The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, August 19, 1853, Image 1

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    • - • • t_ V- ' , . . . V * 'j ••
“• v * v »
dji( $mwniw!l'
n!r o n ,
P u 5ft?-ia «*«”
r.LfKirtt : OiiaX#^VKKKLY, $2.
tUH- Y »iffi.g, is apva*p»-
B»lSJ SdnSSJauj-IMW*
T ft,.wi»i«15.v ? BonaiAi.,
«tok5o5! # 5)Tc?'-.
BA- Haring purchased th# entlrro Interest of Mr,
WJ. 0, Tiiomtox Id IiU (ferriage establishment In
; moat rtapoctfally solicit n continuation of.ltio «*•
tomdre patronage so liberally bestowed on ths Into proprls-
tor. It u our Intention to keep a |*rw and extensive as
sortment of sllklrtila ofCarrtagos.suTtcd tn till* market.
Thu lata • ML',4'$.TUorutob.w\ll fAify Wf *!«»*
at the north, for tlio purchase and supply or our establish
ment. Ilia experience of twenty years In the bualneaa at
the South, will Insure to our friend* and patron* aneha
wall selected stock ha cannot flail to five entire satisfaction.
Mr. neymat will g|re - hla^perebnaiattentlon to alt bind of
repairing, aa heretofore. LEWIS B. DENNETT.
A CARD.—It n .
out to Messrs L. H
rsa iiortm,w advakcd.
deuce In the ability of thtae' geutleinen. both tti capability
and capital, to aneoaufollytidndnet the buMneas, and keep
up the reputation of the establishment.
Mr. Lawn a Uerxtrr baa been my foreman for the hut
two year*, and I taka pleasure In recommending him to the
public at an, induitrloue, capable end deserting man, who,
while.looking to hie own Interest, will not neglect tboeeot
hi* patron*.
In relinqulahlng my bneineei tn thin place, 1 take the op*
port unity, to •*/, that It In not from any dissatisfaction
whatever. Since my residence In the city of Savannah. I
hare been kindly and. generously trotted, and have suc
ceeded much better than I anticipated.
In the course I have Just taken. 1 hare been prompted by
consideration* of a private character altogether; wherever
1 may be. 1 shall always carry with rto the liveliest sense
issuuakob co.
nafted 0 ?' 111 t>k«nre.lUrln. .nd IUr.r IU.k.0.
J.B. l«m.
f '^JjobDW. Anderson,N.B. Knapp, Henry LatUrep
tf l£.r,Voo J - ||gjfRV n. WEED, President,
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vice President
1 may be. 1 shall always carry with rte the liveliest sense
of obligation, and eheriah the deepest interest In the pro*.
perlly and advancement of the dir and it# people. Noth* Y7INKGAR—10 bbls pure elder vinegar. -
Ing will do more to effect this, than tho sustaining of a Y wlno vinegar, Just landed from gtoamslilp State of
healthy and honorable competition. Let thegood peopleo( ** ■ ■- ^ ^ ’
the City and Btate see to it. J. 0. THORNTON.
8AVAKXAO, 0th Mav. 1863.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. w, Aucuimnt Is my legally hnthorlied
agent for the tranaaetion and dosing up of my business.
ma.vlO 5.0. THORNTON.
Mlv to mi for ttalr trkmd. >od dclioo. o,
JT, ii,„ o«t b, «nt «Um p«ck«t .Rips. »™ lnrono«i
JJJ , lh «rib.r. .ro Hi. only Ajtnt. top,. tjoo-
a 'i,otlioriKd to to»o» MoMio.Win.lMp.eolt
r’„_nol tn .«”• fnlm *1 S" 4
„ibl. [n .ny town Oiepu|hodt Irelond Anil
rmtIWUio. DnOt. on Franc* nod Oniony, popobto tn
„ (be Continent, olio tor ttlo. *pply to
Mrit-ty BUNKER S OOTIEN. 80 Boy rtrool.
J; scriber having Just removed to No. 21 Dull.street, (bo*
tween Congress and Brough ton-streets,! would Inform his
friends and the public generally, that he trill open This
Oat. his second supply of Fall and Whiter Goods, consisting
or the bestffenoh, English and. American Cloth*'Coast-
meres and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive la*
porters In New York, which he Is prepared to make up In
the beat and moat fashionable styles.'
debl M. D. MURPHY.
JSHJRVHULL. President and Treasurer.
n t ..lnrtncd. Arot of Hie .bo™ Conipwy, eontlnuo.
M tit. Ortfoltootny ttl.k*. vt».: Mocliio, Riper ,nd Flpo
'j^oMThllsPsrsonVtieslso taken by this Company.
t,ir*prt»iBmfor residing In the South.
r WIIJ4AM KING. Agent,
Corner ofllar and Drayton-slrocts.
TJIAIRBANK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved Inqusl-
P I ty and redu ced In price)—Adapted to every required op
eration of weighing, u Railroad Scales for trains or single care
(a use on the principal railroads In thoUntted States and
Great Britain, wnrohouso Scale*, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications ; Counter Scales, Ilay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and
the untveisal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment. Is such that they ore how regarded as the stand*
ard.from which tliore Is no appeal.
cheap: 260 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugar*: 76
lihds. N. O. and Muscovado do i 26 do Porto Rico do; 60 do
Cuba Molnasea; 160 bbls. N. 0. and Sugar-house Syrup:
400 lings Rio and Laguayra Coffee; 60 do O. G. Java do; 100
boxen Tobacco, all brands; 60 lihds. Bacon Bides: 26 casks
Hams and Shoulders; 76 barrlus Lard, prime article: 160
boxes Snap, all kinds: 200 do Sperm and AdamantineCkn*
dies; Leman Byrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts, Candle*, Spices,
Sw.uS; ‘" ,s
X . .......I ...nioot V>*l(t.i.r .inrin^r In aiillin-
SuMthtum or th* arm tu c'o.lnyRo^unmKM
taj,”.! Irt. mi. •'!£_ A. IT tJUNBY*.'
Ru iDtWdfned will continue tho FACTORAGE and COM-
MI&1U.V WlilNES oa Ills own account, and respectfully
«M» * tenllnuxare of the patronage so liberally extend*
edto thelate Srm.
, -Tlie most complete stork of Oil
Toth*. In every variety of patterns and color*, varying
In width* from one to eight yarn*. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or hall* without piecing.
WM. II. GUIOV. Agent. Carpet Warehouse,
felt') 140 Congress and 67 St. Julian-*!*.
received, a fine n**ortmont of gold turn* and pencil*
douldonndslnglo extension; also, a variety of fino
rPdtt»»rtn<rddp heretofore existing between the sub-
1 Krifori. under the firm of Viluuimu A Acowta, Is
this day dU*olve.l by mutual consent. Mr. 0. C. Acosta
*111 continue the budnetts a* before, and is authorised to
Kttle ill amounts due said firm.
D. C. AtXiriTA.
Crrmnujra. Ga., July 11,1853. julr 20—2w
C O-PARTNERSHIP.—^Tii«» undersigned having purchased
frmn John U. Norton Id* Stock of Hardware, will con*
tinne the Imsiness at the same store under the firm of Sam-
Evf issMt. August 1,1853. July 31—Int
N OTICE.—I have disposed ol tho entire Stock pf Hard-
vsreof MtCijyar A N"RTOX to Messrs. S.SMCBL PAL-
gn k So*, and svlirit In their behalf a continuance of the
liberal pitroMxe hitherto extended to tlio late firm,
Myhttki.note* and accounts, a* well a* those of Me-
ftmr A Xortox. are in the hand* of Mr. Geo. II. Welsh,
(«lth Messrs. I’AiJisaAiSoxl >vlio will attend to tho *et-
^ennt ti »U the unfinl*he<i business (a* my agent) and
gho slooe It suthoriied to receipt for me.
'&kvivxin, August 1,1863 July 31—1m
ry?.m"n<iS' OP CO-PARTNERSHIP.—'Ih® e >.im«nerj
J J »hip heretofore existing between tho Kub*cril)crs under
the linn «I F ZofiltAUM A CO. is dlswdved by n.utuni
enuient. G. R MITCUKIJ. will continue the business on
hi'nva account. an<1 Is authorised to settle all claims, in
tMsdly.foror sgalust the late firm.
F. ZOGHAIJM. Charleston, fl. 0.,
0. B. MlTUHEI.Io. Savannah, Ga.
■Smnnsh. Jan* fith. 1853 je8
•N".—Th* co partnership of Scranton. John
ston k Ce. is this day dissolved, by the with'lrnwal of
William fi. ScrsnUm. H. T. SCRANTflN.
C O I’.tHlNFR. J IIIP.—'The undersigned having asooriated
*ilh them Henry II. Sernn'.on. will continue the tiro-
errybutineu under the firm of Scranton. Johnston A Co.
‘VOTICR—The undesigned will continue to carry on the
A v Lumber sod Tlmlier businesa as heretofore, under tho
Mins style.of J. Rontm k Co.
cem of Kibbee k IWlger* l* this day dissolved bv mu-
SS J n , l J‘ fn '-^ r ; Kihbee retiring, and Mr.Thomas Wood.
jj% nf " uk,n R hi* Pl»re. under the name and style
2 "?7 * Ihrirers. All debt* against tl.e late firm wlll'be
3? ♦ « ,y nrn ’- " n '' * u i""" 1 ®* due them will be
cnllwtahle.and r
ii . ,, . , ....... m... mi |||<i||IVR Ull« 1 ItUlli 1
I'ectahle, and receipted for by the new concern, aa t*
sfreement. KIBBEE k RODGERS,
A C -' R D-The.iib.cribcr. in retiring from business in
tfi:“? no, . boireel de, l' , J r RM»«ful and obliged
; Iibera , 1 , n a L ,r # ona R° which has been extended to
, (A new bouse.) both from city and country friend*, nod
d ** rreM ,,,l ‘ "'sub* for tho same,
u ninlresthe hop* that pa*t favors will he continued to
"■?’*y Way , ' ra,ef,,, lo K ,v “ lhe mo * t
ufl r .^ f * C,lon .V lthe P a ‘ron* of the late concern
juwa ' Very Mspoctfully.
FpENNENt'8 AUL**3& taaMTeirataVa uuperiov Ala In
1 pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale. 20 do London Porter.
foraaJe by apHO ' W. W. GOODRICH. ?
the above, that I have sold
and! have evehr eonfi-
“ both W capal
Georgia, for aala by.
B UTOTt AND CHEESE—30 firkins prime and choice but*
(er. 60 boxe* cheese, received andforsale by
pen* for
cheap at the book *'orc of
H. d V IH Congrew- «lmv
Refined and CIarlfie<l do, 10 boxe* do I-unf do. 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses. 00 do Hiram Smith and pure Gone-
son Flour. 00 dn llulter, Sugar and Soda Cracker*. 25 do and
100 keg* prime Leaf IsmL60 boxe* *elocted new Clicese.100
doStartwndle*. RO do BeadclP* O'* and 8’* patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
M PRFoNDEROAST k CD. hnvo Just received a small
• case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadine*. An assortment of very
nice cambric inserting* and edgings; one case nf ouperioi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goods, they offer on very low cul
term*, at 178 nrough!on.«trret.
npl 28 OppositeSt Andrew’s Hall
and Jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull musl'n*;
plaid nnd striped Jaconet and Swiss muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin ; white and
nrgauda muslin*; colored linen lustre*; and n fine assort
ment nf ladios’ and gentlemen’s linen cambric handker
chief*. -imD ' AIKEN k BURNS.
600 Roloson*’* ham*. 100 boxes adamantine candles
in More and for sale by
C OFFEE. SUGAR. Ac.—Just received. 30 boxes ground
Java and Bio coffee. 30 do nruslard in A* lb can*. 10 do
ground pepper, 25 do family soap. LOdn Beadell’* candle*. 30
cask* Ilya**’ I/in don Porter in quart* and pints. 30 bbls Ca
nal nnd Uultinioro flour. 10 box** 8 ’* tobacco. 30 bbls clari
fied crashed and ground sugar, 10do*»flnr lamp oil. in store
and fiir sale by DAVID O’CONNER.
Junetfl corner Broughton and Drayton-atrceta.
B UTTEIL "TliF-FNErAre—20 keg* and 20 tubs selected Go'
alien Butler. 60 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 100 do
now scaled Herring*. 60 bid* Hiram Finlth and Genesee
Hour. 20 boxes Ground Coffee. 25 do asset Ud Candy .receiv
ed nor steamer and for salo by
ed black Barege, black and white plaid summer Bilk,
plain and figured black Tissue, black BewingSllk for dresses,
black Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crnpe. Cambric and
French Muslins, for sale by
may‘20 ATKIN k BURNS.
aortment of fine Clothing, at 147 Bay atrwt '
rPEA.—Just received, 10 chest* Young arid Old Hymn,
-L Imperial andpUckTeas, In tnelallo pr *
WINK—A MtpoHor article, stroniriy.
ract from tho Importers, and for tala by
ist received, 10 chest* Yoi
lal and DUcl"
’ J. BOU88KAU.
.... SARSAPARILLA.—1 gross old PrTown-
_ send'*, 1 dn S P Townsend's, aim. Sands’, RlHs',and
Bull’ll Sarsaparilla, lust received and for sate by
’ . ; W. W. LINCOLN, Monument equare.
o packages, of supe-
^piUUMINGS —Trimming braid, colored silk and llneu do
X colored ellk. linen and gilt button* for children, fancy
open worked hose and half horn, for tala by
and lTbiils white
’ samslilp State i *
¥i W. UUKER.
W HITE and colored curat In and pavilion loops, for onto by
W HITE AND CHECK MATTING, 4-4, 6-4aud 0-4, Jus
rocoltud and tor sale by
roli7 AIKEN k BURNS.
W -'IUHKY.—100 bbls. NewOrl-ani Whisky, landing this
day per brig Kate Heath, and for sale by
mh3 __ \Y11JJ8 k BRUKDAGE.
W ASHING’ MADE - EASY.—Roston Chomlcal Washing
Powders.—Ono packago of these powder* will make
two satthn* of 8oft Soap, or a superior qustlty for all do
mestic uses, Just received and for sale by
nn!7 . ■ W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square
Y ANKEE NOTIONS.—PatentsplMiealingxmootlngIrons,
patent nutcracker*, cloth pins, fluid lamps, cow milk-
er*, spring bottom guarded lantern*, thermometer churns.
(c« bucket* and water flltorcr*. just received and for salo by
apl9 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-street.
T HE Timber Cutters of Edlsto River.South Carolina, re
spectively cull tlio attention nfbuyoni of Timber to the
Charleston market for that article. They believe that they
furnish as well got and a* Urge good heart Timber as can
l*» found In any Southern city. By a strange and arbitrary
system nf jneasurement—keeping the foreign trade In Igno
rance of the cheapness nf the market, the Mills of Charles-.
Ion are enabled to purchase-the Timber, at price* enor
mously low to the Timber cutAjs The Utter would there
fore. Invite buyer* to exan^Hkhelr market. The same
timber which bring* In Sav^^H (by the paper*) from 8 to
12 dollars iter thousand fe^Hnow selling in Cliarfoston
—i4to8. Janlg—lawlfit.
iOKB^Tlie History of the Mormons, or Latter Day
Saints. In the Valley of the Great Salt Like.—their rise
and progress—peculiar doclrine*—present condition and
prospect*—derived from personal observation during a re*l
dencc among them, by IJent Gunnison. U.S. Topographi
cal Engineers. Recolvod nnd for salo by
dec28 S. H. SIBLEY 136 Congress street
\yf OGRE’S IRISH MELODIES.—A complete collection in
LVX pUIn and embossed binding, being an elegnnt Christ
mas present. Also. Musical Instrument* in every variety,
from a Jcwshnrp to a Church Organ, nnd Music In sheet*
and volumes, from the Fisher's Hornpipe, to Hnvden and
Mozart’* Ma**e*. For solo by F, ZOGBAUM k CO.,
rtetfio 74 St. Julian and 1U7 Bryan-street*.
f MJ'UR —100 bLls Baltimore Flour, just received and for
sale by mny28 RflWUVND k CO.
K EMITON .b VERSTILLK arc now n|iening a finely as
sorted nnd complete stock of Summer and other Dry
Good*, which they will offer upon the most accommodating
term*. Aa groat care has lieon exerci*e<t in the svlectinn of
their stock, with a view both to price nnd quality, they con
fidently Invite their f lends nnd the public generally to call
and examine for themselves, tiplfi
N EW BACON. &c —co cask* prime Hide*: 10 cask* nr
new Shoulders; 250 Img* Rio Coffee; 160 bbls. Hum-
mutt Flour; 20 hbds. prime N. O. Sugar; 10 hbd». clarified
N. O. Sugar; 150 bl>h. Stuart’s II. k C. Sugar; 60 Uixes Col
gate's No. 1 Soap; 60 boxes Colgate’s Pale Hoap; 60 bbls. X.
It. Syrup: 60 hints. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierce* do.: 26 bar
rel* do.; 60 boxes star Candles—landing nnd for *nle by
feb21 . CRANE tHOUKlMB.
F ISH. AC—6 tea co,l fish. lOO boxes *moke<l herring*. 3C
bbls pickled do. 30 bbls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 60
half bid* dn, 20 kltt* do. 60 boxe* buckwheat, 26 half bbls
do. recolvod and for snlo by
fob7 McM AHON k DOYIJi.
P OTATOES. Ac.—60 bbls choice seed and eating Potatoes;
10 bids sii|>erior bleached WiinleOil ; lObhls I/>af l.ard
received and for sale by fol4_ McMAHON k DOYI.B.
S UGAR COFFEE AND TEA.—10 hints P RSugar. 6 do St
Croix do. 100 Uhls HtHart's do. 10 do crashed do, 26 do
N O clarified do, 100 hng* Rio coffee. 60 do Java do. 60cases
black snd green tea. 100 boxe* assorted tobacco. 60.000
Spanish segsr* of various brand*, list bbls whisky, gin.
ruin nnd brand)’, 5 pipe* Otnrd brandy. 2 do Holland gin, 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do .Scotch wldskv, 10 }( casks Madeira
win". 5 J* do tiddly dn, 5 )J do Malaga do. 60 boxes as
sorted cordials. 6 do clsrot wine. 60 boxes pipes. 100 dozen
breems. 100 reams wrapping paper. 200 linnis. 100 sumkod
tongues. 60 kegs lard. DM) boxes No 1 and pale snap. 5” bbls
Baltimore Ilnur. 60 whole and 15 half bids canal dn. 60 gro.
matches. 60 hid* molnsse*. 10 bids No 2 nnd 3 mackerel, 20
half hid* No 1 do. 10 cn«k* porter. 10 do ale. 20 half boxes
loaf sugar, landing and In More, for sale hr
junnltl Cl)||I N k
M IHS FJZAMJAY’S WORK.—Ixttera and Mlscel aide* in
1’roso. Rhyme, and Blank Verse, by l*>nl*e Klein jay.
a lady of the South. For snlo by J. 11. CUI1I1KW1E.
June 28
' 200 do' Tobacco, assorted qualities.
100 bogs Rio Coffee. 60 do Java do.
M bhl* Stuart’s refined BkC Sugar.
60 do circle A crashed do. 10 dosft *-—
CO lihds Porto Rico Bui *“ * R
20 cases as'd
le A crashed do, 10 do {pound do, fu'",: ■
qrto Rich Sugar, lO dq Nem Orlean* d«,;.
Ix»«f do. 200 bbl* J)ome*tlo Unuor*. y
a’d Kellie*, 80.000 Bcgara, as'd qualltfon,
6 lihds Should ere. 100 aookk Balt,
10 tlercea new Cuba MoUsaes. 60 bbla do do,
10 do 8tuart'a augar-houae Syrup, dr
-nd a general assortment of foreign Brandlea and wines
In store, for sale by fobg6 ; , COHEN k TARYElt
AVjpjliiq,UOH STORM,
' uu^qf Haram
and domostlo, Invoiced from tho boat sdnfctMnd to hi*
jUtck of which, At present on hand, ho Invite*atUnttou.—
•laving had extensive experlenee In FYnnen as a maDaCsc-
turer, and in America aa Importer nnd dealer, hla acqualn-
tance with the trade enahleabbn to offer aaaarance that the
article* which areenumeraled bolow are each aonulno t
Axtlolen of Direct Importation.—French Bran
dies Of various hrahdaj Holland Uin'i Scotch, Irish and
kfongpgahcla Wlilsky; Old Batavia Arrack j Jamaica and
Wine*—Old Perl. Madeira. Flmtry, Chunpan*. Hock,
CUret, Pauterne and Burgundy Wine*.
’ CortIlftl*^-Tn cases. Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, Sla-
valts. Ktrschenwa*»er, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and I*orter^-l»ndun Brown Stout, and Edln-
Also Agent for Domestic Uquora.
nov6 B. MAYER.
Ueorilaand French,UurranatEnro*
pean Mill Stones; Ploughs of vdrfous
kinds, Fagle,-Hub-Soil and Wriipght
_— tSlisro j Iron Fire-proof 8afes, Shovel*
and Spado*, Manure and Hay Forks. Potato Hooka, porn
Rliellora, Cob Craahers. Manure Drags.'Cultivator*, Straw
Cutter*. Bey the* and Sneath*. Hoso, Axes, Pick Axe* and
Handles, Road Scnipen, Ox Chains, Ox Yokes. Garden and
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chain.. Segments and Gudgeons
Freon Wire,' Hames. Measures, Grist Mills, Rice Threshers,, Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams, Well Wheo|s,
do lluckiits, CUttoit and Counter Scales, Trunks, Cotton
Hook*. Jack Screw*, Bumie’l 8ea Island Cotton ulna and
Griswold’s Upland do. Cement, Plaster. Mill and Cross Out
Saws; also. K.'nd and Yard Aiwa. Ac. For sale by
nol 0 GILA’S H. CAMPFIK1J), 171 Bay-st.
I •
Wholeaitlo nnd lie Lull,
No. 110 /lmughton-tt.. Mwax Hull and IPAOnJter.
THE largest and beat selected stock, of goods ever
„ L offered for salo In this city. Gold and SUvevWatcliea,
#^|MVest. Fob sind Guard Clialtu, Seja of Jewelry, Clyat
elaiic*.71raeelcU. Brooches,.flpe Diamond work Finger Ring*,
SllvorCastors, Tea Set*.PHchor*.Goblets.Cups,'Oiie BOketa, -
Spoons, Forks, Fl*h Knives, Pie Knlven. Cheese Scnupa, Ia-
dies. Syphon*. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and
Fancy Good*, and a great variety of article* foo numerous to
mention ; tho whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
All klndsof Watch”*, Clock*. Jewolrr and ottier Jobbing
attended to bycompetonthamls. HORTON A RIKEMAN.
Tlie undersigned begs leave to inform tho Citizens
,of Savannah, aud the people in the country In gene,
t he has taken tho Store No. 148 Broughton SirceL
one door West of IHxon’* ConfocUonery, where he will be
pleased to makeand repair all kinds of Clocks and Watches,
nnd will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted
, MR. F. STEIN, oil Broughton-street. hns Just receiv
ed the finest assortment ni now and fushtonahlo Jewel
ry of all description*. Gold nnd silver pencil* and pen*,
silver and *llver gilted ware and fruit basket*, waiter*,
tea acts, candlcstirk*, table and tea spoon* r fine table,
Hv pocket and pen knives, scissors.snd n large variety nf the
finest work 1 nixes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladles and gentlemen, ns also a fine selection of flutinas.
accimlinn* and fancy article*, too numerous tn mention,
which ho offers at toe towns! prices ever sold In this city
Tlie attention of the public at large, but especially that of
tlie tallies, is particularly requested. nu21
Aik Just received at the Wholesale and Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring nnd Summer Goods,
such aa Silks. Beavers. Gossamer*. iVdule. Canton. Paris,
lone Star. Campochy. and other* too numcroun to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnet*.
Call nnd «oo. and you will he *uro to tie supplied, at the
corner of Barnard and Brougliton-strevls.
mill] BF.LDEN A CO
S I’KING SILKS,—A fine assortment or slrii>c<rand plaid
Silk*, blnck summer do. black grenadine silks, a fine n*-
surtnicnt of new bareges, figured hI ripe* and plaid, plain,
figured, plaid and striped tissue*. * large assortment of In-
dies’ blnck nnd colored *11* umbrellas and pnrawd*. n Urge
and fine assortment of all qualities of hosiery, silk and lace
mantillas, while and black net nutptUlaa. shnwLputntsnnd
scarfs. Swls* and lace chcmizet*, light kia glove*. Incemlts
and glove*, for aulo by
S UNItRtES.—J«»t received. 20 bbUSt«art’*Cra*hv*tawl
l.1arific<l Sugar. 3 hlid* New Orlenusdn. 10 cask*,qt*.
nnd pint*. Ryas* Lmdon Porter. 26 dozen fancy hnmllcd
Brooin*. 60 dnpMnrUd Scrub Bruslie* and Clothes Line*.
30 do 2 and 3 limq**] t.’ator Pall*, 26 do* Wash Board*. 30
do Mustard, In ii lb. mu*. 00 boxe* BeadeP* Soap. Candle*,
and Starch, and 10 ’inlf chest* (dock Tea, In « 4 ' !•». pack*,
landhig. and for **le »
npl 13
mm THE ittMcrlbtr offer* lor sale 1,200 acre* of Land,
■Hfalngon the Aktamaba, rim, three milea below tha
^m.fork, known at Town Bluff, Ibrn are 260 acre* open,
ready for coltlratlon; afoo. two itnall framed house* with
I pod framed hem awl good framed atote houM.kltuata h«
ned hem and[ good framed
lie bank of the river, one of the heat aland* for a afore In
tblaeeptlon. Tlie plgoe baa the advantage hT eteetnhott*
during the foil, winter and spring month*, and one of the
beet IMheriea on the river for ahad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do ao by calling .on tho innatriber on the
Allao. 080 acres of Land well timbered, with 160 acres ol
Ing nnd fur Kale by
E NVEI/H’E AND WRAPPING I'APElC of varioun aizes
and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling nnd Hilk Wrap
ping Paper, for sale by
mliflO ' ' .1 B. CUBBEDGR.
A romatic vinegar-
toilet and an efficient remedy fi 7
nc»*. languor, rheumatic pains, Ac. Just received and Ibi
salohv W W LINCOLN,.,
aphi Monument Square.
T MAJlD MAONKSIA.-Thla conde'nsMlSiuttoirisliVeTy
' agreeahleand efficient form for tlm ndmlnLlratlim of
Magnesia, and is very useful in Naucca. Acidity of the
•Stamnch, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia, for sate by
«hU W. W. LlNOtt"
JtlLN. Monmneut-Square.
un,, " r ,ho firm or ta A
buiin(«I^f ii!» i‘!* y n ' ,w, Te<l '’J routuat consent. Tlie
•IwSMiSLS 8 n i rm *T 11 , 1 b0 wtnc ' 1 b y H. A. Crane, to
»n4 lhois^n!uM»a &T u? c a , mi wl11 plea*o present them,
•nthKitt.1 to nlTli * n '* k 5 payment Either party are
Kiwi ,0 “« o*meof the late firm in liquidation,
nure H. A. CRANE,
V with K lll T‘i“TI ,0 . u , ,, ' ltr,l *R nw l having associated
of Hotrom. JotxJU k cJ 8r °“ ry bu * ,n “ under 1,18 fi™
l) thuiuvltuj^?, nrm ? r L*R«cn«i Bow-xa A Co. ia
from the li^nf J^n V °^ by 5J utu * 1 con " ont - to take effect
-tlML fjLu H- nf ,V)u firm .111 to
Alfrc.lT. Down,, wl,.ar.
“ “ “>• «*™ "fill. Srm In Mttkanl
haac d. Laroche,
Sav’b Jib r irm J-pWARD 8. KEMITON.
’ Jin - 8 ’ 1P53 - RICHARD H. MARSHALL.
"l 11 rontinuo the buslne.s at their old
, f Laroche a downs.
jliramT. Dowxz. [ JanlO
“'"fora'gned have Uiiadav form-
a ‘ l PMnran4ham»P h i P S ,r J h * tranaaetion of a General
toaTtfllrngn (3« 0 v !,u ,‘i D ' M ' unJerth8firn ' °l8c»n*
M - No. 16 Coentles Slip, New York.
B*fcr»n«, H If. TALLMAN.
Co «**«ll.CrxM4 rv? ?f fc n C ? ln1 ’ K * m Wheeler k Co..
D. Pomroy. New York; Web*ter
1a ' J °hn»ton A Co, Rowland A Co., Savan-
Ortmoi rf logic
Klmohagiifoij^ Edinburgh Univcriitv, for tho use of
PfWmJSljl W-.H’Ojr. Wright.
*“ '"""v • ,po “ 1 ' br
Edoeator; ’ 9 I8MaD ’ , Weterel; Popular
•fort iJ J rlm “lArta, Ac. For ule at the book
185 Congrtw-Rlreet.
■ mtSm &25S! “'PhhUc.Uotu ol tho S.« York
■ l,ll n.,s.tS; k Zk“P'frtot", Church Chto
•uglO „ .8. S. SIBLEY,
No. 135 CongrcM-itrcot.
K EMITON A have just received, a tine lot
of figured grenadines, crape d’arlola, silk tissue* and
barege*, which they are offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbnum’s music store, Warlng’a range. apl2p
H OUSE‘KEaTNG - DRYGOODH—Linen and cotton sheet-
ing. pillow case linen snd cotton. Irish linen of the
best make, birds oyn nnd Scotch diapers, towels and towel-
Ing. dniunsk table linen and napkins, long lawns, crash,
brown nnd bleached muslin, all width* and qualities, tor
sale at the lowest prices,by
U NDER a new and Improved organization, msnufacluro
Irocomotlve and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mill*. Gins,
Presses. I-ithes. Drill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Wooten and Saw Mill work. ShaRlng. Pulley*. Ac.. Cast
ings of any weight, (having a large aasortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Ifopot 13 Plait-street, cornor of Gold. Clnxtan A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collin* A Co. and U. Colllnt’ Axes, Hard
ware Agency. 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
R eceived and for sale by s. s. sibley. is&tvm-
gress-at.—Bible In the Family—Bible in the Counting
Annals nl Tennessee,by J. O. M Ramsey. M. R.
Tlio Sword nnd Hie Distaff, or Fair. Fut nnd Forty.
Maria Do Bcrnlevo, a tale of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Hiinms.
Tlie Ifoco for Riches, and some of tlm pit* Into which tlm
Runners fall.
Thu DouMifig Communicant, by Septimus Tustln, D. D.
Country Hospitalltlos. by Cnfimrlno Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history nf Ktherlsl SoRdown
nnd the Friends «f Hie New lJglit.hy C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor.orthe Pilot of I In man Ufe.
Great Truths by Great Author*, from writers of nil ages
and hoGi hemisphere*.
Cleansing tho Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Cnlla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Jo28
J UST RECEIVED.—A supply or Mineral Paints, flro and
wator-prouf colors, untuning. Silver’s Mineral Paint*
differ essentially from nil others In market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil, they do not work tnugbly. but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
set Immediately, and becomean Indcstructable covering of
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no strongor
dryer thnn white lead.
I have a variety of colors, Rod, Yellow, various Browns,
snd Jot Black, they are superior In body (or covering
property) to anything ever dl*corcrcd.and pound for pound
wIU cover doublo tho surfcco of White Lead or Zinc Minoral
paints, and require less oil.
I am now propnrod to cover Tin Roofs, os nothing adheres
to tin like Sliver’s Mineral Paint*. For salo by
ray 8 10 and 12 IUrnard-street.
G 1ROCKIUES. Ae.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 26 do Canal
r do, 20 halfdo do, 20 bbt* IIS Flour, 76 do Stuart’s BA
C Sugar. 25 do crashod do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 lihds Bacon Hides, 10 dn do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
and admantine Candles, 26 bbl* Monnngahela Whisky. 160
bbls Rum. Gin, Whisky and Brandy, 16 quarter casks Cog
nac Brandy, 2j>lpe* 11 Gin, 2 quarter casks 8cotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Ruin. 26 boxes assorted Cordials, 60,000 Span
ish Regnrs, 26 kilts Mackerel. 20 half bbls No 1 ao. 26 bbls
Nos 1.2 and 3 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 60 boxes
Starch. 50 do Lemon Syrup. 10 hhds fine Potto Rico Sugar,
3 do St Croix do, 50 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and
for sale by m!3 COHEN ft TARVER.
B (N)KS.—The Old House by tho Itlver. by tlio author of
tho Owl Creek letters.
Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim i|do. n domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey.
Flirtations in Ameilcn. or High Life In New York.
Tlm Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man in search of i
Tlm Silver Bell, or the Heir ot Motcombe Manor, by Dr. P
II. Robinson.
Gody’s Lady’s Book for July; Gralinm’s Magazlno do
Arther’s Magazine dn ; Peterson’s Magazine do.
Ramam’s Illustrated News. No- 25, Further supply of
Echoes of a Bell; received by
JuihSM __ J. B. CUBI1EPGE._
riillACKKRAY’S ENGLISH HUMORINR ft series of lic-
J. lutes on Swift, Conurcve, Adisun. Ao.
Ranke’s Civic Wars and Monarchy iu tho Ifith and 17th
life and l/iltersof the Ror. Stephen Olln, Into President
of tho Wesleyan University.
Tlie Old House by the River, by tho author ol the Owl
Creek (sitters.
Taylor’s Memorial of tho English Martyrs.
Coleridge Works, vol. 0.
Modern Flirtation, by MU* Sinclair.
English Law and Equity Reports, being the first volume
of the year. New subscriber* citn be supplied at the ori
ginal prlco of 812 per annum.
Blackwood's Msgnzino for June.
I8n »«,withers"' uitMton edition.2 large
““EngSrhuffiK 4 •■Bmvlnn; Thacksray’aLeetum
*'*"T; SSSk’S D ro.V pp,y i Dictionary
•igo QnVrt-' *~”°°' cr afU History of the Indian Tribes.
vorgiaScener'iwifn S ’ l n b » jr ^• t84 ® er »
orertTfoVr.!!’ , l r, rdcn _?n ReRroads;Fern leaves!
jggler; OM S TJ>* Pickwick Papers ; Paul
>i. r ‘>*'f of th* Rerolutloii^Tsnny*-
SplnDlng»h*eh 8,ia Arthur, or Mtsa
1: Spirit RapZf
wild (SSbS!,5C2« ! v J, tett * <«***
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, just re
ceived by tho last 8teamer. Vlx: Itarego DeLains;
Worsted Bareges; SlUt Tissues; Colored Sewing 811k; Dresses
Foubtnl Silk; Colored and Black Clialleys and Bareges; Black
and Colored Silk: Black Figured Barms and Tissues; Blnck
and Colored F. Muslin; Black nnd Colored Ginghams: Flnin
nnd Colored lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric; and
a fine assortment of Black and Colored Callooe*: Main and
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mull Muslin;
Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also, .-•ilk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on
the most accommodating terms.
R EPRINTED from the lately discovered copp'of the folio
of 1032. containing nearly twenty thousand manu-
scrl t correction*, with an Introduction to each play—pub
lishing in numbers at 25 cents a copy.
Tho Preacher and tho King, or lkiurdalouo Inthe Court
of Louis 14th.
Alexander Smith’s Poems.
Alban, or tho History of a Young Puritan; by the author
of lady Alice—2 vols.
Midland’s History of the Crusades—3 vols.
Bohn’s Classical Library—Literal translation.
8cott’s Waverlf Novels. 12 vols.. cloth gilt,
Eppcs Sergeant’s Standard Speaker.
Lidge’s Portraits of Distinguished Persons, with fine en
gravings, In 8 vols.—Bobo’s edition.
Wnoafail’e Junius. 2 vols —Bohn's Edition.
Humboldt’s Travels In the Equinoctial Beglons.
IO Charity the more Excellent Way, two sermons, by a
KAiilliavn _ j AC 1-
Vagnilnei, for July,
school life, by Adams.
Southern Presbyter, price 25 cents.
Harpers’ and Putnam’s War ' -
Edgar Clifton, a story of scl
Th,® I»ndon Art JoureoL for Jane.
Prismatic*, by Richard Hayward, with Illustrations.
Cambers’ Repository of Useful Papers.
.. *» »o east; Harry Muir, a tale ofSeot-
tlshlifesNorihwood,or North and South; AuntPhllUs’
Cabin; Cablnisnd Parlor, by Randolph ; Japan, by Mao-
forUne {the Chlvallet* of Franre; Elliott’s Glimpaea of the
Supernatural; M«jigh*r’aSpreeW; Macaulay’s Speeches;
Home 8ccoes, by Grace Agullla; prank Freeman’s Barber
% dtjj and Forty, a sto-
M B. A. BONAUD. -lavinfftaken the store at the corner
of Bay and Wnitaket-strerita, would resbectfnllv call
the attention of bis friends and the public fo genera], ifo his
assorted stock ofLIqnow and Cigars, which h«U prepared
to sell in quantities to suit purchasers. **
„ “ r - B - h «a|«constantly on band a Urge assortment
streets.—The subscrilHira have JnsUocolvwt per Ala
bama. n fresh supply of Tlirw-Ply and 11 train (kirpets. on
tiretv new pattern*. Al*«.il-I and H-4 FlisirGll Cluth, which
will la> Mild at unusual low prices,
S UGAlt. MACKKRELTAc.—30 bids SIiiari’* Crashed Hu
ear. 26 half bbls L'af Sugar. 40 bids Nos.’’and3 Mack,
erel. 20 half bid* Nos. I nod 2 do. 60 bbl* P A II Gin. now
landing nnd for sale low by
jum-2 HOI .COM RF.. JOHNSON A£0.
n ACi iN SIRlUl.DF.RS,—10 hhd-i Ikicon Shoulders, landing
from brig Pacific, and for sab* bv
L OST, on F>M»y evening. June 26th, ft small Memoran
dum PnckellMKik or no value to any ono but tho owner,
with his name written on the inside. A liberal reward will
bn given tf left with NICHOLAS CRUDER,
jy 12—0 84 Ikiy-strcet.
T O HIRE—A good Cook. M’asher andlroner. For terms,
which will bo low, apply to
jylit—6 _ _ CRIJGKR A WADE. 84 Bay-street.
J wounds, bruises, sprains. Ao. Just received and for
sale by IV. W. LINCOLN.
inay2 Monument SquArc.
P ATE DF. PERDUAUX, Cnllles and Foi G ras. Tor snlo by
June24_ A. I«)NAUD._
C TOFFEE. SUGAR. Ac.—50 pockots Old Government Java
J Coffee. 60 bbls Htuart’s A refined Sugar. 30 do Me**
Pork. 200 bag* drop and buck Shot, landing nnd for sale by
junell IIOimiKE. JOHNSON A CO.
F RESH TURVfPHEKI»S.—RutttRnRa. Flat Dutch. Red Top
large Globe nnd large Norfolk Turnip Heeds, of tho
growth of 1843, just received and for sale by
Juno28 W. W. I.IVCOI.N. Monument square.
H RASH and I'orceliun Preserving Kettles, for salo by
inar'JO J. P. COIJJNA. Bryan-street.
~ ■ - | blglilyn much approved ol f<
shaving, just received and for salo by
Juio-28 W. W. LINC()|J«*. Monument Square.
J UST RECEIVED—20 dozen nf that flue Hungarian Tokay
for sale by jr13 A. BONAUD,
C ORN.—l.OOd hushul* prime Teunossu Corn. 60 lb to tho
bushel, for sale ly
B ROWN WINDSOR SOAP—Isiw’s Idghlv perfumed Brown
• Wl * •
r woAlilug aud
_ tex Saavedra, a revised tnmslation bn soil on those ot
Motteux. Jarvis and Hinollct, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of tlio Elementary Oonlogy on tlm Ancient
Change* of the Earth and it* Inhabitants, as illustrated by
geological Sir Charles I.yell, M. A., F. R.S.,
author of the Principle* o Geology. Ac.
Homo Pictures, by Mr*. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wars and Monarchy In Franco In the sixteenth nnd
seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du
ring that period, by I/topold Ranke.
Barnum’a Illustrated Nows,No, 27, received by
nOOKS! BOOKS 11 BOOKS! 1!—At HIDIJOY’S book store,
Jj 136 Congress-street.—We recolvod so many uow books
yesterday, that wo cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
jrloua. Literary Scientific. Humorous and Interesting
We invito our frienda to call and examine the Largest varie
ty of lightreadlug ever offered In this city. Also,
Gralinm’s Magazine for July; Gody’s Lady’* Bonk.
Blackwood’s Magazine; llamum’s Illustrated News.
Gleason’s IHctoral. Ac.June22
L ARD.—‘.’6 bbl* ami 80 kegs prime Isird. landing fromtli
brig Kato llcatb. from New Orleans. «nd for sale by
SIBERIAN PALM SOAP.—Till* Soap is prepared from the
O pure Palm Oil. and is warranted fo be of a superior
quality. It Is highly useful in cleantlng tho skin, is very
emollient, and produces an excellent lather. Just recelv
ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN,
nol 5 Monument Square
porior brands, landing from
do by
R ECEIVED BY S 8. HI BLEY. June 28. 1863.—Elgar
Clifton, a story of School Life, by C. Adams.
Tho Old Forest Ilangor. or Wild Sport* of India, by Maj.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A Now History of tho World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* In Europe and America, to the present
time, by II. White. B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
Tlie Bellovi'.by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July, an interesting number.
Putnam's Magazine for July.
Damn in'* Illustrated News, Glea*on>Plctoral, Ac.
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
Doston School Dictionary, Fllch’a Mapping Piute*.
Pler|iont’a American First Class Book,
Ismmt*’ Elements of Algebra.
Yonman'aClass Book of Chemestir.
Quarkonbo’s First Is>saon* In English Composition.
Parley’s Common flchonl History. Bullion’s Latin Reader.
A further supply received and for sale by
may!8 S. 8. SIBLEY. 136 Congress-street.
T IIB MASONIC MANUEL, by Ifobert Macoy. pocket edi
tion, beautifully Illustrated and In tho most conveni
ent form jr«t published.
Also, the Maxonle Iarre, ft collection of Masonic Hong* and
1 '—or celebrations
Oilo*, stilled to every occasion lit lodge or celebrations July22
Both new works recently published.and highly worthy the
attention of the Craft, .Just received and for sale at the
Book Store oi 8.8 SIRIJJY.
W THORNE WILLTAM8 ha* received 8lmms» Sword
• and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of the South at
the close of the Revelation, W. Gilmore Simms.
Maria L'e Bernlere, a tale of the Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms,
Thompson’s Dictionary of Domestle Medicine and House-
bold Surgery, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char*
acter. Including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Thema.
The MedlcalJoornal of Medical Science for July.
Ud/a' Book and Eclectlo Magazine for July.-
-“ *■ revised New- Yorit edition.
F I411’R —'75 bids Baltlmnre Hour a »ti|>crlnr brand land
ing per sclir John W. Anderson, and for sale by
J ENNY IJND BASKET STANDS-Just reeolvwl and tor
sale by Jy8 I. W. MORREIL A CO.
A LE PttRTKR AND CIDF.R—60 bbls Alo, 20 casks Lin-
doi - — ' ‘ *
IVoodbridge nnd for sal
G ROCERIES.—80 bbls Stuart's refined Sugar
20 boxes I .oaf Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Sugar
6 bids powdered Sugar •
60 boxes palo and No 1 Soap, 10 boxea toilet Soap
25 •• No 1 Starch, 25 boxes Peart Starch
20 bags Java Coffee, landing for sale by
by June2
S UNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—Hymn Books. Catechisms,
Question Book, with a full supply of all Books general
ly used In Sabbath Schools. Received by
B UTTER, GUISE. Ac.—20 kegs selected Goshen Butter,
20 tubs do do. 60 boxes new Cheese. 100 do new scaled
60 bbla Hiram Smith’* Flour, for sale by
100 bags prime Rio Coffee, do Java do
20 hhna Porto Rico Sugar, 10do S. 0. do
100 bbla Stuart’a P and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar. 20 do Ground do
20 bbla 1/iaf Sugar, 20 boxea l^mnn Byrup
60 dn Noe. 1,0 and 8 Mackerel. 10 half do 2 do
100 do Balt. Flour. 60 do H S. do, 60 do half do Oanal
10 cazks Bacon Hides. 6 do 8hou1den
20 boxea Northern Cheese, 2QduEnglsh Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap. 60 do Pale do, 26 dnStarch
60 do Tobacco, aborted brmnda
.60 btils Planting Potatoes. 20 boxos Sperm Candles
60 boxes Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do
26 do Adamantine do
60 bbla old Monongnbela Wlilsky. 2.000 ft Codfish
*“ Wlilsky, Gin. Knm ~ * “'*
Mann Ferry, on the Ahriamabi river.
Alio. 6,000 acree of first quality pine Umt^erod Ignd on
the AlaUmaba and Gcmulgce rivers..
AR these lattfis are situate In tlie first and second district
of Appling county, Also, 2,000 aeres of Jand welUltnliered
with cypres* and white pak. , Any person wishing further
particulars cart address me at Hall P. 0., Georgia,
janfil—lawdAwfim ‘ i - W. DYALl-
Air The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
eekly for six months, and send bill to -W. D.
il Brandy
'/*cnsks Cognac Brandy, 60 doxen Brooms
pRies Holland Gin. 14 )(casks Scotch Whisky
20 dozen Drmljons. 200 ream* Wrapping Paper
50 flro and three gallon Keg*,
landing and In store, for sale by
ml RICE LANDS FOR BAI.K.—Tlie Tract of IAND on the
3CB*. Mary’*River,known aa the CnV-nff Trart,conlalning
seven hundred and soventy-two (772) acres, of which over
tve hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh
and*, with a-rise and foil of tide of six feet. The marsh
land was successfully cultivated many yeanslnoe, producing
Cotton, Gone, and Rice.
These land* could bo put In order with Jess labour. It In
behoved, than would be required for hutting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very tale from overflqw in galea
and freshet*.
. For farther particulars and forma, which will be made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fra*cr amt Co., Charleston,
S.C.. or to Mrs. lionry Bailey, St. Mare’s, Camden county,
A plat of tho land may be eoen at the oflire of the Geor.
gian. a pi 27—dAc
flat "FOR S ALK. "
- Have in store, and offer far sale, on the moat
(ogErjpflflitoraMe terms— •
IftasjB lb lihds Ht roix Sugar. 25 do Porto Rlcodo
26 do N Orleans no. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbl* Htuart’s A. B nnd C Sugar, 25 do Crashed do
10 bosesLoaT do. 200 bogs Illo Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 iln Jamah s dn
10 coses Mver’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 cask* Bacon Sides
25 casks Shoulders. 26 do Hama choice quatity
100 bbls Rultimorc (lour. 60 whole and 26 halt do Canal do
25 lilid*. 50 tierces anil 60 bbla West India Molossot
25 bills Now Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter chest* Hyson Tea. 10 do dn Black do
100 t»oxe* Sperm and A Uinantlne Candles
100 dn No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Colli. 300 colls Weaver’* Bone
100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 Flack’s do, 26 do Connecticut
Hirer do, 26 do N K Rum
20 qr cnzks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do dn Madeira do
6 lmtf pipe* (Hard Uraudy.20 qr cn*k« do do
100 bbls Mnnongahela Whisky. 10 qr cask* Port Wine
16 bid* Mint and Rose Cnrdfnl.
Also, the following old nnd very chntre Uquora. In glasses
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled in 1847
36 drmljons 8t Croix Rum. 15 dn nld Jnmnlca do, 1848
50 dn old Monnngahela Wlilsky. 1845
10 do Pure Juicn. 1818.40 do Brandy. 1816
36 dnren Scheidain Gin, lOdoold Wlilsky, Nectar.
near VVkUhoqrtUle. Litwrty
bounty. The land Is of good qtmllly. Plnonrtdbaylahd.60
acres of which axp4a-cnlUvatlqn,.and tho rctq|lnder, Well
tlintaired. offering strong Inducemejitsto peraoMrtnterested
In procuring tur|*ntlne.. The Improrrmenta eonsMt or* -
two-xforyframe dwelling, together with negro bouitea.stables,
and nil other necessary outbuildings.. Tlie location cannot
bo surpassed for lienltiifulitcH* nr salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a Hinge for cattlo which cannot be excelleil.
The above property can tve bought at a very reatonable price,
and on tlie inunt accommodating forms. If early application
be made to tho subscriber*, at Wahliourvllle. Libert v county.
H. W. llACoN
apl 20—dfte K. B. WAY.
mm A Tract of Tide Hwnmp Land.containing 600 acres,
dryjsl lying on the Alatauiaba river, three miles above I»arl-
■* ,k -en, niljolnlng lands of tlie estate of Butler and Dun*
w»1y on tlie ea*L and Glunilllut and Walker on the north
and west, Having an good a pitch of ride s* an* rice plan
tation on tho river. My terms nre. twenty dollars per aero,
uno foiVth cash, nnd the Iwlauce on a creillt of from five to
tea year*, the Interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In caseof my absence
Mr. J.tMfx l'Ri.xoui will show the lnnd. a plan of which can
be seen at the ofilco of the Uoorginn.
Pawnor. Jan. 22, 1863. Jan26—lam
160 llBI-S. Baltimore Flour,20doll, fimltli’s
do. 20 do pure Genesee do. 20 half bbla Canal do.
Vfepstlf *260 sugar cured Hnms.20 hhda Bacon Sides. 7(0
iihlz II and C Clarified Sugar. 26 do Crashed and
(•round do. 26 do New Orleans do. 16 hhds Porto Rico do. 21
boxes U»*r do, 100 bbls Domestic Uquora. 75 boxes Tobac
co, 60 chest* Tea*. 26 hid* Mackerel, 26 half bbls *nd kit*
do. 50 bbls nnd 10 tea West India Molasses. 26 bbls New Or-
lean* Syrup. 6 do Stuart'* do. 75 gross Matches. 100 do
l’l|**s. landing and in store, for sale by
■ 25 mins. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 26
do choice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100bbl* New Orleans nnd Cuba Pyrup. Stu
art'* rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm nnd Adnuinmnntiiie Candles.
25 do Starch. 60 do Choose, 76 do Honp. 25 dn Toilet do. 60
do mixed uud asserted Candles, 75 |incknpe*Tea*. lllnck.lm-
(M-rinl ami Green, 150 bbls A. Band U Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee ilo. 25 do Powdered nnd Crashed do. Prunes.
Fig*. Citron. Pickles. Raisin*. Yeast Powders. Salcratus, So
da. Ac., now In storo and for sale very low. by
C mx—160 foigs prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica,
dn .Tara.
Hvnsw—10 lihds Porto Rico. 10 do SI. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbl* Crashed. Powdered nml Clnrltlod.
Molakhkh—26 lihds Cuba. 76 bbls New Orlenus.
Fo»f li—16'i bids Ifoltlinoro. 75 do Canol. 60 do II Smith’*.
Ihtcox—15 casks Pbiladi-I|i1iia Ilaiiis. 600 Baltimore can
va*M>d do. 30 lilid* Shies, 20 do HUmibter*.
I’oTATOK*—160 bbl.* p nml Mercer.
L.uro SM> ConnsH— 1 26bbls choice U nf 1 nrd, 0 casksCod
.Sue. (•AvnO'S ami Stsrci— 60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do Pule do, 40 whole nnd bnlf boxes Starch. 76 do
Admantine Candle*. 25 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tonarco—160 packages various brands nnd qualltlas.
I.vmon Syuut'.Ae.—60 boxes Lemon Byrup, 10 caaea Wal
nut nml Tomato Catsup 10 do Brandy Peaches.
Downth.' Uqt'OHK—16 bids Phelps’ Gin. 60 do N E Rum,7&
•lo Reclilli-d Whisky. 30 do extra old Mminneabrla do.
Wix&>--20 quarter cask* pure Mnlagn. 8 do choice Madei'
rn—received and for sale by
_apl2fl McMAHON A DOYLE,
10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
/B 10 bid* No. 1 do do
ijpaflM 10 half bhl* No. I do
"iiriBlr iu ,j 0 No. 2 do
30 bb|.< sugar, sodnr. nnd Itutler Biscuits,
25 tmxes wv»tn Ri-vuits.
60 do Bu' hun's Family Hixip,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 dn
40 do Colgate's and Ih-udell's Pearl Htarch,
60 do Herrings,
I Jim) ing and for sale bv
aag J. V. WINNER AT A Ctl.. offer for sale on ae-
commoduting terms.a well assorted stock of Gro
curios. Liquors. Tobacco. Sugars. Ac., viz: 130 bugs
CBWSHlprliuo Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java d«i. 20 lilids
Porto Rico sod Muscovado Sugars. 50 bids clarified coffee do.
26 do crashed and powd-red do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
age* blnck nnd green tea. some very superior; 260 boxe.
tobacro. various qualities, l's. 8>. 6’s nnd Ill’s. 16 cases Di
adem twist. 10do Virglolus nml Aronmllc.'.’Odunuctnrlonf
Vlginta gold leaf. 10 buses 11 Dorado loUncco. Vi6.000 supe
rior Hiivunn Begnrs. 10 half pipes Olard.lhipuyA Co. Rran-
dy.20 Imir and quarter casks (Intern. Mattel. Sazernc. Ac,
Brandy. 6 quarter cask* very old Jean Units do, 6 pipe*
HotlnodGio. 2 puncheon* St Croix nnd Jnmnlca Rum, 1U
linlf pipe* nnd 15 quarter cask* superior Madeira Winn, 26
bbls old Monongnbela IVixky. 26 quarter cask* Tonorlffe. 30
do do Malaga Wiuc. 200 lihls gin. whisky nnd rum. 100 boxes
No. ] nnd family soap. 60 do skircli. 60 do adamantine can-
die*. 50 i|n tallow do. 20 cask* bacon side*. 16 do shoulders,
30 lihds West India Molnsze*. 40 Mils and trs do. 26 bbl* N
Orleans do. together with overy othur article usually found
at the wholesale grocery stores. Juno3
biig Principe, and far tale by
C HAMPAGNE, SYRUP, Ao.-30 basket* HeidSfck Cham
paign In quart*. 60 boxes No*. 1,2and 3 Ixunon Syrup.
' ” ~di
A fine assortment of figured French and Jackonet Mus
lins; also, embruhtored Swiss Muslins, in patterns of
!en yards each, and ofexcdsnt quality,
J UST received, Parasols of various qualities and p'rlres.
P LAID and striped Cambric and Jaconet Muslins ; also.
Nansook, Mull and hook Muslins, Bishop Lawn, pink,
blue and white Turleton, for sale by
Julyffl _ AIKIN A BURNS,
J UST received, per steamer from Now York, a supply ol
James' steam mill Shirtiug.
C AMBRIC and Swiss Hands, scolloped and very pretty;
also, white and black Lie* Undenleeve*; Hwtsa Kusltn
Undcrslecves. for ealo by Jy22 AIKEN A DURN8.
1.1KA1HER3.—C,C00 lb Voathers for sale by
l 1 mh20 1 W.MORP-ELt-Jk-CO.
V for sale. Apply at this olfico. ap!22
O for sale. Apply at this ofitce. ap!23
wbbiji wun wnom no win wbhbui uwiww«|*inowiiq
mission business In this cl thunder Oiefirmonfou ft Kino
I WE are constantly receiving these valuable
___ Cases, and hare them always in readiness to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. Ik—We are permitted to Inform tho public that i
have received from Mr. Raymoxii. «f New York city, a let-
ter signed by the different member.* or the United State*
.Senate, who were appointed to take charge of tlie body nl
tlu* Hon. Hkniit Cur, deceased, (which wn« nnclosod In one
of Fisk’* Motnllc Cases.) nnd who wont with It to Kentucky;
they any to Mr. ILTMoxii. that the Case answered the pur
pose for which It was Intended, and meets with tiicirappi
button, aud they cheerfully recommend It tn the public _
being superior to any other Case for the transportation ol
the dead. The letter can be seen by calling on
febl4 1. W, MORRELL A CO
Tlie subscriber having purchased the en
[tire business of F. Zodiuux A Co., of which
firm ho hns heretofore been the acting mem*
her In Hnvannah. would respectfully Invite
the attention nf those In want or anything in the musical
line to III* establishment. From many years’experience
both in professional nnd business mutters connected with
music, Mr. M. feel* tiluuelf fully qualified to proffer htz ser
vice* In the selection of music and instruments or the ful
filment nf orders, with the assurance of tils utmost zenl and
Industry In Ills endeavor to deserve the patronage and con
fidence of the public. O. B. MITCHELL.
juneU successor to F. Zogbaum ft Co.
No. 147 Bay Sired.
All persons of taste and refinement—those haring
a due regard for comfnrtand personal nppearanee. may
at all times selcctany and every article for their ward-
-robe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods in this country; either in Ready Made Gnrmenta
or made up to measure In unique stylo, or Furnishing nrtl
clca of overy description and quality too numerous to men
tion Cull and see. PRICE ft VKADER.
M. D. MURPHY, 21 BuU drtH. would respectfully
inform his friinda and the public generally, that be
'has received bln spring style* for gentlemen, among
.which will be found as rich and One fancy Casslmere*.
Vesting*, Ac., a* have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispateb. and in the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and Judge for
hamselvc*. mhll
WM. R. SYMONS. Draw* asd Tailor, No.
17 IFMaierdrerfi. resjwct fully solicits the!
inattention of hla friends wl ’be public in gen-l
-UlLcral, to his largo stock of .Ready-ma le Cloth-1
Ing. suitable for the present and coming season. It
be--n made up under his porsona) superintendence an I for
style and durability of workmanship, is Inferior to none to
bo found In the market.
The following comprise a portion of the stock: Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths; Mack,
brnb d’ete Frocks and Hacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frock* and Sack*; India gras*. *Uk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sack*.
Pant* of fancy French casslmere*. black doe-skln cassl-
tnero, black drab d’eto and spring tweed casslmere. white
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a Urge lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for aummer wear.
Vests of Mack satin. bUek barathon. and fancy silks, fan-
cy and white Marseilles, figured and atriped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such ax stocks,
gloves. au*p*ndere. cravats, collars, silk, game, merino, and
cotton undershirt*. *tripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, etc., etc.
The whole of which he offers for salo on accommodating
fora*, and at prices a> cheap as the cheapest ap!3
Offer* for sale, a Urge assortment of Cloths, Css-
Vlmcrcs and Vestings, consisting In part of the fol
lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
r In Izindon and Pans, which be will make np to or
der la Uie bekt style of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. Hla stow of Readymade Clothing and of Fnrnlab-
—to. I. ~1 1 | .. ,L.
ft FOR SALK.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres
-strictly prime,Rice Land, immediately opposite the old
n of Hardwick. Tlio situation of tho'plnce afford* one
of Host* In tlio Southern country, facilities
for tlmlwr being on*y and without ond. Veessul* coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For tonne apply to Henry Williams.
UJLUUtrict to D. SfTll J2LBryan coun
Second street, where thfyhAn
did oaaortmentof enperiotfui ,
tie which they Invite, the attfPI ofw
Settecs*, Ac, _,
n<msokcepf r*. Hotel. 8teambo*t and Roll Rood
will find It to their Interest to call at the Factory
^No. 13lNorth,CthSt (oppoaltoyy^kl^B
Agricultural WarvIlouM iom
w<n wwrudtrtgPoInta. Ikr-shaire.TkMichj an* btherkinrts
of Outings for repairing. The Emperor of Rti*aU a»*rded '
for the above Plough! a Massive Ortd Medal/valna $300.—
Also, the Great Medal at the World’* FaTr.wkn awarded !'. .
ftM. rlough No. 40,, Cultlva(qrs qrQh.Dduble .point P?RI*h*
ed 8teel Teeth, which can be reversed, than. gpttlng Double ,
Wcarot tho common Teeth,. Also,Cnronton uf all kinds
with Steel Tfeth. • •
8pdfn’* Attnnepheric Churn*. C
Cwm Hlicllera, tnlprovod T
1 1 kinds, • 1 •*”
Hay and SlrawiCuttore. ’:«»
lUnd Com Milts,.
Own aud Cob Crusher*.
improved !Urrow)i,.
Hqaareand A Harrow*.
Horst* Raker. •
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Sera |tern.
Agricultural Furnnces, •
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hr.r,
Man Hay Rakes,
Dow Pins,
Apple Fearers,
Ox Mnzxlcs,
Mole Traps.
Pruning flunks and Chisels,
Haws and Scissors,- ,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tubolng for Chain Pumr ~
Cbm PUntot*.
WrtfbThTO?4j^ 88
Grant’s Pafont Fanil
Garden Ei
tFan Milts,
s^ i sil|r l s ;;
Chain Putnp*,
ChltleTfo*.' ' '
Patent Iron Snath*,
Grubbing Hors.
Transplanting Trowel*;
Hayfiw) Manure Forks,
Shovels and Spades, .
Garden and Field Hoe*.
Garden Rake* In vairiety.
Children’s TVtols, •
Darling Scythe*.
Snaths, with Patent Fasten-
Ini .
ibeing for (Tinln.I'unips, Potato Hook*.
Also. Horticultural Tool* of every description^ Garden
and Grass Seeds, for sale at the lowest prices, at Wholesale
nnd Retail. rod—*pl0
S ITUATED half a mile from tlilrf City, on the canal, has a
basin capable of holding two million feet of 1-og*. Tlie
Mill ha* lieen In operation nlmut seven months, runs two
gnngs nnd nn edging raw.'also Grist Mill. Tills Mill saws
from 12 to.15 M. fuet per day. For pnrtlcularanpply to
, FOR SALK—TIint valuable parcel of innd formerly
—..occupied by E. Jenrko’s. l>u.. known ns n Cooper's
Shop and Yard. It Is hnun-lcd on the east by West Bound
ary street, west by tlie Canal, north by Railroad stmt,and
south by lot* No*. 6 nnd 0. nnd RnntalnsalHMitfour acre*.
?DR SALE—The westerly half of Lit No. 2 Yamncraw,
being tho Wharf now occupied by tliefTinrleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
nnd running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
Thu property 1* now under n lease which will expire on the
first of Norcmbernoxt.
. H not sold nt private sale previous to the find Tuesday In
February. It will then be offered at auction at the Court
House. Apply to delS COHKN k FOHDICK.
F INE SHIRTS.—'Those in want nf ft fine shirt, to fit well
nml handsomely mado, can be nccnminmlnted nt No
147 Uay-*t. ninylB PRICK A VKADEIL
I jMHiltNG AND JOCKE7' CAIS.—Received’hr fate arri
rats, anew supply. Those In want will please cull nl
147 Bay-at mny26 PR1CF. A
No. 4 North JW?k- tire!, tiro doors abort ilarlet,
T ITK. undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete
stock of Wall Papers, among which are. gold apd vel
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced uoulaied papsrv. also,
decorations, borders, fire-screen*, curtain*, eic.. which they
offer at tho lowest prices, both wholesale and retail,'
Tlie beat workmen employed to hang paper either In the
city or country.
Blank Bunks. Stationery, cfe.—We hare aleo our usual as
sortment of writing (isper* wrapping papers, blank and
school books, statlnnorv, etc.
No. 4 North FHU street, 1 doors above Mstkrt-
tftr Cash paid for country rags. mhlO—cod
boxe* Cheese. 28 bbla Illrnm Smith's Flour. 60 boxes
Herring, Inndiugpcr steamer nnd furxnlc bv
C AGES.—Mocking Bird Cages. |ust reiv-lreii nnd for sale
J*y Jyi • l. tv. MuititKiJ. A co,
S L’tiAR. Ao —in hlid* choice St Croix Hugnr. 20 do do do
Porto lllco do. 80 do New Orleans do. 60 barrels Sugar
House Syrun. 100 do Went Indln Molarnc*. 20 hhds prime
Baron Shoulders. 30 do do Sides, received nml for calc bv
Chest jut-
solicit tlie attenti m of
. , . . - clmndellera. hra;kcls,
pernnuts.nnd every description ofgns burners; also every
variety of lamps, ginindnh-*. & c . Wo warrant our gixela
equal in iiunllty. nnd our prices as low a* any other estab.
Ushment In the country.
The Trade supplied with burner*, mercury, caps,br**n
ting*, nir pumps. Ac., at reduced price*.
Mils H. Archer. | William F. Ml.kev,
Win. O. II. Merrill.
] POLISH TtMlTll DRUH11KS—A very superior article nl
-* English Tooth Brushes, inanufartureil expressly for tlio
suliNcrlber. aud direct rriuu Lonilon. 0>r sale br
Jnnel2 W. W. LINWILV. Monunicnt Hqunre,
P ill SALE—A light one horan Chrnago. with pole, built - ™........ ...
to order by Brower A Hon. New York, nnd lias been for country sale, with Portrait nnd Pintrtre Frame*, Ac.
used lint little. It can be seen at the Ihrrluuo Itoixwltorv «t *”' r establishment,
of Mr. George IV. IJnrdcn-<lle.
[7NGLISII PICKI.IN AS’D SAI'CEH.—fl do* jarsas<ortod
1-J FnglMi Pickle*. G dor. l>oU|e*ns*oi led Hniicvs. just re-
D 1HKOI.tin(t.-f-Tiin firm of KkmitoV A’M.uih
dissolved, by mutual comicnt. on the 16th Inst
ceivcd nnd for sale by
•IUI L wne
... Inslniit.
Hnrnnnnb. lfilh February. 1853. fobl8
Tlio subscriber lias Just received a large number of
Conking and Parlor Htnve*. which he will di«|Me<e ot
!on arc<immodnting term*. Among them may l»e
round the following: Cooking Stove*.Tlm Republic. Indy nl
the Like. Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder. Sheet Iron, (air tight) *quaro and
oval. Six Plate. liox Stove*.
Hollow Ware I’ots. Kettle*. Ovens. Spider*, ftauco Pan*.
Ac. Ac. Plain nnd Japanned Tin Ware, for *nh*. nnd manu
factured nt abort notice. Order* for Rooting. Gutters, and
Loaders,attended tu with punctuality.
Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard street
. THE Alteration* und'lmproveinenls In our
IMore. Includlnga line Hliow Room for Plano
Fortes, and n Music Department for I-adlr*
being now completed, we would invite the at-
tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising every
article in tho lino, which can be farnhdiod (wliolraaleand
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Hlodart A Co..J. R Dunham, nnd
others of eidablinhoil roputaUon. constantly on hand.
F. '/.OGHAUM A CO., importers,
No*. 74 Ht. Julian and 107 Bryan-street*.
dec? Next to Mnrket Square
No 17 Whitaker tired. Srvnntiah.
Has Just opeiu-d a large and choicu variety of Xkw
Hraixo Z-PMMKK Goon*, consisting In iwrt of black.
Iflguretl and Inner French Uasshneies; black and col-
mre.1 Cashmere; Cloth* nnd Canhmerctts; white nnd
Taney Linen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles and Linen Vestings, nil of which ho Is prepared to
mnke up to onler In the most fushlooabto stylo, aud on nc
commodnting terms ' „p5
M ISSUS. COHEN a HANNON resiwctfully announce to
the citizens or Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kinds of work In their line, at their now shop,
near the corner of Broughton and Drayton-st*. They have
established tho following aa their rates of charges; For a
single sliar* ’«*.; per month, for 2 or three time* per week
16c.: 4 time* » week $1; 5 nr ft time* a week 81 50 ; erory
day $1 76 per mouth. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c,
Mr. COHEN will always hold himself In readiness to at
tend to orders from those who may require hi* ncrrices at
their home*. nn r8
L IQUORS AND WINES —12 hair pipes OUnTDopuy ft
Co'* French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands
low priced French Brandy; 80 quarter casks Domestic do. 60
bbls do do, 76 do P A H Rye Gin. 160 do K Phelps’ do. G pipe*
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
gl* Peach do. 200 do N. O. Whisky, GO do white Baltimore
do. 30 do old Westminster MonongalieU do. 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo, 100doN. E. Rum.26 quarter casks
Madeira Wine, lfl eighth do choice do do. 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pines -lo ao, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wlno,
40 baskeU Cliampagne do. For sale by
T HE Subscriber ha* on hand a lino and well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wines, Liquor* and Scgar*,
comprising the following:
Brandy—10 half pines Otnrd, Duptiy A Co.; 3 do do
old IfemtMsy ; 2 do do Eazsrac, 1808 ; 2 do do Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wines—4 half pines oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
Lmdon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; G do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks llaret; 40 luukot* Champagne.
Sen r»—20.000 Rio HomU ; 10.000 U Cruls ; 6.000
U Union ; 10.000 I* Patrta ; 26,000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries,—A large supply, such os Imported
Cordials, E>.-'l«li Plcklesand Saucos, mservea. Sweetmeat*,
Prune* and Jeint,o. For sale by A. BONAUD,
<foS Comerof Bay and WlilUker-street*.
Its original color. It I* guaranteed by ...
bat If Uie patient I* grey, ho can have his Imir restored to
It* original color by using I/iret’s Wa* ** -
Janll W. VC UXCOIiM,
store of
ring grey hair to
y the Proprietor,
...j Imir restored to
»«ne. For 8ale by
r by using I/iret’s Wahpem
W. W. JANCOIaN, Monument Square. ‘
UK YOUNG MAHibON^rb^ltorFnrGoTldiSrA
further supply Just received and for sale at the Wk
oof may6 B. 8. 8I11LEY, 136 Oongress-st.
A REVIEW of tho Spiritual Manifestations, read before
the Congregallonaf Association of N. York snd Brook- KevCharles Beecher.
Journal ef au African Cruise, comprising sketches of the
Canaries, the Cape de Vcnlo, Uberla. Madeira, Sierra U.
one, and other | place* of Intoroat on tho west coast of Afri-
Hawthoroe™ 0 1Wd *°’ U 8 NaTjr { ed,t * 1 b F ^»thanlsl
Silver and Pewler, or contrast of New York Life.
Memotra. Journal and rorrespondenre of Tho# Moore—
fdjtsd by the Right Hon. Lord John Russoll, If P,
fammm’sniuztratodNews,No.20. Rp^ifedg^^
bbla Rsltlmore FloUr, f# bbls Hiram
.-? * • *>•» half bbl# Fdlton Market D^t; No# 1 and
a swckerel, received and for sals by
S AJjAD blL—Just received a superior article of Hal*
OIL for table use. ftc. for skta by
Jnnel ” i. W. W: UNCOLjf, Moonment Square. -,
TN Al.I, ITS BRANCHES.—DuRiness cord*, with njqirnpri-
A ate dorirn*, embossed In a new style. In plain anil fancy
eofor*. Boat* of everr description, with or without presses.
Envelope* printed with name, bnslnes* nnd address, labels,
MU head*, manufacturer’* ticket*. Ac..alt executed tn tha
neatest manner nnd at prices 26 per cent, bolnwnnv alnii-
bir establishment. In consequence of better and Improved
fneilitlesfor the execution of auch work.
X. It.—All orders by mall promptly attended to. Cool's
sent to any |>art of the country.
„ , f. B. CALVERT A CO,.
Fn vein j* nnd Seal Pro** Manufacturer*. I8e HInker*. Embcs-
sera uud Eengrnver*. 48 South Od-st., Philadelphia.
' mh20
Redwo*Hl F. Warner.
FllONT-ST. wire manufactory.
,ra,ern Merchants. MitnufitrlurerknM nthert,
TXTATS0N A COX. Slero, Riddle, Ke.reen nml VVltflCiiith
v T Manufacturers. No. IA North Front-strecL I’hllndel-
I'bta. where can always bo found every srilclc In thulr line,
or manufactured to order at abort notice. Order* by mail
or otherwise, solicited. jan18—codtlapl
117 Chednul tired, below tlnirth. north title. Philadelphia.
fTTEInform merchants and rvsideutoor this vicinity, that
' v the most rompleto assortment of Mantel. I ler. B all
nnd Oral Glasses, ricliest styles, for private iise.or all kinds
Long experience ami largo facilities enablo us to sell tlio
best good* at lowest price*.
Dimension* being given, we will give estimates for sny
lze<l Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, nt any point.
Onler* solieited.
French Plate GIa*s. for Store*. Dwellings, Ac., nl Importa
tion nrlcp*. THOMAS J. NATf A U)
nplG—e.wj ■
rTMIK subscriber has just received per late arrival*, a
1 large and fresh stock of tlie richest and newest styles
of Velvet, Tnpestrr, Brussels, three-ply Ingrain nnd Veni-
•l**i tar|ietliigs. nil of which arc offered on the most desir
able terms.
Wills a fall assortment of Oil Cloth*. Table Covers. Mat
ting. Ac. ’
Purchaser* nre requested to make nn early exnmlnatior
as strung inducements will he held out to cash buyers.
R. R. WALKER. 100 Chestnut-street,
train—lnwtr below 8th. South side, Philadelphia.
'l'nkc Notice.
B J. WILLIAMS. No. 12. North Hlxtli-slreet. a few doors
• above Market-street, Fliilndtqphln. Is the most exten
sive and best manufacturer of B'indow Minds and Shades
in the United State*, and Inis taken the highest premiums
nt all the exhibitions: hr buys the liest materials by whole-
sal- cheaper fur Cash than other* pay for Inferior at tide* bv
retail, nnd can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Kllnd* and
Shade*, ns cheap as others n«k fur inferior articles. Painted
Window Shades In great variety, of bcniitifal deigns and
superior quality. Buff nnd White Unen Shades, Blind and
.diado Trimmings. Fixtures. Ac., wholesale and retail, at
•lie lowest cash price*. Store Shade* painted ami lettered
loonier. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’pricea. Old Blinds
painted to look us good ns new. Purchasers, by calling,
will Ik* convinced that lie sell* a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount nisdu to dealer*
*• We itudy biplente.”
aplfl—eod No. 12 North Gth-street, Phlla.
F ’lXlUll, BACON. Ao.—200 bills suporfine Howard street
Hour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Hides. 20 dodo Should
ers. 30 bbls and 60 krgs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully call the atten
tion of the ladles of Savannah, and soutroundlng coun
try, to the following now nnd beautiful goods which wo hare
ju*t received, rl*: silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantil
las. Iilnck nrtt scarfs col’d. ueet scarfs, ladies cravats and
tie*. French w',rked collar*, lacct espea, chemlzetta and un
der idecrer. oonnet riblmn. gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandre* light khl glove*, black nett mitt*, col’d.
silk nnd llslo gloves, with a largo variety of oilier articles
too numerous to mention. Please call and *ee far your
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible terms
L AMP OIL. VINEGAR, Ac.—Jnst received 10 bbl* bleach
ed Wlmlu Oil, 10 do While Vinegar, 10 do Nol Mac—
crel. 6 do Scotch Herring. 80 boxes smoked Herring. GO do
Beaded’* tallow and sperm Candles, 4s. 0s snd 8a, 26 do do
~ " " ' ' Mostar t. a bbds N
ground and eh...
sale at the comer of
J UST RECEIVED—We have Just received, a fresh mid
ply ot ladies’ merino, gauze, silk and cotton Ysau,
Miszea and infant’s merino vesta, gents silk, merino, gauze
and cotton vest*: also, a fino assortment of linen cambric
handkerchief*, ladles' and misses’white and brown cotton
hose, white and black silk do, gents whlto,' brown and mix
ed half hose, gents white and black silk do do. together
with a large assortment of white snd colored Unen cam
brie handkerchief*, colored and block silk cravats, Blocks
and ties, for sale low by ,V
mh25 AIKiy ft BURNS
_ inrs. and 2hhdsCodflzb, for s
Broughton and Dnytou streets,by
QHAlVIA Ac.—Super, and common crape shawls plain
v3 ami embroidered. Vandyke cottars bcautitul good*. M
sortotl parasols, plain, striped and cbfcked glace silks, sura
mer do. bareges, tissues aud grenadine*, colored and whilo
aconct and organdy muslins, a targe assortment of IrU’i
Hnons, French printed cambric*. - -/t -
‘P 1 * -■ .• 178 UroughUm-street'
S I-RIXO AND SOMMER 61LKR—A to- u-irtmtol
■tripes and plaid, naw pattern gtngbam, barege* snd
tissues, ladies* eolpred and Black umbrslUa and parasols,
silk gimp to salt aljl shades of
’red and black umbrella* and parasols, •
U shads* of allka and baregs*. black nst
points and aearfo. white and black aew--
IU taco and colored silk m»D till**, white
and colored erape ahawls, black swan silks, black bareges
and tissues, black and lead French gingham*, for sale by ,
ap!13 - AIKIN ArBORNKs:;-
mantiltaa, shawls,,
Ing silk scarfs, whll
and colored et*r
T AR1KS- DRKSS GOODS.—Prlnt,d orpinrtlM,:
14 bareges, jaoooets, tawns. tissues, gtaea *1
Paris, French carabrio*. India *flk*,' figured s .
swiss mull, nansook and earn brio muslins, silk *ad Uoea
lustresfto.,for*al*attbolowestpricehy-' ,. u ;•
qpl22 ■ . DsWnT.ft MORGAN.
IF UTTER, CHEESE, Ac —» kegs ■
-D loo boxes do Goshen CbeesajItJC
150 do do RaMna’; 60 half and ft) quarter do RaUIne 1100 ’
half, quarter and eighth btota Buckwheat: 20 boxc*'***ort- -.
ed Candy; 60 do NewRodford Sperm Ckndle*(10,0d0*upo-’
rlor Plantation Segars. Received per gtoamer sndfar tail *
by novl» BdlANTON. JOHNSTON ' '
T1RANDY, GIN, Ae -10 half pipes QtanlBnndy. lO do do
B fflyuldmL
H 1 J’3SaSEl6Sg*‘ 1w " ip ' r Kh “”'