Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 10, 1856, Image 1

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i *U-. LWJLU.U (iEOBOUN & JOUtiyi/. Ti»-Weekly nuii w«cmy. •K. Bi HILTON & CO., gmHIlKM. R. 0. HILTON, - 7"- . - Editor. ». i.Vt.VMn.TOV, } AM»«t»«t KUItor*. TERMS; Unity Paper, |»*r year.In mlv«um..iA«JN{ V»i-Weekly Paper WcrUly Paper .. ••*** SATVBUAV. MAY 1G-JI O’dwk, P.M. BY T332j GGHAJPU. The Humlelile. Wa*iiinuto.v, May 10.—Herbert Im* lieon committed for trial lor killing the waller at WU- lanl’* Dubois, the Nellirrland* Minister, drelin- c.l to testily hi tlic ease. Rill was refused Herbert. Oilmen Skkvicks.—The Rev. Dr. Coleman. of Philadelphia, will perform divine service in Christ Church, tomorrow (Sunday) morning, and ut St Johns to-morrow evening. Kcnkkai. Shtoio.v rou the lath Du. Pki»- ton.—A funeral discourse for the lato beloved Pastor «f the Independent i’reahytetitn Church will be preached ill that house to-morrow (Sun day) morning, by the ltev. Dr. Palmer, ol Co lumbia* Thu repiimtiou of the orator, no less than devotion to the memory of the deceased, will, doubtless, draw a large iiudiloiy. Atlantic nmlUulf Uatlrontl, I looks of subscription to the stock of this road, will he opened ou Monday next, the Pith iust, at the Kxchauge, under the direction ot the subscriber*, by resolution of the board ol Cowmiisioucrs. J. P. SCREVEN', 1 LI. C. A N DKUSOS, > Commissioners. W. B. HODGSON, J The foregoing auiiounecinent speaks for it self. We need add nothing to wliut wc have of ten said as to the importance or this work, nud the necessity of raising, by individual and cor- por&tlott contributions, tbe amount necessary to secure tbe State’s quota. By a despatch to the agents, wo learn that the Knoxville,hence on Wednesday, arrived at Xew York at one o'clock last uight. All well. Episcopal Convention op Georgia. -The Marietta Utorgian of the nth saysThe Epl- c.jpal Convention of the Diocese of (Seorgh con- veued in our city ou yesterday. The o|icniiig sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Clark, of S.i- v.innali, and the exercises will he continued un til Sabi*atil wheii eight persons e.vjmct to be con- lirmed. We ure gratified to learn that the Ven era bio Bishop is enjoying his usual health. Xew Telegkavuic Link.—The Journal oj Commerce1 learns that a new telegraphic line lie- twoen Xew York und the South will l»o opened In the course of this month. The Hue will be worked under the Hughes patent, generally l«lievcd to lie superior to nil others,printing the messages in plain Roman letters, nud capable of transmitting 5,000 words an hour over one wire, or *i/i00 words from each end at the same mo ment. Police Court.—Mr*. Morgan {{.was fined five dollars and costs for disturbing the poaco and - q..ut of her neighlxos. Mrs. Uridgctt IB d>l>s, accused of stealing spoons from Mrs. Jane Elkins; turned over for prose cution. Joseph K.Sheflk' Xew Haven, has presented to Trinity Collcgo, Hartford, for the use of the College Library, fifty shares of stock In the Xew Haven mid Northampton R illroml. Their par value Is $100 per share. A Kill v a I. op tiik Augusta.—This fine steam er arrived early this mondiig. YVc are indebted t.i her Purser for Xew York impcrsof hut Wed nesday aflcrnoon. Tim Tribune'* Washington correspondent coinplalps that the House committees ure de laying the hills fur the admission of Kansas; that there in a wunt of unanimity on the nubjtcl among thr opposition ; and that it is likely that Senator Douglas’s Mil will bo brought first be fore the House. ».gj ■—jh;- Washington Uiirrespumlcnec. A Wolf is Sukf.f's Clothing.—Tho Cher* °keo Georgian mciitioiis the arrival at Marietta of the /fee. Mr. Hutchins, a llaptht clurgyiiiaii ol Forsyth, Ga., hi |M>ssension of another man’-* wire. The woman (Mrs.Cain) lias a hnskiml in California. Hutchins Is 05 years of age, and leaves behind him a wife, children and grand children. He made over Ids little property to Ids lawful wif.-. The guilty parties have gone west. Hutchins (says our eoteuiponiry) has been in tbe ministry 25 years, and lias probably baptized more persons tbun any minister of the Gospel in the state during that period. It Is n sad record. Practical Amalgamation.—The liljcrty al lowed under laws or ALissachusclts for Intenuar- riagcs Iretween the wnito and hlaek races is but rarely taken udvantnge or in Boston. A Tew days since a colored man of twenty-eight years, tarn In Norfolk, Vo., wils married to u white girl of nineteen years. Formerly such marriages were forbidden by law there, but the prohibi tion had no practical cITcct. Cottgremriotinl. Washington, May 7—Senate.—TUo Senate appointed u third eommlttee of conference on the Deficiency Bill, the two first having lulled to agree. Mr. Bayard concluded Ills speech commenced Monday on naval ulliiirs. House.—Mr. Pringle "III-red a resolution that, ns tlie committee of conference on the Deficien cy Bill had fulled to agree, the House adhere to Hs amendments, disagreeing to tlwse ol the nenatc. InUon "" mvhrc y Murshall olijected to the rcso- Wl ?* r ’ ii.n'lL’.rtf < i 0r,r « i i , « wished to know wlmt u.Ti SaW* l^dnts of Ulsagrecmcnt, in c\i I* ^ ml 4 w House might net separately on Mr. btnntou said tins principal points were the army appropriation Isll 0 f Ubo.oou and the YS itoldngum water works hill. i| u W ,J wi ||| IIL? llio I,ill Hid Honute rraodiVfmm Us aineiulincnts. Hie system or deficiencies threatened to throw nil this |wwijr of govern* ment into the imnds of the Executive, lie wanliil the President to exhibit proofo. <■, nitell rU l11 ’ 41,1,1 4,10 ,U ' VH aro laithfully exo- Mr. McMullen deiended tho adinlnlstmUoii s|s?eci|t U,,! Itaiadatiuu in a very long A long discussion ensued on tho non-concur rence of Hie committee of conference on the l)u- Ucieiicy Bdl. The House udjoumed without taking action PAT . A .b t)F Matrimony.—A fellow named l/ditiid married ulmuutifiil nnd amniije hslied woman at Franklin, N. Y., recently, mid kept ingloriously drunk thereafter until he died —alssit two weeks. Bi’ii.iUMi HIM OWN AIoNUMKNT.-Dr. Orville Iicwey, bus donated the eamiugH of his last winter m lecture* p> his native village, to he ex pended In planting shade trees uleng Its streets. And Its children shull rise up and cull him bless The event of the hirtTcTf the imperial prince l iaucowas celobruted by a grund belli glv* f!!? 4 ! * lc ^ ConwEilur residcnco, in Havana, und by salutes ol ouo huudred und one guus from tbo trench nud Hpiulsh war vessels in port. .Inirriran ftrulruVity l.iin- TMi*. liritn*ttf' S. C\—Mini stir from Xicaraguti—O.’-l Line H r hig*of 1Mtryl,nnb-Muck lirpublirnnt ami the I'miiUnry. Wariiinoton, May 7. Y’esleitlay and to day have been very uiipro* duetlvc uf leglslutivu events. Mr. lUyard.of Delcware. or, as they call it, tho “Giiniiowdcr State.* 1 —has madeu two day’s speech in the Senate on the naval Board Bill; hut the details and tlic |iersoii:ility of this discussion are no lon ger interesting to the public. Thomorfus nper- itmli of the Board Is withniit defeneo, and few ever defend lb Mr.Toomlw’ propo sition to give an ojicu trial to every one of the two hundred and one who demands It must pre vail. The people will submit to untiling less than this. Mr. Evans, of South Carolina, awaits an op portunity to obtain Hie ih>-w of Hot Senate, for llio purpo*c of expressing his views In opposi tion to tlic iieutrtility laws as enforced by the present admluistratiou. U Is uudcrsstiMid that lie will compare the policy of tho present nd* ministration with tliatof Andrew Jackson when General Ihm-toii went to Texas, denounce ilie present policy as hiconsUteut with the true principles of Democracy, and argue hi favor uf a recognition of the government tie facto of Nicaragua. I to day had the pleasure of meeting with the new Minister from Nicaragua, tho l*ndro Vigil lie Is about fifty years of ago, and Is probably half Indian,or perhaps less, lie dresses in black, wearing a large coat, smallclothes, black stock* lugs, and primitive looking shoe*, lie is a man of serious aspect, quiet maiiueramd altogether a respectful nud rcspeitable |h.tsoii in his conver sation and hearing. There was so strut-g a prejudice against Fucker II. French personally, as to Icarc doubts upon Hie minds of many as to whether lie would have hern rejected but for tills. Mr. Vlgi’a visit will solve this problem ut least. Lynn Boyd h here tills week—on private bu siness, it is said; hut who ku..wiiim beat marvel that his private business should all U? with very public characters, with men who are laboring industriously to provide thp Cincinnati Convention will, a couple of nominees. Mr* Boyd would make n good Vice-President. The Maryland Whig Convention, which held Its session last week in Baltimore, eamo veiy near making an assignment to tho Democratic Convcutioti, then in session in tliut city. The measure was formally proposed and discussed ill the Committee on Resolutions, which sat ou the preceding day. Blr. Pratt,of tlieU.S. Sen ate, was warmly in favor of tho measure. The most that Is now Imped for by tho opponents of the Democrats is that the Whigs of Murylaud will vote for tlic Democrats without declaring them selves of them. Judge Md.cuu. of the Supremo Court, is this week uppenno-t in the minds of the Republi can-*. 1 note that Senator Wilson, of Massa chusetts, who ten days ago was ardent iii favor of Fremout, Is now as decidedly hi favor of Me* Leuu. In view of McLeau’s conservative |mo tion, this is a great hacking down from their lutcassuinpUons; yet on that very account, they will Is? all the stronger in the contest, lint the grwt trouble to them con-i*Ls in the fact, that the Republicans confessedly can do nothing without tho aid of the American party of tho North, who are a jrarty within the former, and wli * will control them in the event of success, ns has dime hi the House of Representatives.— This is tho trouble within, and Mr. Flllmoro’i* acceptance now probable, will Is? a trouble with out. '* Impabtial. Sunday Heading. Wliat Slinll Perish I IVIiaI nliall IVri -li ? 1'ianls tlml llourMi. lltor.soiiH nteutietl in dewy lears, lluslies that lho brooklels choi li li. Oaks ihu'. brace a lUoiisauil year-. Wlwthlwll iK-ri-'Irt Thrones must crumble— Cuiiturii-s wris-k the pruud.-nt walls, Ami Urn Inv-Uess travelers stumble, O’er the C.usurs’ niluud hulls. What .loll i-'i bh ! .Man, tho glory of lids *.ii»liiu.iry s|mii, Mku nn»>n-rei*fat«i story, Mml! bu burleil uml lorgot. What shall |*ori'h? lu their enurio Stars lou t till, uud earth decay, Ami old Ocean’s mlglitle-t <orce.s l.lke a htihblu llei-t nwny. Ail .hall |ieri-h, hut tlu-ir maker: While the .xiiit that trust-, his grace. Of his * I length flnill be part ikor, And In heaven hi-hold Ins luce. A licnutlfiit Sentiment. Shortly ls;lbre the departure of the lamented llels-r for India, he preached a sermon which contained tills beautiful illustration: “ Idle bears us nu like a stream of a mighty river, f )ur boat at first glides down tho narrow channel—through the playful murmuring oftlic little Inonk uud the winding ofits grassy bor* dors. Thu trees nhetl tiidr IjIoasuiiw over our young heads, the (lowers ou the brink seem to olll-r themselves to <nir young lutuds; wc ure happy in ho|a>, uud we gntsp eagerly ut tho lM.-uuties around us—hut tho stream hurries ou, and still our hands m o empty. Our course in youth and manhood is along a wilder and deeper UiMid.umid objects mure striking and magnifi cent. We are animated ut tliu moving pictures and enjoyment und industry passing us: wo arc excited at some short-lived disappointment. The stream U-ars us ou, and our Joys uud griefs ure alike left lichiud us. Wc may lie shipwreck ed. we cannot bo delayed; whether rough or smooth, the river hastens to its home, till the roar of the ocuau is iu our curs, und the tossing of the waves is beneath our feet, and the land Ic.scus from our eyes, mid the Hoods are lilted up mound us, und we tako our leave of earth uud its inhabitants, until of our Anther voyage there is no witness save the infinite uud eter nal!’’ Prayer I’liuimvcrctl. The Rev. Mr. Kilpin passed a very profane man,mid having failed to rclmke him, he await ed him iu the morn in gut the humic place. Whou ho upprou*-!ii-d, Mr. Kilpin said. •• Good morn ing my friend *, you ure the person 1 have been waiting lor.” Oh,sir,” said the man, “you aro mistaken, I think.” “ I do md know you; hut 1 saw you last night when you were going home from work, uud I have Iss.n waiting sonic time to see you.” “ Oh, sir, you arc mistaken, it could not he me; 1 never saw you in my life that I know of.” •• Well, my friend,” wild Mr. Kilpin,” I heard you pray lost night.” •• Sir, now 1 know that you ure mistaken: I never prayed iu all my life.” “ Oil, suid Mr. Kilphii “ It God hud MUswciod your prayer last night you hud nut been wen here this murnlug. 1 licard you pray that < Jod would blast your eyes und damn your soul.” The man turned pule and trembling said, “ Oh, sir, do you cull that which have overtaken thy fellows? And art thou then indebted to none—has none a right to all He thy lsMinty7 Wilt thou rub God? Shall have no share of what is Ills own ? I’m Almost Hume. A traveller, weary gud worn, covered with dust, and auDeriug from privations, sees In the distance the curling smoke ascending from his homestead; nnd choked with feelings almost too big for uUeratice. exclaims, while tears of joy are rollingdowu tilsclieeks,“I’m Almost home? The pltyfUl child having wandered from its fond parents, vtrembles for Tear of approaching danger as darkness gathers around Its footsteps; ; ret as It sees some well known object, shakes ts curling locks and clasps Its gUd bonds, ex* claim, “i’m ultnoat home.” Tho mariner, niter a Ion# and tollmme jour ney, deacrlbea In th* hr dlatence, the outline co»a*ofhtin»tlfeland,and atngi alnad with Joy, while hh heart b full to breaklnir—“I’m Ai.iioaTnoMi!” Tho elirlatian, alter having fought many hard battle,, endured many trial*, realated many tcmptatlona.aullhred from many adllctlon*,and [rieved over manyahoit coining*, feeb gradnal- y approaching the liand or di-caw, and being ndmonlnliod thprehy of hla apeedy dlHHotution. Illtehlagladcyo heavenward, while libheail incite within him, e* be excblma in triumph— I'M ALMOST HOME!” An Acsthalian I.koislator.-Mr. Daniel Cameron, who was elected representative Tor the digging dlstriet of Wool,head, Australia, had the compliment •mid to him by III, suppor ters of having the home he rede ou ut the time of the contest died with ahoca of solid gold. He was also presented with * anm or £1,600. The Earn Railroad Tukned ExraKss Agents. —On the 16th May It Is said that the New York uud trio Railroad will go Into the express busi ness on Its own account, aa Is tho practice of most or the European railroad companies. They will deliver porceb nnd execute commis sions ut all points on their lines, from New YorktoDuuklrk. Steamboat Horned at Itoccisland Bhidok. —Huckliland, III., May 7.—The steamboat Ef- lie, alter going through the draw In tho greut Mississippi Bridge, at 0 o’clock this morning, was caught by the current, and swung around against the pier with such rorce aa tosinaah her cabins. The boat Immediately took fire, and the Are communicated to the bridge. The boat and cargo, valued at 175,000, were entirely destroy ed. No lives were lust, nor uny person Injured, line hundred and URy men were immediately set to work repairing the bridge. (AN0TUEK ACCOUNT.) Raekhtmd, III., May Ik—The Southern boat- eu hero tried to Ure the Mississippi Railroad Bridge this morning, llut little damage was done. , .... .... o you prayer? I did, 1 did.” “ Well, then, Illy er rand this morning Is to rcipicst you to pray us fervently lor your salvation as you have done tor damnation; and may thsl In mercy hear year limycr." The mini from tliut time liceumn nh atleiidaiil on Mr. Kllpln’s ministry.—tViris- li an iiinrK. fleoenu uf lleiieviilemrr. Where l,ml Is forgntlon it is plliliil pi stsihuw rlelies Imrdeii llm peart uf him who gains them. Nimetinies the itiini who was lilicrul while lie was insir, las-oiues niggardly as he become* weidlliy. **o tendency of gain Is to noiirbli selllshnoss, It the liiiinl that bestows It I* over looked; mill tlm thirst of scIIIhIiiicks turn never lie slaked. The reservoir of thu covepsis never uvertlnws. Ilenignlxlng no nhligutioii, lie yields to no rluim. A man nr this suit unco said, ’’ others never give to mu, why should I give Pi others ?” Iiilatuutcd mini I Is there none that ever gives to Dice? What hast thou nut re- ceivcu? Ilus Rod given Uiee isahiug? Who S ave thee reusou llio, success ? Who prospered ■y plans? Whoguvu tliec power to get wealth? Who baa kept thy dwelling sale? Who has wanted off from thee a thousand enhUMitiea Tuackekav’h I.ectuueil-A New York Joan nal say* that Thackeray’s lecturing tour In the Uuitcd States has yielded him Ufteen thousand dollars In fire months. He has also been offered by Bredley and Evans thirty-live thousand dol lars for his next novel. The Wheat Chop in tue West.—A gentleman who has recently travelled through a portion of the West, Btatesthat tho wheat crop looks well everywhere on thermite. Another, who arrived at Ro chester, front a western trip, states thatiu Ohio the crop is exceedingly promising, ami unless some disaster occurs'n very large crop is expected nnd prices must fall. In the Genesee country tlic prospect is very good. CoWIIIDIXII IN A PltlNTlKO OFFICE.—On Monday last Capt. Lerstcr, late of the Nicaraguan army, and formerly an actor in tho Broadway Theater, New York, attacked Mr. Smith, editor of the New York Sunday Courier, with a cowhide, for some strictures which uppeared in that pn- icr on a lecture on Nicaragua delivered ■y Capt. L.—Tho printers in the office turned out upon the assailant with the Im- ilemcnts of tho craft and drove him and ■is Wend—an actor, named Wultcrs—ofl. How aro ye, Smith ?’ said Jones. Smith irotonds not to know him, and replies losltutiugly, ’Sir, you have the advantage of me.'—‘Yes, cverbody lias that's got common sense.’ Tbe gold medal of the Geographical Society of France has been awarded to the Hon. E. G. Squicr, for his researches iu Central America. ulxl the next minute lie deposited lllicl'urc the Doctor. “Soyou’ve got it, I see,” said Jake’s master. “Yes, null," replied tho umimved Juke, “but please lie done lookin’ut him soon. hue the gemmen tale we lo fneh him hack right amuj." A Gorman whnlives in Ciuriuiniti, ob tained a wurruut against an old woman on a churgo of witchcraft. Two of Ins con’s had recently died, und he liullcvud tills old woman hail bewitched them. (ILominwml Intelligence. Nnvnntiult Alitrkrt* May IO» COTTON—Tho market this morulng was oimln very quiet, nihI without t haiiKC iu prices. Tits sale- were 112 Iwlus, via., 0 ut Utf, 11 at lU,'4 t 05 ut 11 c stilts ^ Hi XllHM'lli NKW VOi;K—StcHia-liiji l'ioriilu—410 bales Up land cotton, loo dod i llii, It do *!clltuatici, casks rico, Rttd sundry pk^s todzv. FlllLADKUTItA—JVr Meuimhlp Kryi-tono fltato —840 biik’ii outtofi, Wi do UoiiivAtlcu, and sundry pkgs indzo. UAiit, Mr—BrU I’uukir—lUO,0OOiUit lumltor, k AJ, wAciUmbtr. NKIV OKlsKANS, May 5lh.—Onrox—itavc ugulu to uoUcu an iuactivu uud lumvy market, the <-a!c.i couipr^uif.' 2&lo fetlfs at irregular prltu*, re quiring (Mi tho trlioii-1« rctliK iiou in unr quotations lor Biddiiug and llut lower grudiM ot since trutiHuclious showing uveu a greutor decline. Wu now qitotu as foliown: luforior 0 * 4 'a • J/ Ordinal y Good Ordinary U'^aU'i Low Hiddhug i\0)i Middling 10=5(110 J.; Good Hiddliug 1 ,' 4 iliddling Fair Il^a— Fair sNominal iHsiiittal. STATKXKXT OF COTTON. Stock ou hand lat .September, 1800 bales U8/215 Uccvivcd dIuco 1,C67,U2U Kcccivcd M-day 0.5FJ—l,(kKJ,4W l,7Ul,*iCy Exported to-tiuy.. , 7b Exported to dute 1,616.276—1,616,251 Stock ou Itaad not c!i*areil uu,ai2 Port of Savannah MAY lu Arrived. Steamship Augusta, Lyons, Now York—Paileirord, Fay & Co. llark Harvest, Nichols, Boston, Jn ballast, to iXiita k Washington. Brig Dauli’l Webster, Williams, Bcllast, Mo, to Carleton k I’aisous. Steamer Gordon. Barden, Cburloston, to J l 1 Brooks. Sloop flwpllow. Utllo, Ogecclteo, with 3600 bush rougii rice to R Habersham k Sou. Cleared* l’8tt Steamship Florida, Woo.lbull, New York— I’adolford, Fay & Co. Steamship Keyuluuo State, ITanlue, Philatlolpltlu- C AQi-vlunr. ' Btlg Duulnr, Bock. Ikilb, Me—llnutvr i Gaiiiroctt. Steamer St Joltns, Freelsun, Palutka, Xo—Llaghoru A Cunnitigliatn. Balled. Steamship Florida, Woodhull. New York. Steamship Keystone Stole, Harder, Philadelphia. Departed* Steamer St Johns, Fieebnrn, Palutka, Ac. Steamer Fashion, Philpot, Augusta—M A Cohen. Dusiitcs OLiir&s. JKI’’KESU»»N ItOHKIlTH, IIENE R A f. COMMISSION MEKOUANT, ANII IlFUIAIt IN Timber nnd Lumhur. SAVANNAH, (la, ~ 'WBlta'*' Wtl.RIAMN, IIKAI.RUH IN DOMEST.IO, FOREIGN AND FANCY J)UY GOODS. Xo. I ID Cimgrrnn+Uy Savannah, Ga. fKI.I.’ 1 , lormurly of ItcaiiPirt Hist. 8. C. JA& T. WW THKOPllll.t.'S Wild JAMS, sept 7 iAHKH O. K.IIHJKID’. Sr riven Ou., Go. ..vaiiw a. Nonius. HODUURN tSf NOllllIH, (late ('rnno A IbMlgers. WH01.KMAI.K GROCERS, iixv-stbeet, savannah. Jiiiiu 1,1855, (Jojjll) _ ,». i„ cOiiKis, ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Sti.'ct, (ono «S«s»r Lint or Drayton Street,) In prepnreil to eouiruetior uli klmU of building und rejmithitf, Alrfo to ct mh I net wul er through tho various parts of liouse**. up iv lilts. J. If. Fasirtonalde Ml 111 nary and Dree tfilaklea RstnlilDluncnt, NO. 10, f.lLLtRKIDQS’S BUILDINGS, UF STAIK8, AND NO. 17, BARNARD STREET SAVANNAH, GA. Tha ulumtinnof tho Indies or. v avan* null. aimI of* vUilhig tho city, are iiiivHcd to Hid New, Inrun nnd well se- ii*cte«l Stihjk ot F.L-lllO.NAIil.K MJ1J.I- NKUV uud DKKSS tiOOUN, coushiting ol the foliowiua articles: -Silk, Satin ami Straw Iknmcu, Bibhons, Klowetb. FT-alliera, WrrutiiA, PiUuuh. Combs, (.Ups, head Feathers, Velvet Trimming* tot Dresses, Plush Hats, Hiei’crloUcs, lttlani.’ tU|n*, Plain Silk liroeadc, Plain F.tiaily MantUlas, Cloaks, Talmas, ku., &»:. nov 8 TllANSFAllRNT YVINDOW SHADES. CARFET WARE-HOUSE, 14(1 Oi.Vt.MK-* av» 67 hT. JL'UKN-KTKKKT*. J 1ME Siihscrilmr lias received, and will open . tills day, tho largo it und most extensive variety d’INDOW SilAld’.*?ever oll'ercd iu this city. It Is tint iutCDlien «»r lit*; ndverll-.T to keep' einutoiilly in -Aura a buyo anpi*'.y id all the various patterns and Myles niaiiiiiacuired by tliu inuuiilauturers or tills country and of Franco, to which tho attention ormor- chants au l I'uuilliui in llio city uud country, Is in. vile i. They w«d he sold at wholesale and retail, at ANtislHct try piicea. W It UU1UN, Agent. lilt 5 U. KLLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant 1 KO; 71 DAV-STUECT, SAVANNAH, OA„ Itkfer*to—Messrs. Cingliorn k Cminiugliuiu, Beil k Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Co., Savuuunh ; J. J'. Thompson, Bo-Ion. uov 1 4AMts UIUKKIX. w. a. M. lAXiUl. MAHIKTTA HOTEL, BY GRIFFIN & LANIER, M.VIUICTTA, UKOROIA. mav 2 SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. HEADMAN A CO., Corner of Prrardcut and Jeflferaon-«lM*« PA VANN All, GKORGIA. Are prepared in execute nil orders iti Plumbing, nail Gas Fitting, on .short uoticc, uud lu sii|ierior style. tl June 20 justness (Haris. WM. U WKMM. w«. u.MAua. WKBU A SAGE, (rtiirxntMwntHmtoMKKox, wkiui Ami. HlliiltTKItri OK CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MKKriNII-MT. ClfAKLKNTOM, 8. U., Will xupply Onuilry Mcrelunto witli Goods in their lino ut as low rules ux.thoy can buy Ut New York, or elsewhere. »y JOHN 8, DO\VEN« ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. OF IIUAYTU.N AND ItHVAN-HTd., (Above U. A, L. Lamar.j Jan a— lin U. A. CHA.XK. ITv. WKU.s. ' JUCIUKO CVKO. CRANE, WELLS A CO., FACTORS, Forwarding nml Coiutiiloalon DUnliniit* ■AY-HTKKkT, HAVANKAJI, OA. Orders* or our friouda rc*|»ectrul!y Ruliiited, and executed with tho utmost UispxtnU and Udollty. Juno 1, I860 jo 26 r. j. cxji)K.v. WM. M-Atui. jr. ' Iii. h. iiakokk. OGDEN, 8TAU1L A CO., Shipping and Commission Mvnihunts, UAV-STItain'. SAVXNNAU, OA. WILLIAM M.~ TIIMSO, - . KACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For Florida and .Southern Georgia I’l oduoe, North Commercial Whorl, Charleston, S. C. AM* V7 Bay-atnxd, Sarannah, Ga. may 7 Pin VUNtiETs; rUIEHSON, FORWAUDlXii AND *AJilMISSION HKitClUNIS, an. :*4 iuv MitEKT iav.toN.ui. n.v. nprd 'tl. K. IIIClijIlIJHO.V A CO,, LAND AGENTS, .Sinus, lUKSS LVL'.MV, w iu null or buy luiidj, negroes, and uny r|icciesul proiierty Unit nuj liu t-utru-.!od lo their liuud* ; be* side* wu now hnvuvu Uavid .-several Improvod place* for sale, containing from ouo huudred to Uvo thous and acre*. umybl—dtrwawly TAuitmxK BKtNNwi. ’ WM. U.'UlUDY. URUNKERA GUADY. CONTUACrriNG PLASTEHKRS, IN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, ijriic Subscriber*, tlunklul t«»r |«.*t luvor*, nud re rerriug to work bllhoi to dune lu thu city, rc’;iM.-clTu) ly uuiiounco that they will continue to devote their personal nlteuUouio tint wuut* and lavura of then friend*. Order* through Urn IWOtUeu, or at thu reatdenee of cither jaruier, ptomidly aUeuded lo. tuuy 17 ly AIScALDIA .BltUVinfHS,' Lumber, Mill and Brick, Yards. «Cpt5 RAVASXAU, OA. PATTEN, Ill TTON A to., FACTORS. Forwarding and Counnlasion Merchants, Uuy-strcct, Nnvanuali, Ga. K. LOCKhTI. I.OCKETT A BNELL1NUS, OOMAUSSION MEAUUANTB. Droftsidnal toils. It. II. IIII.TON, ATlUltNi;V and COINFHJjOU AT I AW Ollleo corner ol Day and liruyton rUi. HA VANN AII, OA. toy 11 I1ENHY W1LI.1AA18, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Draytou Street, Savantudt, Georgia, may 6—ly mii.v'n. Mh.lkx, ATTOIINKY AT LAW; rt*UU:c ut Ut.- Court Rome.) U ill praeliee hi the Fuiu.riur nnd Court* of Ordl- • nary. jnuao H. l.'p. kino; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Uny mid Whitaker Street*. H A V A N N A II . feb 22 ;: ttm "”D. AT o itYUN) :, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Uillce 175, Bay-id., over Turner k Co’s. Drug Ftore SAVANNAH, OA. nov lu—ly "" GEORGE TROL’P JlOW'AltD, ATTOHNKY AT MW. Uillce Monutiienl Sjuuie, near Mate Dank. SAVANNAH,OA. nov 10—ly JAltlES hi. SayOTST " A'iTtlllNKY AT LAW, llUlMAS^IIJ.R, TIIuMah Oil'MY, OA. All Imsiners eutrn«led in his cure will receive prompt atu’Miou. lyr—marl7 " ANTHONY'* Plil'CLLOIl, *" ATTORNEY AT LAW, pavaiinuh, Georgia. *2* Ollier on Ttay street, over the Dunk oi fcavaii- null. Icb2 ^viiddAJi pinuTipS; ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAHIKTTA, OA. QCt’JO—ly daVidu. Wll.DS, ATTORNEY AT LaW, Hl’AUTA, OA. Will piactice iu tliu couutie* oi llancucl:, Wariciif Washington, uud Buldwm. Kkvkmkncim—Behn k Foster, ltobun tc Nunth, K. A. Smllurd, Navuunuti. Jimb „WM. C. CONNELLY, aJtohnev at law, IvVlLOU, WOKTU OU'.VTY, OA., (lU-fT (dllCE, AlAfalXV.) " Will iiructUe iu the Southern Circuit, nud in Alucuu, Dooly und WortiiCouldic.sol^'thu ilacon Ciicnit. Particular utlciitlou given to llio colluctit.ii oi ulumu in sniih-Wu-tern Gef-rgla. je2—«m ETTli'iiuuiiu, AITOIINBV AT LAW, Ivbl-ly lltwisiox, us. Memoranda, New York, May 7—lid brig Kxcull, Tallintui, Sa- vaunuh. Arr brig Fanny Bullor, Atwood, Sarannah. Cp f«»r ll»i* port—Hi rue moated sclioouer Corde lia (new). A Tale Wtmoct a Head.—Jake was a little negro who belongs to Hr. Tallin- Ibrro, and was said to have in his little frame a heart os big as Gen. Jackson’s to say nothing of Napoleon Bonaparte and Zaclt Taylor. He did not fear eveu old N iek, uud as forcooluess, he was ascool as the tip top of tin North Pole. One day Hr. TaUioferro,' upon the occa sion of the commencement or a Medical College, ot which he •held the chair of An atomy, gave a dinner. Among his guests was a well known ventriloquist. Late in tho evening, after tho bottle had done Us work, the conversation turned upon cour age, and the doctor boosted considerably upon the lion heart of his favorite niau Juke. He offered to bet that nothing canid scare him, and this bet tho ventrilo quist took up, naming at the same time the test ho wanted imposed. Jake was sent for and came. Jake,” said tbe Doctor, “I have bet a large sum of money on your head, und you must win it. Do you think you can?'' "Berry well, Massn," replied Jake; “jee telldisnigger what he’s to do, an’ he'll do it shore.” "I want you to go to the dissecting room. Yon will find two dead bodies there. Cut off the head of one with a large kniro which you will find there, and bring it tous. Yon most not taken light, however, mid do not get frightened.” “Hat’s all, is it 7” enquired Jake. Oh, berry well. I'll do dat, shore, sertin; and as for bein frighten’, old Satia himself ain’t gwinc to frighten mu.” Juke accordingly set off, and reaching tire dissecting room, groped nbout until he found tho krnfe nnd bodies. Ho had just upplied the former to the neck of ono of the lute, wlteu from the body ho was about to decapitate, a hollow and sepul chral voice exclaimed: “Let my bead aloud” “Yes; sab,”replied JakeIaiu’t ’tick- ulnr; tudder head Tl do jes as well.” _“Ho accordingly but tbo knifo'totho ueck ortho next corpse, when another voice equally unearthly in its tone, shrieked out: ••Let tny head aloud” Jnkn was puzzled at first but answered presently: “Looker yah! Massa Tellifcr sod I must bring ono ob de heads, and you isn’t gwiue to fool me no how I" and Juke liueked awuy until ho separated the bond from tliu Imdy. Thereupon half a dozen voices nil screamed out— " Bring it hack! Bring it buck 1” Juke hud reached tho dour, but, on hearing lids, turned round and said: “Now, ttow,see yah I Jcsyoukeepquict, you duco ob a fool, an’ don’t wuka up do women folk. Mussuonly gwino to look ut de bumps.” “Bring buck my bead at once!” cried the voice. PtUMlIRfni. l’«r titefttualiip Augunto, from New York—Mr* A FUhor, MIm Turner, U D Monroe, H Malloy, UK Holcomb, Mr* Lyon, U E Tuft*, F |» I ■ope, J \\ Wol cott ami tody, Mr* tirayJcr, K R Tremaio. lie Cal houn, uml 8 Mteorago. Per Htoaincr Gnrtlou. Uar-leu, from CtiarlugUiu— Hon J F Drayton, C.»l F W Pfekotw, McMunki, W II Heyward, llolbeail, J K Gariimny. J M Miller, J W power, Dr Lyncli, H U Aine*, Mr* Piuckney. Mis** Piuckupy, Mia* Klllut, 0 C Cambridge, J H Sharp, .1 OuHSIOtt, Mini 0 (lock. Per st(*atn»bip Florida, for New York—Mi** A A Magiil. C Hasting*, Mi*e C Audrim*. J Duller and lady. Mr* 1> B NIclioN, Mr* M 8 Woodhull, II Altar, •LU Fullttr, G W Fink, A Amloraon, lady and child, Cluu Pelllchody, Dr J Coccruuo, J A Skllhm, Rev J Winn, lady aud child, A L 8-atou, Mr* 8trau**, Mr* Lruan, K P Butt*, J Goldtliwait. liUoldtbwuit. Mu* M Cocbraue. W Brown aud lady, W F Lawreticc aud lady, Oa]>t Ewing, uud U0 steerage. Perateamsbip Keystono .State, Tor Philadelphia— T A Brandon, Mrs Doviue, JII Kelly, Ml** OoK*ball, MUs Rico, KII Situs, MCronon, Mrs Dliwler, MW* Hardle, Mrs Jones, Miss K Jouu*. Mr Dirter aud family, J W WoodruIT, P J Guitera*, 3lr Cliambor. laiu and family, Mr* Levy and child, G Rutherford, J CChamberlain, Wrn Otgsball, MUs Gllleam, Clta* Brown, gfeUwarts, UrsCM, Mr*C K Moore, C tl U Baiidborg and lady, MKsJoucm, Mis? Gilliland, K 8 Flint, Mr Wnmy**, W P Ltw*ou and lady, and f>4 Htucrago. C. N. lUKKl^l.V, A. C. nCUUIRX XlAltltlMON A aicGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND I’orwurtliiiK iUt’i'clmnls. 50 AND 01 BUOAfNilTUKKT, COLUJICIV, (ilHIKOIA. I'arliciilar attention given to the huIim uf lfenl K*ta<c, N'egroe* ami Produce, Lo" Ijliural advance* tuadeou NVgroe* and tier- cbandlzu. KKpMitoCt>: RLVK, PATTEN \* CU. ) UUKUY k DANIEL, VCohmibu*, On. HTKWART, GRAY &('<•. J ItlfcW. DAVIS k IJINU,» WM.’ . WHIG I IT. \ Fa '* tU,mh - YOUNG, ATKIN’S *: DUNILXM, I C. A. OltKIJNE k CO., } ApaiauldtnU II. »• SMITH,}.Mobile. Alahiuim. ort 23 ly MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, ntAUi.iMro.v, s. (?. THIS Houxo i* now ailantcd to all the waul* of llio Tru veiling Public, autliliecf. fort* of the Proprietor will be to dunerve , Uiolr patronage. mar Ul THOMAS S. NICKERSON. NEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 aotTii nr makkkt imtAN ktkkkt, I would iulorni my old Iricnd* atul patron* I havo opened the above More tftcolidiicl the Stove, Tlu aud Sheel-lrou Un due** iu all lit* ivarhiu-’ form*, and where will he tomi<l a gen eral n-umrtmoiil of Slave*, Tin and Slieet-Iron Ware, which I will ho pleaded to *bow, ami at eiicb price* ns wilt smiiofy any one wishing to purchase. All kind* of llouUii};, Gutter* of laiad, Galvaiilml Iren Work orevery dc*crii*ion, Jub Work aud Re pairing executed witli diqutcb, «dd Stove* put li]i and 11|km famished at *hort iiuViec. Ttii Ware at wlin!e*iile aud retail. Cali down ou Bryiui struct, It will pay you for your walk. ocU» JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. D ARISE It SHOPS. Pnlrotkl IIoiihc Barlict* Shop, Onv#w’ It rick Unil<tin>i, o/i/kuiVc Iht Pulaski House, PIVU WOUKMKN KNUAUKI). Maitball IIou«o Barlwr Miop, Jlmu[ih!oH Strert, Kill'll WOIIKMKS* KXUAUBD. SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga, Will attend to tho sclliug of all kind* of preduco. Strict utluutiou given lo receiving and forwarding good*. may 21 ly .Vuutiou & Commission House, Macon, Uu. , A, It. illcLAVUIIUIV. General Agent and Auetiouccr, s»Ikli* from his frienda corndgmueuli of every de*« ri|*kai. ‘faker, oidera ter Colh'li. 9iT SiHVlal aiteutiou given to tliu sate* »>f Real Estate, Stock* and Negro pro)»erty, at public uiol privateT^itie*. Prompt rrhinu unit d^Hitcit. Reference—C. A. 1.. LAMAlt. incbiUi LANIER AMJERHON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, apS-ly macon, (.a. t. IV. MAllitV, ATTOBKBV AT LAW, nctokiJN, ii»-*ki» co., ha. Will attend to profe».ooiial be- ii.e** in the Couutie* u. li. *.\u.Lto(i*. u( Heard, Utrrull, CauipheU, Cuwtta, Fayette. \t«ri* wether uml Tioup. Ueferchct—lieu. K V. Hill, LiGrtUige, Ga.; Hou. David li win, Maiu-tla, lot.; Coiuiad FI. M. TidWi lt, luyettevtlie, Oa.; uml .Mr. William Doug tarty, lb* iuiiiWi, Ga. *epl7-ly \V (f. M. U A.MK l'.t; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. German Fire Coutyatty No. 10, ATTENTION.—Tho meeting of tho German FIro Uumpany luu becu -NMicd UUtil MONDAY ETEN1NG, the 12th lutft., at 6 o’clock, ut tbo Fire* pen’* Hail, at tho request of govern) member*. LEVI S HART, F. O. Carl, Sec’y. lstluieumu. mayio CODFISH, MACKEREL AND’HER RINGS. TJUST received 5 lihds choice Cod Fish 20 bbl* O extra No land No. 2 Mackoicl: |0 do extra Pickle Herring*, 60 boxes Smokod Herring* lu store and for bale by DAVID O'CONNFJl. may 10 Corner Brogbtoti k Brnytou *1*. 'PUE subscriber, thanklul lo hi* fellow-citteou* X for the lilierul iLilrnuage he ha* received, und L* atill receiving, beg* re*|»ectiiilly to Inform them that ho hu-i engaged *iillieieut nildlllouui tlr*t-da** workmen from kouic of the bent Ibirher Simp* iu New York, and will be etiatiled to accommodate tut many gcuiii-uteu a* maj tiou«ir him with their |iu« troiuige. N. B.—The Uu tier t'!e*p» are chwed ou Sundays— *tr.Higer> will pleu-e bear thi* in mind. pHAMPAGNE—12 boskets genuine Ueidsic WCbampagno iu store aud Tor sale hy mayio __ __ ULTAVUd COIIEN, POTATOES, MACKEREL AND CODFISH X —100 bbl 1*010100*; 26 do No. 1; 2 aud 3 Mack- ercl; IP quintal* CodOsb. Received and Tor side by McMahon u doylk. mayio IRON FRONTS FOUSTOjiKS. J ACOB BAILY, Manufacturer of Iron Store FrouU, Columns, Glrdor*, window Heads, gill*, kc. Rvri|iocirully call* tbo uttoutiou or Builders, ami tho public m general to hi* Foundry, BROAD STREET. RELUW SPRING GARDEN. Pblludoipbla, at which place bo would be pleased to meet them, aud cuter luto arrangement* Tor fiiriiisliing tbe above article* at tbo Suortimt Notick ou tbe most reittuna ble term*. Building* manufactured by-Mr. Daily, aro opeiilu uspoctiou lu Pbiludelpbia. tin uprl5 Q, SACKS CORN just received nud for moy7 CRANE, WELLS & CO. I7TI1 (IKOIIUIA REIPORTM. piOBUTSHIP AND UAHBIAQG; .or, Tlie Joy* aud Sorr iw* uT American Idle. By Mrs. Ijl'c lleuto. Tbo Throe Marriage*: or Idle at n Watering Place. Tbo First aud Secouii Marriage*; or, Tbo (Aiurte- *le* of Wedded life. India; Tbe Pearl of Pearl River. By Mr*. South- worth. Philly k Kit. By Caroline Chescboro, Introduction to Social Science. By Uco. II. Cal vert. Dcrcuicc. A uovol. Columbu, from tbe French ol Merimer. Tlie Christian Lire; it* Ho;»c:«, it* Fear/, and it* Close. By Thnnm* Arnold, ol Rugby school, Madeira, Portugal and Spain. M*xlul, Shukspenro Paper*, Hiawatha, Attache at Madrid, Pori* Sights, Boccaccio, Decameron, Widow Uedott, Napolcou Curre*iiouUouce, Abbott’* Napo leon, ko,, tus mayU __ W. THORNE WILLIAMS. pOR HALE^r.,000 huahul* Corn ta~orrive. J? mays _ YoL'NU k WYAIT. i IllOlCE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKY V/—10 bbl* eboleo Moiiuiigithidu wliiHky. very old and pure. Just received |>er Kcy*touu Slato, ni lor *ale by may7 lot CilAS. A. GRMNKJt. 1 1UE-1000 bWLimo GHdlttg per achooncr JlJ Muluo taw, and for muIo by _ m»y7 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CU. H AY—CO tales Primo Northern Hay laud ing per brig Pbllura, and Tor tale by mayi BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. WOKY PDA, 200^Sf “'^.55,S5” ft’ in a All M-^i x5Gv: riOLOUED LAWNS AND CAMBRICS.— Jtut received per steamer Alahamn troin New York, aud f«*r sale liy J. W. TIlRtXKKLR, aprIT C'ongrtMH and Wliituker utreet*. SAVE^ YOUR MONEY CALL AT THE NKW SHOE SluKK, No. 142 BUOUDllTDX Sl'HKKT. _^nexi door to Jic-tir*. J. Dickrfon k Co’*. Coulee* tlonury. You will there Und thu greatest bargains III Shoos ever ollered iu ltd* city. October 161U. 1*66. WATCHES—MATCIlES—'iVATCIIES. *»v Wo nre receiving tho Isoudoit laiver Wntulie*. of tho imut celchrutud mukur*. in Jr* AUohl uud Silver ctwi. U. K. Cooj*er’* ihi- •MR*plot Watches', Watches lor Timhig lloivei, flue 5wt*d Chronometer*;, which wc offer at reaiutia- ble price.*, at our new atore iu GIIiIhiiih’ I lunge. aupt28 D. B. NICHOLS A: CU_ F )R SALE.—Fifty sacks SuRorliue Flour, Atlauta Mills, iu atere and fur calo hy npr25 BRIGHAM, KELLY AHI _ OXjOTUIWCp /■'1ARPETTIN(L Mattlug, Window MimUcH, L' MD/U) I TTM ' Lute and .'lu.- liii Curlaliiti, may he found ut ili 1VA Y U 111 U1V1 1 npi2* AI KIN k BURNS. ^ E nglish and American pins—a large aMbrlmeot of uil *ize* English nod Amer ican I'iu.*, recidved mid for sale hy marlS LADSON Ik ROGERS. ~ TO IliliiStlKfilll’llttS. At the Olil St nud, 1S3 Uronghtan-at* K KFRIGEUATORS, Meat tfafeH, Water Cool er?', KedzleV, Water FiltorcM^WIre Dlali Cov er*, Fidi Kettle*, Soup Dige^teiti, French Tiuiied Ware, Ttimed aud Faumeiu-d Stew IW, Cooking Stove*. CiNtking Range.', Table Cutlery, Cedar Tubs iiihI Backet-*, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Clothe/, Market, Travelling aud Fancy Banket*, Bird Cage*, Planished aud dap iimod Wure. (Co. Ab:o, Tin Ware, Iruu au Cop|ter Ware. Bros* Kettle*, Sieve Pipe*, Cooking Uleu*iU ol all kinds for Stove* aud Range*, together with tbe Uue.-.t o**ortmeut of llouao f ur- nl-,hing Good.* lu tbo city. ttutrlO HORACE MOUSE. yy I. MOLASSKiL—hl»d* of vcry wi- (Mirlor quality, in new |«ekagc*, landing tier brig Bed Wing, and fur rule l»y ttprlH PADEUGUlk FAY \ Co, LANDLOUD AND THNANT. rpOK taw of tandlortl and TcuaiiL lly J. X Smith, with Note* of Americmi case* by l*. P. Murri*. Uauvler’* taw Dictionary, lad edition. Duuvicr’* liirftltiilo* American Law. Neligmi’* .UU* of Cotancou* witli color ed iilaie*, 4to. llrown on Mime DUe.-ute* «»r Women aduiilting of surgical Treatment. Flint on Disease* of the Ihwplralory Organ*. Dodd Oil IHsciixe* of tbo Stomach. Sketches amt Adventure* iu Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sight* nnd lYinciplos. Dy JarvK with engraving*. Phy*ioiogy uud CulUthculc*. By Culhcriuo E. Beecher. Railway and Steaitublp Guide, with map*. Ireland iu ’t*S and ’48; tl* Revolutionary HUtory, By J. Savage. Natiouai System or Political Economy. From tho Gtrtnuu, or LUt. •l<ng ff. TBOHNE WIULUI3. I Win. SlrALLlSTEU. Marble Mieiumeut*, Tomb* und Grave Stone*, turu- Lhcd on rca-onubie term*, order* re*- (jK-vUillly iHilicited* ap IS J. C. Ml'HU. J. It. IktVI*. W. U. 10MJ. KIL’SH, DA VIM A LONG. COiMMISSlOX MEUOHAjSTS, SAVANN.lJI, GA. may RO W. II. r.lUKKuJ * L- A. II. MLtJlUAT. W. II* PAUllELL A CO., DBAl.KItS IN (Tiolre Family UrcHcrlos—Foreign ami Ikiimqtle Frulin, Comer Uroughtou aud \Vhitaker**ls. Towu aud Country mqipiicd witli cboiee good* at low price*. All order* promptly altciivled to, nqU xuidlfuctiuu always guaranteed. *ept 18 T. 11. CliAUKE A CO., PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MfcRCHATS* KNOXVILLE, TENN. All orders promptly aud fuitiilully e.Mx'iiltvI. T1SON K MAtKAV, T. B. CLARKE, Savannah, Ga. Kuuxvllle. Teiiu. WAYNE,'TCLk Vtcu., COMMISSlO^X^^oiR^tiJ^JllaiCHASTSt, Hayilrvtt Savannah. Til OS. S. WAYNE. c. l GRKNWILLE, It. ALFA. WAYNE, W. T. SAM I’Ll I. jy 0—tr Savmmali. i baiiui.oo^a. ' C. C. 1’bULE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two door* from Bryan.) WUOLKHALK AND ItKTAIL PKALKIl IN Mushes, Ulltul*. Dooik, Pttluti, UlkVat* tiUbe*, WIihIow Ulna, Fatly, Ac, tahiter*’, Gralner*’ uml ArtUl*' Bru*ho*; U«aWhitewa*h' lleml* uud Du*tur*, Dry aud SjyMixnd 1'ahil* of every deseriptkm, Artl*t*' ctoor* In tula.**, Preparett Uiiivao. Ac. paper hangings. uoiiDEito and fire board I’AHERNS. Room* prejmred with noatneK* and de*|Ritclt.— Uou*v, Sign uud Ship 1‘aluUug, Glldlug, Graiuiugaud t.luxing done iu tlie beat *tyic and ut umtlcrate price*. All order* trow tbe country prompt ly attended i. men 2h—ly i nicNcii cihn C writk tai.vNiTK, AND GL.VSS WARE. 146 JtKXTlMi nUKUMON. *OlTU T-VKoUNA. rile teiibJCriber* rropcctTuUy from the traveling public, an hf»i*5ctiour~^ iof their »tM-k ol French and Kngli*h China, lu plain white, gold baud, aud decorated diuucr, dmurl. brvukbt*t, tea. toilet, letc-a- tele ret* and va-e*. Atm, Cop* and Saucers, (4 the ceiehratod Sevres t.luua. White tinmiteof tla host uimiulaetnrer*. Rich cot French, Kugii.- h mid Bohemian Gl.t**. Tlicy lutvo a variety of ornament* iu Pari*u.w Ware, 110*1* (4 Calhoun, Clay, \Vet»/tor, and «.»ber*, and Milliietca of tbo Greek Slave, Venn* de 31ediet», Ac., Ac. They have aLou beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle lor floor* uud heai'lli*, of Plain and Kiirunatlo Tllca. Their slock living very general, carefully .-elected ami iuqiorted direct, odor* inducement* t«» merchant j a* wellu*lumille*,to wnotit good* will ho pat up at thu lowest rate* tor cash. WKBU At SAGE, linjxirters, ttncccrtfur* |o Cameron, tvehb k Co. A X T 0 UNEY AT LAW, KAVaW.Ui. (i*. 45*Oifloc over Tb' iiio.- M. Turner A Co.’d Dnq Stol e, IXty strevt. toy7 Jas. a. uoojt. 1 Ktai. r. tuucc HOOK A TKX1KAV. A T T O R N K 1S AT LA W, .-4.Vm.HM II i±, ItXUlMlM. Mill j nittne in Wa.->huigtoii, Juffcrsott, Scritcfi, Burke, i.'uiidmel, TaUiniii, und Moutgemviy uf tho Mtddio Circuit, and NMikinion uf tlie Uvmmyi’c Cir cuit. uuyb ja». w.Vwckv 11. v. aitour. GREKAI A SHOCPr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, m-fjll IIHOU.-T*>.V. 114. LEFLER A WILCOX, UciitluU, OFFICE over Dewitt*. Mot* pan’* Store ou Cungresa^trevt, oiler ) their piol'tsslonul rervluo* to Urn puhik . counuvui, irom longexjuil- “ " * >, they wdJ " 1 |»uojrt . 1 i*xj«iucui, ir<*m ti ctice ami |w-.i fucce*-. that in all case*, render entire kobafuelion. o* t 2 1 1KJ0U WESTUPTUBRKPL’IILICAXRCAIIINT* uomi. W.t).Prlw FASHION ABLE AND HILUAR1 Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hal* uud Cup*, Shirt*, Collar*, Glove.*, Uortery, Callus. Umbrella* Cravut*, stock*, lhmdkereliief*, uml Fancy Article* TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Stroot, Geuticnittu. |.V.l I'd.ViVdW. 4ta* lirUeru from city aud county solicited. m gjg tub 6 T(TflX¥7T r oTuTiirr AUCIIITIfiCT, H AVING resumed tlie practice of hts proles* >-leu, oiler* hi* service»tohb Irletut* uud Ike pul.lie ns an Arebitoct aud Suitcrmteiideut. Dedgu* lot uny part of tl.«» country aapplltd aud executed in nil tbo varioa* iivunehe* of In* prole*. Hioti, Much us Publio Kdillce*, Htorc.i, Dwelling*, Monument-', kc. Thoroughly Fire IToof More* dc« »igue«l aud executed. < mien at present In Bay Lane, rear of tln^Ouinoiu HtHise. jatiU—ly jil.KACifiSD SUUrrTStiU. • 10 rases S i, 7- JJ and 4-4 Bleached Slilrtiug*, dUfertot style* u*t received aud for sulo by marl I l.ADSON k ROGERS. si. whit smith! A T11) It N IIV AT LAW, aUJOAtUK. VAKT FUDUDA. cl Wilt practlcolu the Eivbom and Southern Cuontira- Refer to—Col. a & Sibley, and R. 1L lllltui, Sa vnuindi. felrtMf CIIAS. U.CAWBELh. ATTORNEY AT LAW, atlUUNIKVltLO, tu. rrucUce* taw lu tbe variuua Cbuntlea of thu Ocj mulgeu Circuit, uml the mijululug Guuutlcx of Twigga, tadren* aud Washington. Kofer to—John Bwtcu, U. A. Crone, and R. B few* Hum*, To 11 UUi», li((T, Ilncon, HhouUleiw, llolo^tm*, FlcklrU I'fimgtiCH, Pig Fork, Mm liter, dtr., tx Rtri cb. Halves nu. quarter*. will If BE A TlSTil Y• Dr*. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Deutt-t*. oUice corner St. JuUen-£t. and Market Square, over S. WU* tuot’* jewelry Mure. OUlcu hour* from a to 2 o’clock, und from a to 0. mar 11 coin (NTOItllCl^lULK TEETH. * DR. BARNES, Dentist—Per. rorm> all o}K>ruiion* in Id* lino In the iim.*i approved limniier. Ollice on Brougliloo i-lni’l. opjNirtilo Wecde'S ilartlwatfolore. dec 22 Ultfl, LRFI.EU ik Wlldm*, Deli tint*. —ARE nmv fully prepared toiu* sort full or partial *ctU of 'icetli on the principle of Dr. .1. Alien*-'s Patent t'oiitimuiu* (iiitii. By Ihi* improvcioi’id, tlu* form ol the lace can m- rotored to any degree of ronunlUy that tuny In* dizircd. It U appilcalile In all cu.*e* where tin* cheek* have laiku iu ami cannot lx* detected hy the closest (discrver.— Ibis method combines the following 1 1,'Niitugc*:—. An artilli ial gum, which exhibit* a perfectly uatural mol lilc-hki* upjicaranee, nud imparbi to the tlieetb that peculiar expression which chururicrUcx tin* na tural organ*.-. This (.um 0011*1*1* of a siia» ion* coiupound which l* applied amt I'twed ujNiuthu Teeth und Piute In aucto a manner, u* to till up all the intcr^ihvn mound (Le base of the Teeth, idal ni*u unite* them llrtnly tu cut’ll other and to thu Plate upon which they ere nett. Thi* secure* perfect cleanliness of the Teeth, Olrteo over DeWiU ^ .Morgan. Congress street. *** Hcpiihtieaii and tk-orgian copy . tieli IU—If PHOTOGIl A I J 11S~ lATgtt sized Pbetograplm, ta* gen by MILLER, at itrau n. u-»n* maih>/>:jv ALu. AUdirotypu* and lift* guerreotypes, in his usual su perior style. A cull I* tuiieliea. W. MILl Ml, niarii cr. M. Julian-si. aud Market square. CAllY’S DAGi'KBEO'l YPEfl, AM1IIIO- typo* uml PlinKiRiTiuliy, V, W- CARY W OULD rc*(icctfully give uoticc that ItU riKdii* an- now «|h-u lor Ihu season, uud rea dy tor the reception of visitors. By (ho AuiiiurivpK process iKiison* tuuy uow Imvo their chililreii’* picture* taken, iu almost auy jksI* liomht y may choo.-e. in from 1 to ;> .-ecoddc m.Uug. By tlie I'non*, n.\1111e process old l*igiierri’oly|>e* (Mil be transferred to icijs-r, beautifully colored and ■uiargeil to Ido. oct 22 VISITING AND WEDDING CARDS, Audevery variety of FLAU7 AND OJUIAUBHTAL WEITIHO Executed to order BY NIOUOLS, A T ti f. A N II It K W ' S HAIL. ear tu,trtn-tiu:i, ,tvuu if SostruS. dec is iVciw toi’k Provision House MAltSlIALIj it SOX, PROVISION PEALKKft, Xo, 14 Steontlrivenut and 3 Fulton Marktl, .VKW YORK CITY. Refer* io—.loliti D. .fe*flo, dauie* A. Brown, Wm, 11. Uarivll .k Co., umt U- O'lly r no. jun'dl—dm \V UUD—WOOD! rpiii: mibscritar lias opened a Wood Yard al M tho old Cbarlestou wharf, where be will keep coiistutdly 011 bmni ail kinds of Woud—Uak, A«b, Hickory, Black Jack. Ught-wood, Ac. 4uT Orders piwuiptly attended lu. 11. C. RAYV0H. ' gavantnih. Mutch 10. Ifi6tt. lm—mar 10 WOOD AND LI'JIXUKU. A M* kind* or Wood, Dourd*. Plank*, Joigt, s.‘lc. 'limber, Shingle*, Light-wood, Pout*, lortcrn laths nud PaiUng*, tor rale, nt wholesale and retail, low for cash, ou llm new whin I recently orMftol on . the Lumber Yard ol'Kobui t A. Alleu k Co. - V. mar 12-ly WM. J. L MofilADN.... W BUlLUKItS.^ “ ' T im BUnsciUUUK Is |>roi>area ta. execute ut tho shortest notice, uml in the tfMftt work* muiilike manner, nil kind* of Meinl Hoofing, Guttera, Curuicr, or other work conucctod with ihemanulnc- turlug or repairiug of Copimr, Gulvaubtud Iron, Zinc, or rdicctlruu Busiues*. HORACE M0IUR' lt octlfl Iftfi Broughton rt QP&1NG AND SUMMER CLOTHING .-The k? subscriber would Invite tbe attention u all m want of SPRING AND M’MMMl Cl in HIND, tv Ida stock which tan Jurt liceu received, at tU« star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay atrwt. m apr!6 WIL a PRICE.