Newspaper Page Text
Fiirs I Fur* I
A 11 ENNUIT h iHim hand, ju I received,
• 8 grey Squirrel SkiuCnjw*, with tsarel*
8 dj do do dn forgo sisrs pill
, 4 do do do do Miiull do do
6 do do do Pnforine*
4 wliito Ermine Capos, l.iTgo sixes
4 black Russia Hair Capes, do do
4 brown do do do do do
. U Foulhor Pelerine* and Capo*
4 dozen white and Black Fur Tippets
1 do Loaf silk plu UCaps
\ do lounm Fanny Plu-h Caps
All nf which will bo »old low at N»». 1. Young’*
due 21 Building*, M irknt.«(pmro.
Otaril, Dupui' & Co. Brandy.
1 st PIPES of-llmt uolobrulud brand, vin.
logo of 1820, imported directly from
•Havre, via Now York, received and for atilo by
On hand—50 duuiij.ihu* beat Scutch Whip,
koy, wamuted. dec 21
Superior Nock SjSEjttS
J UST received n bandsomu variety of Stocks,
■via: white and blauk Satin, EiiglMi Silk,
SB'imhuxinn, Velvet, Mohair and Pluid Silk made
4n the b«Ht kind of otyla and utferod for sale at
tho lowest cadi prices, by
don 03 Drapers and Taylors.
Provisions, icc.
■m URLS No I, 3 anil 3 Macliorol
C5ll a If do du (In dn ilo
SO ton* Grind Simms of vaiinus sizes land,
dg fnnh brig Sou 1-1 red »nd for snlo by
dec I *w>j>LuiiDGB& may.
Bank of Augusta Stock. COW) Shares.
f jg\HE Boar-Inf Directors oftlio Hank ‘nf Ait.
.giuta, by virtue of ire authority, ffoin the
Stciuklnddors, will prouuod to cull at A tic ion. in
front of tliuir Baitl.ifig housn,.on ThniMluy, ll.o
lW. .if J unary best, FIVE THOUSAND
SHARES oflbo u'upitnl stock of said (listitn.
tioii,'tbo aanio luring live mtli* uf tlm increase
toll* capital, authorised by tbu following ait of
the Legislature.
“ Sue. 1st, lie it Enacted, Tint 'he charter of
tiro Bank of Augusta he, nud it is In-roliy du.
dared to be pr ■•longed to the fiot day of May,
In (1iu year one thousand eight hundred and til*
••,' Khali hi> lawful for tho Stock*
holders of the said Bank, ut any nicuiiiiir to bu
called for -t*»o pu-posq, and in ilie man nor pm.
scribed in tho (ufoling oliurlnr, to itroruatro tlm
cupitul of suid bank from liino to tlnm, and in
such portions, iih they limy down to Iro nxpedi.
^yent, not oACtiixliiig <ho wliulo six liuudred thou.
eauddnli ir<' l iii addition lo tho present capital of
tho said Bank.”
*• See. 3d, Upon every sucli. iuornnse, being
agreed upon by a dacitri-oi of tlm Stockholder*,
one sixth pirl of siu-h incrou-od stock, -shall be
reserved for the State at -par, until tho end of
tlm *•* cion uf the Leg-slut ore, 1 >oxt after tlm cap.
{till di .II lm.-u incrda.ud. ami that tlm oilier fivo
nixttis sliull b" dispcood of hy tlio Directors for
tlm time being, in tlm manner pointed mil by
the- i-ecund ruin rift bo original chnrfor. fur tho
btUKilii of tlm Individual Hloek holders, ifnny bun.
ctii there' should- Ihj in tho dh|msiliun thoranl;
the interest of tho Mate in such eases being by receiving its pur inn nf inci eased
Block, at par, aslmrcm before provided,”
By order nfttiko Row'd of Directors
ROBERT F. POE, Cashier.
Bank nf Aoun.-ta, Nov. G, iti35.
nov 10—tl4J
i'uiton Ainrkot licef.
A FEW half barrels Fulton Mark-t Buef. h
choice article pul n|> expressly for fumily
iiso. Landing from on hoard ship M icon fur
dec II TtdlUifV wh..rf
Hay nitrl Flour.
t 'V/ih BUNDLES prime Hay
- • 3 K» bid- China) Flonr, fanny brand
Lauding front ship Macon, and fur sain from
tbu wharf by
Iti Store*
100 hblw Tin ward Street .Flour,
b’n ifi» U-iltimurn Whiskey
10 hints .prime St Croix Sujg ir
dec 7
By the Ship Macon.
fgsHE ubscribers liave received all-udditinn.
JL at assortment ofKpudy matin elolliing, ol.
on Beaver and-Silk Hats. Fur nud chilli naps.
dec 3 .
Just Uucuivud by the ship .Nuwark.
'I 4a Firkins Got-hen Butter
JL *P 2 hull* brl' Buckwheat meal
5 qr du do . do
2 euans London Parlor pints and quarts
10 brl* Vinegar. 5 ball* hrln Tongues
2(1 btixt a Pip.n;50 brl* Potatoes
fiO bundles Hay
Fur -alu by. THOMAS WOOD,
dec 23 No 4. Mmigins wharf.
TuIuh and Skctciic.s,
B Y MissSodgwick.aulhorufTlioJ,in woods,
II'ijhi Lesli -, ic.
MHie Puotiy of Life, by Snrali Slicknny, uu.
tbor of Fictions of Private Lift.
The Pustnr’n To liiimny, by Rev. John A.
Clark,-third editi-.n, revieud and corrected by
ttiis author,
Tho Christian Florist.
The Celebrated Speeches nfCh iLbatn, Bui ko,
Bud Erskiuc ; .to which is added, the argument
of .Mr. McIntosh in the c.i o of Pehior. Sc.
loctisl by a Member of tlm Pliiladclpliiu Bnr.
Coirbrati'd Trials of all, and re.
markable cases ut Criminal Jiirisprudencu. Su.
Iuclo.1 by n Mpinlwr of the Pliil.uiolpbla Bir.
Jm-kson's Almanack, for lKJti.
Unclu S mi's Cotnic Almanac, for 133(1.
lilloii's do dj do do
David Crocket’s do do do
For sale by
Miniature Fainting.
D IV, STUIItll.ON, |>„m, bcf.
• leave lo inform the inhabitants of Savan.
nab audits vicinity, mat ho paints Miniatures
on Ivory. Specimens may be seen «t Mr E«>t.
man's Jeweller, and his tnmns, Mrs. DouvilleV *
Bryan 4reoi,.Monument Square, whore sittings
arc tukun.
Tsrins from 50 to >00 duller* each. Prkto do.
pondinjr on tho vixo oftlio Aliuatura.
doc 23
Madeira Wine.
O NE pipe, eleven half pipes and twenty ono
quarter casks L P Madeira Wins iinpnr.
ted direct from,Mudoirn per brig Mail racuivud
and for salo at a low price by
dec 23 KCO l v P A BALFOUR.
Inm ltniling.
[IIE subscriber would inlurm tho citizens
ja. nfSuvaunuli, that, havinguiadn arrange-
mptitsjwith tin vxtt'iisivu iiuuiufuulury in New
York, ho will bo ahlu to furnish Plain or Ortiu Railing, in vuyquantity,nud suilabln for
all purpose*, whoro it may bo Nwu
York price*.
novjS 1 CL K. U*lLMAMS.
TONS host quality Grind.Stonei,tMbrtod
t# *i*ds, for*uh> by
otdis M. ITOPIvTNS.
Uaiii|>urs Pntatoop.
f UST roocivtd from Liverpool, Ilk) haiujiurs'
Pul'itoes, Very ujMtrl -r, for sakt by
I ilji CASKS and 60 Imxns prinm Go«lmn
«/ Chci'su, luiidut g from ship No Walk,
Far *aln by JNO. W. LONG,
iluc 23
Christmas Presents.
LARGE assitrtmont of Toy* of various
A kinds, suitable fur Isiys anil girls, sumo
very handsome, just uponnd ny
doc 23 NORTON &
Knsteru liny,
s'j- BUNDLES Super!nr Hay, for *alo
U i » low at the Hack Stable. Apply to
Bundles Johnson's Superior En*.
'wssa” lorn liny landinu from shin Stir-
ling at Scotl and Balfour'* wharf, for solo low,
if taken from ljit> wharf,
ilco 23—ii
• Aimtinls for 1830.
rS’lDE Oriental Annual, or Heono* in India,
8 comprising 22 Engr viug.i bv Wiiiia
..n t, t _ :.... ..... t... ,t
Dnniullt .R- A. nud n ilhnip ivu uouuuiil by the
Rev. H. Cannier, II. D.
Jeimiug* Landscape Annual, or Tourist In
Spiin, fur JH3li—Andalrfsia.
•J’tio Kngli»|i Annual.
1101111'* Piciurtfsipio Annual, with 25 cru
Tlio Clirislhin KnopRukn, and Missionary
Anmiol, Kditi'dbv the Rev. .Win. Et’li*.
FriondsliipV Otrorlng and Winter’* Wreath.
F'irgei Mn Not, odilcd by Frudorick Shoborl.
The Mugil< lin, by 1J. W. Herbert.
Tlm Token & Atlantic Souvenir, by S. G.
Tlm R*digio.,« Souvenir, by Cliauucey Coitnn,
D D.
Tlm Gift, by Mia* Lcslio.
The Pttarl or Atfoctinns Gift.
rtmiieul Annual bolbgSelections, from tiro
EnglMt Poets from Sponsor to Beattie.
TheJuvonilo Forget Me Not, by Mis* S. C.
Hull- Roeeivwl and fur sale by
Scotch Ale.
Clinks containing 5t$ d'-zon quart bnltle*.
just rucuivodper Brig Ouo»kii amt fur sjIo
Hi ties, Fowling Guns, pistols At Sj>or-
ting Kl|UI|llllCltt!>.
CASE fmu tiui-bed Rifles, assorted nulibre,
j[. 3 dn doub'o barrelled Fowling Piuucs,froin
*20 t.i § GO.
1 single do do dn
70 pair ufpj-tnlfl, comprising every vari-ty
Fmvdnr Flasks Shut Pimolics and Bag*,
Game ll.ig*. superior Pi.rcuKtioii Cup*, j.irl re.
ecivcU mid lor tule t v
A. R. KNAPP &. CO.,
dms lfl -Adjoining I'.eCity M-'tcl.
DOE-Spectacle* consisting of Green
und Grey dniiblo GIuksob in light IVamo*,
Wliito Gluxso* uvul and' quaro. assortod ages
in German silver and *lt«*ll •frames,
30dn* low priced Motnl Frame*, ju«t rercived
andt'*r *afoby A. U. KNAPP ACO.
dee 1G Adjoining tint City liotel.
iiook Hinges*
don. IG N.B All. WEED.
M aitors and i.’u.toin l‘ins.
SETT Waiters.
/4S/QJ& 50 dn*. curtain pins, rcrt’ivrd por ship
Tlmlii and for eulu by N. 0. A Ii. WEED,
dec HI.
To Item.
A FARM, obuut two milif* from Savannah,
containing sixty auics of laud with an cx.
cellcnt dwelling Iuiumi. And all ucoossary out
building* nn thu promiso*.
nov 3G—I • at tMt ojjicr.
Mo. 3 Rlunkerck
DDLS No. 3 Mdukuml
¥J9 J nut received, for sulu low by
('It nk Cords und Ttusels,
R ECEIVED by tliw*ul>*cribor* ill the groat,
cat variety, b»lh for ladio* und gcntleiuuu
ltiiL'^ing and Osnalmryf,
ECEIVCD pur lluruld, and for salu by
douO J. A J. REID.
Oats and llams.
BUSHELS prima heavy Qata,
^ 'S5-MF und 172 Bdllmoro llama
Landing from schr E lgin, for *a.o by
Wanted to IIire, 300 Negroes.
7H‘ HE mibfcrilwr* wi»h to employ, by thn
Jl. iuontli or year, 300 or more Negroes, to
work on. llto Gimrgni Uni' ll Rail Road, in
tho noighborlinod of,Augusta—-wages likrol—
faro and Iroatmunl Midi u» will pluaso the own.
or*, prompt payment, monthly,quarterly nr year,
iy, ah Is preferred, Fur further particular*, ap
ply to Mo-*r*. Holcombe, Peck A Co. Clutr.
luston, S. G. Savannah ami Augusta, Gen,, or
to tha uiidoreigiiod, on the work*, 15 miles on
tho lino of r< ml wad of Angu«ta.
From Virginia,
not 12—t—Augusta, Sentinel.
A. Artois & Co.
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No.
^ ^ U'2, Cciia < street, Ncu) Yuri:,
T RENDER their *orvice* in roeoivo morchan*
. di*o (partmill .rly Dry Good*) on consign,
mdnt, and uxouuto uidurs lor Dry Goods or olh.
er Merchandise nn tlio bust torni*, end from their
ox|H!riunu« cm give entire sutislaulinu in thonu
who may be plea*cd to favor thorn with uou*ign.
maul* or order*. Merchant* from the South or
North, wlin pnrolium ut. uuutioti or nthcrwU'o,
can Imvo tin ir goods received,packed, examined,
forwarded, and iiimrutica effected, if ordered.
Mr. Aothouy Yicnt, w lid is experioncad in the
Dry Good* Market, is interested in this cHtab-
Their ehorgo* will bo modoreto. A* tboir
warni.ousu i* exu-mivn, they ran receive gimds
in lurga quantities on consignment or st(>r.icc.
sept 2G—13)11—194
S HI E subscriber ha* now landing, at Jack-
son'* wharf, at tho Eahleru end nf the
city, a supply nf Livo Oak,-Hickory, Ac. which
ho otfur* at tho lowe*i market prico—in udtli'iou
to Ilia supply of Wood, hu ha* uu hand u large
and well selected supply ofCaocUKiEU, Luiunus,
Winks, An. which bu will *n!| on accoinmoda-
ting term*. JOHN GU1LMARTIN.
jtily 31
Twenty dollars Howard.
C'TO LON from 'Hun tor's wharf on Tuesday
night la*t; Ope bundle Huy, abu, fr .iu
- Store, one half brl F M Beef iiinrkcd Savnn.
nub, hiitle Beskol, pun box Rairin*. one brl
Nans Pork,ono brl prime do marked II T A C.
the ubnvo reward will bn paid uj» »n proof to
conviction nf the thief or thieves by
flee ID Nu. I Exchange Duck*
Fifty ilollai s icunni.
JU ANAWAY frrtm the plantation of tbu
flv siibmribzr tVur nr live week* past, a no
£rn man nainnil Smart, bn is an oM 1 •nkiug
n'-gro, about 30 years ol age, lots hi* board
grow vory long, coontry b"hi, lui^o .njjjulh
ubiuil 4 feet G uiciie- in height
I Ii ivn groat ruaBOo to tiiiuk ho is hurbared
out. 1 will pay 'tlm ubovo/oward itp»n pr*of
to conviction that lie is *h trhored by u n hild
person, twenty dollars by a. uolored (terson or
ton dollars for thu delivery of tho negro in Jail
or to J.CUYLER.
doe 25
B isloii, Williamson it C'».
AVE rw otVfd per arrival* from New
York Boston und Plnlad Iphia.
150 bth wbito Eastern Potutuus
25 box*)* gnsl'Oo C.hucuo
10 flrkin* ilo Butter
3'l l.G brl* btiCk wheat flour
30 boxes bun eh Raisins
3‘J brl* Rna Apples dec 2.7—p
M.. Bissolt, Surgeon IHiuitiL
f Broughton Street east side of HnU Street.
S N lint ilwollingnjcmitly occupied by II. , Si»-
tnro E q. where bo will attend to. nil opera,
lion* in Dental Suigery. An experience ••film
Iasi nineyoarsin tbu practice oflii* prolesMon,
bo fools confldont will enable him to give satis-
faction in hix operations,
dec 25—pjl
Mnckcrul. -
BULB No 1. M mkrrol
75 do 2 do, 50 do 3 do
60 do half do No I and 2 do
For tale by ENS WORTH A WAY.
Pencil Case?.
T W ENTY dozou Silver Ever Pointed Pen.
oil Care*, cbt.ico now patterns. Just r«*
ceivod, and for sale by
Cincinnati Paeon.
-K jja HHDS prime Shoulders, in store; and
R 4ri for sale hj .
f gTflE undortigned have formeil nCoparlncr.
B- •■-ip, for the transaction of tbu Factor,
age and ('oiumt**ion Busine**. in tho city ef
Savannah, itndor the firm of Pidnizy A McGov.
ern, otid tender tlmir sorvice* to tt.nlr frionds.
Refer to W. A If* Bryson, >
John Phinizy, t AugJiata,
SiiiiI. CJarko, )
i. U. Eumar
dee 3—tlin
Eunwr, Suvannuh.
Hyaiyntli Glasses.
1 CASE Hyneynth or Ballons Root Glusstr*,
just rrceivbd and for sale by
Piano Forte Manufactory and Ware-
house, New York.
• fljMIE Sobscrilicrs have eommencod the mnn.
Si ufaeturing of Piano Forte*, ai No. 325
Rnworv, nornor nf Second *fro»t, opposite Bond,
and Biifiuil the patrmntgu of their frionds and.
tho public.
Tho first premium* ware awarded, to the nab.
setibnr*, by tho Mvchunii'B'and tho American
In titule* for tho best Piano Forte* at tho lute
Fairs- Their !u*triiinunt« nro warranted equal
olther for 'tone or tinmli to any n.anufaolnrod in
tho United Stales ; and will be bold on tho must
•iiHidorato Inrins.
.TlmtuhscrilHtrs mamifucltiro Piano Fortes of
ovory depcrip'ion, among which arc Horizontal
Grand; Cabnioi; Harmonic; Hollow, Round,
and Square Cornered, A«. Ao of Grand and
Engli’h actions. Pi mo Forte* inado to ordor
and to match other furniture at tlio shortest no.
ticc. Ordor* from dealers und others In any
part of tho United itnto* promptly ntlendud tu,
Piano Forte Manufacturers, Now York.
dec 11
lli lies.
r a N E Cara i»ercu»H.on arid flint Rifle*, this
l y doy opened and for snlo liy »
doc 7 Adjoining tlio City Hotel.
Port Folios.
DOZEN cli-gsnt Morocco Letter Pori Fiu
Cji lios, G do Paste Board P*-rl Folios for
Prints Ac Just received, for *alu by
May, .
BUNDLES primo Hay for solo at
reduced pri'-o* l»v
T)-Ifairs u-lrsrf.
l.adics Cloaks.
O F Superfine Quniui's Cloth rondo in tho
'. Jr Inlokl stylo, received, and for sulu |*)W l>y
Clothing and Ilals.
ECEIVING frnm ship Belle nod brig
8.13L. Georgius nompl"tcuB*ortnient nf Ready
Mode Clothing; and Silk Huts of tiro latent
style, which will tu sold b w.
Draper* and Tailor*.
Boots, Shoes and* Brogan*.
rl1\V?ITY THREE oo*cs and Trunk* of the
JL above articles this day landing and for
sale low by tiro uackago.
doc7 Adjoining \bc City Hotel.
Breed At Warner,
H AVE just rerrivod a prune assortment of
l.iidio* Doublo and single soled Fre eh
Iiur Walking Shoes a vory dunirahlo arlielo for
winter. For •“!“ low North side Market square,
dec 14
GROCE. Mr*. Miller's superior Cut
#JgjR Tobacco, just received and lor milo by
dec 24
• Canal Flour.
BR^LS Canal Flour, 100 f do do
dee 25
l<^r *tfo Iry
Cluistmas and Notv-Year Anmiala
lor 1830.
M' OR GET Me Nut: edi'od by Fi». Sboi.o*l,
N' with 11 beautiful ••ng.ravbigr, ts.-und in
Turkey morocco.
Tlio Gift; edited by -Mi** Lodio, with a like,
nt** of Funny Kmntilo und ti oilier engraying*.
Tlio Oriciilul Annual; coii-i-ting of sconus
.ill fmini, illu*irutnd liy 22 uleg-iut ungrayiiig*.
Jeriuiiigs Lunilboape Annuul, or Tourist in
Spain, for 165G—Anduluaiu, with 21 engruv.
The Token and AilantioSouvenir {editedby
S. G. Gnodrinii, wiib 13 engraving*.
The Juvenile Forget uio Not; with 10 en.
, The English Annual} with 15 elegantly on-
graved |Mirir«i'H nf British Female*.
The lli'toricnl Kno|>*iiko : a *nrin* of original
Tain* from Briiiah History, with 13 colored on.
Selection* from the English Poets, from
Sponcer to Boat lie, oinbol)i*hmi with 35 buauli.
ful pogruvitig*, 1 vol. iiioruoun.
Roger’s Pleasures of Memory, and other
Poem> ; ilu-traiud with nuiiniroU* elegant on.
graving* on steel, from p iintingH by eminont
artist*, 1 vol muroCRo, gilt edges.
Fimlon's IlluHiratrstions of tho Lifo -and
Works of Lord Byron, in 3 vol-*. small quarto,
containing upwurdu of 120 elegant engraving*
on stoeL-
Land-cape and,Portrait Illustrations of Sir
Walter Scott, I volume.
Heath'* Gallery of British Engruvjng*, in
nuiubor*, each coiiiaining 2. beuuli/ul engrav.
ings on steel.
Fiiidtui's illustrations of tho Bible, containing
view* uf tlm rno*t romarkablo places named in
scripture, from paintings by eminent Artists on-
gruvedon stool, and publi*hod in numluir*.
Thu Language of Flowor*, with colored en
The Christian Florist.
Puekot Bible*, London edi'ioit, bounj in A-
rabo-quo tnorneeo, gilt edges.
Miniature uditioi.s of tho Pools, Ac. oiugantly
Imu ml.
ItobinKon Crusoe j Harper's edition, with up.
w-irds of 50 cut*.
Amho*;|uu Blotting Book*, with or without
hick*, Ac. Ac.
Savannah, Jocko) Club Hutica,
(,'nru Gust and l’lour,
&B ADE of tlio lies! Flint Corn, to bo bad at
t.SL the Jail, or Corn grouud on shares,
nov 27
Wan tod.
^ N Ovorsoor to tako uliargo, of a Rico plan.
Cm tutioii, on Suvanunli River. buliNfantory
rceominendatioiis will lio roquiierl. Apply to
dec 2-1—u
Over the Bunaventorr Cmine, 4 miles distaht
from (M City, *
>TB\I1E following Jookoy Cluh Purses will Ihj
E run fi r, nvur tlm ahnvo uotirne, under thu
oxolurivo control and direction of tno.Btmvnrd*
iiiul olficor* afllio Club comiiiotlcirg. on Wed.
nonlay tho 27th January, 1B3G, being the nnnu il
muuling of tho Club aiiu will coiitiuuu four days.
1st day, January, 27
3 milo boats for s purse of
2nd day, Jan. 28
3 milo beats for a purso nf
3d day, Jut. 2!)
4 inilu boa's fur a purse uf
4 th day, Jan. 3D
milo brat-ho-t 3 in 5ibuiidicup for a
pur*« nf 0201)
Weights, Ao. according tn tlm rules nf the
dec II—p—1|
N. B. Good Sinhlmg anil a!raw may tw pro.
curml mi tho promiwes.
A week nr ten days before tho Ruoc*, tho
privilugo of tlio Bnuih.-. will bu rented on tlio
CmirNO to tlio highest bidder. . **
iu* Tho Millodgovilli) Federal Union and
Standard of Union, Augu-ta C,nn*lilutinnali*t,
nud Courier, (tobmihus Si-.iiliimJ. Cburluslon
-Mereiirv, N. C. (Rileigii) Standard ami Rich,
murid Omiipiliir, will plea*" gito tlm ulmvo four
inrurtiim*. at intervals nf two. weeks ' between
each, and forward their ueeumrsund pi:purs con.
tabling Urn aJwrtiremont lo the Seerutury.
T HE Wh-lo Tract of.Lmid culled »• Forbes'
Purchase,” umnuiiting In abi-ul Twelve
Hundred Thousand Acres, situated in Middle
Florid i, Ing' llior with tlio town of Apuliieliicn.
ilf« ‘ “
Bcononty anti Accoiiiinodution. 1
J. F STOKES, Tailor and Habit'Maker,
a u EGS htuvo tn return Ids thanks to tlm pub.
8 J lie, fur tho liber-i| jiali'uiiogo ho lies rot-wi
ved riucu bis cuininoncomeui i bo ol*n bi-gs
ii-.ivo ’o stutn, that bs'i«* still d*-ii'g l»usjnn** ol
hi* old *iaud, on W.bitukoi.strsct, next door to
Mr. Pri-ndi-rgusi'* Store, und ihrnnilunrs north
nftbe Muii*i«n lli-ure, wlioro bu will thunk,
folly roeoivo bu-iimss of every doseriptiun in the
ubnvo line, mid pledge* Uiuisnlf that every arti-
clo rinirustod tn’birt clmrgo, shall ho cut, Hindi)
and trimmed in tho nouiest and most fidiiunn-
bio stylo, nr according, lo ord-r, on tlm follow.,
lug uconuiniudating terms, fur cush, at reducoil
prices, or orders pn Dry Guild*, Grocery, nr
limit and Sh'-o Eslablishmeul* in the city. Per
sons rending hoi vuiits for Clulhcs, will please
nmiil nn urdsV'for the articles and the cash, or
thn proposed order, as no books will bolcpl in
Persons indebted to J. F. S. will confer a f-t.
vorby calling and settling Uioir accounts,
dee ?3—2m
Marine and Fire Insurance Ban!;. )
Savannah, Dooembnr I*t, 1835. (
T HE Board of Directors having this day
declared n dividend of one dollar per share
the nmo will l>o p»i<l on nr after Thursday
next. JAMES SMITH, Cashier,
dec 2
Clothing I Clothing ! Clothing!
"WUST received,-per ship Bulls, a splendid
•9 assortment of Ready Mjtd-J Clothing vvbleb
will busofd low fur cash or city accspUnqo*.
dec 4 !*• Ci/JSE.
la, hml the udjiteoni Idunds In the Guifnf Mux-
ion li ivii'g l"0n vosiwil in tho snbsoribore as
truntces, by and for tho use of uil the proprie.
Nntiou i* hereby given,-tlut on Tuesday, tlio
tweiiiy tiiird day of I'Vhruary next, ut ton o'
uluck in llm forenoon, tlm Director* oftlio Apn.
luchienia Laud Company u ill oxposo to Nsleat
publiu imclion, ib tlm U‘WU of Appabrebien
la, the Building Lot* in the Miid town, agreeably
to a cottifmd plan thereof to bauxhioitud at tiro
The term* of snlo will bn one 'fourth cash
llto re>idoe jn iusUbnunts with In.
ti-rest, nod when thu pqymenis uro inado, mid
foe vucurj'io* f»*r tlm instalment* given, nueor.
■ling to'tlio Duud of Trust, and tho article* of
association, a clear title in feu simple will bo
Now York Deo. 15lb, 1835
CIIAS. AUG'S.DAVIS, ) Triistoas
The Dircdor* oflhe Apuladiioola Land Cmn
pntiy, returrmg to tlm above advertisement, olUir
at p4iv ito aulo, in siieli quaiitillus as nuy be
wautod.thetr ict of Lind kqownas '* Forbov’
Purdiaso," lying. b"tweon tlm River Ap.
ulau .iuola *nd St. Murk's, and extending In
within *ix miles of Tall Ine no. Li this
luraeL i* to lie found suuiu of iho litiu»l
cnLoii and HUg.-ir fund* in the S- iilhcru
country ; also tr .et* ol tlio fuit-cl pine lunds,
und exloiiHirn tracts of. livo oak ; but. ii*
puidiusora will exnminn for thumsulauk, a par.
lionlar duseriptiou is ininoeusiary. The title -o
purohuticrs will be tin) same a* for tlio town lots
of Apalachicola.
Tbu town of Apalachicola i* situated at the
mouth of the ttl vur of same murnym tst Gourge'
Sound, in the Gulf o' Aloxlud-. It I* thu *u_
port i-fthi- Rivbr* Clmidiifodio,’ Flfnli Cidpolu,
Apalachicola, and tlun'r tributary hUuuiiih, and
i* i-uououUid with the flnurishbig towns of Co
linnnii* and Irwintmi, and with Urge disiriaisof
rich und feriilc piaiiluiions iu Georgia, Alnbii.
m i und Florida. The exports «.f cotton from
this port Imvo boen regularly increoHiiig for tho
last threw yours, and U i* supposed w ill this year
exceed fifty lit-•usiimrihloa.
Twelve to lii ti-uu arenmboats already find con.
stunt employment incite waters, and IVw conn
trioH bavo finoi prospoc h of udviitiubmeni in' »g.
riculturn and c.iiumorro, than tlniso bnrdoriug
on tlio rivois above i|iotilinned.
Ap:il.iuliicola ha* bean tuiUlcdhut a few years,
nud tlioso who have bithortn romded ther.j, hav.
ing no inlercNt in tlm «n||,' havu paid no nil on.
lion -t-» ils improvement* fuitlmr than suited
llioir individual oonveoiunoo. Salo* of about
thirty lots have ulreudy In-on inado to individual*
roM.ling at Apuluuhiuolu, Coliiintiu* and Now
York, who have ugrB«d to uract lire proof hull,
(lings on the said lnl* without delay, and other
measures will lie immediately adopted lo make
bucIi pi-rinuiiont improvements a* will no doubt,
inuko it u* hnaUhy a piano of residence ** is to
bo mot w iih in any city south of Virginia.
St George's Sound ituajlpaeiou*, nud hn* so.
enro anchorngo in blue nl-iy beltmi.aiid in defen.
deJ on ail side* from tliojma. It Iris two eu.
trances—ono b> iho” East pnsVudinitting ve
sul* of COO ton*, liuvmg sixteen foci over the
bar at low water; tho other by tho “West pare,'
having 12£ tn ISfoctut low water,
vesrel* of 35(1 Ion* burl linn without any difii
cully. VussulsdrawincB foot usually loud -at
the wlmrvos, throe of I2£ foot or 3511 foim lair,
then, curry ng 1100 bales of c-lnm, within 3
miles of thu town, and those of GOO tun* take in
• heir cargoes within rixtueu uiiIl-s iu secure an-
choruga in the Sound.
Letn-rs on tho solijm-.t of the above land* to
bo oddiessod to Thomas A Bdhzoll, Pater
Mitolioll, John Cirn -clm»i,or Bonjonihi A Put-
num, at tlio OlficoSof tho Apalachicola a Land
Cumpnny iitTul.iharree or Ajlal chicoln, or in
tlio city of Now York, to Benjamin Wool try
Lithographic MapsJo r Apal'iclimoIn, and of i^s
vicinity, may bn wen at tlm following places
In Now York uttbo ofii. oof tlioTru-tcns, or
oftlio Hoitorablq Jn opb M. White, at Washing
ton, I). C.
In Cb irfoston, S. C. at tho oflico of Richard
John P. Williamson.
Jidin Dillinghamfe Co.
To tho Electors of Chatham Cnuntv.
1 JVELI.OW ClTIt!I5N8_l (,rt;, M n,ltd»'u
tur rr.t'Iectiun tu Hid ofltou of Tnx Collco.
I'*r 'if llm omnly, .nil mn|m<'iAiUy loliuil
yi>ur .udraj-u. uu tbo Ilia Mnndny In dnuunrr
"“iii* BAVtu UHU.
To tlid Votors v.
M IH.VPI1 l.l, M'.X.Allt.M I .. ,1... « Wit ... 'll *11
f OFF'ER tor rmotuoiion to the Offiuu yf.*Re.
colvor of Tax Return* at tho El.uuttopa iu
January noxl aiiu svHluit vagir votes.
. . O. LATii'ROi*.
dco 2—|
Feliow-C/itisiuns of Chutlmin Couiit\%
AM a cil fill Ida to fof Receiver of Tax tfu-
turns ol the olnotlnn in January uext, und
respuclfolly solicit jrour MiflVnuo*.
FelloW-Citizonu of Chatham Cotmiv,
1 AM a cainljdato for tho Otllro of R-iCutver
of Tux Ruturn* at thcolootion on tho first
Monday in January next, anil will bo ihuiikfo)
for. your sutfrugua,
duo 21—v ELIAS FORT.
To thu Electors ot’ Chatham Cotmiv.
J AMj candidate for re.olaolitm Is the oflico
The flihJ now ihip MOHAWR, U
.Stevens,master,having two thirds ol tier
cargo n> w on hoard, will have immediate
dosp^cli Fttr IV(* 21)0 halos cotton ap.
ply to (.-'iipL S. on tsmrd ut Juno's Uptarr Wharf,
Tin fine new vhip UCM ULGElE.Capt.
iraSsi Ilni-naH J Liravill. having threu-foutlll*
. I tier outgo cngvgnl, and tfehiff on board,’ will
ha vo d1s|tlitiTh. I'oMialittn-M ..fiVoight or pas.
sjvgo having m||tutor aonomraudutions opjily to
Captulii L. uti board at Jones'* uppor wlutrl! «r
to , w TUPl'Eil & SISTARE.
d6n 7
...fou (V/vw t oun—i,ink.)
fcUtSX TMK M«')Wr pnckol ship NEW.
B&IGARK. Oupi, Il'-nfiuU will moot with
, up'. Iji'iifiott will moot with
fispiitcli. Fid freight Jor ptivsaga having good
aouoniuditUons. Apnly to Cupt **
Dunimt on
of Coroner ut tho approaching elwtimi,
wh*cli takes phteo on tho first Monday iu Juuuury
next, and humbly sulicit your sufl'ragev,
ftt-gtmcntnl Onlorn.
SaVaininh, 8ti/A Dec. |P3fi.
Havuimali, Gin.
Colutnbu , Guo.
T IhlMSHce, Fiorida.
New Orluaiis.
d--c 28—.r<—t ill.*»F
Tlmmu* Bul'zidl.
Hiram Nourse.
Jamn* Innorarlfy.
John Innoraiity.
Planters* Bank.
T HIS Bank will bo shut on Thursday rmxt,
Tliunks.givhig Day,—paper f illing duo ou
that day muhl bo fokeo up previously,
doe Sri—n J. MARSH A 1.1.
J. MARSHALL, Cashier.
Dooliitc Soap.
Forsolo ny GAUDRY & LEGRI EL.
doc 28
' Canal and Buckwheat l-'lnur.
T? "'V HOLE and hsll’bli!> C inal Floor
JLMf 75 half and quarter bbl* B'CnwIutit
10D whole, liall'iiud qiiaiter IjM- llulti-r Cracker*
3a d.» do Corn Meal. F< r sole low by
dim 28 S. WAY.
Gentlemens linu Ileevcre and Silk
L FINE - ssurtmont vrevived pet ship Mill
Iv oilgoville and for sale by
.fee 11 H.N. A LDRICH Sc CO.
Grates and Stoves.
T WELVE GraTc* axsurtcd Patterns
PJ boxHfoves assortod siza*
6 Franklin do do
For sulu by N. B-. i II. WEED.
M i\ enrtnrmuy witn ordurs trom Krigui
H General Floyd tinder tliitu of 18th ln*t- ..
m-lvcd tbi* day thn Rcgiinontul orders of the
loth Inst, fur u convention of tlio ofliuoni and
hiHpuotion. drill imd review of tlm 1st Regiment
nn the Otb 7th and till) of January, are liorohy
Lieut, CdL Coiu'dg Ld liegt.
T Baunajuj, Acting Adit.
»toe 2ti ‘
Jbiisworth Way,
O FFER for piiIu low front wharf ant) atom.
150 bbls prime and ino<» pork,
175 do do do beef,
50 do No 1 do
?H) do No 1..2, 3 MnckorCl,
5(10 kits No l.and 3, do
150 luilfbblsNo 1 anti 3 do
dec 28
Law Notice,
fljP.HE subscriber, having retired front tho
JL bench, would ho glad to rnsuuio tho pran.
ticc ni hi* profossion and will davoto hi* iitton.
lion, nnronii.tinply, to any bu-inuss with whiuh
lio may h.i intru-iicd.
Ills oflko udj'dns til* rosidnnon on thn south
side n't Monument Mpiure, hoar tho Eplreopal
Clittroh. JNO C. N1COLL.
dee 18—n
Cavendish TolmecOc
■J BOXES Leftwlob'* Superior Old Cav,
B. xlronilifcli Tobacco, just received and for
doc 28
Positive Sale.
O N tho first Monday in January next, will
bn sold ut thu Couit House in Baritwel
District, So. Cs., between tun and twenty primo
Negroes, omoug thorn aro on* first ratasoam.
stress and Imusn servant, ono first rsto h»u*o
servant uuJ cook, Terms mudo known on day
of salo J. I*. BEUN, Auoiiomxir.
dec 28—0
VARIKS, extra fine and aurporflno
Bru-sol* and Wilton ltug, raceivod by ship
Newark und fi.r sale by
dim08 JNO A. ED. INGER80LL
Wliito Beans.
BBLS superior White Uouris
/toffy* just received by
dee 23 ENS WORTH & WAY.
Goshen Butter.
83'aX IN8 Bl,llor
Roeoivcd iwrbrig Lehi, firr sain liy
Fian, Prunos und lemons*
DRUMS Smyrnn Fig*
CDxj? 75 fancy boxos Pruucu
20 boxes do
10 lioxns Sicily Lemoim
Madoiru nud Ur.izil Nuts
25 barrels Soft Shell rVluiomhi
150.ImXHS urid half boxes Rauina
Recivud por brig Imh, for sale by
^N Over'cor to lake charge of * Plantation.
None imod apply but such as can produce
*> CASES douhlo pOrcusvion Guns
.'tad Q do single do do
5 do do flint dn,roaoe$ri
sbip-'i'bnlin, slid fur bale by
due U N- B. St l\. V^ED
sltikfaetary rocummoudutbms. Apply to
doe 28
Prime und Mess Beef.
-|1 4KJK BBLS New York prime Rnuf
5D do do do Mu** do
25 da do do -do Pork
•150 do Point and Navy Bread
25 du New White Beans
10 do New (Inins
5 do Sinokod Tonguos
for sain by CLAGIIOKNA WOOD.
•Jen 28
1'uppur iV- Sisiaiv,
FFER for sale on ucoouuiiodatiug torut*,
10 bhds primo St. Croix Sugar
iln ” " “
15 do do Pi rto Rico do-very handsome
20 bbls Loaf Bugur, fir»tquality
50 bug* prime old Java Cntfoo
20 do good green do
100 bbls Howard slre-il Fl-n/r
200 do 0*nul Fb-ur, fuVorito brunll
150 bundles p'lmo new Huy
Snhhl* best Biillimoro WjiRkvy
12 hlifl* prime Bacon
100 ba-keiH auperiur Champigno, qirarla and
50 cask* bm>t London Brown Stout do do
10 boxes Crab Apple and Champagne CiJcr
3 pipes "I
10 bull’do [ Flno old Madeira Wjuo, dl.
I^'qualordo f nxst iiii|rortalion
20 night* do J
20 biixna boat New Bedford S|xrrmaacti Can-
40 thousand liest Sptnii h Si-gars
10 keg* Load
5ii0hag« Youloa' PutuinSlmt
dee 28
SheriilH* Sale. ’
O N tho fir*>t Timwlay in March next, will lio
.sold in (Vimt oftlm Court House in the
city of riiivj.niiub. Cliitliurn county, between
tho usuut hour* t.f *a!e.
Two tiogroo*, Sam and Hannah, levied on
n* tho property of Thomas Koehler, under and
by viriiro of two execution* on foreclosure of
nimtgige, issuoing out oftlio Hon. the Inferior
Court of Chatham county, in favor of Ebenezor
Jum.-k* und M. Winkler u. the said Thomus
Keeelilnr. •
,1,0 28 .1.1. DEWS, ShorifF c. c.
FOK SliW YOUK-t.m.i> i.tx».)
The Flint sailing n-uulur puckut ship
'n-tert will ho ilu»p itubml libnn-ilbitely. Fur
freight nr pnaMigfl, buving Mipcriorarcnuiumda
linns apply on Iwinril at Monuiu* nptmr wharf
P. S ('omigueiirt will plnnrentii'nd to thn ro
ecpiimi of their goods ut the above uibntiunod
whutf. •
For mile landing from aa'ui vovuol.
100 Imiuilos prime Northern Hay,
of iSuoks at Au'c.
' • "-..tion—Contimied.:-
„ fll- J- BriasttiiEitr i-co •
TIIIB f.VENING, SO,I. «l 04 n'nlhijk ■
will lie sold at tho etofo formerly occupied by
\Y tlllams and Puli.L SlrsdV Building*, a largo
_anu vhluablo culb-ctlon of Bnnba by catalogue,
cntnprWng sgreot variety nf Stanifartl Works
itt llisto.y, Tyeujrgy, IliAgrnjihv, Pouiry, Phi.
losnphy and Drama ; many of whlcVore apfen.
did Liirrary editions, ;n flno bindings. -A gre 4 t
varioty of voysges, travels, novel*, annuals, *1.
bum* &o,alsu Blank Book*.Ldltdr Pnpor Map)',
Quills, fco. &.O.—For particulars, »hn cili.Uv
Sales Positive.
dtm 29
dm* U
FUU iV/iit VU/tA—,hciin UNk.)
Tlio elegant packet brig MADISON,
Bulklny, Master, will fail oil Saturday
.... nrxt For freight of 51) balbs on and
under dunk apply on board, or In
foe NMiafir,
.The superior oopiwrod brig EDWARD,
* “ ‘ ‘ he ‘
C. A. Berry, Muster, burthen ahmit GUO
'tloroo* ia now ready for a,freight tn Eu-
rope, (ho Wpsl Indies, or cosslvvi-m. App'y to
Williamson's Bunding*.
Who ofll'r* for sale, on buurd said brig,
31) bundles Euklorn Huy.
don 21
T6lt iV/iilV YOUX—(K8tYiiliiuiitu J.IN 1C.)
Tlio rogulur puokol brig LELA, Cupt
Cnlcaworthy, will moot with ingnmmlhto
ili'spalch. For freight or puswago, hav
ing cxcullent accommodation*,apply on board
at Join *' up, or uhnrf or to
Thostnunoli brig BANNER, Copt,
Harris, will incut will) di-palob having
3-4 of bor cargo engaged. For liulniice
ot freigltt or pnsKaco apply to Cupt. Tlnrri* on
board t,r to STONE, WASH BURN &CO.'
deo 28
bo *"ii in ftnnl of .(urn,
Oil ilnz oil) Madeira Win.
don 90
.-ftftnrto-li., '
m Kiclitiut Glana.
_ fty J. B. tllSHlWUT 6 60. . ,
TOMOftliOW, aniffiffi nt n n'oloull,«;il .
bn Hold m front of store, a hand*Qmu assortment •
of rich Cut Glorstvnre, consisting In part of thb ,-.
fmlutvlng nrtioluji: Douantore, quqrl* and pints-,
rt Inc und Cordial GbiMosCelorinjvflatod Pitch/
ere, Choose Cup*, Egg Glasses, Punch* C* ns,
Caaior*, Sugar*, Flour Puts, Lamps, Muile Or/,
tiamonls, Tumblers, Jollies, Coloono Plato*.
Tcrina cash. ,
Tlm substantial and fust Bailing brig
MfHiV JANE, Henry William*, maatnr, will
fin j| forthuabov'o mi Thursday tlio 31st.
For a small quantity of light freight nr piasugo
huving eh-gnnt noomiimodiitioiis, apply on board
at Aneiuiix's wharf or to
The packot no hr TANTIVY, will succeed
thoJanm'and sail mi or about thn. 10th pioxiino.
Fnrforther particular* apply as a hove.
Ocmulgoo Steam-lionl Company.
Tills company will be
prepared to commence bu.
hIiioiw early in tho uoxt
jHWtaon. They will have
two superior now steamboats (built «(|teoluUy
for tlm busihora) cnu»Unlly running holwuun
Dorion mid Macon, with a requisito nuiubor (if
Tito company will al*o havo n line of paukpt*
botwoen Darien and Now York.
UEN UY YONGE, Agent In DartPn.
Four slmnts of bue tliouuand dollars oacli rc.
main uiimld. Fur particulars apply to the agant
in Duricri.
Dwrion, Aug.fl4(h, 1835, ring 27
To Rout,
Tiro three story Drl/ft Ilnr-c,
Fr.inklin Ward—Two ►fory Wnnd.
toil Huuko, Smith CoihiOW.i*, next
• Kn^t i.f Major Fei-iihi’*, and Urge
double Wombm ljnu»'- ill Rrcuglil' r n-*Uum.
PnsMaistrfnn inuy he had imimidisioly. For nun.
dftions, apply l-u U. F. WJLL1A.MS.
nov 13—it
due 23
I'Vir Snlo
Bundle* prim" Eaxtc-rn Hay, which
will be sold low fi r ivisb,
Audorsmi'* Ibnl-liog-'
Town of St. ,fo8vj)h’a I.ot8 for pule.
fO HE l«uko Win lino and St. Jnreph'* Canal
Jl 'Cnmp'ihv, having cmitractoil fiir tbocon.
struct i»»n uf a Rail Uiwd from tlm Boy of.Si. Ju
rnph'* to con mm t wiUi tlio River Apnlacbicolu,
vin Lnko Wltni-'O,—Al*q. tor tlio building of
wbarvos-and ware bou-eo, nl both ends of tho
road, tn bo ready for tiro transaction ofbasimnm
hy tiro 1st of Docwnbor next, havo laid olf into
coqtoniont Iota, tho jrow (own of 8t. Joseph, on
a beautiful elevated pfuiu, about halfway up tiro
RaV, ou the end *Mn, at tiro point where tlio
Rfill Road will terminate, Tiro wharf 1* to Iro
carfiod out to 17 (ctrt wamr and tho Rail Road
truck to extend to tlio uxlroino end of it, so lliul
vnsnola can load und dischargo cargoes along
side thu care.
Tho Lot* in tho town of St, Joseph will hoof.
Hired fur sale ill public auction on tho 14th Do.
comber next. Terms ono fourth cash—tlm but.
amro in three equal payment*, for whiqk notes
will bo required at 12, 21 and 3G monlrf, with
interest from tlio day of »n]o. Titlo bonds will
bo issued by tiro company to the purchaser, on
their complying with Ibo terms of snlo, ami a
foo simplo Ltlo executed Whoa tiro last lusluU
rrront is paid.
Lnko Wimico andHt. Joseph G. C.
St. Joseph, \V. Florida, Oct. 1, 1835.
Sale of Lots iu tho town of St. Jnwpli,
Tho *ulo nf Lot* in the town of St. Josrjih
baa been ;v>*tpound till thn 18 h nf Jiuuury next,
when they will lake place on the runru Winis a*
tliosu herolofiua stiver 'h-ud.
dco 7— tillOJ
Tno Subscriber
S * INDI.VG i' im-onvciiient tocttnnd to tiro
1 hiisim-v* nf nt* Flunlation, will sell lliosakl
PiuoUti-fo "m istingof ]*J3D ceres, old mca*
uni:, t.o n-a>"iijhli- tornis ; or ifnntrold by tire
iitsl of January, hu will rent thn samofiirbne nr
m> <u years, with the jirjvilogoof nutting wood,
I f uliinli lln-re j* a Iari.n» niraiithy ol varioui
kimiii. From tlm fitiuliun of tho tract axiom!*
jug for upward* of two mile* uu the Great O*
guenen Rivr nud within a quarter nf a mile
of tlm canal, which extends frnm the Savannah
to tlio Ogechcc River*, otfors greatconvnniniion
for convoying iho wood to 8avuiinoli by wyy :■
of tlm canal* Fob terms, plonso apply to tiro
subscriber, ’ ‘‘
N. B. Cliy'cf thn'vcrybest quality, near tiro
bank of ii conol loading to tiro rivo.r, with piiro
wood at hand, render* tiro Brick m iking in ob<
jent uf intnrost for aupplyiug Uio Riil Raid
withtbla articlo.
New fStti.u
J U8T opened with « I rgv ns-r-rlnmrit of
Funcy Goods, suitable fur C’b Llm** uuu
Now YO'ir'w prase lit*, which arc ufi’tind fi«r sal.i
st vory low prices whu)(mil«< ami v. luil.
A Do, a grout colhrutiuti of fiho blnek nud ci>l.
orod Engravings.
• CongM‘1 street, opiuroite B. rinidcr A Cu*u.
dry.goud store, next door tu Mr. BbauIardVr.
doc 7—1
i Flcteltcr & linden,
H AVE received |wr abip MiflodgovtUo in ad.
dilion lo their furrn'ur stuck, 4 cases I -t
quality Satin Boavor Hats, latest fashion They
havo also received por reconl arrival* a good as-
surlmoul of Boots and Shoes.
On hand 1200 pair Negro Shrroi(lightly datft-
ngod which they will soil vory joW.
Dividend, No. 2,
• Bank of Dinriev: Der.1, 1835.
f ppf l E B-rord of Directors of this Bank, havo
4 tin* Day liuolnred a Dividend of Three |»w
cant, ou t|m nmonnt of cnpitul stiroli paid in for
tho last Kix Month*, which will ha duo und pay.
M hle on aid after tl.o 1st day of January imX'.to
tife stocklnddor*. t,r llioir loual roprosonUtiw*.
EBENEEER S UEEti, Cashlef.
dac 18 '
BY J. B. IlliRBEHT 4- CO.
' TOMORROW, 3Uthii.*t, at Ilu'cloek; wl|V
be sold In ftoiit of store, n* general assortment '
of Groceries, and Crnckory,
2 |dpo* Lnitnliou Brandy
1 hhd Jumaicu Rum •
25 bbls Pilot «ind Navy Bread
5U bid* lri*li 1'nlotoDs
60 ro,ims Wrapping Paper
roll Spanish *
75 qr bt>xi»* hail' BiTanisl
10,000 Spanish Ht-gars
40 boxes Soap and Candles
100 pair Brogan* and sllppora
, AI*o,
1(100 m Slioijldnrs Bncon
Biga ti
dec 20
Font pun td sale Of
Dutdi llulbous Kooir nr Auction.
TOMORROW tVENIIW), 8im, InC. «t6
o'ulock at sales room, corner of Bay uud WJiiL
Ono ciisn Billtmus Roots, RSM^rlod.
CutuluguuH cuii Lo hud on application aUheir
Counting Room.
. Innm-.dinti-lf aftor tlio snla of Roota a splendid
CeRctiiioii uf Fienoli Prints will btiofiurud.'
ibm 2D
Huudy Mndu ('luthinj
J5IORROIV, 31).b Iiihi. ut II o’clock^-will'
TOMORROW, 3U.b Inst,.,
be snldili front Of store, lo close sail s, a quutitlly
ofR-ady Made Clothing - •
doc 26 Terms cosh, :
liulluml ( liruiidv uml Tean.
)!].). n.HHHHEhT.y CO. .
TOMORROW,' 30tb instant, at; I I rfolqolci
will bo (old in ft-ont nf- alore, without , tbp IomJt.
rcBoiv*’, In i-lo-e cnnsignmoni,
7 plpnu pure Uu land Gin V '
3 pipes do Ciigmio BraniJy
43 tiller Is Hy«on Tea; flrsi quality
(b-n 29 Turin* inado known at mle. •
lloword Slceut I'lonr.
By P. O. tiMCK .} O. COHEN.
At Private Wain,
100 bid* riipnrfino Howard Stoat Flour,land
ing from brig Oglethorpe, and.wlll bo suid loir
un llm wharf.
<l.a S3
A« Private 8ule..
123 bbls' wtiparllnu "Ffoiir,* now* landing, and 1
.will bn suid on the wlrotf.
dec 29 ■
Administrator 8*%lu.
liy S’. PHI/,MUCK * CO.
On THURSDAY, llm 7th day nf January
next i t II (iVlorlc, hi front oi'stnro, the
ilpiiM-lmld and Kit^hi-n I-'urnlluro, balonging
In tm> c-i mu t.f John’ Du vision, luto of Bnvan.
null ducnnsnil. Siihl by |>uiof tlio’IIoiN
rabid ilm Jn*iici-s of tlm Inferior • Couri ,of-
fbii'l'iui; County.,and hv (irilor of the ndininl*.
ir.itnr, .for i-uimfi of tlio Imira and crcditurs. uf
•aid i'*ttire. - 'i'crniu cash. •
due 28 .
Cm and ftsach llrandy. *
At private sulo. *
12 lihls Nortlmrii Gin
13 do Pouch Brandy , / •.
Landing from aahr Eagle from Bolti ingre.
(loo Sti ■ ■ ;
UyJ. B HBR/Sgrw:
At private >010.
HO h ilf bamlrNo I and 2 Mackerel siowlan.
ding. ’ '* rieeSB
At privato sale.
A nrst Buggy and Ifnrnwui.
At privato h.iId. .
20 kng* prime Gnalion Butter, landing from
ship Newark
100 bbla fresh Canal Flour doo28
Pure Holland Gin and Brandy.
At Private Salo.
9 pipes pure Holland Gin
2 pipes Cognao Brandy, just received.
M r 24
At Private Solo.
100 hrls Fro-h Canal Flour
"sit.'e shms .*■ o.cisiw;
At PL vote Sale.
?0 k'-g* primo Guslien Butter, landing from
riiip Newark. . deo 23 - ’
Mnokcrcl uud Clmire.
1 (fi) brl* No 3 Ma korid|50 do No 1 do
400 C'huir*, ansorlcd, 3 Bureaus, landing fift
B'-hl-ni. deo2y .
IDO bundles Prime Eastern Hay
dec 23
' UYTCu~sHt<:it <j. o ctiMir~~
Olio Negro Boy about 14 yoara of ago
One Mulatto Woman, aged eliopt 25 year*, a
good si-auihtrcks, and Imr^son about 3 yearn od.
dee 23 Turin* easli.
l-ickod Up,
A FEW days ago, in the river, iwo 1
of Cotton, tlio ono inurkcd triangle 6t{o.
» bnhtf
07, wt. 337, the other marked B, and badly cx-
erulcd. Apply at the Rod Knoll Plantation to
8. G. Throadcreft. '
doe 24—b
doc lfi
St. Croix Sugar, Aio.
^ Hhd* prime 8t Crnlx Sugar.
r .
100 bble No 3 Mackoml,
fit) d" No 2 do
20 do No 1
730 Grind St J .
by WO(
dec ^8
ieu* ait;
•v, fi r Bale
c MAY.
An Overseer Wanted.
O NE well qualified to manage a rioo planta.
lion, woli recommended, (aiid. nonb .need,
apply wilnout such qualification* and rocomtnen-
tion*,) will find eiiiploymcnt Bird a libosal aalsry
°7fe°'' ta ANTHONYB^^Y.
I’iantors’ Bunk.' 1
i-lu. at U
A N Eloctwh wl|l Irolmbi at tho .Banking
/UL iluow, ori Monday 4th January next .far
eight Director* (mtkop irt of the SU'ckboldrra.
.Voile will be uymicd at IM hnrt efoirod at two
o/ekxfti • J • M A_RKII ALL
’ dec 23—Z.
CominisMon linsincsa in Darien,
Georgia. . ■
T IIE subscriber wiil continue the Commts.
sion bu*ino*a Imrutoforu carried on Jn thin
place by Ph.' E. Yohgo Sc Smia* Ilia wbarvea
and stores are extonsivo and cmivoniont. : Gonds
shipped to hitn for tho up cGuntty will toccIvu
Ilia |HJ|soiml attention, and bo forwarded by oar-
liost und. host opportunities. Ho will roinuih in
Darien atoll comon* of tho year.,
II. Yongq.\rlU Continue to rUn bis ainall In,tils
until tho river boconros u&vigablofor muuiu Ves
sels. • -
Darien, Aug 24, lti35. . aug 27
Old. ^latlcirn,
Cosher ^oq 3
TORO M tlio Imi
19 Madeira iuipt
D'unon, In ‘