The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, December 25, 1835, Image 1

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WXX-LIAUX H. BUZiLOOBf AT EIGHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE COUNTRY GEORGIAN, IS published to moot tho arrangement of the tnail*—Throe timer & week (Tuesday, Tliurs. day and Saturday) at the cf tJ.3 DaIlt Geoeoian, and contain* all the Intelligence, Com. morcial, Political and Miscellaneous, including Advertisement*, published m tho Daily Paper. The Country rapur is sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivored in tho city, at FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payablo in ad< vance. Advertisements aro insortod in both papers at f ivcntt.sivb cents por square, offourtecnlinen for the first insertion, and thirty.8BVkn and a Hale for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must bo post paid. Sales of Land by Administrators, Expcutorfl and Guardians aro required by law to bo hold on tKo first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, at tho Court IIouso in the County in which tho property is situato; Notice of these aalos must bo given in a public gazotto sixty days previous to tho sale. Notice lor leave to sell negroes, must bo pub. Halted for four months, before any order abao. lito shall bo modo thereupon by the Court Sales of Negroos must bo at public auction, on tho first Tuesday of the month, between tho usu. •1 hours of saio, at tho place of public Halos in the County whoro the loiters Tostamontary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have boon granted, first giving aixty daya notice thereof in one of the public gazoltesoftliis State and at the ■dour of the Court IIouso, whore such sales are to ho held. . Notice of tho sale of Personal Property must d>o given in liko mannerforty daya before tho solo Notico to Debtors and Creditors of an estato xnuHt bo published for forty days, Notico that application wifi bo made to tho •Court of Ordinary, for leave to soil laud, must bo published four month*. Destructive Fire in New York. rH^lILLIONS op PROPERTY DB&TROYEDt A fire broke out on tho ovoning of Wednes. day, (16th Inst.) of last weak, in New.York, in tho store, of Comstock & Andrews, Merchant ijtre^h which has causod an iminunso destruc' tiqaAlfaioros *nd other prnporty. ' Pearl at root, from Wall struct to Old Slip on ’ ; * '"Jjtrth sides, all dot troynd. Water streot, from Wull street to Old Slip, vail destroyed.*' Front street 'from Wull stroot to Old Slip; 0)1 destroyed. South Street fiorn Wall street to Old Slip, ftll deifriiyed. Merchant slreot, oil destroyed. Exchange Place to William stroct, all do. ^trojded. William stroot, from Wall st. neatly to Old i31ip destroyed. .Tlii*‘ls a terrible cnlnipilyto Now Y6rk. It 3a believed that more titan two hundred yaluo- (Me stores and warehouses arc 'destroyed, with Tho principal purl oftho contunta No eslimute ofthn amount of damage cun bo made—sonic individual ■ stoijk of 'gooda arc estimated-us r high as two, tlirno and four hundred thousand dollars. The loss--cannot■•lull much simri of TWENTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS— and many aro of nninjbn that it wi 1 exceed TW.HTfe MILLIONS. This intelligence L brought by tho nohoonor Excel, Cap!. Lyon, which vdsaol left N«w Y«rk- on Thursday morning last at cloven o’clock, at t-Which lime the tiro was etitl unsubdued. Merchant Stroot (where the firo originated) *is imrrow, and built on -bplli sides -witli ..high ■stores, principally occupied by dry goods jobbers . and impprtors. Thu wind blowing u giloat N. W., the thormmupUir at urbqi-iw zero, tho by. • drantM iiios ly lrozon, and the engines, almost unfit forsiSrviuc in coim:quunco ortho .freezing ••of the huso froln tlioir oxpq»uro tbo preceding . night, grout, fears, of ex onsivo damage worn * expreiuiuu'at tho coiniiriicorneni nftlinfi o and : I huso fears have been more than realized..Notei. i lias such a conflagration been witnessed'in this. 4 City. Tim amount uf properly de.-truyed must t he MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. In. the cour o of twenty ininu os'from tho •* commencement of tho’fi.e, not only tho build i ing in which it originated',, but tho whole on 4 liutii sidca of tho streot to Ponrl street woro in a 4 Mazo... Noyur wus a more rapid extension of I tho flames. The stnres on Pearl street and on ■I • ucli sido of Merchant ii,\- were soon ovuloped r a in tho doVouring element. Soon tho flames cx. n tended the soulli side of Pearl street, ;| and at Eluveii o’clock,' dosiroyod -nourly- tho -i whole block, og that side of the stroot, from and •j deluding tlio storo'of Arthur Top pan & Co, to PWnll atreni. Tlioncd llioy nxtonded to ■ Water ti-fzruot,increasing iiiHirongih and violence, utidnow j Ildfclk threaten* ihodbstruetinn qFall the propor. !|;ty4in Walor, Front, and South street, from Pearl ■i ota lot to tho river; and tVoiU tlio west side of TWidlslfeot nearly to Old slip.- Some vussels itfmfCnflno'IIouso•1‘ljp aro’already on file—tliu •Itgt. ht.iigiiitcnwily cold—knd tiro scoiiu ofdes. • ilifM ttioir is most 'sublime aitcl a wliil l It i* just fWi >rted thul the stores in Exchungo pluco, in ’dUm roar of the Exchange Imvc tukeu fire. There "Shu ow a loud expb'sidii of powder or tlio burst. ■DC of cask* of spirituousliquors itf a fltore on 'fitVasituror Front street. Tho engined-can do i*»6tl ling to^top'tne progress of tho fiamos. HSfntf float 11. —Tlio Humes aro now mguig in i wwttJy direction from the place where ilioy ori. ag'miitod, All tho buildings in Exchange stroot, fcUa tv the Exchange, are destroyed—three or .M*ou|iol the Hfifildiiigs in Exchange place are on .• ifira,. and llitTwIilHa block to William struct, as rtuttij os tho Exchange, is. in danger- . Tlio wind ; Urns' somewhat subsided. ( Siicli goods as could be hastily saved arc si row. ncfl In tho streets. Many immeuso slocks of ■ woods are consumed. It is believed that more ^ 'than one hundred stores aud warohousos, inclu- ■ ding many of the most valuable in tlio city, aro : lolromly destroyed. Twelve o'clock.—'The roar of'the Exohango '.iii now on firo, '.which is extending into tho Port •jOflico. A strong forco of firamen fo placed Thrro, and hopes aro onioriuiiicd that this bull, -ding will be saved. The firo is still extending • Hi South stroot--soma oftho vossols between i-tC' iffoe limiso and Old slips have takon fire. One o'clock.—Tliu Exchange still on fire in tithe rear. Tlio lottbr* liuvo helm removed from -Uhe Post Office, There is m»w no knowing - nvhom the flames will bu stayed—the hydrants - taro exhausted—tho huso bf many of tho engines iare frozen; and use uss, and the fiamos extou. * rding. Novcr was a mure awful Jght than js •“vonw presented. The firo is yet extending wnst i ! tin Pilairl st—and will probably extend to Old » - iSlip, und sweep off a|l the valuable buildings on *. | tho throe squares bounded by Pearl, South and. IWbll streets and Old slip. Tho buildings on vf he west side of Wall stbetweun tlio Exchange i I nd Pearl st are yet sUnding.somo of thorn much . d ain iged in ilie rears. Nearly the whelo bleck b 3iindud by Muruhint st, Exuhango Place, Wil. ]]i un s', aud Pearl st, mt immense pile, oi new SI d valuahlo warehouses, is now on fire and <m »y of them already rodneed to ashos. The •mo grows worse and worse—the Excliauge. s said, cannot be saved. If this is destroyed, Wall street below William street, mustsharo- same fate, and oxpofc to dos 1 ruction the ldings east to an incalculable oxtout. The Exchange, it is now said^cannot be saved i wo arc preparing to move our publishing •« from the opposite side of the street. Chne o'clock.—'tWo Exchange is in ruins— repnrtedjthat several persons have been kill, or several fulling of one he walls. The fire has now extended north - u the Exchange to William at, on both sides, ihroatentu contiuoo through to Br»ad et. TJie Garden si. Church is roportod o on fire. The east side of Wall street is yet , The sceno of desolation from Poarl stroet to the Eusi river Is awflil. A messongor hah juvt boon dispatched to tho Navy Yarif, for a supply of powdur to Mow up buildings- in order to stop the progress of the flames. Tho wind continues high—and thoro i» yet no favorable prospect of any cessation of the flumes—thoy n«vo no* roaohod the rear of Brond street. Thoatores of* Howland aud Aspinwall, Mo. ■os Taylor, Smith A Town, Osborn A. Young, and tiio wholo on South street, Front street, Water stroot, and Poarl streot, betwcon Coffee Houso and Old slips are rupidly consuming.— Fears are now enteriainod that tho firo will ox tond on Poarl street, below Old Slip. •t»^» ur f'^^-^Thoro is hope that the flro in Wall street will bo stopped by tbo American In* BUranco Co. and that that building, and those bolow, to Pearl street will be saved. Tho build ings- above tho Atnerioan Iusurunco Office nn the weal side or Wall st, to William sL includ ing tho Exchungu aro all destroyed—and two or ihroo abovo William st. Tho fire is still raging toward- Broad st, in tho roar of Wall st, and may extend to tlio buildings mi the latter. The east side of Wull st. is yet safe. The flames aro yet oxtonding down William, ■t. ; the buildings on that stroot and fronting Hanover t-quuro, including tho Gazette office, arc burnt down. FIVE O'CLOCK Wo go to press while the firo is still raging It it suid to huve extended bolow Old slip on Pearl street—and thoro is no calculation where its ravages will be boiiiidod. Half.past five,—The flames aro progress- ing down Pearl street on tho South side, and have enveloped all the buildings to and inoltid. ing the Pearl StroolHouro, No. 88. This infer, mulion is brought to us by a person just from the immediate neighborhood, The. li-t of sufferers annexed is very incom. does not include ono third of the num ber. Wo liayo ju*t liuanl the Mayorsay, that uu attempt would bo made to arrost-tho fiamos be. fore reuchiug Uroad streot, by blowing up otic or more of Mr. Lord's stores with powder- Nourly tho whole of Lurd!a oleguut row of 'lores in Exchange place, and the Church op posite uto in ruins—and the flumes oxtonding ru pidly towards Broad stroot. 'Ilie Daily Advertiser, und the American, newspaper pffioot aro destroyed, with all the inuchiuu presieii of the estublishmonts. WALL STREET. IPesI side—Cornor Pourl, Miller & Hicks, andTitnii Kellogg; Sturtovunt A Jones, ,(J5; W. A R. 1 ’Gerard, 67; Phonix* Buildings, fGf> to 71; U Elwell, Gulagur and Mi|chuil,J. Mu- Utpws und J. R, Skiddy, 73'j P Embury A Co., Dcen, Grci nzeback A Co, 75 ; Boyuud A Do. U"vy, oruggisi, liu, rorior IIOIUC, ;W Minus, bnnkMillur,. 116; M Conoliy, a sturo und dwelling, 82; Holmes A Myers, 3 story •■tore, 8d; TJ Burrow ACo .orocko. loytios, 77; J. Loring, clothiorj 70; j. Loring, grocer, and a printing offico, 81, cor Front st, v . PEABLSTlfcEET. South tide—A Tuupan A Co and C Cello, mard, Souuian, Vun Wyek A Norton, L Allion, und J. M Jaoquuliu; Lnwrencn A Beardsley und \V. A Becckur; J D Oliver A Co ; Suy. dams and York; Dowuor ACo; Smith, Kuiii AC>.; Little, Shuw A Co. and Sherman A Gillcluii; ’U.iulkjriHand Darrow; Foslur A Eas ton ; Baker, Johns,m &C6 ; F J Conaht; Bob- pins A Buintor; G W Tyson A Co; Millor A Iliclvrt, enrnor Pearl und WuIlstreotB, hardware; tliu other.buildings which .Were all fivo stories high, wore occupiod by Dry Goods Jobbers and lnijinrlejs,. North aide—Davenport, Wyckoff A Co, (nor. liunovcr) 193; Clark Smilb A Hyatt, 128; Furnaiu A Bolton, (insurod); D A Comstock A C'l. uml H. Bibad, 131; E Kellogg A Co. 1 3:1; Clmrchill, Soutl.'inayd A Co; Nelson, Carloion A Co; SUidmoru A Wilkins, uud L FVurei; Conklin, Hut ring A Go Tlio above arc a few nuinus only of the occupants on thL idffofiho Mrnut.oli tlio sinros but one or two Hanover to Wull >lruet boing a houp of* ruiiis." . PEARL STREET (either side.) Grant A B .rlon, uud S Biiicouu; Brown A Hone, uud J. Durand A Co; Bostwiuk A Tay. lor, aiid J Gr ivillon A Co; p’ B R|ioudos &|Co, and Rhoiidis A Weed; Moslor, Coates ACo. and Ripley A Pierson Uilyor, Bosltviok, A Co. and A S Penot. WATER STREET 'Norths/dc—Downer ACo. No 100; Liltlo, Shaw A Co. 5)8; John Lloyd, 91); Suydams A York, and J*din A Moure, copper dealer, 94, J D Oliver A Cii 102; No 108 unoccupied; Mrs. Millin', tobacco and snuffWarehouse, five slo- rins, 110; U Levy, druggist, 112; Portor House. 114} W Minus, “ shoo sturui 84; 3 story . ... ry store, tiS; J B Cuildiuglon, coppor do, 90; B. L Simps -n, do, 92., South side—Phonix Buildings, 6 stories in height, among the occupants wore Bowne A Co, booksellorsj Wm Cahomie A Co, oolton brokers; Jus Bergen, notury, W R Morris,— opjier story tho bindery of Bownn A Co; E Willots ACo, T SSims, 113; R V.tndowuter, J S.evuiuon, 111; Daniel Holt, 109; unknown, 107; Beaman A Brothers, druggists, 5 stories, 105; C-J.G.iylor, iron chest maker, 99; T T. Kssam, Crockery »toie, 97 ; I Delano A Sons, iron churl ni.ikers, 95; R V W Tliorno ACo; 93E Cauldwell, J Albxundor, and J Gray, 91, Thos E Field, crockory htoro, ami T D.Alobro, 89; RC Wotmoro, or<>oUory, 87; Hund’ ricks A Brullicrs, copper dealers, 85; J Benson, do, and Vernet A Salomon,'83; Mrs. Uurdon. er’s-Water street Hou-o, 81; C us. A Jackson, prnviKjon btoro, 79; Dr E Lord, 77 cor. Old Slip. FRONT STREET. North side—W C Wilcox, 112; Howland A, lit); Cornelius Oukloy, 108; Naur A BrolhorB,' 1UG; John Wilson A Co. tobacco store, 104; U. L Wulluy and Co 84, also Nos 86 uud 88. EXCHANGE PLACE. South aide -^Baiioy, Koelor and Romsen (books ►uved, cstimuled at $300,000 all destroyed) and Ivallemard uud Klofliir, 21; I. A' D Clark A Hunt, Wunzlor A llarrisou28; Deri King, 25; Robertson A Euton, 27. North side—All destroyed with rnort of their contuutt-, composed outiroly nt'dry goods. HANOVER 81'ttEET. Rhoades, Wood A Co No 2, enrnor of Pearl- •ait; F A P Brette, 4; R Hyslop A Bon, (hard- wuro) U; D Crassous, cotton broker, Price Cur- runt Printing Office, uud others, 8; r\l B A W Edgar, 10; Blutries A Clirko, corner of Ex- ciiuugo Pluco, 12; D A J Perkins drug store, 1; Jus DemitKtnuit, 5; J Mo-es, 7; Levi Cook A Co curuor uf Poarl. I Nkw York Gazbtte.—Tho publication of Uiia paper will be resumed in aduy or two, Tho offico uud materials Were destroyed amid tho general conflagration last evening. Daily ADVKRTiaEn.—The printing offico is dostrcyud by ilia disastrous Firo—the muinriuls ura principally'suved—all the books uud papers arr hcnuro. Tho editors hope to isauo their pa. per as u^uul to.morruw. fits 4ll|[ *»ths ■but: it u •c<l, of I frot arid sire to h •lift Fines.—Wo noticed yesterday, tho dostruc- 1 ion on Tuesday night, of tho store of Messrs. Fullerton A Picki ring, No. 173 Water streot. In tho courso of the night, the gable end of this building, full upon and sot fire to the udjuinipg 3 stnry .lioa-n, No. 171; and before tho fl lines were finally subdued, tho following property, according to thu evening papers, was deulroyod * On Water atreet—No. 173, occupied by Ful lerton uud Pickering, four stories. No-171, The upper part occupied by Thns. Hill, us a boarding fmu«e, and the lower part by JoHoph Barrow, furrier. No. 169, Occupied by Hugh Hughes A Co. saddler’s ware. These gentlemen had an insur ance of 10,000, 'which will cover thoir Iosb, the building was owned by Mr. Eli White, and was insured for $l«i>00. No. 167, Occupied by Mr. CharleB Woollen, bruahmaker. Mr, W. was insured for-85,009, which we loarrt will not iporo than covor one half of his los^ • No. 165, Occuplcd by Sarah _Yco, glove and leather store. 1 A part nftills nrimber Was occn- pled by Charles Kindon, Perfumer. Fire in Chriatie atreet—About half past ■four - clock yesterday morning, afire broko oUiln Christio street, in the War of No. 69, between Delaney aud Rlvincton slroots, in tlio.centre of the square, consuming rovoral dwolling houses, workshops, Ac. The following aro givou as the particulars t— No. 169. Mrs. Toalo’s two story lYamo dwel ling house, totally dehlroyod—flirnituro partially saved. Andrew Gale, carpenter shop ami conlonta doatrnyed. Nothing saved bu a tow tools. Charles A. Bakor, in socoud story oi same bui ding painter and gildor, mol a total toss of his effect, wb bout insurunco ' William Hall, wheel right and blacksmith, Is destroyed —not insured. •hop and contents uvmu^uu — mu iiiauruu. Mr. Ma.-on,eastor of stucco liouso ornamonts, shop and goods destroyed—not insurod. Mr. John Oliver’s dwolling houso ooeuplndby himsolf and Mr. Copeland, with Bhop in rear, totally destroyed—insured in purl. Mr. Ilutcliinson’a dwelling house—flirnituro chiifly saved. The above woro all on tho wort sido of the streot with one exception, frame buildings. Tho two story brick dwelling house of Mrs.' Morrison, widow—north of these, nourly des. troyed- Tho flames extonded to tlio opposite sido of the street, totally destroying the brink front houso of Mr. Cox, occupiod by his own und throe other families—furniture chiefly saved, and three brick two story dwolling housoa bo- longing to Dr. Simers, occupiod by Mr. Gale, mtrpontor, Mr Fmnli, Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs* Brown, Mrs. Tumor, and other's. A consldoru. Mo portion of the furniture in this block of buil- dings wap saved. • Chewing 'Tobacco. ttjJESSRS B. W. Delamater A Co. of Sa. vH vannah, are supplied with my Tobacco of < variety of descriptions—a few boxes of oxlra rino quality among tho parcel, Messrs. B, W Delamater A Co. an my A. :ent8, will warrant qualities equal to tho pricos u which sales may bo mnde.—Rugutur B&pplics will bo kept in their stores; and I tho manufuc- 'urer. ask the ehowers of Tobacco to compare ilavor of my boat, with any oiltor in tho market —I warrant it “ ne plua ultra." AUG. LEFTWICII, aprjl 22 of Lynchburg. Va. Corn Sliellcrs. ^ Dt)Z Corn Shollors, received and for sale & by N. B. A a. weed; oct.16 Duffle and Whitney Blankets, Negro Cloths, &c. •'E.UST roeoivod por ship Macon, 01? 321) 10.4 lloavy Duffie Blankets Will!noy Blankets, 11.4, 12-4 and 13,4 Domestic Kerseys, T.iiit-oys, Ao. For sale low by wholosalo or reloll, by A. BENNETT, obi 31 Nol 1, Young’s Buildings; Kreosote. A SUPPLY pfcelobratud Medicine just re 'a. coived and for snlo by nov4 G R HENDRICKSON. Games. Ej ACK Common Boards Chess Boards Do. Mori, assorted eizen Battle-Doors and Shuttle Cocks Curnoll Cups Games und Grncea Dominos and Dice Extra Sotts Back Gammon Men Di8soeting Maps, for children , A, B, C'sin Ivory Boxes, Tor do. just re ceived, and for sale by - nov 11 G. tt. HENDRICKSON. Soda and Sedlitz Powder. H GROCE Soda Powders, 0 do Sodlitz JL Powders, just received and for sale by nov 17 G. R. HENDERSON Coloring for Spirits. ^ BARRELS Coloring, just received, nnd v» for sulo by nov 5 Q R. HENDRICKSON. Pepper Sauce, &c, §}% DOZ WoRt Tndin, Popper Sauco J3. 20 do Cury Powder CO lbs Cayenne Pop| „ ino Popper, jiial received and for saio by G. R. HENDRICKSON. . nov 21 Sweet Oil. BASKETS Bordeaux Clarifiod Sweet Oil, just received, nnd fnrRolo by G. U. HENDRICKSON Steam Saw Mill. F OR Sulo, a bargain, ono of the most exlen siyo nndcompleio ostublishinentii In Genr- giawoli known bb tlio Upper Steam Milti situ.* ated at Darien, and posscsing superior ad van- tugesfor tlio lumber businops, bntli natural and artificial. The engino of 40 horHo power is of tho very boil description, mauufuctured by Bol. ion WatfACo. ofSiilio England ; und tho ma. chTncry by ' tho Into colobrated 'Mr. Ronnie, of London. The Mill has fivo gangs of Saws, furnishing its own fuel from the.slabs and snw dust; anu on tho grounds containing about 10 ncroR, is every necessary out building, among which aro Black Smith’s shop, Gr'iRt Mill, Tor. ning Lathe, Brass Foundry, Ac. Ac. borides n Rpacious natural basin for the sdfo kcoping of tho logs. . A constant supply of the choicest timhor Is. obtained from tlvo inexhauslible lorosts on the hanks of I he various rivers whose outlet Is at. Darien, and the lumber sawed from it obtains a decided preference wherever offered. As tills is tlio only establishment oftho kind between Savannah and St. Mary’s a prudent superintendence at homo and proper agents a. broad are only wanting to muko it as productive as any prnporty of tlio kind on tlio soa board. For turthor particulars apply to WM- ROBERTSON, nov 19 Savannah. New-York Rice Mill. P LANTERS in Goorgia, are notified that they may ship Rough Rice to Now.York, where it will bo pounded on Toll. Merchants wishing to ship, also may havo tlioir ricn prompt, ly pounded. Partios may find llioir own liercoB. Tho rice pounded at this mill, leads the New. York market. Parties desiring il, will reemvo a oasli payment in ndvunce of two-thirds tho market vulue of their rico, on shipping it. For further particulars, apply lo COHEN A MILLER, nov 20—1in|| Agents N, Y. Rice Mill. Cheese and Butter. CASKS superior Goshen Chsesn 20 kegs do do Butter 30 i do do do do, just ro. cr.ivod and for saio by nov 11 CLAGIIORN A WOOD. 20 kegs Liverpool Ground Salt. •a SACKS Liverpool Ground Suit JL 100 boxes first 'quality Sonp 6 hulf pipes cognac Brandy, Fnrsnlc'by M.DILLON. Tclfuirs wharf. dou 9 Old Irish Whiskey. . P URE as imported. For sale hy MICHAEL DILLON, doc 11 . Telfair’s wharf. Fine Boots. 4 CASES Calf Boots, just received per Eli Whitney, n part of which are of 'a superior quality- For sale by dec 3 H. N, ALDRICH ACO. Ladies French Slippers. UST received from Philadelphia, 2 cases Ladies French Slippers* For sale hy 1 r mivn,. . V. J dco 3 Books. H EMINISRNCES of Niobuhcr,llicIIistori. an, by Ur Franois Liober an ^ Duvontrvi, Talcs liy Miss I’ardoo. Lives uf tiro Nooromancors, by \Vm God. Win, author of Caleb Willinms. /• Waslilngtonll YRo, in Latin Trodr, hy Fran, cw Gloss, A. M., editod by J N Royfulds, Slight Reininoscohcus of the Uliinu, Switzer land, und a enrnor uf Ituly, 2 vMs, • Paul Pry’s Comlo Skoloh Booki by John Poolo, Eso. I Clinton Bradshaw, or tho adventures efa Law. yor. Story’s MLcollanoous Writings. Tytlur’s Universal History, now od. 2 yMs.Bvo tlon , ^ r0ttl ‘ K0 0,1 ^“hiionnry Oqnsump. Paulding's Works, vols 5 and 6, comprising letters from the South. * b Zinzandorfand other Pooms, by Mra Sigour. noy. Bulwer’a Works, vol. 2d lire Disowned. Clu-aieal Library, Vol; J5. Euripodos, trans. latcd by. Rev. R Potter, 3 vnls. r.of Science, or Nature Familiarly Dovnbqiod. The Book of .Sciohco,' n familiar Introdnctlon to the principles of Natural Philosophy, adapted ..... ... mtllllll C liuunujlltj , __.. t to tho comprohansion of young poopl«, part 3d. , Crockett’s 'Jl’mir to tiro North, pt»wn East, Ac. Ac. Croekotl's Lifo of Mnrtln Van Burin. Tiro Life of David Crockatt, written by him A further supply of tho Magnolia, and .tho American Almanao, for 1836. Also, a Ibw English Annuals, for 1836, re* ceivod and for sulo b^ nov 39 TIIOS. PURSE A CO. . ALDRICH A CO. A.-Champion, Off erafor aole,juat received per brig ]Vtr, Taylor BBLS. Canal Flour 12 do. Crnckors 10 half bbls Fulton nmrkot Boof 2 bbls Greon Peas, 2 bbls. Cranberries Half bhls, nunrtor and kogs Buckwlient Meal Raisins-Piokit’s, Ae. nov Ifi Fresh Garden Seeds. J UST received and offered for sale hy ^ _ . a.g.obmLer. nee 4—tlm Drng Store, Youngs huilding White Lead &c. *4 414h KI ?GS White Load 75 do Black'do 5 hrls'Point Oil. For saio by doc 1 ENSWORTH A WAY. For Sale. A FARM, about six miloH from town, con. taining about 300 acres. Also, A good draught horoo, young nnd perfectly gentle in harness Apply to W. E. LONG. 4de V—\ til 1 J.: North's Solution of Kroscate. T HIS invaluabe arlieio, lately discovered to bo tho preserving principle of PyrolignioitR Tar, has obtained a Iiigh charnclor ns no anli. patrescont and styptic agent in tlio Hospitals of Europe und this country. Front Ilia'grout number of surprising curnB it lias performed In Cancerous Ulcers, Old Soros, Tailors, Ring Worms, Chops, Buyns, and-will immediately nr. rest bleeding at tiro noso or fresh wounds; it is received us an o-tablislied urlicle'nf tlio Matorio Modiua. Prepared only by Dr. North, Domini. oot27 210—IQm New Goods. O BALES 7.4 8 4 9.4 A 10-4 Duffie Blankets 6 do Dninostin Kersey's and 1,insoys 6 do Rod nnd Whito Flannels 3 do Brown, Uloachod and lied Canton Flannels 3 dn Dnmartio Plaids and Stripos 50 plecos Coltnii, Bagging 50 do Sattinets assorted Colors nnd qitnHUioa 50 do black Bomhiizots and Cireussinns 50 do Popgeo silk (Innkerchiofs .aisortod colors sizes and patterns 50 do Cotton Cambrics assorted nualilies 100 dor Mixed and Fancy Cotton llulf IJobo 50 do Woollen and Lambs Wool do do 100 do Ladios Whito Cotton Hose 50 do Ladies Black do do 25 do Misses Slate and Fancy do 10 do Ladies Black and White Silk do 100 do Dluo Handorcliiofs . 100 groce. Furniture, Binding assorted colors Exclusive of a grout variety of articles not onumeratod. Rccoiued by Into arrivals iron) New York and for sale on accominodutihg terms by den 4 -WILLIAM WARING. Ploughs nnd Corn Shcliers. J 00 PLOUGHS, assorted 10 Corn Shollors For sale by nov 27 N. B. A If. WEED. Negro Cloatli. C DALES Kersey’s assorted colors nnd qunl. Hies, just landed from the Now York puck- ets, an«l fur saio by nov 28 WILLIAM WARING. Stanley’s “ Hotary (looking Stoves.” A NEW supply nftliose mostapprovodCuok* _rlL ing Stoves just received hy J. B. HERBERT A CO. doc 2 . Agents. Mill Irons. J) MILL Cranks, 12 Wing Gudgeons. YD 4 Rag Wheels, 6 Saw Stirrups and Noddla pins. For saio by N. B. AII. WEED, dou 2 Raisins. IWHOLE boxes \ Superior 6 50 half do > lunch 50 qunctur do ) Raisins. For calc by COHEN A MILLER. doe 14 Blankets. My BALES London Duflils, 8 by 9, and 7 by # 8 of a suporjor quality 1 bale Rose Blanket*, 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 Will bo sold on ronsnnihla terms by nov 21 FRANCIS SORREL, Men’s and Youth’s Gaps. J UST received, a splendid assortment of Men's and Youth's Cloth Caps, of the la test stylo, from tho well known factory of Luko Davis A Son, New-York, for solo by nov 28- A. WOOD A CO. New Goods. I^TORTON A FULLER, havo just roeoivod by ship Milludgnvilln. Fino Olivo, Green, Block and Bluo Cloths. White and colored enuntorpanos. Striped Snltinots, cotton yarn. English Shirtings. Cntto/i nnd worsted Hosiery; Mull, Swiss, and jaconet muslin*. Curded do do - do Sentoh Plaid Shawls.' Pinna covers, with a variety of other staple and farcy goods dec 14 Cincinnati Bacon. TIERCES Hams 7 hhds Middlings 1090 lbs Shoulders, superior quality, and in fine order Just rnceiyed per brig Francos,from Philadel- pbia, and fur talc by dec 14 BAYARD A HUNTER# too dee.I Canal Flour. Bbls Canal Flour juat received and. for sale by ENI XSWORTH A WAY. Astral Lamp Shades und Glasses. * HHDS Astral Lamp Shndo, plain and cut 1 do do Chimnoy Glasses, mnbn tops 1 do Mantlo Glnmv*, elegantly out 3 oases Globo Lamp Glnssoa ^4 do Glass Lamps, low priced, and now patterns, just roeolved und ftir sale by n °V, O. R. HENDRICKSON. Starch, &c. BOXES Colgatoa sun’r Starch ,, 2 eases English Fig Blue Qcoreons Spanish Float Indigo, just ro. solved uhd fur saio by nov 2 I G. It. HENDRICKSON. 141 —J» r . Visiting Cards nnd Cases. A'. FINE assortment of Plain, Gilt A Enn. /m moiled Visiting’ Cards, and Elegant Slroll nnd Ivory Card Casus, inlaid with poarl, with lino uaiutod Heads aud Landscapes Just o- ponod, nnd fur saio by nov 17 0. R HENDRICKSON. Clothing. T HE subscribers have roeoivod nor Exact, an additional supply of Kondy Mado Cloth, ing, and other artlolos In tlioir linn, oithor wholosalo nr retail, for cash or approved credit. HAMILTON, HOUSTON A OO. ■ nov 24 Fashionable Straw iiotmets. "H 42 ^SES splendid Tuscan and split " 9 Straw Bom.ots, first quality, at luw ratos, viz : 60 Ladios Oriental ami Gimp Glpsays 60 M Florence and Gimp Gipsoys 60 Misses Floronoo, Gimp Gipsoys, and Cnttagos 60 Ladios Oriental and GlinpColtogos 50 *• split Straw Cnttagoa 129 •» Log horn Braid Dunstnhlos “ narrow Tuscan Braid Gipsoys . and Cottagos “ Silk Gimp Gipsoys A Coltagan All of tho nhovu aro olibrod nt uncommon low ratos either by wliulosnlour rot all by A. BENNETT, No. I Young’s Buildings Murkot Square, nov 18 Alkinsons Vegetable Dye, &c. A TKINSON'S Dyo fur changing Grey er Rod Hair, Black “ Depilatory, for removing supor. fluou- Hair " Curlihg Fluid, for promoting tho growth of hair fl inuoli colobrntod Boar’fl Groaso, for growth of hair Hudson’s ilntntiic Dcntrifico Rowland's Essortco of Tyro do Mooossar Oil A-fresh supply of thoso arlioles, warranted tho gonuinu English, just received, and for sale b / G. It. HENDRICKSON, nov 11 ^ Hay! Hay! $S4fe42‘BUNDLES superior Enstorn Iloy In store, and for sulo hy nr,v 24 ENSWQRTH A WAY. Combs, anil Brushes. UPERFINE Ivory Fino Teeth Combs k9 “ •• Dressing « “ S' oll Dressing A Pocket ♦' Real English Hum “ «» “ »* 50 dnx sqporiur English and Ainurncan Ilair and.Cluth Bruslios, choice now puttorns 20 groce Kngli»h, American, nnd Fronoh Tooth Brushes, in gront vurioly* Just rueotvefl per YVm Toyior. uoa ftrsalo," wholosalo or.retail, by nov IB G. R. HENDRICKSON. An Ordinance 7’o amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance for- the bet’er keeping the Squares, Streets, and Public places, of the City of Savannah # and clear from obstructions. HEREAS tlio erection, or construction, nt*'booths or tontsin tho squares, strouls, hums, or other pl.ico of this city, is of much in. jury and grout uunuyanco to tho cittzons of 8a. vannah.. Bo it tlieroforo Ordainod, That fyom and af- tor the passing nf this ordinnnee, ,if any person or persons, without previously obtaining tlio written consent oftho Mayor and two thirds of tho members nf the City Council, shall pluco, erect, or construct,or cause to bo plucad.orocled, or constructed, in any square, street, or lano, or otuor placo, oftho city'of Savannah, any booth, tent, or other obstruction, ho or they’ shall, on conviction tlioroof, before the. city council, bo finod in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollurs." And in cuso tho person nr persons so placing, erecting or constructing said booth, tent; or nb) ►tructinn, shoujd refuse or neglunt to remove tho suine ufuir duo notico to him or thorn for thut pmpnse givon, then tho said booth, tent, or oth- nr obstruction shull bo fnrlliwiih retnovod by. tlio marslml ondcunrtablos of said ciiyJT or by; oithor or any of them nt the propor expenso of tho poisons to oflbnding. And if any person or porsons shall mpleat or. trouble tlio said marshal or constablos or oithor, or any of them in the execution ol* this, his, or their duty, fl uch person or persons so offending shall, oq conviction, thorbof, bu fined in a sum not exceeding ono hundred dollars. And bo it furtbor ordained, That If any peN- son or parsons so placing,erecting, or construct, ing suid booth, tent, or other obstruction, af ter tho sorvica of tho aforesaid notico by tlio marshal or constable, or cither of llioin, shall oppose tho removal of said booth or obstruo tion, or, ifaftor removal, shall rororect or rc. construct tlio said booth, lent, or nlhor obstruct, lion, ouch and overy such opposition, or re-oroc. tion, or reconstruction, it shall bo doomed and considered a repetition of tho offence,* and bo punished in the manner hereinbefore statod. That aU’ordinnnccsror parts of ordinances, militating against said ordinanco be, and the same is horoby repoaled. I'ussod in Council, this 10th Deo 1835. R. M. CHARLTON, Mayor pro tern. Attest, 8. Ki.peht Muse, d.c. o Flour, Crackers, <fcc. i> Af BBLS. Butter Crackuro o 15 half do do 75 bbls Philadelphia Pilot Biscuit, Bla den’s brand 100 do Navy do 50 half and qrbbls Buckwheat Flour 10 half bbls Ryo Flour 10 qr do do db 50 bbls Canal Flour 30 qnlf do do do 1.3 boxes Starch 50 do Soap 20 do Aliistaid 100 lbs Cloyes 75 lbs Nutmegs 100 muU"Cii8*in, 20 qr bbls Sicily Wine 5 qrhbTs Old Madeira do 5 dn Malmsoy do 10 boxes Stoughton’s Biltors . 10 do Lemon Syrup 6 casks London Porter 50 boxes Raisins 50'half do For sale by dee 7 ENSWOItTlLA WAY. m 4 Bottles Wanted, I.r. hind, of Old Will, und 1’orlor Oottlo, pilrolisaod bv n°v 84 i Q. R, ItEN’DIttOKSOW. Ward's Vegetable Hair Oil. A lSHftH of tilt, mtloll eelobrnlud • < I.Illir Oil l„.l J i* Ll_ .... T Hv «« mi" muon coiobratoi ‘ Uulr Oil, just rocolvet] nnd for saio by G.* tt. HENDRICKSON. "W 10 Sole Agent. Prunes and Malngn Wine. rg v WI3NTY Fivo bosnu fronb Pmnn. B lUqron.kH SwoctMulngn Wlno Landing from brig \Vm. Tnylnr and fur unto b , GAUUKY *, LEGttlEL. tmv 17 Carpenter's Clicmiculs. F LUID F.xtraot Sasparilla •' “ Bunkio „ , “ , “ Pink Root Precipitated ** Bark A flesh supply of thoso cholco articles flom thu Laboratory of Goo, W. CorjHintor, Philadel. phin, just roeoivod, and for sulo by "°V 4 O. H, HENDRICKSON’. Saratoga Wator. 1 A4l l K) , Z .' “"•'"tt* Water, fre.h bottled iWIisSm L,no " &CI ’ rk ' j “■ l r °- nnv 13 6. n. HENDRICKSON. 3 lint. Iiigh llavared Burgundy Madalra 3 dnz. climno Alogria Port Ao. For sale by FRANCIS SORREL. ~ " Notice. T HE umlnrsigned havo funned a copartner- ship under the firm of WOOD BRIDGE A MAY, ^ for the transaction of a Gnnural Commisninn • nd ro^l»8ftflilly Offer.their services to tlroii friends and tlm nuhfio.; WYLLY WOODBRIDOE. GEORGE HALL MAY. ■ff.BYap.qah, Nc.Vtl3.1833.^ . ... Afisi^e of Broad lor Dec., 1835. ‘ City Treasurer's Office, Dec. 1, 1835. nriHE avuragn priceofFlour Iwing soyon dol^ Jl lars iwr barrel of 196 lbs., Bread must weigh as follows; 12* pits Loaf, - - i. Q lbs. 10 oz*. •• *r lib, . 5 OZS.' dec 4 T IIOUSTQUN, Cily Treasurer. English Garden Sccil3, WING to the many complainU modern- .. gainst Vegetable Garden Roods misod at;tbo north. The Subsqriber has procured at consid erable trouble and expenso, p supply from En- gland, which havo arrived and,are now lunding. tlmy comprize a fino aasortment, and wilPwr sold ut tlio samo price;* aa tho Northern seed. Country customers will please to fuwurd their ordors for the spring crop, dec D G R. HENDRICKSON. 75 Canal and BttckwhfeatHour. WHOLE, and 25 hulfbrl. Canal Flour 31) half brls Buckwheat Flour qr do do do 30 ' by dco 19t I half and fir hrl* Rye do, for sale ENSWORTU AAVAy. Merino nnd Thibet AVool SIiuwJb. 20 ’sbnwl. 8 4 SoarloU '" 1 ' vl,ll “ 30 .|ilqndid 0-4 prinlod Thibet Woo! Shawls 13 Yory rich 7.4 Plaid Thlbot Wool , Shawls, (now style) G Splendid 0.4 nnd 8.4 white ombroid: orod Tlillrot Wool Shawls 30 4-4 ombrnidered Thibet Wool Shawls 20 4 4 black Thibet Wool Shawls 24 Splendid Plaid Silk mantles A scarfs 299 fi 4’6.4,8.4, Mosaic Shawls u0 6-4 Volentia Sliowla rt.„ ^ nn ^ ^ Thlbot Wool, Sowing Silk, and Plaid silk Shawls. All of which are offored, wholosula or retail, very low by A, RENNET, no Wo ’ L Young’s Buildings, nf)V ’^ ■ Murkot Square, RTmlciru fliicl Sherry Wines. 4 HALF Pipes Madeira, •*Welsh’s hr and per Enlorprizo in March, 1834. S half, 18 qr, 4 eighth casks do do por Orbit, in u„.i. |6;i5. » In March, 1 nr and 1.8 cusks Sorcial, same brand and importation', y 2 pipes and )6<l'r. casks Madeira, J. Adam’s brand of the vintage of 1825. 30 caso*, l dozen boilloBcneh, old bottled Ma deira Wino, Goo.Day WoLh 20 dnz. old, very choice polo brown and deep gold Sherry 1 doz. hit'll lie Ltimlics Almonds. BOXES assorted Candies .«*> 5 halos soft shell 'Almonds Landing per, Brig Georgia nnd for,sale by Tmv 28 GAUDRY A LEG RIEL. F. M. Beef and Snusago's, HALF bbls Fulton Market Boof i.i ■ bill • do do Rounds 5 bnxus Bolngna Sausagoa 1 bbl fresh Pork, do in picklo; Landing per ship Ocmulgoo and brlgGoor; gia, and for sale by nov28 GAUDRY A LEGRIKL. Blacksmith’s Tools, Q^f'hb PR. Smith’s Bellows' daF\jP 25 Smiih's VieM' 30 AnvIK awortod qualities For sale hy nov 17 N. B. A H. WEEP. Look! FRESH,FA NCYib STAPLE DRYGOODS ROBERTS A BEARDSLEY. A RE now receiving by ship Emperor and brig Georgia from New York. 20 pices Satlinotts . 200 uo Twilled and plain Fanny Prints 25 do 4 4 Fronoh do 50 do 3-4 bluck and colored Circassians 6.4 colored Merino 4, do do Slialuons . 7 do 5.4 black and colored BomhajdirS 30 do heavy Cotton Drill 13 do Silk und Satin Vostings 10 do figured nnd plain Velvet do 5 uo black.Silk do do 20 do Silk Flag Hankorobiofl) * 20 do Pongee do 30 do plain and figured Book Muslins 20 do do Swiss do 50 do Gimp Loco 37 doz Linen Cambric Handkerchief 50 do Hoad do 260 4-4 5.4 and 6-4 Valencia and Thibet Wool Shawls 25 durum Prussian Shawls 20 do Fancy Silk do 30 do Ladies black snd colorodjHS Gloves 10 do Mens do do do 25 do Bomhasin SlocKs 200 groco Pearl Shirt Buttons 100 do Fancy and pluin Gilt do 25 do Lasting do 30 doz Ladies black and white Cotton Hose 50 do Mens nol’d and do j do 150 Gingham andTufieta Umbrellas, ole. nov 30 Canal Flour, &c, 5 *\ BBLS. Canal Flnui if 50.half do do 20 half obis Buckwheat do 25 qr. do do 10 half bbls. Rye Flour, landing from ship Newark, for saio low hy nov.6 ENSWORTH A WAY. Silk and Beaver Hats. B Y the ship Millodgcvillo, wo havo a very liands'iino assortment of extra fine Bonver and.Silk HATS, wholesale and retail by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. oct 29 Grates and Andirons, qQ GRATES, ussortod qualities H jO 50 pr. BruBs Andirons For sale by / .• nov 17 N. B. A H. WEED. Raisinsr . , ' ■ ■ Jnst Received, O NE hundred and fifty boxes Raisins. ^ For saje low by . nov 16- CLAGHORN A WOOP. ' . jMr "Tuscan HonnetB J UST- recelvml;, per ship : Bejlo, , and now opening, 4 oases Ladies Tuscans, which, in addition to. those recently, receives! compriies a largo assortment, wholesale or retail, very low by A. RENNET, nov 30 No. J, Young's Building*. H A r V «rriMntnnww for foi; sale oh acoorhmoddllng torm«, 10 halos colored and flrbwu Domostics 3 do Wadding 1 *” •° lB , *• 2 do Rnil Flannels • U casos Bieaefted Shirting*, aborted tadali itlo* S do Ladios Bdhnetfl do doh- .1 do Satinotts do do 850 doz Head llnndkerchiofir, do sizes’ 6.4 injured Morlnn - do .do 10.4 Cassiinore Shawl* ‘ ont 91 v , . ; 5 Hrug«, Metlioinu*, i Caso* Epsom Salts 35 bhls, Glauber do . j . 259 boxes do do ' ' ^ 1 tierce Gmii Oamphoa 1 ci%»o Gum Opium 3 du Pulverized Jala;) . 2 do do Rliubatb. . 0 do Calcined Magnolia, Englijli 2 do Garlmnnto do . do 1 do Sul Soda 1 Gum Assofuetlda 39. bbls Green Conpora* . 3 do Irjsli Glue 10 do Chalk 10 do Whiting H do Macntioy Snuff . 3 do Scutch do 1 do English Mustard Scod *;i 6 do Aluohol . 19 do Castor Oil, No, l and 2. , . R°coivnd per roennt nrrlvnls, nncMVir sale liy n °v '■< O. R- HENDRIOKBOitf. Wove Wiro..-,: not 20 ^FEETbWovo Wire fbr ltice Mill*, ^ M U 7 N.Br^AHt.jl Shot Guns, 8 CASES Double Barrelledftaftnialnn' Guiis assorted, Roeoivod, and for sailo bv ' N. B. AH. WEED, net 20 * Enstern PotntoeB. J BAURELS Eastern Potatoes l 50 kag( urt-l, Tobacco. ; »i)f) bogs Coffiie—I/O tiding and ftir riiln by »v ^4 W. !J. THOMPSON«rCO,; • l' tA/nn,l j: /I.** ’ ' Vl’/'t 1 :tB i y A. Wood if (Jo.,. Sign of the hrg. White Top Meet, mxih-eatt ”/ "«•*•( Sqttme. , , > ■Jl AVE rooolvud, by tbo late arriv-nls, and nro * Jia Ojionin* ,in |..n, ilm followl™ Shura / SOU |wlr muil'a O.lf, (infrgoil Onol... 11 “ '• “ double tolra, 59 '* Sonnions’ Boots 590 Moils’Calf Brogans. ^ 1290 700 2900 3900 2990 390 500 20i) 690 490 509 100 , J(ip do ... j .... , Liiiofi and bound, do. StuUI, do., 1st quality “ do 2d do Shooq Boys Kip Brogan, 1st quality. “ d'*. • 2d do •- . Calf do , Stout, do M , ; Shoes . j . • Wotnona' Lumbar Boofa "I ; •' ' Him,.' • " Willies. 4 oases Ladios’ Rubber Boots and Sjioo^, * 'imfil * * Mens' and dn Sliucr « ** " do river-dn. *, ... - - 16 nests Seal Trunks •' Which, with various other article* In thoir. lino make thoir assurtmunt coiuplole, nnv 2 Brotight to Jail, O N tlio 20iii, William, about 35 yours of' ago, 6 fool 10 inches high, who. soya that . he bolnngB to J. P. King of Augusta, and that ho was sunt to Liberty County Hy ids nisytorto bo cured of fits. Y, s. PICKARD, nov 07 ‘ O Brought to’Jail.' . ' ,N tlio 3d in si. TOM, a yellow follow about * 25 years of nge, 5 fool 6 inches high { lils boon cut.■leav* “ 11080 till. Iioou CUL Inavinj. n bch// Horny, ho bolonu.liijnlm S. Bool, livlhir in Tusooloow oounly, Aluboum. V. S..FlCKARD I J.1l 0r ,- Bmtiftht to'Jail, ,N tho filh ilislant, KNTIIUM,'qliout'JQ vo»r. nlil, 5 Hot li Inchon In .holghti who m,« ho liolong. to Janie. Allrii of Buiko Co. Oeorgm, nnd that ho rnnawny In Annul"! l.rt ' nov 11 Y. S. FlGKABp, Jolldv. o a liroucin (o Jail. . N tho 31.1 ult. NED, about 60yoot.nfnir« 6 (hot 3 incite. Bib,-,; who mi;, ho r,manor from a Mr. Norton of Juiiiph Island, near Chur, lesion, S. C. Y, S. PICJCARD,Jailor. Brought to Jail, O N.tho Iflth, CflARLES. about 17 yenr* of ago, 5 feci 6 inohos liigii, who says ho b'o. longs to John G. Boall, nrtd -: thut ho has been hired out lo work in Durion.iffc nov IB V.S.WCKARP,Jailor. Brought to Jail. I tho lst inst. BOB, abuut'20 years of *g^- at 4 inches high, busliy'hend, who'say* . iV* 1 ^Lr’ 5 lent 4 inches high, busliy'hend, who inya . ho runaway, from Wm. Hnywobd, living dh pi. cotalign.-S. C. about the 16tli ult. ' ' nnv 0 ' Y, .8, PICKARD, Jallpr. Brought to Jail. ' O N tho 11th inst^ick ahoul-17 years of ago five feet fivo inolid* Iiigh, who says he Iro* long* to Dr. Atkins, Cndsnwiinthlo S. C. and. that ho runaway on Monday lost. 1 duo 14 Y.S., PICK ARP, Jailor. . Fresh Canal Floui 1 , .. ■ Jg-ink* BBLS Canal Flour 59 half do dir, 25 qr do do Just received by ship Macon from N Y.*t oof 9 C. L. MoNIS? .Paper. ... REAMS Fools'cap Letter Pcpbfii' • . 15 Reams Kentish cop do do 100 Reams wrapcliig.pnpor, for sale by dec 2 N. B, AH, WEED. William > Waring}.' ' f. H A8 now landing from brig Camilla, just . arrived from Now York, a large edditiou to hi* fnrrnor stock of Goods consisting in part »'f thojollowing articlos.• ' , . a £ 20 Isles 3.'4-Brown Shirl 10 cnsoH 3.4, 7-8 and 4 4 Bleached do 100 pieces 3-4 and 4 4 Domoslie Plaids 100 do 3'4 and 4-4 do ChocUk 50 do 3;4 fine do Stripes 100 do low priced Print* 50 do small figured do" 100 ladios Ribbed While Skirt* 50 do fine Corded dp' ou ao nnc v/orqeu up »• • . • 50 do lndjes white eotthn IToMv,inoatlj*-i-—- fino hi rtogiUn".,. io i.i .. 30 do Misses do du assorted sizes oiid qiialitios P' - ^ !0 do do Blank do do. ' " 20- do do Slato do du • • / 50 do bluo Roinai Haifdkoroliiufs, gbad do Vorona do . 50 do. ,large Fancy .. do ' >. 3 pieces black -ilalian Lustrings assorted quulit|o* J ‘ ” * All colors patent Thread, plated JHboks and. Eyes of best quality, Japanned Button* ftssnn. top sizes and qualities, Blue Italian sowtug Silk Pearl Shirt Buttons assorted, Ac. Ac.. ducO^J • ‘ ~ Thermonicters. T WEtjVE long Theruioinctora for. Sugpr Boilers, just received nnd for rale by deft 2