Newspaper Page Text
ftwUi-YA. Vil.
#rtt8 »««*«&-
(8 edited and published
tit th»
am or savannah,
By G. $ W. Robertson,
AT VISHT Wtt«> t»
» published to meet the Hnngeaent ol
>h. iwL, tnroe time* » week, J1 uadey,
sence, Commeroisl, Politics! end Misiellsn-
Inns, including advertisements. published in
th Tl?e*'o(wntry r r»per !• set t to *11 parts of
the suite end Union, ot delivered in the city,
„ fire dnliert per annum, payable in tdvanec.
Advertisements sre inserted in both ps ■««
ft 75 cent* per square, wf 14 lines, for lie nr»-
iniertion, end 37* lor every eueeeedmg pub-
CommiiniestUms by Mail, mml be Peel-paid
Sail., .if Und *nd n-grot* by .Admmutra.
tors Bioeulors or guardian* ere required,
by law, to be held on the fire Tuesday in the
,i, between the hour* of ten in ihe fore
noun end three"n the afternoon. *t the Courl
Hume of the bounty in which the property m
"lu te-Notice of iheiewlee must be given
7, public guelte Wily d»y* ptevious-to the
d *No! 'ce rfthe eele of perron*! property must
be give in like msnner, Perl} dtya pronoun
° Notice'to‘the'debtori and creditor. of *n
estate must be published for JVrty days*
Notice that ipplic»tion will be made to thr
Court of Ordiniry for leave to Mil Und, n.uei
be published Mne Montho. \
N otice.
N INE months after dnte application will
be made to, the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of 1®|mL
known ns number eight, tlth District, 1 ike
(formerly Mtinroe) County, for the benefit
ofthe heirs and creditors of the estate ot
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Baya*“'
Jan 5
wftHP MONTHSrbrrds. of ltd* nortec,
application will be made to the Honors,,
b) Ihe Court of Ordinary of Chatham Goun
ty. For perousaion to sell all the real estate of
John Wakerlr, dec. for th- benefit of Ihe
heirs and creditora of mid deceased’
ROB RUT HOY, Ezeeutor.
p»l> an. SV
N INE MONTHS after date* nppHeatinn will
he mi le to the Honorable Inferior Court
of OMhatn county, for leave to sell the real
in I personal estate of the late Urn. Ann Hnm-
ifinn, deceased, for the benefit of the hew*
fend cred *ota »f Mid estate,
to . M»4»
N INE months aft.T dute, application will be
mid* to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
order, tntohite, to sell lots Nos f »uran« -. fire,
(4 and 5) in Carpenter's Mow, and lot N r.
one, (1) Green Ward, in tht city of Savannah,
being the rent estate ot Francis , dec.
for the bent fit of the heirs an: 4 creditors of
•aidr title WILLI til GAS ! ON.
QuaUfieil Executor
nuBiH xmtroa,
saffiiDa®as5ns@ s
B V the ship Emperor, the aubicribera
havo.received thirty-five packages of
Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Per
fumery, Fancy Articles, &c.
carefully selected by one of the partners
now at the north, which added to their for
nier slock on hand, comprises an assortment
very extensive, and particularly suited for
this market, and well worthy the attention
of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters and Families, would do well to forward
their orders, as they will be sold at our
usual luw rates.
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings,
July ID
WINE month* fefier date, application will be
fl'l lade to the Honorable ihe Inferior Courl
of J«md?n County, when sitt'-ng f*r ordinary
Ptirpo eft>r leav^ ro sell 250 acres of land
belonging to the eauue of Julio Brown, d*-
f >r ihe benefit of the ht'irs and credi
tor* of ni l estate.
SAR4II BROWN, Admiatratrix
JciTticaon, I8ih June,
.?«*.• T 78
N otice.
VjftlYE months after date, application will
ii be made to the Honorable the court of
Ordinary of Camden Couuty, lor leave to sel
ill the real estate of the late Randolph M G I
lit,di ceased, for the bene6t of the beira am-
creditor* of raid estate.
HANNAH WGILLIj, Administratis,
G M'DO.NaLH, \dminutrator
St Marys, June I8tb» 2825.
Jun».2N 78
Dour Mats
TUST received by the William Wallace
J- three dozen best quality India Door
Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL.
March ir.
Fmh l eas und Cassia.
«!st rsckived PF.n ship EMpenon,
T ft ft CATTY BOXES GunpowderTea
*-\3eJ |?9 do Imperial do
ino do do Mvson do
10 Chests Hyson do
3 Half Chests Pouchong do
a , 700 Mata Cassia
, "*>' >>y J. B. HERBERT Si CO.
hilv 14
A 0IIEEABF K to leave obtained from the
J* Hmotabletbc Inferior Court, tilting fur ,ry J" lrp0,e »> for Camden County, I
•"IIU"! the fi-«, Tuesday in Denembcr neat,
JSL*?** “*«• *t the Court House at
•Te.u.'iv' ,,i<l enu nty, a lot of land in the
" fi Moario County, No. 9i, for
“* of the orphan ol Levi Joho. dec
Sept 15
e orphane of Levi John, dec
JOHN LEB, Guardian.
F OB hr cure ofoolJi, Coug'is.Conaump-
liona, Spitting ol Blood, Aaihmai,and
dseueea ofttiebreul and lungi.
There it perhaps no medical obsecration
better established, noun more generally con
firmed by the experience of the beat physici-
msof all ayea end countries, and none o!
nore importance to the human family, than
i he'fiict that many of the -moat difficult and in
curable consumptions urigioate in neglected
colda. In a climate so variable aa ours, where
(be change* of the weather are frequent!)
hidden and unexp vied, it require* mure care
und atteni ion to guard againat this dangerou
enemy of life, than moat people imagine ot
ure able and willingto beaiow. The bill* ol
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the
lvoportion of detitha by thi* disease ra«y hi
considered at about five tu one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disease frequently bps defi
nnce to the skill of the must learned phyaici
«n*, it is a gratification to the pronrietor th*'.
i.e is enabled to oiler to thoae uffitcled witi.
•t, a ein.dly prospect of relief, in thet highly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians ate happy in their know,
edge of medical plants; governed wholly by
xperienee, they are certain as to their rff.-ei,
and it la aaid by an author of great character
that a true conaumption ia a diaeaae never
known among them.
This SpeciHc ia obt 'ined by extriction from
herba, roots, flowers, plint'i, kc. when in per-
fecliun. In consequence of* happy combinu
lion ofthe most valuable her ft, Sic it becomes
i balsam of a superior value. It heals the in
ju red parts, opens the pores, and composes
•lie. disturbed nerves, after the manner of ah
anodyne; consequently the obstruction ot
ihe chest and the .lings which constitute tlva
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
xpectnratinn, which i( constantly called for,
nd whilst it clesutea n d heals, it also gives
airengih to the tender lungs - In this manner
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
ion, gives sirength to the nerves, repairs thi
ippetite sod improves the spirits. This speci
lie mav always be given in safety it i* mild,
pleasant to the tsaie, end mey safely be giver
o infants, lor which it it of ines imtblevslur.
fi all'.mis relief in bowel complaints, t.-et!iing.
whooping cooghn, Clc. and is found partial
hr 1 )’ useful In hypochondriacal, nervous sn'i
hysterical diseases, Kich bill ot directioi
eontains a detailed account of this disease in
all its different stages, and will be accumpa
uied 'vilh Ihe signature ut the proprietor it
Bed Ink. It is offered for aale by GEO. RY
KBSOs), only (my sole agent) U,uggist, cor
nerHay and Whituker-streets, Savannah, at
one doilur per bottle.
dee 30 .30
fresh garden seeds
TtviiVbows TlovjfcY Hoots*
J UST received by the rubscriber, and war
ranted uf the Inst season’s growth, 'i
boxes Garden Seeds, put up hv A. M’lluhon I'
o. Philadelphia, expressly for this market,
and containing the following aasortmi nts, vis.
I. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Early curled Lei
2 Red Beet luce
3 Long Orange Carrot I J. Roytl Cebhage do
4. Pnculey IS. Nutmeg Melon
A. Leek 17. Spinach
6. Onion IB. Summer Savoy
7. Salmon Radish IS. Sweet Basil
8. Early Purple do. ‘10, Sage
9. Round leaved 11. Nasturtium
10 Early Turnip* 22. Celsry
It. Late do ‘13 Early Peat
2 Salsafy 34. Late do
13-Aipatagut 25 Early bunch beans
26. Red Frencn do
ro Packages containing the following Bui
hous Elower Roots, via.
I 4.Mexican tiger flower
I 5 D uible Tuberose
I 6 Star of Bethlehem
1. Double Hyacinth!
2. Frne Tulip*
3. Narcissus
For sale by
F-h 2
Essential Oil of Spruce,
J UST received from the Patentee, and
neatly put up in phials, and for aale by
May 35 Shad’s Buildings.
t>a\JU and MV,DICIN'®
sir amigo
R espectfully informs hi* friends
and the public, that he haa purchased
the establishment in thp above busincse, be-
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, apposite the
Exchange, whore he offors for sale at low
prices, a largo assortment of
FkqbIi Drags, Medicines,
and CheuAcais,
Among which are the eoelowing
Aqua, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax. Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, do Fola
Camphor, Caritharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream uf Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Cnlumho, Fmery, Gmn Assafoetida
Aloes, Gum Arabic. Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bixmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearl&sh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits'sfTurpentine
Taints Dny and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
icines of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 30 47
Piano Ported, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers fur Bale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
best quality
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tublos
Breakiuet do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward llobes. Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands. Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair MattrasBca
l)n do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and MatrasseEto fit.
Also, a large assortment of.Brussels and
IngraTn Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col.
Sbellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Wyl Brown
Job T. Boles
John Bull
Mrs E V Burton
iS W Canter 3
A M Carroll
;Mrs Hariet Cammel
Wm Campbell
Peter R Clifton
James Conner
George Conway
Win Coe
Mess Dewar &Foth- <
ringham • -
A Delaroch
Cristopher Dixon
James Diln
James Dudly
Nicholas Eames
Mrs C Elason
Aaron Everett
Master George W
Edwd Farrell
Simon Farrell
Win H Fergurson
Cap Rob Fittumary
Michail Galloway 3
Nancy Gardner
Win Gibbin
Liet. M. R. T. Mor
Sarah Morri-
Charles Hulpy
Mrs Mary H Hardee
MissAnn B Harmon
George Honly
Mrs Levina llerno
Owin Higgins
Aliss Sarah Harris
VVm Hoffman
l: atent FamUy Medicines.
L EE’S BILIOUS Turlington’s Balsam
PILLS of Life
Anderson’s do do Opial for the cleans-
Coit’s do do ing of the teeth &
Anderson’s Cough gums
Drops Re IPs Asthmatic Pills
American do do Do Botnoical Drops
Church’s do do Austen’s Remedy for
Essence Mustard the Piles
Worm Lozenges Hinckley’s do do
Black Drop Thompson's celebra-
Henry’B True Cal- ted Eye Water
cined Magnesia Thompson's Teeth
Audlcr’sAsiaticLen- Paste
itive Squire’s Grand Elix-
Roger’s Pulmonic ir
Detergent Jesuits Drops
Dalby’8 Carminative Tooth Ache do. Sic.
A constant supply of the above useful
Patent Family Medicines, together with a
general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye 8tuifs,
Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp
Oil, &.C. &.C. can be obtained at* the atoTe
May 36 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
A Negro Man.
A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 years of
A ago, a good field hand. For sale by
one 24 f 79
N otice.
VTI'IB MONTHS after he date hereof, ep-
1.X plication will be made to the Honorable
the Court of Ordinary fur the County of Chat
ham, for leave to selltbe whole or a part, or
part* of ■ tract of Isrd, lying and being in
the eo inty uf Effingham, containing bv re-
cent survey, nine hundred and eighlv-fi.e
eres, and known by the name of the Tuck-
'•seeking Tract, formerly the property of
Kmg and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the
.-state of Alexander 8. Hoe’s orphans, for the
benefit ef said orphans.
Guardian A- S. Boe's Orphans,
July Id 87
R EMAINING in the Poet*Oflice Savin-
nah, 30th September, 1895.
ID- Persons wishing letter* from this list
will please ask for Adeertieed Letlcre.
John Abbot
Jumes Alexander
Win Baffin*.
Wm Bandy
J Barstow
Coo Baile
Mirs Ann M Barnard J
S Miss EMansal
< Samuel Merven
: John D Millen
| W C Mills
J Edward Mtinroe
t Charles Mulvey
, Col G W McAllister
} Dorcas McGowau
l James McGill
! Isabella Neauelle
George Neusom
Theodore Nelson
James Broughton 2 i Mary Nttsim
Miss Ann G Bird l Rose Noble
James H Bryan j Rebekah 8 Norton
Miii* Eliz A Bour- * Ann Nowlan
quin 2 j Nicolau
Edward Bourquin P.
Robert Brower Susan E Patterson
Mrs E Boyd Eliza Patterson
Ann Page, 9
Nathl I Patterson
Leonnro Perkins
Dempsey Phillips
Capl Jeremiah Pike
Mary F Pope
■ Cleminlnn Powers
Thomas Page
John Raimes
Daniel Ramshart
Elmer Riker
Joseph Ribero
Sarah Robertson
C Ann II Roe
| Joseph Ross
| Charles Roberts
j Willium Robertson
| Dr Cliaa W Rogers
| Joseph H Russel
5 Nancy Samuel
! Catharine Shearer
James B Sealy
. Joseph F Stevens
Jane Stevens
Jane Stevens
John A Stevens,Senr
Esther Stewart
Joseph Stevens
Jane Simons
James M Smith
John A Smith
William H Smith
John M Sykes
Ann Scliyes
John Simpson
lshsm Scott
James Scolics
Thomas Sullivan
Josiah F Scruggs
s Eliza Sherman
| K Si urges
{ Alelhitt Scruggs
J T.
(Martha A Tiut
I V.
. CapEdwardVeruard
Joseph orSarali Hut- i W.
{Mary Wallace
| Richard Wayne
< Utuijaimn Wallin
| Bi llinda Walker
Sjiinr. W alsh
| Sarah Washington
| Edmund Warren
\ George Weaver
{ John M West
{ John B VViiter
| Emily Whits
j Williamson
! Tims II Williams
} Daniel Wilson
{ William Williams
{Permela Wingate
? Jehu Y White
j Joseph Wiggins
S Ami Williamson
(Hetty Woodruff
■ Y.
Benjamin Lavender l Isaac Young
Augustus B Long- s Jennctt G Young
street 1 E R Young
George Long { Willium II Young
M- | Elizabeth Young
Mrs Mareyan • George Youlle
James Magill I Z.
John S Maxwell ( Geo J Zipperer
Hubbard S Marshnlly; Jellerson Zipperer
Oct l 21
Rachel Jacobs
Miss Rose Julman
Mrs H R Jackson
Ryinond Jacob
Miss S M Irvine
Svinnnd Jackson
Mrs Sarult Jones
James Johnston
Lewis Johnston
Grace Jones
P Kail
M C ICensir
Mrs Ann M Keen
John Keen
Sarah R King
Tarlton Knight
Thus Kockliff
Iieoigia—Cumd'.n County.
0 Vile • O WDO*! 1 : »; -Y GONwF.HN
\Tff ERR AS M H. Hebbard Qpplie* to thf
'J# ssOiitt of Ordinary of ssid county, for
Lep.trs cf Admini-truti ,n on the tfetate o
Ospt. J mes Vincent, late of *atd county, de-
ceauod: Thtse arc therefore o cite an* 4
Admonish, nil und sinpultr, the heirs and cred
'••>ra of said decer.rd to file their objectioni.
if any they have, in the Clerk's Office of asid
Court, on o. before the third Monday inOc-
;ober next, otherwise letters will be granted
t e -*poficart
Witness the Honorable Williatr Gibionjone
[L.S.] ofthe Justices of rtia Court, »'-iis *8ih
September 1825
•x-t M 14
Georgia—Camden County.
Y&HERE AS William W- Seala, applies to
yUr he Court of Ordinary of asid county,for
; .ettera of Administration on the estate of Ere
Wi ght, late of said countv, deceased t I ee
. re t enfore to cite and sdainnUb, all and sin-
,;|ilar. the beire end creditor! of sa d deceased
to fill their objections, if eny they have, in
-he Clerk’s Office of aaid Court, on or bi fore
’hethird M»nd<y in October next, otherwite
I.eiterx will be granted tbe applicant.
W.tncas tbe Honorable Samuel Clarke, ont
L.S.] of the Justices of add Court, tbit 18 b
Sepember, 1825.
■tent *5 14
W hiskey
iinads, just received ami fur sale by
Sept 8 C. C. GRISWOLD St CO.
and mu. it mtaitr rrm.iinsn
S. C. St 5. SCHEJTK,
Price in Boards ^1 37{ Cents,
Religious Cases of Conscience,
Antwertd in an Evangelical Man
ner. at Uie Caeuieticat Lecture,
in Little Si Helen's, Dish-
TO which It ADTIKD
The Spiritual Companion or
the Profssing Christian,
Tried at the Bar of God’s Word; and some
free thoughts on the character of
T HE following Anawera were, amongat o-
then, delivered in a weekly Leeluie, du
ring the lilt winter, with e view to -emovt
Ihe double of ihe timoruui Christian, quicken
him in ’he ueyrti Z n, to guard agti. at pre
sumptuous hop, a, «r.d promote tbe Tile, of reli
gion in ihe tod. Tbtt these important end.
might be answered, the auditory were desiri d
<> supn y us with serious Cues nf Conscience
arrising from the difficulties they met with ii
the cnurie of their experience, end toeoncenl
their nxmei, that so they might, with th’
roster freedom, propose their respective
!.set, and that we, in < ur solution of then
might be kept from the least degree of fetr or
Through the repeated importunities nr otn
friends, and from satisfactory evidences of use
•nines*, we htve been prevailed upon to com
mit to public view e select number of thetr
answers, thuugh .oroewbst can.rscted. Am
we I ope, that those, into whose hands the'
may come, wi l read them whh Ch iatian carl
dour.—And may the Spirit of D id, wlthoir
who*e peculiar blessing all attempts will b.
ineffectual to answer any saving purpose!. poweiful meanstifbringingthen,
aesrerto C .rist, and of malting them more
lively and active in his sersicr I If tb s hsppj
end is bui in tbe least answered, we sntll re
joice,and give G d all the glory, disregard', g
all Ihe little contempt thet may be cut upm,
us end our imperfect labours.
It must re acknowledged to be a very diffi
cult a ,d critical work to distribute to even
one their proper portion, and ao to divide tl.'
word of truth, aa to give suitable encourage
ment to those to whom it belong!, and yet t
leave iLc hypocrite or pr, i imptunui sinne
no room to hope. It ie eq rally difficult to at.
empt tu destroy the vtm cot, fid-nee of th
sinner withoui d stuthing the peace, and dir
couraging the minds ot th >se who are the res
f. llowora of Jeans, who is sufficient loe these
things i We readily confess our insufficient);
but yet hope, that the L rj has enabled tie t,
be hr inme n ensure Faithful, ao fir os our spiri
tual knowlt dife txtends i and may he enable
ou who read t - deal faithfully with your owt.
muis that no ne h tr out labours, not your per
nral, mui. be ill vain ! S. PIK* 1 .
t.oxnox, MsyuO, 1735.
As the Cases of Conscience have already
been well riccived hy the religious disposed
;i*.’t of a.ikind, the Editor tlicugltt that ad-
itional 4 .ration- of’ he same .*U|| c, Heie-'ctl
rom ttu Pious Thoughts pubhilied in the
Spiritual Migraine, which breathed the same
evsnirehcal spirit, would he areeptuble to se
rous persons and doubts not, but such ss bavi
, regard for gospel-doctrine, will find the
ram- u e’ttl instruction and comfort from per-
isiug tin Q ications that are now added.
H-» :hall we distinguish between the work
ngs i f natural affection, *< d the real eierciac
f grace in religioue dutiei 1 8. PIKE.
What methods must s Christian, in d ;elt-
ling circumstances, take to recover s health
ful vigoroue frame of soul, so as to be able tu
.na ntain real and etore communion with
Gi d smidit Ihe hurries and business of this
world I S. HAYWARD,
can nr.
A serious person, who scruples to comply
wiib (he usual practice* of playing st cards
Inircs to know whether these scruples arise
from a needless tenderness of conscience, ot
l om tbe faithful munitions of tbe Spirit d
G >dl-S. PIKE,
How may a person judge when • promise or
hreatening comes from G .J or is brought by
Satin to the soul ? 8 MAY WARD,
cash v.
How far mav a person judge of iheslrengt'
or weakness of Ins faith by th,- brightness o
Isrkness of bis frames I S P.KB-
CASE vi.
Whether s pen who has been a grea'
sinner, has any ground tjrxpert pardon, am'
the comforts of the Hid Ghus I and whetiu
be may p* take of all the ordinances of G >d I
Wh it judgement shuuhl that person paa>
upon himself who knows himself to be in *
dark sud corrupt frame, hut fi d h'mr.T
greatly unaffected with it, and stupid under it I
-8. PIKE.
csss vift.
How may the times ol family and closet duty
b. best regulated to the glory of G id, ou'
own comfort, and the Advantage of those abou
ut 1 8. HAYWARD.
Is it not presuaiptiou* for a person to hopr
he hosa n interest in ftlirist when he sees lit
i leor nothing in himaelf, but reason tu doubt
and questiou ill 8. PIKE..
cass a.
It going to plays and other theatrical per
formances consistent with tbe profess,on am
ursetiee of Cbirittisnity I 8. UAYWAKD
cau XI,
‘ How may a person, who.irdesirous of fol
lowing the dictates of providence in every
respect, know the mind and will of God in any
uartieular circumstance, whether temporal o’r
spiritual i 8. PIKE.
8hculd not t person who is not ennfortabl)
neaauaded of his being a reel Ohris'ian.abttsii
from the ordinance ofthe > ord*s supper, lest
he should eat and driok daffieation to himself
.nd whst method -iou that person t ike, toset »y l
iofy a church of Christ of bit being a m- Aiiguet 94
Uhrittran, SMio omnot- i*v,t - i -,.!**
RuT e i"HAYWA d RD n ‘' ^ G ° d * lthA .
The touchstone of r*'ing (kith , nr * r .i„; B
MiUrricf answer to the two follywiog qw*.
h. l ^2S7! 4, W per, ' , '’' , h **« snd'Wgfs
fi - reelificd, snrfhf’ notwithrttudinK b* d«siU
of SMitiir Ifeith f *
3. How shall we kr ow whether our fshh ii
raving smidit all the wetkneues pud doubts
’hut may attend it I 8. yfilP.
thS'h-- , T » P«rsou conclude
[ hat he ei joys G id in ti e perforaitiiee of du-
Guret 4 How may a oerann know, In the
evircsoofn ayerwhether h,; ia order the
n# leuee Iff the blessed Spint., or und. r 'he
mnvpa of hie uwn nature spirit or Ima^ua-
How far a child Ilf CJ.d m , y fl) l
snC yet have rue g aee inh : ascul I '
Gueet 6, What lithe eu-ntial , ff.reoee
hri ween « natural snyl a spiritual faith I
**.»• |"»y * person dittngmsh be.
f^-cen the gtnume consolstior^ wf ,he ana*
pel wrought m the heart by the Spirit o God,
»nd those comforts that spring from our own
imagination, or a delmive apirit-
Quest. 8 Why ,bould the kmg of Moib, by
the advice of bit pmy council, in a time of
imminent danger end three enii g -nr-resH, ,p.
ply fur relief to e prophet of thi G d nf I.rae
.11 Balaam certainly wrs,r.d liot tu Baal pei.i-
’1“ Gjd «f fie Mo»biie t 1
Quest 9. How far should thr* master of
♦ mil) concern himself about the eternal sal-
vetionofhis children,servant*, flic, is it hit
luty to reed i portion ofthe scripture to them
morning end evening, end pray wi'hf thenu
ofler f Should he not c»t: chise, or *«k them
^♦•Ttment ntifitinns, at proj «r seaKhns f
Quest, 10. Ik it potsiole tor • person to be
regenerated, or b >rti again, and >et ft r many
** ara dter (nr he is not f And may ■ person
no way doubt of his regeneration, and, at tht
natve time, be an unconverted person t
Q iest. 11 What advifee can be given to t
serpen grievi uily distressed with fears,doubte
u:d unbelief 1 13 fg the death end sufferings o
. or hi* passive obediet ce 4 ail that ia re-
putrid far the saWation and juttifii ition of*
unnei t Hath bit active i ighteouRnesa no
**) vorlt, or mint it be imputed f—
1« the imputation of C h !».'j active righteous*
es« an essential point of doctriue« or mty A
nun be safe without jt.
Quest 13 la it posible f >r a person, who ia
•tabled to bewail hit own vileneas, to be ai-
•ured of an interest in CJh*ist with eternal jny.
nd yel not have an aatoniahing view of the
:iory, fulneas, and au<tpbleneas tf the Ifedi-
or, engaging and coi trading him to love
iiu Saviour, and delight in hia waya t And ia
'.possible to have such an affecting view of
’.h-iat before regeneration f
Qiesl. 14. Aa I apprehend that the prae*
a* nf (ffiiuUji prvjifF.'ii unfuthianakU ia iau
ixys, ia it because thin age ia to much v iaer
haili tlie lw»t, or i* it bed use we are less ac*
quaintt'd with the life, power, and comfott of
uat relig'on which it pure aud undr filed bw-
iure <jod f
Persons wihlng the above above work will
olrSKc to leave thei< m*me9 at the Br>okstnre
•t the Publishers—where tbe Subacription is
ow opened.
A* g 13 soo
Upholstery btore.
T HE suliBcrilmr respectfully informs th*
public, that he has opened an exten
sive establishment in the above line, next
door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware-
House, in Whittaker-Street, and will at all
seasons offer for sale a general assortment
sis! ing of
Feather Beds, Bolsters and PitlnWs
Mattresses made from pure curled hair
Do, prepared moss
Do. for ship’s births
Do. childrens cribs
Do, Cots
Ensy Chairs, Betutyeade, Cotts, Door
Mats, and, large and extensive assortment
of Cabinet Furniture of every description.
All of which, will be sold very low for cash
or approved Credit.
N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea
sy Chairs, and Hair Mntresses, corded and
restuffed in the best manner.
July 31
Geoi'gia, Chatham County
By the Honorable tbe Juelicee of the luNrior
Oourl of Chetham County, lilting for or*
dinsrv pu-nnees
■ro all whom it aut comcehm.
'TWHEHEAS Jonathan Meigs, ulnfiniilrs.
\*7 tor of the ei'ate of Samuel Heughton,
deceased, has petitioned the Comt ol Ordina
ry, to be dismissed from his raid sdministra*
tion i Now these ere therefore, to cite and
admonish all perinea interested in the asid et-
ate to file tlteir objections, if any thCy have,
-o the granting nf the prayer of the petitioner
n the Clerk’, office of Hie aaid Court, on or
before the tenth day of March next, ether,
wise Letters Dismiasory w<lt be granted the
tVitru is th- Honorable Anthony Porter, one
of the saiu Justices, tbis tenth day of
8-ptember, eiglt een hundred i d twerr
t) -five. SAY U PI. M B«'ND,
Cleik Courl Ordinary.
n-pito u
’ike \iWn\iM
Dust Pans and Spit-Boxes
Hair and Wist Brooms
Club snd Broad Axes
Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes,
A i. s o,
A few dozen Pucketlights
July 33 91a
from ship Savannah, and lor sale