The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, January 01, 1854, Image 2
THE SAVANNAH GEOlUilAN. SUNDAY MORNING, Saminniih pniln C'fOfnimi. SAVANNAH. HA.: HV MOHNINU, JANUAHV 1, IHSI. eur|Mii»te linillR of .ni l illy. III,!. .hull l-> |miI.I nr»mm!ly by Ikeeper thereof the sum of lift % tlollnii* Mrclinii J An I In- Ii further ordained i>jr the authority ifiiKMl't. tlwt nit lli« |<iu«W«u« ««lh«« wr* i'«mUlu»4 la tin* Hill'll Iniiilii nihI Hull sect mis Ilf tlie said IIIdlniinee pu* -i'll I In* Itiili iif November 1M3. In- mii'I l Im ►mm- i» lii'tehi re rmirli'il nihI tinol* n part nf llils imlliiwiff -v.t.vvIimI with tho Otorgiim may j Vl .mliliM uatitl tollio opening of tlir ! \i ill Ii - l**tti* I from thUoflloo oil Tuv»* j J \ I\ 'rw Vr»r. p I In* g*i . fur tin* glad New Year x-i gfi-i ions dream*. ^'i i^M' -i iliu m'* in l.oi woof ill (nl I Ml III Willi li.»|H« so cel gleams W"t (III* >1*41 mu lirr -Liiling •mil* M\ mil wllli tin* »auo* li|'*lit l*li fir linn* shall . ..ine III In' down mid deep X III* one* limi have pas*'d away " ^ollior .war liulli loll il*» inipren* upon tho _ ^WiUlory—it l>a* iiwwotl, w ith it* of orlmo •nil IU ivU nf mrny lilt* h wonloil- llio ivi'«»rd tnii>t rvnialn mu liangcd. Aiiollior Imnl* I* o|ii*in-il - .ft. _^»-ilav. dear i.iuhr, il la for yon In wr.lf llio till** it i* a l:i*k you crtiinnl u»••iJ. nono other rail do it for you ; ami a over, tenting a roonnl raiiliot In* »l«*l.i Ing each to coiitimie thoae tin nielli a In III* own way I wo offer to nil our ivuilom the eoiniiliiiieiita of the •fan'll. If the |i.nt year ha* luvn one of gciicnil pnwpcnlv and liappim** lo im m a people. tve sin- ! cetvly hope the oiiejuit ojn*ned will la* even mole I fmitllll in all that *!mll m tve to gladden the huiii.iu I In art ntiil i|iiu ken H to purei .ill* vtimi -to liighi*r ami | Imlier Hipn.tlioii*. May rueli. feeling mul mili/.ilig j the many lilc.-wlngi enjoye.l, do what In* to pro- mole the huppineiN ol ollieia. The poor, the eiil*. the aidnwr mill the orphan have damn that should tiot Im* lightly regarded, e*peeially ul this Inelement •eaion of the year. I’lie itewraid should reilli-liila'i I that the day of iv, Lulling will surely earn*, when the taleuta entrusted to him with usury, inu-t Ik? re-1 turned to the l.ord of the Vineyard. II ippy w ill lie I Ik* who is pioiioiiiu'ed luitlilul over a few tiling.*. Th» Hlorni. Veaaela that have arrived at llila port alin e Satur day rrprewo l I halt lure wain ten llio pale at m-.t V'ndav nteht. The Wolie Trap l.lght Ikml hmke l*"""' renin «er iiimiring* during the storm and was in linitifocnt |ienl of being driven ashore. Km innately "I" succeeded In euuilliK safely n* anchor nil tllo I tlint 'ail'ordinail.-i'* militating spalnsl llila ur.llm.n. Humble. She U tt»t yet vestured to her looilthm. | m.-V in.* >mum* are hereby repealed owing to tile hut that her mootings eonld not Is* Passed in Council, Savannah. ‘.'Ulh nf Di-rriulM.r IH.VI * found, Wc unitmtandtlut l.icut. i'ciiuoek, liispeet* | ('"I •RUIN' K ward Mayor or "I l.lglita, was hinily employed yesterday In oh Alfi-i Hiw ahhU M iioos. I'leik of finuicll r ‘"”'i a ,77^r. J*I rnnrv. |sa;i., nllllsil •• An niffuialire further lo i|r me lb I apUill vveluter, of the rutter CurM/V//. reports I ,. r ,| lr Mm..r.andl.. IK tlirt' mi Saturdsy morning he ffi*c.nciv.l a s., | it,. It hnilor ....liom-.llo lln* M,ii«r mid Al-lciim- which luid Im-c I 'ape Henry. eapsiied.iind a hrip dninailed ... . She ottered lio||| vesseln HisistUliee, which was dec lim d as Ih.-y were in t'li* lnmds of the pilots. The Itevenile ('niter Jtnnf* /hhlmi. C.iptain Sands, lell Wiluiiiiplou, Ninth ('uiolinii, Monday week,lor the purpose of emu ill p to tills poll to mi derpo some repairs, lie has not yet urrtved. nml fears are eiileiiaiiicd lor her suieiy, as lo r mails weri* in n deeaved condition. She hud elYi. experienced offhs is, however, mol we have a *|r.oiu r.ntti tin! nit is well with loi. .Vo.fiJk .1 ipu*. Du. •.’s/A. One of ih • witnesses in the case of Kry v-. Ilcimclt Ii day panes a leal is turn* ‘I | tcitilled Dial he wrote the I'.iii-i.m eoirespondeiiee ol ' the New York Herald nl home, in New Ymk illy! Ila I not the lleniM lielier withdraw Us reward ol f Min for a Iree Soil I I lei ol lien. IVrce, mol offer that sum fora Pennineleller li*«>ni I’uris? Tin*llimp of ohlaminp mlisenhers on the slrenptli of a Ion iii.iii'ifiii'tnred lon-ipn eorn**poio|enee, is uol a yr.-ul deni nioi'i- holiest than ol.iaiuinp money under fat*.* prclenee llmlpes for IN.VI, nrrbniis< l-lv at till nltliin — day* live then'lo »ill In* ftftV <\ 'll 'll l*y order nf .!• Savaioi.ili 111-l IS-.* . |i.f | rsof H i.ifis dray* porter*. Inluner*. c.-iol-' i. lon-kili-rs. and »l*o nil iio*i-Iiioii.'*. Mitel il hy I lie dm . limn tli in vi-ar. and nil *ln»i-» .* Ii oh* nut of the city , lined or wiukit p tu 'l.-r* ■ apnn*.nro ri-ipiiie-l In mid lif< of I lie i-liy ..I Sa» • im tli .tu I tin- llmuli i’ll nso-tnlded ninl It Is lii-n-liy oidalni'd hy the lOilhorily • •I the *alnc that tin- lint M-rllnn nl the ulmte leeiteil or. ■Ilnioii-i* lie itineioh-d hy Miiliinp tin-rift inn ml ulli-i tin- wold loill.llnp S i* '1 He u fnt(her ordaVned by the awthmity nfim>*nt>t. th il nil ordinances or p.irlenf iiiilitnilnp ii;-.iin»l (Ills iirdliiani'i* In* ninl the same lire lierrhy repenh-d. I'n**ml In C’oiineil, Saviiiin ill. tfntli Ih-ei'nils-r. I*-.*• «. |i S I .1*MIN V. tvAllli. Mayor Atte.t • row tlili Ii. WllsoM. rierk ol IVnillt-ll. \ Hit In lie enlllled an Hr.linani'i* tn amend oi l i-\|d tin Hie s- 'end or.llnam i-xi-tinK in ri-h-lloii !•» Hie i-ealnn; ol Ho* drum tool Ho- rinjlne ol Hie In || nl lliu s.-Hiupol Ih.* n K .|,i uul. It. N-e I Ih* it ordsiui-d, hy Ho-Mayor and Ahlerno-n of iln- eily of Savnioinli iiud flu* In inlet* llo-ienf. in Coioe'il a* ••■iiildi-d. mol it I* hereby oidained lo the autliiirily ol the i*im -. that the *sv«*iat onUiuun vi «>( the elty whi.-li vuiUv He-l>-limp of Hie driiiii the nlpmd for lel'iinr the mphl w.tleli Is- »n iiim-ndi'd :i* to make lln* rin^inip of Ho- le II nl Ho* an ud |om*e the *ipnnl lor the snun-. mol that all or- linon.*.-« wlOi-li refer Inin til o- or hour, as at h- Inn- • •r atti i ** druin-tn at." be «■ nno-ioli-d as read met mean at I- foie or alter - the rlnpinp »f the pn icl lorn*.* In II." See J lie il further ordained, that nil or linani e. and pail* of or linam-i-Hni.lil.illincapi'ii»l lln- pmvi*ion*of thi* i .1 i, -lo . I iiali, >1 take i cl*c theoidinau.'i- el. I'eu.dlv I I o W o .* . I h >U of I nsutimi | held id I Aclitltlininl by the Afrlrn. Tho defeat at Sinope had cuun'd ll pr«'iit at i'misUutiiinple. A pnind Ibvaii wn which all the foivipti mini*iori were pru*eut. No doubt vviia eii’.i rtaii.e.l that tin* whole allied Heel would shortly enter the lllack Sea. The earn ipc at \ Sino|N> was Immense. The Itusiiun Consul at Servia | had detiouiieed Prince A i.i:\ vM'i.r. ol Soiviu as aj aeervt it Ibereiil of the Poite.nnd tin* HMers nf the j vat tons districts had met and resolved t<» watch tin* j movements of An xanm u. ami talk of reculling from exile l*iincc it. It was reported that U vo/.Kvv tivu, the late Seen** tary nf Prinee tlonr/ni vkorr. bad !i-eii slrnt at St Peterslmrp, in emiseqiicuce of euircipmidiiip with I the Turks. It Wits rcpmlcil that tin re had In eii an * insurrection in Russian Amn nia. The K'lshi.tiii li.ol pained a Imitle on the Arni. | frontier, in which 4.1)00 Turks were kill* d. The Turks, however, were peucrully Micees«ful, and have captured the iiiipmtarit fort res* of Alcxaiidriannpli*. I Kch.oiyi.. the Circassian leader, and IVvih a.I are gradually apptxcaeUlug eaeli otlnr, taken/ the ltusshiu loitrerMs on the line nl nuireli. Prince Wo-1 konzokk hud captured six Russian fortresses ultei ; hard liphtmp and heavy Ins* on both sides. ||«* had also defeated I MliOO llussians under (Jen. Oimi.f. v- t Hy Tmrs fur 1H.YI. i irv I'm i*. a He's nm- e. I St van ii.ill. Jan I. 1«... |. Ojlifinl .Y-'ov .- I mil 1 repired |u re. eiie Ihe fax ret m, f-r His venr l**al, n*.| urnl Is Ho- i*xi»|||ip eili ■.r.11■ >.■ i■ i t .o* time for rnaknii* sui-li l.iv u’liiru* expires * et th>- Hu I . tnii.ii i. I*.M ; alter tlinl time ilefanllers will l.e .'.• ■'•I I4X.**I. All i* iiiiiiil**lon tueri-haiit* and |iriifc«*iiiiial p* *-m who are rsipiired lo innke their relurn* an I pay thei.ix* iPeie-n Iw-lure lln-liitli 1'idiriiuiy . is.M. are imt itl« .1 I Ii - t»m nii’t wtter that day, i*«m* the ev eutiou* pi- *i*rils* I by tin* exiitinp city iir-lin-inm. S'n e\ten*i"ii i tilliu call lie nlluweil |iy the nr tin Oire* Hy order nf John li. Ward. Mnyur. Jos. W ‘ihnnaiTs. Cite Treaum r. I*i li e of llntlpcs. laves nr free |M-r*n|l* of enlnr l*x. n-i-inp the trade, id .'"•t makers. Imus • or shi| ••-.o|i-ntei*. i-aulker*. Ink k •i*. Idaek-iiiitl «. ladoi*. bietl-er*. ti.eUi-r*. nr butcher*. a rent* I xcrc'l*itig H.e trad- I siwyei*.*. li'liernn u t-r*. nun r.-idcnl*. flu; : v* I * ma v t*>tli v» pullet* nr dully l.ilorei* j of e ta* #11.V mali ■ —1 cn.dly i, hire* arpetiter*. p.niiti r*. in n. ihiiiiiih n mid err: ||.l|l.||-*..!l nt l,lX.#II.V:.. tee*. *T d.oty Ul* ter*. J>; *; la lb* . lion le-i.lent* (III; I ex mid ev. linp (.Ml. Vender* id ?s, In-. *; ei-iit»—penally pii*i u. Hi mid iml i Inin **ed ITU. I'e . in Alle*l : Itow Aim 1 Wllsi.X ii Hnliliii '•III I' nila r. IWI. J"IIX i: W AIIM. May I’letk id I linin’.I. eeiUdu deetle*. A fill In .Hill'd i- l It - it by the Maroran-I Alderman *'f the •ov ..f'iimm.l. mil tin-Himl. ts t|,in t„ HI „-.|„* -i-niIded. mi I it i* lien-hy ordniiied ly the autlinnty of the *a»'' ' t*.H the* City S'n vey«». in viddilii n l.» tin* dnt ie* iio.i pii-*-'i|lie.| by existinp Hnlliiiliie'fs. tiinier lln* diieelinn n| the vi . I I t I- I'oiiiiimIIiii . II street* .Hid hum* III .lifer illicit 1 mi-l cMOiine ally pu'dii' «mh nr lliipoivoinciit in pi*'/i« •* ill In lay out Hie public *-| ire* m,d pnrh*. mid nx tin* p • ••hi of tires tu be plautid e-illier in tin* rl.iined lint nil Hnliiiani'i' tin.* ii|* lii.-l Hie pi(•%i*iuii* i lo leimi; Wit «ii\. . '."'Ih m-reiiiber. 1S.VI. .HOIS' I IVAItll. May. I h'lk III I'nil Ill'll wild in S'VHHow t» Ho* exi t v nf S.ivaunali. ri-Kululinp lln- I the plicu nt llidges .oi l l.i of tli- Aw *u teie-.ein-e ixeiiend.i',- nrdlliain*i*s i f the lux mi N'cifrn flaxes C-H.e, on V. hil l.-* See I II-it unlnined lie the Mavur nud Aldi . ity ..I .s.-ieanii.ih and Hie iiainh-l- ihereud. In Cuiinellns.ein hied, mid it i< In rehy Iirdllilled by the llllllierity ul the '.mil I hat fi i ni mid at Ie i l.e pas.iii^; id this oidill.ilu e e.u-li an I every per*nii. or pi-r*o|i», whu max lu-realtcr e-mn- iiitn (lit* city ol > nith tin* lion i Ii Ie intention nf re*i-linz I'lnes* ill Mid city, shall I. •nut I e Im I tide liy him. bei*. m-them, iipun pin ini then ail I price fur liadpi-a an I liceii*e* lor eehiel.-* as lire n <piiu-.l ttueu e'« sulctlt «v.uei*. S* e And Im-it liii thei nrdained liy thenntliiuity tor l. 'IP it Ihuii and after the pu*-inp ul thi. i i.nii n-i- all lln'-. ed. nr Ii ’.fm - nd Hu- thirty tii-t do adp livvi r th -liieles take i mil hy o*.*ii Ihe Iir*t day of July its*r. dull l.o issimM or I Mini* |irc*eribcd f**r l' exiitinp nrdiuanee.* ul Tlir Glruril Kiellremtl. WV have Ihvii informed hy the I’rnideiit. that the* Kupi nrer has sclrctrei a cniskiup tit teen miles almee Mutnle, at tha point on tin* river ku iwn a* ‘.’I mil.* IIInlT. which I- n* prrarnted as a tn»>*t feasible one*. Messrs. William Junes Jr, WkllUm M I'unn. and Jones M. Withers, have hern elected Director* for Mobile, in place* of Dr. Thomas II Daw*nn. Hen. Anderson AhermnubU and James • r.rhot. | who voluntarily ru*ipne.l In make* toein fur III. in in the* I Ihixr I nf Ditecliuii The Hoard have .lit**elei| the I nyinrer j corps in locate* -he r**ad ft- in Mobile to Hreenvilh*: ninl the j greatest rntliu*ia»in pnvsils in *.|.-l..!*- ami all ab-np that j nf Hie hie a* t*> Vh-pr»*j-. t*.*f tlti*great rwterprl*** j Wo clip the f .rep-.iup p.uapiapli fmiii I lie la*l limn-1 her ol tin? U.ilumIhm 7’rmi *. The pr.wpecN of the j rna l next tn Mobile being an enc’Hrilpllljj, tin* 7’u/in j apiienl.s most e arnc'tly t * the f.ty Ohiiii-II or C-.lum | bus to give such aid t » the e'tuj'.uiy as slntll seeure* the speedy completion of |le W'*»|*k e*.l't nf (liven-J ville. It is tlillh'ult t » see h *w th **e to whom it Is addressed can withstand *»«? reasonitip of our coteiu*; IN cry duty lmr*e*. (Ill; hy tlll'i'e |n*l'*e. I.veiy earl nr wiipou urawu I- (III I.very brake wapi'ii. i.r « t..v *.ete. (Ju. I'vvrj oiiiuiU.ii. #. I'l . emher. |spi ) l v.: x eab. I. drawn by one Imrse. j.ln, br I louses ' J ; III l.nir i.r III ho| ed I Util tebiuaty, |sj,;.) I ecu i Ve hlele-N (I'J; hy fun I*. #: . I.y Iwn ! I In-n lit hut Ity nf •liiuiin-i-s inililaiiiip i*. In-, met the • Jon f.-r ekhihitiup Inn -• . piHinnnCi* p**-e l 'Jew •i- or nt lier i child". ■ An I Im* il further nrd; That all nrd iimirei nr pa i tin* prmi.iomnf tin* i •• •• > l-l"wfcil .■ I in I ••uiir.'l. **.1 van nail, with Ik'm-iiilN-r. IVVI. I' «l Jt'UN K. tVAKH. Mayor. Vtti-t : IjiW-.ttlflH. Wiumiv. I nil. I'u An 'tr.lini i addition tnth" ev nah ii-gulatiiig the Other l.lcciiacs, For any person to sell nr vend hy i-al-i p*‘all any 1 Irntn on hoard of miv ve>*'I. nr fmni anv nf thoi .hi vessel. I-I wharves ol tile city, hrniight into the city by H'Xirpt the produetiuns nf t'urolinn ’.-i i iurni.i — :in* tropical fruit* np, I eai.t- i f&u- fees «.t I* *,. p.-u ally lint exceeding (llin (" e pu**ei| I ul cr ill. lifn.) f ..r ea Ii trail.ient m u residence IViii.t tf'Ju p.-lml tv #.«'». fees n* nli.ive. H ,( *dn»in** 'JfHi ot I s *- > l'iali«i"lll retail ineii'hants. *imp*. or *tnii* iu-i p era. for le»* than «-ne year. »Ms'—I'rumlj/, il.nild" tin* •hid*' any pi r-"ti olh-ring lor * t" llio re* f-r r other heni*es. nisi, ■ s'lly * tl.a HU linn •> *tree t pi llars. . rent in; or | I, iNko—extended ed March; is|4j. ClKItK OK lul Mil's HlKli Savannah. Iieeeinlier .111. I*;. All person* who are re nance*tu take out Imdac penr at my ollleo lend comply with the j.ruvlsiu I hv the at.nve recited nidi tilled tu up tiuiciido ti>r *' III the city on pi a*nrc e viring*-* u»i S c;i.Ml I lie it ordain- . .... , "f city Ilf »*aiaiiliall and the Hniiilel'* Hn in C un pilns* l it is hereby ordained hy the authority , that front and alter the passing of this nidi nance all pleasure* eariiag.-- nl any ilc-rriptiiin whatei i . wh- h shall h* hi.iu.-l.t within lln* city oi ."avaiiyah. it I nllerllie day of January annually, and pro. 1 of July ensuing, mid used a* *u. h. liu owner or oivuen the*ie*iit nlmll piey tn the* city the* tax [ I * ill* I oil pleasure can inge* hy Ihe cxi* ling i.T liii-iin-c "I the ..lid "H v— md that all pleasure carriages of anv do wl.ieli .lull he hmught within the -ai-l.-.n .-r put -d. I*. I alter Ho Ur'. I d iy nf July in e,».-h eear. or piei i to tin* Hn.’y •Hret day of Iv.-. iul.e’i en-uing. and u-ed a* h- tli un i or oner* tlien-of shall pay to (In* city •uni n| lax pr.- oiilie-l.iu pleasure i-aiiia^e* : oidni.iiires of tnc city n! .savannah. And l»- il furllier ordained hy tin* authority i all. rdinmice* or pari* of oolinnnre* mil! lalin * nwniiist lln- prnvi'ions nl this ordinance*, bo. mol me Ihe mule* or horse* i njngi'd In I * .‘'••avenger’* Departnii'iit. ( and ahull keep the satin- In gnu-1 repair, at hi* own ex pense ." also. •• to l*e at the said pound, nr have siiine ex-wet there, at two atated hours each «t» j. win u nettle • r nlin-r hiiiui-il• ai- lln*n in l-r the purpme of d- llterlug said i a 11 li* nr olio r iinlui ll- (-• I licit owner* wlu-n railed In'shall well and truly par nil iiloiili's eulli—lia| for thus il'-hvi-i ing up the entile m nther -mini il*. tn Hm elly Mnr •Iml Itie money elboxe l by lodinmu e fur b —Inn e.illt** i" other nilllllnl* iiu|Miiillde I bi-iiig exeepled " -(Hnlllimire of'J'llll Ih-.'i’uila'l. IHM | !’ It I N T I N o I' I’ I C i:, \«*. fi ll fiihlt rt Cl H. t'nrrls nr<* 1’ilnnil m (4,‘ti per TIii»ii*wimI li<e|irrnl the (tnnril House. 'In light'lie Uiuii'd House, and prepare uu<i>|. lire* mi-1 ni itermi* fm Hxht where ni i-swr* slid lie ahull k-• p It clean si the expense nl Ihe • ity und shall Ik* ii-.|Hiii*iiile (••r Its safe mi I pro|» r keeping"— (Oi-linaure n| gn-l ol August HOP) ilan re<ii ('uni mini (Klludrhd and w fV.rnrr nf na Hi limn * \Yui nii-xsriigi'i of Coiinrll. "to aiimuinn the llieiulei* ot I'li.inril A«rolullinnde'l hy the May wr. to attend nil meetings nl *'•■•inr-il fur Hie purpose of executing any r»mmi>ii*>n.. to peepaie Hie t o melt V'tinm- ».**rfor*. II. alien I un •-.Iiinilttl'es of if reipiiied Hl-I tne\o"i|te their ('olilllil*«|nll*. In serve mi I 'lonmiHcc* of ('..Hill'll fn-ui the Clerk's ulllee. sHeinl at the I'oliee oltire un even .Mini-'iiy nt ten o'clock, ninl In re main Iln-Ii* dill III t oltlcc Ilnurs it reipiired »o In du. In ev- eule ail rnlilllllsdou* llppellailiin/ 111 thi* ' IHee. when re. ■|iiire| liv Hiei Mat or nr CoiuiiilHoes of Cnnneil . to kn-p i Ie ill an I ill -le-oiit iir h-r the iiiirenti-d parts of Ihe 1.x I'h.illgi'; In keep Hie key s of all dunrs iml aHiU'lie I lo l"'.lns ii-nli'd"—(ui lin.iim the Vud of August lH.'1'.l) — nl—•' •" alien I In Ihe Miyur's I h-rk's and Ir.-.i.iin i '. of. li keep tin* ..lino I'lcnn an I in gmel order, make the tires, biing water mid purfmiii any i it In-r seriici s eonnivte-l with the duties ut \t- «M-in:--r that nv*V )>*• rv-jwned of Imn t>y the .Vlaiiii —• annual silaiy (full—.aid soui o' (lull -to liiilu Ie Ihe whole ex|a*iise fur *eoiiriug mul cleaning and taking care of Hu' exchange Emg Itu-nn mid the elti oiliees an I p I'sa-ao* eiHineeti-d Iheiewilh in lln-1- \ehmit-e building— (llekiilulion pa I Jt«l id V pi d I sad True! xtrnet- I |.w eun li WlleoN. t’leik ol I uuiieil Saemitinh .M*t of |»i-i-einlier. |Sn ATIIK.N Kt M. M \NAi;i:il Mr. H M. II. CIIISI 1 KillnT Al'l'KAllANlT. OK MUH IJM'.AN. Tin nlug's ent* i taluuu'iit toi onelnde with Hi A l)rs)MT»<i’ (iainc. tie* for ii.'irlieular* 1*0 SOUTH ERN MUSEUM IS Ire (M-rsona of r< tlieir ii.iun's are rogi» *"i '*r S.itordnV will he stro-tli enfuii' iu< (4. unli.-Tlsl H-n i Nutlri*. lor an* hereby nolilled. that uni"** lore.l iii the t 'h i k ol Couiu'ir. olliee next, the nrd uin--c* l-lativi- thereto -••I iigilusf them. I'emilty nut exceed. Ity «vder. (leik of Council. Ol*' ft ATI It A I. IIISTOKY, I* K I! M ANKNTI.Y I. O C A T K l> A T -uniouv IIIU., IN 11IK Cl I Y U» sex x N \ VII. IIKUlUilA. x» licit* limy lit- lumiil a GREAT COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIES YltuM Xl.l. l*AllT*t nr Till; Wllltl.b. . IH-- Court nf Ordinary for Clintlmin County— I" Id on the llr-t Mon-lny in each umutli. lint Jainiaiy. wln-n it is lu-l-l on Hi" se.-nnd Moiidny.—Citations for let t*T» a-liiiiiiistralinn mi l gmirdi.un-h p puhli.*he< lliirly .lays betore Court ; applii alions for leave to se I real esfnfo met negroes puhli.lied mid iiollei* of sale forty ■l»yi; annual returns ininh* either hy the aeenn*| Moiidny the lir*l M-'tiday III July ; at tin* Couit np- mine** an npprniscu ■l eu 1* in d.nil.le ll. .lulIN M MII.I.KW pU> mitx for letter* j ••slate aiel till Ir see tin- estate. jnl — FKI*; nt of Un* ’nine of 1*1 TllK Vun.US I'niriiv.*: I am a •-in county, at tin* eh-di *o||.*|| your support. «il 1'llAt'M AM CHt'STY -him* lor tin* olliee or Sheriff nf your January next, iui-1 reaper*fifth l'i AIJ.XA.NDKIt TlluMAS. It :i 1111"11 In - -elidllte f-.r the .-III enf S Mr JHIIN i.l id I'li.iHm A. SI A. MANY \ Hints pi t.'ii: vuH.; Cl IA III VM CHI MV ;—Kt:t I .• tw ite fur tin* olliee ul Hi rill of your r MICIIAKI. KINNI.V. Tvi HU: Vuihi’.s ti" fit WHAM Cof STY :—Ynn.w ■’••l'* '* •—I mil a candidal" fur re-elect lull to the office of i" ••mix Treasurer, nl tin* election on the li rat Monday in il.iiitinrv next, and le-pii iiully a-k y«mr support. nuvtM .lulIN N. f.lAViy. To TIIK Vi H I .IIS ul CH ATH AM CuCNTYKki.iuw Cm. /> vi '—I .min emi-li-iale f..r Hie nffiee nf ('•unity Treasurer. »t H.e -Ie tioaln Jm.ia.y next, an t r—|a-et!.iUy .- Melt y -uir support. If ■ leeted the |iroci*eda nl tin* ulllee shall I e gi*eii in a fellow lank officer who has been so unfortunate a- tol—sel.ii sight. '•••'It I. J. H XV ii for Neil Volk. * r H TIIK> nf CHATHAM CoCNTY Km.ur Cni/.KV*;—I am a candidate for re-ulectiuu In the nfllcea ul Cl u k n! t!i.* Supi-iior ai»l Infi'iinr the eleelion or tin* lit•! Mon-lay m January next, mi l respectfully *nlleil support. .11—I I J'HIN f. til'll.MARTIN. i-liip< omp:i r- > NiiTICK—All •- ilian* and lrn*|ei •y llolili.-il that H.e I- lll'of tl •ciitnrs. H-luilnlsirAti-r* gum* -. in tin* county of dialh.uii. -gular I me for uiak iig their . tin* !ir*t lay in Kchrtmry ; ant all >l**i'-»«lt»-is will tw* r—piin-'l to show ean«"e their return* lime u- t I ii nin-li- in pursuance o| the* janI -Im JOHN M. MII.I.KN. m . . r. NIITICK III I'AS'K « * A 'nil! tl eelil* «II ll -1.1 !• A M. to I* M .-I . mul ln.iii T I*. .* I’ M f ri-lny e I. I irlln* ■*• ilored |sipulati*ni. liOlH.YStl.N .‘s i:i.l)l!i;i) I* MKN Avihltlh AND i I lit I 1 i.l Ho- .-III together with afH.e e< It 11 VI' lllPI'Dllldi'lit b K AT**, of the New u-t Call* ll-ppo In-no-, miuilig ivlie'll will alking l IMMdlt AIVJ.NT AM) l»t:.\l> llOTVNi I’KttfeiltMti t’.Y Ml'- «. N fJ.DRKD ii a i*id it t in*;, HY MIX’* It.-*. I .A Rul'X N|i KINli. Till* extl'ii.l I-Iiary pi-1 .-lliMU-e lul* ev-ited |iiiviT*lll W'l.ii-ier and a-lnniali--n. shouiigl. .lutil-ilfe itsifhalmie- mg .111-1 elegant lie; -1-ll - p-.-tu mg. In l.e Rum. nil a pole lliiilv l.-.-i high In I ! I.. M ii*. King HIADAMK HOIIINMtlN. MASTKIt JA31KS Rtmi.MON, .ii vsrKit sioiift', Au-1 an a-li'ili"ii:il li*t of pnp-il n- ai'toi .are with the Com pany. and will a| peiH in Hi" e.iriuiisexm*'**''. TII I-'. UAH) I* directed hy tin* C'deliraled -Ini NO.'IIKR. Wlilch i» n sufll.-i. nl glinialite" I- i ll* III! lit A Sl*|.l-:N 1)11) COliIsKt TIOft OP Willi) A MM VI.**. in -i-l-li t ion in the iilmve u t * im -lion*, nilei a rich lull "f en ti-riaiuiueiit iii• iIV C 1 l|iMAIL*i|l. A/'-nl TKA \ lihl dtN' 4.1 I l>K. Ut-pint lire- of s*te-nnici-a Inna tills Port. I*ah-I. Rodins, f- r Key tV.-.t and Havana. Soul liel'li St«* •illlilllp l.llMM. slop* I I -i i-l". • apt W-.ndhull .in- .-a>ami-ill every >'aturdn» ip Al i"-ma. Captain S-ln-in-k ,k. .-Vei l ..i-ernate isleip-: '.itvnf c.-pt il.ii -.ii: have.Saranu.iii apt. Rnll lis. iiuniHi fur Ih 'i'll Ho* l'acilic Mail af. J- Tio Niil'lCK In |'AS*KNiiKltS Knit >TKA.M>IIIP v— I^AltKI,—l*.-i"i-ugers tor this «tcum*lii|< ate n*>ti wluirl "I"'.. I edlt.a Knvvalili t;. Wll.i IN, Clerk of Cm I’as'i'd in* oiincil. Savannah. Iicoi-iiiIm-i 2!*th. lx,Ml. I'M J**11X f. WARD. Mayor. Attest: rnwaKnH. AVlte-ix. Clerk nlCiiiiuril. l»orary. Mcsara. V , l' | i mill Onnnlil. Wccall the attvii* 1 *') "• tbi* public to the* law curO of Mes-n. Mii.i.h- •" 1-I--.0—T-1- M-.-n Fi.r.MlNi) tV .Viib-v-N* It w tint without tv UiKvvvl* ilj>- of the 1 ’ un, l «|iisililiciitiuni of then* gentle- men that wr'Xpre-H the mnflili'iit hdiel prulei* fiional btia* , ' ,<H ''"nnnlltetl to tlieir charge will In*, faithful!v lin<( Hkilfully iii.ina^eil. Members of tin* bar of *' ,rc |»ronii*e we *1*» not happen to number ainopk ourncipiaintaucp». In wishiiiK them ubiunliint '•k#, we* ilexirc fur them no more than they merit. An Orillmuiv-c T" change tin* nnliner of k. . p-ng tl..- >treet* mol I Hn cilv nf Sivaiiuah dean, mid to pre-enhe Ho of the Superintendent Ik* it ordained hy the M iynran-1 Aldcino n nf tl,. >'nvann.ih mid Hamlets tln'reul. in « "un. d a*-, ml I it i* lii'ieliy-ordained lo tli" auth-oily ot Hu- miii fii'iu aul after the passing of thi* Ordinance, the lln- xe iei tiger's Department *hnll l»* given out hi i a.i I or-ipii'als |nr peifin ming llie *iiiin\ sh;.!l In* r’eci ln-i"matter *p-. iiied All In I- imi-t Im- bamled lo t, !-rk n *hall h ill I #U ll. I . Hint Hn* ( apt. Knlllii**. of tlic ImivIm I, ■ fapt. R"1.1.1 s thus uolices, through one of the Charleston pajiers, tin* e..nnii'inic.ition of Mr. Lamaii, which recently .ij'iiear-*1 ill Ihe f»* »fiinh: Iff hi* Card I am censiirc*l In exreptinnably term*, w negligent* in transferlug some pn>«i'iigi*rs, of wlonn Iam.xr was oin*. from mv ship tn Hi • steam tus off Tv IJght I aui aim charge! with .M«ruiu tc-us conduct wards a la Iy passenger. I trust it will readily appe those whu know nn*. an-l tu others upon »n*|* representation* in tin- Card, are <(•• *.y the |ea«t ol tlieini incun.'istent wl*h my neeustouied euii'l'ict. and at v.ui.iuc" with my charaeti'T. I wnnl-l f>ntb*-r t-mark. that gr»-i»* tnconiv-aieniv"tiuu** neeur* to pissenger* in m il. n; tin- transfer, nn-l that the steamer's wheel* are ••••••a>;mi dly turned, as a matter of u ie**ity. tn l.eeji tin* -hip in pi -i lion This, in my judgment is all that Mr. Iginiar could, with propriety, enmplain nf a* negligence. Then* wa* im '• iinmiuent danger " in thu matter. I regard rm lurther ~~«TU«r reply nece*»aej. Very re'*p'*''tfiiH)‘. , WII.I.I.VM IsVIM.IN".*. >'t.*«mer l*«M. •f which electi- the linn-at wliieh said e|.-. ti-in shall take place. And hi-l-ler *ball eiu l witli hi bid the names of two or * wliu sln.ll bin-1 tli'*m*i*lve* in a *11111 whi-di exceed the- -.ewinutit of tliP bi I for which hv* pT*>l*>-e- pi n u ii ii ii i tu -In the wink, by tlimi-and dollars f..r -I true mi l laoblul |M'ifmiu.iiii-e of tli*' d it..-* ol >iip-rintei 'lent. 1'ln- 111* t'niini'il shall, a' it* tii-t regular nn-elii in January next, mi l al lln- lli-t n-gular uiei-ling • I r.iui ril in Januaiy i-l every Hin d year Hn-r.-ali.-r. *ele.-t fro llu**e wh" -b ill submit tlier pn-po*al*. one who shall l«- •'< ■•la.e.l elected >ilpe| inti-lull III. who -Imll a b"l to the city, in Hie min-uu* re piir*-1. t• • In- aj.| run by III*' Mayor, mul I liter Iipuli Hie d'llie.* ol hi* olliee » itll ten days after *a d election; upon failing to give such l-.ui or negle-'tiii-g to enli-i- upon hi- duties within the -ai l lim hi* elect ion shall I void, nn-l Hie I'ilv Cmin.-i!. . D* next regular meeting, chcl some otlnr |..‘r*.. l i in I. piece* •It -*l. Anl lie it blither ord.-il af-ire-ai-l. Hint the i-i'i-oii who is eh- • nt shall. In-fun ent.-iiiig i.pun hi- wi'li a slifflejelit niiml-i-|- ut able I..., 1 , nii.b-s an-l carl- In p-if-.rlu lln* dull ;»- lieli'iiiafter de*.-iiln-d. win. h ii.< u. team* and eaii* shall ■duf lb- Mayor, nml iu*in- -i..,ll l«- employed Fire Arms, Si|iillia, «Vc. Sei* I. It sp ill l-e* Hie duty of Hu* Marshall of the city nfove-ahl and the Ci.n*1nbh's Hi.-ri-nf In ii-n-nii ngain*) ail nml evi-i v white pei*nn found within the iiniils ol the *a.i| • ity. •Iisi-h.irging or attempting to disciiurg**. any gun. pis tol or nthei tin-arm* cracker or any niln-r coinlui*i.ide pr. pmation. and that the per*..11 so informed ngaiu*t be pun-'hi-d a* lierein ifier mi ntinned. If a fn •• w lute per-ou. to In- llio -I iii 11 *iim md exceeding thirty liollms >.--• it any person of enlnr he fniuid m offending as afnn-'iiid. -in h per*iui of color shall re.-i-ivo e-nrpnial t-iiiiislim-nt. lint exeecd-ng tele la-lie s, to K- iutlictvd t.v el - oihi-er pri *i-n(. I'aascd in 1 niitii-il loth Dccemb-r 1 *• IT. JAMI-gi M WAVXK. Mayor. Cl KICK OK Col Mil's IIIHiK. | Saemimih. 'Jtule Di-c.-eule-r. l**..a ( li el i f y M.-ir*h:il and *'Hy t'niistabli-* ate directed to i-n- f..r.-i- tae firm i-imis ol the above extracts from the lit* • Ity urdir of JOHN K. U'AKD. Mayor. ' Knw.ti;|iii tVii.-ii.v, t leik of fniiui'il. fled that tin* ate.-im lug I'Vltl.K will leave W'aldl- morrow- oriiing 1*1 H o'ehick. ti id* I-. -i",inis|ii|i l«iil-<*l •h'l'IH COlIKN'S \ III .If17.. Agent*. InnTiIK II tURI** has removed to the Jesi- 1*111-1* fnrilli-ily niim-d by I'apt .li-liii ll. lulllie. cnnii-rol Mlutakirami Harris Mnels otlic.* nent. nct'Jtl—.'hn WAN Vl.l Sont In 111 SI en hi limit I.liica, #br f'hntln'nn —l ln* regular I'nilcil States Mail stcami-r* " !.-ii 1 apt llrnoks; c I-,-- 11, Cap* Itiiixleu; -md Metanu* . • aptain l’i*s|.-II; h ave every i.otuilig at I ..'i-lock. for •arlesliiu. com III..- v%:: Ii tin* C; iir ..'.toll sh-mndlipi for i*w Ymk ami I liil.nb 1,-b.a. mul tin- Wilmington bunts.mul Ie ut U oVloi-k. I*. M. hn- /V-W-'-i—|l'i da t a. I Mack t'n , k.Jaek.oiivilh*. St. Ml. rys. \'e I—Tin*steam 1 ai-' •-! i-lakn.• *;• (ittiiii X. King.leave- c»-rv >iitut'iuy nniiuing t--r tin* iibnee plaee*. 1!.--steaiup.-ickiI Win. 1. i-tuii. i'apt ,-li iw. l.-aves every T»i-*.l i> moiniiig. ft if the above places. I I," stealllpaekvl >1. Jnlill-. I apt Kieeburil. |i*nvo» cecre Tliur* lay lu -rinug. Im Hie alm\-( places ; and every fmirlii trin goes to St Align-'in.- | Ihe stiMinpa - .et l-ai-d I. A-l nils. ('apt. H"l*bnr-I leaves evi-rv Wedn Is-lav nn-riiing. ft.r tin- above plan—. The steaiiipacki t I'lauter. Capt Wiggin*. I.*av«*a even We.lni-dny m.., nii'g fin c. uiu-i ilia g-.w. fr-ia Si J/iiri/-.—1 li-stomnei- W. It Mear- c«i'' 'I' r mis. leave* >1 Mrny*. every IVIdiv fur Trader's ll'II.A’c . ronui-i-tiiig with tin- .*•: .1. >-••*. •'» a ml from savnn ■1 to load with iii xivvi.n—a Cotton Irr I'll la dolphin I’ADKI.KoRD. pay A For FitKIliHT 01: CM tilTUt—Ihe tine . . .1.1'. WvrttKUtti. l'»"t*-r.master. V-r p-.ettU-wlevs tralio In Angn*la : mid pply to ih-.-|s IIRIHIIAM. KKIJ.V K Co. 1 P-d-gei ilfi- from tiurdoti ■^2. DOCTOR WII.DMAN liavingsenie.l|M-niiaii"iit- | Mmiiiini Ti-nhi. I'nnii the W vannah. re*pei-Hully nilei* tn it* citizens i.r;n -ii. "nl .l/-\fii iiie iM-i Surifi oili.-i-. .Nu '.'ii 01 o. 1 iif ShuHi >n*iiltatiiui. Ii'oin s till 10. A. M . Cl-ii tin I Itnllroiul. Tve* Ttt.vtM toll v—ututv u exn ntpuiTf Mnniiii'i T'tin—I cates >ai iiinah at s. .e m., i in Manilla' I', v : com iii..with Ihe M.n-.-i erii night I rain* tn Atlanta. Mi-nt-gonn-ry and Chattanooga I with Hi" Ang-i-la an-l W'avneilinrn' Railroad, (dav -g 1 l-t I vvill* Railroad t» Mil ml I'm it till A. I*. M. ..Ill A.'iviiiiii; Trin', ! ..t i at *», I 1‘. ill ii.ol In Ogl to Tallilll.'is*". a Kiii-n ing Tr u •e* at 'JO. —I .-axes <ii\ inmili at S. I* vi .a e >t : "••ntu-.-tiiig w itb th" Smit le-rp" .ti 1 •'. I.iintiiis.mid by stai I nllu-r point* Suith-west. In 1.1 Ho- We.t. arrives at •». I*. ' M. KI11 Hun ft nt lie—(Tty tHliieii. h'climi. tor Hu* lull.■» mg City Officer*, by Cm *■ pi ni* at the next regular iii- t-Hng of Conn . n lliursilay . th- I'J January, lb.',4. at half p acd hy tin* nulli- 1 ity L't•-• I saidi Miperint'-n-i- • III(••• - p|n\l ie liiln-"lf Mes-n'Ji* ol V'.'.'u'r Keeper of the Villa * l"l'k of Hie *1.11 ki ll lion depart 11 r Mag M*t Hide in tin* d"parlnii'nt Il hall lie the duty ol the * ip til ployed In p.a-* tbrougli ~un lay » and g. u* ml In li-lay s I'll." up all lilt Ii, maniire Hial nmv- bocnlleete: in barrel* or in- touud In any street. ( iiie«r s-puviv with i> Hu- «ame In such place ns mav Ie Mae-r nr Chiiirnuiu • 1 vided that all ni-itiuie s|u,|| be nt t|,e eili.-: .l.-ii-li-ut tu -f 1 I pm- .. ll., ,, -eptiil. with Hie e;i -ter *lu l| or nther i lly i 1 - actui lor pail nf nl Itiriiaid street.. . itraetor t'nr that part of *1 of ll.11 iiard-'tieet... THE CELEBRATED CAROLINA TWINS For 1111:1.1. 1 ■ vYs Mori: Tin* un-h'r*igni**l. phy 'iclan*. having examined the Cam- linn Twin* take pleasure in ri'ciiuimi-iiiliiigtheiu to the pub- lie a* every way worthy tlu-ir attention. In a scientific point nf view t)i**v afford abundant physiological lnlen*»t, 1 and as object* ol men* curiosity tlu*y are nnt. probably. * surpassed hy liny living specimen*. W.M. tl, IffT.I.ot II. M. Ih. : k. ii. Martin, m. ii., II. 1.. IIYlUh M Ih. * S. N. HARRIS. M. Ih. I .IAS. S. Moll hi.. M. Ih will ropy three times. COM MKUCIAC. • F|. .Hit vuiiiiiiIi K xpnrtn, .Tiiiiiinry I. Nil tV YORK—I' S M steamship Fieri la— K.'fi l*h lutid I'oUim. -HI .I- Si-.e 1*1 m l du. ffa do Douie-th-s. and sun dry I’aekngc*.—— Hark Maria Morton—l'Jl':i hales I'plaml Cotton. ‘ Hide-, and |su ling. Itiee Flour. her. I’tail. J to 1 l 1 HAT H AM i*lli-*i:il-1 O oil I l.e ltr*t l I' ll all wluiiii it e said Court to make ••fn|i* th" lit-I Monday ••r» -x ill In* igr 1 i-.c-l. v ninl 11 ilay "* It-'i'i'iii* iol.oRMK- Hrilluary. • ivLv-.ii —Will !•" *"ld. , nrv'- before lln •l li.ilir* of sale, til* fid. , 1 slave-, wann-ly. Ma a*l *ff i**‘H«*; levied ou l.i .eiign-tu* .Mydd.p f. pointed out lv •I.VaNNY. Sheriff r. (' n-nt of i l'i i'-4 ; loti, relit f-'M! 04 Applv tn m i'kkniikri.asi • htl.K —A si .il l Rial liivkeriug .V Co . and but ' M. I’i'.KM'hR'.ANl -v » •li-e'jx i;s Kruiigfiton - I >.\coN. Hr —lolili-l* new Ibicnn 60 • AJ t.lied Wbokv. lauding and lor sjd' I’J' dee'gr* ' SCRAN t< N- •>''H V ST< »N ' JltANDY— I!. - elv.-d ll.i* ,U—- half pipe. Ot.. . viutar* 1,1 I'U- nl*o. V bill: , :• - II.111 1 11 '« lit,nidi 1 '.itage "t |x4'_‘. I -r *nh* In dec'.'.'. ■' I’. I frilt IN. Sorrell S ill I . oitj I \'•* Mo|.A**SRS —'-a bbls .New or,. ,i I -I l-■ "iv- i .m l I... bv dee'JI Cil A VIRION .V Wan ,, .Mil RKII * —hi.:. I'rati'wrries. ‘u-t r - • Iv. lor sale hy .b*c*J4 CIIAMITO.V H \\aT; IKh v'ltACKI.RS—.V) laixe* Fire C a*-ker* f->r I (TIAMI'Ion k Wa*. . \*>l'g» an-l Canary h'ag.-s.iu the- greatest - i received an-l for sale low. I.v ileeja .1, I* CO| .I N P ATK.N'T qrilJ.INt. SCI.-SORS. Nut Crackers. Arc., for -ale by ill-.-! I Iron*. Cloth-- J IV CO| | ■•*. I.'ill llng* a nl i ON 14 NT’KI • -Will II >11 my next, before the court I,, between the n*aal hours h part lit two what I Ini*, or a llutelii-nn'* I'hllld. in ; .•*" of lieorgia. heiiig hds l.-g.-tli"r with all the r"»er- \ CT I’ll "li Ih ok*. I JSilvei I... mil ■ 1. the plaining ma- Wee pumps, and all aiptinii in xudabout out*-fourth part »l the appiirtena iri's -! I Kill"!.ley C", 1 HATH A'I Sli: ■ I., will I I,-! Robert Todd, to Mlti- tievnr nt ii Newell v* l/tvemd V‘. it Todd. Rrope. iv -.-I forth in said h fa. JOHN I M ANNY. Sheriff 1 1 .illFI "> SAl.h —Oil the Iir* I 1. In-l a . 11 Ihe >ardine Opener*, rv Table Cutlery. 1 sale liv dertU U 'ANT! ID To ITRCH \*K—From I mi fi. 600c*r •. hard Wuod. suitable for retailing in Ihe cite. A iy ile,.1 I Ml'.-E at Wllllnk's V . w*l I.I.I.N'ii OI F A r • If T — ,\ greiiTvariel v ..f Lad - I • J iiisi-1*. by «be2a DlAVlfr A- MOl.i.A |gi.\N—•Hi.isiu. 011 sliimj‘.,m J ileetfl iWU.V \ r l I.VKT and -i' luiiillla* »»' :. I.ilssf. N W Collar*. ITieml-elt 11111 fir sale bv di-'ja In " Miti-fe 1 ,| l STARD—In ilo/en French and halhj.v. | 1>L -ale l-'W by J-J AMS— IS barrels, landing an- 1 . R Kt KIVFD THIS DAY-0 in pints a de.-'J of -al.-. Snvnioinli .Mnrkrl, .Inutinry 1. ClirroN—There I- a fair ilemmul fin-Cotton at iiuchnng- I prices^ The rales ye-iurdny'sum up RlOli bale-, as f.,| >w* : It al Tv,, ll at x.'.-g at * Out HW al x’,. lft| al . -M nt ft4 at l'U 10. rattwl 177 at 1",. 1T0 at jin I—3 (Tty pap-r I at l'i a —t'nrr *\ —lln n 1. A F A It U K II O INK, I (ROADWAY. /Mww'll .Unill/ mi'l >li'”l.*. tables I I -ii AtwiVAt. or Tilt; At. vi.\vt.x.- riio I*. S. M. xti'jtn- \ Rhip Al'tlii'ii'i. •'apt. ScHKM'K, with Wclne*Jay 1 dates from New York,ui'nved l».*l«»w the wreck* l.i-t | cveiiin.4.but lint in tmi" t'lcru*.*tii'Tiiat Iiiy^h liili'.:iti<l ; had not rcueli mI th.* < Ity at the time nf our ^-liu^to pruvt. NVu regret tuff uTeivinu |it*r paper#, a* fn in ' the fnilnre of tho mail north <•!' t’luirleitmi, ami the j draft mudu upon our cdiluiiHby tho ui*ei***.iry heavy | publication of city uriliniineei, we an* eoinitr.iinod j to crave thu iinl'iUence «ff" tin.* j» lhv*vity.nn*l .mv fi riiiined In tin - ■ 'oiuuiiifi-i-. pro leh-nt of the City Wall ity •• •• *• ml l.ii-u'i mini •• *• nff tin-Rest House M'rlglit, l.niiler ik Co., I’roprli'tora. i maium: ii\Ti:uj(;i:.N<;i PHUT OF SWANNAll JANUARY 1. H 4 iii- Furl Ui T.*el«e Mei.ul ml Ihe limits of th" city Lin.-111. till-ntitlimIty .-it ,re. nor eo-iy Mmiluy n,.lining eui|i|oye I in tin department. I l.uuibi*r j One l»»-Ji'- il .n'tiinlli I, 1*1 ’ ■ " vmlei 1' Stale, Capt. II.v The U.8. M. aluatnihip AV//.ff.,»n -ion, x-..|»». n.*i»-1 oik, .iiNly s »ue hours irotil I’iiilu'h'lphiii, arrived lien' | •tun early houry*?.iD*r<l.iy in truing. The 1‘uibci will I please accept our tluiuka for u*u.d ulteiitious. I * was Riven th" I o >,'11111 SalCTFjv.—A salute of twelv departing yiar at twelve o'clock la it night, ft mil on I board the ateamihip Kevitnnc State, in our harlior, j followed hy one nf tie* same number of guns at miii Tin" to the New Year. AtiiBN'.Ri vi. —I.jit evening rlo-ed the eilgagi'iiiout of the Bullet Corpi. Notwithstanding the prevalent unfavorable weather during tin' pa it week, they have drawn large ami delightml iiudicncea. tin Mninhy eight Miivv l.o.mii niak"- h. r lint appearance liefun K Savannah audlcnn*. Her fame N already tmi well cituhli-h''d t i n:»|iiii'e anything at our hanilx. We ■ball, however, take occiwimi to ref'-r to her future performances. r,7>-J.KK*-kv C.Ttv IIvsk U uuiuo. It. will be r— n.ll..i-ted irNit tli" M.-eh ini.'i’ ami Tradi n' Bulk. J •rs''V Cite, v»'-4i r»lih"d about tin'''*' mmilln ago iff 4 V„ |' u ,„ . .j,.',) n,.i, niolvvithitiviidtng all tlb* vlVortithat hill l»*cn made, n .'eji" I'oold be din'overeil of the n.l.lrr t *eivan! girl in el ailiier'-home, vva1.1t onertvne iirre-led. an I kept inVii in lor .1 month or „„ „ u . ttiv»l'i> lilienvted. after cxelusment became ol Jp rurr-t. no m.e appearing against her. Yesterday, the 7‘Hli. Ilmll' y S. hr gory. Jr., about 1 lent Si- '.id. An l '"' -•'nd. Ibil it -liiill In- tli" du' port t" Ih" Min or nr m tui'g Co- uuiufiern! im nos and ten m and ll tl„.-I.... every alarm tire it shall fie liiiduty lo ot tin' lire with sii"h ol hi* ti- un- a* ."im-ii nu I ear 1 ring nil il tin I nt the lime ol given. Hlnl lie stjlij. el to the nrdi'l- "t tin* Mm. person nr Jiei-si.u-su'titlg iU till jiUce ; uwd fi*v v or failing to |ierloim all Ho- u- i-iiri-iui-nt-i.f tin-- He--aid su|*-tit|tcii i ndent sli.ill, n| or. I'ouvii-ti* tl," Mayor or |s*r*ou or pi-i-on- pii--idiog at tin- I'.ili*'" i'oiii I. Is* subject to n run- ol not |, - Hiuii live or ni"ii- >» lilt) ffollai* lor eii.-l, off" oil" hall III to tl,.- in former, the nther linlf for the u-e of the city, pruvid'-l, n"vi-rtlii-l"«*. for any ehnrge of gins- neghu : o" mi-d.-mi-t mo lie. the •aid siiperinfi-lideiil. shall In- Ii ilile to I..- ti i. .| ln*fore Council mid removed Imm olliee. or Ih- Iiio-I in - o b *11111 a* Coiim-il may order and diu-et . and in ea-.-..I r. U|o\ il Imm offi.'i'. a m a eli i-tion -hall lie liel-l at the next meet lug ol Cnnneil. to till hi- place lor Ihe iim-xpiied n -i •III" of Iii* term, and liotieo III .I|-;h 1-hii'ti.iU shall Is* giten i , I.v the clerk of Coittu-ll tel, dav* t.i-toi" Ho- ..V wfiv.-l, " f 1,11 ' 'Ullniclon said i-leetion will lake pl .ee * " See 4. And Ie' it farther unl.ihii-d hy the authority nfnri* »aid. That it sliull he the duly of the said sii|m*i inteii lent to see that tin* piihlie *i|iiares are al-o daily examined, nu I anv offal. Ifflb. or rnbbi.h that imy 1»* Hi.-iein loiind. -hall I..- removed In hi* earl*, nml it *tm|l fie Hu- f n lln-r duty ol s.ii I - iperiuti iidoiit to lui ui'li the Chairman ol tin- stiei-t and lameComiuitti e wita Hu-hand*, te.iui* and e.n t. In I In llie Si-avenger's ■h'|iiirtiueiit mil' henr e.ieh day. from the lir-t day nf November to tlu- lu.<! day of Miv. and two hours per day Irom the lir*t day of Mnv to tie- lir*t day ol N'ovemh -r. Miildny* nn-l the days ni-•'•-••ding vuuersl lioll l.ui excepted, for the purpose id a**isting in guiding, lending nr tilling iiji auv lit Hi" Mvv-l-. ht'.te*. *w -•|iiares. nml it -liiill he the duty ol the *nid *iip"riiili-mli nt to keep two or imiro ploughs, and iifli-reveri heavy rain to through the.-ily and open with *nid plough* such place* . A"., it» ol l.iijiior .'■nil .'•mi I MX \V. Igtiers I • ne- or more Cil) Printer-. 1 Proposal* for keeping ile* Public Pump* ami Cisterns it, .drlining 'Veil,-. ai|iii'diii-i-. ee**.pools, Ace., lor one Coniraetnr to t'irnish all mMerlal-. r j l’iop«*iil* lor lightlngCity HMD Ijiiiiiis—cnntrnctor to ^ fiirni-b all materials and to keep every lliing ap|» art.lining I Ibi-refii. in good order lor one year. J, Pri'p"*iil- tor keeping the city clucks in gmsl order for streets nil I l ines in ears, sjs'cifying the lii.l* lor superintendent I" keep the the idly of Savnnnnli clear lor three y - in per am.nm |*i*e ordinaiui* relative tie 'J'llt Ih-ri-iulN-i. INli ] Apt 1 e.nit* ami eoiffraclors must liniel in tlieir nppliea lions or prnpii*rils tn nm liefore twon'elm-k P. M.. of the ■I iy pre\ mii* to tin- eleelion ; mid slate therein the name.* Iirities—tun Ii'i|iilred In each li'inil Tile llolid* don Me the iiuioiint of i-iiiitraet. (i ontr.ictors nr*-"-|M-eially i|ire«*te*l tu read tin* follnwiiig extract* from city ordinance* .] poll" by virtu" of tb" le.oliitiuii passed hy Cnnneil on tin-'J'MIi lie. i-infier, lx.'i.'i, and in compliance ‘with the city oidiumiee*. >avauu.ili.-'list December. l**.'»;i. Fi.iv.vm. fi Wit.sox. Clerk of Council. 1. TV. .111 >11 It KI.I, .V CO.’S I’ i a n « F o i-1 <■ I > e |> n t si'ii.M*ii> mMm ku im ink iKiKim.m:u max ft mi ne vk i'lni-k, •I. ITilekv-iTiig, 11. AVnrrrsIrr, lltvroii ik if All of which me iiimiiifiietureil expressly tn • e niiiot In* *iiipa'-e.! I.y any hi the country, tin* most aciniiiiii'Mlating t"ims. vnnilllai iik • i.l •h r. nt AllltlYKI) Sl.ftCK III U EAST. I'S'I *te:iin*hlp Ki-y-ti et Sta'e R' li’iii' - ti "in I'h l i l. Iphia. with 'I l*e and Passengers. •" •' . I. I.iiuar D"i-ti !lti p m ‘Jo mil-s «oiiHi o| Cape Ishi). out. pa*i|i|. Mai.-*, i:\pi-riem-eil vi-rvlienv weather, gales ol wind irom \ «'|o,* W S lir I eiiiul. I'||«I|-!I llgeehi e .' VM) Im-III I* Rough Itiei toll I l.i la ■ -bam \ Sou. paek'-t Met.iiiieia. I'o-lcll. (Imrll-sinn. to I RR I of |an-l. *'• ii iic. Iv mg and being in '* AR—'JO lilnls P R Migar. fin a v !m Inn an! I .Hog!. a in. in tin* State of O '• '.-.'tna fs A. I) and C elarilied 1 a- bdh.vv*. t- a t : on the north hv lands 1 -lo. 'J'. do pulverire-l do. for sjlt* by V P. Hivitvsimv. wi st Uv lan-tsof Jai. lsvx«. | u- v JO M< M - of Paul Ki R ' all I smith by lands nf • iii lr.i'-l c* ii'.iii i'-g one thousand acre*. I'* el fr. ; , ; , ."It In ill fcnffl i Dl VANNY. HierllT •' fa V.. \TrsTS- V figure ' ligm. I I fan \ I :.::iNn vi>t.-. , III , su; \VM. R. >VMtiN>. I'm ••I" IIA KIR i HTAT'lF-*'—Just re itoi-.*, wlih'li lire « i|*v3l— s"„: ■' 'jn bill* nt those cele- .md ilrv win n eonked. I'h K'liN'S. -U'lle** patent Me . _. _ • do. China Spun do I I’o ya* RifiU*d -Tilrt*. «l*v extra -i/.-- 'l"iiiio \'ra|F • Merino sjiirt- do Cotton and Merino Dr T J .'t .lulu n .ml Pia llrvmi .'Ireet*. liv : ki.mith.n \ vr’l H" I-’RKSII srPRI.IES. id : nail sire, a No. 1 M icki-rel. P l.A.-'Ti-.R-'j:. hid* for sale, to arrive | AH'KIW- groim I l'i i*»er. hhl* p**r hrig civilian, from :n IH1DKS \ M l.i Hi i >-; Wn | fort, to >. M. I - ■ 1111 i.i • • "ll III’,.i v 15 ,. Peek.Charleston via lie v ,i*t<vu. Shaw, Palatka. Ate.. SOCTII-WKSTr.ltft It All.HOAD ('OM'V, ) Mucin. Deccmher Rltli. |SA3. / | '•ideiit mid live Directors t lln-ir office in this city, J.N'n. T. IliilFKITI.I.FT. j-'oe'y and Tie v*’r I*. <. M. steamship I'lm mitiual eh'ctioii for Pr Minpaiiv will be held. I Dili. 1-454. dec t.V—Htnwtd 1'unipCi.iilr idor the puhl.e pumps anil c III. reaHer lor sui-li >ulo pro|.o-|d* o| -ucli cniill i. I Jd Autfinl. is; leaning mil ol Hie KxtriU'N. will is Ye.xlerilav. the IHWl'T^- , to go to li liiuuian 1 J'loi'.'x.ion III hll/.ahethtown. we;w into the t<enil of ymiiig Mr. I’o.y, till! soil of the cashier of Hi" Bulk, nml *'» »k lii-v Fireinan's cap. The Foxes nml the Uregoiiei were so intimate, that there was nothing thought of taking -noli a liberty. When young Fox ha I li-.u *1 that young tiro gory hal gone oil with his I'ueinan'i «'.i|» lo Kl.z.ale lhtown, lie immediately utart-d alter him in the next train mid meeting tin: 111*1-011 whom lln* I'ap w.n taken for,and on whose head it wa*. lie forth-vitli t e k loll', without »t»y ceremonv and took I'miii it. but not miob-i rvi* 1, till' nuioimt. alm'it (UlJMlO. win- h In* ha I xecruted in hi* can. This act wax observed by Mr. Woodruff. the fiiiporlnUMid' iit of th" N-'W Jer*i-y llailroud. and In* cu'iiod ••"» lob', arre-ted mid march d -inul Ihe mo- HHHiv falliul II* Ilia /> irkel■ Xlie father, tie' < a-hicr. Mr. Fo.t. made* up tin* I, n v:. Borne time ago, to tlb' the Bank but hadui>HiH|ii- cion of hi* own won. liv made up tin* loss. Uoivn-e tin* key* of the Bank were taken from hi* home, where he lud c.irel-s,|y left them. Such a rubbery among partini x-> highly 1 -peelahle. ueaU-s a great deal and • Oliversattmi in Jerney City. BANfiwH.'it Imi.asih.—The CoiikuIm of Kngtnnd and Frnnce have ollieinllv protested against the anne.xa- tion of thewj inland* to tie* Unit' d Slate*, and have charged our American iniidoiiarici with nn attempt to effect thi*. Our ('oupnivioner, the lion. I.'illn r Heverance, ban replied to the pi ffe-t with proper •unit • ha* repelled th • charge* brought aauimt tho sinl»HionarlH*, and baa boldly denie.l ll..- light of miv ‘ jeign G-iveriiuieut to prevent a negotinlion which ^ aim al result* deemed denirahle hy the lluwai uysriiiut lit mid the United Staten. k of wind. In-t Friihy night, wav very w,ton Bond*. The Hteamer /fngmfff, ND'iiall, waa thrown nn her lieam end*, ^ jmiger for Home time. The Ntenm- -irioii. frmn lUlliinoro lor Norfolk, Into Macomloo river, hut reach Thosehooner (Im. IVoithl } red lit* mjumB off the and had to nut into f chain*. ~r ••is-uing to lei tin* water off inoie frix-ly, S-I- \n.t tie U tnrlliei onl.imi 'l by tin- auHiorily ulme sniff. I' it sliull be tin* ffuty nf the Sii|M*riiiti-ni|i'iit fi. take charge Ilf miff feeil nil cuttle or olbei nniuntls wliat S""Vi-r liable to I'" iIIIpoilti-l<-ff. that 'bull be iiiipii-lli'le I bv the City Mm *li»l or nny City ('ou.talile. miff to ili-liiei up saiff i-nitl" or otlier nniiiinl* to tlieir owner*, mi Hie eu-to ui.iry fi-e* Iteing p ii-l. lor tin* fiillilnieut iff w bieli ffotv tin* Mipi-rinti-nffi-nt shall have possession ot all lln* builffiog- ln-|iinging to tin*city nn-l nttarlieil to tin- pnuliff. miff ni iy usi* tb" -table* fur keejiing the mule* or horses en;xgeff i’u Hie ivi-nger'- Ik-pirlineiit. miff -hnII keep the same in Komi repair at Ills own expense, miff it shall further lie hi- •I'll) to In- at the -aid punii'l or have mine ngi ut there, at two stall *1 hours each il.iy. when cittk* or utln-r annuals an- within fi>r Hi** purpose of ffelneriiijr said t-.-illl» or olli er nn'inals to their owner-when ealleff for; nml furtber. In- -hall well miff truly pny all monies i-olleet.-ff lor thus •li-liveriug up cattle or iffncriihiiunl* lo tin* City Mui'-linl— tin- money allowi-ff by orffinaiin- fi.r feeffing rutil" or oilier 11 liiill ill* illlpoiinffi’ff being l-X« epte-l. M*.-. 11 And be il fiirlln-t orffaine.l by lln-authority afore •aid Tlint all ordlnanceii anff part* nf iirilinaMeea milltal lug ii-.iiiiixt this orilinaure lie, anff lliesitliu* nri'beieliv re. |H-ale-l Pn»«ed in Counril, Savannah, gtilli l>i-ei inher. Ix.'ia. |t >* I JOHN K WARD. Mayor. Attest: liivrAiili (1 Wile. is. Cl.-rk of I'oiiticR. n virffinnnei* to repeal nn ne" to iinproye Hie navigation «e.| in founoil Hie "Hi lx-. Aw tIr'Uivtvwee to lie entRlwl« •liniincii cntilli-il an Orffina of the -nvitnunh River, jiai l.-r. IX|x See I- Re il ordained hy llie Mayor anff Alfferninn of (lie rlli ol Savannati an-l llxiiffels Hien-of. in Cou-u-il a-> hie*, anff ll i* hereliy orffnini'il hy Hu* authority of the rame. Hint tie* afon-smff an Hrffinnnei to i 11 prove III" Uitvigi.linn of Hie S*Viiiiuali River." pn**ei in fniim-ll llie seventh ffav of nifier. in Ho- of oil Isirff. one tln.ii-aiiff eight Inindri-ff nml forty .eight be. on. Hie mime I* lierehy repealeff. Sen. 'J. Anff In* il furllier unlaintil hv llie authority afore- saiff, that all OrfflimneeH or parts of Hrilinnnees. uiilitntiiig ngmnst Hi" Jitivvlxlutvi ot till, Onl inn new bv*. uwff Ho- uunv* nr.- hereby repealeff Pa-red in Cnnneil. Savnnnah 'glltli lli-ceniber- DvAfi. [I..H.J JOHN F. WARD. Mny Alli-I.l . rnWAKIiti. Wll.iox. Clerk of Cnnneil. An nrffiunnca to he entitleff an orffi.mre to alter anff mui-iiff nn ordinnnri- eutith-il nn uriliuanee. imposing a Tux t lil lit r ff Tallies miff Rowling Alleys, miff for regulating Ihe ennii'—passnl ill Counril .Ndvemb'-r Ifllh. Ihlff: Si-rllnn I. Re iturffalneff by Hie Mnyor anff Alfferninn of Hm elly of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, in Connell n*- remliM, anff it is hereby orffalneff by the nuthnrily of liter same, that fnim miff nfler Hie pas-ing of tliiionllnanci*. the rceonff section ol live unfit otrtliwnee, imposing a Tax on Hilliard Tables and llowllng Alley* nml for regulating the Kamo—parsed In Cnnneil November ltltli, lH I.'l shall fie anff the same Is hereby amended an aa tn read a* fellows : That for every Hilliard table kept and iiacl for hire within Hie corpora!* limits of tb* olvv nf Savannah. Vhare shall h* paid annually, hy tha owner th*r*of. a Ta* of on* hundred dn|. Iar». and for every Rowling alley kept and uaed within tha shall be lo keep in order ll* lor Ho* peiioff mlicy ns III iy lie -pi'eifieil in llio pti'-l In Coiine I." (Urffi- -- wliieh eoiiira.-t -b ill im-lnffi* anff ee*s pools to tln-ii •pH.. ipiiri'd hy llie ('umuiittee on |’uni| i-epi-ui-ii neyniiff tlieir original depths nllff the puuip- llii-ti'-ff. tlii’fi* shall Ie* an aff'litionnl nllowiiuee lor the • at rate per f.Mff. which rate -lialt lie specified tu fill or propo*al iff inch pi-r*eu." (Hnliium-e of l&tli inher, is.'iJ.) - Who m-l r-p. hall re. propo- August. DfilU.) Kvcper nl tlie ( Ity Clock*. «• duly it “hall lie to keep tile same ill gooff order i*r throiiglmiit the year, uuff for wliieh ffutv lie rive such rom|a*nrHliiiu a* may Im* sluti-d |ffed hy the sniff Council." (Ordinaii Hie The sufiserilvers to the stork of this Company for tin- Ainerictt* i:\iension nre iintillcd that they are re-|iilr«-.l to pny the iliir.l and last instalment "f Fifty Dollars per share on s.,iil -tn.-k.lo the undersigned, nl Macon, or lo T. M. Fiirlow. F«'p. ut Anii-rieiis. on or before the first day ot January next. Stiu-l.' in Savannah ran make ;ni)incut at the • en- tiiil Railroad Rank. Pimnpt payment will Im* cxperled. as tlo* finiff* lire re. ■piireff iiir tie* paying f**r the iron now duily ex pected I.* nrr ve. JN'n. T. RiilFFI'II.I.Kr. net'll—tIJ Treasurer •1 ff l av Dark Mmm Mm ton. Riill.ley. J U ••*. M steam-pm-ket Calnm laiDIteiiii. U >' M *te im-pneket Welak Dilllte,111. King. I'iilatka. kc —S M I)KI*A K'l'KII. I’ \| *ti*aiii-p-u-ket Callioiin. Dir ten.Charleston. I*. •**. \| stenm-pai-ket Wel.ikn. Kin.*. I’alatkn .Vc. Steamer lln*g"ii. Miasly. Demry'- Ferry. Ac. I'. S M steamship l'i-re ui»n*4k;m;ks i*kh ckv I'lt.ti, kaii.roaii. C KM'IIAI- 1«. It. HAftKMS CO. OF (i\.,( Deceiuher t-tli. lx.’i.'i. j The It.iarff of Direelors have this ffav dcrlarcff u Diildeuff of four per cent on the fiemi--F Stock nf tin- Company for the p:v*t six months, payable mi the Uith lust. Holders nf Hiiaraiitecd Slock will receive their Divldeiols at the same time CKO. A. Cl'Yl.KH. ,|e.-7—3w Caslih-r. DKCKMIli: 1 ! 31—H1|S bal * c.ffton. mil Merclian-li-e. I.. Hgdi'li .V Hunker. Chnile*t"U Steamboat t'". I'nffelfnrff. F.iv At Coli-n* .V licit*. Kl'ai-mis A: Co. t'-i Iff well. Neelv k Co. liar livl. k \ r..W,.-I,hurn. Wilder A: lb. R. A Allen. I raiikliu.V Hranll. v. |lnff*..ii. Fl-iiiing \ C - J June A S Hartriff-•*. N A Ila,dee \ 1 0. Hriglmm. Kelly At fn. Wells A; Durr. C *1 Duryee co\sn;.\ k kk. Su|»vrlulcnvlfiil of the Nenvciif/cr’a I)t|inrt- IIICIll. •• All biffs must be hnnffed to the Clerk o* Council be- in o'clm k. A M.. of live vlwy ol election.” wn»l each biff- ler •• ahull enelose with his hid Ihe name nf two or more si-ciirilies. who sliull hind Hieinsi-Ivi's ill 11 sum which shall exceed the ninimut of the hid for which lie pmpnscs.pcr annum, to 1I0Hie work hy one thousand dollars, fur the true and faithful perforinunre of Hie iliilii-s of Hie olFice ol Siiprtliiti*ni|i*ii!." lo* shall. '* lM*fore entering ii|miii hi-du ties, prov ill' himself vv it ll II Niillieii-Ill ll lliu her o| a hie hoilleff men. anff horses, or mules, an-l earls, to perform the duties ol the Depnrliiii-iit"; Miff it shall lie his ffiity " tu eau>e the Hi" mi'll «o einployevl. to |ai** through all parts of the city daily. Snmlavs nml general holiiluyi exeepled, with the earl* and lake np all offal, filth, manure, ov ster shells, or other rilliliisli that may fie colleeled in barrels or liuxos. or Hint nvnv 1«« ftvunvt in nuy street, lvvni*. or Mjvinrv within Hie I' I carry llie same to Hiicb plan* as may lie 'fi* termini d on hv the Mayor or Chairman of Hie .'•ireet and l.-ini-• '•iniiinltce. proviilml all 111 inure shall beat Wn- •tisposnl of llie Siipcrintenffanl. to be earrie.1 iM-yoml Hie limit" of lln-elly "; il sball be ills duly "lo report lo llie Mayor, or neling Mayor, every Monday morning. Ihe mini her of hand* ninl tenm* employed In his Depiirtint'iil. and the cotiffitioli of the slri'i't*. lanes, and si|iinrei. ami oil en-iy alarm of fire it-hall Im* hi* duty t» lepairtoHii- pl n-i- of Hu* lire with such of Ills teams us are not actually loaffed.niid e irrv oir the 0H.1I at the time of said ulni in lie lug given.miff Im subject to thu orders of the Mnvnr.or Hie per-ou or persons acting in bis place." it shill also • lie the ffuty of thu aufil Superlutenduut tu see the public M|unic* arc also vlnily cxainiiicff. and anv <«IThI. filth, or riilffiish that may fie thciciii fniinff. shall lie removed hy his cart* also, "to furnish th"Cli.iirmnu of the .-ireet nml I ohm- Ciuiiinitteu with the linmls. I vain a, and curls be longing to tbu Scavenger's llepurtmenl. one hour in curb ilny, fioni llie first day of November to the liist of Mav and two hours |ier ff.vy fmiii the first day nf Mny to lln flist iImv 1 f November. Mondays, and the days succeeding U' ncinl Iml iff ays, exceiitrd. for the purpose of assisting grading, levelling, or filling up any of the streets, him s. s.|inres;" al*n. •• to keep two or morn ploughs, nml nflj every heavy rain lo go through the city nml open with said ploughs such place* a* need opening, to let the water off more freely also, •• to take r.iisrgn of and feed all cattle or other animal- whatsoever, linlilo lo be impounded. Hint sliull la* Impoumleil by tho City Marshall, ur any City Con stable, nml to deliver up enfil cattle, or nther imlninls. m tlu-ir owners on the customary fees being paid, for tho ful (Rmei'tol which ffutv the »uj*«tlrvtenffuui «h*U have wo»- aesslon of all the building* belonging to the city and at tnrhed to the pound, and may use the stables fur keeping (ITY >1A IIS HAL’S OFFICK, I Savannah. Dec. 'Jtill. iH.'ul. j Wanted In bite, for Hie year, from the fir«t day nf Junu ary next, twenty-one able bodied negro men. for the Scav enger's Department. Apply lo pim.ii’m, nrssMiu., ilecC.S City Maislial. I'er steam-liip Key-'one Stale, froui I’llilnffelpliia—All •b-r-on \ 1 *n. Ro-lnn .*« v'n.J A Ilrv .1*1. Hrigbmn. Kelly .N Vo. A llonaml. M A Coin „ J V| « ....... r A •... Dally New's. W V| Davlil-oii. Fiustein k Kckinan. K I il/gi-rnM. Hen Heutmcn- iler. W lleifft II irffwien A Cooke. II .|i-ii|||be Johnson k ‘‘ii. A Ilay vviMiff H.i*liroiiek A Co. W V 11.11 r-luv in F W mail. N II ,\mp|i. C A I. Lain vr. K Lwell. Jo* l.ippmmi. W W Finrolii. i: l.mlie a. Murpliv A I'cvaiiny- T Maher. M»r*e A Nien.-I* Meyer A Iturkert. T I! Mills. ,\ M.»le R Mayer, j Mini* A Florenee. V| |'remlerga*t. K I'mlelford. J Rousseau | ,1 II Strauss C T Suv.h r Jo* >|e|ie|. I' VI Turner A Co. W II Turpin. X II A II Wei ff. l It Wilnev. II F Waring. Webster A I’iilme*. II Weiganff. H.irmlvn'- Express, TS Wayne, and • ■ II John-ten 1 I'er steampaeki-t Metainora.from Charleston—C it Road, j s J Chapman. Punch A Hilton, W P Yonge, A Rnrrie, .** M I F p'oirel. D stokes, and J I.y nch. 1 Per steampneket Wm tliislon. from Palatka. kr—Cotton. ! Hide*. Ac . t" An h-rson A Co. |to*ton A Vlll.vlonga. Tyson. I .1 |(n>», A .1 Wuvev. .1 A lltown.V It' .imjvfictff. anff wVlvev-. I* ASS Iff ft (4 KKS, SAVAXftAIl IftFIKMAllY. DUS. WHAtiii AND 1IACK.1U. I'nominnm, This institution hnvlng been recently removed from the | suburbs nf the city, to No. 10 Kit at llroad street, is nnw open fur the reception of putien's. Medical an-l Surgical Per sfenniship Kevsloin* Slate, troin Philaih'lpliia—IV N II, I Hilly «c ,«• „i.l.l.-.llo,.iror llir TjIIcts.s 1 ll-rri. ..*..1 S-.-l,. 11....1 S"..0* s 1. .-.In'...,- , .. , 1 Allied 1 ming. J >i'lii*ffer. Jo* L'I onte. I nlv. elillff miff -vt, piildo- more nmplo Our-varffs are eon,- w M,. riiM< j u Hunter. J II Swans Mu»U*r Roli'l llamie, forlaldy furnislied. nml several single rooms are fitted up nu-1 4 steer.ige. ftiv smffi putU'ill* tut jvrefer being entirely jvrli'nte I per *teaui*Ui|v Florida, tor New York—Mr* C Ftiglauder We es|M*rially invite the attention of planters anil other ' Miss F Fngl iml* r. Mi*s II Fngkimler. Thus I bilge Mis* Kile ow tiers lo our department for negroes. For term* apply to Dr. J. A. IVkmiii, No. 3H West Hmm street, or Dr. It. C. M.ifKAl.l.. No. ttfv Itronghlmi *1. illn •r*. of nil k;ti!-. .- ott >1,. I i he found nt 147 Hay -Ireet RKIi'H A VKADKIC.'Diaper, i e —A large and elegant :is which are llie most ,le*»vp : • i -. 1 -. i.erinium- D" nf "range’.. T ill I for .■ tlvi* m«'rnlifl|l W W IJ.NCiiI.N. Momuoea* . among*! Fig*. Almonds. an . /.anle Curran'*. in lor sale llOClfillY, 1 I vtl'wRTF.D CHUDtAI--'—lOffor vvnjvorte'l M nr _’ 1 a- it"!, in.I.. Auii-iicaii .hreK-jtfVL 1 "', r tfi.-"t ( VI'DPDH. M M'KFRI F.Ae —Just neelv. \ i V / li-"v CimIH-Ii. 10 bfi|. extra No I M.aeker-' I? CHRISTMAS PRKSKNTS V \ ii i.-iy --I Ann I.l!- ami o'b- ■ I ..•tial.-.l 11 - k*. with wuwievo-i* lim- ciigr.vviug*. »w*l in various style*ot tli- (•rayK!-*gy. with a CI.IV--I r-'iin 'J-l *--ri- * A M m I ,n I ck * Delight - i tivu- engraving-, ut- mil l 'LL ml lit•-- Roil. ml. b -*. lor the parlor ifulli illustruti 'l - f Ta*t I lmlii*try. Slin-lv ■ At tor i'«i*lited Herring*. In half IvliD Haw's eornevl i; • ■ii'i* Canal Fl'*ur F--r <ale. wholesale* Tier nl llroughtoii ami I'r.ivtou -treet- sep'jx ' DAVID n U nilll. AND HiLlRKD VK-IS—.lu-t reeelTf sortim-nt nl ivliile an I colored Vlarscillesl f-r * lie l v j.-X PRICK A \ V- - S !l li Alt AND CRACK hKS —15 hmls Museoral ’ bVff* yeRi.w v So *ar. 7.5 bbl« IVt |nu. butterl Cracker*, inn-ling and for sale bv net 14 IMI.C'IMHK. JnllNSfll I J'vFAD SIIKI'.U—For cutting bread ot i I J U- **. slieiug -lliokeff Im—f. cutting got l *UlJ| kllife i a be reg.ilaleff |n k tlflll lot of vv *earf Itifibon*/* KKMI'l'iiN A/'I •\— .’ill l.lffs l|- s l.»il'R CIIFISi: AND HACi'N— I-*iO b"\-** I'hei-si*. 'JU Miff* **ii|v*s. I.amlilg ■ n.iv jn llnlJ uMHK. J'dlN wrrel* Lime. .<•. . Autumn I lour*, by Mr* K-rkl.i J-i !_-, I 1 S| iiilual.-m Fare..n.. l..* a Roin.i.iee of Hi ll V . l-.n's Ant du.igr.iphv. I ll Side I. i*t ii ii* Fill Im ii ' ' my. Itu.y M-m-i-l. Ac iu ih- < v v * I'.iLic. .i.c'J'J ' W TIP iRN'K WILLIAMS. ( IIKISTMAS HOLIDAYS. AN NT'.* IS. i-HT lim IKS. p. i». I MnN|j PRI.SKNTS. AC \ I.VIti-F vnrieiy of i-legnut iiiiuiial- gift books, papier III vlu* iiPmioi*. ear ff e.i*.— p-nl mo it- *. children'* gift I b..-k*. fancy Imim*«. desks, p -it lidio.. prints, painting*. — . .... «tan-Ian' wmk*. efi-ganlly houn-L an-l imiiy --lln-r article- I imviM RRItlllAM. e suitable lor holiday prvelil*. for sale n' lAft V5vngrv**«.st. |S AND Pfi rCiil.** A lie.mtif il .- *'. v dee'jn >. S. >||<I.FV i I Piiut* nml Picture*, among them * •• I s Ll • 11HX Ni.TIt'K— An i leclii-n f-r Hie folloning City l""il p.iiiiling*.nml much eln*'ip"r > for «n Vj I -llP-er* will lake place nt Ihe in-.iag ot «'mi iii-I I. ou * mn'. , 3 S S. SIIU.KV. Pk5 M -ud-vi in-xt.ul ball past -ev.-u-Vl-ck . r M . il/ ; Harbor «y;j sj^ _ A a „,j i,.r nrti. fi* Ma-|er. s.ilaiy (l.'JU.I—>-oii-I (.i.nnu . It-.-lib Vlllieer. a.ilary I -ale bv iioi'J'J (;s;, o—1„ m-l (llliMi; **ix Yen lue M reti-r-. I'.-ml (I.UUU. each. - , .... . .. , .. .1,1,« Il„- .,1 II,.- M.unllF,. II— I.. ( *'« IKI " s 1 in-J-s-l—lust .--I i.y e.n-li i mu-l be liamled into me on or bcloic one i ^ * m-i- ii'eloek. I* M. iif Hint day. Hi value ol a resolution of IT NY—A choice lot of Kastern lui ('•niiieff. |i.iss"i| 'J'.iili Dei-ember. ix.'vR. uad in ciunp-iiince ( I l sale bv n'JW miii Hie or-iiminix* relative therein. 11 mi'll—"0 firkins iu-l receireil ll..-:.I FDW \RD H WII.-H.N. i lerk of Council. 1 »*-»• nrKinw. ju-v r.c.iiin I^LFiTIHN N'<>T CK—Superinlemli-ni ot Hie Se.avcnger'a I j Depailmiuil —In eompli nice witli a ie-nlution. pa-se-l B m ki:—'.i State. Hm 0 NlnN> —Mi bill, ha-ell. ul An-l- ) Onion*, landing] rsoii'* upper wligi ml lady. J O Morse. Mr A (IKOItRlA MlLITAIll lftSTITl'TIff. The lime of opening th< liislilute hn* tici-n rhniiged froi luili of January In the -Uth of February. Vi-ar will lie divided, iim herelofore. Into tun sessions of live | j Riehunls. Rev J Murry . Dr Moil I Milieu, and h -leernge | Per steampneket Metainora. from Chnrle*tini—D lleery. I I'J Deper. vi Woitabet. A Luton. J II Cooper. Mrs Jones | and child. II McKcithan. nml3 deck. I Per Hli*nni*|vni-ki-t Win. Sealirook. from Charleston. Ac — It child nml *i t Mi- Atkins ll IISandifonl. W The academic Sniiffif»Tvl, T F. Scott, .hffni V'iuff.v»ffl. .t M William*, anff — vv ' j deck. I Per steam-packet Wm. (instmi, from Palatka. Ae,—Wm iiinnllm enclt. The Fir-l. i*oinnii*nelng on the V'llli of l-eli. , Suenrengen nml hide S Sweareng.-n. Mr* Harris. Mes*rs ruarv nml emling mi the I'.Uli of July ; tin* S'cood. com- Mallei. Perri imm. W II m-rr. I CHih. iiiencing on tin* 301 h of July nml ••ember. iIcc.'H—(15F Superintendent. ] Dav. M.mbry. Woo-livard. Ferii*. I'hirke. An*bury and Indy, ( W vY Hnti'*. anff ta ffv’ck. FASHIONAULK DAft'CINO, —— - " 1 —'■ ’ AT SAINT ANDRKW'S HALL. SAVANNAH. GFORHIA. Fl'ftlffltAI. IftVITATIOft. Mr. Nn imi.s rc*|M*clfnlly nnnmincra to Id* patrons , 'Hie friend* ami aeinininlance* iff Mrs. H ih.ui Krnv. D. T. July ; tli'* Second, com- i Itailei. Pern man H II -pi in-cr. • • i.ibson. I.v lies. (bsoy. mting on the luth of lie- i Hii»elff-iin. Vaughn. J J loml. Me'nsLn. Lx-. H " ' W Selff.i/enger. Drown. J Dubo*e. li A-l mi*. Duncar. Teircl A. V Miii MIA . i M<5ff, tl rn. M M (Hills. Hale,. Ilolli-ter. Harris. McConnell. 3-' nml the public generally. that bis Si-cinul Srsslnn ^ Sriv.ivrox and family, end TnouiH Kukv and family, an* re- ill commence on Mon-lny. January ‘Jd. 1854. nl 3 '* 1 spectfully Invited t. iiHend t e funeral of the former, front o'clock for lotdies. Misses, and Masters, ticntle- : tlie resilience of D. T. Scranton, nn Liberty ntreet, thi* day Class.on Tuesday. January 3d. 1S54, at R.'i o'clock, al I'J o’clock. jnnl '(4 lueu'i Temia #10 per Mr N. linn secured tin* service* nf Mr. LilTMRn.a compe tent teacher, to assist him ill Iff* rlnssea. This, together with Mr. I'unn and Mr. FiniMM. in th* Musical Heparl- incut, will onnhlo him login* the limit di'chleil natiafne- (inn. I'uplli are requeated to coiumcuco at the opoulng of the aeatiun. PractDIr.g Soirees every Thursday evening d24--2w i na.x.iin. j.xo. M Mil IKS' AlIM.Kft .V (iAft.MIL, ATTi'RNFYS AT LAW. lifUrr corner <jf tt’kifukcr nn I fluv sfrHv. Will prarllce in lie* Courts of Hcriven. Hullorh. Kfilnghsm, Hrynn. Llierly, Melntosh, lily-nil. Camden and Chatham c-vunticN. Janl R UM—5Q bblt l.utfir r Fellow A Sous’ New F. gland Rum on hoard hark Radiant, to arrive, for sale by j*inl HHIOIIAII. KELLY * CO. iinpli Mb December. Ia.5,1 eios will ber-ceiv eff by im-. nl mv ifflh'i*. unt'l Ihur-dny tie- I-III day of .Inn- i miry. 1851. "to fnini*li ban.I*, teams, and iili-ii*ils. nml j superintend tin* Scivi-nger'* !’**parlin"ut. for llie llinx* years next ensuing Lich bi.lffe ' " ill" iiaui"', of In- -e urilu-s ffecJl KDW.VRD li. WILL'S. (leik of Cnnneil f'M I V MARSHAL'S SAI F —Will lie si-t-l. bi-fnre lln- court boii-e dinir. iu llie city ol S ivaiinnli. on Ihe lir-t Tues d - < ill l-ehruury n.-\l, between the H-iiul lio-ii* ot -ale. two |t I'nrd Table*, with the n|ipiirl"Maiu-es and the liar Room Fixtures, ol tin* I'uln-ki Hillard Saloon—It i id on under ami liv virtue ol a tax execution. i«sm*i| under tin* l.aml and nf the Treasurer of the City ol Savumi.ili, lor the yciu- IXa'J, Wgllin-l .1 M. Uellder-iwi. ITIII.IP vi IH'SSKFF. City Marshal. Savannah. IVcemlx'r :.n. IS.VI •lei*:H—Iff AYrKD—A situation to take ehnrge of ehilffi.-n nml do house work, by u young ivotuun. who can be well App'y at tiffs olliri*. i|3»—tf AN IT'D TH IliltK—A good cook, while or colon*I — Apply at till* olliee. d.-c3U—tf till bushels Potatoes, daily expecteil bv K W. Ill KI R. H AV AND—'.1! bales Il.iy. miff * biff-nml 111 lug. Calcine Phi-fi r. Luffing Irom *elir .1 I* Wetbeiill. nml for-ale by deelK KUlHIlAM. KK'.I.V k I'H I NUR SALK TH ARRIVF—.Vnl ball's prime IJas'erii lln. 1 miff 'JIHI biff* Potatoes. ia*r ship Rotunda from liitli, Maine, hy .l.-. IK IHUiillAM. KFI.I.V .V • «) -CrtfiHi'KI GROCERIES! GUO I voH'KK—1.50 ling- prime Rio. 76 J VII Orb Smalt—IU lilnls Porto Rico. It' do Dm hhl- Crnsluxl. PiiwffeM-il nu M-U *n*»>—'J5 lilnls Cuba. 75 bbls New Fvnvtt—150 Wffx lii'urgiii. 7r*ffilti>V’a 'mitli*-. **\ lln.ix-*.'.5 ra*ks llalliiii.'re llams.3 ,l, ' J I bail-lies. I ' \v VV A P"l V l'« *I-S— II -5e Imi ,.N" L UlAV AlUb—St«-l"U. from u gcuitciuuii i'i Ihe III IISON, FI.Iff31^* Fnrt» r s nml (' •» ill m I *7 •• •• • t Vo tH Ilay ilnrl. ,wiumi/ij rtXKNDFR tlieir — pl.i* in C'.iMi ILii.k ot Fugl ill-l Noli--, -iateff l.ivei |—ff.'- M .*«h Mav. |X.I-J. nuuil—re-1 Wk'uH). IkkMlI. Ikkinx. tl.l.MI". 1*.I75 lln'XHHI Hank nt Kngl.iml Notes Kink el*. >liopki-e|n-r-. ..nd Fmi grant Agents are ri*,|Mesle.l In ilel.ffll any 1” »-"« »r l"'"""* ivlio mny otTer Hu* sniuc for change aiel give inforin.ilion thereof 'at Ihe olliee of Ihe t'.uiinilssiolii'r of I’oliee. or in II.own. Ilrothcr* \ Co . New York. The nboie reward will he paid on llie apprehension of Ihe thief or thieve*, an-l re. coiery of the property, or in pr.'|mrtlnn lo the amount re- covered, on application fi di*r'J4wTiiiS r York. d all 1 ffiii-i* Hs.lJ i'1'iin.-itr.l In Inn >4 will 1 .k C.i ..I Co irlesfim. Ill boli-nl eili will a.I-ud oiii iVieiiiLclii.iV'f fiiarl tioii will In ,-a. ii |j Inisini-ssff’d tlie for.le-l ciistiuneis J. R w rKlfJ j i.vMtniJ.g ...pis—tr .1. j >‘"f T AMI- IMI. AMI, >\'\| IV # , AJ lileh'.l *• inter Whale i. K Vinegar. |U hlff* Apples, fi.l'iff#! ; I haeen In,I boxes S.ap, ' * | old Hi s ui ami lllack lea- i AiiUNKD i'PVF ASVv HV.*V lywff IMc.ilt ‘ \i',,., ' V‘io o.nrtemmioo biffs lire'.Corned Kef. 15 bbls anff . I* Pig Pork ZlXuiJt d For sale m H.e roim-r of Hrougbton mill Drayton -I . by ,‘ ' "' . ‘ "'J Km sale at H.e comer of Hr..u«bt.»n Mid « • "» - |o ,|,„ *s*orte.| .|„.s doo.f ; HMHMPOiNNkR CnUr Full*.Sodva2 and I B AOUN StlOLT.OLKS —10 c.vsks prime Bacon Shoulder* handled l.rfauns,and (0 | landing and (nr sale hy nov.Hi BRIGHAM. KKIJ.V k CO. »- l