Newspaper Page Text
***' ‘ HENRY ROGERS. Adm’r,
it an order ofth*
a* w»»w» «
■f,‘a*ptMPb«c aotb, \w
\fjt wpwmiw ww| twi — 1
: DHINCnRATOR'S 8ALR—By rirtuo or »n onUror ,
l Court of Ordinary Ot Chatham County 'Will be sold
. » . _ «L. iil rulMtiAk mi 4ka wmliii mrnor of u
vft. Court of Ordinary ol Chatham County wui oe mm on
A • ' tfcturtUy. the 8th October, oa tb* premises, coper of East
Braldaml Buy etreet, all the perishable proj^rtr bolongtixs
tothe MUte of Gerald FftagWald, deceased, for the beneflt
Ato , x .
C ^BXJSIji aiiKaI^ra'8ALȣ.-On lb* flrat Tuewlay^
/ Novenber next, helbre the courthouse door, In the cltj
ot Savannah, between the legal hour* of sale, will be sold,
K tarlona articles of furniture, eto.. returned In the schedule
' of an apnMoant tor .the benefit of the Insolvent set. and eold
h* order of the honorable tho Inferior Court of Catham
gnawer or J(JHN , ckvahNY, Sheriff,
1HA11IAM ruNur r •adauo ivnWlllbe eold,
v> on the flretTueeday In Norember next, before the court
fr/yifl p Savannah, between the legal houn oraale, the fol-
lowing property, to wit ( Three negro alavee, namely, Ms-
- tin, Jake and Laura, and nineteen head of oatUelevied on
to (mortgage,] Issuedfrom
Chatham Superior Court In favor of Augustus Myddelton
C^n^the^toa^T^aday^ 5 November next, bofore tho
court houae In the city of Savannah, between the legal
hour* of aale. all that lot and Improvement*, situate, lying
end being In the city of Savannah, and known In tho
plan of aaid city aa lot number fifty-flre. Brown ward, cor
ner of Drayton and Liberty-streets 5 levied on to satisfy
two fi. fa*, in fhvor of the Planter** Bank or tho State of
Georgia against Robert W. Pooler, administrator Caroline
if, Fraser, dxoeejed, and Rebecca M. Pooler,
oetfi JOHN DKVANNY, Sheriff c.a
v/ onlhe first Tuesday in November next, before the court
house In tbeolty of Savannah, between the usual bourn
of-sale, one undivided fourth part of two wharf loU, or
pleoes of ground, situated on Hutchison’* Island, in
the county or Chatham and State of Georgia, being lota
Noa. thirteen and fourteen, together with all the reser
voir*, wharves, building* and Improvement* on said lot*,
and tho ateam engine* and bollor*. the plaining tna-
ohine, clapboard machine, saw gate*, force pumps, and all
otherraaculnery of every Wndand description in and about
the uUdTota or building, (meaning the one-fourth part ol
' tho Oglethorpe stain aaw mill.) with the appurtenance*
, thereunto belonging and appertaining i levied on aa tho
property of EdwardF. Klnchley and Robert Todd, to aatlafy
a fi. Ik. ou foreclosure of a mortgage laaued from Chatham
Superior Court infkvor of George Newell v*. Edward F.
Kinohlev and Robert Todd. Property *et forth In aald 11. f».
odtO JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff c. c.
C '' HATlUS SUPERIOR ,COURT—Mat Tkum. 18W.-E.1-
ward 0. Wilson. 1'reaaurer, &o.,wriiu Mordecai Myors,
Troatee. fro .—Rule Niti.—Upon tho petition of Edward (».
‘Wilaon, Treaaurer of tho Republican Bluoa Building and
Loan Association. praying the foreclosure of the equity of
redemption of and In all that parcel or lot of land, situate,
lying and bring in the olty of Savannah, county of Chat
ham,and Stato of Georgia, and known and distinguished In
the plan of said city a# Lot No. Fifty-six (MLBrown ward,
ofUttdtcai Myers, aubstltuto trustee undernlio marriage
settlement ofRob’t W. Pooler and Mary J.,liUwlfo, which
aald property waa mortgaged by tho said Mordecat Myers,
trusteo aa aforesaid, (under and by virtue of a clauso in
the aald marriage settlement, authorizing the trustees to
grant, bargain and sell all or any part or the property upon
The request of tho aald Robert W. and Mary J. Pooler, and
their requeat that aald mortgage should bo made, being
evidenced by their signing ana sealing aaid deed of mort
gage.) to tho aald Edward G. Wilaon, Treasurer aa afore
said, by need bearing date the alxteenth day of December,
In the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. to
secure the payment oftheauraof two thousand dollar*,
with Interest at the rate or six per cent, per annum, paya
ble monthly, from the alxteenth day ot December. Anno
Duuilnl, 1852, on demand, according to the tenor and effect
or a certain promissory note mado by the aald Mordecal
Myers, trustee a* aforesaid, to the said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer as aforeaald, bearing even date with tlio said
mortage, and that there still remains unpaid thorcou, the
sum of two thousand dollars:
On motion of Grinin & Gordon, attorneys for petitioner,
It is onlored, that the said Mordecal Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay Into Ibis Court, on or before the llrstdnyof
the next term of this Court, the principal and Interest duo
ou the said promissory note and mortgage, and the costs
of this application, and In default thereof, that the equity
of redemption of the said Mordecal Myers, trustee as afore-
•aid. and all claiming under said trust to the aald mort
gaged premises be thenceforth and forever foreclosed:
And, It Is farther ordered, that a copy of this rule be pub-
llshed In one or the public gazettes of this State, once s
month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or his
■pedal agent or attorney, at least three months previous
A - I. . ... _ _ ■. ,l| u .i.l Am III. n.t.t .Mil «VatBUCh
1 agent or attorney, at least throe months 1
to the time the money Is directed to the paid, and tl
further and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by
the statutes of the State of Georgia, iu such cases made aud
provided. , *ep21—lm4m
E XECUTOR’S 8ALE.—By virtue of an order or the Court
of Ordinary for Liberty county, will be sold before the
coart house, in Hinesrllle. on tho first Tuesday In Decem
ber next, between the usual hours, the following negroes,
vis: Frank, about 2fi year* of age, March, about 23 years
of ace. and Nancy, about 25 year* of age; Sfao, 850 acres
of plue land, with the Improvement*, situate In the county
of Liberty. Sold aa tbo property of James Moody, deceased,
for the beneflt of tho heirs and creditors ol-iald estate.
M. J. MOODY, Qualified Executor.
October 6th, 1853. ootO
EORGIA—Bryan County To the distributees of the
estate of Elias Ferry, deceased, late of said county
You are hereby notllled that on tho first Monday in Febru
ary next, wo willaptd/to the Court of Ordinary of this
county for leave to dlvido the estate of Elias Ferry, de
ceased. L B. DANIEL,)
N. J. CLARKE, >■ Adm’r*.
September 10th, 1853. sop22—2arolwpid
C ~YEORGIA—flnflocA Cbunfoi—To all whom It may coi
I eern : Whereas, Johue Everitt will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estates of John
F.veritt and Sarah Everitt: .....
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
ty, this 25th day of April, 1853.
WM. I.EB. Sen’r.. o. n n
G EORGIA—Bulloch County .—To all whom it may concern
Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin
istrators on the estate or John G. Slater, a minor, haro ap-
*^Theseare^tbereforet”clto and admonish all whom It rna'
concern to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul
loch county.outhellrstMon.Uy In November next,to make
objections, If any they havo, otherwise said letters will be
^Wltnws.Wm Lce.scn’r.E*q.,Ordlnaryfor Bulloch county,
this'Uth day of Aprll.1853.
apl25 WM. LEE. Sen’r. o. n, c.
G E0RGIA—Bulloch County i—Sixty days after dutoap
plication will bo made to tho Court of Ordinary of Bul
loch county, for leave to sell all the real eatato of Josiah A.
Parrish, late or said county, deceased. .
October 8d. 1853. <*15
G EORGIA—Aryan County .—Whereas, Z. E. Dutton, ad
ministrator upon the estate of Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dismlssory: .
These are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections. (Many they have) la terms of the law, otherwise
said letter* will be granted.
*pl28 , , A. II. SMITH, 0. P. -
rt BORGIA—^Camden County’To all whom U may con-
U cem: Whereas. Geo. G. Flemming, guardian of Sarah
Ann Taylor, applies to me for letters dlsmiaaion from said
guardianship j
These are. therefore,to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre-
‘ ad show cause. If any they have, why let-
ecribed by law. and show cause, ir anr tiiey have, wli
tors dismission should not be granted said applicant.
Witness, James H. Ifelreston, Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 3d day of October, 1853.
notn—im James n. nm.TKsrox,«, c. c.
y^BOROIA—Camden County t—To all whom it may con-
\X cem j Whereas, George W. Thom**, one of the exe
cutor- of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkln*, will apply to the
Court of Ordinary for lettera dismlssory on the said eatate 5
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
theklndredand creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew
cause, (If any they have,) why letter* dismlssory should
not be gran ted the said applicant.
Witness, J. H. Hel veston. Esq.,Or dinary for Camdon conn-
ty, this 2<Jth day of May, 1853. IIU1 ,.. ,,
may20 • - J.' H.'HELVESTON, 0.0. 0.
ft EORG IK—Ckm&en County 1—To all whom It may con-
VjT cem r Whereas, J. H. M. Clinch, guardian of H. A. and
N. B. Clinch, applies to ma for letter* dismlssory from
sold guardianship;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
.lavfeftfid Show cause (If any they have.) why lettera of
dimUslqn should w>t be granted to the said applicant.
Witness. James IL Helveaton, Ordinary for Camden corn
ty, this 28lh day of May, 1853.
may81 JAMES H. HELVE8T0N 0.0. c.
—To all whom it may con-
1 ** r, will apply at the.
[ration on the estate
therefore, to rite and admonish all whom it
j, to beendappear before said Court to make
Of .njr'tb.Tk.^i on or Wort tho llrrt Mon.l.j
__b.rnexl,otW«Uo uld mi,,, mu bogrtotol.
ffai/flur^y cJShJSr^ for uh>uum
K : JOHN M. WLLEK. 0. a o.
“ • — if administration on the ea.
n.reare,’therefore,to cite *nd admonish allwhomlt
r oonoem, to be and appear before said Court to make
ration. If any they have, on or before the fint Monday
November next, otherwise said letter* will be granted,
fitness, J Gsnahl. Dep.r Ordinary for Chatliim county.
1 88th day of 8eptemb*rjl853. ,■ • •
f\ OORG1A—Cfertaam County To all whom it may con-
KJ com: Whereas, Mary Vltsgerald, will apply at the
Court ol .Ordinary for Utters or administration on the eatate
of Gerald Fltvaerald, deceased:
These are, therefore, to elto andadmonUlr all whom It may
toncern, to be and appear before uld Court, to make objec
tion (it any they havo) on or before the first Monday In
Noevmber next, otherwise uld Utters will be granted. .
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Ksq„ Dep. Onllnary for Chatliam
county. tbU 24wr day of September, 1868.
M,p25 JOSFHTI GANAHL. DKT. 0. 0.0.
f\ EURG1A—Chatham County.—To all whom it may con-
VJ ccro t Whereas, Henry Williams will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for Utters dUmtsaory on the estate of
Locblln Wright, doceased; „ ,
. These are tnoreforo to otto and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec-
Ion (If any they have) within tho time prescribed by law,
otherwise paid letters will be gran ted.
Witness, Jos. Ganahl, Esq., l)op. Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 10th day or August. 1853.
tu&U JOS. GANAHL, dxp.o.o, 0.
ri EORG1A—Chatham County i—'To all whom It may con-
VJT cern: Whereas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court ol
Ordinary lor lettera of dismission u administrator, on the
estate of Henry L. Bilbo:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom Grimy
concern to bo and appear before uld Court to make .objec.
tlons (If any they Jiave) on or before tlio first Monday In
Norember next, otherwise uld lettera will bo grantod.
Witness.JohnM. Milieu. Esq;,Ordinary lorChatbamcoun-
ty,thU14thdayof April, 1853.
ppltt JOHN M. MI! J£N. 0.0. c.
n EOIIGIA—Chatham County t—AH whom it may concern :
VJ Whereas, John B. Barnard will apply at tho Court or
Onllnary for lettera dismlssory aa administrator cum testa-
ruento nnnnexo un the estate of Mrs. Anu Mongin:
These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom It
umy concern to be and appear before said Court, to mske
oojectiun (If any they Imvo) on or before tho second Mon-
day 111 January next, othorwlse uld lottera will bo grantod.
Witness, John M. Milieu. F!sq.. Ordinary for Chatham
eountv. thU 14th day of July.1853.
Jyl5 JOHN M. MnXEN, 0. 0. 0.
fi EOIIGIA—Chatham County :-To all whom it may concern:
VJ Whoreas, John Flvcrard will apply at tlio Court of Or
dinary for letters of dismlssory os adminUtrator on the es
tate of Patrick Ttorny, deceased:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (It any they have) to tlie applicant in
the Clerk’s office of sold Court, on or before the first Mon
day of November noxt, othorwiso lottera dismlssory will bo
Witness. John M. Mlllcn,Esq..rrdinnry for Chatham coun
ty, tills 30tli day of March, 1853.
mliSO JOHN M. M1LLEN, 0. c. c.
/ 1EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom it may con-
vT cern : Whoreas. William J. Bulloch, Executor nf the
estate of Mary Neufvill. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for lettera dismlssory on the said estatn:
These are. therefore, to otto and admonish ell and slngu-
Ur the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and
appear at the offico of John M. Millen, Ordinary, within
tho time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any thoy
vo) why said lettera should not be grantod.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county,this 1st day of August, 1853.
July 29 JOSEPH GANAHL, nKF. O. 0. C.
/I EORGIA—Chatham County 1—To nil whom it may con
VT cern: Whereas, Norman Wallace will *ppiy at the
Court of Ordinary for lottcrs dismlssory os Excutor on tho
estato of Rnliert Isaac :
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to bo aud appear before said Court to make objec
tion (if any thoyhnve) on or before tho first Monday in
February noxt. otherwise said letters will be grantod
Witness. John M. Millen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty.this second dny of July, 18o3.
jy3 JOHN M. MILLEN. 0. 0. 0.
fi EORGIA—Chatham County:-To all whom It may con-
cern : Whereas. William C. Dawson, will apply at the
Court ol Ordluary for letters illguilssory on tbo estato of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom It
may concern, to bo and appoar before said Court to mako
objection, If any they have, on or before tho first Monday
In March noxt. otherwise said lottcrs will bo granted.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31*t day of August. 1853.
Ml JOSEPH GANAHL, on*. 0. 0. c.
/IEORGIA—Chatham County .-—Toall whom It may con-
concern: Whereas. Caroline Zlpneror will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on tlio estato of
Georgo J. Zlpperer:
These are, therefore, to clto and and admonish all whom
It mar concern to boand appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before tlie llrst Monday
In March noxt, otherwise said letters'will be grantod.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, F>q.,Dop. Onllnary for Chalhnm
county this 17th day of August 1853.
/ 1 EORGIA—Chatham CountyTo all whom it may con-
4JT cern : Whereas, Phineaa M. Kollock will apply nt tho
Court at Odlnarr, for letter* of dismission as exooutor on
the estate of Mis* Priscilla Houston:
These are. therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it may
concern, to boand appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In
January next, otherwise said letter* will bo granted.
Witness, John M. Millen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty this 1st day of July, 1853.
jy2 JOHN M. MILLEN 0. 0. 0.
/ 1 EORGIA—Liberty County:—To all whom It may con-
VjT cern: Whereas, 8 H Perry wiU apply to the Court of
Ordinary for letter* dUmhwory a* administrator on tho
estato of Abtal Perry:
These nre therefore to clto nnd admonish all whom It
may concern to be and appear before said Court to mnko
objections, If any they liavc. within tlio time prescribed by
law. otherwfao said letters will be granted.
Given under my band at tills office tills 3d day of Septem
ber. 1353. *ep7 W. IV GIRARDEAU. 0. t. 0.
/1 EORGLV^/jbrr/y County:—To all whom It may con-
\J cern: Whereas, V. Grost will spplyat thoCourtof Or
dinary for lottor* dismUsory as administrator on tho eatate
of F. Cottman;
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern to bo and nppoHr bofore said Court to make
objection (If any they have) within the time proscribed by
law, othorwlse snld letter* will be granted.
Given under my hand at this office, this 1st day of Au-
wot 1R53. augfl W. IV GIRARDEAU. 0. t. 0.
/I EflRGlA—Liberty County.—AH persona concerned are
VT hereby notified, that sixty days after date. I shall ap
ply to the Court of Ordinary of Liberty county for leave to
soil the real and personal estate belonging to the ostato ol
the late James Moody, deceased, of snid county, for the
benefit of the creditors of said estate nml for the purpose
of a division of said estate among the heirs nnd distribu
tees of said estate.
nug4 M. J. MOODY, Ex’or.
fi EORGIA—Liberty County—To all whom it may con-
U com: Whereas. William J. King. Sr., will apply for
letters of administration on tho estate of Dr. B. U. King, of said county, deceased :
These arc, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom It
may concern, tob© and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) within tho time prescribed by
law. otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty county,
this 24th day of September, 1853.
sep29 W. P. GIRARDEAU, 0. l. c.
fi EORGIA—Liberty County:—To all whom It may con-
vT cern: Whereas, Mary J. Way will apply to tliaCourt
Ordinary for lottcrs dismlssory on the estate of Nathaniel
J. Way. late of said county, deceased :
Thesa are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to bo ami apponr before said Court, to innko
objections, If any they have, within the time prescribed by
law, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Wltuess, W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordinary for Liberty
county, this 21th day of September. 1853.
sep20 W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0. L. a.
i 1 EORG 1 A—McIntosh CountyTo nil whom It may eon-
vX com: Whereas, Mrs. Sarah G. Blue will apply ut the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tlio estate
of James Blue -.
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to mako
objection, if any they haro. on or before tbo first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Glvon under my baud this twentloth day of September,
1853. sep22 A. A. DkLORMK. Ordinary.
■RTCINTOSH SHERIFF’S 8ALE.—WiU be sold, on tlie first
1YJL Tuesday la December next, In front of the court
house door. In the dty of Darien, between the legal hours
of sale, the following property, to wit: Thr-e tracts of
land, containing three hundred (3001 acres, originally sur
veyed and granted to Moses Hornsby, situate in Glynn
county; also, seven tracts of swampland.containlng twen„-
ty-ono hundred and fifty (2160) acres, originally surveyed
end granted to Alexander McCarty, J E. B. DeLorme and
A. A. DeLorme, situate, lying nna being In the county nf
McIntosh; the above ton tract* of land Is levied oa as the
: property of A. A. DeLorme, to satisfy a tax execution, Is
sued by tbo Tax Collector of McIntosh county. Amount of
taxes due $18 01 and cost.
*ep22 C. O’NEAL. Dep. 8. M. 0.
T^XECUTOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the twenty-eighth
JJJ day or Novomber next, at publlo outcry, at tbe house
of tb# ute Robert Cone, deceased. In Bulloch county, all of
his estate, consisting of several tracts of land, at and ad-
Joining the above namedplace, on the Mlllodgevnie road,
six tailor above Jencke’s Bridge, and bounded on tbe east
by Great Ogeecbo River, containing seventeen or eighteen
hundred acres, and one forty acre lot ia Cherokee, No. 181,
3d district, 2d section; also, one likely negro man. and one
horso. together with cattle, hogs, and shocp, also, household
and kitchen furniture. Terms—Twelve months credit with
■mall notes and approved security.
AARON CONE, Qualified Executor.
September 17tb, 1863 M p27 *
CJTATB OF .GEORGIA— Wayne County 1— All persona oon-
13 earned are hereby notified that two months after date 1
■ball apply to the honorable the C6urt of Ordinary of said
oounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
•ell on* eighty-acre Und warrant, tor the benefit of Geo.
W. R. RatopV orphan and minor ehild of Jacob Rnmph,
.deceased. j 4 JOHN D. RUMPH, Guardian.
Waynesvnie,Sept. 20.1868. seplB
J |\f0TICBL~_Four months after date* application will be
i.t;, mad* tolhs, Court of Ordinary, for lea vs to sell all
;?*. , * n, j ,b « lo ngtdg to the estate of Henry Cannon, dec’d.
■ Ja b,Mflt ^ ww heirs and creditors.
"V W. J, CANNON, Adm’r.
Valentine oreot, Adm’r.
r T „i_m 12?„*****• Ot Y, Kottman.
LtBr.imr County, July 30,1868. |n| r no—,im
.TkTOTICE—All persons having denianas against iF.
-jreto sel'the frel^Wtateof
QOonly.dmW 1 . jQjfAiBAW nnmm, Ajm'r,
ICK.—Person* having demands against the estate of
_ . - jiepli A. Marshall, n m» m*fi of eoldr, deceased, are
requested to hand them In to Griffin k Gordon,attorneys at
law | and thorelndobted willpleare make payment to them.
*ug28 UtKDERKaC A. TUFPCT, Qua!.
N oncs.-'niree month* after date, apffiieaUnn will be
' mado to the Rank of the State or Georgia, for pay
ment of a $80 bill or uld Bank, letter A. payable *t prin
cipal Bank to N. A. Hardee, dated 83d November. 1847.0.
3. Camming, President, the left band 1 hitf of which has
brenlost, Jyle ALBERT W11JJAM&
TyfOTlCK.—On or about the last of April or sometime to
lv May last, Samuel W. Brook*, of Randolph county,
Btato of Georgl*. did; mall a rertain letter'atthe post r'
flee at Cutlibei tin aald county, containing the left hai
half of bill* amounting to one hundred , and 1 fire dollars;
ten tea dollar notea and one five dollar note on the Bank of
the State of Georg : a at 8*rsnnah. to wit: - 1
S tea dollar notes, dated 1st Jan., 1849, A'. Porter, Pre
3 do do do do 14Ui July, 1848, do do
ldo do do do 1st Nov.,1861. do do
ldo do do do 4th Jan., 1860, do do
- 2 do do do do- 8d Nov., 1844.0. It.-Gumming
President, All of said notes being marked with the 1«( Ur
Also, one flvo dollar note, bearing dato 80th January,
1844or 1846.No.306.signed 0.' B. Gumming, President;
which all of the left hand half of Mild described notes were
mailed by the said H. W. Brooks, and directed to the un
dersigned. to the post office at Dalevllle.Dnde county, Ala
bama, and have been lost or destroyed, so that the un‘*er-
sigaea has never been able to obtain them | and this Is to
notify the President and Direbtor* of said Rank, that after
throe months publication In the Sarannnh Georgian, that
payment of said notes Is Intended to be applied for to tho
officers of said Bank,by tho undersigned.
aug30—3m E. RROOK8.
N OTICE—All nsrson* having demands against the esUte
Margaret W Mafkhall, deceased, will present them j
and those Indebted will please make payment.
sepll WM. J, MARSHALL, Adm’r sd colligendum.
OT1CE.—All persons having demands against Ji-ffersor
Btowe; late of Chatham county, deceased, are herebj
notified to present thorn, duly attested, to tho undersigned
within tho time prescribed by la*. And all persons Indcbt
cd to uUl deceased, will make Immediate payment.
octO—flw WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r.
D R. E. G DOYLE takes pleasure iu announcing to inva
lids and tho public generally, that the above popular
and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct
ed by T. Carlton Co rut M D., I* uow ready for the recep
tion of patients seeking a restoration to health.
All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism,
constipation, hemorrhoids or piles, hemorrhages, amen-
errhnea. menorrhoea, dysinenorrhcea, fiuor albus, genital dis
placements, affections of tho eye* and cars, tetter, ery
slpelns and *11 chronic disease* of the skin and scalp, scro
fula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral diseases g neral-
ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tic douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or the railingr’ *- * •- *• *- *
ey, bronchitis. ,
and bowels, atrophy, and indeed every possible bablt of, or
chron n diseased notion that is curable—and alt dUeeua are
curable. If no organic lesion be present.
Tho Ladles' Itepartment Is under the Immediate supervi
sion of that accomplished lady, Mrs. Janr Mattiikwb. bo well
known to the old patrons of the ostabllshmenl
Tlie facilities wnlch this Institution offers for the prosecu
tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygienic course of treat
ment, together with Us easiness of access from all points Iu
Gcorgln, and tho adjoining State*, renders it iieci"
adapted to tho wants of invalids, desirous of availing
selves of the efficacy of the wator-cure.
The purity of tho woter and accommodations for guests,
are too well known to need comment.
In fitting up tho establishment no oxpensn bus been spar
ed that could conduce to make It one of the most desirable
places of resort for Invalids In the United States.
Patients will be required to furnish their own out-fit.-
Theso will consist of friction sheets and towols, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All of which can bo
purchased here on tho most reasonable terms.
Turns—Professional attention, uso of baths, &c , $10 per
week—board 85. per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded and treated for $10 per week.
All letters of Inquiry promptly answered. Jur.eO
IRVING HOUSE, IVaehingtcn, Uittncl qf
Columbia.—-Tlie undersigned, late proprlelor of
.French’s Hotel, Norfolk, va.. hnvfng recently leased
ive popular csta) Bailment, takes pleasure in inform
ing bis numerous friends that ho has, at great labor nml
expense, refitted and furnished the house and provided the
most amplo arrangements for tho comfort and convenience
of all who may favor him with their patronage.
Having had considerable experience In liotel-keeblng be
flatters himself tbnt families and single boarders can be nc
cummodnted at tbo Irving as satisfactorily as at any other
hotel or boarding house in the United States.
Members of Congress and others visiting Washington,
with a view to rcsldo there for soma time, would do well to
exnmlno this house bofore inaklngnrrsngementselsewhere.
It is eligibly situated nt the corner of 12tu street and Penn
sylvania avenuo. midway between the Capitol and Depart
ments. The building Is largo and of modern architecture,
the rooms are spacious and well ventilated, and tho furni
ture is new and of the best desnrlptlon.
Still UeUer.—The charges nre moderate and In accord
ance with the times, whilst tho tables groan with tho best
that the country affords. Call, examine, and sitlsfv.vour-
Washington. D. C.. June 1,1863 Jo7
iTTsTiiennett at go.,
Having purchased tho entire interest of Mr.
... _ ... J. C. Thornton In hi* Carriage establishment in
tills city, mast respectfully solicit a continuation of the ex-
tor. it Is our Intention to keep a large
sortment of all kind* of Carriages, suited to this market.
The lato proprietor. Mr. J C.Thornton, will act ns our agent
at the north, for tho purchase and supply of our establish
ment. His experience of twenty years In the businex* at
tho South, will insuio to our friends and natrons such a
well selected stock as cannot fall to givo entire satisfaction.
Mr. BKN.vm will givo his personal attention to all kind of
repairing, as heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will bo seen from tho above, that I havo sold
nut to Messrs. L. 8. IlKNNETT fc Co., and I linvo ovory confi
dence In the nbillty of these gentlemen, both In cn|Miblllty
and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep
up the reputation of tho establishment.
Mr. Lkwu 9. Bknnktt has beeu my foreman for tho last
two years, and I taku pleasure in recommending him to the
public as an Industrious, capable and deserving man. who.
while looking to his own Interest, will not nsglect those of
hisputrnos. ,,, ,
I11 relinquishing my business In this place, I take the op-
portuniiy to say, that it is not from any dissatisfaction
whatever. Since my in the city of Savannah. I
have boon kindly and gonormisly treated, and have suc
ceeded much better than I anticipated.
In the course I have just taken. I have been prompted by
considerations of a private characternltogcther; wherever
l msy tie. I shall nlwnys carry with me the liveliest sense
of obligation; and cherish tho deepest Interest In the pros
perity and advancement of the city and Us peoplo. Noth
ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a
healthy and honornblo competition. I/>t the good people of
the City and State seo to It. J. C. THORNTON.
Savannah, Oth May. 1853.
N. D.—Mr. H. D. W. Alexanprr is my logally authorized
agent for the transaction aud closing up of iny business.
HOICEHAMS, Ac.—Just received—^200 choice Reynold's
extra Ilnm*. 5 hhds Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbi* fo-af
Lard. 10 half bbl* Pig Pork. 6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 25
bbls Stuart’s crashed and clarified Sugar, 50 boxes Besdel’s
Soap. Starch and Candles. 20 dozen Water Pall*. 30 do as
sorted Scrub Brushes. 60 do assorted Clothes Lino*. 30 boxes
ground Coffee. 30 ilo Mustard. 60 gross sound wood Matches.
30 dozen Washboards, 60 bbls white wlno Vinegar. 10 bbls
N 0 Syrup, fro., fro., for sale, wholesale and retail, at tho
corner of Broughton and Dravton streets, by
t, for the transportation of the
fft New York To^New Orleans,
back, per aot
• 1 forty-aeVen,
contract cor-
— r — .sport tq Cnn|
grew at the next session Ute facts and clredniatence* con-
itefl with the nid contract j ami also for' wlfat amount
the purpose oftsccrtalnln « how far Uii
1 poods with the original bids, and shall I
_ iss at the next session toe facts and cirod
occutq with ther “ * * — 1 *“
tho Mid moll Mr
built acomdlng to its term*. The Po*t-
1 further directed by this act to ascertain,
gross at Its doxt session, for what amounts
,. .... ..
- lA.^#ortknrerOflsloti* ol the set orilth July.
1848, Hereinbefore, refonia to, - pre-emptlun claim* will not
been offered at publlo Ml*, and becomo aubjeat to private
entry ' And llieto tActs will l>e sold In such legul sutsll-
visions as will Idelude the mine or mines at not lea* than
odn taper acre J and If not sold at pob-
-uttorehaJl Im entered at piirute sale
— - ——thereafter, the same shall he subject
to sale** other lands,
The olftrlngof. the above land* will he commeficed on the
days ap|K)lnled, and will proceed In the Order In Which tlie>
are advertised, until th* whole sliall have been offered, and
twcdollpto and fifty cen
Ilo Mle *t such price, n
wltirltt twelve moth* ibt
the mIo* thus closed j but no sale shall be kept open Huger
than two week*, and nq private entry of any ol the land*
will be adinltUd'uatlUUer the expiration of the two weeks.
master Gi
Jenerall* fortl ™ **
kudwiiOnl to06ngre**_--,- n „
the serviee, now ucrfohned under the several contracts
With the Nnty anu Post Gfflco Departments fo
nmll In ocean steamer*, can be hereafter performod, upon
tlie supposition that the United States ihsUtake tho steam-
‘ and sell or transfer tlirm.*'
‘ it- Now Orleans and VcraCrn*
. , ..Utter the expiration of the two weeks.
Given urtdor my hand, at tlieeity of Washington, tills
twenty-first day of June, Anuo Domini ouo thouMud eight
hundred and Hfly-tlimi.
By tho President: FRANKLIN PIERCE.
John WnouN.
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
C ODFISH. MACKEREL. Ac.—Just recclveil—2 hhds extra
now Codfish. 10 bbl* extra No 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes new
scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw's corned Bref, 60 bbl* ex
tra choice Canal Flour For sale, wholesalo and retail, at
tlio corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by
F MXK1R OH, CliOTHS.—The most complete sti>ck of OU
Clntli*. in overy variety of patterns and colors, varying
in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. II. GUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse.
fob5 140 Congress and 67 St. Jullan-sts,
G old pens and pencils and steeiTpens.^Just
received, a fine assortment of gold pens and pond'
double end slnglo extension; also, a variety of fine
pens.fcr cheap nt tbo book (Core of
aplll 8, 8 '• V l36Conares»- strew
S UGAR.—22 hhds choico Porto RlcoSugar 00 bbls Stuart’s
Refined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do Loaf do, 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses, 00 do Hiram Smith and pure Gene
see Flour, 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, 25 do and
100 keg* prime Leaf lard. 60 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
■loStar Candles, 80 do Bcadoll’s C’s nml 8’s patent tallow ilo.
landing and for sale by
case of Tery choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric Inserting* and edging*; ono case of superioi
Italian sewing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goods, they offer on Tery low cos]
terms, at 178 Broughton-strect.
*pl 28 Opposite St Andrew's H*B
and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins -,
plaid and striped jaconet and 8w!sa muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin; white and
organda muslins; colored linen lustres; and a fine assort-
ment of ladles’ and gentlemen’s linen cambrio handker
chief*. m9 AIKEN fr BURNS.
TJACON, HAMS AND CANDLES.—26 hhds bacon aides’
XJ 600 Rolosons’s bams, 100 boxes adamantine candles
In store and for sale by
TVMEKSON’S RAZOR STROPS.—These celebrated Straps
JCj are made and warranted by Charles Emerson, and are
superior to any others now in use. Purchasers should be
sura and get the genuine Strop, as there are numerous
counterfeits hearing the same name, the most of which are
worthless. The genuine 8trop can be bad of
apt 18 W. W. LINCOLN, Monnment Square.
TjVNOLISlI VERMIN DESTROYER—This article Is extern
JGj lively used In England for destroying all kinds of bogs,
worms, fro. For Rosehee and Ants, there Is nothing equal
to It. It hiur been flalrlr tested in this eity, and can be ro
lled upon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermis
/■'1HKIIRY LOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Lozenges.
for coughs, colds, and Infiensas. These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient than any of the Uqnid
preparations, m they can be carried about the person, and
-Iways ready. for use when tbe cough Is troublesome, thru
11 *“ ‘ * * ■* lonstantirri
mvintlmr a violent aitack of cougfilngand constant
tatlon of tha lungs. Just received and for sale by
W. W. UNOOUf, Monument BqnarV-
T7LECTION NOTICE.—On Thursday, Oth or October next,
Jli Council will elect a Cltv Treasurer, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Joseph George, Esq , late City
Treasurer, AppUeanU will hand In their applications to
me, stating the frames of their securities, before 10 o’clock,
A. M., of that day. Annual aalary—8000 and foes; Bond—
810,000. By order of Connell ‘
• contra ot, ai
Exoeptin reapfct to lhL ......
route, which may bo discontinued by the Postmaster Gen.
erul. on the allowance or one months’ extra pay. the clause
In all the contracts giving to tho United Btntes the right to
take possession of tbo ships Is. In substance, a* follows:
*• Anft[thk«a|d BeeretarVof tlie UnltM BUites Navy, for
tlie time being, shell at *11 Uines exercise control over uld
steamships, and shall at any time have the right to tnko
them for tho exclusive use and sorvlce of the United BUtes.
and to direct such changoa In their machinery and Infernal
arrangement* na the mid Secretary may rent’ “-
of such change* to be n*cortni»ed by tbe bills
Ship*, when so token as aforesaid, to bo ascertained by ap
praisers to bo mutually chosen by the parties aforesaii* “
—Hogh W Mercer, Anthony F Mara. Abraham Minis'
E™-" 1 ’(p‘'' I: Hul'ort Uanh. WUIi.m
MorHIl. Join IM ert, Adolpli. Hoi!..John H.kln, O.f.rt
Markins, JatdesW Morgan, Ralph Meldrim. Dan Malletto,
flcrtcsMorse. William H liar, Samuel 8 Miller, John Mur-
chlson, Clirlstlan W Maytalnder.BoHmon Mayer, John Mas:
„ r , terson, LuderMehrtenx Jacob Manses, Joh n E Mallery. Hen-
or the lands within the townships and parts of towushlp* ry Macnhard.Tboaas R Mills, James Monuaban, Charles A
* ■ -'■ ',blKh the tlie Maglllj
Nonci to rhx-ntrnoH of^iMaxm
,A tx X P cr,on ®ntltled to the right of pre-emption to any
)f the lands within the townships and parts of towuslilj
above enumerated, Is required to establish the tl..
satisfaction of the registrar and receiver of th# proper
land office, and make pryment therefor as soon as practica
ble after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed
for the commencement of the publlo sale of tlie lauds em
bracing the tract claimed, otmrwlse such claim will be
forfeited. JOHN WILSON
Jy28tl0w Commissioner of the General Land Office.
icn change* to be n*cortolnod by tbe bills actually paid
rfor. and tlie proper compensation of the value of the
*; when so token as aforesaid, to bo ascertained by ap-
Now. Koncx u hereby oivKN. that with a view of report
ing to Congress. In as complete a manner as possible, the
information called for by Congress In section third above
quoted from the act of 8d March last—
Will bo received at tho Post Ofllco Department, In tbe
city of Washington, until 3 o'clock, u. m.. of Monday, 31st
dny of October next, for conveying tho malls of the United
States for six years from the first day of October, 1854, In
the manner and Ume herein specified
No. 1. From New York to Cowes, in England.and thence
to Bremen Haven. In Germany, and from said Bremen Ha
ven. by C'owes to New York, once a month.
]’ioi*>snH for one additional trip a year, each way, vll be
No. 2. From Charleston, South Carolina, by Savannah.
Georgia.and Key West, Florida, to Havana, in Cuba, and
from said Havana, bv Key WSsl and Savannah, to Charles
ton. twice a month.
No. 3. From New York to New Orleans, twice a month,
and back, touching at Ctn«14nton, (If practicable.) Savan
nah, and Havana, and from HAvaua to Clmgre* (Aftpiuwall)
and back, twice a month.
Proposals to omit Charleston and Savannah will bo con
sidered. ‘
In lieu of above, proposal* will also bo received for ser-
vIco from Now York to Asplnwnll. direct. 2.000 miles, anil
back, seml-montbly. In not exceeding nine day* to lire trip
each way; from New York by Havana, to New Orleans.
2,000 mites, and back, semi-monthly. In hot exceeding ten
days to tlio trip each way; mid from New Orleans to Asplti-
wall, direct, 1.400 miles, and back, semi monthly, In not ex
ceeding seven days to the trip each woy.
No. 4. From Panama. New Granada, to San Diego. Cali
fornia, Monterey, San Francisco, and Astoria. In Oregon,
twice ft month each way—touching. If practicable, nt Port
Orfortl, In Oregon, nml at such other Intermediate port on
the coast of Oregon or California as in the opinion of the
Postmaster Gem-rut the public interests may require.
Tho schedules of Nos. 3 and 4 must be so arranged as to
make due connexion at the Isthmus of Panama, (bus form
ing a continuous route from Now York, Ac., to Astoria and
back, twice a month.
No. 6. From New York to Liverpool, In England, and
back, tweutv-slx trip* per annum, at such times as tbe
Postmastor General shall direct.
Proposals to touch at Holyhead, in England, will be con
No. fi. From New York, by Cowes, in England, to Ilnvro,
In France, and back, onco a month.
Proposal* for chnnplng tbe terminus of tills line from
Havre to Antwerp. In Belgium, nnd for one additional trip
a year, each war. will bo considered.
No. 7. From Now Orleans, Louisiana, lo Vera Cruz. Mexi
co, and back, three times a month, supplying Tampico,
Mexico, by a side mall going and returning.
I^ave New Orleans on the first, fourteenth nnd twenty-
filth days.
Arrive nt Vera Cruz name month by the fourth, seven
teenth, nnd twenty-eighth day*.
I«ave Vera Cruz every month on the first, sixth, nnd
twenty-first days.
Arrive nt New Orlenns snmo month by the fourth, nlutb,
and twenty-fourth days.
The proposals In each Instance should specify tho num
ber of days tolfe taken for tbe trip each way.and the mode
of conveyance, which must bo by steamships in all respects
suitable for the service.
If contracts should bo entered Into, contractors will be
required to conform in all respects to the law* ami regula
tions applicable to tlio onliuary contracts of the Post Ofllco
The bid* should bo sent duly guarantied, under seal, to
tho Postmaster-General, nnd the word* *• Mnll proposnls-
Forelgn Malls ”—written on the face of the letter.
sop7—lawflw Post mast er-GeiiiTiil.
In porsunneo of law, I. Framku.v Pikiick. President of the
United States of America, do hereby declare and make
known, that public snlea will be held at the undermention
ed land office* In the Statu of Wisconsin, at tho periods
hereinafter designated, to wit :
At tho fotnd Office nt Wnuiir Rivkr.commencing on Mon
day. tho third day of October next, for tho disposal of the
public lands situated in the following named townships,
North of the bate title anti tout of the fourth principal meri
Townships thirty-two. thirty throe, thirty-four, thlrty-
fivo. nnd tlilrty-slx. of range five.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two. thirty-three, thirty-
four. thirty-five, nnd tlilrty-slx. of range six.
Township* thirty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-
four, and thirty-five, nf range seven.
Townships tlilrty-oue, thirty-two, thtrty-three.and thirty-
four, of range eight.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, and thlrty-lhreo, of
range nine.
Townships thirty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, and thir
ty four, of range sixteen.
Townships Uiirty-threoaml thirty-four of rango seven
At (lie Iond Office at Mrrahha. commencing on Monday,
the tenth day of October next, for the diNpnsal of the public
lands within Ihe undermentioned townships and parts of
township*, to wit:
North of the bate line and earl of the fourth principal meri-
Township* twenty-five nml twenfy-slx, of range twelve
Fractional township* twenty-one. went nf Wolf river, nnd
townships twenty-four, twenty-five, und twcnty-elx,ofrange
Fractional township twenty-one and twenty-two, west of
Wolf river nml Bayou, and townships twenty-three, twenty-
four, twenty-five, nnd twenty-six. of range fourteen.
Fractional township twnnty-two. west of Wolf river,
townships twenty-tliroo and twenty-four, and fractional
townships twenty-llvo nml twenty-six, west of Wolf river,
of range fifteen
Fractional township* twenty two. twenty-three, twenty-
four. nnd twenty-six. west of \Volt river, nf range sixteen.
At the Land Officcat Im Croppk. commencing on Monday,
the seventeenth day of October next, for the disposal of the
public Lands within tho following named townships to wit:
North of the bate line and vxrt of the fourth princijtal meri
Townships twenty nnd twenty-one. of range ono.
Townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and
twenty-one. of range two.
TownsbifMi twenty-one and twenty-two. of range eleven.
Townships twenty-one nnd twenty-two of range twelve.
Townships twenty-one nnd twenty-two. of range thirteen.
North if the bate line and eatl qf the fourth piincijxil meri
Townships twenty-one. twenty-two, twoDty-three, and
twenty-four, of rango one.
Township twenty-one. of range two.
At tho land Ofllco at Stkvknh’ Point, commencing on
Monday, the twenty-fourth day of October noxt. for tlio dis
posal of the public lands situated in tlio following town
ship* ami parts of townships, to wit:
North of the hue line, and east of the fourth principal me
Township twenty-six. of range four.
Township twenty-six. of range five.
Sections three to ten, fifteen to twenty-two. nnd twenty-
six to thirty-five, in township twenty-six ; township twenty-
seven. (except section* thirteen, twenty-foul-, twruty-five.
thirty-five and thirty-nix.) and townships twenty-eight,
twenty-nine nnd thirty, of range six.
Sections one. two, eleven to fourteen, twenty-threo to
twenty-five, nnd thirty-six. In township twenty-six; sec
tions,'thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, thirty-five, and
thirty-six. In township twenty-seven ; sections five to eight,
seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one. In township
twenty-eight; township twenty-nine, (except sections
twenty-flvo to twenty-eight, and thirty.tlirce thirty-six,)
and township thirty of range seven
Soctlon* one to five, eight to fifteen, twenty-two to twen
ty-seven, thirty-five nnd thirty-six. in township twenty-
four; township twenty-five, (except soctinns six. seven,
eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one -,) township twen
ty-six; townships twenty-noven. (except section six,)
twenty-eight, (except soctlons six. seven, eighteen, nlnoteon.
thirty and thirty-one;) nml townshipstwenty-nlno and
thirty, of range eight.
Townships twenty-fire nnd twenty-six, of range nine.
Township twenty-six, or range eleven.
Atthe Land Office atMlimiAtPointcommenclngonMon
day. the second day of January next for the disposal of tho
following, being residuary tract" of the reserved lead mine
ral lands, which were not Included in the proclamations of
the 20th November, 1840, and 28th April, 1851, to be sold
under the act of Congress entitled “An act to authorize
the President of tho United State* to sell tho reserved
mineral land* In the States of Illinois and Arkansas, and
Territorioa of Wisconsin and lows, supposed to contain lead
ore.” approved July 11.1846. to-wlt:
North of the bate line anti eatl of the fourth principal me
Tlie west half and northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, tlie northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
and tho southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of sec
tion one: the east half of the northwestqaarter, the south
east quarter, the west half of the southwest quarter, and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, of twelve;
and the northeast quarter, and north half of southwest
quarter, of twenty-nine, in township ono: the northeast
quaiter of section thirteen. In township two; the west hall
of tho northwest quarter of section eleven. In townshln
three ; tbe out hair of the southwest quarter ol section
twenty-five, and the east half of the southwest quarter of
thlrty-slx.ln township five, of range one.
Tbe west half and northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, the east half of the northeast quarter, and the
east half of the southeast quarter, of section two, Id town*
■hip two, of range two. .
The east half of the northeast quarter, and the north-
east quarter ot tbe southeast quarter. °t section four. In
township two. and the northwest quarterof the northwest
quarter of section five, In township three, of range three.
The out half of the northwest quarter, the nothwest
quarter of tbe northeast quarter, and the east half of tbe
southwest quarter, of section thlrty.ln township four l and
tbe west half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-
five. tn township flve.of range fonr.
North rf Us base fin* and v«t 0/ IA« fourth principal mer{-
The west half of the northwest quarter of section three,
In township two; the east bslf of the northwest quarter,
and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, of
four ; the west half of tho southeast qu»rtor of six; the
southeast quarter of tho zoutbewt quarter of -twenty-
seven, and the southeast quarter of the northwest qotrtar
of thirty four. In township three, of nnge one.
The northwest quarter of section ten, nnd the west half
of the southeast quarter of thirty. In township three, of
range two.
. At the flAMartsco, commencing on Monday, the third dny
nr October next, for the dlspoanl of publlo lands within the
following section*, nnd parts of sectlons, U> wit:
North if thebanUne andmtl if the fourth principal meri
S EC. i.—Be it further enacted by the authority of the tame,
Thst from and anor the passage of this set nil person*
*Uall be qualified to vote at election* for Mayor ana Alder
men of tho olty of Savatiunli aud tbo liamleti thereof, who
are citizen*of tho United State*, havo redded In tlio State
of Georgia for one yenr Imuiedlntob preceding the election
anu within the corporate limits of Savunuali for oue mouth
immediately preceding their registration, and continue *0
to do up to tnctiuio of election, who have attained tlio age
of twouty-one yenr*. havo paid all city taxes or have in
their own right sufficient rcnlostuto to satisfy sny tax exe
cutions which may lie ngnlusVlhem. who huvo n.ado nil re
turns required bv tlie ordinance* of the city.nml imvo been
registered according to the provision* of tills act.—Extract
from the lleyittry Law.patsed Jan. 22,1852.
Tlie followiug named person* have registered their names
■luce tlie first or January, 1863. arid up to date
A.,—-Matthias Amorous. John W Anderson. David Abra
hams, t Jinnies Arnold,George A Ash, Robert Austin. George
Alexander. Charles II Ak!i. William tl Andrews, George II
Ash. John 8 Achord. George W AmJorson. Stewart Austiu.
Benjamin R Armstrong, Thomas A Sskew. Thomas Arden.
Willlnni Amlro.Jus Abeam, Edward G Anderson Richard
IV Adam*. Rlelmrdnon F Aiken. Richard D Arnold. Adolphe
Abmliuius, John Anglin. Benjamin Arnold, llenry D W Al
H—Benedict Bourquin, John W IHze. Gilbert Butler.
John IMkiifeulllet, John V Barber. Julius Bacharach.George
L Blount. Anton Borcliert. Joseph Black, Alexander Francis
Bennett. Janies 11 Bu*lilor, Mlcliuel UoloyiClaudius E Baric.
Urns W W Brui'ii..lames M Butler.Hyman Kliyck. William
J Bandv. Edwin H Bacuu. IVni James Bulloch. Siegmuml
Berg. Milton J Bucltuer. John Boston. Heurv S Itogardus.
William H Bulloch, 1’ntrick Uulkley. Joliu W "Beasley. John
B Burn well. James TUuckner. Anthony Busier, Thomas A
Brown, John Burus, Joseph ll Burroughs. Berrien M B Bur
roughs, Willium F liranlley. Charles M Hell. Ellas II Burs
tow. l’eter A lllois, Wm Gaston Bulloch. Isauc Brunner.
John Brunner. Joseph Bancroft, Philip II Itolin. James A
Brown. John Maepherson Berrien. Barnard E Bee. Blchanl
Burke, David Bell. Thomas 11 Barrett. Edward J Blount.
Wolfe Burnett. Conrad K Byck, Charles Bishop, Wm Illols.
Valentine Brunner. Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Broun,
Joseph II Baldwin. Francis Blair. Michael Brannon. James
K BuRough..lames A Baker. Willium M Blount. Win Ben
ken. William I) Bashkir, William Burges.George A lloifeuil-
let. Willium Ikonken. Patrick Brady, Thomas G Bulloch.
Henry Bagshaw, Willlnni Urunkard, James M Butler. John
F Blakely. Michael Boy Ian. Thouins Bourkp. Willium 8 Has
iuger. Joseph Bryan. Henry Burt. William Burke. Harvey
L Byrd, Francis 8 Knttlpy, Henry F Bennett. John Donch.
John Blount. Samuel P Bell, Michael Barry. Patrick Brad
ley. Philip Hringman, Augustus Boulinenu. RIcli’d Brown,
Patrick Bradley.Geo BanKinan. John Breen, Wm A Black.
Mick Burke, Edward W Baker. Wm Henry Bunch. Burrell
L Boulinenu. Klclmrd Bradley. James H Buckner. Rich’d W
Buford. Dennis Bragdou. Henry L 8 Bunts. John J N Bunts,
David JJudjerly. Worthington C Butler, Thaddeu* P llluki-
wood, WmC Barton, Francis 8 Bartow. Wyatt M Bragg.
John A Burgess, William B Blount. Michael Burko, Henry
Styles Hell. John C lilunce, Win H Banks. Sani’l V Box. Mi
chael Barrett. Michael Barret. Theodora UluU, Win H Bond-
ley. John Bilbo, James Bilbo, Wui 11 Bourke. Thaddeu* J
Baldwin. David II Ualdwin, Wm B Bliss. Benj Burroughs.
John Brady. Lewis S Bonnet, Frederica II Bluls, W Dratley,
James C Blance, Augustus Buie.
C.—Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constantine. David C Cash.
William Culleu. Peter Curb. David 1-upczColien. James A
Cuurvolslc, Montgomery-Cuhuiiing. Dunk-1 BCuuip, George
B Gumming. Moses Coburn. William Crabtree. Aaron Cliani
nion, Daniel II Coop. Isaac Cohen. Frederick Cook. Frederick
W Cormvell, William P Clark. William II Cuylttr. Carrol A
Cloud.Spencer Currell, Pierce Condon, William M Charter*,
Clmrlo- Ohio, Daniel Clarke. John F Couipogulac. George
Colley. Myles D Cullens. Peter I, Constantine.Nicholas Cru-
ger. Henry It Christian. John Cordon!. Wallace Gumming.
James II Carter. William Cooper, John J Cornell. Janu s T
Clark, .lames O II Campbell. Samuel J Cam-ell*. Joseph S
Currnllior*. John 1) Charlton. Bryan Connor. William Oscar
Charlton, William Cox, Hugh Cullen. James Cleary, Xloses
8 Cohen. Thoinan Corr, Joseph SClughorn. John F Caraten.
Charles I* Cooper. John Greene Cooke. Henry Cleaver. Jacob
Cohen. Beujaniln L Cole. Silas M Coletng. John L Clark.
TIioiihih W Cooper, Henry Cnsson. James Cox. Robert M
Charlton. Janie* Cox. Francis Canfield. Peter Clark, Janos
Carey. Thomas Cusacli. Thoimi* Carey. Daniel Colo. L<iku
Christie. Lowl* F Cooke, Earl A Crafts, Patrick Clark. Mich
ael Cusack. Michael Conway. Antonio Cliristblora. Isaac J
Coheu. Francis Champion. Aaron Champion. Thomas Col
lin*. Edward T Conner. William Conner. Andrew Conner.
Charles Cannon. Thomas Conway, Richard W Cubbcdge.
Francis T Cole. William Carson, Win F Chaplin. Moses A Co
hen. Hfinnn A Crane, John Cass, John M Cooper. Lemuel
C Clark. Luke Canon. Robert .1 Coughey. Jonathan A Cu
dey, Denis dairy. John Cerconely. Joseph V Conuerat. Jas
Connolly. John ],Co|*. A Conies.John A Chambers.Patrick
Carney. Michael Cleary, James KCnpe. William A Cook. Bar
ton Centre. John Clancy.Thames Cunnlff. John Clearv. Geo
L Cope. Hr.. Frederick Oirsten, William M Cruinly. Michael
Carey. George Cornwell, George N Collins. Richard R Cuy-
lcr. Cctavus Coheu. Geo K Cnngdou, Iawrence Connell. Gen
L Cojk 4 . Jr.. Jcremlnh Cavanaugh. Geo A Cuyler. William 11
Coo|ier. Julius ll Corcopely, Edmund Cottar. Wm Condon.
Joseph Cain, Charles II Cnmpfleld. James Campbell, l’otor
Carrol. Paniol Crumbly. Patrick Cusark. Win Cannon. Anto
nio CIiIcxh, Joseph N Cook, Allen Cullen, John P Cohen.
Wm A Couery, George Holbrook Crooke, Wm Cotter, Tho»
1( Clarke. George E Cubbcdge, AugustusC Cannon. Cyrus
Chaffer. George. Clarke, James Clnnccy. Samuel 11 Courier,
George Causae.
D.—David R Dillon. Martin Duggan. Archibald C Haven-
E rt. Isaac Davis. John Dully. Janie.: Dunu. William Dixon.
trick Dovinu.ChcsIey Dugger, William II Dunning, Henry
.1 Dickerson, AlbertLDoLorgo. Isaac D’Lyou. John E Davis.
John Doyle, jr., Isaac DcLarochc, Willium M Davidson, Wui
11 Davis. Richard Dawson.t'liarlei 8 Davis, Nicholas Dixon.
Lewis I,Itavls. Francis H Deinero. Patrick Doyle. Michael
Donnelly. Morty liorgnn, John Downing. Richunl W Dela
ney. TIioiiiiim Doyle. Thomas K Davis. Sheldon C Iliinnlim.
George W Duvls. Michael Daily. Francis 1) liana. Joseph O
Davis, John Doyle. Jacob DolsiMotta. John I* ADupon. Pat
rick Dolan. Francis Daly. James H Demund, Janie* Doyle
Patrick Downey. Janies Downey. Mlchnel Downey, John
Deacey. Henry Jianeufelser. John Dolan, Jacob Dnnnonfel-
nor. Patrick Devnnny. Isivl g Dickson. Tlio* Dowell. Michael
Duggan. Jacob F Doe. Win C Dawson, Mauricn M Deniere.
Win J Donaldson, Wm J Dotson. James IloMartin, Bum'll
M Dyu, James M Dye. Elijah Dye. Alcx'r Drytulnle, Alex’r
Delbanco. Faniuel 1) Hickson. Wm G Dickson. Joliu Dillon.
Wm Doodv. Frederick Daiineiifel-er. John lievannv.MRchell
T Duke. Joseph DoyIu, Martiu Dunnaguu. Samuel I. Dowell.
John I) Delannoy.
B«-llenry Kill*, Peter Endres. John Evcrard. Richard
Ennla.John Eiskeanip, Stephen Elliott. Jacob A Epstein.
John B Epstein, Thomas Eden, Daniel Egan, Jan A Ernst,
John Kady. Edward W Eden. James Edeu.
IP-—Joseph Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Flckling. G
Fleetwood. Louis N Falligant. Caspar J Fulton. Washington
FFlorence.Joseoh S Fay. John G Falligant. John C Forrili.
Andrew Fnrry. Frederlcli Finch. William D Ford.Sewell H
Flak, John Flemming, Richard Flanigan. Thomas Ford.
Patrick Fleming, John Foster. John-II Fish, tlr.van Foley,
Josiah R Fisher. John Foley. Jacob Friend. Dugnld Fergu
son. John Flanneguu. James Fountain. Henry R Fort.Benja
min Flckling. Itobert Ferrell. Gordoy Kayo. Joseph E Knlll-
gunt, Randolph B Fell. William Fielding. James A Fawns,
willlnni B Fleming. Alexander Fawcett. George 8 Frierson.
Charles Fox. Jacob Friend. Isham Freeman, John Finney.
James Foley. John Fitzgerald, Frederick S Fell. Patrick Fo
ley. John Flannignn. Andrew Flatley. Thomas Flaherty,
william Folllnrd, Cornelius Flynn, David Fitzgerald. EdwM
S Fulton. John Folllanl. Jared Fitzgerald, Patrick J-ltzger-
ald. Lawrenco Fitzgerald. Mlchnel Feely, Mlchnul Finney,
Urban C F'raxer. John G Fisher. Wm G Foote. Wm TF'e.iy.
Frederick Fisher. Itobert G FVrguson. Isaac Ferguson. Wm
A FVrgusnn. Patrick J Flemming. Dominick Flatley. Jas H
Foley. John FngHn. Jacob C Fattier*.
G—Joseph George. Itobert HUrlffin. F’rancis Grimbull
Joseph George.Jr.. Robert M Goodwin. John B Gallic, David
H Galloway.8caborn Goodall. John Gammell, Domingo Gal-
leo. Joseph F Gnmmon. Cliarle* Gross. Martin Gcrken. James
KGuudry. PhilipGicblehouse, Henry Ganahl. John F' Guil-
mnrtln. John Gerdt*. Benjamin Ginovoly. John LGroven-
stein. Kbunezer W M Gifford. James E Godfrey. George A
Gordon.Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith. NIcklesGell.
Horace Gillum. John S Green. F’ranels L Gue, Jas Gowan,
William T Goodwin. William W Goodrich. Micliaei Gcarev.
Michael Gay. Lowl* Grenvald. Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith.
James Uarvay. George Gatehouse, Martin Geiger. Solomon
Goodall. Michael Glasgow. John II Gnann. Charles Gnnahl.
Itobert S Gray. George M Griffin. Julius B Gaudry, William
Garrugbtr, Hugh Grady, Benj George. John Gallagher. Pat
rick Garrlan. Iawrence J Gullmartin, Nathaniel M Gilman.
John Gilliland. George W Germany, Wm EGeffcken, John
M Gueranl, Joseph Ganahl. Henry L Gilbert. Patrick Gor
don. Mlohael Gordon, Harvey J Gilbert, George Ga**. Cnrs-
ten Gerdts. Matthew Gallagher. Daniel M Gugel, William O
G<wltrey. John I. Grayson. Richard D Guerard; Wm Galplu.
W’m H Grady, Wm W Graham, John Gotte.
II—Thomas Holcombe David F Halsey, William Hess.
Clirtstopber Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles S Hardee,
William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. Jnme*
Hunter, George 8 Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn,
Lemuel L Horer. John Hnupt. Samuel B Ilnupt. William
Henry. Henry Ilaupt, William W Jlendler, Robert Haber
sham, John E Hernandez, Robert. Hutchison, Alfred Hay
wood. William Henderson. Charles A Hall, Geo W llardcos-
tle. Itobert A Ilonlkcr. William L Ilaupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. Willlnni Heldt. Levi Hart, Thomt* Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter D
Hilzhe'm. Charles F Hamilton-John F' Hamilton, William
Hone. William II Ilausman, David Uarrlgan, Henry Har-
W Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry. John G Howard,
am H Holme*, Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale.
Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus B Harris,
James B B n*rley. Undan Hughes, I’rfoleau Hamilton. Jno
C Hunter, Dennis Haler. James E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall, Peter nermann, John A Hengec, Nicholas Heyle, Geo
Hubbard, Patrick Hopkins. Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holhreok. Stephen Ilattcrlch. Oliver SUanter. Lewis F Har
ris. William Havell, Jamas Ilackclt, Judge W Harris- John
M Harrison. Joseph M Haywood. James J Hines, Thomas
Hefferman. William L Ilaupt, John Hughes. William ”
elmann. Nicholas Herntndca John Hamlet.Elisha!
Samuel P Halsey, DavidS Henderson. Dennis Blander Has-
sett, Moms C ueold, George Haas, Abraham Hannon. Jaa
M Henderson, Patrick Hart. John 0 Howard. Patrick Han
ley. Andrew Hagerty, Patrick Hoban. John Hinlns, Esekiel
8 harris. Julian Hartridge, Robert B Hilton, Waabington R
Hams John R Hamlet, Clarence P Hollis. John Houlihan.
Joseph B Harvey. Francis Hernandez, Thomas Ilaynee. Ed
ward O Hough. Algernon B Hartridge, Herman Hocb. John
Heery, John Hover. lav Id Hart- Maurtoe Hackett. Robert
R Habersham. James Haskett. Moses Z Henderson. Thomas
Heery, Wm- B Harrison. Jcbn Harrison, Wm B Hermes. Wm
J Harty, Paul Heller, Thomas H Harden. Fronds W Head'
man, -Dwight Hunt, John B Habersham. Martin Houlihan.
I—John W Italy, Edward W Irwin, John Irwin.
J—John R Johnson, John T Jones. Jemee R Johnston,
Id ward Jones, James O Jones. Alexander Johnson. WlRIsm
Bullock Jaeksoo, Enoch 8 Johnson, John D Jesse, John J
Jackson, James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James.
Peter Jacob*. James M Jones. Peter Edward Jadenn#*; 0
kin, James
felaij-f I.nj.r, tlnalhy b
uel 8 Levy, Henry V IJcbU, Ihou
Charles Lee, Oeoroe H Llhdstldt,
. jjupWUr"*".'
lei Lovell, James lattghlsnf Orlando 1 H .
Lucre. John Lama, Bamael A T Lawtetu
ronoe. James Lannahan, Patrick Lennahar
Thoms* Lovett. Thomas Lyon. Daniel N Lam, Daniel Up.
lum. Timothy Une, Lewis Lohman, James Inrkln, Christ-
fan 1) Lebey, John Larkin, John Lawlej, WmHI.yno. Peter
f“ n - Patrick W Lee, Peter Laddy, James H Lesptrol, Wm
[tlmoro, Payne, LovelLthos L Lewis. Geo W Lobkwood.
1 ft 0 **$“*■ W u ?- e » tube), Michael Lynch .
'bufrowi Jbhn
. - jee, Antonio Uu-
, Daniel N Lain, Daniel Up^
•I 111 : J^O-B EsHard. Jacob Miller. Matthias H Moyer,
Irin N Miller. BirnouJipRia.bander Moore* Jno A Mayer,
chard 0 MscktU, Michael Meath, Fabian Myerhofrer
Thomas Month, John Murchison,Bryan M Morel, Charles F
Mills, John Mtlianney. Thoms* Mature, William EMprwin,
John Morris, Jmigen H Mehrtens, Thomas Murtaueh. Syl-
va.I-P 11 tlnnnirtfr flii-IAi f- ll... vt
taagu, By]
irnellae D Murjihy,
K-—PhRIp Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gelert.
Kuck. Peter Kroute. William Kroass,**-
man Knblmab, Dtedrtoh Kattenhorn.
W Kelly. James W King. Nicholas Kel
vesterll Manning. Clisrles Muller, t
Mscpherson B Jtlllen, Isaac M Marsh, Wm B MelL John
Murphy. John 8 Montmollln, James8 MoelU, David Moran,
Thomas 1) Morel, John Mellon. Jerre Mack. Joseph U Mo
thtas. John Miller Edward H Martin, John R Martin- Jesse
Mount, Samuel Mansfield, Henry C Mehrtens, Henry K
Montfort. llenrlch Wm Moyer, Harvey Morse, Andrew Ma
loney, Patrick Mnsteraon, John Murphy, Martin B Meyer,
Nathaniel C Mill*. John Moran. Tboma* A Maddox, Simeon
8 Moody, Iuao.Mlni*. Wm J Moore, Domingo Martlngo. Ed
ward Moran. Abraham F Mordecal, James M Mordecal. Dan
iel Mitchell. Thus B Maxwell, Daniel W Mlscally. Jacob Mat-
tcc.Tluunne Maddea. John R Meyer. Emanuel Mendel. John
I) Malletto, Michael Morris, Timothy Murphy, Wm Morel,
John O Mehrtens, John F Mulligan. Edward Mulligan, Thos
McNulty, Albrlnk Moore. Thomas Malian, James W Moore,
John B Moore, Edward Maher, Michael Meskill, Michael
Martin, Patrick U Malletto. Frederick Mundorf.
Me—George A McCfeskei ~
Patrick McDowell, William 1
Uurence McKenna. Tliomos J ,.
Thomas W MeArthor. James McHenr
Patrick McGovern. Norman W McLeod.'William j McIn
tosh, Jnmos McF’eely, Alexander McHardy, Angus McAl-
pin, Michael McCarty, Nell MeHugh. Jame* Melnnarney,
John McGiiniilgle.TlioroB* O MeCluskey, James McFeelv,
I’at’k McGloln. Ilennls McGuire, John McCall, John McOsu-
liffe, Thomas J McNish, James McGloln, Edward McCabe,
John McBcrmott, James McBride. Thomn* McAuliffe. An
drew McGrcal. John McHugluThomas McCollum. Tliomos
McNicliota*. Itobert Mclntire. Jeremiah McCarthy, laurence
McManus. Patrick McLaughlin, James I) VcFlinn. John Mc
Nish. Daniel J McKenzie, John McCabe. Edgar M MeDonell,
George G N McDonell, William McKcfidre. Michael McNal-
by, l’eter McCormack. John McMahon, James McDonald,
Joseph S McDonell. Michael McCulluugh, Jeremiah McCar
thy. John R Mclntire, Daniel McCarthy, William McFaugb-
an. Thos W McClane.
« N—George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Daniel Nelson,
811 tnuol Nnttman.Jamei SNoldllnger, Nathl Nungazer. John
(! Neidllnger, William G Norwood,Jacob Newberger.Oilbert
*N Neyle. Tliomos M Newell, James A Norris, John It Nor
ton, Robert C Nock, James Nung&scr, William Nungazer.
FMwIn I..Neidllnger, LewisF Nieoll.TliomosWNeill.Joseph
Nowhin. Walter 8. Nott. David B Nichols. John Neill. Ed
ward Nugent, Bryon Niland. John C Nlnoll, Frederick Net-
tlemcir. Alexander H Nathan*. Joseph Nagel,
O—John Oliver, Chariot E Q’SuUlvno, John W Owens,
George S Owen*. Armtnius Ocurlor, Edwanl O’Byrne, WU-
llnm C O’Driscoll. Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’Connell. Dan
iel O’Hanlon. Timothy O’Connor. Timotliy O’Brien, Patrick
O’Connor. Frederick Otto, George W Owens, Jonathan Olra-
stead. Owen O’Rourke, Henry Ohlmeyer. William H Olcott,
Daniel O’Sullivan, Daniel G Olcott. Francis J O’Neil, Thom
as O’Brien. F’rance* J Ogden, David O’Keefe, JohnOgleby,
John F O’Byrne, Michsol W O’Byrne, William P Owen*,
Daniel O’Sullivan. Dominick O’Byrne. Daniel O’Conner. Jas
O’Hara, Bartholomew O'Leary, James P O’Hara, William
IV Oate*. William H Owen
P—Philip J Punch. Thomas Purse. John Poole, James
Potter. Joseph E Pelot. Charles V Preston, William Procter,
Edward I’adelford. Edward Padelford. Jr., Elfaha Parsons!
Daniel G Phllbrick. Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, FM
wIn Parson*. George Parson*, Edward Power*. John PoRtcll,
Joseph W Philip*. John FPosey. William V Prentice. Henry
C Preston. Timms* Pid&on. John M Palin. Samuel G Pan-
cost.' Charles It Patteraon. OrrtnC Parker. John I’halen. Jaa
Potter. Michael Prendeigaat.FMwardJ Purse, Martin Peyton,
diaries Perry. Patrick Price. Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phll
brick, William F Preston. James M Prentiss. Thomas Pitt,
Edward M Prendergast. Geormi C Puder. Itobert W Pooler,
Andrew C Pncettr. Antonio Ponce, George W Pollard. F'd-
ward Potter. Antonio Ponce. Blch&rd Prendergast. Andrew
Jackson Pollard. James Prcndergnst, Samuel I. Pittman,
.tomes Pendcrgast, Abner C Pomeroy. Joseph B Preston,
Thomas Prendergast. William F Parker. James I’runty, Geo
Powers. William Parish.
4,—William Quantock, jr., Martin Quinn, John Quin,
JumeaQulnley. William W Quinn. Jnme* Quantock. Jr.
It-—Philip M Russell.Daniel Robertson.John A Richard
son, William Rcmahnrt. George Robertson, jr . Rolicrt R
Rhodes.Henry Rober, Willinm Rogers, diaries E Robinson,
Andrew M Ross. John W Remshart. Jnmes U Rodgers, Her-
nard Roden, James B Read. George Robbins. Joseph Basse,
jr.. David ltoienbbitt. William P Rowland. Wm P Robert*.
John Reilly. Jefferson Robert*. John P W Read. Ja* Rlitnd.
Joseph Riliero. Jaeoli Rosenbaud, John 8 Roger*. Allen
llmwell. William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Royall.
John Reedy, Alexander R Ralston. Thomn* M ltosia. John
B Dos*. Thomas Redfrcn. Beniamin Reed Joseph B Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, F’ranels Ryan. John Rlordon.John W Rabun.
James M Russell, Itobert Halford. Waring Russell, diaries
W Rogers, Felix J Ro»enbnrg. Charle* F. ltyon. Joseph W
Roberts. Francis Reeves. Joseph Ross. Edwnnl Riley. Dennis
Rynn.Genon Rosenblatt.Lev\8 Russell.
Cornelius Rorke. James Itonaldson. Michael Itochford. Alox-
auder R Ralston. John C Rowland. Patrick Rvan. James
Russell. Henry Ryan. William ltobkin, Jereir-lnh Rysn Jno
Ryan, John T Rowland, James LRichanlaonc. Willinm Rob
inson, John G ltlcliardsone. Hiram Robert*. Cadwallader D
C Ithlnd. Ijtntz Ryan. Jnme* L Roaslgnol, Francis .1 Ruck-
ert. Joseph 1) Roger*. Thomn* Hyan. Tobin* Rothleder. Lnni*
Roblder. Michael J Reilly. William F Ridiardson, George
Rnmspeck. William IUIey. Willinm Ritcblo
S—Patrick K Shicls.* Henry Seltzer. Wm Henry Stile*,
Patrick Smith. F'ram-I* Sorrel. Samuel S Sibley. Edwnnl A
Soullard.Abinliuin Simpson. Ltznr Solomon*. John A Schnf-
for. Freileriek Schaffer, Francis F'Slrobhart, Francis Shells.
Ilnrnmn SUber. Joachim It Sausscy. Jame* J Snider. John
Savage. Ezra Stacy. James II Sandiford, Jacob Shaffer.Con
rad Schnider. John O Sexton, John II Hire us. John F'Stur-
levant. Walter W Smith. F’ranels M Stono. Emanuel Fluff-
tall. John II Stogin. Alexander J C Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
Jnme* F'Stokes. John A Stoley. Abner Sawyer. Samuel U
Sweat. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheflall. Daniel TScran
ton. Daniel II Stewart, John Stono. Willium Salte, Joseph 1)
Stchbins, Jacob Spang. William Shinner*. Jolin Shuuzi-I.
Matthew Shannon, I’ennl* Sullivan, Philip Smith. John
Sliwink..famesShea. Jnme* 1* Screven, Thompson I.Smitli.
Wlll.iimSwell, Richard Scanlnn, Alexander A Hrael*. WR-
limn II Smith,’ Andrew fifenfvatcr. Edward J Sanders, Mor
decat Slioftall. Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer. Herman .Saugstoch. .fas
JI Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Ilniothv Shei hlon. John Scud
dor. Janie*Skinner. Is-wis Smith. John Shea. Geo I Spen
cer. Samuel I, Speiueggcr. Simon Santlm. Thomn* Smith.
.Innics SUeplmrd. James Skinner. George Simmons. Thomn*
Smith. Thomas Scnlloy. George J Smith, John Stoddard.
Je«*e J Sinltli. John BSpan. Copt John Stevenson. I»r.fames
M Schley. Tliomn* Saunder*. Jo -n Steinberg. Wyatt W
Starke. Willinm Starr. William J Stafford William R Sy
mons, Patrick Sea ulan. Joseph Sullivan, John Sullivan, John
Seiiiihin. George N Staley, Henry Htnrk. George Shultz. Dan
iel Sulllvnu. Henry Saunders. Charles E Smith. Samuel Sol
omon*. Edward J Saunder*. Thomas F Steven*. Newton
Stripling, William Star. jr.. Amos Scudder. Jame* Swan
Sullivan. Adam Short. John Sherlock, William Sanders.
Clmres Schrer.k. Ephraim Scudder. Augustus Scheldcrrmn.
John Sullivan. Martin Sullivan. Willium F' Shearer, Nlclm-
InaSlnnot, Mlchnel Shchnn. John Shcllman. Julius Smith
George W Stile*. Patrick Sullivan. Jnme* E Stirk. Willinm
Smith. Joliu Smith. Abrnhaui A Solomon*. Joseph JI Shell-
man. Edwnnl Scuff, Henry H Scranton. George Stevenson,
.Mordecal Slieftall. Jr.. Jnines C Sturtevant, Moses J Solo
mon*. Joaepli JI Solomun*. Solmnon Sheftnll. Jame* H She-
linn. George W Sanders. Henry Straim, Dledrlch Slmffcr. Jno
E Stilwell. Nelson Smith. F’rancl* Clement Stebbln*. Richard
Steele. Peter Smith. Richard Smye, James Smith, Henry
W Smith. Valentine W Skiff.
T—PeterO Thntna* John F Tucker, John TThomas,
Willinm 8 Thompson.George IITitcomb, Chnrle* 0 Tnlblrd
John D Tenhroek, John Thompson, F’rederlek A Tupjier. Jhs
Thurrt. Willinm U Tinsley, flnrnnrd G Tilden, Anderson C
Tonis. Francis Truchelut. William TThompson. John Tier
ney. Edward Townsend. John C Taylor. Allred F' Torlnr. I*,
reel K Tefft, Is-wls E Teljcau. Wm II Tlson. John H Thodo,
t'ornellusTurbush. Josiah PTustln. John V Tarver. Israel
K Tefft. David Thompson, William Thomas, l’etor Thomp
son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tanner.
Willinm STaylor, Milton Turner. Patrick Tyfiiogs. Henry J
Tiedemann, John Timmerman. Henry Tow, Charles Thomp
son, .Mlchnel Tonder. Richard T Turner. Marion HTnlblrd.
John Trumplor,.fames C Thompson, Marlin Tuft*.George T
Tlious, Francis .Marion Th rend craft. Neshlt P J Tavlor. Paul
Tlmmnsson. Bonjnmin T Theus. RicliardThomas. Tliomas JI
Turner. Henry Thompson.
V—Charles Van Horn. David Veadcr Trlstam Verstllle.
Henry II Verstllle. William II S Veratlllo. Henry VioUUtch,
Willlnni C Vnndenburgh, Chnrle* Vandonmark
W—Richard Wayne,FMwnnlG Wilson,Willinm Water*.
Robert D Walker. Henry F’ Wllllnk. Laurence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster. Henry 0 Wyer..fame* T Webb. Henry E
Weed. Smith Warner. Thomas White, Francis HWolman.
Nicholas Wolf. William White. Thomas 8 Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob WIneberg, Samuel A Wood. George 8
Wait, Cliarle* Wilson. Thoinas J Walsh, John W Wilson. Jo-
Jcph Washburn. Zacharialn* Winkler. Le,ri* W Well*.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbridge. Christopher White. Seth
Woodward, laaac Wilder, Dcunla Wynn. James White. Philo
II Wildman, William Watson. William P White. Philip D
Woclhonte. Ashbel Welle*, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
George M Willett, .Tames T Welle*, Janie* IVIiftllian. Enos
WUhtngton. Allen R Wright, Samuel IVIlmot, IVm Wilson.
Wiliam Wright. James M Wayne. William Thorne Williams,
Patrick White. Jame* W White. Richard WIckam, William
M Wadley, JaeobWaldburg. George W Wylly. William C
Wylly. Isaac P Whttehead. I-ewl* Wlggln*. William Waters,
James White,StephenP. Whitehead, James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Washburn, Claus Wlttschen, Conrad Waldschroldt.
John Wlllfanison. John C Wagner. George Jf Waldburg, Jno
J Watts, Edward O Wlthlngton. Jame* S Wilkin*, Norman
Wallace. William II Wiltberger, Peter Wlltberger, Simeon
Waller. Joseph W Webster. Amo* E Webster. Tlio* White.
Tliomas Wood. Henry F Wllllnk. Jr., George S Webb, WR.
Ham Webster. Michael Welch, JohnE Ward.Stephen B WU-
llnm*. Irvin L Wolf. John Wickham. Michael Weldon, Fran
cis White, Charles W West, Henry Williams. James C Webs-
ster. Henry Wilson, Martin Wendllken, Jessey Welch, John
M WlllUm*.Christopher Wltsgen, Gregory White, Samuel T
Wlfaira. Augustus Walter, Itobert Waggenateln, Edward C
Wade, rhoma* A Wlfaon, Bryan Wren, F’rederlek R Wylly.
Wliltarillo II William*. Mtchatl Wall. Henry Wrignnd, Demp
sey White. James G M Warnoch, James E Wsltbour, Elisha
Wylly. Fnnlerlck Wyndlch. Peter White, Honry Williamson.
Jolin Welglvm. Aaron Wilhur.
Y.—Pr Easton Young. Peter Yonson, John A Yonge, Wil
liam P Yongo.
All person* entitled to rote, and desirous of voting at
the next election for Mayor and Aldermen or the city of
Savannah and hnnileta thereof, are respectfully requested
to call at mY office and register their name* within the
time prescribed by law, else they will bo debarred the right
of voUng thereat. EDWARD G WILSON,
*ep5 Clerk of Council.
medy ja certain or being BusUln-d ,p Sfc t . loB **thiw
ui.rtKhrftoblijd dWrt.t,''
marvellous effecta In re.noring *, n J n 5* Te
Reatorlng the iforvoM
now herald It to Uie world as possessinv « I
»‘rtue* known In the Materia 8 1116 010,1 'ipfa I
Physicians of the first standing fa the me,ll«i 1
re and prescribe it as the most effective ,pr# H I
Alterative And Birred1*. h a. 1
ever known. To the sodentary it h»f^! fl fT. I
Balm or Gilead. Especially to Pem*l«V pn>T *' 1 I
ble rondltlon of life, it recommend*UttUufulSSlt I
point of efficacy to any of the numerous L
cenlrated under the comprehensive nsmetff^jg I RmOt or am. 1 l f u* -4 I
Mar Price $1 00 per bottle.
.. w. V. ALEXANDER fr CO
No. 1 UarcUy-strcet. (Astor Home 1 fitTl
For sale by A. A. SOLOMONS, and J I
gist*. Savannah, Ga. u - BARTER, On- I
“We would not grow one bud ofhon? 11 *
You cannot garner In rine fruit 1 >1
mBE cheat BraiEnfl. „ fK* I
I dwtroyer of liutnnn li.]ip!neMnt I
Conminpllon .lull „„ l.mpr tob ourArnKTSlH I
brt«hto»t onuimnu, nnd .fob n„n,, I
unflm.lyirtrt! I
mon bo IU 111. thing, th.t trtre-.ndCiitrtuiinS.tH I
prt-totfUrtt >11 otln brimntt I
This fa that which has *0 long been raueM fc- .0, , I
Ml Mlb -nnd to tb. pnbltc, mrScnltSfSlS I
cotd., Wbonlilng tong], croup, ulbninnKa
and will,in any caso ivhere ung* sufficientirsunT** I
tain life, check the ulceration sud S tb. 2.^
health. Tills is not an Idle boast, norU tbM?^
into tbe market without a thorough trial,botb? l l2l 1
beyond a doubt, that wbst has been *«ertS aVK
“Thesentiment.that consumptioncsnnottaraK
destroyed more live* than the dliesse Itself u^ii,
Hut there It Hone I un ' I
# Th° proprietor, by the me of this article, sud the bleS
of Providence was ra sed .when he was proncuncedTS
bo taken with hnpunlty by the Infant and tbe InrsUd • ,0
ffect* will be felt In a few bonn aftererT-
Ita beneficial effect* 1
menclng IU use. I^t all then, try it7airtlf«Ineuint2i I
« ot Proved, after nn Impartial trial, the priceofth,to I
will bo returned, and all agents are authorized torefaJ I
raritfactory D * nyca * e wbere l1| c article U nut 1
These Isizenges are pul up In 25 cents, 50cents, talll I
boxes, nnd only need a trial to bo fallr appreciated
C. V. HUNT. DsniKX, Ga., only agent for the Soutberi
States, to whom nil orders must be nddrewed, felWlv I
wlnS Zlttrouer, Jacob Zimmerman, Solomon Zelg-
iVol n Partirit of Mercury in ll.
A N 1XFAJ.L1M.F. REMEDY far ScrofaU. King’* M
Rheumatism, Obstinate C'uUneousKrnpfiooi.PlntjiJ I
or Pustule on the Face. Blotches, lkiil*. Chronic Sure Evse. I
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Etilargetornt art fai*
of tho Rone* and Joint*. Stubborn Ulcers Syphilitic lliser- I
ders, Lumbago. Spinal Complaints, and all LhfUMiruiN
from an Injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudtuce la Lift or
Impurity of the Blood.
Tills vnluable Medicine, which has become cebbnWfcr
tho number of extraordinary cure* effected tbnmzb ill
agency, has induced the proprietor*, nt tbe urerst new*
of their friends, to offer it to the public, which llertVitU
tbe utmost confidence In Ita virtue* and wonderfulcurstit*
properties. Tho following certificate*. *elected from 1 hip
number, are. however, stronger testimony thss the am
word of the proprietor*; and are all hum gentkwswB
known in their localities, and or the highest mpctaWtr
many of them now residing In the city «f Richmond, fa
F’. BOY DEN. Kmy, of the Exchange Hotel. RlebnosI
known every where. *ays I10 hn* seen the MeJiclw ufai
Cartkk'k Spanish MixtcRK admlnl*tcre.linom*biitdn4
cases. In nearly all the disease* for which it b kcoiubuL
ed, with the most astonishingly good result*. Ifa says It is
the mosr extraordinary medicine he has ever ms.
that for three years 1 bad Ague and Fever of tbe moil ta
lent description. 1 had several Physician*, took larjrpu-
title* of Quinine. Mercury, and I bellcre all the Tesla tl-
rcrtlsed. but all without any permanent relief Mint I
tried CARTnt’s Spanish Mixti-kk, two boltle* of wbicheSrc-
tunlly cured me. and I am happy to wiv I hare bidsellker
(liill* or Fever*since. I consider it tlie best Tonic (a tb*
world, and the only medicine that ever reached my
Bcnvcr Dam, near Rislmiond. Va, JOHN IMN6MX.
C. 11. LUCK, Esq., now In the city of niehmnwUri ftv
many year* In the Post Office, ba* such rmiliilesitlalbe
astonishing efficacy of Cartkr’m SrsMsa Jlarrst that be
lms bought upward* of 60 bottle*, which lie ha* given i»iy
to tlio afflicted. Mr. Luck says he lias never known It ts
fail when taken according to direction*.
Dr. MINGK. a practising PhyiuV/sn. and formerly el tl*
City Hotel, in the city of Richmond. **/* he ha* wllnrori
In s number of instances the effect* of Caktzk's Srsxni
MlXTrKK. which were mo«t truly aurprtsing. lie **y* lo 1
case c! Consiunpllon. de|mndent on the liter, the good eh
feet*wore wonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker* Mow,
Richmond, wn« cured of liver complaint of 8 tear* rind
ing. bv the use nf two bottle* of Carter'*Sesowh Mixture
GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA-Die Editor* of Ihe Rick-
mond Republican had a servant employed in their press
room, cure! of violent scrofula,combined with Khmnt-
tlsm. which entirely disabled him from work. Twnbcttki
of Cnrter’* Spanish Mixture made a perfect cared him.ul
the Editors. In a public notice, nay they •• cheerfully teres-
mend It to all who nre nfllicted with any dhcsM cf tie
valuable bo.v cured of Scrofula by Carter’* Spanish Mil-
tore. I consider it n truly vnluable medicine. JAVFSs
TAYlAIK, Conductor on tbe R. F. fr P. It. R. Co, Kiehwet,
Virginia. .
Salt lUieam of 20 Years Stmidlng Curtd
Sir. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the city cl KItlinM
was cured by three bottle* of Carter'* .-panlsh lliiturta
Salt Rlicuin. which ho had nearly 20 year*, and whif* *B
tho phjHician* of the city could not cure Nr. Thr.rapca
I* a well known merchant of Richmond, Vs., sad hi* cure
lamest remarkable. ,
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va, had *•«««
cured of Spyhili*. in the worst form, by Carter'*8ps , '“
Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommend*It,SMt*-
alder* Ran In valuable medicino. . ..
RICHARD FI. WEST, of'Richmond, was cored of ScmM*
nnd what physician* called confirmed Coniuinpu flB >
three hoi tie* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. .
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the Revenue, say* te
has seen the good effect* of Carter’* Spanish Wirfa’G 11 .
number of Spyhilitic case*, and *aji it U* perfect ear* wr
that horrible disease. , ,.
IVM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. Va.. cured
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking. T® 0 * * 1 ”
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, sad ws* fMM™
walk without s crutch, In s short time pennaoeotly «r .
Price $1 per bottle. . ... n
Principal Depot* at M. WARD, CIDSE fr C0-. »
Midcn Irnne. New-York. . ..
T. W. DYOTT fr SUNS, No. 132 North 2d Street. ra«»
MeNNEIT fr BEERS. No. 126Maln.«t..Wehm»4.''*-
And for sale by SIlOMAS M. TURNER * CM"®
M. CARTER. A. A. LGJDMONS fr CO., ffawnnsb. *n4
Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere.
’PER STEAMER Trom New York, we hare Just received
JT and »re now opening a flno selection of Plaid Gingham,
also. Mourning Glnglmm. which we are offering at the low
est possible price*.* *ug2 AIKEN fr BURNS
/'1IOARS, TOBACCO, fro.—60.000 Minerva Cigar*. 20.060
U IaUnion do, 15.000 Isabella do,20.000 LnneStardo,
10,000 Oregon do, 26,000 Charnota and Havaua fflxea,150
boxes Tobacco, various brand; 10 do Jenny Und twist do,
10 do Lncy Neel do da. 6 do Myers’ Aromailo do. 25 do Lor-
rllard’s fine out do. 25 do Hogg’s do do, 25 do Goodwin’s do
do. In store and for sale low by
“Tr ARIIffV.—Lin*eed, Sperm, Bleached. Whale and Ca*tor
V Oil: white, r-ed, black and bar Lead; Sho'
Dupont’s Pbwder. U and 26 lb kegs 5 Alum,
For the cure of Incipient Consumption,Serofato
Debility. White Swelling. Rheumatism. ‘
Liver and Skin, and nlfdlsrase* srlriug from lwp»" u
of the Mood and tho effects of mercury. .,
S WAIMU PANACEA 1m* l*eeu far more than Ui ”77
celebrated In this country and In kurops fotntni
onllnary cures—fur the certificate* of whlar rw .
mode to the direction* aud bock* (which mar UJj
tfa) accompanying the Panacea.- home of wbien r
particular,of cn... tno frightful lor
whore the patients had been almost eaten up wl
la, and were deemed Incurable by physician*. ..
It bos been used In hospitals, and J.w tki
has bad the singular fortune of being recumm
most celebrated physician* sud other eminent P«
A W.%b*in”l.’ y D..Prof. of Surrery.Pa. UntvenjUj^
Valentine Mott. M. D.. Prof. of Surg XXMg**
W. P. Dewees. M. D . rrof. of Mid. l’a. Cl'frenHy-
N. Cliapman, M. D., Kof of Physic.Pe. UMre^ty-
T. Parke. M. D..Pres’tCollege Physician*.PhilM
Dr. IVI Valle. Prof, of Mediclnce. Havens.
Joeo Eourenco do Lux, Prof, ot Surgery. Uabon
J.nilproan. Member Royal College Surgeon*.
O. W. Erring. Ute Minister to Spain.
Blr Thomas Pearson. Major Genera British Arn>7-
Gilbert Robertson, British Consul, frc. r „ibi'*P*bs*
And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swsim^
cen havo, for many year*, made It Bn . ,D J‘ r U / n J, »d4M-
The Panacea do©* not contain mercurv In »ny ’ ^ may begnen
laming three half pint*) or r **'
beware of iMi moN , lnJ]il i.
Bwaim’* Panacea t* In round tinttle*. fluted fanD lrt
ly. wlU» the following letter* blown In the - ]iplt
—I’ANAfiu—Pimunfa,” nnd haring . tl ‘ e .!^ on fa*kW* ■
fiwalm stemped on tho sealing wax *“•* ™ * I
covering Iheeerk, and a splendid cngraWi’P^ .1
the bottle, composed of geometric Mw' - 1 j^Vrel** f
nine different me*, which hove b«en turoed 1 I
slve u»e of tho proprietor, by nortxsit of th* I
grarer* of PhlUdelphla. In the centre Isa poru» 1
Ute Wm. 8waln, copyright secured. i
1 Prermr^onl/atffwsIm’sLa^toi^ fo, m *m ^
enUi-street.below Chertnut.1 hll*d«M»'* n
the respectable druggiaM ,n JS^JSshioirfo oblsh .
Caution to thk Prnuo.-Peraon* ’SL- >hc«U
genuine Hwalm’s lfanace* and Swalro* Vsnn
b© careful to observe that the n*m«
rectly on the label*, or they m*y b* bssrfag »‘
Cine* made In Imitation ol C«s-
somewhat similar name. weJJjalcuUted to deceir
P *nd broa^W l