Newspaper Page Text
■aSSEjSfcK&,~m «
EsMNBWEuaadpB. ordlllqfliid P,«nji|t>
E* 1 ®®* *?* mwo*,!* a»va*«.
JgSSlSf J»ADTJUfM. ;j •
r-fc{.'i#’«i , *vi u.t
law* i/wijte »w<mi
Ht UtoniM d* 8Uvlo, PsIHoo, trmlucUon
1’AbW Darfra*#*, profaaoeur au patttSeml-
R-toarafefo pafrU’mS.Ikrbe;
fefe'Vertuiulr!* <3f Nelly on
* it Joliett*, per M’mtouari*
Cordial s^-Ia caae*.Cureoo*. Maraschino, Ratafia, Sfe-
l Klraohtnwaaser, Absinth, fco. ' V 7 !
^—t* Mia Porter-—L«udun Brown Stout, end Edin-
• Ifco^iintfbr DotawUe liquors. .' V '
ner6 ft. MAYO. •
U Jiuoi ArtUU it di CarollnsstJplfotte, par
i Soar Bt. Iona, par
Robert au 1’Souvlnvr d'une Mere, M’m* C. Guerman to.
Voyages et Aventura* di - Laperou**, par F. Valentin-
'2SS •• V ■'* ' 3. n CUBRKDGR.
„ rfihM Bn. >Urta »o4 Him IU<kl pa
THJU BOO&~OV hatuhk.
_ Ban In etore, and offer for Mia, on the tnoit
3 favorable term*— , i * : .
g ift hhda St rotx Surer, 2ft do Porto Woo do
—_JW do K Orleans do. AO bfcUCOffMdo
tOO bbli Btuart's A. B and C Sugar, 2ft doCraihed do
10 boxeaLoaf do. 200bareRioOoflb*;2frd6 J*Va do
100 baba old Cuba Coffee. BO do Jamaica do 4 } "
IQ colas Mvor'* Aromatic Tobacco. AO cask! Baton Bfdea
2A caaka Shoulders, 2ft do Hama, choice quality
100 bbla Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 2ft half do Canal do
26 hhds. 60 tlercea and 60 bbla West India M ‘
26 bbla Npw Orleans Motoa*e*^25db extra/
AU Unto of Watches, Clocks, Joj
ttentodio bj OotnfwtSithatfds. t 7|
|i»*^£??”id, R.b.rt«, J.R.WIid.r.I.
B-K—PP. H.«r-UU.rpp
HIRAU aonpas, Tl^lWJjnt
■ -^sssSriSSioii KxmiiKOB JK
|{4n0Vn m-jutioH agency. Prot 8
. .
Godey’a Ijidjra’Book for Ootober.
The victim ofKxcltemeut. by Carolina tee Hants. - *
Prnfeeeor HlUlinan'a visit to ftirop* in 18ft/, with engrav-
and tbenatan and treatment of disease*
26 quarter chetU Hyron Tfta.’lO do do;Blaok do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candle*
— *' TWl iai" * " — ' ■
2nany 0
•»V .WAT
k , The undew
■. KhUHaTlA ’
onedoorWeat of Dixon’* C.
pleased to makeaiid repair a!
and wilt warrant all work with yrhlpb hi
e CHliofce
100 do Ko l and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny doth. 800 oolU Weaver's Rope
100 bbla K Phelps* Gin. 250 FUek’a do, 26 do Oonneetl
•Wrerdo,26doN£Knm : ■ . -
20 qr eaeka pure Malaga Wipe. 20 do do Madeira do
ft half pipe* OtaVd Brandr.UOqr cnaka do do. ■
100 bbla Mnnongabela WUl*ky t 10 qr caaka Port wipe
The work! of Calhoun, vola. land 2.-,
N’oa. ft and ft 111 uatrated Record of the M. -Y. exhibition.
The Cl outer life of Charleefith.. 7i- ,
16tb Eoglleh Law and JCqnltr Benocte. .
Blackwood for September. Eoleetlo Magazine, SUllman’a
Journal the Lancet, Illuatrated'Maniine«f ArL Ac.. *o.
Beptft? . , . ■ ■■■■«“ wTTHOBNR WILLIAMS. •
* -t;
I to Kad for their Brleode and dedrqoa of
liKtaai oat by Brat cla« packet atilpa, are informed
Ifflirtoeriber* are the onlyAgonU for tbaabore a|~
I'fcwvtotoaatlioHaed to drawon Meajra.Wm.Tapicott
l-J; lh Jp # ol|n luma from 11 and upwarda, which
bartWf^M' 8 In any town tbrougbout Ireland and
-rBriUla. DnR* on France and Germany, payable Jn
I af tba Continent, aloo for Bale. Apply to
I lZLl UUKKKH t OGDEN. 80 Bay-atreet.
8ft dwnijona Bt Croix Bam. 16 deold Jamaica do, lft48’
60< ido , • MdMunongabeUWhlaky. 1846
10 . ; do V rareJolco.1448-to to Brandy. 1816
36 dosen Scheltlam Gin, 10 do old WbUky, Nectar.
roaylS ■ ‘
AaJI RKWVTNQ by ereryai
iddWona. making the beat a—
Pitch era, TaaBeta. Cupa. 8yp
rarlety of art! jWopmwoted with' OftT M
which will be aold asknk a# ta a
. .m fresh
- V UI, Pbrka,
I. and every
■'"iaj allot
NEW jRwnuiT, yiffic .VTA^riJiiKs, Ac..
* * THE undersigned la now opening a splendid assort-
IE undersigner.
f]meat of rldi JEWELRY, eabnoing the iecent.patteraa
ir-rlngs, Pins. Bracelets and Vlr *
R BCEIVED.BY 8. 8. SIBLEY, August80th, 18531 .
The Fawn or the Pals ^koea, or two ceolurlea ago. by
The Matricide’s Daughter, ora tale of life In the great
metroplla, by Newton if. Oortla.
Mrs DevU-Diek, or the road and Its riders, being the ro-
*iSCBT IIULI.. Preddont and Treasurer.
ilBQS CHASE. Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
L ototlined, Agent of the above Company, contlnuee
Itttki thafolloarlng Rliks, vis.: Marine, River and Fire
t'oiUiLit** ofServanU.
pjnitt vhilU Persona are also taken by this Company,
fcntrnrtmiim fof redding in the South.
Comer of Bay and Drayton-atreeta,
mantle adventures encountered by Dick Turpin, ke,
ito Pua» Doctor, by a Naval (facer.
‘ ttroody -
Jamb* for Aoguit • Graham’s Magaalno
forScptember.Godey’a Ladya’, Book for September: Glea
son’S Hlotoral !■ Barnutn'a IUnatrated News t for aalo nt 135
Congress atreat. anR3t
1 26 IlilDB, Porto Rtoband Mdatovado Sugar. 26
do cbolee New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas
ses. 100 bbla Now Orleans and Cuba Brrup. Stu
art's rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Uoseed do.'300 boxes Sperm anu Adamamantlne Candles,
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Cruherl do, Prui
Figs, Otron. Ilckles. Raisins. Yeast Powders. 8ateratna,
da. Ac., now In store and for sale venr low. bj
or Ear-rings, Pins. Draeetets amt llnger-r|nga. among
which are some line diamond settings.from 110 to $600.
Also, twenty-five sots of those unlquo Pearl Sett of Ear
rings and Brooches, front ftl8 to 1126 the set, newest
'and rarest patterns: together with a very select assort
ment of extra fine WalcXet set In pearl, diamond, hun
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment of
uups, Ao.,qno riatea w«ro or nu kin s.-Fancy
Dressing Cases, Folios, Clocks. Bronze Figures.
e4Canea.CuMlery. Ac., renders his assortmena vary com
plete, and unanrpasaed in the State, either in qualityor^ri-
JLi or Paaaages in the Life of an Italian.
South Carolina In the Revolutionary Wai
U —Lorenzo lluuoui,
tbeRgvolntlonary War,being a reply
i misrepresentations In relation to that State,
siuridan’a Liro and Memoirs, by Thomas Moore,
lanyard's History of England, a new and cheap edition,
In 13 volumes,
General Baron Jomlnta’ History of the Campaign of Wa-
fOBH. COHEN A BANNON resbectlhUy announce to
1 Us dtlnns or Savannah that they are now prepared
kill Usds of work In their line, at their new shop,
»tt»eorn«r of Broughton and Draytqn-*t«. They have
UlkM the following as their rates of charges: For a
gliAsr 1n> *. 1 per month, for 2 orthreo times per week
kJttlaMi a week 81; 6 or ft times a week |1 60; every
f$t»f*r month. Hair cutting 20e.; hair curling 26c.
will always hold himself In readiness to at*
kltiirienfrom those who may require his services at
Aktoti. nov8
rpNSsssw sod Improved organisation, manutseture
[EwUie'sodSt —« »••••- —
foska sod Saw Mill work,Shafting, Pulleys. ,_ T .
ivlog a Ui£ awrlmentof pattern..)
PIstUtmt. ooo»tW: JC® spsasn^i otutfon, by Sylrunns Cobb, Jr.; The Coui
t?6UIns A . Md A CoUtoa* Aaes^mtd- „ 10 Fal | of ^ Frtneh , Hereby, by;.
^.York. ■,oolO--lyr Barnum'a Illustrated News, Nos 87 aud;
DUBiini’S Pstent Platform 8cale»-(fniproved Inqnal-
fassi rtdawl In pHee)—Adapted (o ovary required op*
sAn d wrighlnc. as Railroad Scales far trains or stnglscarB
mm ths principal railroads in tReUnUed'Sutes ahd
•dBritslo. Wsrshouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, bn
P * MhsTeboeu loot known and sovertly tested; and
al confidence fait In their accuracy and perfect
UiauehthaUbeypre now regarded as the stand*
fhlehthrro la no appeal. .
P1I1LBRICK k BELL. Agents;
ntfr-proof colors, unfading. Silver's Mineral Paints
nmentlsUy from all others in market. They are not
* c - J -—‘ to
R they require little oil, they do not work tonghly. but
idly as whits lead. They lay on a vary heavy body,
tiaowdlatelr. and beeomean Indestructablo oorerlng ot
t They amber cnck nor pesl, and require no stronger
lava a nristyrf~coWrir, J HMvTeawwi valsaalhLwdat.
si Jit DUtk. They are superior in body (or wTrerlbw
marty) to anything ever discovered, and pound for
Slwm double the lurfsce of Vfhite Lead or Zine l
ykh. sad rsqabv less oil.
■ Isa sew prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
tfa Uti Silrcr’s Mineral Paints. For sale by
sr I 10 and 12 Barnard-a treat.
Kribtrhaving juat remove«l to No. 21 Bull-street, (be-
lews Coopws and Broughton-streets,) would inform his
i seid the public generally, that he will open Tius
* Trail and *
kr.hh second snpplrof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
< the best French, Fjigllsh and American Cloths, Casaf-
serassd VNlings. purchased from the most ax tensive Im-
prtsnls Xsw York, which he Is prepared to make up In.
fabertsad most lasblonable styles.
IfiE ee-portunhip heretofore existing with the under-
1 signed, under the firm of BOSTON H OUNBY, Is this
ij absolved by mutual consent. Either partneriaautho-
•d loan ths mine of the firm Inclosing the unsettled
August 1st ISM. aug2 J. 11. GUNUY.
tkeasdmltned willeontinue the FACTORAGE and COM-
IbSOX nUAIKiari on hi* own account, and respectfully
*“ y extend*
•riidlis continuance of the putronago so liberally
M hths 1st* firm,
Tvaotmox OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Tbe oo.partner
V 'bpksrtteforeexl.tlne between the subscribers undsr
Its »nq of^l&mn.Vuil'VcO. is dissolved by mutual
"■ 0. B. MITCHELL will continue the business on
-,account, and is authorised to settle all claims, In
■“St/.farot against the lato firm.
F. ZOGRAUM. Charleston. 8. 0.,
V , G. B. MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga.
■naaah. June 6th, 1863 je8
A Memorial of Horatio Greenough, by Tuckerman.
Bolsmont's Hallucinations, a rational history of appari
tions, visions, dreams, etc. .
Mn. lee's Habits and Animals, Birds. Rep*
tiles and Flshea. ' . ,
The Fawn of the Pale Faces, by Brnod.
Collier’s Shakespeare, vol 6,'cheap edition.
Yonng Americans’ library—Life of Wobstor.
Gerslccker’s Journey Round the World, a new supply.
c-rm—150 begs prime lUo, 75 do Jamaica, 60
do Java.
Si-a*a—10 bbds Porto Rico, 10 do8t. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mousse!—25 lihds Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flour-—160 bills Baltimore, 76 do Quial, 60 do H 8mtth’s.
llAcojf—'16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
vaasto do, 30 hhds Sides. 20 do Shoulders.
Porno vs—150 bbls P and Mercer.
Iaun axo Coonrii—28 bbla choice Leaf I ard, ft caaka Cod
Soap. Candlu sxn Btarcii—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
Sosp. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes 8tareh. 76 do
Admantine Candles. 2ft do 8perm, 2ft do Star, 160 do Patent
- _ Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,
and jewelry. n ol2
I MR. F. §TEIN, on Brougbton-strcet, has just receiv
ed the finest assortment or new and fashionable Jewel*
nr of alt descriptions. Gold and silver neqdls and pena,
silver and sliver wilted ware and fruit baAkots,-waiters,
tea seta, oandlostfeks, table and tea spoons r flop table,
pocket and pen knives, scissors, andwtarge variety of tl;s
finest work boxes, dressing eases, and writing desks for
ladles and gentlemen, m also a fine selection of flutlnaa,
acconliana and fancy articles, too nnmerons to mention,
which he offers at the lowost prlcea evor sold In this city
Tho attention of the public at large, but especially that pf
the ladles. Is bartlcularlv requested. au21
Tomcxx)—460 packages various brands and qnaliiles. j
Lkmow Strup,«c.—60 boxes Iwmon Syrun, 10 eases Wat- ryTfCTi
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches. II3T I
. lolse, the Literature of the Sclavlo Nations; Theory of
Politics, an Inquiry into the foundations of governments,
and the causes and progress of political revolutions, by
, jp. 10 do Brandy
DoXKsno Ijqt'oiuv—76 bbls Phelps’ utn,50doN E Rum, 76
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do oxtra old Mononsahela do.
Wunts—20 quarter casks pur* Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra-received and Tor sale by
S undersigned respectfully inform tbs
fcitizens of Savannah. Goorgia and Florida,
that they have on hand more than fifty
Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale in this dty. and
made by the most celebrated manufacturers In the UtUted
States. Nonna * Clark. T. Chtckering. Boardman k Gray,
Leight k Newton. Edwards A Fisher, all mil known to the
and lua causes and progress of political revolutions, by
Richard Hildreth, autnorof the History of the UnltedStntei
of America, Ac.; The Story of Mont Blanc, by Albert Smith;
A Visit to Europe in 186'X by Prof. Benjamin SHIimaii. or
Ynle Collofe. fn 2 vols.. illustrated; John C. Ollioun'u
Works, vol 2; Tho Picture Pleasure Book, illustrated with
upwards of fivo hundred engrayings, from drawings of onri*
_ r - . mgrarinrs, from drawings
nont artists; The White Rose, or tne Lovely Mala of tauls-
>-» ronunoe.of tha wild Forest, by Dr. J- H. Robinson;
Golden the Prirstevr of " * *- '* L ‘
23 Pratt •stvNewV
the Privateer of ’70. a tale of the rev*
Countess De Charny. or
by*Alexander Ihimaa;
aud 38, received by
- L v.lfoR.
10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
/fcpia 10 bbls No. 1 do do
ngmlf 10 half bbls No. 1 do
do No. 2 do
30 bbls sugar, aodar, and butter Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits,
'60 do Buchan’s Family Soap,
60 do Colgate’s No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and BeadeU’a Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sale by
lovers of Mualo. have plaee in their largo
u *— -•*- itifbl
TheFoTgcd WBli or Crime and Retribution by Emerson
Dennett. - .
or the Long Wood of the Grange, by th -
Edith’s Legacy; w
author of Adelaide Lindsay.
Jans Baton;-or the King’s Advocate;
lor of" Romance'of ! W4r,” Ac.
igt for' the nse tf Architect!
* ts, Engineers, And Median
. rk ^,.,„ by James Grant, au
thor of" Romance'of ! *“ l - Aa -'
The Rudiments'of
Builders.' Drmnghttaiei
Ics; by John Bullock.
,Th*R#hpl 8qout;» Romance hf.the American Revolution
by Aria Ashland.
Violet, the.DanMuuiei or OourUblp and Wedlock, by thri
author of 4 The Jilt’’ *• Warning to Wives.”
Baronin’s News, No, 40. ....
PutnadPs Magazine for Octobef;~R*«eived,l
1/ ms of Klbbee k Itwlgers Is this day dissolved by mu-
““•‘•LMr. Klbbee retiring, and Mr. Thomas Wood,
bAjTj. *® ra - Al1 againsttlu
35®“? by the new firm, and all monies due them'
*®*hWe,and re«
i'e,and receipted for by tho new concern,as per
A^-lbesntHcrlber, in retiring from business in
fcriu * ann °t but feet deeply grateful and obliged
M T ,T, 7 ll beral patronage which has been exUndeilto
don to enjoy themselves, by H. Sfarhew and Geo. Crnik*
shank. The Knleklebnrya on the Rhine, by W. M. Thacka-
ray. i-F’aust, a Romance ofthe Secret Tribnnals, by O. tf,
M. Beynold*. Dnviil Coppvrflold. tho younger, br 0. Dick
ens. Life ahd adventures of Charlss Chesterfield, by tliJ
author of Petticoat Government Ac. The History of St
Giles and 8t James, by Douglas Jerrotd, Esq. J. Kentuioro
Cooper’s Novels. The Golden Esgle, or the Privateer ol
Seventy-Stx. by Sylranus Cobb. Jr. The Countess of D«-
Charny, or tho fall of the Frenoh Monarchy, ay Alexander
Dumas. Barnum'a Illustrated Nsws. Gloosons Pictorial.
For sale No. 136, Cnngrcss-st.
N EW BOOKS.—The Maternal Management or Children
In Health ami Disease, by Thos Bull. M P.
_ . „ Health ami Disease, by Thos nut
Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining, w
scripttonof the most useful minerals, and instrut
assaying and mining* according to the simplest method, by
Frederick Overman, Mining Engineer.
The Microscopist, or a complete manual of the nse of the
microscope, for physicians, student*, and all lovers of nat
ural science,' second edition Improved and enlarged, with
A Treatise on Operative Opthalmlo Surgery, by H. II.
England, first American, from tne first
Wotton. V R C S, In England, .
London edition, Illustrated by 100 engravings on wood,
edited by S. Littell, M D. author of a Mapuel ofthe IHseaso
oftbe Eye. Received by
gress-st.—Bible in the Family—Bible in the Counting
Annals ot Tennessee, by J. G. M Ramsey, M. B.
Tho Syord and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Maria Do Bernieve, a tale of tho Crescent City, by W,
Gilmore Simms.
The Race for Riches, and some of the pits Into which the
Runners fall.'
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimns Tustln, D. D.
. Country Hospitalities, by Caiberios Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of. Ktherlsl Softdown
ana the Friends of the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or the Pilot of Human Life.
Groat Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and both hsmlsphcres.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. I,. M’Calla^of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Je-8
- patronage which has —
yd'Jvv homo.) twtli from city and country friends, and
opportunity to express his tlisnks for tho sftme,
tknmr :1 *k® ,l0 P* that past favors will be continued to
u.rnf^ 0f S" ho * re * r * r T way grateful to glTe the moat
rfrvTi.2 t “ , * eUon the patrons of the lato coneern
Sn- Rod * cr ‘- Vor r respectfully.
J..M. K1BBEE. ■
N&T^^'-P-rtMrshlp heretofore existing be-
- ^‘"‘‘bftnlerslvne.i, under the firm of Crsxr ft
ftzewZi“••Wwrogno'l under the firm of Casxa ft
Vi4r,.r t ‘r n* i dwsolvod by mutual consent. The
6rm will be settled by H. A. Crane, to
mn.Tr.y 1 ??* baring claims will please present.(hem.
will make payment FJt'her party arft
*wiim to um th# n< me of the lkle firm In llnnuUMpn.
M II.-A- CRANK,' r !.
“ 10MB*.
“odtralgned having associated *■
*imsti«?.? r ‘ J . ohn R - J °hn*on and Mr. Janus E. Cope,
ft MmvT .5L w “ ol ?*» to busines under tbolfim
g"~ ,n «,J0«X40l ftCo. I)
/YlfiiWiii ■ ., uuissiaiKM
(j’^^TKbffllUP NOTICF^-The undersigned have this
•n] ‘“slf Interests for the transaction of argenL
•*lfui~._ meir inureau ior tbs transaction of argon.
Ihslrn^u5l < i"ll nlMl,>n Business.In thla.oity;an-
“ofRcuarnK.*. OflUe 174 Iky street.
JSSSta. 20lh. 1833.
ui.—"^ laving taken the store at the corner
a.TizW^nd Wpilaksr atrect*. would respectfully: eall
*g»Uoai of hit blends and the public in gonorat, to hlr
»•.'* pm-
Romance of Abelard and Ileloise. by O W Wright.
"—Totnancy, Spirit Rapping* sod Table Tippings exposed,
lessor CharUs G Pag*.
A' History or England from th*flret Invasion of the Ro-
garif i^theacpessloqof WiJUam and M*ry In 1688, by Jno
Heavenly Recognition—Will wa know.odr friends in hea*
veo? by Itev H lUrbaugh.
Heaven,’ or the Sainted Dead, by Harbaugh.
The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment
of the Saints In Heaven. ...
•The IHOstrated > Magazine of Art for August ; the Edin
burgh Review for, July; Banking’s half yearly Abstarct,
MluHlIt, to salt purchaser*. )
aLL^^otoosUntly on hand a Urfi^ assortment
vaSna.i 2*^ f am * ,n J*” 1 which he flatttoil hlnueU
mastiff, a
|w on.
is most epicurean tastes.
ool 1
Ti41 J?”.- yi^WlAH, Ac.—Just received 10 bbls bleach-
wniie vmegnr, no «o
Herring, 30 boxes smoked Herring. 60 do
5 01 * r « ndle ». to. fts and 8s. ift do do
ftuK* to irrmnd Coffee sod Mustar l. 3 hhds New
*J^*fi2H M,,Co ' ,n *h. for safest
“wnton and DravUjii
anj °™jton streets,by
'^lk**Jexu«i the attention of the ladle* to our
•W J loek Uw above—* finer, better, rich*
w wkaii’T"’;* 00 *awive—« oner, better, rich*
'CJuflT' "'"'“i
•TJ"- . itvnr a. tutnva ;
Weareln receipt of an-
« ftwjr:* 'Tit ’we are in receipt of i
4> 8se*n’s. C ff.'^/0 half pipes I Hard Brandy. 10 do do
^M Pipe* HollaodOln, 20 >4 sad
tsklt do do Port do, 20 bbls old Monos
iio«*ans k Doirfit
Oclinic. 3.«mk.«4.30dci
pSaSKJH.lUm»r« rntet, 7 80 tbu
lJ Ar “ .. _ • • VdUHOK fcDOYLC.
Uo ¥“* bW? 1 :
R ECEIVED BY 8 S. fOBLEY. June 28, 1863.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School Ufa. by C. Adams.
The Old Forest lunger.or Wild Sports of (mils, by Maj.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History Of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolutions In Europe and America, to the present
time, by H. White, B. A.
Consolation, by James W. AU vender, D. D.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July,an interesting number.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Barnum's Illustrated News,Gleast>n's Plttoral, kc.
J. V. CONNERAT ft CO., offer for sale on ac-
cummo-lsting terms.* well assorted stock of Gro
ceries. Uqoors. TolHicoo.Segars.ftc., vis: 130 bags
Iprlmo lUo Coffee. 20 do do uld Java do, 20 lihds
Porto Rico aud Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee du,
26 do crashod And powdered no. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages black and green tea. some very superior; 260 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l’s. B's. 6’s and 10’s. 1ft cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virglnius and Aromatic. 20do nectar leaf.
Vlglnta gold leaf. 10 boxes H Dorado tobacco, 175.000 su|«-
rlor Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard.Dupuy ft Co. Bran
dy, 20 half and quarter c*fk* llntern. Mattel, Saterae. ke.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean latuls do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2puncheon* St Croix and Jamaica-Rum, 10
half pipes and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Mononcrshrla Wlsky, 26 quarter casks Teneriffe, 80
do do Malum Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky and runt. 100 boxes
if fnmlly soap. 60 do starch. 60 do *<"
These llanos are of rioh tone, and Mautifolly finished In
Rose Wood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames
made In the most substantial and workmanlike manner.—
Also the Justly celebrated Afolian Plano Fort—,
t&efr sw ssln—l of tone bsvr uuvtism efiWWlTr lUrttite -
Instruments have mOtallcfrathes which render thorn peculi
arly suited for thl climate, preventing necessity of tuning
The undersigned are Agent* for Hnnrl Harz’s, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made In Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
CsaiUKreMxLoom.xg,—This beautiful toned wind Instro-
mentmanufisetured by Carhartft Needham, N. Y..for village
purjfoses. Ix)dgos.Serenading Parties, and the private prac
tise of Organists.'possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they
have also (hr sale. All these instruments will be disposed ol
on the roost accommodating terms. The prices of the 11*
r — 3Tr -_- M The subscriber having purchased the en
^p^^^«tire business of F. ZnoruUM ft Co., of which
vTpnfinn he 1ms heretofore been the acting mem
* - - • *bcr In Savannah, would rospepifully invite
the attention of those In want of anything In the musical
line to his esiahUshuent. From many years’ experience
both in professional and business matter* connected with
music. Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer his ser
vice* In the selection of musio'sod Inxtrumenta.or the ful
filment of orders, with tho assurance of-his utmost zeal and
No. 1 andfamily soap, ti
o adamantine can-
industry in his endeavor to deserve tho patronage and con
fidence of the public. 0. B.; MITCHEIL.
sucoessor to F. Zoglwum ft Co..
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at tho. wholesale grocery stores. June3
l ■ BBJA Httrarl’e Crashed and PoWdered Sugar
' a 5* r AfBandc.CUrifUd do
50 do Lex ft KliVp«trtca~s crasnen -nw
60 do Butter. Sugar an* Sod a Biscuit
20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Brtsul
30 boxes do Soda Biscuit
800 do Family. Pale and No. 1 Soap, Smith and Col
60 do BeadeU’s Poarl Starch
25 do Ground Pepper In 20 ft boxes
20 do do Coffee in 60 ft boxos
300 roams assorted Wrapping Pa|ier
60 mats old government Java Coffeo
60 boxes 1st and 2d quality Itey’s Umon Syrup
100 bid* K llielpa’ and Rose Gin
80 do N K Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P ft II Connecticut River Gin
20 Ji and 20 casks Malaga Wine
*“ bble and 100 kegs prime Leaf lard, landing a
nn_'_ TUB Alterations and Improvement* In our
aUgflUrtor*- 1 . Including* fine Show Room for Plauo
lT2> r nFni-tes, smln Music Department fot Tadic*
• » ” -1 • ‘being nowcnmpletediwe.wpuldinvito’theat-
others of establish!.....
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryftn-strtcts-
dec7 Next to Market Square
WM. iL*¥rMONl7DilAPflii and Yailou,
No 17 rtr»f, Xar(iTinah,
Has just oponed a large and choice variety of Nxw
PRLMI akuSummmi Goons, consisting In part of black.
Casslincrcs; black and cot-'
60 bl
or aalo by
T 111E Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wines, IJquora and Segarv,
comprising the following :
Brandy—10 halfpipes Otard, Pupiiy k Co. ; 3 do do
old llennossy ; 2 do do Saromo, 1B08 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 : 3 do do J. J. I’upuy.
Wines—4 half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
; 3 df
Iflgureil and fancy French .....
•nred Cashmere; Cloths and-Qvihmcrctta; white and
fancy Uuen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles and Idnen Vesting*, ail of which be l* prepared to
make nn to order In the most fosklnimblo style, aud
maf ‘
cnmmoilatlug terms
Imndun Particular ;
t do do old Port; 6 do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Cliampagno.
Scaurs—20.000 Rio Honda : 16.000 La Crula ; 8,000
la Union ; 10.000 la Pntrla ; 26.000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groeerle*.—A large supply,'— 1 *' J
No. 147 Bay Sired.
All persons of taste ait-i refinement—tliose having
n duo regard for comfort and porsooalappesrsnee.may
lat all tlmon soloct atiy and every article fur their ward*
jobe, from one of tho largest assortments of the Very
Best Good* In this country; either in Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing arti
cles of evenr description and quality too numerous to men
tli >n Call and see. • PRICK ft VEADER.
ly.such ns imported
serves. Sweetmeats.
For sale by A. BONAUD,
Corner of Bay and WhlUker-streets.
C OFFEE—160 bags prime Klo. 76 du. Jamaica, 60 do.
Si'UAR—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6 do. New
Orlvnns. 100 bids Crushed, Powdered, and Clarified.
Mounns— 1 2ft hhds Cuba. 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flour—160 bbls .Baltimore,76 do. Canal.ftOdo. Hiram
Il.\cox—16 casks Philadelphia Haras.500 Baltimore Bagg
ed. 30 lihds Sides. 20 do. Shoulders.
IJttooxH—10 dnxen. painted handles.
Ruckkts—200 dosen. painted.
Boap. OAMliLM AND STARCH—-60 boxos No. 1 and Eamlly
Soap. 60 do. Palo do. 76 do. Adamantine Candles. 25 do.
Sperm. 26 do. Star, 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and
half boxes Starch.
N ARRATIVE of a Journey round the World, eompri*.
Ing Chili, the Gold Regions of California and Auatra.
II*. tho South Sea Islands and Java, by E Glrataocker.
.cases Wsl-
DoxnsTJO iJqtioRft—75 bbls Phelps' Gin, 50 do. N. K. Hum.
76 do. Rectified Whisky, 80 du. Extra ■ HI Monongahel* do.
Wixb— 1 20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and for sale by
jylft MoMAIION ft DOYLE.
H AVE in store, and offur for sab on aocommodatlng
terms, the following, vis:
20 hhds Porto Rlcn Sugar, lOdo Muscovado do,
IQrio N Orleans do, 60 bbls crashed do,.
■ 60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hhda Cuba Molasses,
100 bbls N Q Syrup, 60 do New York do,
200 bags Rl6 Cdffoe. 60 do Java do,
25 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do 8houlden,
100 hair bbla Lard, 600 sacks Salt,
100 boMa stop, various brands,
100 do fancy do, for toilet nse. auglO
Q Q BBLS winter strained and blwrnhod whale
bffflr Wni Hamilton, edited by 0 W Wright.
> legaey;, Annie Grayson; Gra»rp»r without a
w. nionna wnjJAMa
1IR ISAAC BARRINGTON’S Personal Sketch*! of Lis
) own Times, a nsw edition. . _ _ .
A Memorial of HoraUo Gfeenongh, by H. T. Tuckerman.
The Pedestrian la France and Switzerland, by 0. Banell.
The libertines Id American, by H. W. Warner.
A Book for freer America, on the 8clence of Government
and Compend ftf the Constitution and Civil Jurisprudence
of the United States, by A. W. Yonng.
(Vanfonl. by the author of Marv Barton.
Tim Ldndbtf Quarterly Review for Joly.
BUckwood’s Edinburgh Review for August
Noe. 10 end U Collier’s Shakespeare.
I owry’s Uulveroal Atlas.
• Upham’a Mental Phrloeopby, abridged.
Hud’s Thibet and Tartarv, London edltton, ninilnted.
Lord Baoon'i BsMys. 1 vol.t Bnbelala' Works, 2 vols
flugb .* , V W..T110RNE WII4JAM8.
NEW BOOKS. . - . t
QOADS AND RA1LA0AD6. a minnil of the principles
XV and-DrapUpeof rpadmaking, ftPffll'iJItheforation.
SJlneir la• Union Col
^^emiof/Aiennder Smith. '
The Last Leaf from Sunny Side, by T.Yri*ta<wlU» *!»•♦
~ *«$*****£
taro, half
_ 256 bags prime green lUo Coffee.
60 bags old government Java Coffee.
76 • Laguyra Coffee. 40 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbls EPhelpa’ Olii, 40 do P ft H Conn’t River do
20 dnmostie Brqqdy. 50 do New England Rum.
“ bbls nnd 100 kegs prime Ixjaf lard.
50 nho* |UM t Bacon Sides, 20 do do Slionlders.
200 dozen polnrti Duckets.
HbLbuttsr.sugar.and sod* Crackers.
52 ‘ n. and C clarified Sugar.
J® . _ Yi.f, ra ;hed and powdered 8ngar.
80 boxee BeadelP* 8s tallow Candles.
Star Candlea. 3 1
30 u apr., or.rlnu.bwi 1 ^“i 1 . br 8 “ 1 ''
brim H. 8mlth s Fldilr ‘
OU 20 half bbla choioe Canal Flour
20 bbls Sugar Crackers
20 half bbls do do
20 bbls Butter do -
20 half bbls do . do ,
20 boxes Pods do
M D. MURPHY, 21 BuliUred. would respectfully
Inform his frUnds and the public generally, that lie
has received Ids spring styles for gcutlemen. among
■which will bo found as rich and floe fancy Cn**lm6res.
Vestings, ke., as havo ever been brought to this market.
AH orders executed with {Usputch. and In tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are ro. pectfully Invited to call and Judge for
hemsclve*., • mb 11
WM. R. SYMONS. Dravui axd Tailor, No.
17 Whitaker tired*. rppectfuUy solicits the]
lattention of hisfrlendeand (Lc public in gen
eral, to his largo stock of Roady-mxie Cloth-
ing. suitable for the jirosentsnd coming soason. It ha* all
ha- n made up nnder his pewonbl superintendence, an I for
style and durability of workmanship. Is Inferior to none to
be found In the market.
Tho following comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths; black,
brab d'ete Frocks and Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; (ndla grass, silk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frock* and Sucks.
Pants of fancy French.caasimeres. black doe-skln caxxl-
nvre. black drtb d'eteaoi spring twiud cssslmere, white
duck and fancy linen drilL together with a large lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vest* of black satin, black bsrathen. and fancy silks, fan
cy and white Marseilles, figured and striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gaute, merino, and
cotton undershirts, strife silk and cotton socks, silk aud
gingham umbrellas, ete., etc.
The whole of which M offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. aplB
•' 11 ) -SnLL :"i * MJ‘vil tOf-’ fi
; , SOX' V 0(Ut J fey * i
3 bat«Wr lOfh.'WsA .ndi Drau-
^mU'^AMUiuvLifiA, 13M,y
rblhi q«artef eomaience* March 18th, *nd end*
pjilt.:?)>■»JSqnf»w;.8j -:i»i
•—.*-■*-*—'*r oomuMoee June 10th, nnd ends *
for the last thne yean
this State,
Warrbn, B
The Gra
The Grammar Department wit) be under the charge of B.
iThe Intermediate Department will be taught by.Mr. Hi
S ';Bib* ftcradu^a.of(IgUtborpeUniversityand t
Irnary by Mbs A. R. Caraa. .... j
Arrangement! have been made vrith Mr. K. Miun
giving Inatinctlon In French khd Dr*-'"-
Arrangement! have
-ring Inatinctlon In “
sep26—d8w , '
(OHM B. MALUSD.iv^^r^i. 1 i
T - ' .
HR 8prtngsession will eothmehtood the btoondMonday,
.which lathe 12th day of Jennary.
Gro. Y. Baowxx, President and Professor of Mental
Moral Science. < i .i-.
P. Loud. Protester of Natural Sdotoes. ,
L. B. BasknAM, Professor ot Mathematics and Director ol
Music. . .* •. J u , ... . J ; '
" *• " —\w, Professor of Bellaa Lettrea.
fental and
» * ,r *yt, .itiyiiy
Vi. J. N. Johnson; whbl
■timad thaethsrteife l' ui\ .
this section. The
to piueliaae ednideae by eaUIng-'
P AJIso^ 080 acresi of Isand well timbered, with 1501
acres of
lien two -milea from
cmclnnd. b Auln
bushels of eorhtolbe acre. Tbii h
the Alatamaha and Ocnralgee rivers. •
,A# UlM. taoJ.u« Hi. Hr«l
of Appling county. Also, 2JXwac"'
with cynres* and white-bak. Anj
particular* can *
AIM, tha.'(
with cypress and white *oak. -Any person wishing furtln
particulars can address me at Hau r. 0., Geckgia.
, Jau81—lawdftwftm .... .. - V.-Omr^
• nsr The Raleigh.'(N. C.) Standard wlU plnaa* publls
weekly for six months, and send bPl to ■;.( . W. D.
to either of
beTract of 1 AND on the
jAto^offTracLeoatalntug I
i. of which over
■V*- fresh marsh j
ohwbs. cuoiuuu nsucr, Msusnsn rears, 3V*uian {tssscy.
Wm. W. B. Crawfonl, M. D^ Benj. Harris, Jaa. V. Swanson. J
W. Fean.R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county,Deo. 28rd. 1861.
dr 20 :lawdftwtf
Penjidd, Orem Courtly, aa.
rpHEStndiee In this University are:—ATlieological course
X nf three years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Mfnlstiy; ■ ■ ■
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in the oountry;
A Scientific Course of three years, including, with some ad
dition. all the studies of theColleglate Course except the An
cient Languages |
The regular time for the admission hf Students, Is at the
.—. k- with a-rise and fell of flL... .
land was suceessAiUy cnltlrated many yean stare, pr
Oottoti, Cane, and 'Rice, 1 J /
Tlieso lands could be put in order'Wiilt,low labour, it is
believed: than would be required for putting HohmiocYland*
in order, ahd are considered very safe from overflow In galea
and freshet*. • ... , ; •
For further particulars snd terms, which will bo niadeeaay.
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
S.0..or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St.'Mary’!, Ckmdcn copnty,
Georgia. f
A plat of the land may be seen at the office of the Geor
gian. . . . . *p!27—die '
Cork -Shcllervlinp]
Hay *ra\ Straw Cnttere,
Hind Corn 1 Mills, • '
Cara and Cob Gruaherar'- i<
Gedda' Improved Harrows,
A Harrows
y flirt*,
FOR S A LE.—A Tract nf LAND, containing 802
I, Iibertv
”acras.and imi
ninty. Hie land
acres of which are
sustain . .. . ... . m r ,,
metle, English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cesar, .
Cicero's Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader;
must be at least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Course most
sustain a satisfectoiy examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra. * “"**
books In Geometry; and must be at least sixteen
nprovementa, near WalthourvIHo. liberty
d Is of good quality, bine and hay fend.60
re in cultivation ana the remainder'well
timbered, olferlng strong Indoeements to persons Interested
In procuring turpentine'. The Improvements consist of a
two-story framed welling, together with negro housee,stabler
and all other necessary outbuildings. Tlio Iocatlqh-canno:
be surpassed for hoalthfulncss or salubrity 9( climate, will
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled
The above property can be bought at a venr reasonable price.'
id on the most accommodating terms. If early appHcatirt
s made to the subscribers, at Walt hour ville, liberty county.
apl 26—dAo R B. WAY.
Ox Yokes am
Forks-for unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins. .
«» «
Mole Trans-. ..
PruntngHooksand Chisels.
Iron Well' CttrbV, tbd fine
Hay snd Manure F *
tubolng for Chain Pumps,
hnJlad, Hottleultural Tooli
and Grass Seeds, for safe at
and R 1 ”
No. 4 North Wh-dred. two deanaLbt* Market,
■ Philadelphia, .m . .
Ixteen years- of
In Geometry; and most
age. xx nt.—
Tuition. Spring Jbrm. IUI Tim.
Ix Thbolocical 8KXWART. Gratuitous.... Gratuitous.
IxCoujuk. 826 00 Sift 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 16 00
to ArADxur—
Preparatory Class, ..... 26 00.... 1ft 00
Second » 20 00...... 12 00
ssare A Tract of Tide Swamp I«nd^oontalning 600 aerfts,
•flying on the Alatamaha river, three miles above Dari.
H^on, adjoining lands of the estate of Butlor ahd Dun-
wody on the east and GlgniUlat and Walker,on the north
and west, narlng as good a pitch of tide as an* rfre plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollars per arte,
h. .. 11. u.1. J 1L- . I . . .311 - — — * A ^ ,0 *
one fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of. from five I,
ffer at the lowest prices, both 1
Tbb Wat workmen 1 employ'od
city or country.-
Blank Booh. StaUamty, • rfe.—We haven wo ourUtuRl as-'
sortmont of writing papers wrapping papers, Waftk and
school hooka, stationery,' ate... • - -_v- ^ ;. '*
No. 4 North Kith street, 2 doors a)>ptw Market^'. '
1 Cash told for country, ikgi. . ' ,^fej Siiaa
• Third
. .-T,- -eaw'lMrilftigtpfel'
Contingent Expenses. 2 00 1 00 •
Tliese expenses require to bo paid in advance. , -
From Students who lodge lit tho Cullegr buildings, fifty
dollars will he received aa full payment for tho tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board In the village is 610 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, and fucL S3.
oixxrrcKMnrraxD tacatioxs.
The Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms,**
First Term—(rum last Wednesday in August to Decembor
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to FehTuary lft.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustees, ,
friend, by application to Dr. J. I* DAGO, President of
nivereiiv. will receive a cntaloguo, containing
of studies, and all othor necessary information.
ten years, the interest only required to be paid annpRtlv.
Apply to the Undersigned at Darien. In ease of my sbsfnce
Mr. Jamiw PtuxniR will show the land, a plan of. which ran
he ijeen at ttiaoflico of tho Georgian.
PAima. Jan. 22. 1R68. i Jan2ft—laws 1 .
(flOt PORSALE.—A Tractor I^NDoT Fire Hnndred acre* ,
^jC_*trietly prime Rico land. ImroCdiatidy opposite tho ol»V
town of ttarnwlck. The situation of tho plsce affords oh
of tho best Saw-mill seats In the Southern couhtry.'facHltli
for tlmbef being easy and wltliout ndi' Vesssols comin.
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing fWira ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry William*
U-S.District Attorney,Savannali.or to B. ST1IJS. Bryan coun •
ty- ... i . .
•Mg Tho 1’lr.nUUnn known as Audocx, Immediately on
VgEthe west side or the Savannah road sevpn miles from
^•^Parieo. containing eleven hundred and forty sere*
acres of pine and hammock fend, of which near two hon>
dred nn<} filly acres nro cleared andunder fence. The ham
mock land* are of a superior quality for cotton, corn, Ac./
and the pine lands well adapted to turpcnllhe. There aro
negro houses snd other buildings .upon the plantation.
There I* a water course within five miles over a good road.
For terms, apply to K W. DiLEGAL, *>
aug!7—w3m South Newport. Q
T ills institution afford* a complete courre of legal edu
cation for. the bar in any of the United Status, except
ing only mutters of merely local la w and practice > and also
a systematic course of Instruction In Commercial law for
(hose who propose to ongage In mercantile pursuits.
The Law Library, which Is constantly Increasing, con
tains now about f4.000 yolunies. It Includes a very coni*
plete collection of American »fid English Law, nnd (he prih-
f.ini.1 »«*■ nhk. riisi‘«nii Foreign Law. It is op^n
-* for **■■■*—*■ —
F R SALE—Tho westerly half of Loti No. 2 Yemaeraw,
being the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Paeket Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street!
The property I* now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novembernext.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday In
February. It will then be offered at auction «t ;tbe Court
House. Apply to delft CtlHEN ft F0SDICK.
cipnl works oftheClvHnnij other ... T .. . r ....
to students, and warmed and lighted for their use during
both terms and the winter vacation.
academical year.r
. linlla term. ‘Tor this sum *ti«-
deuts havMb* nan of tho Isiw IJbrary and text bonks, and
of thn Cellege Library, and may attend all the courses of
miblift-Vitmws dtllvtrod 'to the undergraduate* ofthe
The Instructors ofthe law School are Hon. Joel Parker,
LL. I>., Rnyall Profossur; Hoti.Thoophllus Parsons. I,|„ I)..
Dane Professor: snd Hon. Edward G I/irlng. University
lecturer. Instruction is given by leotuies, recitation* and
examinations, and hiool eourts.
For further Information application msy be made to
either of tho Instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August-1,1868. dl*w8wls ■ sepO
rTiHRcheapest establishment in the southern country for'
. . ... -X. the sale or aashes. doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
ir. begin* In the feat of every .variety.da at the corner of Oalbonn and Washinr-
enutinues fZZrrJfc, 1 *” 1 w< f k J. 0 " ,trKlU « Cfoarleshm. 8. C. AUmy work Is made of the
" ‘
r PHB Subscribers are now prepared to receive orders for
X Hoofing and othor descriptions of Plained Lumber, at
tho Savannah Plaining Machine; situated on the canal, at
the western extremity o.’ the city of Savannah, between
Zubly and' Margaret-streels. Orders for all descriptions of
Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice,
nnd mnuufnclured In a superior style, which cannot fail to
please the consumer. Work done by their ttioohlne will
compare with that: of any nowin use The subscribers
have succeeded in arranging for a constant supply of se.
lected seasoned Lumber, by which no disappoluiment to
builders need be apprehended. Every facility will he ex
tended in obtaining material for all payts of a building..
The Saw Mill, now being completed in the samo building,
will l>e In operation In the course of one month, when or
ders for every description or Sawed Lumber will bo execn.
ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLF.N ft CO., or
T HE Annual Course of lectures in this Department will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, und will ter
minate iu tho ensuing March.
JAMES JONES. M. D.. Professor of Practice.
J C. RIDDEI J„ M. D.. Professor of Chemistry.
WARREN STONE. M. D.. Professor or Surgery.
A. II.CKNAS. M. I’. Professor of Obstotrles.
A. J. WEDUKRUURN. M. I)., Professor.or Anatomy.
nU.«TAVU8 A. Kfirr. M. n . Professor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D . Professor of Physiology and l’alhol-
CORNELH'8**. BEARD. M.D.. \ mlM1
SAMUEL P. CHOPHN. M. D..] Dtmon * tr * ,ora of Anatomy
The rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day In October to the First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Pbymfeii! and 8urgeon* of tho
Charity Hospital, and at'end this institution from Novem
ber to April The Student* accompany the Professor* In
their visits, and tnus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages. free of expense.,
Theredrn about one thousand patients prescribed for
dally In this Hospital.
The number of |
f patients is nearly twenty thousand. In'the
TII0MA8 HUNT. M D..Desn.
rTIHE subscriber, for tho past sixi years Principal of the
X Befeir Academy, near Tslluhassee, Florida,announces
to the citizen* of Savannah that he will opeu In tills city,
on Tnesday. November 1st. a Select School, for boys. Id-
strnctions wll| be given In all the Classic* the Mathematic*,
the French language, and In all the branches ol a thorough
English Education. Youths will bo prepared for college, or
fitted, for mercantile or other business. The scholastic
year will consist of ten mouths, divided into two terms—
August and Septembc/bring vacation. .Hie tuition fee for
any, or all of tlio above studies, is fixed at $80 per year.
A graduate ol the College of New Jersey, at Princeton,
.graduate w . ....
with seventeen years’ experience in teaching: tho subscri
ber feels warranted in appealing with confidence to the
citizens of Savannah for patronage.
Aa a stranger, be is permitted to refer'to Bishop Elliott
for character ami qualifications, and takes pleasure In ap
pending the following certificate from hi! fete patrons.
Savannah, September 22d, 1863.
Offer* fot safe, a laigt assortment of Cloths, Gas-
Islmcrea and Vesting*! consisting in part of the fol
lowing article*Selected by himself during the past
r In London and Paris, which he will make tip to or
der In the best stylo of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. Ills stock of Readymade nothing and df Furnish-
TALLABAna, August 29tb. 1863. ,
Mr. Wiluam S’. Bogart, principal of the Delate Academy,
bring abont to remove to Savannah, for the purpose of es
tablishing a school in that place, the undersigned, bsvfnr
illorr *“ — — —
had children under his care, take pleasurc'-ln recomment
ing Gooda. for gentlemen’s: wear, it very Urge and i
best quality and style—the wlvolo of it mads Inis fall under
his own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest prlcea for
cash or approved credit French bfeck. blue, brown ahd
olive Cloths; fancy’French andXnglisb CazelmereS; fehey
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk lTush Vesting*: bfeck Bar-
a the* Silk Vestiw!super, black Dorifefn' Casslmms; Me-
rino and Silk UndersMru and "Drawer* ; wMte and fancy
Shirts and.Collars; Canton Flannel Shirt*'and Drawers;
white, black kad fogey Hid Gloves; Neck Ties, plain and.
embroidered; Merino ahd Cotton Soekat:Bearn,Satin and
Bombesin Socks. soft - if WMtakfMtwst.
WE are consUntly receiving these valuable
Cases, and hAvo them Always In readiness to be
dollvsrSdat the shortest notice. '• i " V;
T: I. W. MORRELL ft 00
JL B.—We are pemlttwTto' Ipform^the ^nblfe tost we
have received from Mr. Riusoxn, of, New
20 half bbUFulton Market Beef, a choice article
60 bbls Crashed Sugar; v.
un3Ni»» ^^TBBasaaBbacpj
ter signed the dlfffrest ’members oC life U
Senate, who wfre appointed to take charged
pfo-*Unn. HciRy Cuv, deceased, (which was en
Uim ■■TTTr ^si ri iff i - i _v ' —(ti. it t
iwfen fcptuna
ing him as a highly competent teacher, and worthy Christ-
'n gentleman.
Ills wills much regret that they have heard of his in
tended removal from this vicinity; a*, besides their kind
personal relations toward* him, they believe-that bis place
a* a teacher can be with difficulty supplied, and that bfe
oval therfore will be regarded as w publM ‘
J.Wavles Baker,
Francis Eppes,
John 1’atkhill,
Thomas F. Williams,
George Ualphln,
Oliver S. Burroughs,
Francis H. Flagg,
Turbatt H. Betton,
George T. Ward,
Wa, It Hayward.
George whltfleld.
Benjamin F. Wbltner, •
John J. MazwelL
William M. Maxwell,
J. 8tevens MqxweU,
Edward Foolnjan.
Arthur M. Randolph,
J. George Afldenon.
James J. Archer.
■ «4p24^-trwlt ’
yV In* «il -Vwtety-.tre.t*, Ch*Tle,ton, 003BIX-.
oMihnbHtil.. -Itonn U .nn« 'Ul.0.tHS^II.lWltM)r
Uu.iWAbinnnd WQku*
—'' '
WIliJAM KINK, Agent.
FANCY 0001*8.
rpilF. attention of tin trade, end others. In want of Porte -
_. Mommies. Pocket Books. Danker*’ Cases, Dressing C*<
ses. Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon and Chess Boards.
Chessmen, Pearl. Mwll. and Silver Card Caste. Work Boxes.
Cabas, Necdlo-Uook*. Money Belts, Cigar Coses. Portfolio*,
Razors anil Razor Strops, Travelling Fiasks. and fine Cutle
ry. together with a largo variety of Fancy Good*, which
will be sold at the lowest rates. P.' II SMITH.
Porte Monnale and Pocket Book Manufacturer.
augJl—codim 206 Archst., below Slzth, Philadelphia,
73 York-tt.,rearnf theCuwrt Haute. SarannaA, Oa.
Established In 1833.
L ADDS’ 811k and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers,
ke., cleaned and dyed various colors, ladles’ Bonnets
Bleached and Pressed In a faahlor ** * ’ ”“"
a fashionable stylo, Kid Gloves msy be required.
Ily so nine
..... . . All done In the samo style which
has generally so.much pleased my patrons and friends.—
Tetnis moderate.
Person* sending parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad
or steamboats, are requested to write me per mall, so that
I may ktiow where to eall for them and which way to send
them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will
be about 26 cents. All orders.punetoally attended to.
ns ww ouuDtoi
R BmnVEO BY 8. 8. 81DIJJY, August 10,
Milos Tretnenhere, or the lave Test, by A
\ k».L„ .< m ...
istW, 18i3:
, — st,by Annette Mario
Mallferd. author or Zlngra tlin Gypsey.
Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Loglo
nd Metaphysics in Edinburgh University, for th* use of
chools and colleges,
Abelard andElolse, a romance,by O. W. Wright.
Pyseomancy. Spirit
Pyacomancy, Spirit Baphlngs and Trippings exposed, by
Professor Charles O. Page. M. D.
Barnum’s niustrated News; Gleason’s Ptctdral; Popular
Educator; Majarim or Arts, ke. Tor ski* at the book
store ot 8 a SIBLEY.
. augll 18ft Congress-street.
fte.-ft o.
The Heavenly Home, or the
ijdoyments s ,
ments of the SaloU In Heaven. by/Key. H Harbangh, A
Pocnis, by MedlUiua; Bftok of the World, No 10.
Book of the World, vol 1. bound. <
The Half Yearly Abstract or th* Medical Science*. No It.
The British and Foreign Medico-Chlruyglral Review, No
28. Received by ,
augia ' J, 1 B. CUBBEDGE.
ffteSuvauu-*-- 1 ^
for sale at the lowest price by.- • , v -.
i.v;A MWat A.M0BflAN.
E AIJ. ITO RRANCHEP.-BoBlnert rani*. wlthaMMwpri.
tte device*. rmlx>sfed..lqn new stylesIwplstoand tkney
rqlngs. Seals of every dcscripUppvwitb oragithonipntSU.
Envriopc*iirln|rd wttffnsme. unalness snd address,labels,
>1)1 he'ta^hhfecthrer’a llfckehf Ari. sll execnted ln the
neatest ‘ manner And ht prices 25 per cent, below any simi
lar evtablWimenl. In consequence of better and Improved
-nionitleefor the eteeatlbnof anch wo(k.
N. B.*-aH order* by mall promptly attended to. Good*
seat to any part of tho count^.^.^.
Envelope*nd Seal Press Manufacturers! Die Sinkers!Emboflv
sen and Ern g rarera, 48 South 3d-«t., Philadelphia^^ ^
■ : <3IAB WORK. LAMPS, die,
A n '2! n( i H.nuficturm.Ko llt ChMtlnt*
A street, Ifiiitadelplila.roippctfnlly solicit the attenti
A street, 1'liiUdelphla.rosipectfnlly aollett the attei.
purchasers, to their assortment of chabdellera^braA
pendants, and every description nf gas burners; also r
variety of ferone, girandoles, ftc. We .warrant our g
HsSmentln'the ^uotr^ rricMM
Tlio TVado supplied with burners, merenry. capa.brosf
tings, ate ptiups. ke.. at reduced prides. '
»ms 8. Archer, I William F. Mtskey. V
Redwood F. 'Warner, | 1 Wm. Q, B. MwriU. /
ivW Mnti, SJmWS .wa BU.3L.I
V V the Most complete assortment of Mantel Pier
and Oval Glasses, richest stylos, for private urailte all
for country:sale, with Portrait sod'Picture Frames; fro.’.WIlt
be found at one establishment. . ? - “
bdlltla taabl...toMil Ul<
beat gooda at lowest |wiqae. • . :,r,
DfmfensImu Wug gjm», we will give estimates for any
£d M ^S Uv<5rW ft,ie 'a» wny potot
Orders sollrttefl. ...
HE subscriber lfej* Just-tecete '
.large and trazll stock tittho ri
dlvftjTsryvmr^i nJ - 1 -*-
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Table Ctorers,ltaL
ting. Ac. ^ ^ .
Purchasers are requested to make an early exarolifetlon.
as strong Indueereents will be Isold out to cash buyers.
R. B. WALKER, 1M Chostnut-straet,
P»hl7—lawlf below 8th, South side, Philadelphia.
'blinds and shades.
Take Notice.
B J. WILLIAMS. No. 18. North 8Ixth-atrest, a few doore
• abovo Market-street, ITilladeipbla, Is the ulozt exten
sive and best manufacturer of Window. Blinds and Shads*
in the United States, and has taken tha highest premia:
at alUh* exhjbltlons; h» boya the beetmatonalgby jr^j
retail, t
Window Shades (H r
superior quality. Buff and Wblte linen 8bad«s,' I
Shade Trimmings,_ Fixtures, Ac., whofeml*'endn
the lowest cash prices. Store Shades printed
a—3 Jtetdijl' - ' 1 -“* •—* -
to order. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’ prices.' , _ _
painted to look a* gowl ts new. Purchasers, by t
will be Convinced that he sells a superior article, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to deafer*.
" IFe study topletue."
aplfl—cod No. 12 North Othfetrect, Phil*.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for rMtori ng grey bklr to
1U original oolor, |t Is guaranteed by thq Proprietor,
hat if the patient is gray, h* can hav* his hair restored to
its original color by using I/iret'a Wahpene.. Tor Safe by
Jan21 W.W?' LINCOLN, Monum*fat Square.
1?I3IUK, 4IACON, ka—too tSi ncnilu W.trwt
r Flour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Side*. 20 do doShouM*
JL. r lour,ou mim pnuio new iKOvn muee, Zll UO QOnltouia-
ere. 80 bbu add 60 kegs Leaf Lard, fending Sad for safe tor
r J " ‘ '
_ tlonoftbs
try, to the folio wing hew and beautiful g
just received, vis: silk Pari# mantillas,
las, bfeck nejt;—«-—*•»
.—Wo would respectfully call the atten-
** of Savannah, and sourroundtngaosn-
icw and beautiful good* whlcUwiP“
. black neft scartk. eol’d. neetscarfa, 1
ties, Frynoh worked collars, laced cepe ~ ~
dcrrieevee,'i>oanet ribbon. MOM'eaw — ,
ribbon, Alexandre* light kid gloves,.bfeck nstt niitte. eol’d.
■Ilkand lisle gloves, with a large variety of rot her article*
too numerous to mention. Fleet* ct M —" — *
■elves: all of whfeh will be sold on tl
by Mhlfl
TUBT RECEIVED.—Wo have just rocelysd, freah snp
jj, pty - of fedis*’ :merino, gsuM,* *|Ut and wrioa Vssto,
Misses and infant’s merino veato, gents silk, msrino,
nnd Cotton veato: also; a fine' assortment of T*
handkerchiefs, ladles’ and mimes’whit*end
heee, white odd bfeck silk do, rente white, to
'dCm* , ^
*d half boee, g«ot* white and black silk' do .
with a lane oasorttnent 6f white add obfered
brie handkvrchkfa,colored and black.' sUk 'orri
and ties, for aria lew by •
mh2& f AIKDf.ft
QHAWL8. ft*-—Super, anl Conunoo,
D and embroidered, rt
. bcaufllol. i
and embroidered, vandyk* eolfere 1
sorted parasofe. pfein^striped and cl 1
raer do, bareges,’ tissues and grene
Jaconet and organdy mdsllns. a 1
1(0000, French pnntodcambric*.
ap!4 ; -- - - -
IO Aim nSm BUKS-ti • »* M«rU»iil"
msntlllre. •nawls, points and scarfs, whit* iMT
Ing silk scarfs, white fee* and colored Silk ttiM
and colored crape shawls, bfeck swan silks, hhu
andtUsuM, black and lead Freuch gln^amt^fol
ABIES- p«gaooma-3^jwaa