About Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1825)
row sm& Sheriff’s Sale. 6ft the first Tuesday in September next, npoiLL be sold in front of the court-house \ji# in Bryan County, between the usu*‘ hours of ole, A tree! of Lend in seul county, known bv the name of ‘Merino,' containing eight him- deed seres, more or leas, bounded N B by bweat's Units, S W by a Salt marsh, other boundaries not knovn—levied upon as the property of H T Kr.tfng.to satisfy ad ese ention in avor of tue administrators if Benj Stiles, deceased THO g_ HAnN , ,. c SWAIM’S PANACEA. 'I1HI3 medi' ine is offered Is s remedy fur l Scrofula, Kin,’.’a Evil, Ulcerated Sort Throat, Ion* at:., din* Klieumatio Aflec- none, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling \nd Diseases ot* the M »nes, a- d *11 cisn» ,'cnerally of »n ulcerous character, cud Chronic diseases, arsing in debilitated consti Mtionn, but more enpeciilly lor Syphilis, o\ i (Ttct'om arising ihorefrom, Ulcers of the Ltryni, Node*, &c., and that diesdful dm ease occasioned by a long a> d eacessive uh* 4 of Mercury, &c &c.—It has a ao been found useful in IJ.seasea of the Liver. Communir.itioni. post paid, and ofdettfrom any part ol (lie world, wiU receive immedist' attention. Printed direction* accompany the lie* d ‘ e " 1 ‘" WM.8WAIM, No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite the University of “ennaylvania, Phibtdelphia, February, 1825. The subscribers have just received a fresh supply of the above VALUABLE MEDI CINE, and havo made such arrangomeuti with the inventor,Mr. Win. Bwaim, as will enable thorn to Otforto the public a pare TrfcaauT-j DeYittctTnent, f M\roii, 14, 1825. 5 W HEREAS on the 3d of Hutch, IP'S, a law was pass vl by the Congress of the Un'tcd States, of which the 3d, 4th. and Silt sections are in the » oxls f 'Rowing, via i •• Sec. 3, -Aild be it further enacted, That • subscription to the anuqnl of twelve millonu of dollars, of the sit p r cent, stock vf the yea' eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and tlie tame ia hereby proponetl ( for which pur August 2 95 Administratrix Sale. O N Honday the eighth dey o August nett will be sold at the house of Urs. B «mith, in Bryan County, between the hours or tei end four o’clock, Sift head of Stock Cattle end one old Cart, bring the remaining pets - |- , jj e persevered in, it will radically remove al « —C tl.i,siw.ltr OftflAP. fll'l!. La t lull I 1 M P .L . J! a....-.ft ../I In a I disorder* arising from an Impure ©r I an ^ unadulterated urtu le. I)niggiat6 and contaminated state of the Moody it will be others who purchase to sell again, con have found • powerful and an effectual remedy.-- it at t j l0 original price established by the I The discovery of this med cine has been the iutor# , (feet Of long and attentiveL^^’init LAY & HENDRICKSON, now made public fromthe most t ecided con. Druggists, Shad's Buildings. p * wet I net a'ln-arin g*those SSSS^r^J A Treatise on twain* IWce.ivith hfailed I Ctt8( ‘ 8 illustrating its success, will be loaned Yt cn mot. however, be supposed, that this | to those interested, by applying ns above, "asarsa will invariably cure—the most es teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty, will .f en fail in the very diseases for which hey are considered specifics i but if the use or June 28 nal estate of Matthew” Carter, duo. G >udi lions, cash. Juoe 29th. H2J. „ , , ELI 2 iBETH CARTER, Mm'x. July 2 8J t P')L VDKLPH1S, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain East India Cure for the Rheu matism, King's Eml, Jrc. mi s! every esusefof the disorders specified. Thousands ure lingering under those cum- pli iits, in some form, linking to the ffrsve, without s remedy, whom thie medicine would 'certainty restore to perfect health and vigour. Its safety and innocence have been fully tea -1 Extract of s tet'erfrom the Rev. James E jd, «o that it may besdmimstete I to'he ten- | li.h, dated et Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe lereat infm t The moat distinguished physi cians in the United States recommend it, and -dmit, that t more imuoriaut ducovery m me- dies! icience hoi not been made; and to nan the language of on of the most emuient P-o- le.iors of the age, it it a t< iumpU in the heating art. To the present and rising generations, STATE OF GEORGIA. ? Chatham County S lit the L'aurl »/O i/inmy July Term 1825, In the mailer of me Estate ol Ebzabelh Bourke, Lunatic—Archibald Smith, Guar- O N the petition of A chibald Smith guar d,ao of Elisabeth Bourke, atetuig that the following named negroes, vis. Sokey and her child. Aoderson,Daphne and In. r children. __ Andrew and Rose, from a long residence >[' I md ctrrup'ed constitutions, thereby p tiew t >wn and great indulgence have acquired such 1 ,- offering from hereditary d,smses It bi s of dleneas and vicious practices, that I -yf lMC ; #utSl mg.e .• ■ witli the numeou- cures they cannot be made at all profitable to the I form irreslible pr.gf of the h h vulnu did Lunatic and praying leave of this court I i u,., reme d r. No ,n., however, is d sell to reli the said negroes, and that the proceed! 1, 0 t> t e it, without firs, fully convincing n m- 0 f the sale be invested i ' Bank Stock, or sn> l te |f 0 f the truth of whkt n here atsted, and other funds that u.kv best prumoie the inti; I the rectitude of the Fn p-iemr’s intentions, test of the said Elisabeth Bourke, It i* I The cures performed in this city alone, es hereby ordered, that ell personi interested i. I ta blisli it. superior virtue on a basis too soud the welfare of the said Ehtibeth do fin their I tn be ,ff ec ted by the malignity of the euviou objections if any they have, in then.erkaof ( , 9 worttiy of remark, that the greater p»i flee of this Court on or before the fi - it Mon. | „f ( i, e p,i| en ^, who have been permanently Lond-rn. Daan Ti» . ... 4 OltF.it ABLY to y ur request, I have with /w. diffi ultv procured amt now s md you b< the »'ip las in, c»pt Robinson,* few pound if the I’olnd'dnhia, or what generstlv goes „ t,y the n«me . f I idlft Extrftot, • Mcdirine un. the ben. lit mut' prove incalculable, not only lver ,,|ly esteem,.d m'mg the people of Indian oy saving many many vfthishle lives, b it .m I „ , re i,in cuie(or the Rheumatism. Was mrilng strength and soundness tlrbililaed | j inform you of the number of people wh - - are d ilv relieved and cured by this valuable I d cine, it wou d requ re more paper than I am s ite to purche-r sod more time tha. 1 am able to bestow. 1 .deed, the tff'Ct of tens Medicine is s i imin'd ate, that in Rheumatism vnu would suppose it acted .8 a rlia. m n giv ; og relief anrl rem >ving th t painful d' lease. II the Xing’s Evil it his he-‘n mod w.ih great siicoesa, a id whe lfercriry has been giver or used . nxc. as, h i sloil '. 'nehiis proved a perfect cure. The great difficulty, however, procuring tlx Extract, w,II for many years to come, prev, lit its general circulation, it be. VALUABLE MEDICINE. JOtS,** “*• ' "" City of Philadelphia. „ G ’' 0UGE George Kme, of the District of Smith «»rk, personally appealed, and, being *2 ! W"m, doth declare and say tint the statement is in sill respects correct and trn. and that the signature to it is in the band writing of this deponent. J >H’ r BIVN’S, Alilerm.n Fliiladelphia, Hay 28,18;*. TOTtWi Vegetable Catholicon. aiibacribi r resneotfully solicit# the at tentiun of every friend ofsiiffering hu manily, to to tlie above new end invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers to eliminating from the system the very seeds of disease, ..I„c I.uerruy urouuseii t i„r wuiou gur-, and in tertofiitg the deranged tnd morbiO I line book* oball be opened at the Treaaury of I condition of ttie organs of life to a IfM end I TO SOUTHERN PLANTEII3. be United States, and at th- several loan nffi I healthy exercise of their fuiictions, has exe . I The Vegetable Catholicon is tiecu|\j, cea, on tlie first day of April next, to continue I ted the astoniehment, and completely alien-1 t d,nted to those diseases which are previu , open until the first day of Oolober tliervaftct, I ced tlie objections of the mosiincrcnilous — I tn ,ong the coloured population of the somh' for such parti of the above mentioned *d v I Fuels urs the best argument!. In order to put 11„ d,tease which ia called yawi. it ,. scriplion of atock aishall, on ihn day ot sub I the virtues of ttie (Jaiholicon to as severe < , ure remedy i a single trial of it, will conv.,1 sorption, aland on the hooka of the Treasury, I scrutiny es possible, it was offered by edver* I planters of its s-ipenor efficacy to any r, and ort those of the several loan offices, re I Mement, together with the attendance ol a I Jy 0 f a similar natu-e in the United Sute,. •pectively; which tubaeripUnn shall he effect-1 physician, gratuitously to any oersoft who I ed by ft transfer to the United States, in the I would apply for it, and whose cause migm I NOTICE, manner prov.ded by law for auch transfers, ot I teem f come within the range ot ns lieahng I The advantages of this medicine ire the credit or credits-standing on the said I power—numhets of severe cases ot long atf o. I confining the patient unneceabarilv to the books, and by a surrender of the certificate! mg.andwme of them seemingly deiperitel Imuse, or keeping him from Ins business.— or ihn stock so •iibseribcd : Provided, That ones, pre ented themselves, ail of which have I vvith one solitary exception, hat of l ,|j r i l ~ all tubicription by such transfer of stock shall been cured, or so much relieved as to warrant I ou# liquors, si iloet not lay any rutrictmu '! be omsidetedas part of the said twelve mil-1 ihe assertion that t little perseverance will etc I y, a pp e m e it is so gentle in its ocm™ lions of dollars authorised to be burrowed by so. In fact such is the confidence nfthe physi I ttlat llie pitient finds liimielf netting w.iiu the first secti n of his set. cisn under whose care these patients were c , nno t tell how. As it is not the wish ofth! •• Sec. 4. And be it further enacted ] , Thst for placed, in thta remedy, e confide ice reio t I proprietor to take any thing lor which k, the whole or any pm ot sny sum which shall tng from the irresistible conviction tlist has I c , nnut give a consideration equal j„ V1 t", be thus subscribed, credos shall he entered to ue-n forced upon his mind by ocular demon- I persons at a distance who may w ih to n, the respertive subsorlbers, who shall be enti -oration, and a personal trial of it on tumsett I i.is medicine, but who ore not certain if ilIC ICBUvt llvU B Jtiovt iut.1 ™ as > eisass — I V ■ - > * , < • I ll,p ww* — * HtJA C*rittin if it led to ■ certificate or certilicatea purportinK ihnt lie permit* me to declare it as his dcci* I be applicoble to tlieir complaint, are reoneif that the United States owe to the holler or dtd opinion, that *he Cnth >licon ia not only a I e< j to deacribe *huir cnae and symoto-ns in holder* thereof, hm, her. or tbeir aasiKna. « perfectly safe and innocent, but a moat pow-1 a letter, poat-paid, and directed to Ijim—t! r . 4. _ 1*1. — I— S,, sli I -wm! 111 n ml intiriliioHlsa FftfliPllv III CerlatO Cl IS' I Ustaa aa.all Iva immarf u,l -I.. * that the holder* — anm to be expressed therein, equal to tli' amount of the principal atock tbutaubiicribvris hearing an intere&t n exceeding four a».d one half per centum p' r annum, pHyshk* quirterly, from the Ihirty-fi.at d*y of Uect-m- ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five; transferable in the aame manner as i« provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to r« d'imptton at the _ , ,, pleasure of the United State*, aafdlowa: one generuby * Mercurial *nd acrotuloua com haif at any timeaf er tlie thirty-first day of| plaints. erful and invnluable remedy in certain dis- cases and states of the 8>§iem, auch aa the fiA owing Debility resulting from intemperance and l dissipation; Old and inveterat' Ulcer* * Pains | in the bom a ^tended with swellings if the | letter will be immeduiloly pia ce d i„ hmus tully competent to de-.-Ae the quevtiun - Should ihe remedy not Seim o suit th e Ji,. ease, they will be frankly told a CAUTI '«• — - , , To prevent d sappoiutinmt it Is w C n t0 join's i Indigestions Blot-.hea on the tace, I ,,t.,te thattakes in ordinal), n.scs fan 3 i 0 liimp'.es, Ac. i Al, cuinplain'a ot tlie Liver 11 j oottles (o effect a cure so that re a.iinwho Tetter.-Yhw_»_i Sypliilis r Ciilar.eoueiltleaaes J 4re | tt Uuurii;g under any serous inlirtn.iy, must make up their mind to peisuverc to fiat day in August next, otherwise, the laid I -u ed. had, p.eviouato the rropnetor’a «n-1 ; nR obtained frnm a 'Shrub growing on tjie groe» will be sold to" tliebrnefit of the uaid | < J e rCao.illg them, received the »b'.est a aidan :e I moun tnina of Thibet, in the B rman Empire Liaatic, and the proceeds of such kale be in vested in Bank stock, or other funds that mav belt promote the interekt of the skid Elms- b *And it is further ordered, thkt this rule be £ uol,shed in a oubtic Gax, tte of Sav innah, at iskt once a week for thirty d*v». , Extract from the minutes 7th July 18 ■■ SAMUEL M BOND C C O. Juli v Uw «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL TO WHO- IT M lY COSi ER December, one thousand eiffht hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any tunc after the thirty.firat day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twent ^nine : P.ovided, That no reunburaement shall be Tim Catholicon (which the proprieter sol emnly pledges h« word consists exclusively of vrg tuble matter) with the exception of h slight d.*termi tktion to the bowels^ wh.ch it preserves in a soluble stute, acts inasnsibiy, »«■ and several were abandoned bv the-r Puysi cians, a* beyond the rettc • »f htm»- •ikiil Such it the f et and to extraordinary re many of ’he c sen that an ex/Jb ■ion was made of ih m i» the Univeret.y if Fenn yv n ia. by the l* ofessov irf Surger - b.Je e a c owd edaiulienc of iiude uu who p onouncetl them wonders in the healing art it . *<s tittu t ill - icea ntu the Pn iadoqihia aIit.s H"us.. *». d P nnsylvania ai.d New York Hospital, am) such were its surprising effects—its vucecs after ad other m Heines hhd ftttied, tha t Surgeon of tin Pennsylvaniajliupital, Ur.Wm P ice, was in .ced to abandon hit highly >f Indii, and held so sscred by tb • naHves. thst to part with it is like parting with their existence.** Le'terto Dr- Bedwell, dated Jan. T, 8 3 Dear Doctor—I have Heen v otent y affteted ilii « U u natic complain' f >r many yeais ; *»ve;. mvfisgcrs acre contracied that 1 on.d neiihe d"ess or u-’dress myself, or g ve the least .isais^ance to m fa oily—1 have used only one -ox of theft d * Bv«ract, and I am perfectly restored. Youi*s truly, R, KiLS^ON, Philadelphia Letter from Tobias Jenninga, .Stnwa d of St Thoma** Hosptal. London Feb t, 18<;3 Dear Sir-l think it my duty t<. inform vou, hat after trying every thing that could be made except for the whole amount of such I pleasant to the Uste, and r. quires n* particu* -• -* 1 — 4 1 iar regimen, (ebstinence from spirtuous li quors wlwayii excepted.) or confinement. A 1 u gentle, safe and agree.’.b'e cathartic medt cine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it is conlid«:ntlv recommended to ladies in a delicate situa tion. W W. POI TKR, 66 Chesuuv-Hireet. . ,7 ,• I r up stable ofBc , from the luudtble design W HEREAS Helton A. Copp applies to the of £ enefiUl „ g a g f,\\ ow creatu.e^, b-, carry Court of O 'iinary of s»vd County for J Panacea to England j where it lias al Letter*of Admi straton, Wll “ *.' e . *', * j ready auperaeded |hc use of the genuine I “ -nted out^by^the moat respect ihie physi- nexed J on thees’nte of Joseph many, w ^ « Ppe0ch Rob of Lafafctcur in a number of in-1 ciini gn( j lurfrC on3 for the relief of my son, •i:d county, decease^ x ^ heie V® 1 ,*** th I Ntuncef, n diseases for which that is intended, I without any success, who you know, has for to e*te a»'d admou n all and rnguiar, i an(j . |l§ virtue9 Ire publicly acknowledge by 1 /ntny year| been laboring under aevero R ieu heirs ai^l cred l ’■>* «*»d “ eceM ®° some >4 the molt eminent surgeons there I mlt | 9n a | WHg induced to try the PuljuMpbis, their objections (ifa>v ♦ hey have) »n my ft, all complicated cases of Scofulu anU Vy | *5^ K immering hope, that it might yve fire, on or before tho first Monday in Septe • -nd %vbere thc Syphilitic Virus of u.e him gome re | ie f y rom the excessive pain be ber next, otherwise Letters will ne gram p4ft , lt CHUIe » * de?elopement of Scro ula in I endured, which rendered hi n a useless mem tlie applies* t* , f I ihe cliiid, th:« is the only remedy upon which I b er of aooioty, and a burthen to hi nsrlf. To Witness the Hon. w »Iham Ribaon. one % |inglte ho >e of r-covery can be reasonab y | my l1tter tit onishment tne relief was in»’an the J ittice* of said Court, ttu w | founded; there hu been no instance ot its | !ftn , m \ s v oerseverinff in the use of the new certificate / hor until after at leait six month* public notice of shell intended reim bursement Aii*l it shall be tlie duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective aubscribersthe sever al sums by th-m subscribed hevond thc amou.it of the certifi lates of four and one half pet cent, stock issued to them respectively " Sec. 5. Md be it further enacted, That h'i same f uida which have heretotdie been, jiid now are pledged by la.v for the payment of »he interest, *ud for the rod'-inplion and eimbursemeni of the stock which may be re deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro visions of this 101,811811 remain plcdgtd in lik- manner for lhepa« montof the irtercRt acciu ing on the stock crested by mason of su* I* subsciip’ion, and F»r llie redjmpt’on or reim bursement of the princip lof the s.ime. A* d ii shall be the duty of the c :ninii‘ sioners ot t he sinking fund to r.nuse to be applied and paid out of the said fun I, yearly and e-e^y yeai-. such sum and su ns as may be annually requir ed to discharge the inte“est accuung on ihe s'ock winch may be creuied by virtue of thn act The said commissioners art, also, here by authorised to apply, from time to tim., such sum and sums out of the said fund, as they mxy think proper, towards re teeming ly. Juh ) 8 5 tNB MT.Y.e. c. 0. c. c ’9*1 Georgia -Camden ‘ oil t ; y. 1)0 ALL TO IVHOM It'MAY tOXCER.V I fulu-e, where i-tupe ly uead Iiimpk-uvi j;our to the wh >)e intern while Ihe cure is gaitii? on—on operation so long hoked for in \vain by the mediial wold', at Tie ...W11L Im.e toe patient is ci.ab eii to take nourisliiiiK food | which under the common modes of prautici, 1 usually u ithheld from the sufferer. In ma TfWHER AS W! ipplt Alone applies to the | insta.icea where the horrible .avajjes of ui. >## Court of Ordinary of the said countv for Letters of .dmiiiiltra'ion, w : th the will an- tieied, on the estate of Bxibeth iVilliamson, late of a.id c unty, deci'kipd: Ttuae .re therefore to cite end admonish all ami alng l«r, the kindred anderediton of aaid deceased to fi ■ heir obj c'iona (if anv they have) in My ffi .e on ur before thi fi at Hon lav in Sept ■ nber next, otherwise Litters will be ■tinted the application Witnesi'ho Hon. Williim Gibson, one of the J i icesof isidC un, this 23d Ju ly. '8 5 :ii 'NRtl'EY n. c. o. c e. J 0 Extract, his j lints have returned to their pr uef olaces, md he ia in pertect health. Up •vard-i of sixty respectable “ersons have c,l led t ■ a,'" my ion, ax alt who knew him though it im'.o«o|.l • that h„ eooi. 1 '''.lnove v, FOR SALE by GEORGE RYF.RSON Drugjfist, where additional cortifinatoa of , ,, ,, . ,>■ "* “j 1 tlie efficacy ur the above medicine may bo cerr.ion had laid bai c ligament and bone, tod 1 where, to all appearance, no human mean. bu. | amputation could bavu hived life : in caaea e.ttieme even »s here described, have pa- trints been snatched from the grave ansi re stored to good health, and th* dev .u up dis- •.use comp'ttely eratbcaie l The ditcove y of | a remedy like this now affe ed for 9 Ue, hue been a deeiderutumfi om tunc i mm' monal, The Proprietor Uul-j a>i ulloc. N l Fj MONTHS after he date hereof, ay pucation will he made to ihe Hon -rablr thi ijourt of Ordinary* for thc County dhat- h*»m. fir leave to sell the whole or a part or parts cf a »rsct ot land, lying and being m t ie <unnty of Kfiin^ha 0, containing b\ • • C»nt Purvey, nine hundred and eight fi acres, and known bv the name of the Tuck- twetkmg Tract, formerly the property o Re g and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the ea -t;of Alexander S Koe’s orphans, for the benefit of said orphan?* WIL1J \M MOREL, G'jtidi-i'i A S. Roc*'* Orphans, Tnlv 4 « 7 iNotice. Y^TINE MONTHS after thc date of this J3I notice, application wilt be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of tile real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN \V. STACY, Administrator, dee 18 21 Brinks. T HE Subscriber has at present on hand a large stock of Bricks of superior qua iity, which he offers in such quantities us muy be wanted, at the lowest possible price fur cash only. For the convenience of his Town Custo tners, he intends in future to ffep ahvayB A considerable supply in town; those in im mediate want of the article will be supplied by application to Mr. James Roberts, either at his residence ia West Broad Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M ALPIN J-l," 21 It null o xlw) l OFFER FOR HALE, w i w\ Bushels very superior Haiti JdiJTjUmoro Corn, in prime order 20 bugB Coffee SO bbu Baltimore Whiskey 42 do Rye Gin 2 lihds do 10 pipes Holland Gin 4 do Ckggtc Brandy July 7 04 no uppose ms bare assertion will convince : ue wi,i therefore give reference, to sack as have been cured, and those u,.d.rhi.care among whom are mao) highly tcapcc aclecitiz a. that shall ,-itislv the moat r crulul ua ot ,ts aupe lor efficacy in thc disoide-a for winch i : is here lecommen b d. Every member ofaoc e.y should sul in iliffua-' rm .tinn f this discuvery—Anmun- ity alone makes it a da y Certiticateft, "I have within ttie last two years hid an op portuuily ot seeing several cases otvery mve terate ulcers, which having previously resist ed the regular modes of treatment, wen sealed by the use of Ur. Swrim’s Panacea ,nd 1 do believe, from what 1 have seen, mat it will prove an important remedy in scru, liiloua, venereal and mercurial dileases. “N. CHAPMAN, H. D. Professor of the Insiitutes and practici of Physic, in the University of Penn sylvanit Ua. A. Philadelphia, Fcbruaiy 16, 18.d." "t have employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaim in numerous instances, within the last three years, and have always found it cxtrcmcl; efficacious, especially in aec-undary syphilis and mercurial diseuea. I have no hesitatio in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimabh value. "W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Pern So geon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alms Homs 1 firmity, fee “ February 17, 1823/’ •' I have iepea edly used Swaim’e, Panacea, both mi Ihe Hospital and in private practice and have found it to be a valuable medicine chronic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous rffuctiona. "VALENTINE MOTT, M- D. Prufcs ir if Surgery in the Univeraity of New York, Surgeon of the New-York rt.isuital, '.c, "JiTrw Yo’ k 1st mo SlA.1834.” Caalionto I*UTc\xa»er8 The great detns id and wonderful success of this medicine, h ve induced a number ot pcrions to imitate it in various ways—Shme are wiling Sarsaparilla and other aympa, iim poling them on th ’ ignosaut for the Panacea others are mixing the genuine medicine with moiaisea, Ac. making three bottles nut of one, thus retailing| .me of it. virtues Th,:ie inn 'at ona.and and ad. ltentuins have in many in anoa rjtracttd the sufferings of psiientt in eases where the ycnw'ns medicine wouh have proved instantly efficacious. 1 therefore deem it a duty 1 owe the the public, to ac quaint them, (hat it is impossible, from the very nature of its constituents, to be discover, ed by chemical analysis i and consequent!. Ge'figia— amden Count* TO all whom it mav co vcada. \FW’l)*jKfiA6 Alexander Atkinson, Ad nin at utor on the E?Ule t f John Atk n- 4*;, r;eccHifcd, applies t»> the Conn of 0 din Hrv of said County, fir tetters dftm axory on s i.l estate : T' es • aro, tlu*r« fore, to c te a i* dm'Miish all and singular, the heirs -nd tired tors of Slid d. ce*»ed, to fi e 'heir obj^' « v (if any they h «ve) n -ny fli:e, on o. b fo the fir.t kionday in January next, or lettc .. w 1 he pranted to the applicant. Witness the lion William Gihson, Jj S I one of t!v Ji a»ic s of said Court, J tb;« 25 U I’m.-. 18.*5 JOHN DAILEY, c. C o. c. r June 30 82 fortuity with the provisions of this set, tht piincipa! of the said stock : and such part ol the annual turn often million* of dollars, vest ed by law in the said commissioner!, as m*y be necesairy and required for thi 1 above pur poses, shall be and continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption ol the public debt, until the whole of tie stock wh ; cli may be created under the provisions of this act, shall have been redeemed or reim- Philadelphia. .Way 31, 1824. At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, Iluvt I late’.y exhibited, in several instances, a inedi Gated lirup, called Po’ler*s Veget4ble Catho • •icon,, with the most di-oded advantage. 1 hat, as \tt, nev.:r failed effecting a cure in! \erv case in which lhave thougoi proper t;» mpioyit. li.M*MUlMKIE,M D. Phiadtiphia, July 28M, 1824. Mr. W- W. Potter, Deai* sir—You expressed a wish that 1 would give* incise statement of my Htifl*.:i* ings, from ‘ the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my diae*ae * About five years ago, on my paasuge from. L'/\nrrv Bordeaux, during the month of January, from [ |^4 IhViU 111 imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seised | ft e;ween ty Davies. Administrator, Com/i.'oiH‘ with a violent feven Having no ^ medical at-J un g j 0 / lu Canto chan. Administrate Jt * ~ bonis no .with the will ami xed of Georjt Jiichardson and others, Dt.JendanU /* equity, Chatham Supr,< lor Court- Chase cry, '20th A igust, J 824. I T appearing (hat John Murray Carnochan, one of the defendants in the said bill of ixten'- at least—if they do no', they u :gln ni well SftVe themselves thc trouble and ex^ni.e f using‘i ausaMer qusnti»« . All o"tle-'S p i$t-p lid and enc'osing the money, immediately attended in, sod the mcdiui.e <<icxL*d and (L-livered with directions for in any place in t he city, and forwarded u u:« rented N. B. To prevent the possibility of di im. aition, it wiil be sol.' i*. the ci'y ofl'iiiV.ei- jhi;i. at the office in Filth new Kict-Mr e*, >rat the dwelling of tne propn- tor, N... 06 Itiesutr. a'.reet, only, and Abroad by I.is au* UoriXwd&ge"tg. W W P'.HF.U, 66 Che.nut Street, l t h:!llJe'.pfiia , I have appointed OKOiUiE UYfi tSON, Druggist, ot' Savannah, my soie ugci*t, Lftug- i;isti wri t.ng tne above valuable meiiicinf, •vill be aupplied by him for cash, at llit swe rati-., ax if ordered direct from me—vi giO per d. sen, or three dollar- a buu.e. W. W. POT1EK, l*. .hJtl('tiii. Any person on applicutiou to the s»u!j«)ul , .l will be furnished with certifiCRtca of the tfii* cucy of the ab j*?e medicine, sufficient m run* vnee the mind of the most sceptical. altLouyh too numerous -*nd lengthy for newspupeMi* sertion. GEO- HYEU^ON, Di’Mj'K'it, Comer of Bay and Whittaker Sirtth. dec 13 '.endanta on hoard, I wus compelled to bear I T' I iti aa l might for two week., when on my sr ; Georg a— amderi ( ouuty. 'JOALL WHOM rr.MAr COJV^EHsY 1 l/’HE'tEAS Louis D tfjur. •vdmimst aicr f ? of the Estate of Hn*.iie Pelletier, dt *i Applies tn th? Court of Ordinary of said coun- for tellers disnri.Sio-y on said estate;— hese are, the>efore, to cite and admonish ah id singular, the heirs and creditors of sa d eceaaed to file thtir o» jec ions (if any the\ lave) in my office, on or before die first llo^ ay in January next, or letters will be granteu f e rpplicant. '“■^1 Witness the Hon. William Oibso I,. V. J one of the Justices of said Cou rl ——.J this 25ih lin e, ’8 5 JO IN RAILY,c. c.o. c. c. June 30 82 hat all other n ixtures represented to be mine and sold as such, are fraudulent and base im positions, calculated to acceive the ignorant and u-wary The genuine raedte-ne has ro ig-'Htu-.- if . label representing Hercules and tt^e Mj/dmt an4 oaoe ot tht seal. United States, and it ih*c several loan on the first day of April n"Xt, and C”nunue open until the first dr 1 of October, tiiercaf er. for receiving subsciintions in conforiiiity with die prov sinnsoftheaaid law. The suoscriptions may be made by the pro prietors »f the slock, eiihpr in person or by heir attorneys duly nnthoriz^lto subsciib And transfer it to the United States. Sli >uld Riibacriptlons of aaid slock be made to an amount exceeding twelve mdlions ol ■iollari, a diatnbution ofihe said sum of twelve ;niiho?>8 of dollars will be made among *ho subscribers, i*i pr'jporlion to the suma subscri bed by them respectively. SAMUEL I.. SOUTHARD, A-ting Secretary of the Treasury* VM t IvmI at Charleston. S. G. it was treated a* Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued the fever, but Pl:«ni*-like, tlie termination of this gave rls* to a disease ea tally diatre* 4 - ___ ing, and which, till now, I had tni/ught incur- j i:0 inpl«iint mimed, resides without the state «f able. Various absceases made their unwel-1 Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdom! eomeappearance,^particularly on the joints, l 0 f Q reh t ftritain nui Ireland, called Scotland: which were swe led to au enormuus siac.-~ j ^ j s ordered that the said John Murray Car- These gradually subnided into hard tumors, I noc j lg!i| t i 0 appear and answer to the co one of which on my left knee affbeted tlie | pj^ingnt'g uuid bill; within nine monttis finra bone—an incision wut now made and a large I t | iC j Mfe 0 f this order, otherwise that l‘.e pro coiiiesEu: copy of tliii burse 1 ..*’ the ^easury* of' Lk- I avseuationof pus. mixed with piece, of bone | ^ bilfsito him, betaken pr. n.ioka w ill he openr a «l the 1 reasu \ „ tQok plgcc< j., addition to this, I suffered thf g|j(J it ig further ordered, that a c I . ,n,. a .i.itki lliaf mRlt I a _ < . . ..LI .1. .1 ....an „ was.1 mi be made 8 in Z JSfrtaTO rf| ^^t^which *,.^,8..^-.- tiuthatn founty, sitting for ordin.ry purpu-1... fact.ne.rtv wel.. and feel confident that a (iliHth'im 1 ounty, sutirg tor oramavy purpu . ftoniet invaluable ~.&r *•='» «'»* e v ,he T lateTliomaa Savage, uf Bryan County, viz: Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred and eighty acres Rice Land, on the Oncer lice U'ver, four miles below the F rrv, idj-ining the plantation if Joseph Habersham and Ste ihen El lott Also, two hundred and fifty icres, more or less, i f Pine Land, appertain ing thereto. A'so a Tract of Lied called Safina, o intsl ing fif y acres, on Medway Hi* r, di nning the lanes of,! J. Maxwell MARY SAV-GE, Adm’rx. Ju-e h 71 Georgia—Chatham County In the Uuurlot OrUiuary, May Term* 1825 O N the pe'ition of Henry Champion, admin latrator or John Street. d'Ct’used, praying an order Nisi »» be made absolute on his com plying witn 'he !aw, tor l.o -ula of a Lot uf Ground, number four, [4] second Tythinv Reynolds Ward— Ala , p.rtcf a Lot, numbr six. Tower Tylhing, Deiknr Ward, being tin real esUle of the arid dec tor Ihe benefit ot tne heirs and creditors:—It is ordered, that notice be published nine months, in one o: the Public Gaaetta of the City of Savannah, requiring all persons interested, to show cause if any they have, why the prayer of the peti tinner should not be granted S H. BOND, e e. o, May 14 441 Georgia—Chatham County. In the G.ur of Ordinary—May t e m, Be O N the petition of Rob rt Hoy, Exe ill of John Wackerldec. praying an orrle* Jiisiio be made absolute, on hia complying *,ih the law, to sell Two Tract! of Land in Laurens County, being the real eat Re of the saiit deceased, for the beneld of the heirs si creditors: It is ordered, that a notice 1 oiiblished, nine months, in one of the G zettes of the city of Savannah, requiring „ | persona interested, to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer cf the petitioner should not be granted, S, U. BOND, c c. o. j May 2« ST Notice. riNE MONTHS sft"r date, application moat excruciating pains in my joints that man ■vor experienced Every tiling that was Hdniini'tered either gsvc me no relief »r ser ved to aggravate the disease, the severity ot which increased with every succeeding year Such was my paiofulsi ualion that l detpaire t of ever being restored to iny heal h i Ilian not o ily tried tlie re/ular means of teller, but used, though in vain, every popular rem- edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awfu! and desponding condition,Hist 1 was persuaded to commence a cou-se of your Vegetable 'hnh I •eon, and the hspny result is, “/ am thc ort of Ihe two bulks, my whole system hai under gone a complete mo ution. my pumi hivefo sa ke met” the discharge from my knee beg.li io diminish, and aeon ceaied altogether, the ulcer from whence it proceeded being com plelcK healed. The tumors, for the removal of which 1 have tried in vain more remedies titan 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing i my order lie publ.sh. d once a week, in one of die public G .ze tea of this state, until the ti> piration of the time Within which tlie S lid de fendant is required to appear and answer u aforaaaid. Tiue copy from the Ulnutes, tln« 2tat day August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk. aiiguiH 24 ' W t sedicine, will make me periectly ao. Your obliged friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. NOTICE. N ine monltu after date, application wdl be made to the Hon. the Judge* of the Court I jf Ordinarv -if Chatham cconty, for leave to I sell all tlie real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, fnr the benefit of the heirs and cred dors of aaid estate. JOHN M’NISH, Executor. ort t? 71 Notice. a LL peranns having demands against the Tl estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of •lie city of Washington, deceased, are re q.iired to hand tliem in, legally .'tested, within the time prescribed by law : and those indebted to laid estate, are required to make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm*r. Jan 14 42p» Georgia—Camden County. HI ALL WHOM IT M i Y CON'.EBN. W HEREAS J Bichlott Jun. adminutra'or on the eatatua of Davi ITucker and David vt’.'redie, applies to tlie Court of Ordinary ,f as d 'founty, for Letters dismirsary on the . sta es of said deceased persons: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the heira and creditors of said deceased persons, to file i heir objections (it any they have) in my of fice, on or before the first Monday in January next, or letters will be granted to the appli cant, e Witter the Hon. William Gibson, one nl 'he Justices of said Court, this ‘25* Ii June, IB^S. JOHN BAILEY, c. o o c.n June SO 82 Philadelphia, July '6, 1824. My confidence in the vi-get ible catholicon la undiminiahk l, and al fresh instances of its powers are daily occurring, in my own prac tice. 1 l.ave no hesitation in recommending it, in the pecul iar diacasea to u liich it ia applica ble, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint ed with. M. M’MURTRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 ’4 Sift—In consequence of imprudent expos tire four vear* ago 1 had the misfortune ’o be. come afflicted will, a disease, the painful re suits ot which induced me to apply in suc cession to several respectable physician* of •hia city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies 1 re. ceived another complaint quite aa distressing as the former. My whole system became af fected. I could get no reit at night on ac count of the violent pain that 1 feit in every part of my body; the weakness and emacia tion of which was auch that I could scarcely walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of which, has completely restored me, l have now no pain i my appetite ia good i and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine has given me, 1 am your obliged friend, tsc. WILLIAM WILSON, Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28, 1824 JUIIN BINNS, Alderman. Georgia Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONliK W. W HEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, wiiiow, applies to the Coun ol'Ordiiisry ol -aid Jounty, for Letters of Administration on tue estate of John BrAm, late of s»;d county,.de mised, ir next nf kin: These are, therefore, .» cite and aomimisb, all and aiiiRUlat, J kindred and creditors of said deceased, mute their obj retinas, if any they h ive, in m «• lice,on or before the firot Uo.tdiy In Just next,"therwise Letters will begranied bu «p- pheant. . „ . Witn, si the Honorable Brit urn It Brins* ley, one of the Justices of ssid Cnart, tni< sixteenth diy of April, eighteen hundred a;-d twenty-five. [L. S. JOHN BAILEY, C, C. 0 C. C, Apr'.’, 21 24 Philadelphia, May 28,18°4, Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mat Fur nearly six years I have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint utlaat got to such a height that I could not swallow without great pain and difficulty. Turnon formed in different pans of my body, and 1 began to think my situation almost deaperate. The five bottles of the Catholicon which I have taken hive com pletely cured mo, tndl am now aa well ** iY Georgia—Camden County. the COURT OF ORDINARY FOB SAID COUNTY. W HEREAS John Chevuber, has applied to ssid Court, fur Letters Disutility the estates of Samuel Cozens and Kvan fi. Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the *'■>' dred and creditor* ot the and dtccssea per, suns, to file their objections, if sny I f ev " ,, . e * n my office, on or before the first tlondiiI V January next, or Letter* will be granted the applicant. . . „ _ Wit' ea* thf Honorable James Scott, mg of the Justices of said Court, Ihn ,IT ' teet.th day of April, e ghteen hundred and twenty-five. . , [L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. t. & Apr 1 11 ' 4 Georgia—Camden County. BY the court OF ORDINARY r'O SAID COUNTY. rtOHERBAS Lewis Bachlott, sppbei t° JJ Court of Ordinary of said Countyil'- l etters Dismissory on the estate of Tr.ncO lbutoltipe I These are, therefore, to cite I™ admuniah, *U «nd aingular, the kindred s” creditors of said deceased, to fi e ttleir objtc lions, if iny they bate, in my office, on or be fore thc fi st Monday in January next, wise Letter! Dismissory will be granted *** 1 *'Witness the Hcmorahle Samuel •ne nfthe Justices of said Court, aizteenih day of April, eighteen has dred and twenty-hve. c (L. S ] JOHN BAILEY, C.C.0.CC April 21 HAY. E. A BUNDLES PRIME HAY,landing 50 3« , "‘ ‘cT'onswo&s April