Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 16, 1856, Image 1

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I ■- - ■ ■ ■ ■ VOL. XXXVIH [OLD SAVANNAH, (GA.) MON DAY, JUNE 16. 1856. NO. 12000*,: ,. Monday, two cvctockp. at. GMrglaH li Journal R«wUh| Room. Oar Reading Room in the Exchange ia free to all nubacribers to the Daily Georgian +Journal, to all contract advertiser* in it* columns, to the Clergy or the city and to stranger* introduced by either of these classes—6u/ to non< otter*. New York Market, New York,Saturday Rr«*nlnir.—Our Cotton Mar ket baa bee* urtlve to day frith an advance of x~ Sa'c*for the day 4000 bait*. Flourha* declined from 0 to »•’ conn—'Wheat I* dull. .tiitt-FlllmoiT Know Mottling Caii van* lion. Nxw Yo«h, duun \4.-~On the ilrnt hall id In the Convention to nominate a c.iudldnte for the Preai- deucy, (ranker Unnlw had 4.1 votes, Krciuont 84, dot ean 10, Stockton 14. Throe ballots were taken. Fbe third ninoJ IVjiikMH, From:) lit 86, Stockton 18 Johnson of Pennsylvania 14. The Convention then adjourned until Monday Terrible Slitpwreck. \tcw Yohu, June lo.-TUc Rblp f'uJfa^t'ronuVrk, bound tn quohco, was vi reeked at 8i. TMiil, ami seventy persons drowned. Tim I'rovidenco U. It. 7W, «»ya that I»r. Hunting tbo agrcoahl • gcutlemira who gave an account of tho Sumner and brook- adltlr as having been aw oyn wituesi <»r the whole* allVay, i* a notorious swin dler and v.'lllan. well knowu to the citizens of that phre. Hunting is n ttnntictil term, und w« think that ho ought to huv« m imuttcal uppllcntiou to wit: the ropes end. I'Ue lion, t.'lmrle* J. Jenklus and lady, of Georgia, ir-» In Washington.. Hon. Andrew Stevenson was olecte I Rector of tho University <*» Virginia, in piimu of the Jute* venerable .ir,,-ejtl\ Clthel. SV.1iPATIIF.TIC MBBTIKO For Charles Sumner of Msassohuatla. Jit a numerous aud excited meeting of Bor der Ruffians, held at Gunpowder Hall, the Hon. Brimstone Saltpetre waa eallod to the Chair, and Major flolinh 0‘Orady Guhagan being ap pointed Secretary, and the meeting duly organ ised, the Hon. Gapt. Percussion offered the fol lowing preamble and resolution t . Whereas, this meetiug, fully recognising and appreciating the time-honored and glorious doc trines laid down in that immortal Book of Pre cedent, •• Wilson on Honor," and also that code adopted by the gentlemen of Tipperary, Gal way, Mayo, Sligo and Roscommon, at Clonmel Summer Assize*, in 1777, sympathizes and deep- commiserates the .position of those unfortuuate gentlemen who do not endorsa the Invaluable principles laid down in the above works: And, whereas, we especially pity the abject position of the “ Apostle of Peace," the Hon. Charles Sumner, lying unresistingly under the avenging strokes of that gutta-percha cane, and feebly enunciating, "Oh, Lord! ” which strongly re minds us of "do;” and, whereas, the Le gislature of Massaohusess have voted the mau of peace a pair of Colt's revolvers (latest im provement,) for future use, overlooking his past sufferings; and, whereas, we, unmindful 6f his late disaster and future necessities, are desirous of affording comfort and ease to his aching bones, in a spirit of all humanity. Be it Resolved, That we, the undersigned, having the most implicit confidence in that ad mirable nostrum,known to tbe public by the ca balistic letters. "It. R. It.," which, when transla ted, signify “ liddway’s Ready Relief," as being a certain cure forall aches, pains.bruises, scars, burns and contusions, do hereby pledge ourselves to pay the several amounts opposite our names, for the purpose of procuring a dozen bottles ol the said inestimable panacea, to be forwarded to the said Hon. Charles Sumner-Jnstanter, with the necessary directions for use. Resolved, That we will appoint a delegate from this meetiug of Harder Ruffians,who*# duty it sholt tie to atteud the said Charles Sumner, and use the said revolvers for him and in his b» hull, on occasion. The preamble aud resolution* ~ere carri-d rum con. On motion ol Major Gv u«u, O’Grady, Gabagau, the Chair appointed Brigadier Gen eral Manwinger to perform the duties named In the second resolution. Brigadier General Manwinger rose and said, Mr. Chairman and Honorable Gentlemen i I am a man of action, not of words. I thank you for the honor conferred. The duty might have been entrusted to worthier hands,, it could not nave been to safer. You, gentlemen, living in a community of refinement and civilization, ack nowledge and revere the precepts of the la mented Wilson, and also those laid down iu 1777 at Clonmel Sumner assi/es. The progres aive spirit of the age, however, has tolerated a variance from those established precedents among gentlemen, The State of Massachusetts has seen at. to establish, as the mode of settling personal disagreements, a resort to Revolvers. My friend Major Guhagan will bear testimony to my experience m this novel mode ofproce. dure. He will le)l you that lust year iu Cali, toruin, Mug basely Importuned in the public streets away from my place of business, by Bui- Jinny liutlruggor Esq., for the payment of an acceptance, f felt called upon to send by the baud* of my never-to-be-forgotten friend, a mes sage, requiring immediate personal retribution. He chose ah unusual (to me) mode of fighting to wit: to stand at ten paces with a revolver in each hand, and a bowie knife in tbe belt to "pair off the ragged end of an encounter" as it jocosely termed Jn that land of promise, mean ing in plain English for close action after the pistols are discharged. My friend Major Gohagan accepted for me, and will he able to give you the particulars of nay conduct. Modesty forbids me to go further. It is sufficient to say Man winger is alive, and that a simple stene with fbe inscription B. B. Born Jan. 30th, 1810. Kill ec June fitHi, 1856, markes the beautifitl spot selected for the occasion. My duty in this matter is wimple enough I iiiail present myself to the Hon. Charles Sum ner. I shall offer my service. I shall attend liis person. If he be assailed, and does not use the latest improved weapons furnished him by the State of Massachusetts, 1 shall be obliged under your instructions to winn his antagonist* A serious necessity, however, will here Iw forc ed upon me, in this view of tbe case, for before ■raying Washington, I shall ba obliged to return w the 'State of Massachusetts her useless gift, and eaue her Honorable Senator for cowardice, There being no further business, the meeting adjourned amidst great enthusiasm. B. SALTPETRE, Chairman, 0.0’G. Gauaoan, Mqjor A. Irregulars, Sec’iy. Congressional*—Washington June 13. •Senate—Mr. Butler of South Carol iu* conclud ed his speech, saying that he had convicted Mr. Simmer of error, calumny and misrepresenta tion. Mr. Wilson replied briefly. Mr. Clay of Alabama spoke. Mr. Evans got the floor, and the Senate ad journed. House—No quorum being present, no bust- nee* was transacted. Tbe enlistment euse of Stanley, tut at taches of Consul Barclay ys. the United States, was dismissed in New York, Wed nesday by the District Attorney declining 1 to press a trials Washington Correspondence, Senior Butler'* Reply to Sumner—Fremont— Reedtr-r-JBuckunan—McLean. Washington, June 12. Tho House might have had a quorum to-day, but that the attraction of the Senate was too strong to be restated by ita members. In the morning honr, to the surprise of some, though generally anticipated, Mr. Hamlin, or Maine, arose and resigned Hie position be has for so many years occupied—os chairman of the Committee of Commerce—saying that he did •o because of the conviction that he could no longer oo-operote with the Democratic party, and promising to give hl« reasons at length ’hereafter. Thus is the Senate becoming tlior oaghty sectionaliwd. Mr. Toucyi* displaced by a Republican, Hamlin converted, Benjamin, of l/misiana, crossed over to the Democratic side, und ho ou. James, of Rhode Island,-is now, I believe, the only Democrat representing a New England State in the Seuate. The Senate was never more densely crowded than to day, and the audience were chiefly ladies, fllliug the galleries, tho ante-rooms, and every place where the voice of the gallant old Senator from South Carolina could bo heard. Mr. Butler spoke nntit near 3 o’clock, and then gave way for a motion to adjourn, that he may resume the floor to-morrow. His defence of South Carolina, other institutions, her politics, her statesmen and her history, wan very able, and In many passages eloquent. Ill* review of the speech of Mr. Sumuer, was scathingly severe, though circumscribed within the boun daries of Senatorial dignity. Acquitting Mr. Sumner of the charge of wilfully misrepresent ing South Carolina with respect to the right ot suffrage and other subjects, he chose to attri bute his statements to a cause less hurtful tohia moral though more disparaging to his intellec tual character. He contrasted the course of Mr. Sumner with that of Mr. Webster, and with great effect; entering into the historical part ol this review, he recited very graphically tbe his tory of the battles of the South, and triumphant ly rescued the name oi Rutledge from tue im putation attempted to be cast upon it. There were many wishes Unlay, that the area of the Senate were adequate to admit the thousands who would have come forth to hear Mr. Butter; and to-murrow many more will be breathed by those who shall fall to gain access to the gal* laries. The gosip of to*day is, that Reeder, who has itut returned to Pennsylvania, has made a clean breast to Mr. Buchanan, and been shriven of bis sins: that he has promised to be, not gabby, but prudent, aud yet a supporter of Mr. Uuchauan; that hts next friend, Mr. Forney, (good, clever •oul that he is,) ia to make peace iietween him and the party from which he strayed like a sheep from tbe fold. The men of tbe North, ton, who cannot understand why, if fighting battle* qual ifies men for the Presidency, traversing moun tains and volleys beneath torrid suns aud Arc tic forresis will not do the same, insist upon Fremont as their nominee. Let them have him if they will, but a decent, regard for the feel ings of their adversary should induce them to place before Mr. Buchanan a competitor worthy of his metal; not that I would disparage Mr. Fremont, for surely, however noble and gallant he Is, it is no disparagement to say, that the learned, and able, and dignified, aud veuerable Mr. McLean would be a champion more honor able to those selecting him, ana more worthy of the great Pennsylvanian's steel. Impartial* Butler'* Speech Concluded—Wit son's reply— No Quorum tn the House—Mr. Fillmore'$ letter. „ Washington, June 13th. Mr. Butler closed his speech to-day in two hours, before a dense auditory, the fair again predominating In numbers as well as In every other element of power. Mr. Butler’s defence of Mr. Brooks has been pretty thorough. He thought that Mr. Brooks could not with honor have remained passive; action was necessary; and that the Senate Chamber happened to be the place where the power and the temptation were presented was only a misfortune. And yet a great characteristic of this speech was the indication it afforded of the native good* heartedness of the noble old .Senator. He In deed. reviewed the differences between himself and Mr. Sumner in very good spirit, the inevi table asperities of the case considered. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, to do him jus tice, made a clever and spirited reply: but he made a blunder that one of nicer punctilio could not have been guilty of. To justify Mr. Sam- unr’a severity of attack, he brought up" grudg es" originating at a time preceding a period of social amity between Mr. Butler and Mr. Sum ner. In this he of course, in effect, attributed to Mr. Sumner tbe cherishing of a secret hatred beneath a friendly exterior. There was to-day no quorum ih the House; but while there is other business to attend to, how can it be expectsd that gentlemen who were elected to Congress can afford to assist in the work of legislation for the paltry considera tion of eight dollars a day V It is true that the people once rebelted against the nomination of Presidential candidates by Congresdonal cat cuses, and changed the plan by adopting tin Convention system; but the two evils have run Into each other, and wc now have hugger-mug ger conventions overrun by rongnmonnl wire workers- Mr. Fillmore’s tetter is of a character that had not been expected. Among the old Whigs here who did not like him, it is said that this letter is such as his worst enemy wiuld no doubt have him tight. It delights the Ameri ran party, however. The friends of Multan are earnest in their endeavors to prevent his nomination in opposi tion to old Buck and Freemont seems to gain advantages in consequence; but os Mr. Cold stream would «iy “ there's nothing iu it." Impartial. Spain and Mexico. We haw, almultiueouBly, from Europe aud from Mexico, accounts of pending difficulties between tho latter and Spain. From the Mexican capital our advices are up to June fdh. The matter was ot tructiug much attention, owing to the arrival of a Spanish minister bauked'by a Spanlsh’flent. The Del ta correspondent write* ; “The now Spanish Miuister near the Government arrived on the 28th or May, and proceeded to Jlexi to. A tteot of armed Bpaulsh ships has arrived, probably to blockade the port of Vera Cruz,If Mexico does not come to terms with the Spanish Minister. It is corajipscd as follows Steam Frigate Isabelle 2d,steam Frigate Ultoa, sloop Cortez; and five others areexpected to join them. Greut excitement und ronUorustion prevail. ‘War with Spain ! Death to all Spaniards t’ is the cry.” The Nztraordinary, a papor printed In Englisli lately established in tho city of Moxico, attempts to 1 brow some light ou the subjec t. It say : It seems that some few years ago tbo claims of Spanish subjects ujran the Moxicau government were pressed, and a settlement resulted, eallod tho “Spanish Convention,” whereby Mexico acknow ledged au indebtedness of $5,802,602, tho iutcrost at 3 iter cent.on which was to be paid aunually, and a sinking fuudof 6 per cent, to bo created for tho ultimateextinction of the principal. But scarcely wm the Ink dry upon tho Convention pa|>er<t.hcforo it was discovered that fraudulent and most bare faced Impositions bad been practiced in tho allow ance of snmo rather large items. .This result, was that the Mexican government culled for a revision of tho."Convention,” which was promised by tho Spanish Ambassador. Delays ensued ; no revision look place, in remit- quence of obstacles thrown In the way by the said Ambassador, and at the snmo time a pressing de mand was made for tho payment of the interest, Ac. A very hail fooling wuh created between tho two governments on tho subject, Honor Zoyas loll ab ruptly, threatening vongeanco, and now a now min ister has come with ships of war aud other amicable persuasions. And thus stands tho question. That paper thinks Unit hostilities will not eustio, but says Mexico is not disposed, and Spain cannot afford, to indulge in tho expensive nmut-ement Just now; and itaddH: "Tito flrMjjun fired from a Spanish frigate would ho the first announcing the tot* of Cuba." We uave It in our power, from the document! laid before the House of Representatives by tbe Secretary, to lay before our Mercantile Readers some reliable information oounected with bur Foreign Trade in cotton. Our limits will not permit tbe publication of tbe whole statement, butit raayjie found in the National Intelligencer of June litk. General Information respecting Hie Cotton Trade of the United States. GREAT BRITAIN. The annual average importation of cotton from all countries iuto England, the last five years, ha* been 8SH,336,984 pounds of which amount, according to British authorities, CGI,- 620,220 pounds, or more than three-fourths, were from the United States. The annual ave rage exportation to the continent and elsewhere has been 122,810,688 pounds, or aboat one sixth of tho total quantity imported, leaving 716,626,- 200 pounds tortlie annual average consumption. About one-sixth of the whole amount imported was from Hitish possessions. MANSE TOWNS. Tho States of Germany are supplied with the cotton consumed in their factories chiefly through the Hanseatic cities, Hamburg and Bremen. Bremen sent to theZollverein iu 1863 cotton imported direct from the Uuitcd States to the value of $084,772.14, and to Austria to the valufc of $166,153.21. The factories of Prus sia and Saxony are numerous, and import not only the raw material from these cities, but also large quantities ot yams. The number of spindles in operation iu the States composing the Zollverein is estimated at upwards of 1,000,• 000. This is doubtlm an uuder-cstimate, us the industrial enterprise of the Zollverein has made rapid progress since the dato of the official document from which these figures are derived. The export of cotton tissues from the Zollverein In 1863 amounted in value to $2,304,407.34, of which amount $2,076,200.(18 in value came from the factories of Suxouy. FRANCK. Cotton constitutes in value more than two- thirds of the domestic exports of the Uuited States to France. By virtue of the treaty of 1822 it is imported,like all other "articlesof the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United Suites," on the same terms, whether in the United States or national vessels; but the importation must be direct, and the origin of the article duly authenticated. A ministerial decree of December 17. 1851, enlarges the pro visions of the treaty relative to the direct voy age, bo far as to extend the equality between the vessels of tbe two nations when importing cotton, even should the Amerlcatf vessel touch at a British port; hut, iuthat event, the cap tain is required to exhibit a cretificate from the Frencli Consul at that port, stating that no commercial transaction there took placo. The French Government is directing its ef forts to the development und extension of the cotton culture iu Us colonial province of Alge ria. To that end, in December, 1853, an aggre gate value of 20,000 francs, in prizes, was of fered by the Emperor to the most successful cultivator of cotton in that province. The re sult Is announced as most favorable. In De cember, 1864, the entire sum was divided be tween three rivals, whose merits were judged equal—two of them being French colonists aud oue an Arab—a gold medal to each being also awarded. To tbe meritorious of the second rank a silver medal to each was presented. - Next to Great Britain, France is tbe largest importer of American cotton; and what Liver pool in to the former Havre ia to the latter. At those two points tiie importations are concen trated, and thence distributed to the different markets of either Empire,or are reexported to foreign countries. The re-exportations of France are chiefly to Switzerland, by railway; next to which country iu this trade come Sardinia and Holland; small qualities being also sent to Spa’n, Austria and Italy. Next to the United States, France derives her supplies of cotton from the levant; and the third place is held by South Ameiica. + * * SPAIN. This kingdom takes from the Uuited States about four-fifths of all her cotton, the quantity, during the last five years, reaching an agerage of thirty-four million spounds per annum, and showing an increase ou the five years Immedi ately preceding. Next to the United Btatea, Spain imports cotton from Brazil, while her West India possessions hold a third rank in the trade. * SWITZERLAND. According to Swiss official custom-house re- B orts that Republic received cotton from the nlted States as follows, the years specified : Pounds. * Pounds. 1860 15,942,740 I 1852 19,005,200 1851 13,729,320 | 1853 18,441,830 In return, cotton stuffs, as follows, were sent to the United States : Pounds. , Pounds. i860 3,226,3001 1852 4,077,920 1851 3,609,6601 1863 5,265,150 In 1855 Switzerland returned to tho United States, in exchange for raw cottou, tho same article manufactured to the value of $2J2,7Q0. Switzerland suffers much from the necessity an. der which she labors of having to import her cot. tons into some French port aud bear the burthen of the transportation of her raw materiul through France hy railway, and also a duty of $3.72 on every 220 lbs. if imported in French vessels, aud $6.48 on 220 lbs. If brought in the bottom! of any other nation. The reshlpmeut of the mauu factored article through that country for expor tation to this, but adds to^ the disadvantage under which the industrious Swiss labor. RUSSIA. Before the breaking out of the late war the manufacture of cotton in the Russian Empire was progreasing with [extraordinary activity. The number of spindles exceeded 350,000, pro ducing annually upwards of 10,800,000 pounds of cottonyarns. The barter trade with tho Chi nese at Kiachta stimulates this branch of manu factures in Russia, as the article of cotton vel vets constitutes the leading Btaple of exchunge at that point for the teas and other merchandise of China. In former years this article waa sup- S ited almost exclusively by Great Britain, but m Chinese prefer the Russian manufacture, and hence the steady progress of that branch of industry. Thus the annually increasing im portations of the raw material aud consequent diminution in tbe quantities of cotton yaros im ported is accounted for. Were raw cottn ad mitted, as in Englaud, free of duty, the Uuited g|0tes would most probably supply, in the di rect trade, the whole quantity consumed in^that Empire. As it is, tbo commercial reforms in Russia, already announced officially and now in n rogress, comprehending as they do the estab- shment of American houses at St. Petersburg, must necessarily tend to that result. There are at present in Russia, or there i/ere previously to the war, 495 cotton factories, em ploying 112,427 operatives, and producing an nually 40,907,736 pounds of yarns and corres ponding amounts of textiles. / SWEDEN. T. e importation of cotton in 1851, according to Swedish official authorities amounted to 7,* 988,428 pounds against, 1,832,431 pounds iu 1841, anu 794.434 pounds in 1831. In 1843 these authorities show an importation of 2,000,000 pounds, ngainflt0,883,672 pounds in 1863, which latter amount exceeded that of tbe i mpor- tation of 1852 by 1,247,041 pounds, and that of 1850 bv more than 5,200,000 pounds, being the largest of any preceding year. In 1848 tbe amount was 8,074,020 pounds. The value ot cotton manufactures exported from Sweden in I860 was $40,000, agaiust $7,- 600 only in 185] I'OTUOAI.. This kingdom imported 1,011,451 pounds of cotton in 1855,of which quantity 144,006 were exported from tbe United 8tat. sand tbe residue from Brazil. In 1853-'54, according to Brazi lian official reports, Portugal received thence may he reckoned the ravageq of insepts, the peculiarities of the climate, and .the expense and difficulties attendant apqjn Rs,transmission from tbe interior to tba coast, i U has long since been ascertained in Brasil that the cotton plant will not flourish near to the a«i^ and the planta tions have In consequence receded further in land, as well to avoid this difficulty as to seek new und fresh lands. Pernambuco is the prin cipal cotton growing province of Brazil. The exports were, according to Brazilian authorities: * In 1828 70,785 bate* (of 160 lbs. each.) T •do & do do do do do do 1830 01,151 1835 52,142 1840 35,849 1842 21,357 .1845 26,662 EGYPT. 1 The cotton culture in Egypt commence! iu 1818. The comparative tabular statement sub joined, derived from official sources, showing the quantities exported at ifatt bdft of Alexan dria, and the countries to which exported, re spectively, fpr a period of three years, from 1853 to 1855. botli inclusive, would Indicato an increase in the culture hy nfi* fornqs rapid in successive years: 5, tu.« \ 88 ! iv wKS! Wft Oce<0 Wi tJL Britain ; <o« jsM 111 gefa Mil r as? Wl— *IW ! SS b»5 o> Mil I - s'g <u- n* brtrffc 88 S'-oc* 88S H-III 00 888 J § - : fefc i ii 111 C1WM TnWto <?>2i loVTfO SSS 6' S : 1 £ : 3 ••• { \ exported. i added from rkv-1 up in the If to the aggi five to six millions pounds wojrk .... country, a liberal estimate of the annual amonnt of the cotton crop of Egypt will have been made. The factories established-by Mehemet All are, it is stated, going'fopkfi;. ^o-ruin. The cotton goods manufactured arwp<*>sd' M ca*tas, M or soldiers' "nizam” uniform, MuiSh cotton is used also in making up divan*, ftejisual furni ture in Egypt. Tho Egyptianbe jnestimated at Alexandria at 300 pounds. Tha United States Consul General at that port, in a dijpatch dated the first instant, from which* an derived the above facta, Bays: " The new crop Is now com ing in, and is supposed to be a liit'e above the average.” r Mketixo of thk American Partvc; Moscoube.— About thirty persons attended tbu Meeting of the American parly at Temperance Has?, on the night of the 12th lu?t., lu tUU oily. Willis m. Dougherty, Eiq, moved that the mooting adjure iu couse- queues of the small ottondnnea until j'ltunlHV night, 14th Inst. Johu A. Jones,Ksq., i ;pbd that the meeting would bo adjourned to Ft tony night. He thought it important that the American party should take some action before the Democratic party acted, as it wa3 more than probable that after that action was had they would find very fow-imericnns left. Tho motion of Win. Dougherty prevailed, and the meeting adjourned.—Columbus lima. The New York Run denies the rinner that Scaur VUil, the Nicaraguan minister, is ubmit jo return borne, dUHalMlod with the Uuitod States. Ho is represented as well pleased with tho country ami attention* whleh ho 1ms received from both offlenl nod private persons. His relations to the church in Nicuragu* aud other duties may call him buck as soon as his government can rcloa-e hint by tho up- paintmentofu suitable successor at Washington, hut for the present ho will remain at his post. Ate for Kansas -Pittttorp, June U—A company of thirty-live young mechanics has boen Ibrmod at Layton, Ohio, to erolgra te to Kansat. The citizens of Dayton have subscribed' live thousand dollar* to •Mistthfm. of $61,142.84. BRAZIL. The exportations of cotton from Brazil in 1843-44, and 1853-’54, are Ktated by Brazilian official authorities os follows: 1853-’54 28,420,320 pounds. 1843-144 .20,056,100 pounds. Increase in 10 years 2,364,160 pounds Iu 1852-53 the exportation amounted to 31,- 033,050 pounds, of which quantity Gfeat Britain received 26,881,201, Spain 2,291,678 pouuds, Portugal 1,890,280 pounda, and France 889.04S 1 B ounds. Of the total exportation in 1833-64, real Britain received 22,575,122 pounds, Spain 2,951,270 pounds, Portugal 2,073,7GC pouuds, and Fimnoe 543,011 pounds, There are insuperable drawbacks totbeex- tension of cotton cqHujt In Brazil, among which Pmmrgc Answer* the Matrimonial Ad, rerllaemcnt. We came across tho man yesterday who an swers the "matrimonial" advertisements. His name is Charley Baker. He was born in Ken tucky, mounts a handsome moustache, does a good office business, and .has unpaged Jjjjhe epistolatory line only by way of amusement and exerc ise. For he says he ia dying of dys- S ‘a, and ho knows from experience that ng is so good to stir him up asto cowhide somebody. So he has laid in a dozen cowhides and set to work. This is the process : Solomon Softy advertises that he wants a wife. Baker writes punctually in reply, in a delicate female hand, that she wants a husband, that her name is Snllie Baker,.that she lives with a crabbed brother who does not let her have money, though so soon as she is married she shall come to a handsome property In Ken tucky—a hitudred slaves, a good plantation, and all that. She urges him to call at precisely 9 A. M.; lf by accident she should not be found then, to call at 10 o’clock. Softy comes next morning at just 9 o'clock, and pulls the bell knob. He asks," is Miss Sal- lie Baker in?" "She is," answers Mr. Baker. "What is your business with her?" "1 would like to see her personallysimpers Softy. "I am her brother,’ says Baker, "and 1 don’t wish her to receive calls from strangers," und slams the door in his face. Softy haqgs aroundfor an hour, and Baker and his friends, from behind the blinds, enjoy the poor simpleton’s distress. At last he again tries the door. This time Ba ker meets him with a cowhide, and if the crowd is thick upon the sidewalk, lays it well on the "rascal who would lead his sister astray." Thus he has used up six rawhides, tanght sense to a score or two of Softies, laid fat on his ribs, and admirably promoted digestion N. F. Time*. Late Forclgu Items by tbe Ericsson and Arabia. FRANCE. Napoleon was considering a scheme for founding a territorial nobility ter Algeria- TUE ITALIAN QCEaTION. It is rumored that the Pope proposes a Congress of Italian sovereigns in Dome with plenipotentiaries from France und Austria. EXGIAND . Lord I lgin moved in the House or Lords for the dispatcher relative to sendtusr troops to Cnitfldn. A discussion ensued, lu which lflr<t Claren don expressed good freling towards the Uuited Slater, but also re-afilruied tho docislou of tho British Government,' not to rccull Mr. Cramp- ton. No New effect had resulted concerning American affairs. - Palmer the poisoner of fifteen persons, had been convicted. Accounts hy the Arabia add that much atilety ex isted in England with regard tn the American diffi culties. The nows of the reception of Padre Vigil, the minister from Nicaragua Follow Itig so (losily on Lord Clircudon’a amicable advances tn tho Uuited 8tntcs increased tho excitement. It was rumored that Lord Elgin was to go minister plenipotentiary to Washington, as the last moans or averting a war. COMMERC1AI.. Livkri’ool, May 3.—Cotton recovered,and closed firm—SaloH of tho wool: 40,000 bale-*.—Breadstutfd dull, with a declining tendency. Money easier—'Conaol-t 94‘ tt '(S>94>£. Weather favorable to agriculture. The Hotel Harvest at Cincinnati. —Tho Rochester’ Union speaking ot the excessive charges of tho Burnet house daring the late convention, instances some cases: “We hear of gentlemen being charged 85 a day for board—though eveu at that price they could not get single rooms. Bills were made out in gross—and tho sums were stated in round numbers.— One of the delegates from New England paid some 8250 for a single room for their conference. The Hards delegation paid 8450 for theirs, and tho Softs paid 8805 for room rent alone! In one of the two rooms occupied by tbo latter were several beds in which tbo delegates slept. But their board was probably the same aB if their room rent was not already paid. Other delegations had corresponding bills to settle; but wc doubt whether any other State suffered bo much as New York.” A census of Buenos Ayres, lately ta ken, shows tho population to be 91,395. of whom 53,332 were born in South Am erica, aud 38,063 arc foreigners. Tbe accounts from which we obtain our in formation does not say whether it refers to tbe city or tbe States, but we presumo it means the former. Colton's Atlas set9 down the population of the city at 100,000 Dtatreaxlng Accounts ft’om Nicaragua: A correspondent sent out by tbo New Orleans Delta, some weeks since, to report upon the .condition of things in Nicaragua, writes back I as follows. There is no reason to doubt the sub stantial correctness of Ills statements. His let- letter comes from Sun Juun uuderdute of June 4tU : AU the information I have been able to gath er about Nicaragua states everything, as tar as military matters are concerned, as beiug quiet'; but lu place of the Costa Ricans, sickness pre vails to a frightful extent, iu tho worst forms of yellow fever and cholera; numbers, as many as can, are making their way down to this place, broken 1 down Tn health, moneyless, aud in a most wretched condition, desirous of getting forwarded to the United States. The applica tions for relief and assistance made by Walker’s men to the American consul at this place are many. The Consul, Mr. B. Squire CottercU, is a worthy representative of tho glorious repub lic, aud is much esteemed by the people ol this quarter. Hois, however, unable to grant nny assistance to the suffering subjects of the United States now ut Greytown. you aro aware the powers of relief can only bo extended by a • Consul to American sailors—to uo other class o I | subjects. I am told, however, Mr. Cottereli has been very much impoverishing himsel ( to relieve the sufferings of many, but os the crowds of { applications are ou tbu increase, it is virtually j out of his power to do more. It is a sad but true picture to see some of tho first few brave and staunch hearts, who were the foremost to migrate to this quarter to aid aud assist Walker and his canso. now with broken constitutions, anklug and begging for daily bread* It is only u week or so ago thut, owing to the humanity of Mr. Cottereli, the U. 8. Cousul; Mr. Greeu, tho British Consul; Cap tain Tarleton, of tho British frigatQ«iEurydiee, some few straugers and such citizens of Grey town as were able, that a subscription was raised of upwards of $1200, and applied lor the pur pose of sending some forty, many of whom were sick and destitute, back to the United States. There are some twenty now lnthiB place, and if the Daniel Webster refuses to tike them to New Orleans gratis, I hardly know what will become of them, as tho citizens of this place are of themselves bo poor that they are struggling to keep body and soul together. From all I can ascertain walker is not now in need oi more fighting men; It is the Binewa of war which he really wants—the dollars. If the New Orleans Committee could manage to effect a shipment ot dollars, It would have a very salutary effect, and aid the Nicaraguan Government in con solidating its affairs. Walker has not been able, and is at present unable, to provision hlssul* fering army, which has undergone very great trials and hardships during the last two mouths, so much so, that property has been quite inse cure in tbe country. At Castillo a claim has just been brought against the Government of $46,000, the Boldiers having robbed and plunder ed the stores. .Capt. Kelly, In command at Castillo, has been arrested by order of Walker, aud la now at Granada. Until business recovers from the existing panic, and the affairs of the Government be come consolidated, a too heavy emigration just now might have a bad effect. Besides, the rainy season is Just commencing, during which peri od it is impossible to work the fields. Emigrants would become dissatisfied and return indifferent accounts home, and thus retard emigration when wanted. Good honest working mechanisand farmers are what Nicaragua stands in need of. Men ot industry will do well; loungers had bet ter stay at home, ior they will starve in Nicara gua. Walker has nothing to fear; oil reports say he has made amicable arrangements with all the other States. He will leave the Costa Ri cans alone till the rainy season has expired, and turn bis attention to internal affair at home. Col. Parker H. French, I am told, was not even received by Walker on his last visit to Gra nada from tbe uuited States—that he has any thing to do with Walker or his Government is not believed. Schlessinger is reported to be iu lluuduraF. SCourtlaua Cushing died at Punta Arenas op the 24th. He was formerly uf .U. $. pijargo d* Affaires at Equator; he has been ugent 'Tor the Transit Company for two years at Virgin Bay. Theftraeral waa respectably attended; tbe American Consul offleiatiug. Present, the British Consul, Mr, Green; Captain Tarleton, with his officers of the Eurydiee, and many re- spectuble citizens. The family of the late Court- land Cushing are at present in the States. The cause of death is attributed to general debility, for which the climate here is so well known. Col. Kinney is uobody here, and nobody . cognizes him; lie has no plantation iu the neighborhood of Greytown, nor nny land or grants of laud that I can learn of. It is a mys tery to the respectabte few how the old gentle man manages to live. ‘ P. 8.—It is reported that more than 100 of tho California passengers have died at Granada and Castillo. The Costa Kieuus are suffering badly from Cholera, aud a revolution is troubl ing the country. Greytown ia a miserable place—no sale for goods of any description. Shippers would act wisely to hold off till affairs in Nicaragua are better. Mr. Buchanan Officially Notified of his Nomination.—The.American Conren- Uon lu New York.. New York, Juno 14,1856. Hr. Buchanan was officially notified by a committee of the National Democratic Convention, of his nomination to the Pres idency, on the 13th inst. He roplled in iwritiug, and cordially accepted tho posi tion. , The Northern American Convention at New York have agreed to continue in session untill the 19th, to nominate Pei- rnont simultaneously with tho Republicans. Another battle lias-taken place tn -.Ore gon. The Indians wore routed and thirty killed. Gen. Houston.—The Nacogdoches Chronicle says Gen. Houston was suffer ing from ill health while in that town, on “ lcs - his way home. Ho did not refer to his intention of becoming a candidate for the Presidency. “In private conversation with his friends," says the Chronicle, “he gave the indica tions of a total want of confidence in the success of the present American party, and a total disinclination to support eith or the platform or the nominees. The party to which he allied himself for great and noble purposes, has become tho tool of selfish politicians, to whose schemes he connot lend th(j sanction of his nnmc and influence.” Ex-Peusident Van Boren.—A letter from Kinderhook, of tho 9th inst., says that Mr. Van Burcn, although a good deal bruised and sprained hy his recent fall, has sustained no serious injury, and already ;oes about with the assistance of a cane, le was thrown over the horse's ihead, and fell on his own,- but he retained hU hold of the bridal, which broke the force of his fall and saved his life. Considering his weight and age, his escape is miraculous. What it Costs.—The people of the United States, in gratuities to ocean mail steamers, pay about twice as much as England pays lor the same mail service. There are paid to two of the companies viz, the New York and California and the Collins, upwards of sixteen hundred thousand dollars a year, while the receipts of postage from both arc only about one- third of the money paid to theta- The Ceops.—At the Guano Conven tion iu Washington, a resolution wu ad opted declaring that “from the best in formation in the possession of the Con vention thoy are of opinion that the pre sent growing wheat crop is less than an average by one third in North Carolina; Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and ad joining counties of Pennsylvania." The Supposed Slaver.—'The brig Braman, [clipper] which was pursued and seized on Monday last at New York, by the Marshal, ou the allegation that she had been fitted out fora slave voyage, remains at the navy yard there to await the action of the authorities iu regard to her. Sir. is au hermaphrodite brig, an exceedingly beautiful vessel, Baltimore clipper build. Sho has two yawls or quarter boats, and is pierced for four guns, which latter are supposed tp be stowed beneath the cargo. She has also two suits ofsails, with plenty of rigging and spars, for the purpose of disguising her, Iu fact, all her fittings aud furnishings are such as to denote that she was inten ded for the slave traffic. Her cargo and everything within her will probably be broken for examination. Another Atlantic Telegraph Cable, —The St. John Observer states that another attempt to lay a chain cable for a telegraph across the Atlantic wille be rande. The length of the cable will be 2,400 miles, and two steamers, each with 1,200 miles of cables will meet midway be tween Ireland aud New Fouudlapd, unite the cable. 1 , and proceed in opposite direc tion to land. of JUiuUh-r. In discussing this dismissal, the press has made reference to the dismissal ofSir. Henry Bulwer, by the Spanish Govern ment, which Great Britain did not regard as cause of war. The Paris correspon dent of the New York Joiu-uul of Com merce give3 that paper tho following- ex tract li-oni a letter which ho has received upon the subject, from a Spanish states man who was a member of the Cabinet which dismissed Sir. Henry Bulwer : “The statement made in the Journal of Commerce, from Washington which you sent to me along with the article of the National Intelligencer, in reference to the dismissal of tho British envoy, is the most correct. The Spanish cabinet, presided by Narvaez, based its determination ou the grouud of Bulwer’s behavior, aud as sured England that Spam acted against Mr. Bulwer, but did not intend iu the least to give offence to her ally. Lord Palmer ston was willing to consider the case under this point of view, and to get rid of the difficulty by laying tho blame on Bulwer. But this gentleman told them that if they sacrificed him, ho would publish tho in structions of Lord Palmerston ordering him to promote agitation in Spain.— Palmerston then changed his mancevre, took part with Bulwer and defended him. Lord Howden, who wanted to get a di plomatic situation, tried to conciliate matters unofficially, and after many pour parlers (parleys) it was agreed that Spain would not exact the formal exclusion of Bulwer (who was already appointed to the United States,) but the previous un derstanding was that he should not he named to Madrid. This was what we call in Spanish a pasttl (patch work.) We made no apology, nor did Lord Palmer ston make any, either. There is ,a pam phlet well written in Spanish, containing all the documents aud some explanations, but not the secret transactions. Tho DukeofSotomayor left Paris in 1851; he was ambassador there and recalled by tbe cabinet which succeeded that of Nar vaez.” Tho National Republican Convention meets on Tuesday, at the National Hall, Philadelphia. Mr. Bauks, and Mr. Fre mont have placed themselves in their friends’ hands with regard to the nomina tion for the Presidency. All the free soil papers iu New York are pressing the claims of Col. Fremont. Commercial • • Savannah Market, June 19* COTTON—Tlje market dell. Wo liar* nlci to report to-diy. • • Baltimore, JUNE 13.—Comr-Tba market la 2rm but quiet, with tiltt of 200 beta btalned Bta at 10Vu, *Dd looo b*« lair do. at lax a logo; also, 100 bact mmon Klo on private toron. Wo quote ralr tu good Rio at 10 a! ^ s *t » pi lm« do.lOjg a Ue, cholcsRiu it - .: i.ngrsyira at IVa ilXc;«rad J*v*at 14k.a.. .. w ;ckoauaad*bo«» 42,000 bagr. PH1LA.DELPHLV, JUNEn,—Corn ts dill; 1000 buniiold southern yeliovr sell at 02 corns, afloat, but buyers hell off atm offer 00 cents. nice is In good demand, and 200 tlorcea sold tt4K a 4Kc por lb., 4 months, for fair audprtma quality, and aomo liiftrlor at 3#c. WanicUs dull, and ucllers ask 26 a 26x <*«• for bbla and SAcfor hlida, b it 831m ero meJclug it to war MOBILE, JUNK 12—Cotton—Tho market closed quiet with a fair inquiry Hales 400 bales—middling iU a 10>(c. NKW ORLEANS, JONtf^-COTTON-Tb* stock on tab wai very l : ght, tlthougb there waa a fa'r deninmi, tho ralei yeaterJi-y wa* limited to about . 1200 bales. Prices were gemuaily firm at our last quotations, which aro repeated: NKW ORt&lNS CUSSIFICArtOK. Inferior e>(a?x | Middling Fair.. U|(ar- Ordinary 8 a3# jK«ir... ......12, ft— Middling | Good Fair nominal. Good ;> ailx | Good and Flue, nominal.. NEW YORK, JUNE 12.—Cotton continue* firm, and gradually adtancus; our quotation thnw an improvement of Jfc. wiibiu a d»y or two. 1h* in- quity is moderate, pending tbe arrival of the steam ►hip Arsb!a, now over duo- Wo give the following revised prices! NEW TOSS CUS5OTC4TJ0N. N.Ortaans. Upland. Florida. Mobile. StTelkl. Ordinary ey, bR 9# 9X Middling 11 11 ltg 11* Middling Fair... UK ■ 11# llX 1* Fulr...- 11X \\X 12* 13 ' CoFfsE— 1 Thereto voty little commotion In any de scription; prices are (lrut; sa:cs of ICO biga Rio at 11 and 24 do at 21 ><c- Port ot Scivannali., ..JUNE M Arrived. Spanish ship Ang l;ta, Yeutosa, from Barcelona, in b..liaat—Wtber brother*. Cleared, fteamorSt Johns, Freeborn, Palstka, CUgborn & Cunningham- Steamer Wm £c«brcok t Feck, CbaiUatoo, &c.—J P Brooks. Departed- Ste&mor St Johns, Freeborn, P&Utka, Ao. Steamer Wm aeebrook. Feck, Charleston, Ac. Jlcntoratidsi Now York, Juuo 11—Arr, sebr Wiudora, from Jacksonville. Uoared. brig Phtlura, for Savannah. Holmes’ Htie, June 6—Arrived, sthr YTmHUI, Jacksonvile. bound to He Howell, Me- Cbsileston, June 13—tid, sebr S H Bchns, Jack- senviUe. Wilmington, June'14—Arr, steamer Gordon, to Savannah, for Baltimore, New York June lw—Cld, tebri Justice, for Savan nah ; Hancock, Union ItUud/Gft. liew Bedford, Juno 10—Arr, brig Alex MiUlken, from Darien. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tut UrctTiiox or Kx-PresiduntFiiixmore.— Phil adelphia, June 1'2—The City Council to-day granted tbu ui>o ol Independence Hall for tbo reception ot ex-l’reiiilcut Fillmore. The Democrats favored tba measure,whilst tho AmerLaus opposed It. B acon, hams and molassh- •-’o Iilnls Bacon Sido.-*; lftlihda do Shoulders; lScn-dw Hams; 25 Molasses. Received and for sale McMahon & doyle, Nos. 5.05 & 207 Bay street. by jell B Ka.niiY, OI'n; WHISKY te RUM-—. 6 half pipes O. p. te Co. Eraudy; f>0 obis Domestic do 76 X COMB' '• pipes C. 8. Gin; 75 bbls PJ1 Cin; 16 bids old Rye WhM;y *r» bills X, XX, and XXX Wltbky; 50 bills X. K. Kom. Received nuil for sale by Me AlION te DOYLE, - jell Nos. 20ft te 20? Bay Street. 1 CiffTBRlS X'fay ioFa' doii’n Ale iccdvcd and fir £Jt> anlo liy SIcMAHON & DOYLE, Jell Nos. 205 te 207 Bay street. nfiLiiiioUH wuuul. T HE Biblo Ohristiau; a View of Doctrinal, Experi mental aud Practical Religion. By Rev. Jose phus Anderson. Sketches and Incidents;or a Budget from the Sad dle-bags of a Superanuatod Itinerant. Bible Readings for every Day in tho Year. By Thos. O. Summers. The Lives of the Popes, from the Rise of tbo Roman Church to the ago of Gregory tho VIL The Creed of all Men. By Rev. K. Abbey. Scripture Views of tbo Heavenly World. By J. Edmondson, A.M. Short Sermons, and True Tales. By Bishop Cu- pars. ^ The Theological Compend, containing a svstero ol divinity, or a brief view of tho evidences, docrines. monls and institutions of Christianity. Designed for tho benefit of families, Biblo chsse3, and sfnu- day schools, tty Amos Blnccy. Christian Reflection; By Kev. John Fletcher. The Dairyman’s Daugluc. ;an authentic narrative. By Rev. Leigh Rlchmoud. Au Apology for tho Bible, in a senes cf letters ad dressed to Thomas Paine. By R. Watson, D.D .F.R.s. Life aud Correspondence of Mrs, H. A. Rogers, with corrections and additions. By Thos. O. sum- mors. Mammon; or Covetousness tho Sin of tbo Chris tian Church. By Rev. John Harri*. The Lite of William Carvosso; writteu by lilmseU. Received aud for sain by WARXOCK F DAVIS, jo.U 109 Congress street. BY BELL dt PiEELVTISS. Underwriters* Sale; TO-MORROW, at 10 o’clock, in Andrew Low te Co.'s •A’l-y, will b! sell, iSj b*iw damaged Cotton, sold for account of all concerned. Terms cash. junolQ IT IU jL Ed Hi „ GR&i'D EXHIBITION'cTf STBENGTH BY StSons, Le Combe, ^- THK FRENCH HERCULES • mum nv Mona. Feuillnrat, TUB CELEBRATED CLOWN. Gr. UTotmny Evening, June 18tb« M00, FOR ONE Nib HI ONLY I 09* Mens. Lo Combe is acknowledged tho great est Wonder of tbe ^ge I Tickets 50 ceuts—cbildreu and servants 26 oenta. Performance to commence at 8 o’clock. For parti- cdial's seo small bills. Juno 18 G ORN—500 sects corn, In store and to arrive, for tale by WILLIAM LYNN, June is 87 Bi y «r«t. NOTICE. ” T IME lutcrest of Mr. Charles d. Aroclltn tho firm of Pudcl ord, Fi y & Co. cea;cd With his death, on tbo 4tb of March toat, From this date Mr- Edward FadcUord, Jr,, is u- noclatcd with us under tho same s-y.eand firm. FADELFUKd, FAY te CO. aavanoah, June 16tb, 1856. 12tri—jol6 notice; A LL perrons having claims against the estate of . George M. Troup, deceased, wtu hand them tu, uuly attested, aud those ludtbted will pleas* make payment to either of tho uu4«rilgaod, THOMAS M FORMAN, 1 r ,. . . Jo 10 DANIEL H. B. TROUP,/ NOTICE. I WILL sell on Wednesday, the 18th instant, at 12 o'clock, M/ ou the premises, corner of Presleent and Bust Broad siroet3, Two *lt Houses—the same being an cbAruction In Pro.-Mont street, to b3 moved iu ton days. DANIEL H. STEWART, Juno is CUy Marshal. JJJ.UNNY CLOTH—In store and for saTo by UT Juue4_ PADELFORD, FAY te C B AGGING.—100 bulos heavy GunuVBagging, re ceived and for sale by 8 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON te CO. June 4 W iN'E—50 boxes Ciaret vuuu. u suiuawc arts* cle, just received and for sale by Juno 7 jUAF, gabiAiicnr C. A. GREINER. 100 do 50 tio 76 do 60 do 50 do 26 do 25 do V41AU1UM, DiAltUU, CiU — O 100 boxes Colgate’s No. 1 aud ife bar Soap; 100 Uo Buchan te Smith's lamily Soap; BeadOi’s Os and8s Tallow Candles; Adamantine Candies (star brand]; Oiwego Pearl Starch; Colgate’a do do; Ground Coffee, in ft and papers: uo Paper; 50 bbis Sugar, Soda and Butter Crockers; 25buxei do do: 20 bbls Pilot Bread: Hi X cuests Black Tea in Jtfft papers; 10 X do do in Uiroll; 10 X <1° Fine Hysou Tea; 26 boxes Roy’s Lemon Syrup. Just received and lor Bale by may25 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON te OO. Anti-Fiu.mohu Convention.—Tho cmti- Fillmore Convention, now in session in New York, is composed of representa tives from Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Islaud, Connecticut, Now Jersey, Deleware, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin’ Iowu, Vermont, California, Indiaua and Illiuois. It is ’called at the suggestion of those bolters from the Philadelphia American Convention who arc in favor of the restoration of tho Missouri compro mise and opposed to the admission, of the Louisiana Catholic delegation into the party, S undries, just received— 16 bags cliolco nil! Government Jar. and Rio Coffee; 20 half cheati Black and Green Teas, loose and in quarter pound packaged. 10 hbds Light Muscovado Huger; 10 bbla R I. te D Stuart's Crushed und Clarified su gars; 10 bbls selfiUtug Flour; 25 bags Extra and SuperlUiu Flour;' 20 bbla Soda, Rutter .and Maple Cracker*; 50 boxes Boadol's family Soap, Starch and Cau.lM, 50 doz Pails and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cough and Manilla Clothea Lines; 10 gross Matches: 26 boxes ground Coffee and Pepper: 60 boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, M«ue, Oiun& mon, Nutmegs, aud Cloves, and 10 cases table Salt, & c., tec. ,In store and for sale by % DAVID O’CONNOR., jell Oor.Brougbton and Drayton at; L ADiriS’ANU GENT’fifGLUViifeL—A maS^ utticeut assortment of ladies’ and gent’s TaUota iilk Gloves, white and black, also assorted colors, just received and ior sale dy ^ marll LaDSON te ROGEH3 L ADIES SMALL UMBKEi LAS—Ladies* email ei:o Silk Umbrellas, jjroa 18 to ‘-4 inches. Re. g<.-iv«d and tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, jel2 Congress and Whitaker streou. A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR UCuSE keepers, I S an important item, and to know where to -Ljget exactly what is wonted is equally important, ^“KENNEDY & BEACH’S” Hodgson’s New Block. Corner of Broiurh- . Bull Streets, and } ou will find everything pertaining to Booso Keeping ns weU; as Refrigerators, Meat Safes, Wood* f^ttare, aud Tin Ware, Willow Ware, beautiful W&ter Coolers, Patent Ice Fitcbers, Brusheala avary variety, Bird Cages. Bathing Tubs, indeed nearly everything that can uo call ja for, recollect the place. *pr 10 S ILK PARASOLS—A new supplyor those beantl* ful Silk Parasols have Just-been received and are for sale by Juuefi LADSON te ROGERS. H ALL’S aUrEKlGrt SiuTumbUellas—a case of 28, 30, 32, 24 and 86 inch Silk Umbrellas, Received and for sale by • v jwno 0 LAD50N te ROGERS. - ftiut/iiriiiW uoudC - B LACK French Bombazine, Black Alpacas, Black Uma Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Challle Block French Lawn, Black and Whito French Mus lin, and a Duo assortment brsttlpod and mid Black and White Ginghams and aoi&os, Flain and Striped Black Sewing Silks, and GTOuadinca, Barege and Tissues, Plain and Figured'.•Black Silks, for summer collars und sleovcs, of tile Most paterns. For sole by [Jelg] AlKIN te BURNS. XkHSa, ollALLUis aInjj .a choice selection of these good3, of the latest tyi, w which wo Invite the attention or the ladies. niHiT AIKIN te BURNS, Ik 7 Bacon, Hams, Sides and Should- f dors, Just recoiTsd mm ror.alo by ajrtl CRANE, WELLS **0.