Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 22, 1856, Image 1

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GEORGIAN & JOURNAL. Dally. Trl-W««kljr and Weekly, KB.HILTON & CO;, PI7BLMIUBR9. g. B. HUTOX, - - - - - Editor. ». p^ham/l'ton,} *«"•«*» »<•**«» TERMS’ WnMrTjPW «.«1 THURSDAY.—X O’clock, P. M. Georgian dt Journal Reading Room. Our Reading Room in the Exchange U free to all ■ubacrlbeta to the Dally Georgian 4- Journal, to all contnot adrortliem In ita columns, to the Clergy of the city and to atrangera Introduced by either of theaeclaana—hullo none oHurt. Tnn Lkudum on Niczuoui.—In the present date of feeling upon the qneatlon of Nicaragua, no doubt exlita that Uiaa Sarah Pellet will be greeted with a large audience. The Control American Statea have been directly Intruded upon the pubUo mind In the paat few yean, byreaaouof our acquisition of California, with the neoeaslty of a connection acroea the Isth mus. Perhapa there Is no portion of our conti nent of which lew la known by the American people than of them. Uiaa Pellet olfora, aa re gards Nicaragua, an opportunity this evening ror such Instruction. Her long residence in the country would well quality her for the task. She brings teatlnioulals of the highest character t'romthe newspapers to the southward of us, and others of a more private nature. A certain irrasclblo sportsman of our ac quaintance the other day was bewailing in the most mournful manner the habit of trapping quail, or, as wo call them, partridges. He char acterised it as “a contemptible practice,” and was fast verging into an advocate of the game aws when we hut convened with him. In hopes of soothing theangulsh of his mind on this sub ject, and to allow the farmer to know what a useful bird is destroyed by this wholesale and unsportsmanlike practice, we give the follow ing: Hpabk tbs Quails—Every farmer is acquaint ed with this bird, though few are aware ofthelr usefulness In ridding thelandof noxious plants, such as thistles, docks, Ac. During the early summer, before any grain is matured, this little bird Is to be seen gleaning its food from the weeds fast ripening along with the crops, and which would otherwise prove a source of incal culable annoyance. When we consider that each full grown bird consumes a gill or seed a day, we can Imagine of how much service they In reality are. Au dubon, the great ornithologist or America,con clusively proves their usefulness to the husband- mau. The sportsmen well know that It is use less to beat ror quail In a country overgrown with weeds. How much, then, doeelt behoove farmers to make some protection for so useful a bird, when they are unable to provide for themselves, end are beset on all sides by the snares and trap-guns of the rascally poachers Amtrican Agnculturiit. Mavob’s Coubt.—Patrick Nowland, fined ten dollars for very disorderly conduct. Barney O'Borntea, interfering with officer in discharge of his duty, fined ton dollars. John Fogartx, fined one dollar for being drunk. Tom Sheridan, fined three dollars for resisting officer. Dolly, F. P., for neglecting duty, fined one dollar Soubtbkbn Cultivator fobJuns.—Wehave often commended the .Southern Cultivator to our readers. It Is published by Wm. S. Jones, Augusta ; and edited bv D. Lee, 1 M. D., and D. Redmond, Esq. It la devoted exclusively to the improvement of Southern Agriculture. Not withstanding the terms, and only ont dollar per annum, It Is one of-the best agricultural journals in the United States. The June number Is al ready Issued. Highly Important from the Border.— ’Gov, Robinson Arrested. We learn tbs following facts from Hr. John H. Bayly. who arrived this morning on the Btar of the West: The Star arrived at Kanaa City at an early emor Robinson and lady—the Governor so dis guised that recognition was almost Impossible. He secreted himseir Immediately, and kept out of sight until arrived at Lexington; he then applied to the clerk, Hr Jamison, for passage for himself and lady, giving his name asMr. Robinson. To be sure of the right name, the clerk repeated his Inquiry ^nd received the same reply, though In a louder tone. Some Lexington people heard the namejjiro- cured a warrant, and alter considerable difficul ty, he was fonnd, arrested and takentoJalL His lady accompanied him. It was the opinion of many that Governor Reeder was also arrested, as It was known that he wu to have met Robin- son at Kansas City, on Thursday night. It was not definitely known that be had been taken, but warranto were known to be out for him, and the greatest excitement prevailed. On the boat leaving Lexington, three deafen ing cheers were given, and the news of the ar rest was hailed with Joy at all points on the down trip. . . The cause of the Issuance of the warrants was the supposed complicity of the two nota bles In the attack on SherilfJonesandHr. Har per. The above, (saya the St. Louis Herald, ot the 13tb,) is from a printed slip handed us by Hr. Bayly. A gentleman who convened with Ur. Smith, the famous mountaineer, and guide to Harney's Sioux expedition, who was on the Star of the Wat, Informs usthatSmlth confirms the news of the arrest of Robinson, and saya fur ther, that it was confldcntally believed that the notorious Reeder had also been arrested by the Territorial authorities. It was reported at Lexington that the town of Lawrence was surrounded by a body of three thousand militia, under the orders of Oovornor Shan non. Thu moat Intense excitement prevailed in the towns on the Missouri, and altho’ threats of mob violence were uttered,yet it was thought that the legal authorities would not be Interfer ed with. The "Border Ruffians "are thorough ly aroused, and are rallying In overwhelming numbers. Tit for Tat.—The editor of the Alba ny Herald says that he once knew a wild widow who cut out her own daughter in the good graces of her lover, and married him, herself! To obtain revenge for this mcan.unmotherly trick, the daughter sot her cap for the young man's rlob father (of whom he was the only heir,) and actu ally married him, and hod children to the infinite annoyance of the other parties.— This occurred in Onondago county.—[Ex change. Counterfeit Qolp Dollar—We understand that some of the rascals, who have boon through this section passing bogus gold dollars, havo been arrested at Centra Ala. These counterfeits ere likely to deceive the unwary. They are In size and color a fae tfmffc of the genuine coin, but are without the “rfnf" and the word Liberty < on the head Is so badly blurred that It cannot be read. Wo woald caution our readers to be on the lookout, Ibr It is supposed that there are large quantities of these spurious coins In the northern parts of Georgia and Alabama.-Nomr Courier., The Kama. Trouble—Senate Bill, fur the Ad- mieelonofthe Stale—Muere: Reeder, Lane and Dllaha). I Wasbinuton, Hay 18. j That there will prove to be "wrong on both sides” In the difficulties In Kansas admits of no doubt. That a factitious mlgntlou from the North was sent there Is certain, and that persons from the adjoining State, without removing thither at all, went In and voted In competition with the former, la equally certain. Thatcori rupt means were therefore used In the selection of a legislature authorized by law, Is also true; as Is the subsequent fhet also, that another leg islature was organized In total disregard of law. The reports of the visiting committee of Con! gross may afibrd reliable Information on this subject, and It Is therefore to be hoped they may soon be made. I say reports, for I take it for granted that then will be two. Iu the meantime, the two Senate bills are sleoplng quietly on the table of thetSenate: first; the bill reported by Ur. Douglas, from the Com mittee of Territories, on the 17th of March, au: thorizlug the formation of a State Government whenever it shall appear, by a ceusus to be ta ken under the direction of the Governor, by the authority or the Legislature, that there shall be 83,430 inhabitants, that being the number re quired by the preseut ratio of representation (br a member of Congress; aud, second, the substi tute bill, proposed by Mr. Reward on the 20th of March, declaring that the State of Kansas la hereby declared to bo one of the United Statea of America, and admitted Into the Union “ on an equal footing with the original thirteen States in all respects whatsoever.” This “equal footing” is uot neutralized by any proviso with respect to slavery, and, according to the terms of the substitute bill, the subject is loft entirely to the people, as In the bill of Mr. Douglas. The essential difference therefore relates to the time and imputation, or strictly, to the lat ter alone, though the time Incidentally gained cannot be otherwise than beneficial, excepting In the fact; that while Mr. Seward’s substitute lguores the subject of length of residence as a prerequisite for voting, the origiual bill of Mr, Douglas requires six months In the Territory, and three months in the District. What reasonable man can for a moment post pone his choice between these bills 1 Believing that the enactment of the original bill will quell the undue excitement now existing, not only In Kansas, but throughout the Union with respect to Kansas, let us hope for its early euaelment' into a law: for, just and reasonable as it Is, I do not think a majority of the present Honse of Representatives will vote against It. Indeed, the only plausible grounds of opposition I have heard advauccd with regard to it consist In tho fact, that the taking of the census, aa a preliminary measure, is to he doue under the authority and supervision ot the territorial legislature and governor, the only means by which It can be done. The muider of Sheriff Jones, the arrest of the self-constituted Governor and his compeers, and the other exciting facts of which we daily hear, operate badly on the public mind. If the selfishness of purpose of these politicians could be known by the people—if the people could believe how selfish they are—there would be less concern for them. Mr. Lane, now so prom- nent among the Free State men, vaunted of his proslavery sentiments of the last Congress, and voted with the South for the Nebnska-Kansa bill. Mr. Reeder, when in Washington to re ceive his commission as Governor of Kansas, expressed his willingness “to buy a negro as he would buy a hog," and this In a conversation with a Southern man, who was shocked at his groesness; and Mr. Delahay, who came hereto represent the new State in Congress as her first representative, stated in conversation that with him It was merely a question or interest—a question as between tho choice of negro power and mule power. The eentimente of gentlemen like these should ot course be respected. Ibfabtial. Destruction or a Hospital bt fire. St. Louis, May 17—The Hospital in this city was destroyed by fire yesterday, but all the patients, ninety-six in number, were saved with the exception of one. The buildings coat $100,000,but were only insured for $35,000, The patients were taken to the XJ. S. Marine Hospital and the County Farm, Congressional.——ashington, May 19. —Tho House of Representatives has re fused leave for the introduction of a res olution for inquiring of the President in relation to the, recent alleged murderous assaults in Kansas. The House passed joint resolutions au thorizing the Secretary of the Navy to dis patch a vessel to Cape Verdes with pro visions privately contributed. In the Senate a message was received from the’President, vetoing the bills for the improvement .of the mouth of the Mississippi and the St. Clair Flats, on the same principles ns adduced in his mes sage vetoing tho River and Harbor bill in 1854. The message was ordered for consideration on Wednesday. Kanins Affairs, The following dispatches contain our Savannah. [From Cultivator Ibr Julie •] I The Railroad—Native Flinoere and ,1'rcee— Barden at Milieu—Savannah—Bonaventuri —Fine Private Barden.—Rare True, Ac. j Since the lama of our. last. number, we have twice had the pleasure of vizltlng cur sister cltl of the seaboard, and of forming a closer acl qualntauce and Intimacy with the .place am J people than we before enjoyed. * As ofir Jo- neyawere more or less intimately connect-, with the objects to which our journal is devoted, a vety brief account of what w, aaw en route and at the clty may not be entirely without In. tenet for our read era. St Louis, May 19—Tho U. S. Marshal and deputies left Oansas City on Wednes day last with a requisition from Gov. Shannon upon the authorities of Missouri for Gov. Robinson, who stands indicted in the district court for treason against tho United States. Sheriff Jones is convalescent. Mr. Brown, the Editor of the Herald of Freedom, was arcsted while endeavoring to escape from the Territory. Gov. Reeder has fled, bnt it is thought he will be captured. Judge Fane, of Georgia, wus appointed sheriff nntilJoncs recovered. It is reported that he has been shot at twice while per forming his duties. It is saiiLthero are 1500 men in Lawrence armed with Sharpo’s rifles, Btrongly fortified with breastworks and possessed of two pieces of artillery, and their intention is to arrest ail attempts to arrest them. About 1000 men have responded to the proclamation of the Marshal, and arc en camped in tho vicinity of Lawrcnco and Lecomption, their avowed' purpose being to compel tho people of Lawrence to ac knowledge the organized law of thoTerri- itory. It is rumored thefthe" Mexican govern ment has asked that Mr. Gadsden, our minister there, shall be recalled. Nioauaoua Merino in Herfuis—A meet ing wez held to Memphis on the night of the 16th hub, for the pnrpo*. of projecting mean- urea to furnlih material all to walker and hit men. The Appeal iaya the meeting waa"large andenthusiastic.” Dr. A.K. Taylor presided, with It. J. Yancy, Esq., Secretary. BpeccheZ were made by CoL Walter Coleman, N.B- B»ua- d.n, and others. A committee wu appointed to collect money, aud report to a zubsequent votmaii Railroad," Which ooimeota with tha “Central RoadV at Villen, 63 mlloa from this city. The A. AS. Road runa Its entire length through the counties of Richmond and Burkej traversing much or the low, rich and fertile land or both, and giving the traveler hasty glimpses of their agricultural condition—which, wo re gret to say, generally folia short of what It ought to be. Many of the swamps aud alluvial lauds along! the road, are peculiarly rich iu our native flora,' and the eye la Constantly delighted with the bright and delicate Aaalea, (or”Honeysuckle”) of many colors: the musky, odorous Buy (Mi Olauca,-) the climbing tVulaiia,- the lace-like and fringed Laurel, tykalmia latifalia) and that magnillceut “pride of the Southern woods"— 1 tho "Magnolia grundiflufu. At Milieu (the ex cellent hoetelrie of our gaud friend, Col, [i. 11. Gray,) we found Art vleiug with Nature, in the; great profusion of splendid Roses aud other 1 dowering plants thickly studding the grounds attached to this pretty cottage; and were quite delighted with the evidences of teste and skill' exhibited by Cob Gray in the oulture of fruit and flowers. His example, we doubt not, will bo most beneficial, and its Influence wide-spread over the land. The "Central Road,” from MUlin to Savan nah (78 miles) runa through u rather flat and uninteresting country; but bore and there, u bright little oaeie iu he desert of piuo trees, sand and hammock land, gives cheering token of the taste for improvement which la slowly but surely spreading among us. We reached 8a- vaunah at II, P. Mi, (I! j hours) and after a good night’s rest at the Pulaski, made one of a pleas ant family party, very kindly arranged by our editorial mend, Clark, of the Journal, to visit the “Evergreen Cemetery of Bunuvonture.” This most charming of all restiug places for the ashes of the “ loved and lost,” la situated on au arm of the Savannah river, four miles below the city; and could we hone to convey to our readers any description or its sweet aud solemn beauty, or impart to them, even iu a faint dc- n ,j the sad yet clovatlug aud chastening in- ice which It exercises upon the spirit, we would gladly do so; but “ all greatemotious are dumb,” and wo dare not essay lb To us, It blends and mingles tu memory with all that 1b most solemn and grandly beautirul in nature— the ocean glistening in moon-lit splendor—the Irresistible sweep and glorious diapason of Ni agara— tho “soul-like” muimur of a pine fore eat, through whose myriad leaves the wind is singing a sweet, low, murmurous lullaby—the sun slowly sinking In murky oouds behind huge pinnacled mountain peaks— all enno bling sights and aouuds, to which the soul res ponds iu its better momenta-wlth little or naught of grief or gloom, or fear, all external influen ces whioh nine :the; spirit to foil communion with lofty Intelligences, swayed and moved |rs at sweet Banaventure I aud could we have done so, we would have lingered long and happily amid its "groined arohes” of evergreen oak and Us hoary drapery of festooned mosses. ^ As our stay, ou both occasslons.was necessari ly brier, we were not able to visit tho fine gar dens oy>n. Parsons, Turner aud others, as we had lnunded;but we saw most creditable samples of their productions In the market, which waa abundantly furnished with meats, flab, vegeta bles, and all other epicurean dainties, except Fruft-a modicum of which the writer hopes to contribute hereafter. Atthetlme.of oqr flret .visit, In April, the whole city was a perfect Roeary—every wall and trellis, pillar and garden nook, being cover ed and glorified with all the finest varieties of the “Queen of Flowers” and the wholeairrcdo- lent as the “spicy gales of Araby.” We thought wa never had scon rotes so luxuriant and perfect before: but we have since learned that the dura tion of the blooms Is quite brief, and that they are often prematurely shed—a condition which might be prevented, we think, by heavy mulch ing aud the free use of water, with which Indis pensable luxury,we were glad to notice, that all the citizens are abundantly supplied. Through the kindness of a highly esteemed lady friend, we were permitted to visit the ele gant private garde • of Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Remshart, In both of whloh we aaw much that was rare and beautiful. In the latter, (which we believe waa planned and planted by tire late Mr. Yonge) we were especially Interested In several rare trees of quite mammoth proper- portions;among them, the Japan Plum (Brio- botraJaponica) 16 or 20 feet high,and bearing fruit; the Bhinko, a rare and singular Japanese tree; the Camphor tree; Camellia Japonicat, 12 or 16 feet high, Orange trees of tropical dimen sions; Chinese and native Magnolias, Ac., Ac.— In ell, forming a dellghtfol treat for tha arbori culturist andTover of floral beauty. In conclusion, we would return our best thanks to tha Editors of the Beorgian A Journal, the Republican and the Knot; to Dr. F. T. Willis, President of Augusta and Savannah Railroad; Wm. M. Wadlev, Esq., General Superintendent of the Central Road; and many other lrionds, who contributed to the pleasure and profit of our visits; and we bopehjrthe "gentle minis try" of horticulture, to aid somewhat in draw ing closer hereafter the tastes and interests of Augusta and Savannah. The Rome Commercial Advertiser states that there was recently a party travel ling through that section, who were circu lating spurious gold dollars. Death of a member of Congress.— St. Lous, May 17.—The Hon. John G. Miller, a member of Congress from the fifth district of this State, died on Snuday ast! The fast youths of Schenectady are be ing looked after by the City Fathers of that city,—who have passed a law “to prevent the improper nssemblingof boys,” and which provides that it “shall not bo lawthl for boys to gather around any cor ner, or about any store, tavern, dwelling, bridge, or piny ball in tho streets, or to make a noise, use profane language, play marbles, or pitch cents in any of the open places, streets or lanes of the city. Eve ry offender is liable to fine of $5 or im prisonment for ten days. Mr. Almonte, late Mexican minister to Washington, hus been appointed by his government minister to England, Hnvannah Mas-hat, May as, COTTON —Tliure wus M ilg U t demuud this morning] and 73 bales wus sold as rollons: to at 8%, 18 at 10)1, Hat ll)(. NEW ORLEANS. Hayli, 1800.—Oowos—The In quiry appeared tu be quite limited lu the niornlug, butstUlllie salesproved.pc.beubout8600bales at easy prices, yet without an, quotaplo ducllue. Bu siness Is uhecked In some u ugrau by armor freights •ad declaring ezubuuges. uvzarooi cussfruunox. Inibrlor bfietfi | MhhllhigFair..U34a— Ordinary • a»)t I Fair... Is u- Hlddllng SMalUjg ( Jood Fair uomiual. Good all.q I Jood aud Flue, noinluul. SMTltUSNT OF COTTON. Stock ou hand 1st September, 1866 bales 48,3.83 Received since 1,080,807 Received to day 468—1,080,7811 1,732,888 0146 1,646,010—1,661,801 Exported to-day Exported to dal Stock uu baud uot eluurod 181,037 Port or Savannah MAY 22 Arrived. Steamer Augusta, Fraser, Augusta, to S M LatU- -au. Steamer Haudulph, Ward, Augusta, to S M la.di al a. Sloop .Swallow, Little, Ogeeehe, with 3000 hue tugb rico, to H Ifalrursbuin At Sun. Hoop Science, Thompson, Ugccchc, with 28UO hue rough rice, to R Habersham At Sou. Consignees. Per steamer Augusta, from Augusta—44 bales Cotton, l&OHkaGrrn, 76 bbls Fleur, to T R At J (4 Hills, Young At Wyatt, Holcombe, Johnson A: Co, 8 U Lafllteuu. For steamer Randolph, train Augusta—146 hales Cullen, to fiattorsby At Co, 8 M LaUltoau. notice:. AU dotuauds again.l the solas,cor JAMldt ROSE must borcnderodtutbosubsorlbor, tm or before tho 22d instant, ftt 12 o'clock, M., or they will bo debarred payment. F. It. 84tAOKKU-'OKl), may'll dl over Way At Taylor. A YOUNG MAN, who writes a ucul mid ex positions bund, would take jobs of postlug and making out accounts. Iiiy22—lw Address, 1)., 1*. O. Box 622. 11 * I n ah nnn grkybriokb, uoBtquat. • UUUqUUU Uy. for sale. Apply to ’ ’ A. MiAl.PlN At BRO., niy22-lmo Williamson’* buHdlug*. 4®-Ncw*copy, WANTED. B ONDS ol'the South-Woatern R. It. For gain: Central K. R. Stock, Bouth-Western It. it. Stock. J. DRY AN, my22-2t 9 147 Bay street. T)ARAGON FLOUR—A few Backs loft. X may!7 YOUNG k WYATT. PORTBRANDALE- -L 100 o&felu Loudon Porter, 50 do Scotch Alo, Received directfrom the brewer'*, and i'or sale at Now York prlcos, by marl PAQELFOUD. FAY dl CO, B leached shirtings. ~io cases s-4,7- anil 4-4 Bleached 8hlrtings, different atylcs ust received and Tor ualo by marll LAD3QN k ROGERS. pOIt SALE.—25,000 bushels Oorn to arrive. ’ nmy8 YOUNG k WYATT. CIIAH. A. GREINER. T IME—1000 bbls. Lime landing per schooner JU Maino Iaw, and for salo by m»y7 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CQ. H AY-GO bales Prime Northern Hay land ing per brig Philura, and for sale by may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. riARPETTING. Matting, Window Shades V lace and Musllu Curtain*, may be fouud at apr28 A1KIN k BURN'8. T ADIES* FLESH COLORED SILK VESTS I J j uut rocelvod and for ante by apr21 J. W. THRELKBLE. L ADIES’ AND GENT'S GLOVES.—A mag- nlQoont assortment of ladies' and gent's Taflbta Silk Gloves, white and blaok, also assorted colors, Just received and tor sale djr marll LAP8QW k ROGERS lot ofHamain TTAM8 HAMS^ATiuj XX stors, sprg 1 i, and tor sals bj DEN, STARR k CO. P OTATOES.—100 bbls choice Mercer Pota toes, landing and tor sals by 0*029 0 A GREINER Comuiertiai Intelligence. piping Intelligence. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m mayl7 3W MAY BUTTER,—Just received and for Bale at BARRON'S mayl7 Family Grocery. 'S LISLIE VESTS—Just received and tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, tnaylS CougrosB «nd Whitaker street*■ i, Ac.—— J _ WO barrels No. t (t»ew> Mackerel ** 60 do No. 2 ds ‘26 do No.l do 80 half do No. 2 do ‘iOabozsaScaled Barrings. In store and for sale by feb 10 WEBSTER k PALMES. WATER.—A fresh suppiyjoit •rings, at the received direct from the 81 mar 24 HALL. rpHE ATTENTION of Btrangera visiting the X city and tho public generally, in invited to an examination or our stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety aud style is not to be ex celled in this city. apr28 AIKIN A BURNS. TITHISKY.—100 barrels very sup erior Monon _M__gahela Wblaky, dally expectod, tor sale, to BRIGHAM, KELLY S CO. arrive, by mar8 TjlMBROIDERIES.—We invite the attention JLLd or Ladies, to our large and beautiful wwort- meut of French Worked Collars aud Undersleevea, Muslin and Cambric Banda, Ac., Ac., Just receivod and tor Bale by feb 28 LADSON k ROGERS. I K A BBLS.~~N ABHVILLE~CiTY _ MILL9 ltfv Flour, for sale by •Pf 18 CBAXK, WEIiS i CO. GKN'BUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND ^KALKR IN Timber aiid Lumber. SAVANT?Ally Qa. " WKLMtwlLLlABM, ” . DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRYGOODS. No. 149 CongretMt., Savannah, Ou. JAB. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort DUt. H. O. WILLIAMS, “ Seri von Co., Ga. , sept 7- . JAMMU. KOIKJKItS. .AMMSA. XOltRIH. RODGEU8 A NORRIS, (Into Crane A Rodger*, WHOLESALE GROCERS, BAV-HTttKKT, .SAVANNAH. fjo 2fl] Juue 1,1866, Do L. COHBN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones .Street, (uuo door East of Draytou Street.) Is prejmrod to contract tor all kinds or building aud repairing. Alsu tu conduct water through the various parte of house*. ftp 17 M.FITZGERAiLbV Corner of Broughton and Whltakcr-Ste., SAVANNAH, GA., SUCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer and jO Dealer iu every variety of common and tine CANDIES, kiln dried and warranted to resist effec tually the hot damp atmosphere or a Southern cli mate; also Lemon aud .Strawbury Syrup, ko. Terms cash, prices low. tf—my 11 WM. .U JU RV COVPKll. JN'O, COUPX& FRASKO. COUPKR A FRASER, FACTORS A GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Uuy street, Savannah, Ga. finy 11 JOHN U.FALLIGARIT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANE DOORS. WiMt Hide Mouuiinmt Square, Savannah, (iu. nrnylt ' a. in; cHAnipi'oSr (Successor to Churaiilou It Watts.) WHOI.K8AI.E AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 4 Barnard st., between tho Market aud Bay at., SAVANNAH, UA. . Dealer lu Oroceriox, Foreign and Domestic Liquor*, Dried Fruits, &e., Ac! Reibrenei!—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomon*, Esq., Messrs. Rabun A* WhiU'heud, and Swift A:Co., Siivannull, Ga. myll SAVANNAH WATER'woSkS*. HEADMAN ib CO., Corner of Pmfdent mid JL-ffiirsoantia, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Arc prepared to execute ull order* in Plumbing, and Goa Fitting, ou short notice, and In uu|ierior stylo, tr juno 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. " Large sized Photographs, to ken by MHiLER, AT TWELVE DOtAAlW FKK DO/.KX Alsu, Atnbrotype* uud Da<» guerreutyiies, lit Ids usual bu perlor style. A cnUW solldled. J. W. MILLER, mur27 or. St. .lullau-bt. and Market *quare. CAHY’S UAC4UKHKOT Vl’KS, AJI11UO- types and Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms aro now opuu tor the huosou, and rea dy tor Uiu reception of visitor*. By tho Amukotyfk process persons may now have their children’s pictures tuken. iu almost uuy posi tion they may choose, in from 1 to.'] secodds nutlug. By tho PnoTOOKArmc process old Daguerreotypes can bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored and enlarged to life. oct 22 0. S. UAKR1S0.V. A. 0. HCGKHXB HARRISON & MeGBHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND .Forwarding Merchants. 59 AND 61 BROAD-STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 49^ Particular Attention given to the sales of Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. 4OP IJboral advances made on Negroes and Mer chandize. KKPERKNCKS! RUSE, PATTEN 4s.CO. ) GUNBY A DANIEL, bColumbua. Ua. STEWART, GRAY & CO. J RUSE, DAVIS k tjOSO,) u uvntuiall WM. WRIGHT, / Savanuah. YOUNG, ATKINS & DUNHAM, 1 C. A. GREENE I: CO., j Apalachicola H. S. SMITH, J Mobile, Alabama, oct 28 ly LAffDAUENCV. T HE uudersiguod will, for flvu dollars per lot, examine auy lunds iu the couutles of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to the owner as to tuolr preseut value, tho prospect for their be coming more valuable lu future, and whether or not there is being any trespass committed thoroou, Invariably pledging himself to give a truo and cor rect account, for which all rmuiilancoH will be ox- pected in advauco. He will also sell uud remit when requested, uud as directed, for seven per cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional busiuess entrusted to hu cure. vernon c. McLendon, my 18 Attorney at law, HomesvIUe, Ua J^IMEL-—433 barrels landing and for sale bj jDg | BRIGHAM, KELLY & - - 16 hhda Cuba Muacovado'Mo- lasses, for sale from the wharr low, to close ont the cargo of tbs schr A Dovereux, by >?r3 J. A. BROWN. AN OONSTGNMENT^- V 10 bbls, Monongahela Whisky; 10 do Gin; 8 do Domestic Brandy; For sale low, by aprgft PATTEN, HUTTON k 00. T>LEACHED Shirtings in great variety, aid AJ at various prices. feb 21 AIKIN A BURNS /~10RN—1000 bushels prime Corn in store and \J tor sale by *en » 0 A GREINER. INFORMATION for THE PEOPLE. rpAKE notice, from this date, the subscriber I will take Daguerreotyes at a great REDUCTION FRbM HIS FORMER PRICES. His object In doing this Is to bring It within the reach of all to huve Planter Likxsossxs or themselves and friends He will continue to take them in the B&me Superior Style, and use none but the host of materials, as heretofore characterized bis pictures. J. W. MILLER, Corner St. Julien-st. and Market Square. N. B. Instructions giveu in the art aud instru ments for sale. sept 17 Sc JELLIES— 26 doz X, >{, and lib boxes Guava Jelly; 5 “ boxes West IudiaSweetmeat*; 10“ “ Guava Mutnulude; A full assortment of American Preserves aud Jel lies. For sale by maylO J. A. BROWN. QUPERIOR WHITE BRILLIANTES.—Just |J received ant tor sale by J. W. THRELKEIJ), may 10 Congress and Whitaker streets. P ORTER Sc ALE- 60 casks “Byays's” pints Porter. 20 do do do Ale, 20 do "Jeffrie*” do do 10 do “Campbells” do do Landing and for solo by rnyl-T HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. L ADIES’ SILK VESTS-The best in the city. For sale by J. W. THRELKELD, may 13 Congress and Whitaker streets. XiXTTXiZI tS-IAJSTT CORN AND COB MILL. MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENFIELD, UA. FACULTY. WUtjmCNT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PROFESSORS. College* S. P. SANFORD, A. Si., Slathomatlcs. J. E. W1LLET, A. SI., Chemistry and Natural Philueupby. H. H. TUCRER, A. SI. Belles Lettros. U. W. WISE, A. SL, Greek aud liitin Isiuguages. WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A. B., Sloderu Languages. Tlicologlt-nl Seminar)’. N. M. OKAWFORD, D. B:, Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIASIS, A. M., Svstematlc and Pastoral Theology. Academy* THOSIA8 A. MEALS, Principal. The Commencement Is holdou the last Wednesday in July. The noxt Term will commence on the lost Wed nesday in August. The price of Board iu the village Is $10 per mouth; washing, room rent, fttol, &c., $8. By oruor of tho Board of Trustee*. tny!2 2m H. 1.ANPKUS1, ?>ecrotary. harperfoiiTtunk* ~ H ARPER’S NewMoutlily Magoxiuo for June. The Flower Gardou: or, Brock’s Book of Flow er*. in which are described ull tho various hardy herbaceous pcrenials, annuals, shrubby plum*, aud evergreen trees, dosirablo for oruumcntul purposes, wlUi directions for their cultivation. By Joseph Brock. Also more of Ernest Llnwood. By Mrs. Curoliue I.eo Henlz. Letters from the United states, Cuba and Canada. By Hou. Miss Murray. Tho Song of Hiuwulhu. By Houry W. laiupfoltow. Recollections of tho Table Talk of Sutnuel Rogers, to which I* added Porsoniuna. Miss U>sllo’* New Receipt* lor Cooking. For *nlo by WAKNOCK It DAVIS, Booksellers and Stationer*, mnylP 16P Aongro** Htroot. JOHN RiLHO, Ordinary of Cbuthun County, AND ATTORNEY AT' LAW. Ofllcs In the Court House. my lit ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bavannalk, Georgia. OlBoo ou Bay street, over lue Bunk ofSavou- uah. muyia "R."f; cole A' brother, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah, Gu., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Com, I H. F. Com, Buy street, Savauuah. | Commerce st., Montg’ry. RKFKKK.VOIM. Holcomb, Juhusou, k Co. t Coheus k Hertz, Lockett k Suelllugs, | Edwlu Parsons k Co., Robert A. Alluu, | Scrunton, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH, OA. mylU wm't. ww»n.*’ wm.'u. *aus. WEBB eSi MAGE, (srtCK-iMJRSIO CAMKKON, WlfiLU k CO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTiiEN-WARE, 145 MEKTING-ST. CUARLKSTON, H.C.. Will supply Country Merchants with Goods in their Hue at as luw rules tu they can buy lu New York, or olaowbore. sept 28 ty K. J. uai>K.\. WM. NTAKU, Jr. U. M. lUKUZK. OGDEN, HTAUIt di CO., Shipping and Commission Merchant*, MAV-STKEET. SAVANNAH. UA. u. it. mi/J ON, A1TORNKV AND UJl NtlXLOll AT LAW- «lilltu* cornel uflJay uuu Drayton-bt*. irAVANKAU, GA. my 11 'henry WILLIA918, * ATTOKNEY A T LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Bnvaunah, Georgia, may 6—ly dOIlNBI* AULfi&N; ATTORNEY AT LAW, (t^tllce ut the Court House.) Will practice in the Superior and Courts of Ordt- •“try. JaubO - nrvrprmsis; ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Xlny untl \Vhltukei BtrecU, SAVANNAH. feb 22 smug Do A. O’UVHNi , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176. liay-st., over Turner k Co's. Drug Blare riAVAKNAtl, GA. nor to—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW’, office Muuumm Square, near htate Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov lu—ly YONGE dt F1UEHMON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT'S, Ml. U4 UAY-STHKKT. HAVANNAU, OA. apr4 aV atcALPiN *itnoTULtns, Lumber, Mill aud Brick Vards. «ept6^ SAVANNAH, UA. PATTEK, 11UTTON di CO., FACTORS. Forwurdiug mid (Jommissiou Merchants, Unyetiimt, Suvnnualt, Cia. K, t.OCKKnV u. I». HNKLUMIM. LOCKETT di HMELL1NG8, COMMISSION MEH01IANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ou. Will uttcud to the lelllug of all kind* ol'produce. Strict utteutioa given to receiving and torwurdiug good*. may 81 ly Vuctiou it (Joitmtlsaion Hums Jluuuu, Ua. A. It. .Alt’LAU(4181.118, Geuoral Agent and Auctioneer, Solicit* from hi* friends cousignmcnt* ol every ile.scripUoti. Take* orde^ lor Cotton. ASi“ Special attention given to tho Halo* ol Real Etfluto, Mock* uud Negro properly, ut public and private mile*. i*ruuijtt returns and dirjtatcJi. Keleiciii'o—C. A. 1.. 1AMAlt. inch30 TO. W|Ua ^XuiiiTilL “OTEbrjiTsAVAGE; ATTORNEY AV LAW, lUOMAHVUXV, TlliiUjb O..UNTV, UA. All busiuc.-i* lUtrastud io LIm cure will receive prompt attention. lyr—mar 17 AKTHOXY WcCCr.lAJn; attorney at law, Suvuunah, Georgia. office on Buy htroet, over tho Bunk ol cuviaj. imh. leli2 WIIjIaIAM PlULLIPg; T T O It N E Y Al’ LAW, MAKtK'iT'A, UA. OCt 20—ly "UaviuTSTTvIEBS: A T T O B N E Y AT U«', srAitrx, ux. Will pracUco lu tho i;uunUc* of Hancock, Wiurea Wo*hiuglon, ami Baldwin. RKrkKKMA*—llebu 4*x Fi utur. ibtbuu k Smith, end E. A. Soullurd, e'tuvamin- ■ l-ht-d ou reasonable terms. Order* res- ‘jMsHlully solicited. up lb __ 1, C. Kl'jl!. J. II. DAVIS. W. 11. U>NU. 1U8E, DAVIS dm LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVANNAH, OA. may uo W AY N K, GiiKN V1L.1.K & CO., FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Hay-street Savannah. TJ103.8. WAYNE. C. K. URENVIUzK, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy u—if SavuuuaU. Chuttuuouga. C. C. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryau,), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SoMltes, Ullmle, Doors, Palate, Oils, Vuv iileltcs, Window Glass, Putty, die, , Paiutera’, Ur&luers’ aud Artists’ Brushes; Whitewash Heads aud Dusters, Dry uml - Mixed Paiut* of every descnptUm, Artist*’ color* lu tubes, Prepared Cuuvus*, kc. PAl'EK HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ueutuoss aud despatch.— House, Slgu aud Ship 1'aiuUug, Glldiug, Graluiug aud Glaziug douc iu the best style aud at moderate prices. All order* u«m the country promptly attended to. inch 28—ly FRKNC'H CHVNA, WHATK UIIANl'i’E, AND GLzVSS WARE. 146 MKb'llMi MTUKKT, CiL\KLWn).V, mJCTII CWU4IUXA. Thu subscriber* re.^pecUully solicit, from the traveling public, uu inspection* iof their stock of French and English Chiuu, iu plain white, gold baud, uud decorated Uiuuor, desert, breakfast, tea, toilet, tulc-a- teto sets aud vase*. Also, Cups and Saucers, Ac., ot the celebrated Suvres Cluuu. Whlto Gmuitoof the besunauulactururs. Rich cut French, English aud Boheminu Glass. They have u variety of onnwitails iu PatisiuM Ware, Dusta ol Cuiiioi.n, Clay, Webstur, aud other*, uud Stutuelvs of the Greek Slave, Veuus de Medicis, fM.. AC. They huve also u beuuilful. durable aud cheap arti cle lor Hour* aud hearths, ol Plalu and EiwauKtlc Tilt'*. Tueir stock beiug very goucrul, cm cl ully aolucted and unported direct, oll'ers mducetuents to niurchuut.- uh Well a* families, to whom goods will be put up ut the lowest rates tor cash. WEBli A sAUK, Importers, successor* to (atuierou, Webb A; Co. _A_ OJL.O*I 1 iaci3Xr«3-_A a EMPORIUM. 1 UOOR WK6T OK TUS ItKRUBLIOAN UZ1U1XI4 1IOUM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; llats and Caps, Shirts, Collar*, Glove*, Hosiery, Culms, Umbrellas Cruvuts, Stocks, Haudkorchlels, and Fancy Articles tor Ueutlemen. gg- Order* fro feb 6 W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND UILITABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Btreet, SA V ANXAH. n city uudeoun Also, Supurttuc Cloths, nssiiuers and Vuathigs, will be made to mou rn ro. unexception able iu sty lu uud workuuusiiip, by the bunt mechanics, ut shortest uulice • y solicited. »OR THX BTATSS OF 80. CAROUXA, UKOROU A2CD FLORIDA * PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1865. fflHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders X u respectfully called to tho above Mill. They aro now lu uso by at loasi 10,000 of the most practi cal Stock Feodors throughout the couutry, who aro rondy to to*Uiy to thoir superiority ovor all other Mill* of a similar kind. Those Mills are mado tho exclusive business or the patentee, Mr. 8oott. who being a practical man, superintends the casting in person, and solouts only such iron ns is boat adapt ed to tltolr uso, which, Uko cur whools, roqulro to be made or metal known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from Uiroo to live hundred pouud*, ac cording to else, and can bs put in operation In twen ty minutes without expense or mocbanlcal aid. Tho Little Giant has takou the first premium at noarly all the 8tato Fairs throughout the Union, and that In the most complimentary manner. They aro guaranteed against breakage or derangement when usod according to directions, and warranted togtvo the most ported satisfaction, or the money retondod on the return or the mill. Thoy are or three aises, and will grind from eight to (Moon bushels good tosd per hour, according to also, with one or two horns. We now otter thorn to tbs trad* complete, ready tor attaching ths team, at roduced prices. Mr. 0. H. GAMPFIELD Is our Agent in 8avauuith, of whom ths mill may bs had at our price. msrch7—oodkwly f'lUBA MOLASSES—Tho cargo of the brig V>> R. B. Lawton, of superior quality. Forsalo by mayiu 3t I'ADKLFOKD, FAY k CO. PZf\ boxes TOBAGCO, just recoived direct tfifrom Manufacturer, and Ibr salo low, by myll CRANK, WELLS k CO. L>URb WATLR^-Ifyou want the finest drink- X ing water In the world call and purchase ono of KmUle’s Patent Water Filter*, tho articlo mentioned iu Water Commissioner*’ Inst Report, which we warruut to purlftr Uio Favannab River Water perfectly—an indl*i»ensnblo arllclo for plantation use. KENNEDY & REACH, Isn24 only Agent* lor tbolr salo In Favunnab. /AILS—OILS—Linseed,Sperm, Whale, Neats Y/ foot and Taunor* Oil, for sale at reduced pridos may7 CHAFFER k CO., No. Whitnkor street. KhGS French and American Ziucs, tor fsle on favorablo torm* at CHAFEER &CO., roty7 No. 8 Whitnkor street. 200 90 LIGHT Sash, of uU size* in AlUiUl/v use. constantly on hand, and for sale at Ute lowest rates, at CHAFFER k CO., roay7 lot No. 8 Whitaker street. B ROWN DE BAGE.-Just received per str. Alabama, and tor sale by apr!7 le by J.W, THRELKELD, Congress end WUtsksr-sts. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of bis proles- sioti, uilur* bis sorvicoa to hi* friend* uud at*** public a* an Architect and rtupcriulomleut. Design* fot uuy part of tbo couutry stippliui uud executed lu all the various brunches ol' his proles siou, such us Public, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, &c. Thoroughly Fire Proof etoio* dt- .ngued and executed. UlUcu ut prusuut iu Bay Luuu, rear of the Custom lious**. .|uu 3—-ly „WM. C, c. *.viCLLY, A J T 0 I! i\ .. . A t LAW,, irunrii tui.vr.. (V’.'-'; t.Fnat, aijum.i Will pruchau iu the t CiiQuit, and iu Macon, Dooly aud WortiiCountiueRnBo ilacou Uicuit. Bar Purlicular attention given to the collection ot claims lu Eoutli-Wcslcru Georgia. j«2—Ltr« ~®i. citiiftjurtciV A T T 0 It N E Y AT LA W , lubl-ly iH\V!.vro.\, u.\. LAZIER dm AiilDKlUiUA, A T T OllNBVS AT LA W , upo-ly RACO.V, OA. ' C. W. MAURY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HU.VKU.N, ilK.U.'UHV)., OA. Wih uttend to iuutoa.'>ioijat busiuess iu the Counties ol Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Cowuta, Fayette, Vixn- wether uua Troup. Rotorooci’—Hon. K. V. JfrJ;, lAzGiaugc, Ga.; inn. David h wiu, Marietta, <*a.; ColoueJ 41. M. Tiawt-U, Fayetteville, Ga.; aud Mr. Wniium Dougherty, Co- iumbiiB, Gn. uepli-iy mi. 8. lusutn, ■ ATTOUNKY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, UA. 4H** Dlllcu over Tboniiis Ji. Turner A Co.’a Drug more. Bay street. | U j7 JAS. h UlNlK. VKKU. X. IsOXaC HOOK te TEOEAU, ATTORNEYS A T LAW, W:ilfflWUJ4i, OtuKUlA. Will pruetisu iu Washington, Jellereou, Scriu Burke, Eummiel, TuiLiuil, aud Montgomery ol t Middle Clreuil, ulid WilkinsoU o) the Octuuigci C mayb UA11BEH shops Pula*lal limine Barber Shofi, Uteens' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House. FIVE WORKMEN’ ENGAGED. Marslinll Hou an Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUK WORKMEN ENG AG ED. fpHE Hiitmcrihcr, tluuiklul to hi* fellow-citizen* X for tlio libcrul lutronago lio has received, and 1* still receiving, Legs respectfully to inform them tlmt he hus engaged sufficient additional Urst clu** workmen from some of the best Barber Shops in New York, aud will be enabled to accommodute us many geullomou as may honor him with their pa tronage. N. U.—The Burlier Shops are closed un Sundays— stranger* will please boar tbts in mind. SAVE YOUR MONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET. w _,next door to Messrs. J. Dickson &: Co’s. Confec- tionnry. You will there And the greatest bargains iu Shoo* ever offered in till* city. October 16th, 1865. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eusteru Latli* and Patliugs, lor sale, ut wholesale uud retail, low for cash, on tho now wharf recently erected tm tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Alluu At Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON*. - HN c , BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will alto give bis attontiou to design* in Architec ture. Office iu the store of John WiUtaiuson, Esq., Buy street. myl8 TkTEW GOODS.—Tho subscriber bits received xl a large let of tho following articles— White and striped Oanabnrgs, Columbus Factory, White and striped Ostiuburg*, Sobloy’u Fuotory, Blenched and brown Bblrtings and Bhcettng*, Marlboro’ and Manchester Plaids and Striiwa, Blue Doniius, &c., Ac. Also, afresh lot orchoap fast-colored Prints. J, W. THRELKELD, mri:i corner Qongreea and Whltaker-at*. A TLANTIC LEAD.-^Oonitantly~on hand and tor sale at CHAFFER k CO.’a, aprSO No. e Whitaker street. ■\yf'ARBLBTMaiitela constantly on'hand, and AvX tor aaie on (kvorablo terms by d*o 16—Ot CHAFFER k CO THRESH UUSUNSv—A few more of those X figured Lawns at 12X cents. Received per late stMUier from New York, and tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, may It Oeofreea ead Whitaker streets. M. WiUT SMITH. A T T 0 It N E Y AT LAW, ALIJll.UoK, rUiklOA^ WIII practice in the I n.-turn amt >ouuiu u C<>iictKa Refer tu—Col. s. ihbk-y, und R. D. Hldon, ca vuuuuh. feb2-U Cl IAS. O. CAMl»HIdjL,L. AT TURNEY A T L A W. am.ixrxjiix ills, <u.§ Practices ]j»w in the various Counties ut theOc« mulgce Circuit, and the uiyoining Counties ot TwhtB, Uiireufl and Washington. Kotor to—.loiui Boston, ii. A. Crane, and R. B Ulltou. It-014 JU*. w. UKKK.V. ji v. hnuat. GREEN dt SMOOT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, f»cfj« JUOM.U. I ON. u*. ~ “XfEWGE ATWRYkMff; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. .4X0 Cummissiotur of the U. S. Court vf Claims /ut the State qf Georgia. Oliicu Curlier Buy uud Buu streeLs. •>' my 10 ftU. CHARLES FfTCOLDlNU, OFFICE AND RKhUiKNCE, No. 14 UUEhi'V hT., One linin’ west ol Draytou, myxl J. W. PATTERSON.' ATI (JUNE V AND CuLNtLLi.uU AT LAW, TiuiipvUle,ixjwiidu4> luuuiy,Ga. (my 11 7 W.* BAKER,' ATTORNEY AND V.oCNfiJiU.oP, A'i L.tW , Monticeilu, JeUersou County, IU. Reference—Huu. W. B. Fluiixo, Suvunnnb, ua myll EDWAItll G.* WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND UlMMJaBlOKER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owen.-.’ 1 aw Office ^myil JOSEPH GANATiiT „ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Buy street, over tite Kvuding Room of the Republican, euuauce iiniiH iiiuteiy fast of iituis. iTicc tk Veudur’a. nuyJt william H. Rasher; ATlORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LaW, TroupvUlc, I*iwudes County, Ga. Will practice inThuinua, Lowuues, clinch, Waie Appling, Tellulr, Jrwiu, Laurens, end Pu.o.,,.; cuuutlcs, Oeorgiujuuiliu JcU'ejson,Mudison, Hum- lltuii, uml CulnmbiucoiinUe*, Floridu. [rny.i WM. M. WILUAUS. TIUOOUS UUVKU. JACK SHuVa. WILLIAMS, OLIVER di BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Viitu, Marion County, Gu., Will practice in tlie counties of Marion, Macon, Houa- liin, Mt wurt, Randolph, Muscogee, Iau, aud any iiiijuiiuug oouutius, w lu re their services um> b* required. auH JOIliV 'U. tObiUtAAE, A’n'ORNKY AT LAW, Dublin, uuiieiia couuty, Ga,, lute junior partner tf the lirm oi .1. k J. CuuuuMi, lnriiitoo, oa. wui auoii t promptly to all business euirustud to his care. Particular ultcntiou paid to ctlietliuc. Ks- fvreuce—l»r, C. it. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., Ji Mar.-lt, .-ay.iniiah. uiyii JkMiii T. liERNMlD, ATTORNEY AND Oil. NaKLLOR AT LAW, N«.Wi.aiiavi:le, Fla. Reference—George . i iowu, William Dell, New* uansvllle, Fla., R. 1J. Iblion, Boston St Viilalouga, Bttvauuait, Gu. myll 11U1)80.V FLEMING dTCO.,* Factor* mitl Commlssloii Merchants, No. 94 Hay Strut, Savannah, Ga., r I TENDER their service* to planters, merchant* X aud deuler*, lu the sale ut t'ottou and ull othur country produce, being connected In busiuess with ilorKiNd, Hcnso.v A Co., ut charleston, the establish- meut of an office hi this city will uffurd our Irion vfr chuicouf market-. Strict uttentiou will he given tu busmesK, aud the usual facilities alfordeu custe- uuirs. J. R. HUDSON, 1 W. R. FLEMING, / Savannah. IiABl'.TH HOPKINS, Augusta, my II—tf COHEN. Cliaslostuu. LEU'niSU dt AVUUCUX, UfllllNU, OFFICE over Dewitt St Mor- S ui’s Store on Congress-stroet, oiler luir prolcsstuiiul services tu U.s public, conUdont. from long cxpoil- encc uud paat success, that in ail case*, they will render entire suthfudinn. oct 2 if DENTISTRY. Drs.ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentist*--, office comer St. Juliou-st. and Market t>quare, over S. WU- mot’* Jewelry store. Office bout* from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. mar 11 ovm DRi7LBFLEU~<b WILCOX,“d^UsU. ARE now fully prepared toin- sort toll or purlTalsothi or Teeth on tho principle of Dr. J. Allens'* Patent Coutluuoue Gutn, By tbit improvement, tho form of tho face can he restored to any degree or rotundity that may be desired. Iti* applicable iu all cases where tho cheeks have fullea lu uud cuuuol bo detected by tho closest observer.— This method combines the following* lvuntages:— Au artillciul gum, which exhibits a purtoctly natural uud hlo-hkc appearance, uud imparts to the tbceib that pocuilar expression which characterize* tho na tural organs. This Uuiu consists of a sllaclous compound whirh ts applied tuid fiuod uponlhe Teeth and Piute in buoo a manner, os to All up ail tho intorsticM around Ih* baso of tbo Tooth, and also unites them Urraiy to each other and to tho Plate upon which they are sett. Tills aocuro* perfect cleanliness of tho Tooth, Dmoo overDoWUt k Morgan, Cougress streot. ***Republican and Georgian copy, lob Ift—tf BfELLM, Factor ao4 General Commission Merchant* .. NO; 71 BAY-6TBSIT, SAVANNAH, OA., Rxnat*to—Messrs. CUghoru k Cunningham, Be9 k Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Ou., Savannah; J. F ThompNO, Boston. nor 1