Newspaper Page Text
# edited axd pitaalii it Up
’ .vw»m
^ «CT. 0* Mff
IV o EO. fc WM.R0*ERT60N,
ATMdirr fit* AiV*u*.
>a*'A ! |i)R.1Sl f ■; ■
■•■ e«B TJM CQ0NTSY, . :
18 published to meet Ilia arrangement of
«wUii,i*»riM time* a #eek. (I^ctitfay .Tliurs-'
diy.aml »<iurd»y,)>t tha Office ofJie JJai-
lv Goorgian, litwJ coiitMtii all H«e
Commercial, Political aud MisCellnneoin, m-
Cluling aJveitiwsioenl*. publulied in foe Dai-
1-1 Tim Country -Paper, « *eril tn all rarti of
mo state and Union, of delivered in Ibe oily,
nl five dullara per annum, payable* advance.
»literlireineut* ere inverted in both paper*
,l7i cent* per yq Wire-,• of-M ■
fiot inwtiuri. at«l,37| for every succeeding
t the ship Emperor, the subscriber*
' hew received thirty-five packages or
%mery, fancy Article^ &c.
carefully selected hr-one of the nnrtnets
now *tthe north, which addef to thoir for
roer stock on hsnd.comprisaaan assortment
‘ ‘j extensive, and imrttailnjly smted for J
... _ abd-PamiHea; woOUdbweB to fotwawl
their oidera. as they Will .be Bold at our
uanal toerjeiw..
Druggiets, Shad's Building*.
’Juhr .1'8 | *'
fiist invert tun .
Communications by Mail*
K d -
mual U Pott
Sales of land and neyidee by ; AdminWra,-
tnrs Eaecutnt* <>r Guardians. »r* retpnreil
fc v law, to be lieM on tho first Tuesday In the
mmitli, between the hour? of ten in the tore-
,od Ihree in I he afternoon, at the Court
House uf i lie Connty in whirili the ‘ properly
j, situate. Notice of tliew* sale* must bo
jirei, in a public aaiotterwfy days preiii
eus to the day of Hala. .’....
Notice of tiie sale of mn»t
be given in hko manner, ,/otdy <**y» pcevtuq
to the day of isle. . ,.
Notice to mo Uebtoia and creditora of an
rsUte, must ho published for forty days.
Noliqc that application .will bo,made |o the
Court of Ordinary for leave tb sell laud, mus;
bo |iublished nine numlht.
1/fR. PHILLIPS respectfully inforon
ifj. the pubito, foul he baa a ucaucy fo
dew more., .
a*mroiwtngm„. . .... ..
itgHik Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic
Orography, Projecting if Mope, Attre-
ncmj, Htitonj, Contnmtion, Polite
Literature aaa Rhetoric,
also, n • . ■ ■
ID’A separate room is proivdcd for the
Yuung Lodirs .
Miss PmuiPl under hiBfiupenntenaBnce
instructs* m.fcw children in Hpullingz Ruud
inp. Writing and Arithmetic.
From lour to six Young (lentlemen may
be accommodated with board. &e-in hii
family. Every utientimi will be puid to
their comfort and morals.
¥i\eu\ng School,
for thu instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng-
li>h tirsnmisr, Arithmetic, Buck Keeping
by Double Entry, Navigation, and tlicfon-
unr Obrerviirions; also,.the metbnd.,ol as-
cstlaimng mid cl’ineasiiring thc dislaiicu of
tho. Heavenly llndies, is open every evening
from seven until nine o’clbck
Fur terms, which nre moderate, plensn to
apply by letter or personally, at bis, Acade
my. corner of Brough lull and Lincol n-Sts.
Sept«. ' 17
Patent Vntpity
EE’S BlUOtfS TtirKngtonV Balsam
' WLLS of Life
Oplnl for the cleans
ing of the teeth Si
gnma '
Bo Botanical I>f
Austen’s Rpmedy
Ibe Piles
Hinckley’s, dn di
Thompson’s Celebra
ted Eye' Water
Tiipmpson’a Teeth
’ Past*
Squire's Grand Elix
ir i r
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. dtp,
of the above useful
'C hutch’s
Worm Ltiaengca
Black Drop
Henry’s,True’ Cal
cined Magnesia
Audler’s Asiatic Len-
. Itive \
Roger’s :- Pulmonic
DalhyV Carminative
A constant
Patent Family Medicines, together with u
. Medt cities, tiig<
emera] assortment of Drugs, Chemicals',
.’erftimery, Fancy Articles, Dye Htoffe.
Cut Glass Lamps* Lamp Glasses, letmp
Oil, dtc. Ac. can be obtained at the storb
May 36 - Druggists, Shad’s Buildings
T HE Subscriber has si present on band
a large stock of Bricks of superinrqua
lity, which he offers in Bitch quantities-as
may be wap'ed, at the lowest possible price.
q| 1 tnKntnw°w l mrBfltnminnti^' ^l^mftlwfefSfiience oi his iowiTliitMo-'
. ' _ . sxr...'c.v_ La Stitanilo las' AitllbA I/t IfPAD nllVIVH
mers, he intends in fiitute to keep always
a considerable supply in town •, 'tiinse in im
mediate want of the article will be supplied
hy application to Mr. James Roherts, either
at his residence in Wost Broad Street, of
:it Myers’Whart ' <
June 24 79
wiB pleas# «#k jhrMceiiitia
John Abbdi
WmBallfas' •
Pfm Bahdy ■
J Borstow
Geo Bsile
J. Barfield
MisaAiuiM Barnard
<•'¥*.'j£r' , X"
James Raima rd
Mrs 8 Bryan t -
James Bronghtnn t
Miss Ann G Bird
James H Bryan ■
Mis* Elis A Bour-
i quin *
Edward Rourqnin
Robert BrriWer
Mrs E -Boyd
Wyl Brown
Job TV Buies
John Bull
Mrs E V Burton-
8 W Canter t
A M Cafrull
Mrs Hariut Cnmmel
Win Campbell
Peter R Clifton
James Conner
George Couwsy
Mis* EMaasal
Samsel MerSsn
Edward Munrbe
Charles Mtilvey
Col G' W McAllister
Dorcas McGnwai)
James McGill .
■ N.'
lishplls Neanell*
George (feiisonj
f Theedwre NCl.oa
Mary Nnsim
Rcboksh 8 Norton
Ann Nowltin
—i* Nicolsu' '
1 ’ P. '
? Susan E Patterson
i Elirii Patterson
{•Anh Page,,*
| Nhthl 1 .Patterspn
j Leans ro Perkins
j Dempsey Pbillips
} Capt Jercinith Pike
| Mary F Pone
j Cleininton Powers
’Thomas Page '
J Jiihlt Raima* '
< Daniel Rauishsrt
j Elentir Rikcr
> Joseph Itibero
{tVilHom Robertson
j Dr Chaa W Rogers
¥ —- L H Russel
Mesj Drwor AFoth- £'Ahn H Roe
ringliam . ? Joseph Ross
. Dels roc h | Charles Roberts .
Cristopher Dixon
James Diidly
Nicholas Games
Mrs C Etsson
Aaron Everett
Master George
Edwd Farrell
Simon Farrell
Win H Fergurson ,
Cap Rob Fittumary
Mlohail Galloway *
Nancy- Gardner
Wm Gibbln
List: M. R.T.Mor-
-»7W>n :
Miss Sarah Morn-
\ :• ir
I Nancy Samuel
Catharine bbearer
James Bf.Scaly
Joseph F Stevens
yt ' Jani.- Stevetis
yjime Stevens
" John A St evens,Scnr
Esther Stewart
Joseph Stevens
Jane Simons
James M Smith
John A Smith
William H Smith
John M Sykes
A nn Sr-hyes
John Simpson
Charles Hnley
Mrs Mary H Hardee
Miss Ann B Hannon
Gi-urgo Henly
Mrs Lovina Iierno
Mias Surah Harris
Wrn Ilnfihiun
A TWiwv&\ lot iih TfiVM
rntiE Medicine,now uffered toilie public
is one which has been fully subjected
1" the infallible test of experience,' and in
every instance where it lias been fairly tri,
til, it lias heen attonded with the most com
plete success. In some of the eases,’ the
pAients had been Uhmrriirg under the.dis-
I live fur years, and during that period, hud
| received the best medical advice, and'lied
wen undergone a painful surgical opera
tion, without permanent advantage. It is
w (like those .usually advertised) offered
u a cettatn cure for a long catalogue ofdis-
eases,butthose afflicted with the complaint,
for which alone it ia recommended, may re
ly with confidence upon obtaining relief,
twn in its worst forms in a short time; and
themselves are the beat judges of tho itn-
porUiice «f such a remedy. Price 60 cents
p«t boi, with directions signed by the pro
prietor. Prepared, and sum at
Brag and Chemical Strife, 273 NortATWril.
Bl above calfovthill.' PhUadalphia.
The proprietor hqa appointed Lav J-.
nmnatcKsow, corner, of Gringress and
"hitalrer-jtreete. Shad’s Buildinga, sole*-
pate for the sale of thismedicine ip Sqvan-
•»h. Geo.
Oct 6 *3
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma-r lhiSson ° u ut i
trusses, Feather beds, RlclielJ i. oba
BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS,-fitc. Miss Rose Julman
—.— I Mrs H R Jackson
T IIE subscriber offers forsalcthe follow- Symnnd Jamb
iug articles, wurrantoU to be of the ] Miss 8 M. Irvllie
bust quality:— ’ • Syqioqd Jr.ekstm
Sideboards, Sets ofPining Tables Mrs Snrnh Junes
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables l.Jatnei Johflstnu
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Lewis Julinstoa
Do. with Glusses, Card Tables Grace Junes
Rosewood Work Tables, Muhogany do K.
Secretaries, Bureaus , . ... P Kali
Dnuhle and single Work Stands M C Kensir
Ward Robes, Piano Stools • Mrs Ann M Keeb
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do | John Keen
BnseWoou do I Sarah R King
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads I Tarltnn Knight
Do , do Curled Majde do I Titos Kockli:
Mahogauy Field Bedstoads | I.
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs,Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds -
Hail Lamps, Brass.Fenders, Wire dp
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double.and Single Hair Mattresses
Do do , Moss do -
Festhqf Beds, Bolsters and Pillows
CJliilAren’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Cliairs.of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also,, & large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Uugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittakcr-Slroet, opposite Col.
mn. I. Yf.MORRELL.
[arch 15 93
nines Hcotfos
Iriviab F Scrngga
Siiza Sherman
B Suifges;
Alethiu Scrngga,
Martha A Tiot
1 OapEdwardVernard
Mary Wsllsco
Richard W ayne
'Benjamin Wallin
1-Bcllinda Walker
S Jane Walsh
{Sarah Washington
i Edmund Wurron.
I George Weaver
{ John M West
{ John B Witter
{.Emily White
! Williamson
mom ihe kubmond iwdoiacsiv
txlrvt t irffte/wlst a Citizen Ijf Georgia
to hie friad in Pirglnju.--Concluded. "•
•* I have mt yet seen the evidence going
nprove hisroncem irv the death of M’ln-
osh. Bill J'hive shown, I hope that.he
inted M'liyosh. Tinge is strung reason,to
ilieye fro/h Wliat I have heard, that hn was
tha’ meyting rif the hostile IndietM where
'fntnsh’l death was decreed. ' One thing
of/tain. he took no stem: to prevent h, b*(
w,ji)«tifirs it. And q^.>r. ill- what vH
tniosh’s crime f ■ That he yielded to the
I request of the general govejrninen.r
IstiAs file the n«e jif Georgia, while
was Governor of that state, .j am
led y/m are nriw convinced that had
-hr Clark been Governor no notsc
have been ibad.e, by Crowell at least,
his treaty. I Would tell you many
hinge about this man. who for same
icxplicable reason* has been equally
nred object ofMr. Monme ana Mr
cainpun, and of Mt. Adams. The stats of
Gsotgis.lhro’ ber legislature has preferred
a solemn request that he bo removed. In
stead (if promptly granting that request,
tliqy bend * Mr. Andrews nerc, On in-
quiriqg, who he is, it turns out that ho is-
soother beloved protege of Mr, Calhoun’s,
a cl'-Ac in thr navy department. This is tlm
■man fli-spatohed in investigate the agont’s-
conducf. He did notluug impose upon the
people of Gcqrgie. •
“ Neat, in all the strut and pomp of mil
itary consequence, comes General Edmund
Pendleton Qainee. And whst aro his opin
ions about men and other things in - Geor
* J . * * ♦ : * ■ *,
« Suoh are the men upon wlmse reports
you will bo called on to decide as to Gaqr-
gian affairs. Messrs. Andrews As Gaines
will present affidavits and- certificates by
the thf'ritand, taken in the Indian nation,
from men Who are notoriously the crea
tures nod agent* of Crowell. 8uch ire bis
brothers, Triplett, Hnmhljr, the interpreter,
and the missssirinsries Smith arid Compere
Humbly is a man not to be trusted | Smith
is under dealings for his conduct by tho mis
sionary committee of Georgia ; Compere
will be called to accuunt, as I know some
of tliose in this state, who sent’ him there,
nre highly displeased with his prevarica
tion. .
“ I will say nothing nbout the evidence
- ’HiirrfrrhiT' ■
, is • IV i oq. Domingo, f* *«»£ ?
Seametr, to Enmp«i p»r Month, ||»*^* T
FiedmohEtoWtlM MM nh. i d(etdfui stdrni
woe experienced over tha thnM' CWnflfi' ting ,tin t» ; Ordi*ary,10. t
at midnight, the thunder and lighting were - Frefitkle.-SYf* imvV. nothing favorabln
terrific,-•Bcbmpanied b» a destructive hail, to MM* in' relation tri Ffeishts ; To Eqg-
driven by tiie wind.; Thustormlastod bn- ,iJ * t -'* A -
ly a sliort time, but tliji injury don* was
great. ’-Thu ijttenqfi darkness;, (says tbs
Piedmoniete G iteiie,of the next day,) the
sound uf the bells,- tlis crasri of ifm bail, &
that'of the roofs and windows shattered,to
piece*, and the moarcfful criewbf-tbe eoun-
anfi, tho Continent jtlmy
imSiively dull, and thu'- w<gbls:
c until
sively did), and thu'. ri'gqlir packets are
eitb difficulty 81 Ivdovsnnt low rates? Tbe
regular'packets to New Orli-aoe arid-th*
southern poMs, are taking jq goodj fifeety
at th* regular rates, but transient vestals
are not in donuind- To Liverpool, Cotton,
ib.r - • -* • ’
t ftofhe Corilinem, Ij cts.
try people, inspired-afotv*hml terror, movri
c astlf conceived tbati’dcacrilH'd. Athatt
onn.iA-luck th*.fqry-of tim tempesf-»r :
mt too soon to show us the extent of the
disasterthe vineyards, - which promt ami
the rlobeat crops, the fields.which gave the
most flattering hopes, are become 4 desert,
as for as the eye can resch, not a trace (f
vegetation is to be, seen; the fields, the
roads, the roofs, are covered with hail. It
is noop, and the stonea ore still the ixo of as
hen’s egg. On a wiite extant of country,
not a note of a bird is to be heard'; tliejeo;
t ie are gatheriitg tiiest up by basket fulls,
filed sod mutHiated by the hail, and they, arawing .
found In the farrows, number* of hares and , he „J* 0 fthn United Slaiek-tbe Whole li
foxes, victimsbf thistrenwndousMWlstidn,(ft comp let«din one d.y.snd will pontlvelg.
iy-.ot Bpltiinort nri
WEDNESDAY, the 9th November next;
lUghent Prize ^30,Q00.
: schEme, ■: "V\
I Priseof {30,Odd is {30,000 Dollars..
' 10.00Q 10,000
Tbedsmtge done to tbd bouses mEJHMI tqk«- place in the city of
building* is very considerable. It is impris-
sibft to estimste tiie extout of the injury,
hut it is certain, that the vineyards and
K lantationsof Meige are wholly ruineed.—
’lie Storm swept some square miles of tbe
Country. Half an honr baforp the atofm,
the barometer was st 27 I. Reaumur's
thermometer 19 degrees.”
On the same day a -violent tempest was
experienced at Venice. The rain was suc-
ceedod by hail of the size of eggs, and the
glass of all windows, not protected by shut
ters. was broken The storm was severely
felt by the shipping and boats, '
lives were low.
I 30
. too
1 100
1 20080
Scotch Courtship.— 1 “ Just before I wae| *0813 Prizes,
puilen to my 'prenticetkip, having made
f>ee qiioice to tile tailoring trade, 1 bade
terrrible stound of calf love. Never shall
152,000 DoUam.
40000 Tickets—Not one blank tri a prise.
The holder of two tickets, will bn certain
I forgot it. I was growing up lang and I of. obtaining at leaBt one prize, and may
lank as a wiliowwand; brawns to iny legs,! j r * w three.
there wore nariei, ts my Dowsers of other Modc of Dhawino — 1 The numbers w;)i
years too visibly effected to show. The be put into one wheel ss usual—and in the
yellow hair hung down like a flax-wig, the I other wheel will be put thq prizes above thn
length of my lantern jaws, which looked ! denomination of {4. and the drawing tn
Tlins H Willinma
Daniel Wilson
William Williams
Permela Wingate
* John Y White
* Joseph Wiggins
{ Ann Williamson
{ Hetty Woodruff
U. i Y-
Benjamin Lavender , Isaac Young
Augustus B Long- J Ji nnott-G Young
——- » E R Young
I George Ijotig
Mrs Maroyan
James Msgill
John S Maxwell
{ William H Young
? Elizabeth Young
; George Youlte
{ Z.
i Geo J Zipperer
Hubbard S Marshall qJoffrrBmi Zipperer
Oct 1 Si
ny nftwo men ought toe (tract notice, and
he.belieticd., Those are Campbell and Wil
liamson—tbVy are both brother* iri-lnw of
Clark, and were warmly attnclied to his in'-
terosts, and for aught that I know, yet are-
Their evideriifo »fill shew the misconduct
ifCrownli, Andrew* and Guinea, beyond
' e posebilits'of doubt.
Yon will have seen that the Governor
h»rsuspended intercnnreie with Gaines pn
account of hitj^nenlcni e and insults. Tltorc
was no other course for him to pursue con
sistently with-the'dignity,of the office lie
holds, unlesa.yhciowrrijfil ehnrncler of the
states is givrip rip. I understood he has
prepared a prittrist aeninst tho course of the
Government'qf.the U, State*, which is said
to be a mnat.etjy prnduclon.
-Since Gen, G. has been in Georgia, he
lias prim-ip*lly confincd himself to the com
pany of Clerkand his friends. Ho declares
h* would hnlteye Crowell to be an hoaora-
hie man against the ovidendee af the con
gregated world That by the God that
rules the Universe, he believes the 0, S,
Commissioners (Campbell and Merriw.e
I her) tbe last, ope of the purest men I ever
knew) were corrupt men, Ac. Ac. Lately
a dinner was given to him at Monticello. in
this state, which was attended exclusively
by the friends of Clark.
“ I do not knuw how our affair* wifi ter
Tiie Scotch are t very, inqusitive people
| Their variuuaquestion are deemed obtrusive
led to a great length,
itm yapneaa and stiff- ap-1 progress in the usual manner. The lOibOO
petite, as,if eating and they had broken -up J prizes of {4, will be awarded to tbe odd or :
acquaintanceship, My bluejacket seemed] even,numbers in the Lottcry, (|J,lbe case
in the sleeves to have picked a quarrel with { mofJw*-dependant on tfo-.drpsrssmljTjn '
theelbows. The haunch-buttons, on the j DOLLARS—that fo to *ay, if the {30,000
contrary, appeared to have a strong liking 1 should come out to an odd number,
to the anoirlders, a little Below which they j then every odd number in the scheme iiu
showed their tarnished brightness. At the J y,, entitled to s {4 prize.: if the {30,000
middle of the back tbe tails terminated, I prixescuuld come out to an even, number,
! 1 — — haah mF Mbs* enadll 1 I IV -1 _ ..... I. _ — i (L- .aLwmaa
leaving tho well worn rptr of my cordu
roys, like a full irinon seen fltrough a dark
haze. Ob! but I must have been * bonny
My first flame waB the minister’s lassie,
Jessie—a buxom and forward quean twa or
three years older than myself.. Fein would
I have spoken to hi!r,.but it would na do,
she whiles gied mn i smile when ebe passed I advantage of dwtijMjwg the
mo. She used to go to the well even regularly to every .alternate n
night, wj* her twa stoups, to drew wfifcr af- j ochemo, so that the holder of t
?pHE sahscrilier begs lriavo to inform bla
.,■7 fiends and cnatouierb, that hri ha*
P' and that in future the FACTOR-
w •* carried on under firm of
Mwttln 81 Co*
TjfJ will be much obligiid totbeir frieni
thfi* c ,e l,le ' r cpstom, «nd : bvD*' i> :
ir best exertions to merit the sfioia.—
•aesablq advances wifi he node on el)
'"per'y sent to their address, -
n, ,„• ?! Ktddell’e Wbsrf, Chirieaton.
Z7 , Jfljc
Ma '
Hams and Flour, &c.
Drugs and Medicines 4UU h '
■ . ' ,. „ - , I I do Cognpc Brandy
J UST roqetved per ^ip Savennah. an| PorgaIeby HALL *. HOYT.
additional supply of FRE8H DRUGS
aud. MEDICINES, such as—1
Calomel, Suphate Quinine
. Pulverized Ipieacutnoh
Pulverized Cotoinho, Wliite VVaa
Quassia, Isinglass, Cplc’d Magnesia
. Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb
- Hair Powder, &c.
. ' ,< ' A use, ip sTput,' ■
500 Bottles pastor Oil, cold presyed,
*, yyrysu|ic “
800 do dp,
•500 dp do
. tatjon use
30 Barrels Glauber Salts .
10 do . Greun Coopofa*
»d HulfBarretaindMege do
!f.‘ 3 Barrel) English V Iefit»d, : Epsom
-Mato.Jfl6e.-i • > 7 v,
AH of wbirA-will bo.uojd toy fhf.efah or fp. |
proved credit. '.IT North’
Druffgiata.BwniVB 1
August 2T r| v- ,.
and are Carrie. _ ... „
gentlemen fell in iogetber, boili Iravefipr* Pn
horseback, and strangers to each other,
wheisthe followingconversation took placo:
“ Raw-eveiiing. sir. rather," observed the
one, with an Aberdeen lucent: ” Yea, ra
tlier," replied tbe other. “ You will likely
be a stangor in these parts," 'continued the
Aherdue iiian, “ If I can," laconically repli
ed the other,,(nuking neither to the-right
hand or tbe left. •• Perhape, like myself
yon may be -going to Banff?" 1* Perhaps,’
responded the other, yawning. V Ia that
cow, perhape, you will pul up at Cullen ?"
I may, or I may not," answered hia com
panion. "Pardon me the liberty of tbe
question, air! may I ask if you are a bsche
lor?" “No.’*‘*Oh, married ?" "No, no"
“ Sir, I beg your pardon, I may have unin
tentionally touched on a paiftful subject
your black dress might to have checked m
inquiries ; I beg your pardon, sir—a
ower ?” «. No, no, no," “ Neither a bache
lor; nor married mas, nor widower, ia Hea*
T.nnrlrill TVf ns till'd. Iven’s name, Mr, then what can you be f"
laonaoil jyiUhtdJU* “A divorced man, and be d—d to yoo, s;nce
A FRESR SUPPLY of Genuitlp London _ ou mgBt jj nowl ii exclaimed the stranger,
, TUT •■«(• sal ■riilaklo fn* tsiodininal anil I'i, _. t_ I.— Loun and ,!a*hin» van I
Fly Mai ket Beef
o | HALF Barrels juat received by tbe
£t l schr. Mary & Margaret, from New
York, and for sale by
Oct 4
then all thp even Humbert in tbe scheme '
will be each entitled to {4. ,
Odd numbers are tliose ending with 1,3,
5,7. or 9.
Even number! arc those ending with 2,
4, 6, 8, or 0.
Tliis mode nt drawing not only enables
the Commissioners to complete the wholo -
my cniira e failed me at the pinch, though I Lottery iu one drawing, but hae the great
■'- -’ - l : i—i-J —„««.mII _ j— 1 — (be small prise*
number in the
...f,—. r - ,„ twotickett(*->>
ter thp manner q’ the Israelitee, at gloam* I tw, 0 shares nf tickets, one odd and one even
mg, so I thought of watching to gin tier the I number, wifi be certain Of obtaining at least
twa apples, which I carried in my pouch for I one prize, and in the same ratio for any
more than a week for that purpose. H° w I greater quantity. ,
she laughed when I stappit them into her vhesent vein or Tt ket».
hand, anil brushed by without speaking-— Wholes {5, H:,lvea {2 SO, Quarters (ill
I itood at the bottom of trie close listening. I ^11 orders promptly attended to, at
and heard her laughing till she was like to 1
split. My heart flap flappit in my breast
like a pair, of tanners. It was a moment ol
heavenly hope: but I saw Jamie Coym the 1
blacksmith; who I eyejCaloused a» my ri-I
val, coming down to the well. I saw her
gie him one of tho apples, and hearing trim
say “ where is the tailor ?” with a loud gaf
faw, I took to my heels, nnd never etoppit
till I found myself on the little stool by the
firo-aido and the hamely sound of my mo
(tier’s wheel humbumming in my lug, like |
a gentle lullaby.
Of the Loan lately paid off by the Upt-
led States, about a million end a half was I
paid in the city of New-York. It is stated |
EXCHAJWfE office.
Antl-diii^Ue Pill*.
A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, op
Indigestion, Habitual Costivcuyos, and
It is' well known that Dyipepais ia one of
the most trequent and formidable diseases ,
of.-our country. Its coinmem.ement is in-
t dietted in diffbrent patients by-various ,
!hat the disbursement of this large sum has | symptom*, of wlfich the moat remarkablk
greatly reliived the money market there I a Ve_ - -
aud in other parts of tho-country. ) Irregularity of the bowels, ohatinato coo*
j| tiyeneas, headach, commonly oalled nervour
or sickly beadnch, yellowness pf the eyes
and skin, acidity of the stomach after oat-
I ing, alien called heart biiro, flatulence' of .
wind nn the sLimitch, bitter taste in {he
I mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drovf-
I sines* after dinner, debility, lassitude, etna*
I elation, depression of spirits, fizo.
Piles being connected with- indigestion '
JVeic- York, October 8.—Bagging—Hemp, I
yd 21 a 22; Flax. 16 a 17. 1
Cotton.—There w»n no import from, the!
1st to the 9th inst. The transactions of the
week past in this ariiele baTg. been very | „ . „ ....
limited: 300 to 400 bales only of Alabama 1 and costivenea. afe certainly and apeedfiy
and Uplands have been sold, principally fori the Pills,
home use. at from 13J to 144 cte ; a email A fresh supply of the shove valuiMe mo-
inrcel of Uplands reached 174, and one ofrdicine ha's jnst been received, and' for sal*
air Orleans 184 cts- W* contino*. our [by LAYdt HENDRICKSON.'
hefoi ■*
quotations as
Louiaiatli. U
__ Mustard, suitable for medicinal *nd I cfopping spurs to his horse, and daohirig out
other purposes, jhat'taceivod and for sale by 0 f ainbt in no instant.
Oct 1 Shad 1 ! Buildinga. | The Keotiick* paper* atkto that Desk*
*: 1 1 . - has been tried asacund time for tbe nuird**
Castor Ou. - : j
iy«d for a new trial
, -;f. >■ , . — .theground qf iuformality in the indict-
plantation use, for **’* “I. , ment-the couiiofel for the commonwealth
' a*E pRAtWINNE, |having neglected to n*me the county in
Mareh 29 : Opposite the Exchange. 1 whirh thp nuiriter wa« committed, which
■ >*;*d 4 FRESH SUPPLY o* beat patoffl oold ^
.fowpViqml for plan-. A pdysmffl C«tor "Oil, for Uly ^ SSKfi3T»S
Bags coffee j
Carolina Bilik to-1
' ill #•
it hi contemplation in Philadelphia to vary few nf the l»tti
; art Zrcide or Baxear, tbe de»*« n .ahdol« 7-8; and, <8 I
his after those immense and beautiful: average a fraction lew
lore;Uplands, lb, I3}a 174;
a 22 ; Tennessee, 131* l7 f •
mportntion, 115 tiercav, Rice
has been rather neglected this, week, and
the sale* generally lie** been jnstfo in email
parcelsfromS to{360, flOdty* ft4mouths;
same prime small Jot* bars bruught ft and
yesterday a **l* of *BOat 72 tiarcas #az:
mad* at {175, cash, The (took w *m*fi-r-
oct 6
E tnbscribar wiH open,
_. School for tho'Instfucriw oCYoutb,
at his reiidripce near tHeCatholftsUhufch,
on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein.,
Wifi bo t,neht Reading. WZWing, Vtrigar
Y^ornyi,, * ^ii&TBlSgawwSSr,
"aassfo^saii ' Wa). 1
U Bbl* Mess Pork, N.Yveity inspec. 1 erect
50'' do-Prime do do d# : I which is Zilar thqte , ... . ..
SG Keg* L»rd 1 receptacles of trade, which sre gaaedtf by Itstionaw* do m
Tor sale by C. afatBWpUJ&eO.l tho.rrsogqr uipMfo and London with almond,**-*; Pf
. 1 tonuriuneuC 4fflift»,5a7;
chiefly at auction. . Wri hoar of, nothing pt I
private eate.—The hplder* sre wiHing
sell at fair rates—but tbs demandi* limited.1
Tbe ifoqkii not iatgo, :*nd very little has
boon sampled. •- Tbe soles *t auction Wad I
5Q bhds which btnnght from -M tq 1». cents 1
very foyr W riwt lattor. the average was
1 £’anr•*»'. JA Li^i' ILmw.-JI’. »a M-iil
Fresh7 Teas and Cassia* y.:,
-'2: ;
! alter. Of pteaent—J
ainbnrg. 8 a-ff ; $
itasky, 5i*7{;
rust aicsitni As ewe iiaktaoa,
Z AK CATTY ROXWGnwowderTen *
' : »oo dd. -"'d7fmnKt. :■ .te.r
’W Cfiegt* HyniWfc , «p,.
;< - 3 Half Cheat* Poueboog d«'
200Mats Caaaie y '- _;.A .
rani, by J, K HERBERT * OQ.