Newspaper Page Text
Ctflrtl Av'v'cvtisuwtutiv
,, ,.l <'«illnur) «*• i’ltntltnm l omit) .
i V,l»-w iW «x*v - -Tn «ll ulii-iii It m«r r-*n-
►*••••«« John |tn-t.-n will apply at tin- «'on* -I
*•■» Ii.nii'*--rv a* mtiinoUliNtor mx the
“WWi «m, -b-rrsM'd
• \ , to rili mid admonish *11 wIii-iii l(
U mi I *i*|*i-ai before ».ii«l * --ml. I-- i»i»W««
> lim v. i-ii •<! M-in- llii- hr<l M-n-lsy In
i' «dl-| tell-1* will hr giaulrd
Mil I,, n. F-qnl.c Or Unary f-ir Ftiathat'i
,.( IN-eeniU-r, l>M
.'"US M Mtl.I.FN.xx v x-
-In all wli-1
-ti'i.-tv. to rite an-l admonish all whom II
|m- dh<l a|il-*-dt l-rl«*rr *al-l tVwrt to make
It,ay haxri on nr t-cf->re Itir tti*l Monday
1,,-f , ,. r vdi-t letter* will t-r granted.
M Millru F«q Ordinary for tTxatlisnx
hl» VtU day N-rrmlwr. 1HM.
John M Mlll.K v rt r c
m iVmx** 11 xnax vn"-
i.-lin Mill- ' will d|-| |» *t llidfuml-il
•liMoidM-i t •< a>iiiiint*trator. on the
o-l li-ltrr* will hr (rdlilr-t
Milm-' i.ImM Millrii Faq Ordinary l-m hatlialu eoull-
ly thi. fill -U* »-t Nnxniit-ei. KW
Jll||\ II Mil I I V <
I--all wli.-nl ll inrv ,-nnoctil
Ihll will d|-|-l'l *1 Ilir foiirt ol
ii »• d liniui»lr»l--l t-n tin-
( 1 Frilliil.V i ‘v.i/ •*
I ttflicrea* l..-liril II
Xtrdinsix tot l.M«i. •l'»u
talr ol k|r* Ji#* Hid»liiiii. 'iw-rd-ni
ft,cm- arr.lliriof-nr loritr an-l a-1nii-lild|i*1l whmixit mix
•xun-eri- t-> t"- *'i'l apia-ar liefi-re •aid Court t-- make ol-jiv-
liou ill any they liatr'on --r Is-firc tin- llr*t M-uJax m
Mat xirxt. otherwise • xid teller* will lie giatltfd
tV itn«-*». John M Milirn »-i • tduiary i«r Chathamconn,
t. tln« V*x day ol SwoiuU'i. I*-'- 1
*,„to JullX M o r r
( ‘HiillliilA—1%1'lin* f'iNiifjr—To -ill wlmin it mat ,-oii.
I u . ■ Kol • it II til 'Hu w III apply In IK-'
Court ol ii.'.Uiidlt t--r l-ttei. -li«uil'«,-ry oil tin- el ite nl
Mi. Jran VW- hull lair of **l-l e-iinty derea«xu
• Ilir.. me. tiiet,'--.- tocitr tn-l ,v!inoni»li all wlo-lu It mat
emu-era to l* an-l *|i|»\tr l*h-ir tlm «aM Court to make i
t tilt** lint-
r tin- l
'I M-i
M-t it.-
MM n.
count. .
l. otln-rwt'i- *ai.l h-ttrr* w l-l In-granted.
«. John M Millrn. I.-1 . Orl-uary lor
In* llr»t -lay «-l \otroil*r. InM
J"IIN 'I Mil i.r.v
( VKilRi.FV—iViniH*:—To all whom it mat n-
f corn: VVhrrra*. Iiiin-<i* 'I K--I1- -W will n j • | • I. ailin'
fVurt •»! (Mlnarv. for loiter* of dl*uii-»inii a* executor on
•.hr r'tatrot Miss l*rt*rilla llon«tnn :
The«esre. therefore, to all alioin ii unit
avKicrrii. to be and brl--rr *aid tV-uil to make ohl--. -
t.oli ul ant tin t liatcI oil or In-fort* tin- lift Moil-lax in
nuait next. otherwise said l«-tl.-iw will In- granted.
John M Millrn. K...| .Ordinary ft-rV'liatlmin cnim-
-Ut of July . ISfto
JitJIV M MilJ TN o c
fxhil \— CA.i/k.i«x (Vmify —To all whom II n.ny con
rn : Whereas, Ilriirt William* will apply -it tin-
. ot trnVitiart for Viler * tli*uil*snry oil tin- r.tulr ol
11n Wright, il* ;
r IIn-rrforr to cltr mi-1 :i hn-»nl-li all whom ii m-iy
ii l-c tn l appear tw-forr *.n | Court to makr iihjt-e-
. they liatrl tvitlilll thr tmir | !C«iTit»--l l-( lt>i.
Irrtrlur «ni I Irttcr* will I* jrantr-t.
Witm-dd. Jo« «i uinlil. l.*-|. 1'i-p "r linary for Cliathnm
COIIUll till* 1 Ot ll -llll of .\ui*ll»t. |d'-o
au*i|l .»•« UAX VIII . l«p -- r .
( TF.i'iUtlA—r’ i*ouri/y All whom it in
T V\ !u-rv**. John It Iknnar-I willaj-ply at t
Ordinary for Irttri* >h«miv«nry aa n-linSnidtrator cum tn-ta
m rn to annor\o on the c'tatr of Mr*. Ann M-muin :
Tlirnr are. thi-rrf'irr. to cl‘e an-1 a-lnmnioh nil tth -m '*
mat concern t“ t-r an-1 a|n-«-ar 1-rfon-«a|.| Court, to m.ik-
•Ojrcti'-n yil ant thrv hair) on or t-.-forr ilir .rroml V|o|i.
day in January nett, oihi-rai-r »aid Irir.-r* will l-r cianlr-l
Mllnr>«. John M jitiilt*ii. K*«|.. Onlinary forClmthiiiii
founit. thin Hill -lav ol July . IViIl.
jylft .I'HIX M MII.IJ’.X. n. «• r
( t K.nllWl.V—fWV'irt (’• -in'; —To all ilio'u it may n n*
t n rn :, William J llullorh. Ktcrutor it t'r
C'tatr of Mary Xruftill.-Ircr |tr.|. mil a|-|-lt t- thrl.-url
of Onlinary for Irttrrt diamiaaory on thr«.ii-l r*intr :
fhrtrarr. thrrrfnrr. to cltr an-l a-lumniah nil iin-1 *'ii.-u-
'ar lln- kindred an-l creditor# of aald deorii*i--l. to l-e ini ',
appear at the offler -f John M Millrn. Ordinary, w ithin
the time pmtcriUwl by law. an-l thow cau*e (if any th- y
re) why util letlrradhonl-l not be i;rantr<l »
Witnena. Jnti-ph tianahl. IV-pnty rtr-linary fur Chathnin
Sountr.tliis li>t day of AukU'I- IRfW*.
julv -JO JtfefKIMI UANAllfw t’»T. n r. c.
( TErtROlA—I.n I'.iui'y ;-To all tth-uii it may
I erm VVhrrru. Norman Wallace w !l appit ut tlm ,
Court of Ordinary |-ir let ter* li«ini"ory a. K\- -r --u tin-,
ratntr of Hubert l«nae ; ,
Tlii-'i-arr. thneforr. t--cite ar-d n 1m-• u 1 -11 all whom it may |
•oiua-rn to lw- an-l npi-rar lM-fiu— >ai-l Court to make i-hjw.
(lull i-'aiiv tore Intel on •>•- Iw-l-rr the tirtt Mmi-tuy ill
Fabriurt neit.otherwi*c »ai-t letter, will l-r ci intr f
Wilnr'aa. John M. Millrn. K*-| ordinary for Clmtluun coun
ty, till* M-rond dnt of Jult. |a-VI
Jy-a JollX M MIIJ-KX. p «’ •» -
( TMHUilA—("hathiii*"t'Zmbn I'olill w li-m it unit
T rrrn VVIi--|ra«. William •' h.itr.on. will ai-plv at lh-
Court ol Ordinary for letter* •'i*ml..i-rjr on the r.tatr
Clirl'topher l*ay(«oii. drcra.rd :
Then- are. tlmrefiiie. t i cite nn l idirmnMi *11 w-knm i:
may concern. I" and appear hefore mii-I ‘
kc«al ninurluiciimits.
( t | n|ii.| \ — il.Ni/y — lo dll II may eon
1 rem Wherein, V tlie.i will ai pit at Iln-tVurtol t»r
linait for letterd domlaaoiy a« a •miuOtratoron the estate
ol F t oitman :
Tliete ate, therefi-re. t-i rite all I ailmonl-h all wlmm it
mat concern tn he and apjiear hrlme aaht VSmrt t-t make
•hlerliou (If any they hate) within tlm time pn-»rillM-il hy
la,, oil.' i -i-e -al-l lettrtd will I* Kiaiitr I
ten under nit hand at tliia -Mire ihm l-l-ldv-r An-
w..ta.V1. 101*11 W IV olHAliln tl . o i.
( tlUlllll.V 'Urify To alt whom it may out
I .cm: Wlien-dd, Haiah J. May mil apply In tin’ I hint
Ordinary lor letter* illdmlddoty on tlie eatnte id Nallianlt l
J '.V ay. lata ol aald courtly, deeeaaed :
11,ew aie. theivlore. t- cite ami admonlrn all whom It
Hid. i .uicetn. to I* an I appear before *ald » null, to main
objection*. II any tliey hate, within the tnm- pie*«iilml I y
law. ollii-i wl'i- aald Irller* will bo gmnli -1
Wit net*. VV IV tilraiMaau. !•>.( , Ordinary for JdlM-tly
tount t. tin* dlth day of September. I '•ft.;
f. T. o i ••
Court nf Ihtllimi ) of llullm lt County.
t V-/fn/l.-J) f'nuiff •—Ti all wlmin It nut con.
VI •• VV'lu-rea', .lo'epli Xlirlit. Jr . **ill applt .1 tin
I'eiiit -I Ordlnart 'oi letter*ol ndimiiUtrntloti <>ii the «•..
t.ite an-l cllrrl* ol Tlu-iii*' Knitflil. Ute ol >ald coilii'y . -le
llo-.e are. Iliertrf.ire. to cite nn-l admoni'h all wlmm It
may concern to t-- ami ap| Iw-foie aald Court t-- make
.tlye. lion* (it nur tlu-i hate) on -<i lu-lon- the •i-ci-ud M-iii-
■lay in Jauiiatt n--\i. otltrrwi'i* *nid letti i* will In- fruit led
VVitn-** tViilum In-. ?*i . K-i|iilre Ot-liiian for Ihill-icli
counti tlii* VJth lat of Ni-tem'-i IWt
ilcct M'll.I.IAVI I.KK, Sr, o no.
( tl.oldili -HitUvtH r'-Nufy .- — |o nil w Iiiiiii it may nni
I cei ii VV In re i* Ah'idem I’arri'li. S-uior. nnd llanell
Join *, will apply to the Court ol Ordinary lor letter' ol ml- *traV«r -n tin- e.t tie and c’.Vrt* .4 t.ii'Va Join-*, l.ite oi
da i-l cmnltr. de,wa*ed :
an- then I.i|e to cite and n-lllioui-li nil I ll
inatr coitrei ii to l-e nil I .ip|a-nr la-loir- •nl.l Couri. t<> m.ike
ulijection tl my llu-y hat e. on nr tn-lnio the <iv.i||.| Vl.-ndnt
In Jnltu.ii t in \ t. --Ilierwl«e rail letlera " ill l«- ■ ii.t. I
Milne.' VV ill-.* in law-, ^r.. l.-|iiire. Or-lm ui ii 11-i II- ..I,
conntt lln. Not, uil-er. I' -.i
•led M il 11AM I.KK. Sr . n a .
/ HltRtil.V—IIiillfh ibunlv:—On the lii.| |m.-».Iih In
vl .liiniiniy neat. In-lore I lie eoui I lim In rlil..
horoiifh in aahl coiiiiIy. will lw m-|-I under a ter ol the
Court --I rhdiiiary iIn-lift iuO. '- '-.r |.*t one
in-{to man natnaAt*n>.ttV. nfe-l at—ut 1-*rty t• at*. belm-i*-
in< to lh tali' ol Holier! minor, iili-l -.Id for tin-
hem-lit o| *iiid minor Teiin* imi.le known iiilli- of
•ale novlft I5IU-T.X ll Sl.ATI-.ll. in Iiii'ii.
/tll'lllilv — llull'-k fliliNfy;—Oil (he lift III
\ I January next. Iieliir-*the i-o-irt Inni'edi«-i. -ii Stall *
brnoo ;I| III >ai-l c unit. Will be .o|-l. under an on'.et of tin
r-.ii I of Ordinary, mi lln- lir*i Vl.-n.liit in tt.-t.iti.-i 11 -1. f---ir
hundred ftcri-Mif lurid ffrauti-d tn MuO. Ili-llun;--. hniinili-il
hy lan-l* ol Vino* Wuter*. Joiiiitluiii lirincr. .l-u-lnii Vlct'ii
him and lloliert Millet. l-r-l.uif uil. to tl t.ite of H.iuriiili
C-nie. late of VIid co.inty. ilece.i*i->l. and *old for the Iw-netlt
• i the heir* nut cri-iliti-rs of ».,|.| ,-.tate Teiui* made
known .>n the of dale
nutlft ‘ JOXATIIAS tlllixnt. A.Ini'r.
Dji Autljoriti),
Dn Anthoriln.
IXitrnclw fiora lire Onthinnre Hi * -
CUT Witch, |*awa««l M l«| of An,
>«•. Ii.-U 0 Amt II,e aai-l . |hc la and pn-
Vt „l. I. wf» Inn-liy tei|iii,e-| tnarrr«tiil m,
i-ii't-ly w'l lehu,. nml rhtnra, nil illaindi
|H-i *on* ijbunin i Ih-In,mil waiideiiiifor m
»elir*. ofwtn any uidiinei ilidluiiiiug n,.
<l“"t i -wAall |ai.,n* who may .n an* u
i-pp.-'C, orTWdtdt I belli w|,«n eumife.1 In llie diarhaiHe
II,-ii -lull , and all *lnri-a or |ri-e peiann* of rol.-i
Im l>miiil mil ol hi* or her liiiuac nr rm-hiaun 1 . hi Id* m i,
"w iii*f ui employ ei', hniidit in endn.iile, alter I Ii- rini i
Ol tin- I Ion M I-. 11 at niihl. unlea* ||„. . ,i.|
cdor la- aidwmpaim-i'! - , while
tin-a,e el len year*. or lie pr.itl-le-l will,
In kn. drawn arc,ndinit tu the direction
iiaiii i-d. and > if lied by aoim- while per on.
Ih.'Oly •" »*u» I he tame ; nml lln- »*td («-,
I'd 'I,dll Ik- eairied In llll linaid ||n,l*v , «
•on* -ball l-e deli,lilt'll until lln- neat iiioi
•hall lw car I lo Hie 1‘ollee Com I a. hen
Ihoti led. inner I hide**, that no while p.
I.iiu.-d ul tin- linaid llmiae. uni.-.*, u| .|
ol till- 111 ri-'l ilif Iilllcel I.r al,
tillh-vy In 1-omittwmV at the i.n.,,-1 ll-.ii»e ti
i in.e for the arleal ; and I'loti.ied. al*
(d i.oii wli.iII -a- I.N-ked upon in .my ol iht-i
hif the i.itflit mile.* fio.ii reli.ut.’.rt or vi
by reflM-li I-I the number nf pi-raiill* ill CI|[
lim-mrul -Im 11 lie deemed m-ei'NMirv
Sec * Hint it rIiiiII Id- the duty of th
m ind at tin-limud whenever nl
mioiou ol llielinur-l he m.iy lutr it pn-
■ ii i-har;-'. t-- lean- mi -luty a’, tin- limn-I I
fine., t-ik-i-p Mieh priannerur |iil«oner*
lim I'nlice ( nul l Ilnur, w lien |i wh.ill lie lit
dr-lit.-r I-1in j r lln hi ul the I'ulicu Olth-e.
wull if ll.e m Him lice lefulatilitf the I'
tide*, nml the Mayor, netuif M:,t"r. ur i
ne n. may ini|iiiieml" lln- ciiciim.lnin-ed
'•'•'li'*l Inr i-aumimiliini. nnd iiiiikc *uuli
nllia f-iud^-Hiii.hmenl eilln-r In line or
the ||U. --I I In- stale ll.e liuanei-M.f
nature ot ll ,•••(,,Ire . «ul oue hill
l-'.'ted 'li.ill in- |uii.| lo tin- ur.i-.tuif un
I lull to Hie eilt. iTin l-led llml no
IM I Mi AM) Ii
ii-i * ii* may* la- rid* Ijrn •
toe |iei-mi. nniiinir .—u
iiti n
I an
I her
i dr
■ tin-
■ It.
■ nn- rem Ttdl (o aueli place
I,mI n« nf)irr-..a.<i al llo- • t|- ie
hlllldlli; oi' l'U|lai(e*l Ol l-ili •'.te.| I |a-ra.u, to lillnu nut •
M-ellmi 'Imll h- puin-li. d u- i* lien
Mh awethm
See II That when tin-Illy Mar-
*lmll lie etifafed III lie* reuiuinl of
oh.laurlh-n. un-ter not •• ell- n of • I■ • - Uiilinaiiee. l-e
i -li.ill lw- I'litllle-I to iv- rue 'ell doll:il' eirh per d.
1, 1S&4
ot ATIRtiI
.Vu-«lnn<iA, llmtrpttt, |
1 'IIK KiilidCrila-i pi.
I il . ii ronliroo--l
i- ll.e ii.ipiotei.M lit• i
.. I tijl.i
.ui'lnlile* '".ml.n,'liu-
III IMilf It I*.
■ lid to In* | nIi, o* and friend* fni
lion would -trie Hurt. In addition
l'yti>K- a«|iiire.i i ,
ntland Inf inmle anatiffe ‘
or M I I) H ••!
at-l “hip li -I tl-
tW.I.M*lt»H'»« M ^ > ,
?»V*J».*IH Alltel, <"• .Wit. V* I I \|
I- tl “ will ll* rer. i-. I al t|.|. I I
f )r.unary |*M. f--f tli'- -Op|-lt t.i ll,u ,,,
I .. empl—ye 1. .lit
IO nop un-lei anl-l VI ir dial n
l-onil'i'.ui ii. the M u.
I ii ill nll-i
|e i 'ic inch whiih ehiiro-
,• Ihe |e-
il dll other per
I r-nalnlde*. almll reevivi- *ne|i
i. iicIIiik Slu-i-t nod
, n-d exceeding three dollai*
tin rn-. .hall la- paid It ur MMiiien I
|.ei.ou* I ul en-. i eil nr conceruidl m
I lie eucrimchnu'iit or iiclloi, »u r eum ted. and who
u-iplil to li.ite reomte-l llu-anine.
See |-j Tloil wln-n-'ter the I'ily Mni'dlml ur I lly I'unaiii
Ide* are urdere-l. uli-ler the provlalotit of ||d* tfrillnancp. In
remote or emi'C lo In- reunited, uuy • n- r.-arliiuent or ol-
•traction, the nimealm'l lie maike-t o.,t nn-l dirertr-l u-ider
tl ol flu- lilt ,-t nr .or tin-Street nml
l^me i'i uiuiillee ora -|M-cial• '--mnullee ol Cmiueil. in l..i
ii|i|'"ln'e,| for tiuil purp nml I lie » id ,-lll.
cei« Ht • lu-reliv miliiorui-d Vo call to Uwlr .xi-l nml n-«l*t
mi 'In r 'iir VVatcli. wl-u are lien-hy iei|ul,ed and enjoin
e.l to aid .ml n**ia< In tin- priniiM-
See |:i flint llo |a-r*on* almll Im- |ierinltted to erert or
pi e any *'ep*. -It ti ling Inin any vnnll or rt-lliir. under-
ni'iilli nny l-uililiug williin llo-, and wlih'li raid >I|*
• li.ill I-Xtelld bey Olid til-, limit* of till- lot upon which N.ild
tiinblinp la ended tint upon the exprea* i-oi.ditiot, that
flap.loner or hrlrka .1.nil tie |dac -t tin- wlode lenittli of
u 1*111 which aiii'l l-iiil-ling-li.ill nr limy lw
w it Si tin ii jm'iormi
iei|.,ltcd into- ,iioe »-ipe
n much i''i it-«>1 Ul» pm « oi
*' liunlii t. iiye I. bl' Mi-l.i d
tide »ty b a.
afioiii tin*country p-in-'i.
i. by W bleb he I
-.1- i on *dh no I n
enable.I lo
•I llo- leieil-id
. t. ,.l the em'iai I
r *ame a* llml all-
li-lliol. an t t-nu-li
>.,MII| tntile. tn wit
I I.v -tr.imbi-ut* r-r
. lid lei. I brtiiifli Mo
•• in call 1-.i ll.i m
Al l X IM I It <
I’o.I tdlire • iM’A V
mi MmiiA,
Hill S clinlee | ori„ I.n-. m p.n . |.‘i do M f'rolx t'o
-trial C era*l>ed and puwdeied Sugar ,
il and f I'l.irilu d do , Ion i.i |. |t„ltinir-i•■ and t„ -.i. i
f ; 'lb do til lo-ee do; .‘.ll dn lillnu 'ioilh'» do; -.
•|-Id 11« iili'l pint. I*-I.-I- n l'-.| tei ; &U Id-1* I bila-'el
Lir-I . '.Ml-.i'k* Ili-iCollee ; fa i do I .-guy ra-In, Mi-!
•otenilii' lit .Inva dn . 4 pipe* Mi-.b-r Swan • >tn . if •'
ft bull pipe* I lln l-l. I'upiiy \ I o'* Him
Ii lltIi Ikrg* tn*
Toll.le-Xt* .
Witn|i nml Mon Ii —
'HU I * alid IW-a.'x I'a I -
I-'. : ti! 'tairli
•.tinill III* • • ' It. I .... •. .
; •* VC. II, t a l.loon «a* l-ip . lft Wage din| an |
’• I’Oie wt ite wile V.ieg*. I l-wl-le
en-etidl ex tei
illti-r-tw iu tlmeadn of pnv.-i
*lmr* des ending a* nlnre:
tin- In-lit of *aid hiiilding
►I .** Ini n* .aid t)ig.ion
iiiul tl Hard.-o, .luill Im
* Hu
ll -«I-'|
1 .’.IU
wldeh exteit
• olfi-H
ml •
i tin- ..ii-i pii i
each of Hi- |d-aee. Ihe Mayor or Al
ire.aid nl the I'oliee Court, .it Ii
'I'lt'l vln- pro'CCllViott ot *.,V) pii.inii'l
.1 uiaci.tlnle of Ihe ciniritv f-u lli.i
> Hint tin- mini of lifty coiIn -In
cd nl the tiuai'd IIh'i
III** »treel
nta. nml tin- Hi.( *li-p ol -aid
• I ahull lie Ins-1 p'lrnllel w lib
11 >linll not extend Int-i the
or hii-kd tiy rdgliter-ii inebe-
'.I aPI-lire-l witli iron nml ill-'
• into the .tied -halt Im- |etei will, *,n.|
,*. m.-I the en-l tii-M lo *alil buHdiii:- -liiill
■ti'tluxn lw-i incite* abiiin III- paxenu-iit.
Ippo-er* atel • n-'l'i.-i'liioeiil. .Igiiurt tin-
-xi.U'ii* .1 tin* *ectioii. al, ill I*--I-alt with a* I* pn
iim-l hi il.e i,liIi •eein n of till* ordinance.
I-' I mil i-o p- raoti .Imll In- |* i mine '. lo iiu-ien.i- or
I. r ll.e height l-l ll.e aide walk* ill Iro-I of hi* or lo-l
. IIbuti- Ul imluw ll.e level ,,f lho -I in
' ie - >ni|*iutiiig null-, nml n- p-r.m,. willmul ibe |* r
• i. n of Ibe Sired mid luilie I'luiilinlli'e. rhitll lUinv any
I A ■•h. or rulJar ft w ring m>i//-r i.r mufn r'.if • h ■/».•■■* ,
do I'orl dn ; I'd do
I . ' bbl. -Ioiii- 'Iii
N-. I. if a l-lMaei
•’INI Ih.xi-n Nn I pnli
el ;
-in. Mh
II hall I.
. \\ III!
i ib-uy “anllna* n»n
•td» I Nut*, h I--*-
- Ml .1 . ladirb Hem.
. allldai cl.eioot I l/ai,
.• lion -.-4 car. I »(,io„
- •* le do I**J e l.rad*. Ill
" | - tent do lo l-»
• I «
Ilk I ham.'
.A t*.|r«
ll 0 do lalloi
I'm ter. | iut
N- I au
ii-b ; ir.Ureaui* Wrapping I’np-r Jim
• '*y
Ml .MmIKK.
•ei led |Iniii* Inn hill- A II and I ,
Mll.l-OtM-Ill .1,1 I'm III Kiel, di
do ; ft-i hbl- In,Her. *ugar and -•••t •
1 allow 1 um'le.. ••* an- s • ; lull do A
eiln - , l - lln . •
'-ox., l-lpale. I‘curl Match
I hi.ilt S. ap . .’.ii. la m S.-u-ii>
boxe* I’lpe* ;
I.itill* I..*
ml i
I pel.
Court of Orillnnry for lit yn
' K* blfil V -tfry.| fi.MN/y .—Win lea.,
r mini-lmtor i-v-ii t|i-‘ elate nl Hfiir;
-nil apply to lln* Court of Ortllnui'y ■
i County.
I. 1 hill-'ll. a-l
thi. nty.f.n
e I lien
eile all coiu-erncil lo tile llu-ir oh
•a*'l l-dte,. will be granted.
/ Illltlil.V — llri/iiii li.ioify,
V I .-Mall-ofUlix* I’erry. de
Y-uiare lu-reliv linfllle-l Ihnl
ut m \l we will applt lo ll
coimiv for leave to diti-K* l
ed.lute .
ii lln- I
SMITH, o n.
- ili.triliiiti-i-a ol
•aid (-mint
•mlIt- ll. I.
f thi* IMi
e e*tate nl I lla* I'eirj'.d. [
1. II. IIAMI.I.. I S.
N. .1 i I.AKKI. - A-lm'ra. nwti
*e|i'Ji!—-i! ililltcpt-1 I Ilia
pl-oi.ioll* ol Ihia llr-liliauce. if lie
relei.1-1 Ik-fme eleteii o'elock. I'. M .but ll -le oau-led
I ii-leu*—'1 elU-r that lumr. Iln-u the «um ol one dollai
II be demanded nml ri-i-i iinl lor each per.oil a* af ire
d Hie -.ii-i mini 'hull, in all a-it>«• *. In- ei|illllly - in
-ll Ib.-lue. II 1'ie nil-.ting tt., |.- ll 111 jl II at, I ,-iti.ulld -1 it h •
•*••* paid be.ou- eight o'clock the next morning. Ihe . .id
'late or free |*-r*on of eo|„r .hall I unite I to Jail
tln-ie t-> reiu-ilu mil tl llo- -aid line ami ill e-».|* me p,id.
See I'.'. Thai If ally pi-r*-m .hall I In-fore
Hu- I’nlice I'-uiri nr Cimm-d nf i-egialing, or npiio'liig. nr
mol--.ling nny of the ■ Hirer* or ineml-i-r* of lie- City
W ilcli in the execution nf hi. or tl.nir -bity.lhe -ill ‘
iu.i t lw lined Inaiiv'iini m-t cxeeeiiing one hundred d-d
bir* for each nml every olleiu-e to In- culleete-l Mi-1 en
loree-l a* tin- Iwtv nu.l i-r-limtut-c* pruxMt", w«d tb*' *wi*l
nllli'iT* nii'l priv.iie. nf Hie i fty Wnl -Ii are nuilioi i/c.l nn -
einpoiti-red. incn-eof urgency or nece*.iiy. to demand lb-
aid and a*•(.lance id nny eit*i/en or ell ren*. nn-l all and
every |*-r—ui refusing or negleeting Incite «uch ni l nml
a*>i>Innce. wlien ri-i|iiire-l. may. on roiivietion In-fore lln-
I’nlice Court or Cniiiu .l. In- lined ill it sum not exceeding
nne .b.llnr*
.Vi igm'a TIcUi In.
Ordinance ix-lalite to Ni - grn«_ pava--l Auguat
r wliieli the plop-i letili,»e«-
And .ill -If.-mi.-i. mi . nrrmieh
nil'll I. Ilg.lill.t Hie protl-inll* I.r till* ai-elioii .ball lie di-nit
wllli a. |. pre.M ib.'d III Hie liflh '-1-lion of Ihll OidiiiNlo e.
S-e In brine,, or ihih- to
be l-l ought, dej O'lle l -r lai-l on ant or either the pulilo-
tUw- . w ...trve. ot UuUwr-plave* .tV kite mm hern end ot or
• pi- • - - •. In ihe *1 r- el* in Hie eily. iINji /•*,../ iifuuA'. rum;
in I lim'.t. .-fuirr. /him Im. liii'timil, ur it'hrr liiniL r e-.'iuf,.. r.
nn I m- .bull ui .,r ini,I „I. nr.-immiub.-
.|.i|-|K"l lloin or lall'le-l at Milt of the public whirte* l-r
•luck, williin ill" city of Sat annuli, any He- IhIm,-,II u.
I'im'- . rn. halea i .. v . . trunk*, or any ; -cie* of a. r-
.iiumfi.*'* wlintever ; and no pcnn-ti ahull i-ieei. nr cnu*e to
In- I'll Otl-d -III any ol III- pill-lie wllli I'ten. a,-,(|
b-r lln- purpi-.c of tveigliiiigor a*e-i laimug He
ailieb- w balder : pint eling llml nothing ei-iltnilied ill tl. a
a.-e'l.ul-hall In - -1 lo piciei.t any plant, r from l*ll I
i'u. “"I of I.i. Ii. nf o I.-*-. Hn- pm hid -f Id* m her l-l lira-
lieu. • i-ln-rf -r «.ile or l..r lain ly n-e bul in m- en*e 'li.ill be
ur-be In-allow e.l to on-upy the .aid pulilie xtluirl nr I'm-k
longer than i* iil-.uluti-ly’ nece—ury And nil i-lTender*
again.I lln-],rnvi'io|i* ol llii* aedioii -li.ill l-e dealt with
a. i- | i- - -ril ed iu the liflh .e.- j.-n of t. i* Ordinance, ami
tele- luut l-t- *«-i/ci| and ret.iiiied until the Hue
...le l.y
Ill'll I. II VMS.:
• do Hi,
-npp.i.g I .i
mil IT-
C 1 !'
/V »i-
• l-b-l. Hn
•I* 1'ig I i-i k. I
'-I.r I ml chill
Ml u-u.i: .V l Al.Mb>
•f. Hi libia lent I
• .i.-l|Oj
' gaimii
*..-m -| V
' Jlijlau',v
C A It It I At-' 1-. .MVM KACTOIIV.
vBY**'.. tV!l!.'.|. lit .V N 11 -| | h II -
•• *£ K'«"lnl- * • a.i • t lf.1.1 — I l.e
. *. IIKAM-.IT .V CO.,
• "'-i:s oi j • luoUMnv.
II lug p ir- ‘ - ' III* VU'Axv 111" n
I- while wine Vinegar. 1" bid
whole.ale and 11-tail, at tl,
x toil nIiix-I*. bx
ii.tviii oTAiNxn:
JOHN |li 1ST iX. •
It -
III -I ) - My I.,
.• aV'.» n'i* not flan
laice at
. amte-t |
; the
i.i I'l'li-,
'•Hi Thai
ral ticket gixui l.y the
Septemln-r nth. l«i:..1.
Court of Orillnnry ol' ChiikIcii County
f t IJllllJl.V—f’lMilru l\uinhj:—lo "II Whom ll may
I T ceril ; Whereii". Ileorge VV, riiouiiM. one ol Hi-
i-ulnr. nf 1lu-c*tnle id Win. T l|o|l.
'--•irl ol Ordlunry tor U-tter*.U«mi-«iu
e per-.
ll nfc
tilekimlie-lnml C
I- lo.-i
ii i.!
idllce will,in Ihe time i.r>
n*. will .i| ply )
C on Hie Mild e-
llUli all .ml .ir
.• I. to In- i
• In
. (II a
r tlu-y ha.
) w hy l.-l
w. mi-1 'lie
i I n.-d
'lie*. Hie time w l.v
pl .-e to wlikli I
V fur I’llII
Itei! lie-rillililpl-li
Willie**, .1 II. Ili-lx'l-aloil.I»| .Ill-dll
tx-. thi* Urttli day ot May. 1SKV
' nmyjrt ' ' J. II IH'I.VI-STnX.o r
( IK)>IUHA—I'nnulm f'-iin/y .-—To all whom Ii may
T corn : Where**. .1. II. M Clinch, guardian of II. A.
X. lb Clinch, nppllea In me for letter* di'inla»ury
•aid guar llnii'liip;
Tlu-ae are therefore to cite amt a-U.n ui-h all c.i-icrrne-t le
In-and ipi-ear al my olliee. witl.ln Hu- time pr- .lilo-l l.y
law. and *lonr cau.e (if any they l,i'e l wiix letter* ol
■lilili<alnu alinuld not lie glAlltcd i- the aald aplilii a lit
Wilue.*. .lame. II ||elxi-*toii I'rdiiiury fort iiiuden cmin
tv. Hit* '-’sili ilny of Mav. I Will.
* uiav.'ll JAMMU IIKIAT.'TOX o. r i.
Court of Oritlonry lor M'lotoali County
f iKMlllilA—M liih-fh i'uun'n j— Not
v T 1'ie-llli-ra :—All |M-r«nii* h.n iug -le
Itlue. bit-nf aai-l eounly. deri-ii.e-l. in
el,I them, prop-'rly at»e»ted. w il Inn the
by law . and all |**i«.in. iu leble-l to «:,;d
l-» rii|i,ire-11" make i-.iyue-nt I
I • I . who i* my duly nullm
if nnv fln-v
In March n-xt. •••h-rwi
M'ltne.*. Jo.efih H.n
fountv. liiix :il't -Uy <>
e -a, I le-l
.hi. IVpu
Aug'.i-t. I*:
f- r» tin- lir.l
•i .'.I l»- grant
• tir-tluaiy for'
VI*.udii v
. 1-1 m-eeml*-
i ticket *|,all be wixell. which lb kel
r. when it i- loexp ie. nn-l may I-.- -,x
• Her 111 o'clock I'. VI.. provided. I-- *
I .luill pa.* He- hearer thereof, after
be dull'd In-fine or after Ill'll hour,
x M l« given, nml lln- oh, ei in xl-xx. nml
lie hearer i« *-nt.uie di-tinrllx .jM-ci-
Aim hit Orillonnrr 1’ji*-, iI 'till .Inly |h:iii.
'| See. full That the but Imr* *h:ill II rei|-i(re.l l.y any per
Mill or pel.nil*, with Hie llpprullillii'll ol Hie Market I mil
luillee. divide tll«-lr 'lllilll meal a* follow* ; Kveiy call
I better, hog. goat nr lamb. Hie ipinrler* thereof "luill I*
1 ilixi-|ed into two part*. Hie loin fioin llo- leg or llu- braa-t
I from the ijuurter* ; mel the .|u.xrter*uf lieel ..ball In-cut ii|
il . into piece* no a* to *uit Hu- buyer-* Thcae regulntlnna ti
ll cnmmi-nn- at tin-opening ,,| tl,<* mnrl.i t. nn-l continue tu
I lln- hour hefore iiH-iiti"iici| ; ami any pi-nuui or pi-r*un* neg
-• I (--•-tints or ret„*ing to comply with the term* of thi* *»- th-n
y -hall torrxvry m-glect or n-luval In- ilni-l in n »nin not ex
•t i • ■•e-ling ten dollar*, nn-l exa-ri penmii pulling up tin-meat
'ball wear a ong while ni-ran every day wliil-t al miirket
See I'itli. That ('oiiiii-il mnyntnny time. Iiv re«n|iiiion.
furbid ur prevont any free per«nn of co ni or -lave from *-dl-
| mg or-I a, of any article* of ini-d. or other article.*
1 nan-ally «>*l l at market, for any oil. nc- d by a Ir,-.-
p-T.on--I color nr nlaxe. cr nlrary to the law* ->f the Slat-
nd or Oi-linam-i a of the city I no per--n of c-lor having a
a-. | ba lx.-1- to aell *iiinllware. .luill In- periuilti-d lopiirclui.eiiny
I,, Iruil w lialevi-r. nl ur in llo- vicinity ul Hu- market, li f-ue
lie preaeribe-l nine oV-Inck in tin- iiiornliig : and in ca»e of xinlalii-u of
i.i -I are li-re * ll:-. .-ctl-.i, o| tin-<Ir-limim-e. Iiy any am-li pr-r.on of c--loi
K. M lll. unl- : he -r -he Miall In- lined iu a mill, m-t exeecling tidily dol-
ted agent I b*r.. nml the toll ll- .li-ill III-f -rf.-ile.l
SAlhVll H. IH.II-:. Vdm'x. , ‘"Ida* -m-b *ei/e.l by tl,.- Ch-ik "f the Market; limit...
1 'l.ivi nIiiiII m-t an h-iteln-r. dll up im-.iI. ur *ell llu- «.line.
-I, That tin- Mayor, or Acting Mayor, may gixe per-
mi-'ii-n fxvitImuI xvIii-ii ii *1..ill be iiiilaw- uli to nnv owner,
e-'ii.igiut .or agent o any e-tt -n or oiiu-r bulky ineiehnu-
wli'rh nnv have 'n-,-h eudalilngerl by ram «-r xv..i.-r iu
ii* lran-|N>rlati--u Savannah- In expo.- llu- .nine while
ill it* wel rnn-lltii-ii in t exceeding three -lav*.Ill any puldie
l-l.ic.- eonligmni* to ihe .lore m wnri-liuii*-- ju which il in
intended in tie dej'"»!h-d. when dry. I'roxbled Unit mdlih.g
li-'tem c--ul.iim-l .bull autli-ul/e ally enr-li rxfuuurr ill any
ol Ibe Sane* not of any hi-lm m oilier ariii li-.of iii-relu-ii
■ Uiriou* tu the licallli or i’i*.
Id- do A It an-l I •
•xi. nml In hli-t* M.
.1* lb •-* l/.n !o., I
In Ibe Jm'ge.ldp „f the
-'glintiuli "I the Ib-n | dw
.ni-1 Jmli l.i.tiict I- li-ii-l
• ■ the lir.l M- , lav
. b-Tin -a* t-x Invx (-.luted on),
11 ey make a i cl urn lln-rcnf
-nrt* "I ll.e j ,i. (. , M. .' •
Judicial Iu* ;xMle *.>•*'.tx -X U--| xi|il»
im-i.t. Hi* expeiii no* o| tv
Ilii-Si'illi. will Iikuiv Iii our li eiid. nnd i«'ioii. -m
"I'll -eleeli -| .lock n* eaiiti-l fail lo gixe entire . i' . ,
• mg Mr I'.Nxm villain. In* |e,...|,al .--i, in,, n i,. al'V...
'•"''I re|a.i:l.a. In-ntol-rv. II " I - - lU.NNIli
Till'M Vs A II.,<>U \
'-ll 1
I rained in-l l:l-’ - d v.:
ml I'.-iinily Soap : '.’-I lie,re- -
i l*.\e* w bile ft-1 ,'u. l-ol.iied
■1 llt-i ring* : 1«M, •!.
a I’lpea ni- der .wall
; JO In.ii.-I. VV.nlel
nil ho\e* So. I I’ab-
• iigar c..rb-d llatn* . I
; |oil hove* new «ciib
I .x)NK. a. 1. n,
* comp—h-g tie
•ll of till- I xcriltiic I ep.llt
r 1*53
ll«)VVi:i.I. 01)1111.
a Jmlb ini I'lutrlet ;
w-i tln-r an-l Ip-up
II will I it lion
* I. lllMllt k l
Ibe nl il ly i f thee c-
«l. lo '10 ei-"tul|x i
ll.enl-oxe, that I linn
ii and 1 li.xxi-i-xi-ii
11111111.. t .'l. -ii cap.
ti e
. g t-i tl.e
■it'll li
ll-ll ol I
II .ball .
ml I-
milne f'amill
" I .".- . I'earl Starch ; |i
•| ; er ; .’ I' painted III
1 *'ij- an-l I.- tier |-a|N-
l)i: WITT .V MOKtiAN
0 1 HI: l--r aiiie. at i-.. *■ • x - - 5 m.irkei pi ire. a large am
well »cb—ted -h"I 1 'ix In which they rcpect
oi.I to '!• *
• deuce
up tie i-'potalioi, ,.| Hie e.l.11 :,.|i|i-e|i|
Mi I.i wi*s. Iiixyin hn. In-in mi lorrmr
two x* •<-. nii'l I l ike I lea'lli- in rerun mend
public n»-ill ilidii.lflo.,* c.x:;,lfe h-t de«ei x I
while l-N-king lo l,i. own intep.i.will -,ot „-
Ilia potioli.
Ill reblirjni'lilng ,11V Im.Inc*' III t|if* place
pn, tnm ix to *ay. Hint it i* n.-i Ip u, mix <
III lln- i lly o
I 0,1-1
, I.*l,
ll-l i
Ihe |
any per«"ii he antli'iiin- l tn ut.
Iilaluier^ iiitn-riiji iritli nl'uu ur
irr. ll.ioligh am of Hie puld—
j-i'-’-c And all oifende . and
roxpu-n. of thi -lion -i ll l e
I ill the liflh M-ctlnn of ll.i* Hr.
. again.I -hi
, (-.1 r-,i-iion.agxiu*i tb
•ieall with a* i. preM-ri
f'lHIK "F Clll'M'll V OlTM-F. 1
SnVannah. I*ec. tf.l. IS.VI )'
I certify that llie above ap- true exirarta fpim the nr-
dinnnee |>a**cil 1'Jtli tm*u<t, 1*C-H.
Knxv.xHiiti. M'li.-aiy. Clerk of Council.
I |i'!-'N'SF. NOTIt'iv—I'.xlr.iet* li'-in Hr-llnance regiihillng
i Muxp*. stop*.. l' iiK-in*..Nc . in thx- vi'-v »*f Savin,nix'.
It-l-l It* e\t..-i e.| limit*—|k|.*e I l'Jtli lleluber. IHJrt ;
Sec J Tli .I every |N-r.-m wlu» *h ill lierenfler keep wiih-
in tin- city -d Savannah, or it* extended ji.r'olielional lim
it-. *liire. bir room. I.ncrii. imi. hotel, ordinary
Ii ii cellar, c-nfeeii-iii-ry. eating Iiiiii*c. piuudi. purler.
ale or heer-liou.e*. lor llu- ...ile of li-pior., i-r otlierw.»i- aell
■ •r dl.|Ni*eof in ill viii'iti* or .plrltiun:* li-pior-. eider |n-i rv.
punch, or other atrong drink, under any mime whatever, in
any i|uaiility .-ll-' i lb.m tlieorigilinl |aiek.ige. ca*k or vi a*
vl a. Imported, aliall lir.l olitaiii a licen.e for tin* Mime, a*
1* hereinafter pre'-rilu-d. In tin- cla** Inr which
it i. iut* tided tot.,- u-.-d; III delaull win i. of. I.
:;\n hooks.
a I ii ... .a for ISftl-'S ; Mi" I
of (lie New w..|Id— ol |
it ii Kligland. by .1. T. Ilin-ll.-v. in tnxi j
Am. i - i iu two v.
I In- .“ex'Otid VV a,
volume', with plul
Men ii'i'l lldiig. a* I Saw- Them In r-. r ..|.-. by Klrwnn. I
Vr idri—the t'Stv ot the cea. fn ni Hn- inv ,*lon of Nnp-- '
le-n !• tin- c ipituialu-ii in l v J.b I• x I din. Klagg. with a nin| y
an-l einlu-lii.limeiit*. in two xininiu-* | '
.■■ir vim llamiltiiiT*|i|.cii**ion«oil l*|ii!oso|ihy nn-l lit
er.xlure. I'.duc.iHoii iiii-t l uivei'ity Slelorm. J ,.-i
l-iiiple|o|i'» Vhlluai.-lii ami vfeclinnic*' I'uckoi
I'lUllfsilllon. XX it |, Im.'li-llul call.III.,
I'ielnre ITea-iii-' I'm-k. witli "• illa-tration*.
^ Swi«» la,oily I! .1-in.r-n wiili *> ill i-'ralion*.
l-imll'd ll.-l-pin--.. l.y I
I -le lo.
nd X
x liand'o
Altiiii'iilntg fdimU.
r nl xi--ui imiig Hre.n Hi-od« and K.inlimlde-
i evi rx H- i" m w and In-.iutilul
* llnwlt-v.
'• «-•' • i- ' and Herman lln*ierv for la
and cl-I
h t • tli
III 'I I bail- jl..- lake,; I l ax.
coll*, ' -.1 a pflxate chain, !' i al*.
! I mux l-e I-luill ninny « rairy with in, ....
, -a I.l.l Uitu-n i-udeheii'U the" dvx-j x *t ini.,,.- ,,m, .
ip.rliyiimlii.lxniiciii.ini »f tl.e and ti. ,
'* "I loi-ir t-i ,-licet (hi*, llu,n Hie n rr l
1 b-alii x nn-l h-im,al-ler-niiN-iit,, n. Ictib... . .
tl.elln nml SInle.-rl-ii. j. , I:i-n \
S IX INN ,11.'.'Ill Max . I F.V,
S' I* —Mr 11 |i W Aoraxi-,it l» ,ny legally ,i,ii| M , r - r ,,
r the VrnnanrU-n and cloalng ui- --1 m- 1 ,v. ..
.» C. liiHCMiiv.
nneld Sl.lrtln-g* ""
i-. In hie liiuiiii'l...
-. Itiowu Shirtt»x„-«
A In..
Ut \ IM. HUt kK, It
!ing«. Dlanket*. *Ji: lit *. Ili'll
b I'la li
Ir- mb - ll.,t. I. >
e-l. Id!,
1 le
n I'au
.l.-rl |"idin.
'.upon cuiixic
n il. ..hall forfeit a
-Te all win"-
/ 1 F/mClA -•'Iii.’>i t.n
Vl cmcerii: Win i • r-dii
Court of Orliuary f-ir l-iler*
iivorge J. /j|i|H-rer .
The«e are. th-ref.ire. to cite Mi-1 and a-lmnnx-h all whom
I m ix - •••■ I 1-0 .. .'.I.I, I'.p.r, I.. II, ,1- ,
bjecilnn (if any lln-yhavei nn nr before lln- lir-t Monday
n March next i.lln-rwi*-- .-ii-1 l-il- r* w ill he granted.
tVltne*d..l«i.eph tianahl. K-|..l' -p. «*r llnarx for Cballinin J
gountr thi* 11th-lay of A ig.i't l"'--i
.|. .In-I.i II I.AN Mil mi-
( 'lIMItiil.V—i »»-v ■ — I" nil wlmin n may con
T cern : VVlierca*. Iledding l»enniark will apply nl lln
Court "f Ordintrv for letter* dl*mi..i.ry a« n-liuiui-tiiit«-r .
nn the t-.taie of l*nniel llCnonor :
Tlieee are. tln-r-f- re.c I-- mi l a all whom .!
tip eone-rn. to liean-l appear before .aid
n. Jecthm (if any they hsix. , mi or InTure tin- tir*t
iu June next, "tin i w i*- *
VVitl|e*a. Will. lo-e. K.-ll
tv. thid3-Hh-l.iv of November. I s "d
1 . . .... XX-1
him. I*',.; _hd.
Vb-rdei-ai Mx-r.
mi of I-lward H
-. Hull dug and
eijuity of
i III VlllA'I si l'| i,|iill I II lli —M.xv I
V/ waul li. Wil-oii. Tn-a.iiiei. .V.- . -• >u<
Tru-tee. A'e.—//»/• .Vi-, —I'pun tin- prliti
WiUun. rie.iNliierol llu- Hill
I am ii A*-nn-intioii, pi.iying the fni-ecln.iire
re-li nipt Ion i.fainl in all Hint parcel or hd of lam
lying nml being in llu-eily -if Sivannab. county of Chat
ham. itii-l State of Heorgir. ar-l ku -wii am! -li.liiigui'ln'-l in
tin- plan of «;\id city u l/it No I'ifljaix (Ml. Drown ward,
ol Mor-lei'lli Mxrr*. *i|l'.litllte Irll*1 >-,- midi l till- Mari'.IJe 1 keen nil
.'••ll.i liieiii "l Ixon , ix . , nnioi .mu -i.ii i
.«nid property ivas mortgaged hv tlu-aal-l Murdecai Myer*. . Him- Hi
trii*tee a* nf<-re*aid. (under and Iiy viitueot a clniiae In | limy dir
tin- >abl marriage ■.•iileim-iit. nutlioriziiig tin triislc-* to I |idled t
at gain ami .. || nil or any |-ait ol tin- prn|«-riy upon m 'm-li
i Ibe j
• ■ of -In- owner.
re-, or Id., lo r or their agent, being n white person And
il 'licit 'luxe ,|in-n act a* butcher, cut up meat, nr —U
"Her tl" - .nine f..r *ale. eontrarv tu llo- i-roxi.ii.n- ot llii*
-eeti-in. Ill-- xviier or nxvners. emi l-xcr or em| b-xer.. 'Imll
he lined ui a * nn not i-xcei-dlng thirty ilollur*.
•■*••-■ I s lim' no hotelier, l-iiiiging meat of any kiml to
Market, b-r ..ib- nt nnv ol the Mall, and
|N-rw-n. bringing litc “lock, or any o'lo r »|N-,-ie. ..f pp-xi—
t' ll* to Vlurkel fx.r “ill-. .Imll lw p! vndtlx-d. X.r nl'-'XX. d to 1
keep any wagon, carl, or nny ulhi-r cat riiige. veliiele l.or-e .
See d Tint llc-ii.e* r.,
nn-l I a* follow..
iug li-|iior store*.until' r
non* oi .pirili.oii* lii|i.oi.
|i!o-e' w l,'e,'.‘ , .oM. and'ex
max In- grunted -in 11 pay
ber two. (ur retail 'Imp',
'-lln '
i llu- Maikel t .-liiuiilt,-.-. nr
i. an-l Midi Imtclu-ror otln-i
-Iran- up hi*, her. or llu-ir nn
■aimer, nn-l in such place* a-
id letters will he
x for ll llb-
WVf I.n:
•d Hu- Mnik-t
on .hall I on, I
carl, or xeldele.
. .... one of Ihe M.r
»r *.-iid Ch-rk. shall tliiuk iuo.| c--liieni-i,t I
lor the *ah ol the articles an brought, imr shall any per
noii i.r peiMiim Ik- allowed nr periiiilli'd In fee.l witli grain
or mrage any lii-rs-. mule a**, or ox. or any ollu-r annual. I
■•I ll.e mii-I 'I nk,-t. of williin Hie li,. il* pre-i-iili—I hv Hi •
-aid V oni.nllle- or t ierk ami it *hall In-the duly o| He I
I I rk » l 11.-- Market, t'ilv Mar-lial. »r Citv r-u, t ildes, .
i-ufovcx- and ewriy into vtli-,-t any nr-h-r ol the Maik- V Com. ]
n.illei-. re* ting Ihe lulc* mm’ log.ilulion* pn-.cilhi-l in I
llii* section, and any pernon ur |icrsuiis .-treii-ling again.I
H-- .au'.e. .hall l-e line I hy any one ol Hie Market C, muni
r t fj Mini a—<‘ii
~ rern: Win*
. John
-T-. all wl.i.l
Court of or Ilnur
of .lanu-s Carolmi. -I-
Tll-sr- are. tlierehn-. «o eil-
may concern. !*• In- an-l a-'|-ear
cilij.-r li-ui. if any Ho y have, nil
dav In January ,n-xt. oflier
Wmu-ss John M VI i 11.-
C-iunly. till* l*I l ix of ivc
r 11 .,iy;i.\ .
Or-liimiy lor i
i»..-r. I“'.0.
.lollS M MlM-KV. ■
In-fop- the Hi .1 day
wage. „„.| Hi.
ml. that the eipnly
i,ij .-—T-i all xvIomii it im -
«. An 1. -.x Firry will apply at tli- )
letter* of ii-luiilii.lratiuli
• Hn-r
. der
may mince'll. i" an-l up]
,,eject inn (if.i-iy they haxei
lJ.1V i-l JailUai . Iiexl.nlll- i ■«
VVitnc*-. J -iin M. Milieu
IIHV 1st-lay "f llece
r u:oip;ia-
; Who
v f.r I-iter* of -li-
•• nnd ndinoni'li all "In-m ■
.■ai I—hire -a-l Court to lick lh- .err-n-t X|.„
— -ai-l b-tk-i, will In- grant- -
F-| . Ordinary b-r Cliath.ii
nlii-r. I'.k'J.
JOHN M Mil 11 '-. •- r -
..ll w i om it may ei
.1 ix-dl—k will apply a' th
ui tli- estate •
aliiimil-li all wImni
Ih-I'iui- -aid Crilirl. lo
-l» or tin- U,*t
•ail biter* will I.-
Court of or-
I/IwnpI N.-ufv!l>. dccca—l :
These are. lli-n -"i
it may con -rn. to be an-l app-a
make objection- it nnv th-v lone.
Mon lay in Jon- n-xl. otiu-rwi*-
fr vvilue’*s. .h-hii M Millen. Ii-|uir- ordii
-rif ,Uy ‘’"""'j-li.V a'' MII.I.KS'... .■ r
Court of Opllnary f-c K-lt-r* of n bnini tinti-n -in th-
estate of Margaret McPonnld. .leccnscl:
These are. therefire. to . it- and admonish all wlmin It
may concern, to b- and app- .r h-fore - .id « mirt. to make
objection it .ray limy have. ..n or le-f-re th- *ccon I Mon
day lo Jan jirv next m'.>»x-l h-tH r* wdl U- grant.- t
Witness. John VI Millen. 1 «| . ordinary fur Until mi
M a„u. .hi. flnt .U, -11-;;-.
C TF/iltniA—I'hnth-IM Cuuu'1loall whom ll may --m
J cern : Wln-rca*. Hex . J F O'.Neiil. will '.ppl* at ll.e
C-.-irt of Ordinary lor letter* gunrdian*l..p -x-r lh- |/i
«r.-i and pr",a-r'y of Mary Fliiabetu MclbmaM. minor of
Margaret Mcll-nmld. det-.-a*ed :
These are. therefore, to cite an l adinonMi all wl.oiu it
may concern. Is- nnd nppea, before anid «»
make objection. If any tin
Mon-lay in January next,
ipie«t id llie said Iti-fw-rt VV', nml M-
tln-ir reuin-st that >ni-l umrtgap' -In-uld im iiiiute. being
i-vi l.-n-ed hy tb, ir signing ami -milling Mild dci-d "f nmrl-
gage) i-i the said F Iwnrd «!. VV'il IT-a.ur- r at, afore
said. l.y re I le- irintf date the .ixleeiilh day ol'Ih-eeinl-er.
in tin-y ear one tlmu-and eight liun-lred an-l lifts -two. to
•••cure" the payment of tin- .uni nf two thuusiii I dollar*
"iilx lwte»e*t ui tin- rate of six per ,-ent. j»-r ittmitm. j-.xyti.
Ide imuitlilv. fr-iin tin- sixleenlh dav ol lii-ceiuhi'r. .Vii:u-
11-1111111. I’*- 1 ,-, on demand.aeeopling H. lln H-nor .rad eHeet
of a ecrtuai peunissory n- te made Iiy tl.e ».,|.| Murdecai
My-r*. tru-tce n. afore.iti-l. I" the 'aid IMwar-l li. VViN.ui.
|p-4»iner a* abiri-sai-l iM-arin-g it.-n -late will, (he said
mm lag-, i.u l that Ill-re stilt remain* i.ii| aid tlicii-mi. the
< -iii uf two tlimiMind dollars :
• in imdion uf liiilDn .v liordm, nltorney* for p-Cii m r
ii i ..rih-re-l-that the *ai-l M-Piccal
•a-l. do pay into thi* Court.
•In-next '.--llll Ol llii* Court, the prill-
ill 'In--aid|.*orx note and i-nn
of llii* .ippli-alioli. ami ill defnillt the
■•f i-demplion of the “.xi-l Moi-li- -.,1 Myer.. Ii
«-ii-l. ami *11 ibiiming uiid--r s.ii-1 trii-t lo llu- -ni-l moil- . C
ng- I I-I-Uli— l«- Ihenc for h and forex- r I cl : I
V-i I. il i* fur I her ordered, that a e-py of Hn. rule I— puli- | I.—1 in ,tin-i.f llu* |nil-lic garelles of thi* Male, ••in --
lu-'iilhfor four moiilli*. or .erxi-d on lh-im.i iga .-r or h
sp-dal ag-nt or nttnrncv. at |i-a«i Hire- immi ,.* pri-vim
Hi- Him- tin- -ii i< -lire.-li |o tin- paid, ami licit -in
further an I other | p-c<-.-ling* n*aie pre* rdN -l I
th - *f al-it.-. of th- .'Title .if tie-irgia. in »nrli ra» • uia-Vui
provided. 'en'.’l— I in Jin
i:fII■ ■ tg11.iin ( oiinty Kxs-s'Ulor'a Hull-.
l^XH I I'dt'.' SAM.— 1 I'll lie- in-' Tu--day in Jasiuai
I j next. l--f-ire lh- i-.iurt lo-,— in Kliingb-iui ronuii. b
tween (lie I gal In.ur* of sale, will I - *o!.'. Hi - f..'b. xii
pr--; efty lc-|ouging to III- x-lale of .'pier Hlit -ll. -I-
lo - it : a li'-gio woman. Sophia, mid b-r nine chil-li'.-ii : I il '
In rinuli. nn I In-r thn-e children, m-l one n-gio l.dl-.w . '••' * *•
al--. the plantation nnd l.ite i- idi-iu-i- of Spl-r Flit- Ii. - -n J 11
i lining I-Oil act good pin- land, well Hint -d. with "
valuul.b- improvement.—ha. a conf-.rlnbl.. -I ,x • iling .ill-l • uriner. ll.e name Ol Mirl, |N r-i-ll
out 1.."l-e* . ul.o. oil the .uecd-dilig d .v. Oil l||e , .-om let to|, of I be oirem-e afore-aid “If II I.,, pi,Iili'l.•*! I
pr mi.. . will I I-I. all tin-plantation lu ti-.-l.-d t • "J " ll ''J" H"- public gazeiI bv Hi-I
an I k'tid ell f irnllure -lock id x.iiimi-de-eripi;,..,- -u.-h a- I ' |, rk ' "'""'il. win. .-duly il shall In- lo |,axe"|he"s nn- I
l.-.r-• *. hog., cut ll-.-I i-l- . corn and fodder, and all I »* , * 1 ‘- | '*'d. I'W-tln-r will, flu- amount i.r flue. uni-"., aft r
an l -ingnlar llu-g aids, chattels, and HT.-.-ls l*d.n.g:iig lo ! " Ib-n. • oum-il .ball oilierwi.e order.
-aid - Slate Sold by xirl .,- of a decree from llu honor i'-|,. ' ‘h'l n .hall not Im lawful lor any pcr.oi, lo .|e. ;
• :eSo|icrior Court *.f said countv. for tb- In-nelil of ll,- -r lie-lowri upon the public “tail* in llie maikel iu |l;,-l
b-ir* and distributers of said e.|-v T-im« mad- known "'■f 1 '’ lime'ami eiery pen, -hill
i lee., r M ivor. in a -him not ling ihiity
I \e. uli-ll .hall be bled illiUle.h..ti lx Ilieie.-iflVr. au-l .e{v,-d I
I and execule i oil llu- prnpm|y of llie ■ If-mb r or oiremler*. j
' hi*, her. or tln-u pn,.<-"hui orageuev, and llu- cause I
1 -il aueli eouipliiiul by lln- Marshal. Ill* ilepu-.v. nr auv fill
table, wml «o|.| at llie Mnlk-li.n live dais noll -e. n-l '
all.-. paying the -sii-l line, an ! liirv I. ro.t.. the *ur| lo. ;
i “hall In- paid ox.-r to I Im nltender or oil, „.|- r .. . r hi.. |,cr. I
-il' IIn-ir agent . r agents
• N "e. I'-'ili. and afier till-1-is-age of llll* Hr-li
r. i ii---'. i, .lull 1 In-the duly- ul Hu- Maikel I '.•■limit l.-<- au-l]
i i—11. of the Market, from lime lo I llie. mi l a. nfl.-n a.
think pro|N-r. In examine llo- -u-ah - ..f ., 11 p,., .
selling in Hn-Vfnrk-t or am olh-r p.rt -I Ihe;
I eily . an-l pre-cribe the manner of •«»pending llie s iim- •
Ami nil |"-rs-.ii* negleeting hr refa.lng |n In .in- I
-ItreeHon* «hall lie Ih ed iu a *uux ix--l eX- v.-Un,- Uiiilv did 1
lars. J
M-c -Jblli Tie- U.-rk of tlm Market |. b- reNy a-itlmri/e I I
• ml r.-.,uir. d IV. m lim- lo thin- to t-Xn,.line into the weight I
| ami m—a sure* of all au-l every i-.-r.oii or persons l-:yi,,g [
•i III"; In llu- eily. an.l subject lo tills a ml Im ‘
| thi. pm In- 'li.-tll luixii free aci-.-s i.. lot I
j 'tore* “bop or building in which the * aid w-ight. and noa- i
i -ire. are n-ed. a ml to try the • ime lin-g I
,ml-• ki.o.xl- ‘g—‘slalida .'.and if am i- :- u,
• tin- km w
retailing lii|ii-r* .hall be <-l.i*>ed
ii/ ; I Iii'* nuinber nn.-. lor keep.
/Ilig Ihe hohleis to -I-II mail. x|.
in any i,iiaulily lint I*-*, tli.iu a
In- uni drank or cui-une-d at the
ry per-ou to ivIm-iii -m-b Ih-eii*,-
lix.-nly-five dollar* Has. mini-
Aii*.. Illlllu-ri/illg the luibh'l’* In
*p ! riiu-.u« li'iuius in any ,|iinnliiy. with
pi-rnii.-ioii to dunk or mn-uiue Ihe s um-al the | l.u-e
w 11—re »o|'. and i x.-rv per-on in u hom such lire„*v may lie
gianted'hall pay thirty fixe d.dlar-s.
.'ic Thai no lii-eii-e * hill linllinrixe the holder lo-ill
one. nor at any ul her than llu- mie d-slgiiaten in sii< h li-
.•-n-l'. wituoui III “I giving i.olice to Ihe Ch-ik of Council of
hi« or her reinntnl : » heieu|Niii the • It rk shall olitain li- iu
the Mayor, or. in hi' uhsei.n-. ftmu the • luiiiuian. a cerlill
cx!e on tlx- luck of 'uch Ucvii-u, “(«-cifymg llie place uf
10 mini!.
Sic ‘J That If anv jiers'in or persons, wjilmnt a lic.'iis-,
I |Ui>r>. in am t|U'Miiili-- or juireel* olln-i Ilian a* impoi l. d
in the original pa-k-ge*. ,-.,.k. or vessel*, and deliver He
a line 'ii smaller i|U:tlit it ies, nr al dilfcri lit peri. d< ol line,
wi'h intent to ex.ide the proxision* of this Ordinance. ),
p-i'sonoi persons upon c.-micthmliefiiri-Conncll. shall im*
lid! and pax I'm each olli-nce a sum imi exceeding thirlvdo'*
In. Anv per«nii obtiiinlng a lic-nse of d.i»« iiiimInt
lw,. for rel.i shall have i.liiinly and di*Hnclly pm I.
in leiler* not ihim Hin e inches in length, oxer lh- her.
mi llu- outsideu| Ihe house or shop wherein lln- Fm|Um - me
sold, mid fio.iling Hu-'in-el lane or si|iuup. llu- name of
the |“ r-on .*«• liren-i-I toge; her witli these wen's. •• l.ici-u-ed
to ie*ail 'piritimii* I -,u -r-." and ex—ry |N-r»on violating thi*
section -lull he line I lor each week 'iicccedillg the firs! ten
•I.i v« alter oblaiiiiiig Hu- I ice n.e ill a sum not exceeding
tliiity dollar*.
.“ee. II Thai If them shall he found in tin- *lmp nr eu-
cl,, ore of niv retail-T-i -f lo|um *. within III- juris 1i.-tl*»,i-
al limit* nf the city. alt-r dram beats al night, any iiegm
or |N-r'om-f e-dor. lo-t lie- | roper y of llu- owner ol «ii>|
shop or retailer of win-'ball not have Ik-i ii sent
lliere Iiy their owner* or giuirdinus. a lid who aliall In- with
xwtf w written ticket t»* that vtU-cl. tlu* pecwin x-r (ier*mi* mi
entertaining or liarbur ng suell negro or p -r*on of color.
*h II Ik- lin-'d ‘br each oiri.|,i-e iii a sini not exceeding thirl x
dollar*, and Ih- City Mu*li.,l. City C,in*lab|-* ami Citv
Watch are h-iel-v authorised tn enter lie' pr- mi'C* xxlu-ic
• n h i,i-..■rm-s ur per-mi' nf cnlor lire hail*-r--d. ami cuinmll
Ill-Ill |o lie- roll Jail. Iiiiiii which they -hall not In- ■!!.
i-)i;"l’i-I ini'il flisy skull have paid tin- expense* of such
• i.iille* V: lln- Mud Cahill i I’rofci.or
Silliinau'* Travel- ill l!iii.ipe : helmi-i of a Hell- ; l.on n/o
Ik-n-ini ; MiM-re'.s |.{,«- of Sheridan. Arc
oeejfl W IIIiiRNK VV|I.I I.VM.s,
R KCFIVFH I'.v .' ' .'IUF! V. H-I. V;,Hi. l-.’i.T - |ii-cii«
-imi oil I'hiio-ophy nod Filer.ilmc. by Sii VV llamilleu
llu,lie* of llie New World, or linpre«>ioil* of Aim-lira, by
Fre-lrikn Itn-nuT. trnii-lnt,-.1 hv Man llouitl.
Men and Tiling* m i.y Kn'w.,11
II,one I'icliin--. l.y Mr* .Marx A l-i i.l.mi,
Uh-tiu ic o| Com -1 *11,inn. -r lli'i-lle.* an-l Spur* for the
managcuii'iil-d Hn* Tmigiie, by l.m VV lleixey.
Hr Cli.'ilnier-' •‘ori"*'|,ond.'iice. by llev Win Hanna.
d that t.htlei -. m H e Vming Calilornia. hy
m. i*ui:.m,i:iic;.\st & co„
I,* -i. • '/I' . .. Imfn r't Hull,.Sfiniawtl,
M .VV|; great pie .—i'i. in i.i iii.g all 111I imi late pur
eh!i-e. Ii nneeli-'i, with tli- ir H'lail trade, they car-
out 'll idly ! he *niue -x -Imn. in the sale of llu-ir go
kx > pi-.1.111- r
*. at gn»i |,
I In
• iiII advantage arising fioni
a-,.I head* of fraiilie* and
will fin-i many la 1 ye lot* lo
. tfn-la,
ly; Hrnff tln-ir rii.ii
b-ivieg in larg- h-t*
all | •-,*•.n*. nny ing i
Inn from an-l -h-cii’.i
/.KitMAVs tooth
I I'illS -'elie•' - :* nrli. 1 i.i.-* «n Uianv |,u iil»'ion*
i .|'i -*• i-. it I.' w Ucmii.-a .tan-lard Ii-I- Hle
will. Hie 1 In. n* -I N-w V> ,k. I'l.iluilelpliia. Il.illiim r.'
ITt|.!i'.rg. a l.-l other plm 1- I enii-i* and I'hy slclnli' pie
Sol folk
mg hi* i.un.i r 11» irh u-l* that h
"X|-.i- ti'Micil an-l fu- ni.lii.l 1
nn-l ample arm,ip ment* for lh
••I .HI .-I.--10. y 1-1. r I im win, tln-lr patr-nn-i
Ihn Inc had -n.idi-ratd«* exja'rieiico 11, hm
flail-' - loin—d| i|u,t fun.llie* no- . n k '-mu .i.
c- i-■ iii.“li»s'il nl Ike Irxlng a* -al--l.iel.-iilx a*
liolel or l*-iii-ll||g * ' '* ■' ‘
ih a <
CIV to
- II.-
ml mh-r.
aii'hie thi. lu-n.i- In-fore mni ing ,,i. -1..
1. cilgildy s it mi led at the comer H I'.lli -Ins- t-i. I>au-
Mpltl-I 4|K. it|Xlt-
. Id i.g i. In.-
'inxcion* and .■
-I flu- l-e.I -h
II xi Util,
I Alice
r A'ti
r. .1 )
■ Ik.
index '* Lid.x * Itm-k ami 1.
; Flack wood'. Maga/ioe.
*. a iiox-l. fron
'rs.iy ; ll..- Mi-might i.'n-
o'- llluslrntcd Vow*,
limin'* Maga/iiic. for Nnvein
,-i 1 icH-lier : < limded llnppi-
the I rench of the fount.'--
n. by ti,N.rge Mpp-r-l I m
*.fully. an
ed bx
l/l.nijH nil. 'T.iil'H; fire in.-t ruuiplele slock
in widllis fioin oil" In eight yanlv'imuiiiie* and hnhuKccp
er* run cov.-r tli-ii .lining rmiui* or halls wJlImut piecing
M SI. II lil'ION. Aged. Carpet VVaiehnu*e.
fehft 140Cmigie*.nml a,? 8 !. Julian *t-.
n tlmriuigiily Hint they nn-
- and dllTna’e* thr ngb the
u-s Hint tin- liiealli I* ren-
1 v. ill in 1110.t iii*lNii.e* nf-
> l r x lilltmi. n ) hexxiiM rxt
submitted tin- article In a
'ii ii ul tu <
A \ | • STKFI. I'KNS. 111-1
il ul gnld pen* and pencil*
al'ii. a variety nf line
/ 1 FI N.-' AMI l'l.N'fTI:
V I r-.-i-iv.-d, a line as-ortim
dm,Ide mid single extiui.imi;
pen..or cheap al the le-nk * on-of
a p* U .*).-* * "• ! V I'ft.ingress, at!*-1
/~1|H*I* I HAMS, I HUM ll IIKFF. I'Hi I'nFK «tc — In*,
V> recelxed l‘"x lleymdd'. Vxtrn Family Ham*. 'J )dd< Fig
Umiis. lib Iili-l* Hacmi Shniildi-rs. 1" Im If i»hl* Fnlli-n Market
Heel, m half an I whole l.'d* Fig I’mk. 1«> bid* Vo | l.eal
1-nrd. In bid* winter nil. For *alc at the corner of llrough-
t* 11 ami llrnxtnn streit*. Iiv
oct'.i ' ’ DAVID O'OiNNFJI.
kJ' ill.l V'S I.F.UltlilA I LAIN -A lew Imle* nf thee all
• J pi-rlm- gouds mu iiufi.-l ui i-l Iasi sea*mi. which are rail
si'h-icl by judge In lie the be*| IIIlicle ill (III-maikel —
I'laoi. i. are im i ed tu rail and examine (In-nt iH-lor,-pur
chasing e|.euIll-re. KI MITuN .v VKItSTiU F.
ocf.'.'i 7'.’ H. Julii n nml lOo Dry nil street*.
n *ih-by imx '.’-T
lt)N.—The Ih 111 of Kim. \ I'ruxi.x.Mi heretofor,
■ling nl Tin,In*' Town. I'mui-hn dimly.tin-rgiM
ti n ing dis.nlve-l.-o piirln.-i'.hip mi lh- g!'lli day III Align* I
lil't. Ibe lilideisighc-l take* this n elln-d ol illloriulug llu-ir
ti ii-ud'and the p-ildlc generally that llu-Inisiui'ss al H-nl
place will im rain limed by then'i. nnd that they lire at llii*
time receiving a large nn-l well .elected stock of g.-nds suit
able in lie- tra-'e ol ll.e ndioinlug e-iiintii-s in tii-orgi" an-'
FI- i'i-lid. mii-I —in-it the p.itimiage ol their frien-l* mid tin-
puldie v-nera lly. .1 A.Ml is I. KISH .V mi.
Caniden county. Sept .'puli. 1HKI, nctll—»»:.i
M'. vcufhs wash h —The «<
1 J 1 XI1I1
I- It i-l- .ll-e. l!.e t . I',
id" I.I pearl in XX hilt 1,
-.III Stldl a delightful ll".
d r.-l-ei* i'.i I II.- Miml x i. I-i,
lie- {-'.low .ng Cx TtlticixXv tl
lid wide cclrhlil. ul.o I.
. -al am.lx.l., i* pn-o| .
ol it* *upx riniHx
•• I l.axc-v,mined .1 b .It!-1 f •• Zerni.ui's AnH-Scorlmiic
T'"ilh VVb-Ii." and liii-l il I-. I.,- a xi L etnbl,- pri-paralimi of
cent rliMiacle: I l.-l - veit will pmXx-beucflrinl for
the pm pose it i» tvv»xtxxn< n»te-l "
JA.MKS. I: cHll.Tli.V, M. D.. Chemist.
.Imi received.ami l-r .ne- by
nm l" \V. W I IM'iii.y. Monument S.|unrc
WAT Kll-4 1 |(Id IWriTI T li—Jill,I,|. IH-'K
VH.I-F. lil.i'lo-IA.
D ll F H l"»VI.F 'akc (.!-.,-me in annniincliiR In-nvn
lid. and Hn- puhlle g-o-.r.-.Hy. Unit the nlmxe pnpular
an-l sup.-il-ily appoiutn! nl. Inrn-erly cm ud-
''d l-y f. Cniit.-x rnvi k. M I*, i* now n-a-lv lor’thc rccep
th'ii • ■ palii-l.i. seeking a i--l„iaii, 11 to health
All x-l.roiiii- di-iM*.-. ol tin- ■..■ sfullv
treat,-,! ai lln in.tinil--: •!,-a. gnul. riicinnati-m.
cnii*ti(-nll"ii. heuuirrtxnhl* or Uettnirrluxg,-*. ixxiiexx*
i-rrl-n-a nii-tinri l.n-a. -lx -men,.11 la. - Hum iillm.. getillnl dl*
l-l ocn-1 ■ - I".-,..: -I il.. au-l ears, teller, erx
-ipehis and all chioiiir-li.ei.-e- ol (he skin nnd scalp •--r’o
lula. dr--|-y. *y ihil*. mii-I tl-- g ne.-al
Ix. neiira'- u- *• iati>-u. t--- -loul-Mir n*.. hy.leriB. epilepsy
nr tin- hilling *ieklle*s, vlrlip". | unity .i-.npi-plertirtcudeu-
x-y. txvniH'hUls n*tlima. rhionlc mtliimiiHnn ot the ■|ntnnc)i
and bowel, a mphy . and lud, ed ex. n | e.-llilc hliliit of. or
ehron ,- -lisen-e I mi ion llml I* .-urabh— an,I all <hfa>m un
_ Tin- I 1 '■< -' Ik-partnielil i- under ||ie llniuedinle .llpeivl.
sh'il "I Call on. | I:“I . -I I I I- . 'Ir. I x'F M.imiFWs, so well
I i "i •• 11 ■ "1 I ,1 ■ -I.- i.i -hincnt
tin11 ol a ‘11 icily IivIi..pal 1 1-• m* In .-i.-lllc cour*e id Iren!
no ,(J. tngetla-1 will, il. . of.. - .."Imn, nil poim ■ ,11
*' ’ *' ‘ render* il |N-c«li,rly
ii .ai - of ai ailing lln-iii-
still li-iu-—||,e charges are iiiiMlorrle tin-linxm-nl
am ■ «llh Hu- Him . whilst tin n.ldi * gioaii wc|, i!.» -i
Hint Ihe country Mlh-rds. (all. ml ..1.
, , I'AMI I. |. II.I.V1I
Wn*t,t«XBtexx D (' . Jxxne V IVdt y.'
mi- iu.m iimiru(i\ i.\ thi: muu.
'.’JiVI-nx ci.l'U' CIIAMI'AU.N
rpill, un.lcr.igni-l would le.pc.-nully
I ami public generally llml he i» in-w 1.
tml' exvelh-ni wine*, per exeiy
1-lleia In don-1 or Im.iii store.
■fully it 1,ml-.,
i- hr,. 1
- l-K
i! -I laJ
lil-lce* roll. ,011
many which an- .idling al a high-1
VI. -r. Fi.i.s.xHii. I »:ke el I lie . i Ithelin*. p,VT
Hie above brands, |a,-:|lli,-s tori' 1
o| line wines, In tbn»e of any nlher hm
di-trli I* can gimmniee tln-ir wines being .cl
llnc-l 1 image. Will all. 11. . loun-l 01 Ihc
aiel nolfoini ipi ll-x
lln- lab-1.nn-l cork* lienr the lianie «•( llifl
llu- trade 1, united to ex mum .,iiii||i- ]
Full- Agi nl meI lini o
I 'nil, -I .“Inte
t-n. 11 n|.i J
I - a I I ji 1 !.
Ikicon Mimilde
lo take.
li-ll sii.iil lie line.
Amt further, ll-
nii-ldi-lrox. , r t.
1 -Ii r.ilm u.’ighls or I.ica-
-•mling agaiii'i llu- prmi-
ict tv.
11 Ihe
■atli Ordinance. pa*-c-l llth April.
I'I Fh.l
• of tw
: Sec ll If tlu-re shall h- r-
I anv retailer uf spiritmi* li
I with ll 1- juti.didioual lim
ml in the shop 11
•■sure id
ok shop,
* of the cil.v. oil III- Fold's
■I Hu- property of the owner
of .11 id conk rImp,or retail,-1 --fli-iuor', tin- Marshal,*r Con-
st il,!,-* may enter the | remise* ami Ink,- >ue|i mcroes n,
jail, ami thep,-r*-oi or* so Imrlmriiig 1 r eniertai-iiiK
nlinll he lincit In a sum imt exceeding thi.ty
IT inci) al. 1
All,un.I bring -
ml lln
ilh then
1 /MANI i l. Cut N I V FXF‘1 DllFS SAI.K.—Will U- ...I
j al the Coin t llou.e of I iii.iiiii,-I roil niv. the Jl.
day -if iM-remlN-r next, about *WI head of rnllle. running i
the eoiiiille'of KnmnneF llullorh ami Appling, ami !
■In-ep in Kmanin-f **■
1 luunth.a
aid letters Will le
On III" •iid dav ol the »i
the pliuitiition in Ihirke county, ol'llu- late llerny |*. J,iiu-s.
aiH.ut j' of cattle, running in llurkeaml .“'crixen cun
ti«—. “iinrvfi h- a-l of hois'-- and mules, ffdlo, -.isi j*.rk nn-l
stock hr>g«. 1**1 sheep. ‘J Jack* and J.anells. Al-o «,n the
•Jlllli of the *aine month, at tlieplantaliou of said deceased,
in Washington county, in*, head cattle. 11m, |Kirk and stock
In-.-.. Ill sheep. 'JO or k'.'i mules and horses. 'J Jack* nnd
Jauett*. -.villi tin- huuselioM fiirnllure ami i-lniilnlioi, implc
in’-n*-. all la-h-nging to the e.tate # of -aid lie
up l.y H e Marshall. City ( 011*111 Ides, or t 'ilv W’afch.
muxItilluii thereof hefore tin- Mayor, lined hi him in*.. !
■uni nut exceeding *ix (^il) dollars.
Smukimi in thr Marktl. 1-uunl (hi. I' t. l s;-o
See. 1. That it .hall nut he lawful forwxxy per-ux t>x *mnke !
■ray .. gar 01 in the 111 ark'-l ph„ - i„ t|,c ,-llv ol I
•axannali under Hu- penalty • f tun dollar, for tin- fir-t" !
fence nml not cx-ieding live dollar* for each and evi-rx -ul • I
."<|U<-nt olh-uce. if th<* nllcndei ho a while per-ou - and un- 1
l- l a penalty of not exceeding I..||„r.. orawhiipiug
* —teu stlf|a*. if the offender be:,., luxe 01 free
: Tlo-abov m;)li.'i
Sixannah.'Jl*t !»• e. hiImt. t“.VT.
■ extracts from Onllnnucc* an- published for Ihe
of all concerned, and the altenlinii of Hie 1 iiv
y Cnn*lahles and t Iiy Watch lire i-speclallv df.
•lie. will h- preleri
Applh-aHon mn*l hi- in
ei-mhcr next. Feller* in
lloar-l must be pO'l paid.
a.i of j'Murullon of il
l- imile Icachers for *ai
p l-cfore the VAth of Iv
ii-'apted to lh
..-lx,.* ol the <
The 1 Ix
-Ilh'aex .
ol Ihe xml
I c-mloce
•II r-u in,
I I In-
in- ol Ihe un-si d,
•iMinI Slate,
i-li tln-ir own nul-liF-
Mi'I M,i.n. Hecn-tary.
,'iJ»F Id i.r.l/.xltl III IMIFI M ■
v urn
KDWAUD C. VVTI.<o\.C|cik of Cm
Ml Of -l-X
1 -lay lo
Witness. John M Millen. F-|uire. ordinary for Chatham j
r '"'""Til7.vTiiii.n-N..
A I»MINT<TIIAfFIX NTriHI —To all concern, -ITwo
month- alter -'.te application -.11 be »•»
Court of nr Hu,n ol n.:.ilc,m Stale of i-eorgia. f-r
leave to -ell the real e,iale Imlonging I- ll.e e-tat- of
lo-r Rosy. dere,**-d. for tin- lo’iiefit *.f Hie 1,1 ir* and credit- ;
orsof *aid estate, .“'avannah. Derenitn-r 1*1- , .
,j er o MATII.DA Ku.'V. guahlb-l Vdm x
iov'.'i'.—Ilia wlf.t
VV, II, Ji (NT'S
lorni* on
( onrt of Onlinary ot I.IDrrty « ounly.
VG l
j ; —To all whom St nny con-
> f; A law will apply for letter, of
‘aslall S 8 l^w. late of
1 yjlWil V—AiVr'v 1
T cern : Wlu-reas. Mr*
[fltrinintratiun on the estate of Iter. Jo*l
Iw-inty. deeeaaed: . ,
i.NN#re tli-refor*. to rjle ayd a Imoni*li all »liom >1
m*v concern to he and ap|ie»r le-fore «aid Court, to make
yMectUm*. if miv they have, within the time pre.ciiUd hy
law,otherwise .aid li tters will be grunted.
Witoen*. VV F. f-iraM-a-i f/“( . Ordinary for I-ilartr ■
“' b '"Tr r ™i,*, a-,.
EOROIA—/.i/eery l utin'/ :—This l» * > certify tlmt
IT whereas, no person ha. aopliH fr * ■^ .icrs of admini*
(ration or, the estate of Mary J .-‘ter- n. lat- of said county,
deceased, and as it i« neee.sary f-r the «enility and g< ml ,
manage nent of said e,-ate that the -aid letter* of adlniui-- ,
tratlon to- taken out „ une liatel, I warn #11 K'-on* i-l. r-
mted.'.nat ui.le-- -a» • letters he applied f-r they w||| b-
grani.d scc.rilmr lo law, a* r-TPxrd* the duty of tlm Ordi-
^Zi» acb '* ««n»AW«w.« h*• _ j
/^IJlF-iilA—/,»'« / —To all -l.orn it may
ljr rern when a -. J * * •' llreaer appl.e* ror r -.1 an
ministration on the cUte of Jam- * Bre-er. Ute ..f .aid
^Tlleo Ir- 'the'-fore, to eite and admonish, »H whom it ’
mar rone- r„ t, I- »r-d .|-|-a’ a. royoltw ewiHi.n the tin- |
prescrP^-d by l»w to .how ren*. , if any they have why
“Srr yg 'Fn*r-lea^u"'<>r Fnary for lil/erly eonnty. 1
thl^r.l day November. I
^1W,W;iA—Chwnly;—toatl wb.aa « ■« ««•**- '
(j irn: Wherea-% H lerry will .,',-lytot heCm ,, l"t
Ordinary for letter* dlemldanry •• ed.moUtrator on tin,
“'•ni.'J'- -in *»«
• (7il'(,IA /jV '/ ('ninth/—1‘> *11 whom II may r«n-
f rrro ' Whereas. William •• Kirr/ r will apply for
uJaTi o ”n the of f.r B F King.
'* Tt.«'-i*arn ^heretire, to cite and adm-ml-h all wlmm it
S.rtl.*(ir,n1 lli-rh-1-) W.U..S ll» !••• »r~Hlr. -■/
ui OUMV.IM.III I" *n.nt«l
Wilitea* W f* tiirard-a-1. ordinary for l/berty c-mnty. 1
(iii* Wth day of A-jden • r. I»M.
KTXHVroK> .'AFF—On ihe flr*t Tue*dax in Fel-rnary
J A lie*,, will In- s-il-l. la-lore the court linil-e i-i Ihe city of
Snvanuali, all that Hi-e liar,latino known *« 1 'nlnn Cic-k
ITantnlion. on the SavuunMh rlxi-r. containing nliout two
th>-u*nnd acre*, nil of which, with I he except ion of live him
died acres, i* fir .1 .|in.lit *- ri-e l.-uid. nml four huiidied mid*
■evenly-fixe acre* of which an- now under lank mii-I in rul
tivat-on. Attached to file plantation i* a gmel steam
thre.lier, an nversi’er’e liou-e. negro homes. mii-I all mil
house* au-l improvement* nppeitaiuiug to u plantnUou
For luither particulars applv lo
not 1ft— tl IIKNKV VVH.FIAMSOV / t x " r r "
NJoTli'F.—Two months after dan- application mill l-e
it 11,ode to the Honorable the Ordinary of ITi.-itham
county for le-xveto sell all the real e«t»n* iM-lunging to I'al-
rick Marlow. de-e-M-d. late of Chatham rouiilv. Novem
ber Th I. IkftS. ti. T. HOWARD.
norfU—Um Administrator de iHioia non
N OTICE.—All I^raon* having claim* against Hie e-tate
of Patrick Marlow, deceased, late a HisHiMin county,
will present them . and alt f-er*on* Indebted will make pay
ment, tn HKD. T. IlHWARlb
novgl -dw Administrator -le boni* non
OTU K —All ,N-r-ori- having demand* against Jelf-rs-.n
iv Mowe. late of Chatham county. i|ecea*ei|. are herein
notified t«> p-eaent litem, dull Biles,,-i|. ,0 Hie iiiider-lgie d.
within Ihe time preacrilH-d hy Ihw. An-l all |m-isoiis imieht-
e«l (o aai-l •lec/ aai-l. will make immediate pax mi-nl,
r*clft—*iw WII. B JAl'IxSON. Adm'r
iY J.*e,Jl
_ -pli A. Mar*h ill. a fre.. 111*11 of color, ilerea*.--! are
re-)iies|e>| |n h.imt them in toliriftin K liordon. attorm-x * at
law ; ami tlm*- in h-Me.l will ph-ase make pavim-iit totliem
nu/oft UlFJiKP.ICK A TI'PPKH. Dual I Vor
N 'HTDT ^-F-.ur months after date.
uia-le to the Court of Ordinary.
Hie lind. lielonging lo the e-tat,- of li
ft,r tin- benefit of llie heir/ K I '"
ipplicaiion will he
or leave to -ell all
nrv Canimn. dec'll.
' W P. HiRARIWAf - 1
riflAWIA-rtrochd. prlnU I «»hmer.. white crape pia.d
S s-j-ixrw and loog dhawD. Tl.lbrtdo, Im-g d/,. Ul-
r eiowka. and maatilD for sale l»Tj
Diwm k MORGAN.
N ^HOTICK—All permuis h*x lug demand, against Jules
Hoo-arau. late of (Tialham county.«i* r»-a*e-l. are here
by notified tn preu-nt them duly attested, within the fluie
prescribe,] by law . and ail persons indebted to said de.
cea-ed. will make immediate payment to T A
tlie ohl .‘and of the denaa/ed corner of Hull and Fax .sis
rovll—f,m Qualified Adin'v
]\f(/TUT. -Two ne.ri'h* a!le r dale application will In-
made u> tlie Ordiriarx of (TiaHiarn rountv, ft-r leave
1-, m II all the real estate iH-ionving to Jules Rosseau, de
ceased. nt MAHY A ItiMMKAI'. Adui'v
N \<fTf(V.—Two monllis fr-nn date | shall uppli lo Ihe
Honorable tliefWurl of Ordinary for Caiu-len rountv.
whilst sitting for or-linary pur,-ose». for |eaxe lo sell part of
Ict No 4 (four) and Improvement- thereon ft, r the benefit
of the lieir* and creditors of Ihe estate of John T Rudolph
deceased. KUII.Y ItCDOlJ’H. Ailin'/
*4( Marya. Ha . October 2fttb. IfiftS oct'4k 'jm
N OTICE.—Threw months after date -application will be
made io tbe Bank of Vha HUta of lierwgU for renewal
of a lost "crip). date<l 24th January. 1A27 for eleven -hare*
of stock, la tba oao* of Kliubath Rawver. by Trustees.
•tb November, 1AM. novfl—m3m
T.frk of f'-r\«i:’.* 1,,yin;,)
Ravniinuh. H-c. 27, IHftS. /
in from llu- i'i
•i s of ||u-eily of Six luuali.
KDWAICD ti. WII.-ON. V. )'
• •in nr liu iiii-i* r,-la tlx v-to ,'tvx-x-X'.—m
110 p-T'i-n ahull firing, lay. put. ,1
.or put, any timlu-r. Inn I.*, at m-a, or o
huihliug. ui lire wood. good*, ware*, an I 1
bulky thing what*oev< r. and |H-rnnl
I ccrllH Hint (In- aliino
Valcli ail-l Marshal Ifidim
.h-c2 •—3
1' ts"
ih.ii 1
to lie
I AXTHACr of an Onlinam-e. |>a**cd August 2-1.1^-T!».enti
'A ll-d nn •• Ordinance •li-lliiiiig xrhnt ahull lie cnn*ldi-ri'd
puiilii- niiisiiiici- nnd fur Hn- prevcntiuii. puiilshnn'iit. nml
r nmvixl of the snim-
.section in. Ik- it farther ordnlncd. Thai it shall not he
law I'ul for any cow . -leer. In-ifi r. or calf, to In- nr go at Ini _•••
iv iib 11 the limits of the city, from the -citing of th- »un to
llu- li.ingnf llie '.inn-; m-l the ouiii-rs ol suell imIH" -n
imi Mil at large, "hull l'"i fi-il nn-l pay 11 kiiiii not esc-cling
llxo dollar* for each ami excry linio any such animal-hall
h- found nl large, n.-id it shall In- the duly of Hie City Vhir
slial ami City Con i.1 Ide* lo take *urh calllc so found al
laige. contrary lo the pr»xl*hui* uf this ordinance, nml im
pound them until the sai-l line nn-l nil cn-t* are paid, and
if III-animat lie not idaiini'.l. williin live ilavs. it shall he
lh- duly ol tin- Cil.v Marshal I II llu- *111111- at the pnnnd
llr»t uixiug at li-a*t live days' m-lice III one ol the public
gazette* ol Hn- citv of the'le*criplion of the animal, nml tl c
time nnd place ol'a'e. and III- aliall |iay the net proceed*,
ixllx-v deducting the lute and «--i*,* into the CUy Treasury
siilijcct to tlio order of (Titincll. w ho may nml shall order
lln' "aim* to la- paid to Hid owner of such animal when re
Sec ion II. lb-it further ordained. Thai nny hull foiitel
lit large within the limit* of the city shall lie considered a*
a nuisance nnd may he kill- -I hr any pci sun.
mo..Ill* from dale,
ire l||"iira,ice I kink
11 the follow ing da-
1 said hank. No.
i. application
III I MiK. Admliii-lralnr WJI
linn.' ollelini Dlstrlc-I. in |T|Uiiy —In nlie-lh-uce In Ihe De
crelnl order of the Court ol i-'-|iiiix made in llii* ru/e.iit the
last l.-l in. lil'SHY Jl I'I.VII T A VI Jilt. ,lu- -HU <-f the iut.—
tat,-. VVIIIiain T Tax lor. il In- l-e alive, is hereby notiiiel
and calliil upon. I-- conic forward within lliice mouth*
fr-nn H.c piiiilii'iiHi-n Inur,if. nml claim Hie funds in llii*
case. H I'. WIFI.I.\VIS. Com. Ki|iillx C D.
VVnltei 1-ornui.h. S. C . Sept. I.'llli |S.'»3. nel'Jn—w.'!iu
N i'TF'F—.XI the ex pirn I ion ,.| ilir-
I shall apply I- the Marine nml
nf tin-.'tale of *0 or gin. ft-i | min-ul -
seilln-il Imir bill : llight hand hair bill.
111. l.-ller A. dated Jiilliiai.v 1-1. ISft'J.
will be made tn tin- Hank of the Stale of Heorgia fn
nient mi the follow Ing dcscrilNNl halves: riglil-haml hi.F
Sf-Tiblll No m-l known, letter A dated June tHli. IKK-;
nl-o. $|0 bill. No. cut. Hunk ll •* No Dll!!, Hraurh al Am
gii*in The left-hand halve.* uf lln- nboxe desrrihed hill*
slnlen m mislaid In until.
Hnldin. tin . Oeloher 2Wh. 1V.VI, nr 122—w.Tni
TIA11 IT 1 ||;'F.'—A lYinripil I* wanted fur the Waltln-iir
1. x illi- Academy. consisting nf a Male and Female IN--
pnitinent. nml jointly cuuipri-iiig alunit sixty srlmlai* —
I'riiicipal In fiirui*h a feuiale uaslslnnt. I" I"' approved hv
the I'ruslees. A miirrii-il man preli-rred. The h-*t t---li-* ri'-|iiire-F -Ium.I to "|n-ii J ilniiirv 1st. IKftl. A-l
dre**. VVVI q MAKER. Sec y VV A . Malthourvilh- lal.
ertx countx. tin. nuv27—n.Tw
I e-l thiil ,-onl-
I'lltielil* w
These will cn
■•Il l l-l uiket'
, I purchnscil In
b- ar-b-l nil I lie,.1.4 ,.. r per w - - k
AH leiier* nl ini|ulr,v pinmplly aii'wereil. Jut.eO
! fJ'AFVIA •TJ’.VIvS—lle.-eix- I an a-- itnu-nt of aundrr
1 kinds nml i|ii:illtle> nt 117 ILn in-l.
I iH.xd ’ FHICT. k NF.AHKR
U r lll'KV—Iu l.ld* Million.alii-lii. I piiucln-i-u Rentcli
VVhlali.v.ilu Iri-h -In. l or ..-!- hi
1 -In rln-iie i-x 11 n |.iii■ (|
It) bM*. and halt '
I III w I n| II Ili-el. bb.ixe. Hea.lel'. Tall.
I'ainilx .“onp. •.'«,-s .“pei’ui nml .*lnr
Hle.i- h-"l wmiei stiniued Ijimp tnl Inn
Mual.-n J. i Tiu.i,m-n nu,l IT')* r. •• |l>
1 In •! IN,long lea. |„n*e and In i|ii>irl
I'nlati-es. nnd lim hid* Uv-orlcd mj |.I.
S ’ ' l NFliIf/a. l.h l* pm, c |lae-u
I |u«".sk> -ugnr cured llniu*. ftu M-l-
I help.' nil ! It 2».b. l , . |ilC*Hc
.ml 1 igl-lli ca-k* J.ftld-li
lb" hoxr, new .call-I Ih nlag. 2 hll
IxhUtien Hixxx's V M He
u 1 • -1111,1 |'ep|N-r. -In dii l 1 lln- H i'l eg*
111.1 'nick -!.-t. n-'",ti-.l. 111 r-mii- wrappini
I'e nli |’s •■* all-1 h* ITill-lh's. Ml hid* .'I nil -a
I- r.-.l Siil-ii r. in il-- M nml C r la rilled .In, .'••■
I loin fin hall do d-i. b" 1,1-1* hlllti-r. stigal an IV
ei - lauding mii-I lor sale l-i
^1 It.VNIDS'. .hillN'-'A.
I I IT I.Viind'oil,. I. mil p|,.
11 net ion* at the entrance 1.1 m, >in
1 upon tl-- piiHlng up ul an Iron Fi.itil'.irc
lly I'einoxe l In eiiahle them In gain ch«x n-ri
e 1. wle-ie tln-v wdl Ulul the “ll- lxe* w,.|t
I. with rr-cknv Chinn. 1.Ia*> nml “i. n- VV
II ii
I nml
wllli 1
llll VV in
A IIU.I, lo lie entitled an nrdinnnco lo amend nn o
. iiiiuce enlitled -An Hriliiiance In prevent bulls.*
hroughl. la
• iiifer llo- *aine to eoiilium- and remniii
•tn-et. lane, or alley . williin the sai-l city, ft-r a longer time
tlmxi >ix hour* -. nor rh<tH unv /fin, 11 ;mnitor tu/l'rr mu/
inri. ilnii/. un,/un. or mm,in, of nnji muI. Iu ituwl' ,n„l.
"i'ii" in any M|iiari-. alieet. lane, or alley, longer than aueli
lino-11* aforesai-i; nor almll nny per-on xvithoiil prexh-usly
obtaining Ho- written consent of the Mayor and two third*
ol tin- memlM-r* of iliei'itv Council place, erect, or ran
•truct. or cause In lie placed, erected or constructed iu anv
-i|iiiire.street. or 1 im-. ur other place of nr in the citv nl
Hiivdiitinh. any booth, lent, «r other obstruction; nor shall
any per-on dig. or cause tu Ih- dug. any hole nr pH III anv
s.piaic street, lane, or alley, whereby the free passage of
persons on foot, or mi horseback, or in nr with any car-j pawed
rmge, may !»• iu aoy wise obstructed or rendered unsure — I A '" ,s '
Ami any pcisnn olTending against the provisions of liiix !
section shall, on conviction, bo subject In a fine not ex-•
ceding one hundred dollars for each ami every Alienee, il a
w hile person, or cur|-or«l punishment if the olTcnder be a
slave or free |«-r»on of color. An-l in case the person or 1
|N-rson* making, causing, permitting, or suffer ng such cn* b- - - .
cronchtiieiit*. ub*truction*nn-l niiisunresasixforesald. shall I ' ,r: Dwinett atrecl on tin- souHi. pmlonged en*t nnd west nl-n instructed In the compo
refuse or neglect to remove tin: name forthwith ixflx-v m>- ' the extended Incorporate limit" nf llu- city of Savannah. I hn«"
' and tin-hnmlel" thereof; Ihe Savannah river on Hie north | With A vleiv In nld In supplying llie horn" demand ft
nn-l the ror|Mirale limits of the city of Savannah on the en*t , teacher* the Trustee* have ivtnMiHu -I a N'ormsl (Ta«* ft
and west. ' fne iN-iu-flt of those who nri-li In rereixe inslrurlinn in th
Seri int, 2. IV il .‘urtlier ordained l.y the nullmrilv nft-re- j (henry and praclirenf leneliing.
sal-1. I'hnl all nrliiinnres or part nf ordinance* I'litilnliiig No extrn charge* are made for Incidentals nr statin
ngidm-t Ihe prnvlsinns uf this urdinance he. nnd the saiiie j The Spring Term commence
1. and calve., nn-l oilier cattle, from running nl Ii
11 Council. February. 1841 :
Section 1. lie ii ordniiii-d l-y the Mayor and Al-lermcn nf «frur,ors. Tin* course nf si mix
i-ity nf Savann-ih and Ihe hamlets thereof, in <'nilaril , The recitation" an- conducted
(4ICOKI41A FKItlAI/K COl.l.KGK, lk!H.
■tills lii.tituluin. whieli wri“ chartered ill 181'J. bus eon-
t i n un lly enjoyed a high degree of prosperity under
the diieclion ol a Faculty of expetienred and*urce*«ful iu-
■! comprelu-n.ixe
I" bring lulu play llu
.... Jn,Ided. and ll is hereby ordained hy the aulhorlly of 1 vnrimi* iiu-nlal powers of the pupil. The apnrixlus
llu- ..line. Thai fr-nn nn-l nft’er Ihe passing of this ordirinm-o ahoiil *2.bOO. and i« kepi incon.lanl u*e by the I'rnfesaor of
tlm provision* of the above rerltc-l ordinance be so ain-ud. Natural ^cii-nce ITipilx in the Mo*lcnl Depnrlmeiit. enjoy
e-l nnd extendi I a* to prevent bull*, cows. oxen, calx,-* an-l unusual advantages They receive, in common with all the
other cuttle running nt large within the following limit.. School, scientific instruction in vocal mu*ir. and they arc
" ‘ ' ’ 1 ' ‘ " ' ’ “ I, «,f thorough
forthwith, nflx-r
tire given to him. her. or them, for that puriMiae, then Ihe
saine (in aueli cases a* will admit thereof) “hull In- rciniiv
ed hy Hie Marshal sod Constable*of said city, or nny of
tlo-ni .at the piopcr ,-x|dise of the pcrami nr |Nir*ons so '
olft-mling Ami if anv (Nirson or pel u-n* shall nudesi or i
Iruuble llu- sai-l Marshal or ('nn»tah|e* m the i-xi-cullmi of j
axn li. hi* in their duly, surli ptusini or per«ou* *|iall. -11
n-mirilon I hereof, forfeit and pay a line ol not exceeding
one hundred 4,dUr*. if a w hile iN-rsun.o, rur|--rsl piinish- |
m- lil il Ihe olfen ler shall In- a slave or free |hthoii of cd '
or : Prox l-ledalxrny*, neverlhi-lea*. that any |iersou or per- !
sun- aetimlly building, or repairing, or nlmut to Inilhl. or
repair any hull-ling, may collect and lay all such materials I
.1. may l-e nece.-ary lor such building or rc|mir*. in the
square -Ir«-«-t lane.or alley next a-ljoining to tin- place or
.pnl Wherein Slid, building* or repair* are intended to lie ,
made, au-l prnvhli-it Hint siieh material" In- so enrlo/eil in a 1
siifileient spare (nml liu mure) n* will elTi-rt 11,1 lly prevent
the spreading into the streets, lunes. nr squnres ; nml the !
"si-1 space *0 enclosed shall in no ease extend beyond ten I
feet on any street,lane, or square ; and during all sucl, 1
times* such material* shall so lav In any square, street. I
Une or alley, the owner nf proprietor of surli imiterlnlt I
shall cause a lamp, nr lunfrru u-ilh ,1 t/noil awl milTuirnl |
lii/hl thrrrin, to lie securely hung up. placed nr fixed on a
post or olherwise. at each of ihe Iwo corners of such eu- |
cl>.«ui«,aud in such uxnmier s* clearly and plainly txxrimw '
the place an-l extent orrupird hv such mat,'rials ; an I the .
said hraili.or lantern* shall lN*lighled at or hefore dark in |
lln- ,-v, iilng and shall conllniie to Iiiiiii until daylight—I
An-l Ihe dlv Miu -hiil and (Tty Cnii.liilile* nro hereby en |
j< hied tn notice and report to tlie Mai or all encroachments,
ob.tructions or nuisHore* mentioned herein.
See ft That all dirt litter or rubbish crested by Hie erec
tion or repair of anv building now erecting, or tint may
hereafter In- erected or repaired, aliall lie carried oil Iiy Ihe
per-on* owning niihl building, ur engaged nr inm
inlay, tlie Dili of Jnnua-
Siiv.-iiinah IOth Murrh. 1 Kft.'l
. VVTicov derk of Council.
Fa/sed in Counei'
Afte*l : Knw akii
r 'HI.IC NOTICE --Ihixlng received positive order* to en-
force Hie pnivi-lnn* nl the nbovo iirdiimiice*. I hereby
give notice thal I will rigidly comply with inv ln*tnietioli*.
The hour* (or deliveiy 01 ini|Niiiiidi'.| cetlle me from '■•i..||
to nine o'eliN-k. A. M . and from three to five o'clock. I*. M .
daily,Sun-lavs excepted, nt the pound.
1*1111 IF M. IH'SSKI.I.. City Mnrshsl.
Rixvannnh. Ileccu.her I HI h. lKft3. ilee20
(TH OIIfl. ('OU)S AN1> niiONt HlTin.
P ASTII.IJxS DE FARIS —For the cure of cougli.. colds
and hronchlal affection* nf Ibe throat, so preialent at
this season of the year. We do not recommend Ihe Fas-
lilies <ln Faria to cure all the Ills life Is heir to, hut
('iitixiegues tuuy he oblului-l from either of thu ollieer*
' III-.-' I'd It Vl V. jtec HI Tnw.
I M.,ni*o\. Nov. 7. i'lmii.Tiiiw'l—nnx I'J
—The iin-li-raigiii-il will sell three fliou*.ind arte*. in--re
jK^Jiir |e**. of Hu- iiiml rain il-lc I.uiuImt land in tieorgin.
sw-H (U-a upon tin- Alatauiaha River, iu Ihe eounly of
|.ilM-rty fifteen mile* fioin Witlihsiiirxill«*. an-l about thir|,
from li.iriiii. parallel with the river extending hack from il*
I* not fnrtli'', than three mile' to il* farthest line
I Tin- timber i* "f (lie hirgc'l size llml grow* in thi llll
an-l verv ahuii-liinl. "iiitn! h- for masts or ranging limber.
The lam ing Isom- nf Ihe In-*! on llu- river, affording an
I opportunity ft-r rafting tn Darien wt axxy stage of llie river
_nnadvantage possessed bx tmt very few llsn-ls
(aki- a rail to Darien nnd return to four < r five day*
On Hie land there are negro hmi'es. ox shells. Slid pinvi.
ion good repair, and two lumber carls with
snylhey will euro sll nffictlnna of the throat, a* a trial o| | appliance for llie Inn. he, business, silunted on a high nnd
Hu-ui will prove. ^Manufactured hy Miaire k Taylor, 81 f healthy hill.
Maiden-lane. New Vork
N H.—Tliegennine hear* the written signature of Moor,
k Taylor. Just received and for «nle hv
mh! W. W I.INCfll.N. Monument Square
Eive hundred and eight v acres of lzin-1. situate-l on
*3^Ski t'/»»,' Utixiid. xilxxe xxxilea by land and twenty mile*
hy water from therll v Three hundrcl acre* of which la
fine rum anil notion land. Inn high slate of cultivation
The dwelling Is a cottage, containing seven looms, wall*
led lit. or coutrac Jug such buildings or repairs, lolliol hard finished, with nil necessary nut houses, and a
■ of-le|«..lll„g the Hcavenger's filth, or to such oil.-r 1 orange grave. Wg. pear and lieaeli trees. Cannot lie
may In- uiinted out hy the Mayor or any one
i-l l^ne Committee, sndlf such lilter. dir' •
Ktreet an-l lane
blsh aball remain on any of thaslreel*. lane* orsquare* (nr TAI/mR AND DUCK WHEAT—flfl bbl* || Hmllh’s Genesee
a time exceeding flvoday*. It aliall Im tlm duty or tlm Mar- | J 1 Flour. 28 half dn do. Wl \{. and X hbl* and laixea
shal. aud he D hereby reaulred tn employ any nurobor or, naw hulled Duekwheat. received per ateamer. and for sale
carta or wagons that may W necessary, and lo have the bv nov*> SCRANTON. CO.
nl«n about 3"0 acre, of a* good bsmmoek land.
fur either corn or rollon, to In- found nny wlmre. covered
with redoak. while oak. hickory, and a*h tluila-r. Tlie-c
hinds present a* gnml fnrltilies for either himla-r culling,
sl.iie gelling, nr turpentine, n* any oilier, nml will he pen
ctrntr-l l.y the Havannah au-l Albany Railroad, now in com
Eor further particular* address to tfirehorniigh. I Hn iIx
enuntv. (-a . eilln-r oftlie un-l I'lgncl. C It J"NK.'.
nnv 111—Iwtf H. H JONIN
yCT, All that tract of lan-l. containing (WiTO acres, aifiiatr
^^twtwccn the Railroad an-l Ogeechec River, and on
which aland* tlm 201I1 Mile Station—It i« hcavllv lim)icrr>l
and well a-lapted ft-r making turpentine ; also. 7000 acre*
of land, lying on the Canal, about ten mllca Iron (he city j
and 100 acres adjoining the citv. Apply to
octlft WY1.I.Y k M0XTM01.IJN.
AM' '-<*• It. iimir* ll.ll.i l!-m
SI,.Milder* -. I.l.l- FI • II I in- 3.1. • • SI
-I and for *:.b* l-v l,M AND
D"i;r vv 1N1f,„_i
I lil't q-i:ilil\. Im >.il-- bx
U r.\NTI Ii— A Forl.rto a'le
Apply to
HFI .M .“ VV11 HAIRIN'.' 8 .
Ivin I nod ft
.'( hhd* do -In
A- 1 »'M II F.
iiglltnn street,
nod nnd hollies.
'•tv of 1. ,np
1 I 11111I.lung tluoil*. will
•old at model nil' lind Just pl'k'i's. by ,1 F CO|
nngVft _ loo Fry a
Vm - F i.,:i.|i“— Mon.i", .1,. |j,|,ii. n
I plain lor ladle* iiu-l chihlicn ; French j
'""llll Mil llll.S ; roh-ied .Vlpiiras. raw.“Ilk > It
I 'in l-l • I' llroeadeniid plum .“liks; >ilk Maul
fiunri-l RlinwD nn-l wor*led .'‘earfs ; h-ng and -
Sha-xl. : (o|,iie>| un-l blink IT.-II i.i tig ham*; »
A tlln- nsMirtincut ju»t lecelxed un-l ft-r -nh' Ix
,h-«22 AIK IV
i'oiiiiiioii n
I ex I III I 1
•■Is store — I
ii-li landing uinf in
Il'iFniVlHI . J
ranis. .Ml hail un I qaarler l«.\
' *nl.» hv IIM
under Mil-h ill llnu-f
•MU' ,»!l. Ml VI’. Ac —1(1 bb(. •• - liter tl
J l-inipn||. .70 lNi»e« I lea-.el • Enmilv “nap
lol.N A: FI IIN.-S 1 low 11111 • 11. - •. lft do pure sperm i.m-lh-* .'d e.
•ti Frillies aim |h« qoai 1. F- n.I.-n I'm l.-i hh|* I'olntoc
liix.-r M'l'l'
• llaltiui'-re Elmir, lft do llu
- lim .
I Ill-l
(J II.WVTy~.\ few wllli- crape P'linwl- ft-r *11 Is- low loeln
O a l-.l. l-> novlH KEMI'I' • . K VI It'I IIJ.1!
.nl- ..1 llu-1
. we,lft
n l III It AND (*lli:E“l. -Iii-i 1
gii'ln. h kegs flintfC Hllsliei
Poap. FrU'lie.. \c.. |.,r sale
JMI’EIH \l. DISH riiVITtS. a
r« Ro.-,.
HiiU'lu 1
117 l-a.
■v Mm Kllioi,. tieo
• l*o. Fiir-t Hiraji,.
I'ltil'E A-
r article fur sale Iiy
• •*. for ■nle Iiv
(17 irtier
ill \MI \:•.n 1,.
Miimie i'.ii. Vo d-1 lb.
e ill Ihe corner iif Hal
•el I (I
Hroiighton a
-ke,a llcldsi
H HANDY --Iu hill pi,.- iii.ird .ban li.'do pale and-lark
lleiinesy. 2 do Sarntute ft do J t Dxtptxy In ■tore mid
ai boxes tiroout
sale In
for •ah- by-
N. F — Kind.irci
llm-sr in tl Itv
elien|ie, Him 11 any mnicl .
17*KI>II HI 11 EH AND nil'll M. kina'strleilr prim*
I Fuller, nl 2ft cent* per Hi . II -In imriiwn do nl 20 els
Eor sale l.y mov.M IIYI.AND k D'NFIFI.
1*1*1 IS AND FtiTATi l>- fto
(^OAI' .VM' .'T.VFCH—'Mi boic . l -sic'.Roapandbtarcl,.
O For sab- Iiv novV.'l IIVFAND A ("M.ll.l.
l Reynold's superior
'".'v-.. . '.IV!.. I FEN!*—A bilge
■AN|i A H NI.IF \ I nnd ■liver exii-n.ion nn-l diiiibh- n
'•nl niticle, ft-i •i,|e l-v
r 8 > Hllll.CY. I:
III I I \r - Ju-1 ic,. iie-l mi,-I for «.
I ) fi' I* ] illtnli Mil'kel Ib-cf. 1.1 or I. I-
J V Cl iNN I H A T A CO.
u lull., daily- .-spieled 1-cr brig Mart
mix ID _ opp
M l in'll nil 1 •! F
7ll box-* Jo . Idle ( hee.i- ftOdn
lllram FiiiiHi's Hour Sfltlwli '•IdaOvn
novV.'l HTlANil)?'
I rsidU Rliiutj-or Mertiiw. i \
L' H||k and • 'oil,ui.
sale l,x m-x5
( M-
l I 1
stile lo Hllixe fix
A fi 11 Kill pair of IMit-i n Inch lilobes.
lerTi-sIHn'.fnr sale id.i- ix- by
a H slllilV. |::ft Congiess .ireei
»o,-at ruled Ha
171 INI. A IttilM.I RK
llav. hill-ling per baik
M AM' VM. I.AIID—Vo lie.,
lft Id Is laird, ft-r ■ale l.y
M AY— I Ml Im I . prime Fnsfi
Cbmli’s Wilts mu. au-l for sib- bx
iio*13 HllltillAM. Kl I.I.V A
I lQl "It CA“F>. recelxe-l and fur ante bx
J iioxl-J .( F Cl|J1SS
11 ltitil.1- ITI>—V large xnrtelv f-r sale l-v
H .VC'iN AND I’Olth - •Ildm* I’mn- Hi-on “i<1r. fillcicei
■U|s-rlnr llani*. 2« barrels Rump Fork lamding |* r
llrlg .lo.e bus. for «al<- hy
_m*»'Jd DRItillAM. KKI.I.Y A Co
K CiIAII. Bacon. Ac— |U0 bill. HuarC* A an-l HHugar;
ftd hli-l* llacoii Rides and Hhoiildri. ; (ai bme. l‘, t.|a
line Candles, landing and b-r sale I »
octl llolrotinr JollVenN \ co.
I.NFon:. I.AIID. Ac—.Mi bid" II btnllli • Elmir new . .Vi
I do Canal do; Ml half hbl* Extra do; Ml keg" l ard 40
Ii-xe* Candy, Vft du extra do; 1'mi do Tobacco, xnriou*
brand* ; ft half b-xc, do. cxfi* ls|.| landing an-l fur *alc
by i-rll llof niilHF. J'tilNyoN * CD
M acon AND El/M ii—ton casks rlmfeeffMes.
and llani.. (lift Idil* end bigs IMIlliuore. (ienrgia. and
( ) lour, landing and for sale hv
IN-Mft HHUniMW JOIIN-biV A c •
(JCHFIDAM itillNAlTV I do* tV..|fe siu|w,lor Fcheld.m
il Rx-linapps. a superior l<-nlc. iliuirile. anii-’l .|ic|iilc nnd
Invigorating C.irdlal es|N-cially rrromnirO-b-l to all personi
residing In the Houtfmro Rlates j a il„i„onstratrd iirrven.
(lee of ague, remittent and billonafavcr Eor sale bj
■‘or sale hy white no. 100 do new »c«M »
A BONACn. | and for sale by „20 kCfii