Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 17, 1856, Image 1

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L. VOL. XXXVIII [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1856. NO. 2080. 1C Dull)', Tri-Weekly ami Weekly. KB. HILTON & CO., PBHLUHEM. B. B. HILTON, - - - - Editor. *. P. C HAMK.'rQ«f, } Editor*. TERMS: Dully irniwr, per yrnr, In advance. .$0.00 l'»l-\Ve»kly Paper 3.0U Weekly l*a|ier 1.00 SATURDAY.-* O’clock, P. M. lieorglan dl Journal Beading Room. Our heading Room In the Exchange Is freo to ill subscribers to the Dally Georgian 4' Journal, to all contract advertisers In Its columns, to the Clergy of the city and to strangers Introduced by either of these clauses—hullo none others. •XsjOXjSIG-3 EXO. New York Markets. New You, May 10.—The cotton market con tinues dull and unsettled. Sales tor the day amount to only 300 bales. The market closed heavy. in tuit,vlck Railroad Meeting and Land gales. Last Tuesday the steamer IVetaku took from Savannah a very Urge list of passengers, bound for Brunswick, to attend the railroad meeting and land sales advertised for the ensuing Thurs day. A few miles below the city their number was increased by the transfer of others from the Alabama, just out from New York. The IFelaka performed her duty well, us sho always does, laudlugmost of her llvlug cargo between three and fouro'clnck the ensuing morning. It became very soon apparent that Brunswick had more visitors thau she was prepared to accommodate. The hotel, admirably adapted for the comfort of a few, lacks rooms for the many who had been drawn to the place. All, however, were dis posed of with, perhaps, as much regard to their comfort as could havo been anticipated. We need not describe the town—the site of the city to be built—nor enter upon the moot ed question of its advantages as a commercial matt. We will, however, say that the location struck us as a beautiful one. Its climate, we should think, might be superb, especially In summer. A more delightful place than nature Intended It should be through the long months of June, July, August and September, is proba bly not to be found In this broad land. Why, indeed, it muy not be made an attractive place of resort, both In summor and winter, it would be difficult to say. Two are three vessels freighted out with iron were in port. One was unlading, the rails being lifted from the ship to the cars, the railroad track having been laid dow to and over a por tion of the wharf. In the fternoon of Wednesday an excurson was made over tourteen miles of the road, to the point reached by the contractors, Messrs Collins and Alexander, In laying the Iron. The work, for the most part, seemed to have been well done, and is being pressed onward with ra pidity. About half a mile lsdaily added tothe .ran track. The run out Mid back was very pleasantly accomplished, The road passes over u level country to the present terminus, where it enters upon a stretch, (we are told,) of one hundred miles in a direct line, through a section presenting extraordinary facilities both for gra ding and superstructure. # Thursday morning commenced the sales. The result of the day's transactions was the dis posal of 106 lots, ranging from 30 feet by 90 to 30 by 180, to different Individuals, for the ag gregate sum of 949,006, being at the average price of 9405 10 per lot We are Indebted to the Brunswick Beraid for the figures. That pa per states that thepurchaaers “are from all parts of this State and from other States, as well as citizens of Brunswick." Frida; forenoon 139 lots were sold for 946,420, being at the rate ol 1362 66 per lot- The sales were going on when the fVtlaka left on her return to Savannah. The whole number of 300 lota were doubtless disposed of on Friday. The general opinion seemed to he, that the lots went off at remarkably fine prices. Inatae the; averaged Bom 30 feet by 60 to 30 by 160 fact It was said tbM the Company owned in all about 6,000, of which the 300. sold were not the most valuable. Thursday night a meeting of the Stockhol ders of the Brunswick and Florida Road was held, Col. Young of Thomas county, in the Chair. The President’s report (a very remark able document of which we may or may not have something more to say hereafter) was read. It announced that 26 miles of the road had been graded—that on 14 miles the Iron had been laid, and for 18 additional miles the iron had been purchased. That the cars would he running over the Sutilla river 32 miles from Brunswick In the month of August. That the Engineer had been ordered to survey a branch road, running East of the Okefenokee Swamp, down to Florida—another Bom Thom- asvUletothe Florida Une In the direction of Tallahassee—and another from some point on the main line to Albany. The general tenor or the report was decidedly advene to making the relingnishment required by the Main Trunk bill as a condition precedent to a subscription by the State, to that road. The report was unani mously adopted. (t was officially announced that Messrs. Collins and Alexander had agreed to furnish . the grading and superstructure from the Satll- la, IB miles, to Big Creek, and that a contract had been entered Into between the Company and 22 substantial citizens of Thomas, Lowndes, Berrien, Clinch and Ware counties, to do the same work from Big Creek to the Alapaha Riv er, a distance of fifty miles. The terms of this contract were 20 cents per cubic yard for earth work and 30 cents for cross ties—payment to be made one-half in tho “conditional notes," of which so much has been said, and the other half In the stock of tho Company. This leaves uothlng for the Company but to furnish the iron —which they engaged to,do—os fast as It should be required. The following officers were elected for the on suing year : C. F. Wells, Jr., of New York, President. Directors. S, J, Beals, j New York. I Albany, N, I. Washington Correspondence. Florida Railroad bill—Othti' Ruilioad bill<— Mr. Buchanan—Kama* Affairs. Washington, May 14. Tho people of Florida will have good cause to rejoice over tho triumph tbw day achieved In the Houie of Representatives, by tho parage of the bill from the Senate, appropriating a llttiaovcr a million acres of public lauds in that State, for the construction of three railroads, one from Pensacola to Montgomery, Alabama; one from Fernaudlna, at tho mouth of St* Mary’s River, to Tampa, with a branch to Cedar Keys; and one ftum Pensacola to Jacksonville. These roads exceed six Uuudred miles in Urn aggre gate. They are the beginning of the prosperity of that beautiful State, and every friend of Florida hi this city is rejoicing over the eveut of to-day. Tho bill was uobly and persistently supported iu the Senate by Mr. Mallory aud Mr, Yuleo, and in the House by Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Benuett, Chairman of the Committee on that subject. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, who always insists upon having things done, not only decently, but ‘in order,” essayed every endeavor (11 you’ll pardon the alliteration i) toconsigu this bill to the Committee of the Whole, there to slumber until the blowing of the last trump; but the House, no doubt admiring his justice, failed to appreciate bis magtmulmity, aud overruled bis wishes! Now, will the President sign this bill? No doubt Is entertained of the fact, by those who compare the bill per ir with the President's known convlctloas. But the President is only human, and ho has a future os well as a past. Other bills of like character are yet behind tills oue for Michigan, one for Louisiana, one for Al abama, one for Missouri, aud the Senate is now quarrelling over a motion to reconsider one for Iowa, just past* Two of three embrace appro priations of morethnu a million acres each. May not the aggregate appeurtoo lurge for practicability? May there not be particular oh Jectious of an overruling nature to’.some, aud may it not be fact that the appearance of im partiality may require all to be treated alike? I throw out these queries for the purpose of ad* monishing the friends of this bill to prudence and circumspection. That It la sound, just, rea sonable, proper and expedient, there la not a shadow of a doubt; but legislation in all Its stages is as uncertain as the proverb declares juries to be. Mr. Buchanan looks well, aud hlH Hue form and familiar face are welcome to tho capltol. The tendency to lionize him has been properly subdued. We have so many great men at Wash* ington that were we to lionize them all we shoud fall to find cages to put them into. The intelligence received from Kansas yes terday and to day, relative to the interception of tho alleged flight of Robinson, Reeder’s dis regard of the requisitions of the Court on the ground of privilege, the indictment of Reeder, Robinson, Roberts, Laue, and others on the ohargo of treason, and tho roporta of tho mar shaling of forces adverse to the territorial gov ernment, excites the public mind here, as it no doubt does throughout the Union, in an undue degree. The power of the general government ought surely to be at once exerted to suppress disorder and illegality of proceeding, no matter by whom practiced. AU other subjects should be at once adjourned until tho settlement of tills. Impartial. Coinincrciitl Jnttlligcntt. Ravnlitinli Mnrkvt, May 17. currun—Tho market continues ilull. TUe aulos roporloil tills morning were fia bates, as fallows :— 11 at lo„, Hat lojq.amiai at loyg neats Arrived. Steamship Kuoxvlllo, I.yiilow, 68 hours from Now York, to TadeiliirJ, Fay <5Co. 16tb last, 616 pm, n0 flutters:. Shoal, exchanged signals with steamships Augusts and Southerner, bound north. Bohr K Kidder, Hinson, New York, to Humor A Gammoll, Steamer Welaka, King, i’alatka. Ac, to Glsghorn & Cuuulagbsm. Steamer Gordon, Barden, Charleston—J I' Brooks. Htestnor Augusta, Fratar, Augusta, tu a M l-afll- tesu. Cleared. Steamship Alabama, Selieaek, New York—Padel- bird, Fay tf Co. Sehr i/iyal Scranton, l.imden, New York—Cohens A Hertz. Stoamerat Johns, Freeborn, i’alatka, Ac— Cleghoru A Cunningham. Mrmurntidn. Boston, May 12—Art- brig Chliuhtiruso, Brown, Savant: rtli, Now York, Muy 18—Art- brig .1 Wallace, Union, Jacksonville Arr hark Maria Morton, Unlkiey, Savannah. Ud aeitr J W Hale, Kearne, Jacksonville. Baltimore, May 14—Cld sehr Wcodbridge, While, Savannah. II. H. Wells, 11. G.Wiieelek, (I. VlBBAIUI, U. B.Obsv, la. J. KNiriUT, Georgia. New Publications.—Col. Williams baa placed llAHrzH for June on out table, also No. 10 of Harper's scrioa of Interesting private story Hooks, by Jacob Abbott, entitled Tbo Enquter. Mavok’s Count—-]Philip Crawford, accused of tbrowlug a nuisance from tbe window ol bln, admonished and lined tbe costa of court UctAary, keeping disorderly house, fined oosta of court. Mrs. Causack, keeping disorderly house, fined ousts of court. James O’Bryan, disorderly conduct, fined fir* doUars. W. Beck, drunkenness, fined three dollars. Indian News from Florida. An extra from tbe Alligator Advtrlietr of May 9tb confirms the previous reports of tbe presenco of Iodtsna, in considerable numbers, intheOulfBammock,Levycounty. Col.Wright, who bad been sent out with an exploring party, reports that on the 6th Inst., while sconttng In the Quit Hammock and adjacent swamps, freth Indian trade were frequently discoveren, one of which fifteen or twenty Indians bad appa rently Just passed over; was pursued by CoL Wright's command to a dense swamp, which It was thought Imprudent to enter with so small a force, ns the Indians bid evidently taken strong position, and only awaited the approach of their pursuers to give them a murderous fire, and then continue their retreat Col. Wright Is fully satisfied that the ladiaru are in the Qnlf Hammock in coaeiderable force, and that they axe quite indifferent to the consequences of their presence being known. Col. Wright, believing Me force too small to continue operations In tbe Hammock, posted his command upon Martin's Island, where he will await reinforcements. The Tampa Penineularot the 16th mentions that two soldiers were fired at near Fort Blmon Drum on tbe 2d Inst, by about twelve Indians, but escaped without serious injury. By a dispatch to the Agonts, we learn that the Auguela, reached New York at 7 o'clock this morning, nil well. How to protect corn.— The Granite Farmer gives some capital advice as to how to make the seed com come up —how to make the plants grow—how to keep the hens from scratching up the seed —how to prevent the crows from pulling up the plant. Hear what The Farmer Baja: “ The moat sure way to have the seed ■come up,’and do well, is first to manure and prepare the ground well—plant good seed, clean as it camo from the cob. This never fails with me; all variation from this have failed under different circum stances. “ To prevent the seed from being destroy ed by the liens.—Tbe pig, with a ftiU belly, will never root around; the hen, with a full crop, will not scratch the ground, Therefore—when my liens urc disposed to scratch, I call them to the barn, and give them as much corn as they will ent, for which they always sing to me a merry tune, and lay a whole hat full of eggs. "Toprevent cromfrompulling com.— I scatter corn in the field broadcast,which they feed upon and leave the seed. If I havo too much company by my liberality, I soak tbe corn in strychnine and hot wa ter. Last spring, after scattering half a bushel of corn soaked in this way, 1picked up forty-two dead crows, and how many more went off feeling ‘kind o' sick,’ I am not able to state. “ IFire and grub worms are more diffi cult customers to deal with—for any poison iiBed for their destruction, is always absorbed by the soil, which is a sure pro tection to them. I have never found n sure remedy for these pests, and can only secure my seed by planting enough for their wants und mine too, and If they get more than their share, I plant new hills u few inches from the old ones thus destroyed, and 'tbin out at second hoeing." InttUignut. Port of fisvannsh MAY 17 DoiiarlrU* Slosuim St Johns, Fioeborn, Palatks, Ac. CoiMlffiieen# Per Htoauishili Kiinxvillo, from New York—H N Aid licit, Brigham, Kelly A Co, Butlor k Frierson, A BlumeiizwelS, Boston k Villalonga, J A Brawn, B Bradley* Bothwcll k Whitehead, Claghoru k Cun- iiingbuin, M A Cohen, Charter & Co, Cm no, Wells k Co. I> D Coop, Colo k Bi o, P M Cnroy. Carter & Co, Cuiieus k llorlz, Cooper k Co, SCurrcIi, M F Dessau A Doyle, W 0 Dickson, Duua & Wash burn. DoWltt k Morgan, J Dickson k Co, W D Etheridge, Einstein & Eckmann, W H Farrell, Franklin k Brantly, J G Falllgant, Foote k Jaudon, W W Goodrich, Gilbort k Tildcn, Gray Bros, C A Greiner, Win Halo, Harden’s Express, A Huy wood, Habersham .V Son, Thus W Hardee, F W Headmun, Hudson, Fleming k Co, G H Johnson, Iron steamboat Co, King k sous, Ken- uody & Beach, II Lathrop k Co, Lockott& Sncllings, Lyun k Snider, W W lJncoln, J Lippmau, S M Lalll- tcau. Moore k Co, G H Morse, W H Mercer, D Mul- lett Si Co, Novttt, Lathrop k Rodgora. Ogden, Slnrr k Oo, D O’Connor, Patton, Hutton k Co, E Parsons & Co, J Prendorgnst, J F Polot. Ruse, Davis A Long. Hongors k Norris, M J Reilly, Raqun k Smith, C H k J Klkoman, A A Solomons, John Sherlock k Co, J J Stoddard, J Sichel, W A Thomns, Turuor k Oo, E F Wood k Co, Wayne, Greenvillo k Co, Way A Tay lor, W Warnor, N B k H Weed, Wobster k Palmes, Way k Smith. Young, Wyatt k ,Co, Young k Frior- son, W D Zogbaum. Per stoamor Gordon, Barden, from Charleston— ORR, Florida Coat, Claghorn k Cunniughara, Oruger k Wade, W Duncan, HA Cohen, W Y Levy,Bell k Prentiss, A A Solomons, Lathrop «£ Co, H J West, J Richardson, Haborsbam k Son, Behn k Foster, F K Hertz. Weber Bros, E Heldt, S B Hamilton, J Boston W H Humphreys, N D Estell. Per steamer Welaka, from Palatka, &c—70 bales cotton and mdzo to Boston k Villalonga, J W Ander son, King \ Sons, Tlaon k Mackay, Cruger k Wado. Way k Taylor, Couuer k Fraser, Lynn A; Snider, J Ross, Holcombe. Johnson k Co, order. Per sehr E Kiddor, from New York—Hunter k Gammoll, Brigham. Kelly k Co, Bell k Prentiss, W <0 Dickson, Cruno. Wells At Oo, Co ho ns At Hertz, M A Cobeu, Claghoru k Cunulngbam, Daua At Washburn, W D Etheridge, W H Farrell, E Fitzgtrald, Goodman At Uro, Hudson, Fleming At Co, A Haywood, Hardee At Co, D B Hall, CAL tamar, J W Jsathrop At Co, E Parsons At Co, J Nlcolson, Patten, Hutton At Co, Rodgora At Norris, Rabun. A: Smith, Youug, Wyatt A: Co Yougu At Frlsrson, and orddr. Passengers. Per stsamshlp Knoxville, from New York—G C Davinson and lady, Hon Sum Brevoort, A Runge, G Tallmadgo, Capt Knight, lady, child and Bvt, Miss M E Hlnkol, W C Fowler, J J White, P Strauss, Rev J J Robertson, A 0 Mitchell, Walter Harris, Capt Tay lor, S D Dixon, G Miller, 4 steerage. L ADIES’ SILK VESTH-Tho best iu the city. For sale by J. W. THRELKELD, msylO . Congress and Whitaker streets. G^S|a?eby^ LIE V ^^\^THHElKELD, and maylfl Congress and Whitaker streets. KENT'S COTTON VESTS-Just received \JT and Tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, tuayl8 Congro*» and Whlthaker streets. L B. SHIRTS.—Just received and for sale by • J.W. THRELKELD, mayla Congrats and Whitaker stroeu. A boxes TOBAGC6, just received direct Ov from Manufacturer, aud for sulo low, by my 11 CRANE, WELLS k CO. "PMilliRUAfi. jjSjTSjx I HAVE JUST received a huud- some assortment of Silk audGiug- bam Uinbrollas, made to ordor In tho -o est stylo. Call and son. wh>*7 WM. 0. PRICK, 147 Bay street. TINNEHSWANTKD. /'VNE or two good ones wanted immediately, \J to whom liberal wages will be paid, myll jtENNKDY At BEECH. •-Constantly on "hand CHAFFER k GO.% No. 0 Whitaker street. A tlantic lead. and lor sulo at sprlifl P aper-hangings and borders;- Just received a great ussortmout of the most elegaut patterns, with borders to rnutcb, from 8 couts to *2, al CHAFFER At CO.’S, i‘pr30 No. u Whitaker street. JUST ItEiKlVEl), PER STEAMER. «r assort input of fp.u Misses and Children’s Plain Straws, Ladies’ NKOl’Ol.lTAN BONNETS, IN-I PANTS’ HATS and FLATS. AIho a fow ILVIH. For sale by MRS. FREELAND, may 17 Broughton street. f iRESS TRIMMINGSX-Fringea, black and XJ colored Molro Antique Uauzo, aud other styles, iu great vurioty, aud lor sale by AIK1X At BURNS. L ocomotive needles—a new and ele gaut artiole which needs only to be tried ouce to lusuro the constant prefereuco of the seamstress, just rccoivnd and for sale by ntarl8 LAOSON At ROGERS. Notice, 'PHE Ann of SPENCER OURRELL & CO., X is this day dissolved hr mutual cuuseat. Either partner Is authorised lo use the name of the late Arm iu sottloinont of the ulfalrs of the same. SPENCER CTRRKLL. ROUT. AUSTIN. A. THOMAS. Savanuuh, May 1st, 1S60. Tho undersigned will continue the Auction und Commission bu.vness on his own account, from und allor this date. SPENCER CURKKLL. Savannah, May 1st. 1851L inuyll B UT FEW LEFT u! t'lmse'Suitor Black and Colored Mantillas, at J. W. THRELKELD, Congress and Whitaker sis. WHITE GOODS, T7NGLI8H Cambrics, plain and chocked; Jac- -Hi onots, Swiss Muslins, plain, plaid and dotted ; Victoria Lawns and NanisookMuslius, Bobinet lace, plain and llgured, in great variety. For sale by tnyj!8 FOOTE k JAUDON- CHECKS AND DENIMS. C ASES Apron and Furniture Checks. Bales Blue Denims fbr sale by my id FOOTE k JAUDON. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS* C ASES i, \ and 44 Bleached Shirtings and Long Cloths. For sale by iny 13 FOOTE k JAUDON. /CHILDRENS GIGS.—Just received, among \J which are some very handsome; a novelty In this city. Call and soe them at our House Furnish ing Store. KENNEDY At BEACH, Hodgson’s Block, corner Broughton and Bull sts. raaylO 6REAT FlfrE AT PHILADELPHIA. MAY l, 1860. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. WBA1 THE PEOPLE SAT. PmuDELFUU, 2d May, 1850. Mutrr fhrrtU A Herring t GienruouatTho Herring’s Pateut Champion Fire-Proof Safe, which wo purchased from you lu tho month or Jauuarjr last, was situated iu our Counting Room, in the second story or 231 Market street, on the night of tho Great Fire, 1st Muy, 1806, and fall with the burning building in that confla- gatlon. Tho safe was reached this afternoon, after an ex posure of Thirty 8ix Houro to Intense heat, and al though the brass plates on the front of tho Safe were melted, and the exterior shows the evidence of extreme heat, the inside casing was found to be untouched by Ure, and, with the exception of being a little steamed, Is now as good as new : EDW REMANS A CO. Piuucnr&u, May 31850. Musts, fhrrtl k Htrrinos i Gsmxxxx The Herring’s Patent Champion Fire FroorSafe or your manufacture, which wo pur chased nearly n year since ,wai in the centre of our building at tbe time or its destructlou in the great Fire or May lit., I860. We bad removed tbe greater portion of our books betore tbe fire reached us, but left some of them together with a number of loose papers inside pur posely, to test tbe security of the Kale. After 38 hours of severe roasting, we found the Interior of the safe upon opening, not only bright and sound, but tho books and papers as free from fire as wbeu firs putln. We shall require auothor .Sale as soon as we get a new loeallou.and want none but your “Cham, plon.” Yours, Ac. FISHER k BROTHER. No 13 North Sixth fit The public will hour lu mind that the “HERRING’S: PATENT” Is tbeouly Safe made In this city which has never failed to preserve its contents in acciden tal fire. The two Safes from the above groat Fire can now be seen in front of the old Stand, 34 Waluut street. FARREL8 Ai HERRING, Only Makers lu this Stato of Herrings Patent Champion Safe 8. C. HERRING, & Co., Patentees At Manufacturers, Ureou Block, 136,137 k 139 Water st« N. Y may 14 Qt ANTELLAS AND SCARFS, now stylol, noodle worked basquos, bro&kfost caps, linen cambrics and lawns, bmek net mitts ami gloves, ladles god gents’ gauntlets, gents’ summor cravats and stocks, Ate. Ac. Eor sale by my 16 Dewitt a MORGAN. fTE NT « AN DBOYHSUMMER WEAR vX White and Fancy Linen Drills, White and Brown Navy Ducks, London Sattcens, London Cords, Grass Linens, Dra Etcs, Argentine for coats, Ac., for Bale by DkWITT A MORGAN, my 16 MOURNING GOODS. B LACK Bcreges, double width do, Black Tiasuos, Sewing Silk, Spanish Crape. Challro, Mourning Hsbucs, Jaconotfl and Organdies, Ging hams ami Gingham Muslins, Callcoos, Black Crapo Collars and Sloeves, White Tarletau do, do do iu sots, Black Crape nnd Love Veils, Ac., recently re ceived and for sale at the lowest prices by myJ6 DeWITT A MORGAN. MANTILLAS and SCARFS. \TE\V style very rich black silk and lace Man- 131 villas, black aud colored silk Mantillas, white, black and colorod cashmere Scarfa, Stella and gold borderod Scarfa, entirely now designs, just re ceived by myl6 DeWITT A MORGAN. UP STAIRS. rpHE undersigned would invite the attention X of merchants to the oxamiuatloa of a large aud woll selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, now bolng recelvod and lu store, which they offer to tho trade on favorablo terms. tny16 FOOTE A JAUDON. LANDLORD AND TJfiNANT. T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. Smith, with Notes of Amorlcan cases by P. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvler’s Institutes American Latv. Nellgau’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed pllltcd, 4to. Drown on some Diseosos or Womon admitting of burgical Treatment. ■ Flint ou Dfreasos or tbe Ro3pirutory Organs. Budd on Dlscasoa of the Stomach. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and Bpain. Italian •Sight* and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and CaHathonlca. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and titeamsblp Guide, with map3. , Ireland iu *U8 aud ’48; lu Revolutionary History. By J. Savage. National System of Political Economy. From the German, or List. aprIO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. P A “$? N FL0DR - A vtet'^rr. tnay!7 Family Grocery. AA DOZEN FRESH UOOD EQOS— DUO Packed In brand for Md. lo* »t m*/17 BARRON’S, Corner Whiteker and Charlton ate. /CHAMPAIGN ClDEli'&u.—116 boxeaCham- V paigu Cider, choice article, 20 bbls choice old poach Brauy, 0 do do Applo Brandy, 10 do do Cherry Brandy, Also—Ginger and Blackberry, boxes. In store aud for sale by febl WEBSTER A PALME-g /"I HATH AM INFERIOR COURT—FJSBKU- \J ARY TERM. I860.-Whereas. James Gugel, James J. Wall, H. 8. Hardwlcke, John D. Jesse, H. Rothschild. Francis J. Cercopely, Tbos, Hernandez and P. Uclbelhouse, summoned to attend the pres ent Term ofthlaCourtas Petit Jurors have made de fault ; it is ordered, that they be fined twenty dol lars each unless they file good and sufficient cause of excuse on or before tbe first day of the next Term or this Court. True extract from minutes. » WM. H. BULLOCH, mare Clerk I. 0. 0. 0. Tl if OR AVlAN AtiD FLOOMsSINQ COt- IU ton—Just received and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, apr26 Congress and Whitaker streots 'VT 0. MOLASSES, landing from schooner -Lx • Abby Francis, and for sale by dec 27 LOCKETT k fc TT'RESH ARRIVALS OF FLOUR.—Fine Log 1 Mills, extra and superfine, Foster’s do do lu 4B, store and for sale by Jan 26 YOUNG. WYATT 4 CO JBFFHR80M UOUBRTN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ga. “ WKLlSTdl WILLIAMS, DBALKK9IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODS. No. 146, Savannah, Ga les. T. WELLS, formerly oMloaufor! Dial. a. 0. THROPHILU3 W1UJAMS, “ Tcrlvrn Co., Os. sept 7 JAMES U. RODOKR-S. .OMES A. NORRIS. RODGRRS A NORRIS, (lato Crone k Rodgers, WHOIjESALE grocers, 1IAY-HTKKKT, SAVANNAH. JilllO 1, 1850, [Jo 201 I>. L. COHEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (ono door East of Drayton Street.) Is prepared to contract for all kinds of buildlug and rnpairiug. Also to couduct wator through the various parts of bouse*. ap U M» FITZGERALD, Corner of Broughton and WlUtaker*StSi, SAVANNAH, GA., S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer »nd Dealer iu every variety of common and fine •HUES, kiln dried and warranted to mlit effec tually the hot damp atmosphere ot* a Southern Cli mate; also Lemon aud Strawbury Syrup, Ac. Terms cash, prices low. _ if—my 11 WM. At'|)LKV COCi'EK. JXO. COLTER FHASKR. COUPKR A FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ray stroot, Savannah, Go. ftnyll JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WHOLESAI.K AND HRTA1L DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. West side Monument Sf(iiare, Savannah, Ga. may 11 A. H. CHAlllPION. (Successor to CUampiou Sc Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard st„ between the Market aud Bay at., . HAVANNAn, GA. Dealer In Groceries, Korolgn and Domestic Liquors, Dried Frulls, iko., ko. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Ksq , Messrs. Kabuu Jc Whitelu-ad, aud Swift &Co., Siivutinuh, Ga. myll HAVANNAH WATER WORKS. HR ADMAN df CO., Corner of Preafdent and Jefreraon-ata*, SAVANNAH, GKOROIA. Are preparod to executo all orders iu Plumbing, and Gas Fitting, on short notice, and in superior stylo^ _tf _ June 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. Largo sized Photographs, ta* ikon by MIIbIbBR, AT TWELVE DOLLAR*! PER DOZEN Also, Ambrolypes and Da* guerreotypes, in his usual su perior style. A call Is solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar'27 cr. St. Juilon-st. aud Market square. CARY’S DAGUEHEOTYPES, AMBRO- typei and Photography* P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro now open for the season, and rea dy tor the reception of visitors. By the Ambrotypx process persons may now have their children’s pictures taken, in almost any por tion they may choose, In from l to 3 socodds sullng, By tho Pbotoorai'hio process old Daguerreotypes can be transferred to paper, beautifully colored and oulurged to life. * oot 22 0. 8. HARRISON. A. 0. MCQEHES HARRISON A McGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Forwarding Merchants. 69 AND 61 BBOAD4TKXET, COLUMBUS, OEOBUIA. tar Particular attention given to the sales or Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. tOT Liberal advances made on Negroes and Mer chandize. RUSE, PATTEN k CO. ) GUNDY k DANIEL,. f-Columbua, Ga. STEWART, GRAYS CO. J Savannah. } ApsUcmoo.. H. S. SMITH, l Mobile, Alabama, oct 23 ly LAND AGENCY. rpHE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, X examine any lauds lu tbe counties of Appling, Wayno, Ware or Coffee, and report to the owner as to their present value, tbe prospect for their be coming more valuable in future, and whether or not there Is being any trespass committed thereon, invariably pledging himself to givo a true aud cor rect account, for which all remittances will be ex pected In advance. He wlU also sell aud remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his care. VERNON C. MCLENDON, my 18 Attorney at law, HomesvlHe, Ga. A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR HOU0K KEEPERS, r lftu Important Item, aud to know where to got exactly what is wanted lsoqually important, call at “KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgaon’a Now Block* Corner of Brough ton and Bull Streets, and you will find everything pertaining to House Kocplug as well as Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood en Ware, and '11 n Ware, Willow Ware, beautiful Water Coolers, Patent Ice Pitchers, Brushes In ovory variety, Bird Cages. Bathiug Tubs, Indeed nearly everything that cuu be call,d for, recollect the place. aprlG IVEftPOOL SALT.—400 sacks, ten to the ion, landing from ship Ell Whltuoy, and tor sale by marlQ PADLFORD, FAY k CO. /~\F EVERY DESCRIPTION executed on the V/ premises by Mr. XOLTJMIER, in tho most su perior manner, all of which will bo lurulshed tbe city or couutry customer on tbe most reasonable terms, and at prices as low as at any other estab lishment ortho kind In the Stato. 8. WILMOT, mayl.'l No. 1 Market square, •yy- I.”MOIiASSE3. MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENPIELD, GA. FACULTY. PRESIDENT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PROFESSORS. College. S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. H. H. TUCKER, A. M., Belles Lett res. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek aud Latin I«anguages. WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A. B., Modern Languages. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD. D. I):, Ecclealastlcal History and Biblical Llteraturo. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic aud Pastoral Theology. Academy* THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. TUe Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday In July. The next Term will commence ou the last Wed nesday in August. The price of Board in the village Is $10 per month; washing, room rout, fuel, Ao., $3. By oraor oftlio Board of Trustees. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND xlTORNEV AT LAW. Office la the Courmouse. my 18 ATTORNEY *AT LJlW, Savannah, Georgia. tGT Office on Bay street, over the Bank of Savan nah. aoyl3 " RTF. COLE Sb BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS, Savannah, Qu., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Com, I R. F. Cole, Bay street, Savanuah. | Commerco »t., Moutg’ry. REFERENCES. Holcomb, Jolinsou, k Co. | Cohens & Hertz. Lockett a finelllngs, | Edwin Parsons « Co., Robert A. Alien, I Scranton, Johnston It Co. SAVANNAH, GA. my 13 WM. L. WKHJi. WM. 8. SAUE. WEBB A SAGS, (SCCCXMSOKS TO CAMERON, WEBB k OO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MXETINQ-3T. OUARLK8TON, H. 0., Will supply Couutry Merchants with Goods iu their line at as low rates as they can buy In New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 iy r.'j.'oQDXM. "wit. HTJJUtTjr. B. U. HARDEE. OGDRN, STARR A CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, aAY-STRKKT. SAVANNAH. QA. vOngb a Frierson; FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 HAV-HTRKRT. SAVANNAH, <M. apr4 VAUENTINE RKUNNEH. WM. hVGKADY. BRUNNER A GRADY. OONTliAOT1NU PLASTERERS, IN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, The Subscribers, thankful for past favors, and re lerrlug to work hitherto done In the city, respocUhl ly auuounce that they will coutiuue to dovote their porsouul attention to tho wants and favora of their frioudH. Orders through the Post Office, or at the residence uf either partnor, promptly attended to. may 17 ly “AT miALPlNliiMOTHEHS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. Sept 5 SAVANNAH, GA. PATTEN, HUTTON A CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bayitrcet, Savannah, Ga. I. LOCKETT. U. D. HNKLUMIR. LOCKETT A SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will atteud to the soiling of all kinds of produce. Strict attention given to rccciviug and forwurding goods. may 31 ly Auction A Commission House, Macon, Ga. A. R. MCLAUGHLIN, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from bfa friends consignments of evory description. Takes or dors for Cotton. 49” Special attention given to the sales of Real Estate, stocks and Negro property, at public and private sales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. mcbSO Wra. MoALLISTHU. MM^Hfonuanrats, Tombs and Grove Stone’s, turn- tehed on reasonable tormH. Orders res- ipectfully solicited. ap!8 4. C. RU8I. 4. H. DAVIS. W. B. LONG. RUSK, DAVIS A LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3AVANNAH, OA. may 80 WAYNETGRBNVILLE'&'CO.r COMMISSION AND iOHWARDLNU I Bay-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 6—tf Savanuah. Chattanooga. C. 0. POOLE, No. 11, WhiUaker Struct, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Suhei, Blluda, Doora, Palnta, OIU, Var nishes, Window Gloat, Putty, Ac. 1 Painters’, Graluers’ and Artlafa’ Bruahesi 'Whitewash Heads and Duatcra, Dry and Mixed Paints of every deacription, Artists’ coiorstlntuboa, PreparedC&nvaaa, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATl’EUNS. Rooms prepared with ueatnosa und despatch.— House, Sigu and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glazing done In the beat style and at moderate prices. AU orders trom the couutry promptly atteuded to. meb 28—ly FRRNCH CHINA, WHITfi* GRAN1TR, AND GLASS WARE. 146 MKKmO BHUOCT. CUARDtSTOX, KOVTH CAROLINA, « The subscribers respectluUy soUclt^^u ! WHARF TO RENT. T>ADELFORD’S Wharf, next west of the low X or Steam Rice Mill, one hundred and fifty ieet front, to rent on reasonable terms. Possession given 1st November next. mnyl2 PAPELFORD, FAY & CO. ■223 hhds of very su perior quality, iu new packages, landing per brig Red Wing, and for sale by apr!8 PAPELFORD, FAY k CO. pOLORED LAWNS AND CAMBRICS.— Just received per steamer Alabama from New York, aud for sule by J. W. THRELKELD, apr!7 Cougross and >Vbitakcr stroels. COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. J JU8T received 5 hhds choice Cod Fish 20 bbls extra No laud No. 2 Mackerel: 10 do oxtra Pickle Herrings, 60 boxes Smokod Horrlugs In store nnd for sale by DAVID O’OONNFR. may 10 Corner Broghton k■ Braytou sfa, B leached shirtings. - 10 cases s-4,7- and 4-4 Bleached Shirtings, dtlVoront styles ust received aud for salo by raarll LADSON k ROGERS. F or hale<- may8 25,000 bushels Corn to arrive. _ _____ YOUNG k WYATT. /CHOICE OLl) MONONOAUELA WHISKY. \J—10 bbls cholco Monongabcln whisky, very old aud puro. Just received per Kcystono Slate, aud for Bale by rnay7 lot CHAS. A. GREINER. L IME—1000 bbls. Lime landing per schooner Malno Law, and for salo by nmy7 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. H AY—GO bales Prime Northern Hay land- lug per brig Phllura. apd for brIo ^ _ uiay7 BRIGHAM, KEIXV k CO. Y^XIU’WtING, iliitting, Window Shades, Vj laco and Muslin Curtains, may be (bund at Hpr28 AIKIN k BURNS. CO-PARTNERSHIP* 1 1HE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered . into co paruiorsbip under tbo firm of FOOTE k JAUDON, for tho transaction or tho Wholesule Dry Goods business. WILLIAM G. FOOTE, my!4 THOMAS J. JAUDON, isACUN HIDES.—8 Casks Clear Hides, just X> received and for salo by may 14 CRANE, WEIsLS k OQ. iiOTATOES^—30 bhlB Potatoes, landing Horn J. sehr W W Fulton, tor Mlo on whsth by JuOb OtlDKN, STARR & CO. Hr ANTED,-EfflctcntandrcayoustWo Agents, VV to trarnl. Hood Inducements offorod. A|iRly to . ALFRED WEBSTER, Oen. Agt. •pro 186 Congrosnst. L ADIES’ FLESH COLORED SILK VESTS ,| ust rocoivod and for salo by apr2l J. W. THHEUCELE._ L adies’ and gent’s gloves.—a mag- nitlcont assortment of ladles’and goat's Talfota Silk Gloves, white aud bluuk, also assorted colors, lust received aud for sale dy marl l LaD80N k ROGERS A superior lot of Hams in U AMS HAMS. apr 2 store, and frr salo by OGDEN, 8TARR k OO. TpLOWER SEEDS.—Just received, a supply JD of no w and choice Flower Beotia, at tho APOTHECARIES’ HALL, apr 4 Cor. Broughton and Barnard ata. ■POTATOES,—100 bbli cholco Mercer Pota- XT toea, landing aud far salt by . dec 29 C AORKNEB I my 12 2m 3. LANDRUM, Secretary. C HAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heidsic Champagno In store and Tor salo by raaylO OCTAVUS COHEN, 500 8A | C ? 9 C0R ^ just received and for tnayl CRANE, WFXLS k CO. 17TH GEORGIA REPORTS. /COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE ;,or, The KJ Joys ond Borrjws of Amorlcan Life. By Mrs. Lee Hentx. Tbo Three Marriages: or Life at a Watering Place. Tbe First aud Second Marriages; or, Tho Courte sies of Wedded Life. India; Tho Pearl or Pearl Rlvor. By Mrs. South- worth. Phllly k Kit. By Caroline Chescboro. Introduction to Social Science. By Geo. H. Cal- vort. Berenice. A novel. Colomba, from tho French of Morlmer. Tbo CUrtstion Life; its Hopes, its Fears, and its Close. By Thomas Arnold, of Rugby School. Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Maziitl, Bbakspoare Papers, Hiawatha, Attache at Madrid, Paris Bights, Boccaccio, Decameron, Widow Bodott, Nupolcon Correspondence, Abbott’s Napo leon, &c., Ac may9 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. from the traveling public, an inspection! of tholr stock of Fronch and English China, in plain white, gold bond, and decorated dinner, dosert, breakfast, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sets and vases. Also, Cups and Saucers, Ac., ot tho celebrated Sevres China. - White Granite of tbe best manufacturers. Rich cut French, English end Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of oruumeuts lu Pariano* Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and others, andStatuetea of tbe Greek Blave, Venus do Medicis, Ac., Ac. They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle for fioora and hearths, of Plain and Encaustic Tlleu. Their stock being very general, carefully selected and imported direct, ofibrs Inducements to merchants ox woli as families, to whom goods will be put up at tbe lowest rates for cash. WEBB A SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb A Co. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT, TTAVING resumed the practice of hisproles- XX slon, offers bis services to his friends and the publte as an Architect aud Superintended. Designs fot any part of tbo country supplied ami executed In all the various branches of his profes sion, such as Publlo Edifices, Storos, Dwellings, Monuments, Ac. Thoroughly Fire Proor btorea de signed and executed. Office at present lu Bay Lone, rear of the Custom House. Jan 3—ly R. U. HILTON* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office corner or Bay and Drayton-at*. 8AVANNAU, OA. my 11 nab. HENRY WILLIAMS* ATTORNEY at law, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly JOHN 61. BIILLEn; ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office at the Court House.) Will practice in the hu|»orlor and Courts or Ordi nary. jon30 ircl>TKlvi j- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and Whitaker Street#. 9AVANMAH. fob 22 gome < 6r|ircm p| ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Uay-st., over Turner A Co’a. Drug Wore SAVANNAH, 0A. nov 10—ly * gSohge TROUP HOWARD* ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bonk. SAVANNAH, GA. nov 10—ly JAMES »i. 8AVA(iE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TUOiUbVlLLK, ntoius OOOTT, OA. All business entrusted to bis care will receive prompt attention. lyr—marl7 ANTIIONVPIcCULLoSi; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. • Office ou Bay street, over tbo Bank or Bavea fab* william riiiLLirST ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1UBIETTA, OA. out 2ft—ly BAvm^TWIEfiir ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8PAKTA, OA. WlU practice lu the couutlea of Hancock, Warreu Washington, aud Baldwiu. RsreKKNOM—Bobu k Few tor, Rabun k Smith, aud E. A. Boullard, Savannah. Jan9 W51. V, CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, toABIOLA, WOKTU CWNTY, OA., (POW OmOt. ALUAM.) Will pracllse In the Boutbern Circuit, and in Macon, Dooly and Worth Couutles of the Macou Circuit. JlST Particular attention given to tbo oollectlou oi claims in South-Western Georgia. Je2—6m tllSlBUNO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lebl-ly iKWixTo.N, oiu LANCE 11 A XHSEHiSiC : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, a]>6-ly _ MACON, OA. _ C7'W. MAURY* ATTORNEY AT LAW, PKAXKLLN, UKARU OO., OA. Will atteud to professional business in tho GuunUee ofllcard, Curroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Men- wether aud Troup. Belorouco—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrauge, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel II. II. ltd well, Fayetteville, Ga.; aud Mr. william Dougherty. Co lumbus, Ga. iepl7-ly W5l~griD*NffiEE7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH. OA. OUlco over Thomas M. Turner k Co.’s Drug atoro, Bay street. my7 4AH. H. HOOK. VKSD. T. TJOUUV, HOOK ds> TE1IEAU* ATTORNEYSATLAW, OANDKBSVILLS, GEORGIA. Will practiso In Washington, Jell'erson, Scrtveo, Burke, Emanuel, Tattuull, and Montgomery of the Middlo Circuit, aud Wilkituou of tho Gcmulgee Ctx- cult. mays Hi WiUT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LA W, A1UUATOH, HAST Y LOUP A. Will practice iu the Eastern ond Southern Counties. Refer to—Col. 8. S. Sibley, and R. U. Hilton, 8»* vauuuli. fob2*tf C11AN.G.CAMF1IELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M1LLKDGKVILU, GA. Practices Law.iu the various Counties of the O03 rnulgeo Circuit, and tho adlohdug Couutles ol Twiggs, Laurens and WashiugUiu. Refer to—John ftohtou, H. <L Crane, and R. B Hilton. febld jAri. W. UKKRN. B. F. SMOOT. GREEN A SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCti’Q TUOMAWON, OA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner qf the U. S. Court qf Clams for the State qf Georgia. Office Corner Bay aud Buii streets. ly my 10 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 UUERlV. BT., One door went oi Drayton, J. W. PATTERSON* myll ATTORNEY AND COLNahLLOR AT LAW, Troup vilie, Lowudes Couuly, Ga. (myll 8. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mouiicello, Jellerson Couuty, Ha. Rulereuce—Hun. W. D. Fudunu. Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD G. WILSON* MAO Ib'fRate, NOTjUIY AND COMMIbdlONER OF DEED.-}. At Messrs. Ward & Owens’ Law Office. tony** ☆ OXiOTBXHTO A, EMPORIUM- 1 DOOK WEST OP THK REPUBLICAN BESDINQ ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hats and Oai», Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Blocks, Handkerchiefs, and Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. Also, Superfine Cloths, 1 asslmers and Vestings, will bo made to men- sure, unexception able lu style and workmanship, by tbe best mechanic!, at shortest notico W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND HILITABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, ter Orders from city and county solicited. Jgtr reb 6 BXKBEiTsHoPT. Pulaski House Barber Shop, Owens' Brick Budding, opposite the Pttlaski House-, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. T HE subscriber, thankful to his fellow-citizeus for tho liberal patronago he has received, nnd Is still receiving, begs respectfully to Inform them that ho has engaged sufficient additional first-eland workmen from some of tbo best Barber Shops lu Now York, aud will bo enabled to accommodate as many gentlemen ns may houor him with their pa- trouago. N. B,—Tho Barbershops aro closed on Sundays— strangers will please bear this in mind. SAVE YOUR MONEY ' CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET, text door to Messrs. J. Dickson fc Co’a. Confec tionary. You wlU there find tho greatest borguius In Shoos ever oflbred In this city. October 16th. 1866. OABKETSt BASKETS!—Wo would call tho X) attontlou of tho ladies to our stock of Work, Travoltug and flno Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment in the city, at tho House Furnishing Storo, 166 Brouglilou-stroot. mar21 HORACE MORSE. UUUW. UUIIUII, MHIHUBI HUU 1UUUW.I * W atteuuon given to locating, purehaaInf and selUog ot town lots In tho town of Baunswlok. Dr R Collins, Uaoonj Dr B U OargUe, Brunswick* Thomas H Harden, Beraunah; Hon James L Mw| ard* Thomas TiUe. JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Bay street, over tho Reading Room of the Republican, entrance Immediately east of Messrs. Price & Vender’*. may 11 WILLIAM H.~ IMSHEIC AffOK.VEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga, WlU practice In Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laureus, aud Pulaski couutles, Georgia; aud iu Jetfersou, Madison, Ham- II ton, and Columbia counties, Florida. [myll wm. m. wuxuans. tiuudkiis ouvkk. jack SHOWN. WILLIAMS* OLIVER A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ruenu Visu, Marion Couuty, Ga., Will practiuu in the counties of Marion, Macou, Houa- tuu, ftti wart, Rumlolph, Muscogee, Lee, aud any adjoining cguutiu*, where their services may be required. myll JOHN It. COCHRANE* ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laureu* county, oa„ lute Junior partner ot the firm of A. & J. Cocidua-b, lrwluton, Ga., wlU attcuu promptly to all busluess entrusted to hia care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr. C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, SavaauaU.myll JESSE T. RERNA1UI* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Newnausviile, Fla. Reference—George L. Brown, William Dell, New- uansvillo, Fla., R. B. Ihlton, Boston k Villalonga, Savannah, Ga. myll HUOM, FliHIUNG di CO., Facloii and Commission Merchants, Ao. 94 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., fpENDEIl their services to planters, merchants X aud dealers, In the sale 01 Cotton aud alt other country produce, fieiug connected in busineos with Hopkjmj, Hudson k Co., ol Charleston, the establish- meat or an offleo lu tills city will afford our friends choice of markets. Strict attention will be given to business, uud the uutiul facilities ailbrded custo mers. J. R. HUDSON, ) W. B. FLEMING, f Savanuah. IsABETH HOPKINS, Augusta, my 11—if COHEN. Cbasleaton. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber. Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Easteru Laths and Pailings, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low far cash, on tho now wharf recently orccted ou tho Lumber Yard or Robort A. Allen k Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, WlU alio give hla attention to designs In Arohitec- ire. Office in the store of John WiUlamsou, E»q., Bay street. »y*8 LAND AGHNOY—Brnnawlek* Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE JEFFERS hteservices to thnpnbllo in thapor- *vrB\. , \X chase and sale of lands in the counties of Al a large lot or the foUowlng articles— Glynn, Wayne, Oamdon, Charlton, Appling, Ware, white and ■ tripod Oanaburga, Columbus Factory, Ooffoo, OUncb, Lowndes and Thomas. Particular — ‘ ■— — 1W GOODS Tho Bubscriber has received mrlt oenwr OengroM end V LEFLEit At WILCOX, DeillliU* OFFICE over Dewitt A Mor gan’s Store on Congress-street, oiler their professional services to the public, confident, from long experi ence ana pust success, that In all cases, they will render entire satisfaction. oct 2 if bENTlSTRY. Dra. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dcuusts, office corner St. Jullen-at. aud Market Square, over 8. Wil- mot’s jewelry store. Office hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 8 to 0. mar 11 com DUSTlefLEIT* WILcOxTDfentlsu. ARE now tolly prepared to in sert fall or partial setts of Teeth on tho principle of Dr. J. Allens’* Pateut continuous Gum, By .this improvement, Uniform of tho fade can be restored to auy degree of rotundity that may be desired. U la applicable iuall cases whore Uie cheeks have fallen iu uad cannot be detected by tho closest observer.— This method combines tho following4 -1 vantages:— Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and life-like appearance, aud Imparts tuthelheetU that peculiar expresaiou which characterize* the na tural organs. . ., . This Gum consists of a 6ilacious compound, which Is applied aud fasod upon tbo Teeth and Plate In suck a manner, as to fill up all the Interstices around the base of tbe Tooth, uud also unites them firmly to each other and to tbo Plato upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness or the Teeth* Offleo over DeWiU k Morgan, Congress strest. */ Republican aud Georgian copy. fab 18—tf BV ELLIS* ** Factor and General Commission Merchant! mo; 71 MT-8run. izvamnih, os., Kxfimto—Uhstb. ClsgborafcCiumtoghira, ML to mum, 0,4m, Slur to C., BsTMUhi J. r. ThMMHto mSm. nor 1