Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 22, 1825, Image 1
js6«wg—\o\. VVL SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22,1825. Wo. mi. THE ©«if8'!§«>«*««> (3 EDITED AND PUBLISHED m thi 01TT OP SAVANNAH, Bv G. 1$ W. Robertson, AI FlOtlT UOLtailS I*»U A*SUM, PAf ARLK IN AIITANCB. tgg* ?fr««»<w» for the country, IS published to meet the arrangement of (ho fnaiL three time* a week, (Tuesday, vhiradav »n4 Saturday) it the Office of .ho U.ilToeorgimi,.nd cunUin. el) the in-rlli. eence Commercial, Political end Umcllan- emu, including advettiaements, pub.iihed in *^The Country*Pape* it "e tto .il part, of the State end Union, or delivered m the city, »t five duller* per .nnurn, p.y.ble in <dv»noc. Advertisement, .re instated in both pa er" it 7S cents per square, of 14 lues, for ie firj insertion, and 37$ for every succeeding pub- U Cornmnnlction. by Hell. ««•« he P.u ShI-1 of land «nd negroes by A<tml"'«tr». tor". Bx C’ltor! or guardiaea, nre required, bylaw, to nc IteM >n the fir. Tuesday in the mol to b'tween the hoar, of tea in lie fore three in the .fieri.non, .t the Court Moose of ttie eonnty in which the property Z‘. —Notice of these ..1e. must be given in .public palette it ny previous to tin. ‘’‘nm'c erf the «»1e of pemnsl property must be irivc in like manner. Fo ty day* previous o the day :.f sale- , .. * N* tice to the debtors an 1 creditors of sr estate must be published ft;r Forty cUys. Notice tint application will be made to Inf Court >f Ordinary f r’esveto sell land, imis 1 b*» publUhed Mne Month• Notice. t^tTNE months after date application will IN be made to the Honorable tho Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract ot land, known as number eight, 8lli District, l ike (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit of tire heirs and creditors of the e s f ate of of N. S. Bayard. N. J. BAYARD. Administrator eBtate N. S. Baya r “' Jan 5 „ NO i'ICE. T UP. subscriber, being .bout to decline bu .iness in,request person, ha. ini’ demand, og unit them, to pre.ent then for payment. A. B. FANNIN Et CO. or .1 fi°H Notice. T^TINE MONTHS at>« r dote of this notice, il application will be made to the tfont>m- ble the C. urt of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty. for permission to sell *11 the real 'State o' Johu Wakerl*-, dec. for lb ? benefit of ih. heirs and creditors ef said dereisid* ROBERT HOY? Executor. F*»h *>4 *7 m&Ma <& IDdHTOp Administrator’s Notice. N N>j1*.0'.«THSfrom thisdnt?, \vc shall ftp ply to th*: Honorable tho Inferior Court Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary pm-pores, to sell the real estate of Wifi am May hew. C. H. HAYDEN, P. MAYIIKW, Administrator’s. sonm«t 19 45 dministrtttor’s Notice. T^fJNB MONTHS after date, ! shall apply J.Y to the Konoiable the Infeiior Court of Chatham county, (when sitting tor ordinary purposes) for to sell the real (sMe o» l3uac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and crcd. itOTS. C* H. HAYDEN, Administrator 1° AH Notice. ’^'IVE'^ONTHS after da’e^ application w‘l! 1.Y be mide to the Honorable Inferior Court of Chatham county for leave to sell Hie real •nil personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heir- •ndc.-ed to.sof said estate, WORTHING i ON G Al R, Eaeeu»or. 10 i’Of-n Notice. A LL person, having demands against the estate of '.he li.te John Wakerly, (plant er) dec. are reques'ed to render them, prop erty attested, immediately; and all persons indebted, to make immediate pavment to ROBERT HOY, Executor. V-b 74 *7 sugar offer for bale, ja^v HOGSHEADS prime and second fPlSf quality St. Croix Sugar. SO barrels do do do 70 bags prime green coffee 30 crates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 6 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum halfpipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia flint corn nov 23 ' JN Oiled. N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when lining for ordinary purposes, for leave to set .lot, with the improvements, lituate inthi city of Savannah, in the said eounty,and known in the plan of said cilv by the No. J3, Blow, Watd, Ibr Ine benefit of the heira and legatees estate ol the late Hugh ll’Call, de- THOMAS M’OALL, PHILIP BRASCH, ... Executor*, oct *4 yp KRESH GaKDEN .USED*, AND TVttYbfvaa Ylower Hoots* J UST rece ved hy the ruhacriber, and ranted of thr Inat season’s growth, 2: hox-s Garden Seeds, put Up hy A. M’MsImn A ’to, Philadelphia, expressly for this market and containing the following aasortm-nts, vis. 1, Drumhead Cabbage 2. Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4. Parsley 5. Leek 6. Onion 7. Salmon Badiah R. Early Purple do. 9. Hound lenved to. Early Turnips 11. Late do 12 Salaafy 13- Aaparagus 14. Early curled Let tuce 15. Koy.l Cabbage dn 16. Nutmeg Melon 17. Spinach 18. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet Basil 20 Sage 11. N.-hirtium 22. Celery 23 Early Peas 24. Lute do 25 Early bunch beam 26. Red French do ALSO, 70 Packages containing the following Bui on" Elower Roots, viz. I. Doub'e Hyacinths | 4.tfexieantigerflowe' 2. Fine Tulip* 3 Narcissus Tor sale by Feb 2 5 D mble Tuberose 6 Star of Bethlehem P. M’DEUUOTT 58 APPROVED 1’atent EahvW’s Medicines. do do Cough do do NOTICE. ATINE months after date, application will be 3.V made to the Inferior Court of Chnlham County, sitting for ordinary purpose! for an order, absolute, to sell Iota Nos four and five, (Sand 5) in Carpenter’. Row, and lot No. JT' i ) Breen Ward, in the city of Savannah, being the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec tor the benefit of the heira and creditors of •wdestate WILLIAM GASTON, Qvnlifiiil Executor. 97a L EE’S BILIOUS FILLS Anderson’s do do Coil’s Anderson’s Drops American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Andler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminative A constant stt Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial lor tho cleans ing of the teeth & gums Relf’rrAsthmaticPillr Do Botanical Drops Austen’s Remody foi the Piles Hinckley’s do dn Thompson’s celebrn ted Eve Water Thompson’s Teeth Pnste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &c. of tho above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals. Perfumery, Fasey Articles, Dye Studs. Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, 4lc. fie. can be obtained at tho store of LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 28 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. N ticc to tree I'eisons o Color. TITHE Froo Persons of Color residing in X Chatham Country, are hereby notifi- liod to appearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office of t he Inferior Court of said County, ngroouble to law, on or bel’oro tho first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 18 .(.a SWAlM’i CELEBRATED PANACEA. T HIS subscribers liavn just received per bhip Emperor, a fresh supply of the above V ALU A BLE MEDICINE, and have made such arrangements with the inventor, .Mr. Win. Swnitn, ns will enable them to offer to tho public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to soil again, enn have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY &. IIENDIUCKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with cases illustratin'; its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. Mav 90 Damascus Steel Razors, ■ UST received, a supply of the above ar- »P tide, which will be warranted good.— For suit: by N. B. WEED. nov 24 NEW LARD, IIAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. HtCF.lVXn PER BRIO OEOROE WASHINGTON. -f rk/VKEGS Now Leaf Lard J.UU'150 Ilains 3 liaryela Castor Oil 8 Pipes H. Gin, Swnn Brand 30 Barrels Moss Pork For solo by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 “ hracle’s Company’ Hoes. a u\ CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for IN!/ sale by N. B. WEED, dee 18 Fresh Teas, Hums, Flour, t?c. CHESTS IlyBon Teas 33 KcgB No. 1, Tobacco 1 lllid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received por ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for salu by J. B. HERBERT St CO. Feh 5 mmwmm* T HE subscriber intending to close bis business in this city, offers his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretory and Book Cases, Wardxpbes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, CradleB, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple ao. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. at tho Ware-House, corner of Whitta l^er-Stroot and Bay Lane. J. H. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, presont their accounts for settlement. J. U. OLDERSIIAW. ■Tan 25 51|| Consumptions, Coughs, $c. BUTLER’S F OR the cure of CoMs* Coughs, Consump tions, Spitting ot D'oodj»i,and iseases of the breast and lungs. There ia perhaps no medical observation be'ter established, none more generally eon irmed by the eiperience of the best physici* •ns of all ages and countries, and nhne oi tiore importance to the human family, thm lie fact that many of tbe moat difficult and in- lrnble consumptions originate in neglected •olds.. In a climate so variable as ours, where he changes of the weather are frequently nddenand unexpected, it requires mure care nd attention to guard against this dangerous nemy of life, than must people imagine or re able and willing to bestow. The oilli o mrtality exhibit the melancholy fact that tb< •oportion of deaths by this disease may b' onsidcred an about five to one. Inasmuch •en 89 this fatal disease frequently bids defi- ce to the skill of tbe must learned physici ■is, it is a gratification to the proprietor that :• is enabled to offer to those afflicted with a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly uluablc remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sped- Itc. The Indians are happv in their know- lge of medical plants j governed wholly by tpenence, they are certain as totneir effect, ■a it is said by an author of great character, •at a true consumption is a disease never :cnown among them. This Specific is obtuined by extrsetion from orbs, to it«, flowers, pLnt , &c. when in per- •ction. In consequence < f a happy comhina- ion of the most valuable herbs, Sic. it becomes bals-sm of a superior value. It heals the in jured parts, opens the pores, and composes je disturbed nerves, after the manner of an -nodync / consequently the obstruction of ’be ches 1 and the lungs which constitute th*s lisease, particularly need its use. It promotes .xpectoration, which is constantly called for, old whilst it cleanses ard heals, it also gives i rtngth to the tender lungs In this manner t removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repsirs the : ppetite and improves the spirits. This speci fic mav always be givin in safety it ia m;ld, pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given o infanta, for which it is of inestimable value, (t affords relief in bowel complaints, t eihing, vhooping coughs, £/c. and is found particu larly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous anc hysterical diseases. Ehch bill ot direction contain*: a detailed account of this disease in nil ita different stages, and will b» accompa • i«.*d with the signature of the proprietor i . Red Ink. It is i.UVred for kale by GBO. HY only (my sole »gent) liiuggist, cor ne-Bay and Wlmtaker-streets, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM^ BCJTLRR. dec 30 !>0 iirtonn&Uim Wauled \ I F GHORGS MILLER, otherwise DAN IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the ye.r 1815, arrived in Savann&h, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Mi-shh. Dowion & Sons, of London, is livipq. and will apply to his friends in, he will hear ol aometl-lnf; much to hi. advantage, He Inf- the Aberdeen while .he lay at Savannah, and has not been heard of by Ilia f iends aince hat period. He had been many yean a sai lor, and while on board the above veas -l, wa. employed u a carpenter. If he left Sa vannah at that time, it ia probable that be entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is- lands, as in hi. last letter, he stated that it was his intention to do so. Should be havr. •lied at anyplace where a register orcertifi cate of hi. burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all expencci attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W. &T.L. CHESTER. New-Yo-k aept9 57 Bunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di rect. from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGITORN Si WOOD, Feb 3 Anciaux’s Wharf. Jual HeceiveA pet slup William Wallace. 3 IHIDS. Superior Jamaica Rum U 3 Pipes Cognac Brandy 3 do Holland Gin 7 Bags Prime Green Coffee For sale by J. B. HERBERT St CO. May 30 JUST RECEIVED, By the brig Pheasant, from Philadelphia, £|R HHDS. and 100 bbla- Philadelphia 30 li Rye Whiskey 150 Dutch Demijohns 10 keg. Saltoetre 50 whole end 100 hslf hhls, fresh Flour ALSO, IN STORE, 6000 buahela Liverpool ground Salt 5 bhds. A 20 bbla. prime St. Croix 8ugtr 3 pipes snd 25 demijohns best Holland Gin 5 pipes and 30 demijohns best Cognac Brandy 10 hhdi, and 75 bbla. superior Northern Rum 75 hbl. Northern Gin 50 bags Green fleffee 5 ei«ks superior old Lisbon Wine 25 bbla Lump and 72 bbla. Loaf Sugar 5 boxea white and 7 du brown Havana Sugar 25 bags black Pepper 5 pipes Imitation Gin 2 bale. Baggi ng Twine 25 qr boxea Hyson Tea 50 reams Wrapping Papei IS boxes Pipe* * eases Wool Hnts 10 bales beat Ozrshurg* 5 bales unbleached Homespun 4 c.jes colored ditio 50 keg. Dupont’s Gun Powder 1000 buahela Table Salt 75 kegs manufactured Tobacco 25 tons aarorted (Carrcn) Casting* 5 large Smith Bellows *8 kegs astnrted Cut Nails 100 hags aaaortr d Shot—also an Assortment «f Cedar Ware, Market snd Clothes Baskets. All of which w’dl he sold low for cash, or good town acceptances. P. M’DERMOTT. march 14 97 LI3r OV LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office, Savannah l.( June, 1825. CP Persons wishing loiters from this list, will please ask for Advertised Letters. A. ; Thos Y Lee llttiUW and KLi&DiOUfE P. E. BRA8SINNE, R espectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of ¥res\i Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, AMONO WHICH ARE THE E0LL01VIN0 Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, de Peru, do Fola Camphor,Cantharides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar. Calomel, Copperas Columbn, Fmery, Gum Assafcetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gnm Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorico Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Poarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glanbor, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine A. I Thos Y Lee J OHN ADAMS, 2 > William II Leary, Jas. Alexander { —— Little f Miss Justine Laybart | James Love j Migel La zero Dr John R Allen Hortly Averell Mrs Eliza Akins Rich’d J Arnold B. Timothy Barnard j M. i Jacob Mors { Mrs B. N. Mohew Mrs SMAS Bland | Master A J Maxwell MissClarida ABlaud } Mrs — Mackichrcie >Capt Benjamin Ma j thews Taints Dq amt in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. TevfnmeTy. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Sled icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano Foites, Curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS,etc. T IIE subscriber oflers for sale the follow ing ar - cs, warranted to be of the best, quality :— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes. Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads I)o do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrassee Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Clisirs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col. Bliellman. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 YT. States Bank Xotes, F OR SALE at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Amos Baker David Brandon John Bradly July (a blaekman) Mrs Mary Baker Wm Black Barnsly J W Bacheldcr Capt Barky Miss Nancy Bradly Mrs Mary Banely William Blako Mrs — Barton Barde John Banking John Barthelmese Peter Blankenship Snm’l Beckwiths Mrs Nancy Beal Uriah H Berms William Byrd Abraham Iliitch Uriah Berins, 2 Job T Bolles James C Blount Zenas L Boggs Peter Broughton Mrs Catharine Bow man Miss Louibia Broad Lucy Brown Louisa Brnugton Capt Jeremiah Bowen Miss Mary BouteU Mrs El-za Barton G R Burroughs Gustavus J Burrough Thomas Callan Robert Casy Ira Crap William Clark Miss Joann Caswell Elizabeth Cline Claudia Coachman William H Coe Henry Cook Mrs Adeline Con Mrs Mary Adaline Coe Miss Maro’t J Coe, 2 Jos Cunningham, 2 Mrs Anno Cunning ham, 2 D. Miss Jane F C Davis Charles Devant Miss Mary E | D Mare | Rev Mr Meridoth | Mrs Mary Merrit j Mrs Mary Melrose J Ephraim Meigs | Mr Myars } John Myrick ! BonjaminW Milby Thos N Morel Mrs Jane Mulryne Edward Munroe Daniel W. Morgin Mrs Harriet Munroe N. Thos Nelson MrxMary Noris Mrs Sarah Nole O. Chas O’Mally Peter C Oates George Oliver Samuel Oiver P. Capt RobtS Patton,3 Alexander S Pratt Nathaniel F Pratt Ann Pain Rich O Parlovr John C Parker Maria C Pierce Sarah Pcttibona Becroft Penny Eliza E Pettigrew William 8 Phillips JohnPignel George L Phillips Mrs Mary J Porcher Abm E Powers Capt John Porteas Alphnnzo Poyat William Pope Allen Potter, 2 William Poythress a Moses B Quinly R. James Right Joseph Rivera William Richardson Capt Edmond Rich ardson James Riarsnn MrsDiuna Richard son J Miss Eleanor Ryan De-1 Mrs Eliza 8 Roberts mere {Capt Rich’d Rowell Mrs Caroline E Dick } John W Roberts Francis Dickison John Diver Capt Douville Jonathan Dow Francis Doyle, 2 Capt Dubois Francos Dupont Paul Dupon E. Mrs Jane England M Eiglo F. Willis R Franklin Samuel H Fray, 3 ; John A Rmvell \ Margaret Roby Robert E Robbins | Janies T Ross I Jonathan Robinson I Blake B Kulland, 2 I S. > James J Stark > Capt Stephen Soule J John B Shaffer | Charles H Starr 5 Miss Jane Starr « Capt 8 Stafford ay, 3 5 Alex J C Shaw Mrs William Frasier jCapt Ed Sworbreck MissSnlly Farrelly ( Mrs Rachucl Sweet Mirza Fisher, 2 » Miss Mary Street Rob’l Flournoy, sen. > Mrs Bcthia Senhury Oreasmus Fateh j Mathew W Stewart G. j John Soabrook Thomas Garnett < Wm II Smith Dr Wm Garbit, 2 ' Capt Joseph Simon Capt Worthington I Benjamin G Sims Gale | James W Sima Henry Gnrdner S Mrs Sarah Sims Mrs Eliznbeth Green • William F Simpson William Green Dominick Sheelds Martin Glorson Charles Gildon, 2 Miss Elizabeth Gor don John Goodwin Sam’l Goldsmith Sam’lll Goldsmith jr F E Tcbeau Jacob F Gold Jos C Treutlen H. J G Smith Capt James Smith George Stow James Scoles 3 David Squires T. Robert Harby Richard Hard J Hull Nathl Hammond Charles Harper Sam *d Hale, 2 Henry Hsnnahsn J. H. Harding Miss Ann Harmon, Hayrl James S. Harris Sarah Ilun-ison MissE. M. Hamilton Josiah Hotelier Michl Headen Mircam Hylton Doct. Ch Al Hill Francis F- Hodgins Capt. C Hopner John Hnwer, 2 Stephen C Hooker Calvin Howell Nathaniel Hughes A. Humphrey John Hunter J. Lewis Jackson Chas Jenkins, Turner Jenkins William H Jones Edw Jones Jos.Mayhank Jones Joseph J Johnston Peter Lewis Jore James R Johnston William T Johnston George Johnston J Edward Seth G Threadcraft K Tugnoo Charles Tiott Mrs Hetty Tippet Miss Clarissa Troth Debrassea Thompson Maj Ishatn Thomp son Lewis Turner William Turner Chas W Turner, 2 Geo A Turknett Rebecca Tumberlin Susan C Tufts I V. i J B Vallee j Mrs Nancy Verdcll 1 Wm Waters J Wm Wade j James M Wallace {John Waters * Fred Womack 5 Theodore Warland J James Washington j Sam’l B Webb, 2 } Stephen W West > Mrs M E Willis 5 Mrs Msrtha Wylly,3 } Annette WilliauiBon j Richard H Wilde i Miss Permella Win- S got | Thos A Williams { Prince Weeks 5 S S B Williams Wm O VVilliams Wily mi v , K ,', „ . Susannah Wilson Miss Isabella Kaio < Miss Susan Wrigh Mrs. H. Rent j Serjt Den Wilson Mrs Rebecca MKeet-! John Womack, 2 Darnel Kean 1 MissCatlmlen.W* Miss F Kendrick : Michel Young John Keen > j^j c> ■ Solomon Kneeland { Mrs Susan A G Ml* Mrs Ann M Keen J Intosh Mrs Sarfli R King • Mrs M C McQueen itf-0 tv T L ' < £ fiol Y B M’Farland Mrs II Lacy J Barua M’Callach Y rench Leitwis. M L Latouche © -Command D’AU- t S Herviant f vray,2 Ai'ianc Grandmnnt \ Msdanio Clandino Madame Chaderac } Gueroult mons lo Colutiel 5 Mons P Sollct JOHN SCUDDER, P. M. 59 June 1 Hair JVla.truBsea. TUST received by the William Wallace. ” ™ additional supply of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the best quality. . o I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Swuim's Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated , Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 frussic Acid Suiph Quinine, T UST received by ship Savannah, and Cr for sale by w LAY & HENDRICKSON, “•y ^ Shnd’p Buildings. (ioshen iiutter. T71IFTEEN firkins received per ship Au* A 1 gusts, for sale by April 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO. At Private hale, rpwo PRIME NEGROES, one a first A rate cook, and tho other t prime field hand, for sale by April 28 J, B. HERBERT Si CO. Bacon and Lard. A f \ BOXES BACON i *i:VA 50 firkins Lard—Landing from schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sals *>y „ HALL Si HOYT. ' March 8 07 Essential Oil of Spruce TUST received from the. Patentee, and v neatly put up in phials, and for fsle by . lay Si HENDRICKSON, May 25 Shad’s Buildings. Wanted, TP »m WINE BOTTLES. Apply to AU Mav 11 GEO RYERSON. Muscovado f'ligars. M HOGSHEADS Prime Muscovado M Sugars, just received and for sale by May 21 CALVIN BAKER Sugar. O Q HOGSHEADS ) Prime Muscovado 115 Barrels y Sugar 15 Hogsheads N. Orleans do For sale by J, B. HERBERT & CQ. May 20 Superior Cologne Water, TJUARRANTED GENUINE and im- Y Y ported, just received and fur sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Mav 11 Rhsdv ItuildinuB. Door Mats. TUST received by the William Wallne* y three dozen best quality India Door Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL. March 15 S3 Double Distilled Rose Water. * A FRESH SUPPLY of best LondoJ 0%. Rose Water, received per brig Pai* thea, and fur sale bv lay sl Hendrickson, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Building^ Sperm Oil and Candles. Just received by ship Corssir, A CASKS Sperm Oil, first quality ** 20 Boxes Sperm Candles do For sale by A. BASSETT. May 10 Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold jlIl pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P.E.BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. Butter and Hams, n ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkittp XI, first quality Goshen Butter 6 Barrels Burlington Hams jor sale by A. BA SSETT. March 31 Glass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with ia. Gluss Stands, for 6ole by GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Street*. March 4 “ lieers” Axes and C ai olina Hoes, R ECEIVED por William Wallace, afid tor sale by N. B. WEED. March 7 No. 6, Gibbons’ Rang*.