The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, January 01, 1854, Image 3
Til* l»riiitrr. ;hr rt,v- luifjti,,. HirtH.14 iir ,. Ini<lm l 1 "■ 1 '■ •* tlii 1 flh'nortci! (i l iv.-iii''iii .»ml k i ‘•■•I li»K |n>|i|i|p<i «ivi'i llii' Ii'liiili.taul V- in' Ml, i«'il eavo llio pilot t.vvh. UIlM !« tint Illy, H* Willgt'il cliurtll*-*. IliiM T Sl*» • it „ .autloiTSSi „r imr • mi" wnl maulon | vl« «- l uio «< AM "» i III il h.i.i‘1 nmt Iti'itiillliil uh tin* mill roil anti Hi*' rluM iwiituuii; -lint In llio printer nil t* tvullty, loll uml weutlm'SK. . mi,in iir. iiml «'lif«*rltilly tluei* Iii* adjust tlm THr !»*%««l«* 1 1 l.liltilnl type*. uh it In- trails •• nn li.df of Him?" Uh |i • I» *,v*i»rti»«*i U. I ••»H»I- ■'IMM'I t" "I"»w 'ml th.? dnHei*Hint arc Mrcnitiig out In* lift* worn iimre i* ' ' lt tf|Vrt | mi H' in l In* tologrilji <ii vri >imi 111 a n <i litlioi ioii-. n\Mention. IIiiI uiiiiil llmir i ,.m» ii"* T‘ ’ Hl \,. w Y«»ik Th/'uiik im»in*lotiot»»* tlK«*>ra>. Im.||i'\«> nx, lin* prinl« , i tliiiikn 1 —' i,. j,„|,n,.,| by <1,„ "I »i K li. .vlllilii lilniM-lr Mi' Letter lot hi \\untv kIui'ih i\iv ikih-i'sm'iI. Atiu yc« •*'iv i* mi repose I<>i Iiiiii, lli<mull lli<' night triitii|nt 1111 «i"l tin 1 Jui iiiul il.nvn will sni'ii appear. . 'V do lit** imiiiuiiM grmv lemuitpid? why innvn ' ' '•‘■ter* In mi drills inti? a ml iii«*t*litin it'itl a vvn> '' Ihmu. iM Hi,-smile Unit linden* ill In* lit), like tin* llr>t Miihenhi ni the jjuies of morning '■ Tin re is a guiilte p'-vow u y \||„ *\,\e n „ eye, him? rts vlolvV#, <le,I 8'* : G"'in(J *U„ hi, nun mi accent, sweet a* music, riitiuneing I,, enr.iiud icudilug Iiih very lieail. Il Is hut a U.inieiit || , H only- II ivveiy -il ill,I lint , \en win him I',tin his «h*i*i11iliti"ii il only rou-rd In, Iiiiii,I In l.iltei || (ll i,, eentie the lirililer Utvilkeint t« Ills I,III IlffUill. \e who twelve y,., r sun lino favorite, and wander. |" i haps lis||es,| v., pu«es, reiiiellllN i llial it i* llie 11nit ol toil which nclivi* ami uiiliring while ymi w ere ipiietly sleeping I hat your convenience ami cnniloit are lo'iight with Ih. i,n',e ul wemiiiess. *“ lectrie chon •• which being charged iNNAll (IKOttGlAN, SUNDAY MOKP 1NO, JANUARY 1. 1854. UUP 11' — .MJM- ■»__ l I” f viavH. a ;u i\ tv»sit, •Iween the iioiuen»a« e Black Sou. »i»'l * mu slop 4 , but frig-Ho* ml "".mm o' III’ I* *>t.l*'>t papei 4 | powerful Turkish fleet ,i tv-pomlinn number of a Turkish squadron of 1,11!,, steamers, with *01110 , tl -e of six sail of lbo line. "| some .• Vnhiui 'll. I ho ol.lest Russian Com- m. The Turkish A Osnuit ,l„i R up the const, conveying men taw (ac the Turkish army in Asia, ht Hu* enemy V fleet "IT Sinope, a h'uv. Ju-t m tliat part where Uh the Russian naval station hi’ frii;ales 11 llial v 4 V r ' H ITAi/.lArr I /lay/.n v till, .VdiH/irui/i. f/ti, TIIOMA* T. t.OMl, ATTORNEY AT I. VW aM' mH.H I DUt «;KNI II VL. E. I'lHT Ojfitr, mrnri //ay am/ Ihtrit-li-l-ilrrrt*. .VdiUnmiA •lOII.N <4. PAl.I.lliAM', WINHOAV HUM'S. WISIMIW SAMI ASH l’AM:i, IIV*/ .Vi,/. Ifaiiiinrnl .V.y,„i, .VniiiumiA. (in uni ms. IIUO\Y\ ,k II \ It It IN, HUAtHnS,., UVl-.UY \S|I -\US SVAHU S. »'-S iiii"ii'srio)r st\ isn iii.i.a. Oil DINA IlY’M OFFICK, I’ornor of Hay iiii'l 'V liii.tkor-atn**‘l, uiliee Imur* from 0 A’.M* M . .111.I fr.iiii;«», P M lo «. P M. fnlrst llrmn lit) dTrlffirnfl). 1 j |iT'Kni|'liis| In lln- I i',.r|(liiii .1 | Tim Inil( n|>|M'uri'i| Iii a |inrli* 11 nl ii'nlei ny nn'iI'iny's |iH|M > r*| THU I*; I'. DAYS liATI'.ll I'ltD.AI KtJltOlMC. AltltlVAI. OKTIIK AFRICA. I.IvcriHHii, Dec. 17. mrruN in<iiani;i:i»— isiki:i>ttnu intki uiii.Nu:. Nf.w York. Dee. :io. I *KCOM) m>l‘ATI‘ll.) IIoi.i.ISiisiik viiipinli's (,’iilt<in at 11 steady demand. I Middling' Aineriian is in /.'""d reipie.-t and comparn- lively MiMree, although no im|il'ovuiiiclit in priei fll)ip|iiiiu im'O CtrombaalB. h » i. \MvlliP lAAIIKl.. 1. I. . . t |> II A V A S’ A /, /■ in <* 1 ■ .<tiy. Iii January. Iii" I in'* ' 1 MmiI Ht"NiniM|i IHAHU. i'ii 11 am I! a r- 1 • ,11 innn*l"i. will I'V'ilurly I-i I Ifith of month. For Auction SaltB. IIA «<MII..\ A. row DDK. u riiiction Salts. I!» lll.'lr II " u'll 2 I •« li.. » ,:, nil. i IlII.ltttK K Itl.I/I,. II. .'I'm, Slatinnrry. A. I”'’* I'litumly, at sai« 1’1111, A Dl',1,1*111 A ■ynlar »"lir. M |). f !|iii, k Oi•pali'li Ini tho ul" or pUBHiH" apply I., 'll','.’a I | li, IIA VUK—Tin* Am,ai l, inasl"). Iiii\|in( III" liirt>" <-.,,c,'< I'litfiu'i'il, will iU",*t will, ili'pal'Ti u I ImKlil upplv to I ,1, ill I’AllU.I'HlUl. I < nil:VS A IIKIITX lleron' Hale 200 mils |>lllori*M No 1 Rope, !> hales do twine II.iijv>I»*u »n>l Hale Uojh>. 100 hale* iitinny < |i,i|i. Mill coll* Ki-ntueky Rope. eej>9 Ynhinl.le Farm D<u— At Private Sale. Kl,M en leu aere lolh, Miliiate.l on Dwcr'a lane, helnx purl of Milleii'M farm. A plan of the Inin may In* seen at our . cniintinit room. Terms—oue-thli'l caah. halnnre In two portion of her I ei|iiul aioiunl inslnliitelita. with Interest and aecured by *ho»e For ( uiortttMt!" on iiroperly AY K I’ll I NO. 2. ,1 ne—The I'M. —. in,inter. • poit. lor fieii{!it I'l.N A III' ip U.l WIIITNKY, I • . .-latinnery. Fntyrlopadias and • iVoik*. in i-verr (!eparin>ent of lurratui Hooka elegantly i)|ai.trnlrd and Mon Aiiierleau edltionH ; flue ItiMe*. Piayer ^ Hii'l Vainy MMinneri, of nfl kiad*. v 1 1 • rs s. .. I'uhiic in iiiiii city nnd vidnity i. r^Dflphia VlucfrtiBcmnito lln* collertinn of hook*, wlih-h i« t. .. . _ vhIiihM" rolleetion of hleni'nrd lion in this place. The Im "IIINKT VYAItlC RNPIIKICM. ml examine ll.ern durir, K ««■ .1./,^, A/ re T ctr " ll - v ln ' f ........a .in ti-etr friend* and enitomoret live and without r 130 Min . ,V ( OOl'lill, cm NsM.Dilfc. Al l.AW, hi. ftror.fra .\K\V YtllCli t'nlon l,liU'_Ther'K"hir tekfl *eh"»ii"i I.M IIAMTII . T ay lor. Ma-|.r, , , . . I win lone quick <ll»pal:h forth" uhoie poll. I'or lieiirlit, by last sli'Uiil'T, Hie Mtock ill Liverpool is fr'.l7.IMI0 I ,, r pri*.-,*,.. apply lo decliR tn.l'l \ \ T.l'MiKII, ! Atah.! ,* eo iH» •I'i •P " 1 >• 41 »l ,,,r Iv opp'isite Oil til,’ norllieril slmre. There n the two places lieiotf itcout 170 with sympathy. will carry tin* "burden ivcif to ' , 1it llie mam action took pl-ue in the most distant hearts. \Ve l.e.,,c„k its uKeucy in * w 1 re it-oiau Pasha endeavored to lind ,K ''all ul the luitliliil iirintcr.—//.//,tijr/vn*. ,r l.'r.e of Sachlmofl. Soden- The Portland Ailveilner, of tho i|th ln«l.. statca : that llie Russians, accordiii,; that alioiil loin thou.iiml barrels of hmrliud umved iiiii'ilawavi'iilv one prize.Ill” »'"**«• «li»rin« llie week, by railroad, IT»m Montreal. , ,* , ' ,, .. m ''I "I which went on hoard the sl aiishm Saiah ^wbbclttw tlw> ,v/mis, |i, r Liverpool. Another ship. Ih. X’«*r*a,ui' All the oilier vessels were de- star, huidiiiK at Portl.uid Im- l.iverimol. an) i > -a I except one. which made good Ui prox., was taking in a cargo of live tlioasind har tine lime the Russian fleet At rels. also received by railroad from I'amida. .*.■•1 u a-il»>, ini" : ' • il ghi that some of il.s craft bud s* 1 * ui'koig port. Such arc the bids, the best st.Ucllients al our com- 111 antes. \Y • T ic R issiui. have thus g lined a naval advantage. „ i> n..' "Ill- »I"' !' 1'ron-ill,tiny to with lhe faiks al sea, any more than the de a n’gime ei'U.) land u l a.’, ueahii a brigade, would evince real T'lie hulk of the Turkish Heel is ,rding to good witnesses, is by no force ” '•’ping - •"iislnnl *• ■ 11 )• |■ • \ siperi" 11'it uu’l mean 4 flic Mall* mill tbr YVIIiiiH»K«oii unit Jlnn- clicster Itwlli-oml. We :i 11 llie following paragrafli in the Columbia v (■.!,.min. "I yesleulay : \ a t'lern mails willlw trails',*rrc,I t" tho 'VII- .. , , ,,| Manchester Railroad, "ii S nuhiy. 1-t i\ , i . v 1'1. Thu arrangement will give Coluin- I, i ': .1: Mvi-ig - 'li'"l de : I , 1 .. wiil h ave Columbia, daily, at 7 A. M- I ,. s ,.',t!i.Tn and Western mails will arrive at h.'l p.i 't i.'ive, P. M.. and the Northern mail at 11 s n day earlier , a l Ircsiwg \V tvV thh U 'ANIKI; l SIll ATl'i.N lli'illl.lilltc I ill the ('il. M. lif. will thus reach 11 than by tin* previous schedule. In reference to llie above, we can only state, says t ,e Chariest on Coil'I,r, that we have been unthori/.ed h i i re.j i"s|'»d to announce that the Posloflice De. pnt!ii—.t ir " «../ withdraw llie mails lioiu the 'Vil- iniiigl 'M line of steamers until llie Manchester Road :• completed, which will not be. we arc also informed, iiulil Hie lir.i "f April next. The following state i.K'iit oi the progress of the road we extract from the ! la-1 issue of the Marion star : We learn that the part of this mad wet of the i’,.vat pee Ilex' w.l' Completed last Week, mi tltiU the 1 ,.11,11.mi r .11 up to the nv.r. Tic* eastern end of, the load 1- also lioi-iie I to within three miles of the iir.*at I'c- |).• •. We are pleased to itmioiincu that ; tiu? cyJ;:i I 1- at tht* (•rent Pee Dee Rridge are all | s’l ■ k' an.i I",t oil a III III clay from six t-en t«i eighteen led below the be.I "I the river, so that ler’-'Per the e<»nMrncti >n tnidge may proceed uiUioiit imp -diaient or d lay. A.N'TKI*—A siluaiii'ii u, eleik by m ites a gi'o.1 linml unit un<ler,tiia salary not ho iiiiicIi nil olijeet a* I'liipl, He 1 cfcri'incH giti'ii. Apply at tins ••llie U ^ASTKH—Six gini'l Tiuiii"ii. to wlioi men* will lie given, and lilicral wag"' nov’dl KKNNKHY ,V HKAt’tl. Agents U '-VN TKH.— I'll" advert i.'it. a limn of energy ami evpeii eiice. is ilt'sinnis of proeurii.g emplny meiil. II" i» well 'iei|UaintO'l with tin* detail, M fforwarding, and In* sug- gysts In- M'lviee* vs.Mild I'" import.Hit to Itnilnmd or other l ompaiiies. or 'lereliaut* r«*n 111 ring them lie has no ol>. Niti-liicloiy references given on ivciV.i lly a young man who i, well lie is a good accountant and 1 m a I'oiiimi-sion lloiiso or 1; would make liiinsfll gen Apply at this ntlieo oil! A eook. for a small family. I" re- Apply to VVYI.I.Y X MONTMOI.I.1N*. den lot containing about seven ir the city. Apple to .IlllIN HKVtNNY. IMCOIjATA IIOCSIO, l'lt'OliAT.t, KI.A. M l be Mib-eriber would lespeiUliilly inform the traveling coiilliuiuity that lie li.i* leased I he above named Imii-e. and is now ready to aecoinuiudate 1,neii r'. and hopes, bv giving his personal attention, to Ive sutisfactioii. lb' w ill have horse- and carriages at all time- to nccnin- a"d.ite Ids guests. l.Kli. M. tJAl.l’IN. •I'vta* Propeii'tor, Ii* Hl'iN'l'—A store suitable for 11 Family (irocery.— Apply n* "os olliee. *^*i ,|,*c|—*2 fil ItKN'T—A rarriago liou-e and staid", for two Ii'.rses. in 11 ciitr it part of the city. Ap| ly at llii* of- smurf, - M AST lilt IHII.I' Will take contract* lor Ihiildiiig "ml Wmk In Ma<onrj of every ilrarription lle-ideiiee llr.t door west of St An drew’s Halt. Ilnoigliton Street I*. K. SIIKII.S, l.l'MMI l; AM 1 nvilll lt l AlTtllt. Having leased one ol llie wbarve* lately 01 eu|.i"*t l>y A. A. Smelts, is now pi "pare I to reco ve any liiiiilieror I iniln-r which may be consigned t" him for snle. He will also keep on Ii**lid llllilber. -Idllgl"" lltid wood tor city trade. Savannah. Ik'eember 1st. |s;.:i dl UIHIIV R. rOHT. r. K. I'CMIAM. I’our i»r mi am, FACTORS AN I M'oM MISSION MKlR'IlANTS. .Snian'in/i. (,'<1 NlClloi AStllCOKII. H'lVAHII C WAHK. ('IH'tiF.ll »Si YV A DF,, FACTORS AMM iiMMIS'liiN MKIb HANTS, .si liny •imt.Samnnah. John T Ki'WI ANII Ji'IIV T RoWIAMi.JII ItOAYI.A N l> iV CO., (JKN MP AI. O i.M M1 >SH )N Ml :!(i TI.V NTS. 17'g llny-'lriii. MmuiHii/i r. Ill I AMI. I'. II o’.Vklll. iiyi,and .V o’.m:ii,i,, UKAl.K.ltS IN IMI'IIIIIVII "’INils AMI |.b)PoRS. Ac., .Vex/ Lhmr In Mar,I,nil Hnutr. Ih in<;//i/on ttrrrt, »HAWAII OK'illlilA Wlmlesjili' and retail dealer* in imported will"'nnd li<|iinr*. Frencli brandies, sugar*, and fitn-y groreiie*. FK. Il DIN AND HIOCbTON, ATTORN LY AND 1 "I NSH.I.nU AT l.AW. M'nshiwitiin 1'ily. I>. Will practise in the various I’ouilsot the I list rl*-t. tend to tho |iro-ecutioii of claims agaiu.-t the liovern men t. june'Jg w.irrx. | llie 1 irocery llusine** prefe '•rally a-elul to hi- employ \ Y'.\mt:ii t,» 11 iui: * > main in the t it,. TO ItKN'T. —A . iere* ol good land ileel"—lit A. II CHAMPION. J 1 CHAMPION «V WATT’S, WIIOl.IvSAi K AM' III I’.MI. Oil'll KltS. A'o. 4 Jltiniiinl thr-t I ■In'- •" the Mnrl-t aii-l liny itrert. •S.IV ANN III. O.l . I’enlers in Oroceries. 1'ureign iui I Homestie Liquors. I ir ii**l hales,of ivlilcli 2s|,t|i|i) hiilca hi* • American. A luigt? Hpcciilutivo ilciimml hase\i*lci| m Surat*, viilh hiiIch liming the week of .*iT,7<IO Lille.*, of which lii.h(ll) wire 011 Mpci'ulitlion iiml 4.000 for export. No salt*!* of Carolina Rico rupm tuil, ami nothing lining in Naval Stoic*. Traile in Manchester rcporteil lather improve*!. Thu Turks |o*t only eluvn nliips. instead of tliir- the buttle of Sinope, of which tbree were used merely 11 4 transport*. Tbe Ru*shius lost seven ships. The a (lair was not n* disastrous to the Tin Uh ns nt llvsl vepovlvd. This dipLuivatirits me still busy witli th' ir notes. An engagement has taken place in the Hlm-k Sett between Rnssian vessels and tluce Turkish steamers. Two of tlic hitter escuped, mid the third was blown up hy her commander rather tliau »urivi,dcr. The Russian* tired into and sunk u Turkish Inig in-Ur Odc.**u. All on hoard perished. Ten powerful Turkish steam' 1* l> It the llospliorua on the aflerii""ii of the’J I XovemlH-r. The latest bdcginph repot 1* •rum I'uiis are to Fri- day evening, the liilh, which are to the clT< c'. tiiatlhu French and Knglisli Meets luivu lieen ordered to thu ! lilack Sea. Latest date* from Singapore represent that the Russians lost two of their largest ships by capture, i mid two others wuc totally destroyed. I According to l*otid"ii despatches, received on the I at- 1 eve of the steamer's departure, it was thought Lord John Russell would succeed I’uliiierston. It was also thought that Lord l.uudsdowm* would resign. Lord l'arlurc had Ir'cii sent lor. 1 lu London the llrltish binds bad fluctuated consid- N!•;\V YOltK—Nv iietel selir VIHlilMA. t'upl pulrli lor II"' above port For Irclght 1 <l"e'J'J if K. WASIIIILRN 5#i, | will' 'il |Hpplv t I j2a NKW YOKK-fnloo I.Iih-.-Tbe regular , . . SaSit I -I r« A TAKA' Lit .master, will l.aie ! '•’•'••to.g •I 1, < ■>. .1 - p leb a* iibim*, for freight "r pu**ng" apply to JjJ&tll; .•■'.I': Ml III.N \ HUNK Kit. DlVKItl'OOl—tin- Am.'ilean shipSTIHI.INt;. ii.Iitaoii. master, will meet wiib ilispulrb for the l. debt PAliKU'iltll. FAY K CO. • Ml "•*, MAITIN. IIAWKINsVILI.K, am. KAMI. INiiS t *N TilK IS, Vl- II.—Tit" steamer SA.M .hixl'.’s will b'ui" us above. |o-i.iurrow evi'liing. Iinui tbe t'litiui Sii'iiiwtioai Wtmvf F»r freight mill upplv in Mil I II \ LATHltOP. F«»lt M At TIN AND LAN Id NILS HLI.HW — _ llie steamboat II. I. Cook will receive freight as uliove at “ill' I'llinil ('"llipany’s w-lilllI. oil Thursday. Hi.* gluli. and leave immediately. Fur fri-iglit apply to dee'Jk—g «!KO. S. FltlKK.SON._ WKKICI.Y KTKAM-I»ACKKT 1,1 MO. FOR I* H.ATK V, K. F., e/it Ihiri'ii. Ilrninnvi'l.. SI Mnii/t. Jn<l-innritli awl MitUlle hurii.(Hlnrk-Crrrl<.) . rIT ,r ' a S elegant "team-packet ST. '1' lllllv *~ •‘aptnin .1 i'll.. FioMioiin. will leave f.o 11.1* ■■ *•• pbie"Tbiir-d.iv. f.tli .tunii.iiy. at lu o’clock, A M.. nu t,'vi\ lluir-dui tlieveatter. This t«mt till* liven built e\pr,'"ly b>r the trade, and I1.1* huge and airy state- i n,'in a ions for jmsM'iigi'i’s. For fn-iglit or pass age. apply mi board lit the Florida Steam-Packet Wharf, near tin- ga* works, or to d".::n I I.AOlb'ltN A Cl NNINtillAM. Agents Jlj»- Tli" SI. .loliii* will niak" her next trip to St. Au- gu-tme 01. Tlmr-'bi v. the I'Jtli .lannnrv. IIV T. .1. YVAI.SH> Administrator's Hale. HnTuesday. «d liotaut. "ill be sold, in front of the court house, list ween tin* legal hours of sale. Seven lli'groea, Isdoliging to the estate of J M lisle*, de- ecu,> <l. in d sold by order of the administrator T*ruis Line.—tlie '.cash. Purrhnser paying for title*. JnnJ I A ms or I by , wi*' i't j ’|„ | (i ■bv the Year—A negro boy, aged 'll yenra, a brick- ,c:; K I'"."' ' j-'*> At Private Sale—Dd No. Cl, Wullou wnrd. Itolrertavllle. Stewart street. Administrator's S'ale the high Double Ili.-iy 1 | On Tuesday next. 3d January, at 11 1 front ol court house. t of a Five two horse Dray *. Ti iiiis ca»h. nvite friend* and enit^ mersY tjMttmt they In,*" removed from So. J 137 Walnut »lreet to No 136South . w here they have ,, n hand n large and -pleD- d"r furniture, of every description! all* ntion ol porrban' rt mh7 AT CD A I It MAM'FAtTOm.| • VorfA Sisth Sir,,I rhilwltlj h lU . Al Private Fate. bit No. 40. on the we*t side of Wi soutli of Hobcrt-vill". heiiig 34 feet fiout l>*>sile t rnnV bn ",1111, subject to a lease of III years from June, ifcl.-v ...bseriU r (- ro„.Tanlli lln oewal of live years at n valuation, lent $4H ja r so j 0|1 | ial|11 • 'I he irnorovements are. a store, and a dwelling one at <"oio r « and a half high, with a large and coinmodioua *Ih-* ail ,| f n Term* cash r i- eon.lanlli (in rx 0- 10 great isrif- M| fashionablefltylei ' | ' On Tuesday. Till Fein miry, will he front oftlm court house. In tween the legal hoinauf sale. Isit and iinptmeiiii'iit* No. 43. (>reen ward, helongirig to II. Iiillea l. decea-ed. and »ohl hy order of the adiuioistra tor. Term* cash l*nrchu*er paving for titles. (In Tn^sdny. 3d January, will be sold, in front of tlie court house, between the legal hour* of sale. Lit No ’J4.14tl, di»i 1 let. 3d -"cUoii.coiitaluiuc 100 acre*, within four mile, of the town of Clinton Sale positive. Terms cash. I'urchu-er paying for title*. Al Private Sale. I*>t No 24.14th district, and 2d section, containing 100 acre*, within four miles if the town of Ointon. Terms cusli. dec!3 At t'rlvwt" Fat*. Lit N" ’g.*>. soutli of Jones street, nnd improvements, con sisting of a two-story house nnd doulde tenement in good nrdei. Itenls at per muntli. \S ill he sold a bargain, as tlie present owner i- moving from the city. For term* and further particular* inquire at the counting room. d!3 At Private File. 1 A second-hand Carriage lately triatmod and painted-in good order. Terms cash. dec!3 AI Private Sale. Seed Itye and Oat* in quantities to suit purchasers. I Clothing at Private S.ile—A handsome assortment of | ready-made Clothing, roiisi-ting of .superfine frock, sack ' and oierco.its, in lot*suit purchasers, for rale low. 'Firms >r chaioi—r-.. made in Fnnry rs. A c "sutif'il de- C,"Ol' : I,g nil |!'"kina nr.d I Pond • 'Dl'. T’K Seeil Store, Fr I \- r '"lot crnbly, tliaugb money eontiiiiidl tiiicbuiigeil. VViiHlitngtoii AIFali*. Wasiiinuton, Dec. 30. 1 The Senate up t tn-ilnv but irausautdl no busineaa. ^ TO ItKN I — •?ittg sevetiteetl •kdwell tig pla< A farm. ie mile from tile city i tIn* premises is a c well tinislied. For 11 T J. WAI: ‘"lltaiil- tleuhirs 11 Liberty street, opposite tli bi'ii. F.sq*. Applv to WYI.I.Y <V Mii.NTMMl.I.lN. 11. I’ IIORTON . IIOKTON H1KF.MAX, WIIOI.KNA t KAMI nr. Till lit.IJ hits IN WATCID^. JKWKLKY SII.VKIt-WAKl . FANCY (iODl 1 IC. li,iiiiQhtiin.,u:.l YV.M. A. THOMAS, TUACVtCAl. Rut St. AND Still’ I’l.CMIlKU. .Yo In llama nl it Samnnah tin L*nd pipe, sheet lead, block tin. copper boiler*, light a foice pumps, hydraulic rain-, an l kin-lien ranges. c< stantlv mi linnd. Cider' from the couiitrv proiuptlv tended to ■ oct23—im 1(00FI NO. The subscriber Is prepared l" in v Tin it ciples.and from sixteen years’ exper call give satisfaction Prices very Riven. B#*t Jutter* and C*mdiictor« made to order. uiKKUAN. j Nothing new ot interest. t'lmile*ton Cotton lilnrkrt. t'lmil.K-THS. Dec. 30. The mile.* to day foot up 1 . Dm little.*, ut li oiu S | to i lo ■ cent.*. The market elosetl iu an uusetlleil eondi- lion. lOscape of Smith O’Hrleu. Nbw YiiRK. Dee. 30. Intelligenee "f it reliablo cliiinteter Im* reuebed tUi* city .stating the escape of Smith O'Kru.n from Viunliennin's Land. YVliliKLY UNII’i:i) STATION MAIL. LINK. FOR I’AI.ATKA, K. F., via Darim llrnnwi'k. st Mary,. Ja>l:«mvitle. /‘iinlatn. and | MiddlrJiHry. (Mark Cre>k.) rarryin't the V S Mail. I , J “*■ w Hie regular steam-pi" , W.M. tiASl'CN. I ,'apt Til".*. K Sii vvv. w ill leave for tbe tihove ’ " tuorning 3 1 January, at lu o’clock.anil 1 every Tue-luy. For freight or passage I "'•••"iimioilations.apply onboard at the | k"i iv hurl, near the <01. work-, or to I.AtillD't.X w ct'NMNDIIAM. tgents. ' G pbe I'ontiiiue to having Kbit Ida Slu.i — I' e regular >ti*am p:i«4i'*t MAIKHT.. App y !<• tbe Fditui Yn • Hen The li.'lit-bip i 0:1 Wedtii'-'l.iy ev u caulking tw .1 IIIOIllIl-. Private letter* rv'’*’i Mate tlie Ivitperoi cuting tlie war with t’i put oOO.iMiii men tut' ptlit ii teti'le l l"t Frying Pun Shoals wa*. mug. lying ut Smitbvilli*. limi t- petal a ot. She Im* been there folly i •I in Nev nf R IsMIl i.toi'i't vigor ; •r tlie comma • Mareii on 1 Ymk from Knrope, j wa* bent on prn*c that he would of I’tt'kie- 'taiitiiiopK*, led Iiiiii any rotUAt — a Dr ad .ti. ei f pi ItKN'T—1 bn tipr'D'ldi'd ubli w Il l Otiler III" h r bird liiii-slo'd. •17 1 (Jordon block. KdWAKP ti. WI ISDN. ami that the Russian nierebaiit- I' t' amount of money be might reipiire. r Private letter* received ill New York from Russia K| Bays that tbe Ktnperor spurn* tlie dictations of Kng- ' }'* laud and France. The wealthiest merchants "f Moscow olTer to lend •.he Government a million of ruble*. Tbe Russian.- are making extensive preparation* on the borders of tie* Principalities for h'>*tilitic* l"f !".T1s,D'r (T till’ ' iisoIiir Spring. • ntKTor "ay** tbe American bo tlie only Eliott, Pre-id -ut of the Union College. New 4 paid the trustee* JGOOJIUO of hi* indebted- TO UI'.NT.—A small comfortnl'le Hon*" 111 a re- ipi'etnlileand cei tral pari "f lln’ city. Rent #3("> 11 giv*'n on lln* 1st November, or sooner if Apply at liii* ottire. ang’JU LA Mi: H llOfSK—MACON, ISA. Tli" uiidersigiii'd Imviiig leased tin* atioie e*tnb- Vi-hment lugs to n«*ure tin* traveling public that Till no exertion- w ill lie a pa red to -n-Diin II : -Rotation of tlie lion*". A*»i-tcd hv Mr Mkaim.Iii* "••» lo make 111" Lmier llou**e. second t" none Nmtli "f w York »,KD. M I.DtJAN. Proprietor. I. MkvRA, Sn|>oriiitrni1eiit. novl.'I—ly Off tw rale RPUIXD, F-YNT FMIIUIIA. JUfe. Tli" pi.q.vieu r "t ttii- popular uud and didiahtful "" ingpbo" anii'ioiH-e- that h" i- now |'r"paicd •• reception "I uu,-ts Invalid* will kal 111-I ituti* florin occurred «m Wednesday night iu I’liiladelplila. New Y rk and R"»t"n. At ee it was u foot deep, and the railroad ut-rnipted in their pr 'gro-s. The wea- •>11 ii i- everyvvli' re terribly cold. ■id Hroivn. 1,11 extensive niAunfiielurer of eit gold coin, at Htooklyu, New York, has rested. 'fopell-r Watkins linr*t h r lioiler on Seneea a llie ‘Jiltli. and killed two firemen. ri*U exile. Miteliel. lectured at Roston licfore jo use audience. Hi* speech wa* temperate. Ipprcheinlud tlmt the Revenue Cutter Dobbin |l lo*t.>- was rompclled to adjourn on tlie 20th [want of a quorum. The ll"U«e wa* not in having mijourned over to Saturday. • W. R vmi. the fugitive fr uit Virginia, und fc-charge.l with robbing tlie Portsniouth Rank ' $iJU.()0t», was arrested iu H 'stun on the 2t'»tli. ■Obb’ut lire oceurred on Sunday, at Amsterdam, SdestiMctioit of property over $12,otto — insur- ■0.v.v E ,i»iU; one person Ind an arm broken jilts. ^’•■hbishop Hughe*, into l**uv** by tlie next steamer '’New York for Cuba. lion. .Iiitnes N. Reckmnn "'aily, uiso take pas-ago in thu next i*l* umer for jjtia. WKArilKlt.—The Mnietta rlilromtc, of the ?,4;i y* tlie heaviest snow that lia* I ice 11 seen in .•gion for years, fell on Saturday last. A ab et ^I’tncd about tlie inid>lle of the day, which in ruovv ah ml 3 "‘clock. Hy night, !Tilt ceased falling< the depth was from three to "N A r.iinod "(Vorclgn Advices liy the I’nclflc. I :«"lo do■•■grapbie advicc.s that a naval engagement, l-k* pints nmasli'oii* in its result* to the Turk*, lias been I" (inienn. a»,. eonlh tned, bwt tlie pAiliculavs ave still ii.muhIi'h t wi* may m.t he aide to arrive at the ■ ' • iv*-'! and K day* yet. We agree, however, ■ V.TvJvvPo Liverpool •■••leinpoiuiy. the Mill lima JJnihl * diplomacy |ut* led to what*— all'll I Pb'.l I ll.K l>.*i'l-iim-ii. Inilitiiig. i warm alTordsdeliglitliil balli* iVi-.l rqually siicrr—lul to any iu the cure ••( um»t of the dl.— pring bimi id has pri the Fill'll •nr cVuual K. H. I'AHtJAN. Proprietor. I’LANTIOKS’ IIOTHI—AttJtSTA, (Ta^ m 'riii* splendid new house, situated on llnmd si . hum" lia'i ly in fi "D of tin* site "I ti"' "Id ITaiitor*' Hot. I. wlii.'li j.a- lieen Iuriii-ln-l tlirouglioiit with ii.'.» loniitur". I»* Idiiig. etc., will open lor tlie reception ol ,' i-tiinwr* »ei Saturday next, it will tie the endeavor of tli" Proprietor, to give sati.s'aeiiou to tb"-e who may favor I1..11 will, their custom. J. M. .-TMIT-'ON. nov'd—tf Proprietor. A II AUK CIIAM K FOll A FOKTUKU, rpnK DKI.AWaI;! .'H AM .-AW Mil.!, i- oib'ied lor -at". I It i- just aboil* Will It. I.ile* A: IV. Mill, mid i- llie b.-l t.e.ition on tie* rm r for lui-i •"•lug on tli" city iid" nl ill" river, iiniiiediiitely joining lb" 4 pri *"iil limits of lb" i'llv. and ineliided in Hi" int"ii'h"l exten-ion. l b"’mill is iii'vv. having been "illy llni-he.l in 111" pn«t i.m. H i* arranged in tlie m«*t mo.lern and approved 1! having one lolling or -piked gang, and a large circu- together with two -Idngle iiiaeliine. li'dow. II." sawing ipartiu.'iit of tlii- e-t.ildi*lonent is capable of cutting bom twelve t>> twenty live tlum-aud tvel of luuiU'W I,.-, 'i.iv. and the can and Inis iiiannbir I an av. raise .4 four tlooi.aiid sliingb- per day. which -.-Il r.'.idily in tliismailo t f.o :fI'» per lliou-iiiid. I Imre is" no time wlmn loiolier Inis I in such demand. an 1 11," pro. lor a con! lie i- good lh. only tli" mill i* {uilered for «nb“ is on ace unit • •I 1 h> health of ibe acting partner, being such as to disable other him for the toi-iim—. I 01 further part " applv b> to Win. 1 It Dili— A I’ii.* HUSKY MIIVHFLL. untl.lh. Heeenibei Pill. 1X53. dcclO M. W1IIT SMITH, ATTOIINKY AND tTil'NSKI.I.Dlt At’ LAW. AlUynhir. Kid Honda. Will practice in tlie l-gi.i-rn and Sontliern counties. Itrfer ! 1, .m- s (,i have so to Fid. S S. Siblev. and It. M. Iliitmi. K«q.. Savannah.Da. . ,, . ... 1 ! Deaths hv ( II* .1. TV. PATTF.HSON, ATTDItNFY AND Cd NSI’.l l.DK AT l.AW. Hinytii. Moline (’iniii'i. On. Ynv Orlen 11 * Mnikrt. Nbw Ibti.KANs, D e. 2!». The market present* no change* fr mi the tiuusui I'Al.ATK A. FLA., AND INTKRMKPIATK 8»b’* d> ..i-*-|*|l| ll'l\ 1 ...............r.- ''..l".'d;|' lliorilillg | I.AKA. I apt. . pl’r on board, or to S M I.\FKI II.AF. Agent, j ‘N. It —llie fare I" Hriinsiiii'k i* reduced t*> fl. aug’Jfi | flu OPPOSITION LINK. | Kxtr(| Chaiuie of Deimrture—Hr I'atatka. Fla..nndatl tin: interne- , | _ dint, landingI m thr mute. | I - j-t)*** 0 w. Tin* superior n"w Steani-packetWELAKA. 1 .'apUin N. Kino. will, until further notice. 1 leave even ,- ui kI'AY. ut 111 o'clock. A M. Kate of Passage in large, airv .^tatc Rooms, ns follows: To Darien 43 ini'I To Pioolata $R 00 St. Marys 4 50 P.ilutka 8 00 Jaeksonvllle •'>•*) I Kiuek ' ’reck.... h N. It,—Freight consigned to R. I! Duke, forOcala. " ill l*e re.sldpjied free ol ail charges at I'ulalkn. For freiglo or passage apply "ii board at tin* Cbirleslon Steam Packet Fompuiv's uliarf. or lo fid IH ' .- M LAFFITKAl". Agent. 1RI.KNK AND PULASKI LOTTKItY —Drawn numbers of Class 170 : 70 11 04 18 OP 2 50 12 34 50 25 4'J AI*o. Kxtra Class M : 4 4S 77 55 50 M 7* If, 12 ] 19 VO 39 42 Ticket I 42 4H pri/e of 8300 sold nnd ca-bed. Holders ol prizes will please tall for the rash, nr renew at K WITHIXCTON’8. OltKKMC AND PULASKI LOTTKIIY. iJRKfJtlHY k MAURY. Malingers. Fla-s I. draws on Motiduv. thu 2d instant, In this city j 4 o’clock. I*. M. (MI'ITAL Ihiildiiig Lit. Dii Tuesday, the 3d Jaioini) next, ut 11 o’clock. In front nl { court liouie. will be ,ohl. 1 L>t No 16. Wesley wind, near the Medical College, mib- jeet to city ground rent of 852 08 annually. Term* ca*h, purchaser paying for titles. dec26 ; Private Hale—125 hhl* Ro.endnle Hydraulic Fenient. now j landing from schooner fiirdmiitn'ss.froin .N>w York. Adioinl.lrutor'e Faie. <Jn tbe first Tuesday in l Yoruary next, at 11 o’clock, in front of court li'umc, L»l No 25 mid iinproveinent*. Drown ward, fronting on Hull street, subject to city around relit of 832 1C annually, and under lease un’il tlie first of November next. Also. Lit No. 7. 110 by Km feet, mure or less, in fee simple. *itu- ated in Dilinerville, fronting on Fast boundary ntreet on the west, and Reynolds sin-i-l on tli" east, adjoining I/>t No R which fronts on South Hroad street continued : on tliie lot nre eight tenements, under thorough repair and v adding 8JI30 rent annually : belonging to tlie estate of F. W. ileinemann. deceased, android by periniimion of Court, j and by order of tbe ndiniui-trntor. for tlie benefit of Die 1 heir.* and creditor* of said estate. Teim« cash, purcliaseru 1 paying for titles. dec'21 Valuable Ld* - uii Tuesday, the 3d January, at 11 o’clock, in front ol the court house, w ill be cold. j Klevcii Ld*—numliered fr- in one t* eleven, a* |o*r plat— ! situated south of tl.e • anal bridge. V-twn n We«t Houndary , stieet und tlie <‘anal, extending to June* street on tlie j soutli. Property in f"« tdiuple. Terms—one-lnvlf cash, ; and tli" Imlanre on twelve inontlis’ credit, secured by mart- ! givg" on tl.e property. Purehrser* paving for nil papei*. Improved Essence of CotTee—We have just received from ’ I the ninnufaeturer* in Philadelphia, and will contir.u I keep on hand fur *nl". Augu-tii* Hun,met'* Improved-tent Iron -uMb*. j sence of Co(T"0. This Is the be-t composition of f’o|v , 'iuii* ii g l'o"» I ottered for sale, and Colfi-c made from the F.“-t-nci i1'rau*|inntiiig Trouct*. i more wholesome, more delicate. fin»r llavoredan. jHav nn-1 Manure Fork* j |*-i feet Iv clear, and in every re-i-ect auiierUjy*^ 4 hove|s nnd Siurde.. ' KioColf-c and in use w ill prove a nuM ’ i -s’"n and Field H* eg, •rColfee prepared In thu ordinnrj^^ **’ ^•^ako* in variety, i.d :■'«?si tin, Mill*, nd Thr-nl era, Rea/it,g Ma "if il d $4,600. -r l..'tteiy—13 Drawn Hallota. 2—almrea ill proportion lions ol veslenliy. nUbnugb Hie st-.tiner'.- m-ws :tp- tewlmt unsettle'l dealer*, via il iring Hi" week ureset down at •r i* very pi- u.utit. | live. .• weut:i .1. It. DAY NT-7, ATTDRNKV AT l.AW, 1 llie Ka.-ti-rn ail l Middle Fin-iiit* of (ic S. Y\’ ATTDHNKY AND M'llllii ello../. 'I Ri'fi'rence—Hon W. I: I'ii IIAKKIt, •iiF.ns: I.I.I >=: AT l AW, fi'1'3 Nctv Oiii.kns.D c.30. Tlie sale* of Unit,iq yesterday r. ached 5,006 bales —the market continuing iiuchaiiged >imv tlie Par if* te's account*. Sugar Im* U'lvuiif"i| | r*.*nt under n Iir.11 murket. M-ilit.'* -s clos d al Id cents. Snow Storm*. lt.vlTlM"lii:. Iiecciiiher 30. MP,M» 1)1 A NS—.TIKI/O 1)1 A YS. FARIIAHf .N NI-.KDIIAM'S laig" dnul'l" i'1'd. witli l»m 'top*, si, it aid" for dim oh •o. luig" lioubl". round corner, -ix leu t'- line Mi-lodimis. lour an I n •clave, a h-iiilii'ul iii-truiii"iit for tic pari .r c mo.-l .u-ciriiiuio.latinc ti-iio-. I.v 1. W. MDltlti:i.b \ n>. PIANO FOIITKS. THK *uliKcrU."r* so’." ucivls O.r A Sto.l. and Jonii It. Dunham's 1’iaiio .• always suppti> $40,000. 7S NiiiiiIh'I Lilteiy—13 Drawn Hallota Hi)- Ticket* 81"—sliur"' in proportion Tb lu-ts singly or I.v tin package fur *ale in Ray laii".Siivaiin.-ih.(Ja.. next to Robinson fcFuinp. J ,i,| E WITHINGTON. NEW ummS-FAl.h TUADK-.IH.A3j D K\\ Il i .v MDRGAN are receiving by tlie steamers week- ly tlil'ii tail and will er Goods, to which they re-pect fully -"I eil atti'iitiou : I'lain and ligui'-d id.i.-k >ilks. colored glace and ducape do Plaid and brocade 'ill. of tlie newest style I'l'iin F.-1'Hi'b Mo i-Uu de Limes. Flench and Kng. printed do -ilu mi I Wool I’ii id- lor childi ell's wear, plaid Raw s PI.tin and pi.-iid i’oplin*. very rich. French printed Cambric Dark t ali-iis. Mourning do. Iri-li Kiiu-ns. fcc. 1 wd RRmto’* new buildiii/.Fongress-street. R ELIGIOUS WORKS.—Till* Young Uhristinii : thu way to Hi" 1; llie Corner Stone, hy Jacob Abbott ; the Young Man'-* Foiiiisi-llor ; tIn* Young L'dy’n I'oimsellor. I»y Wi«e ; Into ut- ‘In i-thin Theology ; Imitation of Christ : t* •'omlorler , Kulliliueiit of Prophecy ; Self Knowledge; Mare on Ju-titicatioii : llie Fall i.irchs : S'- .... .. l.tot.Vl iii.tin- I l-t.ll. l-v: TI"- «.* "-..r.i,.n ; M.,rri-'« At. fiiliv iirr., nt-.l. >v!iil-t - M-S IS' „„| I l-"llly : Hi" "■■•I.v I'""l ll.u Mill,I ; i!,-n-„ii -,,„f M.T.-h. WIIMIMIT-iV (' I ) ACC. IIY M. CKO NLA , AUCl’. Pilot Hoat John A. Taylor. Dn Thur-day. the 12th Jam-ary mxt. at 12 o . ! "ill sell, without reserve, in front of my office, . I loingtoi). N. C.. to the highest bidder. I lo" | ili.I boat John A. Tnvlor, Hit diinen-iona 1 I length 1st feel. 19 feet beam, depth of hold 7 bi t. 70 21 I tun*, built here, by II. W Hei-ry. E«q . in 1*3], Sale j j live. Terms—six and twelve month* credit, for appr<J| emlor-ed note*. declO— * ‘ C~V ‘•Raki.' in t v v . v '*atent Fasten. lescriptlon.) Gcr-'cn nric-e*. at Whob -ele eod—»pl9 (fi s.OOKS, ET‘.« 'I ahn-e Market. a fresh nnd ceni| U l# nre gr Id H n*l veb In zed paper*, a No, !“ elc.. which they e nnd retail, ipcr either in the ; The Florida. Captain Woodhull I rite Alabama. Captain Selienck Hie Augusta. Fantain l.von, I lli" Fb-ri In Captain Woodhull I iii" Alabama in plain Scl.enck 1 I lie * ugu-ta. Cnp'Nin l.von j llie riiiri-ln. Captain W001II111II I 'll." AlahMua. Captain Schenvk 1 The Augu-la. • a plain lion J Tlie Florid*. Captain Woodhull ■ .In* Alabama, i aptnin ,~cht nek i li.e Atlgll-ta. < liptaill I.Vnll I Tin 1 Mori'ln. Cuplain U'ondliull I These ships are the largest on the co ufctv and conilort—making the r I'. W. ('lark, lb lb ; Christian IV •d* : Death THOMAS Ilt tiHF/S IIINKS. ATrDRNKY AND FiiU.NSKI.I.DK Al l.AW, Ti *'I»|ii-|//c. fleiin/ia. Will practise in tin- Fireeuil F oirl- of rtiomns. Liwnde Clinch. Ware. Aiipliii:; and Irv. in.G"or.*i.»: mid in the Cir cuit Court* of ,H*tTer-oii. Madi-on and Hamilton, of tlie - Middle Clrcutl of Florida, and in Alaclr.ia and Foluiiildn j idi nai ls "Mended lo all the In Philadelphia. New 1 In sill'll vii extent a* : u'll cities 1101 lli. witli great York and Ibe ton. snow I" impede the mean* of tli"ir superiority uftone und 1 -.Ige-I l»y the mo** casual oliserver. a* well ns the critical | >»••*'•••• :oiuioij-"*.'i,r. The hi Ii"* nre n-peellullv invited to view | •**"» lu-se iiistriiim-iD'. An nrrrnngement havingVi.',*n elfi-.Ri'd 1 rwealu by villi one of our most eminent Pianist* for the purpose, they .’-cpl — •*'«•»:,r.O" I llOLCO.M HI',. JOHNSON & CO., Dec’r 8 ::::::::: - i5 ’* IT •* « “ M “ n 1st. unsurpassed hi pas-ngi-h in 50 f* Slltl.KY. •.on 11 lies in tli" East the claim* uf all person-1. ington. of* Will attend lo the Departments ut Wash- Wm. M. Lawton, W11. M. Jo-H'ii I Du 1. WM. M. 1/ANVTDN iii 1*0., SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND FulTiiN I A' TdR; •Vo. 13 Sou'll Wharf. I'h.irt. it-.n. S aug23—guw4m WI LLI A 31 TmuyviUr. Will practise in Thomas. |,o Telfair. Irwin. Liurcii*. JelTer. Houston. | adjoining , jnn29 tie*. Florida. WJI. F. VVII.ll.VMS TII.VI'l'KI Slll IVKIl J U K II! WILLIAMS, Ol.l VKU t Si IIKOWN, ATfoi’.M.YS At l.AW. Ihiena 1’itla. Marion ('nunty. On.. Wilt practise in the cmiulio- nl Mirimi. 'hi Stewart. Randolph. Mn-eoge". 1 ••". and counties where their sei. i«-«-' may lie reqid JAMES O. A. UL Htlt. ArroitNKY at i.wv. Ojflre—175 liny .dr, d S 1 vix.i 1!,. f,v a ala. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT l.AW. A’o. 99 liay-ttn-l. Saniniinli. Omr-tin. C'HAKLKS A. PltlCE, ATTDR N 1. V A N D .'ill. I'll DR. I’atatka. Had I'.ovidn. Will attend to all collecting sent him. in Ea«t Flotida promptly and elllciently. sepd—w’Jm Wll/I/t A 31 I*. YONtJK. FACTOR AND i’DMMISSION Ml.dl llANT. A'o. 94 Hay-sir,. I. .iannniah O’HKAlt M STUN E A . FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEItl'IIANTS. A’or//i Commercial Wharf. >'h trie,-ton. South Carolina, l"VTK (II TIIK KIKSI ill I K . SKK. " Ill II: .» dl Storm lit HonKiii—Stili>(ilii(;, ,<►«-. UiisruN, Deo. 30. A Iretneiidous snmv .-.torm Im* visited this region. It. W vixwmiiiiT lUtxix. I Tliceloiiiiubul'd last evening, leaving two leet nf 1 Bii'iw on llie ground. Iii many place* drifts exist of ten ami twelve l'i "t dc p. The passage of tlie cars Im* bi!"ii entirely suspended, tlnmgli nieu are busily employed clearing the track*. Tlie propeller Alp*, from c’hagres, on the I* arrived. The lirig f'lioi’titw, front ('mlvest.iu, Texuv, i* rc- Ware. Appling. 1 ported aslmrc at Point Ald -rton. and the brig Water 1 'oil 1 iiih'ia''•ouii- 'Yiteli, from Snvannuh. nslinre :it Long lieneli. Many J'-ii-’a j oilier vessels are reported iu 1 list less, Imt no lives lost. F /OlSHAFM .N Co.. M.irket-rquare. Second hand Pianos taken in exchange, also tuned 1 and repaired. JelT ! ltAKERY ! li.VKI .lt V !! I ‘|)|1E undi'i'sigie'd lug* leave lo infiu iu the i-ilizi'ii* of I A Savnnnnh. that ii" will iqi"ti mi tli" I-’, oi November. | .1 ll.ikery, at tile corner of Ji-ifersiiu an 1 i’liarl!"U -treet- , where lie will have tlie i llcst of Fluiir iiiiii llie Lnrizrst Size llrend tlie pri Iii- sy-tein being cash and no credit. II" "il ’ - tlie public iu patronizing | 100 bids butt, 50 Id.’.- Pilot 4<> bid- H im d offer fur sale r ,—tun bid- clarified Sugar A D C 75 do 111! powdered do. SO') bags Rio Coffee. 30 ind Lignvra do. linn 1 -.vud c.viv.vl Flour. 11 Miiith'- Hour, u t 49 11, Georgia Flour, r and sugar Cracker*, •tread. M IIU""»i •CN'TI.I.>'U Al l.AW, and Dread for < -e il' required. ( aniee that his lYh I,iui vv II In* sati-lied Ticket, to l.e pai l for ill a-tvnn. ly. Tickets can lie left al iliiile can ied to am p-i. t of llie citv. i ll" ca-ii sv-telil is the order of tin' day v Imve^.ii.'.h.V"; |( Wli^l 11^: liv giving them 11 urger size iiread. a* cash vv vvoill. isli n ; r i)' Pie*. Cakes, v bakery. m l Rusk*. In •ciin—. 11 m VV-ltll I c llie I t iui) boxes No, 1 Pale Soap, -,n mixes iiiiiacm. 8s 5* and 1 |b Iiiiii 1 *. 60 Iiom-s Adamantine.Star and Sperm Candle*, it'll IL-Cudll-h. 75 hl'ls plantingPiOatoe*. o. 2"0 bid- Portland and N. O. Mnla*se«. 1 no boxes -e. 50 du Starch. 50 do Raisins, 30 do Claret Wine. f»> •niun Syrup. ^ nuv2 M I’niCAl 7.U- New Ymk Mnclu-t, Xt’AV York, Dec. 3(1. theeolton innrkot 1,50(1 bale* chnngcil liamls tee Hosing dull, l-'lotir has mlvunced from 12J to Uolfee i‘ IIt ruer. Tur|ieiitine is dull. TTy works received a* * — pvihU*hvrs* pTic« - : lli-ll and Stokes’ Practice. Ca/ciiu's Mi-lwilerv Wi ii I-1 and II u'lie'. Ill'll- i T 1 public 1,■-Cli -, Hr uit IV New Yorli .M.irket*. Hu/nstimv.. Dev. 2(1. j IuXewYurk. "ti Tliur- loy. hilt) bale* of (.'niton J were disposed of. ut u dc-line "fie., principally on the Imv.-r i|Uiditie*. Coir.— wa* very linn. Ibead- | .lull's were iirm. '.'Oil hair--l* of Crude Turpentine . change 1 hand- at fl s7A per h.inel. PLASTERING, At . igued having comiiieneed businc in:, re-pi'ctl.illy ttndeis Id- services Io the II contract for Plain ami Ornamental Plas- 13. Stneo Work, .vc . N,\. at tin' usual prices, nnd will iu every vn-e warrant work exeeuted by bim-"ll. or under Iii- supiTvi-ion. Dili liter- and other* contemplating build im. would do well to call up 11 him before contracting with oiler*. Order* left at Iii* rc*idciirc. corner ol ilirnard—t.. will tie p ompllv atl.uid.-d In. j sly 17,— ly VALENTINE nUUVNKR. -solid ChaiU-ngi'. IIOIir;NSA< K’S WTI1C3I SYRUP. \ N ai I ii-li- Im,11 led upon -cii-ulilif pi il|cip|i-*.compoiind i-1 witli purely vcg.'latile *uh*taii""-. la-ing perf" *Hy r T AS M-c-ived p-r lute 11 *at" w In 11 t.,l."ii.iiud lia- w n r lieen known to fail in curing 11 following articles— '™ non as published, and sold at n two volume*, statu* Di-pcu*atory. "lit s. Lour*, nnd are comiiiunded l-v skillful, can fill and po» lin- "(liner*. They offer n ino-t de*irald" convevance to New York on iii" coiiipletion of Ih" KNo.XV'H.I.F. in Jimuiirv iii-xt. this line will !••• snui-weeklv. Cabin pass age. S25. I’ADEI.I-OHD. FAY k Cl).. Agent* in Savnnnnh. - SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. •icl30 13 Hrondway. N"w York, UNITED STATES MAIL LINK* Through in 50 to 55 hour*.— A-u )’nr(- and Charleston Steam Pnc'..>t— I eavu Adger’* Wharves every Snturdav Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new and ' splendidAtcamshins ’ c.r^ t J.VMl-> AIKJKR. Captain J. IttrKiN«uv.l.500toi»R . M \R|ON.Captnln M Hnmv. 1.2ot tun*, SOUTIILRNKK. (iij.'ain W F.'.*Ti:n. l.nno ton* will lea\| I eacli nltermatp Wedn"*d v. having lieen newly copj-eref ! an ! guard- mi**"', i- now in complete nrdrr. , For freight or pw.vgr hav ing i-li-gaut state room accoir. 1 inodation*.applv nt tlie utlire of the Agent. HKNI’.Y M1SSRO0N, C >rner F.a*t Ray and Adger k Son’s Whnrve*. ! N H — A new «liip will lie placed in tlie line to conned 1 with the Southerner on Wednesday*. feblO FOll PIIILADF.LPIIIA—FA1IK HEDl'CED. I To mil on .Saturday Aft inn. a, a 0 rmcA. f**** inp Oiu* side-wheel steamship f>SPREY. 100ft burthen. J.Bi:.\Nm.commander, will leav* 1 a- pet annex'! schedule every other Saturday. • "oro'i.sni* si 1 "''* Market.. A Philadelphia inhKkleod HAVING, d«. with nppropri. i" | Inin and fancy r without jire-se*. 1 address. In t,. I*, executed in th* below any find er nnd improved tided to. Goo<Ji IT k CO.. Sinkers. Einl 'g* ladelphin mh29 Vo, IIP niest iut- tlie attend mi of licrs. bra ket*, Car pen ter’* l.lellieilt* of Physiology. ('.irpontci '* Pi inciple* id Physiology. Wil.on’- llillll'in All/UoiliV. hv God-la William - - Principles of Me Heine, by ( (iro"' Patludogii'iit Anatomy. " ' Analomical Keim-mlirancor. 1 rim-vi'Kuqiu. . . 4 Sept If ■ l fc '' I' 1 24 2 October . i ..K October ..28 , .30 Novemher a . .13 Nnvemh* ' g . .27 ] December., Dilllgli-'i • IHrti.iiiury. iiov22 I \> I I z L I A M Whit ah'1 W. I) I V K S O IN’ , and llroio/h/on /.ane. i'al*a fall iKsortmenl of the Forthe Purchase and Sale of .' Real Estate, 117 Iliy street. inali. . Exchange and jan’J! fruit, all cluster*. Citron. Xante Currant*. Sluift S el Almi-uiL.and llrar.U Nut*. I lot •tea 11 \. Mar-i-ille* and Italian Sweet Oil, Mixed l’ii-1.1—. in jar* and barrel*. Pr.-iTv.'d t/uinee* nnd IVaelie-. C.inni-ter* I’re-erved Salmon and Ld'ster*. Sard in •- Kn.di-h jt.inri—. Mace and Nutmeg- Ac., kc. Tl.e al.o -.-i" li'Uii ti' 1 ’ tape | latr-i importat i.-h- ha' • h.a (i-leeled and are fresh from nnvltv tinatec. sin riii:K\ iNsrit.wn: auk.miv life, fiiie and MARIXK INSURA.Nt !•:. t'lmrtir Ouk Life Inaurniicv Uompnny, "I II VIITKOJCII. Cl'X.N.. Capital, and surplus over 8250.000. At Gin.. President. Ja*. <’ W.vl.KiKV. Soo’y. 1 ni. Company will i**ue IVdici"* on the Joint Stock pi io"iple. and upon the M at'ini plan, thus "omli.liiug llie ti.-iii-'.i- of both -v-i.-m* at till- -ptiou of til" in*ui"d lne Stretigtli. aUilUv uu l wetl inv.'-’i'd capital of tli" rsteanici Am 0 cask* I'airy ‘••CONNOR. .111, " s *0111 ptiii v i |l. S.J -Si, ': hi* Slat •ilssi'd In 1 Life Ill'll omptr.dler Californian G. PINNEY. iildic Accounts, e of (‘"iiiiei'licut. ■I Australian risks A. RONAUD. he. landing per :i I i.Y CO. d Pun*, in gold bid-nnd 2 half ■ngti-li ClieeiiW, * building, otcin House, 'elected Butter, red do, 78 bid* do. lor sale by i*I'ON K CO. v. Limb* wnnl quelitic* For .2 \ KADI It. to make Inline- - 1 ■" . id tin in MId l!H I„ quarter*, nod k lli DOERS uilli't. anil e. tin? Imk* fought with siitlicicnt for them tim v\a) mest syiiiiiiUhy and v ny j'istici-lovilig peitDle. In the j nt of 1 o - I 'il k* ul Sinope, it is Raid that Hurt i n -hips, while the Turkish version ' iys that tin: Russian* lost two ships of 1 liT^.ite* and two eteauiboat*, and tlmt ice Min-i-ted nf twelve frigate.*, a luig, s, and -ix ship* nf the line. Success- a 11 !i a i (.verwheltning force ns this | . Imt llie fact of a Turkish convoy huv- 1 loi uiiiliiblc an arin.iineul. and liavin f | • <* tiiuti seven ships, is uu event iu un it will not Le leudily forgotten; nn-l | the pre-s of England mo loti I in their d' tli" timid and vacillating p-dicy of • 1 niii'-ut. A* an iiistmiee of tlie led- »•'- -tdij dn the lullowing remark* front | ■ thnn Dully Times. They are se- , lly well merited : n. of the l nreo-Rusfian war has on- li-i'ling "f ail classes in favor of tlie j U-; while the political eharacternod 1 the cont'-.-t are viewed hy all inter- 1 Ii pie-ruts a gold' ll opportunity for 1 •nope to show the world that a war of : li' UC'Toith he impo.*“ih|e. Hut in- ' ii- with a hold hand and open h'-art, . , ■ ..I *i-ewt not* * living 1 rum Court .ipli* piilili-luug ninnleiligible r<*-'li'-s, d.-th'-ing j.i-l enough to , i.-li-li for t'i" l .itlii -oniiig |.ilscli""d y llieil'lll'illg -ileiH-e Ly the Scotch Alu-id"«-n i* winking at llie Mu*«o- .1 ,11108 p n k. 1 d adimwi'tration or pwblie wllwi* i* •1 :mi'll! at u'l. that leav* the nm«i lli" Empire i , xp"*(* , l lo all tli" losses .1 long protruded season ol doubt? • I:\eile.neut produced by lilts re- il" Tin Id Ii naval force, f* last up- We have ali'eadv warned our t»)'.*lav-"* inoi'i'd. taken on reasonable term*. l lie subscriber i* al-" Ag'-nl for the hdlnwing FireCinwjMv- Knnltalile Fire Insurnnce C'oinpnny oF l.uND'iN. VuM.orlzed Capital $2.5fto.nno ''., I'ilul paid in 51.0011.000 ' Farmer*’ Fire Inuiirniicc Company. I apital $2(81.0(10. Granite Fire and Mnrlne liiBurnnce Uomp’iiy, OK NKW VOlIK CITV. Capital $300,000. State 31ntnnl Fire and Marine liisui'niicc Company, of I'emiaylvaiilu. ('aj,itnl $350.«8I0. Ilnlckcrboeker Fire lmuruuce Company. ('apital $150,000. York and Krle Fire In«nrancc Comp’y. The aimpanie* liavi ml and mortgage, -t dainage liy lire.' .• t.'i $150.00(1. a cn*h capital, safety invested re prepared t" elleet Insurance all kinds of property 011 reason for insurance in either of the above named Companies, vpjdv lo A. WILBUR. General Insurnnce Agent, and Agent for the above Companies, d"c!7—ly ofllce 142 WOODRUFF, GRFFIS & CO ’S NEW CA 111(1 AGE HKFOSITOllY. « VUD ' ,r - W. W WoODltl H. of (iriUtn. Ga„ nnd •' - .Messrs. M. (' Ac J. 11. Gucci', of Newark. N. J., liiiviug piin-liased thu eutlie interest, and .seeured tho Im-11i.m of Mes-rs T .1 Naylor A Co., in the carriage busi- i,e«s in till* city, respectfully announce to the citizen* of Savannah and of the State* «,f Georgia. South Carolina. Ala- Florida, and all sections trading nl tlii* growing GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Omns' Dilildin'/. op)ri*it. Poind, i House. Having made large addition* ini.i«"-tabii*i>mi'Wi.enniinw<'* toil" BOOK AND .Kill PRINTING, in Id, 11 *11111 neat and handsome style, and on acerinum-hiling terms l* HOT KC Till N INSIII.WCK COMPANY, Of Hartford. Conn. Tlie undersigned. Agent* ot the above Cm, q.any are prepared 1 to take risk* against Fiiik on Hnilding- an-l lle-ir coiitent*. ! Also MsiiiNK Ska Risk*, mi the most fuvoru'Ae term*. IIRIGllAM. KELLY .N CO.. Agents. KD1VAKD It. HARDEN, TRAN.dl’ORTAllo.N AGENT. W. ,\- A. It ill.Ro.lD. Ilin.jgol'l. Walker County. Oeorijia. \»riL!, attend tothe |»urehn»in.' mi c"iiiuii-«ion. Co Y> Wheat and Itaeon. The Ring.'.dd Del" t t»"ing siti ted in a region of country abounding in grain, il can ii«u ly lie purchased upon inure favniald" l"iin* Ilian ul aim any other point upon tlie \V. .V A. Railruad Or-ler* covering tin- ca-li. witli loiiD"! or discretion: instruction*, will receive prompt att"nti"ii l'ur»"ii* ord Ulg grain will pl"a«eforward *.icl>- uilli order —Dr. Richard Wayne. Mr Win. M Wildly.: van mill. inavlll OFFICK SAV’II 5S ALII.WY II. It. COM* Y, 1 N"veiiii,"r Ifitli. 1853. | I The Savnnnali and Ahum ISnilirad Company having t"'"u iirgtviviz.i- l. aud living wn>ly to proceed with the*con- 1 "traction nf tlie rmid. an in.-taluieiit nf ten per cent, upon I its stuck is entil'd hy rend it ion «»f the I’.n.ard of Director*. payable on Ibe 15th day of .launiny next, at lli" olliee of I llie Company in .''.*vanii:ih. .1. P. Ht’It I.V IN. | iiuvl.i—wtd ^I’li'-ident. •t -icily I'.dl.i'V.iig tl.e*.-.iiri'.-i:"ii--. Hie llitiind or SComnrli Worm. Tlii- worm i- iisiinlf. t'oiind in llie-mall iiiti'.-tines.niid is tin vvurin in<.'t ciiiiiinou to i-lnl Iren, yet it i* nut cnlii'idy cun tim'd to t In-in. a- ml lit- have frequently bei-ii know n to sillier with tlii'in. The -,v* iu"*t proiuini'iit "Idle all'-cti-d with 1 Iii- worm, an- haidiie-- and tiilliii-s* id Ilu* bell*. .-limy -.tmd*. I" the liovvel*. picking at tlie WFHSTFR ct PALM KS H ave .11*1' rkckivu' and < fi ek for sale— 75 Mil* A. Halid fin 1 illed Sugar. 5(1 do powdered do, Ml hliil* .'l Croix Sugar, fdi dozen Hronni*. .in hid* Pirn 111 -miili’s and final Flour. I.'iii do lkillini"ic I lour. 1 *'1 do l.eb.1 non and Etovvali Gi-orgla FU.i: s I" do .An Biscuit, ml N o Syrup. eliildri'll Im 11 -treak 1; 1 lln- • I* ".*' r " I' j 'i-iug D Ibe In lieailli.a ulmve si mpti'iii*. Ilnlien- ; •afely I'-- depended ilpnn—In using | !'e 11 nd speedy rnre ; and if altei .g tol!ii' dire.-iii'iis the patient i, imt re-j glilveiudii"iti'dfroin | I'd tl,"l I- ly hey 'dS. CODV'S KE5TAUKANT AND COFFEE-HO’JSE. • ' f J Ai|K undersigned has 1 4 L neat and elegant sUi- c Uwildtng 1* r to W.v coi-’t-'i: i:-i, ve lip. in nuperinr style.- ’enlsnii, II HOG.\ NS—Hit OG A NS. Tlie "iihscriber* wont-1 call llie attention of planter* and other*, hi want of good and cheap brogan*. to call and examine tlndr stock, ns th*v fed sntislied that upon in-pcction tliequ ilitv and price*ot their goods cannot fail t" plca-i'. MURPHY .V DEV AN NY. novl5 corner of Congress and Whitaker street* 111- prices ol tli novl5 Hi: , ; deli. of tlie New York ami Savnnnali Oj sttr* GttoC.'l-'.. PAllTUttUiES. FISH. Fn'lnn Mirkrt und Plnlm/d/iliia Href, fyc., (,-r., , will always l.e kept on hand, and nerved up in a st vie neve I hi'biie "qiiillb'd ill I lli-. city Hii~ Parties fiirir-i,,. | witli private supper* and Dinner | mi slmrl imtiee. II.- will keep only th" best l.iqimrs. •»c** ’ JOHN M' K. CODY. fm fail.there i* no such word ns fail with tli"-.' who n»" my Worm Syrup. A sen at ilr*. or Smull Thread Worm*. Tlu-'U wm tii.-. In which the human s.vtem is liaide. are iii-'-i triuildesonie of all other*. Ilii-v are gciii'riilly I" lie f.i.ih-l iu llie reel mu. and if ulhiwca le reuiniii. from the ir rit.itiou they produee. lav tlie fi'iiii'latiiiii lia M-iicni- di»or del-', -ticli a* iilll.-iuiiiintinn id tin- liovvel'. and other de- ■f il,.. stinn.idi. Tli" h,-t and -af.'-t medldnu that ! i- lint 1 ck' — We ashing pm I ih-ty any "ii" to pii"lnceii ca-c and i iver Pill- aie rec"iiiui"iidi"t cure. All that i- necessary i* to unci' witli ilirci.'ti"ii- on each Im pio gativc i- i-cqiiircd in order to pre-l'i.'i'. the LiverI'lils. hv their iii'iiltby operation upon llie bow inodicine Unit can be taken. • lie W..r I they ic-.lhiit j nip will 1 tHitt'er. «ngar and -odi 5-1 bids Pil'd Hri-a t. 4<l boxes 22U Mils I —1 gar house 6tl litil* g" > I "al ng Po alu"s. 611 hoxi's Hi-adi-P-'is and *- patent Tallow Caudles, 75 d" AdiiUMUtine Call'll"*. 25 Judd X Son’* sSperm Candle*. 15 bids and 20 half Mil* No t Marker' I. 75 Imv's wliiletuid yellow Cheese. 25 Idds nnd All keg- prime L-iif Lard, lull boxes 5-. 8-. and pounds Tobacco, gm, 1 brands so d,, f>. and 8, Grant X William-’ robiicro. Al>". In.\c* Suii:h’s. (’idgute's. Croton and Beadel's Family wml Pah- Swap. 120 tw Nw 1 dw. 50 Pvivrl t-lawli. HO vvlml". ball an l quarter boxes Rui-iu*. 25 drums Figs. 50 liiixe- Herring. net20 l-’A.NCV GROCERV STORE. r I' , lll. siiti-crilM-r "1111M inform Iii- friends that lie lias re- J turned to Savannah, nnd will this day open a Fancy Gtiiccry .''tore in the middle teneinent of SirreP* Building, know 11 a- the old Georgian Rending Room. 'I hi* present stock, which lias been selected with great ,-an-. "intiriices every article iu the above named bn-iiio--: ai-o. .'I'gais. Wines. Liquor*. Xc . of the most approved EK'lM l U.VUIJKTO.V. bine HiSept 17[|.fiino ; lone 25 October .. . lji.luiic j July 9 October .. .15' 'July j July 23 October ..,2P!|.Iiii'v...... August. ... filNnvointicr .12 July Augint 20 November. 26; August... Si'ldenDer.. SjI'eccmbrr. 10 .August... Cabin passage Steerage fl i Through ticket* to New York 17 j Tlii* -hip lias lieen thoroughly overhauled and furnished j with new boilers, and a Inree nnd elegant dining sn'non on ] d-ck. with every arrangement that can add to the comfort l of pa-sengrr*. to Phil idelphin. tills ship occupies tlie same wharf ns tho j Liverpool steam-hips City of Glasgow and Citv ol Munches. . ter. al the foot of (Jiieen street.and Central wharf.Charles I ton. j Freight on all perishable ariiele* must he pre-pnid. . For freiglit or passage, apply to ' 11 F. BAKER k CO. Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMITE T PERCE. ; jun"7 Agent, Philadelphia. i'NTTKD STATES 3IAIL, From .NIncoii, On., to Tnllnlmssi-e, Flu. Ilelilrnad to Ogtethor/,—Slaye, to ilillahnf-ee. Tin* Daily arrange. Cv—OlQ stds route comm.-ne. ' • o 11." r.Ti, in*t.. running three time* n week via. Niwi-'II. lln ini 1 ridge, and (/limy, and three times \ 1 week via Thomas* ill". Duncaa-vill". ,Vi-. Passengers hy-this mule will leave Mnron at half pnst 6 o’cl- ck. A. M.. by Railroad for Oglethorpe. The Stage* , I'-avingOglethorgecither way at 11 o’,dock, arriving ntTal. I.ihnssec. al 10 o’clock on tin* "veiling of tlie next day—time ' by either route 35 hour*. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, hy Newton. Bninhridgc and (/-liiicv. to Tall»hn**ce returning, leave* Tallahassee on Sunday -. Tuesdays and Thursday*, at in. p. M. fin Tue-lays. Tlmrsdny*. nnd Saturdays. Ivy tlie wav ol rhnmasville—returning same route on Monday's. Wednesday■ and Friday*, at 10. P. M. J Thr.nigh from Oglethorpe to Tall»hn«see hy either route ii 35 liour*—from Macon in 38—and from Savnnnali in 50 Imur*. - I tv this mute Passenger leaving Savannah hy 8 o'etne Train of Cars, will arrive nt Tallahassee in 50 Imur*. It is also decidedly the best, cheapest and most r\[iediticu* rout A I for traveller* to Apnlat-hicidn and West Florida Pare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1.75 ; from Oglethnri# 1 to Tallahassee. $1(1.00, E, C. Sii.vw. Agent at Oglethorpe. I A. A. Fi*IIKB, •• •• Tallahassee. I *ug30 F. K. WRIGHT. Proprietor MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. SS(*53 CMHHCaB OTSra , j T 1 • /.TTT-tar 1 use, 'hiladeljihio vieinltv Hint el. Pier. Wall ?• or nil kind* -mes, Ac. will u* to sell tho vateg for any t any point. •’ most desir. Cover*. Mat. ihidulphia. .. a few door* • moss exien. I* and Shsdcs *»’ premiums uls by whole- .01 111 tide* by •cu blind* and ap!''«. Painted 'ul de-ign* nnd '(•*. lUindand »r.d retail, at •nd lettered • “Id Wind* • hy calling, le. and guar- le to dealer# J.TAMS. '••el. Pit fin. grey hair to Proprietor. t,» or Sale by 4 Square, mvard street > do Should jr-ale hy >S k Co_ R t he utten- tiding cotin (icli we bar. ■nip i-.mnlil- cravats and etts, id 11 th.i il i* their iuientioil to i t ol •- DRY KI'.KT PRESERVES THE HEALTH, reived, n few cases watc r-proot Boots;; lot of thick pegged Boots, togelher witli a ( sortllient of Gentlemen's and Lidie*' over Shoe some "I a new and approved style, which will lie sold at R. FLANIGAN X Wh. im'i llryan street. All in want will pleusu call and judge for themsulvo*. dec! 1 I cliallr CANARY CAGES BY IID. I.A>T Sl'EAMER— I |.; V( . A variety of new and b -auClul pattern* ol canary Cage* ju*l rceeivcl. Tim-" de-imus ot' a baud- some Cage, and one nroof agnn-i .1/.fr».havo only to make an early call for a choice fr.nn a tinea* sorlinciit. inh'2H J. P. Cilt.I.INS. Hill llryan-at. GRAND EXHIBITION OF CLOTHING, HY PRICE »Ni VKVDKK. lust | ^^4E PRESENT lo Hi" public for in-pectimi and sale, the I best as* I in.- Rlegnnt I'alvi-irs "I ili-tinguishcd inanufac- led fron j in the city, selei | " Kl'RHPE, INDIA AND A 31 K It IC A, ! wliicli for beauty of material, style and w.u-kiiian-liip. wo • competition. Every person desiinn* to select UvlUi.M.vf will favor u* with a call it t 147 Ikiy at reel, neatly opposite the Exchange, deed B uttt.ii. mess heiVk, I’ll* HA31S. IttILDf• \ V SAUSAGES, BROUGHT TO J AII /— dvuleet. three incite-il nlvnnt twenty-live year — c r in William Green, of Ai ■--Ion. "l ain olli'-i cilv age- in Newark. N. .1 . in-1usiilit.-d uilli tin- wa Tb. ii reputation a - Ma; elieii"" and qiiulide ilii tGiitlin.Ga . in til" r-irtiag" l> pi nini»" that tin V will h" atia' ■I III" pillilli; il D W Alexander of tl.e late llri III **.t!i II b'lsill"- .1 with them, and will a< ' a-Hi'dl' • d 1 linfaet 1 nd , il reqiiireiiii-iit* "I 1 rev-.vumbvmwl witli , Mr Woo Ii iiii. long ! emblod.-e* j • kilo iv n*] BROUGHT TO JAIL— t negro iiiiii named JAMES, j -in height, dark complexion, i- [ e years of age. and says he belongs | f Augusta. Georgia. ISAAC DT.YON. Jailor. imuUGIir TO JAIL—A negro ma ,-e feel live inches iu height, light about twenty three year* of age. mid qdi Simmon*. nf'Slilddcwav Island. IStAC DT.YON .IAMBI*IS tviv-j'i-t Jailor d other 25 hlls II Smith'. , 25 half hhl* extra Flour. 59 lioxe* I’hee-e. Engli-li . white and pineapple. 50 hhl* nnd AO n.ilflihl* Haiti- - 200 Revi Flu'll'. 20 kegs choice Goslicn Rutter. 20 half Idds Fill- i 75 lioxe 11 Beef. A Idd*. in half Idd-. 10 (I'larler lild*. 10 I (Y , and 25 bags Ruck wheat. 201) hhl* mid bags of Georgia . loo boxes and half lioxe* Soap. 25 Idd* Carter's and Potatoes, very tine. deel S3IOKKD TONGUES, n full *,t« 1>1>1 nding this day. per Htc.tmcr. and lor sale at DICKSON'S, Barnard street. '"‘ c 7 near tlie market, A. CHAMPION. ■" AT Ills STimi; MARKET Mjl'ARE.—Has on hand, and "IT.-r< for sale on ieii«ou tide lerins—100 - crashed, powderd, elarili"d and brown su iting* Kin. Cuba.and "Id government coffee. 50 liarrel* llaliiinore and Cmul l-'b 50 hall Idd* do do 1 loo. 49 tli. (tag* choice Clu-ri •hi bids RuUv-r.Sugar.Soda Crackers and Pil'd Rr, nd. 5o t'bts. Pi'tutoc.s.Curler’s June and mm-es. for f.imily I1DIIKNS Al'IC’S I/I Y toil FILLS. No part ot the sv-tcin I-more liable to disease Ilian the Iher. it being supplied with numerous blond vessi-is and nerve*, wml it di-ea-ed. llie IiUkuI af emu-*" thivviug thro’ all imrih of the Imdy. produce* liver complaints, jaundice, llilioiis affection*.dyspepsia, .vc Dy#|H'])ain. Tim symptom* of Dyspepsia, and it* v.iriousdisenso* are di/.ziiie.'.- in (lie head.heartburn.oppression after eating meal', -onrne-s ari-iug from tin- -loiiineli. \-c . and some time.- general languor id the vvlode In,dy.from this it will tie seen that the d»-en«c owe* it.- origin to n disorganized state of tlie Liver and Stomach. I|obpii«nek'* I iver Pill* is tlie very medi -ine to effect 11 permanent and lasting cure, a* tliey'nrt liy e'lmiglng the certain limrldd action* of the sv-teui intn a healthy action, aud rendering the blood pure and lieail liv. Liver ( nmplnlnf, I - attended with dull*, succeeded liy fever, severe pain in tlie region of llie liver, vomiting hitler ta-tc, yellow furred tongue, pulse lull and bounding, (he pain ill ibe side i- in- creuM-d by pre.-urc. -In old tbe left lobe be affected, the pain i- g* tn-ral' v in the let t -limit ter. with n short dry cough, the -kin becoming "I n -allow appearance, und tlie clay colored. Tlii*di«en*e cai ’ ’ * " H'i the 'li-i'.v-e. aud tlv-l' pel all tlie corrupt ai 1 | part H. Smith. " Family and 1 oinumu >oap. ' Nectar 12 to 20 indie*, "f superior and medium qu-ilitv ; also. Hist; (5,vers, t’-offee Greeques. Ten nnd I’olfee Urn*. Egg Itnilcr* X". I will sell as low as tlicy can lie purchased in the north. Proprietor* of I Inlets, Steam lloats, Planter*, nnd other* ave Invited t*> cull and examine, net21 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Brynn stroci, INDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS—A l.ill supply or these justly relehrated Seed*, eompri-iog nil tin* varieties usually e anted, nod warranted to tic tlie growth of 1853.— Just received nnd for sate I.v iiov27 W, W LINCOLN. Monument Square. VND VHV.l-^K.—'.’•(> tlrktn* ot choice Goshen Rut boxes Cheese, for su’ 1 ' hy MrMAIKlN ti DOYLE. 10 litid- Side*and slmulder Bacon, perm, mid Adam inline and Tallow undid*. I U'l boxes and 50 do half do l ob., l.eai Tobacco. 2" Kegschoiee Blitter. 50 lioxe- 50 wliiAii and half bids, and , wheat I'loiir. Also n lull select Ion of choice Tea*. Spire. Mu*tnrd. oil Morgaliela Whisky. Brandy. Port and Madeira Wine*, pmu White Vinegar. Uider Vinegar. Purler, hull Mils Reel. Imriel* halt hbl*.quarter* Salmon, table S.»lt. Vermicclla. Mae.aioni. Xc.. Kc . all of wliicli are offeru I to l-'ninilie*. Planter/; and Country mervliant*. fur casli or uppi-nvcd paper. B .Vt'GN—2"lili-ls prime Sides and Slmulde steamer Keystone State, and for sale by . landing per A DEI FOBD. FAY X CO. OARDIMS. LORSVER. SAI."oS and Fresh Mackerel.for ij sale liv net2ft A. RONAUD. L i ME—10" bill* Eil for *nte by S UGAR—75 hints fair to choice N'O Sugar. 10 do Museo vado do. Hl 'lo prime to cl.idee Porto Rico do, 50 bid# for sal" liv WEBSTER X PALMES. Apple* just received per steumer Au gusta. and for *alo by CHAMPION k WATfS. I by the 11*0 of Ho -My upon the seat of operating upon the bowels they ex- d vitiated ma ter from the system. l'n FeuinlcK. You w ilt lind the«c Pill- an invaliialde medicine in many i.omplainl- to wliicli yen 11 re subject. In ob'tru.-lions either total or they have lieen found of inestimable liene- lit iu re-tm ing and purifviug the tilood and other lluid* -o «s to core nil mniplaint* vvhii-h may ari-e from female ir- regnlarilie*. a* lii-a-taeL.'. dinnu'i* ni -ight. pain in Ibe side. baek. .Vc. 'Hi Pill-are the nnlv - ife ; nd < leine- •lv t" cure tin? following cnmpininl*. I "iil. Nervoa»iie-s, Midanetiidy. Sick llen-lneln'. Gi.l.lio.---, Rhciiiimli-lii. di-- tressing Dream*. I'imii"** of Sight or iu f: ■ t any of Ih" dis ease* tlmt arise from aifer(ion* ot tlie Liver, impurity of Hiu Dl od.orc.»ii*tiiialion of llie lb.well. 3lcillenl Kvlilrncr We. the uinider-ignt?'l Physic',m*. having had tlie rcoipt nf their inainifaetnre snhinifcd lo 11* lor inspection.*uy. Unit llm ingredients of which they are rompo-c 1 makes the.11 llio lies! PHI in use for nil diseases of the Liver. Im- purilie.e tlie Blod.Xc. GEORGE WOOD. M. D. F CROWLEY. M l». I. IMIWKN. M. D. fi»r Purchase iioiieliul those having the signature •••!. S’. H(i!IF.NS,\('K."a* allotlii r* are worthless imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, nnd all others wishing to hfi-oini' agent i. must address the Proprietor..! N. I It IIIEN- SACK, nl liisl.-k'mratory.No. 120 North Second-street.above Race. Philadelphia. Sold liy all Druggist'' and Merehiiiit* in tlie U. S F»r sate in iSnvannnh.Ga.. hy .1. 11, Carter k Co , J. B. Moore k Co. A A Solomon k Co., nnd J. K. De Ford. ni*v2l—dtwrfcwlr r’RF-ll CCRRENTS. .Ve—.lust received two en-k Cur I’ rant*. .'HI drum* Fig*. 5 rases Prunes. 5 eases Ginger Preserves. 10 doz Brandy Fruit and plain Preserves. 20 iloz. Walnut. Mushroom and Tomato Catsup* ; 10 dor. uliro Oil, in (tints and quarts ; 20 do* Pickle*. In quarts and half gal lon jars ; 30 whole, half and quarter boxes Raisins, in layers and handies; Citrons. Mace. Nut megs. Cordials, 4*., and for aalo hy DAVID O’CONNER, j ,lec22 Corner of Broughton and Drayton-sts. MUTILATED COPY selected for Iii* motto, ••quick sates and small gentle j pmllt*.’’ mi l a- lie believe* that tlie public can readily dis- av tbe irritation they criminate between -piiri""- and genuine articles, lie ennli mp-illiising action and ; dcnlly invites all to examine his stock and judge lor them- . in the iim-t plea-unt | -elve* n"'15 P. CURRAN. NKW HOOKS! iNFAV HOOKS!! It, lie.-I hy S. S. SilJeu. D,render 14th. 1853, EARTHSTdNE. or Thoughts upon Homo Life in our Citie-. hy Samuel O-gnisl. The I'hi'li Time- id ,\l itiamn anl Mi* *l««lppl. a series of skelehes. hy J.—pl. G Bat-In in Hot Corn—Life Scene* iii New York, ill istrated. including the-lories of Little Katy. Mndalinu. Wild Maggie. Xc., by Solon lbddii-"ii. Spiritiialisiii. hy Judge Edmond* and Gen T Dexter. M. Ik. willi an appendix, by Ih'ii N I’ Tnllniadge. The Idle and Works "1 Shakespeare, edited liv Janie* P Collier, l-'.-q . from the recently discovered (olio of 1032. vv Uh glnssarial and other notes. Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Port Folio, new supply. Little Ferus for Fanny’s Little Friends, by the author cl Fern leaves. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman. The Old Doctor, nr Stray leaves from my Journal, an ex cellent tiook for leisure reading. Tlie Ijkivver s Story, or the Orphan's Wrongs, hy a mem ber of the New York liar. The l-'idv al Home, or Happiness in the Hou-ehotd. Davie, tlie Pirate, or the History of the Freebooters of tho -tool’s j Rucifio. Mnll Trnln Leaves Macon dailv. nt Ro'cloek. P. 'I. •• Atlanta - ' •• ft> 4 ' •• p. M. C ONNECTING nt Atlanta Willi the Trains Of the Western and Atlantic and 1-aGranec Ronds, mid with the P*y Train of llio Georgia Road, and at Mae- j with the Day Trains of the Ceutrul and South-western i.oads. Passenger will arrive in Mnconat 12‘ 4 .and at Atlanta at 1 \i. having tlie remainder of the night for re-t. Pnssengcis going South, via Montgomery. (Ala.) whe^h.i*- leave Savannah at fi A. M . will arrivent Montgomery in irrfr. ty-eiglit hours, including all stoppages, and only ten liclu r . staging. , Accommodation Trains.Tri-Weekly, will leave Macon ever* Monday. Wednesday and Friday. At 8 o'clock. A. M. It*, turning, leave Atlanta every Tin-day. Thursday and Sutvvv day. at 7’* A. M. This Train will connect with tin? Nigh\ Train nf the Georgia Rond at Atlanta, and witli the Nighf Train of the Central Road at Macon, i’assengers hy the up. ward Train dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE. Sup’t- Macxi.x. May 17.1862. 3nm jy 2$ .1 SOITII-WEHTERN RAILROAD. ASSENGER TRAINS leave Mncon daily at . .. 1 JL arrive at Oglett.Tl.e 10’4 A. M.; arrivoO^ 1 I .’ | o’clock. I’ M. ’-oiowbua , at 11 •. a nautical romance, by Captain Charnier. Blake’s Biographical Dictionary of the most Distinguish ed Persons of all Nations and Profession* For sale at 135 Congress street. dec 15 P. CURRAN H AS just received and offers lor sale, nt his store, on Hull street, in Sorrell's building*— 2 half pipes Pincl. Cartill X ('o'* Brandy, vlnt. 1842, 2 hall pipe* Ot.u.l. I'upuy X CV* Brandy, vlnt. 1842, 1 pipe Swan Gin. 1 halt pipe F.bovn leal iiiu. ft Idds old Bourbon Whi kv. 6 hills old Monoiigahela W lusky, 4 cases Hhiiieish Wine. I'oasta brand, vlnt. 1842, 4 cases old Sherry, and 4 do Madeira Wine, 3 case* Sardines i.i ‘.i boxes. In hiixcs Tobacco, of all kinds nnd hrands. Also lo.ooii nl tin* hi—t Cigars. 10 Imixc* Cordials, of all kind*. 2 hhls lleef Tonguen, 2 do Pig Pork. novlt) Cidiimhii* dally at 9 o’clock. Anr,.ndt)gt,^o rnB A M.; arrive at' |? M * Connc;'!-«•" •^>w.iy with Central It R train to Savannah. ^Jgn-tn and and witli Macon and \N trams t/rGriffin. Atlanta. Dalton, Chattanooga, Nash ville. A’c. Connecting daily at Columbus, by hist line of coaches 28 to Opelika, thence 04 miles by M. fi W. P. R. R. toMontgom. ery. Ala. ^ Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee and F-ufiuila mail stages. Passengers breikfast and dine at Fort Yalley, ,: E(l. \\ . ADAMS, Superintendent Mao i.v. Aug. 29.1853. aug31 C AROWAY CORDIAL—10 doz Caraway Cordial. foTralA ••y A. BONAl’D. ! net21 Corner of Bay and Whitaker-strects. B RANDY—25 half and 20 quarter pipes dock nnd pale • Hard. Diipuy k Co’s Brntnlv. vintages of 184«. '49, iftq : nnd '51. of our own importation, landing nnd for sale bv’ n30 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON X CO. J UTS RECEIVED iH*r steamer Florida, an assortment of needle worked Sleeves and Bands, embroidered Hand kerchiefs nnd Collars. Irish Linens. Blrds’-eve Diniiers. Fng. ... ,r nnAnnnv cm/xnn j l*h Lmg Cloth#. Flannel#. Hosiery. Glove*'and lUbbons.— I’zVINCY GHOCFRY SI ORE. Forsaleby n30 _ _ DkWITT k MORGAN. rpni; -iiliseriliiT having enlarged his store at tlie corner fYU'lTER—25 itrkins Butter, ju-t received per .-learner 7., r ! X of Hav and Wliitnker streets, offers for sale on ttic most : IJ sale l,y decIS E. W. HUKER nihln terms On* fiiltnw iilg : P OTATOES—50 bbls Potatoes, landing from brig Mcnticei. lo. for sale by _ .14 BRIGHAM. KELLY X CO. H AY—125 bales prime North River Hay. lauding per steamer Alabama, nnd for sate hv I (lec4 * PADKLFORD. FAY k CO. ■nUTTER AND CHROtK—2A flrkin* Butter. 60 bxs CheeM AJreceiveit per steamer and for snle l»v I novfl ____ _ McMahon a- Donjj. J UST RECEIVED—16 baskets Salad Oil. 16 do Bordeaux DU. for sale by A. BONAUIl. | nov29 Corner of May nnd Whitaker s!#. H AY—150 bales choice Eastern Hav. just received and for Bale in lot* to suit purchaser*, by favorable terms the following : in half pipes (Hard Brandy. 1844. (1 do Jean Louis Brandy. 1844. 5 do llonnessy Rrainly. 1811. 5 do Dazerac Hrnndy. 1808. 2 puncheons Scotch Whisky, in bond. 2 Iiiul* St. Cruz Kiun. in Initid. 1(1 quarter casks Madeira Wine. Ill do i'ort W*no. 10 hills Monoiigahela Wnisky. ti pipe* ti.Aland Gin. 20 Idd* I’help-’ Gin. 5(1 M Spanish Segnr*. various hrands. Also, a complete n<*«rtinent of fancy groceries, such ns Engli-li nnd American pickled laitisters. Salmon*. Macker el. Sardines. Olive*. Capers. Catsup English Sauces. Sat lad Oil. Preserved Fruits. Jelly Jam*. Euglisli and French Mus tard, French nnd West India Cordials, all warranted genu ine, an superior to any offered in this market no»22 A. DONAUD. do, 300 fee. 150 lent Hi ! dce7 1MFSTIC UQUOIW. sepl5 -100 hhl*. F.. l‘hflp» & Uose Gin i Rum ; 20 bbls. Domestic Brandy; 76 bbl#. Rectified Whisky ; 15 bbli. Old Mongabalia Whis ky ; 10 bbl*. Georgia Peach Brandy. For sale by dec7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. •lack velvet nitts, eol’d. .her article* •e for your- •a-ilde terms X BURNS, veil a lien uti- . (lark nnd 1 we would * BURNS, for • ne'er B'ce ’ TH. #t« .V dlng7 4, l vT’ \