Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 20, 1856, Image 1

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I [ i r < y - VOL. XXXVIII [OLD SEMES.] SAVANNAH, (OA.) TUESDAY,! MAY 20, 1850. NO. 2082. liEOjm & JOURNAL. * TUESDAY.—» O'clock, P. M. (korglAii A Journal Rrmllng Room. , our Heading Room in the Exchange Is freo to nil subscribers to the Daily Georgian 3* Journal, t,i nil contract advertisers iu its coUmmx, to the Clergy of the city and to straugers Introduced i,v either hf these classes—but to none other*. An Error Corrected. In the hurry of peuning the article headed •Savannah and Main Trunk Hallway," which appeared in our morning issue, wo fell into one palpable error. It was in speaking of locating the Main Trunk road on a lino “duo west*’ from live “Initial ‘Point.” The designation in the '/arter of the crossing of the Satillu, “near /ulkcr's Ferry/' precludes, of course, u due nM line. Still we are not certain that the ar- patent is untenable. In running to Walker's Kerry the Main Trunk line, though within twen ty utiles ut the Bnuiswlck survey, is tiot pandlel thereto—so does not, necessarily, we think, come conflict with the rights of that company, lint l*. this us it may—the duty of the friends of this measure is to let it foil, if fail it must, by u 0 fault of theirs. Let them obtain their subscrip tions, organize the company, payiuthellrst installment and then call on the State for hers. If tiov. Johnson shall be coustrained to with, aeld it, the Company can still go on with their work. lookltigto the next Legislature to remedy the evil by umenditig their charter. i'»nt|illmeiu to Snvniumli. The editor of the Cbristiuu Index, lately iti I attendance on the session of the Georgia Baptist I Convention held in Savannah, pays our city the following compliment: • There is not, perhaps, in tho United States, city better governed than this. With a popir I lotion of about '23,000, there is less disorder, and I that which is visible is more efficiently controll ed, than among the same number anywhere | else. Two reasons cau be assigned for this. The citizens ate lovers of good order, and the officers I Firing all offenders to justice. Day and night I the police, some on foot, others on horseback, I go through tho city, which is laid ofT in wards I of such size as to bring any serious outbreuk. 1 hi auy part, within hearing of some one of their I number* 1 . The Republican, of this moruiqg, contains an l.iiiituary notice of Pbtek Alexander, Esq., fa- I tlier of tho seuior editor of that paper, who I died at his residence iu Elbert county, Thurs- I day last, at the advanced age of 73 years. Uc I was born in Virginia, but had been for GO years I a resident of Georgia. Tho obituary (which op I pears over the signature of J. R. S.) says of the I deceased: Mr. Alexander had attaiued to his 73d yeur, I and throughout his long life wus noted for all | those sterling qualities which go to make up the I character of an honest man and a good citizen. I Plain and auostentatious in his habits aud do- | jwtment, he never aspired to the bustle of pub- I lie life, but preferred tbo purer and moregenlai I atmosphere of home, where he discharged with I religious cure, all the weightier duties of hus- 1 laud, father, master, and frieud. He was tiie 1 centre of the affectious of a large family, and, I us their patriarchal head, the dispenser of hap I |»iuess aud comfort to ail who hung upon his [cate. As a man, he was rigidly conscientious; I as a cliristiau, assiduous in his devotions, and iu I'll bis conduct above reproach. Wltat Is thought of Brnniwlck, The Macon Telegraph in noticing the action ■of the Brunswick Company at their meeting ^ wt Thursday, says: It will he seen that everything was extremely l-r-pitious. The Company have determined to fcdht-rc to their old route, regardless of tiie Maiu [Trunk. Tills, we have not a doubt is their true liolicy, if they can carry it out. A road to ffhom isville will give them, to begin upou.a Barge portion of the transportation furnished by ■lour fertile counties in Middle Florida, uupable |*fa tremendously increased production. We |,oliove that no provision of law, or of other loads, can prevent this, as sorroy as we should Be to see the prosperity of Florida roads inter- iered with. Then all the counties of Southern tieorgin in proximity to tho line, will cer tainly find less Railroad transportation aud L-henper shipment at Brunswick than Savanuah Van well furnish them. Iu a word, if this lino ks finished, we believe it will he bound to do a Load transportation business, aud nothing can fall forestal Brunswick as the outlet of the coun ities naturally tributary to tiie road, whatever lliitcral roads may be started, because Bruns- Iwick ought to be tiie cheapest shipping port I'iouth of Norfolk. Other articles in the sutne paper show that ■the author of the foregoing cannot lie charged ■ with beiug prompted to it by prejudice against [this city. in what lie says of the policy of tiie Bruns- | wick company we entirely agree witli him I l or the present, (and probably for some years Ito come the same will be true) Brunswick’s in- Jterest will uotbe promoted by a uuion of her lmad with one from Savannah—thus bringing [tlip former, in the infancy of its commerce, in- competition with the established business I facilities of the latter. She should evude that 1' ompetition until by tiie construction of her to ThomasvlUe, with its branch to Albany land Florida she shall have acquired through liter trade a degree of vigor which will enable | her to encounter It—That is her true policy and tlnH policy she seems disposed to pur- Police Hki’okt.—0. A. LaRoacb, lined live | dollars and costs for neglect of duty. J. T. Linebergcr, violating Sabbath ordi nance; lined five dollars and costs. E. Banders, lined five dollars and costs for | drunkenness. W. 0. Bryan und It. Lewis, fighting in the | streets; fined each tlirco dollars and costs. it Downy, fined one dollar for being drunk. A. I*. Earnest, disorderly conduct; fined three | dollars and costs. Mat. Keating, drank; fined three dollars and I costs. Tub Alleged Insult to American IOfficers by the Trench Minister of [War.-—Thu N. Y. Express is assured I from the very highest authority, one of I the leading men of the Commission, tlmt l‘»o insult was offered to the American offi- J<ei* composing tho Commission. When ■ the wish of the United States Govern | incut was officially made kuown through I l * lf * Comissioners at Paris, it was officially | responded to by tho usual courtesy. The I Commission were ullowed to visit the pla- j* ( n desired, and if not to sec all tho im- jlTovements of war, nil that it was cus- Ihjiimry to show to strangers. They re- Icoivcd permits from tho French Departs Iment of war, for thut purpose, aud a per- l^n was designated to conduct them from 1 )' to place. I, Trying it Now.—“Americans must 1 America!” says the Know Nothing Wmuorm “Yes,” says a contempor ^iluek Hawk tried it in 1832, and me luck beet und tho Flat Heads arc trying now!” J ° Lutcr from l*niiuinn—The RIoU. Late uccniiiiit) from Panama coutaiu the con roaponilonoe between Capt. Bailey of tiie U. 8 aloup-ofAvar N(. Mary'* and tiie Governor of Panama in relation t«» tho late bloody mawinora, of which so many Aincrieun citizens were vie. thus. The day alter Iris arrival Capt. Bailey addressed the Governor the following uote: U. S. Suit* Sr. Mary’s, t Harbor of Puuumu. April *23, 185U. j His Exrellcucy, Don F. do Fubivga, Governor of Pitnnttm: Sir—On tlio loth Inst., sovoral cltlzeiw of the Uuited States, France aud Great Britain, were massacred, others were seriously wounded uud outraged, ami alargeaiuouutof American prop erty whs plundered by the police uud inhabit- unis of Panama and its vicinity. Tho outrages, robberies aiul murders, wore for the most part committed upon iiuiocent and unarmed men. women and children, who wero peacefully endeavoring to pass thin great high way of tuitions. It Is my chief duty to employ tiie force under my coiiuuaml for tiie prompt protection of tiie lives and property of American citizens. An early explanation, therefore, of the causes of this catastrophe, us well as some evidence of your Excellency’s inclination and ability to pre vent such occurrences, is desired by me, in de termining tiie necessity of my immediate inter ference for tiie the protection of the persons und property of the citizens of the United States, until specific orders from my Government shall be received. I urn. respectfully, sir. your obd’t serv't, T*, Commander U. S. Navy. Iu reply to tiie above, says the Aspimvulj Courier of the 2d lust., the Governor endeavors to throw the onus ot originating the “eatastro. phe" upon tho passengers—presents two decla rations, both very erroneous aud much distorted t as proof that tiie culpability lies where lie would place it—urges that ho is doing all he can to so* cure tho protection for the pusseugers hereafter, and asserts tlmt no resident foreigners, would have been molested, if the passengers lmd not taken refuge with them. Allen ugeut of tiie Pacific Mail Steam ship Company, furnished Capt. Hailey witli a statement, duly sworn to. tho conclusion of which is as follows : 1st—tlmt either the attack was directly premeditated,or tlmt organization lmd been per fected amongst the outside population, counte nanced and assisted by certain white natives living iu tho city, of which latter, some wero influenced by jealousy of the foreigners, and others by nuiuiosity to and Jealousy of the rail road company—’which organization was to bo used tip.ui occasions such as wus otlfered on tho triglit of the 15th, and was for tiie purpose of destroying railroad uud steamship property, ac quiring plunder, uml shedding blood. 2d—tlmt there exists within tiie walls of Panama a class of natives, composed of both whites and blacks, who exert their iulluetico to preserve order ami the supremacy of the laws— who, while they are opposed to the foreigner possessing equal rights with themselves, en deavor to give him tlmt protectiou which all civilized countries iu tho present age grant him, und to which lie 1ms acquired a right by payment of taxes. 3d—tlmt tiie police of the State, when called upon the ground to quell the riot, instead of placing themselves between the rioters, took putt witli the strongest. 4th. Tlmt the Governor of tiie State, instead of quelling tho riot, by driving back his own rnople beyond tho reach of any firo that might mve been coming from the passengers, or ad vancing iris police to tho front and between the rioters, allowed himself to give the fatal order to udvunce und take the station, from which ho supposed, from vague rumors, there was firing. otli. That the Governor not ouly was unable to restrain his countrymen, lint was forced by them to join them iu their attuck on the unarm ed uud defeii-.eless passengers. Oth. That the Governor was unable effectual ly to suppress the plunder tlmt accompanied the riot. 7th. That the authors of tho massacre were tne police force, and that the major part of tho massacre occurred during their attack upon the station and grounds; that the police, alter ob taining complete possession of the station, in cold blood, killed defenceless passengers, crying for quarter, and that they also assisted iu acts of pluudcr. 8th. That the Governor, after ordering his po lice to advauce and take tiie station, left the ground and returned to the city, thereby leav- ng the pusseugers, their property, and that of the Railroad aud Steamship Companies to the mercy of an infuriated mob and police force. Utli. That when the Governor ordered his po lice to advauce and take tiie station house’, there was no firing from said house. 10th. That there was no tiring trora the rail road station house during the whole evening, as has since becu shown by the survey held by re spectable persons on said premises. Tills statement was enclosed to tiie Governor, between whom und Capt. Hailey there followed a further correspondence by no means satis, factory to the latter. Wo take the following para graphs from his concluding note : I hud expected,when asking information as to the causes of the frightful occurrences of the 15th Inst., tlmt apurt from tiie immediate origin of the tulmult, you would have deemed it due to yourself as the Chief Magistrate of this com munity, to state why and wherefore you under took the fearful responsibility of ordering your police to lire upon my countrymen, women and clriidrden, and to state what steps you had taken to punish the guilty uud restore the plun der. S3 Ten days have elapsed since tiie eatastropho, and I have yet to learn that u single criminal lias been arrested, or that any portion of the immense* amount of valuables taken from tiie passengers ami Hail lioud Company bus been returned. I have yet to loam that when a riot or colli, sion shall take place between foreigners on tho ouc side und natives on the other, you recognize any higher obligation on your part than to pro tect and uBsist the latter jind to disarm, murder* maltreat und plunder the former. The deduction, 1 regret to state, ailbrds me little assurance of tiie safety of tho transit for the future, unless your Excellency shall devtee some most speedy nud efficacious method for rendering them uufortunate!'*elements’Tless'*he terogeneous’’ hereafter. 1 urn, witli tiie force under my commaud,but from eight or ten days removed from communi cation with my government, and am therefore bound to submit to their judgment the manner iu which tiie fearful accountability that you have incurred shall he investigated, und to their discretion tiie indemnity thntsliall be demanded for tho past, and security for the future; mean while, 1 shall do all in my power to avert any danger that may occur to the transit passen gers, from whatever quarter it may conio, and under every emergency. In directing my first communication to your Exccllcucy, 1 hud no desire to listen toapologies for certain parties or certain acts, but an earnest wish to know what you did towards punishing the parties concerned iu the frightful utroclty. I wanted not sophistry, but action—the names of tho criminals arrested—tho officials dismiss ed—and sonic allusion to plunder restored. That I have uot been thus gratified, I have no reason to doubt, arises from tiie fact that you deem tiie origin of tho affair n sufficient justifi cation for its frightful conclusion. I shall here take leave of your Excellency as a coircspondent, und shall have tho honor to submit your two communications to my govern ment, presuming that they will uot bo more sat isfactory to them than to me. I mil, respectfully, sir, your ob’t serv't, (.Signed) T. Hailey, Commanding, U. 8. N. We wopo (with tho New Orleaus Crescent) that the next correspondence lietwcen tiie Cap- tuin and tho Governor will bo -unless indemni ty for tiie past and security lor tho fijturo is fur nished—of u heavier nature than “paper pel lets.” Tho Captain, doubtless, would prefer shot aud shell. News from Port au Prince.—Hy tho arri val of Hark Clara Windsor, Capt. this port, wo have received advices from Port au Prince, to May 2. In consequence of tho grout rains, tho place has bccutno healthy, and the fever has entirely disappeared. The 0. W. lias not had ncaso of sickuoss elthor while lying in port or during tho passage. Coffee is very scarce, and not much to ho had at any price. Doubloons, $288,200,--New York Herald qf Saturday. Ohio and Mississippi Railroad.— The Cincinnati papers aunounce tlmt Messrs. Aspiuwall and associates, com prising the New York Company, arrived in that city a few days ago, aud on Satur day signed the contract which transfers to their possession the sole control of the affuirs and franchises of the Ohio and Mis sissippi Railroad until completed and equipped. It is expected that by this arrangement the cars will be running to St. Louis withiu twelve months. California Delegates.—*). L. Brent, Dr. Buel, and #T. R. Hill, delegates from California to the Cincinnati (Dem.) Con vention, and Mr. Hitchcock, K. N., dele gate, arrived in the George Law. # Nicaragua Frvfr at the South.—A dispatch from New Orleans says, the recog nition of Padre Vigil has given quite an impetus to the Nicaragua fever. The South is alive with interest on the subject. 'Phe Daniel Webster will probably sail on the 22d with plenty of recruits for Walker. Suit for Damages.—The Quebec, Cunuda East, Colonist says that T. J. Tusehcreau, advocate, has eutcml an action of damages against the directors of the Turnpike Trust, on bchulf of the six orphan children of Cole, who wus killed by the falling of the suspension bridge at Montmo- renei. Damages laid at £1000. Acquitted.—-The Secretary of War has approved the finding of the court of inquiry “that tho honor, und integrity of First Lieut. Willard, eighth regiment of infantry, ure entirely unlmpcached by the charge that ho hud niadeun improper use of the public money.” [From tho Macon Tolcgmph.J Tin Central Railroad and It. Manage ment* We Unve read neither tho Scrlvcn county at tack, upon, nor the defence of tho officers of the Control Railroad Company, because, of n o truth, the affairs of that Contpauy have been managed with so muchsuccexs and so little fuss, for so long a time—it has maintained universal ly so good a name with the travelling public, and paid Its dividends so regularly, that paper pellets against these substantial evidences of good management, are like the horse pistol shot of one or Scott's heroes against Impenetrable battlements of Edlnborough Castle. It Is a foot commented upon often by Southern bound trav elers, that, at Baltimore and Washington, with occasional exceptions, you take leave of nicely kept cars and locomotives and strike them ngaln In Georgia. No road In the Union, wo think, ean present better evidences of care and good management In these respects than the Central; and a ride over the road last week, by daylight, In which wo had, for the first time, a good op portunity to notice the condition of the track and of all the arrangements, so gratified us, that we take a real pleasure in speaking of them. The cars, we noticed, were built by the com pany In Savannah, and were very nnndsome, comfortable and strong—having a double floor filled between to deaden the sonud and enclose the flooring timbers, so ss to present the addi tional safeguard of a smooth surface to any ob stacle which might come In contact with the bottom of the car- The track Is In unexcep tionable order throughout—smooth and Arm—- the bridges and culverts all In lino condition— the ditches clear and unobstructed—the excava- vatlons and embankments In excellent preser vation—the underbrush through alt the distance nicely cleared away, and the company Is busy with permanent improvements. From tho 100 mile station to Macon, we learn all the oldwood- en station houses ore to be replaced with sub stantial brick buildings. One fs already comple ted, and another isnow being roofed. The road is a proud monument of Georgia intelligence and enterprise, and, beyond a peradventure, Is destined to go on In Increasing usefulness and prosperity to the end of time. Nor ought we to omit In this notice the gentlemanly officers of the trains, who, without exception, we fonnd as pleasant, attentive and courteous as could pos sibly be desired. Nkws raon Bubxuda.--Our flics from Ber muda are dated to May 7. Her Britannic Majesty's ship Powerful, eighty- four guns, arrived from Havana on the 4th Inst. The British war brig Arab arrived the same day. The Royal Gazette, of the 7th Inst., says :— Three whales have been taken by boats belong ing to the east end of the island. We regret to hear that the potato crop, now being dug, will prove a short one. The unusual ly Inclement winter which hasjnst passed away committed very serious haven among the fields of potatoes, and In some places the ground was quite denuded of the growing orop through the high winds and very chilly temperature that prevailed. Borne planters will not reap one- fourth, and others not a fifth of the quantity they raised last year. The arrow root crop is also much less than the returns of the last aud preceding yearn.—N. Y. Herald. Emigration to Kansas—A Voire of Warning. [From the National Era.] The friends of Free Kansas In the North are acting unwisely. They are staking too much on the Presidential election. They are lulling the restless North to sleep, and lashing the In dolent South to action. They are talking too much and doing too little. The South is beat ing the North at tts own old and favorite pas times ; planting colonies, shrieking for Union, extending the area of mint juleps, die. If the Republican party triumph, they say Kansas willhe saved to Freedom. Butirit fs defeated, what then? Shall the Slave Power K essess It ? Shall the fate of the countless mil- ons of men who are destined to live between Missouri and the Paelflo be afiheted for genera tions to come by the unccrtaja result of a politi cal campaign! V Appeal to the young men of the Northern States to emigrate to Kansas without delay, to insure by their presence and their votes, the im mediate triumph of Free labor In that vast and fertile Territory. Hitherto, the Southern emi gration to Kama, (ihit Spruit) hat doubled, if not trebled, the emigration from the North.— There is no doubt orthls fact. James Reopatu. Bxporlvil In-iliiy Exported to dale Stock an hand not cleureil 184,950 '* FRIDAY, Hay 16-12 ». Corrox—There has been some liiipUry Hits' moro ns, hut It bolus known ut au early hour that till- AslaV nuws was lit towu, very little has been done os yet. Tnlucco—12 Idols were sold ut Oil, uud 20 at V/, cents. Smalt—Firm at yesterday’s advance. Mot-tssks—Orleans redded ts ill sued request, aud prices have boon put up to 42u lor bids, a ill 4uc for ‘■alf bhls. Flour—M’c uotico sates ut’ 400 bhls St- Louis lor shipment nt $0; 166 Fancy at $6 67/], aud (last evening) 48a St. Louis nt $0 « bbl. Coax—Stuck light, and prices hlsher. Sales 120C sacks at 48c, und 614 (466 and 1211 ut the udvuuocd rato of 60c. Oats—600 sacks St. Louis tuken at 68, ami 20U ut 260 per bushel. Ilian—Firm. Mess retailing at *10 60a*10?6,uml 166 bids sold Iu ono lot at 416 60. Bacox—lo cuses eloar sides sold ut 6d, uud some ribbed at Fannins—Cotton to Liverpool ?(d. Tho deficiency bill haB been approved by tbo President. Tts aggregate of ap propriations amounts to about $4,200,000. A Heavy Business.—Tbo town of Winchendon, Moss., is more largely en gaged in the manufacture of woodenwurc than any other piuce in tho country. They furnish annually 1,560,000 pails, 240,000 tubs, 15,000 churns, and 1,000,000 toy pails, that have a total value of $360,000, or about $1000 a day, including Sundays, through the year. Glimatio Phenomena.—A correspon dent of tho Smithsonian Institution at Fort Clarke, Alachua county, Florida, writes that it ta a remarkable feature of tiie climate of that place that it is entirely exempt from storms or high wind—none having been known for thirty years. The storm which caused so much destruction in 1854on the coasts of South* Carolina und Georgia, was there only a stiff breeze. Both north uud south of Fort Clarke, high winds are common. A New Heibesb.—The wealthiest heiress in England at this time 1b Hiss Jones Loyd, daughter oi Lord Overstone, the banker. She has just come out and created an immense sensation at the last “drawing room.” This wealthy young ML—N. Y. Times. AuMv OrncEns Cashiered.—The Pre sident, says the Star, has confirmed the sentence of the reueut courts-martial con vened in the eases of Capt. t Urns. K. Travis of the second regiment of Cavalry, and Second Lieut. Win. B. Reynolds, of tho sixth Infantry, C. S. A. The sentence of the former was dismissal from the service for conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentle man. Beynolds was sentenced to be cashiered, which sen tence the President has directed to take effect on tiie 9th of May inst. Tiie election of a U. S. Senator, from California, has been defeated, for this rea son, the legislature (which adjourned April 21st.) refusing to go into joint bal lot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Commercial Intelligence. Savannah Mui-ket, May Ml). COTTON —TIicrt* w>-ro mi salt's of cuttoii thi- moraln«. Exports. ANTWERP—8lti|i Ainllniii—433.e5« Toot luinhi-r. 1 must, lO.lUli loot |i|-.tnk .NEW ORLEANS, Muy 15.—Corrox—The inquiry bus HKuitt been good to duy, uud us (actors Imvo beun dUjHtsed to moot tile viuwsol buyers, 10,000 bales have changed bunds at ubout the rungooi'onr quotutions. UVKKPOOL CLASSIFICATION, Inferior I Middling Fair.. 113/a— Ordinary 8 ad,'4 | Fair 12 a— Middling l»»aalu»,' I Good Fair nominal. Good ull*4 | Good uud Fine, uouiinui. 8TATXMKXT OF COTTOX. Stock on hand 1st September, 1856 bales 40,282 Received since l,»W5.7l:J Received to-duy 2,045—1,088,658 1,728,8H0 1620 1.642,414—1,548,034 pipping Intelligence. Port of Savannah MAY 20 Arrived. HUM ifteamsUlp Florida, Woodlmll, New York, witli mdzo aud passengers to Fadelford, Fay & Co. .Sunday, lo 60 a m, hit 37 23, Ion 74 46, pussod steamer Cuhawlm, bourn! north; sumo day, 7 60 p m, oirBodily Islond. exchanged signals with stouin- ship Nashville, for New York. ^teamaUlp Keystone State, Hardee, Philadelphia —C A Greiner. On the I8U1, at 4 p m, off Cape Haile rah - , exchang ed signals with steamship Nashville from Charles, ton for New York; at 7 p m, exchanged signals with steamship State of Georgiu. from Charleston for Philadelphia. Sclir Lookout, Butler, New York, in ballust, to .1 F Helot. ’ Steamer Gordon, Barden, Charleston—J p Brooks. Cleared. Ship Sardiula, Houston, Antwerp—Weber A; Bru. Steamer Weluka, King, Palntka, kr— Claghorn Cunningham. Departed, Steamer Weluka, King, Palatka. Memoranda. Boston, May 16—Cld brig Julia Ford, Jacksonville. FOKK1UX POM*. Liverpool, April 28—Arr ship Yauguard, Norton, Savaunah. Consignee*. Per steamship Keystone State, from Philadelphia Butler & Friersou, Urighaiu, Kelly & Co, Brautk-v Si Co, E E Barie, W W Buldwlu, Helm & Foster, Dr 11 C Berrieu, Claghorn k Cunningham, Cohens & Hertz D O’Gounor, .1 H Curler, Crane, Wolls k Co. M A Co- lieu, J P Collins, O Cohen, M Cummings, G \V Davis, Dr W C Daniels, W Duncan, W G Dickson, W D Eth eridge, Franklin k Brantley, Giles k Co, C A Greiuer G Gomenden, Holcombe, Johuson k Co, W Hale, F W Hoadmau, II Morso, Harndou’s Express, Hunter & Gammell, U H Johnson, O Johnson k Co, Lyuu k Snider, CAL Latnar, H H Llnvllle, Jos Llpinauu, W W I.iticolu, A Low k CO, S M LaiJlteau, Minis A John son, 8 A McCloskey, McMahon k Doyle, Moore A Co Ogdeu, Starr 4:0o, Patten, Hutton k Co, Parsons k Co, E J Purse, H Rothschild, Ru3e, Davis k Long, F J Roa’enberg, Rosenberg k Weigaud, I) k W Roso, J Ryan, M .1 Kullly, Swift k Co, Scruuton, Johnson & Co, A A Solomons, Tiaon S: Mac Way, \Y P Voltmn, A Welghlen, Wayne, Grenville * Co, Waruock k Davis Webster k Palmes, Way Ik Taylor, Wood & Co, WT Williams, W H Wiltborger. Young, Wyatt d Co W P Yonge. Per stoamship Florida, from New York—H N Aldrich, E C Anderson, Brigham, Kelly k Co, Butler & Frierson, A Blumcnzwelg, Belm & Foster, N K Barnum,.! A lir-twn. A Boimud, G Brown k Co, M Bateson, H Bozollo, Claghorn & Cunningham, M A Cohen, Chaffer & Co, Crane, Wells k Co, Carter k Co, Cohens k Hertz, W Cox, A H Cbnmglou, J E ItoFord, W O Dieksnn, Dana k Washburn, IV I) Kill- orldgo, Franklin k llruutly, J O Duval, S H Fisko, E Fitzgerald, J Foley, Footo k Jauduu, Gray Bros, Gilbert k Tilden, W W Goodrich, W H Guion, Miss D A Gardner, Win Hulo. Harden’s Express, A Haywood FW Headman, lluntor & Gammell, G H Johnson, G 8 Harding, J D Josso, King k Suns, H Inthrop k Co, Lockott k t$»olllug8, Lynn k Snider, S M LafUtoau M Luvin, J \\ Lathrop. CAL Lamar. N Lyon, Moore & Co, I) Mallett k Co, T McKenna, T W Morrell, W II May, E Molynoux, Novitt, lathrop & Rodgers, John Nicholson, G S Nichols, Ogdon, Starr k Co, Patton, Hutton k Co, E Parsons &Co, Pierson, Heidt 4s Co, Dr J A Park, Ruse, Davis tfi Long, Roblusou & Camp, A A Solomons. John Sherlock A: Co. C Smith, Scran ton, Johnson k Co, W A Thomas, E F Wood & Co, N B k H Weed, Wayno, Grcouvlllo k Co, Wav k Taylor 5 Wllmot, Waver * Constauthio, Dr F P Willis, W T Williams, Waruock & Davis, W H Wiltborger k Co, Youug, Wyatt & Co, Young k Frierson, Per steamer Gordon, Barden, from Charleston— C RR, Florida Boat, Young, Wyatt k Co. A S Hurt- ridge, Hardee k Co, Miss Roberts, J Fuchs, Crugcr 6 Wade, Boll & Prentiss, Scruuton, Johuson k Co, E J Black, Verstlllo k Frlorson, Ijdbrop k Co, ,1 Manl- Passengers. Per steamship Florida, from New York—P Hay, G W Wardwoll and lady. W H Farrell and lady, J I. Hathuway. C A BoBwortii, Isaac Blumcnkrou, Tho.s Brown, W Bailey, E Phelan, H Grossmuyer, and 13 steerage. Per steumsilip Koystouo State, from Philadolphia- L McIntosh, W Brnlnard, M Carrier, Dr J Jones, R Smith, 31188 Vau Patton, 3Irs Van Patten, II B Ray, Mrs Irwin k Daughter, A Auferman, lady nud two cbildrou, B Field, J Noble, aud 2 stecrugo. Per stoamor Gordou. Barden, from Charleston— Capt Lovett, E J Blacd, W Morrell, J Arkwright, J B! Cleapor, E Grubor, C H Taylor uud lady, D Haywood, R Dovliu, Church, Miss Stiles, F Nlsson, and 8 nogroos, J .Swocuoy, E W Cablo, A Webster, J O Brandi, J WHolmoa, W W Smith, and 6 dock. PERIODICALS, P UTNAM’S Monthly Magazine for May. Frauk Lesllo’s Gazette of Fashions for May. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Itovlow for April. Received and for sale by may 10 WARXOCK k DAVIS, 169 Congress Rtreot, M GLASSES k GIN- 120 bhls Now Orleans Molasses; 76 bbls Phelps’ Giu. For sale by maylO OCTAVU8 COHEN. Sacred Concert. A sacred"" concert . Will be given in CHRIST CHURCH, FRIDAY EVENING, May Dit, 1850, For the Bouellt of tho Urphau’s Homo, oftheEpisco. pal Church Tickets SI etch; to be hud nt the Bookstores or Col. Williams and Messrs. John M. Cooper At Co., and at the door on tho ovciiiug of the performance. Doors ofieu at V# o’clock; concert will commence at 8.o’clock precisely. *** Morning jwpers copy. uiuy2<i r "•-WXN'iraD; B Y it quiet single gentleman, a comfortable room, with board, in a private futnlly. Bust of city roforouco given and required. Please uddrers A. B. C., this ofllcp. 2t |,: tnay2« /CHAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine lleitlslc VJChamimgno In store amt for sale by maylO 17TH GEORGIA REPORTS. /COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE; or, Tlio yj Joys and Sorr iws of American Lllb. By 31rs. Lee Houtz. The Three Marriages; or Life at a Wutering Place. Tho First aud Secoud Marriages; or, The Courte sies of Wedded Life. India; The Pearl of Pearl River. By Mrs. skiutb- worth. Phllly k Kit. By Caroline Cheseboro. Introduction to .Social Science. By Geo. 11. Cal vert. Berenice. A novel. Colombu. from the French of Merimer. The Christian Life; its Hopes, its Fears, audit* Close. By Thomas Arnold, of Rugby School. Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Maziui. Sbakspeuro Papers, Hiawatha, Attache ut Madrid, Purls Sights, Boocueciu, Decameron, Widow Bodott, Nupolouu Correspondence, Abbott's Napo leon. kc., ko mayy W. THORNE WILLIAMS. O ASSETS! BASKETS!—Wo would call the J_) utteutiou of tbo ladies to our stock of Work, Traveling and due Fuuoy Baskets, the largest assort ment In tho city, at the House Furnishing Store, 165 Broughtou-slrect. mar2l HORACE .MORSE. LAND AGENCY-Uruuswlrk, Gn, EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS his services to the public in tiie pur* chose aud sale of lauds In the cuuuri«s oi Glyuu, Wayne, Oumdou, Ohurllou, Appling, Ware, Coffee, Clinch, Lowndes uud Thomas, Particular atteutiou given to locating, purchasing and selling ot town lots iu the towu of Bauuswick. KKFEBKXCKNt Dr R Collins, Mucou; Dr B 31 Oargile, Bruuswlck* Thomas H Hardou, Svvuuuuh; Hou Janies L tn-w! ard, Thoinasville. B ALLAST.—75 tons Stone Ballast, fomleyb mar4 ROWLAND k 8ON. A TLANTIO LEAD—Constantly on hand . and for sale at CHAFFER k CO.’s, »l»r30 No. 0 Whitaker street. M ARBLE Mantels constantly on hand, and Tor sale on fkvorablo terms by dec 16—6t CHAFFER ft CO F RESH MUSLINS.—A few mom of those figured Lawns at 12)4 cents. Received per late steamer from Now York, and tor sale hy J. W. THRELKELD, may 16 Congrats and Whitaker streets. MERCER UNIVERSITY. PKNFIELD, GA. faculty. PKKS1HKXT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. I'KOVKSHOKH. College* S. I*. .SANFORD, A. M.. Mathematics. J. K. WILLKT, A. 31., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. II. H. TUCKER, A. 3!., Belles Li tires. U. W. WISE, A. 31.. Greek and Latin Languages. WILLIAM G. WOODFIX, A. lb, Modem languages. Then lout cut Seminary. X. 31. CRAWFORD, D. D:, Kedoidnnicul HDtory und Biblical Lltornlure. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., S.vrip)malic aud Pastoral Theology. Arntlt'iuy* THOMAS A. SEAL'S, Principal. The Commencements hold on the last Wednesday iuJuly. Tho next Toon will commence on the last Wed nesday in August. The pricu «d‘Board in tho village is $10 per month: wurihiug. room rent, fuel, Ac., $3. By order of the Hoard of Trustees. my 122ui S. LANDRUM, Secretary. WHARF TO RENT. P ADELFORD’S Wharf, next west of the low or Steam lUee Mill, one hundred and fifty tool trout, to rent on mtriouable terms. Possession given 1st November next. may 12 PAPKLFORD, FAY k_CO. COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. J J UST received 5 hltda choice Cod Fish ’20 bbls extra No land No. 2 Muckorel: 10 do extra Picklo Herrings, 50 boxes Smoked Herrings in store DAVID O’CONNFU. Corner Broghton & Bruyton sts, and for suit* by may 10 OCTAVUS COHEN, 500 SACKS CORN just received and for may7 CRANE, WELLS k CO. JOHN lilLBO, Ordinary of Cliattium County, AND aTTORNKV AT LAW. Office in the Court House. myifi AN-fllONY HlCtlUIMl, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 9ST Office 011 Bay itreet. over the Bank of Savon nub. inaylU It. F. COLE St, BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah. Oa„ and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. C01.K, I R. F. Cols, Hay street, .Savannah. J Commorcorit., Momg’ry. e IIF.KKKKNCKS. llolcomb, Johnson, A Co. I Cohens k Hertz, iaHikt-u A: SueUlugs, | Eilwiu Parsons k Co., Robert A. Allen. | tfcruuton, JoliUHtuu k Co. SAVANNAH, «A. Iliyl3 WM. I.." WKIlil. WM. M.SAdK. WEIIU Oi SAGE, (ril-W?K*riOH>li» CAMHUI.S, WKJlIt ft OO. I Ml'OUTERS OK CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MKKT1NG-HT. CHARLESTON, 8. 0., Will supply Country Mercluiuii with Goods iu their line ui as low rates us they can buy in New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 ly r. j. oitiiKN. wm. sTAnit, jr. h. h. uakukk. OGDEN, STARR Hi CO., .Shippiug aud Commission Merchunta, BAV-STRKKT. SAVANNAH. GA. YONGE & FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. U4 ItAV-hTUKKr, HAVaXNAll. IU. apr4 VAUJtNTINK IIKUN'NKU. WM. II. GlUtlV. BRUNNER «fc GRADY. (JON'FKACTIN’(i PLASTlOltERS, IN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, The Subscribers, tliaiikfitl for jiast favors, and re fuvrlug to work hitherto dono In the city, respeuUhl ly umiumico tlmt they will contluue to dovoto their personal utteutiou to the wunts uml favors of their friends. Orders through the Post Office, or ut Urn residence «f either partner, promptly attended to. may 17 ly A. 61 UtUiTIlttitS, Lumber, Mill aud Brick Yards. »ept 0 SAVANNAH, G A. PATTEN, HUTTON At CO., FACTORS. Forwardiug and Commission Merchants, Bay-strict, Savannah, Ga. s. i.ockirn'. n. — 1 •Ts.vklun»is. LOCKETT & SNELL1NGS, COMMISSION MKKOHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Gu. Will attend to the selling of nil kiuds of produce. Strict atteutiou given to rccciviug uud lorwurdiug goods. muy 31 ly A.uctioii & Commission House, Macon, da. a» u. McLaughlin, Guuuntl Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends couslgnmouts of every desci iption. Takes orders for Cottou. Itir Special atteutiou given to tiie sales el' Uuul Esnuu, .Stocks and Negro property, at public aud private sales. returns and disjHitch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. mch3U ~wm. McAllister. WHITE GOODS.' T^NGLI8H Cambrics, plain and checked; Jiu*- -1_J ouets, Bwiss Muslins, plain, plaid und dolled ; Victoria Iawiis aud NanisookMuslins, Bobiuot laice, plain and figured, iu great variety. For sale by my 13 FOOTE ft JAUDON- O CHECKS AND DENIMS. ASE8 Apron and Furniture Cheeks. Bales Blue Duuiius for sale by my 13 FOOTE ft JAUDON. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. “* C EASES $1 i aud 4-4 Bleached Shirtings nud J LoiigC’loUis. For solo by my 13 FOOTE ft JAUDON. T EAS—6 chests of Jealous A C'o.’s celebrated Tea, In % >£ aud lib packages, received per steamer Keystone State. For sale by mayl9 J^a. BROWN. H AVANA SEOARS--30,0i)0 cholco iiavanft Segars—Conchas, La Ksmeraldu, El Orysol, Excelsors, Rio HouUo, Caiitaiti Aicliorn, J-i 'l.iel, Jouu Hmlih, and various other bruuds, imported tli- reetby me, aud for sule at the lowest cash prices. maylO J. A. DROWN. A pples a potatoes— 10 bhls Choice Morcer Potatoes; 25 lf Rilririett Apples. For sale by muyUi _ _J. A. BROWN. P “ RESERVES A JEUilES- 25 doz ) 4 ‘. }f, und lib boxes Guuvu Jelly; f» “ boxes West ludiaSweetmeaLs; 10“ “ Guava Mamulmlt; A full assortment of American Preserves aud Jel lies. For salo by maylO J. A. BROWN. HARPER FOR JUNE. - UARPER’S New Monthly Magazine for June. XI The Flower Garden; or, Break's Book of Flow- ers, in which are described all tho various hardy horlmccous poreniuls, anuuals, shrubby plants, aud overgreon trees, desirable Tor ornamental purposes, with directions for their cultivation. By Joseph Brock. Also more of Kruost Lluwood. By 31rs, Caroline Lee Hcutz. I-otters from the United .States, Cuba and Canada. By Hou. Miss Murray. The Sung of Hiawatha. By Henry IV. Longfellow. Reculloctlous of the Table Talk ot' Samuel Kojin 1 *, to which Is added Porsouiaua. 3!iss Lesllo’s Now Rcceipes lor Cooking. For sale by WAKNOCK ft DAVIS, Booksellers uud Stationers, maylO 159 ftongress street. flUBA MOLASSES—The cargo of the brig U. B. 1 aw ton, ot' superior quality. For sale by maylO 3t PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. ’ QTRI P ED EMBROIDERED COLORED Lawns.—Just received and for sale by J. \Y. THRELKELD, muy!3 Congress and Whitaker streets. A SUPERIOR article of Colored Muslins, all colors.—Just received und for eulo by J. W. THRELKELD, maylO Congress aud Whituker streets. pOTTON Shambrays from 12$t«25 cents.— Just received and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, maylO Cor. Congress and Whitaker ata. QUPERIOR WHITE BRILLIANTES.—Just 13 received and for sule by J. W. THRELKELD, maylO Congress and Whitaker streets. HARRISON’S COPYING FLUID POSSESSES the following advantages over L all otlier copying inks:— It doos uot offset or smear written in account books. It Is perfectly limpid and (lows readily from iho steel pen. It gives three legible copies. It retains its copylug properties Tor mauy weeks after tho writing Is executed. Blue Black Writing Fluid Is iutendoii to replace the inferior black Inks, aud all other writing fields now In uso, which It surimss- os in every respect. It writes a clear brilliant BIuo. It changes to a Jet Black in twenty-four to torty ight hours. It is the uiOMt ponuuueot Ink ever made. It is perfectly Auld and free from Impurities. It doos not corode steel pens. For salo by WAKNOCK ft DAVIS, may 10 160 Congress street. Ished ou reusouublo terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. aplS J. Kl'SK. J. U. DAVIS. W. U. LONG. RUSE, DAVIS A LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r’AVANNAH, GA. may 30 WA YNE, GRENVILLE A CO., FACTOKS. , , OfMMl.S^lUN AND KORWAHIUNG MERCHANTS, /la y-si reel N'a wunah. THUS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GKEN VILI FI, - R. ALEX. WAYNE. W. T. SAMPLE, jy 0—tf Suvaminb. Cliattanouga. C. O. POOLE,*" No. U, Whittaker Street, (two doors from liryau,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALER IN Sashes, till mis, Doors, Paints, Oils, Vai- iilshc-s, Window Glass, Putty, ftc. Paluters’, Grulners’ uud Artists' Unuhos; ya’jMjWhitL-wudli Heads aud Dusters, Dry aud Mixed faints of every deseriptiuu. Artists’ colors iu tubes, Prepared Cuuvusri, fte. PAPER HANGINGS, BURPEHS AND FIRE BOARD PATl’ERNy. I (oolite prepuved with neutucss uud despatch.— House, Sign aud Ship PamUug, Uildiug, Grainlug uuvl Glazing done iu the best style and ut moderate prices. All orders troui the couutry promptly attended to. FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, AND GLASd WARE. 146 MKST1NU hTRRKV, CHAHUWroX, SttVTU CAKOUXA. The subscribers respectfully solicit ■- from the traveling public, uu iuspeciioul of their stock of Freucli aud English China, iu pluiu white, gold bund, and decorated dinner, desert, broaklust, leu, toilet, teto-a- tele sets and vases. Also, Cops and Saucers, ftc., oJ tlw celebrated Sevres CUluu. White GrauUeut ilm bust muuufuclurers. Rich cut Freucli, English uud Uobeiniuii Glass. They have u variety of ornunieuts in Purisiuw Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, uud others, Hint Statuotes of the Greek Ma\e, Venn.- dt- Medieis, ftc., ftc. They have also a beautiful, durable aim cheap arti cle lor Ilnurs und iieurths, of Plain uml Em-ausllt- Tiles. Their stock being very general, carefully selected ami imported direct, oilers iiiduceiueutri 10 mcrcliuUls us well as luinili'es, to wlium goods dill be pul up at the lowest rales inr cu-li. WKBU ft riAGK. Iniporiors, successor.' to (Jumerou, Webb ft Co. J OH N SV '¥0Kills, ' architect, H AVING resumed tho practice of his profes sion, oilers bis services to bis friends uud the public us uu Architect aud Kuporiulwmleiil. Designs lot any part of the country supplied ami executed in ull the various branches of Ins proles- sion, such as Public KdiUces, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, ftc. Thoroughly Fire Proof Stores m.- signed ami executed. Office at present iu Buy Luue, rear *»f tbo Custom House. juu 3—ly ☆ OX,OTHI»T& \ EMPORIUM. H 1 POOR WKST OF THU UhTUDLlOAN HKADINU ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Huts and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, liaudkerchict's, and Fancy Articles for Geutlemun. W.O. Price,] Also, ffiipurfiuu KAwnuNABiJt Cl °! 1 !'- land \esllugs, will AM) I bo made to mca- MIHTAB'Y| ,iuro » u,lox « c l ) riuu- able iu style and workmumdiip, TAYLOR, by tbo best inccbuulcs, ut shortest notice E OPE—700 coila Rope, various brands, all of good quality, in store aud for Raid hy apr20 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. L) UM.—50 barrels Lather Felton «Ss tion’s, Bos AX ton Rum, landing and for sale by marl BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. JaAies M. NAVAGE, AITORNKY AT LAW. inoMAriMUj:, IllfMAS COL’MY. liA. All bu.iluesri vtitiuvted to UN rule wilt receive prompt attention. lyr—m&i 17 ANTHON Y Mi-CULLOl'C ATTORNEY AT LAW. Suvanuah, Georgia. ftar-oilice on Buy street, over the Bank ot pavan •mb. le1#2 AVI1.LI A*M* PH 1LI.II'M, A TTOHNKY AT LA W. MARIETTA. HA. OCl2tt—ly DAVID G. WILDS, A T T O ft N E Y AT LAW, Bl*Alii'A, GA. Will pructicu iu the counties ol Hunuoc.k, Wai 11 u Washingtou, uud Baldwin. Rkkkrk.vcks—Bobu ft Foster, Rabun ft MuiUi, uu4 K. A. .Souliurd, Savuiinuh. jauo m WM. C. CONNELLY, A T TO ft N E V AT LAW, UAIIKLU, WOK1U tW.\TV, OA., (I trtf UttlbK. ALHAM .) Will practise iu the Nunllierti Circuit, uml tu Mucou, Dooly uud Worth Gmuuies ot the Mucou Llrcttit. ftS" Particular utteutiou giv. u to the collectlot. ot claims iu isuuUi-Western Georgia. je2—uin E. GUMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iebl-ly iKwi.vrox, ua. LANIER ft AN'DERMON, ATTORNEYS A T L A W, Upf)-ly MAIXl.V, UA. •C’. W. MAIiliY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KKAMUJX, UKAKU I.O., UA. Will utleiid to protes.'iunui businesh iu the i-uuntier. of lieurd, Carroll, Cuiupbell, Coweta, Fay cue, Hen- wellior uud Troup. Reference—lion. E. V. Hill, JaGrauge. Ga.; lb>n. ljavid lrwiu, ilurlettu, Gu.; (Ailuuel 31. 31. ', Fuyettevllle, Gu.; and .Mr. William Itajugbcriy, t o- Imulius, Gu. »epl.~iy WM, 8. DAMEh|T* A T -r O 11 K m- AT LA w, SAVANNAH. OA. UST Office over Ihoinjui M. Turner ft Co.’s Drug Store, Buy street. my- Nu. 147 Bay Street, SA VAXXAU. yg~ orders from city and couuty solicited. fob 5 ~ RAllBEK SHOPS. Pulaski House Barker SUop, Ouv-ns' thick Building, opposite the Pulask i House. F1VK WORKMEN ENGAGED. 3Iiu*Hliall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. fpHE subscriberTtUankfuito iris fellow-citizens X tor the liberal patrouuge lie 1ms received, und is still receiving, begs respectfully to inform them that he hits engage*! sufficient additional first-class workmen from sume of tho best Barber Shops In New York, uud will bo etiublud to accommodate as many gentlemen as may honor him with their pa* tronugo. N. U.—The Barbershops ure closed on Sundays— Btrangers will please bear this in miud. SAVE Y’OUR MONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 f||l BROUGHTON STREET. * l^uext door to 3tossrs. J. Dickson ft Co’s. Coulee* tiouury. You will there find tho groutest bargains in Shoes ever offered iu this city. October 16th, 1866. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kiuds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber, Sliluglea, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths ami PalUugs, lor sule, at wholesale aud retail, low for cash, on tho new wharf recently erected ou the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen ft Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. ” johncTbootIl CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his attoulion to designs hi Architec ture. Office in the store or John Williamson, t*q., Bay stroeL inyl3 N EW GOODS.—Tho subscriber has received u iurgo lot of the following articles— White und striped Osuuburgs, Columbus Factory, White and striped Osuaburgs, Pchloy’s Factory, Bleached amt brown KUIrtlugs ami Rtwetlngs, Marlboro* aud Mauchestor Plaids and Stripes, Blue Denims, ftc.. ftc. Also, al'rfuh lot of clioap last colored Prints. J. W. THRELKELD, mrl3 corner Congress and Whitaker-sts. U. B. HILTON, attorney AND COUNPELlAlR at iag oun.-i- corner of Bay mid i -i- SAVANNAH, UA. my 11 HENRY WILLIAMH, A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. No. a, Drayton Street, Savuniiuh, (ieoruia. may 5—ly •IOH NM .MIL LK N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office at thu Couit House ) Will practice in tho superior and Court;- ol Ordi nary. janfiy 11. L. P. KING, - — - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay ami Whitaker Streets. SAVANNAH. fub 22 duo** D. A. O’BYllNE, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ullli;e 1"S. liuy-st., over ’J in ner ft Co’-. Drug .-.tore SAVANNAH, GA. uuv IU—ly GEORGE TROUP HOWAUD, ATiXlRNKV AT LAW. office Monument Square, near Stunt Bank SAVANNAH, UA. uov 10—ly JAM. S. HOOK. FKKU. T. IKliraC. HOOK ft TEUEAU. ATTOli N E Y S AT LA W , H4.VUKKSVIUA, titUKOU. Will practise in Washington, Jellersou, benun, Burke, Emanuel, Tuttuall, uud Moutgumery ut U*« 3Iiddle Circuit, and Wtlkiusou of thu Uciuuigec In cult. nu»ys M. W1I1T SMITH, - A T TOR N E Y A T J. A W , Al.UGATOh. WM H.UKI1M. Will practice in Die hi*,tern and doulfiern CoiiLtlfa. Kvlur to—Col. K. tlblvy, mat R. B. llihou, s-a. vannah. _ febv’-tf CliAS.ti, (i.\MPBKhXr A T T O II N E Y A T i. A W , lULIJ-JHIktim;, oa.5 PriM-uce.’* Law in the various Couutic- tin- Cc. mulgee Circuit, and tin- ut|julning Uuuntit^ 01 ij-,-* Lauren.- and Wnshiugion. Helur to—John Barton, 11. Ciatie, und R. B Riitoii. loti 14 JAM. U*. CltKl-V. u, j;. s.lltit/1. GREEN ft SMOOT, ATTOItxVEYS AT LAW, OClfin THOMASru.V OA. GEORGE* A. GOilDON, ATTUllXKV 6XJJ (JOUXSELLOll AT 1.AW, AM* Commissioner of the U. S. Court qf Claims for the State of Georgia. Oilk-e Corner Buy ami iin.i street.-. »>• tuy to DR. CHARLES H." FOLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 LIBERI V NT one dour wert of Drayton, ui> li " *4 • W. PATTERSON, ATTURNEY AND CtiUXSKLLOR .vl l.AW, Iroupville. J.'uvnin-r County,Hu. (inyll S. W. BAKER, ' AiTORNKV AND CDt Nsl-JJ.UR AT L.V U . iluuticeil.*, .1.11,-con County, lb. uce— Hun. \\ . B Km mimj, ’Savunujb, <>» . . mylJ EDWARD hi, WILSON, .MAGISTRA'i'K, NOTAUV AND COMMtfc&lUNLR OK Dl.KDX. At Messrs. Wuri^ftjinvnis’ law Office |tu\ It JOSEPH ~gJ\NAItL,"* " ATTtliLNKV AT LAW. Office, Bay street, over llui Reading Huuiu of t!*-* Keptihiicuii, vutiHHce t nailed into; V ea-t ol .tje-i. 4 Price ft Veudet ’s. ' muyti WILLIAM II. JiAS 11ER, ’ ' ATIORNKV AND COUNSELLOR AT JAW, Iroupville, Lomide- County, Gu. Will practice m fliouia- Lowieies, Uiuch, Wat.-, Appling, 'li-luiir, Irwin, latuienn, und Puin-J«j eouiitie.-. Gc*.rgm ; and ut Jctlbrson, j|atiiv.u v iiuin- Hum, and t.'oimnbia couiiUuk, Florida. (uij i 1 WM. M. W1IJJAMJ. tiumo.r's o'uvKk. "jack UKoW.>. WILLIAMS, OLIVER ft BROWN, ATlOKNKVh AT LAW, Buena Vi.stu, Marion Couuty. Ou., Will practice in th** countieMif Marion, .Mucou, Huti a - ton, Stowarl, Kauduipli, .Muscogee,, amt any adjoining coimties, wln-ru their set vice.-* may 0* required. _ ____ uiyli ' JOHN U. COCHRANE, AITORNKY AT I^VW, Dublin, ijuiieii.- comity, Gu,, lute junior uurinei *»i the firm 01 A. ft J. Coiiiiuxk, liwintoii, i»u. will attend promptly to all busine.-^ euirunted to hh care, i'articular utteutiou paid to cnhei-iiug. k. ; k-rcnce—l*r, ('. B. Guyton, K. II. Rowe, Bubhu, _G«., M Mar-b, Savaiiuab. luyll Reference JESSE T. UERtVARUr ATTORNEY AND LOl'N.>EI.LOR AT LAW, NewiiansviUc, Flu. Reference—t.eurge L. Bn.wu, WUUum Bell, Nvw- nausville, Fla., R. B. Hilton. Boston ft Villalongj, .Savanuah, Gu. uiyll HUDSON, ELEMlNU A CO., Factors and Coiuinlsxlou Mt-rt-hanlv, -Vo. 94 Jlay Street, Savannah, Ga., r PENDER their services to planters, uierchuut-» A. nud deuleva, iu the tale ol Cottou und aU othci country produce. Being connected iu busiuets with Hoi-ki.vs, Hntsux ft Co., ui'Chiirlestiiii, tbuesiabibb- mentol’aii office iu this oily will ailurd our frientl- uholceol'markeU. Strict utleiiiiou will be given to busiuesa. and Dm usual facilities ullimlcd cu.-to- liters. J. U. UL'ifc'ON, 1 W. B. FLEMING, j .N*vaun«h. LAL'EHI lIOl’KLNe, Augiisin. my II—tf COHEN. Cliusiostou. LEf'LER ft WILCOX, liviitlsiM, OFFICE over Dewitt* Moi- gim’s Store on Congre.-js-street, utter their professional services to the public, confident, from long expert. cuco aud past success, tlmt iu all eases, they will render euure satisfaction. «ci 2 tf^ dentistry; 1)ih. HOY ALL & JOHNSON, Deutists, office corner t-t. Jullcu-ti, aud Market .Square, over d. Wil- ——— mot’s jewelry htore. office hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, uud fr**lii 3 to 0. tnur 11 euui DRsTlEFLER A WILCOX, Dentuu. ARE uow fully prepared to in sert full or partial setts of Teeth ou tho principle of Dr.J. Allemi'a l’atcut Continuous Gum, By this iiuprovuiiioul, tho form ot the lace cun tm restored to any degree of rotundity Dial limy be desired, it is applicable in all eases where the cheeks have I'allru iu and cauuot ho detected by the cUisost observt-i.— This mcthotl combines tho following 1 I vauUgtts:— An artificial gum, which exhibits u perfectly natural and life-like up|K.-arauce, uud imparts to the tbcrlh that peculiur expression which characterizes tin- na tural orguus. This Gum consists of a silaciotis compound which Is nppliod aud fitsod upon the Teeth und ITaleiu such a uvattuer, as to fill ut* all tho lutorsvieeR armimi Die base of thu Teeth, mid also unites litem firmly to each other nud to (be Plate upon which they me sett. This secures iwrfoct douulluess ot the Teeth, Office over DeWltl ft Morgan, Congress street. %* aud Gonrgluu ropy. fob 10—if B. ELLIS." Fuctor uuil Qeiieral Comuiissiou Murclmul* NO; 71 IIAV-STIIEKT, 8iVANS.ll, Ui., Kkiviwti*—Moa.irs. Cln,ilium k Cutiuinslinm, Boll ft i rcuuss, Ogdeu, Starr ft Co., Savannah ; J. P. Thompson, Boston. nor 1