piazza l‘2teotinwi , ’J|
received. ; and 110 feet in length, in front nt the bum r
Persons having demands, are requested' a,lf ^ w* 1 !* the second story. I
to render them for seuleinont., and those ! The above house is situated about ^ I
indebted will bo pleased to make payment. • Ibet above the level ot the Hudson I
Jnne 6 » <>3|» : and commands a view unsurpassed in tw ,f I
■ . any other country. The air is purf.I
i scenery interesting, and the subscribir I
I deteriniued that the am>mmndation.«. *•* f
tendance and fare, shall be such ns- 8,,<
by yeurs of experience on liis part, shu'l e-*
der the establishment in every respect"^ I
thy of the most liberal patronage* ■
for the purpose, of transacting the above, hu- The “Cauters-kill Falls" are uhoot 2 nut’
sinews, nnd will be thankful for a share of from the Pine Orchard. Upon ortiiul*"^
public patronage. They will use their best. surement, their height is asr.ertnnied to I
endeavors to give general satisfaction.— i rising 275 feet. By means of a
They have purchased out the entire stock : hove tho falls, tho water is preserved. •“
of Lumber of Messrs. Brown & Overstreet,! when visitors request if, is lei out and p**
which they oiler low for cash or approved 1 ever the falls, and adds much, to the W' I
paper. Among which are octing scenery around them. 1
200,000 tie t Quality of B 0 Ut.! c ^;^neCDeh»rd”is«.nO-
the oily of New-YOT.
Lumber Factorage.
T HE subscribers have entered into
partnersiup under the firm of
WjiUs & Broivn,
and which are offered in small parcels at! mU e!? South West from Albany
^3 50 per M
June fi
tie West from
miles Snulh YV
! South YVest from tlie
II mil'* |
jty of Hudson;
ed Shing'es,
small pan
ELISHA WYLLY, i- - --v.
CHARLES I. BROWN. I miles west from the flourishing "i ,
I Cattskill, on the Hudson river,
I veyances can be procured at any ho»b
ing easy of access by steam-boats an •
riages from either of those places, or ^
Sheriff’s Sale,
On theJinl Tuesday in July next,
‘ he sold at i lie Gmirt House
« tween the usual h^urs of ten and lour
A . the northern half af Lot and impruve.
mc'its No. twelve (12) Columbii W.rd, in
he city of Savannah, levied on as the proper-
t> of Wra. Stone, under an execution from t! govern tlie operations u, ...» ••
Justices Coort in fsvor of Wnii Robinson, and ! propreitors, and will regulate the r
urned overby a Conitable, j n,ent of the subscriber and those lie
T' ri e B'ick tenement, un lhe Steam-Boat :
Company*. Wharf, levied on as the property ” •» '
moved to State-Street, between Bar
nard and JeHerson-Streets, and opposite
eral, who instantly fell, and was drawn out, the residence of A. Telfair, Esq. It will
of the house with considerable effect of tlie | remain open during the slimmer season, and
flames ; and they continued firing at his I the following branches of education taught,
corpse until I think they had shot more than | viz : Rending, Writing, Grammur, Geog-
fifty hnlls into him. They then set fire ol-1 ruphy, Embroidery, Plain Sewing, and
so to the house in which this deponent and Marking, Terms of tuition, which linve
one other white mail nnd three Chiefs hud • been reduced, may be known nn application
stayed all eight; and finding Thomns Tub- • to Mrs. L. who pledges herself that no ex-
tennuggoo* (a Coweta Chi».') within, they ■ ertion shall he spared to merit t coutinu-
appoarud much gratified, and shot him al- an c of public patronage,
most as often as they hud done the Gener-j May IS 4 7 j|i.
uny of the towns on the banks t
’"The House will be fitted up in tin'll
superior style, combining elegance
comfort, and a liberal Tegard tor lhe J
? and convenience of the S m L
pleasure t
of the inonificei
of John DHvidion, Aganr of the Steam Boat
Company of Georgia, infMVorofB irney M*Ca!>
1 n. turned over to me by a Corr table*
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
ik the property of John to satisfy an
eaecutiou in favor of Z .c ari b v. Winkler,
i^Hut (1 from the Hon* the li.unot Court of
Chatht.m county.
411 that lot of land and the improvements
thereon, aituHte, lying and being in the city of
Savannah, aod known and dstinguiahed in a
;.ian of aaid city by the deaenption of Lot No*
one, (D Wilmington Tithing, Darby Ward,
cooiain ng 60 feet in front on Bay at and 90
feet on Bud at. an<* bounde d on the aou h by
Bay lane, kvied on as the property of lamea
Morrison, to satisfy an cxecutism in favor of
Jamd Hickson tj r.o
Juno. 6 63
Fie indulpps a confident hope. ^*! i
cry advantage which a place of im ■
resort pan boast in beauty of sit j^l
terior comfort and prompt attenti I
receive a share of public P Qtri T a r . e o a t^ I
advantages shall be found, and j P qj. I
age liberally bestowed at the r
cE,rd -" CHARLES H. WEI*
Cattskill, May 11,1IK5.
I? The Editors of tlie National • •
Philadelphia; Federal Gazette,|
National Intelligencer, YVashingt"”- >ril j
mend Enquirer, Charleston Coum^ jo .
Georgian, Savannah, are roqwrt *
sort the above in their rospective F (1 j
once a week, forthree wee,»^ I
their bills to the Mountain House.
May l»