Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 12, 1856, Image 1

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* *” A' 1 . .'V 1 . VOL. VI. SAVANNAH, (GA.) MONDAY, MAY 12, 1856. NO. 290. JOURNAL. Dally. Tii-\V«ekljr and Weekly. K. 13. HILTON & CO., PUBLISHERS. E- B. HILTON, Editor. V. P. HAM&rOS, } Editor.. _ TKRMSl . „„ OMlr Prtiwr.jwr year. In l-Wrefcly Paper.... a.O« * “ 1.00 rrl-Weekljr Paper.., Weekly Patter MONDAY 0 O'clock. P. M. BY TBtilSOZlAPBC. Three Days Later from Europe I ARRIVAL OP TUP, ATLANTIC. New Yoke, May 12, 1850. The steamship Atlantic has arrived with throe days Inter intelligence from Europe. Cotton had declined Id. Thera was only a moderate hi witless doing. Sales of the three days 27,000 bales. Specu lators and exporters took 4,000. ' QUOTATIONS ! Middliug Orleans 0 540 Middling Uplands 04 Trade generally was unchanged. Flour has advanced 1 shilling. Wheat lias advanced 1 a 2d. Indiau corn has advanced 6d. Consols had declined }. Money was easy at previous rates. The political news was unimportant. Washington Tragedy—Mr, Herbert—Mr. Clayton, of Delaware—T/x Treaty Making Power. Washington, May 8tli, 1850. Tour lenders will loam all the particulars ol tho tragedy in tills city to-day long bofow the mall shall convey this letter to you and them. At tho Mmo 1 write, tho examination of Mr. Herbert is in progress before a magistrate, and groat excitement everywhere prevails, and two parties aro already formed: one of them con* tendlug tlmt tho shootiug was justlflable, and the other tlmt it was a wanton murder. The hitter, however, promptly add in cynical tones that a member of Congress cannot be condemn ed in Washington, especially for tho murderof poor servant. But this is quite a mistake. I know of no city in tho Union in which the dh* position to even-handed Justice in stronger than it Is in this, mid none in which wealth is so lit tle considered in tho cBtirauto of men. Politi cal position, with patronage attached, of course has influeuco among tho suitois for patronage; but, alas, how fallen is public office in tho es teem oi these tho moment lie is deprived of that power! Mr. Herbert iu Congress no doubt re alized a full share ot adulation from those who come to this city in pursuit of favora; and now that lie bus, 11 least for the time, lost position, the reverso will be but too glariugly manifested. His early home was Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He is a lawyer by profession, and unmurried. I do not tlduk ho cun lip thirty years of age. He is rather short, of full form, round faco,lioridcom plexion, brown hair, and light beard about his chin, llo Is a man of quiet manners, intelligent conversation and very gentlemanly deportment' The recent act must be judged upon tho test! many rendered. They who know him only know that rash uud harsh conduct is not characteristic of him. SECOND DESPATCH. New Youx, May 12.—Nice Brothers, an American House, have failed, liabilities a mil lion and a half. Eighty houses burnt in llong-Kong. Hermann, A Co's Circular quotes prices in favor of the buyer, in conscquouce of the con tiuued increase of receipt* advised by the Asia. Trade well supplied. The market closed heavy- Urown, Shipley & Co. quote cotton market de clined id.; dcclino confined principally to the lower grades. Consols quiet iu cousequenco of the now loan of twenty mlllious, they declined to 91}, but recovered, closing at 924. The Treaty of Peace has been officially published. Articles 5th aud 6th, provide for a general am. nesty and exchange of prisoners. Articles 7th and 6th admit Turkey luto the political law and publlo system of Europe, securing the In dependence of her Territories. There have been great Ares at Hoag-Koug, and at Proma in Burmali. Intelligence from Washington,a-TUe Panama Difficulty—Herbert** Case* Washington, Mat U—Amos B. Corwlne, formerly United States Consol at Panama, has Leen appointed commissioner to proceed there uy the steamer which leaves on the 20th inst to take testimony in relation to the recent massa cre and robbery at that place. Mr. Herbert was before tho Circuit Court on luebeas corpus in an application to be admitted to bail. The decision of the Coart will be an nounced to-morrow (Monday). O«orglau As Jouniul Heading Room. Oar Reading Room In the Exchange is free to all subscribers to the Daily Georgian & Journal, to all contract advertisers In iu columns, to the Clergy of the city and to strangers iutroduceu by either of these classes—but to none others. Tribute of Respect to Got. Trottp* The Chatham Artillery will, this eveuiog commencing at 6 o'clock, fire 76 minute gun-., u» tribute of respect to their lato honorary member George M. Troup. The Qring will take place intuo Park. It is expected that there will be a full turn oat, not only of the active but of the honorary members of tho corps. The probability now is that the evening will be cool and pleasant. Washington Correspondence. Pennsylvania and jib. Buchanan.— Philadelphia, May 9.—Mr Buchanan was notified yesterday, at Lancaster, ot his nomination for tho Presidency by tho Pennsylvania Democratic State Conven tion. Mr. Buchanan accented this com plimentary nomination, ana endorsed the resolutions adopted by the" nominating Convention. Outtino a Swill in Bomowed Dbkss. es.—The Now York Tribute has tolved a mystery which it saya has puttied many: why women should trail through the dirty streots of New York, with costly dresses made uvera^lnches too long for the wearers these dresses aro not so mode for the wear ers,they were originally made for the taller women, and are borrowed. K person well skilled in all such matters has ascertained beyond tho possibility of dispute that most of the women seen in Broadway with costly dresses sweeping the pave ment at their heels, have either borrowed or bought tho articles second-hand at nil old clothes shop, where thev let ont such things by the month, week, day, or for u single promenade. Mr. Clayton, among others, addressed the Sen- ate to-day upon the notice to Denmark in rela tion to tho Sound Dues. Messrs. Seward, Sum ner aud hale, were alternately opposed to him, Mr. Clayton is during this session ultou absent beenuso of sickness. Ho is a largo, broad man, with a fleshy neck, chla and jaws, and very pale. Mis liair is short nnd thick, but perfectly white. Ills bunds also are line, white and soft. Bis voice is somewhat husky, and seldom dis tinct enough until hn has spukeu a few minutes. Ills appearance and mniuior always impress the hearer with the feeling that his powors are not suflicient fora protracted speech; yet lioaften does speak long and well. Ho wears an open aud pleasing expression, such as could not fail to oucourage any ono desirous of approaching nnd speaking to him. His rank is among the few great men In the front rank of American Statesmen. T he question of the Danish Sound Dues Is most valuable as s precedent. Tbs President aud the Senate, two-thirds concurring, are com petent to make a treaty with another power. Have the President and two-thirds of tho Senate the power to abrogate a treaty 7 It is answered list the whole government aro not competent to abrogate a treaty peacefully without tho cun- oarroncuof the other power; and It Is furthei answered that with that concurrence the Presi dent and the Senate aro Inadequate to abrogate a treaty—that it requires tbs formal legislation of Congress, because th t the Constitution de clares a treaty to he of the nature of the highest law known to it To this it is replied that the President aud the Senate may make a new treaty with a foreign power, and that this new treaty may abrogate all former treaties betweca the two powers. It is on points like thee, that the Senate debate the notice given to Denmark, and nut that tho notice ought not to beglveuaud tho treaty abrogated. IstrsaTUL. Mr. lilshop, a member or (JungresS, testilled that lie was positively certain that the pistol was discharged while the.Urnggle was gplug nit. Three or four, persons were holding him, uud lie ppeared to bo much exhausted. - . Cspt. Blouding corroborated the fact that several sernuits 'were 'pressing a men down (whom be afterwards ascertained tn be Mr. Her bert,) previous to and at the time ortho firing of tbs pistol. Oapt Duponts’, testimony was slu confirma tory of the above. The examination was continued for five home; whonlt wss adjourned twill to-morrow. The riaoner was remanded to the custody of tho Fnlted States Marshal. Railway Consolidation.—Chicago, May 9.—The consolidation of Fort Wayne nnd Ohio, Ohio and Indiana, and of the Ohio and Pcnsylvania railroads have been effected. Destruction op A Cotton Mill by Fibe. —Providence, May 9.—Tho Coton Mill nt Pawtucket, owned by Thayer & More, was burnt lost night. Insured for 819,000. It was used os a Printing Cloths Manufac tory. Another Treaty with Mexico.—On tho authority of a letter from Mexico, which it Inserts, the Journal ofCommcrce states that our Minister to Mexico has es sentially adjusted the terms of a Conven tion with the Comonfort Administration, by which wo arc to acquire another slice of Mexican Territory. Sevebe Storm in Louisiana.—New- Orlbans, May 8—There was a very severe storm In this region yesterday. Tho tele graph wires were prostrated in various directions, and several bouses blown and knocked down In Baton Rouge. COIYCHUSSB—FRIDAY, Washington, May 9 Senate.—Tho matters to-day in the Senate consisted of the passing of a num ber of private bills. The Senate, in the afternoon, passed the House Bill granting n million and a half acres to tho Iowa Railroads. Mr. James reported n bill amending the Patent LaW3. House.—The message’of the Senate asking for a third eomrJttee of Conference on the deficiency bill being under consid eration, Mr. Phelps, dem., of Missouri rose to defend tho people of his State from the strange charges brought against them , resterdny by Mr. Giddingsi of Ohio, that hey, (the people of Missouri,) were tail ors and deserved to be hanged. Mr. G iddings explained that he made the state ment with reference to a collection of armed men, organized by those whose irposo was to usurp the Government. Mr. Phelps denied this assertion, sav ing that such an idea only existed in the distempered imagination of its author. Tho Mssourians who weut to Kansas in November nnd December last, were for maintaining tho laws against scenes of blood shed properly attributable to the friends of Mr. Giddiugs and other Black Republicans. The House next appointed a third Com mittee of conferenc on the deficiency Bill- The New Mexico contested election case was discussed this afternoon. Gov. Johnson and Hon. J. L. Seward— Among tho arrivals la oar city are his Excellen cy the Govornor of the State, and tho Hupre- ■entativo of tho 1st Congressional District— Hon Lames L. Seward. They go to Brnnswick by to-morrow morning's boat, to attend tho cel ebration which occurs there next Thursday. Superior Court. Oar Superior Court mot this morning, His Honor, Judge Flemino, presiding. Tho Corn- men Law Docket was culled, aud will occupy tho Court during this week in its trial. The Appeal Docket will bo called this day week, and the Court will proceed to try that and the Equity Docket, which, together, consti tute a heavy amount at business. Tho Court will thou adjourn to allow tho Supremo Court tho use of the Court Room and the services ot the gentlemen of the Bur, until tho third Mon day in June, when it will toko up tho Criminal Docket. As this is a change from tho former modo of proceeding, and a very excellent one, we weald call tho attention of jurors and witnesses to the fact. It is perhaps necessary for us to mention to jurors generally that at our last Legislature the Law was changed, and that the Judgo can keep them for any length of time, and not as former ly, be obliged to dlsohurgo thorn at the expira tion of six days. Mercer University. We onll tho attention of tho public to tho an nouncement in our uuvcrtisiug columns, of the now organization of Mercer University. It is Isilicved to present strong claims to the support ortho Southern people. By tho arrangemeut lor instruction in modern languages a glaring defect in the hitherto existing curriculum of studies is now remedied. Georgia Historical Society.—The regular Monthly Meeting of the Georgia Historical Society takes place to-night. The following band-hill might ho seou posted up about town in Wilmington lost Saturday: NICARAGUA HO I Uen’l IValker the true Avunt Courier. El Padre Vigil, Recognised— Nicaraguan'l Attention > ! Ibth near ut hand, Steamer Orizaba, New Or- Examination of HtrbvwLiitH Debug in Cere greet—Deficiency Did. Washington, May 9. Although the examination of Mr. Herbert, o! California, is not yet completed before tho mag istrate, I rejoice iu tho well grounded eonvlo- tlon, not lliut he will ho acquitted, but that he is guiltless of killing except in scl-dsfonce.— rhut ho wus culpable in carrying a deadly weapon, aud iu getting into a melee with the servants, instead of referring the mutter to their employee, trill not be contended; and to ihe extent to whioh be was offended, I trust be may be auhjeoted to appropriate penalties, or to tho proscribed penalties, whatever they aro. Congress has to day, (Friday) ended its week's work, with liulo to show ns to the product As tho session wears away tho nominations for the presidency approach, aud business becomes a boro, Bpccches with party bearings aro alone thought of. The Deficiency bill is still a foot ball between the two houses, and they who kick it do so solely with reference to the party ef fect. Borne will not voto forlt because it propo ses to make up a deficiency caused by tho re moval of troops to Oregon und Washington, others because it proposes to bring water lute this city, aud .Mr. Giddiugs because it proposes topay fur arresting some runaway Kentucky slaves, who were caught in Ohio. A great objection has arisen from a palpable misnnderstundlng. It iaallcgcd that adeficlen- ey hill la a new thing,—so it ia-,hut it has been in troduced because of a now state of affaire Tho fiscal year used to end with the year.. Now It ends in the middle of the year. Then it was cosy to embrace deficiencies in the new re gular hill. Now we would have to wait six or idee months for that. Estimates aro, there fore, ouiy good guesses, and their errors must be corrected. I da not see anything unreasonable in a deficiency hill. If anything ia unreasona ble, it Is in the arrangemeut which has made it necessary. The debate upon concurring with tho Senate in this bill took a wide latitude to-day, and gave H. Winter Davis, of Baltimore, an opportunity to illustrate his powers ns a debater, whioh he did nobly, and to the delight and admiration of the House, ulthough he cut right and left with grout effect. In denouncing the “ higher law men” of the present day, he admitted that they Imd Jefferson as n precedent, and he declared tlmt tho extremes of Sect sslou and Abolition had both met on extra constitutional ground in this respect, though cluiming to ho strict con- structionists. He was met by Mr. Giddiugs fur the Korth, and Mr. Bocuck fur tho South, but they failed to drive him Irorn Ids position. The advent of Mr. Buchanan will, doubtless, Interfero with the work of legislation for a few days, uud then the disposition to labor will he still less than ever. Ixr ahtial. *»Yisiting the Minnesota.—Washing- Ion, May 9.—The Secretary of tho Navy visited tho war steamer Minnesota, and witnessed the workingof the machine ry, and expressed much satisfaction with the arrangements. The Minnesota will be ready to proceed to Norfolk in about 6 weeks time, where she will be coppered and receive armament,&c. A Beautiful Woman Divorced ebon bee Husdakd.—Mudclutno Brohnn, the celebrated actress of the Francais Theatre has been divoro cd from her Uusbaud. Two years age, only, die marrago took place, and it caused u great excitement in the theatrical world. The judg ment of separation wus rendered very private ly, und indeed the whole trial was conducted u* quietly uud secretly us possible. Nuns ut the curiously iutenutmg details have been allowed u trausplre, though it is rumored thut the mail, cause ortho divorce wus a gentle habit of beat ing his wife, which the husband Indulged iu. Peer Mudelalne l To beat auch a pretty wumau a man must have a heart or stone. But the un ion was ill asserted in every way. He was u man of a good, though poor family, and hi, marriage caused a discord with bis relations. Madeleine was wise in sueing tor a divorce. It is said that she comes off with all tho honors oi the law. What 'a host will now Sock about hei anxious to impose the yoke once more upon hei superb shoulders and aiy the eyes which have so often wept at domestic calamities. A Touching Scene.—The ^Norfolk American of laat Saturday mentions the following affecting incident: Ageutleman well known in oar city, was the other day walking la one of ou- Uemetaries, when he heard sobs and ball uttered exclamations, reudered indistinct by emotions. The voice was evidently that of a young person. Turning in the direction of the sound, be beheld a small girl, leaning over one of the graves made last summer, weeping as though her little heart would break. livery moment almost she would exclaim—“Father 01 Father, why dont you come I am waiting foryou." The gentleman could not ibr some mo ments speak to her, the effect upon trim was electrical, and a tear began to form in his eye. He conquered his emotion however, and learned from her that "they had placed hei father there, and she wanted him.’ Through the long cold winter she had not forgotten where her parent was laid and she had come to seek him. This incident needs no comment from us, its simplicity aud beauty must go right to the heart oi ail who reud of it. teans SOlh Atau l«.jC. Punctual Attendance 10 o’elk P. it. L. V. SCRIDEll. Acuiuuntal Shooting A negro belonging to Mr. II. IL Uuyier, accidentally shot another negro, the property of Mr. Waltbour, of Liber ty county, ou Saturday night. The wound, al though severe, is not considered dungorous. Health or SuERirr Jones, of Kansas. —St. Louis, Muy 9.—Tho Kansas corns- wndent of the Republican, says that bho- nff Jones wus Bomewhat better, bat that his recovery Is still rather doubtful. The Fatal Sliootlii|f Affray tu Washing* ton* The examination into the matter of the shoot ing of the waiter at Williard’s, commenced last Thursday evening. The name ofthe deoeased is Thomas Keating, a nativo of Irelund. The district attorney, Mr. Key, appeared for the United Stutes, and Senator Weller, Mr Phillips,of Alabama, and Messrs. Bradley and Batclflfe, appeared for the prisoner, before Jus tices Smith and Bush who conducted the in vestigation. There was an immense crowd in and about the jail, and much excitement waa manifest ed. Many members of Congress were pro- A number of the Borvants belonging to the hotel were first examined. Their testimony was somewhat eontradlctoiy,bnttheir evidence was mainly to the effect that Mr. Herbert came into tho dining-room at halt-past II o’olock, ac companied by a friend, and called for breakfast Coin but being past tbe usual hour he was informed by the servant that he could not have his meal without au order from tho oilice. Herbert di rected several servants who spoko to him on tbe subject to retire, calling them harsh names. The deceased made a reply, when Herbert struck him with his fist or unpin. The deceas ed picked up a plate or tray, making a move ment as ifte throw it, when Herbert throw his Knvannalt Market, Map IB, COTTON—Tho nmrkol was very quiet this morn ing, and only 17 bales wsro sold, vis., 44 bsles at ISJfc, an d cj «t 10JJ. Export,. TH0MA3T0S—For brig J It Counts—110,000 feet lumber. * GALVESTON, Stock on hand 1st September, Received this week at this p:>rt...: Rccclvod previously at this port.... Received at other Toxas *orta May8,186(1. 2,062 2,660 02,337 18,868 Total 80,236 Exportod to Great Britain to dato, . " France “ Othor Cmitimmtul ports “ Now Oi-liiann ...bales 12,184 1,070 6,600 18.026 “ MubllO *• Baltlmoro »• riillndulithia “ New York “ Bostou 21,164 17,431 76,080 Demalnlng on hand and on shipboard not uloared bales 10,260 Tile Amended Bounty Land BUI. The two Houses of Congress having ei upon the following hill, amendatory of the boun ty land acts, it new ouiy requires the signature of the President of the United States to Iso- come a law i AN ACT to amend the act in addition to cere tula acts granting beauty land to certain oifl- cera and soldiers who have been engaged iu the military service of the United States, ap proved March third, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. Stutes or America In Uuugress assembled, That in all cases where a certificate or warrant for bounty land for any less quantity than ons hundred aud sixty acres shall have been Issued to auy officer or Kildier, or to tbe widow or miner child or chil dren of any officer or soldier, under existing laws, the evidence upon which such certificate or warrant was isssued shall be received to es tablish tho sendee of such ufficcr or soldier iu dia application of himself, or of his widow or minor child orchildreu, lor a certificate or war rant fur so much laud as may he required to make up the fell sum of ouo hundred uud sixty seres, on proof of the identity of such officer or soldier, or, iu case of his deutu, of the marriage tad identity of bis widow, or, in cose or her death, of tbe identity of his minor child or children: Provided, nevcrthilese, That if upon a review of such evidence of the Gominlssiuuer of Pensions shall nut he satisfied that the former certificate or warrant was property grouted, he ,nuy require additional evidcuce us well of the Lena as of tho fact of service. Bee. 2. And it further enacted, That in all cases where a pension has been granted to uny jfficerer soldier, the evidence upuu which sucu pension was grauted shall he received to eslub- isb the service u! such officer or soldier iu his application for bounty land under existing laws; and upon proof of his identity us such pcuslouer, > certificate or warraut may oc issued te;him lor UirCfmincrcml■ intelligence. Vk'UM. Wit. U. IMUls. WEUU & SAGE, (Sl’COMSORH TO CAMERON, WWW & OO. iJUi wnaw <>y CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MBBTINO-ST. CHARLESTON» Be 0.. Will supply Country Merdiunts with Goods In tbclr Uno at a* low rate* us thoy can buy in New - York, or eUewhcro. Hopt'iS iy JOHN N. BOWLIN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND SORVEVOR, COKNEH OF DRAYTON AND DUYAN-8TH., (Abovo €* A* L. Lamar.) •It Port uf Snvnunnlt ..MAY 12 Arrived* Bark Globe, Cotton, Charleston, In ballast, to Bi ighnm, Kelly k Co. n St hr B Flauuur, Applogit, New York, to Hunter k Oammell. Bohr Piuuilomo, Brown, Philadelphia, with coal, to 0 Cohen. • .Sloop Swallow, Mule. Ogoethoe, with 3000 hush rough rioo, to Habersham A Sou. Cleared, Brig J H Counts, Cooper, Thotnaston—Giles & Co. mutsnunt hhunnek. Etoaroor Wm Soabroolc, Pock, Charleston, ko—S M La 111 lean. Departed, Btoamer Wm Scabrook, Pcrtt. Charleston, &c. Memoranda. Boston, May 7—-Air sebr West Dcunla, Crowoll, Savannah- Charleston, May 0—Sid aohr F Dyer, Combs, for Durien. May 10—Cld brig Harriot Nonrllle, Hatch, Jack sonville. Wilmington, May 9—Arr acbr Albion, Russell, Jacksonville. Now York May 8—Arr brig Abby Francla, Gard' ner, aud uchr W £ Nickels, Savannah. FOREIGN PORTS. Cardiff, April 18—Sid Falcon, l’aiten, Savannah. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MERCER UNIVERSITY, P6NFIBLD, GA. FACULTY. Jan 3—lm CtUNK. L. W. wax*. IUCUAJUJ CCKD. CRANK, WELLS di CO., FACTORS, Forwarding And Communion MeiwhanU BAY-STUKKT, 8 AV ANN All, GA. Ordors or our 1'ricmU raqtccU'uliy aolieited, and. executed with tho uluiodt dia patch and Oddity. Juno 1,1866 jo 20 ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Ollico ut Uio Court Hoobq.) Will practice iu the superior and Courts of (Jrdl nary. Januo ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Day and Widtakvr Street•. .1. i WM. BlAlUii Jr. U. U. 1 OGDEN, STAIUt A CO., Skipping utul Commission Merchants, BAY-8TUSJCT. SAVANNAH. GA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OOlco 176, Buy-at., over Turner L Co'a. Drug Store SAVANNAH, GA. uov 10—ly UEUltGK THOU 1 HOWARD, WILLIAM M. VUNNO, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For Florida aud Southern Georgia Produce, North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. AND 97 Bay-atreet, Savannah, Ga. may 7 , dm tONGU AFHUIltliON^ FORWARDING AM) CUUUl&ION MERCHANTS, no. 04 iuY-sntfc&r. savannah, oa, qpr4 G. S. RICHARDSON & CO* LAND AGENTS, RBWtVlN, JiAKUK COUNTY, UKORqiA. wtu nail or buy lauds, negroes, aud our species ol property that may be entrusted to their LamU ; be sides we now bavvou baud several improved places for sale, containing from one hundred to tivo thous and acres. mayai—dtrwawly jrtTOKXKY AT LAW, THOH.Vi > 1LLK, THOMAS COUNTY, OA. Alt businerifl entrusted to. his core will receive prompt attention. lyr—mnrl7 AXTilOXY'HcCt’Ci.'OH,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, hnvannab,.Goorgia. ffyr OlHeo on Bay street, over tho Bank ot'fcavati (b. fobk WILLIAM PHILLIS, WM. U. GRADY. lmUNAEU «& GRADY. CONTRACTING PLASTERERS, IN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, .The Subscribers, thankful for past favors, and re furring to work hitherto dopo tu tho city, respectful iy announce thut they wiU'couUuuu to tiovoiu their personal utlenUou to the wants und favors of tbch iriouds. orders through tho PostOOice, or at the raldonco of either partner, promptly attended to. may 17 ly A. McALl-lN Oi BKSTH&5SS Lumber, Mill aud Brick Yards. Bept5 HA VANN AH, OA. PATTISfli, IIUTTON & CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ituy-gtreot, SavanmiD, Ga. PRESIDENT, N. 31. CRAWFORD, D. D. profs-aoiia. College. fi P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WILLLT, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCKER, A. M., Bellos Lettres. C. W. Wlsffi, A. M., Grcok and Latin Languages. WILLIAM 0. WOODFIX, A. B , Modern Languauos. Theological Seminary. K. M. CHAW FORD, I). Ds, EccleaSadical lli-tory and Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAM. 4 , A. M., Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. BEAU, Principal. Tho Commencement is held ou tho lust Wednesday iu July. Tho next Totm will commence on tholoBtWod- nesday In August. The prico of Uonr l in the vlllago U 810 per month; wash lug, room rent, fuel, Ac., 83. By irder of tho Board of Tru.-ieea. my 12 2m S. LANDRUM, Secretary. WHARF TO RENT. P ADELFOHD’S Wharf, next wcht ofthe low er .steam Rice Mill, one hundred and fitly loot iVout, to rent on reasonable terms, l’ossossiou given 1st November next. may 12 PADELFORD, FAY fc CO. U. LOCKETT. U. D. riAXLUXbb. LOCKETT & SNELLlftUS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Qeu Will attend to tho selling of all kiudu of produce, StrictuttonUon given to receiving aud forwarding goods. may 31 ly .luctiou oc Commission House, Macon, On. A. it. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicit* from hid friend* coudignmentti of every dedcripUou. Take* order* for Coltou. 4»~ Special munition given to tbo aalca of lieu! Uuto, cituciu und Negro property, ut public and pnrateditled. J'ruinjtt feturm and Uiqtatdi. Heforenco—0. A. L. 1.AMAR. mch 30 Wm. McAhhlSTBR. Police Court.—David Malono wilt lined ten dollar* for disorderly driving. E. Mycr, for improper conduct was lined Qvo dollars and costs. John Miller, found drunk and uslucp in the street, flued two dollars and costs. Fibr.—About one o’clock on Sunday morn ing, Clark and Luddy, of the foot police, discov ered an unuauul light in the drug store of Messrs. A. A. Solomons & Co. They immediately ar oused tho clerk, who alcpt In tho etore, and lioo, % Mrioa* ooaflagnttioa would Uvt revolted. chair at the deceased, the latter returning the assault with the plate. During tho melee, Patrick, a brother of the deceased, entered, having heard of the proceed ings, when Herbert seized him, and the two brothers closed on Herbert. The struggle now became Intensely exciting, and a» it proceeded crockery and chairs were broken profusely by the parties to the contest. The Austrian Minis ter was present as a spectator, quietly beholding what was occurring, and did not move until he went up to the mau whom Herbert shot to as certain whether he was dead. Got. McKay testilled that he saw, when he en tered tho dining room, six or seven persons in a scuffle and thought it was a general light among tho stewards of tbe hotel, but he beheld one of the servants knock down Mr. Gardiner with a chair. Ho saw three servants striking Mr. Her bert and holding him by the wrists. One of them struck him with u chair, when witness seized a chair to dofeud Herbert, wbo was sink ing under tho waigbt of those upon him. Gard iner was beating them promiscuously. Alter Herbert flred bis pistol the other two servants still clinched him. Mr. Smith rushed forward with a oaue, saying, “If you don’t release him i’ll kill you?" Mr. Herbert was iqjared, aud the witness placed a patch on his nose. Herbert’s pistol was a single barrel. Oupt. J. Sruitu cantlrmed Col. McKay’s state ment, saying a fcowd of servants had Mr. Her c tic quantity of land t'j which he shall be enti tled; and iu case ofthe death of such pensioned jflker or soldier, his widow shall be entitled to i certificate or warraut for the same quautity ol laud to which her husband Would have oceu entitled if llviug, upon proof thut she is such widow, and m ease of the dutch A such officer or suldier, leaving a mi nor child or children aud no widow, or where the widow rosy have deceased before tbe issu- mg of any certificate or warrant, such uiluor child or cbildreu shall he eutitled to a certifi cate or warrant for the same quantity of laud as the father would have becu eutitled to re ceive if living, upou proof of tUe decease of the lather aud mother: Provided, Neverthelees, That if, upon a revision of such evidence, the Commissioners of Pensions shall not be satisfied that the pension was properly granted, he may require additional evideuue us well of iho term us of tbe fact of service. tiec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of the third section of the "Act tu uddi- cion to certain acts granting bounty laud to cer tain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the Uuited Stales,'’ approved March the third, eiguteen huudred aud fifty-five, as requires tue party claiming u certificate or warraut under the provisions of said act to establish his or her right thereto by record evidence of tho service for which eucu certificate or warrant has beeu or muy be claim ed, be aud the same is hereby repealed; uud pa rol evidence, where no record evidence exists, may be admitted to prove the service periorm- ed, under such rules and regulations us iho Com missioner of Peusiouamuy prescribe. Bee. 4. And belt further enacted, That the eighth section of the uct above mentioned, up- proved the third duy of March, iu tho year eighteen hundred and fifty-five, shall becon*tru- ea as embracing officers, marines, seamen, and other persons engaged in the naval service of the Uuited States during the Revolutionary war, and the widows and minor children of uli such 'Officers, marines, seamen, and otheifpersons en gaged os aforesaid. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of tbe said act shall extend to all persons who have served as voluuteers with the armed forces of the United States, subject to military orders for the space of fourteeu days, in any of the wars specified iu tbe first sectiou of the said act whetfier such persons were or were not mustered luto the service of the Uuited States. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the widows aud minor children of ull such persous as are specified in the last preceding section of this act, and are now deud, shall be entitled to tbe same privileges us the widows uud minor children of the beneficiaries named iu the uct to which this is un amendment. Sec. 7. And belt furrherenacted. That where any compauy, battalion or regiment, in an or ganized form, marched more than twenty miles to the place where they were mustered into the service of the United States, orjwcre discharged more thou twenty miles from the place where such company, battalion or regimeut was organized, in all such coses, iu com puting tho length of service of the officers and soldiers of any such company, bat talion, or regiment, thero shall bo allowed one day for every twenty miles from tho place where the company, battalion, or regiment was organ ized to the place where the same was mustered iuto the servico of the United States; and also one day for every twenty railfcs from the place where such company, battalion, or regiment was disobarged to tue place where it wasor- ganlzed and from whence it marched toeuter the service: Provided, That such march was iu obedience to the commuud or direction of the President ofthe United States, or some general officer of the United States commanuiug uu army ordepartmeut,or the chief executive of ficer of the State or Territory by which such company, battulion, or regimout was called iuto servico. German Lire Company No. IU. ATTENTION.—'Uio mooting of the Germuu Firo Company baa boon pest- mined until MONDAY EVENING, tint 12th in.'it,, tit 8 u'-clouk, at tbo Fire- iul-li’* Hull, at tho request of govern I member*. IJlVI ti HART, F. 0. Cant, Scc’y. 1st Foreman. muy 10 BRUNSWICK CITY, GEORGIA. PEREMPTORY SALE OF BUILDING LOTS 'Thu proprietors ol the city of Brunswick [OBh hereby give notice tlmt a purvmntory sale I'bruo Hundred oiiglblu B'.ilidlug Lot* _jaSL\vlll take plauu, ut Public Auction, ut thu o^iutuui pa Hoa-iC, la *uid city, ou Thursday, May loth, Ib&o, ut 12 o'clock, uouu. ;-n!o positive, to tho highest bidder. Tcnui—lOpor com. cash, ou the day of halo—Imlaiwe ia unuuai puymeuU of 10 per ceut. Faymauti. with interest, secured ou the property. Wmramee deed* given. Title perfect. The Tort of Brunswick lies about midway on tho coast of Ueurgta, iu lutltudo 31 north, lougUudo 81:30. Tho harbor affords the beat aui horuge, and li nccea-ilblo at all time* to merchautmtu of tho lurge-it class. Surveys have been made bv order of tho Navy Department, preliminary to tho C3tab- Uihment of a Naval Depot The port und city of Brunswick hold out commercial and maritime ad vuut-igos superior to thoio possessed by any other south of thu t.Uiuupouku Bay. Tho climate is healthy at utl fcoasui.s. The Brunswick nod Florida Railroad Company propose to open the first division of tlmir Road, from Brunswick to the St. Ilia River, on the duy of sale—being the day on which thu stockholders of that G-nnpany will hold their annual meeting. Further particulars may be had at tho oillco of tho Company. 4 Wall street, New York, or of Col. Charles L. Soulatter, Chior Englnuor Bruuswick and Florida Railroad, Brunswick, Georgia II. G. WHEELER, secretary. New York, March 3d, 1850. I*. C. B. mar 12—Mt'l?i\’31,A14A28,M12 luuml tho light to he caused by tho burning of t ^ a barrel or oil. OutfertiiovigllanceortlMpo. birtVu tusl“powir, »Wklag Ulm on tire hwd With plttMiCO.: \ - CoiMlgnee*. P«r ichr B Fianuer, rrora Now York—Homer & Gammoll, Brigham, Kolly k On. Bell 6c TrontlsH, M A Cohon, Crauo. Wolls k Co, Cohens k Hortz, Iron 8t«amboat Uo, Claghorn k Cuoulugliain. Fruukllu A Brantley, Holcombe, Johnson A co. Hudmn, Flcio- lug 6: Co, 0 A L Lamar, MoUahon A Doyle, Ogden fctarr k Co, Patten, Hutton * Co, E Humous A Co! Rabun A Bmltb, Huso, Davis A Long, J Rynn, Way * 7 After, Wayns, GrtcvUlo A Co, Yoaga A Frlsrsou COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. T JUST received 5 hhtls choice Cod Fish 20 bbls O eilraNo laud No. 2 Mnckerol: iD do extra Pickle Herrings, 60 boxes Smokod Ilarrlngs lu storo and for sale by DAVID O’CONNFR. muy 10 Comer Broghtrm A Bruy ton Ms, C HAMPAGNE—12 basket* genuiuo Heidsic Champagne lu store uud lor sale by may 10 OcTAVUS COHEN, BRUNSWICK & FLORIDA R. ROAD. NEW MARBLE YARD, OppositeLauniUt uve UantUry, Suv Murine Monument*, Toiub* amt Grave aiunve^furQ- Rkud ou reasuuable term*. Order* to*- tpecU'ully solicited. ap lb J. C. RUSE. J. U. UAVB. W. U. LOMi RUSE. DAVIS «9k LONG, OOMMiSISiO^I MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 10 W. n. FAHRKU.. L. A. U. PAUJOAXT. W. II. FARRELL «S» CO., DkALKK* IN Choice Family Groceries—Foreign and UoiumUc Fruit*, Comer Broughton and Whitakcr-ut& Towu and Country auppiled with chuico good* at low price*. All order* promptly attended to, aud ezutiiiictioii alway* guaranteed. sept lb T. U. CLARKE A CO. PRODUCE AMO COMMISSION MeRCHATS KNOXVILLE, TENN. All order* promptly und thithTuuy executed. T1SON U MAURA Y, T. IS. t'LztURE, Saviuiuah, Go. Knoxville, Teun. WAYNE, GRENVILLE CO., FACTORS. COMMISSION AND *• OlttVAUDiNu . MERCHANTS, liny-street tiaiunnah. thus. s. wayne. c. e. grenville. K. iVLEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAili'LE, jy o—tf Suvaunub. Clmtiiinooga. — r j 0LEi No. 11, Whittaker street, (two door* from Bryan, ( WHOLESALE AND 1WTA1L DkALKH IN SasluiN, illliKl*, Duoiw, Paint*, uiU, Vai’- iiisliL-*, Window Gtawi, Putty, tfc. l'aluter*’, Graiuera’ uud ArtUu’ Drushca White wash Head* and Du* ter*, Dry und '•lIPjfWjUxed 1'aiut* of every description, Artist* 1 coiwr* in tube*, Prepared Vuuvtue, kc. I'.U’Eit HjLNGLS'Gg, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Room* prepared with noatnoas and despatch.— Uou*u, Slgu and ship Painting, Oildlug, Graining and Glazing done in the beat *tylo uuu at muaeruu price*. All order* trom tho country promptly attnuded to. mch 28—ly FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE H. lit HILTON, ATTORNEY and OjCNSI 1-LOlt AT 1AW. Office ceriitr of Jtay and 1 rnytou-ita. flAVAN’KAn, GA. my li HENRY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly JOHN 51. 5liLLEN,“ fob 22 BAVAKMAU. “Tsrxr&mwwr ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otflco Monument Fquaro, near stato Dunk. SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly. ATT01LVEY AT LAW, UAiUDTTA, GA. octso—ly David g. Wilds, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, OA. Will practico In thu cuuutie* of Hancock, Warren, WonhUigtou, and Baldwin. 1U»iatK.\u»—Boku & Poster, Rabun k Smith, and E. A. Soullard, Savaunuh, JnnW .WMt C. CONNELLY, AT T OUNEY AT LAW, tllHAA, WOJtTU OOLXTV, GA., (PuST 0mtX. AUUNV.J Will praetldo iu tho Southern Circuit, nuti in Ma«>u, Dooly and Worth CouuUva ot the Macon Circuit. jtttr Particular atlentlou given to the collection ol cEim* in Soulh-Woriteru Oei-rgla. jf2—um KrWfiUUKO, A T T 0 li N K Y AIJ.AW, febl»ly iuwixton, oa. LANIER LNDERUGA, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6~ly macon, ua. t. wminivi " ATTOltNUY AT LAW, HUNKUX, UCAldi CO., UA. Will attend to prufc*t.iunul busineea lu tho Oouitiea of linuru, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether uud 'Troup. Rclurunco—lion. E. Y. 11111, IaiGrange, Uu.; ihn. David li win, Marietta, Ou.; Colonel M. M. 'lid well, ruyelteviilu, Gu,; uud Mr. WiiUum Doughuty. Co* iunibu*, Ga. ' "AVMTST BXKISSCGr luguuij, v« gopi7-ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8AVAN.VAU. UA. .j^OOloo over Tlioma* M. Turner It Co.’* Drug Store, Bay atreet. my? ja*. *. hook. Mtu>. T. l HOOK da TKBEAU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KAXUKKSV UXK, UCoKUIA. Will practiHO iu Wa*hlugtou, Jelfertou, Scrlvcn, arke. Emanuel. Tulltiuli. and Muutcoincrv of lha Burke, Emanuel, Tultnuii, und Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, und WiUlunou of thu Octuuigee Cir cuit. nmy8 5i. WHIT S5UTH, A T T 0 It N 1SYATLAW, AJOJiiATun, yjibi ywnwjt. Will practice iu thu Eu*tern unu Southern Counties. Ruler to—Col. S. S. Sibley, und R. D. Hilton, Fa- vunnali. febii-tt CHAS. int UAitlPDELL, ATTORNEY A T L A W, UJ I.M3Ai KVILLK, UA. Practices Ijiw iu tliu various Couutlo* of tho Oc mtilgeu Circuit, and tbe a«|Joiuiug CouuUos of Twiggs, liiurcu* and Wuahiugtou. Refer to—Julin Boston, H. A. Crune, and B. B Hilton. teUU JA*. W. UKKriV. U. F. hit OUT. GREEN dfe S5IOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, nct20 TUOJtASTON, OA. "TTliioHGB XT?ajaiJoS~ ATTOHNLY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AM) Commissioner efthe U. S. Court of Claim for the Slate of Gtorgiu. Office Corner Ray uud Bn.i atrc«U. jy mylO Dll. UU ARLES H. COLDJNGT** OFFICE CORNER li CEL .LSD WHITAKER fcTS. Ru-ldeuoo No. 14 Eiboity atreet, ouo door ive«t of Lruytou. myli J~ W. PATTERSON, ATi'Oh.sEY AND COCNsELl.Oll AT LAW, Troupville, Lowudc* County, bu. (my 11 a. W. RAKElir A1TOUNEY AND t.bCNcLLLOR AT LAW, Moutico lu, Jeltei ton County, Hr. Reference—lion. W. B., bavunnali, Ga. tnyll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAC1.V1R.V1E, Nb'TARV AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS.. At Mo*ar*. Ward & Owuii*’ Law Olllcu. [tnyll josstfr uan au rr ATTORNEY A.T LAW. Oillco, Buyfct.'oo(,uvur the heading Boom of Urn Republican, cntiaucu immeuiateiy ctutof Mtraia. Puce k Veauer’*. tnayll WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT DAW, Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practlcu mlDomu*, Lowut ej, Uiuck, Ware, Appling, Ttlfuir, irwiu, Laurens, and Pulaski counties, Georgia; auum Jeffeiaui),MaUl*ou, Hutu- iltou, und Columbiacoi ntie*, l-lcriua. [tnyll wan tn wxujam*._ TitAtmxc*l ouvut. jack brown. AND GLASS WARE. 145 HKimxo OTitm. auiiLS»ro.v, sotmi carousa. « Tho subscriber* respectluliy solicit from tho traveling public, uu iudpcctiou 1 of their stock ol French aud Etigdsh Chlua, iu pluiu white, gold hand, aud decurated dinner, dc*ert, bruaiffasl, tea, toilet, tetu-a- tele set* aud vase*. Also, Cup* uud saucer*, Ac., oi thu celebrated cevroa China. White bnuiitc-of Uk best mauuiiVcturer*. Rich cut French, LuglKh aud Bohemian Glass. Thoy have a variety of ornamentd in l’ari»k.„ Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, antt uhorr, and tutucits of tho Greek Have, Vemu de Mcdiclt, Ac.. Ac. They liavo also a beautiful, durable uud ckoap arti- dolor doors uud heal ths, of Pitdn uud JCut uostic Tllca* Their slock being very general, carefully selected aud Importod direct, oiler* inducement* to merchants u* well a* families, to whom good* will be put up ut the lowest rate* lor cu*h. WEBB k SAGE, Importer*, auRcoHsor* to Cameron, Webb A Co. WILLIAMS, OLIVER BROWN, attorneys at law. Bu'tna Vista, Muriou county, Ga., Will practice m the counties ot Marlon, Macon, Horn - to.., t.t.wart,, Muscogee, Lee, uud uny adjoining couutic-s, vsturc ileiravi vice* muy be repdieu. my 11 J DHA R. COLHRAAE, ATTORNEY AT EAW, Dublin, Lauren* county■, ba,, iuto Junior partner of i* hereby given that the Auuual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Coinpuuy will bo held at tlm Oglethorpe House, iu tho city of Bruuswick, Georgia, on Thursday, Muy 16tli, lB&ii, at 10 o’clock, A. M., lor tho election of Directors for tho ensuing year, an l for tho transaction of bucIv other business as may bo prosouted. The Compauy propose to open the first division of their Road, from Brunswick to tho Bt. Ilia River, ou the day above named. ay order of the Board of Director*. H. G. WHEELER, Secretary, B. & F. U. R. Compauy. mar 12—Mrl7181,A14A28,M12 WOOD AND LU5IBER.~ A LL kind* of Wood, Boards, Planks, Joist, Tin — — —. a minus, a uiow, Timber, tihinglee, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths and Failings, for sulo, at wholesale nnd retail, low for cash, ou the uew wharf recoutly erected on tho Lumber Yard or Robort A. Allen A Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTOfc’ ☆ OXiOTHINCr J\ EMPORIUM- 1 DOOlt WEST OF TUE REPUBLICAN READING UOUM. Fine Roady-tmide Clothing ; llal* and Cups, Hurts, Collar*, Glove*, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrella* Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchief*, uud Fancy Article* for Gentlemen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND ffilLITAB) TAYL01I, No. 1*1 Bay Strooti SA VAXXAli. Also, Euportino Cloth*, os;imore aud Vostlugs, will uo mado to meu- •urc,uucxcepUou- ubio iu stylo aud workmanship, by tho best mechanics, ut shortest notice • fob 6 • Orders from city aud couuty solicited. JSf JOHN S. NOHRIS, ARCHITECT. 500 V CORN just received and for tmiy7 CRANE, WELLS t CO. I7TH toiffiltGlTOlEPOUTS; rjODOTSHIP AND MARRIAGE i|or. The \J Joys and uorr .ws of American Ule. By Mrs. Lee Uvntz. The Throe SlarrlnBes; or Life at a Walcrlns I'feco. Tho rirut and siccoud Marriages; or, Tho Courte sies of Weddod Life. India; The Ro.rrl of I’oarl River. By Mrs. South- worth. Plillly & Kit. By Caroliuo Cliesoburo. Introduction to Social Science. By Geo. H. Cul vert. Berenice. A novot. Colombo, from thu Frouch of Morlincr. Tim ChrUlau LUoj its Hopos, it* Fcura, and ita Closo. By Thomas Arnold, of Rugby fcchool. Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Slaziul, Sbukspcuro Paper*, Hiawatha, AtUoho at Madrid, Puri* Sight*, Boccaccio, Docamorou, Widow BcduU, Napoleon Corrospondouco, Abbott's Nano- tcou, Me., kv mmqO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H AVING resumed the practice of Ills profes sion, oiler* hi* dec vice* tohl* friend* and tho public us au Archiloct aud .superintendent. Deslgus fot any jiart of iho country supplied and oxeuulud iu all the various brandies of hi* profes sion, such a* Publio Edifices, Store*, Dwellings, Mmiumeut*, kc. Thoroughly Fire Proof Htorcs de signed aud executed. Cilice ut preseut in Bay Lauo, rear of the Custom House. jun 3—ly the firm of A. M J. Cocukaxe, liwlutou, Ga., wifi atteua pron.p'.iv to nd btisinoiS emrustod to hi* cure. Pat utt.'i.t.on paid to cbLecttng. Ka- fcroucc—hr, C. D. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Mar.»li, savan iah. myll JlflSSK T. BERAAIU), )RNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ATTORNEY j Ni-wi.aiisvi.Io, lit. Rofortnco—George E. Brown, William Dell, New- m.n>vil.e, Fiu., R. B. H.Rou, Boston k ViUalonga, *■ “ u bavunnuh, Ga. ntyll hudsunTflehiin GdlCO., ~ Fnctor* and C’oiuiuUtlou Mcrcfaaitti, *Vo. 94 Day Street, Savannuh, Ga., fPEMUEU their set vice* to piuuteru, merchant* X und ueu:et>, in U u --ate ot cotton auu all other couutry produce, lton.g connected In busiuess with Hut’Ki.N*, Uuwo.v k Co., ul Churiestuu, the fetttbih.h- luent of uu office iu this city will uiford our tiIcon* choice oi marketBtrivt attention will bo given to Uusiuos*, and the u*u:4 ludiitleB uUbrdea custo mer*. J- R. HUDSON, ) W. B. FLEMING, / Savannah. LAUE'Ul llUl-iwlNc, Augusta, my 11—tf coHEN. Chaslcstou. nUi-EElt (W tUEtt/I, Di'iniUB, OFFICE over Dewitt & Mor gan’* store on Congro.-s street, offer their proUtasiunal *crvicce to the i^i public, ct nfident. from long ext>eit- cuce und pa>t succo**, that in all case*, tuey Wilt render eutiro eati.-factioii. uet 2 tT LEACHED SH1UTINGS.- lO coscR 3-4,7* and 4 4 Bleached Shlrllugs, different styles u*t received and Tor solo by mar It LADSON & ROGERS. DF.NT18TRY. Dr*. HOY ALL & JOHNSON, Deniiriis, office corner Jullou-.-t. anti Mnrket Square, over S. WU- mot’s jewelry store. Offico huun irom 8 to 2 o’clock, uud from 3 Ut U. umr 11 com —is^emitwraraTfKETHr' DU. BAUNES, Dentist—Per. form* all otieralion* lu hi* line in the pnost upproved. manner. Office oa Broughton street, opftosito Wee no’s llardwuro store, dec 22 DR8. EEF'EEU « WILCOX, beiiUltl. I/O It SALliL—25,000 bushels Corn to arrive. JU m»>8 YOUNG & WYAIT. £ 01 J OLOUUD LAWNS AND CAMURIU&- Jurit received per bteamcr Alabama from New aud fur nale by J. W. THRELKELD, *pu7 Cungreu and Whiuktr sUect*. '—10 bbl* choice Mouuugabela whisky, very old uud pure. Just received por KoyaUtuo 8tato, uud for sale by >»ay7 lot CHAS. A. GltKINKR, IME—1000 bbl*. Limo lauding per schooner Maine Law, aud fur sale by tnay7 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. H AY—CO boles'"Prime Northern Hay laud- tug per brig Plrllura, and for Milo by may? o by BRIGHAM. KELLY 4: (X). ' TORY 1?KA. OA A'SACKS oi “ Toiy” Pea. For side by dUVJVJ aprS5 W. DUNCAN. DUNCAN. ARE now fUlly prepared to in sert full or partiui sett* of Teeth on tho principio of Dr. J. Allens'* Patent Continuous Gum, By this improvement, the form of the face cuu be restored to any degree of rotuudity that may bo desired. Ill* applicable in ull case* where the cheek* have lulled in und cannot be detected by the closest observer.— This method combines the following i 'Ivuntugc*:— Au artificial gum, which exhibit* a perfectly natural und life-like appearance, uud impart* to tho tlieeth that pccuilur expression which characterize* tho na tural organs. This Gum consist* of a filiations compound which Is applied aud fused upon tho Teeth and Plate lo auch a manner, a* lu QU up ull tho interstices around tho base of tho Teeth, and oUp unites them flruily to each other and to tho l’luto upon which they uro sett. 'This scouro* porfect clcauliuo** ol tho 'Teeth, Oillco over DeWRt k Morgan, Uungreu street. itV BapubUcia and Gsorgun copy, fab 16—tf I if lin i