Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 11, 1825, Image 1
■ I SAVANNAH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER II, 1835. THE - ' V- #>«B !&«*«*<»#> ts EDITED AMD PUBLISHED ' < IN TRB . V’" OXTY or WLVAmrAK, BY GEO.*, WM. ROBERTSON, AT RIGHT DbLliAR^ FIR ANNCM» rAYAfel.HR ADVANCBi FOB TP* COUNTRT, 19 bnblWjed to meet th* arrangement of the mail, three timeva week, (TaetdajaThara- dav, and Saturday,) at the Office of the Dai- Iv Georgian, and contain! all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Miscellaneous in. ' eluding advertisements, published in the Dai- lf The*Couhtiy Paper i» »ent to all parti of tho State and Uojun, or delivered in the city al five dollar! par annum, payable in advance Advertisement! are inserted. In both papers .,75 cent* per square, of 14 lines, for th,, first insertion, and 37* for every succeeding ^Cnm'nonicatione .by Mail, must be Pod- ^silei of land and negtoes by Administra. Vuecntort or Guaidiana, are required hi law to be held on the first Tuesday ih the mmilh,'between the hours of ten in the fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House of the County in which the property is situate. Notice of llieee sales must bo given in a public Gazette eixty dayi previ ous to the day of salq. i. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner', forty days previous ' to the day of sale. ■ Notice to the debtor! and creditors of an estate, must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for ledve to sell land, must . be published nine monthe. hrwcm, ama>a(Dasms fl PERFUMERY, &o. B Y the shin Emperor, the subscribers have received thirty-five packages of Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Per fumery, Fancy Articles, &&, carefully selected by one of the partners now at, the north. whiclv added to their for mer stock oh hand, comprises an assortment very, extensive, and particularly suited., for this market, and well worthy the' attention of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will bq sold at our usual low rates. LAY * HENDRICKSON, ■ . Druggists, Shad's Buildings. July Id , EMvHAtHMUr OfTZCB. sv atiTHoRiTr or xua stats or naw-yoax. SPLENDiFlOTTERY, To ba drawn in the city of New-York, or. - thuAth of January, Ifiltfi, . AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 45 jNunihera—6 Ballots to be drawn. lacn TICKET HATINO THREE NUMBERS IN COMBINATION. J. B. Yalee * •£• M'Inlire, Managen. APPROVED Patent FamiVy Medicine*., L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS dof do do Cough ft Anderson’s Colt’s Anderson’s Drops American Church’s, Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audlerts Asiatic Len itive Roger's Pulmonic , Detergent Dalby’e Carminative A constant su Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial for the cleans, ing ofthe teeth * gums . RelPsAsthmaticPills do. Do Botanical Drops do Austen’s Remedy for the Piles Hinpkley’a do . do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Past# Squire’s Grand Elix ir • Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &c. of the above useful Patent Family Medicines,, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals. Perfumery, Fancy Articles. Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, Ac. Sic. can be obtained at the atore of LAY A HENDRICKSON, May >6 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. ItrV ALU ABLE DISCOVER Y.xj A ioi Piikia* T HE Medicine now offered to the public is one which has been fully subjected to tiie infallible test of experience, and in every instance where it has been fairly tri ad, it has been attended with, the moat com- plt'U: success. III some of the eases, the patients had boon-labouring under tho dis ease for years, and during that period, had received the best medical advice, and had even undergone u painlul surgical opora- tion, without porio&nont idvantagfe* It ife not (li „• those usually advertised) offered as a ceitatn euro for a long catalogue ofdis- eases,but those afflicted with the complaint, for which alone it is recommended, may re ly with confidence upon obtaining reliel, even in its worst forms' in a short time; and themselves are the best judges of the im portance of such a remedy. Price 50 cents per box, with directions signed by the pro prietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, 273 North Third St above caUowhill, Philadelphia. The proprietor has' appointed Lay Si Hv.sdiiickson, corner of Congress and ■ Wliitnker-streets, Shad’s Buildings, pole a gems for the sale of this medicine in Savan nah, Geo. Oct 6 23 ' Bricks. ' T HE Subscriber has at present on haqd a largo stock of Bricks ofsuperiorqus lily. Which he offers in such quantities as may be wtn’ed, at the lowest possible price for coeh only: For the convenience of bis Town,Custo mers, he intends in future to kedp jlwpte a'considerable supply-in town; those in im mediate want of tile article.will be supplied by application to Mr. James Roberts, either at his residence in West Broad Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. June 24 79 ■v S ' r*t Nqtice). T HE subscriber begs lesve to inform his friends and customers, that he has taken JOHN FALLS W ALKER into part nership, and that in future the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will bu carried on under firm of Hobeit Mavtltt & Co. i They will be much obliged to their friends for a share of their custom, and will use I their best exertions to merit the same.— | Reasonable advances will be made on ail property sent to their address. ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Kiddell’s Wharf, Charleston 8opt 27. , ' .|9|c . FRESH . Drugs and Medicines J UST received per ship Savannah, an additional supply of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES. Buch as— * Calomel. Suphate Quinine Pulverized Ipicscuanah ' * Pulverized Colombo, White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia Hunry’s Pulverized Rhubarb Hair Powder, Ac. ALSO. IN STORE, N 500 Bottles Castor Oil, cold pressed, very superior . 500 do do do do 2d quality 300’ do do low priced for plan tation use.. 30 Barrels. Glauber Salts 10 do Green Copperas 20 Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrels English Refined Epsom Salts, Ac. . . All of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit. DT North Carolina Bills ta- (en at par, and Darien Bills at a small dia- couut. LAY A HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. August 27 , Notice. N INE MONTHS afl,er the date of this notice, application will be made to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for .permission to pell a part of *nc real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. 4r in . 91 m i . W m V- - #■ I UlUl U RECEIVED. T HE following are the numbers drawn hum the wheels of the RHODE IS* S-NDGRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO I "Lin the 14th instant: I 45—46—11—33—17—*8—59—15 Hn.|,,j, 0 f p r j 2e|l are requested to osll and | ‘r Ce, ’’ t the cash, or leave order lor tiokets ip | , e “>Tnd Slate Lottery of Maryland, to ' <*> ‘he ninth ef neat month. ■^‘*7 w ROBERTSON. G nmnrijra received, GANlb STATE LOTTERY OF uliODE ISLAND, third class.—Tb ( ■“iijmug acre the numbers drawn's— -11-33-1 ^7- 28-59-15 lot “. he cashed or inverted m oth I LotUnev II the Hidden may with;—at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. Oct. 27 31 Ml , CAPERS; "PPly of Freak Cdpurt, Just received •nd for itle, by the gallon, by LAY A HENDRICKSON 1 Oct 29 SCHEME OF THE New-Yurk State Literature Lottery\ NEXT scheme. . . < BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND s r ITTNDER the supsritatendance of the cotn- IJ miasioners appointed by the Governor I. j and Council, and by the' improved mode of drawing,, secured. by Letters Patent under the seal of the - United Stetee—the whole to be completed in.ope day, and will positively take place in the city of Baltimore' on WEDNESDAY, the 9th November ndx'i UlgWt T Ax* §30,000. SCHEME. I Prize of pO.OOO is {30,000 Dollars. 1 ■ T l 1 * 4 10 39 78 468 4448 Class 3, ro» 1,826. 1 Priae of Ai 00,000 is 4100,000 50,000 '* — 20,000 do do do do do do do do do do 10,500 5.000 2,500 2,000 1,000 500 - 100 60 60,000 20,000 10,500 10,000 Iff,000 20,000 39,000 39,000 48,000 222,300 {567,600 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 100 60 20 10 5 4 20813 Prizes. 10,000 '6,000 10,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 ' 2.000 80,000 152,000 Dollars. 5061 Prizes,/ 9139 Blanks. Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizee payable' forty davs after the drawing, but the cash may- be had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF-TICKETS. 40000 Tickets—Not one blank to a prize The holder of two tickets, will be certain of obtaining at’least one prize, and may draw three. Mods or Drawino—The numbers will he put into one wheel as usual—and in tbt other wheel will be put the prizes above the denomination of {4. and the drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 20,000 prizes of {4, will be awarded to the odd or ereu numbers in the Lottery, (as the case drawing .of the I may bej dependant on the drawing ,o Whole: ! 1 : : {50 I Quarters : : {12 50 Capital Prize of THIRTY THOUSAND Half: :::::: 25 | Eighth : : :! 6 25 DOLLARS—that is to say, if the {30,000 This is the most magnificent scheme that P r ' ie should come out to an odd number, has ever been offered, tor the patronage of then every odd number in the scheme will the friends of Lottery adventure, in Ameri- be entitled to. a {4 prize : tf the {30,000 ca. The small number of Tickets, and the pnaeseould come out to an bveh number, unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient Ihen ®I1 the even numbers in the scheme warrant that there will not be a chance W1 J1 be each entitled to {4. ,for the Odd numbers are those ending with 1,3. lets will! 5 >Z- or9 - ' Even number* are those ending with 2, warrant mat uiiitff win nut w m vi left, for weeks before the day fixei^R drawing, and that the price of Ticket shortly rise to {60. p* Gentlemen are therefore requested to be early in their application, as all orders' actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to be supplied at the present rites;. 4, 6, 8, or 0. This mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole .. ...» r , , Lottery iu one drawing, but has the great v Notes of the Bank of the U. States I advantage of distributing the small prizee and its Brunches, and, generally, the Notes regularly to every alternate number in the of all Banks that pay epeeie, received at I echeme, so that the holder of two tickets or p ar> two snares of .tickets^ne odd and oqe even Also, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any number, will be certain of obtaining at least of the large cities, and Prize Tickets feceiv.) nne P»«e. »nd m the same ratio for any 'XinfcSbTiSist paid. ^ . T The mails msy be relied on as being per fectly safe for all.remittances, Y ATifiS $ M’lNTlRE, WaMngtun City. 8cpt2ft 16||t dec BUYJO and P. E. BRA88INNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs hie friend* , and the public, that he has putchased the establishment in the above business, be- loofing to Dr. A, Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where ha offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of . ¥iu\i P Yoga, MftA\cVneB, and €U*iu\6b1bv AMONG wmen ARK *Ht KOI.LOWiaO Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borag, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola 4 Camphor, Cantharides', Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafcetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Cojial Gum Guiaclim, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Scma, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Anisped,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Orj and \n Oil. White, Red and Black Lead PrussioK Blue, Verdigris 'Ivory, and Laftip Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalta ■ Japan and Copal Varnish. Ywrtnmerj. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Rosea Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of . warranted quality. Jan 20 . 47 ■P IP®** wt“TV'*. , AMERICAN FARMER; h pvbiiihod in xoetkly Rupfiarv (flight Quor- io Pag**, ’ “ i > BY J. S. BKINENR, soStmastu or tee cite or aALTiMosjx, At first dollart pee annum, to bo paid macwJ- ' ably madvmc*. T HIS JOURNAL if handeomtfy print ed, with a great number of engraviogw , to lUtutzata the subjects treated of. Flftyf two numbers, a title page, and an amplu in-* dez, make a volume. It it written -lor by the meet intelligent and diatinguithed^na. , ttcal Farmer* in every state of the Union, end is devoted to the-subjects of Agricol. fure. Internal improvement! aD d Rural and Domestic Economy. Each number of the Farmer gives the moat exact state of the market, with respect to all the chief articles thi t Farmers have'to M«or tiiy, supported by reference to Par ticular sates. Not more than six sets of the previbw volumes are on hand. Persons wishing to subscribe may inclose a {5 note, directed to the editor, end at bis risk, by tLe mail, or pay it at the office of the Georgian Nov I 34 Boots and rhoes. # JUBT RECEIVED, Perbrig Index,20packag es BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of the following kind, viz: Upholstery Store. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the | public, that he has opened an exten sive establishment in the above line, next door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware- Houae, in Whittaker-Street, and will at all seasons offer,for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,eon sisting of Feather Bede, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Do. prepared moss Do. for ship’s births Do,- childrens cribs Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Beadstqads, Cotts, Door Mats, and a large dnd extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description. AU of whicl< will be sold very low for cash or approved Credit. I. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea HALL & HOYT, OrrER FOR SALE, 3000-^0™ Baltimore prime 10,800 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25 hhds St Croix Sugars ' 10 pipes Holland Gin fi do Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese >20 bills piesB Beef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) 10 bbls Cranberries 200 Hams in bags for family use, oct 8 • The 'r-Ytbtjcrlber HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR, AMD OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dbat Pans and Spit-Boxes - Hair and Wist Brooms . Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing; Cloth hpd Hair Broshes, • ALSO, A few dqsen Pocketlights N- B- WEED. July 93. ' . Ola Notice. \ N INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Camden County, fur leave to sell alt the real eatyte of the late. Randolph M’GilKa, deceased, for the.benefit of the heirs and.oreditors of siideatate. . HANNAH M’GHiLia, Administratix, G. M’DONALD, Administrator, St. Mary*, J one 13IA, 1825. . , June 96 . >' W Wholes {5, Halves {2 50. Quarters {125 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Cognac Brandy, Goshen But- ' ter and Salmoft. ■J A PIPES fourth proof Cpgnac Brandy. lv warranted pure si imported, Grape 2 ,do do do Sealskin do 4 do do common do dn 2 do do stout bo’d peg’d Shoos 1 do do unbound do do 1 do d» fine danc. Pumps do 3 do do ' com. do do do 3 do women’s leather walking do 2 do do do pumps do 3 do Boys lined and bound da 2 do da thick do 2 do Children’s Leather Bootees ' 1 do do Morocco do For sale low by the package or dozen by T. S. LUTHER. octfi Brand 10 Kegs Goshen Butter 6 Boxes Snpiked-Seln Sept 8 J. B. HERBFRT & CO. VALUABLE MEDICINE. - Yi\\a. • PRZPARF.D Ur IIENRT JAMES, ^N approved remedy for_Dyspepsia, or Pileq. ” It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the moat frequent and formidable diseases of our codnlry. Its commencement is in dicated iu different patients by various symptoms, sf which the most remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cos- tiyeness, hetdach, commonly called nervous or sickly headach, yellowness of the eyes and akin, acidity ofHhe stomach after eat ing, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drow siness after dinner, debility, lassitude, enaa ciation, depression of spirits. *c. Piles being connected with indigestion hwaim’s Panacea. • A FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable Medicine, has just been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swaim, of Phil- delphia. Druggists and others who pur- . hase to sell again, esn at the ori ginal price established hy the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Druggists. Shad’s Buildings, City Treasurer's Office, j 8th Oct. (fi25. } Assize of Bread T HE average price of Fleur being {5 75 per bbl. 196 ibe. weight; the weight of Bread for the present month must be I2l cents Loaf 3 lbs. I ox. 8} “ 1 8i Of which ail Bakers qnd Sellers of Bread will take due notice. . M. W. STEWART, c. r. oot8 24 EOVV SALE, A Valuable Tract > f Land, /TONTAININ.G two hundred two and a V/' half acres, situate in the First' Dis trict, in the County oi Houston, Number 12. Persons ere forbid trespassing on mIA For particulars and termB, which are lib eral, apply to the editors. CP The Editor ofthe Millrdgeviile Jour nal will insert the shove three times pad orward their account to this Office. Oct 13 , 12r,f sy Chairs, and Hair Matrasses, corded and I costiveness, are certainly and speedily restuffed in the best manlier, July 2f- William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY * BA KER. SAVANNAH. GEO; O FFERS hie services < tO his friofids and the public, iti the General Commission Business, ita this place, and solicits their patronage. References to Messrs. A- Low Si Co. Sa vannah, Geo.; G. Breittmayer * Co. Au gusta, Georgia. Augusta,Bopt. 6, 1825. Oct 6 • IRfb removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine has just been received, sod for sale by LAY * HENDRICKSON, oct 6 1 23 Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plfintation use, for sale by t P.E.BRASSINNE, March 29 , Opposite the Exchange. Hanaway from the Subscriber, O N Wednesday, 24tli ult. a IargS yellow negro man, named FREDERICK,— J Hu is geherally known in the adjoining! counties as a fiddler. He was seen in Spar-1 ta on Ffiday last. )t is believed he will go to Augusta. He msy have a forged pass, as he can read and v.rite, , A suitable reward will be given for his apprehension and confinement in . any jai) in tho state, so that I can get him. JAMES C AM AK, Milledgeville, August 28 Se t 27 . 1« JSiGHT ACROOL. T HE subscriber will open his Night School for the Instruction of.Youth, at his residence near the Catholic Church, on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein Will bn taught Reading, Writing, Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Geography and Book keeping, in a methodical way not su PETER HYNES. Sept 6 1 7)l1.*s Fresh Teus and Cassia. JUBT B1C1ITED F*R SHIP RMPEROR, t ASK CATTY BOXES GunpowdeaTer JLUtJ 129 do do Imperial do 100 do do Hyson do JO Chests Hyson do ' 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Cassis For sale by. J. B, HERBERT * CO. July 14 , . Saratoga Congress Spring fVa ters. XT ,np I T7IIFTY.DOZEN of these Waters, fresh OLfCC, LJJ bottled by Mdssrs. Lynch * Clark, of IM’INE months after date application will I N ew ,York, and direct from the Springs Iq be made to the Honorable the Jus-1 just received per ship Augusta. Peruom 'f ... .ices of the Inferior Court .of Chatham going to sea would do well to su. County, for leave to sell a tract of laud, I selvea, as they are offered at redu known as number right, 8th- District, Pike - ..... formerly Munroc) County, for the benefit if the heirs apd creditors of the estate of if N.S. Bayard. , . N.J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard; Jan 6 ■ "May 25 'arsons them, rices LAY * HENDRICKSO Druggists, Shad's Buildings. T 3L LIBRARY nedlon Mondays, Wednesdays, and I'Fro!ays,"firoin 3. until 6 o’etock. ' oct 4 " 22 Fulton Market Beef, Jjc, fuel received per echr; Mary and. Margaret 5 HALF BBLS. Fultsn Market Beef. 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers. .44- Do' No. 1 j2.snd 3, Mackerel "bRAdLeY, CLAOHORNi WOOD, Oct t Anciaux'a Whazf- Bulloch ^ Dunwody, I NFORM.their friends and the public, that for more convenience, and also se curity against fire, they hare removed to those commodious and Are-proof building* on Scott and Andrew Low * Co’e.W harvest where they continue the Factorage t ouimlasuin RuaVnfcHft. t . Their )ieat exertions will bo used to merit a continuance of former patronage. They have, to supply their customers, heat COT TON BAGGING, PLAINS AND BLAN- ETS. n,-i 1 »'.;4 Coffee, Pork and Lard. K/X BAGS COFFEE jU 15 Bbls Mess Pork, N.Y. city inspec. do do 50 do Prime do 5f Kegs Lard For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD * CO. Sept 3 Hams and Flour, £?c. QAA SUPERIOR HAMS in bags AS "" 20 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 Pipes Holland "Gin 2 do Cognac Brandy For sale by HALL * HOYT. to. : Philad. Whiskey u. U. GtllsWiiLD ^ OFFER FOR SALE, &f\ HHDS. and J t t»U 50 bbls. ( * 30 do Northern Gin 30 do N E Rum ' 70 kegs manufactured Tobacco 15 hhds Leaf do 100 bags Coffee 50 kegs Lard 22 do Verdigris Mesa and prime Pork, N. V. City.Itisp'n. oct 8 23 MUS. LIMREBT, I NFORMS'her friends and the public, that her SEMINARY is removed to Broughton-Htreet, second door from Bar- nard-Street, and opposite the shop nf Dr, M. Sheftall. As her-numberis limited,.she will be enabled to pay every attention to those intrusted to her rare. Terms mode rate. and may be known on application as above.• Oct 20 29p r~ London Mustard, A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London MuBtard, suitable for medicinal and other purpoaes. just received and for sale by LAY HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Shad’s Buildings. Fly .Market Beef. ff | HALF' Barrels jost received by the a l achr. Mary * Margaret, from New- York, and for sale by LB’ HERBERT* CO. Oct 4 •’ Block Ink and Ink Powder. A fresh supply of these superior articles msnufactured.1 Noyes, of Boston, has just per brig Index, and for sale hy LAY * HENDRICKSON, Oct 11 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. manufactured by Maynard * it been received A Negro Mari. ^PRIME Negro Man, about 35 jfegre of age,a June24f field hand.: Fpr stUe by Calvin baker, • *>» FOR SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, C ONTAINING Two Handled and Two and Hplf Acr«. No. 1J8. in 12ih Dis- triot, Dooly. ET Persons arc forbid ires-' passipg on said. lend, under the penalties of the law. For particulart apply to JOHN DENNIS, Savannah. Oct 18 2#P Wanted, E mpty wine a May 11 GEO RYERSO to New Flour. • -. ■g AA BARRELS Richmond Superfine IUU Flour, wheat, >juet re ceived and for sale by ’ \ Ort 11 C. C. GRISWOLD ft CO Hardware,Lutieiy,Japanned if - Fa itm A FULL A Vp COMPLETE ASSORT MENT ofthe ahovesrticles tog a great variety, received by • * L. —