The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, December 25, 1835, Image 2

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- Ik v\ ftV, vm® . MU** moUliOtlOMI COTTdN-tlpImHl, on), to mid. 13 s 13 Fair to flood, 134 a lli rrimo, 14) a 15 Sea I»la«a, 30 ft 37 RtaimMl, ; . c n HF'- crms-nfi^js 9 ? so «i? 75 ' • H.VV—SI 37 . 1 43 WHISKEY—P.r Billon, 1,1,8. & 1,01. 38 a 40a. BUM—Now England,. Mr gallon, 30 ft 33. GIN—Northern, por gallon, 40 a 40. Tobacco—Manure. 10 a 15. Mmmfkcturod, 10 a 95. MACKEREL—No. 1, R 75. #4¥4JBrW4ttt FRIDAY MORNINO, DEC. 23. u\* fiar-ipnufrud ban tux, ofi,Vtng may it " O’er Me land tf the fret and the home of the hate,” 3.87 50, 3, #5 o, 85 75. TAT.LOW-Por lb. 10 a U . BORK—M#«, 817. • BACON—9 a III cent*. HAMM—10 a 13 cents. LAUD-13 a 13 cents. BUTTEll—-Goabon, 31) a 31 conta. BOAP—YnlloW, 4 a 7 conta. CHEESE—'9 a 10 cent*. , ©ANDLE8—Northern Mould, Sp. rmacoti, 31 conta. Goorgia, 10 conta. LUMBER—Yoliow Pino Ranging Timber, 7 n 10) Stmiii tiuwud, $16 ; F looring Hoard#. 18) JUvur Lumber, Board#, PJank and Scantling,10j12) Uuarutrud,14 inch Floor, ing Board*,$13 50 a 14; White Pino cloar, 833 a 95 { Morohnn table, 81 5; Rod Oak btavro, 813 a 14) While Oak Stuvo#,#30 . a 33; SiungiM, 84 a 5, roan ion rnooncTioN#: », 35 • 90) Tow, rvmr. ion rnonoc BAGGING—Hump, 25 a 26; ' U8NAUUUGM—«} a 11 cents. BRAN DP—Cognac, Otnrd, IJtiptiy &. Coa. brand, 195 n900; other brand* ll)u a 137. GIN—Huil*ud, on a 119. N ALT—Cargo snln*. Hack*, 81 09 a I 70. 8UOAK—Havana, While, 13. Brown, 9) a ill; Muscovado, norm j Si. Croix. 1(1 a 11) Now Orleans,8| n 94) Ro Brtml Loaf, 15 a 18 ) Lump, 14A a 164. CQFTEFJ—19 il 14* conta. TEA—Hyson, oil a 05 conta, HUM—Jamaica, loo a 11U. Wort India#, 80 a DO conta. fifcrMOIaAHaEH— VVort Ilidbr, 33 a 33 ct#. fr';’. Now UrioutiH, 4Uo E?V • Uuorgin, houo. ’ LONDON I’UIU'Kft—#3, |«r dinan.. 11. I! 5- ■' kkuiUnubi ■On Ewomnh—7 a 7) pr, ct prom. Nrw Yoax—30duya, ) a I pur ct.t1I*coimt. 60 day#, 14 a I4 poi cunt diauouui, Bank Cukuh#—<m A aw Ponx.PnuajJKU UU and Uai.tinork—pur, U. 8. Bank Nut*#—par. Ckntkal Uan\, aon Aurrem Banks—par Ciuklkstun do— pur,I pur ot. di#. Uakikm Hank Uiu* puyublo at Branch in Savannah, pur. Dakikn Bank Bilik, payable at Principal llniik in Dariun, 4 por ot. dis. Oilier lire null im, I jmr coni dirCiHinl. HankStatk oHJiomnu Huts, pn r iihtn nt Itrnnoh m Auguaui, pari uiiiur branches 11an coni dim. Macun, t ’-oi umhi*s. and Hawriniwuxk Bank Nora*— J par ooni dlanount. • AN K ftTOO-X. PjUJrrJW#' Bank—893, anion for $80 paid in, Makink and F'ikk Inauiunok Bank—839). Bank Statn nr Ukukuia—8195. Hank or Dakikn—805. rilEICIU’d-To Liverpool || a 4,|, To Pff Ml T"N.Vork.j a |j f,,r coKoni fbrKioo.y 11 a 4 — 1 o UoNion.ln aakod; F'or Rica ~.V *' i * ««»,«,. , *•«, » Wv « P^vidwnco, ) cl lhr Cotton; $1 50 the Savannah Shipping and Commer« dal Liet, l)ee, 94/A. Cotton.—Arrived since 17th hist. G30-I baits upland and 169 balo# #oa.i*|.md j and 'a leu rod in flieaainnlhmi 10407 bale# uplaud.&l 13 bal«*#ua Llund: leaving a stuck an hand hiohuivo of ull X*! 1,01 ®“<*wtpn ilia 91th inrtnnt, ot* 31 601 bales upland, and 811 baloa *>a inland. On. ilm data of our last rovinw, a demand for Uplands sprung up, whluli huvlng continuod through the week lias caused a lumv/ business ftl ft decline of ) * ! cent on the rules current previous to the receipt of Liverpool advice* to 31st Oc . Tho svlof yesterday, which *ro not included i n our roturns, aro belli vail to huvo Loon considerable. The s..1oh have *niouiitud U upward* of 9300 bulo*, thu particular# of which aro a* folluwa 1 40 at 19,50 at 121. 50 at «&» 97 at 12#, 185 »u 13, 395 at 13$, 1937 at j3J. ISB « 111). IBS .113,, 61 .1 IJ , sir, )*. M alH), 1307 ,t 141, 079 nt I I,, 75s .. m, 7, at 14,. 4,8 nt l4, 119 ,1 14 7i| ., Z.n bo*Isl.lids cuntiuuo neglected, dm talon U'lliB wnk Iw'n, utily 07 lain, at 34 • 37 oil. Ko.:aipU of Cotton ut tlio i.lscu. ntucuOotolior In. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION {OR PRESIDENT. NAI1TI.1 VAS-BDIUiS, or New to«k. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, mciiAKi) n, Johnson, or kkntuckv. MAY6IV8 OFFICE. Savannah, December 94M, 1833, Where##, by a resolution passed in Council thl* day, tho Mayor in directed to isauo his I»ro. damalhri, tatting apart Thurtdaj, the 31s/ inet. as a Day of Thanksgiving end Prayor to tho Author and diver of oil Goo d, for tho mani. fold innrcioa oxtondod to our City during the past season. Now, thoroforo, I, Robert M. Charlton, May. or pro tempore of tho City of Savannah, do bo.o by issuo Uii* my Proclamation, sotting apart tho a«id day for auoli purpose, and requesting its ob aorvanco by the Kuvorond Clorgy and Cilicon* generally. In witnai. whereof, 1 hare hereunto set my hand, and caused tho'seul of „aid city to bo nfllxod, thi# IwontyJuurtli day of December, eiglileun hundred and thjrty.fivo. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, .. ,, Mayor pro tern. 51. Mrgiti, a. a. 1 ITT" Tim, |)at lieiog Christina#, nopnpor will bo iMMUvd from tine Office until Monday. (D" Our Country Readur , in tho countio# 8uuth of Savannah, aro referred to Ihoyjrjf pogo of tliis day’# papor, for tho particular! of tlio destructive lire in Now York, a# publiahod In yostorday’# Daily Georgian. CONGRESS. In the Rimatit on Thursday (17tb lost.) Mr. Clay gsvo notice that ho would, on 5fon day nsxt. a«k leave to introduce a bill t»«ppio. prla«s, fort limited time, the prncsrd# of tlio sale* nftho public lands, and for granting lands tocnrtdn State#, and for other purposes. The Honale then proceeded to continue Its balloting# for tho remaining member# of its Standing committees, and the following wore appointed s On Agriculture—Mossra Kent, King ol Ala, Morris, and Wiight. On Military—Mo#ir# Wall, Goidaborough. Preston, and Tipi on. On the Militia Affaire—Mcsar#. Ilendrick#, McKean, SwiO, and Wall. Gw Natal Affaire—Mo##r#.Tailmadge, Black. Bobbin#, and Cuthbort. n { On Public Lindt—Musara Moore, Pronh##, Crittenden, and McKann. Ow Private Land Clalme—Moutt. Linn, Riiffgln#, Portor, King of Ga, On Indian Affaire—<Mo#ar#. Tipton, Caldabo roiigh, Swift, and Brown. On Claime—Mc»»r«. Tipton, Shcploy, Swift, and Brown, On the Jutlidary—Mosara. Buchanan, Leigh Preeion, and Crittondon. On Poet Offleee and Poet Iloadi—Mottr#. Robinson, Ewing, Knight and Davit On floruit and Canola— Moitn McKear, Robinson, K< nt, arid Rhbbina, On Peneiona—hlonute Tollmadge, Linn, Prentiss, and MoKoan. On the Diitrict of Cm/i/wiALj.—Mo#kr# Kent, Nnudain. Southard, and King of <3n. On Revolutionary Claime—Mossra Wliilo, Ilubhard, f^igh, and Hliopluy, On the Contingent expentet of the Senate■ Me#sr# Tomtinann nod Bn.wn. On Engroe'ted Hi lit—Muur# Hill and Mor. ri». A mraaago wa# received from the Homo o p Representative*, by Mr. Franklin, tbolr ctork, ■'hting that tlio Ifouso had pa-soil a joint rr#o bifion, providing for tho appointment ol two Chaplains, of diff'nrenldononiinaliona, in which they requo.t the concurronco of tlio Sounlo ) id On motion of Mr Portor, tho resolution wa# concurred in. Or» motion of Mr. Clny, tlio Sonata adjourn* «d over to Monday (9lat lust.) In tlio House, Overton Carr was appointed (by resolution) Dnor.Kooper, and John W Hunter wiaolflotoil a aistant Dnnr.Kcopor. For Mr, John W ffuntor, 155, John B. Dado, 29 Oliver Ph#«\ 17, Blank#, 5. Me#sr#. Carr and Hunter apponrod, wore qnnliiiod, and ontorod upon tlio dutio# of their odious. On motion of Mr. Hoard*lay, tho Prosidont’S Mosaigo was reforrcii to tho approprlato com. iniltoi-#, (tho Uouac buing in notninitloo of tho whole, Mr. J Q Adam# in ijje rbair.) OT No Now York paper# wore' received by yesterday’# mail, as into a# thoso brought by t|i» Excel, Tint StKam BhatCiikkokmr.—Wo yostorday emitted to Huto that the Cherokee ha# p,„. cooilod to Cliorloaton, having rceoivod litltu or no damago from going mdioro near Bull* Cut. 8m P-Joet p TI4U m Cumnu. -A .ImJ, Inc Jir,l nf "in „ lu |j lwuiw yesterday for one ilullnr. Thnetni.—'I'ltll l..lV Dr , of „, 0 , V |„ nt® ir , ,h...ho 0r ,„, ko a. n . okTy „ nlspI1M ^ Jnilali purfon. nic. tlio ,„d „ y , ro! '", , V'* Vor " w I«mol vu, " f ”!,!*■ /'!’ '.f llio clwwolor.) "flh« AWT' 1|| ° “""“"P'iunE ' * , ■ ;> JwSf' >< ',n .rnnll pril.o. • f lhr,l r every e„ce„. ymem f„r pilb , Jo . k —'••«»l«l,%--r»t nrw win Bonn = e... ridl ,,„, MMlof0ui ^ Prom the Con eoj-ondenct of the Augurta Chronicle, S tvftunab, Duo, 24, Itarlottoit, Duo. 18, Mobile, Boa. 19 New.Orloaii#, Duo. 13 Virginia, Deo, 5, Florida. Duo. 10. 18.15 77688 msT 37573 101081 7913 1093 1834. 78713 77370 150495 ■* ^ 306869 Tho fultowin^ a statement of (lie slock of cnltoii «m hand, nt tho raspuutivo place* tumud: gfTonnai., l)oo. 94, 31599 28369 . Char/aston, Poo. IS, 9700 Mobile, D-'C. 12, 91995 New.Orlo*ps, Deo. 19, 51609 Virginia, Deo.5, 57a f.lac n, Doc 1, 4815 Auguittand Hamburg, Deo. I, 19905 m .dolpbii. Duo. 5, * 735 New. York, Deal9, jqoo 17601 38179 63569 19385 ' » ™ , 130179 Kior,—There ha* loen an activo demand f.r - tgls article since our last, which soil* utmost 8# fast a* it arrive*. Toward* tho o]u*o of the ^ * • u, »° iojproveinont in price, i bo^touk in first ban s; eimtiuuo#light. The sa w of bo w. ok wllhoai h fully I8 »0 ouskaiaa fdldSv#, vlr. 1 71 nt 2 75. 301 u t 3 81, 822 «i 9 *7S20 at 2 03,285 at 83,27 ut 3 12,25 m 3 25. Flour—1* dull atlartwook’# asking prices. Bjilca ol 100 bbl# Canal at 8 50, 80 half bb!#' l'brtadelpht at 4 31 au#h, and 103 half bbl* II.. waril St. to arrive, at 4 25. Corn—Nu arrival*—roleila Horn store at 75 . a 80 cent*. t*rn.u—Holder# oontinuo firm, and /ho ronk eon»ideraldy r.duood. A .mall lot Pu/to Rico from store at 810). ta t *" ngi0llon- Umitod at our qua* Bao n—A Ut of 5000 lb*, sidiu brought 10 ctv. ~ „ SFiftiT**—Ip dumo 4io tho domand continue* of about 300 bbl# N E rum at 37 a 38 ct*. 241»bd* and 50 bid* whiskey ut 30 • 40, arid 100 bbl# gin *t 43 a 48 ot#. . Machkbri. — Sale# from tho wharf «*f 40 bbl# No.l, at 8 75, 184 libls No 2 at 7 50, bh«» 77 bis *•“3, at & 7ft* —"*^®r#tm4 that a tot nf 450 bun. cITTBSitero, nrrttwi tfurinj tho weak, uald at Salt.—Two cargoes sold during lbo week at mifo# nm transpired, and suvoreii.undrodsacks Livorptinl ut 1 62 a 1 70. of but ft small lot of 17 btids. Cub* at 3 .*4 eta. Statement of Cotton, Die. 2 | Stock on hand, 1st Oot. ***’ Rect j vnd this week, 'RoccivcU, previously, , 871 6301 7U503 S. I. 156 102 917 Ex Exported UiU wook, 10467113 Do. previously, 36322 311- J77480 1235 311-40769* 424 S\pckon hand, including ull’ not oluarud, cn thoSBhtpst., 30631 en WOUl.1 bo p|„„,„| , M p ann y ria , oi l o^ , '"'l"l’T Mr *' nnd *l‘® ininilublo ’I “ 1 ' 1 , "" r wo Boubl not, woUJ fonnw Ilia thrilling roonllootlnn. wl.lalt orouil ES!!i rfifc""'!* mm ' nry 11,0 nl '""” •0U09.,f.Mrr n„.p e » T , Jg, bumnr oflffK o f Sri'.r.K'v, orP'.wioa, oo,! ud i|,„ t | 101l oft> . &r ! ° h " H S » n, i ooutribulod |o our amusomont, NnnTK Canolina.—Tbomn, J. r..tmir, I?«„ (Wn nuroo) [. Wdbj 0 | 'wlll.o,,, oppa.lilj,, •>y. lo 18(1, , ■(ml tlio county of Crovop in tlio S.inta „f,b 0 C,«,„.-.TI,0 pM)g,,i|ifi ,, oc „ ril „ r or 3|l|! >iJ ‘T. .ro Informnl that 8mt (lMliirbinoo. provuil. ju Soalli Wc. lorn oounllo. | B r«l„,l„„ , 0 „ loCret|l I|ld|an ,; rho Crook, oro In Ibo oomiuon pruclioo of onin. he mio Ibo lolUomonl., In bnmii of« dn.on nr iwonlymcn, ,|„p,„„ , pwporiy with Ibo (Kin,,, llibnnoM, uu„. wl'.tU.oy ploo.o, and commini„ B | mmo ,| iat „ vlolonan on any who may, in ifo.ligl.'tnal. man. nor, oppose thoir proceeding#. 0„ | a8l Thur#. dny, Wm. ft. Ferguson ai.UGroon Tini'oy, wore found shot, on a placo belonging to the former and to which ho wa. about to remove; and two other* who Imd boon in thoir company, aro liko. W.#o supposed to bo murdered,os they can not bo found of heard of. Such a.latoihinj. domand. l|„ immediate and enorjolio anllon ofilia E»ccutivo. Tlio Mllilary and Naval Ha;Irina, and tlio Army & Wavy Chronicle, oro tobounilod. Tlio former work will bo continuod la im pro,out form—a mnnlhty, until February. Tlio aubao. quenl publication of tho uuilod will ho wookly. Until of ilniaa work., in thoir pra,. onl form., are well oondnorod, and whan unitod they cannot fill to .ucoced. Too .iihaoriplion price of tlio now rerlo. wlij bo (Ivo dollar, a yo»r, CKOROIA UiaiSLATURE., • IN SENATE—Doo. 17. Mr. Gibson of Wurron offered a protest of liluihtilf* ancJ Mr. Cuiio of Uiillooh, ngninst the laasago of thu bill fur tlio organisation of a 1 ’ourt of Error# ; wlilulj tva* ordorod to bo on. lerod on tho Journal Tho renolutionB nf tlio I Inure, for tho roliof of tho iniji^oni Doaf and Dumb. dta. wore a. ft rood lo, with umumlmont#, making tlio appro, iriulioii of 84.450 a permanent unnuul ouo,Riid aoroeting tho aoniponeuiioii of tho llw, Mr. Sinoliiir, to 8750, |)il|a Paeted—" to amend tho arrival laws now in foreo, in relation to tlnvo* nnd fron per. sons of color," the one reported by thu Anti a bo. Milan onimnUleo, -to amend the oath ndruinis. tornd nt Elcctimiv,yo.i#43, nays 23—nnd lo in. e->rporato tlio Georgia Ihsurancu andTrunt com. pany of Augusta, with an amondmont, making the sinrkhuldors liable fur Uvo yoar* uflcr tho, tala of thoir nto.rk yua# 49, nay.< 18. IIOU8E OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday, Docomlior 17, 1833. A message wa* rceoivod trom tlio Governor, transmitting a letter from sovorul cilizun* of Stewart county, setting toith that the Indians wore ooll. cting in largo numbore, on tho Alaba. uM.ftiilonf.tlM .river, wltli ovidojnly hortilo ini tentioin., and that lire Colnnol of tho county ro. msod toaut under tlio ardors sent by tlio Govorn. or) and praying immoi/iato rof(ff) which wss laid on tiiutablo. mid Mr. IConim offered a rono. Intinn, inutrituling tho Governor to give Innnn. diulo and affioiont aid to tho ponplo of Slowart county, or any other part of tho Stato that moy 0,1 t>y 1,10 Fncfiunw^—jvHioh was adopted. Bills patted—to nulhorizo the MUeing, issuing snd oxocuiingof attaoliinontB on the Sabbath day, on on other days, when tho defendant re. sido* out ol thu Statn—to lay a goijoral tax for 183b; offer rojociing a prenosod amendment, to tax mnnny lomlar# mid broknrs—and to prevent tlio salo ofArduntspirits to Indians und Indian, Sknatb, Doc. 18.—Mr. Wood,of McIntosh laid on tho tabloa pruamblo and resolutions, ap. •roving of tlio ontiro cmduct of tho Preside nt n ralatiiin lo our affaire with Franco, and dodging tho ponplo of* Georgia to sustain tho GoiioralGovernment, whiJo pursuing our inet claim* on Prmico, dto.—which wuro read, and 3011 oopio* ordorod lo l>o printed. On motion nf Mr. Wood of McIntosh, tho bill to ruviso, amond, und noireoljduto tli* Mili. lia laws, >yn* referred to tho next Guncral As annuity, BiU Patted—To amend tho act incorporating tho Guorgia Rail Road Company, so os to uu« tborl‘0 Bianolio# to WarronUn und Sparta. Ilut/#K, Doo, 18.—Hill patted—’Vo tiioorpor. ato tho Savannah Poor Hou*o and Hospital—to iron toil Druggist* from employing. #i*vea or roQ norsons oi color in compmimling or di*. musing modicluo#, and from, nulling or dolivnr* ng any poi#ori<iuft urticlo to any siuvo or froo poreon of color. Tho amendments of tho Sonalo, to tho Reso lution* of the House; for tho roliof of the indi. grni Deaf and Dumb, Ac. wore taken up and agreed to—yoa# 217, nays 5. Sknatk, Dec. 10—BiU Patted-To rovivn and continue tho ohar.or ofaho Macon and For#yth Rail Road Company: Bills Rejected—To add a part of Tattnall county to Liberty county -to nisa tlio coinmi*- siona of Tax Colloctora and Tux Roooivors, 25 Mr, Black nf Sc> ivan, who had advocated tho amendments proposed by Mr. Daria, expressed himealftolha asmo effect, and «tid ha alucetoly hoped, in regard to tho difference of opinion which exatood between himself and olhore, that futun oventa would prove him to bo Wrong, and them right. The delate was highly conciliatory and end. itable, ant proves that whatever difference of o. piniou may exirt on this subj< ot, is only ax to tho best in -ans of attaining the aamo end, on which all partie^ dacidodly agroo; that tlinro is but one (his matter) and that ifevor llio>Siato ed upon to. act, it will do so a* on this oc. cuion; unanimously t Tho final question on the Preamble and Reao luliona was tnon put, and they woro adopted un animousiy. Tho reconsiilored bill, to establish Biennial sowinnaof tho Logi»lsturo, Ao. was token up, andMr. Rambo offered os a substitute tlio bill ro. portod by him yesterday, to so amend tho Con. ■titution, n« lo slier ibo term of officooftho At. tornoy atd Solicitors Goneral, from tlirco to to four yours «o ns to *gioo with that of tho Judge* of tho Superior Court, a* recently alter, ed which was received, and passed, unanimous. Inomx Bill.—Mr. Hardin’* substitute to tho original Bill, offered by Air. Wood, ofMeln. toan, for granting the lands now in tlio occu. paney of tha Chvrokoat, end limiting tho In dians occupmey until tho 25lli of Novembor noxt, has paieud both hrauchos of the Goneral Aasombly. Fortunate drawer# of lands, in the Chorokeo country, may now obtain Grants on application, without tho certificate of either Cols. Bishop or Nolaon, ns horoioforo required by law.—Standard, 21#/ hut, NEW SfUltK Doc 4. London, Stock Exciianor, O .t, 20.—Tim Bank of England has glvon notice that it will ndvnnco money on stock and ollior approved bo. curitio#, on #unm of not in** than X2U00, at 34 J or cunt, por annum, returnable on tho 15-h of anuary; and that advances already inndo wiJJ linvothotorm uf roplymout ox’oridkd to thatpo. ri»d. Notwidintanding this, howovor, there is n considcrJdu piesHiiru fur inoi.oy, and Consol# are ffatiil 9J4, while thoffouiing #ocuritio* h ivo boon still inoroellucted, Exchequer Bill# having fftilen lo 10* to 11# premium, India bonds aro from Is to 2* premium, London, Oct. 31, 2 o'clock.—Business* in tlio Cun#uJ Market i* still yury limited, and the prioo lor the Account has becu, 914 a 4 without variation during tho morning, und Omnium is 4| a 4 premium. In the foreign market the approach of the lime fixed for t/10 last ccmvorsfo.i of tho Span, ish Stock, tho lGih of November, tho Bottling day of tho proHent account preclude# the liu. cpssitv of quoting nny longer the prico of the Old Corto# bond#, and thu other -Stock# as, un. lor* for actual money busiuods, no transaction# aro opened in thorn. Tlio Yacht Gem, with tho Marquis of Water, ford, nnd Id# o.impmion*, ha#arrived at Water, ford, Ireland, from New York. Tho Ffiiittdelpbm GrxmUm oont*(u# U,o follow, ing copy of• letter from Mo«sr#. Rothschild & Co., tlio Banker# of tho Aiuoriciin govorumont at Paris, to ihvir oorrospondont in Philadelphia, dated Paris, 23</ Oct.—Publio attention is very much taken up now by u note which it m said tho A morion 11 Cliargo d’Affhiru* hero has to dc. liver to Government, nuking for thu imine. diulo pupruiont of what is duo on tho treaty of liidortiiitiy, without taking nny notice cf the condition which tho chamber* Have thought pronur to add in granting tho money, ond which unfortunutuly the Minister is by no umnn# at liberty to forego- Wo cannot cnncoiva that oven the moat punctilious ussombly consider it against thoir national dignity, or that nny of the parlies concerned, to quality, by a low wards, langungo which ha# boon Husouptible of an un. p'oflMiit iniorpwlaiion, and merely (o express tlmt R was not mount a# injuri es,to tho honor ol a friomlly nation. Every onu i# persiimlud lliul tho intontion ofyour honoruhlu President never was to hurt tho tooling# nf Franco. It acorns to us imposMhfo that such sound policy as that by which your government i# guided, will permit kucIi itnmonso intorcst to bu eompru. ta»l»«s«S uoil||itit Jn jimpdrdy by a innro muttor of Torm, whon one party i# quit* roidyund wll ing to pay,undent bo eatielhd with the simplest nd: fiiixslon of its h.ivlngnoiod honorably; and tlio jfrimt in ijority nf poujilo connected with trade in both ootintrios, will no doubt do nil in their power to prevent the ties which unite tlmm bo. ing broken by qunryela from which nuno havo any _gond to oxpect. Wo oro thoroforo still confident of a poaceublo arrungomont, und hoping to louru thut you concur in tlmt upi nmn, wo remain, your#, &c. Savere Weather,—Tho weather suddenly changed on Piicsdny night from n mild real winter cold. A thcrmomeler in front of tlio Lx'diaugo, nt snnrixo yostorday morn. ing ntood^at G al.ovu zuro, and did not rbo during'he day, which wa# clear, inoro thnn throouogroi-s, AtBo’oJock la#t evening Urn samo tliormonioter stood at 4, nbovo 7 .o r o In si'U*lion* nioreoxpored to t| )0 keen north west wind tho tborniomptoffl must have boon down or bolow zorn at that hour, uml tlm cold was inoren. sing in mloiiHiiy, *Sim|, wenlhur must soon put u slop to tho littlo navigation that remain# in tho North River. Wo near that tliore wax considerable flouting joe bolow Slug Sing an 1 uesduy night. Tlio Moinori tl do h D .rd'.gno stnto, that tli 0 prosperity of tlio inanuf.ut..rios at Lyon* at this moment is unoxamplod. Tim order# from Amn. rio# nroso Jorge, that ii will ho (liflhult to ox«. cite thorn, and wagus ure excessively high. Tho ribbon trado at St. Elionuo i* ulao in a vo.y flourishing condition. From Jamaica.—By the John W. Cuter, wc havo Jamaica paper# to tho I?ih ult. Thoy contain linlo or nothing of interest t„ n, 0 / 4 , no riunnreadsr, Tim crop of sugar fur tho year ending 1st August 1831 was 79,405 hlids , 9259 tierces, nnd 3231 brio. For tlm youronduiff Ut Aug 1633, 71,244 hhda. 7902 tes, A 3.22 brla showing a docroaso of 8221 Hlids, 1357 tiorcos and 109 Ms. Tho quantity of rum mnmifno. lured decreased in tlio samo ported from 30.670 puncheons to 27,030. fflAIUHME JOUKHf A L, s»n sista ....7 05 ) spk 4 55 moil WATKft AT SAVANNAH... 44 POUT OF 8 V V ANNA11 DEC. Ui. CLEARED. Ship Sarah Parker, Wott, Liverpool. J. Camming Jr Son. . ARRIVED, . Ship William Brown, Tayior, Baltimore, 7 daya, Outlast to J Camming Sc Son. Sloop Eliza, Richardson, Turtle River. 16 bates Sea Island Cotton, to G Aoderson 6c. Son J F K*chlcr, U Habersham, MEMORANDA. Brig Charles Joaeph, up at Baltimore for Ibis CHARLESTON, Dec. 23.—Arrived, barnuo Ospfay,'Bartlett, Plymouth, Mail) brig Balti. ^heosbrough, Now Orloan*. Below, Sp brig Ahonconsgo, Coil, Havana. In tho Offing, Hr. ship Cornubia, from Livor. milt lin ,mi. \t..... .. . ... ...» voting, I,r. SI|||I v.ornuuia, inun jjivor. pool) barque Manto, Gardner, Boston) brig Wave, Lewis, St Mark* ) also, a Fr. ship and a TIid Charlu.tmi Courior of IVoJoo.Jjj. i, ali •i)'.,—Tiv.iyotmij Reif., about ol s ht tnnntli. ol.l, vhich h'tl binii l.kon In Si Tlwm,.' Tar. Uh,|aO mllOStily (rom till, oily, >U mornh. ■Inco, woro nfT.ri}i] for „] 9 yeilnrtl.iy,!i( tlio Ejr. L'liitngn. It I. rillmr BElnuinliniry, wn think, tut .uchi. thu fact, that thl. onlinnl i. to bo f.mml in nniiBiilor.bin number., wilbln an short distance of town, Bjl.Tlunn, llinTKnn,—The Uiltinmrc Amorl. cun ufTlinrc'lay Inal, any.,—.. Vo.lornny morn. Inf, Inlho City Court, John M MoKoivin ivao fouml guilty 00 B ri.'tor, during tho di.tnrbnn. MB In Ihi.uity in A gu.t lo.l, W« loam Hint SpOncnr, oimthor of tho rioter., ivo. ulso found guilty yostorday. Tho Aloj.n -,u Gnz.ilto of i|,o 18th in.lunt, Boyo, •• A loltor Irmn Now Orleans, roooivml on 'Vudncwlay, mcnUnn. Ih.t Rnhort P oMor S', .norly 0 Ropro.onK.Um In Congm., f„„, N 0 , rh ' Coroli"n) wo, killed In Toiu In , .klrmi.h •bout tho 15th Ndr. I, .,mE.-M»u._Iflho followin; I, ,|„ dl.. Ilngul.lung cli.roolori.ilo of o I,,dia»' Mon. wo coimot prefer any cl.lmo to tho oppell.Uon: J, nthtA' Man—Thorolortow,-nr woHa.hnn U’lV* 0 ., *Hf '7 in « '* S«g Harbor* Tw Now Y‘»rk, who ha* had seven wives—(nnr ,-r ,i woro of h „,|^ | j, f Imrying ground, onU Uio .oro.ith i, .Cil U, poroont. Hocsk, Doo. 19.—Tlio Proambloand Rosohi. lion# trom tho Anii-Aholuion omnmitioo, in oi>- K isilinn to tho incondiaiy movutnants at tho orth, were taken up, togothnr witTf* tho suh- utiluto nflorod by Mr, Hudson, which wa* with, drawn bv him. • Mr. Flaming moved lo strike-..ut tho Resolu tion oulhng on CongruH# to adopt some measuru to prevent tho trummiission of Abolition papun through the ma t 5 wlmih, after somo disotission, shewing tho danger, moflioioncy, and impolicy ot auoli a inuasiiro, wo# adopted, und tire Rcso. intinn was atrickon out. Mr. DoA'isof Elhor% movod to strlko out that part of the.third Resolution which exproeso# oonfidoncoin tlio North—not with n viow of declaring, in lire Koaohithm#, a want of corifi donon,4iui boonusn ho oonxidured that tho. gen. ora conduct of tho North hod not Im-ou such as to justify *uch a duclaration, and that it wa* in. consistont with any action whatever on tlio nub. joet, whioh tmplieila want of confidoucu, say what wo might and t ii thought. it best, thoro. fora, to avoid any expression on that point, oi. limr of oonfidouco or want of oouffdouco. To which, it was replied, that tho expression being now In, and pubii*hnd to tho world, to strike it out would bo tantamount to the doohntion of a want of cnnOd-mco ; and tho motion was reject, od—yoa* 40, nays 85. Mr. Davis of Elhort movod an additional ro*. olution, culling up..n u,o North to adopt iomu nromnUndcffimont Legislati'.m ogu nst tho Abo. 1 itionisl#, a* tho only poreildo moum ofatmnro*. sing thoir mevamontx; which was opposed on the ground, that the rosolutions already oallud upon them to adopt #om« prompt and ulffciont means, and it was best to leovo tho cholco to thorn, sinco if they udoptod tho courso reonm. mendod by us, and it did not succood, they would thou lay thu blamo of it on us. Thu Resolution w'ns lOjoclod—yoas 43, nay* —. Mr. Davis nf Elbert then raid, that having dono hisduty, to himself and hit oon*tiluonts,by recmnmenditiir such Amnniimnnt. ... «. . “ COIIJIBRCHL RIXQKl). Lvrmrr u.vtks vrom uivauvouL ,.»..oct. 30 LATKST DAT VS KROM UAVRK 31 Savannah Exports, December 24 Por whip Sarah Parker, for Liverpool—1222 bales Upland, and 23 baloa Soa Island Colton. Charleston Imparts, Dec. 18. St. Johns, P. R,—Brig Arkana**—25 hlids. 2 brla Sugar, 78 boxes Rai-m*. 17 hbls Coffee, 6 hlids Alolusso*, and a quantity Fruit. *• ^ Dec, 22, Havana*—Brig Catharine—35 hints. Aldus. 608, 25 boxes Sugar, 23!) bag# Coffee, ami a quantity Fruit. Brig Hunter—a quantity of Print. Charleston Exports, Dec. 22. Cakn.—Fr brig Joan Baj.tLip—481 bale# Up. land Cotton. r Bbeoelosa.—Sp. brigXmfa-ajlbilo. Ub* land Colton. r NE\V Oltl.EAHi,—-Lino brig Arabinn_33 lk los Rico, &c. New Voii«.-R,ig Oi.nrioi-83 hbls Rioo,12B baliu, Colton, and Murchandizo. Brom. brig, unknown. ■ Tire schr Horo,from Havana for Norfolk, with both mo*ts sprung, and other damago, reported in tlio offing in our lout, wus not in tight last overling, She may havo proceeded lo Satan• nan. PHILADELPHIA, Doc. 17—Below, brig* Ann dc L<ah, Kolly, from Mobile; Romulus, Aluuran, Savannah. Cleared, ships Margaret, Harris, llio Janeiro; Mit», Thompson, New Orleans; bijg Union, Turlov, St Ihumas) aohr David Pratt, Pratt, East Florida. By the sc hr Excel. NEW.YORK, Doc. I7-Cupt. Mumford, of tho schr Alonzo, from North Carolina, reports having soon on Tuesday, a brig sunk about 10 m l«# E,N. E.of Bar ing'it Light—topmasts and log iltant musts out of water. Also saw, near tho samu place, a brig nsfioro, with a lighter a. lo«g#jfftf. [Latier probably tho Napoleon.]— Capt. M,saw sovoral other vossuis opparouiljr in distress. Tlio packot ship Ontario, which was boarded by our now* boat on Tuesday evening, 15 or 30 miles S. IS. of t/ie Hook, tlio wind thou a gala at S. W.—wa# not insight from the Tele, granli station yesterday morning—but was pro. bably blown off by the N. W. gulo which set in uboul 11 oVlock. Our news boat brought up her loltor bag—Tho night wa* the mort bovoro experienced this gou*>m. Tlio boat was covered witlijico when sho cainc up. Tho Niagara from Charleston, wu# in siglitofftho Hook, but was not boardod, oud could not bo soon vostor- day morning. The brig Napoleon, GO day# from Tobasco, vh llavanu, Oct. J7, (whuresho putin for pro. visions) with a ftill cargo of logwood, lo Jacob Badger, and Moyer and (Iujioilan, wont ushore on Monday afternoon on Uariiegal Bar—got off, and anchored in 5 fathom# water, but leaking so badly that enpt. P made a signal of distress. Tho aolir Example, Van Name, honno for Vir ginia, wont to her cssistnnoe, aud took off tho 'captain, crew and about Ul) tons oflugwood— und got up to quaran iiio yobterduy morning Capt. P. and crew havo como up lo tho city. Tho Napoleon had lost mom of hor mills, long boot, and ono man provhma to going ashore, 1 he crew »ro ull frost bi ton, and hud no provi* Bion* but flour to oat bufure thoy went ashore. Tho brig will probably sink at lior anchors No doubt ull would have boon lost but for lire tlurely aaiiatunco uf Captain Vuu Numo. The ship seou by tho Ontario, 29ili ult. lat. 39 long. 574, wu* no doubt tlio Ajax, from this port for Liverpool—riot the England. Tlio schr Compeer, wu# drivuu from (reran, chore on Tuasduy night, oshoip on the flats be tween Governor’# aud Long Island. Returned, nleum boat Sandusky, bound to Charleston anil Havana, having on Monday ovoning, about 80 clock, off Buruogat, boon in contact with a brig nr schr and carried horrud. dor rope#, small boat, stay chain#, railing, net. ting und promenade j oc i i| wlioul lieutm und whoel*, rnibod her guard* loro and aft, stove in hor wheel house, bulk head, sprung her dock, damaged engine,and otharwiso materially dam. a god. Arr at Cowes, Oct 23, Noble,Stephens, Rich, mono, and salted 31 for London 5 Girard, Tuy- lor, pHy Point, und siiilod 31st for Brumuu 2. r >ili Moxicn, Winslow, Norfolk, and sailod 27th lor Antwerp. 3fllh American. Kltson, NO*Joans, witi los# of bout and sails, and^ remained Nov 1, waiting-orders. Tire Gov Brooks, which nut. 111 21*t, had sprung iMainmast, wus leaky, «sco and wont intu port to repair. PhUaiS’' m,DS ° ’ °“‘ S °’ ' Voo,lljur y. Tail, ArulBinlon lith.brlgo Cliarlotlo, Gr.insloill. N Y01 |, A cw > *'i!r Indio, Wuuii IStottinboat mail not arrived.] Arr. ot DiiSlmi, I3Ui. shi,, tulla Ro,.kh,IIow. land, S. Atlantic. Soiloil from Iliislol, 7lli .lilu Gotconcli. In. diun Oco.n. Sailed from Providence, brig Bmy, Havana Ar.-Et.Nmv Hiij-on, lUlli, eoIieb Scici, II„rl rmk, bt. Martin Ma;l, Selloiv, l-hiludi Or ,tti. “/“-.Fltf**"’- for Na ' v Vutk ' s “ ilu,J ' Wn .Uur shall, Wooslor St. Kitts, fa iTHEATftE. THIS EVENING Dec, 25th Will bo presented tho Tragedy of RICHARD III. < To conclude with tho Drama of BLUE BEARD! OR FEMALE CURIOSITY. £7* Box Shoot ot tho Goorgian Office.— doors open at 4 past 6, and performance lo commence at 7 o'clock* dec 25 Ladies’ Cloaks - W E have just received a largo assortment of Euglitb Merino Cloaks for Ladies, which are offered at extremely low price* by HAMILTON, HOU*STON it CO. doo 25 15 Cutter, Tobacco, &c. Firkins ohoLa dairy Butter, 56 bales Kentucky leaf Tobacco, 50 boxo# Doolittlo's Soap, 10 qr. cask* swoot Malaga Wlno, 2 hlids Jamaica Rum, landing nnd for aalo by COHEN At MILLER, dec 23 Money lost, FjnWO huedrod and twenty dollars in nova D. of tho Bank of Goorgla,dropped yos o i'a « Tlio finder will bo hborully rewarded by leaving tho snino nt this office. duo 25—r Choice Champwgne. A N oMoriinont ofttio mom approved brand,, in quart, and Pint., On liomUnt for ■ulo by TUITER Sc SISTARE. dee 25 Canal Flour. H BRL8Canal Flour, 100 4 do do JL ft™For #«ln by doc 25 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Hnisins. ■0 BOXEbS Buch RrLina 100 4 bx# do r}» lOl) brls Alnionds, for aalo by dec 25 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Fifty dollars reward. R AN AW AY froni tho plantation oi tho sub-oribjr four or fivo week# pas*, a no gro man named Smart, ho is an old looking ni-gro, about 30 yours ot age, lets his board grow very long, country born, largo mouth uboul 4 Toot G iuuhoM in height. , I havo groat reason to think ho is harborod out. I will pay the ubovojroward upon proof to conviction that hot* hirlmrod by a white porson, twenty dollars by u ordorod poreon nr ton dollars for the delivery of tho negro in Jail ,,r V> J.CUYLER. doc 29 Bouton, Williamson Co. p AVE rouoivrd jwr lute arrival# from Now 9L York Boston and Philud Ipfiia. 150 krlswhito Eastern Potaloo* 25 boxo* goshen Chouco 30 firkins do Butter 30 1.0 brl# buck wheat floor 3!) buxn# bunch UiLins 36 brl# Una Apjilos doc 25— p ssssssjr# Odontalgia Balaam, O R, MonnUu'* Tooth Acho specific. TW# cclobraiud speoiffo is not offered (0 lb« public to cure all dLeasos, but i* particularly recommended lor the cure of tlio most violent Tooth Ache. Among, t the numerous persona •v4o havo given its fair trial, it has never be oft known to tail of affeyding immediate relief. A supply of this certain remedy has just been received, and for ealo by doc 94 Q.R, HENDRICKSON. Splendid colored tiilks and Satins for DrcBscs« Jj /\ Piccoa plain and ffgurod colored poll do ‘‘St. V e«ilo and gro tie Boeton. ' 6 Pieces heavy coloured satlint, for dreeiep and cloaks. 10 Pieces black Italian gro do Boston ant} gro Donap silks. Fur ealo low by A. RENNET, No 1 Youngs Buildings, dec 34 Market Sqmirot Plains, Kerseys, &c. » Va r\.-v. > ! BALES Dark^ Llnsuyg 2 do Mixod Plains 3 do heavy Mixed Kereeyf 2 do Red Flannels (low priced) 10 do 3 4 Brown Shirting* 5 do 4.4 Brown Sheetings 3 do 5-4 do do 3 cares 7-8 and 4.4 fino Bloaohpd Shirting* and Shootings, assorted qualities Just received, por ship Newark, fro«j NotV York* and for ealo by deo34 WILLIAM WARING. Provison8, &c. lOOO Orangey 1000 smoked Tongnfttf -- — — 75 bins N Y city Pork, 85 do do Beet, 5 brls Wiscasol Potatoes, 20 brl# Onions, 400 bushel# AllumSalt, 118 bng# Coffee, 40 bri* Mos# Pork, 20 biizos Limon Syrup, 75 boxes Rii in»» 52 boxes Clmnipnigno Cider, J on f ,am8 (now), 20 boxos Horring, hlids Sugur, landing and for sale by doc 24 WM. II. THOMPSON & CO. liuckwlieat and Ityo Flour. HALFbbla and keg# just received O V 100 boxes Doolittlu'# S u ap 50 do Sperm Candle* doc 24 GAUDRY & LEGRIEU Hay. Bundles Johnson’* SnpoHor, Eas. •Ijvftiv^p’ turn Huy landing from ship* Stir, ling at Scott and Balfour'# wharf, for low, if lukon Trom thu wharf, duo 33—u Ar. ut Philadolpht:i, 18th, brig Langdon Che. is, Chorlo*t.m 5 *inop Gun. Lane Davis Now ork. Bolow, a square riggod vuvsol. i;ionrud '■(TE P,fllll,llli.n.l , I,!*.. 1 IT 1 , — - York. —vumui. i.ionrcu Eimirohend..r, Pita, Capo do Vnfde 5 Du|u. ware, Wilson, W. Indio* ; Ann Eliza L. Bur- lord, ttuvanu. At Capo Island, 13th, Wont lo ses, ship Os. •go, Durjon ; brig# John L. Hudgins, M..r*ejJle# S.buri;-, River Plato ; Pennsylvania, Rio 5 Pilot Jamaica; soundcre, St Croix; Emily Davis, ot. Martin# 5 schr. Emperor, LugUuyru, und so voral ollior vonsuIs. #-. Ar, , a . t ., P ^ 1 rI‘. d ’ ,3th ’ fll,i P North America Cliurcmll, St. Ubo*.—Cld, brigs Sobag.i, Ilavu. na ; Alfred Mutnr.s ,8, new Cuou. .Mp ilonrj, Djlliinnm. Iltli, Mexican, Johnson, Leghorn, Sept. 29. Bank uf Augusta Stock. 5000 Shares. ^|"UE Board of Director# of tho Bunk’ of An. J3L giiHlu, by virtuo of un authority, from the Stockholder#, will proceed to #oll ut Auction, hi front of thoir Banking house, on Thursday, llio Mill of January next, FIVE THOUSAND SHARES of tho capital #toek of said Instilu. lion, tho samo being fivo sixths of tho iiioronsn to its oapitul, authorised by tho fallowing act of the Logisluturo. . •» Soo. I#t, Be it Enacted, Tint the charter of tho Ilunk of Augusta bo, und it i# horbby do. clarod lo bo prelungo.l to tho firrt day of May, in tho year ono thousand eight hundred and /if. l r" '* See. 2d,That it shall ho luwful for tlio Stock holder# of tho mild Bunk, ut nny meo lng to bo cullod for Ibo purpose, imd in tho iiuumor pro. scribod in tlio oxi-ting charter, to increase tho capital of said bank from lima to time, and in such portion#, ns they may damn to bn oxpedi. out, not bxcooding tho whole six hundred thou. #and dollars, in uddition to the present capital of tho said Bank," •'* S° c - 3d, Upon evory such increuso, boing ngrood upon by u docisi.iu of llin Stockholders, one sixthmart of such inoroasod #touk, shall ho rosorvoil for the Slu tout par, until tlm end of iho #ur sioit of tho Logi#laturo,noxt after tho cap. ital shall bo#o inoreured. and that tlio uthor five sixths shall bo .lisposed of by tho Director# for tlm time boing, in llio nmnnor pointed nut by tlio second rule of tho original charter, fbr the bonofit of too Individual stock Imldors.ifnny bon- ufit there should ho in tho deposition tliorenlj llio intorost of tho Rlate in such case# boing equalized byjocoiving it# portion of increased stock, at pur, nshoroin boforo providud." By order of tho Bonrd of Directors ROBERT F. POE, Cashier. Bunk of Augusta, Nov. 6, 1835. nov 10—+14J. - Notion. ~ 7 /IJ^IIE undersigned cmimittoo will receive JL proposal# for tho erection of bulk heads across Uio foot of East Broad street, und tho ferry Wharf, until tho first regular mooting of Council in Jumiury next.. Fur furlltor particu. iars refer to either of tlio undor«igncd, IIENRY MoALPIN, i Conimitteo A310.S SVUDDEU, f on public ISAAC D’LYGN. S Docks. Lard and iiucon. hi^ri w,talvw 202 kog« iii'vv toufdo do do 2U liliu, SlmiiltJcru ) old Bueno, ill prim. • 3U ['lo. . s i'fo« J order I Jin aliovo nrliclc, nro daily nx|i.icfcd from Now Orica,in iIm nclir TaMivy, and will in .old, lo arrive, on ucaoiniiiodeiinir Inrin. hv doo 22 FRANCIf SORREL. fttucks. F OR .ele, from 1(1 to 15 sljorl’trRi’ililur^ Ounk, end a fun sliuro. Siuafolmal Com. B i.f Uai.ririii .took, Aleo, 51) eliuro.-elodk i.ufUariem. Applvlo , „ WM. RODERTSON, f ' oc Broker. I'ulton MarliutBcuf. A FEW Imlf inirrcl. Fallen Market Boor, e elioiee article pot upexpre.sly fur family use. Landing from on hoonl oliip Mnnnn, for aalo by MICHAEL OILLON, ,1 “' ; 11 TnlfnlrV ivlmrf. Uny mid flour. lljlS!: 1 ® 1 '!™ »Ly FOR LIVERPOOL, ^ . ^ i ‘?,.^ ,pp . ur °d Qn(1 class British ■B.i»..jS s »jt* III ALIA, Capt. Graham, only ;uu year old, wi.l cointncnco loading on Mini, day, 3d.u mat. and bo promptly dop itohod. For freight of Cotton, apply io dud 35—p ANDREW LOW & CO. * . FOR LIVERPOOL, Sr Tho fine now ship ,MOHAWK, R. ___|fiStovmi#,master,haviiifftwoihird#ol her cargo U'*w on board, will”'have iinmediuic dospu'ch. For freight 0 r 200 halos c otton op. p.y to Cnpt, S. on hoard #t June'# Upper Wharf, nr to TUITER & SISTARE. doc an FOR CHARLESTON, Tlio -plendid Steam Puck, ot William Srabrook. W. * Dubois, ma lor, will leave a this for tho obnvo,on Mon. ■ — ihiiiio i»uy m. « '**’ 360 bbl* Canal Flour, runny brand Landing from ship'Macon, ond for sale from tho wharf by TOPPER & SISTARE. In Store, 100 lihl# Howard Street Flour 80 do. Baltimore Whiskey 10 hlids prime - St Croix Sugar dea 7 • By thti Ship Macon. rg^IIE ubsoribore havo received .in addition. al asBnriitioni oflloady made clothing, ol- so Denver and Silk Hut#, Ft,r and cloth cans. HAMILTON HOUSTON 4,00. dec 9 Just Received by the ship Newark. (4 I? k Firfllltu n no linn n..ll "U Firkliis GohIioii Butter 3 half brl# Buckwheat moat 5 qr do do do 2 cases London Portor pint# and quarts 10 brl# Vinegar, 5 half hrls Tongues 20 boxes Pipe# 50 brl» Potatoes 50 bundle# Hay For mic by THOMAS WOOD. *'* !C No 4. Mongino ivkurf. AkQHbODn. 17—k-F/avr—Flour Im. ml. lied ugain, yemerduy llio Ourrwil prioo from wu gon# wa# C H?4 Wagon Park—Wo quote at G 75 a 6 874 some loud* ot prime brought- LpO. — — v,.*> .......a.iu Ull con-uiuQnts,nv recoinnienaing such ainendmontsa* would have madoilio resolution, moro acceptable to himsplf and hit eonsti ucnU, lie would now cheerfully vote lor them a# they sttmil. uiMimiu .me... Cii.ini.MTov, Doo. Hr-Cal/ili&m morkol for Upland#, suico our. last weekly, ropori,- has continuod vary steady, principally for good and - prune qnnliliu*. Tho trunaaclions havo umun. tod to about 3000 bull*#, ranging from 144 to 15 coni*. -A’tow selected lot# havo commanded 15* 5 Inferior qualities uro of heavy sale, nnd at price# at tho option of purcha*crs. Noth mg dono In Lung Cottons. Rice—Thu wuuther having hoon unfavorable tho transaction* wore but Iiuthod, all our last rat, b, chiefly f fom 3 to 3|. 1 vote lor tliem-ftt. thoy stood, sinco the diffwunao bo had manifested war ono of opinion, not of principle, on iho points referred to, ana he ear nostly ho|HMi that Uiey would now be adopted unanimously. “ In thiscitv, )a*t ovoning, Mrs. Msar Ro*. mans, of Newark, N.J _ Drowned, in Mobile Bny, on tho night of Do cemvr tho 5th, by the upsdtiirigof a boat, Coo. Jdarknr, of Mmblohoad, brat officer, and Wiu. Boston ^ship Pnipontti* .of fr . " * iri| f*s , - l|ia tu< uiouoovojon moil, day Morning m-xi,ui 9 o'clock procisoly. For troight nr passage, apply on board ot Anciaux’i wkmf or to CLAGHORN & WOOD, doc 25 Cincinnati Bacon, IIUDS prime Shoulders, in store; and Jl -w for ealo by die 25 TUPPEIt &. SISTARE. ■ ^ Youth’s Hats. J UST rocoivod por schr Excel, a further sup. P'y of iho Sat tin Bearer liuts, II, N. ALDRICH & CO. M. Bissell, Surgeon Dintist. Broughton Street east side of Bull Street. t f* the dwbllittgrtujonlly occupied by II. Sis. tar# E-q. where ho will atfeiid l<» all opera, liops in Dental Surgery. Anoxporicnco of tlm iULnipo* in tho practice of hi* profession, mo fools confident willcnablo liim togivo satis. funlion in his operations, dec 25—p|| Tales and Sketches, B Y Mins Sedgwick,author ufTho Linwoods, Hnpo Lusliu, Ac. 1 ho Poetry of Lifn, by Sarah Slicknny, an. tlior of Fiction* of Privato Lift. Tho PuBtfir’s To-timmiy, by Rov. John. A. Clark, third editiou, revised and corrected by tho author. Tho Christian Florist. The Colubratod Spvnclms of Chatham, Burko, and Erskino ; to which is added, tho argument of Mr. McIntosh in the ci-o of Pcltior. ' looted by a Mmnbor of tho PJillftdo.'phb Bar. Colcbrulod Trials of ull Countries, nnd re. markubln cases of Criminal Jurisprudenco. So looted by n .Mnmbur ofthe Philudolpbiu Bur. Jackson's Ahnawaok, for 1836. Undo Sjm u Comic Almanac, for 1836. Elton's • do do do .jo D#vid Crocket'# do do do For #alfl by dec 1!) THOMAS PURSE & CO. Ladies 1'reach Slippers, UST received per solir Excel, Ladies thick *olu Slippers do do Ties do thin Kid do do Morocco ™ It I ^ ( i T } i0T ® ool,, —Also, a good supply of ChiMren’s Shoos, for sale by doo 25 H. N. ALDRICH & CO. 1 wenty dollars Reward. TOLUN from Hunior’MvIiarf on Tuesday "Iglu last; Olio lilindla Hay, also, fruin storo. oii" half brl FM Ueef markail Savon, nub, wttlo Beskol, one box Raisins, ono brl Moss Pork, ono brl primo do markod II T &. C. Uio above reward will bo nnid upon proof to conviction of I lie thief or thieves by — UIIUI III VIIIUVB9 uy WM. H. THOM PSON. (t On. ° Co 13 No, 1 Exchango Qiick* White Potatoes. 500 BRLS White Eastern Potatoes for Mackerel. J UST rccoived and landing, 100 bbls No l maokerl 50 4 bbl# do No 1 do. 5,000 4 bblsCodfisli for snlnhy, dec 25 CLAG IIURN &, WCK>D dec 19 planting for sale by ENSWQR tii & WAY, l)f. Phelps’ Highly Medicated Area- niuni, S AOR lho Removal bfu variety of Obstinate ond Ambiguous DhcuBes, io wit:—Chmn- io Disease# of the Livor ; us Jaundice &. other Biliary Ubstruoiions—Chronic RhuumatUur— DirouVo# of iho h kin, Stomnoh, &.c. Scrofula —Supcrfioial &. Doep Seated -Ulceration.—Me. otiriai Ail.tction#—A Uenovatomf tho Vitiated I- luids uf tho Body, OKpocially - the Blood ; nqd in tact, a Ri*gouoratur oi'Emuciutud &. Broken Constitution#. • mi CREDENTIALS. The f-flowing opinion of Dr,. Godman, late Pruftmor oi Auatmny und phy#i,.l.,gy In Uie Modmul C<dlogo, Now York, &c. &u. carrio* with itdosorvod weight iii regard :o the superb r effocta of tho Arcanum in Aipllguoua Uifautv . ;v" My,knowledge of tho propnrtie# and opera, lion nf iho “ Arcanum of Dr. Phelps” justify ' tuo in Buying lliul it i# fur Mipurlnr to any Uupiu rutive syrup with which I uuruuqiiuiuted. In tho llio-! obstinate and af/ihiguous di*eusor, it displays effect# peculiarly .surprising. In ihose affuoiiniis that ro irt ihn skill.of tlm 'pliy#iciiin, such a# U|ioujitaii#ni, Syphilis Scro- fui i, Uiciiralion, and DiKou#es ofthe Skin, I wofilcl rucommoiid it,a* worthy of great ciuilW douce. Signed, ' .... , , J°;|N D GODMAN, M. D.” Philadelphia, Not. 27, 1829. Extract from a communication of a high 1 ? - respected physician In Virginia on.tho eoinpnr. fttivovinuos <4 tlio Arcaiiuni, to iho utoBl pop, ular specifics heretofore in u#o._ r * «. You doubtless rocollecr of my trying Swonii-. I’unuaou, rnuor’s Gutliulioou, &o„ COM., wliiol, roi'ii’Li'ii llioir’ indiviiiuul unJ coinhnied oMrallon, Tho Arcmmm, ia ad. illtion lo vv|iat I liavoaaid, ia a aalo and aloa. aaot roinady, and ... all rep,.cl, amiifod lo' 55. o h^ m', 1 nT l ‘V ! "'! ?, M’ '{"tom" >° any olharmadM^f.'r.Uw parpn... inykaJw. D e ,io^: iJK: ‘’ 1>;ARC,IEK - M -a* • Tho public»poelfully informoil, tliat'llim propurollon ofinudiaiuo llm Arcanum ia lia.mlv adoplod In tlmromoval of mWyklffflifOChronii ' and Ainbiguot]!, Biauama, whioli nmi.l tha unii.’- al ""'duo of PlwJSkipal and ollmr Triiatninitc nnd » tlio ro,ult of experiinontal knmvfcde® and medtual initutry. Thai Invalid, may ij™ tlm .itportor honuBta of thl. inodioino, ill. j-or to apauru them, that it j. prap,,^ fa JJ” 1 —rough knowlcdgu Karmaej,a n d skilled «i thojvarious diseases incident to lifit Ev^ oi.y bottle vended by the Proprietor or his Agents, f“.ii ,0 'S r,t,0n ,?'* n “ turo . lho *»vontori£tlla Luonl—Niino oUior is Guouino. A .apply of till. Culuhratcd Mcdiclon- just received und tor #ale by duo 23 G - l1, HENU1 ‘ ICKS °N, A«o»t. • The 1’artisan, A yion/tlraRo.oluiion, by llm author of t ' ,B Yotnasroo, Guy Rivers, &*«.' The South West, in 2 vols. by tt Yankee. Ti e Rnmb er in North America, 2 v. by Clinrles Joseph Lutrobe. * Tho Limvooda, or Slaty Yoora ,inan, hi A. morma, by llm author ofHopo Lo-lio, Itodivood, Jto, boing a froali rupply nfa vory nout pttilimi publiahod by Harpar A Brntharo, Nam Ymk Tlm Borbary btatco, by llm Rov. Micliaat Ruaaoll, with a map and ongraving. fba 73d No. Faintly Library. - s of Ml!kBhmi,io7 niS,r ‘ n Cdi ““" °' f 11,0 ^ Robinson Crusoe, a new edition, by Ihe'/Jhit- - p0r A , 'r n * 00ttt V n vol. Turkov Morocco giit.'* * ATroatunon Epidemic CItoloro, by Flowd T. Ferris, with plutcs. 1 ■ * a For ealo liy. dec 14 THOMAS PURSE &. CO. Fire Doga. m FAjR T Brass oi.diron* assorted 75 do Iron dog# . inn d «. do , do wHh hrexs tops 100 pair Shovel and Tongs assorted. For gale by N-B. 4. II. WEED. Ladies splendid squirrel skin Capes and Pelevines. Just received per brig Madison. €1} LADIES Seal J'ur Cap** for #ale low ■ABHkhr- A. BENNETT. ' doc 19 * - No. I, Youngs Buihting*. I’adeilbtd l-’ay and Uo. 7“ Honour o. , °$"S" Me in tttK, HHDSNOrleans^'Sugar $9 30 do Porto Rico do 50 doz Coylon Wine 100 brU NERnm 20 *■“«■ Havana Sugar ' n ' Uontiets. , ’ ' *wrtmenl . f • , iV. R uonasomo asrortment t Ladiot am Mioac. Silk and SaUin Bean Bonneto uftlie latent Pnrio and Now York SI °dt 18 r 11 ‘■' ■-'LURICH A.Ca ■k