Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 04, 1856, Image 3

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as WANTED. A liairKr.».vu llmiso Servant wanted. A. Appi>’ HI (IIIS tllUfO. 010)13 •" ~ UDAltDlNG. S KVKIHI. Kentlomonor auiall I'amUlua nun it.. Ml MM jWTbaaprtn* of Uu Year L tli* most proper time to take oleaulnit aud purtiyiut Uallcuira, of wliloli swalm’s Panacea elands pro eminent. SWAIM’S UK I, K Bit AT Eb PANAOKA, H»K 1IIK CUMR OK _ aOHOPUliA, IJOXftDINU.—MV. Th.muw, corner c.‘ ‘Jon luylploutCoiiHmimtlon,flouormimbllliy, Rhouuiat- J3 gross aud Unwdn *ueot«, to pr» l**teb4 t - Uu,WhltoKwclUngs, iMtoiwi** of the Uvur and r J tU'iMllliil fUlftl wlilt to <K*4 IIiiiiiik UU.I Pnui’.l. oil pto WtMl at-to hi' MoutgHUK-rv -drvvt, «mm d*mr «ib«»ve S-iutli llroa.t .itroot. ’MlW \l. d. lUYiUR doe 1*2—if . >%it«<r-4itiL thorn oxcs-len •tv »prft ‘ gross c oumol.itvi * few **•» »r-U-r lalf ks JiKW el A tide t)LAN8 KOlt A NEW JAU. are willoUetl X from Architect- «u t Mochsulcs generally to t»c Util with liio Clara ill iliu Interior Omrt. uu ..r !»*• !•»:*© tho lint of Julio ll"Xt oiuthui rod dollar* wilt be given for tin* pirn x lijdud Urn Court. Wil. II. Ob'VI.KB. j. i. tv i t V. It. KNAPP. J. I. c. v t\ MOST. CUMM1NU, j. t. c. o. JAMBS K. GODFREY, J. I. i.\ c » . u;-:o. i* ilAiilU.soN, j. i o.o c. UIIKK.V TtUlTl.K. A led t-f si;|»frlor GKKKN 'ITUTI.K. diiPtI from In- Filial* HIvoR. Florida, tor s ilo l-tw ttu board the sebr •Mm II. ttoura. an Ivvd yesterduv, nt l'aitoUbrd. Fay .v Co’* whirl __ JH*Jo4 Stammering him Stutteilng t'iired. i PnOFKHSOuT. II. LRWHI ■ VFOKMStbtHO ntUlrled by .'Hunimvriug or Sluter-! I ring, (bill ht> ba* takou roonn at Urn Mt*r-*Ual! House. mid Is im'iuio l to ettablo them to .-qi-Mk and . ionl wiili dHtmotiHM*,lu tho short simco of two; it utfrt, utllwUng the leant pain. TUu pattout Is in variably ti«mvlnre.l Unt it to olf.-ctuul au>l permau- j .• ,i. Wh»*r.- lif toivu chaugul* not attained no; »-liarg<* will tb; at id.*, lb* will remalu lu tills plan*, i. a t tfiv day*. apr::<» \ OTIl'1C • a dtiK Utuicrsitfimil lias This Day removed his* . stock ot M'gnrs, Tobacco, kc., from 111-* o«i *taml. lairuor of Dryau street, lu Id-* Ucw store o.t iUo isMimr td Hay and Whitaker strooto, whore If tioims to receive a continuance of tin* putt image i>f til bis obi friends >md customers. apKIutf A. PONCE. FOR SALK. SIx TnicU of Land. COO acre each, a i d '3C miles from iliccity of Savannah on die s. A. aiiTTlulf Kail Koad, well adapted to iU growth ol dice, Cotton aud Corn, and W end enuug to pay tor it ten times over. Apply to lob 27 tr & A. c "UP. 1^LEAGUED Shirtings in great variety, and I) at various prices. fall 21 A1KIX .V BURNS LOT'S. i.tilU riAleK.T-A Him* lot in Wesley Wind.- i: Alsu two till u.tfdott jtrect. o.i-t For sail* low. tv,, si.nple. Ap,*ly to A. Wll.lint, tSeu'l Insurance Apod and Broker, may 22 111 liny .street. tvmcK,; Undersigned have this formed nco|»aitner- i. .dilp lor lit,* pur|H»*eol doing uu exclusive Auc tion and Commission lbisiiie*s, under the linn »»l A. ittouiHs *\ Co. tlllleo 172 liny Mreet. A. THOMAS. .-. s. CAitm i:. Savannah. May until, is&d dUt—Jmio I BRICKS. ' 1 /W\U A/Wl OHKYHillOKS best ,|itul «UU >V/UU it.v. lor .sale. ti Apply to 9; •ny22-5mo .uy-Nua • i MrAl.l’lX .V CKO.. \VIUiam*otCs bull,ling-. Sl'HBUlOH COURT. May I’kiim. lsf»n. t \?U»KIIKI> that tills Court be udjourned until the \ / I’liird Monday hi June next. , ir.lered furtli- r. tli it t a* a mil-I jurors dbchargud ■•old Monday next (2nl of .liuie) 1».*. mid they .,rj be ruby disuimi get! for the term. Kxtt ael from lie minutes. j,.I at W. II. III*UJ>C1I. Clerk. AI).Hl!fMTHATOU’S SALK. P UKSI'AXi* to mi order of the Honorable tin Court of Ordinary of diallutin County, passed June term. IS5*\ will be sold, on the tlrut Tuesday u« \duiisi next !>ef : the Com t House door In sal,I • .oinly ot Clm'.i.titi, t•••!\veeu the legul hours of sale, the UelowUtg pr-.jvert;., to wtt.: lut 4 No*, three (St) mal four , ti. b ut. 1 . |«rl oftiiinhui bd Xu. nine (»), .- j hit. iny oi xvnu- ah. fronting on Kuilroud siiuet: also the fo.Smvtni! negro slave*: .luck, l’eter, Ae-xilildor and '.ira •. Ai.d as the pru|u*rty «»f the fsi.iteol'Aiurteittrilhn. iuteol said county, decea'etl, itirthe hcupiit of Hie ledrs and creditors of said es- tat... HICI1AItO WAYS II, AdmildstlMtor de bolds lioli, on jf4 Kstute oi Stuiuel lirlfhn. HKOnutA; t.HATlIAMXOI/STY^ O X tin 1 Hi st Monday in August next, 1 will apply lu the Or Unary of Chatham comity for leave -oil the negro slaves boouglng to the estate of C.wra A UKiiboy, .b*ee>'eT l for the lieticlit of the h,.anil ei%- dt .f* of >d l estate. I it,ti I J »\IKi A. I.aUOCIIK, AduCr. * ' t li AFFKii iHi cd„ Ko. 0 AVliltnkor Street, Snvnutmli, Gn., WHO' USAI.K AMI IlKTAII. lUMI.KIIH IV .(LiASHKS.- Hands. I'.kus. Mouldings, Ae. While O L'ttd.SUne, White l.iuseetl. Sperm, Whale, Tali uor.s’uitd Neat'foot o|is, (Slits... Mruslicrf, Hold I.eal, Hn>ii/.<f, Hoiiot-rs' Hardware. Nalls, Mirblo Mantels, &c., Ac. jod . -Jg troii- - the lllood, ami Hie elfeeLs or Sleroury S WA I M’.i i'ANACKA has been for more Hutu thirty years celebrated lu thin country mid iu Knrope lor Its extraordinary euros—lor rertllleates of w hich reference Is made to thu directions and books (which may he hml gratis) nccompiiuyliiK the I'.iuaivu. Mime of which give (lie parlimilaiv of e.isu* Mm, h ig11ifuI u r general publication, where Urn I'atiitits have been almost eaten up with Scrofula, and were deemed iucurable by I'hyslciutis It has been used lu liiMpltals mid private practice, met ha i beou reemnmomfod by the modt celebrated physicians mid other eminent purisms. Among others by— W. Gibson, M. Ik, I'rolbsstir of mirgorv. l'etiusyl- vanla I’ntveralty. Valentino Mott. M |i.. Professor of Surgery. New York CnlV'iisily. W. P. Ptiwoes, M, 1)., Piofussor of Midwll'erv, Pennsylvania University. X. ctinpiiinn, M. l».. Pro essor of Physic, Pennsyl vania University. T. Parke, M. I).. President College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Ur. pel Vtillo, iVttfessor of Medicine, Havana. Jose |.oMi-ciico tie, Prolessor of Surgery, IJ. 4 - boti. J. Cltlptiiiii. Member lloyul College ef surgeons l.omlon. tt. W. H vim?, late Mlnl.*ler to Spain. Hi-- Ihoiua* ear.-on, VajorHoueral Itritisli Army, ttilbert l»otie:| on, UrlH.-b Consul. Ac., Ac. flu* wonderful cures cilectcd by sWAlM'S PANA- CF.A. have tor many years made It uu mirlvullod remedy. flie Panacea duos not eoutaln menuiry In any foim, and being an innecent pi upuiation, .1 may be gl\en to the uu'-i lender infuut. Tlie retail price has l.eeti teduced to $|.£0 pur buttie (oiiiilaluiiig ibfuo Imlf pints) or Uneo bottle., f >r S4. Ufwarc of lm|iu4ltlou. SwainCs Paimceu is in round hntilc-, tinted Umgi- tiiuhnilly, with the following letters bit w:i on the «la.*d : “SWAlM’S—PANACEA-PHU.AUA." Having the name of Jaa. Swaim .*tuiii|N-t outlie sealing wax. uiel written on the label covering the cork, mul a .-plcinlid engraving oil llio side of the bottle, hy .Hrapor \ Co., baiiK nolo eiigr.ivurs. of PhUnuelphla. In Ihu centre of which la 11 purtrait of tlie late Will. »'wuiuii (copy right secured.) If (M'lVidia ptirch.ising the Pmmcua will he citrulill to observe tlui thu 11.1110 SW A IAI i.‘ correctly speilud, they need not he imposed upon. Also, Swalm’s Vcriiiifiigr, A valuable Fiiuiliy Medicine, being 11 highly ap proved remedy for all diseases arising from debility or the tllm-stivo organs, such as m-bliiy of the .- to- macli, woi-Iih, cholera merlin.*, dysentery, fever alid IIKIUI, bleeding plus, sick liuiidaohe. etc., etc. See Hie pamphlet, which may lie hud gratis, accom panying thu Vermifuge. Prepured only m Swaim’s laiboratory, Ihu old stun,I, Seventh street, nulow Cliesiiut street. Phlla- delphia. and sold by uil the respecluble Druggist* I11 the United States. General Agents for tho United Stales, SCHIKFFKIJX HKOTHKHS .V CO., juned—cod (It 170 Mi Ilium slreot, New York. „ hunt; Cor. Montgomery & York ats. SAVANNAH, UA., | ; ESPEUTFULI.V iuiuriiiH tliu l.udii-K mill -li Ouutloiiioii of this City that ho Is prepared to serve Hu'iu every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In hi. own pewuharstyle, and hopes to merit a share oi public patronage, Savannah, 17th April, 1860. am aprl? TO 1IOVSKICK1SFKR8. D AXIKid CHONIX Upholster, 20 Bryan-st, would respectfully announce to tho citizens ot savannah that hu.Is ready to miiko aud put down Carpet*, Oil Cloth;’-'Matting, &c., ut the shortest no- icu, aud 011 the most reasunublo terms. mdit-ti septa UNTII. the 1st November next, a com 1 tuodloui and airy residence, on the north aide oTtbf Central Railroad Depot, known pm Hovers IMaoo. Tho house la newly fur- m basement to atUb, which can be bought mays YOUNG It WYATT. OFFiCKi FOR RtiNT IN THR THREE-fll’ORY BRICK IIOUSK adjoining the ofDco of tho subscriber. Tho basement would make, with somo sIIkIiI improvement, on oxcollent lawyer’s-ofllco. and second floors will bo let Ibr Couutiug Kouiuh, and the third Ibr stooping apartments. Con- iiuoiml with tho ostabUshmout is on out-hulldiug ol brick, suitable for servants. Apply to C. A. L. UMAR, Corner Drayton and Bryuu streets. TO RHNT r TWO TKNF.MHN’W IN GORDON BIAJOK, I h ontlng Chatham Square, aud well furnish* I od with gas. water, stabios, Ac. Posses, .slon glvon 1st of November. RDWARD G. WII^ON, 72 Bryan street, VALUABLE PXIOPEHTV FOR SALE. Tho two-story brlek storo uu Congress atreot, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein it Kektuan. This Is one of tho best stands hi _tlio city for auy kind of business. Terms made accommodating. For particulars In quire at 142 Broughton street, above tho storo of T. I.. MeKeunu. _ . tfmayH TO RENT. The Dwelling lately occuplod hy Judge Fleming, In Taylor street, near Drayton. Fahl House Is three stories pn a basement, with good servants' rooms, aud outhouses. hi given Immediately. Apply to 1). 1.. COHEN. FOIl RENT.** Possession glvon Immediately — Three story brick liotno, now and lu pond order, on Macon street, next east residence to Mrs. .Jewett. pply ut this olllco. miiy'27 ^£kk WANTED—A Vessel to load with Timber ! ^Dtfor an European market. Apply at Union Btoam Paw MID, or JF O'Byrne's offleo. marSI ,r ' JEFFERSON ROBERTS. WANCKD—A Vosaoi to load with Timber ;(br a Northern port. Apply at Uulon Steam III, or at J F O’Byruo's olnco. marst JEFFERSON ROIiKHTS. FOR BAbtiMORE—Rwiuun Ijxk.—dbc schoonor K.l„ B. WAI.ICS, Hoffman ma^Ur, ave quick dispatch for the above port For rrelght or passage apply on board at Tulfblr'a whnrr to [myOTJ BRIOHAM, KEIJ.Y k CO \ ' FOR FRratVHT OR CIIaRTER.—Tho Hrig LOUISA SKA1W. Apply to may27 liOCKKTT a SNKI.LINGS. S iNTHTfo'CluRfElulA vessel oiTSoIboo to 200,000 feet carrying capacity, to load ibor for Matanzss. Apply to may20 PADF.LFORD, FAY It CO. VI-SSEia WANTED,—A vcshoI to lend with limber, for Boston. Also a vessel to load with sawed lumber, for tho samo placo. Apply io JEFFERSON ROBERTO, at Union Steam Saw Mill, aprltt or J. F. O'BYRNE’S OUlco. IVANTED.—A froiglit "or Charter for Ha- * “ • R. M. cr vuna for Brig II Applp to ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA iii, GEORGIA, J* Ji HE8LKR, Proprietor. Late nf thf Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Suppor ready on the arrival ortho cars. muy!4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZEMAN, Proprietor. lit ft MILLS HOUSE, COttNElt ME13TING “ CIIAHUtSTOX, B. 0. THIS House Is now udapted to all tho waiiLs of tho Travelling Public, and tbo ef forts or tlm Proprietor will bo 10 deaorvo tlieir patrouuge. THOMAS S. XlCKERj-tlS. MOXTGOMK IVY’S HOTEL AND DIN I NO ROOMS—(<IN THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) Vi, 15 and 17 Heekman, two dinr* ea*t 0/ Naauiu drwty near the Citu Hall I’ark. v&m. The rfub.-cribor, tlmnkful H>r pitst fnvorif, would Inform liU pntrous nmlThu travi-ling public, Unit lie la now preimrod to fiii uUli 11^1 eliw.J 1/Miginu Room*, with uouveiileii- 0* cipud to any Hotel hi inn city. Transient or per manent lodgers accomiuodalled by tho day, week or month, with or without board. It. C. MONTUOMKRY, my IS New York. Instead of going Noitii como to tho Sloiio Slountaiu House, and spend your summer, us everything will be done for your com- .fort. Conveyance* will bo fiirnUlieil to •onvoy luu^uuger- 4 to Liwreiicevlllo, Gainesville uiid Clarksville. C3T PussengurH by the Gcorgiu Railroad lake sup* ih*r at tills house. ALEXANDER k CURK. F. 8. Auocaxukh, formerly ofLnwreiicovillc. J. A. Cmwk, tfoclul Circle. 2m—Je 2 ICE CREAM! Xfci \\ <:ON 4.-kt iTdxa KV STOUK No. 08 llryniiStreet. r«.t IKKJIL* AHOVU Mu. UliIKI-lCX‘*S JKWKUtV ftTOKK. r PHKuuilorsigued tospectlully informs the Lu- .L die* ol Savuuuah III particular, aud the public generally, dial be has Ibis day opened a new Confuo- tlnuary .•'t.'i u, and will keep on hand a large aud v*li assortment, of all khuLsutid disci iptions. He will ut all times and hours, he ready tofuruisb .»irticH, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all houri. Ornamented Cakes, Pios, &c. &o., made to order. Ho hoiws from Lng oxjKTienco to givo satlsf.irtion to all-who will honor him with thuir patrouuge. H. II B07/40LA. No. P8 Bryant# SUNDRIES.’ 1 a BBI-S. Stu,irl'» Crushed Sugar; 11/ 20 bid- .:n a, II . C Citirlllod Sugars; A bid 4 1'.xir t No. 1 Mackerel and Salmon; l': lioxe« Fuuii.y Snip; 10 Ur wvgt* rtutrv.h; :*• »a»*ii> iir.*i quality Java (Xill'eo; lOsacXs s iperior llio Ikjifee: AQuinlals I'odll-li, Aud n goneial iiv*;u'tmeut of Cholco Gr«K*eritM, Just received by mxy20 J. D. JESE, WILMHT’S JEWELRY • STOUK Is receiving by every »»rl-jTjSfcftefggL ■ vul a lnr r e and rtcli ass*—ft* UM-nl of Gold and' Silver Watches, Diamond Pins, 1-jtr and Hugo.- Rings, Mantle aud otliur 11 M'ks, 8|ioi'ii«, Fork*, Teaftdtt, Carters, Ac,, ol Merdtig Mlv« r. Jewelry in • very variety Ivory Table Cmlery. line P»H-ket Knives and tsussinv. Hicli Uliinu and Parian Viisi*s, aud other articles. Fine Dmddo Uai reilu-l Gann mamilhultiroil to his own order. Gunning Inn foments of all kinds. lined Waiters, tVior-. Tea ri*-tt* and Candle* -tl'-a-*. vvilli a / eat variety "1 Fancy Articles, suita- b|" t.n- we I due gift-, tootiiinorons hero to men tion. A'l kind- of Wiitcbes nipKhatks repaired hy tho uio-t peril n--"d workmen. S. WII.MOT, tnayia No. I Market square. | A 1)1 KS’ A N D <i ENT’H G LO VES.—A mag- Jl J iihfoent >(s*ortinent of ladies’ mid gent's Taifetu Filk Gloves, while mid black, also assorted colors, Just received mill lor -ate dy marl I |.*|WOX ,v ROGERS* 4 I.K. M gaiTaNIi yiin.A8’Vi : .F.-^4& libls J tay- for k Foil'-' Aie; i. f i IdiJs New Orleans and Porto lticu Fi'gar; V6 bbU \. It and t' and Pi,Ivor- i/..*d do; 2a Llnl.» M<di*se-; *>tl ldi|: choice Fyrilp, received and lor sal** by mcmaiion a doyi.p, June-I _ 2i ft mid 207 Buy street 8 1 A t '•! I - Ft- KK ANlT I'ANDY!—Wl bxs Fresh .*•1 r-rh: 00 do Ground t’"lf«-e; f,l| do ii'-orti'd Oaudv. received and to sale by MeMAHoN k DOYLE, Juno 4 206 and 207 Bay street, IJKPPl'.R, MI.'-TARD. S OAP. Ac—126 bxs ground X Pepper; ‘,6 do do Mu*tard; Tfi d*» Ifoadel'r ) ..lilily Foap; 7a t.'olgale A Go’s do 00; 100 do Col gale U CoV Pilie do; 100 do t.'olgulo ,S: Co’s No 1 do; 160 do Adamantine, Fperui mid Hydraulic Candles, 1-reived and Ibr ■‘ale bv Mi MAHON A IkiYLK. jam- 4 2 *6 atul 207 B i.V street. D PnENV i.oi H.IIOI.M WORDF, for June. 1 reive I mid for mie by W.I.NIK'K i I .AVI-', , 4 16 1‘ongress street D" SHI lll'K I SHIRTS I! SHIRTS MI S HAVE jiiht received n large mwortmctit of I white aud llgurod .‘dili ls, of every quality mid tvfo. and -iiperiny nimle, with collars to match, urdci s wiii m.-o lie* taken, mul ehirts made to suit any parte ilar *tyle or taste of tho wearer. Call at the Ftar Clolidug Knipori'lln, 147 Bay street, my 14 WM. 0. PRICE. NEW BOOKS. KKt.'KIYKD BV W.utVid K A HAVIF, TUESDAY, MAY 13TH. \jlOK TAHLETaNi or, The Last of Ills Ra«:«. Dy J. F. Flultli Esq. t'yrill.i; a romance. By tlm author of‘-luitials." i.rahatu: or. Mu-k* atul Faces. By J. Fretl- ••nek; until. Philip Ro'do; or. the FcoRish Mtl.dditcmrs. Hy Captain J..UI..S Grunt. .... .. .. ... Vivian D-1 train: or, A Wile.- Honor. By 0- W M IfovnoM-. I be Woiet:-i I'll Adv* l inrort ol Cnplaili Priest. Courtship mid Maril.igc; or, Tim Joys and Fol lows of American Ml'-. By Mrs. Carolhm Lee Held/.. Pbo'iiixi iuna; or, FUetchcS and Burlesques, By John Plur-nix- For shie ul may 16 16W CGNGIIKSS HTRhbT. NEW BOOKS. Received ny WARNGUK A DAVIS, Fulurduy, May tlm I7lb. P IjU-HMUISTAII ; n aoiig that’s by no uu* tlior, perpetrated l»y U- K- Pbllainler iKwnticKS, Actors n* limy are; a -mries of sketches of tlm mod eminent pmfornmi* now on the *dag«. Tlm Count'*.'< tie Chatuy; t»r. Tlm full ol tlm French Monarebv. Bv Ah-xiui-ter Dumas. Major Jtitev .-*kelche.‘ nl Travel: new u«lltl**li v with eight lllu-tlidloiH. Major Join-' Courtship, with u-ldltional letters mul llilrtveii eiigruv.ngs. By Darley. Amy Lee; or. Without and within. By tlm author oi ••Our Parish.' . ,, The Courtesti" ol Wedded l ire. By Mrs. Madeline) Leslie. Tlm War ill Kansas; a Rotigh Trip to the Border, among New ||o;i:-es and a Ftrungt* Potiple. By CL iHniglas Brewerioo. author of •• A ride with Kit (tor- Si'll.” For sule at the I took*, loro, tuaykl 16U Crtngress hired. NOTICK. lieglstry Act, Approved Jnit’iy 22,18W, S WL 2.—lie U further euactod by the authority of the tonne, That from and alter tho paxsngo of this m-t, all persons shall ho ipiulilied to vote at elections lor Mayor mid Aldermen of tho City ortJa- vannuli, and tlm Hamlet-* thereof, who aro uitlxous of the United Flatos, have resided iu tho 8tuto of Georgia for oim your immediately preceding the election, uiid continue so to do up to tho tltno of election, and within tho corporate limits of Favuu- nah for one month Immediately preceding lliulr re- gisteratfon, who have obluined the ago ul' twenty- one years, uml huve |mi«l all city taxes, or have in their owu right sutUclcut real estate t« suti'fy any tax exocuthus which tnay bo agahict them, who have mailo all returns required by tho Ordlmiuuu of the City, aud have beou reglstored according to thu provisions of this act. Fee. 3.—Bo it further enacted by tho authority or thosume, That the Clci k of tlm Common Council of tho city iifFuvamiaii, aud in case of Ills sickness or absotico, any oiilcer duly elected uml appointed by the Mayor uml J Mermen, or a majority of them, for that perpose, shall opeu a list for thu registration of Voters ou the llrst Monday iu Juuuary iu ouch aud every year, which U4 shall bo kept opott until two o'clock, I*. M., ou thu llrst Monday :a fieptombur en suing, when it shall bo liually and absolutely closed. Sec. 4—Bo it further enacted by tin* authority aforesaid, ’1 hat It shull bo tho duty of such clerk or odlccr, upon tho application in person, and not by proxy, of tiny person ontitled |o vote as aforesaid, within lliu lime prescribed for tho list to be kept open, to register tho tinuie of such poison, and de liver to him a certitlcule of such registry, express ing his name, nuin'mr, uml tlm date of registry. Fee. 6.—Be it further enacted by the authority nforesufd, That -oi'-li clerk or otlior oiileor shall bo authorized to repine .my applicant for registration to tuuke mi allliavil tliut be is entitled to vote, ac cording to tlm term < of this act, before issuing a cer tificate of registry. Fee. 8.—Be it further enacted by tho authority aforesaid, That in case of tlm loss or destruction of a certificate, tho clerk or other ollicer shall bo au thorized to Issue a duplicate at any lime before two o’clock, I*. M., of tlm “Thursday before tho hccoud Monday in October,” [see act of 186(1] upon tlmpor- kouuI application of tlm voter tt* whom It was ori ginally issued, uccoiiipunied with his ulllduvit of such loss or destruction. [Fee pumphb-i law j of 1851-2, |»p. 408, 400, 410.] AN ACT To extend and define tlm corporate limits of tlm City of Fa vat i i.ah. Sec. 1.—Be it enacted, Ac., That the corporate limits of tho city ofFavuunnhlm, un-1 they are her. by extended mid dotlncd its follows, to Wit: ** Beginning at u point on tlm wur.torn side of tlm mouth of BUbo's Canal, mid miming llicm-c iu a direct Hue to a graiiito stone uear the culvert on tho Thunderbolt r. ml, aud which stone marks the line of tho present city limits, thence along thu north Hide ot tlm Thunderbolt road, Urn west side of Waters’ ro id, tho north side Ol iver's Hum, and Its fill j prolonged to llio line of the Fpringfield Plan tation; thence along the boundary lint-of the said plantation to tlm bifurcation ef tin* Augusta and Louisville road, ami thence to a point on llio river batik tun chains west W. B. Giles A Co.’s -Mill, thence along Ihu stone line of llutclilnson's I.-laud to tho oust cud of it, thence to tlm front of beginning “ Act approved February 13,1864. By souilon 4th of an act passed by the last Ueucr- ul Assembly of (hu Flute of Georgia, ll l*“omictod that the elucilou for Mayor aud Aldermen of llio City of Savannah uiid the Hamlets tlioroof, shall heron'- ter bo held on the second Monday iu October, iu oach and every year.” By soc.lton 7th of said act the lime for taking out duplicate registry tickets expires “Thursday bofor tlm second Monday in October.” ft; (,'l.KKK OK On-MIL'S Okfick, ) Savannah, June 2,1H5D.j All persons desirous of voting at tho next Alder- manic election, aro notified to register their mimes witli mo in compliance with tho provisions of tho above recited laws. • EDWARD G. WIUJON, jo I Clerk of Council. HILVlfiR WAIIK," CUTLKRY, iSic. W E have Just received a new stock of Silver Fpoous, Butter Knives. Fait Collars, Fish. I’m, Cake and Ice Cream Knives; also, Ftoel uml Plated on Ftoel Table Cutlcrv, Cur vers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives. Plated and I’arloa Bailor FtunUs, bo sides a quantity of useful articles too Humorous ** mention. 1). 11. NICHOLS k OU. Juno 4 II ARO AIN M fN RICH DIIKSH GOODS AND MANTILLAS—bub J. ancuol'rlch llounced Organdies. Barogos, Crape do Paris and Tissues, fit cost to close tlmm oat; also rich Isico Mantillas, at roduood prices, for sale b Juno 4 I Ik WI IT A MORGAN ' P aper- 200 roams single wrapping paper; 10) do brown do do; 100 do doublo do do; 40 <lo lurgo Manilla do do; For salo by aprl4 WEHBTKIt A PALMEH. IHARLKTON. JEFFERSON ROBERTO, ut Union Ktenin Saw Mill, aprlO or J. F. O’BYRNE'S Olllco. FOR UVEHPOOL.—Tim A f American Ship MARY A ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. having a portion or her cargo engugod, wl 1 havo Immediate dispatch. For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to • may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOB*l'WlLADEUilUA-Hnuw’il Ijnk.— __ The 8cliooner MARY ft LOU IF A, Cuptain . uuiuian, will have dispatch for tho above )inrt.— For freight apply to inaylO 0. A. GREINER. FOR PHILADELPHIA—the schT MARIA PICKUP, Baker. Master, Will have duspuleh lor mu ubovo port. For freight apply to Jel _ OOT)KN, STARR A CO. FOR LlVEKPU(JLT—11m' A1 Alnurieau ship FA1XXJN, Patton muster, having a (urge portion of freight engaged, will meet with dispatch ns above, for balance of cargo, apply BRIOHAM, KELLY Is CO. FOR BALTIMORE.—Regi lsk Ij.VB.—Tlio .jtfltt Mhr. WOODBRIDGK, White master, will have quick dispatch as above. For freight or pas- apply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to ol BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. IULUU) KKK DAY.. IIOAHI* PKKWKKK IIOAK1) |'KK MONTH may 13 .8 1 60 0 ou . 20 00 lyr mar‘31 INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tlm Undorsigued has again the pleasure of informing Ills numerous friends, as well ns the public nt large, that he Is yot at tho Indian Spring Hotel, and Is fully proparud, with thu asslsiuncu of his sous and Ids owu experience of six yours ut tho hotel, with Urn best cooks that can bo procured, as well us assis tance of uirklmls, to uskof all those who visit tho Fpring a gouerous share of their iiutrouage, Intend ing to spate no pains ofltliusolflo make all such us lileasu to givo him a will comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel Is now u|ien, aud ready to receive all those tliut will please to call. There will be ut For- sytho Depot couches and hacks ready to couvey all siteli as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, mayCS-Stuw tsopl Proprietor, *„* savannah Republican, Morning Nows, and CUiirhfrtun Courier will please insert tho above three times ouch week until 1st September, and send their hills for puymunt, EI»W, VARNER, 3T. MAIS.YS’ HOTEL. Tho ubovo named Houso Is uow open for tho reception of Hoarders and Travellers, aud tho underrilgued promises to spuru neither paius or bxpenso to make his pa trons comfortable. Ills tamo will always bo sup plied with tho choicest that the market and tho sur rounding country alfords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, WildGumo, Ac, Tho Houso Is lurgo and airy, and witbiu a lew yards of tho lauding, outlie beau tiful river Ft. Marys, and Is a desirable placo for in valids and others ns a summer rosorl. Tho stugo leaves tho Houso three times a wcok for Woodstock Mills, Ceiitrevlllago, aud Trader’s Hill, and tho Sa- vummL boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not he inconvenienced, hut can leavo when tlmy desire. Prices will he made to correspond with first cla>s country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES j Ft. Marys, May 27, 1860. 3m my27 FLOUR IN UARRKLM. J UST received a lut of Extra Family Flour, III barrels. upr2fi YOUNG A WYA TT JOHN Cf. BOOTH; CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ids attention to designs In Architec ture. Olllco In the storo of John Williumsou, Esq., Bay street. myl3 P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.—Neatly trim- mod and for sale to close consignment, may 17 YOUNG A WYATT. sundHIks; “ 1000 Roams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twlno; 200 doz Scrubbing aud Shoo Brushes. 60 M Imported Spanish Sognra; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee; 76 mats Java Coffee; 100 dux Brooms; 50 doz Washboards; 50Covored lkiskcts; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pule Soap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 500 Gross Matches; 50 hair chests Young Hyson Ten; 50 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxos Scaled llorrlngs; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Colfee; 100 boxos imported Caslilo Soap; too boxos Toilet Soap; 60 )4i )it and whole boxes Raisins; Rocoivod uiid for salo by McMAUOX X HOYLE. may 14 205 aud 208 Bay streut. myl4 CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The umlerhlgimd has opened a Day aud Night Schnfcl, iu South Broad st., ibetween Houston and Price st*., where lm is prepared to givo lustriii-tlnn* in tho Ijitiu, Greek aud French Lan guages; also, iu tho usual branches of Education. J. F. DILI.ON, Prof, of lAtigimues. an English Eitucotioii. LuGmiiuc Female 4J A HU ATI!, July Oth—Sermou by Philip P. m Neely, Alabama Conference. Monday, July 7lh—Prlao exhibition of Sophomore Class—Concert nt Cundlo-IIglit. Tuesday, July 8th—Anniversary of Huiitz A Judson Society. Prizes uwarilod. Annual mldross by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory College. Wednesday. July Pth—Commencement day. Ad dress hy Hon. F. S. Bartow, 8avannab,Gu. ’hiirsday, July loth—Anniversary or tho Alumnno Soclely. Address by Hon. J. Gluucy Jones, Penu- sylvunln. Examination of all tho classes will tuke place the week preceding commencement. W. B. T. MONTGOMERY, myl 1 dupt. Faculty. NEW BOOKS. K ECF4VED by WARNOCK A DAVIS, May 27ll». Tho Shin Carpenter’s Family; n story for the jimes. By William E. 8 Whitman. Salad for tho Social, By the Author or 1 'Salad Tor tho Solitary.” Comic Mlserios of Human Life. Margaret Maltluud of Suuuysido. By Mrs. Oly phant, author of “ Znldoo.” Moro ol Frod. Gruhatn; or, Masks aud Faces, J. Frederick Smith. Philip Rollo; or, The ScntUsli Musquetecrs, OupL James Grant Cyrllla; a roimuico by tho author of ** Initials.” Dick Turli'ton; or, Tile last of his Race. By J, Smith. Ear .lost Unwood, and Courtship and Marriage.— By Mrs. Caroline Is>o Huntz. For sale at the Book storo, 160 Congress street. tnny28 ^udiort CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK *25 OO. Seml-Wt-ekly United States Mali Line. TI HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL 1 Stouinsliips— KNOXVILLE,, 1,6(10 loo3,,Capt. C. 1). Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ .. Capt, Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Cilpt. M.F. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,3011 “ ..Cupl. G. R.Sohcnok WILL LKAVK HAVAXNAII KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Tliwso ships aro among tho largest on tho coust, unsurpassed iu speed, safety and comfort, making tlu-ir (uHsuges in filly to sixty hours, uml arc com manded by skillful, careful uml polite officers.-* Having elegant state-room accommodations, they o»i;r u most doslrablo convoyanco to New York. Cabin PiLssago to New York €26 Stecrngo Passage to New York 8 PADKIJ-'ORD, FAY A CO., Bavunnah. AIM'D L. M1TCH1LL. 13 Broadway. New York. FLORIDA PORTS.’ FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mull Uuo—From Now Or leans to Koy West.—Steamships FLORIDA aud VANDERBII.T,—Thuso fine steamers will iu luluro mako tholr regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: Now Orloaus, 10th A 24th Koy West, .. Kith A 24lh Peusucola....lllli A26ih Tampa lltli A 25th Apalachicola. 12th A20tb Cedar Keys. 12th A 26th St Marks.... 13th A27th Ft. Marks.. .14th A28th Cedar Koys..l4lh A 28th Apalachicola, 16th A2«th Tampa Ray.. 16th A 2»th Pensacola... lfith A 30th Arrive at Key West 17th A 1st | Now Orleans, 17th A 1st Agents in New Orleans, dee'JD Cm R. G. ROGERS. A CO., 72 PoydrusH street. FOR CHARLESTON, Every Wednesday and Saturday Afkmouns, uWoclock Tho splendid sloiunpuckot G0R- DON, E. Burden, Commander, will leave mi ubovo. and will arrive lu Charleston iu time to connect with thu Rnilruad Uues going North and Wost. For freight or |Nissngc apply on the Charles ton Ftoampackot Wharf to my!4 J. P. BROOKS, Agent. *3T N. .L—After FRIDAY, Muy Both, tho Gordon will uo temporurilp withdrawn, making her last trip from Bavunuuh ou WEDNESDAY, May 28th, aud from Charleston ou FRIDAY, the 3Uth. FOR CENTER VILLA GlS, Via St. Simons, Brunswick, Fancy lilujf, Jejferson, Darien, St. Marys, rfc Tho One steamer PLANTER, Capt. r McNulty, will leave lor thuahovo ucus every Wodnesduy morning at lOo’dock. For Irclght or passage, apply on board at Union Ferry WharL or to 8. novl0 CRANE, WKUJ5 A CO., Agents. THE GllldAT WKHTKIIN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YQRK, A KB taking Marine RUks at tholr Agency, A. corner or Drayton and Brynu streets. Approved Risks will bo taken on liberal forms, mul tlio usual credit glvon on Premium Notes., Three quarters of tho business will bo rolurtiod to tho mis tomors in scrip. C. A. L. Lamnr, fob 10 Agent In .Vavnmiab. imhuiiAivLi:. Houtliiii-ii Mutual Iusut-ntir.o Coinjmny, j Soutlmrn Mutual Life lux. Company, Home Insurance Company, of N. York, \ Sprlnglleltl Fire Marine Ins* Com'y,, Risks In tlm above Insurance Companies undotla- j kon by WM, KINO & SONS, Agents, No. UU Bay street, i Savannah, 14tb December, I860. docl4 FlllMi MARINE AND LIFE IN.SUilANC E. .VO. 1)1, BAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nuui'ly Foil■' illllliou Dollai s. j By tho following responsible Stock Companies Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF BAHTFORU, CT. Equllulile Fire Insurance Company, ; OF LONDON. Fiuiui'iV uml MecUnnles* Fire, Mui-iiu- ami Life Insurance Compnny, OP riULADELFlIIA. . Bridgeport Fire nml Marine lusnnuuie I Company, OF mtlDOU’OKT, cr. gfjr't.M subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount In all parts of tho Stutcon every description of projicrly. Life Iusnraucc. to any uiuouut, at tbs lowest rate, for the benefit ot udrs uud erwittors, or payable to the wife free from tho claims of creditors. Murine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all pui u of the world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTU AL BENEFIT LIFE IN.Sl UA N CE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter 1‘crpdual, Nett accumulation, Juu. l, 1850* $2,2ut>,no5 47 Total uinouiit of dividends paid to date 716,402 *10 1 Total amount of claims by death paid todate 1,336,V'1'0 84 I)Y BNLLft PHENTIfift, (BCCCWaUBH TO fllllJIHirK k HILL.) Admlulitratrlx tale. On TUESDAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, In front ol tho Court Houst. will bo sold;— Tho southern half ot'I/)tNol7 aud Improveraents, situated ou East Boundary street: tb« improvements are six wooden tenement*. Sold ns tho property of tho ostnto or Daniel Robot-toon, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors or said estate Terms cash. A. E. ROBERTSON, my 13 Administratrix. IIA.VANA PLAN LOTTERY!! fnv AUTHORITY OF TOR liTATK OP OKOROtA.] Southern Military Aondemy LOTTERY, FOR JUNE, CLASH D—New Series, Will bo drawn hi the city of Montgomery, Alabama, June 12th, 1866, when prizes amounting to GO.OOIt DOLLARS Will be dl-.tributod acctrding to t o following beau tiful scheme. TKN CAPITAL "'PlUZIfiS !!! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS III XCnCMK—CLAMJ V. ...$16,000 IS ... 6,000 is .... 4,001) Is .... 2,000 Is .... 2,000 is .... 1,000 18 .... 1,000 1s ... 1,000 L) .... 1,000 1s .... 1,000 L* 400 i-re LOO are 100 arc • 1 Prue nf... : 1 Prize ul'... I 1. Prlzu of I 1 Pilzo of 1 Prize ul 1 Prize ef 1 Prize ef I Prize of | 1 Prize or I Prize of • 20 Prize or uu Prize of ! 60 Prize of j 4 Approximidluti Prizes of 8200 are.... 4 do do 100 are.... 4 do do 60are ... 5 do do to urn.... 20 do Uo JO mo.... $16,0(i0 . 6,COO . 4,000 . 2,090 . 2,000 , 1,000 , 1,000 1,000 . 1,000 , 1.000 . 8,000 . 12,000 . 6,000 . $800 •tco .. 200 . 200 .. 400 lfiOPiIzesaiiiniiuUng U> ....$f.0,000 MUCK ay TtC-KKIS. Whole Tickets $10; Halves 86; Quartern $2 60. 84,282,488 07 Benjamin C. Miller, Fee rotary, Joseph 1.. l/»rd, General Agent, Hubert 1- Patterson, President. ♦The I'uudu of this Company urn ull safely invested in llrst class bonds ami mortgages, stocks, cash, end notes of members fully remirod by their |Mdielt-s. For further parlieulurs Inquire of (IlIAKLES A. FARLEY, Agent in tavumtuli, At thu olllco of Bull k Prentiss. J, 8.811UAVAN, Exitmlnvi. ttKKKItKXCK: Messrs. P.inKU'onn, FnY *;(<•.. 1 1. K. Twr, K*q . NUAe Bald:. foil 20 grig. BY SPENCER CUHBELL. At Private Sale. 2,000 bushels of Rico: an excellent artlolo of fMd lor stock of all kinds, perfectly dry and In food or der, at 26 cento por bushel. Call and examint It. mays! At Private Sale. Southern half or lot No 85, Chatham'Ward, city o Savannah, containing twenty-five and a half net front on Tatnall street, and nlnejy and throe quartar foot In depth, subject to a ground rent of twenty-one 10-100 dollars per annum. For further particulars Inquire at the Counting Room, 1M Bay street. At Private Balo. A low fine lithographed pictures, 22 x 28 inohes, ol Hloiiii Mountain, DeKnlb County, Ga-, and Tawa- jaga Falls, near tin- Indian Springs, Ga., for sale low. Jan 10 THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PRY OR’S"oiNTMENT. I T is a sure and speedy cure for barns, piles, corns, felons, lever soros, ulcers, scald head, tciu-r worm, sot o nipples, (recommended by nur ses,) soro and cracked lips, lresh wounds anu sores of any description. It U a most valuable remedy and euro, wliich can bo testified to by thousands who liavo used it lu many portions or the South for the last tow years. In uo instance will the salve do any Injury, or interforo with a physician’s prescrip tion. llio proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have used it themselvee, aud most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy and certain' remedy lor the above named diseases. A trial is all that Is necessary for Its own recommendation. .Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannub, Ga., and drug * gists geucrully. V. J. ** may 13 , MOORE. Proprietor, ijiGrongo, Ga MARINIS AND FI HE INSURANCE. AGGREGATE* CAPITAL $ti“000,um). YOUNG, WYATT & CO., NO. 85, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GJEOUGilA. A RE prepared to eftbet Insurance, in cuujunu- lion with tho MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 6, Wall street, Now York, for any uinuunl that may l»o required. Pur lies requiring tt cuii bo insured iu tbc- following London and Now York oillcos, viz: Excelsior. Now York, Capital Stuck St. Nicholu.-. do -b» Harmony, do do Beckman ‘ Oom’onwllb, do do Stuyvc&ant do to Howard, do do. Corn Kxub’gc do do Ltfargo, do do Market, <!•• nov 28 !>IAltlNK AND Flit 14 INSURANCE. t2uut)uo 15UIHIU 2UOUOO 200000 260000 200000 2**0000 •joooou t.ViOUO •J'KHini) FOU JOHNSON'S 1.ANU1NU, AND 1NTHRMBDIATB l’LACUS, To leave on Tueedoy Night, the 1 Wi instant. Tho light druft-Hteumor, WILLIAM LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as abovo, from tho Charleston Stearapacket Wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. 1L LAFFITKAU, Agent. " U. 8. Midi Lino " FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Hsrnandi• ita and Jacksonville, Ficolata awl Black Creek, Fla. Jfc THE Btoarnor WEI-AKA, Cupt. N King, will leave for tho nbovo places every'fiutdayMuming, at 10 o’clk. This boat has largo aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking lho Inland Passago, offers evory Inducement to Invalids and others. Frolght will bo taken lor Trader’s Hill aud inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will ho taken after 0 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at tlm Florida Steam tucket wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ibr PaJatka, Bast Fla., vfa Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Famandina, Jacksonville. Middldiurg, (Black Creek.) and Ficolata. .*41—— k Tlm now and elegant utoampacket _JiiBH9k£T- JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, for the above places. Froigbt will bo taken for Trader’s llill nuil iutur- modluto landings on St Mary's River. JE9" No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For frolght or possago, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Btcampacket Wharf, near tho Gas works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Ag’te. NEW YORK A LIVERPOOL "UNITED STATUS MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Tho 8lii|» comprising this arc— . 1 BALTIC, Capt. Comstock | ADRIATIC, Cupt. - THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 'JS, MERCHANT’S EXCHANOU, NEW YORK* OAKII. CAPITAL—$31-2,000 AdRNT FOU SAVANNAH, Ji& lues HI. iliirter, AT THE OFFICE OF MKSSliS. YOUNG, WYATT it CO., No. 85, Huy Street, below thu Post Olllee. IUHWTCK.- r A! ANSON MARSH. 8. A. KOI.IJ) _ Firm of A. 8. Dariics \ t.*o ’* Childs, Pratt Co. * Livingston, Dnllunl k t.'o. • Win. M. Budge i: Co. .U-I'KOXIMATIOX l*Ki»». Tim two number* preceding uml suci'ec-ding tlm j fir.-t ton prizes, <•: t> l ath c-nt'tled to Appri-xininliuti Prizes. Prize* in Hits Littery are paid thirty days utter thu drawing, iu bills ul specie paying bunks, without deduction—only on presciitalion of tlm ticket draw ing the Prize. 4S3T Bills of all solvent b ulks taken ut par. Ail communications strictly confidential. itif- Orders addressed to 8ainuc-I Fwaii. box 82. Suviimiiili Post nfilee, will meet prompt attention. 8AM *L ti WAN, Manager. may-J&ijeio Montgomery, Ala. G UAYDsPUCU LA1I i»N.!!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT 1 fSTlVOO' p li t X E 8 I ULif $ e o,_p oo. IMPROVEMENT OX TIIK ; IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY, nv At'nioniTV or nm state ok okokoia. I Jitepcr Coiiiiiy Acailciny LOTTHaV. Ten Tltonsnmi Kmubcx-a Out}-. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. To bo drawn Juno tlio lLlli, I860, at t.’onccrl llaii, Macon, Gu., under tho swum siiperiuleudence of Cel. Geo. M. Logan and Jus. A. Ni.-bet. Esq. Tills Lottery I* drawn « n the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this lias only 10,000 number.*, and tlio Havana Littery 34,000 number*—the Havana 240 prizes, tht* 1,200 prices. Long to your interest! Now U the tlun*. oapItaT. PRlZIk-Vi M0U. »r $16,000 Is »16,000 6.000 1s 5,000 4,000 Is 4,000 3,000 is 3.000 2,000 is 2.000 1,0001.* 5,000 600 is 6,000 50 to 3.000 26 is 3,000 600 Approxlmutfoo prizes *»l -0 nve to,000 j 5i*0 *• •• 10 tire 6.000 1200 Prizes uliiOilulilig lu .$00,000 Tickets SIO—Halves $&—Quarter* $2.60. JUtj5T Prizes payable without doductiou. JO©* Persons sending money by mall need not fear Its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Cmiimuuicatlnus confidential. Uauk notea of sound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. JtJQT Those wishing particular numbern should order liumudlately. Address JAMES V. WINTER, Manager, tnayl5 Macon, Ga. 1 Prize, 1 “ l *• 1 - ! “ lo - do - 120 • II. A. Curtis 4: Co, - Hosted Curlt. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BAJ.LAUD, • WM. M. DOIMSK, - 1». J. AVERY, II. A. CURTIS, WM. E. HOL1 A), S, T. LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTI’ID, WM. 11. RIVERSMIfH, W. H. LYON, « •* W. 11. Lyon & Co GEO. CHAPMAN, ” *• Leo, Murphy k Co. JOS. 11. Wl-JSTCOTT, - Bl-iggs, Wchtcott k Co. JOS. FATMAN, •• - Fuluuui x Cn STEPHEN YON MOlHW. GFAJ. SAVORY, - *• Bi-o. Nivuik ,VU>. J. A. RKQUA. AI AN SON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Pratipent. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. 43-This Company will issue Policies upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation ami Fire Risks, at liboral rates of premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 31 No. 85, Bay street.^ A LA HAMA LOTT BUY! [ACTUOIUZKI* nv Tim 1.T-1E OF AURAUA.] Inutta Jfiilitflni Jlratatr jUntterq CLASS E—NEW SERIES, To be drawn In the City of Montgomery. Alabuma, ill publli;. on THURSDAY, July lu. I860, on tlm If A V AN A I» LAM SAMUEL SWAN, 51alinger. Prizes amminliug to 205,000 Dollars;!! Will be distributed according to tho fofiowlng MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TC, CUpt. Wost, PACIFIC, Capt. Nyo. , Tbeso ships having buun built, by coutract, ex- ircssly for Goverumont service, every care has men taken iu their construction, as also in their en gines, to lusuro strength und speed, and their ao- comniodatlons for passengers uro mmqualeil lor olo- ganco and comfort. Prices of Passage from New York to Liverpool in first cablu $130, lu second cabin $75, exclusive use of oxtra stale-rooms $326. From Liverpool to Now York £30 und £20. Au experienced Surgeon ullachod to oach ship. No berths can bo secured until puld lor. For freight or pnssugo apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 50 Wall street, Now York. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNAllD & CO. B. U. WAIN WRIGHT & CO., Paris. GEO. II. DRAPER, llavro. __ Tho owuers of tlieso ship* will not bo nc- couutablo for gold, silver, bullion, suocio. jewelry, precious stones, ur metals, unless bills oflmling are signed therefor, uud tlm vultm tlioroof expressod therein. Shippers will plcaso take uotlco Hint tho ships ol this lino cannot carry auy gooiUlotmtraban'l of war. ~MMomwiVMs:iTY; PEN’FIELD, UA, FACULTY. KKKSIDEXT, S. M. CRAWFORD, D, 1* PMOFIMSOMS. College. 6. P. SANFORD, A. M Mathematic*. J. E. WILLET, A. M . Chemistry uud Natural Pbllo.-opbv. II. II. TUCKER, A. M.. .Belles Lett res. U. W. WISE, A. M.. Greek and Latin Isingnagc?. WILLIAM G. WOODFIN, A. D.. Modem Languages. ThcolocUnl Siniinary. N. M. CRAWFORD, 1». D:, Ecclesiastical History uml Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAM?, A. M.. Systematic aud Pastoral Theology. Acmli-my. THOMAS A. StLU^. Principal. The Commencement is hold on thu lust Wednesday in July. Tlm noxtTeim will commenc* on Urn last Wed nesday in August. Tlm prico of BourJ in tlm village is $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, fcc., $3. By oruur of tlm Board of Trustees. myl2 2m 8. LANDRUM, Secretary. HUNDlUUgi 30,000 JV umbers—15,GOO Prizes I 1 prize of.. $36,000 1*.. $35,000 1 do do. 10,000 Is.. 10,000 t do do. 5,000 1*. 6,000 1 1 do do. 2,000 U. 2,000 1 do do. 1,200 is. 1,200 1 do do. 1,100 is. 1,100 i do do. 1 000 to. 1,000 1 uo do. 000 is. flOQ 1 1 do do. -fod to. . ... SCO 1 do do. 620 U. 020 , Ul do do. 2001*. 2,000 100 do tlo. 1001*. 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 apr-iosim’e to $«:(•,uuo are C300 I I 40 I 4u0 . 16.000 150 ICO 10 30 20 10 ,.$206,200 300 HAdHHlfiRV an!) iuon hail inu MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVA ANN All, GA. (Near tho Market.) F ROM tlio raostcomplcto facilities iu his own establishment, and through ids connections with several of tho principal mauuiUctiirng estab lishments or Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tho Undersignod is prepared to furninsli MACH1N ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST ANI) FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTO, Columns, Window 8111b and limits, Iron Doora, Shutters, ke., at Northern prices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work ofovory description, nl short notloo, upon roosonablo term*. As Agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, he Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or designs for MO.NUMEXTO, TOMB STONED, ko. Also Iron Railing in great variety, for enclosures, and to rocelvo ordors, und put up tho work at man faolurors’ liricos. Jl. H. LINVIIJ.E. Savannah, April 11. I860. aprl I L ard and herrings— 20bbli Prime White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Primo Herrings. Landing and for sate by mayfe 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON It CO. OA Uhls. BuuorlorOld MonongcheU Whiskey, roccivoa, aud fl*r snlo by my 14 J. M.KYKK, 94 Bay street. TTMtKHU MUBLINS^-A Tew moro of those St ■ figured lawns at 12)i cuiita Recuivod tier Mra, »" r ir "' u n ° w may 10 Cungrosa and Whitaker gtreota. lOBNAlJi) OATO—For saio III quantities to suit vJ purchasers. muy20 WILLIAMS k RATCLIFF. B "OILED LIN8EKI) OIL, or tho boat quality con stantly fur i-uhi by CHAFFER k CO., 0 Wlillakor sired. tnay 15 E ARI), HERitiNGS k CODFISH— 20 * “ barrels Prime White l<vaf l-ard, 60 boxes “ Herrings, 3 lillds “ Oslfisli, Istndlug and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, J0UNST0N it 00. YYRES8 TRIMMING8.—Fringes, black and XI colored MolroAntlquo Gauze, nuduiliL-rslylus, In great variety, and for salo by t mar 7 AlKIN k BURNS, /^tUNNY BAGGING—36(1 bales superior Gunny VXBoggiug for salo by Jol—Iw PADELFORD, FAY k CO. fashions' ran jCnb; E RANK Leslie’s Gazette or Fashions fur Juno ro- colved und for snlo by Boxes choice Rio Coffee, _ 160 boxes Talr to prime Rio Colfoi*. 100 boxes Old Government JavaCofibe. 200 hhds. Muscovado Molasses. 160 bbls. choice New Orleans Syrup. 60 lilids. Now Orleans Muscovado, and pi*n- lllco Sugar. 300 bbls. refined A. II. am’. 8ugar. 60 bbls. Critob and Powdei-ed Sugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon. Siiperfine and Extra l-|"ur 150 boxes Starch, Adanuiiitine A-SpiM uiC.iiidb-s. 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, aud Family Soap. 200 bales Heavy Gunny Bagging. 26 hlids. Bacon Sides ami Sliouldeir. 76 bbls, iiess and Prime Pork, UK) boxes Tobacco, various brand*. 100 boxes Black uml Green Tea, 500 bags Drop und Bm-lt .Shot. 60 kegs and half kegs “Hazards" Powder, together with a full assortment of all other articles In tho Grocery lino, (except liquors.) lu store, nud for saio on uccommod.-itiug terms, by June 1 RODGER.**, NuRltlS di CO. ALISON’S CONTINUATION, siamw. H ISTORY of Europe, from tlm Fall of Napoleon iu 1815, to tlm Accession of Louis Napoleon iu 1862. By Sir Archibald Alison. 2 vols. Alisou’s First Berios, from tho Commencement of the French Revolution. 1780. to the lUstomtlon in 1816, III 4 vote. Maury’s Physical Geography of tlio Sea. Tlm Ctli ami cutirely new* edition, with churto. Vagabond Lite Iii Mexico. By Gabriel Ferry. I Doint*’ Treatise ou Arithmetic, theoretical aud practical. Sparrowgrasa Papers; or, Living in tlio Country. By Frodk. 1). Cozzuns. Plu-ri-biiB-tuh. By Doosticks, with many embel lishments. . Margaret Maitland or Suuuysido. By. Mrs. Oly- phant. * Hours of Borrow Cheered and Comforted, By Cliarlotto Elliott. way27 W. TllOKNK WILLIAMS. Jol WARXOOK k BAVI?, No 169 Congress st. CtUOARS.—60 barrels btuarts A and I) Clarified U Sugar; 60 do Grualmd mid Powdorod do. Hu lug and for sale by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. /"lUBA MOtASSGS—Tho cargo or the brig \J R. B. Lawton, of suporior quality. For saio by DUylO It PADELFORD, FAY * CO. 16,COO prizes amounting to The 16,000 prices of of $8uro determined by llm number wliich draws (lie $35,000 prize—if that number should be an odd number, thou every odd nunibur ticket iu the Scheme will bo eulitleU to $8 ; if an even number, then every evon number ticket will bo entitled to $S*£ in addition to any other prize wliich may Uo drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and even number tickets,’ will be certain of drawing nearly one bull' the cos t of tlie same, with el-ancon of obtaining other prizes. Remember timt every prize Is drawn, and payable ia full without deduction. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after tin- drawing,—other priz«.-x nt the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Tlio drawn numbers will lie forwarded to purchaser* immediately after tlie drawing. Whole tickets, $10—Halve.*, $5—Quarters, $2 50. } Prizo Tickets ca-lied or renewed in other Tickets | nt either olllco. I Orders for Ticket* can be addressed iiltbet- to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga.. | jel ur S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. ■\fKATOFooT oil., »-f the bust quality constantly 1 J_N for salu lev/ by CHAFFER k CO,, I maylfr il Wlillakor street. E XTRA CANAL FI/jUr.—26 barrels Extra Canal Flour. Landing and for saio by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. tnay15 A LBANY ALE,—26 bbl*. Albany Stock A to, Just received, nud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON .V ft*. Jitnol NOTICE. T HE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated themselves together for tho purpose ot comlucl- lug the Wliolo*-il« Grocery Business, uud haviug purchased ihv htock of Rodgers k Norris, will here after conUunn the hitshuoK under tho firm of Rod- g«*n*, Norris ife C«., at the old stand, corner of Bay atul Lincoln street*. •IAS. G. RODGERS. JAS. A. NORRIS. GKO. II. JOHNSTON. JXO. N.-lllKCH. Savatiuaii, June 2d, 186it. ,|« 2 rilHE Uriu of Rodgers k Norris haviug tills day X been dissolved by tho above association, either partner will use the inline or lho Unit in liquidation. JAS. G. RODGERS, .IAS. A. NORRIS, Savunuub, June 2il, 185U je 2 T3AUUN"X'i!i lTAUii—6it KEB;" ftiiiio DScon Xj Sides ; 30 lilids. prime Bucou Slioulder* ; 20 bbls. prime Baltimore l/iuf lstrd. lauding, aud for saio by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. Juno 1 pHAMl A1GN 0lDLlt,«ko.—115 boxes(.lliiwu- V-/ painn Cider, clioloo artlclo. 20 bbls cholco old jicach Hrauy, 0 do do Applo Brandy, 10 ilo do Cherry Brandy, Also—Gluger and Blackburry, boxes. In storo anil Ibr sale by fohl WEBSTER k PALM Eg fliUHBUilU.' P LUMBING, iu all its various branches, at tended to at tlio shortest notice, uud iu superior style. Also, may be found Shower Baths, Ualvauiz Broughtountroct. uuu-19 HORACE MORSE. UUAC, loo 60 25 l>, STARCH, AU DIO boxes Colgate’s No. 1 aud lb bar Soap; 00 do Buchan A Smith’s Family Soap: rn do Bender* Cs and 8s Tallow Caudle*; do Adumnntino Candles (Star brand): do Oawego Pearl Starch; «b> Colgate’s Uo do; do Ground Oolfoe, iu lb aud Jitb papers: -« do do l’opcr; 50 bbl* Sugar, Soda and Butler Crocker*; 25 boxos do do; 20 bbls Pilot Bread; 16 }i chests Black Tea in Mlb papers; 10 Ji do do hi Uu loll; 10 Ji do Fine Hyson Ton; 25 boxos Roy’* Ionium Syrup. Just received and for snlo by tuay23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k OO. ti'ULTON MARKET BEEF^-10 Half"bbla X Fulton Murkel Beef, uud 10 do do Pork. Just rocoivod by rnaySO J. D. JESSE, ~V. JACOBS, SEGAll and tobacco store. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps couitantlj' on hand Spauilh, UaU SiNUtUh, und American Sugar*, ut wholesale and re- all. Alsu, Chewing Tuhucco, Huulf, kc. Juno 1 JAM1-2M DIclIKNUY, Insurance iirokcr und Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average adjusted, Charier Parties und Average Bonds Urawna Pupcrs prepared whereby to rccuvor losses from American or British Underwriter*, and atteullou given to ull matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Ray-street opposite tho front ot tho Custom Houso. ly nov 8 Every man hlg own Cara Printer. pALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S VJ Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheapest and most convenient of utiy thing for tho purpoao yet ofi'ered for sale. AU-'RED WEBSTER, Gen, Agt. apr 3 _ ly 186 Congrowa St. HUjii’STilPHliVED SEWING MAGHINKS. D ESIGNED Kxprc.-Hy lor making Bags—and which Is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose. Spool or skein thread can bo used of any desired length, and which will not need tu bo changed until tuo whole U used. Bag muunufucturcrs, tirain’ond Flour morchants aro particularly invited to call uud examine It at 186 Ceu gress street. May26. A1.FRKD WEBSTER,Q<n. Agt. HUNT WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE. D ESIGNED lor Families, plantations, Drsss ma ker*, Tailor*, Boot k Shoe manufacturers and other* who may wish to do tholr owu sowing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sows a uni form stitch witli both side* alike, ond which will no*, ravel. It I* moro simple, is loss liable to got out of order, nud costs less lu proportion than any other machine, and to warranted to bo perfect, and to work well, All apparatus necessary lor couvouiont uio ■ furnished witli it, and any iustructiou will be gives that will be uecc-ssary to eusuro to the purenater It* successful operation and durability. Tho public are respectfully Invited to call and ex* amine them at 136Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Ota. Agt. AID A very neat and ornamental Iron Table will now bo given with a machine for a small ana hi addition to tho regular price. May 26. Howes Cotton hahvem^IR. PATENTED DEO., 4, 1866. T HIS improvement enables uuo field buid ro pick an much cotton as five can pick by tba old method aud having tho cotlou free from trash, and in botur condition for ginning. • Tho ubovo machine* arc for sule at 136 Oougraaa street Savannah, und 126 Meeting street, Char teu ton, 8, C. Ail order* from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factor*, Cotton Broker*, uud ull iutemted are respectfully luvltod to cad nud examine them County Right* can be bought on favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICB, I, 1*1 Juno, I860. / nnHE following Let* are In arrears to tho City for X Ground Rout: Brown Ward. Lots No*. CS uud 70, eight quarter* each. 07, six ” « ” 56, 50, 0166'aud 09, four quartan aach. •• 16,10,02,71, two *• ” Chatham Ward. - 20, fourteen quartern. “ 14, twelve *• “ 4, ton •- ” 10, six ” •* 16,18,19. 20,22,28, 31, four qr*. each. 6, 6, 9.10, 17,24. V6, 32, two “ ** Columbia lVdnl. S, six quarters. 7, 3, 4, 6.16. Id, 24, four qr*. each. 11. north hair of 12,14, 21, 28, two quar ter* each. Crauiford Ward. 48, eight quarters. 3, six ” 12,13, 23, 24, 31. 32, 33, 00, 43,44,46, 47, 03, 09,71, four quarters each. 26, 20,27,38,39, 60, C5, 60, two quar ters each. Elbert Ward. 24, eight quarter*. 89, six ” 23, four ” 1. 3,9, 19, 21, 22, 26, 20, 32, 33, and 37. two quarter* each. Franklin Ward. 3, 4, 0, east half 7, four quarter* aach. 2. 21, 22, 26, 26, 27, 30, 31,80, two quar- tors each. New Fianf.ltn IPurd. 4, eighteen quarter*. 13, sixteen quarters. 12,14,17 nndenot half 1, four qrs. each a. 7, 8, 9,10 and wost half of l,two qis oach. - Greene Ward. 2 aud 20, four quarter* each. C, 11, 14, 16, 18, 25, 20, 20, 27, 30, two quarter* each. Jackson lFarxI* 47, four quarter*. Jasper Ward. 8,47, 48, four quarter each. 9, 10, 21, 37,42, two quarter* neb. Lafayette Ward. 23,46, twelve quarters each. 7, 37, 38, 41, four qurrters each. 1, 4, 5, 21, 22, 36, 30, 40, 42, 47, 48, two quarter* each. Liberty lFard. 8, 27,32, four quarter* each. 7, 17, 18, 23,34, two •• - Monterey Ward. 11, twelve quarters. 13,17, 85, eight qarter* each. 4. ti, 24, 37, 38,39, four quarters each. 5. 14,15, Id, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24 and SO, two quarter* oach. Pulaski Ifttnl. 10. eight quarters. 6. 14. 16, 10, 18, 22. 23. 24, 26. four qrs. each. I. 2, 2, 4.12,29. two quarter* each. H'«r)w Want. •Jl and 23, twelve quarter* each. 2, 4,10.13 14, two ” •* Washington Ward. •J and 31, twelve quarters each, l, 4,17, 29, four quarters oicli. 10, 16, ID. 24; and 40. two quartet'* each, Troup Want. 40, ten quurtcrs. 2, 4, 0, 10,11,13, 14. 23, 24, four qutu- ter* each. 12,16, 22.28, two quarter* orch. Wesly Wark. 13 und 14, six quarters each. 5,18 ami ll, tour quarters each. 1. 2,3, 4, 7,10,12,16,17, two quarter*, each. Calhoun Irani. 2d and 29, eight quarters each. 20, 30, and 48, six “ ” 2. 5. 0,8, H, 21,26 and 82, lour quarter# each. 2, 4,0,10, 18,10, 23, 31, iwo quarter* each. Forsyth Want. 23aud 26, twelve quarters each. 7, ten quarter*. . 0 aud 25, eight quarters oach. 3, 6,11,12,13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 20, four quurterB each. 2, 8, 9,10,16,16,17,27. 28, two quai- tors each. Charlton Ward. l, (i, 12, 24,36, six quarter* each. - 6,13, 23, north half or 36, aouth half or 36, four quarters each. 18,10,25, 81,32. two quarters each. Sprinofictd Lots. 1, 2,19ll; lu J; 19 Z; 10 R, twelve qn. each- 10 A, eight quarters. 3,4, 6, 0 aud 7, four quarters each. 8, six quartora. 10,18,14,16,19,17,18, 29, 27, 28, 20, 80, 31, 82, 41 49, 4*, four VS. S*Ch’ 14 12,42, two quarters each. If the rents duo ou tho nbovo lots aro not paid oo or beforo tho UtU of June, 1 will proceed, on tbs morning or tho 12th, to re-enter the samo In terms of ordluauco. Julyl D. H. STEWART, C.M. 50 mivw aa Savannah. J.M.ETRE, my 14 04 Bay stmt.