Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 02, 1825, Image 4

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    M I •
1FJ1I1-20 USM»
Sheriff s Sales.
On Ihffirtt Tii'uluy in Auguet ntrt.
nU'.l.L be aod >t die Court Home in the
MJ eitv of Savannah, between the hnuu
of 10 end 4 o'clock-
The uiietplred lease ofj in, end to ill that
piece or parcel of ground on Bay l»ne in the
rear of the City Hotel, Darby Ward, contain.
Ingxlxteen feet on Bay lane, ano ox-ending
back twenty ai* feet to the K.tchco, with bttll-
fiioga and improvement!, levied on to satisfy
on execution in favor of Tkumpaon k Bonny
Cgainst Blenar Early.
Also, alt that lot of land in the city of Sa
vannah, known by the no. 6, Liberty Ward
Wonting on Broughton atreet, levied on aa
tha property of Jno, Cnne, to aatiafy an elu
tion in favor of John Retan.
Xian 6 negroea. Jolly, Delia and child, Jo-
paa, Hager and Dianna, levied on to aatiafy an
execution i" favor of Geo. W. Coe, against
John M’Niib, Alexander Hunter, and Alfr, d
Atao a negro girl named Christians levied
on to satiify an execution in fivnr of Sami.
M. Bond, Adnt’r. of Thomas Lucent, dec d.
aii unit Jas Jiisiab Tippcn, Executor of David
Baldwin, de-’d.
A. D’l VOn’D. t o c.
Jp’- 9 S’
Ailministralor’s aaie.
Uw.LL be so d at Crackeraville Plantation,
V# on the Satilla River, Camden County, on
the tint Tuesday in August next, between th>
hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, a part of the p r
tonal property of Randolph M’Gillis. deceas
ed, consisting of !6h. ad of cattle, 2 horse , I
gig and liarneaa, 1 Jersey waggon.some house
hold and kitchen furniture, 1 gold watcD,some
books, plantation tml#, hr. Ac-
Alio, on the next Tuerdav following at his
late realdi-nce near St. Uarya, the remaining
S alt of the p ersonal property t f the slid Ran
olph M Billit, deceased, consisting of house
h»rd and kitchen furniture; and a small Li
brary. To be sold for the benefit of the heir
tnd creditors of laid estate.
HANNAH M'GILLIS, Administratrix,
G. M’DONALD. Administrator.
St Uarya, June 18 b, 1825,
June 25 28
Administratrix Sale.
O -V Hon,.ay the eighth day o August next
will be sold at thehouse of Mrs. P, Smith,
in Bryan County, between the houra of ten
•nd four o’clock, Six head of Stock Cattle
«nd one old Cart, being the remaining perso
nal estate of MattbtW Carter, dec. Condi
tions, cash.
June 2*h. 182J.
July 2 83f
Sheriff’s Sale.
O S the first Saturday after the first Tues
day in kuguit next, will be aoid a; the
Market-House in the town of St. Marys,.be
tween the hours of. ten and four o’clock of
that day, a negro man named John Smith,
levied on as the property of James William-
(t n, to aiti.fy an execution on the foreclosure
of t mortgage, in f.vor of Edward F. Tattnall,
(dminixti xtor of Juhn Hamilton, deceased.
U. H. HKHBARD, 5 C. <?.
fit. Marys. 5h May, 182S-
June 2 59
“ Sheriff’s Sale.
O -t the first Saturday after the first Tuexdi)
in August neat,will b, M at the Market
House in the town ol St. Mxry’t between the
oaual hours of ten and four ’cluck a tract o.
land situate and lying in the county of Cam
den, on Bn wnlow’s Creek containing eiglt
teen hundred and fifty acrea more or less, le
vied on u tlte property of Harman Courier
dec. to satisfy an execution in f.vor of James
St Marya, June 25, 1825.
H. H HEBBARD, a e e.
Jon* “>0 82
Sheriff’s Sales,—(Jonti ued
On the Jirri Tuesday in August next.
W ILL In: gold lfifurc the Court House in
the C*ty if 8f»v«nn%h. between the usu
al hour* of 10 and 4 o # clock,
AH thevhuildings tnd improvements on lot
Ho. 40, Warren ward, with the um.xpired
Irate of said lot of land, levied on as th* pr )*
pertjfo’f Char les H* Hnyden, under * fi 'fa on
foveclosure »o favor of Frederick W. Heine*
All that lot of land and the improvements
th *reon, situate, lying and being in th<? city of
Savannah, and known and distinguished in a
plan of §<id city, by the description of I ot
N ’• one, (I,) Wilmington Tythin*: Da-by
Wt'd, containg 60 feet in front on Bav-Street,
»nd 90 fret oh Bull-Street, and boon led on
the south by bav lane, leved on aa the proper
ty of James Mot r\t mi, to *at sty an execution
io favor of Jame* Hickson fit (Jo.
18AA0 D’LYON, 8• C. C.
J’.lv 23 91
N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Honnrtbv
the Gourt of Ordinary for the County of Chat
ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, or
parta or a tract of land, lying and being in
the co inly of Effingham, containing by rc.
cent survey, nine hundred and eighty-fi e
acres, and known by the name of the Tuck*
aweeking Tract, formerly the property ol
Kmg and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the
estate of Alexander 8. Roe's orphans, for the
benefit of said orphans.
Guardian A* S. Roe's Orphan*.
July 14 87
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be mude to tlte
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
tlte real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of thu heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 -21
45 Dollars Reward.
R AN AW AY from Dr. Haig’s Plantation,
Brewton Hill, near Savannah, three
negroes, viz. Limeric, rahort stout fellow;
Francisco about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high.
Jack, who has a shot wound in the arm —
They are all of a yellow complexion, and
intelligent fellows. The pbnve jewpid
WillbepaiiTonITieir'delivery at tfieplanta-
tion, or being secured in the goal of this
County, or IS dollars lor either of them.
June 23 80}b,
T HIS medicine in offered as ■ remedy for
Scrofula, Kind 's Evil, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, long stn ding Rheumatic Affec
tion a, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling
and Diseases of the B »nea, arc] all case?
irenerally of nn ulcerous character, and
Chronic disease*. arising in debilitated consti
lotion** but more especially for Syphilis, o-
fraction* arising ih.irefrom, Ufrers of the
Larynx, Nodes, Ac, and that d-r «dful die
ease occasioned by a long ard excessive use
of Mercury, Ac ftc.—ft has a-so been lour.d
useful in Disease* of the Liver.
In a I disorders arising from an impure or
cuntamioated state of the Wood, it will be
fjund a powerful «nd an effectual remedy.—
The discovery of this medeme haa been. the
effect of long and attentive study, and it is
now made public from the moat decided con*
viction, founded on ample experience, of its
power in eradicating those diseases,q/fer every
other medicine has failed.
It ca .not, however, be supposed, that this
aimcxa will invariably cure—the moat es-
egmed medicines, employed by the Faculty,
vill ofen fail in the very diseases for which
hey arc considered specifics t but if the use of
t be persevered in, it will radically remove al-
im,st every causefof the disorders aptcifi-.d.
Thousai ds are lingering under those com*
plamts, in tome form, sinking to the grave,
*'i'hou! a remedy# whom this medicine would
certsinly restore to perfect health and vigour.
Its safety and innocence have been fully ti s -
-.d, ko that it may be administeiel to the ten-
derust infa-t The most distinguish* d phyai-
tons in the United States recommend .it, and
-dm»», that a more importaut discovery in me
dical science has not been made* anti to use
the language of on*-* of the* most eminent Pro*
essors «'f the age, it is a ti iumph in the healing
art. To the present and rising generations,
tilt* benefit mua* prove incalculable, n>t only
by swing many many valuable lives, but im-
inning strength and soundness to drbilitued
andcon'upted constitutions,- thereby p-escrv•
ing their offspring from hereditary tl.sjases. -
These taels, togett.^r with the numerous cures
mule, form irresible proof of the value
of th 8 remedy. No one, however, iard/'sed
o take it, without first fully convincing him
self of the truth of what is here seated, and
the rectitude of the Proprietor's intentions.
The cures performed in this city atone, e»
tablish its superior virtue on a basis tn 0 solid
to be affected by the malignity of the enviou*.
I is worthy of remark, ihut. the* greater part
of the patients who have been permanently
cui ed, ha 1 , previous to the oroprietorN un
dertaking them, received the^blest a^i.dunce
and seveial were abandoned by their Physi
ciaus, as being beyond the reach of liuinRii
skill. Such is the f et, and so extraordinary
vTernary of ihec st>s that an exiiibtion was
made of -h- m in the Univcvsuy of Tt rn -y v ;n
ia, by the P<ofessor of Surger-, b'/e-e a c'oicd
ed audience of Students, who p enounced them
wonders mtho healing art. It has been intro-
nice i into the Pinladi lphia Alms House ar d
Pennsylvania and New-York, ana
such were its surprising effects—its success
after a I other medicine* had faded, that the
Burgeon of ibc Fennaylvania|Hopital, Wr.Wm
P ice, was induced to abandon his highly
r.sp >ctsble 4’ffio , from the huidable design
of benefltting .i s fallow Creatures, by carry •
mg the Panacea to England ; where it haa al
ready aiiperaeded the use of the genuine
French Rob of Lafacteur in a number of in
stances, n diseases for which that is intended,
and its virtues are publicly acknowledge by
some of the moat eminent surgeons there.
In all complicated cases of Scofulu and Sy
philis, and wh?re the Syphilitic ViruH of the
parent Cftuscs a developement of Scro.!iita in
the child, thii is the only remedy upon which
a single hope of recovery can be reasonab'.v
founded; there has been no instance of its
failure, where properly used It impacts vi
gour to the whole system while the cure is
going on—on operation so long looked for in
vain by the medical world; at me Jnme t»me
the patient is enub eu to take nourishing fwd,
whi h under the common mode* of practice,
s usuaiiy withheld from the sufferer. In ma
ny instances where the hovoble ravages ot uu
c^ratio.i had laid bare ligament and bone, and
where, to all appearance, no bumNn means bu
amputation couid have saved life: in rases
ext erne even aa here described, have pa
tients been snatched from tne graze am! re
stored to good health, and th.: devouring dis
ease completely eradicated The discovery of
a remedy like thi? now offe ed for c ite, hue
been a desideratum f urn unit i mm mot tul,
The Proprietor does no> upi*(,a^ Ida bare
assertion will convince : oe wi.l therefore give
reference?, to such as have been cured, and
those ui*l rbiscare among whom are many
highly resp«.c ac!e citixcs that shall satisfy toe
meat inct'.duhus o: its superior efficacy :n the
disorders fo- which i is here I'ecommen'h’d.
Every member ofaoc e'y uhouid aid in diffu -
mg inf .rmidon «f this discovery—human
ity alone makes it a dv'y
"I have within the hai two years had or op
portunity ol aeenij; several cases ot' veiy mve
tcrate ulcers, which having previously reiiat-
ed the regular modes t;e»tment, wen
healed by the use of Mr. Swrim’a Panacea
old I do believe, from what 1 have teen,
that it will prove an impurtam remedy in aero,
uloua, venereal and mercurial diaeusca.
Professor of the Institutes and practic.
of Phyaic, in the University of Penn
aylvanix Ciz. A.
Philadelphia. Ftbrua. y 16, 181.3.”
”1 uave employed the t'auacea of Mr.Swaim
n numerousjnstancea, within the iaat three
years, and have alwaya found it extremely
elficacious, especially in sec-ondary syphilis
and mercurial diaeaaea. I have no heaitatio
in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable
value. «W. GIBSON, U D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty ol Penr
Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the
Alois Hull... Infirmity, Ac-
'• February 17, 1821."
“ 1 have repea edly uaed Swaim's, Panacea,
both in the Hospital and in private practice,
a id have found it to be a valuable medicine iii
ch onic, ayphilitie and serofuloox complaints,
and in obstinate cutaneous i 1 flections.
Profell >r of Surgery in the University of
New York. Surge m of the New.York
Hoapital, be,
•Wet# Tmk, 1st ms 5/A, 1824 ”
Caution to Tut chaser a.
The great demand and wonderful success
of this medicine, have induced a number ol
persona to imitate it In varioue ways—Some
are telling 8areeperille end other eyrupe, im-
pnsing them on th- ignorant for the Panacea i
others are mixing the genuine medicine with
molasses, Ac., making three bottlee out of one,
■thue retailing e ime of it* virtues Th te im.
iiat ont.and and ad .liersloini have in many in.
tanece, prut-acted the aufieringa of patients
in caaet where the genuine medicine would
have proved inatantly efficacious. I therefore
deem it e duty 1 owe the the public, to ac
quaint them, that it ia impossible, from the
very nature of its constituents, to be discover-
ed by chemical analysis i and consequently,
that all other mixtures represented to be mine
and told aa aueh, are fraudulent and baae im
positions, calculated to deceive the ignorant
and unwary.—The genuine medicine baa my
signature of a label representing Hercvlce and
the Hydra, tnd name on the teal.
Gotnmuhicir'iint, poit paid, and ordertffom
sny part of the wor'd, wdl receive immediate
(0- Printed direction! accompany the Me
No. 13, South Ninth Street, opposite th;
University of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, February, 1825.
The subscribers have just received It fresh
supply of the above VALUABLE MEDI
CINE, and have made such arrnngeinenls
with the inventor,Mr. VVm. Swaim, us will
eoable them to offer to tho public a pure
and unnilulternM article. Druggists and
others who purchase to sell again, can Imvo
it at the originul price estuhlislicd by the
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with
cases illustrating its success, will be loaned
to those interested, by applying as above.
Juno 28
A certain East India Curc far the Rheu
matism, King's Evil, fyc.
FaXtrsct of fi let'er from the Rev. James E
l> h, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe
Dwin :
A GRE3\BT Y to yr-tir req*iest, I have wi»l>
diffi -ultv procured and now aend you bv
the ship .las tn. Capt Uub’naon, a few pound
of the PoLd *!r*hia # or what generally goes
by the name i f Iidh Bx f! «ct, u Medici .eun.
ivcrsslly entcemcd amrnig the people of Indian
*• a certain cure for the Rhrum;iti«m. Was
'i to inform you of the number of people wb
are daily relieved and cured by this vnluftblo
M'd cine, it won d :-equire more piper than
I am sMe to purchase and more (ime* than 1
am able to be: tow. Indeed, the tffre* of this
Medicine is a > immed itc, that jn Rheumatism
vou would suppose it acted na a cha^m ;n/?iv
•ng relief and rem'iving *h t painful di iease-
f i the King's Evil it has been usedwith grea-
success, and whe.e Jilercw'u has been give!:
or used to excess, th n Medmiiie bis proved a
perfeet cure. The great diffi olty, however :
n| procuring the F.xriact, will fi»r many year*
to come, prevnt its general circulation, it be
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on the.
mountains of Thibet, in tiie Barman Empire
of India, and held so sacred by the natives,
that to part with it is like parting wi h ti.ei
Letter to D”. Bod well, dated J in. 7, '8 ’3.
Dear Doctor—Ihuveheett violeiit y aW'ertjd
with a R'.»um*tic comphint f.»r manv yea^s ;
even mt fingers were so contracted that I
rou.d neither dres9 or undress myself, or g ve
the least assistance to itk faifily—I have usei!
only one ^ox of the India Et’ract, a n d I am
perfectly restored. Your's truly*
R, RkLS r ON,
Letter fr«m Tobias Jennings, bl'*wa d of St
Thomaa* HnspUl London, Feb 1,18^3
Rear Sir—1 think it my d ity to inform you,
that after trying every thing that could b<
pointed nut by the most respective physi
cians and surgeons for the relief of my son,
without any success, who you know, hsi for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I was induced to try the Poladcdphis,
with a glimmering hope, that it might
him some relief from the excessive pain he
endure J, which rendered hi n a useless mem
ber of society,and a burthen to himself. To
rpy utter astonishment the relief was initan
f ancotis, »nd by persevering in th* use of the
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro
per places, and he is in perfect health. Up
wards ef sixty respectable nersons have, cal
!ed to s-e my son, a* all who knew him though
it imooM'h!:.’ tbvt Hp r*>covr*r.
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine may be
seen. '
May 20
Georg,a—amden I ounty
W HEREAS Louis D.ifour, Adminsst ato:
of the Estate of Bssile Pelletier, do.V.
applies to th?. Court of Ordiuary of said coun
v, for letters dismisso y on said estate:—
»hose are, therefore, to cite and admonish ><
nd singular, the heirs and creditors of sa-d
deceased to file their o! jec ioni (if any th^
•«ve) in my offio. ,on or before the first Mon
iay in Jaouary next, or letters will be grante (
to ti e applicant.
—51 Witness the Hon. William Gibson
KS. ,1 one of the Justices of said Cou
—■■■ J this 25 h lone, !8 5
JO IN BAILY, c. e.o. c. e.
June 30 #2
Georgia—Camden County.
\K^ftlEUEA8 Alcx-mder Atkinson, Ad nin-
istrator on the Estate cf John Atk u-
-on, deceased, sppiie-j to the Court of O-din
ury of said County, f>r letter.* di p m S*ory on
s: td estate : Th's sre*, thcrcf?re, to c to hi d
dmoriah all ard singular, the heirs ? nd cred
i’ors of s^id di'f. ‘i\' ed, to fiV ^heir ohj^j ; > a ti«,
(if any they .n my - ffi :e, on ol b fore
the fir t Monday in January next, or letter
wi'l he granted to the »pp l icant.
Witness the Hon William Gibson,
8 I one of the J.istic<s of said Court,
■ ■■ n J Ill's 25 h Jilin’, 18.>5.
JtliiN BAILEY, c. c o. c. c-
June 30
Georgia—Chatham County
lnth< Unurt of OrUiitary, M»v Term. iBii
| kN the pe'ition of Henry Champion, admin
5 * istrator of John Struct, doc used, praying
in order Alli a be made abmluic on his com
plying witn the law, lor - he sal* of a Lot ot
Ground, number four, [4] -ccond Tythimv
Reynold) Ward—Also, p.rt. f a Lot, numb-,
sii, Tower Tything, Decker Ward being th
real estate of the add ore. tor the benefit .1
the heirs and creditorsIt ia ordered, that
notice be ptibhahed nine months, in one o:
the Public Ossetia of the City of Savannah,
requiring all person, interested, to show cautc
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tionee should not be granted.
S M. BOND, C e. o.
May 14 44 ?
Treaanrj "Department,}
March, 14, 1825 5
|lTHEHFa\S on Ihe 3d of March, 18:5, i.
f V law wa, pnis ’d by the Cnngress of the
Unffed Htstes,of which ihe 3d. 4ih, snd 5m
4HClions are in the 'void* f dlowing, viz :
" Sec 3. And be it further enur ed, That s
lubicriptinn io tho amount of twelve milhm*
of dollars, of the six P ’r cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, he, und
the same is he? • by proposed ; for which pur
pose book*- shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United Slates, and at th. 1 several loan offi
ces, on the fir9t day of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
fur such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shall, on the day of sub
scription, stand on the books ot the Treasury,
and on those of the several loan offices, re
spectively / which subscription iMsll be effect
ed by a tramf r to the United States, in the
manner provded bylaw for such transfers, ot
the crcd.t or cred ti standing on the said
books, and hy a surrender of the certifir.Htes
of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That
all subscription by such transfer of stock shall
be c< nsidei ‘d us part of the snid twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to bt borrowed by
the first s-;cti- n » f hi* act.
9% Sec. 4. And be »'t further enactcdj That for
the whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credits sliall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be enti
tled to s certificate or certificates purportinf;
that the United States owe to the hoi 2er or
holders thereof, his. her, or their assigns, p
sum to be expressed therein, equal to th<
amount of the principal stock thua subscribed,
hearing an interest n »t exceeding four and
one half per centum p'r Annum, payabl
quarterly, from the thiviy-fi st day of Decem
ber, one thoiiSAod eight humlred and twenty
five / transferable in the sume iraiiner as r
provided by law fur the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and subj ect to ti’dr.tnptton at thf
pleasure of the United States, ua follows : one
haif at any time after the tturly-firff day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-night: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-ft. si day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and tw«Mitr«nlne:
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new certificate / nor until after at least sit
months public notice of such intended rcim
uursement. And it shall be the duty of ihi
-Secretary of the Treasury t • cau«e to be trana
Ter red to the respective aubHcribersthe sever
ai sums by them subscribed beyond the amoum
of th? cer'.ffijtttes of four and ore half pe<
rent, stock issued to them respectively
** Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Tbnt
.he same finds which have berctolore ben.,
and now are pledged by law for the psyinen'
of ihe inu-r rat, and for the redemption tnd
«fimbursemetit of the s*ock which may be re-
leem-d or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like.
manner for the pivment of the interest accru-
>ng on the stock created by reason of su h
iubsci ip ion, and fur the rt demut'on or retm
uursement of the principal of ih<- same. A* d
it shall he the duty of the curmi sioners of the
sinking fund to cuuse to be ay.plied and paid
out of the said fuiH, yearly and e^cy year,
such sum and sums a* may be annually requir
ed to discharge the iute est accruing on the
stock which may be created by virtue ot thin
act 'The said commission* u arc, also, here
by authorised to apply, from time to tim-,
»uch sum and sums out of the said fuud, as
•hey may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursemeut, in coir
forniity with the provisions of this act, the
principal of the said stock : and such part ol
the snnual sum often millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, ss nu>
be necessary and required for the above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated t
the payment of interest and redemption o*
the public debt, until the wlnde of the stock
which may be crested under the provisions of
this act, shall have been redeemed or reim
buried. n
Now, therefore, notice is hereby g : ven, th
books will beopen.dat the Treasury of the
United Stntrs, at d ot the several loan office,
on the first day of April n» xt, and continue
open until the first di ’of October, thereaf
ter, for receiving suhscrlntions in conformity
with he provisions of the said law.
The subscriptions may be made by the pro
prietors if the stock, eiih«»r in person or by
fheirattorneys duly author*: I to subsciib*
and transfer it to the United Slatea.
Sh'.uld subscriptions of said slock bemud’?
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of
dollars, a distribution of ihe said sum of twelve
nillions of dollars will be made among thf
subscribers, in proportion to the sums subscri*
ued by them resperlivcdy.
Acting Secretary of the t’reasurv*
»»- r l ^ 10*1*0
Georgia—Chatham County.
In ihe C iuM of Ordioary—May Term, 182S.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Wxckcrly, dec. praying an order
Ai«i to be m»de absolute, on hil complying
with the law, to sell Two Trxctl of I^nd in
Lauren, County, being thereat eatite of the
said deceased, for the benefit of the heira and
creditor* ■ It ix ordered, that ■ notice h<
published, nine monthly in one of the G..
xettex of the city of Savannah, requiring til
perxonx interested, to show cause, if any they
can, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould
not he granted, S. M. BOND, c- c. o.
M*yM 57
N INE MONTHS ufi r date, •ppliestton
vill be maclf to the Inferior Court ol
; bounty, sitting for ordinary ptirpo*
es, fur leave f o sell all the re?l estate of the
tote Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, viz:
Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred
and eighty acre* Rice Lihd, on the O eechee
; t ver, foil,-nriilei below th< F rrv, udj ining
be plantRtion if Joseph H«b rshvm si'd Ste
<hen Elffntt Also, tA'o hundred and fifn
^cres, more or less, of Pine ! .and, apnertoin-
thnieto. A so. a Traci of La* d called
3alina, o mtoi dng fify acrer, on Medway Riv
r, 2(\j.>ining the lam h of J J. Maxwell.
MARY SAYaGE, Adm'rx.
June 15 71
N INE months afterdate, application wiU he
made to the lion, the Judges of the Court
s Ordinary if Chatham county, for leave to
.ell all the real estate of the late William Craig,
-luceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cieil
tura of said estate.
JOHN M’NISH. Executor
f»r» Vl
4 LL persona havinp demandi ,Rainat the
A estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of
ie city of Washington, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
ndebted to said entr.te, ere requited to make
immediate payment, to
Tan 14 42pa
Georgia— Ca mden County f
W HEREAS J Bichlotl Jun administrator
on ’ he eatat' »• f DividTucker and David
H’i'redie, applies to the Court nf Ordinary
,,fd County, for Lettersdiatnititry on the
. timet of said decea,ed peraona: These are,
therefore, to cite and admonish the heirs and
creditors of said deceased persona, to file
their objections (if any they bare) in my of
fice, on or before the first Momliy in January
next, or letters will be granted to the appli
I' -15,1 Witness the Hon. William Gibson,
IlL.S || one of the Justices of said Court.
1 4 this 25!h June, 18’5.
JOHN BAILEY, c.c o c e
June SO gg
Vegetable Catholicon.
^ HE aubrriber resi' Clfully solicits the at
lention of every friend of suffering hu
manity,to to the above new and ittvaluibl*
remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating
from tne system the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organs of fife to a free and
healthy exercise of their functions, hat exci
ted the astonishment, and completely silen
ced the objections of tbe most incredulous —
Facts arc the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of tue Uaiholicor to ss severe a
sen-tiny as possible, it was offered by adver*
tisement,toge'her with the attendance oft
physician, gratuitously to any >erson who
would apply for it, and wh'use cause might
seem t« come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe esses of long sta ?d-
ing, and some vf them seemingly de*per--*e
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or lu much relieved an lo warrant
the ssHertiun that a little perseverance will do
so. Iu fart, such ia the confidence of the physi
cian under whose care these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a confidence resuit
ing from the irresistible conviction that has
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon
stration, and a person-*! trial of it on himseli
that he permits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that thetto'holicon is not onlv s
perfectly s» r e and innocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and states of the s>stcm, such as the fol
owin g
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation; Oil »nci inveterat- U c»*rs. Pains
in the bones attended with swellings of the
join's; Indigestion, Blot diet on the face,
pimple 4 -, &c ; All comnlainto of the Liver;
t eller: Yaws j Syphilis .- Cutaneous dis<a«es
generally ; Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word cousis.s exclusive!;
f vfg 'tahle mailer) with the exception of a
light ditermi ixtion to the bowels^ which it
preserves in a soluble state, seta insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires n? particu
tor regimen, (abstinence from spirtuoua li
quors always eiceptrd.) or confinement. A *
ii p< ntlc. safe and agreeable cathartic med
cine, improving the appetite sod restoring the
general lone of the hVB»em, it i» confident^,
recommended to iadieR in a delic.irp siiuu-
lion, W V\ f . PO ITER,
66 Chesnu*.-street.
Philadelphia• .Ifuy 31,1824
At the request of Mr. *V. W. potter. Ihivi
lately exhibited, in several instances, a iiiedi
cated sirup, culled Po’.ter's V'egetnble Ostho
iicon, witn the most decided advantage- 1
lias, as • et, never railed effecting a cure in
ekerv case in which I have thought proper to
-mpioy it. H. M'MUrt f KIE, M D
Ph r adelphiay July 28M, 1824.
^fr. W W. Pottery
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a concise statement of my anfi' i
ings. from * the hopeless commencement, t-
ihe present propitious stage of my disease'
About five years ago, on uiy passage from
Border ux, during the mouth of January, from
<m}>rudent exposure on deck, I was seised
with a violent fever. Having no medical at-
i aidants on board, I was compelled to bear
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar-
r iva| at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as
typhus. The skill of my Physicitn subdued
the fever, but Phaoix-like, the termination
of this gave rise to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now, I had ui night incur-
Able. Various abscesses made then unwel-
:ome appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to au enormous size.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—on incision was now made and s large
evacuation ofnns, mixed with piece* of bone
took pluce. In addition to this, I suffered tbi-
most excruciating my joints that mar.
ever experienced. Every thing that wpn
administered either gave me no relief or ser
ved to aggravate the Jisea^p, the severity cf
which increased with every succeeding year
Such was my psinfui si uation that I de jpaire••
of ever being restored to my heal h ; I had
not only tried the ie:ular means of relief,
but used, though in v»«n, every popular rem
edy 1 cojld hesr o f - It was in Cuis awful ami
despond'ng condition,that 1 was per.susdc 1 to
commence a course of your Vegetable f 'h I
r.on, and the happy remit is, **/ om the use
of the two buttles my whole sys em hat under
gone a complet e revo uliun. my pains luve fo s i
Ac t me {" the discharge from my ance oegun
o diminish, and soon ceased ahogetl er, (hr
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
plctely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which 1 have tried in vain more remedies
tr an I can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, winch was gone, has returned -1 a i
in fact, near’y well, and fuel con fid nt that a
few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable
aedicine, will nirke me per ectly so.
Your obliged friend,
Philade!phia t July r 6, 1824.
My confidence in the voget ible catholsc m
ia uiidiminish'.'d, and as fresh in tances of its
powers arw* daily pecurrh g, in my ow n nrac-
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending ii,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, as superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint*
ed with. M. M’MUtt l HIE. M D.
Philadelphia, May 28.18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago I had ths misfortune to be-
conv j fll cted with a disease, the painful re
Hulls of which induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respective physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re-
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
as the former. My whole system became a -
fected. 1 could get no rest at night oa ac
count of the violent pain that I fat in every
part of my body ; the weakness and emacia
tion of which was such that I could scarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles ol
which, haa completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine haa given me, I am
your obliged friend, &c.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a
hearty mai. Fur nearly six years I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravagea threat
ened, if oot ioon*Btopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal xdvice from the commencement, my
comnlaint at last got to such a height that I
could not swallow without great pain and
difficulty* Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottlee of the
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, and I am now a* well aa i
xstarjaa*- 1 —
City ef Phi'adnphia, a»° 0I,GE KAN 8-
Gsurge the Diittiet of Somi
-ark, personally appeared, •nd. beitte <u,
worn, dtth declare and say that the
s'atriiBont i, in til respects correct snd trt»
.nd that the signature to it is in the hm?
■rutin, of this deponent.
•i-^.u, JJH-'BISNS, Alderm*
Philadelphia, May 28 18!4-
The Vegetable Getholicon it p , u | ui,
•dinted to thoae diseases winch re prevalet
amoni; the coloured population ofthe smith.
In that disease which is called yaws it
«ure remedy i a single tliM of it, will rnnv.n™
planters of its superior efficuny to »ny re ml
dy of a similar natu. ft in the United Stater
The advantages of this mrdicin- are, nat
confining the jw'ient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business—
With one solitary exception, 'hat of smrim.
ous liquors, it doe, net lay any ratrieiUmi vtm
hit appetite It is so gentle ,n us OLetLmn
that the p itieot finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not tlte wish ofthe
proprietor to take any thing lor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in
persons at a distance who may wish to't y
uis medicine, but who are not c.-rtsin if 5
be applicoble to their complaint, ire fmet
ed to describe their esse and sjm-. om
a letter, p ut-paid, and directed t iiim-tlna
letter will be immediately olacef in h.i jf
fully competent to decide ihe nce-hon,-
Should the reined;. Hi seem o suit the dis
ease, they will be l ® :y told s1 ,
To prevent d.sippointm nt it is wc'l ,g
d'lte that it takes i, orlina-y exes Iro n ;i in
5 hotttec to effect a cure so thsi pe.s n.s *hn
are labouring under any serous hr,rooty,-
must make up their miml to persevere tn that
exit It', a*, least—if they do uni, limy n ig|.|
well anve themselves the trouble and expense
f lining a smaller qusn'ii .
Alt ortle ; pm-paid and twining It e mmey,
itiinedia'.ely aiteud.rd t", and the metUcine
packed ami delivered with directions for ofc,
any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of tl! im- wi'l bexul.l inthcciiy of I’liila lei-
pliia, tt the office in Fifth near llxct-fir et,
ir at tlie dwelling of the (impri tor, N. M
ffiesnut atreet, only, and abroad bv Ms ia-
honzed agent* W W POTT PR,
66 Che,nut Street, Philade'pfiia’
I have appointed GKOItQE RYE iSOU,
Druggist, of Sav.nnali, m solo agent. I)'uy-
gicia wanting the above valuable medicine,
vill be Supplied by him for cash, at tile same
rate, aa if ordered direct from me—v z.
per dozen, or three dollars a a ngle bottle.
W. W. HOTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to thesubserilnr
will bu furnished with certificates of the i ffi- ,
cacy of the above metlicine, sufficient iq eon*
vmce the mind of the most sceptical, although
ino numerous and lengthy for newspaper n-
-ertion, GEO. MYEHSO'd, Drnogiat,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets,
den 13
Between W, Davies. Administrator, Complain*
ant, and John Oarnochnn Administrate tie
bonis no , with the will annexed of Gear jt
Richardson and others, Drjendants. hI
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Camocban,
one of the defendants in the said bill of fc
complaint named, re side* without the state uf
Georgia, in that part ofthe Ui.itf.d Kingdoms
if Great Britain and Ireland, cal'ed Sctrtlard ;
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
•vmhsn, do appeal and answer to the com*
nlamani's saul bill, Within nine months from
the d ite of this order, otherwise that the
said bill, as to him, he taken pro coi.less > ,*
and ii is furilier ordered, that a copy of this
order he publish’d once a week, in one of
ho pubhc G kZi-‘tes of this-stale, until the ex
piration of ihe time within which the s»id ue*
endant is required to appear and suswt r 4
true copy from the Mfrutov, thin 21st dar
August, 1824. A. B.F ANNIN, Cirrk.'
angiis» 24 5Of
Georgia Camden County.
rn ar.L TO WHOM If WAV COti'.E IN.
W HEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, v.i.tow,
applies to die Conti of Ordinary ol raid
’.ounty, for Letters of Admiuistrnlion on toe
•state of J’lhn Brown, late of said county, nc-
cessed, if next of kin: These are, therefore,
: note an J Sfimonish, all and ainguiar, the
kindred and creditor* of said dccei»*eJ, tofi'e
.lieir objections, if any they hire, in m-- k of-
lice.on or before the first Mo .d*y in
text,otherwise Letters will begranied the ap*
Witness the Honorable Br'disn R
ley, one of thi Jit dice* of tuid Ronrt,
tbi* sixteenth dry of April, otgluccx
hundred ard twenty-five.
Anril 21 24
Georgia —Camden County.
fJKTUEUEAS John Ghevaber, hxs applied
If to said Court, f>r Letters Disntissory
in the estates of Samuel Coxens and Evan E.
Muck, dciessed. These are, therefore, f#
•die and admonish, ail and ainguUr, tbe kin*
dred and creditors ot Ihe said d.ceased pct»
.ous, t i fiie their objections, if sny they liave,
n my office, on or before ihe first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be graoted the
Witness the Honorable J^mrs flcntt,one
of the Justices of said Court, tins t f dav of April, eighteen liundf'-l
and twenty-five.
[L. b.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C.O.l C,
frrP' 24
Georgia—Camden County.
.k'WHEREAS Lewis Bschloll, applies te tbs
JJr Court of Ordinary of said Countyt for
l etters Ditmissory on the estate of Fr.ncel
Rutoliipe: These are, therefore, to cite
admoniah, all and lingular, the kindred and
creditor# of said deceased, lu file their objrc-
tions, if any lliry have, in my office, on or be-
fore the fi st Monday in January next, other
wise Letters Diamissoty will be granted R*
Witneaa the Honorable Samuel clirkei
one ofthe Jnalirei of said Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
April 21 - 24
t)U trotn ii
ffiptil 18
^ trotn Brig Pheasant, for sale by