Newspaper Page Text
1ITK take pleasure In calling tlie attention of planter* to
W our very (il*Mln atock of Woolen and Pomeatle
Goods. many of which we purchased before I lie great ad
vance In wool, and will therefore aril Uitui correspondingly
low, consisting of—
40 balee London Duflll and colored Blanket*,
60 ,lo brown twilled Here#)* , 10 do black do,
30 do brown dnmeetle flood*.
'. A do alrlped and white demburm.
10 do plain red Flannel ; 6 do twilled do,
]A do ahlrtlng Stripe*.
10 do Schley'* Georgia Plain*.
16 oaaae LouUUna and Marlboro' Stripe* and l'lalda,
6 do plaid Unaev*. a tripe* and plaids 4
6 do Satinet and Kentucky Jeana,
b do Scotch and doineatic (Unchain*,
30 do bleached Shirting* and Sheeting*
•it) do KnglUh and American Print*,
60 dozen Negro (kip* ; 100 piece* Oar|>etlng,
160 Kuggzand Malta; 200 Carpet Bogs,
300 Negro Head-handkerchief*,
1000 dozen woolen and cotton Hnalerjr.
Planter* and merchant* vi*ltlngnur city during the fall
: , na. AdmtlMrn nU In the Dally. *ent to and .inter will llnd It to their interest to look trough our
“ST 4 " ViKS’i'm™^
<Ebr SoDonnal) ©rorflian,
City and County prlntom.
DAILY, $6—TTU-W1T.KI.Y $t-WEK*LY, 8'J.
rirmi i* *P rA, ° 1 '
la paMlshad ovary morning and * V****'
ed rhe morning e-tllmn la
• UtfiLTflrtZStod eacludrvly for country reader*, and la
t! .■irsawa "TSm '
Price of etthe* eilltlon. SIX D0I-LAR8 per anoum.
roe ni oanrmt.
tain.«U theIntelligence-(’.oom rcia).Polltlcaland M'acellw
Containing all the ImporUut mattterof the pub-* I evi-rr Monday morning. at
llahed every ^ ^ „„ CB> Mr x*n.
wi.,r* narment «• not made in adrano*. the charge* will
Inrarlalilrbefor llally Georgian fH, for IVi-Weekly *8, and
foe Weekly §3.
(>Jk» 118 Bay-zfrerf
Tlil. ,\.mpnny will uk. fir., U.rln. «nd Rim Bl.k. o.
II... in favorable term*.
T w«z—. Henry H. Weed, lllram Roberta, J R IMMer.I.
W M .Irell.John W. An-leraon N. B. Knapp. Henry Lathrop
and 11 F. Wood. nKXRY P. WEED. I’realdcnt.
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vice Prealdent
JawraMcnrsHT.See v m ' 8
9 informed
Perwna wishing to aend for Jhelr friend* i
b.l„ 'Iny them out b, Hr«t tU'* I'.ck.t
...Mrita,. .totho ooly '(..U for «on. j
cy In thl* City. _ „ I
' riiey are alao authorized to draw on in TKpwott
c 0-)., Liverpool.In euma from £1 and upwards, which
draP* are negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and | The f
Great Britain. Draft* on France and Germany. |«yable lo
III n irt* of the Continent. al»o for aaie. Apply to
dec.H-ly BUNKER ft 0GDF.N. «» Hay street
ASItl’RY Hl'LL. Prealdeut and Treaaurer.
AIJft)X ril.VSE. Scc'ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
Th • undersigned. Agent of the above Company, continue*
to Uko the following lUaka. via.: Marine, River and Fire
#|«o on the Live* ofScrvant*.
. iof White Poraona are al»o taken by thl* Company.
No eatrapremiuni for reaiding In the South.
Comer of Bay and Drayton-atreeta.
Have now in etore. and for rale on the moat
favor*Me term'—-6 hhd* Porto Itico and Muicn-
rado Sugar* 7b bid* Stuart** A R and 0 cl*rllied
do, 40 bbl* crasbcl and pulverized do.
10 boxe* l»af Sugar
120 tiagz Itlo Coffee. 26 do Java do.
00 hhd*. tierce*and bbl* W. I. and N O Molaazcz,
76 boxes sperm and adamantine Candle*.
160 package* tayaon and bUck Yea*.
100 bbl* ItalUmoro and Canal Hour.
10 hair pipe* Otard. Pupuy A Co.’* nrandy.
15 quarter pipe* tin# Old French brandy.
•20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine,
60 do do Malaga, and 16 do Teuerlffe Wine,
30 bbl* Old Monnngahela Whlaay.
(1 pipe* Holland Gin. clover leaf brand.
2 puncheon* Jamaica, and 20 do St Croix Rum,
GO bbl* sugar. butter and sod* lliacuit*.
160 do domestic Brandy. Gin. Rum and WblakF,
101) baskets genuine lleldalck Champaign Wine,
60 do do Hungarian Linn do
50 do do (Town ami Rough and Ready do
120 M Spanish Segara. variou* brand*,
together with choice Rutter. Go-hen Cheese, and other ar-
ml dewirou* of tiflf* uwunlly found in «h"h-ale grocerie*.
The .in ler-igned have a«*ociated theiutelvea to
gether. under the name and »lylcof Murphy * I »l
vannv. f»r the transaction of general Bout and
I I 5taK.4ee.ta.IWll; "Cii'
Congress Whltaker-atreeU. bI wir friem 1*
Pren lergist Tlwy are now prepared tonlfcr to tin tr rrieml*
and the public a well elected »(.^k of Ladle* and Gentle-
■ ien‘« ooot*. Shoe*, kc^ahklilli r r**J^J|J|®2ESH|
Pran fi'rgv
and tliepu
men’* nonl
The *ub«criber ha* now o|n-ned a large and choice
aortineut of new atyle o fall and winter gmi.l*.
ting of French and Kogll*h M.ek and fancy
I Cloth, plain la W d'>e *kln Oa-iroere*. flg.i
.. . juok elastic <'a«.iinere«. with a large variety ofl rencli
fanev tlie late*t at.tle and pattern. Alao ■
choice variety uf Voting*. cmaUtimr of Ogured black and
fancy 0»«hmere* plain bLick Satin. Hgured Mack andtaner
Silk* and Satin*, cut »ilk Veil el*, kc Tlie whole of wb ch
he I* prepared to make up to order in the mo.t fa.honable
.ta u ta.U„,.. , n ?k R syMosa
Draper nnd Tailor IT
k Nap
H ouse fuiimshikg goods -uuen *.m .•..u..i. i
II 4 iu I 12 4 Sheeting*. Horn anl cotton >-» 0-0
7-4 do. for pillow .-ate*, white an I colored i urnlture 1^
ty. Fiench. Kiigli-h and American I ore • lunlze. .Mi
a'eille* and Una-ter Quilt* Lrgo and small. D.i
kin* and Doile- while and colored. French Ibiplerci TBWei*
flaa and ernah. Scotch Diaper and Towel*. Iluckabuck
Diaper Ru*-ia and Bird’* eye Diaper. 10 4 II t andU.-l
Bed Blanket*. Crib lllanke?. Win tow Sea «•» and v'*' ur *‘
Piano and Table Cover*, linen an I c itton. j i-l
for aale by oct29 AIKIN »
1 ADIES’. gentlemen’* an-l chllden'*cotton. *i)U and in—
J rluo Ho. and Under gurinent* ; kid and allk Glove* ;
’•-en e-tmbric II m lkercbief*. Embroidered do ; pl.-ihl wool
juawi* ; Thibet do ; Urnche do ; Scarf* : Moreen'* wor»t. <l
Drma-ka: wind .w Shade*; embroldere I Curtain*. Ac.; re
ceived and for *alo by oW lie vrn V ^
Tr ,r g "' lr ---r' , ■ I iffffffftTi iT- ATgtt0P & /
tonanl Drayton.*!*. They have i-Unutlun Dry i..hM* ; l/mdon Irnml.
Irl^tWIinMIKy AJitVVoNrjij ‘
to do all kind* of work Tn " T -
near the corner of Brought'
eaUblUhed Hie following a* their rat-* of charge
tingle aha.- ; |ier mouth, for 2 or three time* per week
76c ; t times » week 81 ; 6 or U time* a week 81 60 ; every
day 81 76 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c.
aha m i* Kii ug 2'V.
Mr ColIKV will alwaya hold hlmaelf In readme** to at-
tend U» order- Horn those who may require hi* aervicea at
their home*.
U NDER a new and improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive and Stationary Engine* Sugar Mill*. Gin*.
Pro* wa. Lathe*. Drill*. Ac. Al«o. every description of Cot-
ion. Woolen an I Saw Mill work.ShafUng. Pulley*. Ac.. Caet-
ing* of any weight, (having a large assortment of patterua.)
at reduced price*. F. S. ULAXTON. Kugineer.
Dupot 13 I’Litt-atreet.
: Co.
ware Agency. 2.1 Pratt *t. New York.
^AIRUANK-.- Patent I’lalfhrinScale*— limp
Ity and reduced In price)—Adapted'
Gold Claxtoii A Wet-
>1 II. Collin*' Axo*. Hard-
ink. oclO—ly»
The *ubscriber* have juat opened a fre»h aupply
of Good*, recently received from the northern
market*, and aollcit tlie patronage of country
dealer*, city merchant*, and families generally.
. ...jwlng articles comprise a portion of their stoex :
76 boxe* and half boxes Tobacco, assorted brand*,
26 M Cigar*. 10 ca»e# flue cut Tobacco.
10 Mid* Uacon Side* and Shoulder*. 100 Hams,
b tibl* Lard. 10 do Pork,
30 whole, half and ouarter bbla Mackerel.
60 bbla Domestic Lluuoi*. all qualities.
20 caiks Wine—Madeira,Teneriffe. Port and Malaga.
6 half and quarter pipe* line Urandiea,
•2 pipe* Hollan t Gin—swan brand.
60 boxes Cbeeae—Common. English Dairy Ac.
60 bag* Java. Iziguyra. and Rio Coffee.
10 keg* choice Hotter.
6(1 whole and lull bbl* F.xtra Oanxl Flour.
76 bag* Georgia Flour. In 100 and 50 ft sacks,
loo whole and half boxes Colgate'* Soap. a**orted,
6 hhd* Porto Rico Sugar.
30 bbl* clarified and brown Sugar. •
10 caakallyn**' London Porter. 10 ease* Pickle*,
10 tibia Mercer Potatoe*. 10 bbl* white and red Onion*,
30 boxe* Herring.
10 basket* Champalgne. Ac.. Ac.
Also, a full assortment nf Grocerie* generally, compris
ing. sauce*, ay in pa. prvaerve* and dried fruits, oil*, epicea
of all kind*, fancy soap*, nuta, hyson and black tea*, dried
hod and tongue*, sardine*, ground coffee, kitt aalmon and
mackerel, broom*, buckets, wooden ware and measures, to
gether with numerous other articles of llOUtehnld n*f, all
wli'eli will be sold cheap for cash or approved city accept-
anew. _ oct27
r T~MIK subscriber respectfully aollcit* the attention of hi#
1 friend# and the public In g-neral. to hi* exten.l.e as-
oirtmerit of Ready-made nothing, comprising a* it doe* a
variety of every article for gentlemen'* wear, suitable for
the present and coining *eu«nti*. The following comprise a
portion of the stock oil hand :
Overcoat* and Surtout* of black and blue beaver cloth,
Itlack and brown molialr rloth.
Norway and Labrador coating*.
D-rnnaliirr. kersey*, and pilot cloth*, talma cloaks,
Itlack cloth dress and frock coats,
Mile and brown cloth liiislnes* frocks.
Grey and clic k ca**linere business aults,
Mack doc--kin cassimere pants,
French fancy eassimure |mnts.
Grey and mixed tw— I cassiinero pants,
Mark and mixed satinet pant*,
Plain and plaid kersey pants.
Embroidered and plain black c.«**lmere veat*,
Figured and plain black silk.vests,
Pln»h velvet vest*.
Figure-1 black and fancy cashmere vesta,
together with an extensive stock of Furnishing Good*, such
as tine white shirts, silk and merino undershirt*, merino
Canton flannel* and Jean drawer*, riding gauntlet*, black,
colored and white kid gloves, stock*, cravat* and scarfs,
n-ek-tiea. suspender* etc . the whole of which i* offered for 8YMON8. Draper A Talk
oc jj .IV in.ll.b.. all
17 W hitaker street.
Blankets ; Georgia Ker-ey. and Plain* ; Northern do.
iea\y (all wool) do. - heavy Cordova do. ; heavy Brown
'liirting* ; plain and twilled red Flaunel* ; Plaids. Llnseys,
I Hot
i Ac.
] ?AIRBANK - Pal-iil PlatformHcales—(Improved inqual
i ity and r-iucml In price)—Adapted U> every reiiulreilop-
oration o| weiguing. a-ltallroad!(cale48irtn»in«or stnglecars | |,. r .|,^.vea; Mu*hn
iu u>c ou il - principal r*iln*d- iu the United totM *ml
Groat Britain. War.diouM* .Scale*. Heavy Portable Scale*. o'i
wheels, for foundries rolling mills. Ac. Store S.-al—. various
modification*; Countor Scales, Hay and Coal Scale*. Ac.—
These Scale* have been long known and severely to-ted ; and
the universal ronlldenoe felt in their accuracy and perfect
adjustment, i- such that they are no* regarded a* the staml.
ard. from which there i* no ap|i*aL
I.It RICK A BKT.L. Agent*
J UST RW aVED —A supply Of Mineral f’ainta. IIre and
water-proof color*, unfading. Silver's Mineral laint*
differ eawntiilly from all other* in market. They are not
CUvs.thev r. ,111m little oil. they do not work tougbly. but
flow easily a. while load. Tlioy lay on a very heavy body,
it Immediately, and b-comean Indestructable covering nl
. They n 'ith-r crack nor peel, and require no stronger
ITyer than white lead. _
1 have a variety of colors. Red. Yellow, varimi* Brown*,
gd Jet Black They are superior In body (or covering
pojK rty) t" tnything ever discovered.nn l pound for pound
|I cover doiible *.!*• surface of White Lean or Tlno Mineral
i. and n-julre lea* oil.
. n now r reiiared ki cover Tin Roof*, a* nothing adhere#
a like Silver'* Min-ral Paints. For aal* BY
JOHN .1 MAI lim.
10 i,nd 12 R-rosr 1.street
Briber luring |u*t lemove l to No. 21 llulkatreet. (be-
nkingre.. and Broughton-ztreeU.) w. uld Inform hi*
and the public gen-rally, that he willo|>en Tme
a s»cnnl aopplvnf Fall and Winter Goods, oouslatlaf
a licit French. Engliali and American (Toths. Gaaak
au I Vs.ting*, purchased from the most extensive Inv
( w in New York, which he la prejmred to make up In
Mt and o .st fasUlorlal'Ic style*.
diiii horetofore existing witli Hie under-
Igneil. u .lcr the flrin of IWtO'OS A UIINIlY. is this
|.aol\» I *>, mutual cun*«nl. Either |iartner iaautho
u*« the of the flrin Inclosing the unsettled
:uat 1*1.1*51. augJ J. H. 0UNBY.
undor*lm*d wlllcontlnue the FACTORAGE and COM
lio.V BI'HIVKSS on hi* own account, and raapectfullv
.It* a rontl-, nice of the patronage so liberally extend-
a tb« late t-m.
YMKMUTIOV OF (MTPAitnfiCHKHII*.—Ike co-partner
•hip h-ret. .,re exiatfag twtween th#*ab«crll>*r» ander
• existing betwe... .
i oi F b hjiiaU M A CO D dleaolved by n utual
G. II MIK'HKI.L will continue the busiiieaa on
k own eecoiix* and I* autliorized In settle ell claim*. In
iaeity.fororizain*t Hie i*t* firm
F. /OGHAIJM CliarlMton. H C„
0. II MlfCflKLIo Havannah. fl*.
kvannah. J»« flth. 1863 J*8
G -fM)U 110 op Of )P A RTN E'W 11 IP— NT .riot— I l*o eon
F corn of ki-.««> A Ikelgem la thl*day dl**n|»#d by mu
“> Itlbtiee retiring, and Mr HnM* Wood
slag hi* place, under tlie name an I *t)le
All <k-i>(* against the LI- linn will IM
PRINTED D’LAI.NR*. MERINOS. A- ;—Printed French
Mouslin d'lziine*; Am«rl-.»n do; plain mode and high
call'd do.; French aud Izigli-k Merino*, a variety of color* ;
ruw Silk Plaid* ; Mouslin tl'llalze; printed French Cam-
Drr*a HUM*.
Plain, plaid. »n l »trl|>ed Dress Silk* ; rich brocade do ;
plain bl'k Silk* ; a large variety ; black brocade do. ; bl’k
* ud Rep. do. „
3IournlMK Dreaa Hood*.
Mouslin d'Laln-* ; French and English llombatlnca ; Al-
paccus ; I'ant-n nnd Tniailsu ' loth*.
Cloak* and Muntlllna.
Cloth Cloaks and Talma* ; black and col’d Silk Manlil
L* : Udlea* bl'k and co'd Clotlia forClo#ka, and a variety
of Trimmings l-r the *nm«. _
Embroldorlra and Lace Dooda.
Mouslin Collar* and Chemisette*-. «!•• . ricli ewt.rold
-red lawn lldkfs ; Mourning Collar*. ChemlzeDe*. and l n-
; Infant'* Walat* ; S«iv and Jac.
E igings and Inserting*: Tliread and IJ*lo Edging* and In*
<i-iliii^s ; Cambric and Muslin Bands.
Lidits’, Mhses'. Men'* and Boy'* Glove*, u largo variety.
Men'* and Boy's Woratct and Cotton Half Hose : Indies'
and MWaes’Cotton and Worsted Hose; L'dle*’ black and
while .Hilk do.
House Furnlali1t»K OcmmI*.
10-t 11.4 iind 12-4 Linen S.ieetings: 1»-I. 10-4 and 11-4
brown and bleached Cotton Hlioetinga; Pillow Case Uncna
„„j Cotton* N 4.9-4 and 10 4 brt>. and bl'ched Table Dam-
t*k- l'aina*k doth*; Nankins and Doyles; Hucabuc.
-cotcli and Russia Diaper*; Iriak IJnrn*. good atylca ; Ded-
Ticka. Furniture Dimity* Ac.
Clotlia nml Caaatmcrea.
Black French (loth*; Plain and Twilled Blue do. do;
black Doc Skill*: plain and plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jenna'
ii lack .-Nitlu Verting*, and black and col’d Silk Vesting*
H AVE just received and offer for sals on the moat ac
commodating term#—
26 bbL Stuart’S A and B clariflwl Sugar.
3') do Lebanon Mills Flour.
5 do self-rising Hour,
10 bag* Rio Coffee. 10 do old Java,
50 boxes Soap, 20 boxes starch.
76 do adamantine and sperm Candles.
20 do Judd's and l.Itclifleld’a patent Candles,
60 cask* London Porter,
20 half pipe* Brandy.
6 pipes Holland Gill,
60 casks Madeira. Sherry and Port Wine.
60 qunrter and eighth casks Madeira aud Port W ine.
10 llrkins Batter.
50 boxe* choice Dairy Cheese,
Alsu. 60 tucket* Hetdslcfc and Munn'a (ffiampalgn. 60.000
Havana and Ainerieau Segars, and 25 dozen aszorted cor-
\,T PREN DERG AST A CO., wish particularly to direct
1>1. attention to the most elegant assortment of Now
French and llrillah Ribbons they have ever sold, embracing
every novelty In si vie;
4 4 rirli Genoa and Lyon* Velvjt*. for talma*, scarf*, and
iimulillas. black and colored.
n-4 suparflne twilled French Ladle#' Cloth* for talma*
and mantilla*.
Freurh Merino*, all color*; rich Plaid and prluted de
Lib — • and Ua.hmere*.
oct'^5 I7N Urougliton *t., op, »t. Andrew’s Hall,
rTMIF undersigned, agents for the *bo»e mills.expect to
1 tx- supplied with oue or two car loads a week of this
Superior Hour, which they will sell from the Railroad De.
■Mil. »* it arrives, to dealers and bakers on fsvorable terms
W orks oi John «
containing the tpe<
newfinn . will b- I f «*•»•«•*
reeelplr I (or by lb- • — a. per I ' • "''k"
KIHI1M' k RiiDGI'ltS, ' IlsGo-.V
i tulume.
. . , f John C. Calhoun delivered
In the House or Reprmwnlalives and In the Senate of (he
United Stale*, edited by Richard K.Orall# reoelved an t for
ile by *ep|4 S S SlIII.F.Y. 186 Congf—s *t
■ i I II 11 Dll ' 0 ih ii ■> hols I—
su*age*. Ill dll r moked lleef. HO boZe* layer
ding and (or sale
So.t WhUaktr rtrtfi. « Georwla and I’rmch. Barr and Euro
TI1K SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the P 0 *” ** 111 t<,on, ‘ , : Plough# of variou
Itlaena of Savannah, and of th* Interior of this klnja. Eagle, Hub-Foil and Wrong!.
talc, that he has r.ow opened and will keep eon- EHM^HHMifeHhare: Iron Fire-proof Baft#. Shovel
tinually in store, a large assortment of thn best qualities and Spndt*, Manure and Hny Fork#. Potato Hooka, Oorc
of the variou* kind* of WINFM AND LBJUOIM. both foreign Sliellers. Cob Crashers. Manure Drag*. Cultivator#, Straw
and domestic. Invoiced from the best source*, and to bla Cuttere.Scythe* nud Mneaths. Ho**, Axes. Pick Axe* and
■lock of which, at nre«eot on hand, he Invite# attention.— I Handle*, Road Scraper*. Ox Qialns. Ox Yoke*. Garden and
Haring had extensive experience In France a* a manufkc- ! Fancy Harrows. Garden Chair*. Segment* and Gudgeon*
. . . . .i _ _ , .i. TV...... U u ...ii.i.i win. i,.. . n
turet, and In America as Importer and dnaler. his acquain
tance with the trade enable* him to offer assurance that the
article* which nre enumerated below era each genuine!
Article* of Direct Importation.—Frsncli Bran
di** of various brand*: Holland Gin; Scotch. Irish and
Monbngahela Whisky ; Old Batavia Arrack ; Jamaica and
8t Croix Rum.
Wlnea—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret. Sauternc and Durguudy Wine*.
Uordlala^ln case*. Carmona. Maraschino. Ratal!*, 81a-
valtz. Kirschenw***er. Absinth. Ac.
Ale and FurterMta-Lnidon Brown Stout, and Elln-
burgh Ale.
Alin Agent for Domestic IJquora,
nov6 R, MAYKR,
_ Hare In store, and offer for aale. on the moat
p^favora'de terms—
16 hhd* St mix Sugar. 26 do Porto Rico do
26 do N Orleans do. 60 bbla Coffee do
100 bbla Stuart's A. B and C Sugar. 26 do Crashed do
10 boxes 1-oaf do. 2«0 bags Itlo Coffee. *20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamah a do
10 case* Myer'a Aromatic Tobacco. 60 c*«k* Ilecon Hide*
25 cask* Shoulder*. 26 do lla-na. choice quality
100 bbl* Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 26 ball do Canal do
26 libds. 60 tierces and 60 bids West India Molasses
26 bbl* New Orleans Molasses, 26 donxlrn do
26 quarter chests Hy^on Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm and A tamantlne Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bale* Gunny Coth. 300 roll* Weaver'* Rope
100 bids E Phelps' Gin. 260 Flack'* do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 26 d» N E Rum
20 or c*«k* pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipe* (Hard Brandy. 20 qr cask* do do
100 bbl* M»nongalicla Whh'ky. 10 qr caak* Port Wine
15 bids Mint aud Rose Cordial.
Also, the following old and very choice izquora. In glasaea ;
40 d";en choice old Madeira Wine, bottled Iu 1847
36 deinijunaSt Croix Hum. 16 do old Jama lea do. 1848
60 do old Monongaliela Wlii>ky. 1845
10 do Pure Juice. 1848 40 do Brandy. 1816
85 dozen Scheldam Gin. 10 do obi Whisky. Nectar.
25 IIIIDS Porto Itlru
do choice New Orleans do. _ . _
100bbl* New Orleans and Cub* Syrup. S
'art'* rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do.900base* Sperm nod A'lsmsumotine Candle*.
26 do Starch. 60 do Cheese, 76 do Soap. 26 do Toilet do. 60
' mixed and assorted Candle*, 76 packages Tens. Black, It
Breen Wire. Names. Meazurea. Grist Mill*, Rice Thresher*
('auldro.i*. Dongla**' Pump* and Water Rams, Well Wheel*
do Bucket*. Cottsm end Counter Beale*. Trunks. Cotton
Hook*. Jack Screws, Jlurnle'e Be* Island Cotton Gins aud
Griswold's Upland da. (Vment, Plaster. Mill and Cross Cat
Saw#; alao, Eyed and Yard Saw*. Ac. For sale by
oolfl OiA’S H. CAMPFIIXD. 171 Hay-et.
Wfcllmhnml Retail,
lSo. 1 in Hrou^kwt-it.. Moth Hull and IVhilukrr.
THE largest and beat sek-ctod stock <if good* ever
offare.1 f»r aale in this eity. Gold and Sliver Watches
iVeaL Fob and Guard Clialna. Hel* of Jewelry. Chat-
dnneeTTlrncelnta.nrooches, fine Diamond work Finger lllnga,
81 Ivor Castor*. Tea Beta. PlteWa.a«blata|Mpa, Cake Baskets,
Spoon*. Forks.Fish Knives. Pie Knives,TW*c Broun*. la
dle*. Sypbonz. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware. Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of articles toonutnerou* to
mention : the whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
Allkindsof Watches, (lock*. Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hand*. HdRTON k RIKF.MAN.
YyV undersigned beg* leave to inform the Citizens
0kftiA"f Ha vannuli. anil tlie |>enpleiu the country In gene.
raLtlmt ho lias taken th* Store No. 148 Broughton Street
one door Wmt of Mixon's Confectionery, wlieri' lie will lw>
pleuM d to makeand repair all kinds of (locks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which lie may be Intrusted
And /ferny (Imli.
RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamer* fresh
a'lumons. making the best assortment in this eltv, nf all
kind* of Watches. Jewelry. Fancy Goods. Silver Spoon*. Fork*,
Pitcher*. Tea Set*. C«p». Syphon*. Plated Castor*, and every
variety nfartlje. mAoceted with our line of business; allol
which will be sold aalnw aa in any city Iu the Union
. I). B. NICH0IJ3.
I’articular attention given to the Repairing of Watch
es and Jewelry. no 20
Af TIIF. undersigned is now opening n splendid assort-
| [|rIntent of Hen JEWELRY, emnraolng the recent patterns
4* «f Ltr rlngs. Pins. Rraeelet* and Finger-rings, among
B 1 f which nro some fine tliamnml soilings.from flO to 85(H).
nd MuscovadoSugar, 26 , i Also, twenty five set.of those unique /W .«W*of Btr-
a”! ' ri "f* and llrosw-hes. frtim 818 to 3125 the vt. newest
d r.rvst patterns: together with a very select
went of extra fiuu H'o/cAas «et In |>enrl. diamond, linn'
ting aud plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver gels. Spoons. Forks, ladles,
Cup*. Ac., and Plated Ware of all kin Fancy Work Boxes,
E 1 .*' SB*B*”'! £ <T»rin...l Sup,. ] 0ra*««wFolio, 6r.„.« tiior-i.«M
ed Canes. Cuttlcry. Ac . renders Ids assortment ts»» «“■
plete. and unsurpassed In the state, either in qiialit 1
Fig*. Citron. Pickles. Raisins. Yea.t Powders. Saleratu*. So
ds. Ac., now in store and for sale verv low. bv
nili2fl RfnRFE A HODGDRg.
C>rm—160 bag* prime Hio, 76 do Jamaica, 00
_____ Sroza—10 hhd* Porto Rico. 10 do St. Croix. 6 do
New Orleans. 100 bbl* Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mduokbi—26 hhd* Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orleans.
Flora—160 bbls Baltimore. 76 do ('anal. 60 do II Smith's.
ILfXi.X—15 casks Philadelphia Hums 500 Baltimore can
va«*ed do. 30 hhd* Hide# 20 do Shoulder*.
PtrrxTUB*—160 bids P and Mercer.
l-iMD a.m> Connait—26bbla choice I-e*f I ard. 0 caakaCod-
Soap. Camum aito Btahc
Soap. 50
ToHArco—460nackages various brandtandqualiliea.
Stri p. Arc.—60 boxes Lunon Syrup. 10 casea Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10do Urnndy PcacIlO*.
DoMnsncljqroKM—76 bbls Phelps’ (!in.6(l do N E Ruin. 76
do Rectifled Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongaliela do.
Wijnta—20 quarter ca«k« pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for sale by
10 bids No. large Mackerel.
/B=t-3aU>hblaMo. 1 do do
tfeHM 10 half bbls No. 1 do
■■lO do No. do
30 bbls sugar, sodar. and butter Blsculta,
26 boxoa soda Biscuits.
60 do Burhnn'a Family Soap,
60 do Colgate's No I do
40 do Colgate's aud Ik-adell'a Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
Landing aud for sale by
•W Strict at tent lor
and jewelry.
paid to repairing watches, elocka,
ij/I MR. F. STEIN, on Brougliton-stri-et. has just receiv-
-i- ed the finest assortment of new and fashionable Jewel-
* rv of all descriptions, (iold and silver pencils nml pens.
Y silver and silver gllted wan- and fruit baskets, waiters.
I te.a sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons ; lino table,
Y jiockel an-l pen knives, srissora.and a large variety of the
finest work boxes, dreasing case*, and writing desk* for
ladies and gentlemen, a* also a fine selection of flutlnas.
arcordlana and fanev article*, too ntinternus to trieiith-n.
Inch he offers at tlie lowost prices ever sold In tills city
I of th. jinhlic -l Ur«H. tat" .iiio.l-lt, Ui-t (if
moot bo' f**l •
si patronage «
. loth from ell
div-'i j K i
oil ha* Wo . Si.n le.1 to .
r jo*
* Dairy
>' A CO
I>ml 10 k-gs C-otee tsOaltvi
I'liesisn pur sale l-p
/ tiiFFEK IND i- t
1/ i a-I*.. 75 do old J.
cad lies llysoo do. lor .
I half rhrst* DLrk Tea. I'»)
M-'M \I(• • V k |M)Yf V
n l V-IzmdlMZle-.-shU-US ' S ...
Il#y,a« l for aale on lit* witatf, l-v
H W UMOf.N Mottt
' V. CONNERAT A Co., offer for sal- on ac
commodating term*, a well a**orhxl stock of Gro
ceries. Liquor*. Tobacco. Segnr«. A-., viz ; 130 hags
(prime Hio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do. 20 hlid*
Porto Itico and Muxcovndo Sugars. 50 bid* clarified coffee do,
26 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes Inuf do, 200 pack
age* black and green tea. some very superior : 250 l-nx-s
tobacco, various qualities, l's. 8'*. 6'* and Ill's. 15 cases Di
adem twist. 10 do Virginius and Arnma'ic. 20do nectar leaf,
Vigilila gold leaf. 10 boxes KI Dorado tobacco, 176.000 *U|*e-
rlor Havana Begnrs, 10 half pipe* (ttnrd. Dupuy A f'o. Bran
dy. 20 half ami quarter cn>k* I’intern. Mattel. Hnzentc. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old .lean Lulls -to. 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 luincheou* Ht Croix and Jamaica Rum. 10
half pl|-es and 16 quarter cask* superior Madeira Wine 26
t-bls old Monongahela Wisky. 26 <|iiarter casks Teneriffe. 30
-h- do Malaga Wine. 200 Mils gin. whisky nml rum. 100 boxes
Vo. 1 and Cnnlly soap. 60 do starcli. 60 do n<lanutntine can
dles, 60 -lo tallow -lo. 20 casks l-acon sides, 16 do shoulders.
30 hhd* West India Molasses. 40 bbl* an-l Irs -In. 25 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at lit# wLoleails grocery w(«u e* |unp3
nlnffiD NPiDniraic. -
OA RBLS Stuart's Crashed an-l Pow-leml Sugar
Ou (10 do do A. II an-l •' Clarified -lo
60 do Iz-x A Kirkpalrlck'* Crashed do
00 do Butter. Sugar and Sod* Biscuit
20 do Trom lwell's Brvs-1
30 Itoxes do Jjo-la Biscuit
8(MI do Family, Pale and No. 1 Soap. S-nllh nml Col
60 do llen-lelt'a Pearl riarrh
25 do Ground Pepper In 20 ft boxe*
20 do -lo Coffee Iu 6u ft boxe*
3ti0 ream* assorted Wrapping l’.i|-er
60 mats old government Java Coffee
00 boxes 1st nn-l 2d quality Key's l.-mon Hyrup
MO bbla F. Phelps' and Hose Gin
80 do N E Hum. 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P A II Connecticut River Gin
20 and 20 casks Malaga Win-
60 bbls an-l 100 kegs prime l-eaf lard, landing an-l
or sale l.y Jy2l 9CKANT0X JOHNSTDN A CO
'11IIE Subscriber ha* on lian-1 a line an-l well selected
x. St— k of imi-orle-l pure Wines. IJquors nud Segars.
.-••mi rising the following :
Ili'AMfly—lo half pi|«es (Hard. Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do do
-.Id Heuneaay ; 2 do do Saxerac, 1808 ■ 2 do do Jean Iziuis,
1800 ; 3 -lo do J. J. Dupuy.
Wluro—l half pipe* oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular ; 3 do do -Id Port ; t) do -lo Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret ; 40 basket* Champagne.
Mrgsrs- '20 000 Rio Honda; 10.000 U Cruls ; 5.000
U Union ; 10.000 Izt Patria ; 28.000 Traburaa.
Fancy Grorrrhe.—A large supply, such a* imported
Cor-llnls. E r -*'i«h Ploklcaand Sauce*. Prcserv--*. s« cetmeate.
Prune* aud Jciuu... For sale hv A. BONAt'D,
dsD Corner of liny and Whitaker streets
C OITEE—160 bag* prime Rio. 76 do Jamaica. 60 do.
Si'iiah—10 hhd* Porto Rico. 10do. 8t. Croix. 6do. New
Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered, and Clarified.
Mut.t-nR*—26 hli-ls Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orh-an*
Flora—150 bbl* Baltimore. 76 -lo. Cniml.&o do. Hiram
Bap-i.v—16 casks Plilladelphia llaius.500 Baltlimue Bagg
ed. 30 hhd* Sides. 20 do. Shoulder*.
Broom*—40 dozen, painted handle*.
BuniKre—200 dozen, painted.
Boat. Caxm*i axi* btarih—50 h*.xe*N«. 1 and Family
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adamantine Condlci, 25 do.
Bperm. 26 do Star, 160do. Pateut Mould do.. 40 whole un-l
half boxoa Starch.
Tor A pro—350 pkgs various brands and qualities.
IJCM--X StRfP. JtP.—60 boxes I-eiimn Syrup. 10 rase* Wal
nut and Toiimto Catsup. 10 do. Ilmudy Pearlies
DnMKxTir Ijqt'iiR*—7o bbls Phelps' Gin. 60 do. N K. Rum.
76-lo. Rectified Whisky.30do. Kxlrnd-l Mommgahela do.
Wixn—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 -lo. choice Ma
deira. Received an-l firsnleby
H AVE instore, ami offer for sal- on accommodating
terms, the following, viz :
20 hhd* l’orto Itico Sugar. Id-I-- Muscovado do,
ID do N Orleuu* -I-. 60 bbls crashed do.
60 do rcQiied A II urn! C do. 25 hli-ls Cuba Molasses,
100 bbl* N <1 .Hyrup. 60 do New Yoik do,
200 bag* Rio ('offer, 60 do Java do.
26 lilid* U*con .Side*. 10 do do Bhoulder*,
KM) hair bid* l-nr-1. 600sacks Silt,
100 boxes Moan, various brands,
100 do fancy uo, for toilet use. auglO
AA BBLH winter strained and bleaclte 1 whale Oil.
£ V/ 2(Ml bags prime green Rio Coffee.
60 I-aga old govarnmaut Java Colli-e.
76 ■ Uguvra Coffee 4fl do MhisimIIm-do,
100 bbl* E Phelii#' Gin, 40 -lo P k H Conn’t River do
20 •• -iomeatlc Bran 1y. 60do New EngUn-l Rum.
60 bbl* and loo kegs prim* Uaf Urd.
f-o Mid* prime Bacon 8id-a, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Bucket*.
20 hhd* prime Hi Cr-lx Sugar, 16 do Porto nicodo.
20 •• prim* Naw Orleans Sugar.
20 bbla butter, sugar, aa-1 sod* Crackers
80 " Stuart's A. B. and C elarlfied Sugar.
40 '* '* crashed and powdeted Bugar
80 box#* Rcadell's Os and 8s tallow Candles
100 ‘ Btar Candle* 300 do No I |-*l* and family Soap
60 M Hegar*. of varl- u* bran-1* F-r «*le by
11. KIHltll'8 L I.4M It, ( IIAIKI.U*, «*. ‘
'1(1 Ulliri II Hmllli’s Ho -r
• half bbls rliolra Canal Hour
20 bid* Sugar Cracker*
I 20 h*lf Mil* do do
20 bbl* Muller do
•JO half bid* do do
2» haD bl>u Full—I Market lleef, a rholee article
60 M-l* Crashed Huger
I in-ling from brig Au^iMU.jind f--r aale
THE un-lersigned resj-ectfiillj iu1--rinthe
lizcns of Snvannali. Georgia and Florida,
that they hare on hand more tlmn fifty
Piano*, the largest alnek ever on sale in this city, and
iiiadehy tlie mu-t ccb-brated manufacturer- iri the I'nitcd
Statea. Nunn* A Clark.T. diickerlng. IViar-lman A Gmr.
Uiglit A Newton. Friuard* A Fisher, all well known to tlie
lovers of Music, have place in tlu-ir large a-,*nrtnicnt.—
Tli-'-I’inniH ure of rich tone, nml licnutlruMv flnLlied in
Rnee Wood. Black Walnut, nn-l Mahogany, witli Iron frame*
ina-lc- In the most sutistautinl nn-l workmanlike manner.—
Also the Justly celebrated ACnlian I'Unn Forte*, which for
their sweetneaa of tone have not been equalled Ail these
llnstrunienl* have nietnlie'frames which render thorn peculi-
tni clhnnte. preventing necessity of tuning
Hie undersigned are Agent* for Henri Herr's, celebrated
Grand Pianos, made in Paris. F'or Power nml beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
Cakhart> Mw/kiiiiv*,—Tills beautiful toned wind ln«tru>
ment.inanufnctiired by Csrhnrt A Needham. N. Y..for village
purposes. U-lge*.Serenading Parlies, and the privntepme-
tl«e of Organists, possessing a sweet nn-l powerful tone, they
have also for Male. /.II these instruments will lie di-p-M-l of
on the most accommodating terms. The prices of the Pi-
anos ranging from 8176 to 81000.
Tlie suhscritH-r having purchased the en
tire business of F. '/as,r u m .k Co., of wbicii
firm be has heretofore been the acting mem
her in Snv.iuunli. would respectfully Invite
llmattmllon of those In want or anything In the musical
line to his establishment. F'roni many »ears’ experience
leith iu professional and business in ittera connected with
music. Mr. 'I feels trim self fully qu ill’ll to profferhis ser
vices in the selection of music and in-Wnment* or the ful
filment of orders, with the nssuranro of Ills utmost teal and
Industry In his endeavor to deserve the patronage ami con
fidence or the public. G. It MITCHELL.
j" n,, i4 incceaaor to F. Eogbamn A Co.
sWMaMsSLIdllmM-ytMlto'wag-w 'fttss
If O I f Ifortes, iiml.i Music Department for ladle*
• * . * 1 *l*:lng now completed, we would invito tho at
tention of (lie musical publicrio our stock.comprising every
article in the line, which can be furnished (wholesale aud
retail) at New York prices.
hang FORTES by A. Stodart A Co . J B. Dunham, and
•itlier* of cslaldisheil reputation. roii*tuntlv on hand.
F. ’//)(! HA I'M A to.. liniHirtcra,
No*. 74 St. Julian and 107 llryun-'lreets.
" Next to Market Square.
.Yu 17 ll’AiliUrr find. (fiuttNMlk,
HaaJQBt opened a large nml choice variety of New
Splitxii ate'SruiiLH g, m ,w. consisting in part iff Mack,
figured and fancy French Oasslinere* ; Mack aud col
ored Uaahinere; d-itlis nn-l laslim-ielts ; white and
fancy Linen Drills: wiih a large «f faui'i Mar-
- ilh - an-l IJaen Vesting., oil of which l-e is pi .-pared to
mal.e up to onlcr in the moat fa«hionnl»lo style.nud on ic
ciiiuni.i-latliiq terms W p6
So. 147 Ho;/ Slrrrt.
AU parson* of taste uu-1 refinement—those having
Ine regard for comfort and personal appeal unce.mav
all times aele-t any and every article for tlu-ir wnr*f-
lio, from one of the largest assortuii-nts of the Very
Deri Goods in this country ; uitli-.-r In Ready Mail* Garmenta
-.r made up to measure In unique stylo, or Furnishing art!
clc* of .-very description and quality too numerous to men
■ |« M D. MURPHY, 21 Hull-rhYti, woul-l respectfully
Jllnt'irm Ills fritnda and the public generally, thnt lie
Mlin. received his « >ty lea for gentlemen, among
.-ULiriiicii will be found as rich and fine fancy Cassimeres
Vesting*. Ac., na have ever been brought to this market.
All or-iees executed with -lispatcii. and In the heat style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are reapeetfully invited lo call and judge for
humsaJva*: mil II
WM R SVli-iN.-. AXD Tslimt. .V». . ,
IP/u'biVcr ttnrlt. r- -|s ctfully a.-lleils Die/fffliffffl,
IcfllFm or his f. lends an i the public in 8"i' - /I f(J
-nl.'to hL large slock of Ready m i c UI-iili.L*/ il’/
ing. snit.iMe f-.r tlie present and coming season. It Ims all
In- ii mi !e np under his |iersoniil superintendence en ! lor
si 11 - an-l dm ability of workmanship, is inferior to none to
he found in the market.
I tie following comprise a port ir n of tlm slock : Frock* a nd
'''"** "f Wne. black and c.i'hiuere cloth* ; I.lack,
hrali d'ete Frock* and .lock - ; linen dock, drill and fancy
llm-n F'n-gka and Sacks; India grass, silk and l.roau lim-ii
■su ss : hls-di nti-l colored nl|-aca Frocks an-l Socks.
I’nnts of fzney French cnasimere*. h’.ack doe-akin cassl-
in re. black drnb d'ete ami spring tweed casdiueie. wliite
•luck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a large lot
ton drill nn-l -luck I’nnts. f--r summer wear
Vests of Idtck satin, black bnrnthen. and fancy silks, fan
cy and while Marseille*, figured and riri|ied linen*.
Alao. a large atotk of Furnishing Good*, such a* stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, eollnrs. silk, gauze, merino, au-l
cotton ■■■1(1(^*11111*. stripe silk and cotton aocks. silk and
gingham umbrellas.ete.. etc.
The whole of which lie offers for sail
t«*nu«. and at prices as cheap as the cli
Offers for salt-, a large assortment nf (’loth*, fii*.
meres ami Vestings, consisting in part of tliefol
wing article*, ss-lccte.1 bv himself during tlie past
summer in Lm-lon and P«n*. which ha will make up lo or-
-Icr in tho best style of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. Hie stork of Kea Clothing uud of Furnish
ing Goods, for gentlemen'* wear, is very large and of (lie
le-t quality and Style—th* whole of it made this rail under
hi* own Inspection, and will lie boM at (he lowest i-rices for
rash or anproved credit French black, blue, brown and
ol Ira (loth* ; fancy Fronrli *nd English (aMinicr-s ; uncy
Milk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Pla*li Vestings; blnck Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; suiter black Doeskin ('•Mlmeros ; Me.
rlnoandSUk I'uderahiri* ami Drawers; while ami fancy
Shirt* and Collar*; Canton Flannel Hhiit* and Drawers;
white, black *nd fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Tic*, plain and
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs.Satin and
IVmihasin docks noS IT Whltakrr-atrcet.
** *>. IVK are constantly receiving these valuable
‘ * T* and have ■ hem always In readiness lo I,#
d- llvt-redat the shortest notice,
1. W MORHFJ.I. k ai
N II —tie are |M>rinilliN|to Inform the public that we
«•- received from Mr. Raymond, of New York city, a let.
i signed hy the different member* of Dm Unlte-I state*
S-oate who vrre Appointed |u take charge of the In.,I) o|
Hie Hon. IImm I'l AY. deceased (mM. Ii wa-eucloved in on-
of FlHt'e Metallr I sses,) and who vent with II loKentui-t-1 -
limy .4) to Mr Raymond, that IlieCase answered the pur. fin which II wa* Inleo-led. and meelswUh I heir appro-
ballon end (hey uheerfull) rreoinmeii-l III., Ih* public a*
bring •uperl-r lo any oilier Case for l|iv D*N*porlatioii ol
Ihe -I- « | | be letter raw be •#« u by aalllng im
no-la ting
T HE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on
Monday, October loth, under the management of J. B.
MALLARD and BERNARD MAI.DN. aszociaU- principals.
Tho academic year ta divided Into four quarter* of eleran
weeks each, a* follows;
Flr*t quarter commencas October 10th. and end# Decem
ber 24ih.
Second quarter cotninonc** January 1st, 1864, and ends
March 18th.
Third quarter commences March 18th, Aud end* Juna
Fourth quarter commence* June 10th, and ends August
The academy Is organized Into five department*—Prima
ry. Intermediate, Grammar. (lusskal. and Young Ijidiea’.
No expense has been spared to fill tlm several depart
ments with well-qualified and experienced teac iera.
Tlie Young ladies will be under the charge of J. B. Mau
I-aw'. assisted hy Miss M. A. fUtlJorDMt, who was educated
In tlm best schools of Northampton. Mass., and lia* been
for the Inst three year* principal of a fciiinle academy In
this State.
The Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr.
Isaac F. Cady, a graduate of Brown University, for two
year* classical teacher In the High School In Providence,
- and for the Inst six years principal of tlm High School. In
Warren. Rhode Island.
| The Grammar Department will bo under the charge ofB.
Mai i.<ix. a* heretofore.
I The Intermediate De|-artinent will be taught by Mr. Hkx-
j«Y Bakck. a graduate of Oglethorpe University ; and the
Primary hv Miss A. R.CaRTKR.
Arrangement* Imre been made with Mr. K. Mimm for
glvng instiuctlon in Frenoh and Drawing.
JOHN II. MALLARD, ) „ , , .
BERNARD MALI AIN. / 1 , ' ,ncl l M »'••
J’rnjidd, Qrtm* Courtly, rttt.
THE Studies in thl* University nro A Theological course
A of threo years, desigued fur t" *
the Go«|icl Ministry ;
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in the country ;
A Scientific Course of three years. Including, with some nd-
dilion, al! the studies of the Collegiate Course except tlm An
cient language* ;
Tlie regular time for tho admission of Student*, la at tlm
o|s-niivof the Fall Term, the last Wislnesdny in Augliat.
( nn-li-lnlcs for n-lmiKslon nlo the Collcginto Course must
suslsiii a satisfactory examination Iu Geography, Aritli-
niotlc. English. Litin nud Greek Grammar. Cirsnr. Virgil,
l icero’s Select Oration*, and Jacob'* Greek Reader ; and
must be at least fourteen year* of age.
Can-lidntes for admission Into the .* > e|entific Course must
sustain n satisfactory examination mi Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar. Simple Equation* In Algebra. hikI two
Imoks in Geometry; anil must bo at least sixteen years of
*/''■ KXI’KXXK*.
Ix TnzoifxiiCAL Siouxaky,
Scientific Course....
Ix Academy—
Preparatory Clans..
Second “
Thlnl “
Hcmentarjr *'
Room Rent
Contingent Expenses.,
These e\|ienses requir
S/rring Jkrm. fhllTVrm.
.Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
*26 00 (16 00
. 26 00..
26 00....
20 00
15 00
10 00
« 00
2 00
1 to he pnl-1 in advance.
. 16 00
16 00
12 00
P 00
0 00
4 00
1 00
Student* who lodge iu the Collage buildings, fifty
dollar* will be received as full payment for the tuition feei.r
*• and contingent expense* of the
Tlm Commencement Is held on the Inst Wednesday In
there are two Vacations, dii Ming the year Into terms,
follows ;
16ri* r "* '^ cr,: '—f ,,,n| Inst Wednesday In August to llecember
Winter Vncntlon—from fVeemla-r 16lh to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence,
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. U. M. SANDERS.
Secretary of the Hoard >*f Trustess,
Any friend, by application to I'r. J. L. DAGG. President o
tin- l nlversitv. will re-elve a enta'.ogiie. containing th-
cnurse^if stii-lie*. an-l all other necessary iiifurmation
T ,IW in '* ,,, " ,, "n afford* a complete course of legal edu-
1 cation lor the Inr in any iff tlm Unite.) States, except.
Ing only mutters of merely local law an-l practice ; and aisii
a systematic course of instruction in Commercial law for
tlio-e who propose to engage In mercantile pursuits.
The l-«w Library, which Is constantly increasing, con
tains ii'tw about 14.000 volumes. It include* a verv coin-
plete collection iff American ami English law, nml tlm prin
cipal works nf tlm Civil an-l oilier Foreign law. It is open
Jo students, and warmed and lighted for their use during
both terms and the winter vacation.
Ihe first term of each aca-h-miral year begin* in the Inst
week of August, un-l the second term in Ine last week of
lehruiirv ; each term rniilinuc* twenty weeks. Students
nre admitted at any period nfn term or viientfi-n. The fees
nre (50 a term, nod 825 for hall a lerm. For this sum
dents have the ii--of tlie |giw l.ibrnrv and text book*,
of the College l.ihrarv. and mav dtten-l nil the cour»
pnt.lir lecture* dellvere-l to the undergraduates of the
The instructor* iff tlm Law School are Hun. Joel Pnrker.
I I . D.. Roynll Professor; Hon.Theophilu. Parsons.LL. D .
pane Professor: and lion Edward C. I/.rlng. Unlversil v
U-cturer. lii'trurtinu is given hy lectures, recitations and
examinations, an-l moot court*.
For further information application mav be made to
either of the instructor*
Cambridge. August 1.1853
JAMES WAI-KKR. Prealdent.
/-oriffn/iee Charter, qronlni in DOW
TP 1 1fi,SKlW«n*!Mi -fflPW'ZlHItifW"
GKO. V. Urow.xz, Prealdent nnd Protl-ssnr of AfenTnl nurt
Moral Science.
P. Lnt n. Professor of Natural Science*.
KB. Ur.*XHam. Professor ol Mathematics nn-l Direct-
Hkxny M. Iloir/CMW. Professor of Belles Imtlrea
Tlie Faculty will heasslstodh. ilmf..Rowing Udlcs.viz
Mr*. Irowiie. Mrs. Rranluiiii, Misses Re.iaett, Biimste
Meredith, and E. Bennett
Catalogue* containing furdirr Information, mar be i
tallied Itjppplrillgtn either nf the officer'of (I..- College,
to either of tlm following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board or Trustees; K. E Jones. M. D. President; B. M. IVe-
pies. Ijsqr.. Treasurer; Tlm* .1 Burney. K*jr..Srrretnrv;('nl.
J. B. Walker. Re.-, N (J. Kn-ter. Bev. ('. \| Irwin. W'm. S.
rioke*. he tin • i r id Walker. Zerharlali Fears Nathnn Mas-ov.
Wm. W. B. Crawford. M.D.. Ilenj. Harris.Ja*. K. Swanson, j
W leara.R. I', /iininenunn.
Madison. Morgan county. Dee. 23nl. 1861
U '11 on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet
ing ami S.elety street'. (Imrlcrinn. S r . a UOABD.
Fieneli will be exclusively s|Hikcii Iu the School and fam
ily, but -Ine req.ird will be also iin-1 to a thorough English
Education. Madame Togno Is prepnre 1 to lefer parent* in-!
guar'Ian* to the m -l eminent Priffeaaor*nl Music in I’hil-
a-lej, hi.i nud New York, nn-l lo a number or centiemeu ii
I hit el- It na ai d \ -rg wliosu daughters she has giv.
en instruction for several year*.
Philadelphia.—Rev. King-ton Goddard, Md’lle Adele FI-
rolgne. Mad tMi. PIcot. llad Acelie (mother ol
Mad Togno.) LI. D. Ingraham. Esq..Dr. Wm. Hcrris. H. D
' - Ipln. lag.. Signor Perelli. Prof, of Music. H. Hupfeld.
ff Music.
Pork.—Mad. II. Cliegnray,Signor Bagfidi.
II inr lie-tier. Fa.—Rev. U. Walker. Rev. II II lloyd.Hon
mi II V.Conrad. Geo. lme. 11 II ls>e. E*q.
J. I I'etigrn.Ksq . O. Mill*. K*>| . .1 P. Por-
'lay In Gctol
J. M. Ma-
it. K».I , H. C King. K
T M1: "f Is-flures In this Depiiilment will
J enmmenee on MONDAY. November 14. and will ter
mlnate in the ensuing March.
JAMF>.IGN’ES, M. D.. Professor of I'racticv-
J C UIDDFI.L. M. I).. Profe-or -ff (Imn.irirv
WARREN STUNK. M D . Professor nl Surgery
A II. ( ENAS. M I) .Professor of Obstetric*
" EDDKRMI'RV. M. D.. Professor of Anatomy.
(JI.-IAVCSA NG1T.M. I). Professor of Materia Medic*.
THOMAS Hi NT. M. I)., Professor ol Physiology anil Patiiol-
1101*1 IN M |).. j iwmonatmtnra of Anntomy
r -.r disserting will be opon from the third Moo-
r to tho First of April.
i. .. r ^roVUItlngPhyskU". and Surgeon* of the
Charity H-'pital. and attend this Institution (tom Novein
fier i" April The Student* arcompanr the Professor* ir
heir*. and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tage* free of expense
There are about one thousand patients prescribed for
dally In Hu- Hospital.
Tim number of patient'i* nearly twentv thousand. In the
>" ar t TH0MA8 HP-VT.M I). Dean.
V I --V IKHIKS R-'-iv-l hy .- S. Sibley. Getofier 4. 1863.
ii in ri IT.u ".i ^ " f tl,M racier and tt-udenciee of
HrltI'L Iti'titutlona, bv Warren Ishain
J";* : M ur Crime and Retribution, by Emerson
n J k h U c *. * ,Aey ,h * of Adelaide IJndav.
The W hit# Cruiser, or Ihe Fats of tlm Unheard Uf, by Ned
Ilnntlliie : Putnam s Magazine, for October. 7
The KuickerlNicker ; the London Journal
Industry of nil Nation*
JaneHeion. or tlm King's Advocate, afcoDlsh historical
roman-e. t»» -■a,ties Grant.
«.fflri, ,»r or * nd "»
The Rebel ttoout, a romance ,f the American Revolution,
by Amu Ashland for aale at 136Congress *■ oct6
VJTAI'LE GOODS —Kersey«, J’lalna, O.iuburgs. Home.
. whl,, ‘ F1,,nnrl *' Blanket*. Calfooa, brown
an-l bleached .Shirting, nnd Hheetlnga. Iluckabuck*. Crash,
Towel, linen dama-k Napkins. Irish Unena, lllrd’a-eye Dl
•per. ete . for *aU by «D IHtWITT 6 MORGAN
M ourning fifitiix—hi*, t Hoinbeiina*.t-u-k Norwiii,
- II .-I",!,.. 0,11.1, .,,.1 Fr-nrl, ta'lm.. ,..
riu. hlsck 1 rapes, black !>*,«• and l/ttr Veil., Collar* ami
( hemlzetla, black 8|lk and ,-alln -It- UUne. he., for sale hy
F 0 B 8 A L E.—A Tract of LAND, containing 2D2)<
^J^acre*. and improvementa, near Waltbonrvllle. liberty
-- .. - - - --- . s,..
Ho. 130) - — - - - -
county, on the Savannah and Albany Railroad. The laJi ** 1301 &mtk [«•• 133
a of good quality, pine and bay land.60acre, of which ar# 111. r **r ctf " ,, - T ,n ‘(?)
In cultivation, and the remainder well timbered, offering tl^v h fr * Bi, vL
---B- vu uv VAVTIIVU. ini
property can be bought at a very reasonable price,
the most accommodating term*. If early application b-
to tho atitMcribera. at Waithourville, Liberty count v.
•trong Indnremente to persona Interested in procuring tur
pentine. Tlie Improvement* consist of a two-atory frame
dwelling together with negro houses.aUblea. and all other
necessary outbuilding#. The location cannot Im surpassed
for lipslllifulneas or salubrity of climate, with good wafer,
and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled. The above
price, and on
■Bon be made
- — - - , lyeountv,
_apl 28— 16:c H. W. RAfXJN.
■M A Tract of Tide Swamp land, containing 600 acre#,
Replying on the Alatamaha river, three miles above Dari-
’ v »n,*i|jolnlng lamia of th* estate of Butler anil Dun-
wody on the east and Olgnilliat and Walker on the north
and west, naving os good a pitch of tide as an- rice plan
tation on the river My term* aie. twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth raah. and the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the Interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In caaeof my absence
Mr. Jams* Pfenrau will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at the offleo or the Georgian,
Dsanw. Jan. 22. 1863. Jan26—1am
, V SA ' K Tr f r ' of l-ANDof five llun-lr-lacre#
fX atrlctly prune Rice land immediately opposite the old
town of Hardwick The situation of the pUce afford* one
of the best Niw-uiill seats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy nnd without end. Vesaael* coming
from *ea can load Immcllately alongside, drawing from ten
w ** or - For term* apply to Henry Williams.
Lkn-DUUMt Attorney.Savannah.or to B. fmiJN.lfrrancouii-
^v. n J. rK V® 1 ** V i° n SAIjmnVfiTraTuTf fANli^Th.
• Mary’s River, known a* the Cut-off Tract, containing
reven hundred^nnd seventy-two (772) acre*, of which ore"
Are hundred (600) acre* are tide swamp and fresh marsh
land*, with a rise and fall of tide or six feet. The marsh
land was successfully cultivated many year# alace. producing
Cotton. (a no, nnd Rice. ‘ ■
These lands could lie put in order with less labour. It la
believed, than would Ih- required for nutting Hammock land#
andfrMheU oon, ' ,r * <1 T * r J r M ‘ efron »o»crflow in gale*
For further particulars and term*, which wltlbe made easy
U) a purchaser, apply to John Fraser nnd Co.. Clmrleston.
Gcorfia " Mr " ' ,nrV U “ l,ev ’ Ht ' Mary'*. Camden county,
A plat of the land may be seen at the office nf the Geor-
?2 apl 27—dAc
-jj* THE aubseriber offer* for anl* 1,200 acre* of Land,
Ml) ingon the Alatamaha. river, three miles below the
T "". n BlulT n "‘ r, ‘ " r * <ifi " "C"* open,
ready for cultivation ; also two small frame.1 hou'eswith
*°° d , f ? roH l,,or * house, situate on
thebank -ff the river, one of the best stands for a store in
this section Tlie place has the advantage of steamboat*
' * , V ,#r I * , " , ;i ,rl "ff '"ontha. and one of the
best fisheries on tho river for ahad. Any person wishing
pUce^ ,a,e C “ D d ° *° by c * llin < on *ho subscriber on tli#
All to. 980 acres of Land well timbered, with 160 acres of
first rate bay lnn-1 well ditched and drained.ready for clear-
ng. w tl. five acre* cleared. Said land will produce fifty
of A a! in!,'"’, to " d r?"• ,h * Rratand second district
') n w°°° * Cr ''’' of l,,n,, 11 timbered
with oj j*n *s nnd while oak. Any person wishing further
particular* can nd-lrera me at Hall I*. O., Georgia.
jnn31—lawdAwfim w DYAI.I
'•‘‘•'‘’ffh- (N. C) Stan-lar-1 will please puhliah
weekly for six months, ami sen-1 bill to \\*_ d
T?( 'It FA Iff;—Tlie westerly hair of Lit No. 2 Vninarraw
if . *! , , ! lf n, ° " hart now weuplcd l.y theChtrlealon Steam
I acket ( oiupany. measuring one hundred feet on the River
and running back about two hundre,! feet to Canal.street'
Jr VfrT", n,l ' r ■ l “" ’"" Ch “8- »■ 'ta
If not sold nt pri vate sale previous to ll.e Aral Tuesday In
y. II will then be offered at auction nt the Court
■ Apply t-. deft _ COHEN k FOSDICK.
.i.I h -. a " ! . n ' V n .. k " n,rn AnWK-K - Immediately on
' l ,rp,, |’ f *•'«• N'vannah road seven mile* from
—^Mniien. containing eleven hundred nn-l forty seven
d^Vtai'an* n "' ,m, ""V ,ck " f "h'ch near two bun
. ill I I ' ner ;* ,rp cl, ,re ' 1 fence. The hnm-
liiTtl "Vi" "! " f l ,, " ll * v r " r cotton, corn, Ac .
an 1 the pine Innd* well a-lnpte.1 to turpentine. Th- re are
Theio Is'a'tTnl V ,tl " r l n U i il '« n * f * ,, ' p
Siri, r. I ' wi, hln five miles over a good road
full? JS' r I* l—I.KIIAl, .
_augl7 wont South Newport.0
HE attention of tlie trade, and other*. In want of Porte
Moiinnlea. Pocket Book*. Bankers' Cases, Dressing Ca
ses. I nrtnh e Wrltlng Desks. Barkgiimmon nnd Clio** Board*.
fifma v"; S L "' l Silv, ‘ r < '“ r ' , Work Boxes.
( abas. .Needle Hooka, Money Belt*. Cigar Case*. Portfolios.
Razor* nnd lUzor Strop*. Travelling V'-
•gether with# large variety «f Fancy Good#, which
-Id nt the lowest rates. f. H SMITH
Porto Monmilu and Pocket Boo,. ’. r
nng21—eodim 206 Arch st.. below Sixth, Phlladel|'>hln
that they have removed from Ke. |
„ , 187 Walnut atreet. to No. 186 South
Second afreet, where they have on hand a large and aplea-
did aaaortmmtof superior furniture, nf every deseriptlonl
to which they Ipvlte the attention of purchasers, mh7
So. 731 AorfA Sixth Street. I’hiladeh ltia. "
(Oppnzlt# Franklin Square.)
THE subscriber la eon. -antlr tin *■
iahlng.and on hand Plain and’lan V
ey Can# Seat great varle- 1
, , , »y^«l»ltanlandfa*hlonabl##tvl##.' .
for par lore, dining-room* or ebarobera, made la Fancy
Mood*. Imitation Woods, and Fancy Color*, ke. 7
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and Lautlfiil de.
a gna ; (ane Ljunge*. Cane Settees, Hall Clialre. Counting
Ihmse and Office Arm (lialra. large an-l email Rocking
Setu£ * tnr * *" d Stmaamsbomt Stool*. Windsor Chalra, and
»*♦•»••>«•» •od Fall Road Comranle*
will find It to their Interest lo call at the Factory nf *
_ No. 131 North «th St (o rr ozlle Fi ankBn Svnare,)
n,,1 ‘ Pliiladvlphla
Agricultural XVsrr-Bnni, nml Seed Afore.
So. 104>i Market ttreol. 1‘hUatUMiia.
Pffot'TY AMtutw' l atent Seif mm
Shariwnlng Ploughs, of all sIzesJH
right and left handed—Subsoil.**-,
i...»1, H, U and Double Mould, ke., with
h r7> > omU. Bar share. Beach, and other klnda
of ( a.tlnga for repairing. Tin- Emperor of Russia awarded
Tor the above Plougha. a Massive Gold Medal, value 8300 __
x. M i. ' e ( r « t M« , "Ut Hie World's Fair, was awarded P.
KSiStklBL Cultivators with Double Point Polish-
ed Steel Teeth, which can be re verve <1. tl,,,. getting Double
-Bh^eel Tre1| ,n, ° n T ** t *'' A1 ’“- Co,llT * ,o r* of all kind*
rill In- >
R E C»' ,,V «• »• WRIi*Y, Aug,,«t 10. 1863;
.. m 1 . Tr f , «‘ , nhere. or the Annette Marie
M»11*rd. author of Zlntrra theGypxey.
ri>il".< , T .l,y of Sir Wllllnm Hamlllin. Prnro..-r ofl^-k.
AWIar-l and Kloise, a O. W Wright
“* ’•wre-
Barnum's lUuatrnted News; Gleason’sPlctnral ; Ponuli
stare'llr'' : MnJa r l "! nf Art", For sab- at_Jh?.bo«
... the book
*’ miMr.-Y.
136 Congr,
•urn. i r " r ■ polish to *11 other, and never
grim in e. snitntili- for shipping. Di-nlcrn .-m-l oil.,,, win
'"' lr "’'I' <•*■!• ,o lb, Jl-
kheni'ii * Rinomw.
' W. p,.rn.r 1011, .,,,1 ajjjjllfjli.
!, • ‘* v annal | I Killing Mai bine, situated on the canal at
«"/ -Is-v-m-h. tatwV-n
" , ." 1 Margaret stn-t-ts. Order* for nil deecrinlions of
a ml mi m i f'' r "* tho liosalhlSi notice.
ei r f “ r .l d . " V" r . cri . or Yarhlcli cannot fail to
please the consumer. Work done by their rnachli
8|u»in's Atmospheric Clitirn*.
Corn Shelicrs, improved
Hny and Straw Cutters.
Hnnd Corn Milla,
Corn and OobCrnshera.
Geild*' Improved Harrows,
Square and A Harrows,
Horse Rakes.
Grindstone*, ready hung.
Dirt Scrapei*.
Agricultural Furnace*.
Ox Yoke* and Bow*.
Folk* for unloading Ha*,
Man Hny Hakes,
Row Pina.
Apple Pearera.
Oz Muzzle*.
Mole Trent.
Pruning Hooke end Clilael*.
Saw* and Selaaora,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
lutaln. ftir ,",„ln P„„,p,, | tlook .
Horticultural Tool* (of
Com Planters,
Turnip Drill*. 4 to 30.
Grant's Patent Fan Mills,
Garden Engines,
Wheat Prilla,
Horae Powers and Thresher*.
Mowing and Reaping Ma
( bain Pump*.
Cattle Ties,
Bull Rings.
Patent Iron Snaths.
'Grubbing Hoe*.
Transplanting Trowels,
llay and Manure Forks,
Shovel* an-l Spades.
Garten and Field Hoea,
Garden Rakes in variety.
Children's Tool*.
Darling Per'.lies,
Pnath*. with Patent Fasten.
n-1 R,
Ao. 4 AorfA t\ttk rtre t tiro doort abort Market.
__ PBIladelphln.
T “S5r»tat #Ju > to r q , m ? . fresh and eomplel#
vet 'i!V *rV w,,,ch and vel.
vet. One satin, am! the lowest priced unulnzed rai-er*' also.
1 Inna, bon!lore. (Ire-screen*, curtain*, ete.. which they
offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. J
-I? to ta.f i-j.r-tth-rln tl,.
*“*• ’"---.Iwooru.u.l
■htaibiji.TSissjRfa “•«»
N„ * Morlh T1U,
_r r c.l,r. l .l ltatata.„,n,ta '■’’.LhiKSi* 1
TN ALL ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with nonrnnrU
colors "SoreT-l ,n r ln
l ... . I . 7 r\ dwcr, pt |<| n. with or without presses.
, 'f‘ P r, "trt with name, business nnd address labels
MKOXJr .nd InproTO
Fn.. i . o ... .. ^ n - CALVERT k CO..
K ’l. r!! i,‘ ■ rn 1 , ™Manufactnrera.DleHnkera.Embra*
mis nn-l Ungrevera. 48 South 3d-at., Philadelphia
compare with that of any lu UM( ,
l n ar . ri>og ! n g fo . r .a constant
Tlie sub'crit-i-rs
f o
build! r* need apprehended. Every, f.nilitv win
li-n-lcd In obtaining mntccial for all
te- 1 with despatch.
win ne in iqH-nition in the course or „n«> month when or 1 of heautlftil design.
ry description ,ff Sawed Lumber will be execu-
'••imtch. Apply to R A. ALLEN k CO or
H, ' m WILLIAM KINK. Agent
h J*“rV bU ‘ ,y °|8*ned a new and splendid assort
ment of carpet* consisting of—
tat-mji, Dutch. Venetian, Stair, Three Fly,
liiRralu, and Hrusaela Carpets. *'
u.. M ii* rvry h " n ' , * 0 ‘i"’ assortment of Velvet and Chcnrl
Sl orw&ii P wlB h^°?! V rUKK ' 1 hnA Floor OH Cloths
all or wfilch will be sold at the lowest price*, by
* e, ‘ AIKEN ft BURNS.
Gmumnum WARE—Tea si- Pttchera CmCm
sert^^Knlve‘i! , pi" b |!nr '^^"P«. Tumblers. Forks. SpiHiua. Bea-
Rnlve. in ' Knives.Crumb Semper*, Fish Knives, Jelly
Knives ( In bcoupa, Soup la,II.-- «„d
Ia Huy. nnd for
cle iTil e Jilvl 1HMU .P I r ,,c '' u, "‘ *™ r y "Iher .
ole in the silver way. from the best manufactories in
country, and warranted, at 110 Broughton atreet
"""T Cliristopln-r Iah.-s,-h. 6(1 Iml.-i.
n tho wliarf, bv
A 1 ! p V J’ , *JJTEIl--76 bbla I’iiiUdrlpliia ( ream Ale. 60
.nil tor, ® r ' 40 caak* l-ondon Porter, for sole bv
. McMahon ft DOYLE.
I '-? 1 '.'F'.F 1 ' 1 D—A line and large assortment iff gentle-
-laek Bnir n Vi 11 "*! 'l'" 1 ,' : |,IhI "' C"l«rwl an-l
i! or nl. * ' T ’! ’ eiu ; "J.' ,rown - c " ,or *l and striped
■fW.'lTT. 2 wU ,* n, l b * ck * ilk Uraval*. stock* .„d
He* white and colored silk amlliiien cambric llandker-
elnofs ; while, colored and black kid Glove*; a large assort
ment of buck and dog-skin Gloves, for sale by *
11»„. .»/
fi* I- Iumiivh logDian-lililldfsii olnouZj
ni'. fariilou* ror »*h> liv
niMJSIIKD Str.-I Hre N-t». Bran. Andiron., brass-headed
T HI! i• J"l 1 ” k * n ‘' «re Dog*. Shovel,
.ino C ,,od, ‘* * ”}•/*“* - Tr * v "». ftc.,for sale by
. r, l- J 1 COIJ JNS. 100 Bryan street. 7
U M Iadle l .'' l ' A nr < n n } 1 * n en '' 1 lli . lk " n '' coMon Unibrellaa
muutf t l k «nd Pnnumla, a large assort.
snunt just rerelved and for sale by
J*.*'-* AIKEN ft BURNS.
D°iW!K 'iu’n -%■« broWThfrtmirs*
Bed JtaAf il 1 , L 4 b'-yheddo ; % and 4 4 do •hirtlngs ;
jted an-l t! Iiite Hanticlk ; Kerseys and Plaint : Twilled aud
l^ndon Duffll Blankets ; Whitney Blaukets 10-4 114 ami
l “ r ‘f" ,twck of the above on hand and for sale by
HUSSY I.AtHItOl' k C„.
P I A N'd tVIITAIIIJ; (VlVKRB. A ,rr T b«od...m. I. i
| Cloth Plano and Table Covers, at
- Tilt Julian ft 106 Bryau-st . Waring'* Raqga.
8«252E? ~ ;w ’ % * d ' 1 Floor. 78 b ,o<
43 Uartda Soap Candlei and Starch. 90 do pure sperm
and Adamantine Undlea. 10 caak* Hyam* I .on don PortoT. In
quarls an.lpli , l. 26 dozen mixed I'lcklea In quart* and
half gallons. 6 bbla ( ucumbtr Pickle* 80 bbl* Potatoes and
teTj* •* Ul * r' ,ru * r °f Rroughton and Drayton
atreet*. by ocf.’5 DAVID O’OONN'EH.
I?0« f ALE-'a nagro *»man aged 10 yrers. very lik^7.
1 and an esrelUnt eoob. aqalwr and Iruner. Aiwa very
likely gii |. aged 13 yeais. Apply lo ’
" C,,U WYLLY ft M0NTM0IJ.1N.
nRAN'DV. GIN. ft,- -loo bbla K P Gin, 26 do Brandy. 16
2*“O 'trandy. I(8i !*,»„ Cbeeae. 8000 Ih* Twine. 26
ulerees Ham. lan-liug and for >ale bv
VUIIII'KI, I'l.AHTKS —IM Itata ,‘mM d.llj. -i |
VI |h cte<| kor sale Ui arrive by
‘ FRIGIIAM KK12.V ft Uiij
RnilR ft WARNER, Manufacturers. No 119 Cheat ,ut-
street.*|wcIfu 1!r solicit the nttcntl >n of
jMirchasere. to their assortment of chandelier*, bra keta
•Hrielv ,ff ,le T r . l !'l | "'' "fp"> burners; also every
variety or lamps, girandoles, ke. We wnrrsnt our goo/
HC,!^r,ta y ™:«^ rpr '" , " , " w " *'■> "'-u
H, U-Lt l-' I S' 11 "** F. Miskey.
a ood k "amer. | Win. G. II M.rrill
it- WARiriouni, '
"L t .. l l f i" U ' <rrri \ Mnw P urth. north li.le, Pkiladetithia
\V K n.e’lIT srarrv * n ' 1 realdentsorthuvicinllyjthat
li Vt£r n,M ^ ^®S?j.natt!?BJ b *
mil ,. . NEW carpetings,
I per Into arrivals, a
,,7 £r" h " ,ock «f ••'# richest nnd newest stvb a
iil.b-1 "rare* K ° f * ' C ' * r * 0,r '‘ ,p,| on ,,IP niMl deair.
ting.ftc afUll *'" 0,i,n *' nt 0,0,1 ao,h *’ T " b,e Covers, Msl.
Pi.rrbiiaera nre requealed lo make nn early etamlnaUor
strong inducement* will be iield out to cash buyer*.
mhl7—i.„ir ,TALKER. 190 Chestnut-atreet.
— 7 ** w<f below 8th. Month^aiile. Philadelphia.
n J. WILLIAMS. No. 12. North Slxth-atreet. a few door*
i, ,,a ? eirfur . < ?*h than others pay for Inferior ur tides bv
f SS P 'taSS2irSs!fs&y«?.¥*.» ""?"-ta5
Imdes I
SSSi , “' aa »“asssa* * ..Bga’zwm.tsim,
- 12 Nfirth (Uh-ztree't. nil!*.
”, iv. jj.nculn, Monument Square.
F‘S; ‘f--®" 1 W'l. .Start,,.Tll-nHUta.,
- 5 aaSSMBSittW
YuS&ffiSzSEr* r ," ,|,w i tfully rftn ,b ° »tian.
■ -. ' * ,lk Ffria mantilla*, lared gimp mantil.
oonnet ribbon.
silk ami lisle g|,
I rlblmn.gau/i
"light kfilglni
IK AND l-AIID—M l.l-d* prime Itaeoa H-le# aud
oul-lrra, 16 sugar cure,I llama 28 UbU and 76
k*q* 1"Im•- ls-af lard, landing and for aele by
w ’ , ' u WRANDi.N. JiillVHTGK
( I'dGFI • 1 allied Radioed l •»(»#•< felrt-u llegulai (hip)
J d - e fill, lb g B.i 4« 4 ram b 4JM*r do Ito-m Girdle
do liuuorled Wo.t-I.4o ku»e-leelIJM (ull-u #l»-l lob
Mr aoelrael. Ir .»!;/ Rl MI’lnN A I M-I'l I k
tl ADHM* WIN4 l-sll plpaeifil Beser*# • do Izm-t-u l p.HuMim iL'.u
y\ M-ik-1,0 do Inferior lit »qll »' * »#U u.i" m ?
by «•»* MVl ARDb (Pfcni, lav.l bli PlX l
B urn II I IIIT>F ftn —4»o ke*. e. U4e I (<4*1^7 H Jl-ra Were _
Itl ie-»»r ahiiu au-l turl-wed • — 7» M4t i| PurUb'* ; #• A# Main aud Jepauued Dm Ware
urv* f*»lur.d*t slow I ..-lira Order* 6u lb
laaft'* elleU'Ld Iu allb pum lualMi
**rt- I INFS gggDH—Irish Unena, end pillow-raM do
,, ,*/ J ' 4 r *"J *'.'-4 Biven die# I lugs B#b! and heavy s
-- ^ V V **' 4 F"*" lM, ' , a» fc Me*shed auJ Uowa.
I ft DO.
: IF.StaJo
<b> fit) MN»I Tt
Id, | mo I'zlJ' e hue eriod- *•* I ,eu>4.<
D-«,. Paid# iu*( laseirsd »u ef* fi e L|
UwrlM WM * »TiFfba Draper *ud l»»t
sm c Mt»-MM Mr u
>N loBUgfllU k m,
4 lea |A*.e« i in MlBT
ir'-o-vre An eefi •') •
» |G>» k IM( HID
an-l falma*. wide VelveU ladle*'
rt Hdk to make Clrz-ka. • ill. trim-
-alcli, (or aale by
Imwirr ft Morgan.
f '1 r A "(D" , 8- » fresh supply of
1 1 , :' k i , : UuU f I'. 1 *"--- fimoked Beef: »Uef I-0,uee;
lig lira.'; INrblee In bsrrels . n-4 led eelmoti ; (elfish
^ s ,,: •'*'* ' "'*(«•* Apple., urn la-mone B.i.ins
•TOVKS, STOVES. | eqfl I’ll inn, flif #*|# l.y oetfJ W G Dli'KFGN
lie subanllM-i haa Jii.I ren-lie-l a Isigi-uuniler iff j Ij'IN'K filllllTt — Bevel veil by lain anival* * large assort
■king and Pallor "loves, will'll Im will dum-se ol I* "'*"1 «f fliwr vollou slim. Fur aulu hy
i a ... a ..- brari Aue mr ll-m ma; be I '*••*» PIIM'F. ft VKADFR
■ ; X
sg* l rlliide* Sheet liarq, (air llghl; square and wi-uv i . T -n - -Pi
. . sir |m Meiei I T***T rueelved beeullfully euibruhlerad llnau -aiubria! .
Mdioa Were I'-lr Kellies llre»« fipldara Nsuee p.m alau I'ranch work- I I'-JItr* very rtoh ‘ /"I HA MPAGNF —*o
for sale and ruauu- j I^Dwri-' Urealeby -dpi* AIRIS 4 C I’l. NX ; 80 Mum', drr du fur *ele by
"uHrig. GaUura, aud i UII4 I'ueird lUudkartliUfe. of variou* qua'MI** end
tee. alw. Wiubflr lleedk.r. blris * " *
eeelted a large *Up|d>
•pl" AIRES
'- “I'"* nett roltta, col’d.
numerous lo mention tTrase'cal 1°ui^*r ,r4,f * ea
. __ Mh,9 _ AKIN ft Dl'HN.s.
^ Ufully call the attention of the ladies
. I-Lirtf PLAINS—A heavy article suitable'
neiva Ur *’ for ** le " t72ri t. Jullen and 105 Bryan's •
op t" kkmiton ft vttraoi
pOTATGI>fi—180 bbla and 60 bags Poutoea, landing
A brig Turcello, and for aale by ranuing
OllAWI.S; nertie-worked (Villara. tSIevves. Cheroeaetta
i'. V “ U , • Md 1 c apa i (fealiinere Sonrfa ; Ribbons
ladli s gentlemen * and children's Hoalery ; needleworked
iimlnga, Cambrlo an-l Hwi** Bands ; embroidered and
ie i cambric Handkerchief*. Juat receive.1 and for aaleat
-• •'» ae27 I.xWirr ft MORGAN
0 caak a superior
) I) ft Go's do, 10
halva* and quar-
•wowa sad bleach#
Sira 10 »H*I I 'd I
AND Da Rl V ( ti e lU.wived by late aril
‘ * * u p|by Ihoae In want will pt*a»e wall al
4R*!1IS I'Ml* Kbit 4IMM
n l III It l III I I 6. an I.U nee del H<
‘"•'•"/Hi M trtde Hirer*. UWMI.-I »U«r
H»rlenJ ug per ri-«e»r #-1 l-w •*>- bv
MWbStGS DSfWrrfirS
r J? M.M, be L L Net »* *rte fi; Bril*
intmUTIfROF ft CO 1 So. 71'hirda
KuoU work.-1 Cnllzra v. ry rtoh ( IHAMPAIlS'F -6d UvkeU HeUale4.1a'|4wie^„.t bag* drvuaad
•J|l» AIRIN 4 riRNS | 80 Hue.’, be du for reU by •" !"»'••»• qua* U, j
1-e'IHe. azvd I *'"* « IIYURI) ft (PRFH
- j iy«a?^.'Sfajtfh£ar&».-
ft III HNM auv« McMahon ft DflYIJr
I iv“2:T. 2;.*rr * p;>sSL1iiasper~tr ^
-(U MlSDrRMf JnMNSOW ft Ol *^3? ** t>m AMiN,Si ffc
M -I RVINU Daf .4lN»»-A ewrr M*4hm U
ing and awe*-u I Uuuvnlr-e Dwlatawe ol
B-ai—.x . ——
M>l« If N altar, ft IM
It^uV <t * UUl
IJRANDHSwLandlng from F Hatterly—10 ci
n ,. 1 .7 nM L r ‘ ndr •“■tore, 10 halfpipe# o |> ft Oo'ado.To
quarb-r casks i ery old Jean U-ula’ do. 16 halv •
tera do. various brands, for sal* bv
rep'-M _ __ / v.
M I arrive. |
\4 I RMNUKROAM ft 00., 178 Hroughma .trUr^*
xVl. .iu H Andre.'. Hail. ( w^STlo
with arrangements mad* on openiug (heir new warriS!
namely. In av-l-l aa far aa POealblr
Havannah NovwraUr 18, J»m
f... I.ta Uij *, r» »I».« tm, r_
: Wta.1 .«. .ta >. (itata. Utalta.
B U> # I werl Mtareb, 10 quarter casks fbartb arawf Bready
j Sjta*- 1 ??,',t* U “T taJl, -ta, -utau U-ta. It
W.tatatlta “'- U * “"*« Ml-
ffOUMTOM, JOMMtfOM ft 00,
p<lKDIIIf]f —4# IAil« fleaieeeFlimr ao du ftaHacftpr
r II. TlfOM