The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, October 22, 1853, Image 3
•?.-rrr/; yu-Mto i «a«U>«ui FStkaIim Gftteejtej |-nd »oa this, not tor publication. g%^KS£sS& l UJ HKm t iTJn»t'a at core and cotton, and am I 15&i< .**..^1 tf the experiment succeeds m WPa£*&* theformationof theTegetable IhEeSSW nrj b ~“ r "° l * r “'“ ur " ll * is .-SJSMSSr*™- .111 not». to ne-t *»r ■ fcl-r?n;E!^b«foraNuT.inbM. FUoUra who or. «*"”5£K5« »l»o > h *; * uh SO* •)“ oooipoond ■ ►•‘iSidoilltato thott quiotlty onUndotooco, I thooo who my order I i mention this, beeaus in past muooi I I ^‘^tfiralTanaUe to inset tire dsmand, and hsra a. I rJS* wtodi-» h,ch 1 cooc,l T e U, ® rao * 1 *!«“•«#. I «rK,!rt' FUoUra will find that thU manure coata iKSSEihe Ubor of applying domestio manures, I * - .wAU order* must corns through my sol* agenta I pSSd *■ *■ “-"*■* I XSUta w „ •* , 2,000 “ u * 8* ** «* 1,000 . ** n JOILV KK1TLKWELL. Baltimore. jijjSrE, _ gKgB 1 ^^aSSSSt^nihJMM^ni tr.«!toia «, t>, wa, ii-uiw,: •*>,*, OABXANT. Q. W, GAUMAN Y & lo DCXI4K. 'ooTi'oN'irXpTons, young man who l« wall 1 accountant and a. iMsnr. OOKMHKol •rail/ HfKEag—dooofc,*kltoorsi arar- . lo'lfSSSZSis'iNDllUlfiNJ JctTS, o toad MMOuntoat ood „ ISO tti, Knot, dtaranood, Omvta. -mission llouss or Will attend to the salting of all kind* of produoo, ‘ Strict agasaraiBB! 1 - “* 4 ) dUpatc id; An - ootlfi RFaKTED.—Tbs native wine aaUblUhinant of s^SmSbg^hstp Wholesale d—lsra ia wines aSd’llouora, who retailsUnos, ‘ ■ NoUnwi^BSufcSot, •oil Ctoolaootl. Ohio. mn a. roar. FORT A DUNK A FACTORS AND COMMISSION 1 Samttnah, Ga, tJSra ,D others, tbo — Ittwl Jm ihort of what hMobfen.wIthA trerjr smaller- onr own oitluna. Wo would not iomt.nowujiD. jout. novum,ji HOWL AND A 0O H CENTRAL 0011 MISSION MERCHANTS, ITS BaHtrt*. Savannah. mBayMreeLS H.K.WAflHliUHft, COCNTaT STOtUB FOR HUNT. 'inuMlai Juat erected a new Store at I G.E. Ctarka'a old ataad, In Na/landarllli. (the Are L““* Po*»the Auguata and Waynesboro' Rail. I whlchhe often to rent to a good tenant on farora- blt Urma. The building atanda Ip dose proximity to the nllrood track, Is commodious, and In all reapaoU admlra. bl/ adapted to tho purpoata for which It Ic declined. The atand baa long been known aa one of the beat for a gen* al country trade to be found In the interior of Georgia. * wD', b * r .P w ? lcul * r * *PV*J to. or addreaa the subserf, Millen Poat Offlee j or if more convenient, apply per* aonally to Maaara. Nevltt, Lathrop A Stebblna, Savannah} or to Meaara. Baker k Wilcox, Auguata. * ocW-flm W. B. SMim. «■ The AugaataOonatitutlonaltat will pubUah the above dally for one month, and charge thta offlee. —KBTTLEWELL’8 FURS OROUND PLASTKR. I rtw. .AirU topremuto the agricultural Inlcreat, roy at* lft!!&nivu«rU «ll«d to the great dlxparity in tho 1 4 (ira/Gteead FU*tu. By reference to the laportaof fSSJL. the able s-ute ChemUt of Maryland, and to va* E^^aatiioritieAlt *111 be found that tbla article va* CtolufertnlWowproperUea from 36 to 90 percent. It UU rriliMUe nr one element alone, gypaum, or tho WXrfHnw. but al«no*t valu'eu where tbla element la Gj2.*fcUatai]mt atated. Unfortunately there la lTm «f Ike Inferior than the better qualities, and of a i iiiiim** tba plantar Li conitantly in danger of entire I hskr Ibis inn»«nt fraud, if Ignorance upon the part of I Smaahetarer be an excuae. I Ruler unfortunately to the plnntera. la nothing more I AtaiMer sltbootregardtoauality, hot with every con* 1Mice • where**, a barrel of InTerior phuter at l^pwwmddhs tauclv dearer Ilian a barrel of really I sdiltbree dollare per barrel. I exception, I offer my article analyted and of fokkbwtratei of cjtpeum per centago, (warranted) with SaMaach regard u> theagricultual inureat aa my own, rpewcltlomeie no equivalent for the Ubor, trouble «l*rt if require* to recur* an article fully up to the mhrisbleh I bare adopted, and from which 1 nhall nc* wtouV When 1 (ail to procure an articlo Inferior to my .11 ulee are auipcnded, a circumstance that fre* »Umpe>l with my name, can only be had or my rewwtiia Georgia, to whom all order* muat be direct* JlV JOHN KhTTLKWELL, Baltimore. iMri .V. A. lUannf k l'o., Savannah. f4—oetlfi AQUATIC CLUB OP GEORGIA, irattnt annual regatta of the Aquatic Club of Georgia, X rJtate place at .Savannah, commencing on Weduea- to.Sotaker both, 1863. Tho following pureca are offer* fytktdab: jktkbt-oared boat*, not to exceed 48 reel in longth, dfE WOO feueuel b»au, not to exceed 43 feet in length. .Hire 300 Irbweand busts, not to exceed 38 feet In length, ftln-«ir*d boat*, not to oxcecl 32 feet In length, I fire 100 laqO-itostd U. CUM MINI!. Secretary. , .. bbtaStuart's A. Band Cclarified Sugar, Nfcfocraihed and powdered do, M do II Smitn’s and tGnoee Flour. 00 doaugar and butter Crackcra. 40 jwlTttidweTa soda Biaenlt, 80 bbla West India Mo* ton. M Atm aiwrted Broom*, 2000 Iba ne/r Codflih. 60 M ml eating Potatoes, 30 half bbla No* 1 and 2 new IrtmL80 boxes Header* (Uan* 8a patent tallow Chn fa (elected white Cheese, 60 do Grant & Williams’ biriHiTabicco.aoo ream* assorted wrapping Paper, 176 bin faith k Buchan’s family Soap. 100 dn Colgate’s and hdri'i Pearl SUreh, landing from bark Maria Morton and bakVj octU SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. E ANI> LtUD —1*6 bhd* prime Bacon Sides and Hers, 16 tlece* sugar cured llama, 26 bbla and 76 ho prime Leaf Lard, landing and for sole by KtV> SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A O UjUIPAIGN.—60 baskets IjVldalck Chamnalgn, 21 Niue do. 26 do Bouehe. 26 do Anchor Brand do, for Ant the corner of Day and Whitaker atreeta by A. BONAUD. flijcon CASKS—'.“0 Uqunr Casus.of different sizes. Juat u rteeired aud for sale, at the cornor of Bay and Whibu Ifitneta,hy octly A. BONAUD. Pi B Stt’IW, Wioe Cracker*. Egg f^laeulU. Huston a 4s. Soda and Butler Crackers, for sale by wilt A. BONAUD. MOCBSISO iirl.AINKS—A rery handsome lot of Mourn* *U log and second Mourning Delaine*, at KEMITON k VERSTIIXE’S. toll 72 St. JulUn k 102 Bryan-st- Wqring’a Range. U0TAT0F3.—150 bids Potatoes and 76 do Onion*, landing t bom brig It. 11. 1 ' - • “ I. Charlton and for sale by OGDEN k BUNKER. h ll-TNS—io half and 60 quarter boxes fresh Raisins, for Rule by octl9 A. BONAUD. tbR SALE—A negro woman, aged 20 years, very likely, I Mil m ucellvut cook, washer aud iruner. Alio a very **i» girt, aged 13 year*. Apply to l» WYU iirVLLY & MONTMOLUN. PliR ?lLE_Two likely girls, aged 17 and 1# year*. Alao * » boy, aged 13 years. Apply to ««» IVY 1.1,Y k MONTMOLUN. 1JALE ROPK-iwo coil* superior quality Bale iiujw, land . «•» _ 1 nniGHAM, KEl.l.Y k CO. ■ i... r* , *c-—160 bbla E Phelps’ and Rose bio, 100 do rectifle.1 Whisky. .10 do domestio Brandy. fflwNBRun, 100 do Sugar House Syrup, landing and for “•V SCRANTON, JOHNSTON * CO. kfUOILUA TALMAS, ke.—(loth, silk. *atln nnd vel* i 1** : e,olh * * ,,k * "• ,l " an ' 1 velvet Talma*. “l"* 1 »PT rovw ' by recent arrivals. mu *^* n “'T*" street*, Waring’* Itiinge. by KEMITON A VKRSTII.I.E. V^MJlI^.-C'dUrs. chemltelU, undersleercs. in* uuitirabes. lafsnt's w*Ut*. breakfast cap*, cambrio xsino^,.baud*, ,t| i n fine variety, at 72 St. Julian and “TuitmU, Raring's ILngu, by KEMITON k VRKSTILLE. pWKRSACSAGKr&^i to do Stn **W # I. and Dll aud f,.r mu!.. >.v i. in linn order, for sale by WEBSTER A PALMES. 1000 lbs Codash, 6 bbla (lo* HOLCOMBK, JOHNSON k CO. ^RACKKRH —16 bird* Museorado and 40 Qickm^ i a 7, C8u ** r * 16 bbls IV)-ton. butter and sugar Isa ling and for rule by r*' 111 HOIjCOMIIE, JOHNSON & CO. B^\« ANI * jj^lUlt—100 caaka choice Sides. Shoulders, C^d^v:*T’?^'' bb,,, * n ' 1 bags Baltimore. Oeurgla, am ^ Gw,landing and for salehy —-1 HoIjCOMBE. JOHNSON k O). fcc.—tvo Ixoxe* Grant k lsin»J. 4 ! n \I ,J , * cc ' , ' , * ,) ( ’° lewto’s 6* and R* do, 60 do SUMamJaf' i21 ,l » r *« ,r b°wo* Ward’s 6a do. 20 boxes 10a ****** •wUoeulab' ll ° U Se ** M ’ 40000 rar,ou * brand* do, SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. SHIPPING AND OOMMISSlOf? koSlANT. ■ aavawAg,oa. WILLIAM P. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMbOWION MERCHANT. JYe. M BapstrtM, Savannah. O’HBAH 2ITOHBY. MH&IAN18, WortA Grewamtol llYarf, Chorlotoa, South CbretiM. UTXotTtntrotMoriJOAW.o’Hiaaaoo. ^ BANCIIOFT dt BRYAPf, _ GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, WU,1,1AM H. DAHHEli UKtwldtf., enw|p Utfaoold.Ma might' IhrtWIthtputoroi . denying thU Una wen many thing, tn hnth thm depnnntnu, of mm beauty »na ex cellence—our oomplalut h tbit they wore too fat. Tho whole mom wu, howerer, ooe (oil of lotohmt, *nd wo rUoloed to ooo the spirit Ihr niogrealn Ira- protremenf nulAwM by tho Immense conconrae of Bfopl* MwnWea'Aron our own and tbo adjoining |htorpaaaag«,i uaarewa***®* ^wewifo-i. w roa KIY wg«T^uTdTutaka. T* B rarnSnSSitri*bau. nmv- ?P BABEL, WtUJAM RouiM. Commands, Ireva tbla port on tba lat nnd 16th of each f here for above porta on Tnaeday, 1st No* rernwr. War peuege only, apply to _ “ COHENS It HERTZ. [TffMSISlORE^.Thi jacket sehouatr bT* JONES. Cajtaln Look, will meet with dial ^Capt ... e above port. For freight or GEO. i patch to AgenL rtftL fOjSCjtaw'ldiiMiTlii regular SULMekat br> MACON, CapUIn E. Watkins, wlU meet with dfapatch for the above port. For jrelxht or passage apply to oot’JO H. K. WASHBURN, Agent ‘n ftf«t of M half ulpee Otard. Dapey 4k On.** Brand/, T do Hr*. pelgnOognao. Terms—under |100 ealb, over 1100 4 mos. Cor approve! andorsed notes. detSO ' Valuable Real Estate. Oa the flretTneaday In November. In front of theeonrt bonse. between the nsnel hoars, will be sold. IVnrt Ut, latter !, divided Into six lota, twolVontlnf the market. 30 by 60 feet each < two fronting Jefferson**treat, n i" n ‘ n « fi** Dry an to 8L Jnllan street, MM fort fronVty 80 fret drew. *br®» ■One.tfilrdeeab, the balance In one and two yearn, with Intorest from date, aod secured by mortgage on prem Ues. Purehaseiajmylof (Drallneoesaary papers, olB Bala Rope—800 coifs Dillon’s No l Rope, 6 balsa do twine 100batesQannytfolhfj^coB^KtnTuthy Rope. eepO Valoabie Farm Lite—At Private Bale, .“•Ten ten acre lute,situated on Lover's lane, being part of UIHen's farm. A plan of the Iota may be seen at our eounUng room. Terms—one-lhlrd cash, belanee In two oqual annual InaUlmente. with Interest, and secured by mortgage on property. ft* 01 ■a ( TO RENT—A small brick hooae, near the Barrack*. •»«nt 112.60 per month. Apply at the (Jeorglnn of* ‘"O* ootl6 SM. TO RENT.—A commodlou* brick edifice on South Broad street. Posse**ion given lit November next— —Inquire at tbla offlee. oct8 TO RKNT—Thrce teoomenU in Gordon Block, well supplied with watsr and gas pipes, closets, drawers, ‘and other modem Improvements, basemsut plastering hard finished. Possession given 1st November next. Ap P»y to ostia EDWARD U. WILSON. TO RENT—A wharf store. —————— Apply to oetll ■ T. J. WAISTI. TR R2nT—A brick house' on Jones street, on a full '* * * * ' «-»-•- Apply to T. J. WALSH. TO RENT—A Room 80 by 30 feet, In Sorrel’s build. Ing, cornor of Bay sifti Bun-stroels. It Is sultabU* for ia committee room or drill room. Rent moderate Ap sly at bis offlee. June 20 jk TO RENT—Three of the flve tenement house*,~on Htbe comer of Abercorn and Jones street. Inquire of a ecp!4 A. BONAUD. t TO RENT.—Tbo store Immediately under our oDIe** well suited for a grain and feed store or for storage u. cotton. Apply to aep23 ROWLAND 4c IU TO RENT.—A small comfortable House in a re* I spectable and central port of the city. Rent 8300. 1 Poasesslun given on tho 1st November, or sooner If ile. Apply at this office. aujrUfl OFFICE TO RENT.—The office over WebxU-r k Palmes store, occupied for the past year by Me«*r». Fort fc Dunham, a desirable place for a Factor and isslon Merchant. Wilt be rented for a terra of rear* on reasonable terms If applied for *oon. •epi30 WEBSTER k PALMES, VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALK IN BAKER COUNTY, OA. Cl The subscriber, desirous of removing from the Slate JCof Georgia, offers for sale hi* PLANTATION, lying nn io waters of the Cool&wnhaee, flve mile* west of Allamy, adjoining the lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. Nlcbolla. and oth. era; containing 3.125 acre*, more or less. There are about 800acre* of open, cultivated land. The land I* situated so that it can be easily divided, and 11 t«o purchasers appear, the subscriber will divldo It so a* to suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to ad dress “ Moore k Edwards,” or tnyself. at this place. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga., August 30.1863. ocll—tf My on the place, will show the Izrail* to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. FOWLTOWN PLANTATION FOR SALK.” jko> The undersigned offer* for sale hi* Plantation, lying FffNm the rnuuth of UtU celebrated creek, tn the county *d^of leo. ailjoiuingthe village of Palmyra,and flve mile* from tho city of Albany.containing 1.300 acre*. 700 In cul tivation. all necessary buildings and a grist mill, nearly now. Here Is a market for every thing, good society, churcli. school, dally mail. Ac. Such as are willing to give a liberal price for a choice plantation, possessing unusual advanta ge*. are invited to ca,l und see It. L II. MERCKlt Palwyiu, Ga., Aug. 16,1863. eodt.Vol— aug23 J. V. CONNEUAT & cb. Have now in store, and for aale on the mo*t favorable term*—26 hhds Porto Rico and Mu<cn. [gE| vailo 8ugar*, 76 bbla Stuart’s A D and C darilied ^^^■do, 40 bbls crashed and pulvorlzod do. 10 boxes 1.0*1 Sugar 120 bags Rio Coffee. 26 do Java do, 00 hhd*, tierces and bbls W. I. and N O Molasses, 76 boxes sperm and adamantine Candles, 160 package* hy*on and black Teas, 10Q bbls Baltimore and Canal Flour, 10 half pijvca Otard, Dupuy A Co.’» Brsndy, 16 quarter pipe* One Old French brandy, 20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine, 60 do do Malaga, and 16 do Tenerllfe Wine, 30 bbla Old Monongmhela Whlafcy. 0 pipe* Holland Gin, clover leaf brand, 2 puncheon* Jamaica, and 20 do St Croix Rum, 60 bbls sugar, butter and soda Biscuit*, 160 do domestic Brandy. Gin, Rum and Whisky, 100 basket* gmuine Heldslck Champaign Wine, 60 do do Hungarian Lion do 60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do 120 U Spanish 8eg&r*. various brands, together with choice Rutter. Goshen Cheese, and oilier ar* tide* usually found In wholemile groceries. octlO ATLANTA MILLS FLOUR, FROM SUPERIOR SOUTHERN WHEAT. T HE umlorslgncd. agent* for the above mill*, expect to be Rupjilied with <>uo or two car load* a week of this Superior I four, which they will sell from the Railroad De pot a* it arrive*, to dealer* and baker* on favorable term*. CRANE k RODGERS. BLANKETS, DOMESTICS, &C. AT VKItY LOW PRICKS. W E take pleaaure in calling the attention of planter* to our very extenrive stock of Woolen and Domestic Good*, many «f which we purchased before the great ad vance in wool, and will therefore sell them correspondingly low, consisting of— 40 bale* London Duffll and colored Blanket*, 60 do brown twilled Kersey*; IQ do black do, 30 do brown domestio Goods. 26 do striped and white Osnaburgs. 10 do plain red Flannel ; 6 do twilled do, 16 do shirting Strlpos, 10 do £chley’s Georgia Plains, 16 case* Louisiana ana Marlboro' Plripes and I'lalds, 6 do plaid Liaieys, stri|>ei and |ilaids, 5 do Hatinetand Kentucky Jeans. 6 do Kcntcli and domestic Ginghams, 30 do blenched Shirting* and Sheeting* 20 do EnglUh and Amorican Prints, 60 dozen Negro Cap* t 100 piece* Carpeting, 160 Ruggsand Malta: 200 Carpet Dags, 300 Negro Head-handkerchiefs, 1000 down woolen and cotton iluMiery. Planter* and merchant* visiting our city during tho fall and winter will find it to their interest to look trough our stock, as we are disposed to sell at a small advance upon cost. octO AIKEN ft BURNS. it Sr^‘ B rwLJ n ^f, ABWlM>n withdrawn from tlia P i-CXxn ItonuiBw.and sold hi* Interest to Mr. fmt .oZ.?* b "*h«M will be continued by Uio under* 5™ 04 CRANE ft RODGER* •uMKihu- Ju . d * te from u * e disaolutlon of the Uto * dodger*, 22d June last, lifji It. A. CRANE vT* JAMES 0. RODGERS. P rlmo whito Baltimore Corn, for M *“ l »- <1-1.1, lo DRY GOODS'. DRY GOODS!! iron PALD AND WINTKIl. K EMITON ft VERaTILLE havo now oixmod a Urge and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Dry Uoods, which they assure their friend*, and the public generally, I* difficult to be surpassed, either in variety or quality.— Their purchases have boon made upon such advantageous term* also, a* to afford great Inducement* to public patron* ago. In addition to a complete and handsome supply nt Dress, Fancy and House Goons, as well a* a general assort ment of all other kind* of good* In their lino, may be found: 8-4.0-4 and 10-4 Duffll Blanket*, R-4,0-4 and 10-4Twltled do 8-4,0*4 nnd 10-4 Grey do 10.4,1M, 12-4 nnd 13.4 line Bed Blanket*, AI«o,Crib and Cradle Blanket*. And, for negroes’ wear, a large stock of Plaids ami Ker seys. at price* aa low aa they can be bought anywhere, of tho following styles: Schley's heavy Twilled Kerseys, Superior beany English Kersey*, a splendid article Imitation Georgia Kerseys, very heavy Kendall Kerseys, and the old stylo Cablewarp do. Also, grey, white and black Imitation Georgia Plains, Striped do, Schley’s heavy Georgia Plain* of last year's make, and tho best article of thfeklnd In this market, at their store In Waring’* Rango, 72 St. Jullen and 106 Bryan -‘“it. octfi Qjjjj- OODF.N ft BUNKER. 55 « n,u “' i, ’ e '- i. V. CONNERAT ft CO. fs-eSasrjtfJBsi T~BTE *°*® A1K1N LlattuinTl!? }to». 60 bbl* Plaster, 100,000 1 arr lv. per brig Tlberiu* from.Boston, al-o, a new and for sale AIK1N ft BURNS. OGDEN ft BUNKER. jjH-WB. Mackinac, and Rne bed k»n t , • wd nnd cotton Flannels, bleached and S**- 1 tolbor?pi.n ‘*! ^ n<l br,,#n Jrens, striped Shirt* KNhS K^SWws. Kentucky Joans, Scotch *M ,ere ! .W Rroad Cloth*. Oeorgl* Bed •triped and plain Osna- •U^^ 0n u% k< ' Ma,,ein# ‘ Qufito, Furnl* wSfjsyif^* ,bo ” good * 00 hind “ d IJfTWs— DkWTTT ft MORGAN. 14 f itM IIua«. r S!5f r m * 11,1 of ,lno "O"* 11 *l*ed *ugar HU! Ura, > f,,r fan >''y UM| for sale by n A. BONAUD. iWb *TT* V ritne Nurtli River nay. landing from ^ «oe white riilrUallk and merino ktlj ” A “*u.ta,aD.l for sale by 8 rjsfggr-.- PADKLFORD. FAY ft CO. WKAMEll—Plain and Bgur & M4 *f«rwllii^I*« k,n ' , . w,,lla P ,aW summerSUk, »"* r ««lw3 PHk m ^Y. n *' Wlck s **lngSilk for dresses, JSS** 1 * V«U CV.p., Umbric »od A1K1N ft BURNS. per aclir. North States •K U1Ww Hour, for aale by *• WASHBURN, Agent CRANK ft RODGERS. ^ lm * n * c * to 1854, lvtCwr.- S. «■ aiDLKY. r—-pa “wrtca am. ludiu mI tot u i. bV N®® aJSir-vr— c«*n» »iwiinaa.' Cloths KfaCPTON ft VERSTHXE. C ft 1 ftiiscarcn ^“ n0! ' * » noo,,u»ainf M S. WAMBUgO. A(Bl. s^mMMsr^br 1 NKW AltSfVALS I PRY-GOODS! DRY-GOODS! henry lathrop a co. Plantation Dry Goods j Iomlon Duffll. and Twilled {““*•)** OwiU Krttoyti andPlalns j Northern do. do. \ *»••»/(«11 wooll do. { heavy Cordova do. j heavy Brown PBlWrsn D'KaIKW. HRIUN03, Ao. rrlntsd mnob MoUMln d'Lainos j Amorlcsn do i plain mode and high »/«Hety of colors; raw8llk Plaids j Mouslln d'Oalu j printed French Ckm* Dress Bilks. ( l 7 i fertSb* B4 f tripad nrtM Bt,k * I rich brocado do j plain bPk BHka j a largo variety | black brocado do. j bl'k and Rep. do. Mourning Dress Goods. Mouslln d’Lalnes: French and English Bombas'nea : Al* _ psecaa j Canton amiTsmlsadoths. * 1 immlnga for the same. PIULADKLPHIA—Heron’s Llne—Th. _S regular packet schooner VIRGINIA. Harris, mas tor. »» quick dispatch for tbs abova port. For freight or passage, apply to octlg OGDEN ft BUNKER. NKW YORK—Union Line.—The regular iPMkct schooner ELIZABETH ft ELLENOR. Pierson, master. wHI^here quick dl^iteli jri»ys t For freight or WILLIAM H. DASHKA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. TroupHUe, Lownda cottniy, Oa. Will prtcUse In Thomas. Lowndes. Clinch, Wsre, Annllng, ?? l . ,r -.l2 r,n ' •S? p “h«ki counties.Gewgia; In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun* tles.Horida, fobSS WM.X.WlUJAIia. rutJDKFS OUVKR. JACK SHOWN. WILLIAMS. OLIVEn 6t BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, «... .. & ueM VMa - Marion County. Oa., WlU practise In tha ouuntles of Marlon, Macon, Houston, HI AW... H.nilnl.ll tl..... I - . ■ . ■ FERDINAND MOULTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, U'tuMnflfon City, /). C.. Will practise In the various Courts of the District, and st- tend to the prosooutlon of claims sgainnt the Govern* mrnt. June 22 M DR. G. F. COOPER, Offlee under Mrs. Scltnlder’s* west of Liberty square. Mont* gomory-street. Residence corner of Perry aud Drayton* streets, opposite the Piitholle Church. June22 JOSEPH GANAI1L, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oimer <f Bay and Whilaker-dreoti. JABIES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office—175 Bayjtrtd. Savannah, Georgia. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT l«4W. Mo. 99 Bayonet, &xwimaA, Georgia. BICQ.VBKN Mcintosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JaektonviUe. Ha. JULIAN HART1UDGK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offico, comer tf WhUakertt amt Haylane.Javannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offltt, turner tf Whtiaker-ti, and Bay-lane, Namnnab. Ga. _ THOMAS T. LONGL ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DET, Office, comer Bay and Bartutrd-tlreeU. Savannah. TIIOS. J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oiambtu. Georyia. lasj ladles’ bl’k and co’d of Trimmings for the samt. Embroideries and Lace Goods. MousUu Collars andCtiemliettos; Uee do: rich emhrold* tred Lawn Hdkfo t Mourning Collars. Chemlxette*. and Un* dereleeves: Muslin Cap* ; infant’* Waists t Swiss and Jso. Elg nga aud Io«ertings: Thread aod LWt Edgings and In* sorting*; Cambric and Muslin Bands. " ^ ^ . .. Glowes. ladles’, Mil***’, Men’s, and Doy’a Glover, a large variety, ... .. Hosiery. 1 ?, * Uniton Half nose: Udlcs’ L.L^ , l Coltoa anJ 'Vorsted Hum; Udlos’ black and wnlie otlk do. House FumlsDIng Goods. KM, 11-4, and IMLImh Sheettog** 0-4,10-4and 11-4 brown and bleached Cotton Sheetings; llllow Case Linens and Cotton*; 8*4.94 and 10 4 bro. and bl’ched Table Dam* mIc j Ihimssk Cloths j Nankin* and Puylos; Hucabuc. aMtob.ndKUMl»l>h|mi lH.ltMono..good.tjrlc.j Ticks,Furniture Dimity*, fto. M „ Cloths end Cnsslmeres. .,®“ cb F ™ cb «otba; Plain and Twilled Blue do. do.; black Itoe Sklo*; plain and plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jean* black Sa«n Vesting*, and black and col’d 811k Vetting*. «>ct20 NEW BUCKWHEAT! E V*!*™* NKW HUU.EO DUCKWHEAT—In 13 lb. nn o.a 1|J - rocolvoil .ml Top Ml. by . iv. n. iiiciisos. BUTTER! BUTTER!! pECHVKII p.r .Ipnmer n-irida— JLV Strictly Prime Goihon Butter. ' Choice Rutter, four pounds (ot tl. . Fair Butter, live pounds for 81. oct!9—3 lor sale by If. (!. DICKSON. WE. II. F. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND 00UNHKLL0R AT LAW, Mo. 14 IVaU^red New fork. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, . WBOtasatK A.XII RKTSIL OKALRR |.<( WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOOR8. lrCTfgtd*.yiwiuCTCTt(^fimrf.g[itqwna)t,Oa. BROIVW A HARRIS, BEARDING, LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, war iimun miaT. a*vas.van,aa. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Day and Wlill«ker-*troot*. Office hours from 0 A. M.,to2, P. M.; and from 3j5f, P. M. to 0, P. M. DANIELL ft COOPEK ATTORNEYS AND COUNSKIJjDRS AT 14W, Atlanta, Genryia. A. SHORT, MASTER liUIUlEIL Will Uke contract* for IluihUng and Work In Masonry of every doacription. Residence first door west of St An drew's Hall, Broughton Street. ROOFING. Tim subscriber Is propnred to lay Tin Roofo on correct prin- eiple*.and from sixteen year*’ experience, feel*assured he can give satisfaction. Price* very low. Ruit reference lriw»* , J.J. MAURICE. ftF*Gutters and Conductor* made to order. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND CUUN8KI.I!>K AT LAW, Alligator. East Florida. Will practice in the Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col. 8.8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton. E*q„ Savannah. Ga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, fhriyth. Monroe Ominty, Ga. J. II. HAYNE, ATTORNEY AT U\f, Scarborough. Striven County, Practice* in the Eastern and Middle Circuits of Georgia. Jy20—3m 8. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND rnUXSKLUtlt AT LAW, Monlictllo. Jrffertnn County, Florida. Reference—Hon W. II. FuoHMO, Savannah, Ga. feb3 tii: m. goRiroon. c. o. wiimx, NORWOOD Ai WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT I-tW. Strannah. Ga., Will practice in all the (fouutic* ot the Eastern (Hrciiit. Bn- slnoss committed to their care, will recclvo prompt atten tion. Office on Bay street, over Wkjwtkh ft 1’si.mkh’. wiLusM n. rutwixn. jonx u. uiutsi. FLEMING A* MILLEN. Tho undersigned having united in the practice of law. will attend punctually to any buslneai entrusted to their care. Office corner of Hoy nnd Whitnker Strcols, over Messrs. Swift, Donslow ft Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIJJW AT LAW, Tmupcille. Georgia. Will practise in the Circcuit Court* nfTItuma*. l«ownd**, Clinch. Ware, Anpling and Irwin.Georgia | nnd In the Cir cuit Court* of Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and In Alachua and Columbia countie* in tlm Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to the claim* of all persons before the Department* at Wash* lngtou. GEORGE N. NICIIOLS. Owens' Building, ojtpoiile Pulaski House, Having made targe addition* tnldsestabUsUmcnt.continue* t« do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. In hi* usual neat and bauilsome stylo, and on accr/nm-Klating term*. "protection insurance company, Of Ilnrtfurrl, Conn. The undersigned. Agent* ot the above Company are prepared to take risk* against Fire on Buildings and their content*. Also.MsRi.vK Sr_i Rmk*. on the most favorablo term*. BRIGHAM. KK1J.Y ft CO., Agents. JOHNtiUIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMMI8ION MERCHANT, 163 ll rood-street. (Uumhuu Ga.. Will transact the above business in tlie usual manner, and pay strict attention to all consignment* entrusted to hi* caro. Ho would respectfully refer to tho following poi son* : Hon. Alfred Iverson. Major John II. Howard, war* hnin Cromwell. Esq., fowl*M, Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Win. P. Yonge. Abraham ILicker. Havannah. ffm—june3 D, r. IIORTOX. U. U. RJKEXAX. IIOUTON Ai U1KEMAN, wuotKaai.g axii rktaii. ngai.sii* ix WATCHES, JBWFJJtY. SILVER*WARE, FANCY GOODS, 11(1 ItroughUmatreet. READY MADE CLOTHING* FOR FALL AND WINTER. T HE subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his friend* and the publlo In general, to his extensive as sortment or Ready-made Clothing, comprising as it doe* a variety of every article for gentlemen’s wear, suitable for the present and coming seasons. The following comprise a portion of the stock on hand : Overcoat* and Snrtout* of black aud blue beaver cloth, Black and brown mohair cloth, Norway and Labrador costings, Devonshire, kersey*, and pilot cloth*, talma cloaks, Black cloth drew ami frock coats. Blue and brown cloth business frocks. Grey and check casslmere bualoess suits, Black doe-skln casslmere pants, French fancy caulinere pints, Grey and mixed tweed easaimen panto, Black and mixed satinet panto, Plain and plaid kersey pants, Embroidered and plain block casstmera vasts, Figured and plain black silk vests, Plush velvet vests, Figured black and fane/ cashmere vests, together with an extensive stock of Furnishing Good*, sneb a* Hue white shirt*, silk ao>l merino undershirt*, merino Cknton flannel* and Jean drawers, riding gauntlet*, blnek, colored and white kid glove*, stock*, cravat* and Mcarfs, neck.tfo*.*u»pender* etc., the whole of which I* offered for sale low, by WJt. R. SYMONS, Draper ft Tailor, ocU 17 Whitaker street N ew books received uy 8. s. sibley, sect. 20.— The English Soldier In United State* Army. Tho ad ventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboy*, who camo up to Ism- don to enjoy themselves, by If. Mayhew and Geo. Crulk- Th« Knleklebury* on the Rhine, by W. M. Thacka* ‘ fribui ny. ■ -J Knleklebury* on the raust, a Romance ofUie Secret M. Reynolds'. ’ Dtck* ^ventures of Charles Chesterfield, by the author of Petticoat Government, ftc. The History ol 8t. Giles and St. James, by Douglas Jarrold, Esq. J. kenlraore Cooper’s Novels The Golden Eogto or the Privateer of 8eventy-8ix. by 8ylvanus Cobb, Jr? The Count**, of Du- Uurny. or tho foil of the French Monarchy, ay Alexander Dnma*. Itonram’«lllustraUd News. Gleason* Pictorial. For sale No. 186, Oongresa-et. o.\r. on) adaiM, ~ooU -dlUoa lapro.-l ud S iS b,JoupkaWr<>_ “" JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dublin, Lauren* county. Gn„ late Junior partnor of the firm of A. ft J. CVK.1UMNK, Irwiniou. Gn.. will attend promptly to all fondness cut runted to Ida caro Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. D Guyton. K. 11. Rowe, Dublin,Ga.; M Marsh,Savannah, may 7—il&wly KDWAllD R, HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. ft A. RAILROAD, Ringgold. Walker County. Georgia. W HJ. attend to the purchasing un commission.. Corn, Wheat and liacan. The Ringguld Depot being situa ted In a region uf country abounding In grain, It can usual ly be purchased upon tnoru favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. ft A. Railroad. Orders covering tho cosh, with limited or discretionary instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sack* with order. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Wn. M. Wadly, Sa* vsnnah. maylO BONNETS t BONNETS It 60 c sea Just received at tho TRIMMING AND GBXER \L VARIETY STORE, 139 Broughton-! Country Merchants Milliner*.and the public ge..._ any, are Invited lo examine this .-tuck. It consist* of 60 different style* elaborately trimmed, Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored *ilk. satin, crape aud other choice and much admired ;fl*U ami hats, embroidered satin hoods; a great variety ot crape embroidered blood linings. Paris silk Uoo shapes, extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, dress do. wh : te ana colored lsce. gimps and gal loon*, do do silk fringes. munties, plain barege*, shell and other combs, bslr puffs, curls and plait*, ribbon plaits. Bowers, feathers and wreathes, bonnet silks, Jet and fancy wrlstletta,buttons, steeltrimming*. xepbyr worsted, braid. Ians, with a great variety or other goods nsuslly kept In fancy e*Ublishraentn, Smoking caps, slipper*, children’* hsbliments, such robes, sacks marked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. Dome, assisted by competent mUlners from New York, wlU attend to the trimming department, and will an- deavor, with skill and taste, to please all who may favor bur with orders. Fancy and other bonnet* cleansed,bleached and pressed. Pinking done. «F> Five bonnet makers wanted immediately, who mnat perfectly understand their business. ap!30 THE BEST CHAMPAIGN IN THE MARKET. THE •FltlSSARD’ CHAMPAIGN AND THE T „„ , * LONDON CLUB’ CHAMPAIGN. IIE underdgnol would respectfully Inform the trade and public generally (hut he i* now receiving these *™V excellent wine*, per every Havre packet, which ho offer* in bund or from store. Tho abovo wine* havo boon carefully examined and com pared with all tho favorite brand*, and are pronounced by Judge* fully equnl to tho very boat, and far superior to many which are selling at a Jilglier price, .u - Urasn. Pnmuan. ixu at Fuji, of Rhelnis. proprietors *>r the above brand*. poM>e*<lug facilities for the preparation or fine wine*, equal to those of any other house In tho wine district*, cim’guiirnnteo tliulr wines being winded from the finest vintage*, will alwnya be found or the aamo superior and uniform quality. The labels and cork* bear the name uf the proprietor*. Tho trade i* Invited to examine sample* at the agency. WILLIAM W. H1NCKEN. Sole Agent nnd Importer for the United State* and Canadas. octl8-d3m 11 Old Slip. New York. CODY’S ^sS@S& HESTAUBANT AND COFFEE-HOUSE. T HE undersigned li** leased, and has now fitted up la neat and elegant style, the building on Drayton street, next door to IVay ft KimCa. to be occupied n* a COFFEE-HOUSE, where he intend* to servo up. la superior style, every deli cacy of the season. New York »nd Savannah Oysters, Vent sou, GROUSE. PARTRIDGES, FISH, Fulton Martlet and Vhilaildphin Beef, $•<*., will always be kept on Iran I, and served up In a style never before equalled in this city. W Parties furu>in-d with private supper* and Dinner* on short notice. Jfo will keep only the host JJuuur*. «ct7 • JOHN Mck. COPY. So00 Cliatit n^c. nonrjNSAcic’s worm syrup. A N article fouuded upon scientific priuciplts.compound* AjL ed with purely vegetablesiibstnui-es. Wing jK-rfrrctly *i»re when taken, nnd lin* never been known to foil iu curing the must obstinate cases. Worms can never exist when till* remedy Is once used, from the foct Hint it not onlv de stroy* them but remove* all tbo slioie aud mucus which may remain. Tho Tape Warm, This worm I* tho most ililiicnll to destroy or nil tlrnt In habit the human body, ll grow* tn nn almost Indefinite length, and becoming so eoilod nnd fastenod in the inte* line* aud i-tomacli a* to produce Fit*. St. Vita*’ Danco. ftc , which i* the cause of many going to the grave, not hellev- Ing that tlic.c complaint* have their origin from the tnire worm ; consequently tlioy do nut u*» tho iiroiicr medicine* for their disease. To lliose who nro nllliolud with this aw ful foe to health, 1 recommend the use of tn/ Worm Syrup aud Liver Pill*; the Syrup to he taken In dose* of two la- Ide spoonful* three time* a day. then take from live to eight of my IJvcr Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm. Ily strictly following these direction*, the most obstinate case* of tape worm can ho speedily cured. lloiimt or Stomach Worm. Tills worm I* usually found in the small intestine*, and I* the worm most common lo cluldreu. yet it I* not entirely confined to them. *» adult* Imre frequently been known to aulTi-r with them. The symptom* most prominent while affected with till* wunu.nru lmnlues* and fullness cd the belly, slimy stools, loosenex* of the bowel*, picking at the nose, a hluelsh streak under the eye*, ftc. If you.or any ol your children bare any of Hie above symptoms, tlnhen* sack’* Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using it you have a certain, safe ami speedy cure; and If nftet using it according to tbo direction* the |iationt I* not re* stored to health, nnd tho worms thoroughly eradicated from thu system, von can rest assured there I* ho remedy beyond the grave, a* for fail, there I* no such word as foil with those who use my Worm Syrup. Atcarl'lea, or Small Thwart Worms. These worms, to which tlm human Hytrin is lialde. are most troublesome of all other*. They nro generally to be found in the rectum, amt if allowed to remain, from the Ir ritatiou they produce, lay the foundation for serimi* ctlsor ders.suclia* infiauimation of Hie bowels, end other de rangement* of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can be used Is Hohetisnck'* Worm *yrup. Such In the astonishing power of my medicine* over Ascarudle*. that I defy any one to produoo a case where my Worm Svrup aipf liver Pill* are recommended to be used they will not cure. All that I* necessary Is to use the syrup' in accord- auce*wlth direction* on each bottle; and in cose a gentle purgtitlvo i* required In order to allay Hie irritation they produce, the Liver Pill*, bv their sympathising action und Iioaltby operation upon the bowel*. Is tho most pleasant medicine that can he taken. IIOBBNSACK’TliVEU fills. No part of the Nystem I* more liable to disease than the being supplied with numerous blood vessels nnd uerrcs.and If diseased, tlm blood ol course (lowing thro* all part* of tlm body, produces liver complaints, Jaundice, bilious affections,dyspepsia, ftc Uyapepaln. Tlm symptom*of Dyspepsia, and It* various diseases are dlzxlnes* In tlm head,heartburn.oppression after eating meat*, sourness arising from tho stomach, ftc . and some time* general languor of the whole body, from this It will be seen that the disease «we* Its origin to a dlnorganlxed state of the fiver and Stomach. f!oben**ck’* I Ivor Pill* I* the very medicine to effect a permanent and bating cure, a* they act by changing the certain nmrhld action* of the system Into a healthy action, aud rauderiug the blood pure and healthy. Liver Complaint, I* attended wltb chill*, succeeded by fever, severe pain in the region of tb« liver, vomiting bitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse Tull aud bounding, tho pain in tlm aide I* In creased by pressure, should tho loft lobo be affected, the E aiti I* generally in the left shout ter. with a abort dry cough, bo skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. T1u*disease can be cured by tho use of Ilo- bonsack’* liver I 111*, a* they act directly upon Urn seat of the disease, and then operating upon the bowel* they ex pel all the corrupt and vitiated mo ter from tho *y*tom. To Females. Yon will find these PUbau Invaluable medicine lo many eompbinta to which you are subject- In obstructions either total or partial they have been found of inestimable bene fit In restoring and purifying the blood and other fluid* *0 a* to euro all complaints which mny arise from female lr* regularities, as headache, dimness of sight, pain in the side, back, ftc. These Pills are the only safe and effectual reme dy to euro the following complaints. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dis tress! OO-PARTEUSHIP NOTICE, The undersigned have associated themselves to gether, under the name and style of Murphy ft Do- vanny, for tho trausaotlun of general Boot and ■Shot business, having the stand on the corner of Congress aod Whitaker-streeU, formerly occupied by M. Preodergaat. They are now prepared toodtr to their friends and tbs public, a well selected stock of Ladies’ and Gentle, men's noota, Shoes, ke., which they wiU sell cheap for cash. J8y MURPHY ft DKVANNY. DBY FEET PRESKRVEB THE HEALTH.—Just jeelnd-a few cases water-proof Boots; also, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with a fine as* - - >sortmint of Gentlemen's and ladies' over Shoes, some of a new nod approved style, which will be sold at low priest, by R. FLANIGAN ft 00., 108 Bryan-street All In want will please coll and judge for themselves. ffc PHILADELPHIA—Hexxm’a Llae-Tbe regular packet schooner ALCYONA. Hand, master, re dispatch for the above port. For freight or pass* _ . .fly to ocll8 OGDEN ft BUNKER. JEM BALTIMORE—Regular Line—1 Sgflfcular packet oebr D. H. BALDWIN, FUbee, will have Immediate dispatch as abova. For fn bare nge apply —The reg* — dfopateh as abova. For freight or in apply on board, at Telfolr's wharf, or to >8 B1UUIIAM, KELLY fc CO. oetll DALT1MORIC—Regular Line—The reg* ,ular packet schooner J. W. ANDERSON, Watson, '.will have dispatch aa above. For freight or pat- pply on board. atTelblr’e wharf, or to 16 BRIGHAM. KELLY ft 00. NEW YORK, .—The packet brig CUNTCN, ^Thompson, master, having apart of her cargo en- will have dispatch aa above. For freight or passage apply to oct!2 OGDEN ft BUNKER. NEW YORK—Georgia Line—>lne rern* Tar packet schooner P. R. BURTON, Captain IJngo, . Jiave dispatch for tho above port. For freight or fifty bales eotton, to oomplete cargo, or passage apply to oetlfi ROWLAND ft CO. Agents New York—Sciuxtox ft Ta Lift ax. BOSTON—Tlie flue bare FLIGHT.-Calhoun, imaster. wlU have dUintch as above. For freight r passage apply on board, at Telfair's wharf, or to _oeU2 BRIGHAM. KK1J-Y ft 00.. -&A LIVERPOOL—The siilendid American ship SS&SOKMIK. Capt. Johnson, will meet with dispatch aa bove. For freight or passage apply to oct8 I'ADEI.FOLD, FAY kKX). ..VC • •'> ; BY T. J. IVALS11. Administrator's Rale. On Tuesday, the 0th December, will be sold In front of the court house, between the legal hours of rale. The tutorial of D. M. Rogers, deceased, tn the Savannah Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchinson's Island.' For further par ticulars Inquire et the counting room. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham county sa the property ofl). M. Rogers, deceased, and by order of tho administrator. Administrator’s Sale, On Tuesday, fith December, will be sold. In the front of the oourt bouse, between the logal hours. I/»t and Improvements. No. 10. corner of South Broad end Whitaker streets The lot Is subject to ground rent f 867 80 to tbo city. The lm|>rovement* consist of a double teno* msnt dwelling. In the basement of which Is an office, draw ing room, pantries and bathing ro->m. On tbe flfst floor la two large and elegant parlors, wlih a spaefous verandah. Inclosed with Venothm blinds. In Iho second story Is four ON JHVJIAYJ 54th-lfi taat. a atFairUwi ' J TVn my 0 »drto#ach»<d WrftrodwBh e._„ for storm of flve y„_ eswb, „ ^s**’ *s °™*b.dU1 ,irf ,| Uvely be leased as above. 1 mu DAT. .til o r eiod..wllur The usnalaseortment of Ore Crockery and Olou War*, Dry " esnsssJeraam N. B.—All articles parobtsed at auction sad aot settlad for before the next regular sals, will tosoMon arooaatand risk of the former pnrehaser, oa!2S THIS DAV, «t 11 -111 U « Wq— pl«w Pl,id IagU.1. IT do Paper Cambric—damaged on voyageof 8 and sold for accountjof all coneernad. Terms « Hides WantssL-fbaliigbest market priros wfQ to aaW for grren. dry, salted and flint hides. - Apply at <m» eownb- ingroora. oatlf. Guardian’s Bata. * Noramber next, al 11 o'**, will be sold in front of the court hone*. Is Bataniudi, I*»t No. (10) Ttn.DIgbv trthlng,DeckerwarAandh tmmienia In Bavonnah, being the property of Ms ivensugh. Sold by permission of tbe Otdlniry^fq county, and by nrdsr of guardian. Tenns-Dnedblri. «- one-third on twelve months credit, and tba remainder o_ two yeara credit with Interest from day of sale. Payment secured by mortgage on the property. Purchaser paytog for all necessary papers. aenV Improved Esseoce of Ooffee.-Wa have Justreealvsdfroa the manufacturers In Philadelphia, ana will oanthroe to keep oa hand for sale, Augustus Hummel's Improved Ke* . ■ence of Coffee. TbU Is the best composition of CoOn ever offered for sale, and Coffee made from the Essence la modi more wholesome, more delicate, flnet flavored and a ' - . - . etory Is four more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and eolored- bed rooms, with an enclosed verandah, all lighted with gas perfectly clear, and In every respect superior to the Unset Thera are spacious accommodations for kitchen and sarvanl Rio Coffee, and in use will prow a nett saving 76 per cent rooms. carriMge bouse and stable in a brick building In ~ tba rear of the dwelling. On the lane. In the yard te a fine pomp and good water. Also, a yellow woman, aged about 46, a good cook and washer. The above property Is sold by leave ol tbe Ordinary, aa the proport/ of D. M. Rogers, deceased, and by ord. r of tbe administrators. Terras wlU be declared at the sale. FOR DUMRY'8 FERRY AND INTERMEDIATE LANDLNG3 —Tbe steamer OREGON having bren recent'/ overhauled, repaired, and painted, will make regular weekly trip* betwean tbl* city and Demry’s Ferry, lenving here every Saturday evoulng at 4 o'clock, and touching regularly nt all tho intermediate landings. The Oregon has been thoroughly refitted under the late Steamboat law. and her accommodations for pas sengers are both amnia and comfortable. 8I10 has been placed oa the line particularly for the accommodation of tbe planters and nierchanta on tho river. For freight or passage apply on board, at Union wharf, or to KINCHLEY ft THOMAS, Agents. " lot* * will1 be declsredat the sale. On Tuesday. Novembor 1st, m*front of court bonne, within tbe usual hour*, will be *old, A lot. on Thunderbolt road, containing six and a half acres or Und U I* welt tooetod Ur a residence; telug out side the city limit* about 100 yard*, relieving the occupant from city taxes It has a fine view of the river and road. Tbe shore w III bo treated for previous to tbe day of sale by applying at the counting room. octfl At Privato Side—Two flve acre lots, nno mile from the city, for aale low, If applied for Immediately, on accommo dating term*. seplO At Private Hale—Grey. Hard Brown, and Brown Bnck In quantitiu* to suit purchasers. aiigIB A Deslrahlo Building*LoTforSale. I Ait .Vo 0. fourth tylhing. Anson ward. For particulars, Inquire »t the counting room. jylft Savannah. October 1st. 1863. i>ct6—<lQtwlm FOR PALATKA, E. F., lbuehing at Darien, Brunswick. St Marys. Jacksonville. Mid• dldntrg, (Black Creek.) and Picolata. r . Tito now and suimrior stoampacketa ST. .nVn yjEfiiiiCapt. Ja*. Fhkkuokx. aud WIU JAM GANTON, Capt. Tinw. Siiaw, will leave for the above places aa follow*: The St. John*, on Thursday morning. 16th in*t., at 10 o'clock; and the Wm. Gaston, on Tuesday morning, 20th Inst., at 10 o’clock, nnd will continue to leave at the same hour every Thursday nml Tuesday thoronfter. Tho latter boat carrying thu United State* Mail. For freight or passage, having handsome stateroom accommodations, ap ply 011 board, at Dillon’s lower wharf, or to J. II. GUNBY, Agent. flF*The St. John* will go to St. Augustine every fourth trip, commencing (leaving Savannah) oa the Ufllh instant. aept4 OPPOSITION LINE. p -JT—y PALATKA. FLA., AND INTERMEDIATE ni7j t rf-itrtrtiJLPLACES.—Leave* every Saturday morning atlO oxlock.—Ti.v regular steam packet WEI.AKA, Capt. N. King, will leave t* above. For freight enguguments. ap ply on board, or to 8 M IaFF.ITKAU. Agent. OPPOSITION LINE. Change of Departure— fhr Palalka. Fla..and all the intense- diale landings on the route, r - vir*a Hie superior new Rtoatn-naeketWELAKA, £££^££22,Captain .V. Kixu. will, until further notice, leave every Sau’kiuy. at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rate of f’assagn iu large, airy State Room*, aa follow*: To Darien 83 00) To PlcnlsU »» 00 St. Mary* 4 60 Palatka 8 00 Jncksonvill* 0 00 I Black Greek....8 00 N. II.—Freight mnslgncd to It. It. Duke, for (Vala. will be re-shipped free of all charge*, at t’atatka. For freight or passage apply on Isiard at the Charleston dtonm Packet Coiniwny's wharf, nr to febl8 8. M. MFF1TKAU. Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. fhr Palatka. K. via Darien. Brunswick. St. Marys. Jackson- title. MiiLlhtiurg. Black Creek ami J’icntala. m _ «-fT***^ Tile superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, «'J*Mto£5L«ft'l , LT. K. S11.IW. will leave on Tuesilay Morn ing. ntlu o’clock, and will continuti to leave every Tuesday. Thu Rate* of Passage by till* Boat, area* fullnw* 1 To Darien 7 $3 00 8t. Maty* 4 60 Jacksonville 6 00 Picolata 8 00 Palalkn 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to mav31 LJ-tGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Agent*. Class 126 t 1 21 22 Ofl 34 16 03 40 0 18 8 70 10 Ticket* 8 40 03,0 10 70 aud 0 18 6fl prize* sold. Also. Extra Class 74: 75 22 77 23 8 70 V0 73 14 36 18 40 10 Ticket 18 36 77 a nrlxe of $100 sold. Holder* of prlte* will please call for the cash, or renew at E. WITIHNGTON’S. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY. UHBGORY ft MAUKY. Manager*. Clasa 127. draw* ou Monday. 24th Instant, in thin city. Sales do«eat 3 o’clock. P. M (MPITiL. $5,000. 78 Number laittery—14 Drawn BalloU. MET Ticket* $1 60—shares In proportion. Extra Class K, draw* at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 22d October. CAftTaL. $75,000. 78 Number Littery—13 Drawn Ballots. W Ticket* $20—sluires In proportion. Tickets either singly «v Uy tho package for aale In Bay tone. Savannah, Ga., next to Hoblnoon ft damp. oct22 E W1THINGTON. CARPETS—CARPETS—CARPETS I W E Imve tills diy opened a now aud *ploudld assort ment of cnr|ietN. consisting uf— Hemji, Dutrli, Vnu tlnn, Stair, Three Ply, Ingrain, and flrueerla Cnrpcfa, Also, a very liitidsome assort uicnt of Velvet nndChenel Bug., Hemp, and Cocoa Mat*. Drugget nnd Floor Oil Cloths, nil or which will bn sold at tho lowest prices, by *cp20 AIKEN ft BURNS. FALL TRADE OF 18.13. T O MKR' HAMS AND tVIKH.KS.WJ-: PUItrilASF.RS OF DUY GOODS.—Guv arraugi-menU for the Fall Trade will l>o completml In n few dnys, when we will lie prepared to submit to your Inspection an unusually cuinpletoasvnrt* inent of general Drv (KmhIs. Hosiei v. Trimming*. Ilabi-r* dosherr. and Small Ware*. Ribbon*. Ac. M. PHKXDKRGA8T ft CO., 178 llrougliton-street, opposite St. Andrew’* lltll. west side. - ang27 NEW GOODS—FALL TRADE—1853 ; D xWITT ft .MORGAN arc receiving by the i.t«-aiuers weok. ly their foil and win er Goods, to which they respect fully sollci Jitti-ntiou: Plain and ^ured black* Silk*, cnlored glace aud ducape do Plaid mid brocade Silk nf the uewost style Plain French M-nisliu df I«inus, French nnd Eng. printed dn Silk and Wo<it I'l lids for cliihlroii’a wear, plaid Raw Silks Plain aud plaid Poplius. very rich. French printed Cambric Dark Calicos. Mourning do, Irish IJnen*. ftp. *«1 Itibero’a now bulldln.*. G*ngre«s-street. Life and Fire Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, nnd *urplu* over $260,000. Aintra> GiU, President. Ja». C. WatKUtv. Sec’y. This Com|iuny will Issue Pnlicle* nn the Joint Stock nrinriple. nnd upon the Mutual plan, thus combining tha benefits of Imtli system* at tho option of the Insured The strength, ability and well Invested capital of the In stitution are, in my opinion unsurpassed by any Life Insu rance Company In tbla State or Union. (L.S.J signed R G.PINNEY. Comptroller nf Public Account*, State of Connecticut. 89“ Slave* Insured. Californian nnd Australian risk* taken on reasonable terms. Thesubscriber I* also Agent for the following Fire Compa nies: Equitable Fire lueurance Company OF LONDON. Authorized Capital $2,600,000 Capital paid In $1,000,000 C. K. Habkhit, K q., ) IlKsnr Lrr>un. Esq.. >Trustee*, New York. Roukkt IHUOX, Esq. J Farmers' Fire lnanrnnce Company, Capital $200,000. Granite Fire Insurance Company. Catiital $200,000. Kntekerbneker Fire Insurance Company* Chplui $] New York and Erie Fire Insurance Comn’y. Capital $160,000, These Oumpaale* having a ca*h catdtal, safely Invested In bond and murtgago, are prepared to eflcct Insurance against damage by fire.un all kind* of property on reason able term*. For insurance In either of the above named Companies, apply to A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, and Agent for then ho v« Companies, sept 20—ly office 120 Cuugre*«-st. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Bgra.- CAllRIGKS, HUGO IKS AND SULKIES.—A general assortment. Just roculved,—Tlie nub- in tiers nro now prepared to offer io the public. Carriages, I’heton*, Buggies. Carryalls, ftc. fresh from sonic of the most popular Establishment*, and Builders at the North. The retortions were made hy one of the firm, with strict reference to the requirement* uf this market. They are determined to keep only suck articles In their lino, a* they can confidently rernmmnud and warrant, fool ing assured that they will be sustained in offering a heller and finer class of -work, than has been usually kept In this market. The Public ere most respectfully requested to call, exam ine. nnd satisfy themselves, whether they are In earnest, by an examination of their stock sa- All kind* oflter.a'rinK done as heretofore. L.8. BENNETT ft CO.. July 31 Corner West Broad and Bay-sts. prove a nett savin* 76 per cent over Coffee prepared la the ordinary manner. Try It and see If It does not. UNITED STATES KAIL LINE. New York and Savannah Stoamahl june& 8UMM . , Days of Leaving Savannah for Mew Fork. The Augusta Capt. Lyon.,,....Saturday. Sept. • The Florida Capt. AVoodhull...Saturday, <*■> It The Alabama Cspt. Ludlow ....Wednesday* « 14 These ships afe the largest tfn the coott, nnsnrpeseed to epeed. safety or comfort—making their paaeen In 60 to 00 hours, and are cotnmandsd by skilful, earefnl and polite of ficer*. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Dn the completion of the Knoxville in the autumn, this line will bo semi-weekly*—sailing each Wednesday ana Saturday. Cabin passage $29. Steerage $0. PADELTORD, FAY ft 00.. Agenta In Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, 18 Broadway, New York. __ UNITED STATES MAIL LINE* Through In 60 to 66 hours.-A'-ie Yor* east Charleston Steam Packets— I rave Adger’s Whsrves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday/ On Saturday the new and splendid Steamships JAMES ADDER, Captain J. Dtcxnwmr, 1,600 tone MARION. Captain M. Bxaxr, 1JM) tons. SOUTIItotNEn: Osntaln W. Foams!LOW tons, will least each altrrmste Wednesd y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, I* now In eomidete order. For freight or passage, having elegant state room accost* modstlons, apply at tuo office of the Agent. HENRY W8SR0ON, Comer East Bay and Adger ft Son'a Wharree. N. n.—A new ship will be placedln the 11m to oanneot with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO FOll PHILADELPHIA—FARE RBDllCE0« 7b sail on Saturday Afternoon, June llfA, al 4 o'clock. Tbe flno ride-wheel steamship OSTREY, 1000 burthen.J.Bkxxrt.commander,willleavw as pei annexd schedule ercry other Saturday. moft CTUKtmo.v. || rmnt rmumarou. HUDSON, FLEMING ft CO., Factors nnd Commission Merohants, A’o. Vi Bay sired. Savannah. Ga., T ENDER tlielr service* to planter*, merchants and deal- er*. In the sale of Cotton and all other country pro duce. Being connected in business with llot’Kixs. llrnwix ft Co., nfCliiirlustun. tlm establlslimuut of an office in this city will afford uiirfrli'iul* choice of markol*. Strict atten tion will be givi-n to business, and the usutl facilities af forded custmnei*. J. R. HUDSON. PIANO FORTES. THE subscriber* sole agent* for A. Stod. [art ft Cn'*., aud Jonn B. Dunham's llano 'Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite nnd justly celebrated instru ment*. For durability they can be fully warranted, whilst their superiority of tune nnd touch is evident and acknowl edged by tlm most casual observer, ss well as the critical connoisseur. The Mica are rospectfolly Invited to view these instruments. An arrrangement having been effected with one nf nur most eminent Pianists for the purpose, they can also be enabled to j udge of the tone. F.7JIHJRAUM fc CO..Market-sqnaTe. Second hand Pianos taken in exchange, also tuned and repaired. Jul7 W It FLEMING, 1 Savannah. «ep18—tf IiAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. J. J. CUKES. Charleston. saing Dreams, IMmnss* of Sight, or In tact any of thu dis ea that arise from alTkotlons ol the Liver, Impurity of uie Bl nd,oe cuustiuatiun of the Howell. Medical Evidence We. tbe anudersigned Physician*, having bad tbe reetpt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection, say, that the Ingredient* of which they are composed makes them the host 1111 in use for sll diseases or the Liver, Ira- puritiese the Blod, ftc. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. P CROWLEY, M D. L. BOWEN. M. D. , 47* Purchase none but those having the signature •* J. N. HonEN8ACK,"as all other* are wurthls** imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, and all other* Wishing to become agents, must address the Proprietor, J.N.HOBkN. SACK, at bis laboratory. No. 120 North Sceond-straet, above Race, Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists and Mercliants in tbs U. S] mayffV—dtwhwly O IL TBA. ftc —80 bbl*. Bleached Whale Oil; 76 boxes black Tea, In K. )tf. and X lb. papers; 76 boxes Soda and Sugar Biscuit: 76 do. Mastoid, Pepper, Allspice and Qloger. received and for sale by mcmahon ft doylr DANIELCROMLAY, I FASHION ABLE BOOT KAKBU*< » ton and BuU-ttrtsD.—The subscriber desires to „ _ form tbs poblle that be has opened as abora, wbsre ^ be Is prepared to exsenta orders for Boots of tbe •nsetflaUhandrtjto. aad oataL tf not raportor te any ‘ - torn** omttomr--* . _ Floor,60 do Hiram Smltb’a do, 100 boxoa Balter, Sods and Sogar Btseult-i, for sale by sel McUAHON ft DOYLK. t AWS OP GEORGIA.—Tbe Acta of tbs session of tho Loglslaturt of too Blsts Of Georgia 0! 1861-62, received and for sale by S. H. SIBLEY, aogflO S UN UK IKS.—76 barrel* Stuart’s Crashed and Powdered sugar ; 80 do. do. A. II and L'Clarified sugar ; 23 hhds Prim Porto lUco. end 10 hhds. St. (.'mix sugar ; 60 Casks quarts aud iiiut* Byas* Ismdon Porter ; BO bbl*. Tread- wuli’* soda biscuit t 30 bbls. Aud 76 keg* Prime Lenf lard ; 60 mat* superior old government Java Coffee; 40 bags laguyni and 80 Pi lino old Rio Coffee; 6 Pipe* meder swan Gin ; 60 boxes Keya ls-mou Syrup: 20 barrels Winter Strained and Bleached Whale Oil : 300 boxes No. 1 Pale and Family Soap; 20 tierce* fluperior sugar curled Hams ; 60 boxes white 60 do. colored Chuuse ; 100 boxe* new seal- ed Herrings ; 100 dn. Adamantine Candles; 80 do. Beadel’ Os and 8* tallow " Ground Coffee reams wrap| log and for uie Sep -w Candle* ; 60 boxes Pearl Starch :40 boxe* ; 20 do. do. Pepper ; 60 dox. painted Buckets ipplng and 100 Cap ami Letter paper. Land- e by SCRANTON. J0HN80N ft CO. Drill'll institution*, by Warren Ntiam. Thu Forged WIU or Criino and Botribution. by Emerson Benitto; Edith’s Is'gacy. by the author iff Adelaide Llnd*v. Tho white Cruiser, or tlm Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned Buntline ; Putnam’s Magazine, for October. Tlie Knickerbocker; the Iandun Journal. Industry of all Nations. JsneSeton. or the King’s Advocate, a Scottish historical romance, by James Grant. Tho Rudiment* of the Art of nulldlng, represented In flve section*, edited by John Bullock. Violet, the Danseme, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the author ot the Gilt, lie, The Rebel Scout, a romance cf tho American Revolution, by Anna Ashland. For sale at 136 Congre«s-st. octfl D RESS GOODS—Barege dn lalne*. solid colored mouslln de lslnes. printed French do lalne*. black and a variety colored French merinos, colored plaid and brocade silks, ‘ * * ■“ ckdo, buck watered and black white brocade and white water- ~ French Cambrics, bombasines, etc. Received and for uie by sep2fl' HENRY LATHROP ft CO. WUe : Infants Progress , Christian Theology ; . Christ: the Comforter , Fulfilment of Prophecy; Self - ** “-trtarenaj ‘ sledge ; Hare on Justification ; Tho Patriarchs j 1 Call, by Wtstiey: Tbe First Woman ; Morris’s 1; Life of Rev. t Ware : Women of the Bible ; Chi Knowh rion* Call mnns ; Uieomev. T ware : 11 umrn ui uu ihuii ; uiuicn Polity ; Tlie Body and the Mind ; Benson’s Ufeof Fletcher. Memoir of Mrs. Rodgers; do do I,tier Richards : Death Bed Scenes, by D. W. Clark, D. D.: Christian Perfection. For aale by 8. 8. SIBLEY. 8ept2$ No. 136 Ooogress-st. TWENTY DOLORS REWARD.—Ranaway from tho snbseriber. on the 10th of August, s negro man named TOM, about forty years old. atont and chnnky .built, and hat a mark resembling a feather or arrow leneinc at tbs base of toe nose and running up the forehead. He wtll probably try to get to Savannah, where be has spent several rears of runaway life, and was an In mate of savannah Jana good part of the year 1849. WILLIAM OERMANY. Leon county, Florida, Sept. 12,1863. stpl8—jftvrtf /"I OFFER, V Java at SUGAR, ftc.-Just received. 30 boxas ground ssjuinuou i u.wi iu quaneauu piova.ow uuuva- nal and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8 ’* tobacco, M bbls elari- fled crashed and ground sugar, 10 do solar lamp OIL la stora and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER, Junslfl corner Broughton and Drayton-streeta. f?U)Vkr~100 bbls DalUmoro Howard street Hour, 100 do E Genesee Canal do, 60 do Hiram Smith’s do. for sale by seplft WEBSTER ft PAUQ8. tbe obstruction* at the entrance <ff my store, conse quent upon the putting up of an Iron Front, are now suffi ciently removed to enable them to gain easy access to the interior, wlioro they will find the shelves well stocked as usual, with Crockery. China, Glas* and 8tono Ware, family Hardware, wood and willow Ware. Tin Ware ami Table Cut lery ; together with a great variety of (simps. Lantern*, Wicks. Fancy and Home Furnishing Good*, which will be sold at moderate and Just prices, by J. P. COLLINS, *ug26 100 Bryan-street. S UNDRIES —60 bbls Genesee Flour. flO do Butter. Sugar and Smla Cracker*. 20 do Cider Vinegar, 60 do Stuart's Clarified Sugar. 76 do do Crashed amt Powdered do, 300 boxes No. 1 Pale and Family Snap. 100 lags Rio Coffee. 160 bbl* K. Phelps and Rose (Jin. 40 do P. ft H. Connecticut Ri ver do. lauding and for snlo bv aug24 snlo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. F RENCH Printed Cambrics in medium and dark colors very beautiful, Just opened and for sale by DkWITT ft MOROAN. Is kept always In Ice. Je30 . LINCOLN. Monument Square. J UST RECEIVED—In store and for tale, 800 bblsThnm- aaton IJuie. GOO bu*hels white Corn. 200 do Mar/laud Data, 100 bundle* Northern Hay. Apply to aug30—ltn 'L N. WINKLER, Williamson’s building. B ACON SIDES.—Twenty hhds. Ribbed Sides, ten Clear do landing and for sale by sepfi. HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. jginrorairasE SSB'TOjEg’ER ao,t,o Uut ; tar, 60 boxes do Cheese, 60 bbls Hiram 8uiitli’s and Genesee Hour, received per steamer, and for sals by augSl SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft I ft CO. sJ Infimta' Waist* and Caps : Cashmere Scarfs ; Ribbons: ladles’, gentlemen’s and children's Hosiery ; need Is worked Trimmings, Cambric and Swiss Bands ; embroidered and linen cambric Handkerchiefs, lost received aud for sale at tbe lowest prices, by xe27 DsWlTT ft MORGAN. auglfi ' SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. OAF. CRASHED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS. 26 bbls A,) 26 bble B. VStevrart’a. ' 26 bbls C.j 10 bbls Powdered, landing, and for sals by anglfl HOLOOMBE. JOHNSON ft 00 SUNDRIES —200 bbl* superfine Howard street yiour. 200 . 3 do Etewah Mills Usorgia do. 160 bag* Cunningham’s do do. 60 bbls pure Genesee do. 28 do H 8mlth's extra do, 80 do butter, sugar and soda Crackers, 400 bags prime green and fair Ilto Cuffew, 100 hhds prime Bacon Bldea, 20 So do Shoulders. 96 casks sugar cured Hams. 40 hhds prime and fair Porto Rleo Sogar. 16 do do Saint Croix do, 9fio bbls Stu art’s A B andO elarifled do.80 do craibe^oud powdered do, 100 do R Phelps' end Rose Gin, 40 do DomatUdBrandy. 60 do New KagUad Bum, for sals by octlS SCRANTON, J01 T ANDINU from brig Maoon—10 boxes JLi eases OlUoux Eardlnes. for aale Syrup; 6 HOLOOMBt, JOHNSON ft 00. A NCHOVY PASTE, French Mustard, Oapers, Bai apd Oil res, for sals by Janstt aTbONAI jy^OLAf^ra.—M0 bVs prims N. O. Molasses, for sale to nwr-10 OODEN ft BUNKER. OUaAR-.16hh4ifirirto ehaiosN OStotar.lO do Uusom P vado do. 10 do prims to eboies Porto Rico de, Btowart’s roflas4 C Sogar; tor-toby ^ pl| f dfelObMe m:: • arnJL 0»WC»Oin JU, (X)m&T»!««•<« brom, lud- aMrt$ - - - BOLdOMBE, JOHNSON to Of). ? June 11 June 26 July 9 July 23 Augu*t 0 August 20 Sept 10 Sept »« October.... • October.... 31 November. $ November.19 December., t ;»16 ...17 (June,,, .. 1 June 18 Octalier...16||July 2 October...29 July If Nnvembcr..l2||July. 80 November. 2fl| I August 13 September.. 8|l'eo«imV>er ..10\| August.... .27 Cabin passage Steerage 8 Throngh tickets to New York 17 Tilts ehtii has been thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boilers, nnd a large and olegsnt dining saloon on dock, with every arrangement that can add to tne comfort nfjMi*«engor*. fn Philadelphia, thl* ship occupies the aamo wharf as to* Liverpool steamships City or Glasgow and City ofMauches* ter. at the fool of Queun street, and Central wharf, Charl ton. Freight on all perishable nrtlcter must be pre-paldj For freight or iwiwsgu. apply to H. F. BAKER ft CO., Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE. June? Agent. Philadelphia. UNITED STATICH MAIL, From Mnoon, Ga., to Tallahassue, Fla, Rail road to OotdharpStayee to 7bGaAauer The Dally arrange. .... -'ment on this route 4 oominenced on the fllh Inst., running three times a week via. Newton, BalnhrWge. and Quincy, and tlim tlm— a week vis. TbomssvUle.Duncansville, ke. Passenger* by this route will leave Mscon at half past ® o'clock. A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. The Stag- leaving Oglethorce either way at It o’clock, arriving atTato lahassee, at 10 o’clock on the evening of the next day—tlm$ by either route 86 hour*. Monday, Wednesday and l-'rldsy. by Newton, Dalnbridga and Quincy, to TalUlussee returning, leaves Tallahassee on Sundays, Tuesday* and Thursdays, at 10, P. Mi On Tuesdays, Thursday*, and Saturdays, by the way of Thmuasvllla—returning same route on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 10, p, it, Through from Oglelhornq to Tallahassee by either .route in 86 hours—from Macon in 38—aud from'Savannah In 60 hours. By this ronte Passengers leaving Savannah by S o’eloe Train of Pars, will arrive at Tallahassee In 60 hours. It Is also decidedly tho bust, cheapest and most expeditious routs for traveller* to Apalachicola and West Florida. Earn from Macon lo Oglethorpe $1,76 ; from Oglethorp* to Tallahassee, $10.00. L C. Shaw, Ageut at Oglethorpe, A. A. Fisher, ** “ Tallahss-co. _aug.% V, K. WRIOIIT, Proprietor MACON AND WKBTKUN RAILROAD, Mall Train. Leaves Ms con dally, at 8 o'clock, P. M. *• Atlanta “ « 0« “ p, M. C ONNECTING at Ailantawitii the Trains of tlm Western! and Atlantic and UGrange Roads, and wltb the Dag Train or the Georgia Road, and at Mae' 1 with the Day Trains of the Central and South-western i-oads. Passenger will arrive In Macon at 12)i. and at Atlanta at 1M, having the remainderof the night for rest. ' f P»**eugers going South, via Monlgomenr, (Ala.) wh# leave Savannah at 8 A. M., will arrivoat Montgomery la fore ty-dght hours, Including all stoppages, tod only tan hours staging. . f AccommodationTralns.Tri-WetUy, will leave Manoa every Monday, Wednesday end Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Re turning, leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, al7>4 A. M. This Train will connect with tlie Nlghl Train ot the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night Train of the Central Road at Macon. Passengers by the up# ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’f Maoox, May 17,1862. 8mo jjytt BOPTH-WEBTBRff I1AILHOAP. P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon dally at 6X A. M.t arrive atOglothorno A. M.t arrieeat Columbus 1 o'clock, P. M, I<eave Culumbua dally at 9 o'clock, A. M.,andOclatnorne atllK AM.; arrive ai Macon at SUP. M. Connecting at Macon each way with Central R R train to 8avsnnah, Augusta and Mllledgevlllc, and with Mason and W. trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nash ville. fte. Connecting dally st Columbus, by fast tins of coaehea, 18 to Opelika, thence 04 miles by M. ft W. P. R R. to Moatgom- ery. Ale. Connecting at Oglethorpe with TaUahass— and Entente mail stages. Passengers bre ikfast and dine at Fort Valley. GEO. W. ADAMS. Superintendent. Mim.v, Aug. 29,1863. aug3l PLASTKIUNG, ftC. T HE undersigned having commenced business on his own account respectfully tsnders bis services to thn publlo. lie will contract for Plain and Orna mantal Plas tering. Stoeo Work, ftc .ftc.. at tbs usual prices,and will in every case warrant work executed by himself, or under hla supervision. Builder* and others contemplating build Ing, would do well to call upon him before contracting with others. Orders left at bla residence. Jones-at., corner of Barnard-st., will be promptly attended to, Julyl6—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. H AY.—25 bundles prime Eastern Hay, landing from brig rhllura, and for sale by tuglfl BR1QHAM, KELLY ft CO. V EG CTABLE Cutters. Patty Fans, French and EngUah Basting Spoons, Skimmers, Soup ladles, ftc., just re- calved sodfor sale by June3 J. P. OOLUNI P ASIIMERES, MousUu d# Lalnss, plaid Popllna, V In all colors, cashmere Plaids, Baxony colored F.auuaui, plain and brocade Silks In new styles, blade Bilks te all widths and quell lies, black Satin de Chens, and a great va riety of other articles for ladles' dresses, lost rsostved aod for sals at the lowest prices by «ep27 DiWITT ft MORGAN. BCKI VED BY LAST STEAMER.—Hair doth shirts, mnil and nansook muslins, net gloves and mlta lace man tillas. wash blond, gras* doth, N W collar# and chemisette, long lawns,Ifirda-e/a diaper, fte-. for —1# by JnnelS DtWflT ft MORGAN. tEAD SHEER—For catting bread of aa equal thick- _ ness, slicing smoked beef, cutting cold slaw, ftc. This knife can be regulated to out any thteknau required from — X to X of an Inch. For sale by _*og6 J. P. 00UINB. F RTO RIOO SUGAR.—26 bhd* landing from schooner EoUdm, and he sals br Septal^ HOLOOMBE, JOHNSON ft 00. P KTBhS and BgES SSB-i bbu'n, jCSESSt Ido&nolMdBwfctof ^toby A. BOHAVD F uSauiKm—57uS uriniuhi,..-rf. »•at or fine eotton shirts. For sale by oetlfi PB1CB ft YEADER. TTOB O A8 BURNERS—I** Intad Paper Shades aod Frames# "ny" rm ’£fflusvss? "b UTTER, CUKOli 13 BObox—dadoC oetii imioiuK, Knur j. co. L^ssssriassj*.- 1 “ - m WBMT LiXBSOt to 00k