Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 11, 1825, Image 4
■ 1- ■ •3 0 SHERIFF'S SALE. * Oll lhM Tuudaw m December next, ffTILL l» told at theCourl-Houae in the TT eh* Savannah, between the houro often MM fcuk otolock, All that lot of land, known by the tetter f. Hetihoote Ward, (being■ half of a trait lot] and improvement*. Also, fetaed improvements No. 1, Ogle- ■fiMt^vT.- Vthmtei raorvo ivinit *ki jMtSft lwe aiaoutiooa in Kvorof th* Bank of the United Stataa and ?Uotns Stanton* -Alai the tenement on the sooth half of : tet'Noi 8, Trustees; Garden, in the City of Saraonahl levied on as the property pf George Carter, to satisfy an execuliq# in ftvor of eaecutor of Ann Middleton, levied ■ «B and turned over by a eonatable. I. D’LYON, a. o. nov T 38 ■ The subscriber begs leave to Inform hie friends and the public, that ha baa completed hi* large and commodious house, in the boat and most comfortablo manner, and ten dere hia think* to thoae who have beretofon favored him With their calla, and flatter* 4 ■ ' Howard 1KSUHANCB COMPANY NEW-YORK, I NCORPORATED Sy the Legistetdre of the stale of New-York, for the por ta me of insuring HOUSES and OTHER BUILDINGS. VESSELS IN PORT and himself that by- hia unremitted attention to their CARGOES, MERCHANDISE and - J ■ - - " other PERSONAL PROPBRTy^fgainat pleue, be wi/(bare n part of tho public latronage. Hia honae will at all timea be 'nrnhhed with the beet the country a third*, . . . . . . . .. hia bar whhehtdc* liquor*, and hm athbtea newro girl Chariot I levied on af the fnod oom end provender, together 'Of the ornate p^oho GribMn. to With a faithful and experienced oatler. The Manaion Hduaa la situated on the east side of the publio square, id the town of Clinton, directly on the road leading from Milledge- villa to Macon, and nearly opposite the Clinton Hotel , H.H. BLATTER. Clinton, August S3. 07-jre N. B—Families.. can be accommodated with private room*, which ere comfortable. ST The editor* of the Augusta Chroni cle end Savannah Georgian 1 , t re requested to publish the nhdve advertisement once a week for. three mbnthe and forward their accpunta to this'dlMje Tot aettlement. SHERIFFS SALE. On Hujlret Tueeday in Jan. next, MXT1LL be enld before the Court Hooae f T in the City of Savannah between the bean of 10 end 4 o'clock. All that tract or parcel of land contain ing MS ncret, more or less, together with 100 acreaof marah land called Oakland, ai tnated, lying end being in Little Ogbechie District in the County of Chatham; bound ed on the north by lands of Flemming . Akin, on the ea*t by tend* of Doct. Parker, and on thy aouth by tends of B. Wslburger, and on the west by northeast branch of Little Oyeechie River, together with all and sin- gulur, edifices and improvement*; levied on under n fl lb or forecloauro from George L. Cope, to John M’Niah, Peter Mjtcbel and Robert Mitchel. . ’ * I, D’LYON, a. c. c. nov 7 38 .Hi: - ’SHERIFF'S SALE—Coktinuzd. Of tilt fret Tuesday in December next, W ILL be eold at the Court Houie, in the City of Savannah, between the otmal hour* of tale. Two Stage*, four Horaee, and four *eta of Hnrneee, belonging to thia end of the Au gusts Line;-leriea on under t foreclosure of a Mortgage from Joseph I. Thompson, to Joseph Cumming, assigned to Alex. T. Dopaon- A. D’LYON, d. *. c. c; ’ .nov 7 38 P TATTERS'HOTEL, WARRBTTOT. THE Sobwriber* having enter, ed into eo-partnerahip in the PLANTERS’ HOTEL, take thi* method-of informing Iheir friend* and the pnblio that they continue to keep op that well known eatsbliahlnent, on the east •ideof the pnblio (quare iq Warreotoo, and return their aiooere tbanha to those who have favored them with thair custom, and with for continuance of (hat mpport from the poblic hich Uieir atteotion to business will merit. Their table will be lupplied with every , thing the country and *ea*on afford. Their Bar will be lupplied with the choice*! kind ofli- qeora—Stable* provided with good provendor UMTattunded by faithful and careful ostler*. ASA CHAPMAN, MARTHA EVANS. October 18. . » ET The Editor* of the Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Georgian, are requeated to pub lish the above once a week for 8 week*, and forward their account* to the subscribers in Warrington. A. C. &M. A. Oct. 27 32 SHERIFF’S SALE, Os the first Tuesday us December next, W ILL be eold et the Court Houaeio the City of Savannah, between the uaii. al boor* of aale. ' All that tract of land aituate and being in tha Diatrict of White Bluff, known a* tlie Farm Plantation, containing (750) seven handled and fitly pure*, more or less i levi ed an a* the properly of the estate of Thoe. Rice, to aatiafy a judgement in favor of the White Bluff Congregation. - 1. D’LYON, a. c. c. nov 7 38 . SHERIFF’S SA LES—conn sued. On thefiret Tueeday in December next, W ILL be (old before the Court House in Chatham Comity, between the usual , All that certain tract or parcel of land *i tnatad in, the County of Chatham, and State - of Georgia, on the nits between the Islands of Bkidaway and Bdrmidea and known by the name of Redoubt Itlaod. oootaming sixty three acre* more or leu. Also, all that oth er tract or parcel of land situated and being on Bkidaway Island, in the County afore- Mld, composed of three different and origin ally distinct tract* of land but adjoining each other, tbe'firtt of which was originally grant ed to Michael Ritter for one hundred acre*, the aocood of which was originally Jno.,Ellis for fifty acre*, and the third and last of-which was originally granted to Mi cbael Ritter for fitly acres.which three tract* of land contain io the whole (not including Redoubt Island) two hlmdred and thirty-aev on more* with the appurtenances y levied on to satisfy the Planters Bank , of the State of 'Georgia on foreclosure of a mortgage, a- gainst John W, Stirk. •I. ' I. D’LYON,«. c. c. nov 7. 38 totice. O N tho first Monday of January next, I shall expose to sale at the Market of St, Marys, between the usual hours, seven SLAVES, the properly of the estate of Aa ron Tyson, by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary /or Camden County— Conditions cash. MARTHA TISON, Adm’rx. Nov2 31+r.« EXECUTOii’ff SALE. ./ . On Thurttluy Ike ibffi December next. W ILL be sold at tlie plantation of tiie late Col. Nicholas Ware, on Lillie Hirer, io Colombia county, lire corn and fodder and other provisions made there the present sea son, atffjifill the farming utensil* belonging (o the place, tlie stock of Iroree* and mules, among which are some valuable brood mares, and fine colts of the best blond—the'stock of oattlo, some full, and some half blood of the English breed -the stock; of hogs, and the Plantation—There are about fifteen hundred acres of land, and enough cleared, and in cul tivation,to give employment to twenty-five or thirty bands. Much of this land is of good quality, and the rest very valuable for its timber. ALSO, -At the same time aq^ place, Will be sold the Grist and Saw-Mills on Little River, and the Bridge across it, known as Wares, with About forty acres of land attached thereto. ' And on Thursday, the 22d December, there will be sold at the Plantation on Sarao- aah Hirer,' in Columbia county, at the mouth iff the Kiokea Creek, the whuieyof the corn tod fodder, terming utensils, stock. Ac. be longing to (hat place, aod also the plantation itfelf. including about six hundred acres land of vary excellent quality. And on Thursday tlieSSlh December, will Be soM at the market-house, in the City of August about FORTY Very likely NE GROGS, including mechanics, house aar- - Vants, aod field-hand*.. The sales at esob place will commence at ten o’clock, A. M. and biota at 4 o’clock. P. M. and ba continu ed from day to dqy, until the property j* all -Twslra month* credit will bo given for ell • earn* over Ten Dollars, and note* with good aaourity required, before <hp property wilt be dalirorad. PUSAN B. WARE, Ex'trx. * WM. W. HOLT, Ex'r October 21 Qfth* WM <f X Wan Gdl.27 »•: ' a* Lout oi homage Kite y and also to insure VESSELS and MER CHANDISE against tha HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS PORTATION. Capital Stack 8800,000, which hia all been psid in CASH, and the public may rely with confidence upon the whole sum, being always available to meet ita engagements. R. HAVENS, Presb. The subscriber having bees appointed Agent for itie above Company, will inatire against Low by Fire, and Hnaard of Inland Navigation,, aa set forth in the preceding proposals, on aa fovorajqe terms a«-can bo done in this city, : S. C. DUNNING, Agent far,Howard Ineurahre Company. N. B—Persona living in the oountry, i can have insurance effected by addreesinp-i- rhe Agent,'giving a description of the prem ‘ iae* to be inaured, post paid . Sept 20 . 16 North American Review. TO. XLIX. CONTENTS, r Claims of the United States on Naples L* and Holland. 1. Meaassge of the President of the United States to the House of Representatives, relative to the claim on Naples, 2 Message of the President of the United States, transmitting the cpr respondence relating to the claims'qf the citizens of the United States upp on the Gorernment of the Netties lands. .II. Lord Byron’s Character and Wri tings. ti Recollection* of the life of By ron. By the late R. C. Dallas, Esq. 2. Correspondence of Lord Byron with a Friend; including hie Letters to his Mother in 1809, 18t0, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord Byrod.' By Thomas Medwin. Esq. III. Wayland’a Discourses on the Duties of an American Citizen. ’ The Duties of an American Citi zen two Discourses delivered ih the First Baptist-Meeting House ib Bos ton. By Francis Wayland, jr. IV. Pinkney’s Poems. Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney. V. English Common Law Rcporti. Reports of Cases argued and de termined in the English Courts of Common Law. Edited by Thomas Sergeant and John C.Lowber, Esqrs VI. Orphic Pqetry. Orpheus Poeiarum Grecor.nm An tiquiasimus.—Auctore Georgio Hen lie-o Bode. VII. Columbus. I Codice diplnmatico Colombo-Ame ricano, ossia Raccolta di Docttmenti - origiusli e inedit-i, spettanti a Cristo fora Colombo, Sic. Genova, 1823. VIII. Gold and Silver in Mexico. A report on the Expediency of - Augmenting the Duties on the Ex portntinn of Gold and Silver, presen ted to the General Constituent Con gress of Mexico, by tho Committee of Finanoe and Mines, August 9, 18*14. . IX. Critical Notices. 1. Palfrey's Historical Di»- course. 444 2. Perkins’s History of the ' Late War. 443 3. Wrifford’a Mercantile Pen manship. ■ 45! 4. Summary View or America 453 . 6. Addresses before the New- York Academy of Fine Arts 459 6. Bacon’s Plea for Africa. 462 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Gram mar. 474 8. Crafts’ Address before tha Palmetto Society. . 464 9. Blanco White’s Spanish Varieties. 467 Quarterly List of New Publi cations. ' 469 Index. 483 Just received, by W. T. WILLIAMS. - Oct 20 29 WARE-HOUSE * ooMXxasioir business, MACON. , T IIE undersigned has rented of Parish Carter, Esq. his Ware-Houses at this place, and tenders his services to Ins friends aud the public, in the above line of business, with assurances that any business confided, to his care, shall receive his personal and undivided attention, and that his best exer tions will be used to give satisfaction to his customer*. The Ware-Housea are new, extensive, safe, and very, conveniently ar ranged and situated for the transaction of bustnesa- ’ He intends running two good and sub stantial boats during the boating season, which will be expedited in their passages up and down, by the aid of one ol the Steam Boat Conpany'e Steam-Boatt. Insurance, on merchandise and produce shipped by his boats, can be effected in a responsible office on as favorable terms as by any other boats (hat will run the river; and reasonable tdj vances will be made by him bn produce shipped by them to tbe consignment of bis friends in Savannah. By the first boats he wifi receive a good supply of GROCERIES, which he will sell on moderate terms. He now ojf-me fox Sate, 200 Pieces first quality Cotton Bagging 1000 Bushels Liverpool Salt. JUHT T ROWLATD. Macon, October 12, 1825. Oct 20 29fei NEW-YORK STATU LITBRATURE CLASS NO. Ill, FOR 1825, W HICH will,be drawn on the fofirth day of January, 1826, and finished in a few minutes. 45 Numbers—6 Ballots to be Drawn. SELLVfO SCHEME,. 1 Pri»e of $100,000 is $100,000 -t do 50,000 50.000 1 do 20,000 20,000 1 do 10,500 10,500 2 do 5,000 10,000 4 do 2,600 10,000 10 .do 2,000 20 000 39 do l',000 39,000 78 do 500 39,000 468 do 100 46,800 4446 do ' 60 2-22,300 COURT OF COMJUOT PLEAS ATD OYER AXD TERMITER FOR THE CITY OF SAVATTAH, OCTOBER TERM, 1825. W HEREAS William C. Wayne, Freder ick Herb, Charles Dunbam and Wil liam loor, were drawn - and summoned to' at tend as Grand Jurors, at thi* term of the Court and have made default,’ Ordered, that thqy be severally fined in the sum of forty dollars, unless good and sufficient oause of ex cuse He flled'on path with the clerk of this court on or before tbe fint day of the next term. And whereas Hugh Cassidy, George f. Palmes aod Matthew Luffborougb, were alsq drawn and summoned to attend aa Petit Ju rors, and made default. Ordered, tW they be serenity fined in’the sum of twenty dollais unless good and sufficient cause of eacuie he filed oo oath with the clerk of this court, on ar before file first d*y of the next term. Tree extract from the minutes. ROBERT W. POOLER, Clerk. Saraanab, 21st Opt. 1825. ' POIK ' r . t , ■ « 5051 Prizes. ! $567,600 In this Scheme composed of 45 numbers by combination, with six drawn ballots, there Will be 20 prizes, each with three of the drawn numbers on 585, each with, two of tbe drawn numbers on ; and 4446, each with one of the drawn numbers on : thoae tickets having none of tbe drawn ballots on them being blanks. To determine'the fate of the 14,190 tick ets in the scheme, the 45 numbers, from 1 to 45, inclusive, will be severally placed in a wheel ou tlie day of drawing, and six -ot them be drawn; aod that ticket having mi it as a combination the tat, 2d and’3d drown number, will be entitled Vo tbe prize of $100,000 That having on-it the 4th, 5th, and Bill, 56,000 That having on it the 2d, 3d and 4th 20,000 That having on it the 3d, 4th, and 5th 10,500 Those two tickets having on them the 2d 4th and 5th, or tho 2d, 4tli and 6th, each , 5,000 Those four, having on them the 2d, 3d, and 6tb, tde 2d, 5th and 6lh, the 3d, 4rh and 6th. or tbe 3d, 5th and 6th, each .....2,500 Thoae ten tickets, having on them the 1st, 2d and 4th, 1st, 2d and 5th, . 1st, 2d and 6th, 1st, 3d and .4th, 1st, 3d and 5th, 1st, 3 d and 6th, 1st, 4tli and 5th, 1st, 4lli and 6th, 1st, 5th and 6th, 2 d, 3 d and 5th, each 2,000 rnHE subscriber has received by the late * 1,r ? e assortment of HARDWARE, cl TLERY. JAP ATT ■ED ATD FATCY QOOS, AMONG WHICH ARK, Ivory and Balance Handle Knivee Ad Forks Buck and Bone Handte do do Razors in cues and doa. in great va riety ran. Pocket, Iwo blade and Sportoen’a ; Knifed Rodger’s Knifea and Scissor* Shoe, Bread, Butchers’ and Cooks’ Knives - Chizzels, Plane Irons, and Gougea of all kinds ’ * Drawing Knives, broad and narrow Axes Plated, Brittania, and Iron, tea and ta ble Spunns • Brittinnia tea and coffee Pots, Compo sition, copper and iron Tea-kettlee Composition Saucepails.and Digesters Brass, iron arid Japanned Candlesticks and Lamps Wafflu and Wafer Irons Gilt, plated, pearl, bone and japanned Buttons Coat, spat and auapender Moulds Padlocks, chest, trunk, till' end cup board brass and iron Box Lack* Knob and Mortice Lochs Stock locks Files and Rasps of all kinds Morocuo pocket-book* snd wallets Note casus and work boxes Qressing cases Brass curtain, cloak and curtain Pins Brass and iron hutt Hinges Wood and bed screws Honk and Plate Hinges Sludges and Hand Hammers Anvils and Vices Iron’wedges, Shoe and nail Hammors Brasa commode Knobs Brass, iron and wood-Castors . Coal-scoops and coai-heods Coal-sillers and Dust pans. Spit-boxes Wlrittemore's cotton and wool Curds. Block Tin, Fawcela, ivory and Horn Combs Fine tooth, crambo and dressing Combs Tuck and side Combs Spectacles aod cases Plated stirrup irons, bridle bitts & spurs Brass Andirons, shovel aod tongs Brass and wire Fenders Iron and Steel knitting pins Needles. Fish-hooks and fishing tackle Cast iron Pots, ovens, dogs, Spiders it skillets Sad irons. Trace-chains & screw plates German, English, Blister and.Caststeel Hand, panned,mill, pit, cross cut, back and keyhole Ssws Brace and Bitts Round and flat Bolts Smith’s and small Bellows Waggon and Cart boxes Bed Keys, Hide whips, Tacks & Brads Copper Beit-uails, Spelling Books and Writing Paper, elates and slate pencils Shovels, spades and hoes Together with almost every other article in the .line, which are offered for sale on sc- POL1CB OFFICE, * ' SiTANNAIt, Oct. 26, 1625. TNMBARRABSMF.NTB having bccqyred -1-4 in relation to tickets, notice is hereby given, that agreeably to the ordinance pias- 'ed, first September, 1825, no general ticket will paw Ha bearer after ten o’clock at night, and that ho special ticket will avail after tbe same hour “ unlere the place where he or the ie going and the pmrpote for which raid ticket is. gtesa, beep ended therein.” Such epecial ticket will be effectual for one night only. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Oct 29 . Chairman of Council.. HAY. KA BUNDLES PRIME HAY, tending OU from Brig Pheaaant/for sale by Anvil to o. c. GRISWOLD, PIATO FORTES. E XTRACT from the report of the Com inittee of Premiums find Exhibitions of the Franklin Institute of the State of Penn sylvania, for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, for 1826. Premium No 47—to the maker of the best horizontal piano, is adjudged to A. Babcock, of Boston, for specimen No. 327, which is a horizontal piano, made for A. Mackey, of Boston. It has received the high approbation of the judges. Every part of its interior mechanism naa the higheat finish, aud ita tone and touch are ezcellent. The strings are all of steel wire, the lowest octave being covered with flattened wire. It entitles ita maker to the Silver Medal, having been considered the best of the four square pianos, which sre all very good. PIANO FORTES from the Factory “of Babcock, answering to the above de scription, snd warranted to be of his very best make, for aale hy' I W. MORRELL, Savannah. Oct 29 33fu Those 39 tickets- having on .them, two of the drawn numbers, snd those two the fid and 5tb, each e*e a be # ia'a sstsaii ije e e # e e el ,000 Thoae 78 tickets having two’ of4ie drawn numbers ontthem, and those two the 4tb and 6th, or the 5th and 6th, each .«500 All other*, (being 468) with any other two of the drawn numbers on, each ....100 And Ml tickets,, (being 4446) having but One of tne drawn numbers on, each 50 No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can be entitled to an inferior prise. \ Frizes payable forty days after the draw ing, and subject to the uzuet deduction of fifteen per cent. . - il TICKETS ............t....*$50. SHARES proportion. ST N. B.—Orders for tickets or share* in the above Lottery, Will he received at ALLEN’S EXCHATOE OFFICE for THE BAY. - ; * Oct 29 NATH. B. WEED, No. 6. Gibbons’ Range. GENERAL DRUG. CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICITE WARE HOUSE. LAY St. HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Druggtitt, comer of Congreu and Whittiuer Streete, shad’s buildings, savannah, H AVE received by the late arrivals from Buston, New-York and Philadelphia, me remainder of their Fall and Winter supply of GOODS,'consisting of a very ex tensive and well selected assortment of Drugt and Medicinee, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Brushes, Dye-Slujft, Sfc. A great variety of Apothecary and Phy sician’s Glass Ware Ointment and Pill Pots Composition and Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses Elegant Cut Glass Smelling Bottles Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures White and Green Vials, assorted, Sic. SURGEON’S INSTRUMENTS. Pocket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring and Thumb Lancets • Forceps, Spatulas, Bougies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, dtc. PATENT MEDICINES, or EVERY DESCRIPTION, VIZ .- Sejdlitz and Soda Powders Balm of Quito Henry’s Calcined Magnesia , Genuine Lee’s, Anderson’s and Hooper’s Pills , Swaim’s celebrated Panacea James’ Anti-Dyspeptic Pills Balaam Honey, Church’s Cough Drops Itch Ointment, dtc. All of which are offered for sale on the moat liberal terms, for cash or credit. L. dt H. having made such arrangements with the principal Drug-Houses in the Uni ted States, as to be continually supplied with fresh and genuine articles, flatter them selves that no establishment of the kind in this state, cad offer greater inducements to dealers. Tbe meFclianl, the planter, and the pliys cian, can here be supplied with al most every article in the drug line, and may depend upon having their orders e ecuted with neatness, accuracy and despatch. Nov 6 Pilotage. A T a meeting of the Board,of Commission- era on the 15th Instant, it was ordered t|iat John .Robbins, be suspended from acting as a Pilot, for one month. ■ By order. JNO. G. HOLCOMBE, Stcfy.C. P. Oct 18 • 28uf A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practicain the several Courts of Law and Equity n thia State,, offers to the poblic his pro fessional services in the Courts of ■Bibb, I Henry, I Jones, | Crawford, ■Monroe, | Jasper, I TvHrri, ; Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Maeoa, Bibb County, (Ge.) July 7 84 FRESH SWEET OIL, FaP very superior quality, suitable for ta- U ble.use, just received and for sale by UAY &, HENDRICKSON, Navfl Bruggiste, Shad’s Building* Georgia^-Camden Countr TO ALL WHOMflT Mjil COTVCEBa rjVUBKBAS Attainder Atkinson, Ad nil, W iterator on thy Estate *f John Atk . •un, deeassed, applies tu the Court ot OrdiS* *ry of laid County, for letter* dlm ssorv l obi estate i These are, therefore, to c te ., 2 daaonUh Ml and wngutar, ^?,, tors af deceived, to fi e their object, (rtsn, thsy havel la *,o««. 000^ the fir.t Monday in January next, or let',2 wtllbegrantedte the sppncML 11 Witness the Hon v.llliim Gib*,. IA if jl one of the Justices of said (W isJ this 25 h June. lg.!4, , June .70 NOTIOtfi V INE months after d.te, application will be made to the Inferior Court of.CU-uharr. '.minty, sitting for ardinarv purpose* for an ■rder, absolute, toJell lots N .s f-iuram five, 4 and 5) in Carpenter’s itow, and lot N . me, (1) Green Ward,in tht eiiy of Ssvamwt-, mine tbe real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec ir tne benefit of tin-• heirs in-’ creditors of •idestate WILLIAM GAS'0*4. Qua'iSed Executor Notice. yrtNE MONTHS after dsta, vpplioation will LV be made to the Honorable Inferior Court •i-Chatham county, foe leave to sell th,- mi md personal estate •tbeltte Mrs’ Ann Himy -Hon, deceased, for the benefit of the heir* ndcred.torsuf and estate, WORTHING I'OH GALE. Executor. tl-rrh 10 - Georgia—t amden County TO AlL WHOM IV MAYCOT, BH.Y ArtHE'tEAS Louis Difouf, Administ er f T of the Battle of Bssile Pelletier, d‘e5 tHpliea to the Court of Ordinary of said coin! ■y, for tetters diamiaaory oa Mid euat ( -_ Those are, therefore, to oils and admonnh ,n and singular, the heiri and creditors 0 f«,! deceased to file thtir oblee'ioiu (if a» ,y-„ hsve) in my office, on or before 'he first Mon day in January next, or letters will be grute to the applicant. * * l?s=S the Hou. William Gibioa |A-». |l onp df the Justices of said Coua. a,. {1 tbit35ih June, 18 J. JOHN BaII.T, c. c o. c c tun- 30 ■ Notice. k GREBABIEto leave obtained f, ‘m tbe .tL Honorable the luferi -r Court, sitt'tig f r •i-dinary purposes, for Camden County, 1 hall on the first Tuesday in D nember next, xnoee to public sale, at ihe Court Home -i lefiersrrn. in said c-runtv, s l'.,t of land >n tin. resth District of Monroe County, Ko. 91, fe 'ie benefit of the orphans nf Levi Johns dec r JOHN LEd Guardian. S»rtI* 14 N otice. VTINE MONTHS sfli-r dste of this notice *.1 Application wit! be made to the Honors, lie tne Court ofOrdinsry of Chathem Coun. y H>r permission to sell tli the real estate of loho Wskerlv, dec. for the benefit of th heirs and creditor* of said deceased- ROBERT HOY. Execiit r Pcb 24 , . 6V ; - N otice. tJOINR month*after iis e,application will be ail nsde to the Honorable ir Inferior Lour' of Camden County, when xitting f *r ordinary purpo-es, for leave to tell 2J0 aor et of Isnn oelongi.ig to the estate of John Brown, d - tested, for the benefit pf tbe heirs tod erec tors of tat l estate. S ARAH BROWN, Admistratnx. Jefferson, 18.h Ju re, I 2* .t„* 9 .. j 78 Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will be made lev tbe Hum,note die Court of Ordinary for tbe Count.. f Chat ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, nr parti of a tract of land, lying and being in the eo inly of Effluvium, containing by re cent purvey, niije hundred snd, acres, arid known by the name of the Tuck- vseekmg Tract, formerly tbe propert- of A ng and Hotchkiss, v>* belonging to the state of Attainder 8. Hoe's orphans, for the benefit of said orphan.- WILf I AM MOREL', Guardian A- S. Roe's Orphans. Jnlv ’♦ 87 Notice. N INE MONTHS after date, applicatim will be made to the Inferior Jourt 01 Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo se!, for leave 'a sell *11 the re.) estate nf the late Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, via: Point Plantation, consisting of two hundnd snd eighty acres Rice land, on tbe O-eechee River, four mitts belhw tbe F rry, >dj niny the plantation tf Joseph Habersham and Str pben El iott Also, two hundred and fifty seres, more or less, if Pice Land, appertain ing thereto. Also. * Tract of Lard called dalina, containing fifty sent! on Medway Biv or. adjoining the lands of J. j. Msswell- MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. June tf - 71 Georgia—Chatham County In the t; urt «t Ordinary, May Term, 18jj O N the pe itionuf Henry Chsmpioo, admin. istrator of John Street. dec-aid/praS"^ 111 order JVm o be made abntus on hia coin, plying will, he law, tor he aale of* Lot 0 f Ground, number four, (4) second Tythinir ivyimld. Ward—Also, p n f . Lot, n^S an. Tower, Dvokrr W d. being the real estate of the *rtd Uec. lor th* bvnvfit 0 f toe heirs and creditors 1—It is ordered that* notice' be puM shod nine jnonihs. in one nf he Public Gtze is of tbe tjity of Savannah, requiring a I perao... interested, to shntv cauwe. f any they have, wpy the prayer ef the pe’.i. ioner should not be granted. 8 M. BONO, t- e. 0, Mtv 14 4^ Georgia-— Chatham County. I theConftof ordmaty—Mav t'ernij ,8JJ. O N the petition of Robi rt Hoy, Exe u -t uf John Wsckerlder. prsyi. g sn order Aral to be nude aoaolure, on his complying v-tn theisw, to sell I wo Tract* of fund ie tuuveos County, being the real estde of the .11 deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, d :-editors: It is ordered, ihat a notice he ublisht-d nine month*; in one of the' Gi- s tie* of the city of <itv*nnah, requiring a;| oersons intr-etted, to almw cause, if any they ’s.,n, why the prayer of the pvtnioner should not be g-ant. d S v» BOMl, c ■ o. '»■• -n rv Georgia Camden County. BY THE UODR oy OHDINAWY FOR .1 9’ID COUN ■ Y. tlTHRKEAS ’ohn Chevalier, h:a applied v v te raid Court, for Letiera Duri.smry >n the estates of Samuel Ootepv and Evan E. Rook, deceased. These are.' therefore, to cite snd admonish, all and *i gil-ir, the kin- dr-d und e-editors of the Mic d ceased per. cifi, tr. fie iheir obj-etions, if any they have, in my i.fiioe;or. or befm-e the (irat Mw day in January next, or Lriten will by grantati the applicant. - Wu-est tbe Homi-able Jvmea Sen* . one of the -untices of tankCourt, ti • six teenth lav of April, e ghteen hundred and 1 wenty-five. [L. S.] JO N BAIL.EY, C. C. 0.«.. 0. Anri *1 -74 . ta e of Geurgu—Chatham County TO ALL WHOM IT MAYCOTCERT. CVHERBA8 Daniel Carney, Jr. h.e sppli. W ed to tiie Hosorvblc the Court of Or dinary of Chatham County for fetter* of ad ministration on the estate snd effects ef Wil :iam Woodb - idee,late 1 f Ssvannsh. merchant, deed, on behalf of the heirs ill,a creditors, shd vy request ef ’be relt’ives. These sre therefore to cite end admonish all abdringulsr the kindn d and creditors ef the Mid deeeai ed, to file their objeotieas (if any they base) to the granting oTthe edminisfratien ol th fbcdreeasad to the spphctnt in for Clerk's Cffiee of fob Mid Court, enee, before the third day of November next 1 otherwise letters vf administration wt|! be granted W.tnes* tha Hoitorable Eli.-* Port one of the Justices of the Mid Coqrt, the fourth day of October, A. D one thousand night hundred and twenty,fire. ’ 8AM L. M. BOND, C. C. 0. • u Georgia Camden Goutuy. t o All whom i > m y con .lk.v W iiEitBAS J Ik .chi it Inn. admino tratof on 'he estates «f DaviilTuckrr and D id it’Kredie,' applies to tbe Court vf Ord-nary- ,f »v.,d Oounty, for Letter dia-ui-r.ry on the states of said deoea ed petaona: These sre, hcrefore, to cite snd ad nonish the heirs and* i-redtto s of Mid deceased persons, to file heir objections (if any they have) in my of- See, on nr hefore the first Monday in January nett, or letten will be granted to the sppli. -rant. Witm aa the H«n. William Gibson, b I one ot the Justiors of Mid CourL thf> 25th Juue, *8 ’J. ■ JO IN HAILEY, e. e o’.c.c. Fmtp 30 qo Geoigta—Camden County. QY THE COURT tip- O MtlNAUV -0 . SAID 'OUNTY. CQHKHEAS Lewiv Ba-.hloU, appliei to tht jJ Court of Ordinary of said County) for Letters Dismissory on the estate of Fr’nces It itolune 1 These are, therefore, to cite snd admonish, all and lingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their cbj.c. tioha, if any th-y hsve, in my office, on or be fore the# *tMonday in January next,'other, w is- Letters Dismissory will be granted the applicant- witness the Honorable Samuel Clarke, one of the Justices of Mid Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred snd twenty-five. ' [L. 8.1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. fl. C. C April 21 -’4 ' Georgia—tamden county. TO ALL >V HUM IT .UAY COAX StiT 40 1EHBAS John Ha-d.-e, Adnuiutiralar w# of the Estate fit David 8- Janes, Ute it s id c-runty, deceased, applies to the Court ,{ Ordinary of avid county, fur fotteta die- ui sory on said Es ate: ’ hese are therefore to cite and admoniih ill and singular, the heirs and credilort oi'sud lece ved, to fi e their objeetiuns (if any they bate; iu my office, < n or before the first Moo- ay in Much oext, otherwise ieltera trill be Granted the applicant. Witness the Hon.'William Gibson, oneof [L.8.] he Justices of Mid Coart, tbit 27th August, 18 '5. JOHN BAILEY. Cllt. C. O C. C, Sent. 3 209 Georgia, Chatham County. tty tbe H .iionlitt tbe Just cesof the Inferior Court of Chstbam County, sitting for or dinary purposes TO ALL WHOM IT MAT VOTCSHX CB.tKKKAS Jonathan Meigs, admioiitrv l## tor of the estate of Samuel Haughtsn, deceased, has petitioned the flow t et Oidios- ry, to be dismitK-d from hi* said adminiitrr ion: Now these'are therefore, to ene and admonish all persons interested in tbe snd st ate. to file tbeir objection* if say tkoy 10 the grouting of the prayer of foe petitioner ui foe UlcikN Office of toe said, Court, on on jcfore Urn tentli day bf March next, other, wise Letters Dismissory whl be granted tbe ^Vitac’se lb* Honorsble Anthony Porter, ofij of foe ^ Jutticei, this tenth day ef September, eighteen hundred a d toco* rtXm 0AMUEL M. BOND, V - COrh (hurt OrdkWf- Sept W “