Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 23, 1856, Image 1

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xz-s^**r=rj?j r. R.B. HILTON & CO. PUBLISHERS. { B. HILTON, Editor. I.P.h’aMU.'tON, } A«Ut«..t KdUon. TEKMS: . ,telly P«|M»r,_per jmr,In advance. .$11.00 Vl-Weckly Paper 3.00 iVrfkly P»P«r.,. Georgian A Journnl Rcadlni Room. Our Mending Room iu the Exchange is free to subscribers to the Daily Georgian «$* Journal, o i\l contract advertiser* in Ita columns, to the •lergy of the city and to strangers introduced i,y either of these classes—but to none other*. 'bally. Tri-Weekly and Weekly. RFIDAY.—» O'clock, P. M. dictions, declare that Mr. Marcy is only await ing the receipt of the Blue Book, containing Tai.lahahsk* R. R. Bonus.—The Tallahassee SmiinW (earua that the Tallahassee and St Marks Railroad Company “ have succeed in ne gotiating eighty thousand dollars of the Bonds ,f the Company at from 87.60 to 90 cents in the Jollar.” We have it on the “most reliable authority,” tat "that mule” will soon have to give way to Ueam engine. So mote it be ? •Iu the Norfolk American of the 20th therein long-winded article headed thus: "Give us no more matt men." 1 mmediately above comes in large capitals— For Vice President, Andrew J. DoNKtsoN.of Tennessee. Editors of newspapers are not often blessed nth the same good fortune as to have this prac- ical illustration of their doctrines staring them the face. The American should have remov al his sententious apothegm from so dangerous md ridiculous a contiguity. Police Report* —B. W. Hunt, fined three iollars for improper conduct. Insult to American Officers. It is advisable now-a-daya not to believe more ban half that you hear. The alleged Insult by he French Minister of war to the officers of the American Military Commission, according to he Courier de* Etat* Uni*, turns out as fol ows: Officers had been delegated by the Minister of War to accompany the Commissioner on their mir, while visiting one of our arsenals (that of Vincennes, if we are well informed,) as one of lie commissioners wished to extend the circle if examination beyond the limits assigned to he curiosity of strangers. The French officer j'lio accompanied them declared that his in ductions did not permit him to go further, and the Commissioner expressed his surprise at Ibis: “We «*• no longer, sir, replied the officer, at that degree or courtesy. The attitude of your country towards ours has put our relations upon a new footing." “Afterthis notice, the relations of the Com missioners and their guide natnrally took a hameter of coolness which could uot but in crease. “There is a vast difference, as will be seen, between the pique d'officier* and the famous interview in which Marshal Vaillont is Baid to have spoken of nothing less than meeting the American army ‘at the cannon’s mouth.’ But it is thus that history is written in the United States.” Washington Correspondence. Mr,\Ui'ampton not yet jUismtned—Humm* of the Intelligencer—Senator Sumner, Washinoton, May 20, All diplomatic predictions in these days, are simply undiplomatic guesses, as the dispatches you daily receive concerning the diplomacy of the American Cabinent daily prove. The rela tions of Mr.Crampton to our Government have not Undergone any change. Ho has received no notice of any kind whatever, and they who are very uuxions for the fiilllliimnt of their own pre- Ms, Cramptox.—Up to tho hour at which wo go to press we havo been unable to satisfy ourself that Government has yet como to a definite couolu ion as to tho proper course to be finally pursued to- wards .Mr. Crampton, as his case stands, now that lard Clarendon’s reply has boou received. Tho Jubinct were again iu sesslouthls morning, consider- ug lilt.* same subject, it is thought.— Washingtm Mar if Tuesday evening. Mr. prampton’s. correspondence with his Gov ernment concerning the‘enlistment question. Tho u Intelligencer^ of to day, alludes to this subject, (in perfect ignorance of course) iu such manner as to warrant the belief that affairs wear a more paciiio aspect than the public have been led to suppose. The Intelligencer—tho on ly real diplomatist in Washington—knows noth ing “except from rumor;” but, strangely enough rumor often tells it many things she does not tell other people. Rumor tells it that “the roply of the British Cabinet, white they decline ac ceding to the American demand for the recall of Mi 1 . Crampton, adduces a mass of testimony uot before kuown to our government, and a variety of elucidating circumstances aiul facts tending very much to mitigate the gravity of the offence charged against the British Minister, and altogether presenting so softened a view of the case as to justify our government in uot on- ly not insisting on the expulsion of the offend ing Minister, but uccopting the expressed regret of the British government for its unintentional offence as a sufficient reparation for the disres pectful act we have complained of.” Many who know the relations of the editors of the Intelligencer with the members of almost every Cabinet do not regard this as mere soft words, bot as the prelude to an arrangement desired by both governments, or at least by both peoples. But tho alleged points of veracity be tween Mr. Crampton, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Cass and Mr. Fish may be still more difficult to arrange. Mr. Sumner again held the attention of the Senate to-day, and again poured forth the phi als of * his wrath. His speech is a book, and he has been mnuy a day in compiling it. H9lsa scholar, a thorough scholar, aud still a student. He is, as I have said, a fine looking man. He is, moreover, a bachelor. Wonder not, there fore, that the galleries are crowded with ladies, that ladies fill the ante-rooms leading to the Sen ate chamber, and that ladles would crowd even Senators out of their scats if they could. But, as I said yesterday, Mr. Sumner is no orator. He lacks freedom, force, power, and courage. Ills soul is not bold enough nor warm enough. He is timid in his utmost vehemence. In short, as Mrs. Skcwton would say, he want9 heart. He has everything but heart, that peculiar polish which a year or two of Southern life is so well adapted to impart. Messrs. Cass, Douglas and Mason have briefly replied; but in this they have done themselves some injustice, for tho speech of Mr. Sumner is of that peculiar kind, that however vulnerable, requires the same kind of investigation for refu tation that it did to elaborate it. The House, after floundering a whole day over a bill which proposes to give Wisconsin more thau a million acres of land for tho pur pose of making three railroads of an aggregate of more than five hundred miles, has concluded its work by (tending the bill buck to tho Com mittee. Impartial. A New York Beggar Turned Countess.— The Diario, of Madrid, tells a story of New fork life, which we condense for the benefit of our readers who delight in romantic stories: A few years back, according to the Diario, an English nobleman, a grandee of the first water, utul an eccentriclan of the wildest school, hon ored New York with his presence and his mo ney. He lived strictly incognito, and his sole amusement consisted in wandering through the Ureets after nightfall, and In relieving those of of his fellow creatures who had experienced the jiain9 of poverty or the penalties of dissipation. IVbile upon one of these humane excursions, he encountered a young female, who tenderly Inquiring her history, he found solicited alms. ... w her to be an orphan, of surpassing beanty, with uu intelligent mind and of excellent education, reduced to abject destitution by the death of her lather, shot in the Mexican war. The titled Howard, wearied at his own bachelor’s exis tence, and won by the romance of the beggar girl’s history, tendered to her hiBheart, his cor- met and his hand. The sequel, according to the Diario, is that, at a recent ball given by the Russian Emperor, a duchess, radiant with Kill “* ** * ‘ * ty, and sparkling with diamonds, won the hearts of all observers. That distinguished lady was the ciaevant medicant of tho New York streets. De Quincy somewhere tells an anecdote of a man, who, on being threatened with an assault by eighteen tailors, out: “ Come on, both of you! ’’ If De Quincy ever perpetrated the above, it was not original with him; the witticism dates back as far as the Virgin Queen. Upon being waited upon by a deputation of eighteen tailors, she said: “ Good morning, gentlemen, both." Tho following are tho rumors of the Nationa• Intelligencer—rumor* which our cautious cor respondent manifestly thinks worthy of more credit tliau much thut is positively asserted by most of the Washington gossips: “It is generally understood that our Govern ment received, on Saturday last, the auswer of Lord Clarendon to Mr. Marcy’s despatch of the 28th December, iu which he summed up the argument of the American Hide of the Recruit ment diBpnte; and rumor assigns to the rejoinder of the British Secretary an elaborateness equal to that which distinguished the ablo paper of the American Secretary. Rumor adds, like wise—we are pleased to learn, but how truly we are, of course, unable to say—that the reply of the British Cabinet, while they decline ac ceding to the American demand for the recall of Mr. Crampton, adduces a mass of testimony not before known to our Government, and a vari ety of elucidating circumstances and facts tend ing very much to mitigate the gravity of the of fence charged against the British Minister, and altogether presenting so softened a view of the case os to justify our Government in not only not insisting on tho expulsion of the offending Minister, hut accepting the expressed regret of the British Government for its unintentional of fence as a sufficient reparation for the disrespect ful act we have complained of. “ How far rumor is correct in assigning this character to the answer of Lord Clarendon we are, as we have alreudy said, unable to state. But we can, with entire sincerity, express the hope that ids response may present such au extenua tion of the indecorum committed towards our country and prove so far satisfactory to our Gov ernment, os to enable it, without degradation to itself, to remit the rigor of the expiation demand ed in the removal of tho Minister, and frankly to extend the hand of reconciliation over this point of dissention at least.” The Crampton Case.—Mods. Sartiges, the French Minister, has endeavored not withstanding the supposed hostility of the French Goverment, to effect a satisfactory arrangement of the difficulty between Mr. Crumpton and the U. S. Government. His endeavors are predicated on the al leged apologies which have been made,but which are not regarded as sufficient. A correspondent of the Philadelphia North American, writes: Mr. Crampton explains his statement in regurd to Mr. Clayton, by asserting that the latter called on him to examine some old English maps on which Ruatan and Jamaica were designated and colored in the same way, whereupon Mr. Clayton admitted that both were evidently claimed ns British possessions. It is possible that misapprehension might have occurred in that instance, but the explanation does not cover the points involved in the decla rations of Mr. Clayton, corroborated by Senators Crittenden and Fish. It is supposed now Mr. Crampton will make •some publication on the subject. A disnatch from Washington says: “Mr. Dallas writes that he is nowin possession'of an official letter from Lord Clurendon to the British Parliament, in which his lordship gives tho precise con struction to tho Clayton-Bulwer treaty which is contended for by our government. —Mr. D. sava it is more conclusive than anything ho has seen written on tho subject Mr. Dallas.saysuIbo, that things look most unpromising in London.” Hie Emperor lias just published ado- tr( x; which orders that whenever the im- Mil baby, the young Napoleon tho f ourt “> passes a company on parade, a f barrack, a military post, or an osta fette, ine soldiers must present arms, the drums jnuat roil and horns toot, the same as for ~ i “ Malakoir,” tho Paris correspondent of iho Now York Timos, says that at Judgo Mason’s solroo, tho company had tho privllogo of heuring tho voice ol ono oftlio most romarkablo musical talont$ which America has yot produced, thut of Miss Juliana May, or Washington. This lady, who is a cousin to tho bravo officer of that name, has now boon in Europe several years with her mother and slstor, studying music under tho host musters of Italy uud France.— I hoard her sing several difficult operatic pieces tho evening hoforo, ut a musical .soiree at her mother’s houso, which cxcitud the highest admiration. Tho compuuy was j>artly composed of musical critics, and there soomod to ho but ono opinion as to the ro markable powers of this lady. Independent of her voice und tho long schooling which sho has had, Miss May has a very flno person, which will not fail to produ .o an effect on tho stage. Sho Is prepared to accept an engagement iu opera, and any Ameri can manager wuo desires to bring out a debutante of real talont—a young woman who is cortainly des lined to figure prominently on the stage—will do well to enguge this lady. Munificent Bequest,—Wc learn tVom the Ynn Burcn (Ark.) Intelligencer that Alfred Wallace, Ksq., tvho died in that city on the 26th ult., has by his wiil given to Crawford Institute, $1,000 to aid in completing the Institute, and also $10,000 as a permanent endowment. Mr. Wallace was a native of Georgia, and one of the most energetic and successful business men of Van Buren. Veto., or Uie Preahlei.t. The fallowing are the latovrfo messages of l’rosldont 1'ikbck : Wasuinoton, May lit, 1850. 2V. the Senate of the United States; 1 return herewith to the Senate, in which It originated,the bill entitl(!d“An.ut to remove oh* etniotlonu to navigation Iu the mouth ofthe Mis- Hlasippl river, at the Southwest Pass and Pass a i’Outre," which proposes to appropriate a sum of money, to be expended uuder the superin tendence of the secretary of War, -for the opening aud kcoping open ship channels of suf- uolunt capacity to accommodate the wants of commerce through the BuuthweatPassuudPass a I’Outre, leading from the Mississippi rivor to tiie Gulf of Mexico.” lhia communication addressed by me to the two Mouses of Congress on tho 5(mi of IJecem- bor, 1854, my views were exhibited hi lull outlie subject of the relation of the General. Uovorn- montto internal irapruveraehtu. 1 sot forth on thut occasion tlm constitutional Impedimenta which, in my mlud, are tuuuperablo to tho prose cution of a system of internal improvements by ■nouns oi appropriations from the Treasury of tho United slates; inure, especially the consid eration that the Constitution does uot confer uu tlioC|enoral Government any express power to make such appropriations: that they are not a necessary and proper incident of any of the ex press powers; and that the assumption of au thority on tho part ofthe Federal Government to commence und cany ou a general Byatom of internal improvemeuta, while exceptionable fur the want ot constitutional power, is iu other respects prejudicial to the several interests and inconsistent with tho true relation to one anoth er of the Uniou and ol thg individual States. These objections apply to the whole system of iuternal improvements, whether aucli improve ments consist-of works on land or in navigable waters, either of the seacoast or of the Interior lakes or rivers. i have not boon able, after tbe most careful reflection, to regard the bill before me in any other light than os a part of a general Bystem or internal improvements, and therefore feel couatmiued to submit It with these objections to the recommendation of Congress. Fkanxmn Pikkck. Bents in Detroit, Michigan.—Rents have been very high in Detroit, Mioh.! tins spring; good frame and' brick houses, for medium-size families ranging from; $350 to $800, and some oven higher. JEFFEHSOil BOUBItTS, GENERAL A Lucky Orifflk.—Hunts Aima, the ex Dictator of Mexico, is living in greut style at 1'abaeo four miles from Carthu- gena, in Now Grenada, South America. He is said to be worth $4,000,000. Commercial Intelligence. COTTON—Thera were no sales of cotton reported this morning. Port of Savannah MAY 23 Steamer Talomlcco, Powell, Augustu, tu M A Co hen. Cleared. ' 8t*hr Mitiue Law, Pack, Portland—lloers, Thompson d 1 t:o. Departed. Steatmir 'Augusta, Frazer, Augusta—S M tolllteuu Consignee*. Per steamer Talomicco. Powell, Irani Augusta— .J hales yarn, 2*2 halos Iron. *28 bundles hides, und mdxo, to M A Colton ami Bell k Premiss. Washington,May 19, I860. To the Senate of the United States : I return-herewith to the Senate, iu which it or iginated, a bill entitled an “An act making ap propriation for deepening the channel over the at. Clair flats, in the State of Michigan,” and submit it for reconsideration, because it is in my judgment liable to the objections to the prosecution of internal Improvements by the General Government which have already been presented by me In previous communications to Congress. Iu considering this bill, uuder the restriction that the power of Congress to construct a work of internal improvement is limited to cases in which the work is manifestly needful and >per for the execution of some one or more the powers expressly delegated to the Gene ral Government, I have not been able to find for the proposed expenditure any such relation, uuleas ii be to the power to provide for the com mon defence and to maintain an army and navy. But a careful examination of the subject, with the aid ot information officially received since ray last annual message was communicated to C mgress, has convinced me that the expendi ture of the sum proposed would serve no valu able purpose as contributing to the common de fence, because all that could be effected by it would be to afford a channel of twelve feet depth aud of so temporary a character that unless the work was done immediately, before the neces sity for its use should arise, it could not be re lied ou fur the vessels of even the small draught the passage of which it would promote. Under existing circumstances, therefore, it cannot be considered aa a necessary means for the common defence, and is subject to those ob jections which apply to other works designed to facilitate commerce and contribute to the con venience and local prosperity of those more im mediately concerned—an object not to be con stitutionally ada justly attained by the taxation of the people ofthe whole country. Franklin Pjkhok. $89 REWARD, L OST—Last (light, a largo Morocco Rocket Book. conluililug tottery Tickets lu tbe Fort Caines Academy Lottery, Class IB, to be drawn lu Atlanta May *2flth. Also an amount of money'loiters, ro uelpte,' etc. Payment on tbe tottery Tickets bus been stopped. The above reward will bo |>aid on return ofthe book aud coutouts to this office, may 23 M- prepared. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. The Uuderslgned has again the pleasure of iui'ormlug Ida numerous friends, as well as tbe nubile at large, that ho is yet at the Ituliau Spring Hotel, aud is fully prepared, with the assistance of his sous and his own experience of six years at tho hotel, with the best cooks thut can bo procured, as woll as assis tance of all kinds, to ask of all'those who visit the Spring’ll generous share of their patronage, intend ing to spare no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotol is now opou, aud ready to receive ull those that will please to call. There will bo at For sythe Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *«.* Savanuab Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will please insert the above three times each week uutll 1st September, aud send their bills for payment, _EDW. VARNER. S oap; candles, starch, id.— 100 boxes Colgate’s No, X and lb bar Soap; XQQ do Buchan k Smith’s Family Boap; 50 do Beadel’a 6s and 8s Tallow Candles; 75 do Adamantine Caudles (Star brand); 60 do Oswego Pearl Etarcfa; 60 do Colgate’s do do; 25 do Ground Cotfeo, In ft and >£ft papers; 25 do do Peper; 60 bbla Sugar, Soda and Butter Crockers-. 25 boxes do do; 20 bbls Pilot Bread; 15 X chests Black Tea In >4ft papers; 10 ii do do in tin roil; 10 >4 do Fine Hyson Tea; *25 boxes Key’s Lemon Syrup, Just received and for sale by way23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. A.M. Tippet in Wasliinjlon, D. G., fa at work ou a steam balloon, anil it fa stated in some of the papers, that an ap propriation fa about to be applied for in the Senate, to enable him to construct one to carry the mails to California. So great fa the rush to the West this spring, that some of those who returned report that some of the “old settlers” have turned their houses luto taverns. A Good Custom. A majority of the principal merchants of Market street,Phil adelphia, have agreed, as has been the cus tom for ten years past, to close their stores at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, com mencing last Monday, 19th inst., and continuing untill July 21st. In Boston, the commission houses have commenced clo sing at 4 o’clock. Anatomical.—There are, according to medical writers, the large number of seven million pores in the body of an ordinary sizo man; if these were joined lengthwise, a tube would bo formed twenty-eight miles long! Judge McLean.—This geutleman is out in a letter in which ho takes the ground that Congress has tho power to prohibit, but not to establish slavery in a Territory. This fa taken as an admission that ho fa willing to be the Republican nominee lor tho Presidency. Mrs. Rossiter, wife ofT. P. T. Rossiter, the American Artist, died in Paris on the 30th uit. She was greatly esteemed in that city. Arkansas Cattle for California.— Tho Van Buren (Ark) Intelligoncer, of the 3d instant, says; Every day trains and droves of cattle are leaving this vicinity for California. There have already Btarted several thous and cattle, and more are getting ready to leave in a few days. A larger emigra tion will leave here this year than has left for several years. Pardoned.—Wo understand that Gov. Wire has pardoned George W. Williams, who was an rested In this city in November last, and sen tenced to jail for twelve months, on conviction of attempting to enter the private residence of James Thomas, Jr„ in the night A bill has passed the Senate of Mas sachusetts devoting $1,000 to experiment by Prof. Agassiz in the artificial propaga tion of fish. George Law, it fa said, has sold all his muskets to Col. Colt. Ono hundred thousand stand have thus changed hands. In the Deep Bosom of tiie Ocean.— In 1853 twonty-five millions of dollurs were sunk in tho ocean. In 1855. which was free of storms, the losses upon the ocean were fifteen million of dollars, ma king an average of $2,000 for the two yean. A Great Improvement.—Iu Sardinia, which fa now one of the most liberal gov ernments in Europe, there was a regal de cree issued in 1825, that no one should be allowed to read aud write who was uot in possession of 1500 livres—about $200. New Teleoraph Line.—The new tele graph line, on Hnghes' principal, will shortly be in operation between New York and Washington. Lower rates are to prevail, and other reforms, such as not taking in messages when the line fa down, and so forth, Solo. U. Pattron, a police officer of New Orleans committed suicide on the 1.3th inst., bypbooting himself through the heart. Electric Clocks.—It is stated in Silman’s Journal that the city of Mar seilles has under taken to establish a com plete system of electric docks. Ono hun dred clocks will be sot up by the first of May. Tlio arrangements require the layiug of40,000 metres of conducting w Tho clocks will be placed in the street gas lamps, so that the hour may be read by night ns well as bv day. — The whole will cast only 22,000 francs and tho cam and supply of them per yoar 2000 francs. Export*. PORTLAND—I'or sclir Muitic tow—124,000 led luiolior. mg ntt. Arrived. - S TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH OO., May 20th. 1856—Two months after date application will io made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County lor leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldsou, deceased, for tho benefit of tho hairs aud creditors and said deceased. iny23~8w JOHN E. GIBSON, Adtn’r. G EORGIA—BUIJiOCH CO—All persons" having demands against the Estate of Thomas Mills, late of Raid county, deceased, a?-* hereby notified to preseut them, projwrly attested, witbiu the time prescribed by law, und these indebted to said estate are roquosted to mako immediate payment to HARDY B. HODGES, Adtu’r May 20tli, 1850. my23-0w D omestic liquors— 60 bbls EPholp' Rye Glu. 26 bbls N E. Rum, 50 “ Luther Feltou’s Rum, 26 “ Domestic Brandy, 50 “ Old P k H Connecticut River Gin, 50 “ N. O. Whisky, Just received and for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. E AHIl, HKHKINUS & COUKI.SH— 20 barrels Prime White Leaf Lard, 60 boxes “ Herrings, 2 hhds “ Codflsh, tonding and for salo by my23 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON At CO. ONOaNGAHELA'WHISKY- M 25 bbs Old Mouongahela Whisky, 50 Doublo Distilled “ Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTOaN, JOHNSTON & CO. B utter & cheese— 25 tubs choice New May Butter, 26 boxes “ “ Goshen Cheese, Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNvSTON At CO. B acon sides a shouldersI- '" 25 hhds Prime Bacou Sides, 10 “ “ “ Shoulders, tondlug aud for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. riiHB ATTENTION of strangers visiting the A city and tho public generally, is Invited to au examination of our stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety aud style Is uot to bo ex- colled In this city. apr28 A1KIN & BURNS. "117HI8KY.—100 barrels very superior Monon Y Y gahola Whisky, daily expected, for sale, to arrive, by mar8 BRIGHAM, KELLY It. CO. attention —..Ail assort- meuioi mucn worked collars and Undersleevea, Muslin and Cambric Bands, Ac,, Ac., just received and for sale by fob 28 I.ADSON & ROGERS. 150 cit y "mii;i apr 19 Flour, for salo b; ^CRANE, WELLS k CO. T IMG—-433 barrels landing and for sale by JU apraa BRIGHAM, KELLY it Ol. AN CONSIGNMENT- 10 bbls. Monongahola Whisky; 10 do Glu; 3 do Domestic Brandy; For salo low, by opr25 - PATTEN, HUTTON k CO. T3 LEACHED Shirtings ‘in great varietyVand XJ at various prices. fob 21 A1K1N k BURNS £JORN—1000 bushels prime Corn iu store and C A GREINER. INFORMATION FORTtHK PEOPLE. npAKE notice, (Vom this date, the subscriber ■ will take Daguorrootyosatagroat REDUCTION fROM HIS FORMER PRICES. His object iu doing this is to bring it witbiu the reach of all to have Pointer Ijkkxrmib of tbemselvos aud friends He Will continue to take thorn iu tho same Suiierior Stylo, and use none but tho beat of materials, as heretofore characterized bis pictures. , „ . . J. W. MILLER, Corner at. Jnlleu-at. and Market Square. N. B. Instructions given in the art and instru ments for Bnlo. eept 17 P ORTER & ALE— 60 casks “ByayaV 1 pints Porter, 20 do do do Ale, 20 do “Jeffries” do do 10 do “Campbells” do do tonding nnd for sale by myl4 H01.C0MBE, JOHNSON k CO. T ADtEB’ SILK VESTS—The best in the AJ city. For sale by J. W. THRELKELD, may 13 Oougross and Whitaker streets. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber aud Lumber. ‘ SAVANNAH, Go. WEI.L9 WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANC1 DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congr«ss-«f., Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort I)lst. S. C. THEOPHILUS WiLIJAMB, “ Scrivon Co., Ga. sopt 7 JAMKH 0. KOIMJKIH. .AMKSA. .VIlRKtH. RODGERS «Sc NORRIS, lute Cruno k Rodgers, jESALK grocers, BAY'STKKKT, SAVANNAH. Juno 1, 1865, [jo 26) D. L, COHAN, (la l#e *4» IltJjJV, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (nuo door tost ol' Drayton Street.) Is preiuued to contract for all kinds of building und rciNiiriug. Also to conduct wuter through the various parts ol houses. ap 17 M. FITZGERALD, Corner of Drought on aud Whltakcr-Nta.. SAVANNAH, GA., S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer uml Dealer iu every variety of common and line * • • - .NDIES, kilu driod und wurruuted to resist effec tually tho hot damp atmosphere of u .Snuthorn cli mate; also toinou mid {■Uruwbury Syfiip, Ac. Terms ca*h, prices luw. ^ tf— my 11 wm. Aimu:v coi-i'kk. jxo. rxiursii FKAHKH. COl PKll & FRASER, FACTORS A GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Snvmumli, Ga. fniyll JOHN «. FALLIGANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW HA8II AND PANE doors. West side Mnnumeut .Square, Suvunuuh, On. . ill ay 11 A. H. CHAMPION. ‘ 7 (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, , Nu. 4 Barnard st., between tho Market mid Bay at., SAVANNAH,UA. Dealer In Groceries, Foreign aud Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, &c., Ac. Reference—A. Champion, Ksq., Samuel Solomons, Ksq , Messrs. Rahim .k Whitehead, and Swilt Ac Co., Savannah, tia. my 11 SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. HEADMAN & CO., Curner of President and Jeflferson-MUs SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Are prepared to exeouto all orders lu Pluiubiug, and Gas Fitting, ou short notice, aud In superior style. tf June 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. Large sized Photographs, ta* >keu by MILLER, AT TWELVE DOLLARS VKh DOZEN Also, Atubrolypes and Du* guerreotypes, in ids usual su perior style. A call Is solicited. J. W. MILLER, cr. Bt. Juliuu-st. uud Market square. tnur27 CARY’S DAGliKRROTYPKM, AM Bit O- types nnd Photography. P. M. CARY W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms arc now opeu for the season, and rea dy tor tho reception of vis bora. By tho Ambhotvhe process persons luuy now have their children’s pictures lukou. in almost any potd- tlon they may choose, iu from i to 3 secodds suting. By the Photographic process old Daguerreotypes can ho transferred to puper, beautifully colored’ uud enlarged to life. ' net 22 0. S. HARRISON. C. ML'GKHEK HARRISON McUEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND .Forwarding merchants. S9 AND HI BROlD-STKmiT, UOLUMBl!., UHR1IU1A. MSr Particular ulteutlou given to the suluo of Real Estate, Negroes aud Produce. jfcg** Libera! made on Negroes uud Mer chandize. REFERENCESj RUSK. PATTEN k CO. ) GUNBY At DANIEL, >Coluuibus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY & CO. J Savwiuall . WM. WRIGHT, YOUNG. ATKINS ft DUNHAM, ) C. A. GREENE k CO., t Apalachicola H. S. SMITH, Mobile, Alabama, oct 23 ly ■ LANDAGENCY. j T HE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, examine uny lands In the counties of Appling, Wavno, Waroor Coffee, and report to the owner us to tueir present value, the prospect for their be coming more valuable in future, and whether or not there is being auv trespass committed thereon. Invariably pledging himself to give n true and cor rect uccouut, for which all remittances will bo ex pected lu advauce. Ho tylll also soil aud remit when requested, aud as directed, for seven per cent. lie will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his care. vernon c. McLendon, my 13 Attorney at law, Homesvlllc, Ga. PRESERVES & JELLIES— X 26 doz M, and 1ft boxes Guava Jolly; t> “ boxes West India Sweetmeats ; 10“ ” Guava Matuuladc; A full assortment of American Proservos and Job lies. For sale by maylO J. a. BROWN. S' UPERIOR WHITE BRILL1 ANTES.—Just received and for sale by J. W. THRELKEl.D. uiaylG Congress and Whitaker streets, MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENFIELD, GA. FACULTY. I'RtaillKN'T, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. rnuvKssoRs. College. H. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. K. WU.LET, A. M., Chemistry uud Natural Philosophy. II. 11. TUCKER, A. M., lielles tottrea. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Latin Languages. WILLIAM «. WOODFIN, A. B„ Modern touguages. Tltcologlcnl Seminars'* N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D:, Ecclesiastical F*“ "*■* lustlcal History and Di’bllcui Lltoraluro. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic aud Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The Commencement is held on the last Wednesday In July. The next Toim will commouce on the lust Wed nosday iu August. The price of Board in the village is $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, Ac., $3. By order ofthe Board of Trustees. my 122m - B. LANDRUM, Secretary. IlAltPER FOR JUNK. f TARPER'S New Monthly Magazine for June. XX The Flower Garden; or, Brock’s Book of Flow ers, iu which are described all tho various hardy herbaceous pereuials, annuals, shrubby plants, and evergreen trees, desirable for ornamental purposes, with directions for their cultivation. Bv Joseph Breck. Also more of Ernest Lluwoud. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Houtz. totters from the United States, Cuba uud Canada. By Hou. Miss Murray. Tho SoUgof Hlawutha. By Henry W. tougfultow. " " “ “ "* ‘ lo Talk of Samuel Rogers, Recollections of tho Table lo which Is added Porsoniann, Miss Leslie's Now Receipt's lor Cooking. For salo by WAKNOCK & DAVIS, Booksellers aud Stationers, may 19 159 Aongross struct. /^lUBA MOLASSES—The cargo of the brig R. B. towton, of superior quulity. For salo by uiayl9 Ot PAUELKORD, FAY & Vi), B 1 ALLAST.—76 tons Stone Ballast, for sale yb *ri ROWLAND k SON. S TRIPED EMBROIDERED COLORED towns.—Just — 1 ■ --■* * received and for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, mayl3 Ouugreas and Whitaker streets, A SUPERIOR article of Colored Organdy Muslins, all colors.—Just received and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, may 10 Congrosaand Whitaker streets. /^tGTTON Shamhraya from 12* to 26 cental- Just received aud for salo by J. W. THRELKEIJ), may 16 Oor. Congress and Whitaker sta. H AMS HAMS—A superior lot of Hama in stort, and D-r sale by »pr 2 OGDEN, STARR k 00. POTATOES,—100 bbls oboloo Mercer Pot** X toes, landing and for salo by dM» 0 A GREINER RA boxes TOBACCO, just received direct tJ v/ from Manufacturer, and for Bale low, by jny 11 CRANE, WELLS k CO. P URE WATER—If you w«ut the finest drink ing water In tho world cull and purchase one of Kedilu’a Patent Water Filters, tho articlo mentioned iu Water Commissioners’ last Report, which we warraut to purify tho Suvunuuh River Wuter perfectly—an ludisnensablo nrllole for plantatiou use. KENNEDY k DEAOH, }an24 only Agents tor their sale iu Savanuab. O ILS—OILS—Linseed, Sperm, Whale. Neats foot ami inn tiers Oil, for Hale at mlucod i.rlcos at CHAFFER & CO., may7 No. Whitaker Htrcet. 200 KEGS French aud American Zincs, for sale on favorable terms at may7 OHAFEER &<.U, No. o Whitaker street. 90 LIGHT-Sash, of all sizes “in use, constantly ou baud, uud for sale at the lowest rates, at ■> CHAFFER & CO., may7 10t • No. 0 Whitaker slreet. B ROWN DE B AGE —Just received per ath Alabama, and lor sale by J.W. THRELKELD, *pr!7 Congress and Whluker-stc. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Court House. my 13 ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 43* Office on Buy idreet, over tho Bank of Savan nah. mayl8 ltV F. COLK A BROTH ERT FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEU- CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., und Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Coi.k, I R. F. Oouc, Bay btreot. .Savannah. | Commerce at., Montg’ry. MsKKKKXCKS. Holcomb, Juhubon, CO. J Cohens & Herts, toekutt k BuolliugK, j Edwlu Parsons k Co., Robert A. Alien, i Scranton, Jubnsteuii Co. SAVANNAH, GA. myl8 WM. I.. WKIlU. WM. H. HiOK. WEBB iSi SAGE, (dl'CUOtfOK* TU t'AMKKON, WKHH k OO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 146 MKKTINa-BT. CIIABLKSTON, S. C., Will supply Country Merchants with Goods iu their Hue ut as low rates as they can buy lu New York, or elsewhere. sept 28 ly OGDEN, STAS Sliippiug aud Commission Merchants, UAY-STKKKT. SAVANNAH. UA. l ONGK FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 1*4 lUV-MTKKKr. SAVANNAH, «A. apr4 A. M. A 1.1*IN Ji uaOTtlL'.UM, Lumber, Mill aud Brick Varda. sept 6 SAVANNAH, OA. PATTEN, HUTTON di CO., FACTORS. Forwarding und Commission Merchants, Uayntniut, Savuiniah, Ga. K. I AM IK KIT. U. n. S.VKLIJ.N08. LOCKETT A 8MILLINGS, M COMM 1SS10K MKRCHANTS, A Nil SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Uu. Will attend, to tho soiling of ull kinds of produce. Strict attention given to receiving aud forwarding goods. may 31 ty Auction J: Commission House, .Mueon, (in. A. K. Mci.AtiUllL.lN, Geutsi'ul Agent and Auctiimoor, Solicits from his friends consignments of ever ory consignments description. Takes orders tor Cotton. 4KO" special attention given tu tho sales ol Heal Estate, stocks und Negro (iruperty, at public tiud pfivutesuieii. J'lwnpl rdunu and dispatch. Kcforeime—C. A. L. LAMAR. meb JO Wm. McALUSTUn. N12W MARBLE YAKD, Opposite LaurelUrove Cemetery, Suv h,ua. iHwly uud Worth CoumiestUrWu Macon Circuit. ftr Particular utteutiob givou to thu collucUon ol claims Iu South-Western Georgia. je2—(jut E. CUMMINU, A T TOUNEV A T LAW, tebl-ly iKwivroN, iu. LANIER A ANDERHOf; ATTORNEYS AT LA W , aj»5-ly Macon, ua. c. w, »iamry7~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Opposite LaunlGrove Cemetery, Miti biu Mtoluiuciit.s, Tombs and Grave Stoues, forn- l-bed on rou-voii.tide term*, order* res .poclVtdly solicitod. up IS • of Heuid, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Wen wether and Troup. Reference—-Hou. E. Y. Hill, laGruugo, Ga.; Hon, David Irwiu, Marietta, Ou.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell. J. C. ItUSh. J. H. OAVIS. W. II. UJ.NO. RISE, DAVIS A LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. luuy 30 WAYNE, GRENVILLE & (JO„ COMM l^iO.WM»Su^iVARUNG^Al EKCHA NTS, iiay-ttrf.el Sa vannah. THUS. S. WAYNE. C. K. GRENVILLE, It. ALl’lX. WAYNK, W. T. SAMPLE, j> o—tf tovamiuh. Cbulluuoogu. 6. C. POOLE," ’ No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Biyau,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ShmIicm, Ull mis, Doors, Paints, Oils, Vur- — jd*h«», AVlmlow Glass, Putty, Av. tu Painters’, Gruiners’ aud Artists’ Brushes: (Whitewash Heads aud Dusters, Dry ami _ 'Mixed Paints of every description, Artists' coUirTlu tubes, Prepared Cuuvaas, &c. •APER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neutness uud de.s|wtcb.— House, Sign aud Ship PuluUng, Glldlug, Graining aud Glazing done in the best style uud at moderate prices. All orders trotn tbe country promptly attended to. __ inch 28—ly FUKNCU CHINA, WlilTE GRANITE, AND GJutSS WARE. 145 MKin’IXU hTBKKT. C’lUiaKKTO.V, M»LTH CXilUUNA. The subscribers respectfully solicit from the traveling public, au iusi>ection’ of their stock ol French aud English _ China, iu pluiu white, gold baud, and decorated dluuor, desert, breakfust, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sets aud vases. Also, Cups nnd Saucers, ko., ol the cclobrated Sevres China. White Granite of the bust luuiiiifucturers. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of ornaments lu Purist,u. Ware, Uusts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, und others, uudtitatuetes oftlio Ureek slave, Veuus de Mudicis, &c., A;c. They liavu also u beautiful, tluruble and chuup arti cle for Hours uud heurths, of Plain and Encaustic Tiles. Their stock beiug very general, carefully selected and imported direct, oilers Inducements to meruimutt! as well us families, to whom goods will be put up at the lowest rates lor cash. WEBD k 8AGE, Importers, successors to Cumorou, Webb & Co. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AIJ.IUATOU, EAST FUJKUM. WUI practice in theEasteru uudS«)ulhern Couutlea Refer To—Col. S. S. Rlbley, uud R. II. Hlltou, to varniah. fob2-u Til IAS. G.C ANIPlT ELL," A T T 0 It N E Y AT LAW, mU.UXiKYlUK, OA.| Practices Luw iu the various Counties of the On* niulgee Circuit, and the udjoiniug Counties of Twiggs, tourous and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Cruue, uud R. g Hilton. ieol4 JOHN IS. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of liis pro tea- siurt, oilers his services lo his frionda mid the public os au Architect and Ruporluteudoul. Designs lot any part of tho country supplied and executed lu ull tlio various branches of his profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, ko. Thoroughly Firo Proof b to res de signed uud executed. Office at preseut iu Day toue, rear oft lie Custom House. Jan 3—ly ☆ OXjOTUING- A EMPORIUM. -%T l DOOR WEST OF THE REPUBLICAN READING ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hats and Cups, .Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, 1’uibrcllas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, uud Fancy Articles W.O. Price, FASHION ABLE AND MILITARY Goutlcuiuu. TAYLOR, No. 14? Bay Btreot, SA I AMAH. Also, bupurfiuc Cloths, ossimers and Vestings, will bo made to uioa- lure.unexceptiou- ttblelti style uud workmanship, by tho best mochaulcs, at shortest notice Ordersfroffi city aud county solicited. . t 'eii 6 UAllllEK SHOPS, l'lilnakl House Bavlicr Shop, Owens’ iirick Budding, opjmite. the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Itlai'HluUl House Barber Sltoii, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. E siilwcribei*, thankful to his fellow-citizens for the liberal patronage lie has received, and is still receiving, begs rosiwutfully to tuform them thut lie lias engaged sufficient additional first-clu-ss workmen from some of tho best Barber Sluqw iu New York, aud will bo utiabled to accommodate us many gouiletuen as may honor tiini with their pa- trouage. N. II.—Tlio Barbershops are closed ou Suuduys— strangers will please beur this iu miud. SAVE YOUR MONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STOKE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET. „_uoxt door to Messrs. J. Dickson & Co’s. Confec tionary. You will there find the greatest bargains hi Dimes ever oH'urod in this city. October 16th. 1855. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, _V Timber, Shingles, J.ight-wood, Posts, Kasteru Lvths and Palling*, for sale, at wholesale uud retail, low for cash, on the now wharf recently erected ou the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen k Co. mar 12— ly WM. J. L. MuULTON. JOHN C. UOOTH, t’lVIL ENGINEER AND SUUVBYOR, Will uLo givo bis utlenthm to designs iu Architec ture. office in tbe store of John Williamson, Esq.. Hay struct. i»yl3 EW GOODS.—Tlio subscriber lias received J.N a largo lot of tho following urtlclos— White and Htrlped Osnaburgs, Columbus Factory, White aud strlimd Osnaburgs, Schley’s Factory, Bleached amt brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Marlboro’ aud Manchester Plaids and Rtrliaw. Blue Denims, &c., ko. Also, a Tresli lot of cheap last-colored Priuts. J. W. THRELKEIJ), mrl.'l corner Oougross and Whltakcr-Kts. A i LAN liC LEAD.—Constantly on hand aud tor sale ut CHAFFER k Co.’s, apr30 No. 0 Whitaker street. -jVf ARULE Muntoia constantly ou hand, and 1TX for salo ou favorable torus by dec 16—51 is by CHAFFER a F RESH MUSLINS.—A few more of those figured lawns at 12)2 cents Received par late steamer from New York, aud for sate by J. W. THRELKELD, may 10 Congress and Whitaker streets. U. B. HILTON. ATTORNEY AND CUUNHKLLOR aT UW- Office corner of Bay and Draytou-rui. 9AVANNAU, UA. my U HENRY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly JOHN M. SULLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , TOfflce ai the Court House.) Will pracliue iu the Bu|>erior aud Courts of OtdJ nary. igniMt IinervrKjfSe - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner or Bay and Whitaker Streota. SAVANNAH. fob 22 UiutM D. A. O’BYBNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner k Co’s. Drug Btor* SAVANNAH, UA. uov 10—ly ' ' G BORG fiOYVAllD; ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Office Monument Square, uear State Bank SAVANNAH,GA. ~ uov lo—ly JAMES M. RAVAGE, 1 ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMASVILLK, 1 HOMl-S COUXIT, OA, All business entrusted to his cure will receive prompt attention. lyr—-niarn ANTilONY'Me'CtiLLOli; ATTORNEY AT LAW, davanuah, Georgia, Office ou Buy street, over the Bank «f tovan- oah. feh2 WILLIAM PHILLfPhfr ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIKTTA, GA. OCt 20—ly uavid o. Wilds, ATTOHNBV AT L A W , 8PAUT1, UA. Will practice iu thu counties of Hauuock. War run Washington, uud Dahl win. RKKkKKNCKs—Bebu dt Fo-ter. Rubuu k Smith, and E. A. Sou Hard, Savunnuii. jauv .WM. C. Vs \.\F.LLY, A T T 0 R N «. i A T L A W , uahki.i-1, woirm (xm.viv (‘riwi uma, Ai.iu.Nt.) Will pracUst* iu the m/uiii. t ircuit,and m Macon', ■orfiiu Macon Circuit. HU.VKU.V, HKAKIt CO., OA. Wiil utpmd to prufessiouai business iu thu Counties Fayettevitlo, Gu.; und Mr. William Dougherty, Co lumbus, Gu._ sepl7-iy wm.s.uamelx;" ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAVA.VNAU, OA. — Gillce over Thomas M. Turner k Go.'a Drug Btore, Bay street. my*i IAH. H HOOK. FHKD. T. TXBXavT HOOK. A TEUEAli, attorneys at law, SAMJKKSVILI-K, okoroia. Will jirautlso iu Washnigtou, Jellbrsuu, Scrivcn. Burke, Emanuel, Tattuull, uud Moutgumery ol the Middle Circuit, aud Wilklusou »f thu UcmuigesCir- bfiR* may 8 JMVWH1T HMl fiTT JA8. W. iTkKEN. u, r. aMOOl. GREEN * SMOOT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ••Ctfitt TUO>1 ASTON, as. GEORGE A. GORDON: ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. S. Court of' Claim* for the State, of Georgia. Office Corner Bay aud Bull streets. D’ my 10 DU. CHARLES~~H. COLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 UBEltTY fcT., __Ouo door west ol Druyton, my 11 J- W. PATTkRSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEl.LOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes County,Gu. (uiyll S.W.BAKEH; A1TORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I.AW, Monticello, Jelfureou County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. D. Flkmixg, Savautmb, g«. my 11 EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At ^lessrs. Ward A Owens’ tow Office. ftuy 11 JOSKPII OANARET ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Buy street, over the Reading Room of the Republican, entrance Immediately east ut Messrs Price a; Vender’s. tuayU WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, towtides Cmmty, Ga. Will prucUeo in Thomas, Lowndes, Cliueh, Ware. Appliug, Telfair, Irwiu, Laureua, and PulauU comities, Georgiu; ami m Jejforran,Madison, Hutu. Utoii, und Columbiacoutilics, Florldu. [myii Wil. M. WIUXIMN. TIIAUPKUS OUVKK. JACK BROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Duonu Vistu, Marion County, Ga., Will practice lu the counties of Marion, Alacou, Hou*- ton, ttewart, Randolph, Muscogee, toe, aud mi* adjoining couniiea, wlicre their services may be required. m> - n JOHN lt.‘ COCHRANE, ATfORNJOY AT LAW, Dublin, ijiiireuscouuty, Ga„ late Juulor purtuor ot the firm oi A. &J. cocukaxk, lrwiutou, Ga.. will uttemi promptly to ull buslnona entrusted to liis care. Particular uttoution paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, t*. B. Guyton, F. II. Rowe, Dubliu, Ga., M Marsh, Savannuh. myll JESSE T. BERNARD, " ATTORNEY AND OiLNSEIJAJR AT LAW, Newiiuusviilu, 11a. Reference—George . brown, William Dell, New- nunsvlllo, Fla., R. B. lliltou, Boslou k Vlllalouga, ^Saranuuh, Ga. uiyll „ HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., ~ Factors anil Commission Merchants, Savannah. Ga., "I'ENDER their services to plnuters, merchants X ami dealers, in the sale of Cotton uud all other country produce. Beiug connected hi busluesa with llom.vs, livnsox 4 Co., ofCharleatou. thu establish- • j Di'iuj, evuueeivu uusiuestt wiUI HorKJ.Ns, Ht'nsox & Co., ofCharleatou, thu establish- uieutofau office In this city will ullbrd our friemts choice of markets. Strict uttoution will he given to business, uud the usual lucilitics afforded custo mers. J. R. HUDSON, » W. U. FizEMlNG, j Bavautmh I .ABETH HOl’KINts, Augmua. my 11—11 COHEN. Chaslestou. hEFLKlt A WILCOX, dentists, * OFFICE over Dewitt* Mor gan’s Store ou Cougress-street. oilier their professional services to tbe —— . Public, confident, from loug expetl* euce aud past success, that iu all cases, they will render entire saUafuctlou. oct 2 U DENTISTRY,'" Drs. UOYALL * JOHNSON, Dentists, otllce coruer St. Julleu-st. and Market Square, over S. Wil- — mot’s jewelry store, office Lours Irom 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. tuar 11 com DUS. LRFLER A WILCOX, Demists. ABE now fttlly prepared to in sort lull or partial setts of Teeth i on the principle of pr.J. Allens’* —-— Patent Continuous Gum, By this improvement, tho form ofthe face esubo restored to atiy degrou of rotundity that may be desired. It Is applicable iu all cases where the checks have fullru iu uud canuot ho dotoeted. blr the plosost observer.— This mothod combines the foUdWlngi lvautages — Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and llfo-hko appearauco, and importa to the theeih that peculiar expression which characterises the na tural orguuH. This Uum couslsts of a ailacious compouud which is applied uud ftisod upon the Teeth aud Plate In such u manner, as to fill up all thu iutcrstices around the base ofthe Tooth, aud also unitea them firmly to each other and to tho Plate upou which they are soil. This aocures perfect cleanliuess of the Tectiu Office over DoWltt k Morgan, Congress street. ♦** Republican and Gcorgiau copy, fob 16—tf B^ELLis,~ Factor aud General Commisaiou Merchant* n 71 DAV-3TBRET, SAVANNAH, OA., ir I p^^ T0 ^^ r *'«. Cla * b 2 r11 ^ Cuimffishwn, Bell r * c “’ * nmb J f Y