Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 20, 1825, Image 1
Jttffr Til. ■a SAVANNAH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20,1825. TBI U EDITED Atm PUBLISHED IK «M CXT» or »AVAKITA*, Bv 6. ij W. Robertson, it twin MUM »» anneM, r.ttULl IK ASVA«0*. 0&B6 tat JAVDlOUfE B»®IR» 0 saa»a®asoso „ v . T55-? I p ' *• bbasmunb, Genuine}) rugs,Medicines, Per- the eattbliihment in the above business, be- wf' , L, longing to Dr. A. Delarocho, opposite the fUVICTyy Fancy Articles^ &C» I exchange, where he offers for sale at low carefully .elected by, one of the partner. P ric “> * lar « e “*° rtment of at the north, which added to their for-1 ¥cm\| Mb&icll\bB« G ®° Bade stock on hand, comprises an assortment ] ailA Chbttl\ca\s *1 LBarfiold U LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in thePost-Offlca 8araa-| nth. 90th September, 1*15 67 Persons wishing letter. fVom this list trill pleaae ulc for Adyertieed^Ifttere. A* John Abbot Jtmes Alexander B. Vfm Bslliaa Wm Bandy NEXT SCHEME. . BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLE GRAND state lottery op Maryland i TTNDER the luperlntendinao of the coth- V mia»ioner» appointed by the Governor J Baretow Min EMinal Samuel Merven John D Millon VV C Mill. Edward Munrne Cherlea Molvc* ,, , Col G W McAllister ” completed in one day, and will positively ~ take place in the city of Baltimore on WEDNESDAY, the 9th November next. FOR TUB COONTRY,;.... IS nubliahed to meet this arrangement ol me atari. three thon e week, (Tueeday, Thimday and Saturday) at the OHet of Ite n.ilv Georgian, and eontaina Ml the in etli acnen, Commercial, Political and Bissellan- ious, i neluding advertiaemeota. pubnahad ir. the Daily Paper- . „ - . The Country Piper is sort to «u Mitt of ,he State and Union, or delivered in the city, M five dollar, per aynum, payable in advance Advertitements ate insetted in both pa <eri i, 7J cent! per annate, of 14 Imea, tor ha Bra imertion, and STJ tor every succeeding pub ^Centmunicatlona by Mall, mull it PtU-paltl g,Ira f land and negroes by Adminnira. tow, Executor, or guardiana, are required hr law. to he held on the Bra Tuesday in tht dUh, betwean the bourn of ten in ihe tore .non and three io Ihe ahernoon, at the Court Eunae of lha county In which Ibe property .a aturte.—Notice nf these tales muet be given In a public gaxelte atoy day. previoua to the ^'srtiee'of the tele of peraonal property tnur be give in like manner. Party day* previous o the day af aale. Notice to Ihe debtor, and creditor, of an •state rauit be published for Flip avf*t Notice that appbeetioe will be mat to the Court nf Ordinary for leave to sell fond, inusi be ptihKflbed JWae MmUhti 11 PHXft&ZfV ACADEMY. M R. PHILLIPS respectfully inform. the public, that he has a vacancy for .low more ptipjla of both aex. He teaches the following branches of an Education English, Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Projecting qf Maps, Astro nomy, Hietory+Comineition, Polite Literature aad Rhetoric. AMO, 2.ATXK AK9 TftMWH. U A separate room ia proivdad for tho '(ntingljaiuea Miaa PnihMra under his superintends nee, instructs a few children in Spelling, Read ing, Writing and Arithmetic. From four to eix Young Gentlemen may bn accommodated with board. Ac. in hie family. Every attention will be paid to their comfort and morals. /in Evcn\ng School, for ihe instruction nf Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar, Arithmetic. Book Keeping by Double Entry, Navigation, and the Ln- nar Observations: ulso, the method nf as certaining and of measuring the distance of the Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening from seven until nine o’clock. For terms, which are moderate, please to apply hy letter or personally, at his Acade my. corner of Broughton and Lincoln-Sts. Sent It 17 very extensive, and particularly suited for this market, and weir worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants, Physicians* Plan ters endFamilies, would do wetl to flwward their orders, aa they will be told at our usual lodr rates. LAY ft HENDRICKSON. Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July IB APPROVED Patent YamlVj Medicines. AMONG Wilier; ARE THE SOM.OWING :— Aqua FortiB, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Pent, do Fola Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon . American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Miss Ann M Barnard 8 James Barnard Mrs-8 Bryan 8 James Broughton 8 Miss Ann G Bird James H Bryan j evkuvh,u c u Miss Elix A Bour- > Ann Nowlcn quin 8 j Nicolau Edward Bourqnin ( P, Robert Brower \ Dorcis McGowan James McGill N. Isabella Neauelle George Neusoih Theodore.Nelson J Mary Nusim | Rose Noble Highest laOfiQjM. SCHEME. I Prise of $10,000 i a $30,000 Dottara. M),000 10,000 Rebekah 8 Norton Mrs E Boyd Wyl Brown ilo do do do Cough do do L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson's Coif* Anderson’s Drops American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Losenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dolby’s Carminative Turlington’s Balsam of Ltto Opial for the cleans- [ ing of the teeth ft gums 1 Relft AsthmaticPilia I Do Botanical Drops I Austen’s Remedy tor the Piles Hinckley’s do do | Thompson’s celebra-1 ted Eye Water Thompsons Teeth | Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. ftc, I A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a I general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfomery, Fancy Articles, Dye StufTs, 1 Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp I Oil, ftc. ftc. can be obtained at the store I of LAY ft HENDRICKSON, May 86 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. IpIOhIUBi IDQlffOy LMICclOy JLilCJUOrlCC 1 r l m p i Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers i 1 ,i ln *n l !i| Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Vtf Nux Vomica. Oxyd of Bismuth Mn E V Burton Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves g ^ Canter 8 Do Oinnamon, Sweet Oil Peariash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber. Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Valuta Dry and in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Yertamerj. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icinee of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 80 47 | Susan E Patterson | Eliza Patterson j Anu Page, 8 j Nsthl I Patterson j Leonaro Perkins • Dempsey Phillips .1 6,600 5,000 10 1,000 10,000 10 600 6,00ft 30 100 3,000 60 50 3,000 100 10 1,000 500 10 2,000 400 6 2.000 80000 4 80,000 MARA4EM' OXTXGB. »» auThoAity or the state of rewtorr. SPLENDID LOTTERY, To be drawn in the city of New-York, or. the 4th of January, 1886, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 46 Nnmberte-6 Ballots to be drawn. EACH TICREt HAVING THREE NOMBEES IK COMBINATION. J. B. Tatu If A. JPInhre, Managers. SCHEME OF TIIE New- York State Literature Lottery, Class 3, roa 1886. 168,000 Dollars. Bricks. FT1HE Subscriber has at present on hand JL a large stock of Bricks of superiorqua I lity, which he offers in such quantities as WW may be wanted, at the lowest possible price 1 T /breach only. For the Convenience of his Town Custo mers, he Mteodoia future to keep always a considerable supply to town; those in im mediate want of the article will be supplied by application toMr. James Roberts, either at his residence in West BrOad-Street, or at Myers’Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN Juqe 84 79 The tataacYlhet BAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR,AMD OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dost Pans and Spit-Boxee Hair and Wist Brooms Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth Mid Haic Uriahna ALSO, A few dozen Pocketlights N. B. WEED. Jnlv 93 Bin A M Carroll Mrs Hariet Cammel Wm Csmpholl Peter R Clifton James Conner George Conway Wm Coe D. Mess Dewar ftFoth- ringbam A Delaroch Cristopher Dixon James Dun James Dudly E. Nicholas Etmes Mrs C Elsaon Aaron Everett F. Master George Fahm Edwd Farrell Simon Farrell Wm H Fergurann 80813 Prizes. arcuiipuuy a iiiiiijMs i J Mary^F l pop0 tl 140000 Tickets—-Not one blank to a prite. W < Cleminton Powers l Thomas Page R- \ John Rsimes t Daniel Ramshart : Elenor Rtkcr > Joseph Ribero j Surah Robertson t Ann H Roe < Joseph Roes | Charles Roberta {William Robertson j Dr Chss W Rogers j Joseph H Russel I Nancy Samuel * Catharine Shearer James B Sealy Joseph F Stevens Jane Stevens Jane Stevens John A Stevens,Senr Esther Stewart Joseph SteVena Vf III A* A rigtniniii »«vvv Cap Rob Fitiutnary Jane Simons M. Michail Galloway 8 Nancy Gardner Wm Gibbin H. | List. M. R. T. Mor rison . Miss tbuli Mwii ; Lima fleottos James M Smith John A Smith William H Smith John M Sykes Ann Schyes John Simpson j lshtm Scott Lard, ID VALUABLE DISCOVEKY.«a A IWmefty ior the Tiles T HK Medicine now offered to the public isnnn which has been fully subjected t» the infallible tost nf experience, end in overv invtanre where it has been fairly tri ed- it lias been attended with the most com- pb te sucrose. In same of the esses, the patients bad been labouring under the dis ease tbr years, and during that period, had received Ihe best medical advice, and had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It ia let (like those usually advertised) offered ■s a certain cure for a long catalogue of dis eases,butthnse afflicted with the complaint, I for which alone it ia recommended, may re- I If with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in ite worst forms in a short time; and themselves are the best judges of the im portance of such a remedy. Price 60 cents per box, with directions signed hy the pro prietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Brag and Chemical Store, 873 North Third St above callowhill, Philadelphia. The proprietor. has appointed Lay ft nssnaicKsoN, corner of Congress and whitaker-streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole a- (ents for the sale of this medicine in Savan nah, Geo. Oct 6 23 GANY FURNITURE, Piali?f Fortes, Curled Hair Ma- irasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS ft PILLOWS, CHAIRS,ftc. T IIE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articlos, warranted to be of tiic | best quality Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads - Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mautle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Ponders, Wire do Andirons, Top js and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrusses Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Choirs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. | AA KEGS PRIME LARD, landing] IUU from ship Savannah, and for sale by C. C. Go. IS WOLD ft CO. August *fi 1 Essential Oil of Spruce, J UST received from the Patentee, and neatly put up in phials, and tor sale by LAY ft May 85 . HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. JustReceived and for Sale, I 9A Ann CABANA SEGARS. by | J""™ T).'Z'Z iU,UUU J. B. HERBERT Si CO. If*!“ son Charles Haley Mrs Mnry H Hardee Miss Ann B Harmon George Henly Mrs Levina Herno Owin Higgins Miss Sarah Harris Wm Hoffman Joseph orSarsh Hut chinson J. Rachel Jacobs Miss Rose Julman Mrs H R Jackson Svmond Jacob Miss S M Irvine Symond Jackson Mrs Sarah Jones Jnmcs Johnston Sept 80. W anted, E mpty wine bottles. Apply to May It GEO. RYERSON. Grace Jones K. PK»H M C ICensir Mrs Ann M Keen John Keen Sarah R King Tarlton Knight Thos Kockiin L. Thomas Sullivan Josiah F Scruggs Eliza Sherman B Sturges Alethia Scruggs T. j Martha A Tiot V. CapEdwardVernard W. Mary Wallace Richard Wayne Benjnmin Wallin Belhnda Walker Jane Walsh Sarah Washington Edmund Warren George Weaver John M West John B Witter EmilyWhite Williamson Thos H Williams ' Daniel Wilson | William Williams I Permela Wingate | John Y White ; Joseph Wiggius I Ann Williamson Hetty Woodruff Y. The balder of two tickets, will be certain of obtaining at least one prize, and may draw three. Mode or Deawino.—The numbers will be put into one wheel as usual—and in the other wheel will be put the prizea above the denomination of $4. and the drawing to progress in tho usual manner. The 80,000 prizes of 44, will be awarded to the odd or even nnnibers in the Lottery, (is the ease may bei dependant oo the drawing of the Capital Prize of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS—that is to say, if the $30,000 prize ahould come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the achomo will bv entitled to a $4 prize : if the $30,000 prize seould come out to an even number, 1 hen all the even numbers in the scheme will be each entitled to $4. Odd numbers are those ending with 1,3, 5,7, or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 8, 4,6,8, or 0. ' Tiiis mode ot drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery iu one drawing, but has the great advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in tho scheme, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd arid one even number, will be cerlaio of obtaining at least one prise, and in the asm# ratio tor any greater quantity.' ransENT Mice or ti'-Sets. Wholes $5, Halvas $8 50, Quarters $186 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. 1 Prixe of 1 do $100,000 is 50.000 $1QP.OOO 50,800 1 do 80.000 80,000 1 do 10.500 10.500 8 do 5.000 10,000 4 do 8,500 10.00Q 10 do 8,000 20,000 39 do 1,000 39,000 76 .do 600 39.000 468 do 100 46.000 4446 do SO 828,300 5061 Prizes, 9139 Blanks. $567,600 Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizea payable forty davs after the drawing, but the cash may be had instantly, subject to tho usual deduction of fifteen per cant. ;$18«0 i : 8 86 A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 years of I . U. i Y. age, a good field hand. For sale by Benjamin Lavender j Isaac Young 1 CALVIN BAKER. Augustus B Long- J Jcnnolt G Young nne 94 f 79 —- J- Upholstery Store. ^THE subscriber respectfully informs the . public, that he has opened an exten- j Ve e8t *Wishnient in the above line, next S° r “«h of his Cabinet Furniture Ware- Houae, m Whittaker-Street; and will at all fnt sale a general assortment "FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,con •Wing of Further Beds, Bolsters and Pillows “•ureases made from pare curled hair u»- prepared moss ®o- for ship’s births childrens crib* . Cot. Chairs, Beadsteads, Cotta, Door afp-t- e xttnaire assortment All ilf 1 "ff Furniture of every description. - r f which, will be sold very low for cub | "'Pproved Credit. ’ v „ „ I- W. MORRELL. «,v ? 6fM ' Mahogany Chaim, Ea- I & H,ir M»tr£s<£, corded and ‘he best manner. Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen best quality India Do< | Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL. March 16 93 Fresh Teas and Cassia. JUST BEer.IVIn PER SHIP EMPEROR, street George Long M* Mrs Mareysn James Magill i John S Maxwell > E R Young t William H Young } Elizabeth Young ; George Youlle 5 z. J Geo J Zipperer VALUABLE MEDICINE. AnU-buftftie TVWb. PREPARED BV HENRT JAMES. A N approved remedy tor Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Habitual Costiveness, and 1 Piles. * It is well known thnt Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent end formidable diseases nf onr country. Its commencement is in dicated in different patients by various I symptoms, of which the must remarkuble are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cne- tiveness. headteh, commonly called nervous | or sickly headnch, yellowness of the eyes and skin, acidity of the stomach after eat ing, often called heart burn, flatulence nr wind on the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, fetid breath, drow- | sines* after dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ciation, depression of spirits, ftc. Piles being connected with indigestion and coHtiveness. are certainly and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine has just been received, and for sale by LAY ft HENDRICKSON, net 6 ' / 93 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole : : i : : $60 I Quarters ; Half: i : : i : i 85 | Eighth : : This is the most magnificent scheme that has ever been offered tor the patronage of the friends of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. The small number of Tickets, and thd unexampled demand for them, is s sufficient warrant that there will not he a chanca left, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to $60. 17 Gentlemen are therefore requested to be enrly in their application, aa ill orders actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to Be supplied at the present rates. *** Notes of the Bank of the U. States and its Branches, and. generally, the Notar of all Bank* that pay specie, received at . pdr. Alio, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any Of the targe cities, and Pri»e Tickets receiv ed freely in payment. All lettera to Be post paid. The mails may he relied on aa being per fectly safe tor ali remittances. YATE8 $ M’INTIRE, Washington City. Sept. 80 16|it dec Hanaway from the Subscriber, O N Wednesday, 84th ult. a large Yellow negro man, named FREDERICK.— He is generally known in the adjoining counties as a fiddler. He was seen in Spar ta on Friday last. It is believed he will go in Augusta, He may have a forged pass’, as he enn read and write. A suitable reward will bn given tor his pprehensinn and confinement in any jail in the state, so that I can get him. JAMES CAMAK. Milledgevjlle, August 98 Sent 87 T9 Hubbard S Marshally; Jefferson Zipperer GEORGE SCHLEY, P. M. Oct 1 81 HALL & HOYT, 3000 1 Also, a large assortment of Brussels and I lesOT.*?* asft I«i Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match ioo do do Hyson do ~ 8C, , lr j Mar ,y * Margaret, from New Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs The above articles can bo examined at the store in Wbittaker-Street, opposite Col. Shellinan. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST received per ship Savannah, an additional aupply of FRESII DRUGS and MEDICINES, sueh aa—' Calomel, Suphate Quinine Pulverised Ipicaeuanah Pulverized Colombo. White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb Hair Powder, ftc. ALSO, IN STORE, 500 Bottles Castor Oil, cold' pressed; I very superior 600 do do do do 8d quality 300- do do low priced for pkro.- , tation use 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 16 do Green Copperas 80 Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrels English ^ Refined Epsom Salta, ftc. All ol which will bo-sold low tor cash or ap proved credit. IT North Carolina Bills ta ken-at par, and Darien Bills at a small dis count. LAY ft HENDRICKSON, Druggist*, Shad’s Buildings. August 27 Hyson do 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 800 Mats Cassia For sale by J. B. HERBERT ft CO. July 14 Whiskey P HILADELPHIA WHISKEY,in hogs heads, just received and for sale by Sept 8 C. C. GRISWOLD ft CO; I Forsaloby York, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT ft CO. Oct 4 Hams and Flour, &c. OAA SUPERIOR HAMS in bags mUU 20 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 Pipe. Holland Gin 8 do Cognac Brandy HALL ft HOYT. orrT'R FOR SAL*. BUSHELS Baltimore prime Corn 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 85 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese 80 bbls mess Beef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fVeeh) 10 bills Cranberries 500 Hams in bags tor family use. oct 8 Notice. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform Iris friends and customers, that he has taken JOHN FALLS WALKER into part nership. and that in fiiturc the FACTOR. AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried on under firm of HobeYt MatUit & Co They will be much obliged to their friends for a share of their custom^ and will use their best, exertions to merit the same— Reasonable advances will be mads on all properly s< nt to their sddress. ROBERT MARTIN. No. 7. Kiddell’s Wharf, Charleston. Sent 57 lrite Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. -gj/lbiPIPES fourth proof Cognac Brandy, J. U warranted pure as imported, Grape Brand 10 Kegs Goshen Butter - 6 Boxes Smoked Salmon- Just received and tor sale by Sept 8 J. B. HERBERT ft CO. City Treasurer's Office. I 6th Oct. 18*5. J Assize of Bread T HE average price of Fleur being $5 75 perbbl. 196 Ite. weight; the weight London Mustard. A FRESH SUPPLY of Gennine London Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other purposes; just received-and for saie by LAY ft HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Shad’s Buildings. Castor Oil. I A FRSSH SUPPLY of best patent cold I A pressed Castor Oil, for- family and plantation use, for sale bv P. B.BRA8SINNE, March 59 Opposite the Exchange. Black Ink and Ink Powder. A FRESH SUPPLY of these ; superior articles,' manufactured by Maynard ft Noyes, of Boston, has just bean received per brig Index, and far sale hy LAY ft HENDRICKSON. Oet 11 Drnrryists. Shad's Boilriingr*. Fulton Market Beef* frc. Jml Termed,peg echr.. Mary and Margaret K HALF BBLS. Fnhon Market Beef • J 10 Bnrrela 8«rgentV Crackers 44 Do No. 1,1 and 3, Miekifel For sale hv BRADLEY, dLAGHORN ft WOOP, Oct f Aociaox’e Whsjf. New Flour." •f AA BARREL8 Richmond Superfine J. "" Flour, from new wheat, jest re- 12} cents Loaf 6J “ “ I Of which all Bakers and Sellers will take due notice. M.W. STEWART, c.r. oct 6 84 1 ox. m of Bread N»attrSiirS£l*ta?ir eofite, pork and. Lard, -wMSa** - - - .Bagscoffee ' I V 6 *’ 1 15 Bbls Hess Pork, N.Y. city inapec. 50 do Prime do do do 5riKegaLard • for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD ft CO, SeptS . , d CABRT8WOLD ft CO. T\VE lAMJUlifcX ■ffS opened on Mondays, Wednesdays; and JL Fridays, ftonr 3 until S'o*hldck; -■ oet-4- SI 1 William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY ft BA- KER. SAVANNAH: GEO. O FFERS his services to his friends and the public, in the General Commission Business, in this place, end solicits their patronage. References to Moser*. A. Low ft Co. Sa vannah. Geo.; G. Breittmayer ft Co. Au gusta, Georgia. Angnsta, Sept. 6, 1885. Oct 6 tfl+h NIGHT SCHOOL. T HE subscriber. will open his Night School for the Instruction nf Youth, at hi« residence nesr the Cstholie Chnrch, on MONDAY; 3d, wherein will he taught Reading, Writing. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic. Geographv and Book keeping; in a methodical Wav not •: PETER HYNES- * Sept 6 ' 17}i,tfta Notice. N INE month* after date application will be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell Y tract of land, known as number mght. 6th. District, Pike 'formerly Monroe) County. ftr the benefit if the heirs and creditor! of the estate of ofN. ft Bayard. N. J. BAYARD, Adm|iiistrator estate ft. S, Bayard.