The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, October 22, 1853, Image 1
fejsuji jam •'. : '"j-. ' \\" ' •' v ^'•vV:. ••' * "SE MSS* (■■'.■ ■ / M • I ■ • I "f -•*"• "~j££ r - • • ——— •, V y» • .* ■.* •:, . r rv' 'swB^T' '»' *»•'»,«*» »"* •■■'•%.• . ' »v * V "T? !--«S-a—“!---—* —— :=—satt=s*te - ... - . . -•tetJftJ - ■; L'W>‘" it''- ’ & r . .■■ ';.„■■!a-«?l).’. a si , .TS , ?...V»it|Lfc 'N- Cr«i>. ■; )«. if*' .* > N, Th. ■ M-- „^... !■ '■jii.r, nii-wn»T. JR *n« DA1I*V OKOnpiA*. jffiSSjjJjj} S5S*nVr tSrMMttr limn iS-^assBsrass IS5jS*m»,nd Union,ordeUtewdlnih#c I ^T* w5w** «* AX * C, ‘' w ADTAJrat - I P ub - I I» 4DV0XC1, -olUnoto^J^^.oh; r schedule. thro* I _ -rwjotlmot msdo in advance, thechnijM I SSSTStorDnUjr Georgian $S| forTrLWoekly $0,i Ijgn- I, ' Mill. ■ ■ Sand I PrViJKAU MUTUAL UISVRABOB I U offlct 118 Bag-ltrut ^(to|»iij*il' uk ' r,r “' 11 “ rln ' “ 1 R1 *‘ , '’ n ,,ir "“ Roll,rU i J - R wlu,r i'• l ^jj, bn l , .*nl«r»a.S. , l-Ki>«PP. Ihnrjr UUirop I rfirW* 4 - 11Kf »Y »lireSD, VmljMA, . BIHAM ROBERTS, Vico President | {fit I .T^MOTtTwRB 10 " EXCHANGE AlTD |f nnflRATIOK AGENCY. J v.u-.ntri«M"e to send for their friends and doalroui of IJTV.m out b/ Ant class packet ships, are Informed I JJJIrtbserffc"»« ‘ he 0D, J r ^ enU for tb0 abova *«*“• liklkliCltf. I V. lW »|M*athorl»d to draw on Messrs. Wm.Tspscott I Uk.,Ur<rpoAl,la sura* from £1 and upwards, which I Ij, ua«r> ,ub,e ,n * ny lo,ru throughout lr«l*nd and IL Britain. Drafts on France and Germany, payable in I iitfti of the Coutinent. also for sale. Apply to iSjMf BUNKER & OGDEN, 60 lUy-atreet. ITaniKRi* mutual insurance co. * 1 iSSCBV HULL. President ami Treasurer. I liBJS CHASE, fiec'ry. 1 C. F. McKAY, Actuary. PuitlrnifnfJ. Agent of tlie above Company, continue! I^HtidiifoUovlngKloku.vl!.: Marine, River and Fire |!a»tb« Lire! ofSerranta. lU^iflThhePeruonf are also taken by thla Company, t^tnfrtmiom for residing In the South. WII.UAM KING, Agent, Corner of Bay and Drayton-atroeti. NEW BOOKS. N ARRATIVE of a Journey round tho World, comprla. InR Chili, the Gold Region! 0 f California and Aiutra- Ha. the South Sea Island! and Java, by K (Jlretaecker. Romance of Abelard and Helolse. by 0 W Wright. 7MHALL HOUSE DRESSING SALOON. ftgtACOHtN k HANNON respectfully announce to Jitbttttteti! of Savannah that they are now prepared _ a tiillktadi of work in their lino, at their new shop, I awth*corner of !)rnught>m and Drnyton-sta. They have I tatfibel the following aa their ratea of charges: For a I iMiikr ,<w *.; per month, for 2 or three times per week I Sir Ibcw a week $1; 5 or 6 times a week $1 60; every B it Bfer month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c. I fcCftlBi always hold himself In roadlnoss to at. 1 Whaler*from those who may re^oire his services at I Mkawa *>ov8 IUTTEWAN MACHINE AND MANUFAO ■ TURING COMPANY, oil MV and Improved urgnnlxatlon, manufacture tl lMoeetirt tnd Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins, WtUlbM.hrill*. ire. AUo. every description of Cot- kTrckoad.Saw Mill work,Shafting, Pulleys. Ac., Cast- ■yJut night, (haring a large assortment of patterns.) F. S. CI.AXTU.V. Engineer. kU PUtUlreet. cornor of Gold. Claxtou k Wet- mbohlor. Collins k Co. and 11. Collins’Axes, Hard* mJfucj.&l’niU »t., New York oclO—lyr Heaven, or the Solnled Dead, by Harbough. Tire Henvonly Home, or the Fanployment and Enjoyment of the Saints In nenren. Tlie Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin burgh Review for July; Ranking’s half yetrly Abstarct. January to June, 1853; Rarnum's Illustrated N’ewa; the lady’s Rook for August; English and Equity Reports, vol 14. Philosophy of Sir Win Hamilton, edited by 0 W Wright. Eearth’s legacy ; Annie Orayson ; Grammar without h master. Ac. aug!2 W. TflORNR WII.UAMS PATENT SCALES. LVTS Patent Platform Scales—(Improved Inqual- F ttjairfriuccd In price)—Adnptod to every required op- bkatf weighing, as Itiillro,id Scales fur trulns or single cars |v,oa the priucijal railroads in tho United States and B.WS (MlriUin. Warehouse Scales. Heavy Portable 8calcs. on fc.fcribundries.rullinrmills.Ac. SloreScates. various Jlations; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.— jit Sqtahsve been long known and severely tested f and bulTUialccaMwce Celtln their accuracy and perfect 'aioMs inch that they are now regarded as the stand. m which there is no appeal. ■ flR Pim.BRICK k BELL. Agent* SILVERS MINERAL PAINTS. IT1IECE1VFJ).—A supply of Mineral Paints, Are and 'M-Iiroof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mlnoral Paints _ jneotlally from all others in market. They are not itflwy require little oil. they do not work toughly, bat «» white lead. They lay on a very heavy body. Bilely. and become an Indvstructable covering ol IE They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger .taw(bin white lead. — lkw a nriety of colors. Red, Yellow, various Browns, ■alM Blsck. They are superior in body (or covering B atj) to snythlnj ever discovered.and pound for pound mwt doable the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral 1 pbta, sad require less oil. I Iumww rrcpired io cover Tin Roofs, as nothing mlhorea ■liahkaSiiver** Mineral Points. For salo by JOHN .1 MAURICE. 10 and 12 Bsrnard-slrect. HKMOV Alt. plflltOXARLKTAlUUtlSfi KSI'AHLISHMENT—Tne sub- T serlber having lust removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be- ■NwaOunmnand llrougliton-streeU.) would inform his sal tbe public generally, that he will open This W.kii serond supplvof Fall and Winter Cools, consisting p tbeb-«t French. English and American Cloths. Cassi- •nrMinlVe.tinir*. purchssedfrnm tho most extensive Im- rtmlu New York, which he Is prepared to make up in fckMtsnd most fashionable styles. !*«» M. D. MURPHY. . DISSOLUTION. rPHZ co psrtnemliip heretofore existing with tho under- 'l signed, under tho linn of BOSTON A GUN BY, is tills wdhiolved by maUial renucnt. Either partner Isautho- iMWe the name of the Ann Inclosing tho unsettled IT**-. JOHN BOSTON, | input IsL 15J1. aug- J. H. GUNUY. will continue the FACTORAGE and COM- Kuo mi his own account, and respectfully Ll a ..*. con, ' n,l * nc, ’ °f ihe patronage so liberally extend- SMMfcsUte flrai. I JOHN BOSTON. n^ONOKCO.PARTNER8HIP.—The co-partner ship heretofnro existing between tliesubscrltHSis urnler EJT^Wl-WMkCO. *« dissolved by mutual ,-B ' NHCIIKI.L will continue the business on ■lst.a •cwnnt and Is authorised to settle all claims, in bscty.brcragtiu.t the late firm. Y. ZOGBAUM, Charleston. 8. C., I , . , <!> n - MITCHEIJ,, Havnnnah, On. |_»v«Dib. June flth. 1853 Je8 JImw, ® F 'WPAiONK!'whip—Nnnctt-The con ■nwiuuuv ewa of Kib< Ikl^? h this day dissolved by mu- IkorfuT 0 ’~ r ;KIWwc retiring, and'Mr. Thomas Wood, h !" I‘ ,,ce - wn,,cr nnmo mid stylo IhiUiut k!F n ' ^ debt* ngivinst the late flvm will he rtisu ' 4 n,,w nn '* ab monies duo them will bo vejinl receipted (or by the new per £, at - K1BIIEE A RODGERS, - —r? WOOD A RODGERS. I A. J n j r ® l, fl n 8 from business fi’**?"" 1 bllt feel duH P | y Rrsterul and obliged I a. iirrtv' , patronage which has been extended to Ikinah. **v-) both from city and country friends, and -,—.«, bis thanks fnr tlie same, Ibiwr” TI*** favors will be continued to I toiuMed*Suro ” re P r wsy grateful to gl vo tbe most I * faku k Tr kn .V* tbo l"'trons or tho Into concern I !-,!« * Rod <' ! rs. Very res;icctfully. I J. M. KinUF-K, I IN /■‘ Partnership heretofore existing be- Ilfcunml. iJi M, er " : .T n,! ' 1 ’ "“der the Arm of Oka.xk A Ikiivqof th. i n *J r ( | ,1 i««.lre,l by mutual consent. Tlie ■ milwii n._ . . .. "1 miuuai conneni. roe 1 rm ? lH b « »ttlad by II. A. Crane, to 1 ta( tbwe IniibtV; l!n? cb> ,* mi> wl1 * please present them;' , ...-ase pr _ ' mil make payment Either party are * “• n *meof the late Arm In liquidation. I kart II. A. CRANE, IftQpABfv HOUNIMBB. I^ , « ,, |!^ ,0,u ^ r - 1 fn ,c : , .l-vl n 6 associated 1/ with It m m , t— 1 ' 10 undrrsl, _ Wtentim* tkf.u , n ll : ,,0 ' in,nn and Mr. James K. Cope, I < Ham^ Iwijujt 6 roc *ry businea under the Arm T. IIOI/XtMOE. _ ■> ill ttalUATvIIiTi J ' i ,, TlCE-- , nm undersigned have this l^'Isclotiw im n n ar ?"t* for G'° transaction of a ”jmmission Riislness. in this city, ■ «(R«a A Twos. Office 174 Bar street. I F.LLAH RF.ED, ' V “' TIS0V - sep20—lm I J*»k4rtock rfi j!„^L nds tbo pnhllcln general, to his h5 " •*- " 1 •P’rarean tn«tos. no - I T ‘ ™ c " ILlSaT'wi .HtkVeon' r Vn'?«^r —J'»t received to tihU bleach- I W,l, ‘ e ''•"•gar, 10 .to No 1 M^. I f^'*UIlowi 30 lK,XM smoked Herring. 00 do I Os and 8s. 26 do do ^psiwStsssy-f 1 ** _ DAVID O’CONNER. IJf Rijff JJi**!? ANns f‘*KBVES.-We take great I* l# 4»xt«nil»?.i n i t i e at *«ntlonof the ladlca 'oour _ ?"r»itockofthoa»K)re-*l SAitJRDAY MORNIN 6, OCtOBKR 23, 1853. Binding. Htttofrw 4« KqSPBM da Seine, dedlce anx Jaunts personaea, par VIetor DoubUt, Prohmur dt Belles^ La Urn, eta. ■ A’o. O Wkualxr-Mn*. rmCRIBER respectfully annousces to the f Savannah, and of Uae Interior o(thi« —t he hoe now opened and will keep eon. feted Stic, invoiced from the boat aourcaa, and to bu AOBXOVtTl Abi^ At Tkmra Ua Yoya|w> an Pcle Nord, depute lea Frena, Benijusqu’atnhoi bran, slxieme edition. Mar|uerita Robert, -1830), par Henri Lo de, that , ■ and domeatle, Invoiced from the boat oourcea, and stock of Whteh, at present on hand, he Invitee attention.— Having had extensive experience In Fiance aa a nanuhd* turer, apd In America aa Importer and dealtr, hie acquain tance with the trade enables him to oilbroseurpnoa that tbe artlolea which are enumerated below are each genuine - Article! of Dlreet Importation.—French L- dlee of various brand*! Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and Konongahela Whisky J Old Batavia Arrack i Jamaica and St Croix Rum. 777 l/Orphellne do Mown, on Jane InsUtutriOe, par M’me 'Wlnea—Old Port.Madeira, Sherry, Champagne, Hock, ail q "A- • T: CUnt,8»ut.n,..iijnui,unJ, WlnM, Pletrd POrand, naf j. N. Habotfl, Prolbaenf do I’Ubtver* Oordlnle—In cases. Curaeoa. Maraschino, Itatafla, Slo- olte—qnaftleihe ealtion r rails, KlrsehenwaisCr, Absinth, Ac. Ala and Porter^-LouJun Brown Stout, and Edin- largh Ale. Also ‘ i*nra*MB«iOT. 8ap-Sol| and Wrought Fancy Harrows. Garden Choirs. Brements and Gudgeons — —••—i u lf u ...u. -fl.| a . llllli Hi., rm Ti • The eeadtmle year U divided bid four quarter* of eleven weeks **eb, as follows: . Wr«t quarter commences Octobev 10th. and tndl Decem ber 24lli, ggllF*"- com|nw,0 «e Januaryilet, IBM, and ends 10th ,f< * ^ Ua ^ er fiora ®weet March iSth, and tnds June ioc gait atibi tor Rent. Saws; also, 11 no16 rite miifnfcle Mea Prisons on Memoirea do Silvio, Pellloo. traduetion nourrlle. par %L l’Abbe lkuroass, proftsseur au petit Remt- nalrede Tours. * Auguste et Theresa, ou Lo Retour slafb par M’me Tarbe daa Seblous—trolileme edition. o Agent for Domestle Liquors. •trolileme edition. Ernestine an lea Chorines de la Vsrtu aulvia de Nelly i . ladeuba Artiste et da Caroline el Juliette, par M'meCesarla Forrence—aeptleme edition. Blanche de Savenay; par M’me U D. Agnes deLauvena alt Memoirea De 8oeur Bt. Lous, par Louis Venilett*. Mathilda at Gahrtelle flu let BlenfalU, d’uus education chretrienne—troialeme edition. Rbbert an PSouvIner d’une Mere, M’me C. Gnennsnte. • Voyages et Aventures de Laperouse, par F. Valsntln— ■lilerae edition. For sale by «cp38 ‘ J. B. CUBBF.DGE. • Annals of Tennossee. by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D. in., a—.. *•-- Dktaff;o-”-*“ Presbyterian Church, off MORE NEW HOOKS. R ECEIVED BY 8 S. SIBLEY. June 28. 1863.—Blgar Clifton, a story of Bchool Life, by C. Adam*. The Old Forest Wild Sports of India, by MoJ. Walter Cambell and Frank Forester. A New History of the World, giving; an account ortho various Revolutions In Enron* and America, to the present limn k. II ■> I # tlmo, by H. White, B. A. Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D. Tho Believo, by Rov. Hugh White. Harpers jj, ■— • Harpers Magazlno for July, an interesting number. Putnam’s Magatine for July. Bamum’a Illustrated Newa,GIeason’a Plctoral, Ac. Pvscomancy.Fpirit Rapplngs andTnblo Tipping* exposed, by Professor Charles 0 Page. — --age. A History of England from the Arst Invasion of tire Ro man* to the accession of William and Mary in 1688, by Jno Ungnrd. D. I). Ilea ‘ ~ Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our friends in lies- NEW HOOKS. S IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketches of his own Time*, a new edition. A Memorial of Horatio Greenougli. by II. T. Tuckerman. Tlie Pedestrian In France and Switzerland, by G. Banell. Tlie Libertine* In American, by II. W. Warner. A Book for every America, on thoScienco of Government nnd Compend of tho Constitution and Civil Jurisprudence of tlio United States, by A. W. Young. Cranford, by tbe author of Mary Barton. Tire Londou Quarterly Review for July. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review for August. No*. 10 and 11 Collier's ShakcHpcsre. I otvry’s Universal Atlas. Upham’s Mental Phylonophy. abridged. Hue!.’* Thibet and Tartary, London edition, illustrated. Lord Racon’s Essays. 1 vol.; Rabelais’ Works. 2 vol* aug25 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. NEW HOOKS. R OADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of tho principle* nnd practice of road making, comprising the location, construction and Improvement of road* and railroad* hr it- mprovs W. W. Gillespie, A. M., C. E., civil engineer In Union Cof RptM of Alexander Smith. The Last Leaf (rom Sunny Side, by T.'Trista, with a me. mortal of the author, by Austin Phelps. Rome Cookery, a collection of tried receipts, both foreign iid domestle, by Mrs. J. Sbadwick. Philosophy of Mysterious Rapping* and Reply to Beecher, by E.C. Rogers. Chambers’ Miscellany, in 20 volumes, fancy boards, and 10 volumes, cloth. Chambers’ Rciiorilorv. 4 volume*, fancy board*. Chambers’ Information for tho People, royal octavo, half calf binding. Chambers’ Paper* for the People, 12 vol*.. fancy bound. Tho Work* of Samuel Maunder, including tho Treasury of Natural History. Treasury or History. HcisnliHc and literary Treasury. Treasury of Knowledge nnd Biographical Treasury. Industry of nil Notion*. Nos 3 and 4. Godov’s Indy’s Book, for September. Tho Victim’s Rovenge. a sequel to tho Matrlcutt’a Daugh ter. nnd tho Star of tire Fallen Jem Bunt, a tale of tlie laud and tho Ocean, by tbe Old Sailor. Rarnum’s Illustrated News, No. 34. Received by nug23 J. B. CUBBEDGE. H ARPERS’ MAGAZINE FOR SEPTEMBER. Bleak House. No. 18. Artist Wife, by Mary Howell. History nnd Rudiments of Architecture, by J. Bulloch. Tho Fawn of l*nle 1*8608, by J. P. Braco Class Book of Physiology, hy Dr. B. N. Comings. The London Art Journal for August. Pickering’s Greek nnd F.nglish lexicon. Vol. 14 Howard’* Report* In the U S. Supreme Court. Vol*. 32 nnd 33 English Chancery Report*. Grote's History of Greece, vol. 11, London edition. Yankee Meddy j Ocean Boon ; Guerilla Chief; Rod King; Tho Corsair Chloftaln; Flying Artillerist. Ac. nug31 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. T HE ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY RECORD of the Exhibi tion of the New York Crystal Palace, edited by Prof. D. Stillman. Jr., with numerous line illustration engraved from original designs by tho first artists. Price 26 cents inner and postage. Nos. 1 to 4 received. Bubseri* ippllod regularly, il W. THORNE WILLIAMS Memoir* of Hi* Own Tlmo. Houssaycs’ 1'hllosnpher* nnd Actresses. Houssayes' Men and Women during lire reign of Isiuls XV Hildreth’s Theory ol Politics—an inquiry into the found ations of governments. Wiutoly’s Elements of Rhetoric. Anthon's Manuel of Greek Literature. Hooper’* Physicians’ Vademecum. .. Walton’s Opthalmic Surgery, by Dr. Llttelt. Tlie Microscoplst, for physician*, students, &c. Franconia’* Story; Stuyresant. Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bull. Political and Military History of tlie Campaign of Water loo, by General Raron do Jomlne ; Collior’s Shnkespear, 12 mo. edition, vola. 2 and 3, received, scpl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. rp HACK FRAY’S ENGLISH HUMORLST, a scries of I*C- 1 lures on Swift, Congreve, Adison. Ac. Ranke’s Civic Wars and Monarchy in tlie 16th and 17th centuries. Ufo and I/ittorNof the Rev. Stephen Olio, late President of tlie Wesleyan University. Tire. Old House hy the River, by the author of the Owl Creek Letter*. Taylor’s Memorial of the English Martyrs. Coleridge Works, vol. 6. Modern Flirtatlnm by Miss Sinclair. English Law and Equity Report*, being the first volume of tho year. New subscribers can bo supplied at the ori ginal price of $12 per annum. Blackwood's Magazine for June. June22 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. D ON QUIXOTE DB LA MANCHA, by Miguel de Servsn- tez Saavedra, a revised translation basod on those of Motteux. Jarvis and Sinollet, with numerous characteristic illustrations. A Manual of tho Elementary Geology on the Ancient Change* of tho Earth and Ua Inhabitants, as Illustrated hy geological monuments,by SlrCharle* Lyoll, M. A., F. R.S., author of tho Principles o Geology, Ac. Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison. Civil Wars and Monarchy (n France In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du ring that period, by Leopold Ranke. Ilnrnura’s Illustrated News,No. 27. received by July6 J. B. CUBBEDOR. lihds New and olari. the corner ol WIMV *1^, . ! ,no »«mve-* flner. better, rich- tet-^asiussssf teSfir h “ |MU|t'gXe»4-, AIKEN k BURNS. IL*2" tttjipi) are In receipt of an- CW Port M * WF "?«•/ finished and fashion- ■WjjFiste soB r , B |LV OD f *., demand for these' HULOOMHB, JOHNSON & CO,. Q Have In store, and offer for iwle, on tbe most S3 favorable terms— * 16 bhds 8t rolx Sugar, 28 do Porto Rico do 26 do N Orleans do, 60 bbla Coffee do 100 bhl* Stuart’s A. Band C8ugar, 26 do Crashed do 10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bags Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do “ fce.60- * NEW BOOKS. > AND FOR 8ALK BY 8. 8. SIBLEY, 136 Con- l» gresa-st,—Bible In the Family—Bible in the Counting use. » * Tlie Sword and the Disiair. or Fair, Fat and Forty. Maria De Bernleve. a tale of the Crescent City, by W. Gilmore Simms. The Race for Riches, and some of thfc pits into which the Runners fall.*. 1 >; • The Doubting Oommanioont, by Septimus Tustln, D. D. Country Hospitalities, bjr OalberliW Slnelair' Fpiritnal’ Vampirism—fhihbtflry of EtheriaTSoftdown ana the Friends of the New Ugbt. by C. W. Webber. Rowland Wevor, or the Pilot of Human Life/ Great Truths by Oreat Authors, from writers of *11 egos and both hemispheres. Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Calla. of the Union ~ ^Philadelphia. 100 bags old Cuba CoffN. 10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 50 casks Bacon Side* 25 casks Shoulders. 26 do Ham*, oliolce quality 100 bbla Baltimore Hour. 60 whole and 25 half do Canal do 26 hluls, 60 tierces and 60 bbla West India Molasses 26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do 26 quarter diesis Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do 100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candle* 100 do No 1 and Pale Soap 100 bolos Gunny Coth. 300 colla Weaver’s Rope 100 bbls B Phelps’ Gin, 260 Flack’s do, 26 do Connecticut River do, 26 do N E Rum 20 qr cask* pur* Malaga Wlno. 20 do do Madeira do 6 half pipe* Otard Brandy. 2Qqr casks do do 100 bbla Mmiangahela Whisky; 10 qr casks Port Wine 15 bbl* Mint anddlose Cordial. Also, the following old and veer choioeijqwoiw,'In glassert 40 dozen choice old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847 86 demlJonaSt Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848 60 do old Monnngabela Whisky. 1846 10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Bnindy.IBlfr' 36 dozen Schehlam Gin. lOdoold Whisky, Nectar, rosy 18 - ■ dku»Ve.t. Fob and Guard Chains. Bate of Jewelry; Chat-' •lanes. Bracelets, Brooches, Oat Diamond work Finger Rings, dU*,8ynhoiil. Alio, oB kinds of Plated Wore, Military and Foncv Goods, and a great variety of arUcbs too numerous to mention t the whole of which wffl bo told at reduced prices. All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and other Jobbing attended to by competent hand*. • HORTON AIUKEMAN. WATCHER AND JEWELRY. * Tbe undersigned begs leave tolnform the CiUsens |,of Savannah, and Uis people In the country In gent >ro mL 148 Broughton Street , ihat ho has taken the Stor'd fto. 148 Droughion Street, one door West of Dixon’s Oonfbctloneiy, where he will be pleased to makesnd repair all kinds of Clocks nud Watches, and will warrant all work with which be may be Intrusted. ap27—lv * FRANCIS STEIN. watcher, jewelry, fl| RECEIVING by ereryArifvalofthe Btmmersfresh Him*, making the best assortment In this city, of all WndiDfV^tcbs^Jswelry.BaneyGoods.SUrerSpoons, Forks, n ®rP h Pg^'Hated Osstors, and every variety of articles connected wkh our UassCbtiUi; aUof’ which will be sold as low as lit any city, fa the Union. D. B. OTCOOM. Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch, es and Jewelry. no 20 UROCKKIBB. 25 IIIIDS. Porto Itlco aud Jtuscovado Sugar, 26 do choico New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas- lap*. 100 bbl* New Orleau* nnd Cuba Syrup. Stu- | art’s rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 ilo Linseed do. 200 boxos Sjiorin ami Adanmmautino Cnndlos, 26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap. 25 do Tollot do, 60 do mixed nnd assorted Osndle*, 75 (Mickage*Toss. Black. Im perial and Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crushed do, Prunes., Fig*, Citron. Pickles. Raisins, Yeast Powder*. Saloretus, So da. Ac., now in store and for salo very low. by KIB NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, ASo. “I TIIE undersigned la now opening a splendid n*aort- Iment of rloli JhWEI.UV,embracing tho recent patterns ’or Ear-rings, 11ns. Bracelets and Finger-rings, among which are some fine diamond settlngs,froni S10 to $600. Also, twenty-five sets of those unique Pearl Set* of Ear- 4., • - to $126 ‘ l rings and Brooches, from $18 t 1 tho set. newest and rarest patterns: together with a very selectassort- trailne Walchr* set In iMarl. diamond, linn- mli2(l IIBUEE A RODGDRS. OliOCBUlES, dfc. Cjinm—160 bags prime Itlo, 75 do Jamaica, 60 ohEm Sl’d.iR—10 lihd* Porto Rico, 10 do 81. Croix, 6 do Now Orlenns. 100 bbl* Crashed. Powdered and Clarified. Mot-stein*—25 hhd* Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orlenns. Flour—160 bbl* naltlinore. 76 do Gsnal. 60 do n Smith’s. Hacox—15 cask* Philadelphia llama. 600 Baltimore can vassed do. 30 hhd* Sides, 20 do Shoulders. PoTiTOK*—150 bbl* P nnd Mercer. Lsm> Codfish—26 bbl* choico Leaf I ard, 0 casks Cod fish. Soap. Carpus axii Staroi—60 boxes No. 1 and Family Soap. 60 do Pale do. 40 whole nnd linlf boxes Slareh,76do Adroantine Candles. 25 do Sperm, 26 do .Star, 160 do Patent Mould. Ton.sooo—460 package* various brands and qualities. I.kjioX Syrui*. Ac.—60 boxes I>'inoti Syrun, 10 cases Wal nut and Tomato rntaup. 10 do Brandy Peaches. DojiBffto IjqfoRH—76 bbls Phelps' Gin. 50 do N E Rum. 76 do Rectified Whisky. !10 do extra old Mouongahela do. Wixbi—20 quarter cask* pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei ra-received aud for sale by apl'JO McMAHON k DOYIJL menl of oxtra fine IVoteAes set in jiearl. diamond, him- ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Seta. Spoons, Forks. ladles. Cups. Ac., and Plated Ware of all kin's. Fancy Work Boxes. Dressing Cases. Folios. Clock*. Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Cane*.Cultlery. Ac . renders Ills assortment very com plete, nnd unsurpassed In tlio State, either In quality nr prl- '•>•- I). B. NICHOLS. AT* Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and jewelry. „ 0 12 ’ JEWELRY. I MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-atreot. has justrecoiv- 'ed the finest assnrtmont or new nnd foshlonablo Jowol- ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils and pons, silver and silver silted wnre and fruit baskets, waiter*, ;lea sets.candlesticks, table and teA spoons: fino table, ' pocket and pen knives, sclssore.and a large variety of the ' finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for ladles nnd gentlemon, as also a fino selection of flutlnas, Accnrdians.nnd fancy articles, too numerous to mention! which he offer* nt the lowost prices ever sold in this city* The attention of tlie public at large, but especially that of *•- • • a()21 the ladies, i* Mrticularlv reouesto MACKE ILK L. mSCUl/S, STARCH, Ac. 10 bids No. large Mscki-rcl, |YL-tr4310 bbls No. 1 do do jsgsnQl 10 halt* bid* No. 1 do rSSfitfR 10 do No. 2 do 30 Idd* sugar, sudsr. nud butter BIsculla, 25 boxes mmIm Hi<cuil*. bo do Burlmn'sFamily Soap, 60 do Cidg.ito's No. 1 do 40 do Cidgnto’s and Bcodeli's Pearl Starch. 60 do Herrings, landing and for salo bv may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO PIANO FORTE DEPOT. THE undersigned resiiectriilly Inform the fcltirens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida, that they have on lrnnd more than fitly Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale in this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturer* in the United States. Nunn* A Clark. T. Chlckering. Boardman A Gray, I-eight A Newton. Edward* A Fisher, all well known to tho lovers of Music, have place in their large assortment.— These Pianos arc of rich tone, and beauUfuUsqkMtshecl In Rose Wood, Black Walnut, snfl Mahogany, with Iron frame* made Iff the most substantial and workmanlike manner.— Also the justly celobmted .Eolinn Plano Fortes, which for their sweetness of tono have not been oqnallod. AH these 'nitruments havo mntalfe frames which render them pecull- wly suited for tnl climate, prerenting necessity of tuulng for years. The undersigned are Agontafor Henri liars’*, celebrated Grand Piano*. tnadoinPari*. For Power and beauty oftono, they stand pre-eminent. Cariiakt'r MiUiWioxa.—This beautiful toned wind Instru- mentmanufactured by Cnrhsrt A Needham. N. Y..for village GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINKS, &c. ___ J. V. CON NEB AT A CO., offer for salo on no- jBSjyCT cmiMiioduting terms.* well nsxortcii stock of Gro. cnrles, Liquors. 'Tobacco..^'gars, Ac., vis: 130 bags BBUaaBprtin* Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 lihds ’orto llico and Muicovado Sugars. 50 bbiscUrifie«l coffee do, 25 do cnished and |>owdere<i do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack ages black nud green ten, some very superior; 260 boxes tobacco, various qualities, l’s, 8V. 6*s and 10’s. 16 enses Di- adorn twist. 10 do Virgtnlu* and .\mnmllc.20do m-ctnrlenf, Viginln gold leaf. 10 boxes K1 Dorado tobacco. 176.000 su;>e. rior Havana 8egars. 10 half pipe* Otard. IHipuyk Co. Brsu- dy.20 half and quarter casks Pintern, Mattel, Sazerac. Ac. Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Louis do, 6 pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheon* St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pines and 16 qtuirler casks su|>er!(ir Madeira Wlno, 26 bbls old Mqnongaholn Wlsky, 26 quarter casks Teneriffe, 30 do do Malaga Wine. 200 bbls gin. whisky and rum. 100 boxes dwm** ' K nr|s>ses. Isidges.Serenading Parties, and tlio private prac- so of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, tlioy have also fur sale. AH these Instruments will bo disposed nf . .. . . f tho most accommodating terms. Tlie prices of tho Pi. ii t r-' anos ranging from $176 to $1,000. I.W. Co No. 1 and family soap. 50 do starch. 60 do adamantine can- dle*. 60 <U4«llow do. 20 easks Imri.n idrte»_15 do shoulders, 30 hhd* West India Mousses. 40 bblsandTcsdo, 25 obis N Orleans do. together with every other article usually found at tho wholesale grocery stores. Jnno3‘ PIANO FORTES, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. . ^,w- r ° r _» Tlio subscriber having purelinsed the en gft=a-jcaWtlra buslnm of F. ZoatuvM A Co., of which ITA jfljfiriu lie Imshcrelofora been tlie noting mem » a - * *ber in Savannah, would respectfully Invite the attention of thn*o In wnnl of anything in the musical lino to his establishment. From many years’ experience both in professional and business matter* connected with music, Mr. M. foels hitmolf fully qualified to proffer his ser vice* in the selection of mnslc and instruments or the fill- fitment of order*, with the assurance of his utmost teal nnd Industry in Ills endeavor to deserve tlie patronage nnd con fidence of the public. G. B. MITCHELI* ,iUM**snc tf> Fjfeoglmutn A go. REFINED SUGAR, «c. 60 do Isix fr Kirkpatrick’* Crashed ilo 60 do Butter. Sugar and Soda Biscuit 20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Bread 30 boxes do Soda Biscuit 800 do Familv. Pale and No. 1 Soap. Smith nnd Col 60 do Bcadell's Pearl Starch 26 do Ground Pepper In 20 JL boxea 20 do do Coffee in 60 )!; boxes 300 reams nworted Wrapping Paper 60 mats old government Java Coffiwi 60 boxes 1st nn>l 2d quality Itey's Umon Syrup ion bbl* E Phelps' and Rose Gin 80 do N F. Rom. 30 do Domestic Brandy 40 do P A H Connecticut River Gin 20 nnd 20 ensks Malagu Wine 60 bid* and 100 keg* prime I^af lard, landing and or sale by jy2l __ SCU.VNfJN. JOHNSTON fr CU. WINES, LiaUORS ’IEGARS, GROCERIES. T HE Subscriber lias on hand n line nnd well selected Stork of imnortod pure Wines, Liquors aud Scgnre, comprising the following : Ilramly—10 half pipe* Otard, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do Jo ild Honiiesey ; 2 do do Sazerac. 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis, 1800 ; 3 do do J.J. Ihipoy. Wince—I half pipe* nlk reserve Madeira ; 2 do do I»ndou Particular ; 3 do do old Pori; 6 do do Sherry Winn ; 20 casks Cldret j 40 baskets Chnmpngno. El-gore—20.00(1 Rio Honda : 10.000 Id Cruls ; 6.000 Id Union ; 10.000 la Putria ; 26,000 Trnbura*. Knncy Groceries.—A large supply.such a* imported ’onlinls. E" -Osh Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats, ’rones and Joint.... Fur sale hy A. BONAUD, •leS Corner of Hay aud WliHuker-atreeta. PIANO FORTE WAREIIOliSfi. ,, I,- THE Alterations and Improvements in nur S^a’l'in' lnclndlnga fine Show Room for Piano* 57i“fjFortp*.nndn Music Department fnrl.vllea * • • •boing now eomideled.wo would Invite the at- lenllon of Hie musical public to nur stork, comprising every article In the lino, which can bo furnished (wholesnlo and retail) nt New York prices. PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodsrt A Co..J. B. Dunham, aud otliers of established reputation, constantlv on hand. F. ZOO BAUM A til., importers, No*. 74 St. Julian nnd 107 Urynn-streets, doe.7 Next to Market Square. WM.R. S YMONsrfailAPEU ANDTAILOii, A Vi 17 Whitaker it reel. Saninuah. Ha* just iqieiiisl a large and choice variety of Nr.w ISmuxn AXliHrXMKR (loom, consisting In nart of black. Iligored and fancj French Casslmeres: black and col- «ored Cashmere; Cloth* and CashmereUa; white and Ihncy Linen Prills*: with a large sssurtment of fnne.y Mar seilles and Linen Vestings, nil of which lie Is prepared til make up lo order In tho most fashionable style, and on nc commodating terms np5 STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No. 147 Bajl Street. AH persons of taslo and reflneinenl—those having la due regard for comfort and personal appearance, mnr lat all times select any aud every article for their ward- Lrobe. from one of tlie largest assortments of the Very Best Goods in this country; either in Ready Made Garments or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing nrtl- vies of everv description and quality too numerous to men tlon Call and see. PRICE k VKADKR. GROCERIES, Ac. C OFFEE—150 bag* prime Rio, 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do. Java. PutUK—10 hhd* Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6do. New Orleans. 100bbls Crashed. Powdered, nnd Clarified.'R*—26 lihds Culm. 76 bbls New Orleans. Flouh—150 bbls Baltimore,75 do. Caual.50do. lliraio Smith’s. lUrox—16 cask* Philadelphia Ham*. 500 Baltimore Bagg ed. 30 lihds .Sides. 20 do. Shoulders. Ruooms—10 dozen, painted handles. BrcKWlH—200 dozen, (minted. Smr. CANnus HtaRcii—50 boxes No. 1 and Family Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 75 do. Adamantine Candles. 25 do. Sperm. 26 do. Star. 160 ilo. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and half boxes Starch. Tonswo—360 ukgs various brands nnd qualities. Lkmo.v Syrup.«p.—50 boxes l-emon Syrup. 10 cases Wal nut and Toiniiio Catsup. 10 do. nrandy Peaches. I)oM»me l.iqniRH—76 bids Plu lpr.’ Gin. 50 do. N K. Rom. 75do. Rectified Whisky, 30do. Extra*»ld Mnnongahela do. Winrs—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. cliolce Jia- deira. Ilecelved. and fer sale by jy!5 McMAHON A DOYLE. FASHION A RLE TAILORING. , 51 I). MURPIIV. 21 Bull ftrrrl. would respectfully I inform tils friends aud the public generally, that he 1 has received his spring styles for gentlemen, among -which will bo found as rich and linu fancy Ca*«imere*. Vestings. Ac., a* linve ever been brought to this market. All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen are re*|>ectfully invited to call and judge for huiiisclvc*. mb 11 CRANK AC RODGERS H AVE In store, nnd offer for anlj on accommodating term*, the following, viz: 20 hhd* Porto Rico Sugar. lOilo Muscovado do, 10 do N Orleans do, 60 hid* crushed d». 60 do refined A B and C do. 26 lihds Cuba Molasses, 100 bbls N O Svrup. 60 do New Yoik do, 200 bags Rio Coffee. 60 do Java do, 25 lihds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders, ItiO half bids laird, 600 sacks Balt, 100 boxes Scan, various brands. 100 do fancy do, for toils t use. nuglO READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND HUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Draihr axii Tailor, No. 117 Whitaker/trail, respectfully solicits the/] lattentlnn of Ms friends an t Are public in gen-’ —Lrrnl. to hi* largo stock of Ready-mu w Cloth- lug. suitable for the present and coining season. It has all ho- n made up under Ids personal sn|>erintendence an I for style and durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to bu found in tlie market. Tlie following comprisea portion of tho stock : Frocks and Sacks of blue, black and colored cashinoro cloths ; black, brnb d’ete Frocks nnd Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy linen Frocks aud Sacks; India gras*, silk and brown linen Back*; black and colored alpaca Frocks andSack*. Pants of fancy French cassimeres. black doe-*klncaio.i- m?re. black drab d’eteaml spring tweed casslmere. wldto duck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a largo lot of cot ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black bnrathen. and fancy silks, fan cy and white Maiseille*. figured and striped linens. Also, a large stuck of Furnishing Goods, such ns stocks, gloves, suspender*, cravats, collar*, silk, gauro, merino, nnd cotton unourshlrt*. stripe silk nnd cotton socks, silk and ginghnm umbrellas, oto.,etc. Tlie whole of which lieoffors for sale on accommodating terms, and nt prices as cheap as the cheapest. ap!3 SUNDRIES, OH DHI5 winter strained and blenched whale OIL *£/\j 206 bags prime green Rio Coffee. 60 bug* old government Java Coffee. 75 B OOKS • ROOKS 11 BOOKS 111—At SIBLEY’S book store, 135 Congress-street.—We received so many new book* yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them. Front grave to gay. Religious, Literary.-Scientific, Humorous and Inters*! In We Invite our friends to call and examine the largest varie ty of light reading ever offered In this city. Also, Grsliam’s Magazine for July; Gody’s lady’s Rook. Blackwood's Magatiiio; Rarnum’s Illustrated News. Gleason's PictornL Ac. june22 Jiclii. 20 •• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum. 60 bbls and 100 krgs prime Imf lard. 60 libds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders. 200 dozen painted Buckets. 20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar. 16 do Porto Rico do. 20 •* prime New Orleans Sugar.' 20 bblabi ‘ ' ~ WM. U. SYMONS, . Offers for sale, a largo assortment of Cloths. Ca»- Jsimeres nnd Vestiugs, consisting in part of tlie fol- lowing articles, selected tijr himself during the |*ast summer in Guidon and Pans, which he will make uu to or der In the best stylo of workmnnship. and at the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish ing Goods, fur gonilenien’s" wear, is very largo and of the best quality and style—tho whole of It made this Dill under his own inspection, and will bo sold at the lowest prices for cash nr approved credit French black, blue, brown nnd olive Cloths; fancy French and English Cassimeres; fancy 811k Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar- Ver “ —'■ x - n —* ailtea Silk Vestings ; suiter, black Doeskin Cassimeres ; Me rino and Bilk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fanoy . jutter, sugar, and soda Crackers. Stuart’s A, D. and C clarified Sugar. 40 “ craslicd and powdered Sugar. 80 boxes Beadell’s 6* and 8s tallow Candles. 100 *• 8lar Candles. 300 do No 1 pale and family Soap, 50 M Segara, pf various brands. For sale b^ Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Slilrte and Drawer* t white, black and fancy Kid- Gloves; Neck Tiee, plain and embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; 8earfs, Satin and Bombasin Socks. no5 IT Whltakex'-etreet. sep20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. Owl Creek letter*. Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair. Passion and Prin- tpte.adum«*Uenovel,by Ura.Grey. Flirtation* in America, or High Life in New York. Tlie Adventures »r a Bachelor, or a man in search of a wife. Tlie Silver Bell, or the Heir of Moteombe Manor, by Dr. P. II. Robinson. II. nouinson. -a- jopj flody'sjail)-’* nook for July; Graham’s Magazine do; \j Co’i Artber’a Magazine do; Peterson’s Magatine do. ( ow ud c H. SSUTH’B FLOUR, CRACKERS, QA BBI5 H. Smith's Flonr OU 20 half bbl* choice Canal Flour 20 bbla Sugar Cracker* 20 half bbls do do 20 bbl* Butter do 20 half bbls do do 20 boxes Soda do 20 hnlf bbls Fulton Market Beef, a choice article 60 bbla Crashed Sugar, landing from brig Augusta, and for saleb: jyl7 IIOLOOMBE, JOI* HRS ANb WINES—12 half fr CD. Otard, Dupuy fr FISK’S MET ALIO BURIAL CASE. , WE are constantly receiving these valuable - 'Case*, aud have them always in readiness to be delivered at the shortest notice. _ . L W. M0RREIJ, fr GO N. B.—We are permitted to Inform the nubile that we liavo received from Mr- Raymoxd, of New York oitr, a let ter signed by the different members of the United Btatas Senate, who were appointed to take cbarg$ of tbe body o( tlie Hon. Ilsxxv Cur, deceased, (which was enclosed in one of Fisk’s Metalie Cases,) and who went with U to Kentucky; they say to Mr. Ratmoxu, tliat the Case answered Uie pur. pose for which it was lntonded. and meets with tbelr appro bation, and they cheerfully recommend It to tho publioas ■toany other *0,^-1 *ne uemznd for these very U&&taalbs!&i' 11 * ,n,,ch than tbe By* wrelsln^.i,.. 10 the wants of our custom- ■Jj'I'l to exhibit « U . r !l? e , our order *' * n( t ere now ■*2**tteotlon; 0,1 ‘^"‘Jful selection, to which wo in- yP 18 AIKEN k DURNB. IJrWt'fc ,1'lpes Otard Brandy, 10 do do Gin, 20.K and B Lu*b Whl *y. «q ST’S 40 A* H S rt a °» 20 bbla old Monon jlL R| ‘*»»t90doWl.lA? , ? rt i e Brand 7- 60 do do Gin, 100 WbI ‘by, just recriril,andfor saleby McMahon fr doyle. Bboavto. bhascholea ft! ^ SfeSaaafMB? 84 kM * • MCMAHON fr DOYLE. ■Jr-y-a-—JW»sK«iMar«in>^- Itamutu’s Illustrated News, No. 45, Further supply of Echoes of a Bell; received by' June22 J. B. CUBBEDOR. T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket *di- tton, beautifully Illustrated and In the most conveni ent form yet published. Also, the llssonle Lyre, a collection of Masonlo Songs and Odes, suited to every occasion In W — — Both new works noeotly attention of Uie Craft. Just received i r _ Book Store of 8. 8 SIBLEY, mCongreM-ttveiri m oi unaonio conga sou i lodge ot celebrations. Land highly worthy the v«d and for sale at the Go's lYeneh Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands, .... priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do, 60 bbl* do do. 76 do P fc H Rye Gin, 160 Ag B Pbslps’ do. fipiper Holland Gin, 10 bbla Virginia Apple nrandy, 8 do pnre Geor . gia Peach do, 200 do N. 0. Whisky, 00 do white Baltimore do. 30 do old Westminster Monohgahela do, 20 do old Penn sylvania Mountain dodo, lOOdoN. E. Rum.25 quarter casks Madeira Wine, 10 eighth do chofee do do. 20 qr"*“ ”“ **'-* do. 2 half pipes d< 40 baskou Cuamc anlO I. being superior to any oiber Case for tlie transportation ol -r tho dead. The Utter can be seen by calUngon r * febU I. W. M0RRF3J. fc CO STOVES, STOVES. The subscriber has Just received a largo number ol ilghth'do choice do do. 20 quarter do Port do, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine, mpagno do. nn8 E NGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES—A very superior article ot English Tooth Brushcs.msnufsctured expressly forth* W, and Distaff, or Fair Pet add Forty of the South et the dose of the Revolution, W. Gilmore fiimmi. * Maria De Bcrnlore,* tkle of the Orrtflent City,by W. Oil. more Hmraa, ; - . Tt^ n < Mo>> ’ a Diettqnery of DomeatlcMedicipeand House. holdSirraeiy.revtsod byDr. Henry H Smith ' feodolph of. Rosnoke.and other Sketches c JCj KlujlUb Tooth Brushes, msnufactur* lubscriber.end direct from London, for sale by . juublSl I W;'W.HNC0liN, Monument Bqttert. isntSquai oho horte'Carriage, wRlt'poU; built * V York, and-ha- ' T to order by Brewer fr Bon, Mew York, mn<f has been noedr * ~ —■ «—■*— Cooking and Parlor Stores, which he will dispose ol on accommodating terms. Among them may be found the following; Cooking Btove*,Tbe Republic, lady of the take, AlrYght Premium. Queen of the Weet Empire Premium, Eastern 'Premium, parlor and office Stoves.— Union Cottage, Cylinder, Shoet Iron, (a»r tight) square and oval; Six Plato, Box Stores. , Hollow Ware PoU, Kettles. Ovens, 8pldera. Sauce Pan*, fro. fro. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu factured at short ndtM*. Orders for Rooting, Gutters, and Loaders, attended to’ with punctuality^ y 0 ».i<yattdi2 7 4/MAURICE, ffBamairdatrefi bat little.' It can )w seen at the Carriage Repository v Georg* w. rd< *^ AyrQ y, jomraroN'fr co F SH1NG AND JOCKEY^CAPS.—‘Received by late krri- Ire - - - YsJs, k new supply. Those to wantvrRVbVrase^l at Bay-st • may28 - - PRICE fr YE ACER. M TO WT aonvilla.... AwNrH; I cultivated with success by him, ana *—**- -- fonnsrly . situated on above Jack* y-seven hum e ow-n,and wrrfl t7th #rt *' 1 a »rier commences Jane 10th, and ends August Tho academy la organized Into five departments—Priroa- fJ^Inlermodlate, Grammar, Classical, and YoubjLadles’. No expense baa been spared to All. the aeveiA depart ment* with well-quallOed end experienced teae'iers. Tbe Young LodiM will be under the charge of J. I). Msl- eaMsted by Miss U A. CsLLXXDza, who was educated 1° ♦’ert zchool* of Northampton, Mas*,, and has been UR*State* * ,ro ® Principal or a female academy In ; Tha Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr. Isaac F. CiDT. a graduate of Brown Univerelty, for two yean classical teacher In the High 8chool In IToWdence, » r ,h ” , “ h8d> “‘ u " The Grammar Department will be under tho oliarge of B, U*luix. as heretofore. The Intermediate Department will be taught by Mr. Hz* *▼ Bskiw, a graduate of Oglethorpe University: and the Primary by Mia* A. R. Ca«txh. ’ Arrangements have been made with Mr. B. Mimsfor giving Instiuctiou In French nnd Drawing. M!MB.^ALUfo,j Pr|||e , p>1 s t tog of hammock ao.l pipe Uud. it lsrilribly sHpaUd, and cspablo of a high <fejrr*e of cultivation. The buddings are to good onlor, consisting or a eomfortabladtrelllmr. frc,. awfspacious and convenient houses, adapted to klLtlie par* ttoeesof a long staple cotton plantation, together with a grinding home ana min. and a boiling honso and bollera, which pro capable of turning out front Ifty to One hundred hogsheads or sugar. Also, eight thousand acres of nine JM'Vtbe greater part of which U well KrtWM. Irlng dri P|jUalid)ii)ir2ibei uDnil»v«Ml ~ wo. ijw) m tbelr friemla j that they have Second street. whcrflheyR»Te^ hirod^k did assortment of rapmc y Invite,tlie ol to which they li land,'the greater pert «P ‘Which towel! tfniWtod. Iritis tbe St. John* river and 1U vicinity. For prioe and trt- apply to the administrators. J. WAT.DBUR0, Savannah, „ ' .... B.; A. PUTNAM, St, Augostine. - Mp i M-Johnson, who to on tha plantation, win exhibit It and the other land. seplfl—dtf sep26—d3w BERNARD MALLON. j GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. legislative Charter, granted m 1849. rpHB Spring session will commenccon the socond Monday, JL. which Is the 12th dsy of January. Gpd.Y. Rrowxx, President and Proftsaor of Mental and Moral Science. LAND FOR BALE. jm* THE enbseriber offers for sale 1,200 acres of Land. IMwyfognn the AtstamOha, river, three toilet below the -■■■►fork, known aa Town Fluff. There are $60 sere* open, ready for cultivation; also two small framed bouses with good framed barn and’ good framed store house, situate on tlie bank of tbe river, one of the best stands for a store to thle section. The place baa the advantage of atf-smboat* daring the foil, winter and spring months.andoneof the best fisheries on the river for shad. Any perron wishing to purchase can do so by calling on the subscriber on tlie place. Allso. 980 acres of tariff well timbered, with 160 acres n( first rate bay land well ditched and drained, ready for clear ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fifty bushel* of corn to tlie acre. Tills land lies two miles from Ferry, on the Alntamalia river. >.6.000 chambers, m «Kia. imnauon »oon*. aiUJfrtntf fblors. l Reception and Cottage Chair*. oUlght and rigna; One Lounge*. Cane VetieeftTHaft Cl Houro-and Office Arm Chairs.'Uw *rid sms Cli.lrs. Store and Steamboat Stools; Windsor'C Settee*. *e. W e| . nriffR«nR6*JCotnbtol*i will find It tothelrtoUrest to call at the Fsetoryof No. 181 Worlli 0th St (oj FositePradkR'bBrme,) mh7 Philadelphia P.Loun. Profrssor of Natural Sciences. Lit. Biuxiuii, Professor ot Mathematics and Director bj Hkxht 51. Holtzclaw, Professor of Belles Lettres. The Fhculty will bo assisted by tho following taffies, vi* Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Broactt, Bumstead. Meredith, nnd E. Bennett OstaloguHs containing further information, may be ob- tainwl by applying to oltlier or tho olllcorsof tho College, ot to eitherjif the following geutlemen. who constitute the 3t ’ Also. 6.000 acres of first quality pine Umbered land on the Alntamnha and Ocmulgee rivers. AU these lands ore situate In Uie first and second district of Appljng county. Also. 2,000 acres of land well timbered with eypress and white oak. Any person wishing further particulars can address me aiHall P. 0., Georgia. ' •. Jan31—lawdfrwfim- ^ ) ■ if. DYAIJ^ tOr The Raleigh; (N. U.) Stohdknl will, pleaab publish ■ weekly for six months, and send bill to . W. ij. snotTT «BAmOHrl-s AgTlcnlturnl YVare-Honse and BeeA MoN, No. 194)i Market-tired. Phifadetiihio. , ProctV fr Ifrjirie’ ’ Ifotontil SharpeningPlonghs, of *11« right and Jeflhanded—Subt — . = Side Hill and Donbla Mould, fr fetrel Extending 1’olnts. Bar-sliare. Heaeb, and otbe. of Casting* for repairing. The Emperor or Russia swsrJSd for the sbovo Plough*, a Mksslve Gold'MedaLyMdaUOO^ Also; the Great Medal nt tho World's Fair, was’awarded P. fr M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Dnuhte.i’oiatPoRsto- ed Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting Doable Wear ol tlie common Teeth. Also, Cultivatore of all ktodn with Steel Teeth. Board or Trustees: E. E. Jones, M. I).. President; B. M. Pro- P* 4 ?!’ Tr«»*nws-; Thns. J. Burney, Faqr., Secretary; Col. J. B. Walker. Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wo. 8. Stokes. Edmund Walker. Zacharioh Fears. Natlian Massey. Wm \V 11 rvo,»r,...l n n.._i u □ \ Wm. W, B. Crawford, 51. D., Benj. Harris.Joa, F. Swanson, J W, Fears. R. P. Zimmerman. m RICE IutNl© FOR 8AIJJ—The TYact of I AND m» the 3J8t. Jlsry’sRiver, known as the Cut-off Tract.containing seven hundred and «eventy-two (772) acres, or which Over five hundred (600) acres are tide awnmp and fresh marsh lands, wllh a rise and fell of tide of six feet. Tim marsh land was successfully cultivated manyyearsatoce,producing Cotton, Cane, and Rice. These lands could be put In order with less labour. It Is believed, than would be required for putting Hammock Lauds In order, nnd are considered very lafo from overflow lu gales and freshets. JSAmrn. Cutter.. SfiSSSr*' lawdfcwtf MERCER UNIVERSITY. Vcajldd, Greene. County, va. HTL'Din*. fHIE Studies In tills University areA Theological course For further particulars and terms, which will be made easy o a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co.. Charleston. S.G., or to Mrs. Henry lfeiley, St. Mary’s, Cktnden county, Georgia. A plat of tho land maybe seen at the office of the Geor- gl«n. apl 27—dfro - , • .•u'^iuuu.uu.nj or tlirco year*, designed for those who are preparing for i Gospel Ministry; i Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other tho Goal A Coll „ Colleges in tin-country ; AUclentlfieCourse of threoyears, Including, with some ad dition. alt the studies of tho Colleglato Course except the An cient Languages; aomanox. Tlie regular time for the admission of Students, Is at the penlng of tlm Fall Term, the last Wednesday In August. Candidates for admission nto tlio Colleglato Course must sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith metic. English, tatin and Greek Grammar, Cssar, Virgil, Cicero's Select Orallons, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; anil must bo at least fourteen years of age. Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Course must sustain n satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algubra, and two books In Geometry; aud must bo at least sixteen years of Kxrcxsra. Spring 7krm. Pill Term. Ix Thwiiooiral Skmixaky, Gratuitous....Gratuitous. LvCollkuk. $25 00....'..$16 00 Scientific Course, 25 00 16 00 Lx Acadkmv— Preparatory Class, Second •• Third “ Elementary “ Room Rent, ow...... Contingent Expense* 2 00 1 00 There expense* rc<|ulre to be paid in Advance. From Students who todp in tlie College buildings, fifty aa full pr * *— **— *~" p F O R S A I.E.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202K . . acre*.and Improvements, near Walthourvllle. liberty county. Hie land Is of good quality, pine and bay land. 60 acres of which are in cultlrntlon. ana tlio remainder well timbered, offering strong Inducements to persons Interested in procuring turpentine. Tim improvement* consist nfa pAinrit n anhi kob m two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables, PA a-? 1 BLANK BOOKS. EYC a mid all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannol At> ' ^ tJPk-dicLtim door* above Marked Ithfulness or salubrity of climate, with - Hay and Straw Cutters, Hand Corn Mills, Com and Cob Crashers, Gedda’ Improved Harrows, Mowini Square and A Harrows, Horse Rakes. Grindstones, ready hung, flirt Smp-'r, Agricultural Furnaces, Ox Yokes and Bows. Forks lor unloading Hay, Man Hay Rakes, Bow Pins, Apple rearers, Ox Muzstes, Mole Traps. Pruning Hooks anil Clilsels, Saws and Scissors, Iren Well Curbs, and 7,lnc tuhctng for Chain Pumps. I Also. Horticultural Tools (or every description.) Gardes and Grass Seeds, for sale at the loweat prices, at Wholesale and Retail. 7 ' — Chain Pumps, Cattle Ties, Bull Rings, Patent Iron Snaths, Grubbing Hoes. Transplanting Trowels, Hay and Manure Fork*,'* V Shovels and Spades, harden and Field Hoes* Jsrden Rakes In variety, Children’* Tools, DarllngScythc*. Snntha, with Patent Fasten- •ngs, Potato ITonks. C0d—p!9 bo surinsscd for hcnlthfulncss or salubrity of climate, with nMlE undersigned have just o|wned a frt»h and complete J. stock of Wall Papers, among which are gold and vel vet. fine satin, and tho lowest priced nnglaxtd papers; ala flIMIPlilInn. kn.iln,. Ah _ I _i .11.: it ... 26 00 .. 20 00 .. 16 00 .. 10 00 fl 00.. 16 00 12 00 0 00 fl 00 4 00 VALUABLE RICK LAND FOR BALE. «ko> A Tract of lido Swamp Land, containing 600 seres. Mftlylngon tho Alntamalia river, three miles above Dari- "■’* on, ndjoliilng lands of the estate of Butler and Dun- wody on the east and Glgnlllint and Walker on the north and west, navlng ns good a pitch of tide a* anv rice plan tation on the river, iiy terms are. twenty dollars per acre, ono.fourth cash, nnd tlie Imlnnce on a credit of from fire to ton rears, tlio interest only required to bo paid annually. Apply to tho undersigned at Darien. In case ot to* absence Mr. Jamri Prixulk will show the land, a plan of which can be seen at the office of the Georgian. . , SAMUEL 51. STREET. Parikx, Jan. 29. 1883. Jan26—lam decorations, borders, fire screens, curtains, etc., which theV °®w et the lowest prices, both wholesale and rctaO. The beat workmen employed to hang paper either in tbe city or country. Blank Book*, Stationery, de.—We have also our usual as sort uie nt of writing pnpera wrapping paper*, blank and school books, statlonurv, etc. .. „ PARRISH fr IIOUGH, No. 4 North Flth street, 2 doors a bar* Market, Philadelphia. ’ Pash paid for conntry rags. mhlO—od r mouth ; of dollar* will bo received as 7iill payment for the tultfonfees, room rent, anil contingent expense* of tho year. Tlie price of Donnl fit the villiigo is $10 per i trashing, room-rent, and fuel, $3. OUniKMTOIKMTAXIl VACATIOXS. Tlio Commencement Is held on tlio last Wcilnesday in July. Tltc (fSk FOR SALE—A Tract of LANDof Five Hundred ncres TjC_striclly nrituo Rico tand. Immediately np|iosite tho old town of Hardwick. Tho situation of tlio place affords one of tlie best Saw-mill scats in the Southern country, facilities for timber being easy and without end. Vosssefe coming from sea can hind Immediately alongside, drawing from ton to fifteen foot or water. For terms apply to Henry Williams. U.8. District Attorney,Savannah,or to 11. STILES, Itrran coun ty DIE SINKING AND ENGRAVING.'! TN AU, ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with appropri- A ato devices, embossed in a new stylo. In (dnin and fancy rolora. Seals of every description, with or without presses. Envelope* printed with nsme. business and address,labels, bill heads, innnufecturer’s tickets, frc.. nil eXecuteil In’the neatest mnnner nud at prices 25 per cent, bolowanysiml- for establishment. In consequence of better and improved facihtiesfor tlie execution of such work. N. H—All onlers by mail promptly attended to. Good* sent to any part of tho country.- pi ■ . T. R. CAI.VERT ft CO., Envriopoand Sen! Press Manufacturers, Dfe Stoker*. Emboe* sera nnd Engravers. 48 8outh 3d-*t., PhlUdelpbla. mh29 flvere are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms, as follows ; First Turin—from last Wednesday In August to December 15th. Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st. Socond Term—from first dsy of February to Commence ment. Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed nesday In August. B. M. SANDERS, Secretary of the Hoard of Trustess. Anv friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGO. President of tlie Unirersily. will receive a catalogue, containing the course of studies, and ull other necessary information. LAND IN MclNTOTH COUNTY FOR BALE. | Tho Plantation known as Ahikx-k, Immediately on Sthe west side of the Havunnnh road seven miies from ■•Darien, containing eleven hundred and forty seven acres of pino aud hnmmock land, of which near two hun dred and fitly acre* nro cleared and under fence. Tlie ham mock lands nro iff a superior quality for cotton, corn, fro., and the pine hinds well adapted to turpentine. There r - GAS WORK. LAMPS, frc. A Manufoetnrera, No 110 CUwtmt. XX atreot. Philadelphia,reanoctfollv solicit the >tt*nti m nt negro houses and other buildings upon the. plantation. There Is a water course within tire miles over a giiod mad. For terms, apply to E W. DlL&ML.* augl7—w8m South Newport. G W! p MADAME II. ACE LIE TOGNO, ILL open on tho 1st of tho comer of Meet ing and Socloty-streots, Charleston. 8. C..a BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. French will be exclusively spoken lu Ihe School and fam- By. but duo regard will ho also hud to a thorough English ndeiphia and New York, nud to n nuinlwr of gentlemen In Philadelphia and whoso daughters site has giv en instruction for several years. RKmncxcKS: Philadelphia.—Rov. Kingston Gnddsrd, Md’llo Adete Si- goigno. Mud. Clis. I'loot, Mud Accllo Gulllou. (mother ol Mud.Togno.) I-M. I>. ftignilintn. Kan..I'r. Win. Ilairis. II. I». Gnlpin. Fsq.. Signor Perclll, Prof, of Music, 11. Hupfcld, Esq.. I’rof. of Music. iVno J’or*.—Mad. II. Cliegaray. Signor Baghdl. Winchester. Fa.—Rev. C. Wrilkcr. Itev. II 1! Boyd. Hod . M. Mason. Hon. It. Y.Conrad.Geo. tae. H. il. tap. Esq. Charleston.—J. L. Pctlgrii/Esq.,«. Mills. Esq,. J. P. Por- cber. Esq , II. C King, Esq. lawdfi—set F UR SALE—The westerly half of Lot No. 2 Yamacraw, being the Whnrf now oceupled by tho Charleston Btcara Packet Company, measuring one hundred foot on the River, nnd running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street. The property Is now under a lease which will expire od the first of Novemberncxt. If not sold at nrlvAte sale previous to the first Tuesday lo February, It will then bo offered at ntIMIon nt tho Court ‘ptdwto - ,d*I$ — --XtoU5M arjwgyitat. TO critPKNTEHS, COSiTKACTOilS, AND i .7- .. —fieepectfolltsolicit theattentimot purchasers, to their assortment of chandellors, braiketa, pendants, and ovory desoription of gas burners i also every variety of lamp*, girandoles, frc. Wo warrant our good, equal In quality, and our prices oalowas any other aetab Ushmcnt In the conntry. The Trade supplied with burner*, mercury, capsibras* tinge, air pumps, nils 8. Archer, I William F. Miaker. Redwood F, Warner, | Wm. O. a Merrill. . . j*£pBaNG-plsASS 'WAREHOUSE, fbbrih. north tide, Philadelphia. W ® jjtonn merchAnta imfi residehts of thla Vicinity.that T . T _ th* mo »t complete assortmeat of‘Mantel; Wer.WaU and Oval Glasses, richest stvlna. for nHni, mu » >n u..i. ■ ■ .uv uu,. IMUIVIUTUIW ■ailW.,>III in iu and Oval Glaases, richest stylos, for private use. or sR kinds for country uie. with Portrait and Ptctn " BUILDERS. PpHK cheapest establishment in the aonthera country for x the sale of saslics, doors, blinds and woml Mouldings, of eveiy variety, is at the corner of Calhoun and Washing ton streets, Chsrleston. 8. 0. All my work I* mado or tlie best scasouod white pino, and tho sashes nro glazed In tlie very neatest manner. A full supply of paints, oil, glass, varnishes, and brushes, always for salo low. tepQ—w4w U. F. SMITH. ... v.» u/ »». "im nnaii ana rictura Frames, frc..will be found at onr establishment. ’ tang experience and large facilities enable us to sell tho irfljt .Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point. MrflArl antl-ll-S . Older* solicited. " French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, frc . at Import** tlon prices. THOMAS J. NATT fr CO. aplfl—eml _ 8KLKCT CLASSICAL SCHOOL. T HE subreriber. for tlie past six years Principal of the Relate Academy. ncarTallnhasseo, Florida, announces to tin* cltixcns nlSuvanuith that ho will open In this city, on Tuesday. November 1st.’a Select School, for boys. In structions will be given iu all the Clastic* th* Mathematics, tlie French tanguage.and in all Uie branches ol a thorough English Education. Youths will bo prepared lor college, or fitted for mercAiitilo or otiier business. Tlio schutastlo year will consist of ton month*, divided Into two terms— August and September being mention. Tlio tuition fee for any, or all iff tho above siudies. Is fixed at $S0 Mr year. A graduate oi tho College of New Jerwjr. at Princeton, with seventeen years’ experience in tesching. tbe subscri ber fools warranted In np|>ealing with confidence to the citizens ofSovnnnnli for patrensgo. As a si ranger, ho Is iHTinitteii to refer to Bishop Elliott for character and qualification*, nnd takes pleasure in ap pending tlie follow tug certificate from bis late patrons. WILLIAM H. UGGART. Savannah, September 22d, 1853. TO THE CONSUMERS OF MANUFACTUR ED SAWED LUMBER. r PIIE Subscribers are now nreimred to receive orders for x Flooring and other descriptions of Plained Lumber, at the Savnnuuli Plaining Machine, situated on the canal, at tlio western extremity of tho city of Savnunab, between Znbly and MnrgarctVreeU. Orders for all description* «( Plained Lumber furnished at tbe shortest possible notice, nud manufactured In a sii|>erlor style, widen cannot fell In plonse the consumer. Work done by their machine will compare with that of any now in uso The subscribers havo succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of to- looted seasoned Lumber, by which no disappointment to builders need bo apprehended. Every facility will bo ex tended in obtaining material for all parte of a building. Th« Saur Mill, now being completed in tho same building, will bo in operation in tho course of one month, when or dors for every description of Sawed Lumber will be execu ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLEN & CO., or Jy28—eodim NEW CARPETINGS. rpiJEsubscriber has Just received per late arrivals, a x large and fresh stock of the richest and newest sty lea or Velvet.Tapeatrv. Rnissels.thrto-ply Ingrain and Vwd. tian Carpetings, all or which arc offered on tho mostdesir. able terms. With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers. Mat- ting. fro. I urcliascr* are requested to make an early examlnatior as strong Inducements will bo hold out to cash buyers. If. D. WALKER, 100 Chestnut street, tnliTT—lawtf below 8lh, South side, Philadelphia B BLINDS AND SHADES. Take Notice. J. WILLIAMS. No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few doors nboTe Market-street, Philadelphia, Is the most eaten- sivo nnd boat manufacturer or Window Blinds and Shades in tlie United States, and has taken the highest premiums at all the exhibition*; ho buys the best material* by whole- ash- cheaper for Cash than others pay for inferior at tides by retell, and can, therefore, aeli superior Venetian Blinds and WILLIAM KINK, Agent. T.tuaiMHSKK. August 29th. 1853. Mr. William S. Booart, principal or the Relate Academy, bring about to remove to Savannah, for the purposo of es tablishing n school in that place, tlio undersigned, having had children under hi* care, take pleasure in recommend ing him as a highly competent toucher, and worthy Christ ian gontlcinnn. Il ls with ntnrii regret that they have hoard of his in tended removal from tills vicinity; as. besides their kind personal relations towards him. they believe that Ills place as a teacher can be with difficulty supplied, and that his removal therforu will bo regarded as a public loss. ,1. Wnylc* Baker, tioorga Whitfield. Francis Eppes, Benjamin F. Wliltner, John Parkhill, John J Maxwell. Thomas F. Williams, William U. Maxwell, Genrgo Galphin, J. Steven* Maxwell, Oliver S. Burroughs, Edward Footman. Francis II. Flagg, Arthur M. Randolph, Turbdtt R. Button, J. iieorge Anderson. George T. Ward. James J. Archer, tVm. K. Hayward. *ep24—trw6t t'ORTK MONNA1EB, POCKET BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS. •IIK attention of the trade, and others. In want of Porto Monnaies. Pocket Book*. Bankers’ Cases. Dreralng Ca ses. Portab’a WrltingDesks.Backgammon and Che** Boards. Chessmen, Pearl. Shell, and Silver Card Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Rooks, Money Belts, Cigar Oases. Portfolios, Razors and Razor strops, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutle ry. together with n large variety of Fancy Goods, which will be sold nt tlio lowest rates. F. 11 SMITH, Porto Monnnio nnd Pocket Book 5tanufecturer. aug21—endlm 205 Arch *t.. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Shade*, ns clienp ns others ask for Inferior articles. Painted »» todow Shades in great variety, of beautiful designs and superior quality, Ruff and White Linen Shndes, Blind end Trimmings, Y‘-‘ *- —‘ Shado Trimmings, Fixtures, frc., wholesale aud retail, at tho lowest cash nrlcc*. Store Kliadcs painted and lettered to order. Reed (Hinds at manufacturers’ prices. Old Blind* painted to look as good as now. Purchasers, by calling, will he convinced that he Sell* a sunerior article, and guar antees full satisfaction. A liberal dlscountmado todealora, apIO—cod “ IPs study to please." BENJ. J. WIUJAMS, “ ** — ‘ YblU No. 12 North flth street, Phfla WAPHENH. A N INDIAN J'REPARATION, for restori ng grey hair to It* original color. It la guaranteed by the Proprietor, LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE. T HIS institution affords n complete course of legal edit- cation for tlio bar in any of tlie Untied Stales, except ing only matters of merely local law and practice; and also a systematic course of instruction in Commercial Law for those who propose to engage in mercantile pursuit*. Tim taw Library, which is constantly increasing, con. tains now about 14.000 volumes. It Includes a very com plete collection of American and English taw, nnd tho prin cipal works of tho Civil and other Foreign taw. It is open to students, and wanned and lighted for their use during both terms and tbe winter vacation. Tim first term of each academical year begin* In the last work of August, and the second term in tlie last week of February ; each term continues twenty weeks. Students are admitted at any period of a term or vacation. The fees are $60 a term, and $26 for half a term. For this sum stu dents have the use of the taw Library and text books, and of the College library, and may attend all the courses of mblic lectures delivered to tho undergraduates of tho SulvernRy. The Instructors of the taw School are Hon. Joel Parker, LL. D., ltoyall Professor; Hon. Theophilu* Parsons, LL D., Dane Professor; and Hon. Edward G taring. University Lecturer. Instruction Is given by lectures, recitations and examinations, and moot courts. » For further information application may bo made to either of the instructors. . JAMES WALKER. Prealdsnt. Cambridge, August 1,1853. dlswSwis sepfl DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 Vork-et.. rear of the Court House. Savannah, Ga. Established In 183$. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers, frc., cloanod and dyed various colors, Ladles’ Bonnets Blenched aud Pressed In a fashionable stylo, Kid GInrea Cleaned,and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned. Renovated nr may be required. Alldoneinthe same style which has generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.— Terra* moderate. Persons soudlug parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad • steamboats, are requested to write me per mall, so that I may know where to call for them and which way to send them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will be about 25 cents. All orders punctually attended to. apH2—tufo4 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. hat if the patient is grey, lie cun have his hair restored to Jan*. ;r b 2 r .. u *ri’S tarot’* Wall pene. For Sal* by W. W. LINCOLN, Monument .Square. ’LOUR, BACON, frc.—200 bbls superfine Howard street Hour, 60 hhds prime new Bacon Hldee, 20 do do Should- era. 80 bbls and 50 kpgs taaf tard, landing and for sale by mh9 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON * CD. T°t IQ THE LADIES.—We would respectfully call the atten tion of the ladle* of Savannah, and sourronndlog coun try, to tho following new and beautlfulgood* which fro have Just received, vis : silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantil las, black nett scarfs, col’d. ncetscarfo, ladles cravats and ties. French worked collars, laced capes, chemlzetis and nn- NEW nOOKS. R ECEIVED BY 8. S. SIBLEY, August 10. 1853: 5!iles Trcmcnhcre. or the tare Test, by Annette Mario Haitian), author of Zlntrra the Oypsey. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of tagio nd Metaphysics In Edinburgh University, for the use of chnolsand colleges. Abelard and Elolse, a romance,by O. W. Wright. Pyscomancy, .Spirit ltappinn and Tipping* exposed, by Professor Charles G. Page, 51. D. Rarnum’s Illustrated News; Gleason’s Plctoral; Popular Educntor; 5(sjarlm of Arts, frc. For sale at the book store of 8 8. SIBLEY, nugll 136 Congress-street. ..vo.., v./.mtp,iuwcucucuuujitsauuun der sleeree- oonnet ribbon.gante cap ribbon, black velvet ribbon. Alexandres light kid glovee, ulaek nett milts, col’d. silk and lisle gloves, with * large variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your, aelves ; all of which will be sold on the beat possible terms fcJL MhlO AIKEN fr BURNA J UST RECEIVED.—We have Just received, a fresh tap ply of ladies’ merino, gauze, silk and ootton Vasts, Misses and inbnt’s merino rests, gents silk, merino, fcaiue and cotton vests: also, a fine assortment of linen esmbrio handkerchief*, lafiioe’ and misses' white and brown cotton hose, white and black silk do, gents white, brown and'mlx- ed half hose, gents white ana black sQk do do. togiifbev with a large assortment of white and eolored linen earn* brie handkerchiefs, colored and block tUk cravats, Stocka and ties, for sale low by «nh26 AKIN fr IIURNg NEW BOOKS. T HE Sword and the Distaff, or Fat Fair and Forty, a sto ry of the South at the close of the Revolution, by the author of tho Partisans, Melllcbampl, Catherine Walton, frc. frc. The Heavenly Home, or tho Employments and Enjoy, ments of the Salats in Heaven, by Rev H Harbaugh, A. M. Poems, by Meditatus; flook of the World, No 10. Rook of the World, vol 1, bound. The Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences, No 17. Tlie British and Foreign Medlco-Chlrurglcal Review, No. 23. Received by aag!2 J. B. CUBBEDGE. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA—MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE Annual Course of Leeturoa In this Department will commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter minate in the ensuing March. JAME8 JONES. M. D., Professor of Practice. EPISCOPAL PUBLICATIONS, J U8T received, a variety of, publication of the New York Protestant Episcopal Society, Tracts, Church Cate chism*, Sabbath School Service, and other Cheap and valu able Publications. For sale at tbe Bock Store of 8. 8. SIBLEY, anglO No. 135 Cbngreee street. A. ll, ur.nAO. H. u.iriuiciwii ui uinw.i.w. A. J. WBDDKRRURN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. GU3TAVU8 A. NOTT, M. D. Professor of Materia Medic*. THOMAS HUNT, M. D.,Profcssorof Physiology and Pathol- sfciSKt] «’ ‘““-"fl Tbe rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Mon ey lo October to tbe First of April. _ The Faculty atw Visiting Physldons and Surgeon* of tbe Charity HospltaL and attend this Institution from Novem-. ber to April. Th* Student* accompany th# Professors In their rtzlts, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan tages, free of expense. ■ ‘Thereare about one thousand patients prescribed for < ^ri»e*namber o^patisnisls nearly twenty tha year.. THUMA8HUNT.M.D„Dean- „ WINDOW GLASS. P PORTER'S ALKALINE 1 brilliancy of ■tains or rust*; i great care, suitable for a! consult their interest b „ ENCH fr RICHARDS, Nsw DrugWarehmlse, N, W. corner 10th and MgriteLete,, Philadelphia. mts, iug20—dfltn V —w uiiAJjai WINDOW GLA8S. Is superior In .. id polish to all other, and n.ever ands all climates, and la Decked with shipping. Dealers sou othr raw 111 by sending their order* to the sol* l'Dpvi'ii t. nirnriflni A ijutta wabf. a soiBtirore roR pn.VER._TW >t' tontlon of the pabUeis respectfully celled to tbe above respectfully oe! ted to tbe above named ware, oe bring a *nbtituU.whichforu#srts-warrant ed to be equally as gooiL It Is a harder mktol than'sllver, —nsequently will bear roUghat usage. lt ia a oom*dn*tlon silver. Every artlcls will be war It oooslsts fa “"* *- from eon* fan oe; ol color. It consists fa port cif the,foOoi dessert forks, tea, table and' d« - leby eelved and for i 'payT mm. J, P 00mN8.100 PryaA-itroet .t$$i»21‘ • i i-.J. VsodJrtfttWfr'OQ.'- vf HOL00MBS, JOHNSON fr Cq, S IIAW1A fro.—Super, and common crape shawls plain and embroidered, vandyko collars beautiful goods,- aa. sorted parasols, plain, striped and checked glace silks, sum- tner do, barege*, tisane* and grenadines, colored and white jaconet and organdy tnosllns, a Urge assortment of JtiUh linens, French printed cambrics. M.PRKfDKBOAOTfr 00., ap!4 ITIB^ jjpring And summer silks— O stripes and plaid, p*w battefh | tissues, ladies’ colored and bis r —, jlock pmbt. : gimp to suit all ;a<des of ellks and mantillas, ehawls, points ud'i ing silk scarfs, white 1*0* and oi , and colored crape shawls, black swan sOks, block bi and tissues, black and lead F * *p!13 i?NGLlsn PICKLES AND SAUCE^-fl doe Jars assorted XjJ I English Pick Its, 0 do* bottles assorted Sauces, Just re- J. RpflBRty,