The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, June 19, 1853, Image 1
WBBKXiV GEORGIAN* . StKS«*T ttterorUl9 4<a “ M,u pnb * m^XOM, IN ADVAS01. frt»- as ^TvkHV’S se wng machines. A .frit$15—J’ntoitolOd. 10,18511 SjhiiKiwtodgodby *11 who have used U to »s-™ 1 ”' “ w, “: K****** com p aclnMa th0 beanty yj urttch .ndttochoai.neM. U weighs abdut- * from $25 to WO. It will work n^lly >'‘iSSt thrfA.l, the finest cambric or silk, at woU * .oolhtt snd cotton good*, and all kinds of loutlicr. ^ that* child or 10 yoors of age can Aider- «#tk it rapidly. without any danger of It* getting - ler and can do the work of morothan twenty l ' <f ' m och better in erory rcapcct than It can bo ... Tho itltchc* aro Independent of each other, .AKktiuitIf every other stitch la cut. the«eam attU ind lining. It to unliko and much better than Viewing machine ever invented. The machine la kdradapted to family and plantiUon use, aa It will Miof sowing, and when known will be generally L into bmlllM and plantations. Sewing Machine Company havo perfected thoir ' its for manufacturing on the largest scale, and Lj.iny number of machines at tho shortest notice. Stiied to Gurus Nmutrox, 251 Broadway, N. rtltKflrt prompt attentiotu do«28_l«0.n ^SAII MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office 118 Bayslrtd. itompany will take Hre. Marine and River Risks on athwrableterrai. to^flenry D. Weed, Hiram Roberta, H. F. Waring, I. ntlLJohnW.Anderson, N. B. Knapp, Henry Lathrop f.lfood. jiexry D. WEED, President, HIRAM ROBERTS, Vico President aldlPRT.Sec'v piUflllNG PRESS poll SALE. Urefcr sale a Washington hand Press, Hoe’s mako, n will dispose of at a bargain. It is partially worn, k aa good as now, and in complete ruunlug order, ted 37)^21^. and will print a form 23*35X *** in the latest Improvement* of Hoo’a Press, and Kioldfor lc« than Its value for cash or approved pa- n luring no further use for it. Wo also him* clmaea, de and foot sticks, column and head rules, dash nnd iMccat rules, leads, cuts and many other orticles wy to tho establishment of a newspaper, which we fliUhandsomo discount from original cost. Also, at iron roller moulds. tLtt particulars will 1m given on addressing this office. PUNCH, I1H-TON & GANAUL. % from steamship E. W.BUKKR. and for sale by tfirfijER Jj Gosliei , — by apU8 iACON AND LAJU). cu uair tuns oooi, receive McMAHON fa DOYLE, Ired. lO Rrklna prim to. 1 Leaf Lard, for sale DAVID O’CONNOR. lOO.hhda Bacon Sldos and Shoul- B ACON AND L/piD.—lOO hhdB Bacon Sldos and ghoul* ders, 60 packages and bbU Lard Juat at band and for Halo by •• :mh!8 J '- ; y -KIBBEE A RODGERR 140 Broughton-strcot. nDU’ITKR.—0 kegs good Butt* XJ State ot Georgia, and for i . mht ' ale by E. W. nUKER. Bareges, jnst'received and for Bate by ‘ V- A1K1N A DURN8. apl7 B utter and ciikesC cUecw,rewired and for tale by apll8 MoMAHON A DOYLE, B UTTER, :AND CHEt-NR—20 Urklns choice Butcer, 40 bosos Choose, rodelved and for sale by nuTai ... ... . . MoMAHON A DOYLE. B ACON.—ISO casks prime Cincinnati Sides, and GO do d Shoulders, landing from bark Harriet A Martha, nn for sale by wUU COHEN A FOSDICK. B AUON.—20 casks Bacon Sides, 80 do Shouldors, receiv- 1 cd and for salt) by mhl4 MoMAHON A DOYLE. B ACON—Just received and In store, 12 hhds prime Shies, 16 do Shoulders, for sale by mhO J. V. CONNER AT A CO. B A! r just received and for anlo by ap!18 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Squnro, B R i vintage of 1840, of our own lm| alo by ai>12 own importati SCRANTON. riatlor JOHNSTOl ng. ar IN A CO. JD Howard street Hour, 60 tahda prime new Bacon Sides. 20 do do Shoulders. 10 tierces sugar cured Hams, 20 bbls and 100 kegs prime Loaf Lard, Just received and lor sale by apl • SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO v> and for Hale by mo22 A. BONAUD. C LARET WINE.—80 dozen in pint bottles, fur sale bv mh20 A. BONAUD. C ~IDER.-^20barrel« very superior Cider, for bottling, sale by npU3 BBIOHAM, KELLY A CC HINA VASES—A flue assortment of decorated ch nnd glass vasos, for sale by ml»24 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-st, C HAMPAGNE.—Just received, 25 baskets Huh! German Champagno, for sale by mh26 J. ROU steamship State of Georgia, for sale by mh22 E. W. SCOTT’S FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND EMItiRATION AGENCY. oni wishing to send for thoir friends and desirous of igthem out by first class jacket ships, are lufonued it subscribers are the only Agents for the above agon- his City. ire also authorized to drawon Messrs. Wm.Tapscott Liverpool,tu sums from £1 and upwards, which am negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and Uritaiu. DraRs on France und Germany, payable In U of the Continent, also for sale. Apply to tl—ly BUNKER & OGDEN, 80 Bay-streot. DTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. JL5BURY HULL, President and Treasurer, LDON CHASE, Seo’ry. | C.F. McKAY, Actuary, inlersigned, Agent of the abovo Company, continues (thefollowing Risks,via.: Marine, River and Fire a tbs Lives ofSeryant*. a of While Persons are nljo iaten-By thla Company Ira premium for residing In tho South. WILLIAM KING, Agent, Comer ot Bay and Dray ton-streets. WHOLESALE St RETAIL DRY GOODS STOKE, In Broaghton-at. M. PRENDERGAST & CO., ILL open their NEW STORE, nearly opposite St. An drew'! Hall, west aide, on Monday, tho 24th instant, they will offer, at their usual low prices, for cash or tcepUnces. au entire new stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, i«h tlioy would rusjiectfuly invito tho attention of inns of Savannah, and tho merchants nnd planters and the neighboring States. Tho stock is large and leeted. consisting In part of: Hi Goods.—Black nnd Fancy Bilks of evory width (serlutton, French and English Merinos, Cashmeres, ie«. llous IP Barege, liarcge B'Laincs, Bombazines, boro Cloth. Alnaccas of every description, White and Plain and Embroidered Tarletons and Swiss, tbrolderles—Unen Cambric Hd’kfs, Emb’d, Plain fom-Stltch, Collars, Cuffs, UndersleoveB. Cliimazets, clng. Bands, Joconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertions, ntllloa nml ShnwU^Black and colored craiie lk Mantillas; plain and embroidered crape Shawls, oi description *,broche Shawls; square and long Shawls; and colored mantilla Velvets and talma cloths, alory—Ladles’ and gentlemen’s kid, sewing silk, aw silk Lisle, cotton, Berlin and cashmere Gloves j dk and merino Vests; gentlemen's raw silk, merino, s wool, nnd cotton Undershirts and Drawers, len Damask,—8. 10, 12, nnd 104 Damask and drop table Cloths, 8 and 10-4 brown Damask Cloths, ied and brown Damask of every description. Damask Jow drop Napkins, and Doille’a birds oyo Diaper, linen not every description. ettliig ami Shirting.—10 and 12 4 Linen Sheet- lllmase linens: 8, 0.10,11 and 12-4 blenched and Allendale and Hamilton Sheetings, blenched and shirting of every description, sh Linen^-Frem the best manufacturers.and war- liu fine (lax Cloths. Csssimeres. and Vestings: Black Roe Bread Cloths, black and fancy Cassltnorea, fancy W,white nnd colored Marseilles Vestings, unterpanea and Blonkcts^-8,10,11 and 12-4 iUm md AUendalc Counterpnnes; Paris and Whitney Blankets. u BUnkets of every description. Plains, Kerseys, Flax and Cotton Osnnhurgn. M. PRENDERGAST A CO. . V. CONNERAT A CO. f1AVALRY SABERS.— tary goods, for Bale by npBl- HORTON IN A RIKKMAN, 110 Brnughton-at. /~1 RAVATS—Received j»er steamer a PRICE A VRADER, 147 Bay atreot. O expressly for this market, just received per Philadel phia ateamor. nnd for sale by "LLH apU8 C offL - - ltleo and St. Domingo ilo. chests llyaon tea. 50 do b' by ' fub7 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. Jags : i. 76 a MoMAHON A DOYLE. urnuuc jirowieu : uu uiuntinu do, for aalu by mli2l CRANE A HOLCOMBE. pant ciiasi mh22 J. H. COHEN A CO., 140 Brough to n-at. TklAPEIL—Ruiwain, Scotch, Huckabuck aud Birds-eyo ■Ay-uiier,reriouuuy • -- \ a pill KEMPTON_A_V""~ m ’ T ” D AMASK.—8-4 »nd 10-4 brown and bleac musk, 8-4,8-10 and 8-12 damask tablo clc unjiklna, brenkfoat and tea doylea, for anlo by dplll KEMPTON A VERSTHXE. y^lTPORADO TOBACCO—Of » luperii le by f?N< X\s d asaortnimit. «t 147 Bay street. F RENCH (HIVES, CAPERS, Ac.—10 boxes French ivea, 10 do Capera, 10 do Cnatilo Soaj), for sale by mbl6 J ROUSSEAU. F OI v ajd8 WYIJ,Y A MONTMOLLTN, P rood axoman and Bold hand. Ap aplS WYLLY A MONTMOLUN. T7L0UR—Landing per bar r nee Flour, for sale by mhO J. V. CONNERAT A CO. F lour.—iQ 60 do puri mh21 P 50 lbs to the bushel, 2^000 do Oats. B21ba do do. mli31 BROWN A HARRIS, West Broad-st. Stables. THRESH GUM DROPS.—Is:mon «ndKus| pberryGui it received apl 6 W, W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. -A young negro woman, a first and washer,of good character; also,amulat a good house servant and cook. Apjdy to apltfl WYLLY A MONTMOLUN. Shoulders, landing and for sale by apilO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. . DIIY GOODS. ^ LATHROP & CO., offer for sale at lowest prices t Orest Good*—French printed mouslin de lainea, J ml American do. now designs j Persian cloth, high 0 mouslin dc lain, plaid raw silks,French and English m. French and Scotch gingham*, English and French ^ T ab,e glacle silka, rich brocade do, plain and ■broideries—Muslin and lace collars, cblmiacttes, i weres, caps and capes, Swiss and cambric edgings •wrtlngi, thread valenclas and lisle laces, black silk wnde edgings, richlaun and linen cambric hdkfs. ™ , f r S“l^'l le s', inlsKea’, mnn«’ and boys’, a full as- wtoiFjigliah andGerman; ladles’jmissos', mens’nnd mtrlao vests. UVe*»U 0s kli W. “Ito Good*—Jaconet plain and plaid cambrics, auilioiplain and figured, cambric dimities, corded abrolderedikirta, Ac? ■*«*, Ac.—1-4 supor Irish llnonabest mark. 8-4 *nd “ghvni, 9-4 to 12-4 barnily Ihectinga, iilllowcaae £u l ri, h diapers, hucabucs, 5-8 to 3-4 da- “ n<1 k* UB check doyles. 8-4 to 10-4 WW'brow!a table damasks, 84 to l'Mbleached dn- AmT i. " . UB raas«B, ore io rare uieacnea ua- JLTl cot i°, n aDd wowW table and piano cover*, 104 Imperial qullta, 7-8 to 64 furniture dlml- Wttiairtingi. sheetlugsnnd lickings. American, Eng. ".'to' 1 flannels, colored Krencli do,1hncy wool plaids Jj JJjjto thd tone/ cassimerea, tweeds.Kentucky satl- 1PKT*FL0°R CLOTH WAREHOUSE. v-M* 111 *’ Curtain Goode, dtc. r".tow**andM. 67 SI. JulUtn-tlrteU. a UCr ’ know <nK that the cltizons of Savannah S^Bn®aassfflfifSJS 11,9 completion of the now store, so ““c the'r selection of the various art!- J™« D »tliMrh o MM, would respectfully Inform rfa ? h* vrill thl» day open the most , kJ?f rt ®*U t - °f Ml the varlotu styles of GOODS at , ' m J wr Cftablishments. The stock of the apartment* will consist, In part, of the following Jloyal velvet, tapeatry Drn«- Bruieli, BruiseU, vely^t, tapestry and Brussels im! ire FL‘“perflne. fine and common Ingrain, 4 ,‘F®~ v«nttUn for atijlr*,halts, Aa., drugget*, ■ud 164 in width, of every variety. of pattorns, ^P*ri° r and stoop mat*, tdble aud piano cover*, l SPJMioy*lfti^ octagon utolr/rods, «talrllneh, Ao. 1U 0Ter T width from ono ttt eight yards, A wning room*,. ateambo*U. saloon*. Ao., roue I-rWyJJ°d imall-flgured furniture oil cloths, 44. ttf^jbeured India rubbef cloth for stair*, as . * nd worateddsraask delaine,' worsted Slud— - ’ ^ M MU at wholesale or retail, on the most lib- • * WM. H. GUION, Agent, — HOCwurr... and 67 Rt. Jullan-at*. F LOUR, Ac.—200 bbls Baltimore Flour, 30 half bblit but ter, soda and sugar crackers, 76 boxes do, 30 cosoh pre served peaches, 60 boxes lemon " ' dials, received and for sale by apl!8 G INGER POP'BOTTLES-Forsnlo liy apl25 J. p. COLLINS. 1 McMAHON A DOYLE. (IN—10 bbl* Phelps’ Gin, for sale by IjT mli22 ' 100 Bryan-street. G RUYERRE CHEESF.—'One more of tlioso fine Gruyerro Cheese will be cut this doy at opl4 J. ROUSSEAU’S. J. V. CONNERAT A CO. L 90 bales North River Hay, • ap!23 H, TTAMS, l n and Bi ap!2l K. WASHBURN, Agent. H AMS.—600 Dnffielil’s, Stagg A Shay’s and Cassard’s Haras, for aale by apilO W. W. GOODRICH. apU3 H ay—10c Boston, apll3 H OSIEi Engl sale by e by BRIGHAM, l for sale, to arrlvo, bv IGHAM. KELLY k CO. HENRY LATHROP A C . schr. North State, for sale ,bv itIGHAM, KELLY A CO. TTAMS—11 tleTcea DufBeld’g aunerior Hams, 26 do Jnhn XX Shay A Co.’* do, landing from bark Harriet A Martba, and for sale by mlilT COHEN A H niedsleck Champagne, and warranted to be such, fur sale by apI4 J ROUSSEAU, H AY.—100 bales prime North River Hay, landing from schr F SaUorly, for sale by mh!6 BRIGHAM, KEIJ.Y A CO, mbio TJOSIEI XX no, 1 PRICE A VEADER. •ffiRROWS, MANURE HOOKS, Ac.—Half dozen Booteh AX hkrrows, du'do Geddcs’ do, one dozen manure hooks, Wcantl barrow*, landing from achrEmpresMor sate by Tf AMS, AC—•800 hams, 10 bbbi lard, smoked i XX beef. 26 KuglUli dairy and pine npplo che euperibr butter, Just received by ^pl< W, W. Q( Haros. 16 kegs Butter 2” “W, 60 boxes Cheese, 26 do Pickles J!*"«P 0 jn Candle*, 60 do Adamantine do Lau^ Wlne -6bbUWhite Wine Vinegar el^SkMasgaaEL*, .OQHEN kfTAKVElt. • ■*!*»» a BURNS. fjijsj Ha-.,J fresh, Jiwt reoolvid and for stole by _ ^htQ , W. W. L1NOOLN, Momuneni to received direct from tho solo Agent in the United States.— For sale by api8' ‘ —- i 1 " . . ,; TOST HBqmVEf).-«lk llmuo^ uUn iPwfijl P'SnttS MOBOAN. S J^OXjW l-OllTFJI.-lOctikilUbtort', TARdVF^R r &<j'—20^5bl* choice Lcaf Lafd, id cosks Braudy, 00 do Whisky, 30deltoid Mbnongehold ddi for Mde -t! by - apU8 • . McMAHON fa DOYLE. . T AROOHE A BOWNK have Just received per, atfturier Xj Alqbenja, some very handsome embroidered book Mus- 11a and cambric poltttCbllani; AlSO,‘ jacbtiot ‘Undcrli!MvBS. For sale at their old etand, qorner of Congress aud WhIUi- ker-streets. . ,, Jaq 27 t 1NKN DU1L1H.—We liftvo Just received our-steqk pf X-( Unen Drill* for men’s and boys’ wear, consisting-of . buff, white, Bjato nnd figured drills, which will bo offered " vorycheap ntlhenowatoro, < ?T ;;., • ' mh22 140 DROUGHTON-STREKT.! T 1NEN GOODS.—0-4 to 12-4 Barnsley Shootiugs. 4-4 to JLi 0-4 pillow case Linens, superior uiulrcaaod Shirting IJuena. 6-8 to 4-4 dumask Napkins,8-4 to 12-4 dinnahk table M Cloth*. 0-4 to 10-4 table Damnnks.'ScotoU and Irt*U Diaper* A Huckauuca. Dowlas, oto., for aalu by 8 lull!) - UKN»Y LATIIROP A CO C T iQUOItS.—100 bbls, domestic Gin, Whisk/,Bum. mul 1, Li Braudy, for sale by fobl6 COHEN k TARVER. J r IQU0RS— 6 hnlf pipe* Otnrd brandy, 6 do Rostcau do. 3 C XJ pipe* Ilollund glut 30 bbls'Plinlus' <lo, 30 dodomealio 6 brandy, 76 do whisky, received and for sale by l aplfi McMAHON A DOYLE fj A /fESS PORK—Landing per lmrk Milford, nnd for sale liy ® 1VX ftpll ' .7. V. CONNERAT A CO. A ArAGNOLIA WHISKY—41 liamds, fomling from- brig. 1VX Wilson Fuller, and for salo by iuh8 COjlKN A FOSDICK. T IME.—300 barrels Lime, now lauding per Kchooner H if 1 JLi Jenkins, for sale by , - . • -v apll3 . . ’ BRIGHAM, 1CELLY A CO. ? T l‘NE2f SUEEl'ING, Pillowcase Unen anil-Shirting Lin 8 XJ on* of tho best make, for snle by £ aplO KEMPTON k VERSTlLLE. d ik/f ACKERW,.-60 bbls. No*. 1,2 and 3 Mnckorel; 60 half „ IVX do. No. 1 and 2do., landing and for *ulo by fobl6 COHEN k TARVER. * y ANTILLAB.—Silk, crape nnd grenadlno mantilla*, new IVX style*, ju*t received and for sale by 1 mh3l DbWITT k MORGAN. f A yrATTIN'G CLASITS and leather-bended tack*, for sale by n 1V1. inb24 J. 1‘. COI.UNS. 100 Rryan-st. o AdTOLASSES—60 libds prime Cuba Molasses, 26 bbls do JJ IVX New Orloan* do. for sale by a mlt9 J. V. CONNERAT fe CO. ATOURN1NGGOODS—Blackbarego*.grenadines, tissues, IVX chally*. bombazines, tamisso doth, ginglinma, raus- ( tins, prints, &c., received and fur sale bv ' mh9 HENRY' LATHROP & CO. Ilf ACCARONI, AO.—26 boxes maoenroni. 20 do vermlcel- i IVX 11. sardhios, olive oil, farlnce, com starch, figs, cur- ( rants, prunos, Isinglass and gelatine, juBt received and for sale by apW W. W GOODRICH. , AT ACKF.REL AND HERRING.—20 bbls No. 1 26 do do 3, IVX 20 half do 1.20 do do 2, 26 do do 3 Mackerel, 60 bbls No. 1 Herring, landing oud for sale by T mh21 CRANE & HOLCOMBE. TVT ANTILI-AS.—A superior lot of Paris black, black Gron- IVX n'dlno, black Crape do Paris, whlto Crape de Paris Mantillas, also, plain and embroidered white crapo Shawls, just received by mhlO DkWITT k MORGAN. < TYTEW BACON—26 casks new Sldo, per schooner Kate X v Heath, from New Orleans, for wile by * mlifi CRANE k HOLCOMBE. I ■VTAPOLEON’S BITTERS, a superior article for the cure XI of dyspopsia, want of appetite, fever and ngue. debility, nnd all coni plain la ariring from a derangement of tho ner- 0 von* system, for sale by A. BONAUD, mlilO corner Whittaker and liny streets. ( AATS—PrlntO Maryland Outs, for sale by U feblO ROWLAND k CO. [ /~\ATt>—landing from brig Mary Chappell,from Baltimore ; KJ and will be sold low on the wharf, by mb8 H. If. WASHBURN, Agent /"kSNABURGS. AC.—Plain nnd striped cotton osnaburgs, W flax osnaburgs, shirting' stripes, heavy brown shlrtiong nnd sheetings, bluo drilling* and denim*, with a fair as- sortment of plantation dry goods, for salo by mh9 HENRY LATHROP k CO T)IG HAMS.—2 bbls Just received anil for snle by X mh20 A. BONAUD. T)1G HAMS—.lust received 2 bbls Pig Hams, for rale by X mhlO A. BONAUD. "DIG JIAMS—3 bbls of pig bams Just received nnd for sale X by aplO A. BONAUD. TJORTER AND ALE.—26 casks superior Porter and R. JL Byass’ Ale, in pints, for snlo by npl4 J. V. CONNERAT k CO. •PHILADELPHIA Al.E AND POUTER —20 bbls In plntand JT quart bottles, in prime order, for sale by mli20 A. BONAUD. DER SCHR. ENCHANTRESS, from' New York—26 bbls L New England Rum, 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, 26 do No 3 do, for salo by • mh5 CRANE k HOLOOMBE. PARASOIS.—A handsomo assortmeutof I’araiolsand La JL dies’ Umbrellas, for sale by apl? KEMPTON A VERSTlLLE. QATTES.—Just received, a fresh supply of imported Pattea L with Trufies—1 dozen Torrlno do Foi* do Gras Truffes. 1 Jo I’aUoa i)o Bocasalnwi do, JL do do de rerdreaux do, 1 du do Foi* Gras, for jaio by ' mli20 V. BONAUD. PIG HAMS, PIG rORK AND CORNED BEEF.—Just ro- X ceived, 5 bbls Pig Hnins. 6 half do Pig Pork, and 10 hall > Haw’s Corned Deef, for salo by aplIR DAVID O’CONNOR. PREPARE FOR WET WEATHER.—Tho subscibcr lia* re X ceived a largo lot of Indian Rubber (loud*, consisting of overcoats, legging*, and gloves, for sale low by WM. It. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor, npl8 * 17 Whitaker street, p UM—40 barrel*'], Felton fa Soil’s Boston rum, iaudiug Xt, from brig Clement, aud for sale by ap!28 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. CJYRUP.—250 bbl* Portland Syrup, landing and lor sale by iuhl6 COHEN & FOSDICK. CCOTCil ALE.—.lust received, 10 calks Falkirk Ale. in VJ pints, for salo by mh20 J. ROUSSEAU. QOAI’ AND CANDLE3.—160 boxes Soap of various kinds, IO 100 do Caudles, received nnd for aale by mhl4 McMAHON & DOYLE, QTAGG fa'SHAY’S HAMS.—60 tierce* of Tlie above ccle- lij broted brand, landing and for sale by * mli22 COHEN & FOSDICK. QAW MILL IKONS, consisting of cranks, styrups, Pit 0 mnn’s dogs, gudgeons, Ac , landing from schr Empress, and for salo by apllb C. H. CAMPF1ELD. OPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING—Just received an as- O sortment of fine Clothing, at 147 Day street apl PRICE & VEADER. QCOTCH ALE —20 cask* Muir A Son’* and lleotor Dove’s O Falkirk Ale in pints, just received and for snle by apl21 J. ROUSSEAU. CJ1LKS.—Summer Brocade, plain Chametlon, India Gro de O Rhino, Poult do Sole, Marceline and Florence, for sale by aplO KEMPTON k VERSTlLLE. CJILVER PLATED WARE.—Silver plated cn- tors, nut O crackers, spoons, forks, fish knives soup ladies, knife rests. Ac., for sale by aplO J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-street. QORA WATER—In Its highest possible state of perfection. O with n great variety of the choicest syrups, will be kept constantly for anlo nt the store of aplfi W. \V. LINCOLN. Monument Square. QUGAIt AND MOLASSES.—10 hhds New Orleans Sugar, IO 10 do Muscovado do, 30 do Molnssc*, 76 bbl* new crop do. received and for snlo by tnhl4 McMAHON & DOYLE, QUMMER INDER SHIRTS or gauze, merino. Cotton.light O silk and lisle thread; also, a largo assortment of lino hosiery, gloves, Ac. PRICE fa VEADER. apl22 147 Bay-street. QTUART3 CANDIES—Just received per steamer Alabama, IO a supply of Stunrt’H celobrated steam refined candles, in pound and half-pound packages. mhlO • W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. QPANISH BEOARS-60.000imported aognrs. just received O of various brands, viz: la esmoraldn. la fllantropa. rio honda. raorcra, for salo by A. BONAUD, aplO Corner Bay and Wliitaker-st*. QUGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES AND SEGARS.—70 hhds O Museovado Sugar; 259 bags Coffee ; 07 tierces Molas ses : 40 barrel* do.; 00 do. Muscovado do.: 25 MSegara; landing per schr. 81am, from Cardentw. and for rale Ay mhlO COHEN fa FOSDICK. QUGARS.—26 Hhds New Orleans Sugars, fair and choice ; IO 26 do Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 160 bbls Stuarts A B fa C do ; 160 do Coffee Sugar B fa C do; 26 do cashed do; just in store, and for sale cheap by feb22 KIBBEE & RODGERS QUGAR, &c.—Landing per schr Fannie, from PhUadel- kJ plila, 20 Hilda choice rorto Rico Sugar, 16 do do Santa Cruz do, 110 bags Rio Coffee. 16 bbl* Cider Vinegar, 10 hhds choice Bacon Sides, for sale by nnl3 CRANE fa HOLCOMBE QUMMER CLOTHING—White and fancy colored linen O duck frock and sack coats, white liucn Jackets, pants, 1 vests, Ae., with many othor kinds and doscriptinns, just rel ceived nno for Bale at the lowest prices nt 147 Bay-street. apl22 PRICE A VEADER. ’ QMITH’S LICORICE 1UZEXGES—Tills articlo is tho ex- r O tract of licorice root, in a highly concentrated form, nnd in the greatest possible state of purity, just received and for salo by W. W. LINCOLN, mh20 Monument Square. rpENNENT’S ALE.—26 casks Tcnnent’s suporigr Ale in i pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do London Porter, for sale by apilO W. W. GOODRICH. rpoKEY WINE—A superior articlo, strongly recommend- e i ed, direct from tho Importers, nnd for sale by apl7 A. BONAUD. rpEA.—.Inst recelvod. 10 chests Young and Old Hyson, X Imperial and Black Teas, In motalic packages, of supe rior quality, for sole by mh26 J. ROUSSEAU. tj rTlOWNSKND’S SARSAPARILLA.—1 gross old DrTown- 1 sond’s, 1 do 8 P Townsend’s, nlso, Sands’, Ellis’, and Bull’s Sanaparilla, just received and for sale by mhlO W. W. IJNCOLN, Monument square. , rpOBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold Leaf Tobacco X 12 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes 81 }b- extra M Dora do do, 25 do IV T Law's best do, 80 do CarroR’e Gold Lcat , do,for sale by mbO J. ,V. CONNERAT & CO. , rpRiMMINGS—Trimming braid,colored silk and linen do X colored silk, linen and gilt buttons for children, fancy open worked hose and half hose, for sale by apl20 KEMPTON fa VERSTlLLE. TT1NEOAR—10 bills pure cider vinegar! nnd 10 bbls white V wine vinegar, just landed, from rttcanwWp State of Georgia, for sain by. mli22 R if. BUKER. a VXTHtiEandcolorcdcoratin'and pavilion loop*, for sale by d W aplll . KEMPTON fa VERSTlLLE. "W received and for sale by ' ' ’ ^ o mli7 AIKEN fa BURNS. 10 boxes Losf da,R00 bbls DomeiticIJquors, 20 cases as’d Plckfe*, WAflft 8<W»i m!o quill , 60 gross Pipes, 100 reams Wr»pp!D| Paper, 60 doi.UrooDt*,100 Deinljons.l, B. 8 ana-6 gallolu, 600 now suger^nrvd Hams, 6 hhds Bides,. . . i, 6 hhds Shoulder*. 10O sacks Bolt. , 10 tierces iieWCnbaMolaasei.'60bblsdo do,' 10 do Stoarfa sujhir-houRo Syrup, . -- And a gbnernl a*sorlmont of foreign Brandies and Wines ore, for aaio by ; fgbgfi ;,.,/p COHEN A TARVER. AGRICULTURAL IMTPLB61BNT8. ’ • ‘ Georgia and FYench,Ilurr and Enro« a pOhn MIII BtonoSj Ploughs of Vsripni * kind*, Engle, Bub-Soil tond Wrotight llBhftrej lron Flro-proof Baiba, Shovels 1' Hay Forks. Potato Hooks, Corn e Drags, Cultivators, Straw Hose,. Age*,. Pick’Axds and iumu norapers, yx uhahui, Ox Yokeij; Garden and .rruwn. Garden Chair*. Segment* and Gudgeons e, Hrtmes, Measures, Grist Mills, RJbe Threshers, 1, Douglass’ Pumps and Water Ramn| WullWheelii, ts,-Ontton nnd Counter Scale*, Trunka,"Cottoq ,ck Screws, Buruhi’a Boa I«land Cotton Gins and 1 Upland do, Cement, Plaster, Mill and Cross Cut 0, lland and Yard Bow*. An. For sale by ' CHA’S If. CAMPFIKIJJ. 171 Buy-«t. iliY.STORic, ; yB- AVe HUTCIWIG*, 41BJ, ;2hwa<jKv»y, 2|rrwToffc Wouhlidvlto tho attention of stranger* visiting New 1 Yoric; .tohialanWIWPrtni.qntof.. . -.-.I;<- U i wdf Ml 1 RICH AND PLAIN FURNITURE, which foi’’ Moline** and w^rkinartslilti V1U bbrtiptoVo wIlh •any In,this country or Europe.; ■;>..(> y;f .-i JW>24—8m, tOOKiffU-OliASS WAItBOOUSti. IXIOKINO-QLABBE8 AT 11EDUOED PIUOES! I I HnHE ‘appllcatiop oTlIachlneryto’ the' cohstrvbtlbn Of •'A 'Limkrag Glaa*o* ha* indeed worked 'an 1 -'entire rdvolg- Mon in their manufacture, by whiob l am enabled^to.‘pro duce tho moat perfect and beautiful arttaleii, and to sell them at rates iltfylng competition. -Jobbors; Oouhtry ller chants and ljuyefg genewlly,' tore tMpectfully. Invltod to cal. and examine this extensive stock, consisting of every stylo -•nd-slxe,:ifrorii fifty cent* a dozen to. five hundred dollars nolo 1RGN M'RON^ aByvrMLi Wholcsnlodnfl Retail, Nb. 110 Bruurjhlo'n-d., between Bull ah&.Whitaker. THIS laigtR.arid, host nejected stock of^ttojls over offered Tor.sulo fii this eltyei.Gold ami Surer Watches, l Vf^t,J''o6 anff Ouanl Cbnlus, Sots of Jewelry,-Chat Braoolet3,'Urooohes, ObO Diamond work Finger Rings, nstoiw, Ti» Sots,Pitchftrs,Goblets, CujM,Cake Baskets, 8,Forks,Fi'sh Knives, Pie Knives, Cheeso Bcoujhs La- yphous. Also, all klmbf of Plated Ware, Military and Goods, nnd a great variety of articles too numerous to ticimon : tho whulo of which will be sold at reduced prices. •All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and oth(r Jobbing to hy competent hands. HORTON A RIKKMAN. \VATCIIK 8ANDJKWE Lit Yi Tho undersigned t;egs loavo to Inform the Citizens ,of Savannah, and the peoploln the country In gene- bat ho has taken tho Store No. 148 Broughton Street, door West of IHxon’s Confootionery, where 1b will he ap 27—ly FRANCIS PTEiN. J JEWELRY. rj MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-strcet, has juitreceiv- /oil the finest assortment or new and fasbionabn Jewel- rv of all descriptions. Gold nnd silver pencil* ind pens, silver aud silver giltcd ware and fruit basket* waiters, | tea sets, candlesticks, tablo and tea spoons: (notable, kJ pocket and pen knlvos. scissors, and a large var^ty of the ’ finest work boxes, dressing cases, nnd writing desks for dies and goutlemen, as also a fine selection tf fiutlnas, cordlans and fancy articles, too numerous td mention, lilch he offers at tho lowost prices ever sold iilthls city ...A.—*, .*«. .. ja—e^ butespedillytluitof Red. 1 - - M the ladles, is particularly requested. ; au21 I CED OONGRK8S WATER.-Congress Water warranted frwb, keptjoqpstehtl/ in Ice, may be (bund at the store ot apUfi • W. W.JJNOOLN. TUST ItECHVED—30 boxes Adamantine Candlos, 10 bakes* O patent sperm do. in she pound boxes, for family use. .for Stole by ... rabid A BONAUD, AND RETAIL. Just received ,at the Wholesale and Retail Hat uvory variety of Spring and Summer Goods, cty ml ; you will bo sure to be supplied, at tho me 01 unrimru and Brough ton-streets, mhll BF.1.U8N A CO TOFFEE. SUGAR, AC.—200 sacks Rio coffee, 100 do U- J guayra do. 60 boxes ground do. 10 hhds N 0 sugar. 10 McMAHON A DOYLE. upl5 \ UdMATfcfVLNEG AR—A very !X toiiot aud an elllcient rcmeilV for tho headaoh. fanti- css. languor, rheumatic painH, Ac. Just received and for lie by W. W LINCOLN, aplB Monument Square. ’ FREIGHT.—Boxes of cojiper ore may ho obtain- / vessels wanting hoavv rreiglit'for New York, on application to lniifi W1I.L18 A BRUNDAOE. j^LUll) MAGNESIA.—This condensed solution is a very . agreeablo and efficient form for tho administration of iignnWa, and Is very useful in Nauces, Acidity of tho Itaucli, Soa Sickners and Dyspepsia, for tsle by mli22 W. W. LlNCufJ^. Monunieul-Square. W. W. L1NCOi.N, MonntnentB(|UHro. -iToi'Fm^tw'd^iyers.i'i'-! ; RSAQlRLLteJt) fussms: TJITARREN _WARD—WHOIJBA1J5 MANUFACTURER OF VV ENAlltJJJJ) ^lNlTDRF^-144 Orand-etred, New York —W. W. give* his whble attention to manufacturing and using tho ^.piatoM*... He ls;enabled to sell, better goods at the. same prices, than can bo found elsewhere. Suits llnlshpd to match, from.626 to.»60 per suit, compris ing dressing V u r° au with glass, bwlstoad, washstand, coin- mmle, toilet table, towel stand', nurse rodkerand four chairs- altoif tbo boat Vnatorials, arid ftnlshod in the Wgbost style 0 No. 144 Grand-street, one block east of Broadway. ,tlec81—fim 1 7 SPl.Blvblb CABI^KT'FUliNlTUllM; Ifo. ia.dfulW. /iinff itreetynear.Hudson tired. New York. .. .. . BurntWt A MOORE invlto-tboso in •-^ durable and fashionable forni- ithtf, to call at tliQlr nedr spacious warp- „ , ,, „ house No. 76 and 77 Ktnff street near Hadsou, New York, add axnmlne their large assortment of rich and elegant furniture. In suites, for parlors, chambora, and dining rooms—In rosewood, mahogany, blnck walnut, and oak—made in modern style and warranted to stand furnace beat. Book coses,'Etageres. and a great variety of substantial and cheap furniture, suitable tor tho euuntry nnd shipping. • Having a large manufactory and warehouse, they make to order, and keep on hand ft general assortment, nnd sell wholesale or retail at very low prices. They will also continue business at their old stand, No. 174 Fulton slreot, (near Broadway.) until tho first of Stay, nnd then remove wholly to King street ’ mhl—3in ENAMELLED ORNAMENTAL COTTA(312 AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, ix turns iui>» Kxi-msm.Y fok tub soituxrx karkkt. No. 452 Broadway, Eatl tide, helm Grand tired. Mnmfaeiory No. 49 Grcen-ti., New York. ■ GILIJES A BYRNE take pleasure In In- Jge^^flakformlng thoir old patrons nnd the public general. ;that they continue to offer n J-J-wcoswweUfinished,warranted article of their* . own manufacture, at prices below all competition. Oiir re putation for making an nrtleto that has stood tho tost for years of patent heated rooms and tropical climes, has, we Batter ourselves, now become world wide. • As we have the most extensive stock of any establish ment in the United States, persons of tho most peculiar tasto can always bo suited in regard to styles, colors, shad ing. Ac. The latest Parisian and Italian stylos always on hand and made to order. Particular attention paid to or ders through the post. MatrasscR. pailliasses. Ac., at tho lowest rates. Tho trado supplied ns usual In unlimited qimnltics. noxtng and shipping carefully attended to. GILLIES A BYRNE. 452 Broadway. N. Y., Ronxitc G1MJR8, 1 below Grand street, east side, will Thomas Jay Bnt>e. /rotnovo on May 1st to No. 640 a ' doors above Snrlng-strcet. 3m—fobl J. ROUSSEAU. r ARD.—26 bbls and 80 kegs prime Lord, landing from the -J brig Kato Heath, from New Orleans, rod for sale by tnh3 . COHEN A FOSD1CK. fobl7 SCRANTON, IQtlNSTON A CO XAlU’FilTNft.—ReoetVrifpor «t*athdc »nil Uil* J day otK*ning. Brussels. Tajicstry Velvet, Imperial, In- •ain and Tlireo-l’ly Carpeting, comprising a largo vn rioty of ylos and qualities, all of which will ho offered at the low- it market price, by sen Laroche, bowse a cq. a a sIiesTddimw and hlin ds. 5 (\(\(\ IJGIITS OK SASH from 7X9 to 12X20 ; 200 • UUU jiair Blinds for Windows,from 8X10 to 12X20; \ lJIATTA WARE. A SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER.— 1 Tho at - A trillion of the public is respectfully cnllrd to (hr abovo amed ware, us beluga Hublitutr. which for u»e is wnrrant- 1 to he equally as good. It is a harder metal than silver, inscquently will bear rougher usage. H is a combination f perfectly pure metal*, nnd Isnsfreo from corrosion ns Ivor. Every article will bo warranted to retain its aright* I color. It consists in part of tho following: table and essert forks, tea. table uud dessert sjutons, Ac., just ro- Dived nnd for wile by mny7 J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-street B AGGING AND - ROPE—ion bale* G'imnyCioih7850‘oona New York machine stretched Itopo. for sale by mh28 KIBBEE A RODGERS Chatham mutual loan association—6 share* for sale. Apply at this office. np!22 2 ALT.—300 sacks Salt in store nnd lor sale by J junei BRIG HAH KELLY A CO. shares for salo. Apply at this office. npl22 W INDOW SHADES, a largo and handsome assortment Ju just ojienod nnd for salo by mhl AIKEN A BURNS. ENAMELLED COTTAGK AND CIlAMAlffR Furniture. MATHEWS rii STACY, SSa8 520 Broarttwy, amter Spring-ttred. New York. oppouile SL Nicholas ITiM. Prescott and Callamore Homes. N OW offpr at wholesale and retail, the most extensive as sortment of Enameled Furniture to bo found in I lie United States, nil from original designs, including Oriental. Serpentine, Open Cell ago High Post, nnd other pattei ns.' Also, Rosewood,Mahogany, Oak and Black Walnut chamber and parlor Ruites M. A 8,. devoting themselves exclusively to tho manufoc* turing dopartmont of this business, assure purclmsers tlioy win procure of them well seasimod.durable and elegant fur* nlture.nt prices varying from $26 to 8600 per suite. N. B.—No connoctiou with any other Uriu tu tho city, febll—3m PREMIUM PIANO FORTES. OROVESTEEN A CO., No 481 Broadway. ,.Vow Y’ork. would call the attention or those !about purchasing, to tlielr splendid stock of OJs to7J£ octavo Pianos, which they believe cannot bo excelled by any other in the city, cither in tonp. finish,quality of material, or workmanship. Medals havo been awarded by the American Institute to their. Indu menta five years in succession. Having recently purchased the entire stock of tho late firm of Dubois A Warrlner. formerly Dubois A Stodart. la- vonibly known for forty year* as Piano makers, tlioy would invite the continuance of tho favors or thoir friends and customers with Uiecertainty of giving equal satisfaction. For tho Southern niarkrt wo are making with Double Iren Frames and Detached Cases, peculiarly adapted to the /71QMMB8KJN: V> dealer in every di irometors, Ac.’} Union rp< naromriers, otc.l union «UU ComP4“‘ . ]nge*,'0r*ekbM, ; Ac. Brown A Hrotne Brass aud Ooppor Wire,’IUvdts, fcc.i iN; : N*i. Rellows/Ac. . ■ i , . , THOMAS DOUGLASS. ly . of til?, viid^Farr Atjo.fBt.Lopli N ew YURK RAUiNa V6RKB.-47ii :: iai«eriber - mtonnikctiiros WIRE RAILING for publio nnd private grounds: Yerandall, Window Guards irod Grating, • ! WROUGHT AM) IRON RAH-lND,; Iron. polommi, *.«iUtoto4«, Ac.,mad«i entire* If ofra noiV plan, with rails ahd.iron posts i pride* st 9-li, &4W«.l, mini*,foot.XfwlUwJin With designs, address, JNO.B,-WICKER8HAM,- NR.—The 8nbscriber would refer to the enclosure oi For Agent tu Savannah, G, W. HARDCA8. , Nq. 200 Oongrcss-st, ami |>6 St. Julian at roar 6 dlyr—cly - 1 * •<•••'') r:i.<. NlflW YORK MAKBLKD IRON WORKS, Office, No, 8 JOhn-slnd. second floor, (near Broadway,) KAXtlKSOTtmr, 401, 408‘AND 408 CIIB1RV-8TRKCT, T nE moat extensive manufacturers of Marblelzcd fron Mantles. Tablo Topsy Columns. Pilasters. Clock Cases, Fancy Articles. Ac., representing the choicest varieties of Marblo.. Also. Window lintels, Sills. Balconies and other Pastings for bullnings of.civery.description. Tho above Company beg leavo to call the attention ot nr* chitccis, builders,and tlie publio gencrnlly. to tliefr assort* innnt of.HorWulwd .Cast IreiLMentle's; and Plber aruclos, w.luch they ape now manufacturing on tho most enlarged scale; the beauty and design of which, and their exquisite finish hart never bean equalled and cannot be , excelled. Their exact imitations of thb finest vnriotios of marble, such os Egyptian, Sienna. Brooatelle, Verd Antique. Prince Al bert. Agate, Pyrenese, Light 8: ar, Ao., baa elicitvd Uio un- quuliflcd commendation of conuoiseurs in marblos,and es tablished tlieir popularity with the nubile. . Some or the ndvanfage* of this discovery, consist in it* capability of witbstandlug a high bent, of resisting acids nnd oils, which stain nnd deface marbles, nnd their cheap ness. (being about onO-thlrd the cost.) In comparison with nil other kinds of ninnflcs ; also, tho advantage of-being packed nnd sent .with safety to any part of tho country. The marbling denarfruont Is under tho superintendence of Mr. K. Dkmimi, who first Introduced this Invaluable dis. covery to the public, nnd demonstrated its practical utility nnd application to metals atid other substances. Address orders and communications to jan22—3m ■ CHARLES CROSllY, Soc’ry. PROUTY A BARRB’ Agrlcitltnrwl Ware-Hoasc inmi -AV.1MM- Jlarkdstrtd. Phiiaddi t handed- Btcel Extending'Points,'' Bnr-.hare, Bekch.4 of Castlnn for repniring. :Hie Emperor ufiRw— for the above Ploughs, a Mass!vo GoldMednL-vak ALso, the Great Medal at. the World 1 * Wit wm ai * M; CulUvatmi «d Steel Teeth, which can be yevcr9?d,'Uipa getting Double Wear ot theconnnon Teetb. Also;Cnll(ni«Jrs cif ell kind* wlth'Stoel Tretbl-A].-. • • ; ihv/r TI1E NEW STEAMBOAT LAW. Caulionto persons using steam power to conform to the law. I AM manufacturing all tho. necossary instruments re quired to securo.a certificate from tho Government In* spectors, they having grahlod a certificate to those boats having tny instruments on thorn.' My Water Gunge for butlers, my Slcam-prcMure Gunge, my Marine Chronome ter, with pressure-guogo attached, giving tlie correct time,.is an invaluable acquisition to any steamboat or mill: and my improved Fuseable Metallic Plug foe hollers, which can be Inserted without blowing off the boiler If one plugIrn melted. All tho abovo Instruments, are manufoc. lured by myself: and having hod thirty yenrs'praotlcalex. perionco in tho *toam ertrinc, gives mo full confidence In the working qualities or the above. All further description will bo sent to any part of the Union, by nddrertslng • JOSHUA LOWE. • No, 47 Dey.street, Now York, post paid. N. B.—All engineers nre solicited to bccomo Agents, and a llheral commission allowed. . Im—*p!28 vj-j-—-Si 1 ro prove kinds. Hay aud Straw .Cutters, Hand Corn Mills,. , Corn and Cob Crushers, >. Ge<lds’ Improved Harrows, 8quare ana A Harrows, Horse Rakes, Grindstones, ready bung, Dirt Scrapers. Agricultural Furnaces, Ox Yokes and Bows.' Forks lor unloading Hay. Man liny Bakes, Bow Pins, Applo fearers, Ox Muzzles, Molo,Traps. . Pruning Hooks and Chisels, Saws and -Sclssort,. Iron. Well Curbs, and. Zino 8fl, , SMI .j-lftta,- Carfifu, Engines, . Wlicat Drills,* '■ ' Hofse Powers and Thresher*. Mowing and Reaping Ha chjnes, .. , - ■ Chain I’unip*, CaVthsTlcs, , ’ Bull Ring* Patent Iron'Snaths, Grubblng Hoea. < <: t - Transplanting Trowels, SaKftSSSB^' Garden andField Hoes, Garden Rakes tu variety. Children’s Tools, . J- d. * Darling Bey then, . . Soaths, with Patent Fastcn- tubelngfor Ciiahl'pumps”” ^itei^ riook*. : " Also, Hoftfcultural Tdols (oreydry descHnlloni) ajui. A,.. v,i. .a .ii*. * - and Grass So6ds, for'sale at tho lowest add Retail. PAPER HANGINGS, BLANK BOOKBj£TC. S undsrslgneil bqye jnst dpr-bed a .fresh and complets J. stook of W4U Papfer*, among wblch sro gold snd tel* vet, fine satin, and the -lowest'priced unglaxed paperst alio. decorations, borders. fire-screOnt. curtains.etc., which they offer at tUcLqwezf prices, both wbolmte and relnU* •. * . Jim best workmca employed to bang paper oRherin tlie city or country. ha-'"-' “ THE CELEBRATED BLACK DIAMOND " !J STOVE. Hie subscribers linvo Just receiv ed a second supply of tho above COOKING STOVES, for burning coal, and do unhesitatingly declare nnd say.that they are tho most per fect nrtirio of the kind in use,elth. er north nr south. Satisfactory rt-f* . _ ercnceii can be' furnished whore they havo been tried In tills city. Wo ask nb pay until fair ly tested. For snle only at the now House Furnishing Store of MORSE k NICHOLS, oc20 ■ 155 Broughton-street. BRADBURY’S PIANO FORTE WARE-ROOM, 423 Broadway, New York. Assorted Instruments of thn best New York ami Boston manufacture.—The subscri ber having taught the Plano for many years, nnd bccomo familiar with all tho dim-rent instrument* of any note, and knowing that I here is areal choice nut only in different umkerM.but ill instruments ref (he same make, feels cuufidcnt that lie can give entire satisfaction to nil who may favor him with their order*. He -will furnish Instruments of nny good make ; nlso. Mein- deon* and second hand rhinos at tho lowest cash prices. Patronage is respectfully solicited. d«c28—3m K. G. BRADBURY. r maker do boblnet do, for sale by KEMPTON k VKRSTH.LK. apl 13 F EATHERS.—3,000 lb Feathers fur sale hv inh20 I W. MDRUEI.L k CO. E nvelope and wrapping paper, of various size* and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap man. GEO. W. & iTKHIAL READ, CTl Manufacturer* and Wholesale lk-alerrt In HATH. At^CAPS ANDSTRAW GOODS, havo now in store and nre constantly receiving, n choice and magnificent stock of goods in tlie above line, to which tho attention or the trade and country merchants is invited. Orders nre solicited, which shall liavo careful and prompt attention. 19 COURTLAND-ST., near Broadway, Janl3—3m And adjoining Western Hotel. New York. THE LARGEST SILK RIBBON AND TRIM- MING HOUSE IN NEW YORK. T HOMAS O. STEARNR Importer and Jobber of Silk. Mil linery and Fancy Goods. 102 Broadway. New York, has now in store and is dully receiving and offering at the lowest prices.a complete assortment of Goads in his line, embra cing all tho various styles and designs consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. Marseilles, Florences. Shawls. Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Taffeta and Satin Ribbons. Dress Trim mings of nil kinds. French aud English Crapes. Crape I Jsses, Silk Cravats. Embroideries. Gloves of all kinds, Silk I/ice Mil*. Bareges. Laces. White Goods. Hosiery, L. C. Handker chiefs, fro. The undersigned invites tlie attention of the trade nnd ills friends generally. Great inducements offered to cash and short time liuvnrs. THOMAS (i. STEARNS, 102 Broadway. dec20—l.vr Between Llberty-sl.nnd Maiden lane, N. Y. STOVES, STOVES. The subscriber has just rccoived a large number ot Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which ho will dispose ot on accommodating terms. Among them may be found the following: Cooking Stoves. The Republic, \My ot tho Like, Airtight Premium,Queen of the • West. Empire Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.— .Union Cottage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and ova 1, Six Plato, Box. 8tovcs. Hollow Ware Pots, Kottlea. Ovens, Spiders. Snuco Pnu*, Ac. &c. Plain and Jupanned Tin Ware, for salo, nnd manu factured at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, aud Leader*, attended to with punctnallt v. JOHN .1. MAURICE, Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard dtreot . . PIANO FORTB~WARBIIOUHE.“'‘ . THE Alterations and Improvemnnls In our [store, includluga fine Show Room for llano Fortes, and a Musie Department for Ladies being now completed, we would Invite the at tention of the musical public to our stock.comprising every article in tlie line, which can be furnished (wholesale and retail) at New York prices. PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart & Co., J. B. Dunham, and N FAV BACON, Ac —20 casks prime Sides; 10 casks prime new Shoulders; 260 bags Rio Coffee: 150 bbls. B,iHI- more Floor; 20 Idols, prime N. O. Sugar; 10 lihdg.. clarified N. O. Sugar; 160 bbls. Stuart’s B. & C. Sugar; 50 boxes Col gate's No. 1 Soap; 60 boxes Colgate's J’ale Soap; 60 bbls. N. O. Syrup; 50 hhds. Culm Molasses; 26 tierces do.; 26 bar rels do.; 601 sixes star Caudles—landing aud for sale by fub2l CHANE A llUlA'CMl). 17*1811. AC—T» tes cod fish. 100 boxes smoked herrings. 30 I? bids pickled do, SO bids No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60 hnlf bbls do, 20 kilts do, 60 boxes buckwheat, 26 half bbls do. received and for salo liy feU7 MoMAHON k DOYLE. J B. CUBBEDGE. VO. II. IIUU-. IIK.VKY O. KINO "ID-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE —Tlie undersigned JinH this -/ day associated with him Mr. ilKXKY C. of Glynn county, with whom lie will continue the Factorage nnd C'om mission business In this city, under the firm of Jinx A janl‘2 JNl). 11. HULL 210 Day-street. (JIBERIAN PALM SOAP.—Tills Soap is prepared from tlie O pure Palm Oil. and is warranted to he of n superior quality. It is highly useful in cleamilig tho skin, is very emollient, and produces nn excellent lather. Just, receiv ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN, nol 6 Monu ment Sq ware. G ROCERIES.—so bbls Stuart’s refined Sugar 20 boxes I»af Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Sugar 5 bhl* powdered Sugar 60 boxes pale and No 1 Soap, 10 boxes toilet Soap 25 •• No 1 Starch, 25 boxes Pearl Starch 20 bags Java Coffee, landing for sale by JN l sop30 COHEN A TARVER. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. N F.W nnd beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, just re ceived by tho last Steamer. Via: Barege Detains; Worsted Baregos; Silk Tissues; Colored Sowing Silk; Dresses Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Cholleys and Bareges; Black and Colored Silk; Bluck Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black and Colored F. Mu»lln; Black and Colored Ginghams; Plain and Colored Lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric: and a fine assortment of Rlack and Colored Calicoes: Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Moll Muslin; Plaid nnd Striped Swiss Muslin;- Silk Parasols, very pretty; also, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on the most accommodating terms. mhl8 AIKEN & BURNS. M OURNING GOODS.—Black Grenadine. Crapo de Paris, Bareges, Silks, Bombazines, Alpacas, Norwich Cloths and Poplin*. Mourning Lawns aud French Muslins. Black Crajio and Love Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, etc,, just re ceived aud for Bale by mh7 PkWITT k MORGAN. S PRING SILKS.—A fine assortment of striped und plaid Silks, block summer do, black grenadine silks, a line as sortment or now barege*, figured stripes and plaid, plain, figured, plaid and striped tissues, a large assortment of la dies' black and colored silk umbrellas and parasols, a large and fine assortment of aR qualities of hosiery, silk and lace mantillas, white and black net mantillas, *hawls points and scarfs, Swiss nnd lace chemlzots, light kid glovos, lace mils and glo ves, for sale by aplll AIKIX b BURNS txrinSRY.—LOO bills. New Orleans Whisky, landing U0h VV day por brig Katq Hegth, and fo* **la by. • mb3 WlLLTSflt BRUNDAOE.; TjI7\ASBINU -WADE BiSV.-Boaton..01»mlo«l Wishing V V i Powdora.—One package of these powder* will make two gallons of Soft Soap, of a. superior quality' for all do. mestlo usss, Justrtoelved and for sale bjr : an!7 ’* : • W.- Wi LINCOLN, Monument square. QUNDRIES.—Just receivisl, 20 bbls Stuart’s Crashed aud Clarified Sugar, 3 hhds Now Orleans do, 10 casks, nts. and pints. Byass London Porter. 26 dozen fhney Imndlod Brooms, 60 do assorted Scrub Brushes ami Clothes Lines, 30 do 2 and 3 hooped Water Palls, 26 doz Wash Boards. 80 do Mustard, in X lb. urns. 00 boxes Beodol's Soap. Candles, and Starch, and 10 hnlf chosts black Tea, in lb. pack*, landing, nudforBaleby apU3 DAVID O’CONNOR. M R.A. BONAUD, javing tokon tho store at the corner ofBeyand Whiiakor-streets. would respectfully call the attention of his triends and the public In goneral, to'hls assorted stock of Liquors nnd Cigars, which hois prepared to sell in quantities to ault purchaser*,. . Mr. B. hus also constantly on band a large assortment of Satico*. Fruit and Jams fn Jars, which he flatters himself will suit the most epicurean tastes. 1 noli TlE&ftKDf^FLOMnA—Colored silk mantillas.plain JX glare silks.brown silk parasols, bareges end tissties, dotted and figured Swiss.raualihs; black eutnor bomhhsln, lawn*, plltewcnso cottnn.geuts colored bordurod, hdkfo.. Ao., for snlo at the lowest prices, by apl!3 - ' DkWITT k MORGAN. street*.- bam*,afn ttrely tiewiiatti will ba sold i QUOAR. MACKEREL, Ac.-r-80 t>bls 8tpart'g .Crashed flu O gar, 26 half hbls Ldltf Sugar,'40 bbls Nos. *70003Mock- erel. 20 half bbls Nos. 1 aj^d^ do, 60 bbls PAH Gin, now landing and for tale low by ■ June2 . HOLOOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. on lustres, Aff. Diwin * Morgan! JOHN I, SMITH, WUOI.KHALK DJIIIREELLA ASI) PARASOL MANUFACTURER, 234 and 236 llroadway, New York. THE MOST KPTENSIVK IN THE WORLD 1 I S now prepared to offer hi* cuHtomersand merchants gen erally. such an niMortinent of Umbrellas and Parasol*, which for licauty. quality, llnisii nnd prices, cannot be equal ed bv any house In the United Statu*. 1‘arisinu Fashions— WalkingCane Umbrellas, Folding do..Trunk do.. Self open ing do.. Sylphldn Parasol*. Also, very rich Silk UtnbrellnH nnd Parasols, mounted on ivory, pearl and palm wood the greatest variety. Very smu-rior mourning and half mourning Parasol. Buggy Umbrellas, of extra quality, with and without joints. You aro respectfully Invited to call and examine the slock before purchasing. apilO—3m JOHN I. SMITH Manufacturer. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. ALBRO A HOYT, Nos. 72 and 74 John-tired, New York, M anufacturers of floor oil cloths, offer to tho trado on liberal term* a general assortment of the abovo goods in various widths, of 3 ft.. 3 ft. 0.4 ft. 0, 6 ft. 3. 0 ft.. 0ft., 12 ft.. 15 ft.. 18 ft., and 24 ft.; a!*o, Carriage Oil Cloths, in widths of 8-4ths, 7-8tbs, and 4-4ths ; also. Ta ble Oil Cloths. 44tbs, 64ths. aod 64ths wide. These goods are all well seasoned and will endure any climate. • jan20—3m ■ ■ RIPLEY * JUDSON, No. 31 Pine Sired, New' York, . [No, O FFER for sale by the package, on the usual terms, 1,000 cases bleached shirtings, various styles, from low qual ities to auporflne. 1600 bales low, medium and heavy brown sheetings. 600 bales low, medium, heavy and fine brown shirting. 600 bales brown drill.and jean*. 260 cases bleached drills and jeans, various styles of finish. 250 .bales lowelt Ticks.- AAA,’ ‘ AA,’ ‘ A,’ ; B,' ‘ C,’' D.’ 150 bales medium and low Ticks. 250 bales low prlped twilled shirtings stripes. Allendale bleached and brown sheetings, of all widths. Dentins, canton Flannel*, and (hmnburgs, colored Cambrics, • -orset Allendale quilt* of all sizes. Jeans and drills, apron and furniture checks, pantaloons stuffs, Ac.fob21—3m, LINEN GOODS, T nK SUBSCRIBERS. IMPORTERS OF LINENS, Ao., offer for sole a full assortment of the moat approved manu factures, consisting in part a* follow*: Brown and, Dlkacurd Diai-kk and Damask—all widths. Taiilk Cumw—of all qualities and sire*. NAPKINS AND Dovuig—Snowdrop and Satin Damask. Dikdngyx DiArata—narrdw to very wide; and from coarso to tlno. Pillowcase Ianxnh and Snssnscs. Drilunon—Plain and Fancy Irish, French and English, Holland*—Drown, bleached, black and slate. Pantaloon Link.vh—3-4.7-8 amj.f4 hlay and yellow. Ijnen CAMBTcHANDKKitanEr*—A large variety, SnmnNa Ijnens—Light, medium ana heavy. PmMrrD SmRTiNo Links*—Choice and no w patterns. Moaqurto Nmuia. - GREENWAY.. BROTHER A CO.. feb3—3m 24 Park Place and IB Parclay4V.,N. Y. FRENCH FANCY A!fVD STAPLE'GOODS. Hashes, Dapuy A Urehange. "• 1 -73 WiUMn-stred; New Turk,. ~ TMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers In French Fancy Good 1 have how In store and are receiving by every paclw from Havre. .* .large, and desirable MwwtmDDt of Good* for. tho Spring Trade, w.hlcb they offer to.tliq trade at thdlowest, market prices; Among thotr'stock-may lio found-^-Agnte. Silk, Dress. Vest and Fanev Buttons of all kinds; Percus sion (fops,GDqnd8B, ribbed and ribbed and split; Fjros of all desoriptinml, a most complete assort then t; BrUshe*,. teeth, hatr, nail andRliavinff;'Accord ends and Fiutlnas or the iucaI superior quality y'-— kid and luattmr Garter* y In; . .... Jet' Goods, Aa.;. Basmjndsrs, from low to h -late atsortmenf; S4k fitter 1 * m ““ te — . jtfStriflW. At; Game .ftifrii t*** munm, «qj». holderij Ac.; toother .wtth m&nf’ other wrttdes. POTATOES. Ao.—60 bill* choice *cod ami eating Potatoes; X 10 bbls superior bleached Whale Oil; 10 bbls I^nr Ianl received aud for sale by foi 4 MoMAHON A DOYLE. VARIETY—variety; L INSEED, *pei-m. bleached whale, and castor Oil, White, red, black, and bar Lead, shot assorted, Dupont’s powder. 1 4.1-2 and 25 lbs. kegs. Allum, borax, blue stone, copperas, glue, brimstone, Sulphur, madder, indigo, logwood, sal *odn, sal nitre, Sal cratls, *al epsom. sal glauber. sup carb soda, Tartaric acid, gum champhorTgum Arabic, magnesia, Cronin tartar, mix vomica, essences assorted, opodeldoc, Paregoric, laudanum, Bateman'*drops, Hot dro))* alias No. 0. Japan and copal varnishes. Chrome green and yellow, Spanish brown, umber litherngo. Tcnn dc sienna, shoe.blacking and iuk assorted packages, - Nutwegs.-cloves. spices, cap. letter and wrapping paper. With a great variety of other useful sundries, for sale low by fcb22 KIBBEE k RODGERS X received, a fine assortment of gold pen* and pencils double and single extension ; also, a variety of Hue peus.fer cheap at tho book H'ore of -pHS 8. 1 t 1 b6 Congress- siren* WaFHeneT its original color. It i* guaranteed by thn Proprietor. hat If the nntient I* grey- he can havo 111* hair restored to it* original color by using I/iret’s Wahpone. For Salo by jnn2J W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square, WINES, LIQ.UOUS HEGARS^ GltOCEMES, rriflK Subscriber 1ms on hand a lino and well selected X Stock of imported pure Wlues, Liquor* and Scgars, comprising the following : Rrmidy—10 hnlf pipe* Otnrd, Dnpuy Jt Co. ; 3 do Jo olil ilcnucssy ; 2 do do Fazernu, 1808 ; 2 do do Jean Ix>uis, 180ft : 3 do'do J. J. Dupuy. Wines—t half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do l^ndon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry Wino ; 20 casks Claret.; 40 baskets Champagne. Segnrs—20.000 ltio Honda ; 10.000 La Cruis j 6,000 la Utnon ; 10.000 La Pntrin ; 26,000 Trabucas. Fancy Groceries.—A largo supply, such or Imported Cordials. Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats, Prunes and Jciiic,,. For snle by A. BONAUD, de8 Corner of Bay and Wliltnker-strects.' MARSHALL HOUSE DRESSING HALOPN. M KSSR8. COHEN k BANNON respectfully annmm'co to the citizen* of Snvannali that they are now prepared to doaUkludiof work In their line, at their now shop, ncarthocorner of Broughton aud Prayton-st*. They have established the following as their rates of charges: Fora single share in -v; per month,for 2 orthree time*per week 76c.; 4 times a week 81; 6 or 0 times a week 81 60; every day 81 75 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c. shampoolng20e. Mr. COHEN will always hold hlmseir lu readiness to at- tend to orders from those who rday require his services at thoir homes. unv8 L IQUORS AND WINES—12 half pipes Otord. Dupuy ft Co’s French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brand*, low priced French Brandy; 80quarter casks Domestic do, 60 bbls do db. 73 do P A H Rye Gin, 160 do E Phelps’ do: 6 pipes Holland Gin, 10 Idjls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor gla Peach do, 200 do N. 0. Whisky, 60 do white Baltimore do. 30 do old Westminster Monongnliela do, 20 do.old Penn sylvania Mountain do do,100 do N. E. Rum-25 quarter casks Madeira Wine, 10 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port do, 2 half pipes do do, 2ft quarter casks Brown Sherfy ‘Wine, 40 baskets Champagne do. For salo by ... aul9 WEBSTER k PALMES. B ooks ! BOOKS \ l BOOKS!!!—Harry Muir, a Htory of Scottish life, by the author qf Mrs. Margaret Maitland. Merkland, Ac. Tho Hanget of Ravenstream, by Newton M. Curtis, author of Patrol of the Mountain. Scout of tho Silver Pond, Haunt ed Chief or the FomaleBandittL.&c; Harpers’ Magnzine for April; Gleason's TTctoral. Putnam’* Magazine, containing an answer to the Bour bon question. Blackwood's Magazine for March ; Barnum’s .Illustrated New*; for sale at the book store of mliaO B. S. SIBLEY, 135 Congress-street. W OMAN’S RECOUDf or tMchet of all didiruiuithed Wo- wen, from.the beglnlng to I860, arranged in four eras with selection* from female writers of every age, bv Sarah J. Hale, illustrated bv two hundred and thirty portraits, a splendid giftbock. Just published by tbo Harpers, and for salo by dcclO 8. 0. SIBLEY. No. 135 Congrcss-atroo 1 RANGING TIMBER. . - rnilE Timber.Cuttcre of .Edlrta JUverl South Carolina, re x' speetively calltbpattehtlon ofbuyere ofThnWto the Cliarieston market for that article. They believe that they fumfrth a* wellgot and its largo good- heart Timber hn ean bo found In anyidluUieru city. By a strange and arbitrary system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade in igno rance of tho cheapness of -the market- the still* of Charles- .tonnre enabled,to^purchnae the Tlnibcr, at .prices.enor mously low to the Timber ontter* .Tho latter would there- fore,Invite buyew .to' exaiolno their tuarketi ' The same timber which brings in Savannah, (by tho papers) from 8 to 12 dollars per thousand ftet, is now selling in Charleston rom 4 to 8. • i ■ - n. Janlft-^-lawlCt. 1 ther itonnonsTor Latter. Day wi mk nunnnn*, ur tmivcs. tmj .,, - 1 ’qf the Great 8nlt Lake.—their rise and progrsas—peculiar doctrines^-prescnt condition and proepects—derirefliirom personal obsorVaBon during a resl- denoo njnong thsn»<. by Lient,.6uonl*cn, U; Bi Topojpnpbi- calEnglncow. Roeelyodandforaaleby -. , . dec28 ' 8l'8.’HBLEY.lw.Congreselstreet' for pario ... R«o^(io>isa«6..„„ .... ® «; t.n« n.ilC„„„ »»il Offlco >,10.,CluUnu limikad-.nnU SlwmWt fcUwI, t .WiLd8OT($ Housekeepers, Hotel, Steamboat and Rail Road ComDaniee will find It to their Interest to «U a" thxFiffiSf ^ No, 181 North Oth St (opposite F - ^■SolfijKW. LAo., with ither kinds ' WUUI1UJ. . , 'lank Bookt, Stationery,' die.—We Imre also our nsnal as sortment or writing papers, wrapping imjKir*, blank aud. school books, staUonerv, etc. , r , r ' PARRISH A HOUGH, No. 4 North Fitli street, 2 doors above Market, ___ _ , ', ' ' PhtladeipWa. B3T Cash paid for country rags. - tnblO-^eod, I DEE SINKING AND ENGRAVING," N ALL TO BRANCHES.—Business rard*, wlth appropri ate devices, embossed in a now style. In plain ana fahey mdors. • Seals of every description, with or without proves. Envelopes printed with name, business nnd address, lawns, bill heads, manufacturer’s tickets, Ac., all executed iu tho neatest manner and at prices26 per cent, holowony slml- l«r eHUbllsiuncnt, in consequence of better and improved facilities for the cxoeutlon of such wprk, N. B.—All orders by mall promptly attended to, Goods sent to any part of the country. t- , f B; CALVERT A CO..' Envelope and Seal Press Manufacturers, Dio Sinkers. Embus, sore and Eeugravers, 48 South 8d-st., Philadelphia. . ’ ' ' tnhTO CHEAP WINDOW SHADE DEPOT AND ' . ' MANUFACTORY. * ' ' G S \ mvl Sctond^trcds, Philadelphia'. L. lin.LMt & Co. offer every variety of Shades; whole- . sale and retail, such an Scroll. Flower, Gothic. Vlgji. ettc, Oil and Dry Laiidacapes. at the lowest prices for qual lty of,work,. - . • , Ordors. for, Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Bhodes oxocuted at short notice. Merchants and others are Invited to giro us a triaL Wb will tut toplkxbb. 6 ' Brasses. Trimmings. Ac., always oii hand.’ Remembers. W. cornerSboondand Anon streets;Phlla- dol P l>la - ' ' : ' - - . • 2m—rebl8 GAS WORK» LAMP8, Ac. A RCHER A WARNOf, Manuracturcre, No :il9 dheat lnt- XX street, Philadelphia;respectfollt solicit the atteUUra p( purchasers,to their, nvwrtment of .cjiflndellcrt, • brackets, pendantsrand every description organ ■bd'rncrs't also ditty sliwieVt'iu^w-iWfaa -uuj SuiSi/simp ■ - lUbment in the country. Tlie Trade supplied with burners, morcury, caps,brans tings, air pumns, Ac., nt reduced prices, ARCHER & WAI1NER. Kills S. Archer, | William F. BIfokey, Redwood F. Warner, J Wm.'O. B. Merrill. FRONT-ST. WIRE MANUFACTORY. i£- Western Afcixhattis, Manufactura-iandolhers. AXTAT^ON A COX, Sieve, Kiddle, Screen and Wire Cloth vv Slunufacturers, No. tfl North FYont-street. riiliodal- phia. where ran always be found every article lu tlvetr .llne, or mnnuihctiirml to order ot short notice. Orders by mall or otherwise, solicited. JonlB—cqdtlhpl LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSeT™ 117 Chednut-dreel, below Ihurth. north tide, Philadelphia. W E inform merchants and residents of thls.viclnity. that tlie most coniplhte assortment of Mantel. Pier, Wall and Ovnl Glasst-a, richest Styles, for private uso. or allklodit for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, Ac., wiU be foundat our cstabliNlmient. I/mg experience and laigo fHcillties enable us'to sell tho boat goods at lowest prices. . : , given, wo will give estimates for any _ teed Biirrors. delivered free from breakage, at any point,* Orders solicited, French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwelling*. Ac., at importa tion price*. THOMAS J. NATT fc CO.' aplO—owl B. NEW CARPETING8. T HE subscriber has Just received por. late arrivals, .. large and fresh stock of the richest and newest styles of Velvet. Tapestry, Brussel*, three-ply Ingrain arid Venl- llnn (.'arpetlngs, all of wliicli are olforod on the moat doMr- able term*. With a tell asRorimenl nf Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers, Mat ting, Ac. Purchaser* are requested to make nn early examination as strong inducement* will bo held out to cash buyers. . It. B. WALKER. IDO Chostnut-atrcot. rohl 7—lawtf t Irnlow 8th. South side, Philadelphia, HLIND8 AND~8HADE 87 ' “ . Tnko Notice. J. WILLIAMS, No. IS.Norih Sixth-street, a few doors above Market-street. Philadelphia, Is tho most exten sive am! best manufacturer iff Window Blinds and Sliadf* In tin-.United State*, and hns token the highest premium* nt all the exhibitions j ho buys the best materials by whole- sal’- chen|>er for Cash than other* pay for inferior nrtlclcn by ratnll and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and Shade*, as cheap as other* ask for inferior articles. 'Painted Window Shades tu great variety, of beautiful' designs and superior uunllty. , Buff and White Unen Shades, Blind and Shade Trimmings, Fixtures. Ac., wholesale and retail) at tlie lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted and lettered to order. RmlUIindH at manufacturers' prices. Old Blind* pnlnlodto look ns good ua new. Purchasers, by. calling, will bo convinced that ho sells a superior nrtiulo. and guar antees full satisfaction A liberal discountmnde todOatonL “ IFesteffwlopfea/e.'’ • - ; IIKNJ. J. WILLTABfS. aplO—eod No. 12 North Oth-Btre«t,PhiIa. F IXJUR, BACON, Ac.—20Q bbls superflne Hownrd street Flour, 6ft hhds prime new Bacon Sides. 20 do do Should- or*. 30 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lord, landing and for salo by mhj) SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & 00.' rpo THE LADHS.—Wn. would respectfully call lb* atton- X .tlon of the ladies of Savannah, and enurroundlng coun try. to tbe foUofftog.newand beautirulgoodawWob wehsva ' just received, vU ; sjjk Paris mantillas. lacSd gimp mantil- las, black - nett acarfs col’d. neetstaHk, ladles cravats arid *i.. x\ *.—_v.ii—i—i —— ctiemlzetts'arid uri' "hWk'trfv?* • mitt*/ »M.. silk and lisle glove*.- with r large variety, of athev artloUe too numerous f ™ ” —*• — *—•* selves ; all or,i„ , Q by , ■ , Mhlfi ... ■ j XiKM^.BtR WHI| UI— WI U. UCUIDMIllli wuim. c ties. Freneh worked collars, laced capes, chemise der sUeree; oonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, : b! ribbon, Alexamirea light kid gloves, black nett m nd lisle glove*.'with r large variety of olh _ lumerous to mention. Please call end. see for ) a ; all of,which will be sold on the. best possible f L AJIP OIL, VINEGAR, AoJust received^10 bblebleaS* ed Whale,0H t . IQ do .White Y|neger, 10 do No 1 JKtft*- ereL 6 do Scotch. Herring, 80 boxes smoked Herring, 00 do BeadelP* tallow end sperm Candles,-‘4*, fis end 8s, 26 do' do family Soap. 00 ,dq ground Coffee and Mugtae l,. aijhda New Orleans 8ngur. 20. bbls Stuart’* crashed, ground and clari fied Sugars, and 2 hhds Codfish, for linie'ef tljd coriter it Broughton and DrAyton streets,by •')'• mhl2 _ DAVID O’CCNNKR. • J UST RECEIVED.—We’ have just received; a ! freati »ud ply of ladies’ merino, gauze, silk and cotton Vests, Misses and Infant’s merino vests, gents eilk. merino,-gauze and cotton vesta: also, a tlno assortment of Upen cambric handberohiefs. ladies' and misses’ whit* and brown cotton hose, white and black,silk do.gonte white; brownand mix- e*l hqlf ho«e,, gents white and black silk do do,4ogether w|th »large acsortraent of phlte, and. colored linen cam. brio hfcridkerchlcfs, colored end black aitk cravat*; Stocks And tie*, for isle low by v. ’ nKM AIKlK S BORKS. CHANVLS, Ac.—Super, and comnton crape sbawls ‘p)alri O and embroidered. Vandyke collars beautiful goods, ag- sbrted parasol*, plain. 1 striped arid checked ghteoatilu/aum- nier do, bareges, tissues and Rrenedinee, colored inff White jaconet and organdy muslins, a large assortment ot-Irish Uneni, 1-YenchprintedcAtabrica. . ;- m.v-• ! - • ... 1 M. PRENDERGAST A 00., B P« 178 Orpaghtori street. QPR1N0 AND 8UMMER BILKS—A now'i_ L-J stripes AridplaWi rib# ! paW«vn'gliigbstt::'L_.-_ ; tlssdcwvlAdlAa'-ooloredandrSlack wmbrelUA-.and-p* effle gimp tosutball shades rfsllkeand bartgeSj-WA mantilla*, shawls, point* Ond acarf*. -wWte aridblot-, ,lng silk:scarfs;yrjtitol»«oand colored• silk-toAOhlUy white and colored crape shawls, black swgn allks; black ba,regr and tissues, blocltaud lead French ginglmms, for sale by • v’apUg ..- -— - ’’.'s-t- • *' jjmiVKD PER NmMWWPUIn bar^^bottat-rib- bon*. 8C0tcb ginghams,.black not- mite andgloYeA,' l*‘ dies' colored silk gloves, damask linen: nanlctaeand doyles, blrds-eye diaper.loop lawns, linen cambric bdkb;, Ac., for wwhTKiiogajM. solo at tho lowest pnoes by: T .ARIES! VREP9 WpD8^Wntp4’ -JJ baregos. jacouoK lawns, tissue Parley French T “ J ' i •wlse.muU. naniCf* — : lust-^-' ■m: ;v--r