About The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1853)
S, koamneniftiuiw. ii. vr Cook, ,-:A m, rUvbtamM JTwWvv jnen «fc jraSSS$B rfSSiS 1 ' 1 -'' Cooiporiuon. ^^SlS&BHUloSrl Bullion's Utta Header. rf «pply ^^^filDiSnf.ia/oongTeMitreet. * rt M v U V irt«pCri I i«'«lln»«™l»jl»l»':*- l«.&5l iffffiffpSSUr. tli.l til. »bi>w l»$ul«r Klin re| "' r - SMftKRo&i or itllci, heinorrlmge.. nionot. .nd earn, tetter, ory*lpolns anil nil ^JjLSTlS Kk>n » n > 1 "* } 9> ecndula, drew, ^ mi humoral disease* jpcrally, nourofela, i M “. U u.,L,i* hviteriA, epilepsy or the (ailing ' iw£HS*rtlA.M'°l' 1 « ct,a tondeuoy, bronchitis, l lfflloS.m.Uo" Ol mo .tomnoli Multo-tl* <<SSS powlblo typ. or chronic dl.o».o.l dlimil art curoNe, If no or- 11,1c tn d hygienic course of treat- ■■' •jSjffiuSto»or.otr«« from »n point. In lb# «UololoK smte, rooJor. Il woull.rly 1 A nonof Inrolld., .l..lrou. of «™lll»« thorn. -tHu.lmoyottllow.loMuro the water and accommodaUona for guests, ML P «ll known to need comment. rJSinSran Uie establishment no expense has been spar- M uo| u P' , t0 ma ko It ono of tlio most deslrnblo fcrfSrt for invalid, in tho United States. w* 0 ”*?!, be required to furnish tbotr own ont-flt.— i?of Mellon shcots and towels, compresses, tiu for suilorlflo purposes. All of which can bo on the most reasonable terms. |oo-» wtttS AVD IAU1) —25 firkins prime and clioicoDut- lS»lnrd,J».t«l..d^|fl^ !£ ^TmaHD TOBACCO/—100 packages, trom very poor l twr irood; 100.000 cigars, from very poor to very received •»<*«■&& 1 B*J« riav—nw.ooo pounds u muuvumw. am. FpiniSh'.—The .tor. In WhiKinr .Iroct now corf ifflrtM hy th. robicrlbcro iu»»hoomlo .lore, of which aiUponWMton Don bo haillmmwllktolv. ’ Also, will be rented about the first of April noxMhoir ro- Ull store, corner oT Whitaker nnd GotigWa streota For rurtlier particular* apply to >1. PRKNDERGA8T& Co, ontho premises. WATX ^•ZrT*, nAiiMAWY*?a"“* ! sa^ot^. QtyiTOMfAOTQna, Niwiou*tacu*u miwAJUi o. wadx. «. CRUGRll At WADH, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MKRCUANT8, 64 Bay-street, ftroannaA. UXKKT I, FORT. *. r, tiOXlLAlf . _ FORT At DUNHAM, * ' FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEltCHANTS, dSboatinaA, Ga. & FUR RENT—The dwelling, No. 162 llryaiimtrvot, bo. Ijjtweou Montgomery and Joffenura street*. Thu houso is “in Kuod order, havlug wcoutly nndorgono a thorough lfossesslon uauhe had Immediately Ann] v to Broughton street, opposite St. Andrew’* iSli. ! 6kh of Hoptembor. a Store, suitable for storing main, cotton, Ac. Will bo rent! _ ^ed low If applied (or lrninnjllatoly. * • for Immmllately. Apply to CKUOKR & WAl)g84Bay.st. nnin . -FOR RENT—A large and comfortable dwelling. ■3 ktoefty Blr * e , t i " 8C ° nd door from Uarnard. Immo- JfcjjLdlato possoiUlon given. Apply to Jnnutf KIDDER A RODGERS, 142 Ray street, ifift TO HKNT—A Mouse at tbo oomer of liull-street • S i nnd Orleans squaro, pleasautly situated-good wa- ■Jit ter, out bulldlngicomplete, and In a good nolghbor- hooo, wlU» or without standing furniture, from 1st ifiiy till 1st November, Inquire at the Courier olHco, mh'io T7'OR 8Atl^--A trusty nnd^npablo negro wonmu with lior X 1 three children. Apply at this office. apllO F oil SALE—A dnslreahlo residence on a trust lot, In feo rimpl«.ncarUio bnalnoaa portion of the city Also, trust lots Nos. 25 and 20 Mooteniy wunl, and fronting tbo »qunro- Apply to may4 WY1J.Y & MONTMOlXlN. F OR SALE^Two hundred ond two nnd a hair (20214) acres of land, situated on Reedy Crock, In Wilkinson county. Apply to apl28 iteedy t WYLLY ft M0NTM0LI.1N. F OR SALb^—A very intelligent mulatto man, a good cook nnd lmuBO sorrant. Apply to Apply to WYLLY ft MONTMOIJJN. F OR SALE— 1 Tbroo Tory likely young negro men, good axemen and field hands. Apply to »Pl»8 WYLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. CARPETS PRESERVED. T HOSE fhmlltca desirous ofhaviug their Chrpets taken up, and packed for preservation during tlie summer, can havo the same attendod to by my Upholsterers who have full experience, having do voted several years to It in Now OrloauB. Carpets will bo packed and stored until lamlllefl may wish them relayed. Send yo»r orders to WM. II. OUION, Agent. apI28 Carpet Warehouse, 140 Congress-st. PARTICULAR NOTICE. HEIJJEN A CO., SumnnaA, comer of lii-oujy/ifon and Hamard streeti. fn To I’UWTKRS, MmaiAXTS AND OTHERS VISITINO/aSCWa siU,SAVANNAH TO LAT IN THWH SUPPUIH.—The lin.ler-SgSI signud would call particular attention to their exten^^® sive whoiesnloand retail HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufacture, and can therefore ho sold cheaper, because they nro not burthened with Jobber’s profits, while for quality aud stylo they will com pais with anything In tlie market. Having permanently located in Savummb, wo aro deter mined to secure patronngo by sol ling good bargains, dealing fairly with all men, ami cross-lifting with none. We are In league with no Shoo, Clothing or other establishment, oltli- or for mutual beuefit, or for the purposo of hooping custom ers away n mi those housoa where they can buy cheapest. \\ e expect eiery customer to Judge for bimsoir. and if we cannot suit hui, willtako pleasure lu referring liim to oth ers who can. BRI.DRN ft CO , Cr. Broughton and llarnanl-st. PISK’S.METAlaO Bo«.,a T . o^SEL lugentoa WB are constantly receiving ti.—. Vlllual)1 - Cases. a "d havo them always iu reuiUuc^., l(( kl1 5 SKb?” ““'‘wUffi & 1 vSISSl“ , " 0, “ n0l '“- I. W. ilORKHJ. It CO prnknlku,wr- y 147 Bay-street. N. B.—Wo aro permitted to Inform the public that wo rr ——■—-—t; :—: havo received from Mr. Raymond, of New York cilv, a let. ter signed by tbo different members of tbo United States Senate, who were appointed to take clmrgo of tho body of the Hon. Hkniiv Ciay, deceased, (which was enclosed in ono of Fish’s Metolic Cases.) and who went with it to Kentucky; they say to Mr. Raymond, that tho Cnso answered tbo pur pose for which It was intended, nnd meets with their appro bation, and they cheerfully recommend it to tho public ns being superior to any other Caso for tbo transportation ol the dead. Tbo letter can be seen by calling on febl4 I. W. MORRF.I.L k CO JOnNT. ** 0WUWn lloWI;jJUfD ^ 0 g“* T - HOWLAND, JR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T2 Hay^trfd, Sammah. WnPMNtt AND COMMISSION*ilKlfciIA] SAVANNAH, OA. KANT, WILLIAM P. YONGH. FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No, 04 tiay-ttrea, Savannah. O’HKAll «b STOMEY. ar,^iJMlSSRlN MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, Charlatan, South Carolina UT« or Tim FIRM OK UMAItR. O’llHAU A CO. * IlWtln tho oltjr oonioqant,pon tho report tht atrangcra had been dotccta tkporfng xvitli y^foca. On Wedneaday the oxoltenbnubaldod, (M) rumors having.boon pronounood rldnaa oxngpcitlons, An Englishman named Dyson, iei ,ly teacher of a negro BOhool, has been arrested chad with having had Illegal transactions with nogrol He la held for ex amination, which will take plrtioxt week. Later trom Culm by tlwtack Warrior. IV York, Juno 17. Tho Black JVarrior, with Wana dates of the 12th, has arrived. The small % aud cholera aro raging In tho Interior pf Oubatbo landing of 000 slaves from on board tho Lady {folk Is conlirmcd. Now Orleans Cottoi larkot. New leans, Juno 10. Tho markot remains unohang under the Asia's advices, with barely 1,000 bales t|l to-day. Middling stands at 10 a lOj. Receipts to-y aro 2,000 bales. Exports 0,800- Stockremalulngibaud 93,000 bales Charleston Cotton iCfkct. „ , A , L, . OiiarlVon, June 17. from UJ to'l/c iaV6 b °° n 410 l,alC8 tfleurus nill gins Proceeding, of Count. ma mb. £s:'c.”a,. »« 1 r«Uo3»: W,ne CanOS rpforr c«l to found wore disposed of nufSt ttS 4 .. 80 "’ °'T n 1 '” or »«ents of Blako’s th n tSi.^vim ." 5 . 10 " r r vl,, K* of lho Ordinance rela- fnm,' ” & R,ver i in kav/ng gutters to build- Thomna R. Mill*. "««"* Tron nvasibom jv., .u»uv«, both cast* dismissed, It apncnri,g that duo dilligcnce had been med to comjily with tho OiVlnanco. R.flaborsham& Son, agents of Mr*. Sarah Bolton, Goo. Sj FwsMont Georgia SUmboat Co., same offence. n d tU ° c ^ I K)rt, " n being rcnlttcd. ’ .. illittuk I C.VUK tjf} inboat! lln», commander; leaves B £k(0& lho 15th and aOthol n rsr^- UANCItOFT & IIRYAN. c- i. ®KNKRAL AUEN'IS AND BROKERS, Sa . ,u °f “ ock *» Honda, Exchange and Roal Estate, 117 Ray-street, Savanuuii. Jnn24 WULLIAM II. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND C0UN8EIJDR AT LAW. w ,„ Ttvoiu’/fte, Lomdacountu, Ga. *i??i i n Thomas., Isiwndns. Cllnuh. Ware. Atmlhur Imhn'tim! " f ft l u * Rd'nakl counties.GooLta 8 ; n«a r, J n '' Mmll80U , Ikmlllon, and Columbia coun! uea, eionaa. f(jl)23 .Hmiimun uuvim. JACK I WILLIAMS, OLIVER Si DROWN. ATTORNEYS A1>1AW, ,_ m Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practisei in the counties of Marlon, .Macon, Houston, fatewart, Itamlolnh. Muscogee, Js;o, nnd any adjoining counties where their services way be required. Jan2ti JAMES O. A. CLARK. AITORNKY AT LAW, Office—175 Bay-sired, Savannah, GoorpU. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A o,90 Hay strut, Savannah, Georgia. McRUEEN McINTCSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JackmvMe. Fla, SliSiWu 0 °i 0c * r i P* H.—The splendid ste.mshlp ALA. BAMA, CapUln O. D. Ludlow, will leave as above. For freight or passage, apply to Juno*® PADKLFORP, FAY k CO d&L, NFW YORK—GeorgtH Llner-The regu- SS&lar packet bark MARIA MORTON, Capt. Bulkley.wlll mve Immediate dispatch for tho above port. For freight of 50 bales cotton to eompleto cargo, or passage, having handsomo state room accommodations, apply to Captain on board at Anderson's Upper Wharf, or to ROWLAND & 00. _Irolght6-10(t per pound. junol8 d&L 'B08TpNi.Tbetegular packetbrtgVHlUJRA. ™yA. H. Calhoun, mastor, wunts 50 baleH cotton to cornple cargo. For freight or passage, apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf; or to Junel7 HRIQHAM, KELLY k CO. JEM PHILADELPHIA—Heron's Line—Tbo Jtflfffareirular packet aebr. C. C. STRATTON, Westcott, master, will have quick dispatch aa abore. For freight or passage, apply to Junelfl OGDEN fc BUNKER. JEM PHIL A DELPHI A—Hero n ’» Unii-TiTo afishregular packet sclir. JOHN POTTS BROWN. Col- lolt, uinater, will linro dls]iatch as above. For freight or passago, apply to JunolO OGDEN & BUNKER. NEW YORK—Union Llne^—Tho regular ;packot sohr NORTH STATE, Horton, master, will Ispatch as above. For freight or ^wssage. ayily to Junel6 NEW YORK—Georgia Line.—Tlie regm lar packet schooner PLANI)7)ME, Captain Brown, having larger portion of her freight ongnged, will havo Im mediate dispatch. For freight or pnsssge. apply to • ** •‘•VLXNDI Junoli ItOWL ) k CO. JULIAN HARTIHDGE. _ ATTORNEY AT l.AW, Office, comer if Whitaker-st. and Day-lane, Savannah, U»gh Logan. Messenger <ff Coundl. tor disobeying the TO cj lr «“ rn I T °p , { !0 u t “ *! ordersqf tho Chairman on Public Bu'IdUgs,and uflnaabu- r ‘ .\ tary ?,* 1 1 ^ Palntka........ slvolanguage—fined BIO. 6 ‘gnuu JacksouvUlo fl 00 1 Black Creek....i On motion it wan «• B.—FVoight consigned to R. R. Duke, for Ocala, ’ [IfOUSSTFnTHB-A .opcrior arucla for 1 1, J« oh by nmy-D A. BONAUI). m1SSST5ri:iVniShTJ5rSrg»n.lio nnilJ.COM muallnn RSShi.dFr.nch ton. niu French cam. and nlalu Swiss muslin*, plaid cambric and jSS.sad other styles of dross ;o«ds.fur sale at the «Uprkea,by IWIIT k MORGAN. nrti\G GOOIt 5 Just received, a lino assortment of llfitl. suitable for the present and coining seasons. ,u,u price & VEAPF.R. 147 Bay-street. r<mifoiLr^iObbIs castor oil. In store, and I'orsnta by OGDEN & BUNKER. fcY.-Mkir-iisMaily oxjwctcd per bark Flight, for H ah lo «nre, hy nmnHAM. Kra.I.Y k CO. received au assortment of Ihyt GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ^ ATTORNEY AT Ij\W. Office, corner of Whitaker-sl. und Bay-lane, Savannah, Ga, T?I omast. long? ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. D1ST. Office, comer Hay aiul .lamani-streetj. Sinmnah. THOS. J. NIJCKOI4LS ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oohimlw, Georgia. WM. H. P. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIA)K AT LAW, No. 14 iru^-ilrwi, New York. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, 4I * U KKTAIt. iikalkr in WINDOW ni.INDW. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS, West Side. Monument Square. Samnnah, Ga. drown & Harris! BOARD1NO, LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, WKfr 1IKOAD HTTlSKr. bavannah, as. 147 Bay-street. rjj'pOKrra AND CIDER—50 bbls Ale, 20 casks Ism- \ don Porter. 20 His Oder, for sale by fi,j 1 ’ mcmahon & doyi.e. h}R s.tiJ’ A light one horse Carriagi*, with pole, built t toorder br Brower & Son. New York, und has been VIM little.' R can be seen at the Carriage Repository PIOPB—200 bbls flour, of superior brands, lauding Trom J »ehr Woodbridgo and for side by ■,pB b BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. BISCUIT AND CRACK ERA—landing jier Marla Morton, U Ii bbls inrar,bailer and soda crackers.and pilot bread, Jrukt; ap!29 J. V- CONNKRAT k CO. felOKED t6XGCb>—2 bbls just received and for sale by ") B U A. BONAUD. ['WCR AND bbls Baltimore Flour, 30 do f llinm Smith’s do. 50 do Gcneseo do. 20 lrnlf bbls Ful- _|i Uirktliknf, choico brand, received nnd for sale by Cka McMAHON ft DOVLK. § AWES’ (lAUNfi.ElU^JiiHt received, a beautiful as- wrtmfnt of ladies’ buck-skiu gauntlets, of various Jon for silo hr buj25 AIKIN k BURNS. PANS.—Cbmmoo and fine palm leaf Fans, line China, r Suaahh and other styles in great variety, for salo liy [msj3 KEMPTON k VERSTI1J.E, jOUR, LIQUORS, kc.—100 bbls Baltlmnro Flour, 60 do J do Mu pi’ Gin. 30 do New Orloana Sugar, 50 do Moliis- It lOboie Chee«.50do Herring, 26 bbls Butter nnd Hu- yCncken SOhbds nev Bacon, 60ke^s lard, landing and wait bj mhlS 1EN &’ TARVER. pLOVIS.—0'eots. aad ladles’ lislo and silk gloves, ladles’ IT ganntlets or riding glores. gents, summer riding aud priDKStores: also, a few pair of flue long armed mlts, Brule by KEMITON & VKRHT1LI.K, lu)2 Waring’* range, next to the musin store. ljifiLSMANTILLAS—A few of the latest style Paris til'k ■ lift mantillaa, something new, for sale by ■^13 KEMPTON k Vl-niSTIIJ.E. pRAI'E SHAWLS-Just received nt the new store, a fresh V mpplj- of plain and embroidered White Crapo Shawls, ■rmj quality. The bidies aro most respectful! v requeat- V to all and look at them, as there Is no trouble to show Job it J. If. COHEN k CO/8, | aid 140 Broughton street. InWER CRAVATS AND STOCKS.—Hair Stocks, and T Slk, Unen and Cotton Cravats, of various kinds, just p'red and for sale at 147 Bay street, by L " PRICE k VF.ADER iOOKj.VG-GLASSES—Toilet and Swing, for snlo by JjnayM J. p. COLLINS. Bryan-strect. ^REN’CH CAMR1CS in plain colors, whlto silk fringe y miiies net niits. black silk raantillns silk gloves. Swiss lu«lins,&c., just received by steamer, and for sale by |*pl=0 DsWITT MORGAN. ^XGLISH SHEET 1S1NG1.ASS—A very superior article -i forjcllys, Ac. It has been tested In this city, aud is hniounced to bo equal to tho Russian Isinglass, with the *cided advantage of being sold nt about one-hnlf tlio ►c«. For salo by W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. I’M—50 bbls Luther Fulton’s Rum, landing per lho brig • Clement, and fur sale by mh5 BRIGHAM, KF.1J.Y & CO. AO IN.—50 casks choice now Hides. 10 do do Shoulder*. 1 20 do do Dufilcld’s, Stag k Shay’s Hams, in store and _ Mle b J’ may? HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. B ACON AND BEEF.—30 IiIkL* choice BsconSiinuUlers.'Io do .Sides, 30 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, just recelv- iml for sale by mayfl MoMAIION k DOYLE. HASS and Porcelian Preserving Kettles, for sale by . «»r» J. P. COLLINS. Bryan-strcct. DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 York-st.. rear of the Court House. Savannah, Ga. Established In 18.T3. T ABIES' Silk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers. -•J Ac., cleaned and dyed various colors. I.idles’ Bonnets bVaclie.1 and Pressed lu a fushinnable slylo. Kid Gloves CYv-atied.and Gentloinun’s Garments Cleuned, Renovated nr Dyed,as nmybe required. Alldonoin the samostyle which lias generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.— Torms moderate. Persons sending parcels hr Ilarndun’s oxpress. railroad or steamboats, are requested to write mo per mail, so that I may know where to call for them and which way to send them Imck. Cost of freight each way for small purcelswill bo about 25 cents. All orders punctually attended to. apll2—tiifod ALEXANDER GALUJWAY. C LICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—50*bnskets or this very *u]*- rior wine, whoso reputation Is unequalled where it is familiarly known, now landing per sleainer Alabama, and for salo by l’ADELKOHD. FAY k CO., junol Agents for Savannah. S MU.TON'R liUM.—50 bbls L Fultuu's Rum, lauding pec 1 brig Northman, for snlo by nia>27 BRIGHAM, KIHJY k CO. I AIAJUK—75 bbls llnltiinore Flour, a superior brand laud- . Ing iier schr John W. Anderson, and for sale by inny27 BRIGHAM, KELLY k (.0. C HAMPAGNE—50 baskets Muinm’s Kerroimy clmmpngne, tntlon, a very c may20 IJ1G HaWaND SMOKED HEEF—5 bbls Pig Hams, arid L 3 do Smoked Beef, for salo by mil A. BONAUD. IRECT FROM THE SPRINGS—Fresh Cougress Water, just landed from the ship Southport can be found on ice nt jnnel W. W. LINCOLN’S. Monument Square, jgACON. PORK AND BIACF—80 casks> prime AV'estoru Ba- UAMPAGNk. HYIILT. Ac.-30 baskets lleldsiok Giam- p»ign in quarts. 50 botes Nos. 1,2 and 3 Isunon Syrup. RbU X K Hum. 30 boxes Starrli, now landing nnd for sale _jnne2 HOIXOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. tlllElt — lohu Uhl's host Cider always on hand, nnd for ul«by may 12 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. 'AY.—125 bundles Hay, landing from schr. Cataract, for 1 “l»by apIO BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. B lilEGIS.—Plain, figured and satin striped bareges, for J»l« by aplia KEMPTON A VERSTlLLE. HfRAM’IXG PAPER.—Two hundred reams Wrapping ' Paper, of different sizes and qualities, received and 8. 8. SIBLEY, ““T17 No. 135 Congress-st. U'fOLUTioN’.—The co nartnorsliip of Scranton. John- ,,‘toaAUo. is tills day 'dissolved, by the withdrawal of 'iiloin B. Scrauton. I). T. SCRANTON, ^•PARTNI'dWHH’—Tli° undersigned lmvo this day form- * copartnership for,tho transaction of a General “'Pjilng im] Commission Business, under tho firm ofScrau- ®4Tallinsu. Office, No, 10 Coonties Slip, New York. W. B. SCRANTON. p , H II. TA1.LMAN. wfsnnces.—Slierman A Collins. Ezra Wheeler A Co., *jMI,Crtne& Co.. II. D. Poniroy. New York j Webster •xtnitt,Scranton, Johnston A Co , Rowland ACo.,Savan- 3m—may!7 VOnCK-The undersigned will continue to carry on the Lumber aud Timber business aa heretofore, under tho I anil ,*vl.. 1 «■ r, . lYHl'P.—30 bMs New York sugar house syrup, in store- Und for sale by maySO OGDEN A HUNKER. JOS. JOHNSTON. W. B. SCRANTON. niylT yiTARTNERs’HIP 'Tlie undersigned having associated 1 'hem Henry II. Scranton, will continue the Gro- ^fbudness under tlie firm of Scranton, Johnston A Co. . D. T. SCRANTON. Sib JOS. JOHNSTON. “wandstyle of J. Kountn A Co. Bhl9 JV°?'CE.—The ci-partnership heretofore existing be- ' tveen the undersigned, under tlie firm of Chase A P?*®*! I* this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tlio the late'firm will bo settled by 11. A. Crane, to ""■npemiiMhaving abims will please present them, 1 ,n j tadebted will make payment Either party nro “Wired to use tlio name of tlio lata firm in liquidation. ?JSffl nM mi , -“The undesigned having associated ill Z!!i! bra Br * ^°' ,n R. Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope, ti 11™ nae R' 8 wholesale grocery buslnca under tho firm u HoicoanjL JwtxsON A Co. 1 nxft T. HOLCOMBE. --v.,'.—The firm of Kkuitox A lUtuiiAU. was “taolred, by mutual consent, on the 16th Instant. EDWARD S. KEMPTON, - , R. H. MARS1LVLL. JS25SM6MI February, 1863. rebl8 D L S» OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The co-partner- tk» « P h^ritofore existing botween tho subscribers under wnnnoiy ZtKIBAUM A CO. Is dissolved by mutual kii MITCHELL will continue the business on aec °unt, and Is authorized to settle all claims, ia tayjoror sgzlnst the late firm. F. ZOGBAUM, Charleston. 8. C., O. 11. MITCHELIi, Savannah, Ga. wnnnah, j on e etb, 1953 Je8 mOLBTlON -Tho firm of laltocire, Bowse A Co. is fmm'iv , / dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect isMiiv V°* J Muarjr. The Business of tho firm will be sJCataM D. LaBoohe and Alfred T. Bowno, who are “Wired to use tho name of the firm In settlement. Isaac d. Laroche, ALFRED T. BOWNfZ a... . EDWARD 8. KnnTON, J*n. S, 1863. RICHARD II. MARSHALL. robscribers will continuo the business at thrtr ohl under tho firm of LaROCHE k BOWNK. i“ u cD.iaRocH«. \ i*ya»T.ltowira. ; . janlO GROCERIES, Ac. 160 BBLS. Baltimore Flour, 20 do H. Smith’s j do. 20 do pure Genesee do, 20 half bbls Canal do, ■ 250 sugar cured Hams. 20 hhds Bacon Sldos, ICO l ., bbls B and C Clarified Sugar, 26 do Crashodand Ind do, 26 do New Orleans do, 16 hhds Porto Rico do, 21 11w do, 100 bbls Domestic Liquors, 76 boxes Tobac- lehest* Teas, 25 bbls Mackerel, 25 half bbls nnd kits lpbU and IQ tea West India Molosuos. 25 bbls New Or- "p, 5 do Stuart’s do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do log and in store, for sale by COHEN A TABYER. con Side, 30 do do Shouldor*. 60 bbls Mess Pork, 15 dn prime do. 76 do Mess Beef, 20 half do Fulton Market Beef, for sale by m!3 WEBSTER A PALMES. MRET WINES—60 cases liaut Tulencu Claret, 60 do Margnux, also 10 casks superior Claret. Just received per ship Delta, by way of Charleston, direct from Bordeaux, and for sale by may20 J. ROUSSEAU. S LATES.— An assortment of the finest nnd cheapest Slates ever In this market, just received; also, a specimen of the best Roofing Slates, which can be furnished wholesale or retail, by S 8. SIBLEY, apllo 135 Congress-street. $500 Challenge. HOBENSACK’S WORM SYRUP. A N article foundod upon scientific principles.compound ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and has never been known to fail In curing the most obstinate cases. Worms can never exist when this remedy is onco used, from tlio fact that it not only de stroys them hut removes all the slime and mucus which may remain. Tho Tape Worm. This worm is the most difficult to destroy of all that In habit the human body. It grows to an almost Indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fastened in the intes lines and stomach as to produce Fits. St. Vitas’ Dance. Ac , which is the causo of many going to the grnro, not believ ing that these complaints have their origin from the laj>o worm ; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are allifcted with this aw ful foe to health, 1 recommend the use of my Worm Hyrup and Liver Pills; tlio Syrup to bo taken In doses of two ta ble spoonfuls three times a day, then take from five to eight of my IJror Pills, to dislodge and pass tho worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of tapo worm can bo speedily cured. Round or Stomach Worm. Tills worm is usually found In thesmall intestines, nnd is the worm most common to children, yet It is not entirely confined to them, as adults liaro frequently been known to suffer with them. Tlie symptoms most prominent while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the belly, slimy stools, looseness of tho bowels, picking at the nose, a blnclab stveak under the eyes, Ac. If you.or any ol your children havo any of tho above symptoms, Hoben- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be deponded upon—by using it you have a certain, sufo and speedy cure ; and if after using It according to tlio directions tno putient is not re stored to health, nnd the worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond tho gravo, ns for fall, there Is no such word or fall with tlioso who use my Worm Syrup. AacnrldcB, or Small Thrcnd Worms. These worms, to which tho human sytem is lluhlo, nro most troublesome of all others. They are generally to bo found in the rectum, and If allowed to remain, from the ir ritation they produce, lay the foundation for serious disor ders, such ns inllaminntlon of tho bowels, nnd other do- rangeinonts of the stomach. Tlio best and safest medicine that can be used is llobcnsack’s Worm syrup. Such is tho astonishing power of my medicines over Ascaradies. that I defy any one to produco a case where my Worm Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to ho used they will not cure. All that is noccssary ia to use the syrup in accord ance with directions uu each battle •, and In case a gentle H stive Is required In order to allay tho irritation they uce, tho Liver Pills, by their sympathising action and healthy operation upon tho bowels, Is tho most pleasant medicine that can bo taken. hobensack’Tdiveii fills. No part of the system is more liable to disease,than tlio liver, It being supplied with numerous blood vessel# end nerves, and if diseased, the blood of course (lowing thro’ all parts of tho body, produces liver complaints, jaundice, bilious affections, dyspepsia, Ac. Liver Cnmplnlnt, Is attended with chills, succeeded by fovor, severe pain In the region of tho liver, vomiting bitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse full nnd bounding, the pain in the side is in creased by pressure, should tho left lobe bo affected, tho pain is genorally In the leTt shoulder, with a short dry cough, tho skill becoming of a callow appearance, anil the stools clay colored. Tills disease can be cured liy tlio use of Ho- hensack’s liver Pills, as they act directly upon tlio scat of the dlsenso, and then operating upon tho bowels they ex pel all tlm corrupt and vitiated matter from tho system. Dyspcpgi n. Tlie symptoms of DysnopsTa, and Its various diseases nro dizzluoss In the head,heartburn, oppression after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, Ac, nnd some times general languor of tho whole body, hom this It will bo seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized stale of the Liver and Stomach. Hobensnck’s I Ivor Pills U the very medicine to effect a pormnnent and lasting cure, as they act by changing tho certain morbid actions of the system Into a healthy action, and rendering tho blood pure and healthy, yet"*** To Females. (Mi You will find these Pills an Invaluable medlclno In many complaints to which you aro subject. In obstructions olther total or partial thoy nave been found of inestimable bene- fit In restoring and purifying the blood and other Bulds so as to euro all complaints which may arisb from fmnale ir regularities. as headache, dimness of sight, pain In the side, hack, Ac. These Pills aro lho only safe nnd effectual reme dy to oure tlio following complaints. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in Diet any of the dis eases that arise from affections of the layer, Impurity of the Blood, or constipation of the lkiwell. Medical Evidence. Wo, tho underslgnod Physicians, having had the receipt nf their manufacture submitted to us for Inspection, say, G»at the Ingredients of which they aro composed make* them tbo best Pill in use for all diseases of tnoLtv/~i ,D1 " purities u the Blood, Ac. in u n 2“»KVd'. d ' L. BOWEN. M. D. AiT Purehaso nono but tlioso having tbo signature “J- N. HOBEN8ACK,” as aUother* are worthless Imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, and all othere wUWng to become sgenta, must address thqTroprtotor, J.N. HOBEN- SACK, at Ids Laboratory,No. 120 North Socond-street^bovo Race,Philadelphia. Bold by all Drumts nisyai—AtwAwly ORDINARY’S OFFICE, ’’ •rner of Bay and Whitakcr-streuts. Oflko hours from 0 A. M., to 2, P. M.; and from 3JJ, P. M. to 0, P. M. ATTORNKV^j^kk A COOPER, *«» COUNSELUIRd AT LAW, —vGeorgia. A. SHOL„ MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Work In u a <uinrv ol every description. Residence first door west or St An- draw’s Hall, Broughton Street. roofing! Tlio subscriber Is prepared to lay Tin Roots on correct prin ciples, and from sixteen years’ experience, fuels assured ho can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference •to; .. , „ , j. J. MAURICE. AyOuttcrs and Conductors mndo to ordor. M. WIIIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, Fiut Mgr Ida. Will practice in tlio Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col, 8. S.JSIbloy, and K. B. Hilton, Esq., Savannah, Ga. J. \V. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, tbrsyth, Monroe County, Ga. S. W. BAKEli7 ATTORNEY AND COUNSF.IJ.OU AT LAW, Monticdln, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hon. W. D. Fijjiwij, Savannah, Ga. feb3 TO: U. NORWOOD. O. o! WIWON. NORWOOD & WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Savannah. Ga., Will practice In all tho Counties oftho Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed lo their enro, will receive prompt ntten- tlon. Office on Bay street, over Wkihtku k Palmes’. WILLIAM B. FLEMISH. JOIIN M. M1LLEN. FLEMING Si M1LLEN. Tho undersigned having united in tho practice of law, will attend punctually to any business entrusted lo their caro. Office corner of Bay anil Whitaker Streets, over Messrs. Swift, Iklli.Mow ft Co’s. TlioMAS HUGHESHINEir ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Tronpiitte, Georgia, Will practise In tho Circcult Courts of Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch. Ware, Appling and Irwin,Georgia; and In the Cir cuit Courts nf Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, nnd in Alachua and Columbia counties in tlio Enstorn Circuit of Florida. Will nttend to tho claims of all persons before the Departments at Wash ington. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owens' Building, opposite. Pulaski limits. Having made largo additions to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AM) JOB PRINTING, iu his usual ticut aud handsome style, and on accommodating terms. "protection insurance company, Of Hartford, Conn. The undersigned. Agents oftho uboveCompany are prepared to take risks against Finn on Buildings and their contents. Also Makink Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO., Agents. JOHN Q.UI9, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISION MERCHANT, 163 Broad-street. Columhus, Ga., Will transact the nbovo business in tlio usual manner, and pay strict attention to all consignments entrusted to his cure. Ho would respectfully refer to the following poi sons : lion. Alfred Iverson. Major John H. Howard, War- ham Cromwell. Esq., LowisM. Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Win. P. Yonge, Abrnlmin Ricker. Savannah. Cm—jnneS "JOHN R. COCHRANE^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dublin, IsiureiiH county, Ga., late junior partner of tho firm of A. k J. CiM.intA.vK, Irwinlon. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Ids care Partic ular uttanlion paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. II Guyton, F. II. Rowe, Dublin,Ga.; M. ALtrali,Savannah. may7—dfcwly e mv a rdiiTh auTikn: TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. k A. RAILROAD, Itinggold. Walker County. Georgia. W ILL attend to the purchasing on commission. Cbm, Wheat uud Huron. Tho Ringgold Depot being situa ted in a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. k A. Railroad Orders covering tlie rash, with limited or discretionary instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with order. -» References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Win. M. Wndly, Ba- vitnnnh. may 1(1 DON NETS! DON NETS 11 60 cases just received at tho TRIMMING AND 'GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 139 Broughtou-st.— Country Merchants Milliners, nnd the public gener- ly, aro Invited to examine this stock. It consists of 60 different atyloH elaborately trimmed, Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored silk, satin, crape nnd other choice and much admired styles; fiats and hats, embroidered satin hoods ; n great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Purls silk lace shapes, extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, dress do, while and colored luce, gimps and gal loons, do do silk fringes, mantles, plain bareges, shell nnd other combs, hair puffs, curls and plaits, ribbon plaits, (lowers, feathers amt wreathes, bonnet silks, jet and fancy wristletts, buttons, steel trimmings, zephyr worsted, braid, fans, with a great variety of other goods usually kept in fancy establishments. Smoking caps. slip|s*rs, children’s habllinents, such ns robes, sacks marked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. Poyi.r, assisted by coui|ietcnt mllincrs from Now York, will attaud to tlio trimming department, and will en deavor, with skill nnd taste, to please nil who may favor her with orders. Fancy und other bonnets cleansed, bleached and pressed. Pinking done. Flvo bonnet makers wanted Immediately, who must perfectly understand their business. aplGO STRAW BONNETS AND HATS cleansed, repair ed and pressed In the latest fashion. Three Apprenticesandthree Bonnet Sowers are wanted immodiately.at thellrougUton-streetTrimmingand General Variety Store docl2 DRY KELT PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—J u *t received, a few cases watcr-proot Boots; also, Ipt of thick (logged Boots, togothor with a tine u_ •snetment of Gentlemen's and Ladies’over Shoes, some of a new and approved stylo, which will Im* sold at low prices, by U. FLANIGAN fli GO., 100 Bryan-atreot. All in want will phase call uml judge for themselves, decll J - ! DANIEL CROMLAY, FASHIONABLE BOOT UAK Ell—Comer of Brough ton and Bull-streets.—The lubscribor desires to In form tho public that ho lias « wn ud as above, where he is prepared to exocuto oruj rs f or Ho,,^ 0 f tj ie finest finish and style, and eausl, If no. superior to any heretofore offered to tlio public. Having many friends In thlsStato who havo been Ills patrons In Chau e3 ton, respect fully solicits from them und tho public a call t n d & trial. mhl7 X umbrellas; A fresh assortmentof both cotton and silk, Juptre- oelvod and for sale low. by Jrw -T. H. COHEN k CO.. 140Bronahtan.it. PARASOLS AND UMRRELUS.—An assortment ol •silk nnd gingham Umbrellas. Also, low priced and fino _ Parasols, justrecclvod and for salo by aul2 DsWITT k MORGAN. F OR SALE.—Fourteen likely negroes—a roan 60 years old, a plantation carpenter; a roan nged 40 years; a vomun 32; a boy 18; a boy 12: a boy 8; a girl 2; a man 25 ; a woman 30; a girl 12; a girl 2; a woman 40 ; a girl 8, tnd a woman aged co years—thov aro accustomed to tbo mUuro of corn and cwtton. ami will bo Hold at a banjaiu to an approved purcluwur. Apply to feb28 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. H*wllt* Powders (when accurately preisuiSri',. /• warranted to be,) are held in tho lilgnost estliiiav!onr,,p their pocullnr virtual <n fftalng relief where Indlgestioi heartburn, or billions nffeotlons prevail, and when used no- cording to u.*. directions, form an effervescing aperient draught—more agreeable, ye t possessing all the nwdlctnal Monument-Square. -jr.SOttaJUrain^pp; •P>* / KoUAHON k DOYLE \ On motion it was Toisssspond the regular ordextf business, and go !b t0 t th i? 4 0C .y°“, of Clerlc of t ‘‘ e MarkoUhen, on counting tbo ballots, Waring Russell was dociarcdiuly elected. * rn n ... REP °R , ra op coujirrreEs the Committee to whom was referred lo petition of Geo Jones, praying Council to •* causo to be reeled a wall at ri°.Vh r . n . ftrd 9 « ee !? 1 }' 1 ,u ,he roar of la wharf property similar to the wall which lias been croced by a foi »j e r C T'l ntt,J *’ hnstern portion oftho city; report that Tiny consider tho prayer of tho petitiomr a reasonable rhn'amwti Inin lo! ft '! out ’X Gouncil soiio years siuco on SwSslfwhHf” which front or lho wharves.- KiMSl S3? Sf iTS illft' erected on tlio ottj’j, purtloi. nf tho l»n4. tl.oK Stlli L°°„ tho oil or side, a shelving, sandy wall, ns t .0 suJJL i s on ax-ost iti entire length, cxcavateil on tho side of theraur 1 Ul A similar wall was erected for tho wharf property tan,, eastern part of the city. 1 3 tll ° Mr Jones intends to erect five buildings on bis wl.nrf lot provided tho street In question bo properly protected by tj|„' wall requested to bo erected. j Your Cominitteo think that the wall ought to be erected. 1 under any circumstances,ns it will bo a great safe guard 1 against washing of tho land into tho river. They therefore recommended that tho prayer oftho potitlmcr bo granted, and also that a wall be built on the eastern sido of tlio city property on Uarnard street. They offered tho following resolution : Resolved, That tho Cominitteo on Docks and Wharves be authorized to advertiso for proposals to build a wall of solid masonry on tbo eastern sido of Barnard and Bay streets, nnd on the north sido of Bay street. Immediately south of tho wharf property of George Jones. Esq. Rkiiakii D. Arnold, lasso BuoNXkK. -oad and adopted, nm Fin,uce Committee,to whom was referred the peti tion of tho chy constables, asking an Increase of pay.beg leavo to report that they havo examined their caso ond of fer the following OHDIXAVCB. U Sue. 1. Be It ordained by tlio Mayor and Aldermen of tho city of cavannah' nnd the liamlots thereof, in Couucil as sembled, nnd it is hereby ordained by tlio authority of tho same, That from and altor the 16th day of June, 1863. tlie pay of each city constable shull bo four hundred dollars per annum, parable monthly, instead of tlie pay now re ceived. and each officer bo compelled to keep a horse, aud on failure to do so, ho fined by the Mayor Ski. 2. Be It further ordained by tho authority aforesaid, Tlmt all ordinances or parts of ordinances militatlngagatnst the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are here by re|K>nled. Which was rend nnd adopted, nnd the ordlnanco read tho first time. Hon. Mayor ami Aldermen Oily of Savannah :— Tho Committee Appointed to open President, Randolph and tho street running between Randolph and Reynolds’, reiMirt— I11 opening President-street through from East Broad, Mr. Hnupt’s lot. thirly-slx feet by one hundred nnd sixty (3Gx IliO) is taken, and we award him fiftien hundred dollars, with the privilege of removing the buildings within thirty days from tlie ltltli of June, failing in vhicli. tlio buildings to vest in tho city. A portion of Mrs. Jkynurd’s lot, seven teen feet six inches by ono hundred ana sixty feet, Is also taken. We award her five hundred dollars—she to removo obstructions. Iiuller, a colored roan, has twenty-one feet six Inclios of ids lot taken; wo award him six hundred dol lars—he to removo obstruction*. President-street cumin- ued, takes otr a pnriiuu *>r a tut owned by Mr N. J. Bayard, we award him nothing, ns It Is understood lie lias expressed his willingness lo open at any moment tlio city authorities may request it. It also runs through Mr. Lamar’s land thirty-one feet by twenty-six foot seven inclios, terminating at the eastern line of Rnndolph-street. Reynolds street runs through Mr. N. J. Bayard’s lot on the west, taking therefrom sixty by one tiundred nnd three feet 160x103). We award him four hundred dollars. It lin ing too only obstruction until it reaches the land owned hr Mr. M. Prondorgast. and wc are of opinion that it will en hance tho value of said laud if the street is enrriod through it. We recommend that it stops there unless it bo continu ed free of cost to the city. Tlie street between Randolph and Reynolds, lakes off thir ty-one feet three inches from lho east ond of Mr. Bayard’s lot. We award him two hundred dollars—lie lo remove nil obstructions. This street runs through land enclosed by P. Iv. Shields, which was purchased from Messrs. Harmon and Williams, and Mr. Ilarmon says was sold with the ex press understanding that tbo streets through it were to bo continued open. Wo award him nothing, for tlio reason stated, and us his lots will bo much cnhaucod in valuo by tho opening of said streets. Randolph street on its North ond abuts on the bead of Mr. I.-imar’s canal. It takes from its land thirty-one feet by three hundred nnd four For this nnd thu land taken from him In opening President street, thirty-one feet by twenty-six feet seven inches, we award him lire hundred dollars ; tlio City to remove thu obstructions. Mr. Robert son's house is on tlio street two feet, nnd should bu sot back. Capt. Jolinami nnd P. K. Shields havo enclosed tho street laid off by Messrs. Harinuu and Williams as a contin uation of Randolph, aud wo award that they open it at ttioir own expenso. Dr. J. I). Fish encroaches eight feet on Ran dolph street, his fctico should he sol cao.k Knwn. C. Amikrhon, Johki’IIG. Gammon, Al.x. J. C. Shaw, W. Dr.NOA.v Savannah, 15th June. 1853,—read nnd adopted. Tlio Coiumlttco appointed to frame an Ordinance estab lishing Dyspensury Physicians, reported an Qrdiuanre in conformity thereto, which was read and adopted, nnd tbo Ordinance read the first lime—’ RtMournoxs, By Alderman Ganahl, seconded by Alderman Isjwis, lie solved, That the Committee on Streets and Linos be au thorized to coutract for tho construction of a single track of Plank Road from the Engine House in Fnhm strcot,to Giles and Bradly’s Road. On motion of Alderman Bunner, seconded by Alderman Mallory, lUsolvetl, That the sum of uincty-sevon dollars and twen- ty-Uvo cents be paid to tho City Marshal for the purposo of paying off laborers for work done on Gaston, Jefferson ami Tattnall streets. By Alderman Limnr, seconded by Alderman lliordon, Jtesotresl. That the City Mur.riial and his assistants re- movu Mitchell Bryan from the houso nnd lot belonging to tho city.nnd occupied by him. after teu days notice. On motion of Alderman Lowis, seconded by Alderman lUotdon, . Resolved, That the City Marshal be directed, nnd Is here by required to proceed to open President street, and tho other streets named in tho Report nnd award of the Com missioners appointed to open President und other streets, within tlio time prescribed by law. On motion of Alderman Lewis, soconded by Alderman Bulloch, Resol veil, That the sum of five hundred dollars bo paid to Joseph George, City Treasurer, for signing nnd numbering 774 City Bonds, for Water Works and Gas Compuny Stock, with 41.320 Coupon's attached. MIsCKLLA.NKOUS SIATTBR. Tlie application of John Bilbo to bo refunded flvo dollars for tax-overpaid, was read and granted. A communication from the Board of Health recommend ing the passago of an ordinance Tcqniring chimneys nr flues to bo built or put to all privies within tho city, for the bet ter ventilation of the same, was read and referred to the Committee on Health and Cemetery. The following communication from the Savannah Fire Company was read and the action of said Company con firmed, viz At a meeting of tho Savannah Fire Company on the 10th of Jane, 1863, tho following members were present: Alvin N. Miller, Chief Engineer, et al. Whereas, by the recommendation of Council, the charges against the Oglethorpe Fire Company were referred back to this Company for n further hearing, and whereas, the sub ject bis been fully discussed, and Uie members of this Com pany have fully satisfied themselves that the charges mudo against the sui'i Oglethorpo Company not only are correct, but Hint from information received from Ills Honor tho Mayor, and other sources outside thoCompany, tlie negroes ployed bj this Company have been bcateu und maltrea 1 by members of tho Oglethorpe Company, and whereas there seems to be un prospector harmonious action in the Fire Dopirtnicnt. so long ns the Oglethorpe Company com prizes a part of thesame, therefore /tesolcttl. That forboaranco has been carried to Its fullest extent, and that tho only true courco l* to sustain tho course of tho Company ns adoptod at its last mooting. Extract from the minutes. Joiw IIauit, Clerk. Savannah. 14ta June, 1853. A communication from tho Oglethorpe Fire Company, remonstrating against tbo action of the Savannah Fire Company, wzh received auil read. A communication from tho “Georgia Medical Society,” recommending a change in tlie present Dispensary system, for the better security of tho sick poor; and also, tho pas sage of an Ordinance districting the city nnd appointing Dispensary Physicians, with stated salaries, Ac., was re ceived and real. A communication from Lt. J. F. Gilmer, lit Lieutenant of Engineers U.S. Army, encloiing “ copies of instructions from tho Engineer Department for his government, in cate it bo desired, that tlie works about to bo commenced for the improvement of tlio .Savannah River, sliajl ho continued un der the direction of the said Engineer Department. In con formity with tho plan and designs adopted by tho War De partment. after tlie funds appropriated by Congress ($40,000) shall have been exhausted, and recommendlug an appli cation or request by the city authorities to that effect, di rectly to the said Department.” was received and read, and on motion of Alderman Arnold, seconded by Alderman Mc Mahon, it was Raolred, That his Honor tlio Mayor be, and Is hereby au thorized to request of tho War Departnnnt tbnt altar tbo expenditure of tho funds appropriated by Congress, at its last sesshD. for tho improvement of the Savannah River, Ueut. J. F. Gilmer be authorized to act as Engineer to su perintend the work, which will be undertaken under tho oxpense- of tho city, under sued rules and regulations as may be of force In that Department. A report from (he Inspector or Cisterns wa* received and read. Council adjourned. ' Accounts passed |7,493 07. J. GEORGE, Acting Clerk of Council. NEW YORK—Union Lino—Tlio regular ■cnaokot sclir. COL. 8ATTERLY, Elwood, mastor, will havo quick dispatch for tlio above port. For freight or passage,apply to junell OGDEN k BUNKER. RALT1 MORE—Rcgulor Lino,—The schr jWOODJIRlDGB, White, master, will meet with dea ls abovo. For freight or passngo, apply ou board, at Bolton's wharf, or to junell BRIGHAM, KFJLY k CO. OPPOSITION LINE. n—i/c oj-vepanure—fhr Palatka, Ha.,awl all the interne- _ diatc landings on the route. p - w-TT^ih. The superior now Stenra-paeket WELAKA, riffTfi~iMikriM fv 'r < " lrt Kino, will, until further notice, leave every Satumuy, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Rale of Passage In large, airy State Rooms, ni follows: To Darien $3 00 | To Plcolata $8 00 SI. Marys,., Jacksouville..... N. B.—Freight consigned to ft. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-sblpped free of all charges at Palatka. For freight or passago apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet Company’s wharf, nr to feb!8 . S. M. LJFFITEAU, Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, H>r Palatka,B. F., via Darien. Brunswick. St. Marys, Jackson ville, MiddleJwrg. Black Creek anti Picolata. > w-fT***^ The superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, MBaBSBSLiQEpt T E, Shaw, wiU leave on Tuesday Mom- ln S;. al ,Jv i '’lqck. nnd will continue to leavo every Tuosday, lira Rates ot t — M g e by this Boat, are ns follows: J?Darien ’ $3 00 Jacksonville « nn Picolata Palatka 8 BlackCrcek 8 For freight or passage, apply on board at tho Charleston Steam Packet wharf or to may31 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. Airents. 8 00 roinlKi’u! brands. , : . • . -lock. #ill bo MJhfln Irani of,, impsgno, and 20,000'Cob* Fv^ra.-VL r- - ■ )i U P Wl . | BaoonShouMerSi • ' . • THIS DAY,at lOJfo’etockittt our lower store, 13 hhds Bacon Shoulders, to oioso consignment. Tornu at sale. ' y y , Juuoll Vaittsblo Farm Lots—At Private Salo. Eleven ton acre lots, eltuatad on Liver’s lane, being port of MlllenVi farm. A pian of tlio lots rosy be seen at onr counting room. Terms—One-third' oash, balance In two equal-annual ipstalments, with Interest, and aecuredby tQCtfgfge on property. BY T. J, WALSH. THIS DAY. June tho 18th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, at tho custom huuso boat house, foot of Eost Broad street. Threo boats, with sails, awnings, etc. Sold by order ot tho Collector. Terms cash. junelS 8toro for Rent. On MONDAY, at 11 o'clock, will bo rented on tlie premia- ‘ e* for a term of years, That large brick store and dwelling, formerly occupied by Mr Hallignn, corner of Bay and Montgomory-strcots; a first rate stand for a wholesale or retail grocery. junel7 At Private Sale—50 bushels small else Irish Potatoes for feeding mUch cows and stock, in quantities to suit pur chasers. Junel4 Administrators Sale. On Tueidny, August 2d, will bo sold, in front of the court* houso. between the legal hours of salo, The interest of D. M. Rogers, deceased, In tho Savannah Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchinson’s Island. For further par ticulars inquire at the counting room. Sold by leave of tho Ordinary of Chatham County os the property of D. M. Rogers, dcccasod, and by order of tho administrator. jel4 At Privato Sale—6 keg* Red Stone Mills Powder, 2 do Hazard & Co's I1FG HO Powder, 13 do Dupont's N I* Pow- dor, for salo low to close a concern. juuelO Administrator’s Sale. On TUESDAY, 6th July, will bo sold In front of tho court house, between the usual hnure of sale, Hint eligililo Itcsldenco on Lot No. 10, corner of South Bread and Wliitaker-sts. Tho lot Is subject to a ground rent to tho city of fifty-seven dullars and Rixty cents, and the improvements consist of a doublo tenomnut dwelling, in tho basement of which is nn office, dining room, pantries and bathing room ; on the first floor is twe Inure and ele gantly finished parlors, with a spacious verandah In tho tear. Inclosed with venltlan blinds; in tlio sccoud story Is four bed rooms with an Inclosed verandah.all lighted with gas. There nro spacious accommodations for kltrhon, vant’s room». osrrMgo nouseond stable in a brick building to the rear of tlio dwelling on the lane. Iu the yard Is a flue nmnp of water. Will be sold on tho 6th of July, at the residence, all the Furniture, Carpets and Window Curtains, commencing at 11 o’clock. At the court houso, on the 5th, between the legal hours of sale, a yellow woman, aged about 46. a good cook and washer. The above Is sold by order of the Ordinary, an tho property of David M. Rodgers, deceased, and by order of the administrator, Terms for tho house and lot—nno-third cash, balance In two equal payments of 0 and 12 mouths with interest, se- cured by mortgage on the premises; for tho furniture, cash, purchaser paying for all titles and papers. nmy4 At Private Salo—A choice Heifer, aged about two years; her sire was an imported Durham, tlie mother on English cow. Also, a Milch Cow, gentlo und kind, accustomed to the yard. ' ' At Private Sale—Lot No. 9. Third Tytbing Anson ward, 00 by 00 feet, fronting on South Broad-streot—a most de sirable lot for building. For terms, inquire at the counting room. apl23 At Private Sale—A desirable residence near the new rail road de|H)t. being n single house with four large rooms, plastered, with nl necessaryont houses. Will bo sold low If applied for immediately. Also, a new doublo tenement ’*tno same neighborhood. For terms, inquire at counting r °om- »pl22 41. All artlelM purchased at auction, and not settled for before the next regular sole, will bo sold on account tad risk of the former purchaser, .. junell Houso for Rent—House Ho. 20 Brough Un-street, for rent until November 1st. , rosyl Improved Essence of Coffee.—W© havo just received Cron the manufacturers in Philadelphia, and will continue to keep ou bend for solo, Augustus Hummel’s Improved Ea se nee of Coffee. This is the best composition of Coffee ever offered for sale, and Coffee made from the Essence is much more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and colored, perfectly clear, and in every respect superior to the finest Rio Coffee, and in use will prove a nett saving 75 per tent over Coffee prepared lu the ordinary manner. Try Hand see If it does noL msjl2 Prime Cook at private sale—A prime likely young fellow a first rate 000k for steamboat or hotel. apl23 Gingham* and Hdkft. at Private Balo.—Jnst received per. last sto&mer, 2 cases Ginghams, 2 do French beadhdkfs., for uie low. a?122 Tennessee Bacon and Lard, at private sole—18,000 IbtOS* sorted how round new Bacon, 2 000 lbs fresh Leaf lard, ro* ceived railroad from Tsnnesseo, and for sale In lota td suit ' purchasers. apll UNITED STATES MAIL LIRE. . New York nnd Savannah Steamshtpa. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Days of Leaving Savannah for Neva York, Tlio Augusta Capt. Lyon. Wednesday, June 8 The Florida, Capt.IVoodhull,,...Saturday, “ 11 Tlio Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Saturday, u 18 Tlie Augusta, Capt. Lyon, Saturday, “ 25 Tho Florida, Capt TVoodhull,,, .Saturday, July 2' Tlio Augusta, Capt. Lyon Saturday, " V Tlio Florida, Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, “ 16 Tlio Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, 20 Tlio Augusta, Capt. Lyon Saturday, M 23 Tlio Florida, Capt. Woodhull... .Saturday, u> 80 The Alabama, Cnpt. Ludlow ..., .Wednesday, Aug. 3 Tho Augusts, Capt. Lynn,,; Satuiday, “ 6 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, “ 13 Tlio Alabama, Capt. Ludlow Wednesday, u . 17 rtio Aiiru.tn, Capt. Lyon Saturday, “ 20 The Florida, Cnpt. Ludlow, Saturday, u 27 Tlio Augusta, Capt. Lyon Saturday, Sept. 3 " .Fs.turdav. *• 10 L. S. BENNETT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. C. THORNTON, Having purchased tlio entire Interest of Mr. :S=22Lj. C. Thornton In Ills Carriage establishment In teusi'ii? ' 1 * 10Sl -espcctfully solicit a continuation of tlio cx- tor. It% 1 ^trenagL'vj liberally bestowed on the late proprie- sortment <Anl n . lo kcc P n lar ?° 1111,1 extensive as- The Into propi'i'’;.” 1 fWjwM. •"■‘••"I <* «>■» at thu north, for UnYirJ™? 1 *”. *>» V 1 « """If; 1 meet. 111. exoorieA »" a of o«r o.hbB.l.- lho South. -Ill lonure U t ,m if I“" th« bmlnm, ,t -oil .olocto.1 .lock iu cannot St*” 1 * “" ,1 » Mr. Bknnctt will give his ik repairing, os heretofore. "*-na aTbBOWN JUDfiL jj^pniP. ini-nun uiiu oBiron* suen n , ,to give entire satisfaction. * 1 )1 attention to allied of tYA’IS S. BENNETT- mnylO A CARD.—It will bo seen from tho above, ttitf, I havo sold out to Messrs. L. 8. Brnnkit k Co., and 1 bavtevery confi dence in the ability of these gentlemen, both Incapability and capital, to successfully conduct tho business. \nd keep up the reputation of the establishment. Mr. LkwisS. BKXNKrr 1ms been my foreman for vho last two years, and I take pleasure In recommending bin, to tlm public ns nu industrious, capable and deserving man. vho, while looking to his own Interest, will not neglect those of his patrons. In relinquishing my business In Ibis place, I take the op- portnnity to say. that It is not from any dissatisfaction whntevor. Since my rei-ider.ee In the city of Savannah, I have been kindly and gonerously treated, und have suc ceeded much better than I anticipated. In the course 1 have just taken. I have been prompted by considerations of a private characteraltogether ; wherever 1 inny be. I shall always carry with mo t be liveliest souse of obligation, and cherish tbo deepest interest I11 tho jinw- pol ity nnd advancement of tlio city and its people. Noth ing will <i« more to effect this, than the sustaining of a Healthy and honorable competition. 1*1 tlmgood people of the City and State to it. J. C. THORNTON. Savannah, 9th May. mq, N. B.—Mr. H. D. »V. Alkxahhkr is my legally authorized agent for the transaction and closing up of my business. limy 10 J. G. THORNTON. .. r 21 , R 27 4 32 74 3 77 25 54 59 42 Holders of prizw will please call for tho cash, or renew at E. W1TH1NGT0N’8. Greenn atilt FulnsWl Lottery. v ,.i UBEGORY k MAURY, Managers ic.V*, ; u ““ 4 4’draws «t Wilmington, Del., this dav, the 18th hist. OAPITAt. ;5N $38,000. ,70 Number lmttory—12 Drawn Ballots. Tickets 810—shares in proportion. Class 73, draws on Monday. 20th Juno, In this dty. gale* close at 3 o’clock, P.M. 1 OAPITAt.. $9,000. Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. Tickets eufta $2—shares tn proportion, lane. Savannah* singly or by thn package for salo In Bay iunolS next to Robinson k Camp. K W1THINQTON. GROCERIES. 25 HHDS. Porto Rico nnd Muscovado Sugar, 26 do choice Now Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Molas ses. 109 bbls New Orleans and Cuba 8yrup. Stu art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Spenn 011,309 do Linseed do. 200 btmon sperm ArUramnsnOne te^dteo, 25 do Starch. 60 d* Cheese, -73 do Soap. 26 dn Tollot do, 60 do mixed nnd assorted Candles, 76 packages Teas. Black. Im perial and Green, 160 bbls A. Band CClarified Sugar and Yellow Coffee dn. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes, Figs, Citron. Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powders. Salcratus, So da. Ac., now In store and for sale very low. by mb26 KIDDER & RODODRS. AVAL R. SYAIONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No 17 Whitaker street. Savannah, Has just opened a Inrge ami choice variety of Nwv Ppiiisn and Summer Goons, consisting in part iff black, figured and fancy French Casslmercs; black and cnl- ,orwl Ciislunere; Clntlis and Caslimeretts; white nnd fancy Linen Drills; with a largo assortmentof fancy Mar seilles and Linen Vestings, all of which ho is prepared to make up to order in tho most fashionable style, and on ac commodating terms np6 FHIHF KEAN, DRAPF.R AND TAII.OR,. 08 Bryan-st.. Savannah. Ga. —Grateful toiny friends ami tlio public in general .3 for their liberal patronnbo heretofore extended to me, SJLl now offer them a greater inducement tiian ever, ns I have just received my Fall and Winter Stock of En glish. French nnd German Broad Cloths. Black and Fancy Doeskin and Cassimerc, Dlack and Fancy Silk nnd Satin and Embroidered Vestings ; also a very rich article of Evening Vesting, which I am nrepnrcd tn make to order, in the most rnshiunablc stylo. Also a large and well selected stock of MEN’S AND BOYB’ HKADY-MADK CMTHING. together with a large supply of Shirts. Forks. Suspenders, Gloves, Collars. Merino and Silk Undershirts nnd Drawers, Mats. Caps. IVimks. Vnllcos. Ac., nil of which will lie sold nt price# to give general satisfaction novfi WATCir ..Capt. Woodhull,...Saturday, , .Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, The Florida. The Alabama, Those ships are tbo largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded bv skilful, careful and polite of ficers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion oftho Atlanta m the autumn, this line will be semi-weekly—Bailing each Wedneaday ana Saturday. Cabin passage 826. Steerage, 89. PADELFuRD, FAY At Co., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, Junefi 13 Broadway, Now York. NEAV YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE—Weekly— Tlie new and splendid Steamships FLORIDA Captain Lton AND ALABAMA Captain Ltrotow Belonging to the New York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company, Will leave Savannah and Now York every SATURDAY! Tlieso Shins aro oflJlOO tons register, and unsurpassed In safety, speeu and comfort. These Steamers, loavlngSavannali attho same tlmo that the Marlon aud Southerner leave Charleston, arrive at New York as soon as, or before them. 40T Cabin Passage 525, payable before going on board. Agents ; PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savannah] SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, Jy17 194 Front Street. Now York, WM. R. SYMONS, Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloths, tins- si meres and Vestings, consisting in part of thefol- lowing articles, selected by himself during the past summer In London and Paris, which he will make up to or der in the host style of workmanship, and al the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing nnd of Furnish ing Goods, for gentlemen’s wear, is very large and of the best quality nnd style—the whole of it made this fall under his own inspection, nnd will bo sold at tho lowest prices for cash or approved credit :—Froneli black, blue, brown and olive Clntlis; fancy French and English Cassini ores; fnne.y Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres ; Me rino nnd Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white nnd fancy Shirts and Collnrs; Canton Flannel Shirts nnd Drawers: while.black and fancy Kid Gloves: Neck Ties, plain nnd embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks: Scarfs,Satin nnd Uoinbnsin Sock*. no5 17 Whitnkcr»strrct. 8TAKCLOTIIING EMPORIUM. No, 147 Buy Street. All persons of taste and refinement—those having a dun regard for comfort nnd personal appearance, may at nil times selectnnyand every article for their ward- .robe, from ono of tho largest assortments nf the Very Best Good* in this country; either in Ready Made Garments or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing arti cles of every description and quality tno numerous to men tion Call nnd see. PRICE At VEADEll. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M I). MURPHY, 21 Bull-street, would respectfully inform his fritmls aud the public generally, that lie has received his spring styles for gentlemen, among -.which will be found as rich nnd fine fancy CnsKiinercs. Vestings. Ac., as have ever been brought to this market. All orders executed with dispatch, and in the host style of workmanship. Gontleinen aro respectfully invited to call and judgo for hemsolves. mhll READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Draper and Tailor, A'o. 17 Whitaker streets, respectfully solicits the! attention of his friends and Hie public in gen eral. to bis large stock of Ready-ma is Cloth-1 tag, suitable for the present and coming season. It has all hem made up under his personal superintendence nn 1 for style and durability of workmanship, is Inferior to none to be found In tho market. The following comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths ; black, brab d’ete Frocks and Sacks ; linen duck, drill and fancy linen Frocks and Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen Sack* j black and colored alpaca Frocks nnd Socks. Pants of fancy French cassimeres. hlack doe-skin cassl- nitre. black drab d’eto and spring tweed casslmere. white duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot ton drill and duck Punts, for summer wear. Vests or blnck satin, black baratlion. and fancy silks, tan- cy nnd white Marseilles, figured and striped linens. Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks, gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and gingham umbrellas; eto., etc. The whole of which ho offers for sale on accommodating terms, nnd at prices ns cheap as the cheapest. a pi 3 J UST RECEIVED' BY LAST STEAMER—Plain and fipur- nd black Barege, black and whlto plaid summer Silk, plain and figured black Tissue, black SowingSilk for dresses, black Foulard Eilk. black English Veil Crape. Cambric and French Muslins, for salo by may26 AIKIN k BURNS. And Jv JEWELRY, RECEIVING by every arriComl*. additions, making the best assortmenirihe Steamers fresh kind* of Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, SirelilH city, of all Pitchers. Tea Sets, Cups, Syphons, Plated Cast^ns, Forks, variety of articles couuectwl with our line of busied every which' will bo sold as low as in any city in the Union.,ij 0 f 0. B. NICIIOL&. 49*- Particular attention given to tho Repnlringof Watch es and Jewelry. » n MBW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, Ac. 11 THE undersigned Is now opening a splendid assort- fm meut of rich JEWELRY, embracing the recent patterns Wot Ear rings. Pins, Bracelets and Finger-rings, among which are some line diamond set tings, from $19 to $600. jk Also, twenty-five sotsof those unique Pearl Sets of Ear- rings and Brooches, from $18 to $125 the sot. newest and rarest patterns; together with a very selactassort- '*Snent of extra fine Watches set in pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain caseB. These, with a further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Set*. Spoomi. Forks, Ladles, Cups. Ac., and Hated Ware of nil kin’s. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing (’asea, Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Canes. Cuttlerv. A-e... renders W* »<«sortment very com- iiicte. anft unsurpassed In tue Stale, cither luuuatuy ut pri ces. - D. B. NICHOLS. atgr strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and jewelry. no!2 PIANO FORTE DEPOtT THE undersigned rcsiwctfiilly inform the citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida, tlmt they havo on hand more than fifty Pianos, the. largest stock ever on sale In this city, and made by the most celebrated mnnufteturers iu the United States. Nunns k Clark. T. Chlckering. Bonrdrnaii k Gray, IA>Ighl At Newton. Edwards k Fisher, all •veil known to tho lovers of Music, havo place In their large assortment.— These Pianos are ot rich tone, aud beautifully finished In ltn.se Wood. Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with irou frames made In the most substantial and workmanlike manner.— Also tlie justly celebrated vEolinn Plano Fortes, whieli for their sweetness of tone have not been equaibd. All these Instruments havo metnlicframes which rendci them peculi arly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity of tuning for years. Tlie undersigned are Agents for Iluuri Hera’s, celebrated Grand pianos, made in Paris. For Power ami boaUy of tono, they stand pre-eminent. .. Cariiaht’hMRumtoNS.—This beautiful toned wind Install- meut.niuniifuetured by Carbart k Needham, N. Y..Lr village purimsos. I siilges. Serenading Parties, and the private prac tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they Imre nlso for sale. All these Installments will be disposed of 011 the most aceommodat ing terms. Tlinpriccs of the Pi anos ranging from $176 to $1,000. 1. W. MORRF.IL&Co ri~n'm~~ PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers sole agents for A. Stod- SNf & Go's., and Janu B. lluuham’a Plano I * — - * •Fortes, aro always supplied with nn as- Kortmeut of these favorite and justly celebrated instru ments. For durability they can Iw fully warranted, whilst their superiority of tone nnd touch is orideut uud acknowl edged by the must casual observer, as well as the critical connoisseur. Tlie ladies are respectfully invited to view these instruments. An nrrrangcinunt havlug been effected with one r.f our most einiueut Pianists for the purpose, they can also bo enabled to judge of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM k CO.. Market-square. Second baud Planus taken iu exchange, also tuned and repaired. je!7 E MBROIDERIES, Ac.—Muslin and Inco Chemisetts and Collnrs. lace, muslin nnd cambric Sleeves. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insnrtings. Swiss and cambric Dnnda, I-awn and rambric Handkerchiefs, black Jjioe Mantillas, Valencia nnd thread Edgings amt Insert tags, Bonnet Rib- Imhis. etc., etc. for sale by • mhft HENRY LATHROP k CO- OUMMKlt QUILTS, linen sheeting, pillowcase linen, white and colored linen drillings, blenched and brown sheet ings, stripe and plaid satin jeans for boys’ wear, black ba- rooc. greiindlno and crape do Paris, mourning muslins, par- nsois nnd umbrellas, for sale low by may22 DeWITT k MORGAN. N EW'GdODS PER STEAMER.—Toil do India for travel ling dresses, French printed jaconets ami cambrics, figured nnd plain swiss mu*lins. plaid and atrijro swiss and cambric, muslins, nnnsook, jaconet and mull muslins em broidered clear lawn bdkfs., N W collars and cambric, and cambric and swiss bands, ribboua, hosiery, gloves. Ac., Just received by ma)22 DkWITT Ai MORGAN, T O BUILDERS.—Sealed proposals will ho received by the undersigned, until tho 25th of Juno next, to furnish nil the materials and erect the keeper’s dwelling and office at Laurel Grove Cemetery, according to plan uml specifica tions to bo seen ut Messrs. Sholl k Fav’s. Architect*. JOHN MALLERY. Chairman may22 Committee on Health and Cemetery T O PURCHASERS"OFCHEAP DRY GOODS—6 coses of fust colored Printed Lawns, Jaconet, Batls'e and Mus lins. all at 12}£g. 3.caaes assorted Ginghams, new styles, at 12}£i. 1 do (a great bargain.) Ladles’ Linen Cambric BHi l* kerchiefs, at 12)^4. We have much pleasure In directing particular attention to the arrival by the steamship Florida of the above goods, and can. with perfect confidence, recommend them as the cheapest goods over offered for sale In Savannah M. PRENDERGAST k CO., may26 178 Broughton-st,. opposite 3t Andrew’s HnlL PHILADELPHIA AND SAVAN- >^^«NAll STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Tlie new nnd splendid aide-wheel Steamship ■WWt!WB»aTATE OF GEORGIA, of 1,200 tons register, Captain WiujawCoijjkh, has commenced tier Regular Trips, and will leave Savannah on Wednesday, the 18th day of May, and every nltemato Wronisday thereafter; say on thu 1st. 15th nnd 20th of June, and 13th July, and so on. Calilu Passage to Philade.pliia $26 00 “ “ through to New York 26 00 Stcerngo ” 9 00 This Shiji has been built with entire regard to safety, cod’* fort and dispatch, and offers new and admirable radii’*'* busiuess and travel. For freight or passage ar>*\ v 10 C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent. i , ,, marl7 HERON k MARTIN, Ael^_1—' FOR PHILADnuiHlA-^ t AR ® REDUCp**’ 3b tail on Saturday Afternoon, June 11th, at i o'clock. The flue side-wheel Rteamship OSPREY, IOQO 24SBlwltans burthen. J.IlENNhTr.commander,wlUleavo as pei annexd schedule every other Saturday, CHA! June 11 f Juno 26 0 July 9 0 July 23 0 August 6 N August I ~" *' "'•'•itember.. This ship lias bUdo New York with new boilers, and a iwighly overhauled anu furnisnon deck, with every arrangement id elegant dining saloon on of passengers. — ad* ’he comfort In Philadelphia, this ship occupies ta 0 „. Inn „x, Arfr , m Llverpool ateamsblpa City of Glasgow a»« ofMaiEw ter. »t tho foot of Queen itreet. «n,l (J,nt»T m,. ™ ton. Freight on all perlshablo articles must be pro-paid. For freight or passago, apply to H. F. BAKER k GO., PROM atARUSTON. ‘1 Sept 17 6 October... 1 0 October.. .16 3 October ...2P fi November..12 0 Noreml*er. 20 3 Deceinbor..lO June... June... July.... July.... July.... August. August. ..18 FROM l1!ILAr>»“ llW ' - ' Sept 10 Sept 24 October.... 8 October.... 22 November. 5 November.19 lieccmber.. 3 ..27 ..$15 .. « .. 17 '•Charles* j^neT Accommodation wharf. Charlaston. SAMUr.i. t PERCE, Agent, rtfii»u3tptn*. UNITED "STATES MAIL (."INK. Through In 60 to 66 hours.— iV*w Forfc and Charleston Steam Packer* ~\ eav# Adgcr'a BBffiBBWWharves every Saturday Afternoon, and eaeli alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new and splendid Steamships JAMES A DOER, Captain J. Dickinson, 1,600 tons] MARION. Captain M. Bkiirv, 1.20C tons. SOUTHERNER. Cantata W. Foster, 1.000 ton*, will leavo each nltermnto Wedncsd y. having been newly coppered ami guards raised, Is now In complete order. For freight or passage, having elegant stato room accom modations. apply at tho office of the Agent. HENRY M1SSROON, Comer East Bay and Adgor k Son’s Whams. N. B.—A new ship will be placed In the line to conned with tbo Southerner ou Wednesdays. feblO BC*. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM fl'<pj?SHll > ISABEL, Wiujam RolMNB, Commander betweenSavannnh, Key West nnd Havana, connecting with tlio the Facific MallSteamship Company’s line for Cal ifornia. This splendid sea steamship will hereafter leave Savannah for Key West and Havana, on tho 16th and 30th of each month, ond from Havana for Savannah on tho 8th and 22d of each month. Tlio Isabel will connect at Havana with the U. 8. Mall Steamship Company’s linn to Aspinwall. and tho Pacific mail lino from Panama to California nnd Oregon. Passengers will bo landed attho railroad wharf at Aapin« wall free. Transit at the Isthmus at the passengers' ex pense. The Isabel will also connect at Havana with tho U.S. mall Steam Cotut>any’a linn at New Orleans. Tickets for Key West ami Havnua can lie hnd of COHENS A HEKT7.. Agents nt Savannah. Tickets for New Orloans, Aspinwall and San Francisco, can be hnd by applying to MORDECAI k CO, Agents. Charleston jnnl3 L INEN TURKISH FRICTION TOWELS—A very useful artlolo for bathing purposes, and much superior to tho gloves now In use Where friction Is required, they are very highly recommended by the medical faculty In Eng land and tho United States, just reculved nnd for sale by tnh24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square K EMPTON k VERSTlLLE hare lust received, a One lot of figured grenadines, crape d’artols. silk tissues and bareges, which they aro offering very low at their stand, next to F. Zogbaum's music store, Warlng’s range. apl2p GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. a j. V. CONNERAT & CO., offer for sale on ac commodating terms, a well assorted stock of Gro ceries, liquors. Tobacco. Sugars, ko., viz: 130 bags prime Rio Coffeo. 20 do do old Java do, 20 bbaa Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 50 bbls clarified coffee do, 26 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack- ages black and green tea, some very superior ; 250 boxes tobacco, variotia qualities, l’s, 8’». 6’s ana 10’s. 16 cases Di adem twist. 10 do Virglnius and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf, Vigtaia gold leah 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco, 176.000 supe rior Havana Fcgars. 10 half pipe* Otard.Dapuyfc Co. Bran dy. 20 half and quarter cask* Pfntern, Mai tel. Sazerac. Ac. Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Louis do, 6 pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pines and 15 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26 bbls ol<. Monongahehv Wlsky, 26 quarter casks Tcneriffo, 80 do do Mnlnga Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky and rum. 100 boxes No. 1 and family soap, 50 do starch, 50 do adamantine can dles, 50 dn tallow do, 20 casks bacon side*. 16 do shoulders, •TO jihds West India Molasses, 40 bbls and tea do, 26 bbls N Orleans do. toguthur with every other article nsimlly found at tho wholesale grocery stores. jiine3 F RESH LOBSTER AND SALMON—Jnat received 10 dozen i»er steamer Alabama, and for salo by mhll A. BONAUD. S UMMER CRAVATS-^a new assortment Just received by maylO PRICE & VEAPKR, No. 147 Bay-si UNITED STATES MAIL, From Mncon, On., to Tnl lu finance, FIh Railmul to Oglethorp—Stages to Ihllahauee iaumiJitsnrtt, commenced on the 6th lust., running three times a week via. Newton. Balubridgo. nnd Quincy, nnd threo times a week via. Thoninsville, Duncnnsville. Ac. Passengers liy this route will leave Macon nt half past 6 o’clock. A. M.. liy Railroad for Oglethorpo. Tlie Stage* leaving Ogletlmrge either way at 11 o’clock, arriving alTal* Uthnsnee. nt 10 o'clock on the evening of tho next day—time by either route 35 hours. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by Newton. Bainbridga andQntacy, toTaUnhnveo returning, leaves Tallahassee on Sundays. Tuesday* nnd Thursdays, al 10. T. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, und Saturdays, by tho way ol ThoinasvlUe—returning same route 011 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 10. P. M. Through from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee by either routs in 85 hours—from ilncon in 38—and from Savannah ta 60 hours. By this route Passengers leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloc Traiu of Cars, will arrive at Tallahassee in 60 hours. It is also decidedly tho best, cheapest und most ox|iedltioua route for travellers to Apalachicola and West Florida. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1,75 5 from Oglothorp# to Tallahassee, 810,00. L. C. Snsw. Agent at Oglolhor|ie, A. A. FiflJlKR, “ “ Tallahassee. aug30 F. K. WRIGHT. Proprietor BOUTII-WKSTERN RAILROAD. for pONMngurs leavosMacun at6>J,A. A. M.. arrive at Oglethorpo at 10)4, A. M. Leaves Ogle thorpo at 11){, A. M.. arrives at Macon at 8)4, P. M Con- neettag each way with the Central and Macon and Western Train and tho Tallabasseo Mali Stago Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1X, P. M. ml6 GEO. IV. / ADAMS. Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Moll Train. Leaves Macon dally, at 8 o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ “ 6J4 “ P. M. C ONNECTING at Atlanta with the Trains of the Western and Atlantic and LaOrange Roads, and with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and %t Mar' 1 with the Day Train* of the Central and South-western i-oads. Passenger will arrive ta Macon at 12M’. and at Atlanta at 1)4, having the remainder of the night tor rest. Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) wh* leavo Savannah at 8 A. M., will arrive at Montgomery in for- tv-elght hoars, Including all stoppage*, and only tan hours staging. Accommodation Trains. Tri-Weekly, will leave Macon orery. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o’olock, A. II. Re turning, leave Atlanta every Tueedoy, Thursday and Satur- day. at 7)4 A. M. This Train will connect with the Night Train of the Goorgfa Road at Atlanta, and with the Night Train of the Central Road at Macon. Passengers by the up. ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t* Mi CON, May 17,1862. 3mo jj 2S TO THE MERIWETHER SPRINGS. H OUSE KEEPING DRY GOODS—Linen and cotton sheet- tag. pillow caso linen and cotton. Irish linen of tho best make, birds oyo and Scotch diapers, towels and towel ing, damask table linen and napkins, long lawns, crash, brown ami bleached muslin, all widths and qualities, tor salo at the lowest prices, by npl5 DsWITT k MORGAN. F OR "SALE—Threo offleo desks and two Iron sates, tha. have boon used but a short time, which can be had at a bargain by application to may29 OGDEN k BUNKER. D RY GOODS—At Reduced Prices—The subscribers are of ferlng the balance of tboir Summer slock of Dry Goods consisting ot Bareges,Printed Jaeonetmuid Organdies.French Cambrics and Ginghams, Printed and Plaid India Silks. Al- so. Summer QuRta. Linen CombricHandkerchlefij, N W Col lars, ko., at a great reductionfrom former prices. jy6 DEWITT k MORGAN ROUND CFFEE. AND SPICES —Received by brig Mason ■II. Davis,'and In store, 80 boxes pure ground ccffee, 80 OR SALE-Tbree offleo desks and two Iron sates, that b ^W PP * r ’ 88 d ° for j* v<?0NNERAT A CO h». luum hut a short tlmo .hlrh un ho had at J. > « W. B AI.TIMORE FLOUR,—100 bbls Flour In store, and 100 do to arrive, for sale by ROWLAND k CO. rpOK AY WINE.—Just received, 12 dozsn Tokay wine, for A sale by Junol A. BONAUD. F 0R SALE—A very superior one horse carryall, double scat, nude by one of the best manufacturers at the north For particttlara. apply to . may8I . SAWYER,. HOLLISTER k CO., Wliltaker-st. B AGGING. ROPE AND TWINE.—160 bales gunny bag ging. 10 do Dundee do. 100 colls No. Dillon’s rope, 100 do No. 2 do do, 10 boles Dillon's twine, ta store and for sale by may20 OGDEN k BUNKER. TTYTRAUJJO CEMFNT.—100 bbta Hofflnan’s Rosemtale, XT a superior description of Cement, landing from schr Frances 8attarly, and wr sale by ap!36 C. H. CAMPFUXD. direct route from Savannah and Macon to the Meriwether 8urtags,Vta Central.South-western, end Musco gee-Railroad*, and post cosebes. through In twenty-two hours, leaving Savannah at 8 o’clock, P. M., arriving at tho Springs at 6 o’clock, P. M.,—twenty-eight mfles staging to Warm Spring* ;• Faro from Savannah to Warm Spring* $11 00 Fare from Savannah to Chalybeate Spring* 10 60 Faro from Macon to Warm Springs 6 60 Fare from Macon to Chalybeate Springi 6 00 Conveyance* may always be obtained from the Warm Springs to either the 8utahur or Chalybeate. Junell—1m W. M. WaDLEY. Pen. Sop. C. R. R. D RES3 0OOPS.—Received per steamship Alabama—Lav- - trader, brown and black barage, satin atripe printed do, small figured do for cbildreos Wear. Swiss embroldod chtm- Isett* and uudersleoves. 8whs embroidered and cambrio '• band*, ladles’ sewing silk net mlts and glove, striped alike, and small figured muslins, for sale by apIO LaROCHE & BOWNE N EW GOODS.—Received per steamer- Pari* Bareges, Tis anes and Barege deLatnee. French Cambrics and Jac onets, English a>ad American Prints, Sheeting Calico* and Ginghams, Plaid India and (Dace Silks, new style N. W. Col- 'ara'ifii'fmflrr-i