Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 27, 1825, Image 1
is:£ptrg$£&0‘yp : kfc «» - '. •’•Hijfifiil'-.' ’ j• ‘i>J- ' cm or BAVAWWAa, * VO BO. It W4L KOfBRTSOJt, ' *Art«Uf" ABVA.<CX, Jr* .••»*; m Wsfa*? meelWa*kopem*ot*f ' one of the ick added to l.cotnprBeaan assortment the Wart, three time* a w.eqk, (Tuertay,Thurs day, sod Sstfirday.^foe Office of foe D«i- lv Georgian, and coot atns.aU 'ItcjatqlligeoCe, Commercial., Polities!-»»l, Misceilaooou's; in* eluding »J»erti«eWfiit«ePaWi»bei in the Dti< lv Paper. .' yi/'v;-' 5 ? ■ '»' •. *• * Tho pount>)r r^p#r 4 Mnt 4o all parts of the Slpte end Ijnilo*,or.delivefiii In B*» .dig', at five delUn put annum, payable in advance. Ad vertwenjent* a jo losertedinMh/*!*'* at 75 esittspijpsqnst*, jf;M line*., for the; fint in*Hi?n. m|d 37l for every succeeding PU Comijninic*tioli» by Mail,, muff it Poitr paid i gales of land »nd oegtoev by Adminivtra, tort Executors or Guardians, ,are require.} by law tn be held on the.flrst Tuesday io'thc mnnlb. between the ho,if* of ten In the fore man, and ihreein the afternoon, at the Couri House of llie-Comity in which ,h * P ru P ert ) it situate. Notice of theve sales roust be gjreo in a publio Gaaette jixty rtaysprevi- otn to the day of tala, Notice of the tale of parvmtal property must he given in like ntapaer,/only day* prnvkru* to the day of ante., Notice to tha debtert and creditors of an estate, must-be pubtished lbr/orty dave. Notice tisast application will bo mode to Hie Court ol Ordinary for leave to sett laud, modi be published mdernUU/u.-)-’’ ? anart 'mwrmMtrmraasesmaem *»Of mean having nan aimm combihAtioh, .'4; ' their order,, ** they usual tow rates. , '<lg: LAY it H! w,l*. Druggists, Shod 1 July 1« >N, ■>■ 1 Buildings. APPROVED P&etot YiwBj Me&Uintft. T EE* BILIOUS Turlington’s Balaam MU PILLS of Life ?:>& Anderson's do do Opiiil for.'tl»e cleans Coil’s .do do ing of the fenth it ~ W :;v icon * do . DrdpL American * do Ch ayah’s ; do do Essence Mustard. ReSpsAothmittcPiUi Do Botanical Props AiiBlert’s Remedy for. 1 1 1 * 4 W 39; 78 48ff do 4448 do Henry’s True Cal; cined Magnesia Andler’sAsiatic Len itive ■ Roger’s , Pulmonic Detergent Dalbyts A constant Potent Family genera' tbs'Piles Hiqekleyts do do W>5I Prizes, 9139 Blanks. ... ..... Less than two blanks to a prise.'. Prises payable forty dave after the drawing, hut' Thompson* celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. dtc. of the above useful edicines, together with a ,pt or Drugs. Chemicals. Taney Articles, .' Dye ' 8tm Cut Gigs* Lamps, Lamp Glasses .Lamp Oil, fee. fee', can be obtained it the store, of LAV fe HENDRICKSON, May 26 Druggists, Shad's, Buildings. the cash may be had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. Whole i1 . s ; J Half: 1 : t ; ! 6 SB eigen % Carminative academy. T|ifR. PHILLIPS iYJL the public; that fee respectfully informs he has a va< __ ___ vacancy for s few more pupils of both sex. Ho teaches the following branches of. nit Education numy. Hittcry, Competition, Patitt Literature oaf Rhelpfijjf-.. t ft* . 1 n n.ii T ifii rr5i<ini tr A separate room is ptoivded liitthe Young Ladies Miss Phillip* under his superiotendance. instructs a few children in Spelling, Read ing, Writing and Arithmetic.. From four to six Young Gentlemen may be accommodated with hoard, &c. in his family. Every attention' will he paid to their comfort and morals. Avt Evening School, for the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar, Arithmetic, Bonk Keeping by Double Entry, Nnvigntion, .and the Lu nar ObservniJbiis i also, (he method of as- outlining and of measuring the distance ol the Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening from seven until nine o’clock : . .far, tuns, which arain ads rate, please to tpply'hyiiater of personally, at hie Acade my, corner of Broughton and Lincoln-Sts. ' 8» ? ts* rt lity, which he offers in such quantities may be wanted, qt the loweit possible'price for cath only. ' ' Fof the cunvenidnee of his Town'Cuato- a eorTsidershle supply in town, those mediate want bf that article will bu supplied by applcaunn to Mr. James RdMttm otthor ut his ruijfonce iu West Btsad Street, or . j^ki|IyertMVharf. ^ HENRY M’ALPIN. June *4 79 flj’VALUABLE A EtmtAi tfijt t\» P1\m fpHE Medicine now offered to the public is one which has been fully subjected to.the infallible test «f experience, and in tit hash every instance where it has beep fsirly tri ml, it has-been attended With the-yasst com- pfetauKcetM. In some of the cases, the pUienta.l And been labouring under the dia-r[ ease for |eafs, and during that period, bad -“ Oft' ' • ' reasiveAthe bhql ajidieal advice, and had ^evjr undergdDt'Alpainful surgical opera- 'tion.wiilioijl perrpanent advantage. It is not (likfi'thpBC usually advertised) offered is a certain euro for a long catalogue ofdis- eases.but those afflicted with the complsiBt. for which jo recommended, may re ly with confidence- upon obtaining relief, even in its worst'forms in a short time; and IN’S h Third themselves arq potttttoe of such a remi »»»,boy, With directions aigned t bpnsthr. Krcpararl and so IAMEB »ag ind Chemical Stow, St afioiya eallpW^C^Iiilafielpliis, The proprietor hjw liwamod Lat * HcADaiCaidK, eqrtfer of Coiigritf*,. and WhiUkef.'tttgatBiBhadb Buildings, solea- |s«i«^|bfejp|^hrth'mn»edicioc inSaysn- Noticer . , friends and cusUWnen, that ho has taken JOHN FALLS WALKER into psrt- eemhtp, tod that in fntura the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried on tinder firm of. firiiks. rwqHB Subscriber has at present on hand X a large stock of Brffks of apperiorqua lity. Which he offers in such quantities ts 46 | Eighth s This is the most magnificent scheme that has ever been Offered tor the patronage df the friends'of Lottery ndventurd in Ameri ca. The small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be a chance leff, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to £<<k- a ID-Gentlemen are therefore requested to be early in their application, u all orders actually mailed b«fore,th« ..rlea,.wiU he en titled to be aopplied at the present rate*. *** Notes or the Bank of the U. States and its Branches, apd, generally, the Notes of all Banks that pay specie, received at, -par. -' ■ .. Also, Mercantile DrnfU at sight, on any of the large cities, sn.d Psixe Tickets receiv- ’ ‘reelv in ~ ‘ x —* M MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS fe PILLOWS, CHAIRS, fee T HE subscriber offers ( ing articles, warri lethe follow .to he of tlii- best quality %' Sideboards, Sets of Diafng Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glafeos, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany da Secretaries, Bureaus Double at ideMIfflCMrStiffias , M Wmiff fe bed, Piano Stools * Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple t|> Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads . Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Critdlos, Ensy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels . Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes ' Double and Single Hair Hattrasses* Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chaim of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels ai Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittiker-Street, opposite Col. Sbellmsn. I. W. MORRELL. ^cMaiwh 15 ‘93 FRESH >S- v p " Drugs and Medicines J UST received per si additional supply of apd MEDICINES, such Savannah, tn ESH DRUGS Calomel, Supbate Quinine bite Wax Jd Magnesia mharb dq 2d quality: Rob _, K ** AlatUnR Ca. > 7~y Will ha much obliged to thsir friends f their custom, and will uae, iL be,r bM ‘ «*Ttiona to merit the same,—. «stMDaU|jndvaaim will be made, ou aH •Wttc tot iHo.1, KiJ R .Rcpt 17 will > address. T MARTIN. Wharf, Charleston. Ijjf*.?'-. • »»!« , ; Epsom 60 ., .... ,, . do do! .low priced for plan tatlon use 30 Barrels Glauber 10 do . Green Cl 20 Helf Barrels and 8 Bar rob English ' "Sslta. &c. >*M Carolina afa small dia- ICKSON, Rka^a Buildings. 1 at cdnhtV* f-M> Valet ft A- M'Intirt, Mannfert. SCHEME. QF THE ' " Slate tiliiMtiure Wm Baffin. Wm Bandy ’ "arstow i Datle J. Barfield Mias Ann M Barnard ■ ' - lathes Barnard ttaliella Neauelle f .. . _George Nsttsom MraS Biynok- . ' ' Theodore Nelso'n -'JwnMa-BAfehhtna fir. Mary Nosiia. ’ .; ^ ■ lottery, .!. Ct.Ais 3, rott 1826. ’ I prixe of {tOO.OOO b|)OOjOO t do do do do ' da do iO,OQO fe 20,000 “ 10,600 6,000 2,600 2.000 um 600 too id. 69,000 20,000 10,500 10.000 10 000 20,000 99,000 39,000 46JXK) 22»JJ00 PRICE OP TICRETB. Quarters ; t |I2 60 The mtils moy bo relied on as being per* (belly safe for all remittances, \ t4tEa&M’ Sopt EMaaaat 4 jttel MervM n D Milfen C Milts Edward Monroe ■- Charles M it Ivey Col G W MoAUistt DorcasMeGowan James McGill Kiss Ann G Bird smea II Bryan lias Elia A'Boor- quin 2 Edward Bourqnin iRbhertBrower S®3f.‘ Job T. Boles John Bull, - Mra E V Burton C. S.W Canter t A M Carroll Mrs Hariet Cammel Wat Campbell Peter R Clifton " ' James Conner Georj Wm Coe D. ' Mess Dewar feFoth- Rose Nj Rebokah S Norton Ann Nowliu'i’ - — Nicola^. ,P*. Susan E Patterson Elisa Patterson Xhu Page. 2 ihs aeol of tlia United Staisa-^tha *bi>)( b« coropletsdin ohe dey,arid ' ' take place in Uw city ol Baltimore on WEDNEfeDAYt'llie 5th November nex-i ; ! Priw^j ^ricrida ivfed mode’of Ih’d ifeUfeiaqenTLl'tSrabe^Stu^he! L j /»“« r < . Hath! I- Patterson' Leaner? Parkins Dempsey Phillips Capt Jeremiah Pike Mary F Pope Ciemiaton Powers Thamaa Page ... R John Raimsa Daniel Ramshart . Elenor Riker irgtmot,-' fo oberUon AtwJH Joseph Rosa , Charies Roberts William Robertson Dr ChpnW Rogers Joieph H Russel A (Jularnc Cristoplior Dixon S Dun ' Dudly E. Nicholas Barnes Mrs C Elason Aaron Everett F.: Mister George W Fahm Edwd Farrell Simon Farrell Wfs H Fergurson Cap Rob, Fittiimarj .hi. , Michaii Galloway 2 Nancy Gardner ' Win uibbin s H. List. M. R. T. Mor- J John Simpson risen < Isham Scott Mis*. Sarah. Morn-: James Scolles *T«>h -- {Tmrarar wimvan' Charles Haley {Josiah F Scruggs Mrs Mary H Hardee j Elisa Sherman Miss Ann B Harmon < B Si urges Goorge Ilenly | Alcthia Scruggs Mrs Levina llerno T. Nancy Samuel Catharine Shearer James B Sealy. Joseph F Stevens Jane Stevens Jane Stevens John A Stevens,Senr Esther Stewart Joseph Stevens Jaue Simone James -M Smith John A Smith William H Smith John M Sykea Aon Schyes 20813 Pfekes, ■' twqUi 162,000 Dollars, 40000 Ticket*—Not ohe blank, to a prise. The holder of two tuskete, will be certaifi of obtaining at leant one prise, and may draw,three. . ■ Modi or D«awuio.—The nomhnri will be put into one wheel aa usuai—and in the other wheel-will he put the prises above the denomination of $4. and tbs drawing to progress in the nsual manner. The 20,000 prises of^t, will be swarded to 4he odd er even numbers in the Lottery, (as the case may bet dependant on the drawing of ; the Capital Prise of THIRTY THOUSAND Dollars—that is to ai>, if the *30,000 prise should come out to an eon number then every pdd number in the achemewilr hr entitle#,to a prize; if the *30,006 prise eeoula come out to an xtxm .number, then aU the even numbers in the Scheme will be each entitled to *4. Odd numbers are those endiu* with 1,3, 6,7,'or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 2. 4,6,8,orO. This mode ol drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery iu one drawing but has the great advantage of distributing, the smsll prises *i every alternate number in the that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and one eveit number, will be certain of Obtaining at least one prise, and iu the same ratio for any greater quantity. Owin Higgins Miss Sarah Harris Wm Hoffman Uplftilstery Store. . ^ FJNHE subscriber rqppectfully informs the, Joseph orSarah Ilut- X public, that he has opened an extern sive establishment in the above line, nOxi. door south of his Cubinet Furniture Ware! House, in Whittaker-Street, and will at all seasons offer for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE U Pf IOLSTER Y^ton- silting' of T Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows f Mattresses made from puajfemlud'hair Do. prepared moqj^. Do. for ship’s birtWa Do. childrens ertbt Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Beadstmfit; Cotta, Door Mats, and a large and extensive assortment of Cabinet Fuiumare of every description. All of which, Will be sold very low fife cash or approved Credit. I. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old SofitB, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, anti Hair, Matrasses, corded and restuffed in the best manner. . ’ July 21 f clthison J. Rachel Jacobs Miss Rose Julman Mrs H R Jackson ' Svmond Jacob iss 8 M Irvine Svmond Jackson Mrs Sarah Jones James Johnston Lewis Johnston Grace Jones K. William C. Way, • LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY fe’BA KER, SAVANNAH. GEO. O FFERS hid services to his friends and the public, in the General Commission Business, 0(1 in this place, and solicits their patronage. References to Messrs. A. Low & Co. Sa vannah, Geo.; G. Breittmayer fe Co. Au gusts, Georgia. Augusta, Sept. 6, 1825. Oct 6 Ififb F Kail. M C Ken sib Mrs Ann M Keen John Keen ' Sarah R King Tarlton Knight Titos Kockliff L. Benjamin Lavender Augustus B Long- street Georgu Long M. Mrs Mimyan James Magill John S Maxwell Hubbalq-S Marshall' Martha A Tiot V. Cap EdwardVernaril Mary Wallace Richard Wayne Benjamin Wallin Bulltnda Walker Jane Walsh . Sarah Washington Edmund Warren George Weaver John M West John B Witter Emily White — Williamson Titos H Williams .DantaMMilsew- WilllaraWilliams Permela Wingate John Y White Joseph Wiggins Ann Williamson Hetty Woodruff Y. Isaac Young Jcnnctt G Young ' E R Young | William H Young | Elisabeth Young ; George Youlle Z. ) Geo J Zipperer - Jefferson Zipperer Y, P.M. 21 [ SCHLEY, KanaWRy from |lie Subscriber, O N Wednesday, 24th etlMr large yellow negro map, named FRBDfIRICK.— He' is -generally known in the adjoining coufitiev as a fiddler. He was seen in Spar ta on Friday lost. It ia believed he will go to Augusta. He may have a forged pass, as he can read and writp. A suitable reward will be give* for bis apprehension and confinement in' any jail -in tho state, an that I.can get hh*. JAMES 0AMAK. MilledgeviUe, August 28 * Seat 27'' ^ - Kly Market Beef O | HALF Barrels just received by the & fi. schr. Mary fe Margaret, from Net York, and for sale by J.B. HERBERT fe CO. Oct 4 . aswno wn Aqtfe? Arrow fib.. B*iiaston«,l^. Pert, do Tola •. Camphor, Cinttharidee, Cluoamon Golembo, Fmery, Gnm Assafm(ida, Aloes, Qnm Arnhipv GW CepaJ . Gnm Gniacom, Gutq Opium . *> Imnglim; Indigo, Lancets, Liqueriee i Magnesia, Manoa.Chatnomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, NtitAege N«x Vomica,flmd of Buttaoth Oil 6fAntseed t do Peppermint^o Clove* Do, Cinnamon, Sweet OR " Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, J*lsp' Rhtfotrln Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar ’ Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Bait* Tartar Ifenetjc. Spirits of tnrphnri^ ^feVuta Uirj «,uA Vu Oil* WMte, Rdd and Black Lead - Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow ye&etian Red, VurmUlion, Smalts ' Japan aud Copal VarniklK , Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap . -Ean de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses BurgicallnstrumontB and pa^entMed icines of every kin*, the whole ot Jan 20 warranted quality.-' nT \ T\v«> feAtlsactVb«T MAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EJfPM- Wholes $5, Halves |2 60, Quarters $ 126 All.orders promptly attended tn, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. ARRIVALS. ' , , W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dust Pans and Spit-Boxea Hair ind Wist Brooms Club and Broad Axe* Scrubhioe, Cloth and Hair l ALSO, A few dosen Pocficrlightt N. B. WEED. July 23 (tig . VALUABLE MEDICINE. AnU-bU^eptie PvWr. PKCPARED BV HENRY JAMES. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or A Indigestion, Habitual Costiveness, and Piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent end - formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is in dicatefe, in different patients by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are— 1? Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cos tiveness, headaeh, commonly called nervous or Mckly headaeh, ydlfownese of tho eyes and skin, aridity of the stomach after eat- ing, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, feet id breath, drow siness after dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ciation,'depression of spirits, fee. Piles boing connected with indigestion and coetivenesa. are certainly and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me- dicine has just been received, and for sale by LAY fe HENDRICKSON. oct 6 13 NIGHT SOHOOli. T HE subscriber will open his Night School for the Instruction of Youth at his residence near the Catholic Church- on MONDAY, 3d Qc(ober next, Wherein will be taught Reading, Writing. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Geography and Book keeping, in a methodical wa^ not_«u Sept 6 PETER NE8. tTfitfea Notice. JKflNE month* after date Application will I” he made tp riif. Hpnferphle the Junk lices of the Inferior CmH of43hatK*in County, for leave foseil a tract of load, known at number fegSt, 8th District, Pike IformerlyMonrae)Coqnty, for the 'benefit if rit*,he»ra a*d creditors of the estate of >»l8.B» y *r*. ; N. J^BAYARp, Administrator estate ffcS. Bayard. lata-1 4,.*.y,V V" .^* '•'£ k ‘ m. / Jan 6 : Vf 0 - id oh Jf*h*ayiK^Wednesdays, and .y*, ftom 3 nhtil fi o’clock, oct 4. :'-V ' ’£i&$sr . 22 and O .'UPERIOR 20 HsrrelB Superfine ?srifitlehy Hour, &cs ndy 1 HOYT. is Holland Gin to Cognac' Brand' HALLfe i \ London Mustard. l A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London -A. Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other puipoee*. just received and for sale by ' LAY fe HENDRICKSON, Oct 11 '■ Shad’s Buildings. . Castor Oil. t FRESH SUPPLY Castor Oil hr axis by • E- BRA8SINNE, 128 -' Opperitethe Exchange. 4 bHMI a heat patent cold for family aud Pork.&i jiu. ' 16 Bbls fins* J*ork,N.Y. city inspee. 50. do Prffee do do dn aj^by*** a r |. GRISWOLD fe’ Fresh Teds and Cassia. job* .B>cxiTiD _rSa_ann; xarsao*. jus* bxcsiteo pea snip ibhus, 1 K CATTY BOXESflunpowdeaTer J,vfi«Jl29do do Imperial. >do 100 dp do- Hyson 10 Chests Hyson < 3 Half Chests Poticbong < 20V Mats Cassia For sale by J. B. HERBERT fe CO July 14 Saratoga Co F IFTY DOZEN of these. Water*, fresh bottled by Messrs. Lynch fe ClsOrk. pf , *nd direct from tha I ed per ship AagMs. ’sfnon* New-Toirl jtwt.'ifiiml—* ,.,. r — going to sea would do well to. supply them- selyes, as they are offered at reduoed prices LAV fe HENDRICKSON, > ■ Druggists, ShadM Buildinga. W May 26 Fulton Market Beet; $c. tentl* Crackers - 1, fi an* 9, Maekarel ,N fe WOOD, W» fM i‘a > HALL & HOYT, orrr.n ro* sal«; vh. 3000 BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese SO bbls mess Beef 100 boxes stifoked Herring (fresh) 10. bbls Cranberries 200 Hams in bags for family use. oct t Panacea. A fresh supply «r uu. Valuable Medicine, -has just been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swaim. of Phil- delphia. Druggists and others who pur- hase to sell again, can have it at - the on line! price established by the proprietor. LAY fe HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. 10 PIPES fourth proof Cognac Brandy, warranted pnre as imported, Graph Brand ~ 10 Kegs Goshen Butter 8 Boxes Smoked Salmon Just received end for sale bv , Sept 8 J. B. HERBERT fe CO. Cm TksaiurerV Orrtrs. 4 6th Oct. 1826. J Assize of Bread mHE average priee of Fleur being $6 75 X perbbl. 196lbs. weight; t|ie weight of Breed for the present month must be I2| cents Loaf 3 lb*. 1 oz. Of which alhDtkers and Belier* ot Bread will Uka Rue notice. MW. STEWART,«. r. oct8 24 Black Ink and Ink Powder. ^ FRESH 8UPPLY, pf thtop: jwpcripr Ootn; LAV fe HENDRICKSON; '' Dtoggi*ta,8ktfb Buildings. ‘rr*i"v • -KV ii nA' BARR ^ BnporfM. 1UU Flour, from new wheat, just re- ' sod fitr snle by II 1c. C.t WINE BCFrTL m pirn Biw;.*afRbw