Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 05, 1856, Image 1

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VOl,. XXXVIII [OLD SERIES.] SAVANNAH, (GA.)'THURSDAY, JUNE 5. I860. NO, 2094. Mtfill & JOURNAL. uniiy, iM-Wn-lily and Weekly. otfioitil Pnpor of the City and County. LUJ. HILTON & CO. PL'UMSHKUS. \i, ti. HILTON, Editor. s'. i»\ Yr\9ULTO\, } AHRliUnul KdltoiM. X KSIIS: :\«llv per Vfitv,lit Mtlvttm t*. . ; .-Weekly . 3.00 \WfUti Single Copy J-3.00 .* « Two *• 3,00 .. .. Five »* S.00 .» *. 151 ir tit “ 10,00 .. .. 'IV it ♦» *B,00 ^Tooue iulilreH«)Twe»ly *» 540,00 \« ti«*u not pal I In ad van-* the charge fill* llu* 1 .-iily will In* $0, on.I lor lilt* TrI-Weekly (4. I no Weekly will Uo <«ml only ui tU«w who pay lu .i.ivuti'P. Tli • paper will ill variably In* ilUeimtinueil . ,.,111 iho vxpimtiim ol tlio time for which II has been •rilUUSDAY, TtvoOVlm k P, M. Georgina tSi tlnnrtml Ylemlln,** Room, ibu’ HinuHnff Room iti tho Exchange is free to nil subsoribers to the Daily Georgian $ Journal, i • all eontr.irt tnlverlisei's in its columns, to the rieruy of the city ami to strangers introduced by either of tht***© clauses—&uf <n none other*. .3 TvT r X‘23 XL* TZC3r , &LjZJX»X*: m I,liter from Europe. ARRIVAL OP THE - i-.- *'-■•. . ! -f r ./' X 1 A G A K A. N'KVV VOKK. JuilOf). The steamer Niagara, hit* arrived with Liv erpool dates to May ‘21th. Liverpool cotton market shows a decline ol l it! to j. Sales for the week, 37.000 bales. Speculators took d,000. Exporters 2,000. Im portations since the departure of last steamer fil.QOO. Decline principally confined to lower grades. pair Orleun*. 7 Middling 64 Sales of Saturd y, the day the steamer sailed, 8,000. Market closed -t.wly. Indian Com declined <U1. to Is Accounts from .Manchester, show decline in the trade goods and yarns. The Bank of England lius reduced interest Hum 6 to o per cud. Political news unimportant. •1'Ue Ctnclmmfl Couveutluu. Uur anxious friends must possesstheiv souls in patience. It may be that several days are yet to elapse before we receive the nominations of the Convention—though in hourly expecta tion of them. The platform hud first to lie laid down—to say nothing of adjusting the claims ol the New York contestants. It is likely that the bullotings commenced last evening or this morning. They may be con cluded while we write, or they may bo continued throughout, the week. The last Baltimore Con vention was from Monday to Saturday afternoon in doing its work—nearly the whole time being taken up balloting for a Presidential nominee, UuWiiiES.—A stand in front of Ilosenband’s store, Broughton street, was attacked by some nuo jaet night, not having the fear of the police be lore his eyes, and demolished. We have heard of uo arrest 11*»• the deed. LmKMiu.u.—Mr. Crumpton was to leave tor hi, £ unit in tie? -leam-UI p Canada, from Uo.-iun on \\V.bM.vday. Uie lib Inst., ummipuiiled by Anthony Barclay, I'- u . lab- Con ml of ilie part of New York, uipl iivoripi u Mudifw, |<>i|., lute Consul at I'hila- LlMjou. The New York Meeting, Mr have nimbi our own coin men Is on the New Ymk city .Sumner meeting. The Itielimoml hir- !*i/.-A -uvs of iU proceeding* : •• wiixe,| fat ami kicked.’' .Men who b:ivft mailu »:«lossul loritines nut of .Southern Iruiie me threateningm wulinp the poor heart which lias carried litem lo the Pp of the bill of fortune. They Un eaten to come to um .-until ami rip open the eon.-e Umt lu* luitl them the gulden egg. Perhaps Uo- ••sliipi..ity ol iho South is not so excessive us Ute.-o sut.irt fellow.- mpiione. It is celling to be a yu lie ml opinion m tin.- latitude Umt tlie iron yoke ol colonial bolicnge wa- but a leulherV weight III com- jmiison Willi which five.-oliism wjuIu lay up-n ,.ur .-lumltleia. if we are to liuve u nu-ter, it -nail not he llu- luu.iy-he.itlml n.on oi i'lirit uoc,il aIm.1I lion ism—murk ilut! The Itifhmuml Empiircr Irent* the umlh.-r ipiilo nglillj. ils editor : The pawing, bellowing, throwing iipofeurlh, low ing in ohm us, uml general kicking up of dust, which ii.ioriiite herds of can e sometimes eiiucl i;p->u .-p its rec.'iilly moi l -neii by the iiluoil of slaughtered nuf ii.i-k* or ye «rlings, an s lemti, pathetic, ami luouer .ite exliilliiionsof aiigi r compiml wall the holster i.o • ,md extravagant p.-oijeciings of those indignant Pert.tudlqjut their label nude nu this (ILtUigutsluat MissoiTti ibii.mijs.—John S. Phelps lias been nomiiuiLed lor L’oiigrei's in the sixth difc* ti-irt of M; f *.or.ii, by the Democrats ; J. M. Names liy Um Americans, utid P. B. Laurence S.y the Bentonites. _ i 4'At. and 1-ikk Navuutios.—AlUmy, May 3L— Too (Tumi Ami tor is ml vised of a break on the Ciiiimphtli) c.uiiil, which occurred ueurCovul, on the •. c.l. or .‘iOtli last. Two liumlred feet of a lieuvy luiiik on u sixteen ndlo level was curried away. It willtuke uMim*tone week to repair thu break.— N'livlgutiou on seclion two ol the Chenango cunal baa In nu ohHnicte.l ever him utile opening oftheeuuul, a i :>h| by the iioih eimival of u sand bar. There is u b: i-uk In (ieuessee Valley ennui above I'orlgUKO, wl.leli was oci-ii .ioue.i liy repairs being made by tin • onirador. (»»ivK'.o, May :il .—The llrst vessel of a Hoot which It It hen- ill tlm spiing for Chicago hits retarued.— she M'porls < tlmi' vessels a- near hy. Weather cold biel amir. tlm Hoynl ihudm oft lie l.'tllt siiyii: Wnaro sorry to learn that yellow fever was raging nt r=t., poiicni.irly unienu the■-hipping, loanuluriiilng ex- lent. Tlmre had been m?\ end deaths in the Murine llo pilul Common remitleiit fever and ague also oie.ii.h'il in tlm liiiuhilaiits. It was generally ■tpp. dicmied linn tlm coming summer would ho ti v-iy mihe.iithy one throiiglioiit the West India Is- luiio,-. II was i ep U-Ied Hi M. T liomas that tli" Hilt- ■ ill war -.teHUier d ilaci u ha.l lost i-oiue eight or Ion •ifhere.rew t.v yellow feV*W. The Hepubllenn. lu view of tho many editorial coutests which muy arise botweeu tho Republican and ourselves, it lias become necessary for ns to lay before tho public tho style of reasoning, which wo and they ure to expect in the prosecution of any discussion. It is not to bo expected for readers to follow through first in one paper, and then in the othejyearh article which may be written on any certain subject. An opportunity has offered Itself to day however, to show lu a very small space the most perfect commentary upon the Republican * manner of argumentation we have ever soon. An aanerlion by the Republican. A iUTlMlSlIOP Ill'llIIKS AND TUB l>KMOUUACVi— Thi’ waiter, who was killed hy Herbert at Washington was an Irishman. Bishop Hughes' organ rcfu’.> to this circumstance, and calls uloud for justice on the murderer. It lashes the House of Representatives, ami particularly the Democrnctii'. portion of it—for voting against un inquiry into the matter. That sin (it says) “is on the Democratic party, ns a pnrty, and accursed be lie who helps such a party into power, until that blood Is lawfully purged away." It then proceeds a little more closely to point out, Hint somebody in particular has the matter in hand, it says: "Let them not suppose tills matter is going to drop here. One who seldom drop* anything has it noto in hand, and he dintinctly wai n* the Demwratic Representatives at lt r a*hington % that {f‘justice h not done on the murderer, Her- but, then will be held accountable, as thu party who interposed to screen and protect him from the penalty of his guilt.’’ It will ho remembered that tho organ of Bishop Hughes Is tho Freeman's Journal. The. Reply. AitoHinaiionlluaiiKS and the Dkmoijiiaov. • “ Under this caption, the Rrnnliliean t.f yes terday, quotes language from wlmt it terms the organot Bishop Hughes, which, wo understand, ever appeared in tho Frecmuiis Journal, the Riper referred to. Wo havo been shown what s asserted to be thu only editorial which has appeared in the Frevmmis Journal in relation to the homicide committed liy Mr. Herbert, and that certainly does not contain the Republican's quotation." Tho Republican in reply: " Akciihlsiiop IIuuuks and the Democracy.” —Under this caption, the Republican of yester day quotes language from wlmt it terms tho or gan of Aarchllishop Hughes, which wc under• if mid never appeared in the Freeman's Journal, the paper referred to. We havo been shown what is asserted to be the only editorial which has appeared in tho Freeman s Journal, in rela tion to the homicide committed liy Mr. Herbert, and that certainly does not contain the Ropubli- can’s quotation.—Georgian of yesterday. Wc hnvo italicised a portion of the above inragmpb that tho full extent of its siguillca- ion may be evident. The Georgian “um/ej*- stand*" such an article as that quoted by us never appeared in the Freeman’s Journal, nud has been shown one number of that paper con taining “what is assei'ted to be," tho only arti cle which it has contained on the Washington homicide. We cannot answer such objections, wilt he Georgian, or any other person over his own signature, state distinctly that such a para- jraph as that quoted by us did not appear in lie Freeman’s Journal V We have good au thority for our quotation—or nt least what we consider good -and will produce it upon the contingency stated. The Georgian and Journal. 1 ARonmsuop Huontis and tue Democracy.” The Republican adheres to its charge that the organ of Archbishop Hughes 1ms denounced the Democratic pnrty lor the action of the repre sentatives of that party in Congress, in relation to Herbert’s homicide of the Irish waiter, Keat ing. Ono sentence ciuoted liy tho Republican as coming from tho Freeman's Journal, and for which our neighbor would make Bishop Hughes responsible, Is the following “accursed be he who helps such a parlu into power until that blood is lawfully purged away. Not having been a regular reader of tho Five- man's Journal, we could not of course positively assert that it hud never uttered the words charg ed by the Republican. We did, however, upon what seemed to us good authority, give such a qualified denial us we might—in saying that •‘we understand no such language ever appear ed in the Freeman's Journal"— adding Umt an editorial of that paper, in relation to the homi cide, shown uh, and asserted to be tho only one which it hud published oti the subject, did “no/ contain tho Republican's quotation.” To this our neighbor responds, somewhat loftily : “We cannot answer such objections. Will the Georgiun, or any other person over his own signature, state distinctly tlmtsuch a paragraph us Unit quoted by us did not appear in the Free man's Journal? We have good Authority for our quotation—or at least, what we consider good— and will produce it upon the contingency stat ed." It may lie rather hazardous but wc will meet the Republican squarely upon its issue- -we do assert that no such editorinl ns that quoted, has appeared in the Freeman's Journal: giving however, in the same breath, our ground for so doing to wit: the fact that we find the remarks attributed b> the Frennan's Journal in an edi• lot ial of another paper. They are to in- read in tho American Celt, of May 24th. It hunt likely that the same edi torial appeared .c such, in two papers. I f, for example, it were charged that certain remarks had boon made by tlm Washington Union, and we should llndtlicm in the National Intelligencer little would be l inked in asserting that they were not the words of tho Union. This is u .small matter, we grant—still, as the /{epuWicmi could not condescend to notice our former “objections” to a misstatement into which we supposed it had inadvertently fallen, we have felt constrained to meet it directly on the issue which its editors make. The,finale of the. Republican. “ Bishop Huouks' Ono an* and run Dkmoo hauv.”— 1 The Grorgian having complied with our couditlon, we would state that, the article denouncing aimtlminas against the Democracy in the event of “ justice is not done to the murderer Hubert, purporting to have been taken from tho Freeman’s Journal, was copied The Niuaraouan I.ptuek. —Father Fijil* fat Minion,--Hi I’uiiiuneiio of tho 2d of Muy, tm«, under the above head, the following curious Mnteinent: “ Wu know that Walker, iu order to secure the Mt-rvioos of the Licentiate, Padre D. August in Vijil. parochial curate of the city of Granada, anil to dispose freely of whatever concerns the ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, has promised, us soon as his government. Is consolidated, to establish A Protesting, church of which tho said curate, Vijil is to lie the head, and General Walker the protector. He does this to recompense him forthe dgnul service lie Imd leudored him in terming and supporting his government. Led away by these promises, the Uurate Vijil ban tt HWi embarked hi a revolutionary career,” *uePauameuo then goes on to donounce in severe terms, thu eouducl of Padre Vijil. , .... - ipied into the Republican from the Richmond Whig, If there was any error in tho credit, it was not our own, though wc did not intend more by that “ lofty” answer than to say that we did not feel called unon to explain anything that had not been positively denied. The Georgian, however,confessea, nud piovos the main point of interest, iu the publication, viz: Unit such language had been used towards tho Democracy, and by a paper representing the Catholic and Irish interests, the Amoricau Celt. Wc have nothing more to say on the subject, not wishing to interfere in a quarrel among friends,and having only alluded to it. in tho first place as a matter of public interest. Tho discussion may be thus dissected : Tho He- publican makes a positive assertion in No. 1; we gently hint that it has made a sliahl mistake In No. 2. No, 3 Is rather military, and wants a positive assertion hy ui, or any responsible porson over his own name. No. I gives them tho positive a-acr- tlon. And, wonderful to relate, No. 6, on tho part of tlm Itejnibtican, coolly remarks that j7.< poxitti'etis sertioii is tho production of tho Richmond Whip. [If the Republican had stated that in the outset, it would not have bean troubled witii a reply. We would like something of a different line of ar gument tor the future. Election in Washington—Rioting.— Wash ington , June 2.— 1 The municipal election hero to day, was attended with considerable fighting in many of the wards. Several persons were se verely injured, and ono seriously. The mob in otic ward Imd to he dispersed bv the police. The election is closo and the returns are not yet counted. Excitement at Syracuse In'. V.,— Si/rncuse, May 31.—A great niass county Convention assembled in this city to-<lay, to consider the laic assault committed at at Washington,upon the person of Senator Sumner, of Massachusetts, hy Mr. Brooks of South Carolina, and also the events that have recently occurred in Kansas.—Peter Outward presided. Speeches were inodo and resolutions passed atronglv denuncia tory of tho cssnult upon Mr. Sumner, mid tho course pursued by the Federal Govern ment und the "border ruffians,” in regard to Kansas. EVACUATION OF NICARAGUA. General Morn’* Lon l,5JOO THE SICK AND WOUNDED LEFT WITH GENERAL WALKER. ELECTION InTnWARAQUA. PROBABLE SUCCESS OP GENERAL RIVAS. flu'cntoneil Revolution In C'ostn Rica. Tlm Orua6a atcamshlp, arrived at New York last Monday, brluglng the following accounts from Central America. They will lie read with mud) interest: From tho Extra Xlcurugiieiise. it will bo perceived that the enemy have evu- cuutcd the State, and are uow in Costa Rica. The most reliable reports estimate the loan of Gen. Mora at 1,200 meu, iu those who were killed iu battle, wouuded and since died, uml taken off by disease. Gen. Wulker with a large part of his army left this city for Virgin Bay on Tuesday even ing, nud arrived at that place at daybreak next day, just six hours after tho enemy left Han Juan del Sur. lie fouud at Rivas a large num ber of the enemy sick and wounded, together with a letter from Geu. Jose Maria Cnnaa, com mander of the Oostu Rican forces, intrusting these men to tho generosity of Gett. Walker, und proposing at some future time to exchange American prisoners for them. They were taken earn of by the General. Gen. walker returned to Granada Thursday, and after remaluiug in this city two days agtuu departed this morning for Virgin, whore the headquarters of the army will bo temporarily fixed. It will lie a matter of congratulation to our friends in tho United States to learn that the Transit Route across from San Juaudel Norte to San Juan del Sur has been re-opened, nud will be continued so hereafter. Tho almost entire strength of the American force is now statioued ou tho Due of the Transit. The family of Col. Wheeler, U. S. Minister, will leave for the Atlantic States iu the steamor this ihoruiug. Col. Wheeler accompanies his I'uniUy to Sau Juan del Norte, from whence he will return immediately. The annual election 1ms passed off with great interest und quietude. Dou Patricio Hivus and Gen. Mariano Salinas were tho opposing candi dates for tho Presidency, and were both Demo crats. It is impossible to conjecture at present who is elected. COltHESI’OXDKNCE OF EL NIOAHAGUENSE. Virgin Bay, Wednesday May 14, 1856. I have no news of importance to report, at least in connection with the array, The health of the troops continues good, ulthough thero he ve been some sick ness and deaths since the army arrived here. Tho General having wisely concluded that the enemies, of peace and their own country shall furnish their full quota of support to those who are endeavoring to establish the proapi r; ity and peace of tho State upon a solid busisj there bus been lately no want of wholesome food for onr men, and consequently no murmur ing is hoard on account of empty stomachs and bard fare. Illvas begins to exhibit sigua of returning life; but it will be a long time before tho marks und scars of battle are entirely eradicated from her walls. For several days past there has been in circu lation a rumor that the Costa Rican Government has sued for peace. Be that os it may, there is a political storm brewing in that State, before which the Servllo party will fall down like an cient oaks lie fore a whirlwind. A patient, toil ing, industrious people have been deceived into a disastrous war; and as its fearful consequen ces begin to be lelt iu almost every cabin iu the State, a wail of anguish, mingled with the cry for revenge, goes up to the very throne, calling to a bloody count the meu who have deceived, betrayed and sacrificed their friends in a cruel, needless and destructive war. Last week two of the Santa Rosa men readi ed this place after wandering about and sutfer- ing for six or seven weeks. They had been protected and concealed by one or two uatives, and finally brought in by them in a small boat across the Lake. There is a report that more of tho men who escaped from that field are ou the islands in the Lake, and may yet return. We learn that about 1,200 out of the 1,700 Costa Ricans who left Sun Juan under President Mora, reached La Uuiou.and a large number of those were in the most miserable condition. The balance had sickened or died by the way, or de serted the ranks. Virgin is again filling up with residents, and business once more begins to revive; and with tho return of peace aud the re-establishment of tho Transit Line, tills department will begin to prosper like uil other countries where Ameri cans are iuturesled. From Ki Nicaruguonso of the 17th Muy. The concurrence of reports from Costa Rica, that the country is actuated by internal commo tions, and that the Presidency of Uen.'Mora is in duuger of overthrow, iuuuccs us to attach some importance to the statement. Before President Mora left Virgin, he believed himBclf that his power was unpopular at home; and he did not make himself taster by deserting so in- gloriously the expedition he commenced with such vain and trenchant proclamations. El Nicuraguenso advised iu tho beginning that his course would bring down upon him untold evils; but ho disregarded tho admonition, and the result 1ms approved the assertion. Three causes have conspired to bring Geu. Mom iu great disrepute at home. The vanity which prompted him to undertake, individually the suppression ol the present Republican Gov ernment of ‘Nicaragua, was sufficient to con demn him iu the estimation of the world ; but in Costa Rica, where tho people might foolishly shut their eyes to the probability ot sucii an un dertaking, they could not avoid observing tho disastriuus chain of circumstances that commen- cd with and have continud to follow tho expedi tion of invasion. But there is no reason to suppose that the puople of Costa Rica approved of the war; and if we are to credit the advices from that Htatc, it is altogether probablo hostilities were com menced wholly without the consent and against the wishes of the majority. We will not assert that the people of Costa Rica approve of tho prcsencoof American soldiers in Nicaragua; but they did not wish any conflict with them unless a general league of ofleusive operations could be formed among the four adjoining Cen tral American States against tills Republic. Failing to perfect tbis combination, they chose to live in peace and accept wbut destiny might lie held in store lor them under the course of progressive events that now threaten to disen thrall the world. But tho real and tangible grounds of Geu Mora’s recent unpopularity at homo is to be found, first, in bis Imprudent attack upon tills State witkouti afi'ecting the alwve combination; second, for having sacrificed so many victims, both by war and cholera, iu an unprovoked out rage upon this Republic; and third, for having introduced the cholera into Costa Rica,where it is creating sad devastation . FUNERAL OF 0AI*TAIN WALKER. On Thursday afternoon, the loth instant, at 2 o’clock, Captain James Walker, of Compuuy A, Second Light Infantry Battalion, died at Massnya, and was buried in Granada on tho 10th. GaptAValkcr was the youngest brother of Gen. Wm. Walker, and only arrived In Granada about three weeks ago. Owing to an exposure in the service of the State, lie was seized with inilam- matory rheumatism, which subsequently result ed in nis uutimoly death. During his illness, Capt. Walker was attend ed with all the care that could bo liestowed; and much credit is duo toCant.JohnMcCardle.who attended him at his lied during Ida entire sick ness. Senor Francisco Bravo, Governor of Mas snya, a gentleman whose feelings and ability al ways prompt him to acts of kindness toward Americans, is also spoken of by the attendants of Capt Walker ns most unremitting and soli citous in his care. Before his death. Capt. Walker confessed him self and received tue holy sacrament adminis tered by the Catholic Church; and his last wish was to be buried ns a true believer in that reli- gion. After liis death, a party of sixteen natives was detailed to bring the corpse to this city. This morning, under the charge of Capt. Willamsou, Quartermaster, a suitablo coffin was provided, and at 11 o’clock, the funeral procession form ed on Heina Btrcct. nnd, accompanied by the heads of the civil department, the garrison sol diers, and a largo anu brilliant array of native and American officers, together with the Amer ican citizens in town, proceeded across tho Pla za, and to tlie Cathedral, where High Mass was performed, in the preBsence of a Targe attend ance of the population. Afterward the funeral cortege moved off to the cemetery, aud tho bo dy was interred with the solemn ceremonies of tho Cathoiio religion. A brave man, an accom plished gentleman, aud a general favorite, has thus passed away, and la tofday exalted among tho "spirits that inlmlc .• eternity.”—El Nicara- gut me. •• “ miscellaneous. A courier had arrived at Grenada on the 10th of May from Leon, bringing information of the dangerous nnd probable total illness of Edmund Randolph, Esq. Gen. Walker has appointed Brig. Gen. O. C. Horns by to tho command of the Meridonal De partment, comprising Guauacoste nnd Bivns, Gen. Hornsby has accepted the trust, nnd in his addreas to the people lays down as tho basis all his actions, justice to tlie people over whom he is appointed to rule. 131 Nicaraguenso says we notice with pleasure the nrrivnl in the city of Padre Solazano, Curate of Acnjnpa. lie ofilclatcd yesterday at the fuueral sendee of Capt.’ Walker, and at tracted much attention by his appearance and Christian bearing. Padro Solazano is one of the strong Democrats of this State, u man of education mid ono who, with Padre Vijil is capable and willing to do great good hi the country. ' The Northern States are reported quiescent, but as the rainy season is about to commencing tio fear of invasion uecd bd npprehended during the next six months. A letter from Ban Juan del Norte says that Princess Pkillippn, sister of tho ncgvoe King of Mosquito, is now a servant in the house of a colored preacher nt that place, named Smith, ELECTION IN NICARAGUA. From 111 NIcarnKUonse. The election on Sunday last, as most public days iti the Republic come on Sunday, wascon- cluded with the greatest decorum. The candi dates for tho Presidency were all of tho same Kilitieal faith, tho only diHputo being between he Democrats of Leon and thoso of Granada. by the people of Leon. A few votes havo been cast for Don Nordeste Ramirea of Leon. The struggle is between Rivas and Salizar, and it is Impossible to determine at present who will be the next President of Nicaragua. Tho olectlou in Granada proceeded by can tons, or wards, each ward of 4,000 persons elect ing one delegate. The people generally took great interest in the result^ and the number of voteH tan larger than at any election held in Granada. To the Governments und people abroad, this significant fact cannot be avoided, tliat the Republic of Nicaragua expresses tho will of the people. All its actions eraauate, from their silent expression, aud every movement it has made has been undertaken by the concur rence of one grcMt body of the people. To ignore, then, the fact of our absolute indepen dence, is to deny to tlie inhabitants of Nicara gua tho right ot self government. Till' COSTA IUC.LV SICK. Tho following is u trnnplailou of iho letter from the General ofthoCo.sta Rlcon army, leaving hla sick to tho generosity or Gen. Walker. It will bo soon that some t wenty Americans who had been supposed to havo been butchered nro prisoners, and may yet return iu safely; . . Win. WnlAw, Generabin-Chiiy' (J the Nicaraguan Amy: Obliged to abandon tho plaza of Rivas, ou account of tho appearance of tho cholera In tlm most alarm ing manner. I am foreod to leavo hero a certain number of sick men, whom It is Impossible to carry away without danger to their lives ; but I expect your generosity will treat them with all the atten tion and caro their situation requires. I Invoke tho laws of humanity in favor of tlie30 imfortunnto victims of an awful calamity, and I havo tho honor to propose to you to exchange thorn for more than twenty prisoners who nro now in our power, and whoso namos I will send you in a par ticular list for making tho said exchange, whouthoy shall bo quite ro-ort'iblislied from sickness. Believing that this my proposal will ho adinltled, according to tho laws of war, I havo tho honor of subscribing mysoir, with tho feelings of tho highest consideration, your most obedient sorvant, (Slgnod,) Josb Ma. Ca.vas, General In-Ohief Costa Kicau Army. (Ibommcrcial Intelligence. Snvmmnli Market, June 5, COTTON—■'Thorn were no .-ales reporte this morn ing. ^ 23.\ ports. COC AG NIC, X. 1).--Per brig Chimborazo—Uirt, 033 feet Umber, and 10,772 foot plank. tlonod lu nuy churl. At tlm some time saw South Island. A letter to Charles Donuls, F.nq., Vico President of tho Atlantic Mutual Inauranco Company, says Hint the brig Martha Husscll, which tailed from Nassau for Tampico, on the 11th instant, was lout on thu night or the 13th. Tlmro are now in tho port of Now York uUetontu era, 141 ships, 105 buries, 137 brigs, uml'JOasehoon- ors—being 700 In all. TWKNTY-FI VE DOLLARS REWARD L OST, on yesterday afternoon, either within thu oily nr Us neighborhood, a small black Pecket Book, containing many duo bills nnd papers, also a, fow cards with the owuer's name upon thorn. Tho abovo reward will bo*paid for its delivery ut this ntllco. _ 4t—limoft "“TENNESSEE "BEEF. * A NY of our citizens in want of No. 1 Tennessee Beef, would do well to call at tho stalls of John Sloan, L. Wolfe nud .1, Gardner, who will bo happy to supply them on i cnsonabio term-'. jimo 5—3i* jjjji FOlt LIVKKI’UOL,—The linn threoamvitod ml4?RclK>oiior CORDELIA, Dunham, muster, will havo dispute!) for tlm nbovo port. For freight ap ply to Junoft BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. Gr UNNV CLOTH—In store and for sale by Juno 4 v PADKLFORD, FAY At CO. B AGGING.—100 hales heavy Ouuuy Bagging, re ceived and for sale by June 4 HOLCOMBE, 'JOHNSON fc Co. m9ney lost. " O NE month alter date application will Ijq made to tho Bank of tho Ktnto of Georgia, for newnotes in place of tho originals, one hnirol wldch havo been lost by mull, of tho following description, viz., $10. Principal Bunk ot* Suvantiuh, No. 4444, right hali‘l03t; $20, Principal Bank orgavnutmh, loft half lo3t. JAMES L. HOWELL. Oakland, Miss., May 12, I860. 3w law my 14 FORNEWYORK. 2b sail Saturday, 1th June, at 10 o'clock A. hi. Tlm 8tcamship KNOXVILLE, Curt. Ludlow, will louvu as above. For freight or passage apply to f : PADKLFORD, FAY ft CO. Cabin Passage $25 Stcorago Passage 8 ay- Shippers of Cotton by thcau Steamships will plouso tako notice, that uo Cotton will be received at tco presses that Is not distinctly marked on tho edge of tho ^>nle. ' je3 C ORN.—10,00o bushels Toiiuusseu Coru In~store imd for sale low by Jo2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON sacks Flour ; 10,000 lbs Bacon, in 3tore anil for ealo by Je2—U'YOUNG k WYATT. 11 ALTlMOltE FLOUR—100 bbls superfine BalU- XJmoro Flour lauding por schr Woedbridgo, aud for sale by jel.SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. B EFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGAR*— 50 bbls StuarPs A Crashed Sugar, 25 do do Powdered do 00 do do A Clarified do 50 do do B do do 50 Uo do C do do Just received and for snlo hy jo l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. ""ASSIZE OF I11U2AD. T HE avorago prlco or Flour the last month being F.ight dolinrs, Bread must weigh as follows:— 10 Cent Loaf must, weigh 2 pounds. 6 “ “ “ 1 “ 3 “ “ “ 9, l 4 ounces. JAMES S. WILKINS, City Treasurer. Juno 1st, I860. tny3l M ONONOAHELA WHISKY— 25bb3 Old Monongaholft Whisky, 50 Doublo Distilled Just received and for snlo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. nireONSIONMBNT- 10 bbla. Monongahela Whisky; 10 do Giu; 3 do Domestic Brandy; For anlo lew, by npr25 PATFEN, HUTTON fc CO. JA8. W. ORBTV. U. F. SMOOT. GREEN A SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OCt26 THOMAflTO.V, tM, JOHN BILBO, Oi-tiliMuy of Clmtknm County, AND ATTORXKV AT LAW- Ollice in tho Court House. my 13 ANTHONY MeUULLOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Snvniiiiali, Georgia. jOJiloo mi Bay street, over tlm Bank of Suvnn- imh. moyia R. jfi’. C’OLld & BROTHER, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannuh, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala, F. T. Coi.k, I R. V. Cole, Bay street. Savannah, j t’umnmrco at., Moma’ry. IIHI'KRKXCKS. Holcomb, Jolmaou, k Co. I t'ohena k Hertz, Lockett k Duelling!*, | Edwin Parsons & Co., Robert A. Alien, j Scranton, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH, GA. myl3 waj. I'wumi. wm. hTsaok. WEBB & HAGE, (SVCOKSWOnH TO CAMKltOX, WKBH & UI. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MKKTINU-BT. OUAltLJiSTON, S. V., Will supply Country Merchants with Goods In their lino at as low rales as they can buy in Now York, or olsowhere. aopt 28 ly V.~J."ohlltix. * WM. MAK«, jr. II. iV.TlARUQt. OGDEN, STARK 6i CO., Shipping and Commission Merclmnta, UAY-STUKKT. SAVANNAH. OA. " YONGE iSi FlUldRSON, FORWARDING AND COMMUNION MERCHANTS, NO. 04 lUV-STlIUET. SAVANNAH, <U. upr4 A. IlicilLPiN tSi UKOT1112US, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. sept 5 SAVANNAH, <?A. FATTEN, HUTTON tSi CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Buy-strcet, Savannah, Ga. K. teCKfcNT. II. Ii, RVELUNGS. LOCKETT «& SNELLING8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND ti HIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will atloud to the soiling of all kinds of produce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods.may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, (Ja. a. u. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments of overy description. Takes orders for Cotton. 4C6" Special attention given to tho sales of Roal Estate, stocks and Negro proporty, at publio ana private aides. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—O. A. J.- LAMAR. inch30 Wm. McALLlBTEK. Ished on roosuuablo terms. Orders res- Upcctf'iily solicited. up la RUSE, HA VIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, may 30 SAVANNAH, GA. *CO., R. B. HILTON, attorney and counsellor at caw- Office corner of Bay and Drayton-ata. SAVANNAH, OA. •my 11 ' HENRY WILLIAM*. ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly JOHN M. MILLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Offlco at the Court House.) Will practice in tho superior and Courts of Ordi nary. jan80 a - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Buy and Whitaker Streets, HAVAKNAH. leb 22 Smoa - ana oavksb; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Day-fit., over Turner & Co's. Drug Store SAVANNAH, OA. uov 10—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. uov 10—ly jXmejTm. savage, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TllOXAMVlU.K, inOHAS COUNTV, OA. All business entrusted to bis care will receive prompt attention, lyr—marl7 ’ ANTIIONY MctULLOli; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. /fty* Office un Bay street, over tlm Bank of Bavau- uah. *'-** willIam Phillips; ATTORNEY AT LAW, . MARIETTA, OA. oct 20—ly sAvfii ormms: ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8PABTA, OA. WtU practice in the counties of Hancock, Warren. Washington, and Baldwin. KmouBicss—Behn k Foster, Rabun A Smith, and E. A. Sonliard, Savannah.Janfl WBl. C. UuDKUkLT, aTtobnky at law, lUUtXU, WORTH OOU.VTY, UA.. (POST OCTICX ALBANY.) Will practise in the tiouthcUi Circuit, ana In Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties ol tho Macon Circuit. ACT* Particular attention given to the collection ul claims in South-Western Georgia. Je2—flm 1 ^ 7Xmanm - ATTORNEY AT LAW, iobl-ly JSWUfTON, OA. LANIER & ANDIsrsoN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ap6-ly MACON, OA. u. w. maBrY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KRANKUX, UXARD OO., GA. Will attend to professional business in the Counties of Hoard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether aud Troop. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrauge, Ga.: Hot. David Irwiu, Marietta, Ga.: Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. william Doughorty, Co- lumbufi, Ga. eopl7-ly WM. S. DANHDLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. 4Gi> Office over Thomas M. Turner k Co.'s Drug Store, Bay street. my7 K OL’KLaND LIME.—l,6Ui> bbls Kockiumi Hum daily exported per brig E. W. AUGER. For sale, to arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO.r ATLANTA, JUNE 2.—Cotton--" to and re- veil ns very light. Bacon—Hog round clear aides 11 a ll)a c > libbed lO.SJe; liaim 10J£ a .shoulders 9c. Burma—Good country 20c per pound amt scarce; Tennessee Id to 18c. Beep—On foot 5 to 5>£c per pound. COLUMBUA, JUNE 2.—Cotton—There ii some In quiry in onr market, nud a sale reported of a crop parcel of about 108 bales, elud ing middling at Pc. COLUMBIA, JUNE 4.—Our cotton market is still utu stand, with nothing coming in, auil consequent ly wo cannot make a correct scale of quotations, wo still quote nominal however, 8 a lO.Vfc. j’HARLF-STON. JUNE 3.--Uoii\tn—The demand to-day continued like yesterday—to a moderate ex tent only—und the decline of >'c, which we thon reported, was more general. Tlm sales amounted to 944 bales, a* follows: 2 nt 9,130 at P)/, 108 at 9 3 „\ 144 at .'ffi m 9?.„ 17 at 0 16-10, 27 at 9‘ 4 ', 13 at \v)i, 283 at 9?.,\ 21 at 9Jg, and 90 at lie. Wo quote ordinary to good ordinary 9,', a 9^. low mid dling to strict middling 9ft a 10 »£, good middling 10sj a 10ft, middling fair 10ft n 1 lo. —-«-<*••«- - -- -- MOBILE, MAY 31.—A better demand existed to day in tho cotton market, resulting in sales or 12 to 1500 bales—middling 10ft to lOftn. NEW ORLEANS. MAY 31.—Cotion—Operation? wore restricted by tlm limited supply on salo, of middling to good middling, which continue tlm most iu request, and tlm business was confined to 2000 bales. N«i change in prices. Inferior 9 ft 0~.. Ordinary 8 fd)8ft Good Ordinary!) (a) 9ft Low Mlddling.9ft (d) Oft Middling. ...lOfttfjJlrtft Good MUl’liugU fftUft Mid’g Fair.. 11 fttfflll ft Fair — (ft — BALTIMORE, JUNE 2.—Flour— 1 Tho market is steady, with sales of 000 bbls Howard-st at SO,25 City Mills could be had nt §0,12ft. Bye Hour held nt S3,50 to 3,02ft. Corn-meal $2,75 for city; coun try Sg,25 to 2,37ft. Chain—'There were 20,oou l>u.-he!s of wheat offer- od day, nnd sales of white nt prices ranging from $1,65 to 1,06: red wheat SI,32 to 1,40. There were 30,000 bushels of corn offered, and sales of whlta at 44 to 48c: yellow 48 to 60c. Sales of rye at 00 to G5 for Maryland ami Virginia; Pennsylvania 70c Oats at 28 to 81c. Seeds unchanged. Pnovistoxs—Sales of western rmokod shoulders nt8ftc; sides llfte, Palos of prime luess pork at $10,50. LutI in kegs 12 to 13c. Bulk meat Is held very firmly at 7ft for shoulders, sides 8ft. hntm 9c. We quote pork nt $18,75 for moss, $16 for prime, and $14,60 for rump. Lard is now held nt 10ft to 11c for barrels ami kegs 12c. Bucon may be quoted to-dqy at 8ft to Ofto for shoulders anu sides. Gboceiues—Stiles of Rio Cofiee at 11 ft to 12ft cts; Lagunyra lift a 12ft, New Orleans Sugar 7 ft 8ft, Cuba Oft n 7ftc. New Orleans Molasses 40 a 4Sc. Rice 4ft a 4ftc. WuisKV—-Sales in bnrrels ofCitv and Ohio at 27ft to 28c per Gallon. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 31.—Corro.v—Tho market is very quiet. About 200 bales, mostly Upland, were disposed of within the raugo ofio to 12 cents, on time. WiiiaKV Is dull, with small sales of barrels at 28c, Prison at 28c, and hhds at 27c. NEW YORK, MAY 31.—CorroN—There is a mod erate business doing at full former prices; buyers howovor very reluctantly moet tlm demands of holders, who ilecldodly refuse to make further con cessions. Tho sales are reported at 1600 bales. We continue our quotations: NEW VOKK CLASSIFICATION. N.Orloaus. Upland. Florida. Mobile, Texas, Ordiuary 9ft 9ft oft Oft Middling 10ft 10ft loft 10ft Middling Fair... lift lift J2 12ft Fair lift lift 12,ft 13 Coffee—There is u steadiness In tho market, but little activity. The sales are 100 mats Java at 14c, 250 bags Lnguayrn at 12c, 490 bags Marlcalbo at 11c and 200 Suntoa nt llftc. Port, of 8avnimnh JUNE 6 Clcnml, Brig Chimborazo, Brown, Coeugno, N II.—Beers, Thompson k Co, Rlcmornmln. New York, Muy 31,—Cid, echr Governor Katun, lor King's Forry, Un. Juno 1.—Arr, brig Australia, from Darien, Ga; schr Carolino C Luut, from Jacksonville. Captain Govo, or tho bark Llvo Yaukeo, nt aiu FrancDco, from Hong Kong, reports, April 2d, lat 31 68 N, Ion 149 45 E, saw u cluster of rocks, the hlghoTt was about 40 feet—they are nut luid Uowu on nuy chart. Saw another Island, the north end of which was In lat 32 29 N, Ion 139 40 E, aud the south end In lut 32 09, Ion 189 18 E—nlso uot men- M ARSHALL a SON’S Celebrated Pig rtams, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some uow Smoked Tongues aud Fro Mi Smoked Beef. P.ccolvod per Alabamu, by _ may28 J. D. JESSE. EANDLORD APifii TENANTS rpHK Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. X Smith, with Notes of American cases by P. P. Morris. Uauvlor’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Uauvior’a Institutes American Law. Nollgmi’a Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Browuousome Discuses of Women admitting of surgical Treatment. Flint ou Diseases of the Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adveuturc* in Madeira, Portugal aud Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis. With engravings. Physiology aud Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guide, willi maps. Ireland lu ‘99 und ’48; its Rcvolutlonurv History. By J. Savage. National System of Political Economy From the German, of List. uprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. GKNifiRAL. NOTICE; CULVER AND GOLD PLATING can now bo done O at home. Mr. CHARLES KEMISI1 having o s - tabllshcd himself pormunoutly, all work iu this liuo will bo douo with dispute!!. All repairing ol’Castors, loniKits, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or nuy other article will he done neatly before plating. All old silver plain, such as Teuaettsor Urns, Forks or Spoons, will bo ro-fluished and made equal to now, and at nimlerato prieos. All work or orders left nt my store wilt bo nttcudod to promptly. P. S.—Watch cases galvanized. may2" a G. M. GRIFFIN. JJABKL1S! BASKETS!—Wo would call the JL> attention of tho ladles to our stock of Work, Traveling and fine Fancy Baskets, tlie largest assort ment in the city, at tlie House Furnishing .Store, 166 Broughtou-hlreot. mnr21 HORAOE MORSE. D omestic liquors— 69 bbls EPholp' Rye Gin, 26 bills N. E. Rum, 50 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 25 “ Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P & H Connecticut River CHn, 60 “ N. O. Whisky, Just received and for sale by my23 SORANi'ON, JOHN’.STON A CO. ]VT OR A VI AN AND FLOURISHING COT- tou—.Inst veeelved and for sale by J. W. THKKLKKLD, api’25 Congress and Whitaker streets. TilK GRAT IIlON AV1110 f\R, Republicanism Backwards, and Chris- vy tiunily Reversed, iu a series of letters address ed to J. Soule, Scuiur Bishop of tho Methodist Epis copal Church, South. By J. R. Graves, Editor of the Tcnnosseo Baptist, Nashville. Cloth;price $1.26. Tho Great Ii-on WiicerJ£xnm! n td. Or its Fulso Spokes Fxtraoted, and an Exhibition ol Elder Graves, its builder; in a scries of chapters. By William O. Brownlow, Editor of Brownlow'3 Klioxvlllo \VlJlg. Chilli; prlcu *1. Copln uinllea on receipt of Prlco. Received and for sale by WA KNOCK & DAVIS, Boolcsc-llors and Stationers, 159 Congress Btroot. H OLLAND GIN.*-6 half pipes “Metier Swan” L Holland Giu. Lauding and for sale by maylfi SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. ATLW GOODh.—The subscriber has received J-x a largo lot of the following articles— White und stripod Osnaburgs, Columbus Factory, Wliito and stripod Osuaburgs, Schley’s Factory. Bloachcd and brown Sliirtings aud Sheetings, ’ Marlboro 1 aud Manchester Plaids and Stripes, Bluo Denims, Ac., kc. Also, a fresh let of cheap lost-colored Prints. , J, W. l’HRELKELD, mr *3 corner Congress and Whitakor-sts 7 CASKS Bacon, Hams, Sides aud Should- I fJ dors, just recoived und for salo hy aprll CRANE, WELLS k CO. flORN—1000 hutihela prime Corn in atoro and V for salo by Q1L1. O M c A GREINER E iS, Iffices, Embroideries, White Good, Mitts. Ac.Justbolng opened mid for salo l»v „ J- W. TURELKELD, Cor. Congrosa and Whitaker sts. ANUUSH POTATOES-—30 hampers rtiolco~Eatihg l*otiitnf>5. In mnnll nnnlfor,„ UT* H Potatoes, in small package. For ramlly■ SS- For Bale by jjiiay27] j. a. BROWN. f^JJ AMPAGi ? K “ 12 baskets genuiue Heidsic V^Champagno in storo nnd for salo by maylO __ OCTAVUS COHEN, T OCOMOTlVE NEEDLES.—A new and ele- XJ gant articlo which noods only to bo tried once o insure tho constant prcforeucu of the seamstress. Juat received ami for sale by "‘“W I.iDSON & llOOKBS. N, G. MOLASSES, landing from schooner . .... ^ • Abby Frauds, and for doo 27 LOCKETT k tfNRLUNGH. /CHAMPAIGN, &o.- * l 60 baskets Heidsdt 69 baskets Heidselck Champaign, quarts, 26 do du do, pints, 169 do douche do, pts aud qts, 60 do EuginoClicquut do, do, 75 Uo Ulrslurs Vorzey do, 100 boxes Loldcn’s Rhine wine and Brandies. In store and for sale by WEBSTER A PALME?. WAYNE, ftftKa VEliLK commissig^iMerchants, Say-street Savannah. THOd. ii. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, It. Al.EX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 0—tf Savatinah. Chattanooga. O. O. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Boors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, &c. rifZ'.'t&fa Painters’, Greiners’ aud Artists’ Brushes: K««0awiiitowasb Heads and Dusters, Dry and ^■■y^Mlxcd Paints of every description, Artists* coiorslu tubes, Prepared Canvass, kc. PAl’EIi HANGINGS BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERN??. Rooms prepared wnii nentuesc and despatch.— House, ffigu uud Ship Panning, Gilding, Graining aud Glazing done in the best nylu and at inuderuto prices. All ordure trom the country promptly alieuded to. inch 28—ly FllKiVCHitHUNA/W <1 LTl'iGKANJlTK, AND GliAFA WAKE. M.'i uiurnxu -••»:.ia:r, i.iuiokstox, soltu cauouxa. f Tlic Mibscrlbers respccifuliy jiollcit^-r I’rum iho traveling public, nu inspection"** of their slock of French und English China, iu plain white, gold band, aud decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea, toilet, teto a- telo sets and vases. Aho, Cups am! Buucors, &o., ot the celobraled Sevres China. White Graffito of the bo3tmftuufnrtums. Rich cut French, English and Bohemian Glass. They have a variety of oiiimucuts iu Pari&iuu Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, and others, and fc’tatueles of the Greek .Slave, Venus de Modicia, &o., kc. They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle for llooru aud hearths, of Plain und F. mums tic: Tiles. Their stock being very general, carefully selected und imported direct, oilers inducements to merchants ns well as families, to whom goods will ho put up at the lowest rates tor cash. WEBB k SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb & Co. ''ro'ffN yTlUKii 1 ti, ARCHITECT, K AVING resumed Uie practice of hisuroieo- wlon, olfers liis services to his friends and the pnldicas an Architect aud .superintendent. Designs fot any part of the country supplied aud executed in ail Uie various brandies of Ills profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Mouuments, kc. Thoroughly Fire Proof Stores de signed and executed. Office at present in Bay Lane, rear of tho (Jusiotn House. jan 3—ly JAS. 0. HOOK. FlUtD. T. TXMUV. HOOK & TEBEAU, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, SiNDKBSVILtE, OKOBOIA. Will practise in Washington, Jefler6on, Sorlvan, Burlte, Emanuel, Tattnall, and Montguineiy of thk Middle Circuit, and Wilkinson ol the Ovinulgofl Or- cult. mfcya ☆ OXjO«I?3E3CX3XrGr A_ EMPORIUM- H X DOOIt WEST OF THE ItEPUULICAN READING ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; liuls and Caps, .Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Oaues, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, nnd Fancy Articles W.O.Pviei), FASHIONABLE AND KLlLlXAin Geutlcmeu. No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNAU. Also, Superfine Cloths, • jwslmers aud Vestings, will bo mndo to mea- mro,unoxceptlon- able in stylo aud workmanship, by tho best mechanics, ut shortest notice Orders from city nnd county solicited. js% fob 6 U.ViiUEu NI1U1-S. Pttln.tHl Xtousc Unvbcv Ehoji, Oiewis’ Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski Rouse, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. fj\HE subscriber, thankful to Msfellow-citizeua X for tho liberal patronnge he has received, and Is still receiving, begs respectfully to Inform them that ho has engaged sufficient additional fint-clasB workmen from some of the best Barber Shops in New York, and will bo enabled to accommodate ns many geutlomcu as may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B.—The Barbershops are closed ou Sunday strangers will please bear this In mind. SAVK YOUR MONEY'" ' tf .&i CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 firl BROUGHTON STREET. * «Lnext door to Stessrs. J. Dickson k Co’s. Confeo* Uouury. You will thero find the greatest bargains In Shoos evor ofl'orod in this city. October 16th, 1866. AVOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planlra, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Latha and Paliings, for sale, at wholesale aud retail, low for cash, ou tho now wharf recently orectcd ou the Lumber Yard of Robort A. Allen k Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. F Olt SALE.—25,000 bushels Corn to arrive. mays YOUNG k WYATT. B UTTER k CHEESE— 26 tubs choice Now Muy Butter, 26 boxes ‘ J “ Goshen Cheese, Just received uud forsulo by J»y23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. B acon sides & shouijiers— 26 hbils Prime Bacon Sides, » “ .«“ . Shouldorav landing and for sale by t»yS8 SCRANfON, JOHNSTON k OO. TFHL AIILNIION ot strangere vtoiting the the public generally, is invited lo an exainlnatlon or our stock of Spring and Summer "']}'uh lor variety and stylo is not to be ex- colled in this city. •W*8 AIKIN k BURNS. 05AMpAGNE^l2 baskets genuine Heid9lek Champagne in store and for sale by ‘“a.vlO OCTAVUS COHEN. OA BBLS ol Mercer aud early June Potatoes “O reccleved per steamer Augusta, and for sale by maylO j. p. jbssb. wr. WHIT SMITH. ATTORNEYAILAW, ALUQATOR, CAST FLORIDA. _ Will practlcQ In the Eastern and Southern Oounttei. Refer to—Col. S. S. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Sa! vannab. foblMf CHAS. G. CAilPUULL; ATTORNEY ATLAW, SULLEDQSTILLB, GA.J Practices Uw in the varloim Counties ut the Oci raulgee Circuit, and tho adjoining Counties ofTvrtgg«r LnurouS aud Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A. Crane, and R. ■ Hilton. • febll "tSKOllG 57 GORXiONT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner if'the U. S. Court qf Claim for the State qf Georgia. Office Corner Bay and Bull streets. Jy my 10 Dll. CHAHLES H. COL DING. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERTY ST., Ono door west ol Drayton, my 11 _ 'jrwrsffTiBsos; ATTORNEY AND COUXSTXLOR AT LAW, Ti oupvillri, Lowndes County, Gn. (my 11 £. w. baker; AlTORNEY AND COUNhELLGR AT LAW, Monticelto, Jefl'erson County, Ha. Reference—Hon. W. B, Flecixo, Savannah, Ga. myU EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND C05LMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ Law Office. jmyll JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Bay street, ovor the Reading Room of the Republican, entrance immediately east of Meurs. Price k Vender’s. mayll WILLIAM II. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupvllle, Lowndes County, Ga, Will practice in Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Tehair, Irwin, Laurona. and Pnlaakt comities, Georgia; ana mJelleison,Madison, Ham ilton, und Columbia counties, Florida. [myll WM. ii. WILLIAMS. 'iilAODLl'S OUVEli, JACK BROWS. WILLIAMS, OL1VKU * BROWN, A1TORNEYB AT LAW, Buena Vista, Alarlon County, Gu., Will practice iu the counties of Marion, JIacon, Hous* toujfctewart, Roudoiph, Muscogee, Lee, andauy ndjoimng counties, where their services may be required. mya jfiiiN iLkanE; AlTORNEY AT LAW, Diibitu, Luureus coimiy, Ga,, late Junior partner ol _tl!e firm of a. & J. cochkaxb, lrwinton, Ga,, will attend promptly to all business outmted to hit, care, t articUiar attention paid to collecting. Ke- icronco—Lr, C. D, Guywu, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Un., ii Mursh, Savtinuah. myll JESSE T. ISEllA AIUJ, AiTuRNEY AND UJUNsLLLOR AT LAW, Nvwuausvnlc, 11a. Referem-d—Georgo .. brown, William Dell, New- n.insvil.o, Fla., R. D. Dillon, Boston k Vllialonga, bavaunah, Ga. myll ~ uudson,'fle5ung & uo,. i< actors and C'ouuulsidon Merclumts. May Meet, Savannah, (ia., DLR their aeivlces to plontera, merobtote X and uuuiers, m the sale ol cotton ana au ethar country produce, Botug connected in bualntu with Horiuas, Hudson k Co., or Charleston, the esubllah* meut of an office lu this city will afford our friends choice of markets. Strict attention will be given to uusluoss, and the usual fortunes afforded cnato- taera. J. R. HUDSON, ) W. R. FLEMING, j Savannah. LABLTH HOPKINS, Augmite. my 11—tf COHEN. Chasloston, LEFLElt (Si WILCOX, lHllti — OFFICE over Dewit gau’s store on CDugress-ai I their professional aorvic ■■ public, confident, from lo; encu anu past success, that in all caaos, reudor entire satialachon. oct 2 DENTISTRY. Drs. UOV ALL A JOHN Demists, office ooruir fit. Jul . and Market Square, over 8 .mot’sJewelry store. Offlco from B to a o'clock, and from 3 to 6. mar 11 eom DRS.LBFLER&'WILCOX, Dm ARE now tolly prepared aert toll or parualaetUoT on the principle of Dr. J. A — Patent Continuous Gum, B improvement, the form of the free con be reau nuy degree of rotundity that may be desired, applicable inall cases whore the cheeks have in aud caunot be dotcclcd by the closest obaer This method combines tho following i dvanu An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly c und Ufo-llke appearance, and impuru to uo i that peculiar expression which characturixea tl tural organs. This Gum consists of a silacluus compound, is applied and tosod upon the Toeth and Plate It a manner, as to fill up all the interstices aroui baso of the Teeth, and also unites them firs each other and to tho Plate upon which the sott. This secures perfect cleanliness or the 1 Office over DoWltt k Morgan, Congress stree V Republican and Georgian copy, f#b 10 B. BLU>, Factor and General Commission Me D «-l!?L 71 Jf AT * 8 ™ ltT » SAVANNAH, OJ Renta to—Meeara. Claghorn k Ounnlachi A Prentiss, Ogden. Starr k Co., fffrinhi Thompaon, Boston/ ’ T