Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 22, 1825, Image 3

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*m : r tmrnmrttemr, ■Bsp* TJA8 remo #3., door ' ' . moolKtf. iio!. t Miis Mbi ^ to flic a strtht* In honor qf the re-election of T^OBOBJt- TROUP, Oimntnrjf Ike Wo«f»ry ol«|nWr of Oct ** just MceivWl ftotn ftuw.yoirjijlhjf.^he Ahgt u, ^nvwnnhi and other reoaqt arrival*. vy ’NAOho nwi**.'’-.- Cloths end Cssuiinere* Plaint tod Blanket* * j?oi* Providence: m The packet ship RISING l nr -r 1 . STATES, . W.T Paw«i,J»«W»r, Will mwt with,datpntch. For frcigfit orpama|e, *|iplj on board at Moors’* Wkcrt, TAFT & PADELFORD. for Suit, landinf from etii Ship, 1 1311 Casks Stone time SO Barrel* Potatoea. Apply akthnya. Oct 24 ‘; 3 ®P For St rhorats, W. 1. •jm The faitsailing Pilot boat sclirv JgWti.:: . ANN MARIA, MWjft Will positively tail for the above purl on tbe 46th inat for freight or •Mao^ipply to matter on board nr to r J. B. HERBERT b CO, oc| 24 3° Landing, tROJf SHIP RISING STATES AT MOORE'S WHARF, no BOXES spermcandles 20 8 Hogsheads St ffroix Sugar 15' (Quarter Catkt Currant VVine' 8 Cabas Brogan Shoes -.1# stor*. . 10 Hogsheads St. Croix Sugar 80 Hug* Coffee 50 Barrels No., t, Mackarel 150 do N».3, do for tale on reasons b|e..teririf 1>V . . . TAFT ii l’AUELPORt). Oct 44 . 3 "P 30,000 DQLLA&ft. O N the ninth of next rpontb, the GRAND STATE LOTTERY OP MARY- LAND, drawn in a few minutes, by the odd and even system, secured by letters patent from the United St sloe, will be drawn.— This Scheme contains the following SPLEJNDID PRIZES.- 1 PRIZE OF 30,000 DOLLARS. I do 10,000 DOLLARS, I do 6,000 DOLLARS. 10 do 1,000 DOLLARS. 10 do 500 DOLLARS,. 30 do 100 DOLLARS. 80 do - 80 DOLLARS. 100 do 1 20. DOLLARS. 800 do "10 DOLLARS. O’ Adventurer* are informed that their tickets are received. Whole Ticket, 00, Halvee, 60 Quartan, ••••••.•••••••••••I 15 Application ahoald be made immediately, as ihe price will be advanced on. or about the drat of November. WM. ROBERTSON. Georgian Office. t.* Prizes in other Lotteries, received an taali, and cash given for prizffs as soon as drawn. Out 44 ■■ f. — LRst Notice. A GREE iBLE loan ordinance of Council, all persons using weights and measures in the City nf dsvannali, are required to have til weights of four pounds and under nf brass «r copper and that they have all weights and measures tried and stamped by or before the fir-t of November. information will he laid before Council gainst all persons neglecting this notice. WM. STARR, c. st. oct 44 30 Butter, Beer, <^c. Jmt received ptr brig Oeprey. OA KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER > io Bids, Beer, first quality 30 dn Prime Pork 30 do Mesa dn 15 do SargentV Cracken 50 Boxes Sperm Candle* 15000 Flint’s Begars 14 Kill* soused Salmon 5 Boxes Salipon • . ■ 14 Tierces winter strained Oil 4 f Half bbls. No. 1- Mackerel 40 Burrela No. 1,4, Si, 3 do 1 Bag Nutmegs 10 Boxes London Mustard 40 Boxes Snap 40 . do and 4 hbda. Codfish 10 Half battels Fly-Market Beef IN STORE, A general assortment nf GROCERIES 4r SHIP CHANDLERY, which will be sold low by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, act 18 48 WILLIAM PATT«I«toir, d lo tKa brick atort, one 'hiaformor etond, where ala^.,a;*d < tiwral,l(a m>. ,v}'kcX-- u», V SEASON, SatinetU andSqgath Cofoorcd aid White J Do Domestic* lite Flannel* , V ; tick *. i v .'p' , .. ■ Bleached and nhhlesched dcipaktic sheet lags andabirtiuga. v;. Dark and light Calicos* Llnont, Lawna apd Linen Cambrics PJatillaa, Ruaaia and Irish Diapera RoaalaSheetinga Cambric* and Muslin Nankin and'Capton Crapes Bowbaaotis, Bombaaenoa, and Dimitiea Blackand cel, Italian Crape* Clark dk Paialeyt apool cotton Hosiery and darning' Yam While and colored Cravat* *®ollvaar-• t > dot, -'.xv • ■■■u •- Huntnrts Cord • v>, Ladiek horta'akiw and Aidi glove* Gentlemen* do : and Weaver do . And a Variety of fancy aritplaavftci dw. Also, a targe aupply if 44 inch Cottoa Bagging, V Which he offers for sale at reduced prices, obyt 11 •• 'i - ,j ■ Square,to** davannab.nod f d by the brig NEW PATTERNS wtfo S' handsome tNortmaol of PANLY GOODS. Leghorn and Btfaw 1 lata. Feathers Artificial .Flowers and a large swortmchl qf Bibboos, by tbs bpx or dpken Alio, Band Boges of all sixlM, by neat or bqndlaa, at Near-York prices. w: fJNHE undersigned hat J. the north-waatbrn 1 HUSBAND HUNTING, •■••• on 4ns' MOTKBft AXIS DADOHTEtt, A TALE OF FASHIONABLE LIFE, * vnh. t COUNT BEGUR’8 HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGN OF NAPOLEON IN RUS 8IA( in I Sit, With a mop. RUSSELL’S TOUR IN GERMANY AND THE AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, in 1830, 1841 and 1844. 44 50. LIFE OF PAUL JONES, by J. H. Slian- burn, ja 43. TREMAINE, of the Man nf Refinement. FOURTH VOLUME AMERICAN DI GEST, by Wharton, dll. MERIVALE’SCHANCERY REPORTS, 3vola.dl8 60. ROBERTS ON FRAUDULENT CON VEYANCEB, Now Edition, d8. REEVES’ (Tapping) TREATISE ON THE LAW OF DESCENTS, in the several United State*. d6. . FELL ON THE LAW OF MERCAN TILE GUARANTEES, and of Princi pa) slid Security generally, with Ameri- ean Cases, by Charles Walker, of New- York. d4 50 DANE’S ABRIDGMENT OF AMERI CAN LAW, 0 vole. $481 AMO, CAMPBELL’S NEW MONTHLY MAG AZINE, fur June. , EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. 83. THE BOSTON ATHENIUM, for Septetn borim THE MUSEUM, for September. THE UNITED STATES LITERARY GAZETTE, for September 16th. Together with n variety of other BOOKS just received by W. T. WILLIAMS. Oct 40 *I»P, ha* taken'the lease of the north-weatbrn Tenements of Messrs. . Low k CoY. nnw Fire-Proof Stores, where he continues te devote ,11his time to FAdTORAO R Sr COMMISSION BUSINESS. (fe wlll maka Kbcral advances on the deposit if produce oensigned to him for sale. Tlie Mrfo for beets ia always accessible and per fectly safe, and tbe iron crane ia the most easy and safest in the port j and they are eunslant ly attended by an intelligent and correct sworn Wliarfinger, who attends also to the stowing and'weighing of prodnoe. PETIT DE VILLEKS, Factor, Savannah, 15th October. 1835. 47rc o. c. GBiKWoy* $ co OFFER FOR SALE, 30 H 50bbis* nd (m*.Whiskey 30 do Northern Gin 30 do N ERuni . 40 ksga manufactured Tobaoco IS hhd* Leaf do 100 baga Coffee . SO kega Lard ; v V. . ' 43 dp Veldigril Mopsand prime Pdik, N. Y. City Ini^. WlLTBERGER Sf CoHNWELL, H AVE removed to the atore lately occu pied by Mr. L. Petty, on Jonea’ Up per Wharf, Where they offer for sale, on nc cuuibmdtiling term*, 50 Baga'Green Coffee 30 do Si. Dcmingo do 10 do uJava do 35 Barrels St. Croix Sugar 55 do Philadelphia Whiskey 10 do Monongttheia dq high proof 5 Pipes Holland Gin, VVee-p Brand 50 Demijoliiia 3d proof do. aupr. quality 5 Pi|ies Cognac Broody 1 Puncheon Old Jf maica Rum 10 One eighth Casks Madeira Wine 10 Quarter Casks good Tcneriffe 5 do London Particular do 10 do Sweet Malaga 5 Half Pipes Sicily Madeira 50 Half and Quarter Boxes Gunpow der, Hyson am| Souchong Teas 60 Canisters Gunpowder'Tea 100 Boxes and half boxes Soap 30 do Sperm Candles 175 Kegs all sizes iVesb Water Crackers '60 Barrels New Flour 50 Half Barrels do 30 Barrels Prime Pork 10 Barrels and Half Barrels Mess do 10 Kegs Manufactured Tobacco 3 Boxes Pine Apple Cheese 9 Casks Goshen do 10 Begs Pepper " 5’ do Pimento ' 5' do Race Ginger 6 Boxes London Mustard 10,000 First Qualiiy Spanish Began 100 Bags Shot 40 Kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder' 41) Half Kegaf iM do 50 Engle. Cantdtter* do - ; SoEcgs Cut Nails, assorted 80 Five Gallon Demijohns - 500 Bn.hels Liverpool Ground Salt 400 do Turka bland do . Oct to 34tf Rullo .h J!j Dumwody, INFORM their IHenda and the public., *' blt for more oohveniaoca, and also se- unty igaimt fire, they hav# removed to aoje commodious and flre-prbof buildings “n Scott and Andrew Low A Co’a. WharvM, *|>ere they continue the YRctotage & OomviVB&ion . Bdb\mbr. '' wlllbeccad-to h.»P f petronaga-' Ton n A cu#ton V! , ai he** JON BAGGING, PLAINS AND B ETs. 0«j PLAINS AND BLAN- *4 f . Alot BLANKETS and BAGGING W.RR& tt Koitt H AVEreoeived by Ihe abip Bmily, from Liverpool, 300 Pieces Beat Quality 43 iuob Dundee Cotton Bagging Grundy’s While, Blue and Mix! Plaiaa Poipt and Loiiilop Dufiie Blankets > : which with those already op hand, of last year’s importation, will enable them to anyply their euslomera on very moderate terms.-— Thair auorimdnt of STABLE AND FAN CY GOODS, will bk vary complete in a few daya. °«t ia *e Sugar. Wine, &c. E rime muscovado sugars Barrelf fib Hogsheads "Swaet Malaga. Wine Wbiakey, Gioi Apple'Brandy For able by J. E. BURRILL, s'r, - Telbit’a Buildingi. Octlff^ > ■>..* •> ' > ‘ tip JfAVINO Jfinbi*«d lothf HI edeupted:;bjK,;.MM. “ ...eHSffa that she has receiv — NewnYork. bei ** TAILOR, 1 >N8 DflOR BAflT OF THE CITY. ' ' HOTEL, ON THE BATi - v •V opimiif a large aaasortment of CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, VE8TING8, ““■ of the most faahiodable pattoras, aod •ome of tliatli of ,a vary superior- quality, which he will,make up in tha'*ewUT and xfcATMT iTvt.iU^he having % number of first rale workinee in bit employ, which he has brought out froin tbe North. ALIO, A LAKOl ASSOATWIST QV *IW ADD r»,«io**aLt comprising, eviry arliclt hi his line, which were made in fee beat manner, under hid own mtperintendanjle, expressly for Ibis market.— filio, a large lisorlmant of LADIES' CLOAKS, tome of e vJry superior quality. Ordert of. Ijls fnrmer cyatomen- are solicited. OLIVER TUNNY, orreu rbn sale, QfC'HHD&St.Croix and.N.O. Sugar Oil 35 Bags and 3 Hogsheads Coffee 5 Hog-heads 4th proof Rum 4 do 'do Jamaica do 4 Pipes Holland Gin . t do Brandy SO Quarter Caska Wine 5 do. do Cordial -16 Boxes No. 10 Colton Carda 150 do Yellow Soap ,60 do Trantpareot do 10Q do Began t do Mustard 14 Dozen Siooghton’s Bitten 4300. Yards Sheetings end Shirtings Straw Bonnets, Sic. Anderton'e Wtutrf. Oct 18 38 H AVING taken the BAKERY furmerlj occupied by Mr. P. Baas*, is ready serve his former customers and all others dho may please to favor him with their cue- J He intends keeping a conalent supply of PILOT AND NA FT BREAD, is tif quenlily (hat may be wanted, and on qk good terms as can be procured at the eosni. Country Stores supplied with ill kinds of BREAD, on tbe best tenna, Oct Ifi 38m* PIANO FORTES TUNED AAD REPAIRED ON THE MOST APPROVED PLAN, AND AT TRE SHORTEST NOTICE. A LL order, left at Mr, Morrell’s Cabinet fl Ware-Hupse, will be punctually attend ed to SAM’L. Ij. SPEI3SEGGER. N. B—PIANO FORTES to hire by tbe month or year. Oct 18 48 STOCKS. #c. FOR SALE. Ct HARES Planter*’ Bank, t9 do Bank State of Gaorgia do Marine A Fire Insurance Co. do Steam-Boat Company, do Union Road Company. ALfO. negro woman, an excellent cook and washer A young mulatto woman, good house ser vant, &c. A negro girl ahout 11 years old ro man about 30, boat-builder and lipwright A negro glri about 18, bouse eervant and seamstress A negro woman, 18, field hand A number of prime field hands, men and women Several negro men accustomed to work in the city. A negro men, firat rote cooper- —ALSO— Several Valuable improved Iota in the city Tracts of I,and in Irwin, Early, Baldwin, Houston, Walton, Henry, Effingham. Bul|ocli and Camden counties. DARIEN It N. CAROLINA MONEY. JAMES EPPIisGER. 'oct 18 48b Holland Gin and Brandy. JUST RECEIVED, fi X PIPES HOLLAND GIN, Swan I. ej Brand 5 Pipes Cognac Brandy, Dupuy Y Brand These Liqunrs ore warranted to be pure, they beind accompanied with the deben tore certificates—for sale by FRANCIS SORREL, WHO HAS IN STORE, 600 Barrels Baltimore Whiskey 50 Barrels Amt-rican Gin 20 d6 Sth PtqjDf Rye Whiskey 50 do Loaf Sugar 13 Pipes Scheidam Gin American Shot ) These are di- Do. Casting* > rect from the Window Glass y factories, and a constant -supply Of them kept throughout the year 30 Barrels Mess anil Prime Pork A quantity of Baltimore Bacon, Sic. Oct 30 49p B s ft. litmdon Porter Cotton Bagging, &c- FEW casks, containing eight and B :4 A half doxen each of Loniibn Porter, im ported in tbe ship Georgia, on 38tb June last, are yet on hand and for sale; also Cotton Bagging, errtea of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of Seasonable Dry Goods, Apply to ANDREW LOW It CO. July 16 88 St. Croix Sugar and Cotton Bagging. Croix Sugar Piece. Cnfto* Bagging received «nd for sale by J. P. HENRY. OiJt 30 - 39t- Caution. , L OTTERY VENDERS and other*, are cautioned against receiving ticket No. 14,416—combination 9,16,37, One half of t $500 : prize, (manager’f share) in Union Ca nal Lottery, 11th Class. The same wai mailed in Ibis city. on the 18th dr 19th July lief, to Mretro: Yates & M’Intyre, of Phila- delptiU. The payment df the came baring been atoppedrot the Maoagera’ Office) U is dselem to MY hut the owner. 'i '' ?- T-DLUTHER,Savannah, t OctiM >3 -•:> .y.--,i.. ..{i.. . FoPVewrYbrk. ESTABLISHED LINE: The rug*tar packet ship LOUISA MATILDA, —Tqtetf,’ and having „ . , rgo fidfinged,, will . . dtspateteni. FW balance of freight or paasage, having puperior accommo dations, apply to < HALL*HOYT, oct tS '*• NituVft Clodilng, iffe lante, - e ftioi if iilaio GA^BdVBB, Doney, Matter, Having half her cargo'engaged, will meet with aoapateh. For might or pukaage, ap ply to tbe master on board, or 80 COHEN* MILLER. Oct 40 49p For %ew-York, The ooppered and copper fkkUne-l - /. brig'- V • New-Rngland ttum, Ivr, For sale by Oct II 40 Htigsheadt N. E. Rum 60 Barrels Sugar . ,30 Rdirnla Whiskey 40 Barrele Pilot Bread 6 Bakrela Cranberries 10 Bags Coffee . H. BLAIR, Exchange Dork . .45l Frush Boots and Shoes Jjr The aubecriiier has receiv: ed by recent arrival* a gen eral assortment of BOOT' 1 A*n SHOES, which he ol font for tale on reasonable term*. GEO. NEWHaLL, ■ Young* Building- oct 6 lm43 To Rent, Tbe 'house add two lot* in Broughton-et., belonging to the subacriber,. Apply to wx. Da- ivies. Esq. Possession will be. given early in November. J. M. BERRIEN, oct 6 43 onet 1 H AVE received Ire tfi' rbcent arrWala, amoiig' which, at London Dul UW.-4- .C' . tutBe Blanket! Rdce arid Point do. - . . Pleioc and Baiaec, Fladdda * Heel try Sup. Bfue add Black Cloths, Do. . Mixt , do. Dfo . Blue and Black Caaaimere*. ' Do. WhiteandBuff /dn- 'X V Vallutia Uhd'BwanjdfiWu Camlet and Plaid Ctoiko Black and Colored 1 Boihbaiette . Bombatcena, Carolina .Plaids Pariaian Printk. Furniture Calieo Cambrics audJadonet Muslins ; India Swiss and Mull- do. - , Jaconet and SnMea.Muslin Rohe* Bobbinot ami Swiss' Muslin CollereM : Bobbinot Lace Vcila Ladies Btk, * ass. Hnrsekln Gloves Men* Burk, Boaver, and Horsekiu do.. Silk Stockings and tilnvne ’ Nnnkin and Canted Crepe* - •'■ Do. dn. do. do- Robe*. Crape Lease, Barege, Shawls * Handkerchiefs Ombre Fig’ll Silks, new style . Barege aim. Vtiyiak-uo . Silk' am).Barege. Robea Sarerietts. Levantine, Brown. Blhck and Coin rad Batting B|k. and Dol’d Merino.Scarvee Blackand MixtSattiuett* Plaids, Brown and Bleached . Shirtings and Slwetings Irish aiid Ruaaia Sheetings Linens god Long Lawns, be. *c. ALSO. 100 pro. 44 inch l^erneas Hemp Bagging, ft For sale, A TRACT OF LAND, C ONTAINING Two Hundred aod Two and Half Acres, No. 118, in 13th Dis trict, Dooly. EF Person, are forbid ties- pawing on said land, under the penallifi of tlie law. For particulars apply to JOHN DENNIS, Savannah. Oct 18 28p Mackarel. Sng tr, tjc. 1 A BARRELS No. 4 and 3 Mackarel J. J" 10 llhdi. Prime St. Croix Sugar 100 Barrels Whiskey • 50 do New-Englaud Gin 5 Pipea Otnrd’i Brandy 5 do Holland Gin 5 Hogsheads Jamaisa Rum t SO Baga Coffee 30 Kega Tobacco 30 Barrel, Loaf Sugar For sale by B. IV. DBLAM ATER. Or! in CT ilr. To Rent. IgA A Brick Tenement DWEI, LING-HOUSE, on the north IM1W side Market-Square, at present dHMVm occupied by Mr. H. D. Greene. Poaseasion can be had on the first dty of November next. Also, the STORE formerly occupied by Mr. John B. Wick". ■* a shoe store. PossetuiioD giv en immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. Oct 1 31 Sugar,» oilee and egging. Q « HOGSHEADS J New-Orjeana. Cuba O I 10 Barrels j b St. Croix Sugar. 80 Bags Greoo Coffee 300 Pieces 43 inch best Inverness Cot ton Bagging For attic by GEO. GORDON. o-> ip isOci J , B ETWEEN Johnston * Market square a double string of CORAL BEADS The finder will be rewarded by l- aving them at this Office. oct 8 44 For hale, NEGRO WOMAN-a Cook. Washer and Ironer. Oct 18 Apply at this office. 48 X Konr AOPEMY. MR. JOHN C. LEGE, R ESECTED LLY informs the pnblic, that his DANCING SCHOOL will he open fir tlie season, as usual, at his Assembly-Hall uo MONDAY, the 10th inat. Days of Tuition—Monday, Wednesday and Friday Aftenioon». at five o’clock. Mr. L. will also attend in private dwelling* aod seminaries. Tbe Class for Gentlemen, will also be open on the same evening, at seven o’clock. \* For terms, which will bo low, call at his residence, tbree doors east of Mr James Morrison*, Broogbton-Street. O.-l 18 28p ON Tuesday Evening Next. T HE Drawing of the Grand State Lottery, No. 3, which was finished on Friday last, will be received. Tbe following are among the many Briiiiapl Prizes in tlie Scheme, viz ;— 25 000 Dollars 10,000 DtillaiB 5,000 Dollars . 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Hollars . 1000 D liars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars And a large amount of Mntlier prize*, mounting in tbe whole to , 9iia 0 saSo A few shares of tickets remain nncaHaU fbr. Ticket* 6 00 I Quartan 1 45 Halves 4 50 | Eight* . 64} - Onten received by WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Oct 18 Oeorgian-Ofice Mu*. LIM’IEHT, I NFORMS her friend* aod the public, that her SEMINARY i* removed to Broughtou-Strect, second door from Ber- reet, ertd oppbeit* the shop of Dr. netd-j M ( . A* her number i* limited, idle will be enabled to. ULUMY attenfibo to tbote iotrukted'wfr*”" 1 ■ o, and mny kn Mk. ■■, ■:&&* OctSO ** Nov<?niberni ft: Augusta Htage Oflice R.E3AOYED. ERSONS wishing seats in the Sevan igusta Line of Stage*, art tty at th« Bar of the City requested to apply at the Bar Hotel. oct 8 44 Im NEW FALL GOODS; R ECEIVED by the subscribers, by the late arrivals from New-York, a very gnnorrd assortment of WOOLEN, COTTON LINEN AND SILK GOODS. Country Merchant*, Planters and others, are invited to call and examine them, ea they arc .lisposkd to toll at a small profit, for cash or on the usual credit, to responsible persons. J. INGLIS b CO. Oct 18 SSre LA DING FROM THE BRIO PANTHEA, | k KEGS first quality Goshen Butter X *J 40 Half barrels freeh Flour 10 do do Beef Together with a general assortment ot GROCERIES,constantly on hand, and will be sold by WM. TIGHE, Market Square. Oct 11 45i, Hardware,Outleiy,Japanned £; Fancy Goods A FULL and COMPLETE ASSORT MENT of the above articles, compris mga great variety, received by the late ar rival*, and for sale on accommodating terms by NATHANIEL B. WEED. Oct 40 38 ''heRev. A. CAR TER W ILL receive into his family and per sonally instruct, from four to six' Young Ladies who may wish to complet. their course of literary, education. Id ad dition to the above, a few day scholars of i similar description will be received, to com mence on tbe first of November. For particulars, application may be made personally or by letter. SepfIT 15f Lottery Notice. 6 HOSE who ordered Tickets in T HOSE who ordered Tickets .in the GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF RHODE ISLAND. wbich drew in ifonee on tbe 14th inat. are requested to call immediately aod receive them, 'and aeeRre their chances for the following CAPITAL PRIZES, viz.— ' tas,ooo~«io, Oct 18 ),B04 41,040,40.; EXCHANGE OFFICE. An Election •jr S hereby ordered to he held at the Ctekv- 1 gte Hotel e* SATURDAY; tbe fifth-of November.***!) for a JeeUowef tbePeemm * fill tbe vneettey ponnefoend by Urn death Jol.n Dilloo, Em. Poll to open at tea o’olhi A. M. WltLOiMlUAJ-F- OEORGEBHICK, ) Prt f dmn ’• * * & Oct, 18 JAMES ROBERTS, HENRY HAUPT, Gop^itneiinlii^ fftHE Subacriber having taken into J. partnerahip llr. Ebw*d Fzbxtvt tn»# 1 Prise of $100,000 is 1 do 50,000 1 do 40,000 1 do 10,600 4 do 6,000 4 do 4.500 10 do 4,OUO 39 do 1,000 78 do 600 468 do 1(10 4446 do 60 NEW-YORK STATS X.XTS&ATVSS class no. in, For;i»*6v W HICH will be drawn on the-fourlKday of Jnuusry, 1836, qnd huislietui *, lew minutes, f 45 Numiirs—6 Ballot* to iz Dkiwts. SELLING SCHEME, j 1,000 i.OOO 30,000 IP, 500 10,000 10,000 40000 39)000 39,000 46,800 442,300 5051 Prizes. $567,600 In tbis Scheme composed of 45 numbers ‘ r combination, with six drawn ballots, ion will be 30 prises, each with three of the drawn number* on; 685, each with two . of the drawn numbers bn ; and 4446, each ' With one'of the drawn numbers ob : thus* tickets having none of the drawn balkAa on tliem being blanks. To determine tin fato of the 14,190 tick ets in tlie scheme, tbe 46 number*, from I to 45. inclusive, will be severally placed in a wheel On the day of drawing, and six of them be drawn-; and that tieaet having on it as a combination the I st, 3d tod Sd 'drawn number, will be entitled to tbe prize of . $100,000 That having on it the 4th, Sth and 6th, 50,000 That having on it the 3d, 3d and- 4th, 30,000 That having on it the 3d, 4th, and 5th, 10,600 Those two tickets having on them the 3d, 4th and 5th, Ot (he 3d, 4tb and 6th, each 4,000 Those four, having on them the 4d, 3d, and 6th, the 2d, Sth and 6th, the 3d, 4th and 6th, or the 3d, Sth and 6th, each 4,500 Those ten tickets, having on them th* 1st, 3d snd 4th, 1st, 2d and 5th, 1st, 2d and Olh, 1st, 3d and 4th, 1st, 3d and 5th, 1st, 3 d and fitb, 1st, 4th and 6th, 1st, 4th and Oth, 1st, Sth and Oth, 3 d, 3 d and 6tb, each 2,00i( Those 39 tickets having on them two uf ; lie drawn numbers, aod thbae two the 3d aod 5tb, each • ,1,000 Those 78 tickete having two of the drawn umbera oo them, and those two the 4th and 6th, or the 5th and 6th..each .«■•».»,»,500 All others, (biting 468) with tny other i wo of the drawn number* on, each ,...100 And all tickets, (boing 4448) having but one of the dbawn numbers on, each .50 No ticket which shell have drawn t prize of a superior denomination can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after th* draw ing, and aubject to the usual deduction hf fifteen per cent. TICKETS i.i„,.,-,,M-450 SHARES in proportion. iy N. B.—Orders -for tickets or aharee in tbe above Lottery, will b* received nt ALLEN’S EXCHANGE OFFICE ON THE BAY. Oct 30 ' '30 3MALL TRUI&^Xot 14: inches looF, Itroad, aod t high,' covered wghligbt brown hair skin, having oo tlw top a braaa, htndto. It cooixioad when stolen froaisikto twelve plank* of silver, atet'-d nnmber 'eFpapers,'' •tone Spanish PoUm** French Crown*, and pro Bute of IraUhAiiit tMHiilg tokenj' tiro ir« enmistid of Derok, Piwpitoory N#te*l Bill*. Aurnet* MWMtnic Hall Lettsry s&sSsagiS: . .nww^nsiooMtS^hinf, isf th*nfRf- ;■ Piff jj-eet.40 . s ci.