Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 06, 1825, Image 4
VMUNI ®A!DfiSs wmw SAW* Sheriff’s Sales. On the fi a* 'Tuetday in June next,, nrfStLL be aold it llie Court-Houae in the \JJ town of Jeffereon, between the hour oTten o’elock in the morning, end tour o elk. in the afternoon* one undivided moiety, of the following property, vi* * A treet of land eituate on the tooth tide of flitillt Hiver, containing five hundred acrea, ■ >re or leet. two hundred end fitly icret ol which it under cultivation, end bounded eut by Untie of Mn F M. Otborne, tuuth by lands of - Haberihtm, weit by Itndt of Jdhn. Mon, norlbwtrdly by SitilTi Hirer, together with ill the building! ind pltntitiun loolt ,h AUoI fifkr'or'tiity held of cattle, thirty thoep, two Salt, one bmt, end the following aegro tlivet, to wit, George, Lucy, Alaliba, March, Chirloite, Georgette, Peggy, Castius, Blleck, Pendandy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hen- ry, Friday, 8imon Bslbesay, Lomu, Snun, Druectta, Helly, Patley, N.ncy, Marcus, My ra James. Toney, Helen, Romulusi lanctle, Bcendy, Abbey, Ben, P.evidence, Monaoii, DslUe Cyrut. Biff Jack, Amelia. Juhet, Pale- ■tor, Philip, Lucinda, A tainont, Lau'l, Long Jim, Bole, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart, Pliebe, Billy, Nit, Damor, Driver Jim, Mint. Lavinia, Cleopit.ii, Cinidi, Durc»s, T«nih M Luke, Silly, Paulms, Caliata, Sc ‘P!°- Cain, Nancy Cane,, Job, Bora, Pm ■an, Deck, Pompey, Patty. Diana, Cidumbu Dob, Liaai,Andrew,Nim.y, Mitthew, London, Little Pendth, Prince, Ceamr, l hillis, Little Jack, Finny, D«oiel,nmor, Ned, Little George, Solomon, Gimbay, JCate, Prioiili, Adam, and Jlirvi being one hundred in numocr, leiu.o oa %Dd to be fold to ••turfy an execution IgainiC Joh'-t King and Weevale Jouea, in fa- •or of Jac •> R. Volk' . , « Alan, one h tne ind lot, ailucte, lying * n< j being, in the town of St. M.rya, o-vdr P“" lot number one, containing me hundw-d let In front, and four hundred and hi tty ire Xeet deep, levied on ind to be loloai the proper^ of John B. Cbriitopher, to satisfy an ezecu- tion on foreoloiure of mortgage, in favor ul William Berrie, under the rule ibanhite M. H. HEUB4UD, S. S. C Sheriff ’s Sales, On thefieri Tuetday in July next, W ll L be aold a the Court Uouae n* the City of Savannah, between the houra often and four o'olock, All the laiildlnga and improvementa on I.ot No 40, Warren ward, w tluhe tuiezpirod leaae of and Lot of Land, levied on na the properly of Chalet H Hayden, under a fit, fa. on fore- cloture iu favor of Frederick W. Heinemann. A. D’LVUN, D. S, C. C. May 9 39 VALUABLE MEDICINE. April 23d, 18 5. April 28 30 Treasury ) March, 14, 1825 5 W HEREAS on the 3d of March, lRfi. a law wu panned by the Congress ot the United Status, of which the 3d, 4th, and 5th sections are i»* the words f >llowi'ig, vi* i •» See. 3. And be it further enucied, That • subscription'o the amount of twelve miiionB of dollira, of the mi p r cent, stock of tne ycar eighteen hundred *nd thirteen, be, and the same is hereby proposed » for which pur- pose book* shall be opened at the Treasury of condition of the organa of life to a free tm! r. a, .. I .. . 1 . . I a I.... . (E I L- -_1, t. a i nflliit'io r.iualinna kai own! roiild wish to he. With my thanks, am your ■bliged humble servant, Uc. GEORGE KANR. City of PM'adelphia, it ■ George, of the District of South- vark, pcraonally appeared, and, being duly sworn, doth declare and say that the above . ,, _ ... t ■ . - r cr ■ a alatement ia in all reapenti correct and true, teution ol every friend of.uffmng hu „ nd that the signature to it is in the hand luable iDasiiiniw nf'thia ilpitnupnt TOTTER’A Vegetable Cathoficon. ff t^E siibn rib, r rea r olfully solicits the at tention of every friend of suffering manity, to to the above new and invali City Sheriff’s Sales, On thefint Tuetday in June next, ■jyiLL be a Id at turn Court House in the the huurs City of Savannah between if ten and four o'clock. One negro woman named Sander, levied on ns the property of John and Valeria Davis, ,o satisfy an eaceulion from the Court of Com mon Pleaa and Oyer and Tei miner for the ci ty of S ivannah, Wm Bowen, va John F G Da vit guardian of John and Valeria Davis. A'.ao One negro woman named Louies, lc »led on as Ihe property of John I Bulloch, to satisfy sundry executi na romtlie Cuurt ol Common Pleuand Oyer and Terminer for the oily of Savannah, Wm C Barton and othera.vs lohn I Bulloch. Alao all ihe buildings on Lot No forty (43) Warren wa. d bounded north by a 1-ht aoutl. by Broughton atreet. east by Lot Nn thiitv- oine (39) and west by Lincoln atreet, levied on at the property of Chai H Hayden, to aatis- fv an execution for ground rent in f-vor of ' hi Herman Lutheran Church, va that. H. Hay Jen. A. I. D’LYON, C. S. mav 9 59 manity, to to tlie above new and invaluable wnli , 1 - 0 f this deiionent remedy, wlioao unequal powers in eliminating * J OH’> BIN NS, Alderman Philadelphia, Hay 28, IS24- from the ay at j in ihn very aecda of diaeaae, and in restoring the deranged and morbid SCOTT’S BIBLE arr.ntoi rra snmoa. * Sheriff'’s Sale. On Ihe firtl Tuetday in June next, VCWll.L be aold in front of die Ooutt- Njy House, in the city of Savannah, between (he usual houra often arid four o’clock, Lol and buildings No ' 5, Bruwn waid, le vied on under two executions again,- CII Hay den, in favor of Frederick W. Hcincn.aun, and in favor f RAJ Habersham- Two Lots of iand, situate from the comet of Rut B'o.d s , on the Thunderbolt R ad on the adj lining comer, levied on aa the pro perty of 0 H Hayden, to aatiafy an exccunon issuing from a Juitieea C-iurt in favor of A D. Lsroch, returned to me by a constable. A negro man named Doctor, levied on aa (he properly of JoaialijJ Tippio, to satisfy two executions in favor of Georg.- W Coe, and one St favor of J B Wick. Three negroes, Titus, Betsey, and Chance, levied on aa the property nf Thoa N Morel, to aatiafy »n execution in favor of the Bank of the State of Georgia. A woman named Phillis and her child Ste. phen,levied on as the property f ihe eat. of A Jackson, uo 'er an execution from Richmond Superior Court, in lavorof Jonathan Sawyer, A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C. May 9 - 9 4m — Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in June next. VfWiLL be a ud at the Court- ttuuae in the \J|J City of Savannah, between the hours of ten and four o’elock, the followiug 16 ne groes, vi*.— Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry, Billy, Burke, Parris, Brem, Dinah, Little Bram, Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase of the families, levied on uud.r a foreclosure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Washington, for use. . Two negroea, viz: Ned and Glasgow, levi- od on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chat, Water to Joseph K ipman. ISAAC D’LYilN, S. C. C. april 4 09 Sheriff’s Sales. O N the first Saturday, after the first Tiles. day in June next, will be sold at the Market- House in the town nf St. Marys, two ■egroes, viz. Bob and Rose, levied on aa the property ol Joseph Bain, to aatiafy an execu tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of Samuel Clarke, andGeorge S. Brown. April 8,1325 M.H HEUBAUD.S.C.C. April 1 ’ 3 *, - — —— Sheriff’s Sales, On the finl Tuetday iu June next, F :VE Hundred acreaifLnnd lying in the County of Effingham, bounded north by Michael Hydes, east by Christian Robenhuist all other tidea vacant at the time of the origin- »! survey. Alio 150 acres, half of a tract oi 300 acreaoaginally granted to Christian Ro- benhurat- Also 430 aerea bounded north bv landi of Daniel Steiner, eaat Jno Snyder and others, at the time of original aurvey. Also, IJQ acres touthwa-dly by lands of Uobenhu't’, east John and George Snyder, and n-r'i Robenhurtt, at the time of the or ginal aurvey, The above lands levied nn aa the p operty oi Charles Tiot. to satisfy executions in favor of Henry M’Alpin and David Gugle. THOS. ELKINS, S. E C. May 6 27 Administrator’s Hale. On the firtt Tuetday in July next, B ETWEEN the ua-ial houra, will be aold at the Court-House in Bryan County the following described property, being part of Ihe estate or Matthew Carter, dec. and ■old for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, •nd by an order of the Court of Ordinary ol *tid courty, viz: 210 acres of land in Gwinnett County, known as Lot No 36J, in the7ih I) .tricl. 3S0 acres in F,arly County, knuwn aa Lot ’ Bn 174, in thr-23th District 300 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County, Alao, two alavea. Conditaena of sale m dr known on the day. ELIZABETH CARTER, Ad-n’rx. AoHI 2-1 tOfn* Sheriff’s sales—Continued. On Ihcjirtl Tuesday in Jane next, ■ LK7U.L be aold belure the Court House in >» the City of Savannah, between the u- sual hours of sale, All ti(,it tract or parcel ofland, eont lining 567 acres >re or less, with 100 acres ol Marsh Land, '-ailed Oxeland, situate, lying and being in I .'tile Ogechee D.strict, in Hit- -Jointly of Chatham, bounded nonb by landt of F.eming Akin, b.i«tlie east by lauds of D "araer, on the south tv land-iof the late B. Walhurser, and on the tv, at by a nonhessi b aricb of little.Ogec-hee Jviver, together w.,h all and singular, the edifices, imtirovemenis ,nd appurtenances, levied on under a fi fa on fin eel tsure aa the property of George L- Cope, in favor of J -Jnt M‘N,»h, Pt-ter Mitch. -11, and Robert Mitcitell. Half Lot and Building, No. 4, Ewinsburg. Oglethorpe Ward, to the city of Savannah, tile uneapired lease of said ha'f Lot tin three years from January last, Itvied on as the pro- orty of Robert Lew s, to satisfy an execu on from a Jus ices -"-ourt inf-tvor ’I J A M Prendergaai, returntd tn me by a c ’-Stable Sold at the risk of the former purchaser. I iAAC D’LYON, ,V. C. C Mav 23 * s heriff’s ’•-ale, Con inued. On the Jiret Tuesday in June next, ifBKaL be »•< d X tht Court house in the city of Savannah bei Areen the uhusI bourn i f ten a d ibree o'clock, AH he build..ig3 o” Lot No. (30.) thirty. Warden Ward, boundrd esst by Lot No. (31,) thiity-onc, weat by Lot No. (2 ) twenty-nine, north by Congress 8‘- and south by a lane, le* vied on as the property of Ana B Finder, to satisfy an execution for ground rent in lavor of the Trustees of the Chatham Academy. One negro woman na -iei Both, levie d on ts the property ofBc^nin Sfteftall, to satis fy on execution from me Court o' Common Picas a .d Oyer and Terminer for the citv of ■9ava<tna’i. John I Dews, vs. Benj. Shettall, and slurd cai Shefiall, property pointed ou« jy the defendants. A* I. D’LYON, C- S Mav 28 56 0 Georgia—-Chatham County, In the Court of Ordinary, M^y Term, N the pe'ifion of Henry ( h impion, f.dmin iBtrstor of John Street, dtCPHsed, praying an order Mai in be made absolute on his com plying witn ihe law, tor he J-ale of a Loi ol Ground, number four, [4] second Tything Iteynolds Ward—4lso, p.-.rtof » Lot, number aii, Tower Tything, l)Ock:r W.nd being -eal estate of the s>*id dec. loi the benefit it lbe heirs and creditors:—It is ordered, that a nolire be published nine months, in one ol the Public Gaaetts of the City uf Savannah, equiringall persons interested, to show cuuse f any they have, why the prayer of the peti lioncr should not be granted. S II. BOND, c c. o, Mav 14 4H the United State*, and at tin several loan offi cea, on the firat day of April next, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, fur stteh parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock as shall, on tho day of sub scription* stand on the books of the Treasury* and on those of the several loan tfli :es, re spectively / which subscription shall be effect ed by a transfer to the United States, in the manner provided by law for such tran fora* oi the cred t or crcd'ti standing on the said hooks, and by a surrender of the certificate* of the itock so subscribed : Prqvided, That all-subscription by such transfer of Mock shal be considet e.d as part of the said twelve mil lions of dolla^a authorised to be borrowed by the first secti n ~f hi* act. ,l Sec. 4. And be i; further enaetedj That for the whole or any part of any sum which shali be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subsc ibers, who shall be enti tled to a certifi cate or certificates purporliny thatthe United States owe to the holler oi holder! thereof, his, her, or their assigns, * 4um to be expressed therein, equal to thr amount of the principal stock thugsubscribi*!, hearing nn interest not exceeding four and oue half per centum pt r annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decun bor,one thousand eight hundred and twenty five ; transferable in the same manner as provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States, as follows: one ha’f at any timeafer the tlurty-fiist day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time after the thirty-fi st day «f December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty*mne: Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except for the whole amuunt of such new certificate; nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended reim bursement And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cauae to be trans* ferred to the respective subscribers the Sever al sums by them subscribed beyond ihe amount of the certificates of four and one half pet cent, stock issued to them respectively ** Sec. 5. And be it further er.uctcd, That he same funds winch have heretofore been, and now are pledged by law for the payment of the interest, and for the redemption and reimbursement of the stock which may be re- det-med or reimbursed by virtue of the pro visions of this act, shall remain pledged in likt manner for the pavment of the interest accru ing on the stock created by reason of such subset ip'ion, and for the redemption or reim bursement of the principdof the same. And it shall be the duty of the c mimis6ioners of the sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid out of the .said fun ’, yearly and e-e r y year- such sum and 'Utw as may be annually requir ed to discharge the inte est accruing on tH xock which may be created by virtue of thin act The said commissioners are, also, hurt by authorised to apply, from tune to time , such su n and sums out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchase, or by reimburse incut, in con' formity with the provisions of this set, the principal of the satd stock : and such part ol the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest ed by law in the said commissioners, as may be necessary and required for the above pur- poses,shull be and continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption o< the public debt, until the whole of the stock which msy be created under the provisions of this act, shall have been redeemed or reim< bursed.*’ Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that books will he opened at the Treasury of the United States, and »t the several loan efii^s, on the first day of April next, und continue open until the first do* of October, thereaf ter, for receiving subscrintions in conformity with he provisiensofthe said law. The subscriptions msy be made by the, pro prietors if the stock, eiihor m person or by their attorneys duly authorized to subscrib and transfer >t to the United States. Sh >uld subscriptions ol said stock be mode to an amount exceeding twelve millions of dollars, a distribution of the said sum of twelve million* of dollars w ill be made among the subscribers, iu proportion to the sums subscri bed by them respectively, SAMUBL L SOUTHABD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury* March 26 10ltO healthy excre te of (heir functions, has exci ted the tut mishment, and completely silen ce.d the objection! of the most incredulous— Facts are the best arguments. In order to pui the virtues oi tne Uatholicon to as severe a scrutiny as p ossible, it was rfiered by adver tisement, together with the attendance of a physician, gratuitously to any person, who would apply for it, and wh>se cause might seem t* come within the range of its healing power—numbers of severe cases of long ste d. ing, and some of them aeemingly den'r de ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have been aired, or so much relieved as to warrant die assertion that a little pe rseverance will do so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi cian under whose care these patients were placed, in this remedy, a confide ce r«Bu‘t ing from the irresistible conviction that has been forced upon his mind by ocular demon* stration, and a personal trial nf it on himsel’ that he permits me to declare it as his deci ded opinion, thut ’he Citholicon is not onlv a perfectly safe and innocent, but a most puw erf ul and invaluable remedy in certain dis eases and stales of tl.e s; stem, such as the foi TO 80UTHBUN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Oathulicon is peculiarly adapted to those diseases which are prevalent among the coloured population of the south In that disease which is called yaws, it is a sure remedy \ a single trial of it, will convince S lanters of its superior efficacy to uny reme y of a aimiiar nature in the United States* owing:— Debility resulting from intemperance and dusipationi Old and iiweieiat Ulcers. Fain 5 in the bon- a attended with swellings • f the join’s i Indigestion * Blot .hes on the face pimpiet, &c.; All complaint* of the Liver • etier.* Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous disease generally t Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints The Cntholicon (which the proprieter sol emnly pledges li s word consists exclusive!) of vegetable matter) with the exception of a alight rmi tation to the bowels, which it preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, if pleasant to the taste, and requires A • purlieu ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuoiis quoin always c’.cepUd.) or confinement. At h gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic rntdi cine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it is confidently recommended to iadics in a delicate situa tion. w. W. POTTER, 66 Cheauut-sireet. Philadelphia^ May 31, 1824. At the request of Mr. *L W Pol ter, I have lately exhibited, in several !n tances, a nmdi cated sirup, called Potter’s Vegetable Catho iicon, with the most decided advantage. It has, ui j et, never failed effecting a cure in etery case in which l have thought proper to employ it. H. Il’MUR ITUE, M D. Phi ade phia, July 28/A, 1824. Mr, IF W. Potter, Georgia—Chatham County u Ihe Court of Ordinary—Mav Term, 1825. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executn- of John Wackerlv, des. prayi g an order Ar«i to be made absolute, on hu complying win the law, to Bell Two Tracts of Land i. Lau.ena'County, being the real estate of th- aid deceased for the benehi ol the heirs and creditors: It is ordered, that a notice b •ubtished, nine month*, ui one of the G zettea of the city of Savannah, requiring a ' iersoni interested, to show cause, if any the can, why the prayer of fhc pi titioner shouh. not be grant* d S M. BOND, c. c. o Mav °6 57 uavv riMa trussfes J UST received by the Willinm VVnlliico. an additional rnipplv of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the beet quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 97 Aw-uni's lUin tveu, FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated Medicine, just received per ship Globe | and for sale by . GEO. RYERSON. doc 4 i Prussic Acid ts Sulph.Quinine, J UST received by ship Savannah, and for sale b; May 3 LA^ &. HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. Administrators voticc. A LL persons having demands against I John Street, late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to hand them in, within the time prescribed by law, duly at tested, and those indebted nre requested to ma k eimmedia M n v ent ( re M . p[oNt Qualified Kxecutor, May 6 36l|. F Goshen Butter. IFTF.EN firkins received per ship Au gusts, for Bale by April 8 J.B. HERBERT & CO. Wanted, E mpty porter bottles.—Ap ply to geo r yerson. 0 s Georgia—Camden County. Superior Court, October Term, 11124. Timothy Hopkins, vs, Langley and Selvester Bryant. ,N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating that in consideration of certain prom- ssory notes, made to the said Timothy, by them, one pavable with inte est, from first of January, 1821, on the first of January, 1822: a second pny&ble as aforessi', on the firsl of January, 1823; and a th ; rd payable as afore said, nn the first of Junuary, 18?4, executed a mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, hia heirs and assigns, nn all those four trac's of ' situated in the county aforesaid, conveyed by the said Timothy, to the said J.wglev inu Selvester, and lying on the south side of Great SatilJa River, one tract containing sev -nty-neveniacres, more nr less; two tracts -.onuining fif'y acres, more or less,*nd one •her tract, containing one hundred and eigh- v-eight acre*, more or less, conditioned for he payment of the three said several notes, on the days Above mentioned, and that said tcveral notes remain unpaid—on motion of Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintiT, it i* H-dered, that the said Langley and Selveste 1 , their heirs or assign*, pay intoCour%, within welve months from this date, t‘ue sum* due on said notes, and the intetea and coals, oih rrwise that the equity of redemption be for ever foreclosed, and that sut h other proceed mgs take place, as are pursuant to law. True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk, nov4 87 ^ro NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Judge, ul the Courl oi Ordinary ■'f Chatham county, for leave to .ell all the real catate of the late William Craig, deceased, for the benefit of th* heirs and ci ed itora of aaid estate. JOHN M’NISH, Executor, n-t V 71 March 4 Notice. A LL persona having demand, against the eatateof Constant Freeman. Baq Lie of the city of Washington, deceased, arc re qjired to hand them in, legally attested, Within the time pretoribed by law : and thnae indebted to aaid estate, are required to make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTED, Adm’r. Jan 14 4‘3pa Dear Sir—You expressed a wiah thnt I would give a concise statement of my stiff tr ings, from 1 the hopeless commencement, tc the present propitious stage of my diaeaae.’ About five year, ago, on my paasage front Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendant, on hoard, I was compelled to bear it, adj might for two weeka, when on my ar rival 4.1 Charleston, S. C. it waa treated as Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued the fevdr, but Phtsnix-Iike, the termination of this give rim to a disease equally distress ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur able, Vanoul abscesses made their unwel come appearance, particularly on th: joint., which were iweded to an enormous t.s;:.— These g .dunjiy aub.ided into ha-d tumor*, one of which on my left knee affected ti.e bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of pul, mixed with pitcr-s uf bone took place. In audition to this, I suffered the most eacntr.iating perns in toy j lima that man ever experienced. Every ihing that waa administered either give me no reliefer ser ved lo agg-avale the disease, the severity of which increased with every succeeding year. Such was my painful si u\Uon tliRt 1 le.spaired of ever being restored to my heal h ■, I had not only trie ! the regular mean, of relief, but tired, though in vain, every popular rem-. edy 1 could hear of- It was in this av. fttl and despondhig condition,that I wu persuided to ..otrunence a course of your Vegetable Ca.h-.l icon, and the happy result is, "f-om the uie nf the two bottleo, my whole syt'rm hut under gone a complete revo ulion, my paint lutvc fo tu be, I methe discharge from my knee began to mminish, and aeon ceased altogethe.-, ihe nicer from whence it proceeded being enu pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal of which I have tried ia vain more remedies than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing r m> appetite, which wca gone, haa returned—I an: in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will mske me perfectly so. Your obliged friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadeiplua, July 6, 1834. My confidence in the vegetable citholicon is undiirimiahvd, and as fresh in tancea of its powers am daily occurring, in my own prac tice. 1 have no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar diseases to which it ia applica ble, aa superior to toy remedy I am acquaint ed with. M. M’MUUTRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28 18 4 Six—In consequence of imprudent expo, lire four ..ears ago I had the misfortune (n be come rfibeted with a disease, the painful re suits of which induced me to apply in au : cession to several respectable physicians of jhia city, from whom, however, I rectiveri either no relief, or from whose remedies I re- ceived another complaint quite as diat: easing hs the former. My whole ayitem became a 1 - fueled. I could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body; the weakness and e naeia tion of which waa auch that I could scarcely walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of your vegetable citholicon—four bottles of which, haa completely restored me, I have now no pain i my appetite is good; and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine haa given me, 1 am your obliged friend, Ac. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed lo before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman. Phi'aMphia, May 28, 18'4. Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, hearty mar. For nearly six year, I have been a martyr to a disease, whole ravage, threat ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the cummencr-ment, my complaint at laat got to auch a height that I could not swallow without great pain and difficulty- Tumors formed in different parts of my body, and I began to thinh my situation almost desperate. The five battles of the Csthoheon which I have taken have com pletely cured me. and I em now a, well aa NOTICE. The advantages of this medicine are, not confining the pa.ient unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from his buaineair— With one aolitaty exception,'hat uf apirito- nil - liquors, if iloct not lay any rcitriclioni upon hit appetite It isso gentle in its opera,ton that tbep.tient finds himself gelling well he cannot tell how. Aa it is not the wish ofthr proprietor to take any thing lor which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persons at a distance who may wiah to try uis medicine, but who are not certain if it he applicable to their complaint, are request, cd to describe'heir esse and symptoms in .1 letter, post-paid, and directed to him—this ietler will be imm.’diatcly placed in hand, fully comp: tent to decide the question.— Should lie remedy not seem to suit the dis case, they will be frankly told an. C.AUTI3N' To prevent disappointin'nt it ia well to st 'te that it to res in or Jins')' cases fi o n 3 lo 5 to effect a cure fSthat persons who are labouring under any serous infirmity, must moke up their mind to persevere to that extent at least—if they do not, they might as well save themselves the trouble and expense f using a smaller qmnititv. M artlert pm-paid and enclosing the money, immediately attended tn, and lie medicine packed and delivered with directions for use, to any place in the city, and forwarded aa di ranted; N. II To prevent the possibility of oil inv p ’lition, it v i.I be sol I in the city or Philadel phia, at the office in Fifth near llaci—'Street, ora' tlie dwelling of ihe propri tor, No. 66 Jhetmu'. a.reet, only, an-J abroad by hia au thorized agents. W W POTTER, 00 Chesnnt St eel, Philaddpfiia' I have appointed GBORGE RYE ISON Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug gists wanting tile above valuable medicine, will be supplied by linn for cosh, at the same rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. g"0 per d. zen, or three dollars a a.ogle bottle. tV. W. POTTER, Philadelphia, Any pe-sun on application to the Bubscibnr will he furnished with ceilificvua of the tffi ency of the above medicine, sufficient tn cote vince the mind of the moat sceptical, although too numerous nnJ lengthy aertion. GEO. RYER.--ON, Dr-jygist, Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets, den 13 ?AOIOUALft By SAMUEL T. Alt.USTIiO.VG JP. m Cornhitl. B aton for publishing San v w, FAMILY Illll /.fi, containing all ihe ginal Reference, ,, lo lie comp'ital VOLUMES, ROYAL OCTAVO " bnL.hcd with a likcnet, of the Amhn- ™" TERMS. T shall be well printed, on good piper , n s . be comprised in aia handsome vi-li™ n will contain the Scriptures of the Od Jfiw Tertancnti, the Introductory 0/iitrtn-',,,. Explanatory Jhoict, t.n 1 Pructic l ObtmwimL .ml all the copious Mar/inu. Reference, u ing printed word tor word fr -in the London Stereotype Edition, published since the Ac” hor’s decease. The price will be 9ot ;„ hoardsi g24,inaheepj *30, in calfbi!.dio» he whole work will be ready for deliver) by IN EQUITY. Between IV. Davies, Administrator, Complain ant, and John ('amoeban Administrator, d. bonis no with the will annexed of Gear *e Richardson and others, Dtjendants In equify, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery, 20//i August, 1824. T appearing ihat John Murray Carnochan, . one of the defendants in the said bill of coinplaint named, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdom: Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland It is ordered that the said John Murray Car nochan, do appear and answer to the com- f'lamnnt’s said bill, wit'iin nine months from the dde of this order, otherwise that tin said bill, as to him, be taken pro conlesso and ii is further oidered, that a copy of thi order be publish* d once a week, in one ot the public G’Ze'ites of this state, until the ex piration of the time within which the said de- eedant is required to appear and answer *s aforesaid. True copy from the Minute*, thia ?tst dny August, 1824. A. 11.FANNIN, Clerk, august 24 50f Georgia Cuinden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY TONCEitN ITITHEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow, f f applies to' he Court of Ordinary of • aid County, for Letters of Admr.vstrv.tion on tin*, estate of John Brown, late of ?.c d county, de ceased, ar next of km: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they hive, in mv of Hue, on or before the first Mar day in June next,otherwise Letters will be granted the ap plicant. Witness the Honorable Bfitian R Bunk- ley, one of the Justices of said Court, thi* sis teem n day of April, eighteen hundred at d twenty -fiYe. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C, 0. C. C. Anril 21 24 Georgia — Camden County. RY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SUD COUNTY W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied to aaid Court, f ir Letters on the estates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E. Ruck, deceased. Theae are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kin dred and creditors of the said d -ceased per sona, to file their objection,, ifaity they hnv-, In my offite, on or before the firat Monday in January next, or Letters will be granted the applicant. Wifi-esa the Honorable James Scott, one of the Justices of laid Courl, this six- day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-five. [L.S ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. L. C Anr.l U 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY I HE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID COUNTY. HERE AS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the Court of Ordinary of atid County, for I .ettera Dismissnry on the estate of Fr ncea Koaolupe: These are, therefore, tn cite and admoniah, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditor, of aaid deceased, to file their objec lions, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the fi at Monday in January next, other- xiae Letters Dismiasory will be granted the applicant- Witness the Honorahle Samuel Clarke, one of the Justices of aaid Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen huo dred and twenty-five. [L. S.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C. C April 21 24 May, 1825, Exiract, of I.etter, addressed lo the Publithert. I esteem Dr Scott’. F.m-ly Bible, emin-nth calculated to promote tlie cause of truth a, j piety. It seems scarcely possible for one To read daily the* Notes and Observmior,* i D Family Bible without becoming a wisirinS Setter man. EDWAKI) D GT11FFIN ° I have «een no commentary 0 f the Sacred Scriptures which 1 think *o well adapted to general use and edification, it \» * treasure which ever) fan.nly ought to possew. . i* 4 . . A FaVrON. It is a work distinguished for ihe simpl ci- ty and couvenienoe of its arrangement! tlie clearness and fidelity of its espo*iuoni, the neatness am: uerspicuity of it* it\ | e , the DC » nevol .nce ana candour of it* spirit, the con ciseness and pertinency of its applicates and for its uniform t.Mtdeucy to pro note tViQ- r eiical truth ’’Rd piety. A BIEL HOLtfE?, Of Dr. Scott's Family Bible, I fe d free to say, ihatin my estimation it deservedly rci.ks a nong our ablest «nd b-^st Comm nta'irs. THOM Vs BALD IVIN. Dr. Scott’s Fsrril) B.blc intended more pecially for t’ c use of Christian 'imiliwi.i-. i work high7 evangelical, extensively instrua five, and deeply interesting. danikl c. s\ni>ers. The character of Dr. Scon’s Commei)t»ry v.n tli»- Bitilo. is so generally kuown, *mi so highly approved acnongsi tin- most intelligent and nious Christians throughout oin co.intiy, and has passed rnpid.y through so many Urge editions, trial 1 deem further icconimendi- lions needless- J VOaSR, I am acquainted with no Couvnenttuy on ill Sacred Scriptures, wliii.h 1 would mure cordially recommend for general use. The plan of the work is good JOSHUA BATES. Perhaps in no way,ran ministers, instmcM f youth, and private Ch'iatisMS, do greuui service lo society, than by exerting them selves to disseminate this tiuly invaluable work. JOSHUA HUNTINGTON, I know of no Commentary which i* b t'rt calculated for diffusing coriect views of il.j great truths of Chri*tjjnily f and leavingiiJu. t'ury impressions on the mind when riling trnm the perusal of it, than the one you nre bout to publish. D ANIEL SHARPE. No writer seems less disposed to contend for barren speculations. None more uniform ly or more powerfully inculcates the great t»- aentiali of religion. The spirit which per vades the work is excelU n«; it is the me. k, affection*re, healing, yet faithful spirit of the gospel. DA S’lEL DANA. From particular eximiiuti <n, snd concur ring testimony, there is no Juithi on my mind that Scott’s Family Bible it superior to all others J031VH EBEUSON. You will plense to aei d me six copies of Scott’s Bible ; I refer to your lately proposed edition Perhaps I Until induce live m re to take the s.ime number. II- L> It is with extreme pleasure I perceive you are about to publish a new e lilion < f Scott’s Bible. Having been in possFSg'on «f X more than 20 years, I trus* 1 knot* *»aie- ;hmg of its value, and am determii.e' to pro* mole i»s circulation among my fnenda Y;u will please for ward sis copies «s soon ** p'i> iished, <:.« I have obtainod four snbi cribcrs I"T exceilcnt work you are pubiishing- H. S. I propose to lake seven set* of Scott'* Ui* ble, and will be accountable for the tame. J C. I have obtained subscribers for niurc pica of Scoit’o Family Bible. J- C. I shall probably need eight or tens' Scott’s Family Bible. J. P* Hcv.S. S. of 1*. has o’ tamed ten s'lbfcri* bers. E- R. ( l have observed that you are about pub# I'uhing and her edition of Scott’s B>ble hope you may suceee>l a* you Ii *ve done in foi mcr editions. I have been endeavourk procure subs'criher* amor g our people, »ri enor more tubicribets will be ob'.Hined. 0.S.H, I wi 1 ! take ten sets (of Scott’* Bible) bound and lettered. J- J" I have obtained ten subscribers for P uf edition of the Family Bible—snd hrve r* doubt but there might he snmethii g like copies void in this place if you had an here—I thought the work ought to be rs* couraged and for hat rcitson took a subsc' J* tion paper. It ii a work that every ft® 1 '! sliould have that is«able to puichase. J. E. M C. I am glad, that y^u propose to print 8‘* Scott’a excellent Fvnily Commtnuiy, *" should be very gisd if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronage to the wots than, as circumstances are, I can. however, be able to do something f agM' ten sets I shall certainly take j and it iwy double that number, I have procured fifteen lubscnorfl 0 Scott’s Bible. J *• v ‘, I ihink I shall dispose of 20 sets or the Family Bible. f I have circulated propoials for Scot J Bible ; how mny have been engaged m » cannot ul!; but between 20 aucl JO se« h s vicinity. -lu I have concluded to become re *P on * to you for thirty sets of Scott’s CommenUT HAY. K|\ BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing trom Brig Plioasnnt, for sale by April 19 C. C, GRISWOLD, C ,B. l have proeuretl 106 aubicriberi lo ' J Riblet 6 aets to be bound in calf; 3 , be clone in board, the other 97 sel *> and lettered u described in the proapM ^ I presume I could procure *» -iera lor your edition of Scott a BiWe L, demand is increasing for them, in j; finally cuperaede every other Bible. Fifty ol my aubaertbera live ^ circle of 8 mile,i l _ 0I( , J uat published an edition of the oi»* » completed in aix volumef, without rn»|K ((p reference,tprice in board, 8i*L jaj# 5(21; in calf *27, Either of these m,y be had of the publisher in Boalon; S C- A J' SCHENCK, Savannah. Js U O F a superior for sale by Marking Brnskeft nov 20 / /