Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 13, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVIII [OLD SERIES. SAVANNAH, (OA.) 'I’UESDAY, MAY 13, 1856. NO. 2076. GEORGIAN & JOURNAL. Dally. Tri-Weekly mid Weekly. it. B. HILTON & CO., _ PPBLMllEBg. R. B. HILTON, - TT7TTT Editor, s’. P.HAMuVon, } *«•••*■«• Hdltors. TllHB* O.IIV Paper, iwr year, lii''c. .•#•*><* Trl-WMkly Paper.... 8.00 Weekly Paper. . 1.00 TIKSDAY.-M O'clock, P. M. d> Journal Heading Hoorn. Out Reading Room In tbo Exchange la Recto all anbacrihent to the Pally Otorgton 4' Journal, to all contract advertlacm in Ita colnmna, to the Clergy or the city and to atrangcra Introduced by either of these claatoa—but to none othru. Atlantic and Half Hall Road. We Inadverteutly omitted In our morning edi tion to direct tho attention of the public to tbo Mayor', proclamation Inciting a meeting or citi zens, to consider the propriety of a corporation subscription to the Main Trunk road. Tho opinion la. ire belieee, unanimous In favor of a 200,000 dollar subscription—yet such Is the Im portance of the matter that there should bo a full attendance- Tho meeting is called for tf morrow at 12 o’clock. Tho U. S. Mull steamship Florida, Capt. Wood- hull, hence on Saturday for New York, arrived nil well at 12 o'clock last night. You Buvnswick Among the passengers by the Southern boat for Brunswick this morning, were Gov. Johnson, and the Hon. J. L. Seward. —aud we may add the senior editor of this pa per. _ ■ JUtoh's Ccl'eit.—Thomas Smith, breaktug into the house of H. P. Wiltink, and threaten ing to Ore tho same, sent to Jail aa a auspicious character, and to be further examined. C. F. Gardner, waa sentenced to pay a double tax for violating the ordinance, relative to tran sient dealen. M. MoOanhy, waa fined coats of Court, for disorderly conduct. Arrival or tiii Alai'aha—The steamship Alabama, Capt. Schenck, Rom New York, ar rived at her wharf about 1 o'clock. We are In debted to her obliging purser for usual newspa per favors. For Europe We' understand that Drs. Jas, E. God frev and J. J. West take their departure for Europe to-day. They design to reside a year in Paris, to enjoy the advantages which that metropolis affords, in her hospitals and In firmaries, to their profession. The families and many warm personal Mends of these promising young gentlemen feel a deep Interest In their wellhre and future success. They have already given promise of eminence in their profession. Dr. Godfrey distinguished himself during the yellow fever epidemic two years since, whilst yet a student in this city; and again last year he went to Norfolk, -where he labored nobly In behalf of humanity. Dr. West, soon alter he graduated, waa elected to the responsible post of Demonstrator of Anatomy In the Savannah Medical College, the duties of which he has dis charged with signal ability. We wish them the urost complete success abroad, and a safe return to their homealn due time. Key West Correspondence. * Key West, May 10, 1850, Editor* Savannah Georgian 4’ Journal: There have been but few arrivals and but one or two accidents to vessels at this station, since the mall of the 25th of April. The weather lias been calm. The current of the Gulf, opposite the city, Is strong and sets to the eastward at the rate of three knots per honr. The heat is aud has been, for the fortnight past, extremely oppressive, ranging (tom 80 to 88 deg. in the shade. No rain has Men upon the Key for two months, and the supply of cistern water Is rapidly diminishing. The night dews are, how* ever, heavy and vegetation is as luxuriant os ever. The project ol an Immense crop of salt waa never more Haltering, and should the pres* ent warm, dry weather continue for two months, the production of the natural ponds and artltl* clal vats will be upwards of 100,000 bushels. The city remains healthy, no cases of fever having appeared. At Havana there is some yellow fever, but our connection with that city is so Irregular that no fears are entertained of tho Introduction of an epidemic. For marine news we have the following mea gre list: The ship Mariner, of which hopes have been entertained of her being ultimately saved, has bilged and will be a total loss, save what mate rials can be got out after breaking up and burn ing the hull. The British Bark Alma, Capt. Frinley from Ma- tanxas for New York, struck upon the reef the 27th Inst., near where the ship Mariner was ashore, and those vessels engaged in the at tempt to save the ship, first discovered the Bark and went to her assistance. She was taken off and brought safely to this port. Not being bad ly injured, she was able to continue her voyage without repairs. The salvage decreed by the court was the round sum of $4,000. The Alma, cleared the 5th, for New York. Tho British Bark Alma, and British Bark Ba laclava, lmvo both been upon tho Florida reef— within two months of each other. They seem to be ill-owned or unlucky names. The expenses of the schr. Sea Bird, Capt. Boarne, from Attakapas, in distress, wore $2, 052 32, sailed the 3rd for New York. The U. S. steamer Dispatch, Lt. Crossan, days from Norfolk Vo., bound to Pensacola, put in at this port the 1st, for coal, procuring which at the U.S. Naval wharf. She sailed the 3rd, offleew and crew all well. The Dispatch will take the place of the Fulton. The steamer Planter, Gomes, arrived from Savannah the morning or the 6tb, bound to Mo bile. She put In for coal. She has been sold to a house at Mobile, and we leant Is to be em ployed as a tug boat in the Bay.- The schr. Oregon, Capt. Allen, arrived on the 6th from Son Juan, with passengers bound to •New Yurk. She brings no news from Nicara gua. Tho schr. D Monbon, Spragg, from PhUadel. phiu, with coals for this place, arrived the 2d, She soiled for Jacksonville this morning. The steamship Florida, Capt Cozzens, ar rived the 7th from New Orleans, with mails uud passengers. She returns the 11th. The U.S. steamer Jasper, CupL Smith, ar rived the Cth from Tampa, enroute.witb several officers of the army for Fort Dallas, Miami Riv er. Among the passengers are Gen. Churchill Inspector General of the Army, Col. Browu MaJ- McKinstry, and Muj. Leonard. She return- • d last evening from Miami, having a small do- Uchrueutof U. S. soldiers iu command or Lt. U* Uuryen, Artillery. The U. S. steamship Fulton, Lt. Tilgbman, commander, arrived the Oth from Ruatan, Bay of Honduras. She brings no news. She re mains some time in this port refitting and paint ing. The schr. C. B. Knudron sailed yesterday for New York. ■ ' t\ Unnl Aini rlttui Kctlloi*. Below wo give a specimen ol the Apostle of the Americans in Kentucky. Mr. Prentiss,of tho laonisvillcJiimmi/. The style Is one pecu liar to that florid writer : “We wonder if the edltorof the Democrat hits any Idea of the detestation with which he is re garded by the whole people of tills city .with the exception ol u few Violent patlisians. No—else ho would crawl into the first hole he could find small ouough for u decent tit." He is uuauestionubiy tho most pestilent thing that Louisville ever had. He is not n mcro trou ble to her, but n dire calamity. He is not a mero Hv in her butter, a crow in her cornfield, a hog in her gatden, but an earwig in her ear, a serpent in her bosom, a cancer hi her nose, a tape-worm in her belly, uud a fistula in her rec tum. lie means to say the whofc of the “people” who think witli him. Wo would ask whether Mr. Prentiss* “peoplo” know what other per sons have thought of them, for a few slight Ir regularities committed ut an election iu I.ouls- ville last full V Wo do iu>l know the editor of the Louisvillo Dtmoct'at; but lie must be indeed, worse than tho lowest, if one who could write such filthy stuff, claims a superiority over him. We can see no room for such a contrast. (From the Solum .Sentinel.) Letter from Colonel JForo Clemens* Huntsville, April 29,1850. Lear Sir .-—Your letter of the 25th instant reached me to-day. 1 am in the midst of hur ried preparations for a long journey and have not the time to answer it as 1 wish. I am go ing to Missouri aud Illinois, and from thence to New York and Washington ; from one of the last-named places I will write you at length. In the meantime I sincerely hope you will not commit yourself against the American party. 1 thought the nominations at Philadelphia prema ture, uud have not been surprised attheexpres slon of dissatisfaction it has culled forth; still I do not sec limv a remedy call be applied tlmt will not be worse tlmii the evil. 1 try to look at it practically. The threo prom inent candidates of the Anti-Auiericmis are Buchuuan, Douglas uud Pierce. Buchauau is more deeply attached to tho protective prin ciple than Fillmore. Douglas la fully com* mitted to the river, harbor and road appropri ations, and Pierce ia committed to everything, aud will prove true to nothing. Neither of the three oomes up to my stundurd of what a Democrat ought to be. Neither cun be trust ed, by the South, an hour utter they have se cured our votes. All of them will be certain to favor measures from which the North will reap the benefits while we pay the taxes, and all of them will be certain to stab ns while professing the most profound regard for our rights. Iu the very nature of things a party which relies upon foreign voters for its success must enuuciuto principles and advocate meas ures hostile to the institution of slavery. The foreign hack-driver, drayman, ditcher, or hod- carrier has no desire to compete tor his wages with the negro. Even the Irish chambermaid looks with Jealousy upon the employment of negro girls iu our hotels. There Is a wide— an almost universal—repugnancy to a domes tic relation which they cannot fail to see re duces so materially their own chances of em- iloyment; and it is here, at tho base of socle- , where a wise politician ought to look for ie seeds of principles which sooner or later control the destinies of a nation. Great events work their way up, not down. All resolutions begin among the masses. Wilberforce him self only gave voice to a sentiment which ex isted before his birth. The Parliament of England would have abolished slavery if he baa never lived. The harangues of a dema gogue are harmless if there is no prejudice for ilm to direct—no tentiment in the hearts of the laboring classes which responds to his ap peals. With none but American people to appeal to, who do not look upon the slave as a rival whose labor interferes with the suste nance of their own families; all the political preachers and orators in the land could not ;et up a slave agitation to a dangerous height, t is as a Southern man born upon the soil of the South, linked to it by a thousand ties, at tached to slavery ns a domestic relation, and believing in my soul tlmt it is best for both races, that I cherish most ardently the Amer ican cause. Whatever best promotes that A pertinacious Drayman nr oar acquaintance lias tta many days pant, Iuh-ii asking ns to putilMi Ills lament—wo cannot long' r delay him. l«nment of tire Drayman* Alas ! alas! my aiiclmil Cl my, Wlmt Joy here alter can repay Thin ovcrlafltlug toll of day In summer's aun; No rosynr os, no sweet delay, The day’s begun. White all the great aud rtcti reditu*, Ami take their tea at half-past nine, Mine can It nuvor be, or thine ; But work we must, In storm or rain, or strong sun-shine, Or powdering dust. “ Tills lifo U all a UoelUig show," To US not fleeting but too slow, As we pass the hot brick row Or cotton atieds. With baking sun, which well you kuow, Full on our heuds. Hut Grey, the world must e'eu turn round, The loftiest head must seek tho ground, • Tho noblest souls must be bowed down In sorrow deep, Nor ever boast tbo conts or pouq^ Which man’s stale keep. When I am rich thou'lt ne'er repent That God to thee a trieud bus scut; When I ride by, you’ll see what’s meant By "worldly wise;*’ See great men bow, the rich assent To sudden rise. But my old friend thou'U live iu ease, Thou'lt wuuder in the shades you please, Crop pastures green, enjoy the breeze, And you shall guago Thy future life, and work release Iu grazing age. Rev. Dr. Breckenridge Called to Account for Words Spoken in a Sermon.—The doctriue of “personal satisfaction” seems to be gaining ground, at least in some localities. A fellow named Clark, iu Lafayette, Indiana took umbrage at a sermon preached by Rev. T. L. Breck enridge, on last Sabbath evening, conceiv ing that portions of'it were intended to apply to him. He, there, vowed vengeance on the clergyman, (who had just rarisen from a sick bed,) and on "Wednesday even ing, when they met in the street, Clark imperiously demanded whether Mr. B* hod really intended any personal allusion to him remarks made in the sermon. Mr. B. declined to answer, asserting that he was under no obligations to make any explanation to Clark, but advising him, “if the coat fits to wear it.” After some further words, Clark shook his fist in the clergyman’s face, and finally, just ashewa9 about to leave, struck him a blow on the head with the heavy end of his whip, inflic ting a deep gash! Clark was subsequently held to baft to keep the peace.—Cincinnati Columbian, May 6. I A DIES’ SILK VESTH-r-The, bent in the J Jelly. For nuloby r .1. W. TfHtKI'.KKLI), may13 emigres* ami Whisker street*. . received and W. TililWxKKI.l), JJongroM unit W linker jqreds. • ENT’S COTTON VESTS—Just received VX ami Pup uato by J.Vf,TURK!<Kht.l>, niayl.’l emigre** uinl Whlthukei* *tr«.*M. ft. 1 B. 8HIU18.—Just received und for mile by J* .1. W. TtlRKIJCKLI), may ia (bngrcMB niul Will taker streets. Wes TOUAGCO, just received "direct tJ\J from Man until urer, and for sale low, l»v _m.v 11 URANIC. WELLS .v bo. UMBRELLAS. 1 HAVE JUKf received a Imud- Bomo u-omrtinciit ol Filk umlUing. ham Umbrella*, made to order in tuo s cst style. Cull and boo. may 7 WSI. 0. I’KICK. 147 Buy .«lr TIXSEBtl WANTED. f\NE or two goc\i ones wanted immediately, to whom liberal wages will bo paid, my 11 KENNEDY & BKKOII. A TLANTIC LEAD.—Constantly on hand and fur sale at UIIAFFKR ft CO.’s, No. 0 Whitaker street. P aper hangings and borders^- .lust received u great assortment of the most eiegaut patterns, witn borders to match, from 8 cent* to *2, Mt CHAFFER & CO.’S, _ «pr30 No. U Whitaker streol, JlSTHECRlVifiD; PER STEAMER, an assortment of WTM Misses and Children’s Plain Straws, Ladios’ NKOI'OLITAN BONNETS. IN FAINTS’ HATS and FIATS. Also a few TnTTs' HA1VJ. For sale by MRS. FREELAND, may 17 Broughton street. 1 \IIESS T1UMMINliB^-Frhiges, blackmul XJ colored Moire Autiquo Gauze, ami other stylus, In groat variety, and for salo by mar 7 A1KIN ft BURNS. .IKI'RBIISON llOUHRTB, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, -t.S'lt l>EAI,KR IN Timber and Lumber. NAVANNAH, Oa. 'WBLLitAWiLLUU*, IIKALER9 IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congre**‘*t., Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WKI.I.s, formerly of Beaufort Dlst. 8. C. THKOPH11.US WILLIAMS, “ Sorlvcn Oo.,C,a. sopt7 ' JAMKS 7i~ ilTil’lCKHM] ~ "" i+UVH A. NOHHIH. KODGKRM Si IVOIIKIS, (late Crane & Rodgers, WHOLKSAU3 GBOdlERS, UAV-HTHKKT, SAVANNAH. Juno 1, 1855, (Jo2«J l).L.CbHBN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (one door Fast ol' Drayton Street.) Is prepared m eomrnul for ail kinds of building aud repairing. ADo to conduct water through thu various parti of houses. ap W M.FITZGERALU, Corner of Uronirltton nml Wltltakn^SU. SAVANNAH, OA., SUCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer aud ^ Denier in every variety of common nml flue c.vNIUKS, kiln dried und wiirrautod to resist effec tually the hot dump atmosphere of a Soullioru (II- mate;also I.omun aud Strawbury Syrup, &o.Torm» cash, prices low. tf—my 11 wit. Ai:td.i:r com:u. jno. coupkk fraskr. COt'PlCli fife PHASER, FAC'fORH \ (JK.VKUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Htreet, Savannah, (la. fmyll I OCOMOT1VB NEEDLES.—A new uud ele- U gout article which needs only to bo tried once to Insure tho coustom preference of the seamstress, Just received aud for Hate by marls __ LAttaON ft ttUUKKH. Notice; - * T HE firm of SPENCER CURREI.L & CO., is this day dissolved br mutual consent. Either partner U authorised to use tho natno of tho late llrra iu settlement of tho atfairs of tho same. SPENCER CURRE1.L. ItOBT. AUSTIN. A. THOMAS Havanurth, May lit, 1850. Tho uudorrugued will contiuue tho Auction and Commission busiuoss on his own account, from und after this date. SPENCER CLRRKI.L. Savannah, May 1st, I860. ‘ niay3 B UT FEW LlSFT of those Superior Black aud Colored J. W. THRELKKLD, may3 Congress and WJtUakcr sis. "WHITE GOODS* Nnvniuinli Market, May Hi. Exporta. BALTIMORE—Schr J W AuderRon—28U boxes or copper ore, 00 casks rice, 17 bales domestics, 44 bbls liquor, 02 bales cotton. NEW YORK—Brig Pbllura—186 bbls Hour, 20 doy hides. 476 bules cotton, 6 boxes cheese, and 60 empty bbls. Port of Savannah MAY 13 TONGLI8H Cambrics, plain and checked; Jac- -l-J oneU, Swiss Muslins, pjatu, plaid aud dotted ; Victoria Lawns and Nanisook Muslins, Boblnet Lace, plain and figured, In great variety. For sale by my 13 FOOTE U JAUDUN CHECKS AND DENIMS." Z^IASES Apron and Furniture Checks. Bales Blue Denims for sale by my 13 FOOTE * JAUDOX, BLEACHED SIIIimNUftL Z^IASES j, { and 44 Bleached Shirtings aud \J LougCiotUs. For sale by F( my 13 OOTE ft JAUDOX. LANDLORD AND TENANT. rpHE Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J". X Smith, with Notes of American cases by p. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, hist edition. Bauvlor’s Institutes American Law. Nollgau’s Atlas of Oututieous Diseases, with color od plates, 4to. Browu on soino DUeaoes of Womon admitting of fchirglcnl Treatment. Flint on Discuses of the Respiratory Orguus. Budd on Diseases of tho Stomach. Sketches aud Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with JOHN U. FALLIGANT, WIIOl.KflAl.K AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS,. WINDOW HASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Square, Savannah, oa. may 11 A. li. CHAMPION'. (Succoasur to Ghumiilon & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Harnai d st., botwouu tho Market and Buy st.. SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign and Domestic liquors, Dried Fruits, ftc., Ac. Uoferonre—A. Cliatnpion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, K*>q., Mes-rs. Rabun ft Whitehead, aud Swift &Co., Savannah, Ga. my 11^ U. ELLIS, “ Factor aud General Commission Merchant NO; 71 DAY-STREET, SAVANNAH, OA., IknuM to—Messrs. Uaghoru ft Cunningham, Bell ft Prentiss, Gg.lou, Starr ft Co., Savannah ; J. P. Thompaon, Boston. nov 1 JAMES OIUFFIN. W. A. M. LANIER. MARIETTA HOTEL, BY GRIFFIN & LANIER, RaHJETTA, UKOUUIA. inav 2 SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. HEADMAN ft CO., Corner or Prcardcut nml JcftTorsoit-ata., SAVANNAH, OUORQIA. Are propured to oxucutu all orders in Plumbing, aud Gas Fitting, ou short uotice, aud iu suporior »tyte. __ _ tf Jituo 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. Largo sized Photographs, ta* kou by MILLER, AT TWELVE DOLLARS VKK DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, iu his usual su perior style. A call is solicited. J. W. MILLER, mur’d? cr. St. Julian-st. and Market Bquare. cause will lie certain to receive my support. I cannot hope to have everthing exactly as I wish, and as a practical man I mean to take the best 1 can get. At Philadelphia, as at all other conventions, things were done of which I do not approve, hut 1 predict the Cincinnati Convention will do much worse iu regard to a C orm, and tlmt the nominees will be a hun- ■fold more objectionable. Oliver Crom well was wont to say “nits will bo lice,” and a vile set of traffickers for foreign votes must of necessity give us a trafficker like themselves for a candidate. . Veiy truly and respectfully your friend, . Jeke Clehkks. To John Hardy, Esq. The great Jere, another apostle, formerly a distinguished Senator from Alabama, more re cently an undistinguished and unelccted mem ber of the Legislature, has delivered himself lately as above. His conclusions as to what is to be done in his case appear to be rather doubt- Ail. In the lost paragraph of his letter, he quotes an elegant saying of Oliver Cromwell. Poo Jere! he is not yet aware that in his instance the saying of “Nol” has iieon reversed, and that he is in the descending scale of such “horn ed cattle.” . From South Florida. Wo take the following intelligence from the Key of the Gulf, dated May 10th, brought by the Isabel. Itis founded on advices from Moj Arnold’s command up to April 30th. Two express riders were fired on by Indians while they were crossing the Okala-wa-coo-che seven miles .south of Fort Simon Drum. The horses took fright and propablv saved the riders. A body of troops immediately started iu pursuit but could see no signs of the Indi ans. Whilst two men from the post Simon Drum were about three hundred yards from that post they were fired on by a party ot ten or twelve Indians. A horse party immediately started in pursuit but were unable to overtake the Indians. This last affair took place on the 2d of May. Fort Simon Drum is about forty miles from Fort Myers, and is on the edge of the Big Cypress. The troops are suffering very much from sickness and hard duty. Major Arnold's command consists of 128 men, of that number 67 were on the sick list, and the whole command was very much prostrated. Democratic Nominations,—We learn that the Democratic Convention, which assembled last evening, made the following nomination for city officers for the ap proaching municipal election: For Mayor—W. A, Elmore, For Comptroller—J. R. Macmurdo. For Street Commissioner—Jules D’ Hemecourt.—N. 0. Picayune. The frieuds of Charles H. Sedgwick are exceedingly anxious to learn where he/is at present, or to get such information as will place them in the wuy to find him. He resided at Chicago a number of years ago, and was connected with one of the first dully papers there, after which lie went futher west, and all trace of him has been lost. Publishers of papers who will copy this parugruph will confer a favor and information may be addressed to Rob ert Sedgwick, Moline, Rock Island county, Illinois. ••ortho Naval Mur A by Mallory, The Naval Board by Jouuh, Of tli* Naval Board by t’rltundon. Of Naval about* and groan*, Of th* Naval Board byWoraou, orciaytou aud LU hordo, Of Houston and tSUdoll—good Lord, But w* ar* Naval 6or*d.” Arrived. Steamship Alabama, Schonok, New York—Padol- ford. Fay ft Co. Sunday, May 11, at 3.30, p tu, exchougod signals with steamer James Adger; at 6.30 p m, passed brig Excell; at 8 p m, oil' Hatteros, exchanged signals with steamer Florida; at 8,20 p m, exchanged sig nals with steamer Keystone State. Steamer Gordon, Barden, Charleston—J P Brooks. Cleared. Brig Phllitra, Jones, Now York—Brigham, Kelly ft Co. Schr J W Anderson, Watson, Baltimore—Brigham, Kolly ft Co. Steamer Wolaka, King, Palatka, ftc—Claghorn ft Cunningham. 'hyaloiogy aud Cnlisthouicd. By Catherine E. Beecuer. Railway and Steamship Guide, with maps Ireland in ’08 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. National System or Political Economy. From the German, or List. uprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. fSH AMP AlGNCIDER, Ao^-116 boxes Cham- V paigu Cider, choice article, 20 bbls choice old peach Brany, 6 do do Apple Brandy, 10 do do Cherry Braudy, Also—Ginger aud Blackberry, boxes. Iu store aud tor sale by WEI CARY'S DAGVEREOTYPES, AMBRO- typu and Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give uotice that his rooms are uow open fur the season, and tea* uy tor tlm reception of visitors. By tlie Amhrotypk process persons may now have their children's pictures taken, iu almost any posi tion they inay choose, iu from 1 to 3 secodds anting. By the I’uotooraviiic process old Daguerreotypes cau bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored and * to lifo. uct 22 JOHN HiLBO, j Ordinary of Chatham Comity, AND aTTOHNEV AT LAW. Office in the Court House. myin ANTHoN Y MvCCLLOli, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. Office ou Buy street, over the Ibmk of riavnu- nah. inuyia ~isrp. COLE ft' BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah. Ga.,antl Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Com, j R. V. Coi.k, Bay street, Fiivaiinah. | Commerce at., Montg’ry. KKVKRKNCJH. Holcomb, Johnson, ft Co. I Cohens ft ilertz, Liukett ft Snullinps. I Edwin Parsons ft Co., Robert A. Allen, Fcruuloin.Tohuston ft Co. SAVANNAH, GA. my 13 WM. L. WKHH. WS. 11. SACK. WEBB «fe SAGE, (SUOCKHHOKH TO C'AMKKOX. WKHH ft OO. IMPORTERS OK CHINA, GLASS, AND E,UtTHEN-WARE, 145 MEKTINU-ST. UUAHLKSTON, H. 0., Will supply Country MorcUunts with Goods in tlmir lino at us low rates as they cau buy in Xcw York, or elsewhere. sept 28 ty JOHN K. BOWMNT ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND BDRVEYOIL CORNER OP DRAYTON AND RKYAN-ST3., (Above C. A. L. Lamar.) Jan 3—1 m. U. A." CRANK. _ L."w: Willi). (UCBARtl Cl’HD. CRXNE, WELLS Hi CO FACTORS, Forv«*ar<llngand Commission Merchant* BAY-STItKET, UAVANNAU, OA. Orders of our friends res]H<ctfully solicited, uud executed with the utmost dlsputch aud tUlelUy. juue 1,1865 je 20 K. J. 00mS. ~WM. Kl'AltK, Jr. H. II. hahukk. OGDEN, STARR Si CO., Shippiug aud Oommission Merchants, UAY-STUKRT. BAYANNAn. 0 A. WILLIAM'S!. TCNNO. "" " FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For Florida aud Southern Georgia Produce, North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. AND 97 Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. may 7 - . Om “ YONGH Si FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 UAV KTKm. SAVANNAS, OA. apr4 "CL'S. RICHARDSON ft CO., * LAND AGENTS, NKWTON, BAKKK OODNTY, OKOHUU. W ill sell or buy luuds, negroes, aud any species ol property that may be eutrusted to their Lauds: be sides we now bavouu hand several Improved placet for sale, containing from one hundred to fivo thous and acres. inuySl—Utrwawly VALLEVTINK uilt'N'NKK, WM. uTGlUDV. URCNNER «fe GRADY'. OONTHAOT1NG PLASTERERS, IN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, gjl'hu .Subscribers, thankful for past favors, uud re iernug to work hitherto done iu the city, respectful ly uuuuuucv that they will continue to devote their persuual attention to the wants and luvors ut their friends. Orders through the Post Office, or at the residence of either partuer, promptly atteudod to. uiuy 17 ly A. ftlcAA.4*IX di UttOTIlEHS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. Sept 5 SAVANNAH, QA. PATTEN, HUTTON ft CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bayetrect, Savannah, Ga. R. 11. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND cm NfcLIJjUR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay uud ttrayton-«to. 5- SAVANNAH, OA. my 11 ' HENRY' WILLIAMS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. H, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 5—ly JOHN M. M1LLEN, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office ut. tbo Court House.) Will practice in tho superior aud Courts of Ordi nary. Jatito tfrcrpruisie; * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Buy and Whitaker 8tmt», M A V A N N A U . Cub 22 3 III os ' IJ. A. O’UYHNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 175., over Turner ft Co’s. Drug Store SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly GEORGKTfiioi)i» muWaHd, A1TORXKY AT LAW. Office Monuineut .Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly ! JAMES M. NAVAGfe, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, lUOMASVIM.f, TIIOJIAS cot.vrr, CA. Alt business entrusted 10 his. care will receive prompt attention. lyr—tu*rl7 " AXTHONYUlfiCXLLOIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. mr Office* ou Bay street, over the Bank of Navao nub. ' rob2 WILLIAM* i J IIlLLIl*S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a«uOTA, ux. oci 20—ly DaVIU v. \VILUB, ATTORNEY AT Law, bpadta, ax. Wilt practice in the counties of Hancock, Worrei^ Washington, and Buldwln. RKKKKK\cra—Bobu ft Foster, Rabun ft Smith, and E. A. Koullnrd, Savannuh. Janb " .TO C. lUMELLt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i^hklu, woktu oui-smr, oa., (nwr owes, albaky.) Will practise iu the Southern Circuit, and In Macon, Dooly and Wortli Counties of the Macon Circuit. 43** Particular utleution giveu to the collection ot claims iu South-Western Georgia. je2—6m Ercu»iaiiNG7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, febl-ly ihwinton, oa. " Lanier st anderson; ATTORNEYS AT LAW , tt])6-ly MACON, OA. O. \V. AIAUllt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, f-JiAXKU.N, UKAHO CO., OA. _Will attend to preiuMloual business in thu Counuee oi Hoard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether aud Troup. Reference—Hon. K. Y. Hill, I^iCnuige, Ga.; lion. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M.’ftdwai, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. Wtiiiam Dougherty, l o- iambus, Ga. Hopl7-iy vvii. 8. DaXikLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, &AVA.NNAM. OA. «g* Office over Thomas M. Turner ft Co.’s Dm# Store, Bay street. my7 Departed, 8teamer Wolaka, King, Palatka. Memoranda. New York, May 9—Cld Lookout. BuUor, for Savannah, and brig O F O'Brien, Fountain, Doboy, Qoorgia. Now Orleans, May 7—Cld brig Louisa, gear#, for Savannah. Philadelphia, May U—Arr brig Advance, Irons, fit Marys, Ga. Boston, May 8—Cld brig Kaladin, Amosbury, Tor Savannah. MERCER UNIVERSITY" PENFIELD, OA. FACULTY. HKKSIDKNT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. 0. PROnUKORS, College. 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Cbemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCRER, A. M., Belles Lott res. V. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Latin languages. WIU.IAM 0. WOODFIN, A. B , Modern Languages. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D:, Eccleslaitieal History and Biblical Litorature. WIUJAU WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic and PastorAl Thoology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEADt, Principal. The Commencement Is hold on tho last Wednesday in July. The noxt Term will commence on the last Wed nesday In August. The price of Board In the village la 810 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, ftc., $3. By order or Uie Board of Trustees. my 122m S. LANDRUM, Secretory. WHARF TO RENT. •DADELFORD’S Wharf, next wert of the low JL er Steam Rice Mill, one hundred and fifty teet front, to ronton reasonable terms. Possession given 1st November noxt. mayl3 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. GOD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. J JUST received 5 hhdi choice Ood Fish 20 bbls extra No 1 and No. 2 Mackerel: ID do extra Picklo Herrings, 60boxea Smoked Herrings In storo and for sale by DAVID O’CONNFR. may 10 Corner Broghton ft Bray ton sts. fobl WEBSTER ft PALME-fl /CHATHAM INFERIOR COURT—FEBKU- Kj AUY TERM, 1360.—Whereas. James Gugol, James J. Wall, It. B. Hardwlcko, John 1). Jesse, 11. Rothschild. Francis J. Cercopely, Tbos. Hernandez and P. Gclbolhouao, summoned to attend tho pres ent Torm oftbis Court as Petit Jurors have made de fault ; lt is ordered, that they he lined twenty dol lars each unless they tile good and sufficient cause ofexcusoon or boforo thu first day of the next Term of this Court. Truo extract from tniuutos. WM. H. BULLOCH, marfi Clerk I. 0. C. C. IlyfORAVIAN AND FLOURISHING COT- J.yJL ton—JubI received and for salo by &pr25 J. W. THRELKKLD, Congress and Whitaker streets, "VT 6. MOLASSES, landing from schooner J.1 * Abby Francis, aud for sale by Celling* dec 27 LOOKK1T ft fc J ?RESH ARRIVALS OF FLOUR.—Pine Imfi : Mills, extra and superfine, Foster’s do do in store and for salo by Jan 26 YOUNG. WYATT dl CO A COMPLETE UUTtTl' rtjU HDDSB HKD KEEPERS, I S an lmportantltem, and to know where to got oxuctly what is wanted is equally important, call at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson** New Block, Corner of Brough ton and Bull Streets, and you Will Qnd everything pertaining to House Keeping as well oa Refrigerators, Meat Sales, Wood en Ware, and Tin Ware, Willow Ware, beautiful Wator Coolers, Patent Ico Pitchors, Brushes Iu every variety, Bird Cages. Batlilug Tubs, indeed nearly every thing that can uocalhdfor, recollect tho place, apr 10 TTVEfcPOOL"SALT.—400" Hacks, ten to the AJ ion, landing from ship Ell Whltnoy, and for sale by marlO PADLFORD, FAY ft CO. RaiUTOrnaMeNts O F EVERY DESCRIPTION executed on the premises by Mr. XOLTIMIER, iu tho most su perior manner, all or which will be furnished tho city or country customer on tho most reasonable terms, and ut prices as low *3 at any other estab lishment of the kind in the State. S. WILMOT, tnaylg No. 1 Market square. W I. MOLASSES.-—223 hhds of very su- • porlor quality, in new packages, lauding per brig Red Wing, aud for sale by aprlS PADELFORD, FAY ft CO, pOLORED LAWNS AND CAMBRICS.- v Just received per steamer Alabama from No York, and for sale by J. W. THRELKKLD, aprl? Congress and Whitaker si roots. B leached shirtings. -10 cases 3-4,7 and 4-4 Bloaohod Shirtings, dilferent styles ust received aud for sale by rnarll LADSON ft ROGERS. pHAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heidsio v^Champague in store and Tor aale by inay 10 OCTAVUS COHEN, 500 SA p b 9 C0RN ^ rec * ived and for inay? “ * b> CRANE, WEUS ft CO. 17TH GEORGIA REPORTS. POUBT8HIP AND MARRIAGE;,or, The V Joys and Sorr tws or American IJfe. By Mrs. IxieHenti. ... „ . . The Three Marriages; or Life at a Watering Place. Tho First and Second Marriages; or, The Courte sies or Wedded Life. , India; The Peart or Pearl River. By Mrs. South- worth. Millly It Ktt, By Caroline Oieielwro. Introduction to Social Hclencc. By Oro. B. C.I- r.rl. Ucreulcc- A novel. Colombo, from Uie Krcncll ol Ucrliuor. Till) ChrlftUnn IJfe: IU Bopca, It. Fenra, and Its Clone. By Tliomna Arnold, or Rugby Scluml. Madeira, Portugal Mid Spain. . , Mulnl, Bbalupeare Paper., UlawatUa, Attache at Madrid, Part. SlgbU, Boccaccio, Decameron, Widow Hcdott, Napoleon Correapoodenco, Abbott'. Napo- |eon. ftc., ftc muyil W. THORNK WILLIAMS. B ASKETS! BASKETS I—We would call the attention of tho ladlaa to our itock of Work, TraroUng aud Una Pancy Balkan, tha largntaaaon- maut lutueoily, at tbo Houso KumUblng Storo, 1M Broughton-atr..'.- HORACE M0R3K. Xi^OR SALE.—25,000 bushels Corn to arrive. J} mays YOUNG ft WYATT. pHolCE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKY". VJ—10 bbls choice Monongahela whisky, very old aud pure. Just received per Keystono State, aud ialr ‘ for sale by may 7 lot CHAS. A. GREINER. L IME—1000 bbls. Lime landing per schooner Malue law, and for salo by may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. H AY—60 bales Prime Northern Hay land* . lug per brig Philura, aud for sate by may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. PARPETTING, Matting, Window Shades, V Uce aud Muslin Curtains, may bo found at apr28 AIK1X ft BURNS. L ADIES’ FLESH COLORED SILK VESTS J ust received und tor salo by »pr21 J. W. THUKLKKLE. L ADIES’ AND GENT’S GLOVES.—A mag uificent assortment of ladies’ and gout’s Tutluta Silk Glove*, white and black, also asserted color*, just received and for salo dy marll LaDSON ft ROGERS H AMS HAMS^-A nu'iwrlor lot of Uanm iu store, aud frr sale by VISITING AND WEDDING CARDS, Ando very variety of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WRITING Executed to order BY NICHOLS, A T S T. ANDREW’S H A 1. L. * ln*trwaiwH given if desired. dec 12 C. H. IIAKIIISU.V. A. C. MCliHUB HARRISON «fe HoGEIIEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Fortvurtlluif jllcrclmnts. SO AND 111 mtOAL-UTUKKT, COI.UMUU3, OCUUQ1A. #3“ Purtleulur attention giveu to the sale* of Real Estate, iXegroes and Produce. ga- IJlieral advance* made on Negroes aud Mer chandize. ItWKUKXCRl : RUSK, PATTEN ft OU. GUNBY ft DANIEL, FColumbu*, Gu. SfEWAIlT, GRAY ft CO. J S.v M n.b, II. S. SMITH, V Mobile, Alabama, oot 23 ly OULLS house; CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, aiAHUWTOX, H, C. THIS House is now adapted to all the wants of tlie Travelling Public, aud tho ef forts of tho Proprietor will ho to deserve their patronage. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. BARBER SHOPS. Pulaski House Barber SUop, Owen** ttrkk Building, njipmiU the J*ula*ki Matte, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Mui'filinll House Barber Shop, Broughton Hired, FOUIt WORKMEN ENGAGED. t. LOCK KIT. It. D. SXKLUMi*. LOCKETT «fe SNRLIjINGS, OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Gu. Will atleud to the selling of all kinds of produce. Strict atteutlou given to receiving and forwarding goods. may 81 ly __ Auction to Commission House, Macon, Gu. a. r. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, .Solicits from in* friends consignments of every dcM’ripUou. Takes orders for Cotton. ftjT Special attoution given to tlie sales of Heal Estate, stocks und Negro properly, ut public aud private sales. Prompt returns and ditjxxhh. Reference—C. A. L. 1.A.MAH. melt 30 ^ M -xllIstmr. NJLW MARBLE YARD, Opposite Laurel drove Cemetery, Suvh, Ua. Mur uie Monuments, Tombs aud Grave stones, furn ished on reasonable terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. aplrt v t. C. RCSE. t. Q. UAVIH. W. tt. LONG. RUSK, DAVIS «fe LONG, G0MM1SS10K MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 W. tt. VARKXt.L. L.A. It. FA LUO AM. W. H. FAIUIELL «fe CO., DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries—Foreign ami Domestic Fruits, Comer Broughton and Whitaker-sts. Tvtwu uud Country supplied with idwlco goods ut low prices. All orders promptly attended to, and sastdaction always guaranteed. sept IS T. B. CLARKE ft CO., PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MtRCHATS, ICNOXVU.LK.TKNN. All orders promptly and faithfully executed. TLSON ft MALlvAY, T. II. L'LAltKK, Savannah, Ga. Knoxville, Tonu. " WAYNK, GRlflNVILLKSCOT," f pilE mibsuribor, tlmnkftil to his fcllow-citizeiiB X for thu liberal putruuago bo luus received, and Is still receiving, begs rospecU'ully to Inform them that 1m has engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from Homo of tho best Barber Shops iu Now York, uud will be enabled to accommodate us many goutlomeu a* may houor him with their pa tronage. N. U.—Tho Barber Simps are closed ou Sundays— strangers will plouse bear this Iu mind. SAVE YOUR MONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET. _ _,uoxt door to Messrs. J. Dicksou ft Co’s. Confec tionary. Yon will there find Uie greatest bargains in Shoes ever offered in this city. October 16th, 1855. New York Provision House Homs, Toninie*, Beer, Bacon, Shoulders, Bologuns, Lnru, Pickled Toiiffuea, Pig Pork, Mess Beef, ftc., IN Barrels, Ualvos and Quarters. Refers to—John D. Jesse, James A. Browu, Wm. H, Farrell ft Co., and E. O’Byrne. janSl—Om MARSHALL & SON, PROVISION DEALERS, No. 14 Second A venue and 3 Fulton Market, NEW YORK CITY. WOOD-WOOD I T HE subscriber has opened a Wood Yard at the old Charleston wharf, where ho will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Wood—Oak, Ash. Hickory, Black JrcU, Llgbt-wood, ftc. 45f* Orders promptly attended tu. II. C. 1UYSOK. Savannah, March 10, I860,lm—martu WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber. Sblugles, Llgbt-v.ood, Posts, Eastern Laths and Pttiliugs, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cosh, on the new wlmrf recently creeled ou tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen ft Co. tuar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. JOHN G. BOOTH, CIVIIi ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will ulio give his atteutlou to designs iu Architec ture. office iu the store of John Williamson, Esq., Bay street. myl.’J apr 2 OGDEN, STARR ft 00. U'LOWER SEEDS.—Just received, a supply 13 due. ud apr 4 Cor. Broughton and Barnard sto. TJOTATOES,—100 bbls choice Mercer Pota* J: toes, landing aud tor sale by dee W 0 A GREINER LAND AGENCY. Fl'MtE uuderslgued will, for five dollars per lot, X examine auy lauds iu thu couutlcs or Appling, Wuyue, Ware or Coll'eu, aud report to the owner ns to their present value, tho prospect for their be coming more vnluublo in future, aud whether or not there is being any trusiuss committed thereon, Invariably pledging himself to give a truo and cor rect account, for which all remittance* will be ex pected Iu advuucc. Hu will also sell und remit when requested, and as directed, for soven pur cent. He will also promptly attoud to all profeaslonal business entrusted to lus euro. vernon c. mclendon, toy. 13 Attorney at law, Uomeevllle, Ga. rr tohy pka, onn SACKS ot" Tory” Peu. For uale by iUU uprli IV. DUNCAN. ixn. a. uook. HtEb. x. runup. HOOK 4k TEBKAU, A T T O R N E Y S AT LAW, hA.NDLKfcVaU, UbOKUU. Will pjactiso iii Whsbiiigiou, JuUurson, Semen, Burke, Emauuol, Talinall, ami Montgomery of tbs Middle Circuit, and Wilkinson of tbo Oomulgeo Cir cuit. inuyb SI. WRIT BSUTU, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, AUJUATUK, EAST FLORIDA. Will practico in the Ibsteru aud Buuthern Counties. Refer to—Col. B. S. Sibley, uud R. B. Hilton, ha. vunimh. feb2-U LIIAS. U. CASU*I1K1.E, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, U1UJOK1KVILLK, QA. Practices Law iu the various Counties of Uie Oc. mulgcu Circuit, and tbo mijoitdug Counties of Twiggs, Lauren* and Washington. Refer to—Joliu Boston, H. <^. Cruue, and R. B Hilton. teol4 ja*. w. uHBis. n. r. HitouV. GREEN ft SMOOT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OC126 filOMAHTON, QA. UKltHti'K A. fiOHDO.V ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AXli Commissioner of the U. S. Court qf Claim* for the State cf Georgia, office Comer Bay aud Bml street*. ly _ mylo DR. CH ARLES HT UOLSTNG: OFFICE CORNER HULL AND WHITAKER STS. Rositfeucc Nu. 14 Liberty slrect, one door west of Drayton. my 11 J. VV. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEUOR AT JAW, Troupyillu, Lowndes County, Ga. (my 11 s7w. baker: ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mouticcllo, Jclfersou Couuty, Ha. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fmuxo, Savannah, Ua. _ myll EDWARD~GiT WILSON! " MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Wurd ft Owens 1 inw Office. [myll COMMISSION AND FOUtVARDlNG MERCHANTS. Bay-street Savannah. THUS. S. WAYNE. C. K. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy ft—tf Savannah, Chattanooga. a C. “POOLE," No. 11, Wliiltoker Street, (two doors from Bryan.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, ftc. ft Painters’, Uruiucrs’ uud Arli*b>' Brushes: ^Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry rntil __ 'Mlxod l*alnta of every description, Artists’ uimirsintubeH, Prepared Canvass, ftc. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ucatuess und des|iatcii.— Houso, Sign uud Ship Puintiug, Gildiug, Graining aud Glazing done iu tbu best style and ut moderate prices. All orders trom the country promptly utteudud to. tnc.u 28—ly FRENUll CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, AND GtaSS WARE. U5 MKCT1NU HTHV.CT, CW.VUtXSTOS, WffiTH VAltOUNA. Tito subscribers respectfully solicit--; from tho traveling public, an Inspection^" of their stock of Freuch and English _ China, In plain whito, gold hand, aud decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, toa, toilet, tete-a- tete sots aud vases. Also, Cups and Saucers, ftc., ul the celebrated Sevres China. White Granite oi the best uuuufucturers. Rich cut Freuch, English ami Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of oruameuts iu Parl*^ M Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, aud others, audStatuetos of tbo Greek Slave, Venus do Medicix, ftc.. fto. They have also a beautiful, durable and ubeap arti cle for Hours uud hearths, of Plain anil Encaustics Tile*. Their stock being very guuorul, carefully selected and Imported direct, oifrrs luduccmouu to mcrchnuts a* well os families, to whom goods will bo put up at tlie lowest rates for cash. WEBB ft SAGE, ImiHirters, successors to Cameron, Webb ft Co. ☆ CIjOTHIKTO A EMPORIUM. W 1 DOOR WEST OP TUB REPUBLICAN READING ROOM. Flue Ready-made Clothing ; llats and C»|M, fihirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, uud Fancy Articles for tientloinou. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH. 4®**^ Orders from city aud couuty solicited. Also, Superfine Cloths, • o&dniers aud Vostiugs, will be made to meu- iuro.uuexcoptlou- ubloiu stylo aud workiuunshtp, by the best mochnuicH, at shortest notico -ex JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practico of his profes sion, olfors his services to hU rrlends und the publican on Architect and rtuporlntoudont. Deslgu* tot uuy part or ttm couutry supplied aud oxeouted In nil tho various bronchos of hi* profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Mouumeuu, fto. Thoroughly Firo Proof fitoros de signed and exocutod. Office at present in Bojr Lane, rear of the Custom Houso. Jans JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ufficu, Day b treat, over tho Reading Room of toe Republican, cntrauco immediately east of Mesais. Price ft Veudur’s. may 11 """ WILLLGI H."DA8HBR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Tvoupvllle, Lowudes County, Ga. Will practice inT'homus, LowuUoj, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, aud PuiObki couutius, Georgia; und in Jetlbibon, Madison. Hiuu- iltou, and Culumbiucoumies, Florida. [uiyll WM. M. WU.UAMS. TIUDbKOS OUVKK. JACK BRUW.t. WUiLlAMS, OLIVER Si BROWN, ATfURNEYS AT LAW. Buena Vista, .Marion County, Ga., Will practice In tlie counties of Marion, Macou, Hous ton, tstewurt, Ruudoipli, Muscogco, Lee, aud auy adjoining counties, win re tlmir services may be required. myll JOHN It. COCHRANE,* ATTORNEY AJ LAW, Duldin. Liureuscounty, tin,, late Junior partuer of tho firm of A. ftJ. L'ocuuanr, irwiutou, Ga., will attoud promptly to all ■business entrusted to Ills euro. Funicular intention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr. C. li. Guytou, F, U. Kowe, DubUu, Ga., M Mur.-.h, Nuvunuuh. myll JESSE T. BERNARD. ATTORNEY AND tOUNtELLOR AT LAW, Ncwnausvido, Ha. Reference—George L. Brown. William Doll, Now nq'osvlUe, Flu., 11. B. lhltou, Bostou ft Villalongu, .Snvniiuah, Ga. myll HUDSON, FLEMING Si CO.,' Factor* and Commission Merchants, No. 94 Lay Street, Savannah, Ga., rpENDER their set vices to planters, merchant* X and deniers, in ilie.-aloot Colton and ail other country jiroducc. Being connected iu business wim lloi'Ki.vj, Hudson ft Ou., ot Charleston, the estublUh- mnutofuu officu iu this city w ill ufibrd our frlouds choice of markets. Strict uttontlou will be giveu to business, ami the usual facilities alforded custo mers J. R. HUDSON, » W. B. FLEMING, f fiavanuab. 1A BETH UUPKlNa, Augusta, my 11—tf COHEN. C'hasleston. LEK-LEU o. WtoLOX, Di'UUil., OFFICE over Dewitt & Mor gan’s Store ou Cougro«*-sii eot, oiler their professional services to toe public, conddcut, from ioug export- euco uud past success, tbut iu ail cuses, they will render entire sulUfucUou. ocl 2 tt DENTISTRY. Din. HOY ALL & JOHNSON, Dcuiists, olllco corner St. Julieu-sL aud Markel Square, over S. Wit- uiot’s jewelry store. Office hour* from 8 to 2 o’clock, and D orn 3 to u. mar 11 com INCOliUUl-TIULET'fEETII. mi. BAUNES, Dkctist—l’er. forms all o]teraUou* iu his line iu th* imost upproved rnauuer. Offico ou Brouglium street, opposite Weed©’* Hardware storo. doc 22 DUS. LKPLEIt <fe WILLON, lSciltlsU. ARE now frilly prepared to in sert full or partiul setts of Teeth ou tho priuelple ot Dr.J. Alleus’e Patent C’ouiiuuous Gum. By ihl» improvement, tho form of tho face cau bo restored to any degree of rotundity that may be desired, lt l* applicable in all cases where thu cheeks have laiicu in aud cannot be detected by the closest observer.— This method combines tho followingi Tvantages:— Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly uatural and life-like appearuuce, and iinpurts to the iheclb that peculiar expression which characterize* the na tural orgnus. This Gum couslsts of a sllaclous compound which la applied aud frtsod upon tho Teeth and Plate in such a manner, us to HU up all the Interstices around the baso or the Teeth, and uUo uuites thorn firmly to each other aud to tho Plate upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness or the Teeth. Offico ever Do Witt ft Morgan, Congress street. Republican and Georgian copy, fob 10—tf